Trends of The Optical Wireless Communications

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Trends of the Optical Wireless Communications

Juan-de-Dios Snchez- Lpez
, Arturo Arvizu M
Francisco J. Mendieta
and Ivn Nieto Hiplito

Autonomus University of Baja California,
Cicese Research Center
1. Introduction
The Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) is a type of communications system that uses
the atmosphere as a communications channel. The OWC systems are attractive to provide
broadband services due to their inherent wide bandwidth, easy deployment and no license
requirement. The idea to employ the atmosphere as transmission media arises from the
invention of the laser. However, the early experiments on this field did not have any baggage
of technological development (like the present systems) derived from the fiber optical
communications systems, because like this, the interest on them decreased (Willebrand, 2002).
At the beginning of the last century, the OWC systems have attracted some interest due to
the advantages mentioned above. However, the interaction of the electromagnetic waves
with the atmosphere at optical frequencies is stronger than that corresponding at
microwave. (Wheelon, 2002)

Fig. 1. Model of a typical atmospheric optical communications link
The intensity of a laser beam propagating through the atmosphere is reduced due to
phenomena such as scattering and molecular absorption, among other (Willebrand, 2002).
The changes in the refractive index of the atmosphere due to optical turbulence affect the
quality of laser beam through distortion of its phase front and random modulation of its
optical power (Zsu, 2002). Also the presence of fog may completely prevent the passage of
the optical beam that leads to a no operational communications link (Kedar, 2003).
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

The figure 1 shows the block diagram of an OWC communications system (also called Free
Space optic communications system or FSO) (Zsu, 2002). The information signal (analog or
digital) is applied to the optical transmitter to be sent through the atmosphere using an
optical antenna. At the receiver end the optical beam is concentrated, using an optical
antenna, to the photo-detector sensitive area, which output is electrically processed in order
to receiver the information signal.
2. Important access technologies (first and last mile)
In the past decades, the bandwidth of a single link in the backbone of the networks has been
increased by almost 1000 times, thanks to the use of wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM) [Franz, 2000]. The existing fiber optic systems can provide capabilities of several
gigabits per second to the end user. However, only 10% of the businesses or offices, have
direct access to fiber optics, so most users who connect to it by other transmission
technologies which use copper cables or radio signals, which reduces the throughput of
these users. This is a bottleneck to the last mile (Zsu, 2002).
While there are communication systems based on broadband DSL technology or cable
modems, the bandwidth of these technologies is limited when compared against the optical
fiber-based systems (Willebrand, 2002). In the other hand, the RF systems using carrier
frequencies below the millimeter waves can not deliver data at rates specified by IEEE
802.3z Gbit Ethernet. Rates of the 1 Gbps and higher can only be delivered by laser or
millimeter-wave beams. However, the millimeter wave technology is much less mature
than the technology of lasers (Willebrand, 2002), which leaves the optical communications
systems as the best candidates for this niche market. Therefore, the access to broadband
networks based on optical communications may be accomplished through passive optical
networks (or PONs, which are based on the use of fiber optics) or via optical wireless
communication systems (Qingchong, 2005).
The optical wireless communications industry has experienced a healthy growth in the past
decade despite the ups and downs of the global economy. This is due to the three main
advantages over other competing technologies. First, the wireless optical communications
cost is on average about 10% of the cost of an optical fiber system (Willebrand, 2002). It also
requires only a few hours or weeks to install, similar time to establish a radio link (RF),
while installing the fiber optics can take several months. Second, OWC systems have a
greater range than systems based on millimeter waves. OWC systems can cover distances
greater than a kilometer, in contrast with millimeter-wave systems that require repeaters for
the same distance. In addition, millimeter wave systems are affected by rain, but the OWC
systems are affected y fog, which makes complementary these transmission technologies
(Qingchong, 2005). Finally, this type of technology as opposed to radio links, does not
require licensing in addition to not cause interference.
2.1 Applications of the OWC systems
Optical wireless communications systems have different applications areas:
a. Satellite networks
The optical wireless communications systems may be used for in satellite
communication networks, satellite-to-satellite, satellite-to-earth (Hemmati et al, 2004).
b. Aircraft
In applications satellite to aircraft or the opposite (Lambert et al, 1995 ).
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

c. Deep Space
In the deep space may be used for communications between spacecraft to earth or
spacecraft to satellite. (Hemmati et al, 2004).
d. Terrestrial (or atmospheric) communications
In terrestrial links are used to support fiber optic, optical wireless networks "wireles
optical networks (WON)" last mile link, emergency situations temporary links among
others (Zsuand & Kahn, 2002).
Each application has different requirements but this book chapter deals primarily with
terrestrial systems.
2.2 Basic scheme of OWC systems communications
Optical communications receivers can be classified into two basic types. (Gagliardi & Karp,
1995): non-coherent receivers and coherent receivers. Noncoherent detect the intensity of
the signal (and therefore its power). This kind of receivers is the most basic and are used
when the information transmitted is sent by the variations in received field strength. On the
other hand are coherent receivers, in which the received optical field is mixed with the field
generated by a local optical oscillator (laser) through a beam combiner or coupler, and the
resulting signal is photo-detected.
2.2.1 Noncoherent optical communications systems
The commercially deployed OWC systems use the intensity modulation (IM) that is
converted into an electrical current in the receiver by a photodetector (usually are a PIN
diode or an avalanche photo diode (APD)) which is known as direct detection (DD).
This modulation scheme is widely used in optical fiber communications systems due to its
In IM-DD systems, the electric field of light received, E
is directly converted into electricity
through a photoreceiver, as explained above. The photocurrent is proportional to the square
of E
and therefore the received optical power P
, i.e.:
( ) ( )
i t E t

where e is the electronic charge, is the quantum efficiency, h is Planck's constant, is the
optical frequency. The block diagram of the system is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Block diagram using an optical communication system of intensity modulation and
direct detection (noncoherent)
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

