SoB Ultimate Travel Hazards Book - Old West v9 1
SoB Ultimate Travel Hazards Book - Old West v9 1
SoB Ultimate Travel Hazards Book - Old West v9 1
Old West
Companion Book (v.9)
“Hello stranger and welcome! It’s no mistake that I found you. You have
been chosen to become my faithful companion while traveling the out-
skirts of Brimstone. You have been chosen! You are the one adventurer
looking for the extra excitement, looking for the extra edge… Looking
for trouble. Within my pages you will find everything necessary to travel
from Town to Town, without getting lost. Or at least, I will do my best
to guide you. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide your steps as you
travel through Brimstone! Up to you, your Will and your Luck!”
Shadows of Brimstone™ is the intellectual property of Flying Frog Productions®. The Ultimate
Travel Hazards Companion Book is a non-commercial, fan-made expansion.
The Ultimate Travel Hazards Companion Book is a project that attempt to provide more depth to
the brilliant game of Shadows of Brimstone. This book does not change any of the rules established
by Flying Frog Productions. It provides more Travel Hazards for the players that want to have more
diversity while travelling from the Mines to Town. It also includes a set of Option Rules that players
can decide to use or not. It consolidates Travel Hazards from many different sources, including the
Frontier Town expansion, and writers that actively participated in this project.
A big special thanks to all those that participated in this project in the forums, providing hazards,
stories, ideas, comments, and brainstorming. It has been nothing but fun and I hope we will work
together in future projects. Also, I would like to thank Graeme Henson for allowing to use Travel
Hazards from “Hexcrawl”. Many were adapted to fit a standard SoB campaign. Thank you Philbar-
fly for allowing us to use some of the Hazards you wrote for “Wandering Threats”. Finally, thank
you Walter Gagajewski for allowing us to use some Hazards from the “Updated Travel Hazard
Nuno de Sá
New Travel Hazards Advanced Travel Hazards
Some Travel Hazards are marked with an ‘Advanced’
This book contains 512 Travel Hazards to be used by tag. Those are considered special Hazards that can
players that want to add more content to their Shad- only happen once per Game Universe. The under-
ows of Brimstone gameplay. It should be used to- standing of Game Universe is up to the judgement of
gether with the “Frontier Town” Adventure Book and players. Usually a Game Universe starts when the Pos-
replaces the Expanded Travel Hazard Chart located on se first meet and perform their first Mission together
page 19. and lasts until they save the World. Those are Hazards
that tell a story that can only happen once.
Special Rules
Travel to next Adventure The Devils Number
Heroes must travel to Mines in the same way they You can decide to increase the difficulty of the Trav-
travel to Towns. This rule is simple: At the end of el Hazard 666# the Devils Number. By default, the
each Town stay, regardless of Town Type, every Hero Hero who rolls this Hazard must then roll once on
rolls once on the Travel Hazzard Chart, before they Injury and Madness charts. Instead, Players may de-
reach their destination. cide to use the optional rule:
Mounts and Travel 666#, the Devil’s Number Travel Hazard. Cause the
Shadows of Brimstone considers that when Heroes Hero who rolled this number to die.
are traveling, they are doing so by riding a Mount.
We encourage players to take this rule to the next
level. Some Hazards may lead to put a Hero’s Mount
Heal Injuries and Madness from the
in Danger or even, to a Mount’s death. The penalties
associated with each possibility are described in the Charts
corresponding Travel Hazard. Any time a Hero loses Some Hazards may lead to randomly heal Permanent
is Mount, the first thing he does when he gets to Injuries and Madness from the Charts. Unfortunately,
Town, is to buy a Mount. There is no need to spend there is no way to rule an effective way on how to
day time in a specific Town location, unless the Hero manage this situation since it depends on the number
decides to buy a special Mount as per Frontier Town of permanent injuries and madness a Hero haves.
Locations Mounts for sale. The price for a Generic Example. If a Player haves 6 permanent Injuries at
Mount is 50$, unless stated otherwise in the Travel the time of the Heal, he can number each Injury and
Hazards. then roll a D6 to identify which one is healed. This
will obviously depend on the number of Injuries or
If a Hero does not have a Mount and does not have Madness a Player haves. We suggest as a work around,
money to buy a Mount, he will get the following that when dealing with this situation, players write
penalty when he leaves Town: down each Injury / Madness they have in small pieces
of paper and then randomly draw on to choose which
Travel from Town to Mines: one to Heal.
- Add 1 Travel Hazard
- Take D3 Health Damage
Reference to other Adventure Books
Travel back from Mines to Town:
- Add 1 Travel Hazard Travel Hazards may contain references to many Shad-
- Take D6 Health Damage ows of Brimstone expansions. If players roll a Travel
Hazard that requires ownership of a specific Enemy or
You can decide to ignore this optional rule. If you do another World not owned, they may ignore that Travel
so, feel free to also ignore Travel Hazards that cause Hazard, as if, nothing eventful happened.
threats on Mounts.
Stagecoach Rule:
Have Fun!
The ultimate purpose of any game is to allow play-
ers to have fun. Enjoy the contents of this book as a
player and have fun exploring it. Sometimes players
will pay a big price for using this book while other
times they will be rewarded, but, never forget to have
fun, even if a favorite Hero is doomed to eternity
D3x8 Travel Hazards To place the Portal, first identify the center of the map tile. Use
your common sense.
To roll a D3x8, roll three dice of different colors, where
one of them is the 100’s digit, another is the 10’s digit
and the last the 1’s digit. Example, if you rolled 7, 3 and
7, the result on the chart would be 737.
The Heroes have traveled out of the valley into the plains. There is a
palpable tension in the air - it feels electric. The Hero that rolled this
Travel Hazard walks forward slowly, then suddenly disappears.
The remaining Heroes search the entire area, but to no avail. Their
Posse member has disappeared without a trace. They call out and
hear a response from their Posse member, though, it sounds as if he is
underwater. They reckon that the “lost” Hero is in an alternate parallel Then, use the Dynamite bouncing rules D3 times, targeting the
dimension, almost identical to theirs, as if he found an open doorway center of the tile to identify where the Portal is going to open.
and walked through.
The “lost” Hero has stumbled into a gateway into another dimension.
He is completely devoid of time and space. His senses are numb, yet
he feels whole. This dimension looks and feels exactly like the ‘normal’
dimension, yet something is amiss. Things feel lighter here, it’s as if
gravity isn’t as strong.
He experiences everything the normal Heroes do. Any extra
Travel Hazards also apply to the “lost” Hero, though, separately
in this new dimension. Test conditions are +1 (if testing Strength
5+, it is now 6+, etc. to a maximum of 6+)
If he fails the test, he will skip this encounter and wait until the
next encounter token is revealed to repeat the Cunning test. Re-
peat until successful. If the “lost” Hero fails more than two times,
take D3 Sanity hits each successive failed roll. The fifth attempt is
an automatic success.
If this results in the portal overlapping any part of the map that
does not include a marked space, then move the token from the
landing spot to the nearest space that allows four full squares
covered. If it still covers a non-movement area, then place it
where it covers the most movement squares while maintaining
placement with the initial square.
Place the “lost” Hero on one of the squares covered by the portal
Any monster figures placed in the Portal squares are instantly
removed from the board as they are pulled into another dimen-
114 - Desert Caravan
sion. The “lost” Hero gains XP equal to the XP of the monster Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
that vanished. Any existing Heroes in this space are moved to
adjacent spots. The “lost” Hero is -1 Initiative for the first round A caravan of riders on camel-back wearing exotic robes are traveling
of this fight until they catch their bearings. across this barren landscape, casting fearful glances at the heavily armed
and dangerous looking Posse. These strange travelers don’t seem to
Heroes are aware of the danger the Portal represent and will speak any language you’ve ever heard of.
avoid it. If a Hero is forced to move into the Portal, they will be
placed on an adjacent space instead. Choose one Hero to perform a Lore 6+ or
Cunning 6+ Test
Monsters will also avoid it but they will try to cross it if there is
no other available path and if they have no ranged options. You manage to start up a basic dialogue with these travelers us-
Any monster that moves across the portal toward a Hero to ing hand gestures. They are traders from a distant land that have
attack is pulled into another dimension. Remove that figure from somehow ended up here in this desert.
the board. The “lost” Hero gains XP equal to the XP of the
monster that vanished. If successful, they offer to sell you some strange trinkets in
exchange for some gold and information about this area. Draw 3
Once the battle is complete, or the encounter is resolved, the Mine Artifact cards, you may Purchase each Artifact for double
portal closes and the space underneath is treated as normal. The the sell value listed on the card.
“lost” Hero is now back where he/she belongs. If unsuccessful, neither group can understand each other and the
caravan rides on without incident.
Try to calm the situation: One Hero tries to communicate and “Riddle me this. Ahahaha. What do you call a fossil that never does
performs a Lore 5+ Test and then a Cunning 5+ test. If both tests any work? Hahahaha” (pause to allow a reply from any Hero) “A
are successful, he gains 20 XP, and nothing happens. If at least Lazy Bone! Hahahahaha. My name is Bones and I am at your service.
one test failed, arrows start flying to the escaping Heroes, and Riddle me this and you may pass”
each Hero takes 2D6 Hits as a result.
Bones will perform series of riddles to which the Heroes must
answer with success if they want to move forward. Each riddle is
118 - Burrowing Feeder more difficult than the last. If at the end, the Heroes were able to
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) answer all riddles correctly they may continue to travel and Bones
allow them to pass. Fail to answer the riddles and the Heroes go
Ahead of you, something is traveling through the sand at an incredi- back where they came from and the Hero that rolled this Hazard
ble speed. You only have moments to act before it reaches the Posse’s rolls two additional Travel Hazards.
To check if each Hero is able to decipher the riddles, each Hero
Each Hero rolls their Agility and adds up the dice rolled. The performs a number of tests: Lore 3+, Lore 4+, Lore 5+ and Lore
Hero with the lowest resulting number takes D6 Hits and rolls 6+. All Heroes that pass this test win 30XP. If at least one Hero
another D6. On a roll of 1, they have lost one of their Allies or made all checks with success, all Heroes are able to pass.
special mount, if any. If more than one Hero is tied for lowest,
they each make these rolls separately. Regardless of the result, all Heroes also mysteriously loose D3
Dark Stones. No wonder Bones was so happy. You have been
robbed! Hahahahaha
121 - The Sun Dance
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
124 - The Sand Snake
Long before you see them, you hear the steady throb of the drums. On Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
a low rock outcropping, an Apache shaman and a dozen acolytes are
swaying in trance as they dance around a post. Talon’s are skewered A large pale snake with spines running all down its back slithers
into their chests, as they lean backwards, held above the ground by their through the sand. Suddenly it rears up, a cloud of dust forms around
tearing skin and taunt leather cords. it as it twists and flails creating a whirlwind. The whirling Sand Snake
moves towards the Posse…
The Shaman is performing a ritual to drive back the Darkness,
and it affects all who have been touched by it, including the Every Hero gains 15 XP and takes D6 Hits with no Defense as
Heroes! Any Heroes carrying Dark Stone may either drop the they try to fend off the vicious Sand Snake.
Dark Stone they are carrying (it shatters and is lost) or they must
roll for Corruption for each Dark Stone, item with a Dark Stone
symbol, or Dark Stone Upgrade that they carry.
Dark Stone Shaman are immune to this event and can attempt to
interrupt it. Roll a D6. On the roll of 4+ the Dark Stone Shaman
protects the posse, ignoring the ritual’s effect and gaining 20 XP
125 - Dust Blowing 127 - The Cruel Gang - Part 1
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A few dust devils blow around here and there, but otherwise, it’s pretty Writer: Nuno de Sá
boring out here in the middle of the desert.
There is no doubt. You hear a women screaming in agony near some
Nothing eventful happens bushes ahead. You can also hear some men laughing. “Get him, don’t
let him escape. Let’s take care of him for good”
Check who was attacking who and who was the fastest. Start opening the crates:
All Heroes perform a Strength 6+ check
The fastest of the three (duelist 1) always resolves his shot first. For each 6+ rolled, gain 10 XP and draw a Loot card.
He immediately kills the one he is attacking. (Duelist 2)
At this point there are two duelist. Duelist 1 and duelist 3. Ignore them and move on:
If the duelist 3 was aiming at duelist 1, duelist 1 rolls a D6. If 1-3 Each Hero takes 3 Horror Hits doing 2 Sanity Damage each as
he dies and Duelist 3 wins. If 4-6 he still manages to kill duelist the desert around you seems to take on a sinister characteristic
3 before he gets shot. and the sun beats down especially hard on you, causing
If the duelist 3 was aiming at duelist 2, he is also dead. Duelist 1 hallucinations.
is faster.
131 - Corrupted Water 135 - Direction
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
Somehow the posse’s water is corrupted. All Heroes are feeling really Traveling through the mountains you come to a dark place. You sense
sick and their mounts are not feeling any better. void magik all around. You can’t go back, the passage is suddenly
blocked. You can only turn left or right. Which way do you choose?
Each Hero takes D3 Hits and D3 Corruption Hits.
Each Hero decides:
If successful, gain 15 XP and you may recover 1 Grit. If failed, Turn Left - roll D6
you lose D6 Sanity ignoring Willpower.
D6 Result:
133 - Indian Tracker 1:
Ufhh you made it through, Gain 10XP
Go back to beginning.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) 6: Take 2 Horror Hits. Go back to beginning. You feel
The lines of experience mimic the cracks in the arid earth, as you stare
into the Indians face. He has the drop on the Posse as he stares down
the iron of his rifle. 136 - Dead Man’s Hand Written Note
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test
The circling vultures that have been mocking the Posse for days seem
If at least one Hero is successful, he/she gains 20XP and the to have found something more interesting in the distance. Kicking aside
Indian Tracker tells you what lies for you further on. You may the damnable vermin, a man half stripped of his flesh is sprawled. A let-
ignore the next Travel Hazard. Otherwise each Hero takes D6 ter is clutched in his bony fist. Cracking the fingers, the posse reads the
Hits as the Indian chases you away. dead-man’s letter and immediately regret it as his tale of madness and
depravity unnerves even the strongest among you.
134 - The Hydra Each Hero immediately takes 2 Horror Hits, with each doing
Writer: Nuno de Sá 2 Sanity Damage. Each Hero that takes 4 Sanity Damage as a
result rolls once on the Madness Chart.
A large roar invades the air. The floor trembles and all Heroes are
suddenly forced away from their mounts.
If you don’t have this enemy, ignore this encounter, the Dark
Stone Hydra is not interested in a fight and goes away.
137 - The Cruel Gang - Part 2 138 - The Grizzled Prospector
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Writer: Nuno de Sá An old grizzled prospector leading his mule passes through the Posse
and stops, while greeting.
Special Notes:
“Hello friends: Me looking for daaaaark purple shinny things. Me not
If this is the first time all Heroes in this posse find the Cruel have money but me haves big bummmmm, uhm? Shinny for Bada
Gang; go to Travel Hazard #127 “The Cruel Gang - Part 1”. Buummhm?”
If any Hero of this Posse successfully defeated the Cruel Gang Each Hero can trade two Dark Stones for one Dynamite or four
during Travel Campaign #127 ignore this Hazard. Dark Stones for two Dynamites.
141 - Something Shiny
It’s dark and a full moon lights the sky. Some of the Heroes get ready Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
to sleep while others already snore to the cold wind. Suddenly a noise,
something or someone approaches fast. There is no mistake, whoever You make your way over the top of a particularly large dune and see
they are, they are getting closer and riding fast. below you an almost perfectly formed, smooth cone-shaped hole in
the sand, almost 100 feet across. At the bottom of this hole, something
Before you can react, a group of nasty looking fellows notice your shiny catches your eye.
presence and stop. You cannot see their faces but something is familiar.
A Random Hero may repeatedly roll 5D6 to see if they’re able
“Hello lads, can we join you for the night? The night is cold and you to retrieve something from the bottom. Once started, he may not
have that nice fire already warming up your boots. What do you say? stop until all dice are either 1’s or 6’s.
Can we all warm up together?”
Whenever a 1 or 6 is rolled, set that die aside. If you get three 1’s,
All Heroes perform a Lore Test then take Hits from a giant sand lion that erupts from
the bottom of the pit. If you get three 6’s, then you may draw a
Then each Hero sums the dices. Mine Artifact card.
Sum all Heroes Dices. This is the Posse Fight Value. You may purchase items or entertainment services from here as
if you were at a Saloon Town Location (do not roll for Location
The Cruel Gang Fight Value is [Number of Heroes in the Posse] Events). However, this Saloon is too small and does not have any
x 3D6 Saloon Girl / Piano Player special activities
144 - Vampire Bats 146 - Cavalry on the Hunt
Writer: Cliff Odell Writer: Nuno de Sá
A large swarm of sizable vampire bats is coming out on the hunt! A company of US Cavalrymen are searching for Outlaws. They request
that each Hero in the Posse identify themselves, show papers and what
All Heroes perform an Agility or business they have in the region.
