Transmission Line Insulation

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21, rue d'Artois, F-75008 Paris 15-101 Session 2002




A. A. Smirnov, P. I. Romanov∗
North–western Intersystem Power Grid of Russia


SUMMARY System of collection and processing data on these

elements has been worked out and accepted about 30-50
An implementation of modern information technologies years ago and has become obsolete.
to data collecting and processing at all the Intersystem
Power Grid (IPG) management levels is illustrated by As a result of changing economic environment for
taking 330 - 750 kV overhead transmission line (OHL) electric utilities, one of the management’s new goals is
insulation as an example. To quantify the OHL to improve informational support of the IPG
operation and maintenance comprehensive statistical maintenance. Implementation of modern information
data are collected and arranged in a common database technologies to data collecting and processing at all the
(DB). IPG management levels is illustrated by taking 330 -
750 kV OHL insulation as an example. To quantify the
The DB contains joint description of electrical and OHL operational capacity indicators comprehensive
mechanical stresses imposed on the cap insulators. It statistical data are collected and arranged in a common
grounds construction of an empirical distribution DB. This way DB becomes a management system
function of insulator failures for long service life period. element.
Comprehensive information monitoring of the OHL
permits to develop quantitative criteria of the OHL Directing OHL maintenance activity is always based on
survival, durability, and maintainability absent in a management decision. At the level of a single power
practice. Using pessimistic, as well as optimistic company a transmission line is regularly inspected to
predictions based on these criteria creates a foundation collect updated information about insulator failures or
for strategic planning at the federal level. Information OHL breakdown situation occurrence. Management’s
system of OHL maintenance support makes it possible aim at the local level is to plan and organise
to make management decisions taking into account risk replacement of failed or damaged insulators on the
level, to plan scheduled maintenance, effectively specific OHL, the specific tower, and the specific string
allocate investments, and as a result to optimise OHL in specific terms. There is no scheduled maintenance on
maintenance expenditures. insulators and their expected life span exceeds 25 years
[1]. Regular in-service inspections and just in time
KEYWORDS replacement of failed or damaged insulators is required
Insulator - Overhead Transmission Line - Maintenance to ensure failure-free operation of insulator suspensions.
management - Failure - Data Collection - Database
At the regional level more general management
1. INTRODUCTION decisions are based on quantitative and qualitative
criteria of the OHL element condition assessment,
A suspended cap line insulator is the most numerous criteria of maintenance expenditures, and combined
and the most open to injury OHL element exposed to technical and economic criteria. At this management
extreme mechanical loads and electrical stresses. level the information received from all power


