Cops & Robots: The Story So Far Special Rules

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Cops & Robots

The story so far

DI Skelton, DS Lenny Kennedy and a team of hardened
constables are searching for criminal middle man Norton
Folgate, rumoured to have got his hands on some
dangerous new weapons. Local snout Tony Tuttle has
pointed the Beat to a pair of warehouses in a less than
salubrious part of the East End. With cordons in place,
Skelton goes in to get his man.
Heroes: The Beat - 136 ratings
DI Frank Skelton (Guest Star, 50 ratings) has taken
DS Lenny Kennedy (Guest Co-Star, 27 ratings), four
Special Branch Police Constables, one of whom is a
Dog Handler with two Police Dogs (61 ratings).
Villains: The Argonauts - 137 ratings
The ambitious Norton Folgate (Also Starring ...
Administrator, 23 ratings) and one Technician (4
ratings) control two terrifying Argonauts (80 ratings)
and three Robo-Minions (18 ratings). They are assisted
by two Security Guards (with pistols, 12 ratings) to mop
up any last resistance.
The 2 x 2 square playing area represents a street in
the East End, with warehouses on each side and a
raised railway line at one end. The heroic models can
exit the table by the central bridge arch, over the bridge
itself or any of the three remaining streets. The villains
can only exit under the central bridge arch.
The Heroic player should place all his models on the
board edge underneath the bridge arch. The villainous
models are all inside the two warehouse buildings, so are
not deployed at the start of the game. The villainous player
should note which of his models is inside each building.
And Action!
Roll for initiative in each turn as normal. At the start of
any of the villainous players activation phase, he can
place any of his models currently inside any building
within 1 of any of that buildings doors. That model
uses one of the villainous players activation tokens, and
one of that models actions.
Special Rules
The element of surprise
If any heroic model enters either building, remove the roof
from play. Roll 1D6 for each villainous model noted to be in
the building; on a 1-3 that model is placed in the building by
the heroic player, no closer than 4 to any heroic model. On
the roll of 4-6 that model is placed by the villainous player.
Breaking and entering
It requires an action for all Heroic models to open the
modelled doors in this episode.
Kill Switch
Folgate carries the Kill Switch box, which can instantly
deactivate the Argonauts at the press of one very large
red button. The heroes must either capture him or kill
him and push the switch themselves.
End Credits
The game will end when one of the following conditions
takes place; check in each end phase:
l Either side has no models remaining in play, or has
fed the table
l A heroic model spends a special action (when in
base contact with Folgate) using the Kill Switch to
switch the Argonauts off).
Victory Points
Description VP award
Either Side
Heroes lose 4 models
or villains lose 4
Other side
gains +1VP
Either Side
Wiped Out
Heroes lose 6 models
or villains lose 6
Other side
gains +2VP
Norton Folgate captured
but alive
Heroic +2VP
Skelton or
Frank Skelton and/or Lenny
Kennedy reduced to 0 Hits
Villain +1VP
(for each
Folgate off
the table
Norton Folgate exits the
table under the bridge
Villain +3VP
Frank Skelton puts his ear to the ground and hears the tell-tale stamp of
criminal behaviour. Following a lead to a so-called "robot factory", his elite team
fnd that the heavies waiting to be arrested are rather heavier than expected!

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