Cunning 5+ Test
Outlaw Heroes perform a Cunning 5+
If successful, avoid the Bat attack and gain 10XP. If fail, roll a D6: Test
Any Posse member may take up to three eggs. For each egg roll You feel that the worst has passed and your spirit feels
a D6: on a 4+ the character receives 1 Corruption. When the reinvigorated. Each Hero chooses a Madness and heal it.
Posse reach the Town, immediately roll D6:
The Posse stumbles across a family of bears. It all happens so fast. The You walk through the forest, marveling at the age and size of some of
cubs look at you - eyes wide. The horses smell the bears and revolt, the trees in this part of the forest, when underfoot you hear faint cries
running for their lives. The mother bear rears up on two legs, roars, and of horror from men, women, and children. You look below upon the
gives chase. devastated ruins of a miniature Town. As you raise your boot, you see
stains of red and tiny humanoids clinging for dear life onto the soles of
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test your boot, some falling many inches to their death. Some brave souls
mount a counterattack against your monstrous incursion into their small
If successful, you are able to avoid the mother Bear and win town, but to no avail, your destruction of their once peaceful way of life
20XP. is utter and complete.
All Heroes that fail must roll a D6 for each Item (Starting Gear To right this most terrible wrong, you may stop movement for
and Personal Items are not affected). For each 1, the item is lost the day and spend the next days in this area helping to rebuild
in the struggle to run away from the bear. this tiny Town that you so mercilessly trampled over. If you
spend the time, lose D6 x $25 helping to rebuild, but recover 1
“Tribal” Heroes can attempt to calm the bear with a Cunning Grit and win 10XP. If you decide not to help, take D3 points of
5+ test. If successful win 30 XP, the bear is calmed down and Corruption (no Willpower save).
withdraws to protect the cubs.
Any Hero can choose to stay or leave as normal (travel solo or
with Posse rules apply). Heroes will meet again in Town.
153 - Children of the Forest
Writer: Nuno de Sá
155 - Dire Wolves
As you pass through this forest area, you can hear the sounds of small, Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
laughing children. Some are singing what seems to be a nursery rhyme
in a language that you’ve never heard before. While it starts off low, it A blinding flash and the ancient forest is transformed for a moment into
gradually begins to overpower your senses. a land of black and white lines. High on a hillock howl a pack of dire
wolves, each rivaling a horse in size. They appear to be hungry.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test
Each Hero makes one round of Attack (Melee, Ranged or both
If successful, the Hero is able to stand against the sounds of the if you have means to do so). Wolves have defense 1. For every
children and win 10XP. 5 damage done to the Wolves, one Wolf is killed and each Hero
wins 5 XP.
Heroes that fail become deeply affected by the sounds of the chil-
dren and take 1 Sanity Damage, ignoring Willpower. For the rest If the Posse is not able to kill at least 3 Wolfs, every Hero takes
of the travel, they take 1 Sanity Damage for each Travel Hazard D6 Hits.
until the Posse reaches Town.
Affected Heroes take first day in Town to rest and cannot per- 156 - Fallen Wagon
form any other actions. They can still book a room at the Hotel. Writer: Nuno de Sá
What is left of a wagon stands near. Some corpses, broken from flesh to
bone, are scattered around, tainting the sight.
Any Hero that rolls at least one 1, he/she finds something, but
not exactly what was looking for. A strange creature comes out
of the mouth of one of the corpses and jumps into the Hero’s
mouth. An Agility 5+ Test is required to dodge.
157 - The Ancient Flame-Leaf 161 - Red Dawn
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Nuno de Sá
A burning tree stands apart from the other trees, the flame never The Posse enjoy some moments of peace while admiring the big red
wavering or dying. As you approach the tree, a voice older and angrier sun that retreats from the sky. Birds sing happily and for a moment all
than anything you’ve ever heard before booms out from all around you. Darkness feels like a bad dream. Tranquility is all that remains..
The ancient tree accuses you of trespassing and demands a sacrifice
from you. Each Hero immediately rolls a D3. Remove any number of Cor-
ruption and/or Sanity Damage they may have.
Each Hero must sacrifice 1 Dark Stone or an item with a Dark
Stone icon. Any Hero that fails to make an offering to the Flame-
Leaf gains a Curse ‘Fire-blood’. 162 - Trading Post
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Whenever a Hero with ‘Fire-blood’ takes a Hit from any source,
they also take 1 Horror Hit and are -1 Initiative. Beneath a thick canopy of trees in the middle of the forest, you find a
ramshackle log cabin run by a pair of brothers. One is crippled from
This Curse can be removed at a Church Town Location using the waist down, the other is blind. Despite their handicaps, they have a
the Exorcism of Madness ritual. The Exorcism is performed as wide range of useful things for sale.
usual but removes this Curse instead of removing any Madness
from the Hero. You may purchase Items from here as if you were at a Frontier
Outpost Town Location (do not roll for Location Events).
Shoot the rabbit: Choose one Hero, that Hero performs a ranged Nothing eventful happens.
attack. The Range Attack is +1 due to the rabbit’s reflexes. Exam-
ple, if Range 3+, the attack is now Range 4+. The rabbit has 1
Health. If the Hero kills the Rabbit, wins 10XP. 164 - Hanging Dolls
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Shoot the fox: Choose one Hero to perform a Ranged Attack.
Cannot be the same Hero that tried to shoot the rabbit. The Hanging children is beneath contempt, but words escape you when it
fox has 5 Health and 2 Defense. If the Hero kills the Fox, wins comes to hanging babies. Upon closer inspection though, it appears to
20XP. be a tree covered in children’s’ dolls hanging from every branch.
If you failed to kill the fox but were able to kill the rabbit, she is Bones of some small animals and even some bigger ones litter the
able to get the rabbit and escape. Nothing else happens. base of the tree. There doesn’t seem to be a wind in the air, but those
hanging dolls are moving as if there was...
If the Posse is able to kill both animals, they provide a proper
meal. Every Hero heals D6 Health and D3 Sanity or Recover a The Hero with the most Dark Stone and/or items with Dark
Grit. Stone symbols is attacked! That Hero must roll against D6 Es-
cape Tests (Escape 3+).
Heroes make bets. Can the Fox catch the Rabbit?
For each Escape test he/she fail, that Hero takes 1 Sanity Damage
Each Hero makes a bet (up to each Hero to decide). Either the with no Willpower save.
fox hunts the rabbit or the rabbit escapes. The Heroes that loose
the bet, give the money to the Heroes that won. (Players decide
best way to split)
Roll a D6. If the result is 1-3, the Rabbit escapes. If the result is
4-6, the Fox catches the Rabbit.
165 - Void Webs of Doom 168 - Scafford Friend (Advanced)
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Nuno de Sá
Before you can react, you all find yourselves caught in a series of spi- While travelling on rocky hills, the Posse starts to hear a complaining
derwebs. The more you struggle, the more it seems to attract the Void crying voice. You look but you can’t seem to see anyone. You look
Spiders that have made their home here! harder… some of the rocks seem to move. Thin eyes appear from a
junction of the rock, as if the rock is alive.
All Heroes perform an Agility 4+ Test “Ohhh kind sirs, could it be that the gods hear my plea? can you help
this poor man. I was flesh and now I am stone. I was human and now
Any Heroes that successfully pass this test, win 10XP and may I am a monster. What have I done? How could I have tried to join
go back to help another Hero that failed their Agility test (those them... “
Heroes reroll their test and each Hero may only be helped once), The man starts crying and at the same time he raises his hands in your
but the Hero that is going back must immediately roll another direction as if asking for someone to hold his hands, asking for comfort.
Agility 4+ test and again win 10XP if successful. Those that fail
this test must roll once on the Injury Chart. All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test
167 - Battle Field Kill him: Get some satisfaction. All Heroes get 1 Dark Stone and
Writer: Nuno de Sá 20XP. This Hazard is over.
Leave him be: Nothing is better than a Scafford member in pain.
You find a battlefield. Indians and Cowboys dead bodies fill the bloody All non-Holly Heroes heal D6 Sanity. All Holly Heroes still take
fields painted in red. You can guess that a group of the Black Fang D6 Horror Hits as this decision is against the teachings of the
tribe attacked a group of traveling Cowboys without mercy. The Posse Holy Father. This Hazard is over.
decides to Scavenge the site. Ask what is wrong and help him: The man is fused with rock.
There is no doubt, this is a Dard Stone Brute. He is fused in
All Heroes perform a Scavenge check. (draw Scavenge cards as such a way that he cannot leave this place. He truly became one
usual) with the rock. You try to release him.
If at least 1 Scavenge per Hero is successful (count the number All Heroes perform a Strength +6 Test
of dices with 6 versus the number of Heroes) you have found a
man still alive. You can only succeed if you have at least two 6’s.
If you did not succeed, you leave the man to his sorrow, you
Any Hero can use a bandage to heal the old man and win 25XP. tried your best to help him but you feel bad for not being able
Any number of Bandages can be used by any number of Heroes. to. All Heroes take D3 Horror Hits and 1 Corruption with no
Willpower save. This Hazard is over.
If the man is healed, the Posse learns that this is a Deputy of a If you succeed, the man is really thankful. He is sorry for any
near Town and each Hero collects 50$. sins he made in the past and asks to join the Posse.
If you accept, you have won one Ally Henchman. His name is
If the Posse did not find any survivors, quickly leaves the battle- “Rocky”. Treat him as a Dark Stone Brute that works for the
field before the Black Fang return for more blood. Posse (the player who got more 6’s in the strength roll should
control it but you can decide any other factor). He does not level
up and does not gain Corruption.
One by one, members of the Posse begin to grow more and more ill. Located on page 19
Despite being able to stand up to Goliaths, the fact remains that no one
is immune to the flu.
174 - Abandoned Camp
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test Writer: Darrell Jones
If you fail, you have the Flu: Take D3 Hits without Defense. The Posse comes across an abandoned campsite. The kindlings are still
burning and some gear is laying around, however there is not sign of
If you didn’t roll at least one 6, you are also at -1 Strength and -1 people.
Agility until the end of your next Adventure.
The Posse can choose whether or not to investigate.
Every Hero performs a Scavenge test to look for animals nearby. D6 Result::
(The Indian scout rolls 5 dices instead of the usual 3) 1-2 Find nothing
2-5 Draw 1 Gear Card
For each 6 roll a D6 to determine what animal is found. 6 Find $250 Gold
D6 Result:
1-2: You found a bird 175 - The Cemetery
3-4: You found a rabbit Writer: Darrell Jones
5: You found a deer
6: You found a buffalo The Posse comes across an old cemetery. As far as you can tell, you are
still miles from the nearest town and this cemetery doesn’t belong here,
Each Hero that found an animal now performs a Cunning 5+ making this location an unlikely place for eternal rest.
test and a Agility 5+ test for each animal he found as a hunting
action (the Indian scout and native of Jargono use 4+ for both Upon closer inspection, you notice freshly dug graves each with grave
tests. Any Hero that does not have a Ranged Weapon cannot markers with each member of your Posse’s name etched crudely in the
perform this test) wood.
- If any of the Heroes were able to hunt at least one buffalo, all Each Hero takes D8 Horror Hits as the graves scares them to
Heroes gain +1 Strength until the end of the next Mission. their very soul!
- If any of the Heroes were able to hunt at least one deer, all
Heroes gain +1 Agility until the end of the next Mission.
- If any of the Heroes were able to hunt at least one bird, all 176 - Indian Trading Post
Heroes gain +1 Lore until the end of the next Mission. Writer: Nuno de Sá
- If any of the Heroes were able to hunt at least one rabbit, all
Heroes gain +1 Spirit until the end of the next Mission. The Posse comes across a small Indian village. They seem peaceful
enough to allow you to enter and trade. Inside you find a large tent that
Heroes gain each of those bonuses once regardless of the number resembles a commercial outpost.
of animals caught.
You have found an Indian Trading Post. You may purchase any
Furthermore: items sold here as if you were at the Indian Trading Post in
A Hero wins 10XP for each bird successfuly hunted Town (from Frontier Town Expansion). Do not roll for events at
A Hero wins 20XP for each rabbit successfuly hunted this location.
A Hero wins 30XP for each deer successfuly hunted
A Hero wins 40XP for each buffalo successfuly hunted
177 - The Witch of Brimstone 181 - Time Warp
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Philbarfly
The day pitches black and your surroundings vanish as if painted in A strange vibration passes through you
darkness. A woman figure slowly appears in front of you, skinny as if
only bones compose her body, sat on a chair made of skulls and snakes. All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
This is no nightmare. You know you are not sleeping. For every 1 that was rolled, take 1 Corruption Hit. Each Hero
that passed is reset to full Health and Sanity and wins 20XP.
“I have been waiting for you my children, come closer. Hide not in the Each Hero that fails takes 2 Horror Hits for each Mutation they
dark. Join me and all you wish is all you own. All you need to do is currently have, ignoring Willpower.
bow to my feet and swear to serve me”
The Heroes are entranced and all they ever wished for are shown before 182 - Will o’ The Wisps
them. Writer: Philbarfly
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test You are surrounded by dancing and fluttering balls of ghostly light
seemingly drawn to your Dark Stone.
If you succeed, you have resisted the witch’s magic and win
20XP. If you rolled this Hazard before, all Heroes that previously Every Hero must roll a D6 for each Dark Stone and Dark Stone
succeeded the test are immune to her effects and travel by with Icon on any item (Gear, Upgrade or Artifact) they carry. On the
no effect. roll of 1, this item is destroyed (discarded) by the wisps.
If you fail, you are locked in the dream created by the witch.
There you remain until you are able to resist. 183 - Fishing
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Repeat until you are free from the trance, roll a D6.
Three old men stand near a river. They are fishing and after a pleasant
D6 Result: introduction, they invite you to join them.
1-2: Take D3 Horror Hits.
3-5: You are free from the dream. Heroes may refuse the invitation. If they accept the invitation, the
6: You are free from the dream and gain an extra Sanity old fisherman’s provide each Hero a fishing pole and all required
boost. Heal D3 Sanity materials to enable them to fish.
178 - A Mount in Trouble If successful. gain 10XP and roll a D6 to find what was caught:
Writer: Nuno de Sá
D6 Result::
While traveling to Town, one of the mounts receives an injury to its 1: Old Boot
leg. It doesn’t look good but you will be able to heal it with a bit of 2: Dead fish
patience. 3: Old Hat
4: Some bones
Choose one Random Hero 5: A small Golden Trout. It won’t make much of a meal.
Receive extra 20 XP for your effort.
(that Hero’s Mount must be alive) 6: Giant Catfish. This fish will be too big to travel with.
You give the fish to the fishermen. He thanks
Spend 1 Bandage to heal the Mount. The Hero receives 20XP. and gives something in return. Draw a World Card
and an Artifact Card from that World and gain extra 30
If the Hero does not have it, one of the other Heroes in the Pos- XP.
se can borrow to aid him in this activity. Both Heroes win 10XP.
184 - Dark Dreams 187 - Shack by the River
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 13 Writer: Nuno de Sá
Located on page 19 A green vast vale fills the horizon. Long lost memories embrace your
mind like flashbacks.
185 - Yellow Specter An old shack stands in the middle of the vale, surrounded by
Writer: Philbarfly some trees and blessed by a small but beautiful river. Everything
else seems abandoned. The Posse walks inside the shack and
With a shimmering yellow glow, an ethereal form taunts you with your realize the interior is not as glamorous as the outside, as it stands
impeding death! decorated by dust, spider webs and… bodies. Two skeleton bod-
ies lying in bed suggest that whoever they may have been, they
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test have been dead for a long time.
186 - Inheritance
Writer: Nuno de Sá
188 - The River of Crawbury
HEY YOU”. As you look behind, a man walking side by side with his Writer: Nuno de Sá
horse hurries to catch you. “There you are! I have been after you for
some weeks now. Why is it that the folks today are always jumping The path you designated to Travel was mainly focusing crossing the
around Towns? It’s that damned Dark Stone I say. Well, no matter, here river. You rush as you come close. Its healing abilities are renowned.
you are. This is yours I believe”. He removes a letter from his Side Bag.
Each player chooses and heals one Injury from the Injury Chart.
The Hero that rolled this Hazard
receives a letter:
“Dear Mister [Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard], we are sorry
to inform that a relative has passed away. Please come quickly
to the next Town and visit the Sheriff’s Office. There you will
receive a small fortune left by your late relative.”
