Office of The Governor

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2017 Budget Address
As prepared for delivery

Good afternoon:

President Cullerton

Speaker Madigan

Leader Radogno

Leader Durkin

Lieutenant Governor Sanguinetti

Attorney General Madigan

Secretary White

Comptroller Mendoza

Treasurer Frerichs

Members of the General Assembly

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion We must think
anew and act anew.
We must think anew and act anew.
Abraham Lincoln.
Two years ago, our first budget address began with these same words.
Though its taken us two years to get here, the events of recent weeks make clear that together,
Democrats and Republicans are now thinking anew.
For the first time, legislators from both parties are standing together to say that Illinois must
have structural change to grow our economy and create good jobs in every part of our
state. That budgets must be truly balanced for the long term and that to achieve balanced
budgets, changes must be made to fix our broken system.

On this, we all now agree. And that is real progress.
But its not enough to just think anew. We must also act anew.
For decades, our state passed unsustainable budgets, spent money we didnt have, borrowed and
taxed to chase the spending and drove job creators out of state.
Citizens in every community of Illinois know that we have been on the wrong track for years.
The numbers speak for themselves.
Since 2000, America added more than 14 million jobs while Illinois lost jobs. Our
neighboring states of Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and Missouri added an average of
more than 100 thousand jobs. Theyve been pulling ahead while weve been falling behind.
Our unbalanced budgets, our crushing tax burdens, our restrictive regulations theyve held
back the Illinois economy for decades.

For years now, families in Illinois have been voting with their feet. In just six years, weve seen a
migration loss of more than 540,000 residents. Theyre leaving for jobs, higher wages and lower
costs of living.

If we had the right policies if wed made changes to fix our broken system if we had just
grown our economy at the national average, since 2000, wed have 650,000 more jobs than we
have today
Think about that. Let me repeat that for emphasis. If Illinois were more competitive, if we had
just grown Illinois economy LIKE AN AVERAGE state, today, we would have 650,000 more
jobs here.

Just as important for our budget, if we had grown at the national average since 2000, even with
our actual historic spending, we would have run budget surpluses, we would not have any
unpaid bill backlog now, and today we would have 8.5 BILLION dollars more in cash to put into
our schools and human services and to reduce our tax rates.

Think about that. We would have good jobs in every community. We would have employers
competing to hire workers. Our households would have more income. And we could have the
best funded schools in America.
And lets be clear, Illinois should never settle for being average. We should be one of the ten
fastest growing states in America. We have the best people, the best location, the best
agriculture, the best transportation, the heart of America we have every reason to thrive.

We can do this together.

Its why I ran for governor. To deliver a better future for our children To change the direction
of our state to put us back on the right path toward a growing economy, world class schools
and restored trust in government.
Its why weve been working for two years to pass a truly balanced budget, to create equal access
to strong schools and good jobs.
For two years now, weve been asking the General Assembly to help us unlock our states
unfulfilled potential. And today, we finally all agree that economic reforms must be part of a
balanced budget solution.

Now is the time to seize the moment build on the progress made in recent weeks and right
our ship of state. Together, we can make Illinois more competitive and more compassionate. We
can make the necessary changes to fix our broken system.
Two years ago, our Administration proposed a balanced budget. It contained more than $6
billion in cuts, spending only what the state could afford at current revenue. But the majority in
the General Assembly simply ignored our budget proposal, didnt discuss it, debate it or vote on
it just passed their own $4 billion out-of-balance budget. And so our current impasse began.

Then we offered to work with members of the General Assembly to find common ground on a
mix of cuts, revenue increases and reform. We convened bipartisan working groups, doing our
best to find a way forward together. But the possibility of compromise fell victim to partisan

Last year, we proposed two paths to a balanced budget two very different financial plans
under which expenditures would not exceed available revenue. Our preferred option was once
again to work together to reach consensus on a mix of spending cuts, revenue increases and
changes to grow our economy. We offered more compromises. We took things off the table in
hopes of getting an agreement.