The optical direct detection can be considered as a simple process of gathering energy that
only requires a photodetector placed in the focal plane of a lens followed by electronic
circuits for conditioning the electrical signal derived from the received optical field (Franz &
Jain, 2000).
2.2.2 Coherent optical communications systems
In analog communications in the radio domain [Proakis, 2000, Sklar, 1996], the coherent
term is used for systems that recover the carrier phase. In coherent optical communications
systems, the term "coherent" is defined in a different way: an optical communication system
is called coherent when doing the mixing of optical signals (received signal and the signal
generated locally) without necessarily phase optical carrier recovered [Kazovsky, 1996].
Even if it does not use the demodulator carrier recovery but envelope detection, the system
is called coherent optical communication system due to the mixing operation of the optical
signals. In turn, the coherent receivers can be classified into two types: asynchronous and
synchronous. They are called synchronous when the tracking and recovering of the carrier
phase is performed and asynchronous when is not performed the above mentioned process.
The asynchronous receivers typically use envelope detection (Kazovsky, 1996), (Franz &
Jain, 2000) Figure 3 shows the basic structure of a communications system with digital phase
modulation and coherent detection. The output current of the photodetectors array is:

( )
( ) ( )
( ) [ ] { }
2 2
E t E t
i t
2 2
E t E cos t
= +
+ +
where =en/hv is the responsivity, E
is the electric field generated by the laser that
operates as a local oscillator,
is the frequency of the local oscillator and
is the carrier
frequency of the optical received signal
is the phase of the carrier signal received, and
s is the carrier phase of the received optical signal. The coherent mixing process requires
that the local beam to be aligned with the beam received in order to get efficient mixing. This
can be implemented in two different ways; if the frequency of signal and local oscillator are
different and uncorrelated the process is referred to as heterodyne detection (Fig. 4) (Osche,
2002); if the frequencies of the signal and local oscillator are the same and are correlated, is

Fig. 3. Optical Communication System with coherent detection
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications


Fig. 4. Optical heterodyne receiver
called homodyne detection (Fig. 5) (Osche, 2002).Due to the process of mixing, coherent
receivers are theoretically more sensitive than direct detection receivers (Kazovsky, 1996).
In terms of sensitivity, the coherent communications systems with phase modulation,
theoretically have the best performance of all (e.g. BPSK is about 20 dB better than
OOK). Sensitivity is the number of photons per bit required to get a given probability of
error (Kazovsky 1996).

Fig. 5. Optical homodyne receiver
2.2.3 Advantages of optical communications systems with coherent detection
As mentioned previously the coherent optical communications systems have better
performance than incoherent optical communications systems and may be used the phase,
amplitude and frequency and state of polarization (SOP) of the optical signal allowing
various digital modulation formats of both amplitude, phase and SOP combination.
However, the coherent detection systems are expensive and complex (Kazovsky, 1996),
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

(Ryu, 1995) and require control mechanisms or subsystems of the state of polarization of the
received signal with the optical signal generated by local oscillator (laser). Moreover,
homodyne optical communications systems require coherent phase recovery of the optical
carrier, and usually this is done through optical Phase Lock Loop (OPLL), Costas loop or
other sinchronization technique, which increases the complexity of these systems.
3. Optical and optoelectrnic components
Devices such as the laser diodes, high-speed photo-receivers, optical amplifiers, optical
modulators among others are derived of about thirty years of investigation and
development of the fiber optics telecommunications systems. These technological advances
has made possible the present OWC systems. Additionally, OWC systems have been
benefited by the advances in the telescopes generated by the astronomy.
3.1 Optical sources for transmitters
In modern optical wireless communications, there are a variety of light sources for use in the
transmitter. One of the most used is the semiconductor laser which is also widely used in
fiber optic systems. For indoor environment applications, where the safety is imperative, the
Light Emitter Diode (LED) is prefered due to its limited optical power. Light emitting
diodes are semiconductor structures that emit light. Because of its relatively low power
emission, the LED's are typically used in applications over short distances and for low bit
rate (up to 155Mbps). Depending on the material that they are constructed, the LED's can
operate in different wavelength intervals. When compared to the narrow spectral width of a
laser source, LEDs have a much larger spectral width (Full Width at Half Maximun or
FWHM). In Table 1 are shown the semiconductor materials and its emission wavelength
used in the LED's (Franz et al, 2000).