The Hero that rolled this Hazard takes D6 Horror Hits of sad-
ness and sorrow. Also spends the first day during the next Town
Stay to collect 2D6x$100. Of course, the Sheriff will take a small
percentage for the sake of the community. Pay D6x$10 for the
sheriff’s arbitration.
The Hero that rolled this Hazard can try to pass a Cunning 5+
Test to reclaim the money without paying the Sheriff Tax. If he
fails, the Sheriff will not be cheated and the Hero must immedi-
ately leave Town. All money is then lost.
211 - Shooting Star 214 - Once Upon a Peaceful Field
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 14 Writer: Nuno de Sá
Located on page 19 In a natural valley below, the Posse finds a large green field. On each
side of this field, the Union and the Confederacy make final prepara-
tions for war, getting ready to paint with red and destruction what now
212 - Trap Hunters is green and beautiful.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Each Hero Chooses:
The Posse falls into a trap laid by a group of hunters to catch some
foxes Stay far and watch the battle from a distance. The war is never
pretty and nothing good comes from participating. Nothing
All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test Happens.
If failed, the Hero has fallen into a trap. Take D6 Wounds. If any Participate and help either side. Each Hero can make the choice
1’s were rolled, roll once on the Injury Chart to participate to support the Union or the Confederacy individ-
The hunters are very apologetic and insist that you stay with
them for the night. They promise to provide Food and Shelter as One of the sides fires a cannon. The battle begins. Both sides
payment for the trouble. rush to the center while firing guns and cannons. Soon, where
there was peace, now there is only blood, sadness and horror.
If you choose to stay with the Hunters, each Hero rolls a D6.
The Confederacy rolls a D6 and the Union rolls a D8. The big-
gest result wins. Any Hero that participates in a winning Union
D6 Result:: side, wins 1 loot card. Any Hero that participates in a winning
1: The Hunters Food tastes funny. They were not able to Confederacy side, wins 2 loot cards.
hunt fresh meat. Take D6 Wounds.
2: You sleep the night; however, you slept too much since Also, Heroes that lose the battle take D6 Hits. Heroes that win,
you were very comfortable. Roll one more time on the win 20XP
Hazard Travel Chart before reach Town.
3-4: You sleep the night, eat the Hunter’s food and appreci-
ate their kindness
5: To pay for your trouble, the Hunters give you a token
of their gratitude. Immediately draw a “Gear card”
6: To pay for your trouble, the Hunters give you a token
of their gratitude. Something they have found recently
during their hunting activities. Immediately draw an
Artifact card from a Random World.
216 - Monkeying Around 218 - Mirrage or Oasis
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Darrell Jones
You think you may have read about them in school books when you Just as the posse reaches the top of the ridge, they all see what appears
were a child, but overhead you catch sight of some monkeys, swinging to be an oasis in the middle of the desert.
from branch to branch. For a time you’re struck by how adorable they
look, until you realize that the entire Posse is surrounded by them. Their A Random Hero performs a Lore 5+ Test
eyes glow red and one monkey, twice the size of the others, stands up
on it’s hind legs and bares his teeth at you. Pass: All Heroes are healed to maximum health. Those that are
already at maximum health, receive +1 health permanently
Choose: Fail: Each Hero take D3 wounds without defence as they walk
toward the mirage and stumble off a shallow cliff.
If the Posse decides to stand their ground, each Hero takes D8
Hits from the swarms of monkeys attacking them.
221 - Knowledge
If the Posse decides to flee, each Hero makes an Agility 5+ test. If Writer: Nuno de Sá
successful, win 20 XP. If failed, that Hero loses a Random Gear
Item in the confusion of their escape. An outcasted erudite is out in the wilderness and greet you. He begs the
Posse to be careful about something he saw some miles back.
217 - The Cult of Belial You may decide to ignore the next Travel Hazard. If you do,
Writer: Nuno de Sá replace with another. Only available during this Travel to Town.
While following a path that crosses a small forest you notice a few
hooded figures with long robes, walking in line while chanting strange 222 - Enraged Terror
songs and carrying a huge structure that supports a fire cross of the size Writer: Nuno de Sá
of one man.
You stumble upon what seems to be the home of a Large Bear. As you
“XU-LAH-NIANDOROooo DOHARI LA” carefully try to go back and avoid this place you realize it’s too late. It’s
not really a bear. One enraged beast emerges from the dark and quickly
The enchanting echoes the forest and your minds attacks.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test One enraged Night Terror covered with blood is out of control
and attacks the Posse. It’s very dark and the Posse members can
Those that fail no longer control their will and immediately jump hardly see. All Heroes run for their lives.
out of their mounts to slowly follow the hooded figures, joining Each Hero takes D6 Hits. If a Hero Rolls 6 on this dice, he
them and chanting the same strange songs. immediately rolls once on the Injury Chart or remove a Grit.
The Heroes that passed the spirit test confront the hooded figures
and perform a Cunning 5+ test. 223 - Grasping Hands
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
If at least one Hero is successful wins 30XP and is able to stop
the ritual by kicking the fire cross into the ground. The hooded You cautiously poke around as your gaze at full attention on the en-
figures then drop the structure and vanish in thin air. a ghostly trance of a small hole filled with bones and blood. As you walk along,
voice speaks “STRANGERS... YOU DARE TO INTERRUPT suddenly your foot gets stuck. You quickly look down to see a skeletal
THE RITUAL OF THE SHADOW KING. WE WILL MEET hand wrapped firmly around your ankle!
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ or
If no Hero succeeds to interrupt the ritual, the hooded figures Strength 6+ Test
proceed. Any attempt to attack them is useless as something is
blocking your will. They will finish the ritual and each Hero If successful, gain 20 XP. Each Hero that fails this roll takes D6
no longer in control of their will take D6 Horror Hits After Horror Hits as they try to fight to get their feet free of these
the ritual, the hooded figures leave the area. Also, next time any skeletal hands.
member of this Posse fights Bel’ial, he gains 5 extra Health for
each affected Hero.
224 - Devil’s Fork
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 15
Located on page 19
225 - Ghostly Prospects 231 - Whistling Melody
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
You’ve just about searched the area and are headed out when you turn You hear somebody whistling a queer melody, yet it somehow seems to
back around and where there was just nothing a second ago you now fill your hearts full of courage..
spy a group of spectral figures all staring out at you. They look to have
once been miners, their spirits now stare coldly out at the living through Each Hero recovers 1 Grit.
empty sockets, Their sense of hatred towards the not-dead is palpable
and you feel their cold icy gaze stabbing you in your brain.
232 - The Mountain Pass
Each Hero must immediately spend 1 Grit or take D8 Horror Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A lonely mountain pass is guarded by a horde of Enemies, denying all
226 - Terrifying Warning
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Unless the Posse fights a Threat, you must stop all movement for
the day as you search for another way around this group. If you
A crude, handwritten sign has been nailed to one of the beams along avoid the fight, each Hero rolls D6. If the result is 4 or higher,
the entrance to a Cavern. In a dark, brownish script it reads, “here men that Hero rolls one more time on the Travel Hazard Chart.
die.” The rough letters look to have been written by an animal, but
what animal knows their letters? Fight: The Threat lure the Posse into a Cave nearby. Draw a
Cave mine entrance Tile and another random second Mine Tile
The next time you start a Mission, add a Growing Dread card to (re-draw if you draw corridors). Close all doors of the second
the stack immediately. Tile. Heroes start at the entrance Tile as any other adventure.
Place the Threat enemies at the second Tile. Treat as a standard
Attack encounter. Enemies have an extra Elite. Each Hero draws
227 - Tainted Meat a Loot card normally at the end of the fight.
Writer: Darrell Jones
Whatever the Posse just ate isn’t sitting to well... 233 - Rock Slide
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Each Hero that haves a minimum of 1 Grit, staves off the illness
and sleep it off. If a Hero has no Grit, his meat was corrupted A few pebbles bounce by at first, without anyone paying attention, but
and feel it mutating inside the stomach. Receive D3 Corruption when the mountain’s face begins to slide, all bets are off.
All Heroes perform a Luck and Agility check and then sum all
dices. The two Heroes with less result take a D6 number of Hits.
228 - Otherworld Rock Formation If the Posse only haves two Heroes, the effect only applies to one
Writer: Darrell Jones Hero. Reroll in case of tie results.
D6 Result::
1-4: The artifact disintegrates as you pull it through the 235 - Void Storm
window. *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 26
5-6: You successfully pull the Artifact through. All Heroes
gain 30xp. Located on page 19
236 - Fossil Record 238 - Haunted!
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Nuno de Sá
A recent landslide has exposed a fossil. The fossil does not appear to Famous last words of a man you once kill that you never forgot “Mark
be like any creature you’ve ever seen before, living or dead. Surely a my words. One day, when you least expect, I will come from hell and
learned fellow would be interested in having a look at this thing. turn your live into a living nightmare!!”
Each Hero that can, may take one Fossil item. Each Fossil item The Hero that rolled this Hazard becomes haunted by the ghost
weights 1 . Each Fossil may be sold at a Doc’s Office for of a man he once killed. At the start of each Mission, move the
D6x$50. Hero Posse Marker one position down and the Darkness Marker
one position up (Depth Track)
237 - Traitor This effect can be removed in a Church in Tow for 50$ as an
Writer: Nuno de Sá Exorcism. Use the remove Madness table in same location to find
the results of the removal process.
You wake up in the middle of the night and Immediately undedrstand
that something is wrong. You are completely alone and see no signs
of the other members of the Posse. They left you? Quickly you look
around while shouting: “HELLO? ANYONE THERE??” You won’t 241 - Down the Hole
shout again. Last thing you want is to wake any dark forces that may Writer: Nuno de Sá
linger around.. You decide to pack your things and search for the other
members of the Posse. As you search the area, the ground beneath you gives way! You all fall
down into a Hole beneath the ground
The Hero that rolled this Hazard eventually finds the Posse but
realize they are still sleeping. Confused, you shout but no one All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
listens. Shocked, you also see the image of yourself sleeping in
the same place as before next to the other members of the Posse. Succeed and win 30XP. Any Heroes that fail take D6 Hits with
no Defense
You shout again, scream with all your will but in vain as no one
can hear. “Am I dead?”
242 - Stampede
The image of yourself wakes up and smiles before looking at *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 41
you. “Traitor” he says. “You are a traitor”. All other Heroes wake
up and start attacking the other you. There is nothing you can Located on page 20
do. They rip him to pieces while repearting the word Traitor.
Last time in Town, you sold the Posse location to someone that
have put a price on each Hero’s head for 200$ (add the money
now). Take D6 Horror Hits hits as the blame feeling is starting
to kick in.
243 - Viper’s Nest 247 - A Not So Quiet Rest
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Alexandre Legros
One of the Posse members needs a private moment with nature. An The Posse decides to take a short rest in a quiet clearing.
unfortunate back-step and they are reaching for their drawers as they Suddenly, an object falls at their feet. Dynamite !!! Move away, quick !
slide down a flue. None of this is as surprising as the rattle-snake nest
they’ve fallen on. Each Hero chooses a number between 1 and 8 which represents
the direction they try to move to. No number can be chosen
One Random Hero performs an Agility twice (Heroes have to choose different directions)
+5 Test
If successful, gain 20 XP and you are unharmed. If failed, you
have become Poisoned! Gain D6 Poison markers. All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
245 - Nest of Giant Eagles Some unknown voices laugh and make jokes. You understand that all
Writer: Nuno de Sá members of the Posse are in the same situation. You are all prisoners.
Looking up you can see a huge nest. Close to it, a giant Eagle stares at After some time, the blindfold comes off. The Scafford Gang!
you and feels threaten by your presence. You think that you are dead for sure but before the gang have a
chance to hang you or to shoot you dead, the Cavalry shows up
The Eagle attacks the Posse while defending her territory! and the gang members run for their lives. This is your lucky day!
All Heroes roll for Agility and sum their dices. The Hero with After your release, you understand that you were robbed. Each
less Agility takes D3 Wounds without save. If more than one Hero loses x50 Money and D6 Dark Stones
Hero is tied with the lowest result, those that are tied, reroll until
one haves the lowest value. Next time you face the Scafford Gang, all Heroes that partici-
pated in this experience get +1 Damage to all their attack rolls
against all Scafford gang members (Except Scafford himself)
246 - Wrecked Train
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 46
Located on page 21
251 - The Ghost with the Golden 254 - Shadows out of Time
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 16
Writer: Philbarfly Located on page 19
Writer: Nuno de Sá Each Hero takes 1 Wound (no Defense) for each point of
Corruption they have. Any Hero that takes damage from this also
A beautiful Hat lies on top of a very polished rock. It’s impossible gains 5 XP per wound taken.
to miss it. All Heroes in the Posse stair at this magnificent Hat as if
enchanted by it and cannot stop wishing to wear it.
A pale, nude woman looks teasingly out from an old Mine entrance, a If any Heroes fail the individual Agility test, they take D6 Hits.
lantern in one hand and nothing but her other hand to cover the rest of
her body. She beckons you closer to come feel her warmth. If any one Hero in the group fails the Strength 4+ test, then all
Heroes in the Posse takes D3 Wounds (no Defense) and the
All Male Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test Strength test is considered to be a failure.
If you succeed, gain 25XP. Those that fail run headlong after the
Woman, unmindful of the dangers and disappear into the Mines
after the Woman. They appear minutes later, frenzied and half-
mad, each take D6 Sanity Damage
257 - Otherwordly Storm 261 - Burial Chamber of the Dust
Writer: Bjorn Broms
The weather suddenly turns. Storm clouds tower above you, etched with Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
jagged scrawls of green lightning. The wind dies for a brief moment,
before returning with gale force. Rain thunders down in sheets thick as What appeared to the Posse as a semblance of man-made structures can
lead, and everything is obscured by curtains of black water. Suddenly, no longer be reasoned to be anything but. an opening along a cliff side
there is a jarring sensation, and the rain lets up. The clouds boil away, seems to be covered in gold. Inside an enormous cavern of gold, rank-
and you realize you’re somewhere... else. upon-rank of mansized urns vanish into the dusty distance.
Choose a Random Hero to roll a D6: If the Posse decides to look inside the urns, every Hero gain 25
XP and roll a D6:
D6 Result::
1-2: The Posse is now at the Blasted Wastes. Any remaining D6 Result:: (No Grit can be used on this roll)
Travel Hazards are from Blasted Wastes Travel Hazards 1: Ops - While looking through the urns, one of the
Expansion Book and Next Town Destination is the urns seems to have been seeping its contents for who
Town Template from the Blasted Wastes Expansion knows how long. Gain a Random Mutation regard
3-6: The Posse is now at Feudal Japan. Any remaining less of how much Corruption the Hero currently haves.
Travel Hazards are from Forbidden Fortress Travel Any Corruption is not removed because of this.
Hazards (or Ultimate Forbidden Fortress Travel Haz 2-5: Trinkets and Bobbles - Most of what you find crumples
ards Book). Also, Next Town destination is a Forbid to dust in your hands, but you come across a few small
den Fortress Town things that might fetch a good price. Gain D3x$25.
6: Something Interesting - Draws a Loot Card!
Each Hero of the Posse may spend 1 grit to ignore this effect, or
to choose the destination to travel.
262 - Gruesome Sculptures
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
258 - The Witch of the Forest
Writer: Nuno de Sá Some old blood cult lurked in the cave that can be seen above this
mountain path. When they departed (or where driven out), their
As you travel through the forest, you find an old woman rooting gruesome rack of skulls and the pylons they built from stacked human
through the soil and underbrush. The Posse stops and asks what she’s thigh bones were left untouched, grim sentinels along either side of the
doing out here alone in the woods. The Posse finds that she is a witch traverse.
and have created some amazing potions. She offers them to the Posse
and asks if anyone is willing to drink: Each Hero gains 25 XP and takes D6 Horror Hits. The macabre
display has the Posse on edge throughout the entire trip.
Any Hero that decides to drink one of the Potions:
If any 1’s are rolled on this rescue roll, that Hero also falls and
again, the Heroes before and after them may attempt an Agility
4+ test to rescue them. All Heroes that fall down the ridge take
D6 Wounds (no Defense). Any Heroes that do not fall gain 20
XP and recovers 1 Grit.
264 - Corrupting Influences 267 - Stinking Mist
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Philbarfly
Lightning bolts burst against mountain peaks. One bolt strikes directly An unpleasant smell spreads. All Heroes feel sick with the intensity of
in front of the Posse, blinding you for a moment, but it leaves some- the oddor.
thing behind. A crackling orb of pure white hovers in front of you, bolts
of energy shooting out. All Heroes perform a Defense Test
Any Heroes that are carrying Dark Stone, items with a Dark Win 20XP if you succeed. Every Hero that fails this test takes 2
Stone icon, or items with a Dark Stone Upgrade attached take Wounds for each Mutation they have, ignoring Defense.
