Optimum Body and Leg Extension Selection in PLS CADD
Optimum Body and Leg Extension Selection in PLS CADD
Optimum Body and Leg Extension Selection in PLS CADD
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Optimum Body and Leg Extension Selection in PLS‐CADD
Starting in version 15.30, PLS-CADD can automate the selection of body and leg extensions
(BLE) for lattice towers which have been built using the Family Manager feature in TOWER. No more
trial and error or using cumbersome spreadsheets to find the
correct combination of leg extensions to fit to the ground terrain!
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When running the optimum BLE selection, you can choose to create a report only or have PLS-
CADD make the necessary changes to your model. When you elect to modify the line, PLS-CADD will
create a copy of the current line model and all of the structure changes will be made in the new line and
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this will become the active line. The original line will be unaffected by the changes. The original line
and the new line can be viewed under Lines/Edit in PLS-CADD.
You also have the ability to specify specific ranges for foundation reveal and wire attachment
movement. The Allowable foundation reveal is the vertical distance between the ground TIN and the
bottom leg joint. The Allowable attachment movement is the vertical distance the wire attachment
points are allowed to move when evaluating BLE combinations. However, be aware that if no vertical
movement of wire attachment locations is allowed, an optimum solution may not exist at a structure
Additional settings are provided for lattice towers with grillage foundations to ensure that the
center of the grillage is always set a minimum distance below TIN ground surface. The Grillage Stub
Angle Length is the length along the slope of the main leg (true 3D length) from the bottom of the leg
extension to the top of the grillage base. This creates an X, Y, Z reference point at the top of the
grillage base, which is called the grillage center top in PLS-CADD. PLS-CADD then calculates the
vertical projection of the stub angle length from the X, Y, Z reference point and this vertical projection
becomes the default grillage setting depth.
You can enter a value for the Allowable grillage reveal at center top grillage. This value
defines the maximum reveal, either positive or negative, of the grillage setting depth top relative to the
TIN model. In effect, this value can be used to control the minimum grillage embedment depth relative
to the TIN surface for the optimum BLE selection calculations. The distance from the top of the default
grillage setting depth to the TIN surface will be reported by PLS-CADD as the grillage reveal.
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The figures below illustrate the foundation reveal and grillage reveal for a leg extension with
four different TIN surface location scenarios.
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Optimum Body and Leg Extension Feature Limitations
It’s important to understand that during the Optimum BLE Selection routine, PLS-CADD does
not perform a complete optimization of the transmission line, it only optimizes the body and leg
extensions at each structure site. Therefore, if you choose to have PLS-CADD modify the line by
inserting new tower models, you must rerun all of your structure, wire, and line design checks. Any
changes made to the wire attachment heights during the BLE selection will influence the wire tensions
and therefore will affect other design aspects of the line, such as structure loadings, clearances, swing
angles, uplift, etc.
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