Material Wavelength Range (nm)
AlGaAs 800 900
InGaAs 1000 1300
InGaAsP 900 1700
Table 1. Material, wavelength and energy band gap for typical LED
3.1.1 Laser
The laser is an oscillator to optical frequencies which is composed by an optical resonant cavity
and a gain mechanism to compensate the optical losses. Semiconductor lasers are of interest
for the OWC industry, because of their relatively small size, high power and cost efficiency.
Many of these lasers are used in optical fiber systems, there is no problem of availability. Table
2 summarize the materials commonly used in semiconductor lasers (Agrawal, 2005)

Material Wavelength Range (nm)
GaAlAs 620 - 895
GaAs 904
1100 1650
Table 2. Materials used in semiconductor laser with wavelengths that are relevant for FSO
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

3.2 Photodetectors
At the receiver, the optical signals must be converted to the electrical domain for further
processing, this conversion is made by the photo detectors. There are two main types of
photodetectors, PIN diode (Positive-Intrinsic-Negative) and avalanche photodiode"
avalanche photodiode (APD) (Franz et al, 2000). The main parameters that characterize the
photodetectors in communications are: spectral response, photosensitivity, quantum
efficiency, dark current, noise equivalent power, response time and bandwidth (Franz et al,
2000). The photodetection is achieved by the response of a photosensitive material to the
incident light to produce free electrons. These electrons can be directed to form an electric
current when applied an external potential.
3.2.1 Pin photodiode
This type of photodiodes have an advantage in response time and operate with reverse bias.
This type of diode has an intrinsic region between the PN materials, this union is known as
homojunction. PIN diodes are widely used in telecommunications because of their fast
response. Its responsivity, i.e. the ability to convert optical power to electrical current is
function of the material and is different for each wavelength. This is defined as:


Where is the quantum efficiency, e is the electron charge (1.6 10
C), h is Planck's
constant (6.62 10
J) and is the frequency corresponding to the photon wavelength.
InGaAs PIN diodes show good response to wavelengths corresponding to the low
attenuation window of optical fiber close to 1500nm. The atmosphere also has low
attenuation into regions close to this wavelength.
3.2.2 Avalanche photodiode
This type of device is ideal for detecting extremely low light level. This effect is reflected in
the gain M:

= (4)
is the value of the amplified output current due to avalanche effect and I
is the current
without amplification. The avalanche photo diode has a higher output current than PIN
diode for a given value of optical input power, but the noise also increases by the same
factor and additionally has a slower response than the PIN diode (see table 3).

Material and Structure Wavelength (nm) Responsivity (A/W) Gain Rise time
PIN. Silicon 300 1100 0.5 1 0.1-5 ns
PIN InGaAs 1000 1700 0.9 1 0.01-5 ns
APD Germanium 800 1300 0.6 10 0.3-1 ns
APD InGaAs 1000 1700 0.75 10 0.3 ns
Table 3. Characteristics of photo detectors used in OWC systems
Table 3 shows some of the materials and their physical properties used to manufacture of
photo-detectors (Franz et al, 2000).
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

3.3 Optical amplifiers
Basically there are two types of optical amplifiers that can be used in wireless optical
communication systems: semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and amplifier Erbium
doped fiber (EDFA). Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) have a structure similar to a
semiconductor laser, but without the resonant cavity. The SOA can be designed for specific
frequencies. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers are widely used in fiber optics communications
systems operating at wavelenghts close to 1550 nm. Because they are built with optical fiber,
provides easy connection to other sections of optical fiber, they are not sensitive to the
polarization of the optical signal, and they are relatively stable under environment changes
with a requirement of higher saturation power that the SOA.
3.4 Optical antennas
The optical antenna or telescope is one of the main components of optical wireless
communication systems. In some systems may have a telescope to the transmitter and one
for the receiver, but can be used one to perform both functions. The transmitted laser beam
characteristics depend on the parameters and quality of the optics of the telescope. The
various types of existing telescopes can be used for optical communications applications in
free space. The optical gain of the antennas depends on the wavelength used and its
diameter (see equations 5, 40 and 41). The Incoherent optical wireless communication
systems typically expands the beam so that any change in alignment between the
transmitter and receiver do not cause the beam passes out of the receiver aperture. The
beam footprint on the receiver can be determined approximately by:

D L (5)
is the footprint diameter on the receiver plane in meters, is the divergence angle in
radians and L is the separation distance between transmitter and receiver (meters). The
above approximation is valid considering that the angle of divergence is the order of
milliradians and the distances of the links are typically over 500 meters.
4. Factors affecting the terrestrial optical wireless communications systems
Several problems arise in optical wireless communications because of the wavelengths used
in this type of system (Osche, 2002). The main processes affecting the propagation in the
atmosphere of the optical signals are absorption, dispersion and refractive index variations
(Collet, 1970), (Goodman, 1985) (Andrews, 2005), (Wheelon, 2003). The latter is known as
atmospheric turbulence. The absorption due to water vapor in addition with scattering
caused by small particles or droplets or water (fog) reduce the optical power of the
information signal impinging on the receiver (Willebrand, 2002). Because of the above
mentioned previously, this type of communications system is suscpetible to the weather
conditions prevailing in its operating enviroment. Figure 6 shows the disturbances affecting
the optical signal propagation through the atmosphere.
4.1 Fog
Fog is the weather phenomenon that has the more destructive effect over OWC systems due
to the size of the drops similar to the optical wavelengths used for communications links
(Hemmati et al, 2004.). Dispersion is the dominant loss mechanism for the fog (Hemmati et
al, 2004.). Taking into account to the effect over the visibility parameter the fog is classified
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

as low (1-5 km), moderate (0.2-1 km) and dense (0.034 0.2 km ). The attenuation due to
visibility can be calculated using the following equation (Kim et al, 2000):

P exp L
V 0.55


Where V is the visibility [km], L is the propagation range and m is the size distribution for
the water drops that form the fog.