D3 Horror Hits.
If any Sanity Damage is taken, that Hero must perform a Spirit 268 - Void Blast
5+ test. If failed, the Hero gains the ‘Fused With Item’ Mutation, Writer: Philbarfly
but must fuse with an item with a Dark Stone Icon or that has a
Dark Stone Upgrade. A wave of blueish fire sweeps through.
If the Hero haves more than one Item with a Dark Stone Icon All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
and/or Ugrade, he can choose which one to Fuse.
If failed, the Hero is moved up by the blast, taking
Wounds, ignoring Defense.
265 - Hunting Lodge
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) If succeed, win 20XP.
You may buy Purchase Items from here as if you were at a Gen- You find a woman crying and holding a dying man in her arms. She
eral Store Town Location (do not roll for Location Events). begs you to stop a killer that lurks the area, before she suffers a similar
266 - Remnants of the Great Worm
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) First instinct - Heal the dying man: One Hero spends 1 Bandage.
All Heroes gain 20xp. The killer escapes. This Hazard is over.
The Posse stumbles across a tunnel out in the middle of nowhere. As
you travel down into this cave, you find something you weren’t quite Go find the killer: The dying man, dies.
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test
Roll a D6:
If at least one Hero is successful, you find the killer. Roll a D6
D6 Result:: for every 6 rolled during the Cunning test.
1-2: Ambush! - Ambush by a High level threat in the
middle of a suitably large Mine Map Tile Room with If you roll at least one 5+, you are able to capture the killer. All
one exit connected to the Mine Entrance Map Tile. If Heroes gain 30XP and collect a D6x50$ Bounty (each) for this
you loose this Fight, destroy a random building from Bandit. It seems he was being hunted by the authorities. Other-
next Town. wise the killer escapes.
3-5: Junk Pile - Each Hero may attempt a Scavenge roll to
see if they find anything of value.
6: Thriving Tunnel City - You come across a hidden
mining community. Treat this as a Small Town Visit. 272 - Living Hills
Don’t roll for Town Set Up, but each Hero may visit *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 23
any one Town Location they want to. Heroes will
only spend one day here. After that, the Heroes are led Located on page 19
out of the tunnel city.
273 - The Northern Crystal Pylon 276 - The Cursed Farm
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Writer: Nuno de Sá A farm located near a Forest mysteriously went dry. You find the farmer
crying, desperately, as he tells the story. “First my son died, then my
You have found a Crystal Pylon on top of a carved stone structure. youngest daughter, now the very earth. All I have left is a muted wife
Two Night Terrors are carefully sculpted in front of the structure as if and two possessed twin daughters. They spend all day playing around
defending it. with a goat. Before she disappeared, my older daughter claimed that
the goat was the devil. I am starting to believe her”. What can I do?
A bronze plaque reads: “Ritual of Strength”
You have come to a cursed place. The very devil walks around
The Posse notices a lever right behind the Pylon. and taints those that pass.
All Heroes perform a Strength 6+ Test All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test
In order, Heroes try to move the lever. They can try more than Any Hero that fails, take D6 Horror Hits and 2 Corruption Hits.
once but every time they try another time, the effort becomes Any Hero that is Successful win 30XP. Also, haves the option to
more difficult, adding an extra 6+ as a requirement to move the advise the old man to move on and forget this land with a suc-
lever. Example: If a Hero is trying for the second time, he will cessful Cunning 5+ Test, wining more 20XP, but if you fail the
need two dice with 6 to be successful, and so on.. Cunning Test, the Old Man curses the Posse and all Heroes take
another 2 Corruption Hits (for each Hero that failed)
If successful, a ray of energy strikes the Hero as the lever returns
to its original position. Also permanently gain 1 Strength
277 - A Poor Soul
Any Hero that previously found and successfully completed the Writer: Philbarfly
tests of all Pylons (Agility, Cunning, Lore and Strength), gain +1
Health and +1 Sanity Permanently. A mortally wounded fellow traveler staggers across your path. Before
you can do anything, he trusts something into your hands before
A wanted man is on the loose. The sheriff and his deputies are on his
tail. They ask for help. 278 - Spirituality
Writer: Nuno de Sá
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ and
Agility 5+ Tests Today you woke up different, lighter. As if all sins are gone. As if god
touched you. Your old self is no more.
You help the Sheriff searching the Wanted man.
The Hero who rolled this hazard receives the “Holy” keyword. If
If any hero is successful, you found the wanted man. Each Hero he already haves it, he receives 5+ Spirit Armor instead until the
receives $100 and 30XP end of the next Adventure.
Every Hero takes D6 Horror Hits The Hero that rolled this Hazard roll a D6:
D6 Result::
All Heroes perform a Spirit 4+ Test 1,2,3: The bag is ruined. No wonder it was left behind
4,5: You found a bag. Perfect for extra space. Treat it as a
Heroes that fail this test must roll once on the Madness Chart “Minor Side Bag Token” Gear Bag You can carry two
extra Side Bag Tokens with it.
6: You notice a hidden department with money on it. You
win $100 and something more. Draw a Loot Card.
282 - Psionic (Advanced) 284 - Ancestral Knowledge
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
A lone rider passes through you. He does not look, he does not care. An odd assemblage of pottery, stone jars and other decorations lay near
He passes slowly, always looking down as if asleep. “Hey, old bugger” a creek where Indian Natives continue their trivial day to day activities.
one of the Heroes shout, “good day to you to!” They are used to strangers and don’t seem alerted by your presence. A
Tribe Chief approaches with a pipe on his mouth. He greets the Posse.
Nothing, the man doesn’t even blink or make any attempt to return the
greeting. Suddenly, his horse stops. The Posse get the weapons ready… The Chief offers the pipe as a sign of friendship. One by one, the
just in case. Wind blows through your cheeks. members of the Posse smoke from the pipe as the minds start to
travel through different Worlds. Some of these worlds, this Posse
“Are you talking to me?”. The lone rider speaks but his mouth does not will never see. Different creatures. Some horrible while others
move. beautiful. Can they be for real?
“Did anyone hear that?” You ask. “No, it was just me” you think.
The lone rider speaks again. “That’s right, I’m speaking to you.” Again, Draw 5 random Exploration Tokens and check their Iccons.
his mouth did not open. For the first time, he slowly makes a movement
and looks straight at you. His eyes… his intensive cold eyes could kill For each Gate, each Hero gains 20 XP. This represents the num-
you with a blink. All other Heroes do not move and do not speak. They ber of Worlds the Posse have visited by the smoking of the pipe.
are as if frozen in time.
If no Gates were drawn, the Posse had a joint Nightmare instead
“Don’t mind your friends, it’s better if we speak, just the two of us. and the Hangover recovery is horrible. Until the Start of the next
Today I am feeling generous. Today I will share a gift.” Adventure all Heroes use one less dice in all Skill tests.
For a moment, nothing else exists. Only you and the rider. You start to
levitate while something starts to grow inside your mind. Then the old
rider disappears. He left you with a big headache and something else… 285 - El Muerto
Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Hero that rolled this Hazard
performs a Spirit 5+ Test An old book contains stories about the old west. You found it near an
abandoned farm.
If successful, he gains a new Free Attack power. A Psionic Mind
Blast. This is a free Ranged Attack with 6 range. Use it applying All Heroes perform a Lore 4+ Test
the same rules as any other free attack.
If no Hero was able to read the book, this Travel Hazard is over.
As you gain new levels, you learn to control it. Initially roll D3+1
for damage. Add +1 to each level gained after you received this All Heroes that are successful win 20 XP. One by one, they will
gift. share the book and read its stories to the other members of the
Posse later, by the Campsite.
The book is filled with creepy stories but one story specifically
283 - Earthquake!! captures your attention: “In the early 1800s South Texas and
Writer: Nuno de Sá Mexico a man named Vidal was particularly nasty. When caught,
the local Rangers decided to make an example out of him.
The ground starts trembling with furious vibrations. The trees shake as They killed him, cut off his head and then lashed his body to a
made of paper. It’s an earthquake! mustang in an upright position as if he was riding. Then they let
the horse loose to wander, as a symbol of the form of justice that
Next Town you visit will have D3 buildings destroyed by the would befall any Outlaw who dared step out of line.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
If fail, take D6 Horror Hits due to the nightmares they will have
during the night.
286 - Tears of La Llorona 288 - March of the Lost Army
Writer: Nuno de Sá *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 31
When crossing a river, you find a sign that immediately captures your Located on page 20
attention! “Beware the Ghost of Llorona”.
Maria was either the wife of a wealthy husband who eventually Suddenly the lights slowly come back.. but then... a shadow,
began to neglect her, or a lady of the evening who loved to go with the shape of evil. A malefic shadow stand before the Posse.
out partying. Either way, she became angry and resentful to her It shouts in agony and screams: “WHO WILL FEED MY
two young sons, and flew into a fit of madness and rage. She WILL?”
took them to a river and drowned both of them. When she came
to her senses, she realized the horrible thing she had done and Each Hero rolls a D6. The Hero with the lowest number disap-
tried to save them from their watery graves, but it was too late. pears (repeat in case of tied results), vanishes.
She wailed in grief and ended her own life shortly after. The other members of the Posse watch him being swallowed by
the shadow as it smiles and dissipates.
287 - The Organism Trail Later, the Hero is found, chained into a tree… striped from his
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) pride. He has experienced true horror without understanding
exactly what happened. The trauma is so strong that will never
Something you ate awhile ago isn’t agreeing so well with your stomach be able to speak about this experience.
and you ain’t defecated correctly in a number of days. Maybe you
should get a doctor to fix you up or somethin? Choose:
A Random Hero has contracted an intestinal disease and isn’t do- Permanently decrease his Sanity by 1 or roll once on the Sanity
ing so well. You need to consume 1 Tonic and 1 Herb Side Bag Chart.
token on your next Town Visit and until the 5th day in town. If
you do not, then your Hero is KO with Dysentery. Roll once on
the Injury Chart with -2 on the Roll’s result (minimum 2) 312 - Mutant Warlord
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 36
You may attempt to heal this ilness at the Doctor instead as a
regular injury Located on page 20
313 - Bad Beans 317 - The Southern Crystal Pylon
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A member of the Posse crumples over in pain, the remains of last Writer: Nuno de Sá
night’s dinner spilling forth from their mouth. Curiously, nobody else in
the group seems to have been affected by the food. You have found a Crystal Pylon on top of a carved stone structure. Two
Void Sorcerers are carefully sculpted in front of the structure.
Choose a random Hero:
A bronze plaque reads: “Ritual of Knowledge”
You’re stomach is pretty tore up from whatever the hell you was
eatin’. Until the end of the next Mission, you can’t consume any As you approach, a voice invades your mind. A riddle is spoken:
edible Side Bag Tokens, as you’re like to just puke it back up
anyways. It’ll be hard enough just holding your food down as it All Heroes perform a Lore 6+ Test
If passed, win 20XP. The Hero answers the riddle correctly and
permanently gain 1 Lore.
314 - Ancient Battleground
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Any Hero that previously found and sucessfully completed the
tests of all Pylons (Agility, Cunning, Lore and Strength), gain +1
Scattered across the terrain are various weapons and ancient bones from Health and +1 Sanity Permanently.
some battle fought along these plains long ago.
Each Hero may attempt a Scavenge roll. 318 - The Memory Trader
Writer: Alexandre Legros
315 - The Dark Hole The Posse makes a stop at a market on the side of their road. A dozen
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) of merchants sell gear or food to travellers.
In the midst of your search, you come across a great chasm in the Only one merchant sparks your curiosity , “Memory Trader” is
earth, approximately 100 ft in diameter. It doesn’t sound as if there’s written on the sign.
any bottom to this pit, as rocks thrown in never seem to land. As you
approach the edge the massive hole and stare into the abyss, you feel as “Hello adventurers, I can turn any painful memory into a positive
if something is stirring within. one, with this unique device. This is quick and painless, think
about one memory and wear this helmet”.
A swarm of HellBats comes flying up from the depths of the
pit, blotting out the sun with their massive numbers. They don’t You suspect some darkstone was used to forge this helmet.
attack, instead simply hovering over the group, creating a feeling
of dread and despair. The Hero who rolled this event may choose to wear the mer-
chant’s helmet :
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
Pay 100$ then roll as many D6 as your Spirit Skill Value, and
Heroes that failed, until the start of the next Mission, are unable add up the results. No reroll allowed.
to Heal any Sanity due to the constant Terror imposed by the
dreaded swarm. Win 20 XP in case of Success D6xSpirit Result::
1-2: This is now a traumatic memory and you can’t stop
thinking about it. Get the Hallucinations Madness
316 - Prairie Ticks (use the Madness Chart rules if you already have this
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Madness)
3-6: Loose 50 XP and take 1 Corruption Hit, as you traded
As you travel along, one of your horses suddenly cries out in pain just away a painful memory but lost its benefits
as something begins to burst out from the horses side. Fist-sized insects 7-12: Win 50 XP, as the new memory is a rewarding experi
begin to swarm out as if they’ve been eating their way out of the horse’s ence instead of a shameful one
belly. 13+: This is now an outstanding memory from another
world, get the “I’ve Seen Things” Madness. (use the
A Random Hero must use 2 Bandage or 1 Herb Side Bag Token Madness Chart rules if you already have this Madness)
or else their mount will die from the parasitic insects that have
chewed open the Mount from the inside-out. If the Mount dies,
that Hero rolls once on the Travel Hazard Chart again. Also,
spend 50$ on a Mount when you reach next Town.
321 - Underground Lair 324 - The Visitors
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Oscar Andrés Schwerdt
The Heroes find a hole under the mountains leading underground and It’s getting dark and you decided to stay behind to take a leak. “Go
decide to investigate. ahead guys, I will catch up”, you say. You think to yourself that you like
to see where your piss falls. Best to hurry before the dark settles in.
Choose: You take your time, maybe too much time. As you properly finish the
ritual, you clean your hand into some leaves nearby.
Investigate the Hole or follow the road
Suddenly, lights emerge in the sky, flying fast. You wonder if your
If you Investigate Roll a D3: mind is starting to play tricks on you. “Maybe it’s time to stop drinking
whisky at night”, you think. The lights close in and your body freezes.
D3 Result:: Overcome with terror, you forget to yell for help. Your body feels light
1: The Hole leads into a tunnel that collapses. Take D6 and levitates as the earth below gets smaller, and smaller and smaller...
2: You find nothing special. You wake up at the same place but don’t remember what hap-
3: You follow a series of passages until you reach a wide pened except the lights… and a scar… you will never forget the
area with clues that was once served as a lair. Each lights. The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard rolls once on the
Hero performs a Scavenge Roll. They take extra Mutation Chart (roll again, as many times are necessary, until you
D3x10$ for each 6 rolled. Also, draw two random roll a Mutation that the Hero does not have)
Exploration tokens. If at least one clue was drawn, one
random Hero is able to draw a Loot card
325 - Cattle Drive
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
322 - Chill Wind
Writer: Philbarfly A trail boss rides lead in front of a hundred head of cattle. He slows
and grabs his gun at the sight of your heavily armed Posse.
A chill wind freees your body and soul
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
Every Hero must roll a D6 for each Grit they have, discarding it
on the roll of 1. If at least one Hero is successful, then you’re able to defuse the
situation and continue on your way. Every Hero that is successful
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test win 20XP.
For every Hero that fails this test, draw a Growing Dread card However, if at least two Heroes roll a 1 or if all Heroes failed,
and add it to the stack of your next Adventure. Gain 20XP is then things get out of hand over a misunderstanding and shots
sucessful. start flying! The cattle get spooked and there’s a stampede,
throwing everything into disarray. Each Hero takes D6 Hits and
for each Hit they suffer roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, that Hero loses a
323 - Dimensional Maze Random Side Bag Token.
Original: Philbarfly (Dimensional Ripple)
Re-Written by David James-Dimitrov 326 - Flash Flood
Energies from the void are at play here. What was just a simple gulch *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 43
you have been traveling through, suddenly has transformed into a
dizzying and impossible kaleidoscopic landscape! Gulch passages break Located on page 20
off into infinite mirror images as far as the eye can see. Even the sky
has been replaced by gulch trails leading straight up, defying all laws of
All Heroes must pass this test and must reroll until they do. For
each time that a Hero rerolls (without the use of grit), all Heroes
take 1 Horror Hit and 1 Hit as the Posse gets lost and exhausted.