Our Budget Director convened a bipartisan working group to craft a balanced budget. Thank you
to the courageous and principled members of the General Assembly - Democrats and
Republicans in both chambers - who worked together to find a grand bargain. They nearly
reached an agreement last spring. But once again, the possibility of compromise fell victim to
partisan divides. By the end of the last legislative session, the majority in the General
Assembly couldnt agree on any kind of budget balanced or not.
This isnt about pointing fingers or assigning blame. We are where we are. Its not about the
past; its about how we move forward together. Its not going to help us move forward if right
after this speech, Democrats run to the media claiming weve never proposed a plan to balance
the budget. And its not going to help us move forward if Republicans run to the media to point
out that the Democratic legislatures never passed a balanced budget.
People want to see us get something done to get a balanced budget to change our broken
system. To grow more jobs and better support our schools so theyre the best in America.
So today, we are here once again with our hand outstretched to the Leaders and members of the
General Assembly. Between ongoing budget negotiations in the Senate and all of our leaders
acknowledging the need for change, there is good reason for optimism.
Now is the time to take the next step and get the job done.
Some people argue we should just cut our way out of our budget problems. Others believe we
should simply raise taxes and declare the budget crisis solved.
But we cant tax our way to prosperity. Nor can we just cut our way to a better future. We must
grow our way to the future we want. Growth is the solution. Growth means jobs. Growth means
expanding revenues. Growth means the economy expands faster than government
spending. Growth means a sustainable future where job creation surges and our schools are the
envy of the world.
Some people think spending cuts are too hard, that economic changes are too difficult. Just raise
taxes and call it a day. Lets be clear. We cannot tax our way to a long-term balanced budget.

Illinois residents and job creators are already saddled with the highest property taxes and the
5th highest overall tax burden in the nation. Weve tried raising taxes to balance the budget
before, without making structural changes to control spending and grow the economy. It has
never worked. Taxing our way to a balanced budget would only hasten the exodus of jobs and
families from Illinois an unacceptable option for members of both parties.
Ive repeatedly said that I will consider revenue increases if we stand together to make the job-
creating changes we need. But structural changes to spending are absolutely essential to balance
the budget, and to keep it balanced.

Today, over 60% of the states general revenues roughly $20 billion are locked up by statute.
No Governor can effectively reduce spending until we address automatic spending categories
like pensions, Medicaid and transfers out.

Ultimately, its all about jobs. Our future depends on offering strong schools and vast job
opportunities across our state. By becoming more competitive with our neighbors. By creating
good jobs not only in Chicago, but in Rockford, Moline, Peoria, Decatur, Galesburg, Quincy,
Carbondale and every community in between. By giving families and job creators good reason
to come, and stay, in Illinois.
If we do those things, if we grow our economy, if we become more competitive, more attractive -
Illinois will see immediate results, and our state will be a destination for families and employers
from across the country and around the world.
Today we present you with a balanced budget that shows what is possible if we all come
together on a comprehensive approach to state finances and job creation. Our proposal for the
coming fiscal year focuses on the future.
It shows how Illinois can be more compassionate if we become more competitive. While
proposing economic changes, it also focuses on the fabric of our society investing in schools,
public safety, criminal justice reform and human services.
We propose a record level of funding for our schools. We supported our K-12 schools at an
unprecedented level in the last school year, and then we came back and did even more for this
school year. Lets begin to implement the recommendations of the school funding
reform commission to make sure every child gets a shot at the American dream, no matter
where they live. Lets increase our general state aid and funding to other programs that benefit
all schools. Education is the cornerstone of our future and this investment will pay great
dividends in the long run.
We propose that for the first time since 2010, the state fully fund regular transportation costs for
schools around the state enabling them to get kids to and from career and technical education
programs. School districts shouldnt have to scramble to find a way to pay for transportation
costs. Our budget ends this proration once and for all.
Our proposal increases funding for English learners and early childhood education. And it
maximizes important federal dollars that build technology infrastructure in our schools.
When it comes to higher education, we understand the hardship being felt by students who rely
on state assistance to go to college. Thats why were proposing a 10 percent increase to MAP
Grant funding so those students can focus on learning, and not their next tuition bill.
Our budget prioritizes public safety and proposes funding for two Illinois State Police cadet
classes, adding new troopers to our law enforcement ranks. Those officers will allow us to send
more patrols to the Chicago area expressways to counter the violence that has spilled over on to
the highways.