1/39, Kurchatova Str., P.O. Box 88, 194223, St.Petersburg, Russia
companies is processed and convoluted. This At the intuitive level it is obvious that even a single
information becomes available and appropriate for the failed insulator which is present in a string for a long
analysis to make strategic decisions at the federal time can lead to a string failure. Large share of failed
management level. insulators on an OHL also reduces reliability of a line.
Current standards do not specify engineering or
A transition to a new OHL maintenance management economical methods of risk assessment with the regard
system is realised by gradual implementation of new for running insulator string of reduced reliability, as
information technologies. Use of bundled soft- and well as cost of renovation to reach an acceptable risk
hardware will enable a considerable increase in the level. The problem looks even more important, for 20 %
amount of initial information and the rate of data of the OHL in IPG are in service for more then 30 years,
processing. It admits putting statistical methods of data age of 50% of the OHL exceeds 20 years.
processing into practice, as well as employing criteria
and estimates based on probability indicators. In long- It is evident, that insulator reliability can be determined
term perspective it is possible to use these probability depending on its location within OHL and taking into
indicators for assessment of risk of line failures with account their interconnections with all other line
regard for monetary losses. elements. Therefore, information on insulators should
be integrated with all other data on the OHL design and
2. PROBLEM STATING AND DB OBJECTIVES condition, mechanical and electric exposures, and air
pollution influence on the insulator condition.
OHL pertaining to the North-western IPG of Russia
have around 2,250,000 line glass cap insulators Accordingly, the data bank designing objective consists
comprising suspension (67,000) and tension (27,000) in making up an inventory of OHL all components and
insulator strings. their functional indicators. This objective is concerned
with the necessity of a considerable increase in the
More then 5,000 km of 300 - 750 kV OHL and 16 amount of information to be processed, its storage in a
substations are operated by the North-western IPG and classified form for obtaining operation indicators
deliver power from nuclear and high-power thermal needed for solving maintenance problems at three levels
stations. Geographically the components of the power of:
grid are located within the range of latitude from 53Ο N • operation;
to 68Ο N. For the region wind speed design values • research;
corresponding to the average return period of 25 years • management.
vary from 25 to 32 m/s, while ice thickness variations
are confined to the interval from 10 to 20 mm. The To solve operation problems it is necessary to have
major part of OHL run in sparsely populated terrain, up available and detailed information on the OHL design,
to 40 % marshy and difficult to access. The rate of elements, and parameters, all their existed
thunderstorms is about 10 - 30 hours per year. modifications, and to have possibility to retrieve any
selected information in an appropriate form. Paper
Until now data on insulator conditions have been medium that is in use at present is not suitable for
collected by in-service inspections regularly once a proper system analysis.
year. Surveys of every OHL detect an amount of failed
or damaged insulators and their distribution over In the field of research the task is a development of
suspension strings, phases and towers. The data are probabilistic based maintenance parameters, convenient
written into a survey register and then are summarised for use in practice, as well as development, testing, and
in the OHL damage register stored in a transmission line approval of such criteria, that will allow comparison of
division. operation and maintenance quality for the OHL as a
whole, and their elements.
The OHL maintenance standard rate specifies
replacements of failed or damaged insulators. When The main management problem is a transition from
four failed insulators in a one string for 330 kV OHL employing qualitative estimates and practice of top-
are detected, replacement should be performed within a management decision-making to quantitative estimates
year. Six failed insulators in a one string are to be based on the probabilistic based assessment of risk of
substituted during a month. However, regulations did power system element failure.
not specify an acceptable total amount of failed
insulators on the OHL, and also acceptable terms of 3. DB STRUCTURE AND INPUT INFORMATION
replacement for one or two failed insulators in a string. COLLECTION
The cases considered need the development and
approval of criteria for assessment of risk of failed Attempts to copy paper based information on PCs
insulator operation. resulted in understanding the possible way of using
modern information technologies: GIS, databases, the
Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping system (ALTM) [2],
and also problem-tailored software. For 330 - 750 kV OHL with operation term over 30
years techniques for all line elements condition
At present the DB includes: assessment are developed. Technical documentation is
• OHL topographic model, insulators and other OHL presented in two ways: on paper and electronic media. It
element technical performances; was in the process of this work when new specific
• physical composition of the line and the requirements to approach for documentation
components; arrangement and research execution method became
• results of scheduled maintenance; explicit.
• results of emergency maintenance, upgrading and
reconstruction; Implemented technique of laser scanning [2] allows
• expenses of every kind of maintenance, upgrading getting more detailed information about the existing
and reconstruction; OHL condition in the surrounding terrain. The
• OHL operation history (outages, failures, information collected is presented in digital form and
breakdowns with their origin causes analysed, makes it possible to measure the OHL geometrical
electrical and mechanical stresses, etc.) parameters and create a 3D digital line model. Using
this data, the conductor and insulator mechanical loads
• data processing software;
can be calculated. Clearance measurements allows to
• results of data statistical treatment;
estimate transmission line capacity and find power
resources. To reduce risk and possible damages in
With the OHL monitoring informational system
obstructive conditions and in places of OHL intersection
organisation the data received from different power
with engineering constructions checking geodetic
production divisions and specialised organisations in a
mapping is made.
unified presentation form have been put in the DB.
In a separate DB block expenditure of time and assets
At the design and maintenance stages the presentation
related to location of the OHL damage identification is
form of documentation is reviewed. For the long-term
registered. These data analysis will increase validity of
operated OHL technical documentation is updated
management decisions on maintenance co-ordination of
according to current OHL changes or created again on
all power company divisions.
electronic media.
When failed insulators are replaced, its type, exact
location, production data, and producer of old and new
insulators are registered. The approach gives the
OHL monitoring information system is used for making
opportunity to stack statistical data on insulator
on-line decisions, but for strategic management
reliability and analyse the failure flow dynamics.
decisions it is necessary to add OHL condition trend
forecast. Only these both parts can be laid as a
In DB separate block electrical performances of the
foundation of development of measures aimed at power
OHL availability are continuously registered, besides
utility management improvement. Fig. 1 depicts
temporal characteristics of changes in the OHL
interconnection between tactical and strategic
operating regime: duration of OHL availability, duration
information in making management decisions.
of scheduled and breakdown maintenance, and outages.
These data is supplemented with information on all
The OHL element condition assessment is performed at
OHL failures and lightning strokes. Noting that line
the basis of checking their residual strength against real
imperfection locations are possible to determine in
loads taking into account corrosion wear and
about 60 % of cases, this kind of electrical stress is
mechanical faults. Test calculations of elements of OHL
identified with high precision. With OHL failure
with service life over 30 years give an opportunity to
initiation short circuit currents characterising electrical
find out strength resources reserved during the OHL
loads on the insulators are registered. To refine an
design. They can be considered determining basic
electrical stress area the information about estimated
design criterion according to new standards adopted
and actual line damage position is added to the
during this period.
controlled quantities. Collected measurement results of
the tower eathing resistance help to specialise factor in
Using of such an analysis increases planning efficiency
an exponential model of electrical stress decay along the
of the OHL scheduled maintenance and reconstruction
capacity: according to their technical condition and
forecast all OHL are divided into groups.
Documentation is depicted so that after getting the
Reconstruction appropriateness, as well as terms and
estimated line damage position the necessary
capacities of scheduled maintenance are set for every
information on this section is presented in evident visual
group. Identification of weak links permits to effectively
form. Optimal route for the crew to reach the line
damage position is highlighted on a display map.
allocate investments and time for the OHL every power company, for every range of voltage
maintenance [3]. (330, 400, 500, 750 kV), insulator types, tension and
suspension strings. At the same time for each of the