327 - Navajo Down the Road 331 - Cattle Robbers
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
A wandering Native Indian join the Posse for some miles down the The Posse finds a group of Cattle handlers driving their herb through
road. Knowledgeable on the rich Navajo culture, he shares some vast fields. Some of the Cattle handlers get nervous with the presence of
histories. “The Navajo tribe…” he says “…believe that Skinwalkers were the Posse.
medicine people or witches, not quite human and not fully alive, who
dislike outsiders and have violent tendencies. They could imitate any After a close look at the brand marks of some of the animals you real-
sound, become any shape, and had no qualms about killing people, ize this are no simple Cattle handlers. They are vicious Cattle Robbers.
animals, and children - basically, anyone who crossed them was fair
game. Many natives still don’t tell tales about Skinwalkers, for fear of There is no way to avoid the confrontation. The bandits are not
retribution on themselves and those they care about. Ghost stories… keen on leaving witnesses alive.
ah… some months ago who would believe them? Now… in Brim-
stone… we know better…” All Heroes choose to perform an Agility
or Strength Tests
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test
Sum all dices. This is the total attack of the Posse.
The Native Indian thanks the Posse for the ride and shares some Sum the total amount of Heroes in the Posse and multiply by 3.
valuables. Any Hero that failed the Lore test was not really pay- This is the number of D6 to Roll to calculate the attack of the
ing attention to the Indian stories and is not worthy of his riches. Cattle Robbers.
Heroes that passed the Lore test earn a Loot Card each.
The highest Attack wins. Roll again in case of a draw.
328 - Skinwalker If the Posse wins, each Hero gains 30XP and draw a Loot card.
Writer: Nuno de Sá All Heroes also suffer D3 Hits.
A bear stands before you! He quietly observes as you approach. You If the Posse loses, all Heroes suffer 2D6 Hits.
avoid sudden movements and slowly draw your weapons. You decide to
go back and around the bear... but then you notice a wolf. Just as the
bear he just stands while observing the Posse, as if studying their next 332 - Mexican Cavalry
move. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test A platoon of Mexican cavalry are riding towards the Posse. You don’t
know what these hombres would be doing this far north of the border.
If at least one Hero succeeds, he realizes they are Dark Stone You reckon that nothing good can possibly come from this encounter.
Shaman and inform them of his discovery. The Dark Stone Sha-
mans transform back to human shape. All Heroes that succeed All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
gain 20XP
The Mexicans are looking for a Bribe to allow the Posse to pro-
If no one is able to recognize them as Dark Stone Shaman, ev- ceed travel and Heroes must make this skill Test to convince the
eryone is shocked when they transform into Humans. All Heroes Mexicans to look elsewhere. If succeeded, win 30XP.
take D3 Horror Hits.
If failed, Heroes are forced to pay 20% of all their Gold in
They don’t seem friendly. “We are Skinwalker and this is our bribes to get the Mexican army off their back.
territory. No one can pass, unless you pay a fee. $200.”
Pay the money: (agree between all Heroes the amount each will
give) and you are able to move forward:
Don’t pay and leave: You can go back. If you do, you will need
to roll three more Travel Hazards to recover the distance you
would make if you would go forward.
333 - Mutation! 337 - Tlahuelpuchi
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
The Void is powerful in this area. It is infested with a green thick jelly The Hero Posse comes across a small village. As soon as the villagers
liquid that you have never seen before.. see the Heroes, they come running, swarming the Heroes with pleas.
Some are making offerings, others are praying, while others cry uncon-
Before the Posse decides to leave, the aroma impregnates each trollably.
Hero. Their noses start to bleed as headaches explode.
The leader of the village comes forth and he tells them that the village
Each Hero without a Grit immediately roll once on the Mutation is besieged by a Tlahuelpuchi, a Vampire Witch who has terrified the
Chart. If they have a Grit, they remove it instead. village and is feeding on their children at night.
You may perform any actions (only once since you are in a
hurry) or buy any Purchase Items from the troupe as if you were
at a Saloon (including Saloon Girl Only options). Do not roll for
Location Events. Limits are still in effect, this counts as a one day
Some disgusting, blackish, oily substance is spilling out from the earth
and forming a pool. It’s likely evil trying to escape out from somewhere
deep in the pits of hell. It’s best to blow this thing to kingdom come.
341 - Welcome to Trail Town! Daily Events: D6
Writer: Nuno de Sá
D6: Result::
The Posse found a Trail Town and can decide to stay or to continue the 1: Not Welcome: There is a Gossip in Town that some-
journey to the previous destination Town. if decides to stay, all remain- how the Posse is responsible for some of the evil sto-
ing Travel Hazards are to be canceled. This decision can be made after ries around the Mines nearby. You are not welcome
the Posse identifies which Town Locations are open. anymore and invited to leave Town to never return
again. Town Stay is over.
As temporary passage Towns, Trail Towns are locations where 2: Drunk till Faint: A local important Town representative
most folks stop for a couple of days before proceeding journey. drank too much whisky before hitting his head hard
Gossips of the Old West dominate the late Saloon conversations against a Rock Stone. Roll a D6, Close the correspond-
and usually all conversations end with tales related to Dark Stones ing Town Location for the remaining of the Town Stay.
or Deep Mine monsters of unimaginable descriptions.. 3-4: Flawed Gossip: Next Adventure reward gained by
spending a day in the Saloon will not be as good as
expected. After the final Mission reward is established,
remove D3-50g from each Hero reward. Heroes will
Special Rules: never be able to loose more than what they have
earned from the Gossip bonus.
5: Restless Town: Some gossips are just too poisonous
Temporary Location: and can have a very bad effect on Towns Folk. This
is one of these days. People are just not happy overall.
Trail Towns are always considered to be small Extract 1 from all Town Location Rolls.
Towns for the purpose of Shadows of Brimstone 6: Fabulous Secret: Next Adventure reward gained by
spending a day in the Saloon will be even better than
rules. Use the Small Town Template. They always expected. After the final Mission reward is established,
include a Saloon as mandatory location for travel- each Hero adds D3x100 gold to the Gossip reward.
ers to stop by.
Extra Options
Three eyes Luke
Nomad Merchant
Due to their strategic locations, Trail Towns are known locations for This is the Posse Lucky Day. Three eyes Luke is known for
passing Nomad Merchants that take the opportunity to spend a day selling some exotic wares. Any Item for sale listed on a Street
selling the goods. Market and Mutation Quarters Town Locations can be found
Every other day in Town, starting at day 2, at the end of the day,
the Posse rolls a D8: (perform this roll on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Additionally, there are many special Items for sale.
Draw 5 Gear Cards. Three eyes Luke is selling those for the
D8 Result: Price Listed + 150g
1: Town is currently known for having bad customers.
Nomad Merchants will avoid passing by for the re- Draw 3 Mine Artifact Cards. Three eyes Luke is selling them for
maining of the Town Stay duration. No more Nomad the price listed + 200g
Merchant rolls are necessary.
2-5: No Nomad Merchant currently in Town There are also D8 Dark Stones for sale, 200g each.
6-7: Regular Nomad Merchant is in Town
8: Three eyes Luke is in Town Additionally, Three eyes Luke is selling a unique weapon for
2000 gold. Any Hero may buy it and name it.
If a Merchant is in Town he will only stay the next day and
Heroes need to spend a full day vising and browsing the goods Roll a D8 to identify the Type
(as any other Town Location).
D8 Result:
1: Free attack Pocket Pistol (Range 3 - Shots 1)
2: Bow (Range 10 - Shots 1 - Critical 5 or 6)
Regular Nomad Merchant 3: 1h Sword – (+1 Damage to Combat)
4: 1h Pistol – (Range 6 - Shots 2)
5: 1h Knife – (+1 Combat)
The Nomad Merchant sells all sort of goods. any Item listed on a 6: 2h Rifle – (Range 12 - Shots 1 - D8 Damage)
General Store and Saloon Town Locations can be found here. 7: 2h Shotgun - (Range 4 - Shots 1 - Critical 6,7 or 8 -
Also Critical Hits do 1 Wound to every Enemy adjacent
Additionally, there are some special Items for sale. Draw 3 Gear to the target, ignoring Defense)
Cards. the Merchant is selling those for the Price Listed + 100g 8: 2h Sword – (D8 Damage)
There are also D6 Dark Stones for sale, 200g each. Roll a D6 two times to identify the spe-
cial Power
(Each result can only be rolled once)
D6 Result:
1: Roll a D6 to gain Status
1- +1 Agility
2- +1 Cunning
3- +1 Spirit
4- +1 Strength
5- +1 Lore
6- +1 Luck
2: +1 Initiative
3: +1 Max Grit
4: +2 Sanity and +2 Health
5: +2 Damage
6: +2 Attack
342 - The Thief and the Fog 345 - El Sombrerón
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
A dense fog blesses the plains and the Heroes take some hours to rest, This Travel Hazard is ignored if there are no female Heroes in the
waiting for the Fog to dissipate Posse.
One random Hero is on a watch turn, while the others sleep. As the Heroes travel over the crest of a hill, they encounter an unusually
short man dressed in black. His clothes are immaculate and very well
The Hero on the watch must perform a made. In fact, they are too clean considering he’s in the middle of the
Cunning 5+ Test desert.
If passed: The jacket and pants he is wearing are adorned with what appears to
be highly polished silver. He is wearing an elaborate belt buckle that
Win 20XP. You notice a Thief, trying to get closer to one of the glimmers in the sun. His spurs match the rest of his silver adornments.
sleeping Heroes. You immediately alert the others and the Thief He is wearing a large, black sombrero that completely covers his face
vanishes. The Posse decide to proceed travel. and features. He is also carrying a guitar.
If a “1” was rolled on a success Cunning check, Roll a D6. On He instantly starts serenading the female Heroes. If they fail a
the roll of 1,2 or 3 the Thief is still able to take a Gear Card with Spirit 6+ Test, within seconds they become completely transfixed
him. If 4,5 or 6 was rolled, the thief drops it into the ground and enamoured with El Sombrerón. The male Heroes are able to
while running for his live. chase him off. But the female are deeply affected. They are now
-1 to any Skill Tests or Combat Rolls until they can be cured.
If failed:
The affected Heroes must seek out a church to be blessed and
The thief steals a random Gear card from a random sleeping have this curse removed. A donation of $100 for each affected
Hero female Hero should convince the Church to assist.
If at least a “1” was rolled during the failed check, the Thief is
able to grab a piece of a random Artifact instead of a Gear. 346 - Desert Treasure
Writer: Nuno de Sá
343 - Mimic Beast There is a rumor around that a man with the name Murdock, has
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 21 discovered clues to a hoard of treasure hidden deep in the desert.
Located on page 19 What do you know? You just found a man named Murdock in a
campsite, while traveling in the desert. Anybody prepared to offer him
assistance in his treasure hunting activity could well find themselves
344 - Dark Stone Convoy benefitting from a reward…
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 24
As suspected, Murdock is prepared to offer some reward for your
Located on page 19 services.
347 - Alicante 352 - The Price of Corruption
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Heroes find a small pond in an eerie valley blanketed in fog. Low If it weren’t for the time of season, the little log cabin would never be
on water, they decide to quench their thirst and fill their canteens. seen by the Posse. This would probably have been for the best, for there
now stands before you a man with a sawed-off shotgun, accompanied
Roll a D4. The result is the number of random Heroes that now by trained wolves.
have an Alicante growing in their stomach.
If the Posse collectively has more Corruption points and Muta-
An Alicante is a long black snake parasite that stands on its tail tions than the # of Heroes x 3, then the Mountain man and his
to move. The snake is ingested as a tiny egg or freshly hatched animal allies attack you! Each Hero takes D6 Hits and rolls a D6.
snake, moves through the digestive tract and once in the stomach, On a roll of 1, that Hero has lost 1 Dark Stone, an item with a
attaches to the stomach lining and quickly grows by feeding on Dark Stone icon, or an item with a Dark Stone Upgrade attached
its host and whatever the host eats. It will stay here, growing and (your choice).
growing until it outgrows and kills the host. At which point it
looks for a bigger vessel. Otherwise, the mountain man and his animals ignore the Posse.
Each infected Hero will take D3 hits ignoring Defense. They will
also take D3 Hits ignoring Defense at the start of each adventure. 353 - Wild Horses
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Then, they will need to seek the help of a Doctor to remove the
Alicante and keep Heroes from dying. He will do this for $150 A herd of horses has escaped from some ranch and now run wild &
for each Hero. free.
If a Frontier Doc is in the Posse, he can try to remove the Each Hero will attempt to capture a Horse from this herd.
Alicante. Perform a Lore 5+ test once for each affected Hero. The
Alicante is removed if successful. The frontier Doc gain 10XP for All Heroes perform an Agility 6+ Test
each Alicante removed.
(use one less dice than the total of your Agility - minimum 1)
The Posse tries to cross the river: 354 - The Name of the Wind
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Succeed at both tests and win 30XP.
The wind blows briskly in this area and seems to carry a sad song. You
Otherwise, you are still able to cross the river but not without search all about you but cannot find the source of those melancholy
great pain and struggle in the process. Rolls a D6 for each Gear words. As you stop to listen again, you begin to make out the mournful
and Artifact. On the roll of 1, that equipment is lost. (Starting ballad of the wind.
gear and Personal Items are not affected)
Each Hero in the group takes 3 Horror Hits. If they take at least
351 - Blood Moon 1 sanity damage, they are also -1 to all their Willpower save rolls
until the end of their next Mission.
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 25
Located on page 19
355 - Skipping Buffalo 358 - El Chupacabra?
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Darrell Jones
Young Indian braves dare each other to jump from buffalo to buffalo. The Heroes come across a small farm and a farmer who flags them
They see you approach and challenge the Posse to a game. down.
Any Hero may attempt the challenge against the young Indian The old farmer tells them that something “unnatural” has been feeding
Braves by making a series of Agility skill tests. on his livestock. He swears its a Chupacabra, a creature that feeds on
animals He asks if you can take a look into it, offering a reward in
The Hero begins with an Agility 1+ test, then an Agility 2+, 3+, exchange.
4+, 5+, and 6+ tests until they have completed all of the tests.
The Posse can choose whether or not to investigate. If they
If the Hero is able to complete all the tests they gain 50 XP. choose to pass, they continue to Town, ignoring the farmer plea.
If they do investigate, they find that half of this man’s cattle have
been mutilated. They have been drained of blood from some
356 - Between a Stampede and a Hard sort of wound to the neck. Close inspection shows teeth marks,
Place though, you cannot identify whether they are human, animal, or
something else.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Heroes decide to hide out in the barn using what is left of
Some Ranchers are bringing their cattle across the plains towards their the farmer’s cattle as bait. After a few hours, they see that it is not
homestead. As they begin to pass by, an unearthly howl erupts from El Chupacabra after all, it is in fact Huay Chivo, a sorcerer who
nearby, the cattle begin to stampede. The monstrous howling draws shape shifts into half-man, half-beast with blazing red eyes and a
nearer! lust for blood.
Each Hero may choose to take either D3 Hits or D3 Horror Roll a D8 to attack the Huay Chivo:
Hits. If a Hero suffers any Health or Sanity Damage as a result,
roll on the Injury Chart or Madness Chart, depending on the D8 Result::
type of damage taken.. 1-4 You are unable to get the drop on the Huay Chivo.
Each Hero suffers D6 Hits. This Travel Hazard is
357 - Abandoned Shack 5-7: You surprise the Huay Chivo as he starts to feed on
another cattle. The Heroes destroy the sorcerer, but
Writer: Nuno de Sá unfortunately the loss of another cattle means the farm-
er can only give the Posse $50 total. Each Hero gets
An abandoned shack helps paint the vast desert view. As you approach, 10XP.
a creepy sign warns the travelers “Sickness... Keep out” 8: The Posse surrounds the Huay Chivo and easily defeat
him. The sorcerer is dead and you’ve saved the remain-
In front of the shack you see twelve graves. You feel it in your bones. ing cattle for the farmer. The farmer ushers you back
Corruption is everywhere... to his house, offers you something to drink and then
moves to a chest. He pulls out an artifact and gift it to
Do you want to investigate? If not, ignore this Hazard. the Heroes. A random Hero draws a Mine Artifact
Card. Each Hero gets 50XP.
If you choose to investigate, each Hero performs a Scavenge test
as they search the area.
361 - Plague Church
Draw a Scavenge card for each 6 as normal. *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 32
If you roll 2 at least one time, you take 1 Corruption, without Located on page 20
Willpower save.
362 - Tome of Knowledge (Advanced) 364 - Potions
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Walter Gagajewski
The Heroes see a strange light flickering among the rocky hills. They Hidden deep amongst the trees you find a small cabin. Inside, a dark,
decide to investigate. They come upon a cave with a lit torch hanging little old lady resides.
by the entry. Intrigued, they go in. The Heroes look around the cave
and see arcane markings scrawled into the walls. These crude symbols The Heroes find she is selling potions. Each potion costs
and drawings make them uneasy. One of the Heroes picks up a book D6*$10. Any Hero who wishes, can purchase one potion and
covered in dust that was sitting on the ground. roll on the following table: Roll a D6.