Fig. 6. Optical link over a terrestrial atmospheric channel
4.2 Rain
Other weather phenomena affecting the propagation of an optical signal is the rain, however
its impact is in general negligible compared with the fog due to the radius of the drops
(200m - 2000m) which is significantly larger than the wavelength of the light source OWC
systems [Willebrand 2002].
4.3 Effects due to atmospheric gases. Dispersion and absorption
The dispersion is the re-routing or redistribution of light which significantly reduces the
intensity arriving into the receiver (Willebrand, 2002). The absorption coefficient is a
function of the absorption of each of the the particles, and the particle density. There
absorbent which can be divided into two general classes: molecular absorbent (gas) [];
absorbing aerosol (dust, smoke, water droplets).
4.4 Atmospheric windows
The FSO atmospheric windows commonly used are found in the infrared range.
The windows are in 0.72m and 1.5m, and other regions of the absorption spectrum. The
region of 0.7m to 2.0m is dominated by the absorption of water vapor and the region of
2.0m to 4.0m is dominated by the combination of water and carbon dioxide.
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

4.5 Aberrations losses
These losses are due to the aberrations of the optical elements and can be expressed as:

( )
L e

= (7)

=rms aberrations error
4.6 Atmospheric attenuation
Describes the attenuation of the light traveling through the atmosphere due to absorption
and dispersion. In general the transmission in the atmosphere is a function of link distance
L, and is expressed in Beer's law as [Lambert et al, 1995]

L 10log


( )
exp L
= = (9)
is the relationship between the intensity detected and the transmitted output intensity
and is the attenuation coefficient. The attenuation coefficient is the addition of four
parameters; the dispersion coefficients of molecules and aerosols, and absorption
coefficient, of molecules and aerosols, each depending on the wavelength and is given by
(Lambert et al 1995).

molecule aerosol molecule aerosol
= + + + (10)
4.7 Atmospheric turbulence
Inhomogeneities in temperature and pressure variations of the atmosphere cause variations
in the refractive index, which distort the optical signals that travel through the atmosphere.
This effect is known as atmospheric turbulence.The performance of atmospheric optical
communications systems will be affected because the atmosphere is a dynamic and
imperfect media. Atmospheric turbulence effects include fluctuations in the amplitude and
phase of the optical signal (Tatarski, 1970), (Wheelon, 2003). The turbulence-induced fading
in optical wireless communication links is similar to fading due to multipaths experienced
by radiofrequency communication links (Zsu, 2002). The refractive index variations can
cause fluctuations in the intensity and phase of the received signal increasing the link error
As mentioned briefly above, the heating of air masses near the earth's surface, which are
mixed due to convection and wind generates atmospheric turbulence. These air masses have
different temperatures and pressure values which in turn leads to different refractive index
values, affecting the light traveling through them. The atmospheric turbulence has
important effects on a light beam especially when the link distance is greater than 1 km
(Zsu, 1986). Variations in temperature and pressure in turn cause variations in the refractive
index along the link path (Tatarski, 1971) and such variations can cause fluctuations in the
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

amplitude and phase of the received signal (known as flicker or scintillation) (Gagliardi,
1988). Kolmogorov describe the turbulence by eddies, where the larger eddies are split into
smaller eddies without loss of energy, dissipated due to viscosity (Wheelon, 2003, Andrews,
2005), as shown in Figure 7. The size of the eddies ranges from a few meters to a few
millimeters, denoted as outer scale L
, and inner scale, l
, respectively as shown in Figure 7
and eddies or inhomogeneities with dimensions that are between these two limits are the
range or inertial subrange (Tatarski, 1971).

Fig. 7. Turbulence model based on eddies according to the Kolmogorov theory
A measure of the strength of turbulence is the constant of the structure function of the
refractive index of air, C
, which is related to temperature and atmospheric pressure by
(Andrews, 2005):

2 6 2
n T
C 79 10 C


Where P is the atmospheric pressure in millibars, T is the temperature in Kelvin degrees
and C

is the constant of the structure function. In short intervals, at a fixed propagation
distance and a constant height above the ground can be assumed that C
is almost constant,
(Goodman, 1985). Values of C
of 10-17 m
or less are considered weak turbulence and
values up to 10-13m
or more as strong turbulence (Goodman, 1985). We can also consider
that in short time intervals, for paths at a fixed height, C
is constant (the above for
horizontal paths). C
varies with height (Goodman, 1985).
Another measure of the turbulence is the Rytov variance, which relates the structure
constant of refractive index with the beam path through the following equation:

2 2 7/6 11/6
R n
1.23C k L = (12)
where is the wavelength, L is the distance from the beam path and k=2/.
An optical light beam is affected by turbulence in different ways: variations in both intensity
and amplitude, phase changes (phase front), polarization fluctuations and changes on the
angle of arrival.
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

4.8 Intensity and amplitude fluctuations
The atmospheric turbulence affects the amplitude and phase of the optical signal that
propagates through the medium in two points separated by a distance r, and can be
described by the following equation according to the Rytov method for solving Maxwell's
equations (Goodman, 1985):
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
U r U r exp r =

where U
(r) is the undisturbed field. The complex phase perturbation can be written
(Andrews, 2005):
( )
1 1
r iS = +

( ) ( )
1 0
r ln i S S

= +

where is the logarithm of the amplitude A and S is the phase of the field U(r) and A
are the amplitude and phase without disturbing respectively. This analysis is done based
on the Rytov approximation and shows that the irradiance (or intensity) fluctuations follow
a lognormal distribution due to that the logarithm of the amplitude and the irradiance are
related by (Goodman, 1985):


= (16)
According to the Rytov approximation, the variance of the logarithm of the amplitude

for a plane wave is (Goodman 1985):

2 2 2 11/6 7/6
0.307C L k

= = (17)
It has been shown that the above equation (13) is a good approximation for values of


(Wheelon, 2003]. The variance of the logarithm of the intensity is related to the variance of
the logarithm of the amplitude of (Wheelon, 2002).

2 2
lnI lnI 4

= = (18)

2 2 11/6 7/6 2
lnI n R
1.23C L k = = (19)
is known as the Rytov variance. The Rytov variance for an infinite plane wave
gives information about the strength of the fluctuations in the irradiance and hence gives us
an idea of the strength of the atmospheric turbulence. Table II shows the relationship
between values of Rytov variance and the strength of fluctuations (Wasiczko, 2004).
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

Strength levels of turbulence Rytov variance
0.3 <
~ 1
Table 4. Typical values of turbulence for turbulence levels from weak to strong

distribution function
Theory Features Application
Rician [Wheelon, 2001] Born approximation Little agreement with
experimental data
Extremely weak
turbulence regime
Lognormal [Tatarski,
Rytov approximation Matching moments
with experimental data
Weak turbulence
Negative Exponential
[Andrews, 2005]
Heuristics Easy to handle
Saturation regime
I-K [Andrews, 2005] Modulation effects of
large scales to small
Difficult to relate PDF*
parameters with the
turbulence ones
Strong Turbulence
Lognormal Rician
[Andrews, 2005]
Modulation effects of
large scales to small
Difficult to relate
PDF* parameters with
the turbulence ones
Strong Turbulence
[Andrews, 2005]
Modulation effects of
large scales to small
Its parameters are
directly related to the
Weak to strong
Table 5. Models for irradiance distributions (*PDF: Probability destribution function)
Another parameter used to compare the magnitude of the fluctuations of the irradiance is
the transverse coherence length of an electromagnetic wave at optical frequencies (Wheelon,
2001). The coherence length for a plane wave is obtained from (Wheelon, 2003).

( )
2 2
0 n
1.46k LC

= (20)
For a spherical wave coherence length is given by (Wheelon, 2003)

( )
2 2
0 n
0.546k LC

= (21)
The coherence radius
defined by Fried (Andrews, 2005) is:

0 0
r 2.099 = (22)
The meaning of
, can be interpreted as follows: the phase in the wave front does not
experience fluctuations in the sense of mean square root of greater than one radian at a
wavefront at the receiver (Wheelon, 2003). The following table summarizes and
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

compares differents models for irradiance distribution that have been proposed by several
authors (Andrews, 2005), (Zsu, 2002).
4.9 Phase variations
The phase fluctuations not are usually take into account in incoherent optical wireless
communication systems. However, in coherent optical wireless communication systems
they should be considered. The phase fluctuations are caused by large eddies including
those of outer scale (Goodman, 1985). It follows that the analysis of phase fluctuations are
based on geometrical optics. Diffraction effects due to small-scale inhomogeneities have
little effect on the result obtained based on geometrical optics (Wheelon, 2001). The complex
phase disturbance [equation (40)], the phase S(r,L) can be expressed (Tatarski, 1971) as:
( ) ( ) ( )
S r, L r, L r, L

considering that the turbulence in the atmosphere is homogeneous and isotropic, the phase
variance (Andrews, 2005) is :
( )
2 2 2
S n
4 k L d

the phase covariance function or the spatial covariance function for plane wave can be
expressed as:
( ) ( )
2 2
S,pl n 5/6 0
B , L 0.78C k K

where K is the modified Bessel function of second class. The temporal covariance function
can be obtained from the spatial function using the frozen turbulence hypothesis of Taylor
(Zhu and Kahn, 2002) replacing =V where V is the average wind speed transverse to
the propagation path. Therefore, the spatial covariance function is ( Wheelon, 2003].
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 5/3
S,pl n 0 0 5/6 0
B , L 0.78C k V K V

= (26)
The power spectrum of phase variations was first published in the work of (Clifford, 1970)
and can be obtained using the Wiener Khintchine theorem (Tatarski, 1970) as shown
below. Applying the Fourier transform of the function of temporal phase covariance, we
obtain the temporal spectrum of phase variations [Tatarski, 1970].

