Performance Evaluation of LEACH Protocol For Wireless Sensor Network

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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163

Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)

2014, IJIRAE- All Rights Reserved Page - 141

Performance Evaluation of LEACH Protocol for Wireless
Sensor Network
Leena Y.Barai Mahendra A. Gaikwad
PG Student, M-Tech (Electronics) Principal
B. D. College of Engineering B. D. College of Engineering
Sewagram (Wardha) Sewagram (Wardha)
Maharashatra ( India ) Maharashatra ( India )

Abstract ---This paper gives performance of LEACH protocol. LEACH is the first network protocol that uses hierarchical
routing for wireless sensor networks to increase the life time of network. All the nodes in a network organize themselves into
local clusters, with one node acting as the cluster-head. All non-cluster-head nodes transmit their data to the cluster-head,
while the cluster-head node receive data from all the cluster members, perform signal processing functions on the data (e.g.,
data aggregation), and transmit data to the remote base station. Therefore, being a cluster-head node is much more energy-
intensive than being a non-cluster-head node. Thus, when a cluster-head node dies all the nodes that belong to the cluster lose
communication ability. This paper gives performance of LEACH protocol considering parameters i) Packet Delivery Ratio ii)
Throughput iii) Delay iv) lifetime.

Keyword: -LEACH protocol, WSN, energy-efficient.

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) holds the promise of a smart communication paradigm which enables setting up an
intelligent network capable of handling application that involve from user requirements. However due to nature of WSN
researches face new challenges related to the design of algorithm and protocol.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be defined as a self-configured and infrastructure-less wireless networks to
monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants and to
cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location or sink where the data can be observed and analyzed. A sink
or base station acts like an interface between users and the network. One can retrieve required information from the network by
injecting queries and gathering results from the sink. Typically a wireless sensor network contains hundreds of thousands of
sensor nodes. The sensor nodes can communicate among themselves using radio signals. A wireless sensor node is equipped with
sensing and computing devices, radio transceivers and power components. The individual nodes in a wireless sensor network
(WSN) are inherently resource constrained: they have limited processing speed, storage capacity, and communication bandwidth.
After the sensor nodes are deployed, they are responsible for self-organizing an appropriate network infrastructure often with
multi-hop communication with them.

Thus, the sensor network is a bridge between the real world and computation world. Some important properties for a good sensor
network protocols are:
a) Ease of deployment: Sensor nodes may communicate in absence of established network also.
b) System lifetime: Sensor networks must extremely energy efficient.
c) Latency: Communication between nodes and base station should be timely manner.
d) Quality of service: End user does not require all data in the network so data aggregation is important issue in quality
of service.
Wireless sensor network enable new application and require non-conventional paradigms for protocol design due to several
constrains. Owing to the requirements for low device complexity together with low energy consumption and long network
lifetime. So nowadays most of the researches concentrated at design of energy efficient protocol.

II. Review of LEACH Protocol:-

This review paper is built on the work mentioned in [1],[2]. LEACH comes under the family of proactive network protocols, with
small changes. In proactive protocols [3]the node sense and send it to the base station periodically. Whereas reactive network
protocols like TEEN performs instantaneously for critical data. For achieving the design goal for LEACH protocol, the following
techniques are
i) Randomized and self-configuring formation
ii) Data aggregation
iii) Local control on data transmission.
LEACH is the first hierarchical cluster based routing Protocol, distributed algorithm is used to form clusters in network area. For
each cluster there is a cluster head node which is responsible for data aggregation and sends the important data in its TDMA
(Time Division Multiple Access) slot to the base station, where these data is needed using CDMA (Code Division Multiple
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)

2014, IJIRAE- All Rights Reserved Page - 142

Access).Few numbers of nodes become the cluster head which act as the router to the base station. Energy dissipation is less as
data transmission is done by only cluster head node. Data aggregation technique is used, because there is a possibility of
correlated data in neighboring nodes of the same cluster. So data is processed locally in LEACH protocol.

Assumptions for development of LEACH:-
The sensor nodes and the underlying network model. For sensor nodes assume that all nodes can transmit with enough power to
reach the BS if needed, that nodes can use the power control to vary the amount of transmit power and computational power to
support MAC protocol and perform signal processing computations. For the network model, where the nodes always have data to
send to the end user and nodes and nodes located close to each other have correlated data.
Stages in LEACH:-

Cluster Set-up Steady State
1) Cluster Head selection 1) Data communication to CH
2) Advertisement phase 2) Data fusion.
3) Cluster formation 3) Data communication to BS
4) Schedule creation
Timeline of LEACH protocol:-

4. (A) Set-up phase

In LEACH, nodes take autonomous decisions to form clusters by using a distributed algorithm without any centralized control.
Here no long-distance communication with the base station is required and distributed cluster formation can be done without
knowing the exact location of any of the nodes in the network. In addition, No global communication is needed to set up the
clusters. The cluster formation algorithm should be designed such that nodes are cluster-heads approximately the same number of
time, assuming all the nodes start with the same amount of energy [8]. Finally, the cluster-head nodes should be spread
throughout the network, as this will minimize the distance the non-cluster-head nodes need to send their data. A sensor node
chooses a random number, r, between 0 and 1.
Let a threshold value be I(n)
I(n) =_
---- ne0