If they don’t stay and help the village, then they must take the The competition continues until each participating Hero has
long way around. All Heroes must perform another Travel completed one round. Then the Travel Hazard ends.
Hazard roll.
366 - The Pit of Sargonnas (Advanced) After a long moment of pause, someone yells: NEW BLOOD!”
someone else replies, “NEW BLOOD”. Suddenly everyone is
Writer: Nuno de Sá shouting the same. “NEW BLOOD, NEW BLOOD”. And
everyone is staring at the Posse.
An entrance to a Mine would, as usual, raise an eyebrow at the eminent
sense of danger. But this is no ordinary mine, or at least, that’s what You didn’t notice him before. One man raises his hands in the
you suspect. Two no good looking and heavily armed Cowboys guard air and the crowd go silent. He approaches you. “New blood”
its entrance. You notice a sign written in blood: “PIT OF he says, “Are you afraid of the dark? Are you here for Sargon-
SARGONNAS”. nas? Do you dare to try to become our champion? If you do,
you will be heavily rewarded. I will make sure of that. If you
“Howdy” One of the Cowboys asks, “Watha you want? Are you here die, well, you die and become food for Sargonnas” The crowd
for the fights? Show us the papers”. starts shouting as if possessed. “Sargonnas. Sargonnas. Sargonnas.
You explain that you have no clue what he is talking about and ask
what is this place. You also explain that you are in the business of You can either walk away or try your
shutting down dangerous mines. Luck
The Hero with more Cunning performs Rules are simple. Any Hero that want to try to become a cham-
a 5+ Test pion of Sargonnas need to face a trial.
If fail. Sorry, the Cowboys will not allow you to pass. Another The Trial:
Hero may try to convince them using the same Cunning 5+ roll.
If all Heroes fail, you go away and this Travel Hazard is over. Draw a random Mine Tile and attach it to the Mine entrance
(repeat if you draw a corridor). All doors of that Tile are closed.
If any Hero succeeds the roll, one of the Cowboys open is eyes
wide and look deep into yours. “I see the devil in you… oh yes I
do. You… you may enter. What a heck, you may all enter... you
may all die”. Both of the Cowboys allow you to enter, moving
out of your way, while laughing hysterically.
As soon as you enter, you realize that the Cowboys were not
alone. Plenty of folk around, and most of them with nasty look
in their faces. They all look at you but no one speaks, they are
all silent. After a long walk through straight corridors and many
strangers after, you find a large heavily crowed area. In the centre,
a large pit steals the posse’s attention. The crowd is jubilant,
shouting, screaming and they all seem to be entertained by some Heroes can only perform the Pit of Sargonnas alone.
sort of spectacle taking place at the Pit.
There is no Depth Track. Scavenge is not allowed. As soon as
As you come closer to the Pit, you understand the commotion. the Hero enters the tile attached to the Mine Entrance, he draws
A single Cowboy is surrounded by Void Spiders. He fights them a Threat Card
hard. One by one, he kills the spiders. The crowd is jubilant. It is
really horrible but at the same time amazing. Cowboys pushing Hero Level 1-3 Draw Easy
others trying to have a better view at the action. By accident or Hero Level 4-6 Draw Medium
not, someone falls into the pit and is immediately swallowed by Hero Level 7-8 Draw Hard
the void spiders.
The Hero must defeat the Threat alone. If you use any Token to
The Cowboy down in the Pit, fighting the Void Spiders doesn’t help you during this fight, you will not be qualified as a champi-
even blink and continues his epic endeavour, until finally he met on of Sargonnas.
the one spider that he could not kill. He dies… and he is eaten.
The crowd goes silent. If you win, you are a champion of Sargonnas. You draw an
Artifact from a random World and win 100XP on top of the XP
provided by the Threat. Also, you will receive the blessing of
Sargonnas and gain 1 random skill permanent (Strength, Luck,
Agility, and son on).
367 - Wrongly Accused 372 - Large Desert Area
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You find a dead man’s body near a small lake. You investigate the Posse travel leads to a large Desert area. The Posse is prepared, of
body and find that an old man was shot in the head and left for dead. course, no one crosses the desert without water. But bad luck happens.
His pockets are empty. You also notice someone watching you as you
investigate the body. You ignore and continue moving forward. All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
Soon you will realize that someone has spread rumors about a Every Hero that succeeds this test wins 20XP.
Posse that is traveling to the nearest Town, shot a man and left
him for dead. When you arrive to the next town, each Hero Every Hero that fails this test realize that they don’t have enough
immediately get one unwanted attention marker. water due to lack of preparation to cross the desert. Soon they
will become thirsty.
368 - Dead End The Posse decides that all Heroes share the remaining water.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
If the number of Heroes that passed this test is higher or the
Your travel lead you to a Dead End same as the number of Heroes that failed, the remaining water is
enough for all Heroes and this Hazard is over.
Roll another Travel Hazard. Also all Heroes take D3 Horror Hits
due to the frustration. Otherwise, the Posse is in trouble. There isn’t enough water for
everyone. All Heroes take D6 Hits without Defense and D3
Horror Hits without Willpower save as the Posse tries to cross
371 - Delicious Meal the Desert.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
One Hero may attempt to find an Oasis (only one Hero and one
It’s raining, and it’s raining badly. Water is pouring from the skies. It’s a attempt). If this is the case:
A house by a river is near and you don’t think twice. Shelter! The Posse One Hero performs a Cunning 5+ and
immediately reaches the house. You knock furiously, desperately to get Luck 5+ Tests
inside. Few seconds later, the door opens. A middle aged women and
an old man stare at the Posse for some instants. You ask for shelter. If succeed, the Hero of the day finds the Oasis and wins 40XP.
First they hesitate before allowing you to enter. It’s your lucky day! All Heroes heal their Health and Sanity to Max and recover one
There is something about this House that makes the Posse
feel comfortable. The old folks are kind and gentle. After some
laughs, the couple invite the Posse for dinner. A delicious meat 373 - Freaknstein
with some beans is more than you could ask for. Writer: Nuno de Sá
All Heroes recover a Grit due to the excellent meal.
The Posse have found some travelers that share rumors that a crazy
Choose a random Hero doctor traveled recently to Brimstone, looking to make foul experiments
with the corruption and the void. Experiments to create Monsters out of
Politely, the Hero says that he needs to go outside “take a piss”. Monsters and bath them in Darkness. The people call him Freaknstein.
The storm has slowed down. As you go out, you notice the During your next Mission and only while in the Mines,
stables and decide to take a look inside. There you find no horses everytime you draw a Threat Card, roll a D6. If rolled 1, 2 or 3,
but instead, a door that leads to the underground. “A bunker?” you will find a Monster of Freaknstein.
You decide to go take a look... inside you find... Blood, skulls,
pieces of bodies. A Slaughterhouse of human bodies! “The meat How to create a Freaknstein Monster
we had... I need to tell the others” take D8 Horror Hits.
You return to the house and before anyone could ask anything, Elite Abilities: Every time you applty one Elite Ability to a
you immediately kill the couple while shouting “YOU MADE Threat, draw a second Threat of the same level (Low/Medium/
US EAT HUMAN MEAT! YOU PLAN TO EAT US AS High/Epic) and roll a D6. Add the corresponding Elite Ability of
WELL?” All other Heroes take D6 Horror Hits due to the the second Threat to the first.
shock. You share with the rest of the Posse what you have found.
Defense: Every time you draw a Threat card, draw a second
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test one of the same level (Low/Medium/High/Epic) and apply the
Defense of the second Threat to the first.
If failed, you throw up and loose a Grit, otherwise win 20XP.
XP gained is based on the original Threat card.
374 - Silver Formation 376 - El Mariachi
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
Crossing a mountain area, you have found a small Silver formation Rumors have swirled around nearby Towns about El Mariachi for
inside a Cave. years. The stories get larger and larger every year about a man dressed
as a mariachi carrying a guitar case full of guns.
Any Hero with a pickaxe can extract D6-1 Silver Stones (mini- The stories vary in terms of how the “locals” encounter him, but one
mum 1). thing stays the same - he’s out for revenge for the man who killed his
true love.
Also: The Heroes encounter a man resembling El Mariachi. He’s dressed
immaculately as a mariachi and carrying a guitar case. He has the look
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test of a man who has travelled the desert. Intrigued, the Heroes approach
him and try to engage him in conversation.
If successful win 20XP and they are able to extract D3 Silver
Stones. All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test
You can trade each Silver Stone in Town for $20 each If any Hero fails, the Travel Hazard ends. The Posse sees a man
that resembles El Mariachi and nothing more.
If the Hero fails, he loses 30XP as he removes the arm but kill Those that succeed gain 20XP.
the man in the process. All Heroes take D6 Horror Hits.
You will never know what was that strange device. When you arrive to the Next Town, most of the locals will have
Low Morale and all Location Event Chart Rolls are at -1 during
the next Town Stay. (minimum of 1).
381 - Sudden Lack of Faith 384 - Massacre of the Innocents
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Heroes feel sad after a debate where they realize that all darkness You catch sight of a trail of blood. It starts as a trickle at first, but grad-
in the world may be too much for the mankind to handle and regard- ually begins to fill out until eventually you find a pool of it, along with
less of the efforts, nothing can be done to save this world from the Void. a pile of bodies. Some savage beasts tore these people limb from limb
and feasted upon their entrails. You don’t know what kind of creature
All Heroes remove 1 Grit could do such a thing, but that howl you just heard off in the distance
sounded more man than wolf. The howls are getting closer.
If they don’t have a Grit to remove, they remove 20 XP instead.
Also, If the Heroes have failed the last Adventure Mission goal, Each Hero makes a D6 roll at same time, repeat until at least two
all Heroes remove 50XP. Heros roll a 1. If a Hero rolls a ‘6’ during this time, that Hero
gains 15 XP, recovers 1 Grit, and may stop rolling. A Hero that
roll a ‘1’ takes D8 Horror Hits. If more than two Heroes roll 1
382 - The Idiot at same time, they all take the D8 Horror Hits and the Event is
Writer: Nuno de Sá over.
Oh no! You don’t know how but somewhere along the travel you have
lost some contents of your Side Bag 385 - Dying Marshal
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 62
The Hero who rolled this Hazard
performs a Cunning 5+ Test Located on page 22
After he is gone, the Heroes take a look at the photo. They are
standing together with their gear. Sun-worn faces dirty from their
adventures. It’s a handsome photo of the Heroes.
One of the Hero’s mounts is incredibly thirsty and becoming unhappier During the night, a man approaches your camp. He asks if he can join
with each trot. The Posse stops at a small watering hole not far off the you for the night. His eyes dart nervously, constantly looking around
trail to sate it. Sadly this area is also riddled with old and hard to detect him. In the dim light of the camp fire one of you notices that he keeps
exploratory mining pits!. scratching at himself all over. The Posse can either let him stay for the
night, or tell him to vamoose (depart hurriedly).
All Heroes perform a Cunning 4+ Test
If the Posse drive the man away, he begs to stay but eventually
This test is to prevent their horse from stumbling into one of goes to disappear into the darkness. Sometime in the middle of
these deadly pits. If passed, gain 20XP. the night the Posse hear a scream nearby. The Heroes don’t get
much sleep for the rest of the night, and take D3 Horror Hits.
If failed, the horse is partially pulled into one before the Posse
can haul it back out. The afflicted Hero must choose to remove If the Posse let the man stay with them, he thanks them and
either: two dark stone, two side-bag tokens, $200, or a Gear tucks into his bedroll immediately wishing them a good night.
card, as pouches and satchels fail to stay closed during the ordeal Roll a D6:
and items are lost into the dark pit.
D6 Result:
388 - Burning Farmstead 1: The night passes quietly. The next morning the man
cooks them breakfast from the food in his pack, and
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 34 thanks them many times for the kindness they showed
him. To show his gratitude he gives them a map he
Located on page 20 found a few days ago. On the next mine crawl, the
posse may draw two Mine Map cards and choose
411 - Racing the Iron Horse which to keep when laying down map tiles (this does
not apply to Otherworld tiles).
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) 2: The next morning the posse awakes to discover the
poor bloke passed away in the night. Examining the
Someone must’ve made a bet at a train station, as you can see a body reveals several bullet holes a few days old which
locomotive speeding down the track, going neck and neck against an had been poorly patched. Searching the man’s pack,
Indian Brave on horseback. The Train Engineer is giving the train all the Heroes discover a Wanted poster with the man’s
she has and only God knows if man or machine will win out in this face sketched upon it! This apparently was Jack “the
race. Fool” Mays, wanted for robbery and murder.The Posse
take the man’s body to the next town and collect $100
Each Hero may place bets on the outcome of this race. Everyone each.
that wants to, secretly bets with a hidden die, even = the Train, 3: The night passes quietly, but when dawn comes the
odd = the Indian Brave. Then a D6 is rolled and the outcome Posse are left with a horrific sight: the man has
determined. Each losing bidder pays $25 to every other win- dissolved into a gooey mess! All Heroes automatically
ning bidder. If the Train won, those winning Heroes also gain a take D3 Corruption. But the Heroes can also
Bandage or Whiskey Side Bag Token (choose one), while if the each draw a Loot card from the man’s pack.
Indian Brave wins, those winning Heroes Recover 1 Grit. 4: The night passes uneventfully. In the morning, the
posse wake to discover the man is gone and they’ve
412 - Indian Attack! 5:
been robbed! Each Hero loses D6 x$10
Sometime in the middle of the night the Posse awake
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) to screams. The man writhes and claws at his skin. As
the Heroes watch, the man bursts open like an egg and
Smoke billows can be seen up ahead and Indian Braves on horseback a horde of void spiders crawl out! All Heroes take D3
throwing torches are riding around. They’re destroying the railway Horror Hits and must fight 2D6 void spiders. If they
where it has gone over sacred Indian territory! win they may each draw Loot from the man’s pack.
6: Shortly after the posse tuck in for the night, the man
If you decide to stop the Indians from attacking, each Hero takes starts to scream and writhe. Before their horrified eyes
2D6 Hits and win 30 XP. the man transforms into a nightmarish creature! The
Posse must fight a combat against a Night Terror with
If you let them go, each Hero takes D6 Horror Hits and looses one extra Elite ability (if available, the Posse could
30 XP. fight a Werewolf with one Elite ability instead). The
Posse Loot normally if they win the fight.
414 - Train Robbery! 417 - Outrace the Darkness!
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Perry Grosshans
Ahead of you, the Posse spies a passenger train stopped on the tracks, a If this is not the last Travel Hazard, then this becomes the last Travel
group on bandits with guns drawn can be seen in front of the train and Hazard.
the engineer is standing beside the engine with hands in the air. It’s a
Train Robbery! In the middle of the night the Heroes awaken to the sounds of horrific
otherworld screams. The Darkness has tracked them from the mines
Each Hero that can, makes a Range attack against the train rob- and seeks revenge! They must flee!
bers to chase them away and win 20XP.
Take the Depth Track and place the Darkness token on its start-
If less than half of the Heroes Hit with their attacks, the train ing location and the Hero Posse’s token on 6.
robbers put up a fight and each Hero in the Posse takes D3
Wounds with no Defense. In addition, for each 1 that a Hero
rolls, that Hero has accidentally shot an innocent bystander and
takes 1 Corruption Point with no save.
This heroic deed is not in vain. During next town stay, the
Heroes are considered real Heroes and are offered free Hotel
rooms during the entire stay. If one of the Heroes gain the status The Heroes must now outrun the Darkness before it overtakes
“Wanted”, this offer is no longer valid. If any of the Heroes had them. To complicate matters, the Heroes must be careful so as
the status “Wanted”, this is removed by this good deed. not to lead the Darkness to the next Frontier Town.
Roll D6 for the Hero Posse and D6 for the Darkness. The high-
er die rolled moves its marker on the Depth Track, the number
415 - Phantom Train of spaces being the difference between the two dice.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
For example: The Darkness rolls a 5 and the Hero Posse rolls a
The whistle of an oncoming train can be heard rushing down the 3. The Darkness rolled higher so its marker moves 2 steps (5 – 3
tracks. Yet the train you can see appears to be some faint apparition, = 2) on the Depth Track, and is now that much closer to the
a spectral train of the dead. The train comes to a stop in front of the Heroes.
Posse and an ethereal conductor beckons you to board the train.
The Posse may travel on this Phantom Train if they’d like to.
Cancel all remaining travel Hazards. Next Town is the Haunted
Town. If they do, each Hero takes D8 Horror Hits and If they
suffer 3 or more Sanity Damage as a result, roll once on the
Madness Chart. The Darkness then rolls a 2 and the Heroes roll a 6! The Heroes
rolled higher, so they move their marker 4 steps (6 – 2 = 4)
away from the Darkness.