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
S,pl S,pl
2 2 5/3
n 0 0 5/6 0
S 4 B , L cos d
3.13C k L V K V cos d


Evaluating the integral gives [Wheelon, 2003] we obtain the aproximated expression
( )
( )
2 5/3
S,pl 4/3
2 2 2
5.82C LV

Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

4.10 Polarization fluctuations
The electromagnetic field is characterized by an electric field and a magnetic field which are
vector quantities. The direction taken by the electric field vector at each point along the path
is defined by the polarization of the field (Fowles, 1968). There have been several studies to
estimate the magnitude of the change of polarization in an optical frequency
electromagnetic signal as it travels through the turbulent atmosphere (Collet, 1972)
(Strohbehn, & Clifford, S. 1967). These studies conclude that the change in the state of
polarization of a beam traveling in a line of sight path in the turbulent atmosphere is
negligible. Depolarization is usually measured as the ratio between the average intensity of
the orthogonal field component and the incident plane wave (Wheelon, 2003). Under certain
considerations depolarization can be obtained through:
( )
2 2
n 0
Pol 0.070C k

= (29)
Various expressions have been obtained to determine the depolarization of an electromagnetic
field at optical frequencies, considering quasi-monochromatic light sources and the results are
similar. For example for L = 1500m, = 1550 nm and C
= 1 10
the depolarized component
is 2.1 10
smaller in terms of the polarized component (Wheelon, 2001).
4.11 Arrival angle fluctuations
Fluctuations on the angle of arrival is another effect of atmospheric turbulence and seriously
affects the performance of the communications system (Andrews, 2005). The movement of
the centroid of the spot intensity on the receiver due to local inhomogeneities in the
transmitter are responsible for this phenomenon. In the case of of non-coherent optical
wireless communications wireless systems, this effect can be decreased by expanding the
transmitted beam, so you always get intensity above the detection threshold to the receiver
at the expense of the decrease in the average intensity (Wheelon, 2003). A more
sophisticated technique is the use of pointing and tracking mechanisms of the centroid of
the optical signal which makes adjustments on both the receiver and transmitter to ensure
the highest possible alignment between them (Hemmati, 2006). Another way of reducing
the effects of the variations on the angle of arrival is the use of adaptive optics, which correct
these variations provided that the receiver aperture is large enough (Wheelon, 2001),
(Andrews, 2005). The variance of the perturbations of the angle of arrival are obtained from
the following equation (Wheelon, 2003).
( )
2 2
2 R d

4.12 Statistical models of wireless optical channel
As mentioned above, various probability distribution functions have been proposed to
describe the statistical behavior of atmospheric optical communications channel. It was
found that the amplitude distribution (or intensity) and phase is dependent on the theory of
propagation of optical beams used. The phase distribution is obtained from geometrical
optics and found that is suitable for the various regimes of turbulence (Andrews, 2005).
Under the condition that the beam path is much larger than the size of the outer scale, based
on the application of central limit theorem phase fluctuations of the optical signal is
Gaussian and several experiments have supported the outcome (Clifford, 1970).
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

4.13 System design
This section will show the basics for the design of a OWC link. The power budget of an optical
link must consider different impairments that affect the system performance such as : a) finite
transmission power, b) optical gains and losses, c) Receiver sensitivity, d) propagation losses,
e) electronics noise, f) phase noise of optical sources g) imperfect synchronization for coherent
detection optical carrier, among others. First, we determine the fade margin between the
transmitted optical power and minimum receiver sensitivity needed to establish a specified
BER. It also should be considered the system margin (M
), to compensate for the degradation
of components and temperature factors. It is required to estimate a margin of availability (M)
or link power budget, which is given by the following equation.

f tur prop poin atm s
M L L L L L M = (31)
L : fade margin
L : turbulence losses
L : propagation losses
L : Pointing losses
L : atmospheric losses
M : system margin
Parameters to be considered in the design are: wavelength, transmission rate, signal to noise
ratio (SNR), link distance, diameter of the optical transmitter and receiver antennas,
transmitter power and receiver sensitivity. We describe below the relationship among the
parameters mentioned.
4.13.1 Fade margin
It is defined as the amount of the total losses allowed by the system to perform the optical
link and is obtained from the equation:

f Tx sens
L P P = (32)
4.13.2 Propagation losses
Propagation losses are given by (Santamaria A., Lopez-Hernandez F.J., 1994):

prop 10
4 Z
L 10log


where Z is the distance between the transmitter and receiver.
4.13.3 Turbulence losses
These losses take into account the effects of the variation of intensity of the laser beam due
to atmospheric turbulence (scintillation) and can be estimated through:

turb 10
L 10log 1

= +

Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications


Lens _ Tx


With D
is the lens transmitter diameter, and


is the coherence radius.
4.13.4 Pointing losses
Pointing losses are due to misalignment between the transmitter and receiver the which
causes reduction in the power captured by the receiver (A. Santamaria, FJ Lopez-
Hernandez, 1994), are given by (A. Santamaria, FJ Lopez-Hernandez, 1994)