Today we are fortunate to be joined by Illinois State Police Director Leo Schmitz, and Captain
Chris Campbell and Lt. Freddie Outlaw of the Illinois State Police Academy. Please join me in
thanking them for their great service to our state!
We recognize the growing danger of opioid abuse across our state. And we highlight the need for
a comprehensive strategy: prevention, interdiction and treatment; education, law enforcement
and human services. State, local and federal partnerships. This is a crisis and we need to
confront it head on before we lose more young lives.
We look to build upon our recent accomplishments with Criminal Justice Reform. We propose
full funding for the Kewanee and Murphysboro Correctional life skills and reentry centers so
that they can offer educational and job readiness courses to help better prepare offenders to
leave custody and find jobs, live on their own, and get a second chance in life.
We fully fund mental health facilities in Joliet and Elginand provide the necessary support for
residential treatment centers in Pontiac, Logan and Dixon.
We know the challenges facing human services that is why our proposal increases support for
Child Care and other programs that assist children, senior citizens, and our other most
vulnerable residents.
We continue to support our efforts to reduce childrens exposure to lead in paint and drinking
water and financially support those efforts.

We recommend full funding for home visiting and early intervention programs.
We propose a continued transformation of the Department of Children and Family Services by
hiring additional employees to work solely on child protection investigations and compliance
monitoring of programs.
And we look to strengthen services for the men and women who have put their lives on the line
for our nation by delivering start-up funding for a new Illinois Veterans Home in Chicago.

Our transportation network is one of Illinois greatest assets, and it is a primary reason why job
creators choose to make our state home. This year we propose increasing the road program at
the Illinois Department of Transportation by $200 million, so that we can continue to be a
leader in moving people and products throughout our nation and reinforce the message that
Illinois is a great place to invest and expand.
At the same time, we look to fund long-overdue maintenance and repairs at state facilitiesand
invest in our technology transformation to ensure that state government becomes more
efficient, responsive and transparent for the people we serve.
Our spending proposals are significant, but if we came together under our proposal, if we came
together on a grand bargain, wed actually spend $3 billion less than government is currently
In order to achieve those results, we propose a number of changes inside state government to
improve services and save taxpayer money.
Pension reforms, in addition to President Cullertons consideration model, can save us a billion
dollars right off the bat. A new hybrid pension Tier III plan could give new employees more
options while saving the state money.

If we do nothing, we can expect our pension costs to grow by $1 billion in just the next year.
Those payments put an unsustainable strain not only on our pension systems, but on the states
ability to pay for our schools and other critical services.

We must act, and time is of the essence.
We will continue to pursue improvements in our state employee contracts to make reasonable
changes like moving state employees from a 37.5-hour to a 40-hour work week before overtime
kicks in. And well base employee pay on merit, not just seniority. We have successfully
negotiated contracts with similar parameters with 20 Labor Unions in the state, and well
continue to seek these common-sense changes throughout state government.
We must address the accelerating cost of state employee and retiree health insurance.

Most Illinois families have seen their health insurance premiums skyrocket. Business owners
across the country are forced to make hard decisions to manage soaring health costs. So
imagine what Illinois families think when they hear our state employees get Cadillac platinum
coverage for barely more than bronze rates.
We cannot continue to ask taxpayers to pay more to subsidize state employee health care
when theyre seeing their own premiums go up and coverage go down.

Our state employees should have health care options just like everyone else and it is
reasonable that they pay for those options in line with everyone else.
Bringing the state employee health insurance program more in line with the private sector
would save our state half a billion dollars.

There are other opportunities for budget savings. We need to cut the red tape in how the state
buys goods and services. Its time to implement best practices and take advantage of cooperative
purchasing opportunities to ensure taxpayers get the biggest bang for their buck. Procurement
reform could save us hundreds of millions next year alone.
Together, we can move forward with selling the James R. Thompson Center. The JRTC occupies
an entire city block of prime real estate in the Chicago Loop. For years, the State has failed to
properly maintain the building; and now we face deferred maintenance costs in the hundreds of
millions of dollars. Everyone benefits from the sale. The city of Chicago stands to gain major
new property tax revenue, along with the jobs that come with a massive development. The state
could see a net gain of over $200 million from the sale, helping us close the budget deficit in the
next fiscal year.
Every day, were implementing efficiencies in education, criminal justice, health and human
service programs and information technology that improve outcomes and save us money.
Those savings are significant. Those efficiencies will make a difference. But NOTHING is more
important than creating MORE JOBS IN ILLINOIS.
Weve made our top priority clear from the beginning driving real change to move the needle
on job creation in our state. The only way to keep budgets balanced in the future is to ensure
economic growth outpaces government spending growth. Together, lets look at each regulation
we have, at every law we pass, and ask ourselves a simple question: how does this impact job
creators? Is the benefit of this rule worth the cost in lost jobs? Thats the essential question that
can guide our decisions every day.