416 - Dastardly Whiplash
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) After rolling the dice, the Heroes can decide to chuck away Dark
Stone shards to throw the Darkness off their track. Each Dark
Some foul fiend has left a fair maiden tied up to a railway line. What Stone shard discarded this way adds +1 to the posse’s die roll to a
deviousness! You have only seconds to act before a speeding locomotive maximum of 6.
bears down upon this buxom damsel in distress.
If the Heroes reach the starting location (i.e. the first spot on
Each Hero may attempt to free the tied-up maiden, however, the Depth Track) they have escaped! But, if the final distance
only one Hero may be successful. Each Hero that is attempting between the Hero Posse’s marker and the Darkness’ marker is 3
makes an Agility 3+ test and counts the number of their success- or less, then the Darkness has tracked them to the Frontier Town.
es. All Heroes that are tied for number of successes are disqual- Two Random Buildings there will be destroyed by the Darkness
ified. The player with the most successes that isn’t disqualified seeking vengeance.
(not tied and must have 1 or more successes), rescues the fair
maiden. If the Darkness marker reaches or passes the Hero Posse’s mark-
er, the Heroes have been captured by the Darkness and are swept
If no one is successful, the fair maiden is cut in twain and all away by horrid tentacles, black fog swirling around them, and
Heroes take D3 Corruption Hits (no Willpower save). tiny mouths biting at their minds. Each Hero takes D6 Sanity
Hits (can be saved for normally) and suffers D3 Corruption.
Whoever saves the maiden wins 30XP, recovers 1 Grit and may The Heroes awaken in the Mines and must survive the Escape
Heal D6 Wounds/Sanity (any mix). Mission from the core books.
418 - Lava Lake 423 - Derailment
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
As the Heroes are traveling to town, they feel a sudden jolt in the A freight train has derailed off the tracks, spilling its contents all over the
ground. The ground cracks and separates in a circle around them and area. A load of Dark Stone that was being transported also spilled out,
lava fills the new space. They are quickly surrounded! drawing out some things that were best kept in the shadows...
Realizing that the ground around them is separating and the distance to Each Hero may make a Scavenge roll to grab some Dark Stone
safety is quickly growing, the Heroes have to act fast. for themselves. For each roll of 5 or 6, gain 1 Dark Stone. On a
roll of 2, 3, 4 a Hero gains 1 Dark Stone, but also gains 1 Cor-
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test ruption Point with no Willpower save.
All Heroes that pass are only a little singed as they leap to safety. If any Heroes roll a 1, Ambush - Draw a Threat card one level
Also, they win 20XP. higher than the Posse current level (If 5 or 6 players, draw Epic).
Draw two random Map tiles as your battle map.
Any Hero that fails falls short of the shore and gets burned by
the lava receiving D6 Hits unless they have clothing or other
gear that protects them from burning. 424 - Ruined Fort
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 35
421 - Kraken of the Rails Located on page 20
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A horde of Tentacles have sprang forth from the ground and are literal- 425 - Drunk at the Road
ly holding up a small train off the tracks! Writer: Nuno de Sá
Each Hero makes an Attack (Melee or Ranged). If collectively A man sits at the border of the road. He is so drunk that it’s difficult to
the Heroes are able to do at least 2 x # of Heroes worth of understand a word he speaks.
Damage (ex. three Heroes need to do at least 6 Wounds), then
they have freed the train from the tentacles before serious damage All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
is done. If successful, the Heroes each gain a reward of D6x$25
and 20XP. If one Hero is successful, win 20XP and he is able to commu-
nicate with the drunk man. He is interested to trade an item he
If failed, then the train along with a huge section of the railway recently found for two bottles of good distilled beverage drinks.
is destroyed. Due to the destruction caused, the Heroes will stay Any Whisky or Tequila will make him happy.
to help. Each Hero takes D3 Corruption Hits due to the horrors
they have witnessed. Any Hero can contribute for this trade. Trade any combination
of two side bag tokens worth of Whisky or Tequila with the Old
Man. If you do, draw a random Mine Artifact and trade for the
422 - Chained to the Rails Tokens. Posse to decide who keeps the Artifact.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Some hooligans have chained a farmer’s cow to the tracks. The farmer 426 - Horseshoe Throwing Contest
is busy trying to free the animal from the tracks, but a speeding loco- Writer: Cliff Odell
motive is on a collision course with both man and cow unless you can
act fast! The Hero Posse passes by a group of competitive cowpokes having an
impromptu game of horseshoes and are welcomed to join in.
Without discussing their choice, each Hero secretly chooses a
direction to pull the cow off the tracks using a hidden die, (even Each Hero that chooses to play may roll up to 3D6. Any rolls
= right, odd = left). Everyone reveals their choice at the same equal to or greater than their To Hit score are counted as a
time. Whichever group wins, the cow is pulled in their direction success. Collect $25 for each success. However, any rolls of 1
off the tracks and each Hero on that side gains 20 XP. or 2 count as a loss, and result in the Hero losing $25 to the
cowpokes for each 1 and 2 rolled.
Whichever Heroes were on the other side barely escape the
oncoming train and take D6 Hits for their effort. If tied, then
the cow is torn apart by the train and the Heroes collectively lose
x$50 paying back the farmer for his lost cow (each Hero loses
$50 if a decision cannot be reached).
427 - Spider Hole 431 - Raging River
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 42
As you search along a particularly steep side of a rocky area, you see Located on page 20
what appears to be a small freshly dug hole, hastily covered with a flat
rock. As you uncover the hole, something emerges!
432 - The Embryo
Each Hero gains 25XP. Roll a D6 Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
D6 Result:: The plains are scorched bare. No plant life grows in the area, as if a
1: A giant spider jumps out from the hole as you rip great fire had burned all life to a cinder. As you search around a little
off the covering and attacks. Each Hero takes D3 more, you find what appears to be an immense blackened crater, at the
Hits (no Defense) before you’re able to kill the center of which lies a pulsating mass of flesh, horrible to behold, and
thing. very much alive!
2-5: An odor of death & decay hits you full force as you
lift the covering. You find mutilated bodies, fresh kills The thing launches a brutal psychic attack against the party. Each
for some creature that thankfully isn’t around. Hero takes D6 Horror Hits, with each undefended Horror Hit
Each Hero takes D3 Horror Hits as they realize that inflicting 2 Sanity Damage.
the cuts are actually intricate carvings of some demonic
symbols. Any Hero that does not take any Sanity Damage may attempt
6: A frightened Prospector arises from the hole. He had an attack against the Embryo to stop it’s powerful mental assault,
been hiding from a swarm of monsters and gives the rolling for either a standard Ranged or Melee attack (no free at-
Heroes what he thinks attracted the monsters in the first tacks; Defense 2). The Heroes may repeatedly attack the Embryo
place. Each Hero receives 1 Dark Stone and recovers 1 as many times as they like, however each attempt brings another
Grit. attack of D6 Horror Hits (D2 Sanity Damage) each time, to the
attacker. When the creature has taken 10 Wounds, it is destroyed
and each member of the Posse gains 40 XP and recovers 1 Grit.
428 - Uncertain Treasure Map
Writer: Perry Grosshans Otherwise, if the Posse decides not to attack the thing, they may
leave, but each Hero rolls one more time on the Travel Hazard
The Posse find the remains of some old prospector, her bones picked Chart.
clean by the buzzards. Searching the body, the Heroes find an old
map! It’s hard to read, but it may lead to treasure…or it may lead to
heartache. 433 - Casey Jones
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
At the start of the next Mine crawl, if the Posse wish to use the
map, roll D6 and consult the table below. The Posse may keep The train engineer has passed out over the side of the railing. The Posse
the map until they decide to use it. can see from where they’re at that the train is out of control. There’s not
much time to act!
D6 Result::
1-3: The map is good. The posse now draw two Mine All Heroes perform a Luck 6+ Test
cards each turn and choose which to keep when laying
down map tiles (this does not apply to Otherworld If successful, then each Hero gains 20 XP and the train is
tiles). At the end of the adventure, each Hero receives brought to a stop without incident. If no Heroes are successful,
an extra $100. then the train is only brought to a stop when it crashes into the
nearest Town. 1 Random Building of the next Town is De-
4-6: The map is bad! The Heroes quickly get lost in the stroyed.
mines. Every time a Hold Back the Darkness roll is
failed, roll another D6: on a 5 or 6 move the Dark
ness marker one more step closer to the exit. 434 - Bone Train
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A Bone train is currently stopped in the middle of the tracks for repairs.
Workers are busy collecting buffalo bones and packing them back into
the train.
435 - Craps 437 - Predator
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Nuno de Sá
Beside the tracks are some vagrants, pulled up around some barrels The Posse finds what seems to be a suitable Cave to spend the night.
playing Craps. They offer to let you roll some dice if you don’t mind Inside, several human skeleton heads decorate the place. You are
losing the shirt off your backs. horrified and decide to leave. Something is lurking and you don’t want
to find what it is.
Each Hero may gamble if they want and place a bet of $50 or
$100 by rolling 2D6. A 7 or 11 automatically wins the game for Each Hero takes D3 Horror Hits as a result of the horror they
the Hero, while 2, 3, or double-sixes automatically fails. Any witness.
other result becomes the target number and the Hero will roll
2D6 again. All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test
The Hero must hit the target number, but if they roll a 7 this If at least one Hero is successful, he realizes you are being fol-
time, they fail. lowed by some sort of Predator and alerts the Posse. All Heroes
that pass, also gain 20XP. The Predator leaves as he realizes the
Any Hero that is successful gains twice whatever amount they Posse is aware of his presence. This Hazard is over.
originally bet.
If no Hero passed the test: The Predator attacks a random Hero:
436 - A Ride to the Nearest Town One random Hero performs an Agility
Writer: Nuno de Sá 4+ Test
A train moves slowly down the railroad. You could take this opportunity - If the Hero succeeds, he avoids the attack and win 20XP. The
to try to get a ride, but you must be quick about it as the train starts to Posse starts yelling and shooting. The Predator leaves.
gain some speed.
- If the Hero fails, the Predator is able to grab him. All Heroes
All Heroes can choose to perform an try to attack the Predator on turns in an attempt to free the cap-
Agility 5+ Test tured Hero. Each Hero performs a ranged or melee attack:
If you are successful, gain 20 XP and you are immediately trans- - If at least one Hero is able to hit the creature, (win 5XP per
ported to a Rail Town and any forthcoming Travel Hazards do Hit) it makes the creature flee while it releases the captured Hero,
not apply to you (your remaining Travel Hazards are canceled) but not without leaving a scar as a result of the struggle. The
captured Hero takes D6 Wounds.
Any Hero that is unsuccessful takes D6 Wounds with no Defense
getting injured in the process. Also, they are not able to board - If no Hero is able to hit the creature, the Predator still leaves the
the train and must continue the remaining path to Town together area alarmed by the attacks but not without taking a good bite at
with any Hero that did not try to board the train or also failed the Captured Hero, causing 2D6 Wounds and D3 Corruption
the attempt. without Willpower save.
441 - Once Upon a Raging River 443 - Prisoner Escape
Writer: Perry Grosshans Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The road comes to a river, full of fresh mountain rain runoff (ignore A passenger train is passing by the Posse when suddenly, gunfire is
the rest of this Travel Hazard if this is the last Travel Hazard). The road heard from one of the train cars. Glass explodes and a man jumps from
runs alongside the river, but the Heroes figure that if they ride the river out of the train car with shackles hanging from his hands. A Lawman
on a raft, they might be able to cut their travel time. leaking blood stumbles out of train attempting a pursuit after him, but
he’s in no shape to continue.
If the Heroes decide to just continue along the road, continue to
the next Travel Hazard. The Posse may either Heal the Lawman, while the Prisoner
escapes, catch the Prisoner while the Lawman bleeds to death, or
If the Heroes decide to build a raft and ride the river, roll D6: attempt both.
446 - Tornado 451 - Jargono Wanderer
Writer: Walter Gagajewski Writer: Cliff Odell
A tornado crashes down upon the unsuspecting Heroes as they try to The Posse encounter a fit and well armed figure who appears to be
find cover from the storm. a native from Jargono. The native has several scars and seems pretty
serious, but is actually friendly after greetings are exchanged. Some food
Roll D6 for each Hero, the lowest having been caught up by the and drink are shared and the native reveals that he is wandering the
tornado’s grasp and must roll on the chart to determine what desert in search of knowledge in some sort of quest.
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test
D6 Result::
1: The Hero is thrown up in the air, and is brought This check is made in turns (one Hero at a time).
crashing to the ground. He has lost D6*$100
from his pockets and has broken both his legs. The If the roll includes more than two 1’s, the Hero has inadvertent-
other Heroes must carry him, or place him on a cart, ly insulted the native, who promptly leaves. This encounter is
which delays their journey. All Heroes make another considered over. The Hero gave it a good shot though, so gains
Hazard Roll. As soon as the Heroes arrive at their desti 5XP for trying.
nation, the wounded Hero must pay $200 to be
healed. If he does not have this much left after losing If a Hero fails, but did not insult the native, gets 10XP.
it all in the tornado, then the Doc will take all gold he
does have, plus his less expensive Gear Card. If the test is passed, the native learns something useful from the
2: The Hero is tossed around like a rag doll, but manages Hero. The Hero gains 30XP. The wanderer also tells them about
to keep his grip on to the log he had grasped. All that some of the habits of the beasts in Jargono. The next time any
happens is he gets a few lumps and scratches, and a Hero in this Posse is in the Jargono Other World, he/she may ig-
whopping headache, totalling D8 Wounds. nore one Ambush attack of his/her choice, treating it as a normal
3-6 The Hero manages to reach safety with the rest of his attack instead. Note this bonus cannot be used if a scenario states
team. that a specific Threat comes into play as an Ambush.
The Heroes awake the next morning to find themselves surrounded by The path ahead is treacherous and dangerous
strange purple lights and dense violet fog.
Roll a D6:
After a few moments of panic, the fog lifts, the lights dissipate,
and the Hero Posse finds itself just outside the Frontier Town D6 Result::
they were travelling towards! Ignore any remaining Travel Haz- 1: The Posse has fallen in a huge pile. Each Hero then
ards. rolls another D6:
1 means the Hero looses a random Gear.
2-5: Each Hero of the Posse looses D6*$50 from their
448 - Nice Bandido pouches.
Writer: Nuno de Sá 6: Nothing happens. The Posse is able to travel through
the dangerous Path.
A bandit dressed in bright colored clothing leaps from behind a tree.
He explains that he gives money to the needy, and takes money from
the rich. There is something about him that is strangely pure. All He-
roes in the posse are happy to have met this character 453 - Bridge Destroyed
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 45
Every Hero that haves less than $500 receives a bag full of
D6*$100 from the nice bandido. Located on page 21
Any Hero that haves equal or higher than $500, gives the nice
bandido $100
454 - The Cat 457 - Phantom Horse Stampede
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Cliff Odell
A small cat shows up behind some bushes and meows with affection. A mob of phantom wild horses is stampeding through the land! The
You realize he is young and is just looking for fun Heroes must either steer clear or rely on their inner strength to avoid
this furious force.
The cat starts chasing the Posse and harrasing their Mounts with
his sharp uncut claws. Some of the mounts are not happy and All Heroes must perform an Agility or
get nervous with the presence of the small cat. Spirit 4+ Tests
Choose a random Hero to perform an If passed the Hero gains 10XP for each successful roll, as he
Agility 5+ Test avoids the horses and catch a safe glimpse into the realm of
phantoms and shades.
If Passed, gain 10XP.
If failed, the Hero is exposed to too much phantom energy at
If failed, your mount is so nervous that you cannot control it. once, and takes either D3 Horror Hits or removes 1 Grit due to
You go down. Take D3 Hits for 2 damage each. the experience.
All the other Heroes laugh. Who knew a Hero could be harmed
by such a small cat? 458 - The Eclipse
Writer: Darrell Jones
A Hero can never be KO with this fall. The minimum health he
can reach is 1. A creeping dark has been following the Heroes since they left the mine.
It’s an eclipse! Darkness befalls the desert. The Heroes are in complete
455 - Sleeping Under the Stars
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 51 This is no “normal” eclipse, though. The Heroes seemed to be trapped
in darkness. It’s as if the whole world is cast into darkness - yet there is
Located on page 21 an uneasy feeling within the shadows.
Until the start of the next mission, the Heroes and the Town they
456 - The Girlish Grin travel to are cast into darkness. If there are more Travel Hazards
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) after this one, the Heroes must test higher for any attribute test.
For example, if the test says test Lore 5+, it is now 6+.