L 4.3229


is the boundary angle of diffraction-limited beam of the transmitter and is given

Lens _ Tx

4.13.5 Atmospheric losses
They appears when the particle causing the scattering has the diameter equal to or greater
than the wavelength of the radiation signal. These lossess are due to atmospheric gases
(Beers law). The attenuation and scattering coefficients are related with the visibility (Kim
et al).
4.13.6 Geometric losses
Geometric path losses for a FSO link depends on the beamwidth of the optical transmitter
(), the path length (L) and the receiver aperture area (D
) (Figure 8):

L 20log dB


L=transmitter-receiver distance
=Beam Divergence
=Receiver diameter
4.13.7 Transmitting and receiving antenna gain
The gain of the transmitting antenna for free space is given by (A. Santamaria, FJ Lopez-
Hernandez, 1994)
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications


Tx 10
G 10log


The receiving antenna gain is given by (A. Santamaria, FJ Lopez-Hernandez, 1994)

Rx 10 2
4 A
G 10log



Fig. 8. Geometric losses scheme
5. Mitigating the effects of turbulent optical channel
One of the problems to be resolved in optical communication systems is to reduce the effects
of turbulence, i.e. the scintillation and variations of the angle of arrival of the beam. Various
techniques are used to reduce these phenomena. Among them we can mention the use of
encryption, the use of large aperture receivers, using alignment systems, spatial diversity
and amplifiers using erbium-doped fiber (EDFA).
5.1 Using coding to reduce the effects of turbulence in OWC systems
One way to improve the performance of wireless optical communication systems is the use
of channel coding techniques. Several studies have been conducted to study the effect of the
use of channel coding techniques in conditions of strong turbulence (Tisftsis, 2008) which is
the scenario that offers the worst operating conditions. Pulse modulations such as PPM
(Pulse Position Modulation) have been analyzed under the effects of weak turbulence
(Hemmati, 2006). These results indicate the need for error correction in the receiver (FEC) to
make communication possible under these conditions (Ohtsuki, 2003).
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

5.2 Large aperture receiver
It is known that for incoherent optical communications systems, such as IM-DD systems, the
use of larger receiver apertures, increase the optical power collected leading to a reduction
in scintillation. This effect is known as aperture averaging. This means that the larger the
diameter of the receiving aperture, the power collected is higher, the signal has a better
signal to scintillation noise ratio and the photo-current fluctuations are reduced (Fried,
5.3 Tracking and pointing systems
To reduce the effects of drift in the beam and the transmitter-receiver misalignment,
phenomena that reduce the performance of wireless optical communication systems,
mechanical systems can be used to correct both transmitter and receiver to compensate for
variations tilt and pitch. This is possible because both changes occur at speeds of tenths of
seconds (corresponding to frequencies below 100 Hz) (Andrews, 2005).
5.4 Use of spatial diversity to mitigate the effects of turbulence
One way to reduce the effect of signal fading due to turbulence, which is mainly caused by
beam wander, is the use of arrangements of receivers (Andrews, 2005).
5.5 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA)
The use of EDFA in the receiver avoids the use of high power transmission. It has been
shown that the use of these devices also reduces the scintillation due to increased average
received optical power (Franz & Jain, 2000), but these devices could be expensive for certain
applications of OWC systems.
6. Methods of modulation and coding
Traditionally, wireless communications systems use optical modulation formats OOK (On-
Off Keying), which is also widely used in fiber optic systems and is characterized by its
simplicity and robustness. This system consists of intensity modulated optical carrier and
digital information is sent with the presence or absences of the optical carrier. Other
modulation techniques have been used in optical wireless communication systems, such as
pulse position modulation and the use of phase-modulated subcarriers. One of the problems
present in the transmission of optical signals is scintillation, which reduces the optical
power available at the receiver for periods that can be several milliseconds to values below
the detection threshold and thus interruption link. Different alternatives for the solution to
this problem have been proposed and analyzed. You can increase the received optical power
using erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). The atmospheric turbulence reduces the
received optical power which is caused by the low frequency components of the scintillation
and is expressed as the displacement of the centroid of the spot or footprint of the beam in
the plane of the receiver (beam wander).
6.1 Incoherent optical communication systems. OOK modulation
Within the methods of direct detection and intensity modulation, one of the most used
techniques is the On-Off Keying modulation. For this modulation has been found that the
probability of error (Andrews, 2005) is:
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

( )
e I
1 SNR(i)
P f i erfc di
2 2 2

where SNR is the signal to noise ratio as a function of intensity and erfc is the
complementary error function. f
(.) is the probability density function of changes in signal
6.2 Use of subcarriers
Basically, the resurgence of practical OWC systems is due to the technological developments
of the systems of fiber optic communications. One of the techniques used to improve the
performance of OWC systems is the use of sub-carriers. In this method, the laser beam
intensity is modulated by an electrical signal derived from a combination of these
subcarriers. Figure 9 shows the block diagram for subcarrier intensity modulations systems.