Informational Management

Data Actual OHL

Collection State

Forecast Predicted OHL


Figure 1. Model for management of OHL insulator maintenance

Span-wise inspection of vegetation cutover patch in ensembles stress loading coefficients (electrical,
adjacent area reduces risk of short circuit related to tree mechanical, and air pollution), history of loading,
falls, allows to get on-line information, to supervise climate conditions, tower design, OHL design, OHL
and to plan very expensive operations. Transmission responsibility in the IPG are monitored.
line divisions for two years conduct an attempt of
implementation of such approach. The DB containing this set of measurable parameters
permits to instantly assign any given situation to a type
To assess actual insulation condition all kind of of distributions and to determine crucial moment of
stresses on every string is described in a form of time for making a decision. Obviously, it is the
deterministic parameters used in OHL design. To prediction that enables to create a delay for strategic
describe insulator failure process including emergency management decisions.
situations a probabilistic phenomenological model of
injury accumulation is employed. Tracking time The DB implementation to practice joins the necessity
dependence of single insulator failure allows getting an of operating division staff training, as well as training
empirical distribution function of accumulated injuries of management personnel. At the same time a system
for every insulator of all inspected lines. of activity is needed for developing probabilistic based
management criteria with their following approval.
Well-known shape of reliability dependence on
lifetime is a curve consisting of three zones. The first 5. CONCLUSIONS
one, being nearly linear increase, corresponds to initial
period of operation when evidently fault elements quit An information system is developed for running the
out. The second zone characterises the period of stable maintenance documentation depicting the 330-750 kV
operation. The third zone corresponds to the beginning OHL isolation life cycle. Modern techniques of data
of the period when according to statistical rules collection and processing are applied at two different
complex implicit and explicit stresses result in levels the North-western regional division of the
avalanche-like increase in failures. The main Federal Power Grid Company of Russia and a single
prognostic task is to forecast the limits of transition power company. This information is available and
from the second zone to the third one. Evidently, only appropriate for the analysis at the federal level to make
such a forecast allows reserving time for making strategic decisions.
strategic management decisions.
Developed approach to organisation of the information
Only implementation of information technologies in monitoring of the OHL line insulation enables to
DB gives the possibility to obtain the insulation analyse, forecast, and plan activity of power utilities,
behaviour for several ensembles: for every OHL, for
company divisions, and to considerably raise the level DB allows determining empirical distributions of the
of the OHL maintenance supervision. periods of OHL availability, scheduled and breakdown
maintenance, and outages, classified according to
To describe insulator life cycle all available data on the causes of their origin. The probabilistic indicators of
OHL element electrical and mechanical strengths and the OHL availability will be a basis for making
stresses are collected in addition to detailed management decisions.
information on insulator type, age and location. Data
received in a unified presentation form from different Comprehensive information monitoring of the OHL
power company functional divisions and research and permits to develop quantitative criteria of the OHL
development institutions are integrated into the survival, durability, and maintainability absent in
information system. practice. Using pessimistic, as well as optimistic
predictions based on these criteria creates a foundation
In the field of OHL maintenance an inventory of time for strategic planning at the federal level. Information
consumption related to every kind of maintenance of system of OHL maintenance support gives the
the OHL as a whole and line insulation is arranged. possibility to make management decisions taking into
Preliminary patterns of quantitatively evaluated time account risk level, to plan scheduled maintenance,
expenditures related to every kind of maintenance of effectively allocate investments, and as a result to
the OHL as a whole and line insulation are determined optimise OHL maintenance expenditures.
in more detail then before. These results have allowed
raising a question of reducing maintenance costs only REFERENCES
as a consequence of activity co-ordination between the
system operation and transmission line divisions. [1] GOST 27661-88. Line Suspension Cap Insulators.
Types, Parameters and Sizes. - Moscow, 1988
New form of information collection, storage, and [2] B. I. Mekhanoshin, Ye. M. Medvedev, L. Yu.
processing is being used. Transmission line division Rivin, V. A. Shkaptsov, Ye.A.Yavorsky, Yu. A.
personnel have already approved forms used for Dementyev , R. Urwin, Use of an Airborne Laser
collection and presentation of data. Now these forms Locator to Improve Availability and Quality of
are being improving by transmission line divisions in Maintenance of Overhead Lines, (CIGRE-2000,
collaboration with research institution. Rep 22-204).
[3] A. A. Smirnov. Criterion for Making Decisions
Complete and representative data on insulator electrical on Capacity of Overhead Transmission Line
and mechanical strengths and stresses imposed, as well Element Maintenance and Reconstruction.
as influence of air pollution create the necessary (Perspective directions in development of
prerequisites for a statistical treatment of their life electrical power industry and electrical
cycle. Two timely statistical problems are connected to engineering equipment in 2000–2010, 2000, 1-34,
a large share of insulators. The first one implies pp. 116-118).
determining the dependence of the probability of an
insulator string survival on the service time of one or
two failed insulator. The second problem concerns the
determination of the probability of the OHL failure
dependence on the total amount of failed insulators in a
line. To solve these problems the DB is created and the
data collected over long period of time are statistically

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