Job creators and relocation firms tell us that rooting out fraud and abuse from the workers
compensation system and getting highest-in-the-country property taxes under control are two of
the most important ways to make Illinois more competitive. Very high workers comp insurance
costs in the private sector continue to drive businesses out of state and in the public sector,
they contribute to higher property taxes. Changes are necessary to attract employers and create
new jobs.

And we will never stop working to get term limits and redistricting on the ballot in Illinois to
send a message to job creators across the country that our state is doing things differently than
we have in the past.
These changes are necessary to producing long-term balanced budgets and long-term financial
stability. They are THE items that can ensure Illinois not only survives, but thrives, for
generations to come.
As weve said repeatedly, there is no one single bullet, no one single must have, for our
Administration. But for the future of our state, change must be real, not just a newspaper
Senate President Cullerton, Leader Radogno and Senate lawmakers have shown tremendous
leadership in bringing all parties together to find common ground on a combination of spending
cuts, revenue, and changes that will create jobs and ensure long-term balanced budgets.
Standing here three weeks ago, I encouraged them to keep working, to never give upand they
have done just that.
Weve made a point of letting the Senate move forward trying not to disrupt momentum. But
Id like to take a few minutes to help guide the negotiations to a place where Democrats and
Republicans can reach agreement, and I can affirm my support for the package.
First and foremost: the final result must be a good deal for taxpayers and job creators: a grand
bargain that truly balances the budget once and for all, and really moves the needle when it
comes to job creation.
A good deal for taxpayers lays the foundation for balanced budgets for years to come. The
budget must truly balance by the end of Fiscal Year 2018 and it must balance in a way that
doesnt send us right back into deficit a few years from now.
That means a hard cap on spending that forces state government to live within its
means, balance the budget and pay off the states debt. Spending reductions in the budget need
to be real not smoke and mirrors. Long-term pension reform needs to maximize savings in all
pension systems.
As for revenue, weve always said that wed consider revenue if it comes with changes that create
jobs and grow the economy.
The current Senate proposal calls for a permanent increase in the income tax rate but offers
only a temporary property tax freeze in exchange. Thats just not fair to hard-working taxpayers
across the state.

We need a permanent property tax freeze in Illinois, just like the one the House passed last
month. Over time, as our economy grows and revenues expand, any increase in the income tax
could be stepped down dedicating future surpluses to taxpayers, not more government

The current Senate proposal would expand the states sales tax to cover everyday services, and
raise taxes on food and drugs. Were open to a broader sales tax base to mirror neighboring
states like Wisconsin, but lets make sure its best for the people of Illinois, not for the lobbyists
in Springfield. We cannot raise taxes on peoples groceries and medicine just as we cannot tax
peoples retirement incomes. We can find a way to balance the budget without hurting lower-
income families and fixed-income seniors.
We must all support raising the earned income tax credit to help low-income families. And we
must support making the research and development tax credit permanent to encourage
innovation and job creation.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, a good deal for taxpayers comes with economic and regulatory
changes that are significant enough for job creators to get excited about the future of Illinois.

Term limits get job creators excited. Passing term limits is one of the most important things we
can do to send a positive recruiting message to job creators: its a new day in Illinois, weve
turned the corner.

Workers comp changes get job creators excited. We must get our workers compensation costs in
line with other states. Were asking for a workers compensation system that matches
Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a blue state with a strong middle class--and its growing.

Now, those parameters arent controversial theyre right in line with what Democrats and
Republicans have said they agree with. And while the Senate package is still evolving, it
wouldnt be that hard to reach a good deal for taxpayers.

I firmly believe that we can come to agreement on these issues. And I pledge to you that I will
sign that good deal for taxpayers the minute it arrives at my desk.

This is now a question of political will. Im know Im willing-- I hope you are too.

As we discussed last month: Illinois faces incredible challenges. But those challenges also
provide unprecedented opportunity.
We are at a crossroads. If we work together and make the right decisions now, the potential of
our state is unlimited. Lets put Illinois back on the road to prosperity. Lets do what we were
sent here to do.
Thank you. God bless each of you, God bless our great state of Illinois and may God continue to
bless the United States of America.


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