This random number is less than a threshold value, I(n), the node becomes a cluster-head for the current round. The threshold
value is calculated based on the above given equation that incorporates the desired percentage to become a cluster-head, the
current round, and the set of nodes that have not been selected as a cluster-head in the last(1/P) rounds, p is cluster head
probability. After the nodes have elected themselves to be cluster-heads, it broadcasts an advertisement message (ADV). This
message is a small message containing the node's ID and a header that distinguishes this message as an announcement message.
Each non-cluster-head node determines to which cluster it belongs by choosing the Cluster head that requires the minimum
communication energy, based on the received signal strength of the advertisement from each cluster-head. After each node has
decided to which cluster it belongs, it must inform the cluster-head node that it will be a member of the cluster. Each node
transmits a join-request message (Join- REQ) back to the chosen cluster-head. The cluster-heads in LEACH act as local control
centers to co-ordinate the data transmissions in their cluster [9]. The cluster-head node sets up a TDMA schedule and transmits
this schedule to the nodes in the cluster. This ensures that there are no collisions among data messages and also allows the radio
components of each non cluster-head node to be turned off at all times except during their transmit time, thus minimizing the
energy dissipated by the individual [8][10].

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)

2014, IJIRAE- All Rights Reserved Page - 143

4 (B) Steady-State Phase

The steady-state operation is broken into frames where nodes send their data to the cluster-head at most once per frame during
their allocated transmission slot. The set-up phase does not guarantee that nodes are evenly distributed among the cluster head
nodes. Therefore, the number of nodes per cluster is highly variable in LEACH, and the amount of data each node can send to the
cluster-head varies depending on the number of nodes in the cluster. To reduce energy dissipation, each non-cluster-head node
uses power control to set the amount of transmits power based on the received strength of the cluster-head advertisement. The
radio of each non-cluster-head node is turned off until its allocated transmission time. Since all the nodes have data to send to the
cluster-head and the total bandwidth is fixed, using a TDMA schedule is efficient use of bandwidth and represents a low latency
approach, in addition to being energy-efficient[5][9]. The cluster-head must keep its receiver on to receive all the data from the
nodes in the cluster. Once the cluster-head receives all the data, it can operate on the data and then the resultant data are sent from
the cluster-head to the base station.
Simulation Parameter:-
Sr.No No. of Item description specification No. of Item description specification
1 Simulation Area 300 X 300
2 No. of nodes 11
3 Channel type Channel / Wireless channel
4 Simulation time 300ns
5 Antenna model Antenna / Omni antenna
6 Link Layer Type LL
7 Energy Model Battery
8 Communication model Bi-directional
9 Interface queue type Queue / drop tail / priqueue

Evaluation of LEACH protocol:-
Performance of LEACH protocol evaluated in NS2 simulator by following
I ) Throughput ii ) Energy of cluster heads iii) Packet Delivery Ratio iv) End to end delay
i) Throughput is the average data packets received at the destination (i.e at base station). Throughput usually measured
in data packets per second (Bits/sec or bps)

Fig. Time Verses Throughput

From above graph up to 40 seconds all packets not delivered at base station from 0 to 40 seconds maximum packets drop but after
40 sec to 100 sec maximum packets delivered at destination.

ii) Packet Delivery Ratio is the ratio of packets send to the number of packets received at destination. The greater value
of packet delivery ratio means better performance of protocol.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)

2014, IJIRAE- All Rights Reserved Page - 144

Fig :- Time Verses Packet Delivery Ratio
From above figure Packet delivery ratio for LEACH protocol evaluate graph shows that maximum packets delivered at
destinations .As greater value of packet delivery ratio means better performance of protocol.

iii) Energy of clusters head
As we focus on energy efficiency of wireless sensor network so energy of sensor node is important parameter

Fig. Number of clusters verses energy

Fig 4:- Time Verses Delay

Total energy of network during communication with base station not possible evaluate in LEACH because of LEACH elect
cluster heads in random fashion .So above graph drawn between no. of clusters verses energy

iv) End to end delay is average packet to arrive in destination .It also included delay caused by route discovery process and queue
in the data packet transmission. Only data packets that successfully delivered to destination that counted Figure shows that end to
end delay which the average data packet to arrive at the destination. From above graph end to end delay increases with time which
is limitation of LEACH protocol.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)

2014, IJIRAE- All Rights Reserved Page - 145

LEACH Assumptions/ Limitations:-
As LEACH is (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hirarchy) protocol is able to increase network life time but there are still some
factors to improve in assumptions of LEACH protocol. LEACH assumes that homogeneous distribution of sensor nodes in the
given area. But it not realistic. LEACH assumes that nodes in always have data to send to the end user have correlated data. It is
not possible no of clusters heads uniformly distributed throughout network. It may possible that all cluster heads placed nearby
due to this information other part of network unable to reach to the destination.


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of base stations (BS) and several nodes which are unattended and have limited resource
and they can work until the energy exists inside them. In this paper we take overview of LEACH protocol with its assumptions
and performance evaluated considering some properties throughput, packet delivery ratio, energy of cluster head, end to end
delay. But out of these properties we observed end to end delay is linearly increases with time. So this is drawback that must be
overcome to increase lifetime of network and make LEACH protocol energy efficient.

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