Fig. 9. Subcarrier intensity modulation OWC
6.3 Coherent optical communication systems
As indicated above, the current optical communications systems are based on incoherent
modulation techniques which are relatively simple to implement and robust, but its
theoretical performance is below the coherent modulation format. This type of system has
advantages in relation to sensitivity, frequency selectivity and increased lodging capacity of
channels in the bandwidth of the optical carrier. The coherent optical communication
systems in atmospheric space applications have interesting characteristics that make them
attractive for potential commercial use. For example, the homodyne detection of binary
phase modulated signals (BPSK), the quantum limited is obtained with only 9 photons per
bit, when in the OOK systems are needed 38 photons per bit. The BER for BPSK modulation
is an average over the all possible intensity levels of a given probability density function,
(I) without regard phase noise (Snchez, 2008):
( ) ( )
( ) I
BER p erfc SNR d

Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

The optical phase synchronization, and control of the state of polarization are the main
challenges for the practical implementation of coherent systems using optical fiber as
transmission medium (Kazovsky, 2006).
In the case of wireless systems, in clear sky conditions, the state of polarization suffers little
variation and these changes are slow (Hodara, 1966) (Wheelon, 2001), but it is required that
the state of polarization of the signal optical input matches the local oscillator. Carrier
synchonization is neccesary to achieve the demodulation in coherent systems. The phase
modulation techniques are usually suppressed carrier. Techniques such as injection locking,
optical phase lock loop (OPLL) can not be used directly to lock the local oscillator phase
[Kazovsky, 1986]. With the advent of high-speed digital components, the compensation of
polarization, as well as other phenomena of the optical channel can be obtained in the
electrical domain, opening up new possibilities for the practical implementation of optical
communication systems consistent (Snchez, 2008), (Arvizu, 2010). Figure 10 shows the
block diagram of a coherent optical wireless communication system which shows the
possible subsystems required to enable proper operation. At the transmitter, the optical
phase modulation is performed while at the receiver is used an phase lock loop (PLL) to
maintain synchronized the optical carrier signal with the optical local oscillator [Kazovski et
al, 1995], and a state of polarization control system (Snchez 2008), (Arvizu, 2010), as well as
a balanced photo-reception stage.
Due to the loss of spatial coherence can not use aperture averaging in coherent optical
communications systems and diameter in the aperture receiver must be smaller than the
coherence distance r0 (equation 22). For example, with L=1500 m, =1.550m and C
, r
=2.5 cm (Figure 11).
However, the small apertures require the use of less divergence beams so that more optical
power is collected by the receiver, which involves the use of pointing and tracking systems
more fine and precise, making the system more complex and expensive. Another solution is
the use of spatial diversity system. The space diversity coherent systems require that each
unit receiving signals are processed individually before combining it and then perform the
symbol detection process (Arvizu et al, 2010). That is, it requires that the signals to be
synchronized in phase due to the loss of spatial coherence so that the combination of signals
is not destructive and attenuates the signal received. This process can be performed
optically or electronically (Arvizu et al, 2010). The distance between these coherent diversity
receivers must be greater than r
, so that the signals collected by each unit are uncorrelated.
Other proposed systems is the use of OWC systems with spatial diversity and coherent
detection using (linear post detection combiner) (PDLC), which uses "n" receivers and
develops individually detection by estimating the symbol for each (hypothesis "1" and "0")
then becomes the weighting of the signal with better signal to noise ratio which is selected to
obtain the output data (Arvizu et al, 2010).
Coherent optical communications systems offer several advantage in deep space
applications, such as high sensivity, which is important because of the small signals existent
in this scenery and the absence of atmospheric turbulence. Additionally coherent receivers
have an inherent frequencial selectivity, as well as rejection of the background radiation,
characteristics important in deep space applications.
Next generations of optical wireless communications could use differents strategies for
reduce the turbulence effects. Adaptive optics is a technology utilized for improve the
performance of astronomical telescopes by reducing the wavefront distortions and can be
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

used in OWC systems. However, still is a technology expensive for terrestrial OWC

Fig. 10. Block diagram of the Coherent optical wireless communications system. SOPS: State
of polarization system; OL: Local Oscillator: OPLL: Optical Phase lock loop


Diameter "D"

Fig. 11. Coherence diameter as function of the refractive index structure constant
Trends of the Wireless Optical Communications

7. Conclusions
In this chapter, the wireless optical communication systems have been discussed from first
principles to systems that use different techniques to improve their performance. Different
atmospheric channel characteristics have been emphasized and in general have shown the
most relevant such as scintillation, the variations of the angle of arrival, the attenuation due
to atmospheric gases and the effects of weather conditions. We analyzed the performance of
communications systems for detecting incoherent modulations (OOK) and coherent
(BPSK).This technology is becoming commonly used in civil applications and in the future
be developed to have a scope similar to fiber optic systems in scope and availability.
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Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications
Edited by Dr. Mutamed Khatib
ISBN 978-953-307-183-1
Hard cover, 520 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 17, February, 2011
Published in print edition February, 2011
InTech Europe
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Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication.
Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that
does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to
operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the
communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of
the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless
communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than
researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Juan-de-Dios Snchez- Lpez, Arturo Arvizu M, Francisco J. Mendieta and Ivn Nieto Hiplito (2011). Trends
of the Optical Wireless Communications, Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications, Dr. Mutamed Khatib
(Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-183-1, InTech, Available from:

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