The Posse stops to stretch their legs. and find a little sod house. Stand-
ing before the home’s entrance, a haggard woman holds the hand of In Town, the Heroes find that all Town folk are scared and suspi-
a little girl. The girl’s grin chills the toughest of souls. In a voice much cious; even of each other, but especially of travelers.
older than the small girl that stands before you. The girl demands that
you take her on a journey. An uncontrollable urge compels you to All financial transactions, whether for gear, training, medical
oblige. assistance...everything, is now at a 25% markup. If Heroes are
required to roll for price, then do that first and add 25%.
The girl demands to be taken to a Town out of your way.
Each Hero can test Cunning 6+ to have the 25% markup
All Heroes must perform a Willpower removed. If they fail, the markup is now 50%.
Remove 1 from each Dice while performing this check 461 - Circling Vultures
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 53
If at least one Hero succeeds, the girl vanishes and lets out a
horrific scream that burns your mind. Each Hero gains 15 XP Located on page 21
and takes D6 Horror Hits (no Willpower save).
If all Heroes fail, the Posse take the girl with them.
The strange girl have 6 Health and 6 Sanity. All Future Travel
Hazard related Health and Sanity damage checks also apply to
the girl. If either of the girl’s Health and Sanity get to 0, the girl
vanishes in thin air. All Heroes take 2D6 Horror Hits. and when
the Posse arrives to Town, a Random Building is Destroyed.
462 - Raging River Rescue 465 - Down to the River to Pray
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
As you ride beside the river, you see someone clinging for their life onto A group of singing church-goers are on their way to the river for some
a branch as they go speeding past the Posse downstream. You only baptisms. They invite the Posse to walk with them to the river and join
have seconds to act! in their fellowship.
All Heroes can try to perform an Agility Each Hero may have a ‘Conversion’ performed on them for free.
5+ and Strength 5+ Tests This is the exact same as the Service of the same name that can
be purchased at a Church Town Location.
Any Hero can try to save the strangers life but checks must be
made in turns (one Hero at a time).
466 - Row Row Row your Boat
If successful, the Hero wins 20XP and the poor stranger is pulled Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
up from the river. Also, the Hero gains D6x$25 and recovers 1
Grit. The Posse comes across an old boat run aground. The boat still seems
to be in good shape. You can take it for a quick jaunt down the river if
If no one rescues the stranger, then each Hero takes D3 Corrup- you want to.
tion Hits.
The Posse may travel in this boat. If they decide to do so, the
If a Hero fails and rolls any 1s in the process, they get caught up posse ignores the next Travel Hazard
in the river themselves and will need to be rescued by another
Hero who will need to make the same roll (the same condition
applies to all Heroes who attempt this). 467 - The Eastern Crystal Pylon
Heroes may either attempt to rescue the stranger or another (Advanced)
Hero, but not both. Those that aren’t rescued will be carried Writer: Nuno de Sá
away by the current for a few miles before you’re able to clamber
to safety. Any who are not rescued take D6 Hits, loose D3 Ran- You have found a Crystal Pylon on top of a carved stone structure. Two
dom Side Bag Tokens, and roll a D6. On a roll of 1, a Random Scourge Rats are carefully sculpted in front of the structure.
Gear or Artifact must also be discarded.
A bronze plaque reads: “Ritual of Cunning”
463 - River Passage You see a number of holes aligned nearby the stone structure.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) You also notice a mechanism. When activated, some of the holes
are filled with water, while others go dry. You try the mechanism
A small ferry travels the river up and downstream. If you want to, you some more times but can’t figure out exactly how it works and
can call to the owner of the boat to book passage. what is it’s purpose.
Any Hero can pay 30$ to book passage to the Posse. If you do, All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test
ignore the next Travel Hazard
It’s a puzzle and the mechanisms must be pushed in a certain
order. If passed: The Hero is able to fill all holes with water
464 - The River Serpent Lurks using the mechanism. Gain 20XP and 1 Cunning permanently.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Any Hero that previously found and sucessfully completed the
Something is moving beneath the water, every so often you catch sight tests of all Pylons (Agility, Cunning, Lore and Strength), gain +1
of a scaled form just breaking the surface. There’s a palpable sense of Health and +1 Sanity Permanently.
dread in the Posse when you think about what might happen if you
were to try to cross that river.
Each Hero can distract the Beast by throwing a Dark Stone into
the river, escaping the river monster’s wrath.
468 - The Book of the Dead 472 - THEM!
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
A dark figure approaches, surrounded by a mysterious, foggy aura. The local army ants have apparently gotten into some Liquid Dark
You are alone and you are naked. You try to run but you can’t. Horror Stone. These ants are now the size of a man and are a serious threat to
takes control of your mind and body as the figure whispers. “Mortal, I local Towns, farms, and travelers.
have come to you with a gift of the shadows. You have been chosen to
become the hand of death. Accept my gift and you shall be rewarded” All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
You wake up sweaty and fainting. That was a really bad dream. You If all are successful, the Heroes sneak up on the army ants and
take some time to catch your breath. Suddenly you realize that in front assassinate them. Each Hero wins 30XP.
of you a book levitates, dancing with your will. The tittle catches your
attention. The Book of the Dead. You pick it up: If any Hero fails, the army ants turn and attack! Each Hero suf-
Inside, a clear message is written on the first page: “Write the name of fers D6 hits. Each Hero with a Dynamite token must discard it
the creature you want to kill and it shall be dead. One name you have, to destroy the army ants. If you do, each Hero gains 50XP.
any name you will. The book of the dead will vanish with your sin”
If you do not have Dynamite tokens, you can toss all Fine Cigar
The Hero that rolled this Hazard has been chosen by the book tokens and Whiskey/Tequila tokens to create crude Molotov
to become its owner. At any moment that Hero can decide to Cocktails. If you do this, each hero gains 25XP.
kill an enemy during a fight (enemies that provide XP per hit
plus XP when they die are considered to be too strong and are If you do not have any Fine Cigar and Whiskey/Tequila tokens,
immune to the effects of the book). The Hero then receives the then the Heroes cannot defeat the army ants. Each Hero turns
XP for the enemy’s death and takes D3 corruption hits without and runs. Each Hero rolls a D6. On a result of 1, drop and
Willpower save. When used, the book vanishes. discard a random Gear card.
The Heroes encounter a group of women dressed irregularly. Closer in- You stumble upon what seems to be the home of a Large Bear. As you
spection reveals that these women are wearing the skin of other people! carefully try to go back and avoid this place you realize it’s too late. It’s
not really a bear. One enraged beast emerges from the dark and quickly
Each Hero immediately takes D3 Horror Hits. attacks.
As the Skin Walkers get closer, the Heroes see they are brandish- Draw a random Jargono Map Tile. Ambush Attack. One En-
ing large knives and machetes. They mean to butcher you and raged Night Terror covered with blood is out of control and
wear your skin! The Heroes have these women outgunned, but attacks the Posse. (+1 Elite Ability, +2 Initiative and +5 health per
they still attack. Each Hero rolls D6. Hero in the Posse)
D6 Result::
1-2: The Skin Walkers overpower that Hero and carve out 474 - The Spirit Animal
skin to include in their “suit.” That Hero takes Writer: Darrell Jones
D6 Wounds ignoring Defense and is now -1
Agility and -1 Strength until he can see a Doctor in Any Hero with the Tribal trait or a Spirit of 4+ sees a Spirit Animal just
Town. That Hero gets 15XP. off the trail. The creature is keeping pace with the Heroes but looks to
3-4: The Skin Walkers attack ferociously but the Hero is be “inviting” them to follow them somewhere.
ready. He defeats these women, but not before getting
some deep cuts in. That Hero takes D3 Wounds These Heroes can decide to whether or not to follow the Spirit
ignoring Defense then receives 25XP. Animal. If they do not, the Spirit Animal runs off into the bush
5-6: The Hero is ready! The Skin Walkers attack to no never to be seen again.
avail. The hero defeats the Skin Walkers easily and
receives 50XP. If the Heroes do decide to follow him, they are led into individ-
ual caves where they see the Spirit Animal stop near a wooden
Each Hero rolls Luck 4+. If they fail, the Spirit Animal disap-
pears along with the crate. Each Hero that passes, wins 20XP
and opens the crate to find D3 Darkstones. The Heroes then find
their way back to the rest of their group.
475 - The Circle of Statues 476 - Well Water
Writer: Oscar Andrés Schwerdt Writer: Darrell Jones
The sun is hot as hell, and your eyes are filled with dust. The water and The Posse come across a farmstead and sees the entire family out by
food remaining in your mounts side bags are running dangerously low. the water pump.
You see a valley entrance cracking between the mountains that you are
trying to round to reach next Town. As soon as the family sees the Posse, they ask for your help.
Choose: It seems they have a problem with their water pump. The Heroes head
over to see if they can help.
Keep your way:
The handle is seized, but the Posse thinks they can get it moving
The Posse decides not to explore the valley. You can’t afford los-
ing a day of rations in a possible dead end. This Hazard is over. All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
Explore: If no Hero passes, the group is unable to help and move on.
This Hazard is over.
You assume that the valley may be a shortcut, and you are deter-
mined to take the risk. If any Hero is passes, they successfully free the handle and after a
few pumps, water starts flowing. Each Hero gains 25XP.
All Posse members take D8 Hits as the thirst and hunger afflicts
the Heroes due to the increased amount of time to reach Town. Also, roll a D6.
After a few hours of traveling through the mountains you reach D6 Result::
a place full of green grass, frugal trees, and variety of animals and 1-2: The water flowing from the pump quickly turns to
insects. In the middle of that beautiful place you see a circle of blood. The Heroes uncover the boards around the
tall statues. Perfectly sculpted mutations cover the statues bodies pump and find a horrific site, this family has been
but what truly captures your attention are the faces… peaceful murdering people and throwing them in this pit to rot.
faces… like you have never seen before. All Heroes take D3 Horror Hits. The family flees
before the Heroes even notice.
All Heroes perform a spirit 5+ Test 3-4: The water turns from crystal clear to steam! The
ground around them gets hot and lava starts
If at least one Hero failed: seeping into the soil. Soon, the entire field is consumed
After contemplating the wonderful place, you see the valley exit, by lava. All Heroes performs an Agility 5+ Test to
and you leave this place. All Heroes lose 1 Grit. Heroes that avoid the lava.
succeeded this check still win 20XP. - Each Hero that fails take D3 Hits.
- Each Hero that passes win 20XP.
If all Heroes succeed: - If any Hero rolls more than one 6 on that Agility
You sense that the statues are calling you. The Posse enters the test, they are able to save the family. Each Hero that
circle, your bodies start to feel lighter and your minds are at rolls more than one 6 gains 50XP.
peace. After a blinding glow, each Hero chooses a Mutation to be - If two or more Heroes fail, they are unable to save
healed as they levitate. the family before they are consumed by the lava. Each
Hero then takes D3 Horror Hits without Willpower
If you don’t have a Mutation to heal, you have a divine revelation defense.
and permanently win +1 Spirit. - Otherwise, the Heroes are able to avoid most of the
Lava but they are unable to save the family. Each Hero
After leaving the valley you look back only to see nothing. The take D6 Horror Hits.
valley is no more. You think that maybe that’s a good thing. That 5-6: The water is wonderful! But there’s something about
place was not meant to be corrupted by the hand of man. it - it’s almost magical. Any Heroes with Injuries may
choose to roll a D8 for each Injury. On a result of 7 or
All Heroes gain 20 XP. 8, the Injuries are healed! Any Hero rolling a 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 or 6, the water makes you nauseous, but there is no
477 - The Haunted Church 478 - Prison in the Woods
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
Rumors have swirled about a burned down church where the only You find a rusty, old house laid to waste in the woods. Perhaps a good
victim, the priest, haunts the place with wails of pain. Naturally, no one sign, a place to rest.
will step in willingly.
You try to enter but the door is locked tight. You find odd that this
The fire was supposedly an accident - struck by lightning during a house haves no windows.
storm. The priest had been asleep
Someone in the Posse can try to open the door.
The Heroes come across the church and decide to investigate.
All Heroes can perform a Strength 5+
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test Test (bust the door) or a Cunning 5+ Test
(picklock the door).
If all Heroes fail,
Nothing happens and the Heroes leave. This Hazard is over. Heroes take turns to try. The first Hero that succeeds wins 30XP.
All Heroes add +1 to all their Defense rolls against all attacks Leave the kids to their fate and leave the area
during their next fight. They all awaken knowing that the priest’s All Heroes take D8 Horror Hits without Willpower defense…
spirit is at rest. This Hazard is over.
If the Heroes do not visit the Sheriff or there is no Sheriff Loca- Take the kids with you to next Town.
tion in the next Town, the Heroes receive nothing. The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard rolls two additional
Hazards. This represents the extra time the Posse will need to
reach next Town with the kids.
When you reach Town, all Heroes win 20XP and recover one
Grit. Also, every Hero can ignore the first Unwanted Attention
Marker they win during that Town Stay.
481 - Snapped! 483 - Tides of Time
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
The travels and recent expeditions have certainly taken their toll on the There’s an electric sensation in the air. Humidity and strong winds
Heroes. They have all seen and done things - unspeakable things, that punish the area and those that are unlucky to pass by. You sense that
are weighing on their minds and very souls. the void is strong in this region.
The Hero with the most corruption points* just snaps and During your next adventure, every time you draw a map Tile roll
attacks a random Hero. Choose the last equipped ranged or a D8.
melee weapons and resolve their/its attack. Handle as normal.
Do not use Dynamite for this attack. After the attack, the Heroes If the result is 1, the Darkness Marker moves one position up.
tackle and restrain the attacking Hero. He’s got Dark Stone Fever
and needs to be treated by the local Doctor at the nearest Town. If the result is 8, the Darkness Marker moves one position down.
There, pay $250 to have the fever cured.
Only the Lantern carrier can roll this dice.
*If there is a tie for most corruption, count dark stone items. If
that is still a tie, each tied Hero rolls a D6, the lowest roll snaps.
Roll until you have a loser. 484 - Jackalopes!
Writer: Darrell Jones
482 - Outlaws on the Road As the Heroes approach the crest of a hill, they hear what sounds like
Writer: Nuno de Sá a stampede far off in the distance. They quickly realize that it is not a
stampede of cattle, but a stampede of Jackalopes!
A group of dangerous individuals cross your path. You do your best to
try to avoid them but they manage to get closer. Jackalopes aren’t dangerous, as they won’t attack, but their antlers could
do some damage during a stampede. Jackalopes are also good eats, and
Roll a D6: their pelts are worth some money.
486 - A Light of Hope 488 - Tree Falling
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
After some bad weather days, the weather is finally starting to calm While you are packing up to leave the campsite, someone yells:
down. The sun is bright in the sky and you can hear some birds sing- “WATCH OUT!”
ing. This area seems to be less affected by the recent events that started
to trouble Brimstone. A tree is falling down
Next Town cannot be any of the following: All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ and
“Plague, Ruins, Mutant, Haunted”. Cunning 5+ Tests
This overrules any other Travel Hazard that results in finding a
specific Town Type (ignore those Hazards) If you failed both tests, you don’t move and the Tree falls on
your head. Take D8 Hits without defense. Roll a D6. If you roll
Also, the Town cannot have the Mutant Quarter location but 1, roll once on the Injury Chart.
must have a Church location.
If you passed the Agility test but failed the Cunning test, win
During next Adventure, any time you draw a Darkness card, roll 10XP. Also, you are too fast but move… in the wrong direction.
a D6. On the result of 6, discard it. Right into the place the tree falls to. Take D8 Hits. Roll a D6. If
you roll 1, roll once on the Injury Chart.
487 - The Ghost in the Woods If you failed the Agility test but passed the Cunning test, win
Writer: Nuno de Sá 10XP. You are slow, but it suits you. You know the tree is not go-
ing to fall on your head. It’s like you see the tree falling in slow
Local rumours about a ghost that haunts the woods ahead. It seems he motion. Nothing else happens.
likes to play tricks on Travelers.
If you passed both tests, you are fast, too fast and you know
All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ and Lore exactly the place the tree is going to fall. You perform a trick
6+ Tests worthy of a Cat just to show your fellow Posse members how
great you are. Gain 40XP
If you fail both tests, you have never heard of such a tale and
your faith is week so you believe the stories and you are deadly
scared. Take D8 Horror Hits. The Ghost hunts those that fear 511 - Gold Panning
him by causing loss of memory. Also remove 30XP. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
If you fail the Spirit test and succeed the Lore test, win 10XP. You As you search along the banks of this river, you come across an old
have heard of such story before and believe it is true. You know Prospector, panning for gold.
how scary this ghost can be. Roll a D6:
Just as you pass by he jumps up in exclamation. He’s struck it rich! He
D6 Result: dances about wildly, but then slows when he notices your Posse draw
1-2 You lose a random Gear, if you have (Artifacts, near.
Personal Items and Starting Gear not affected)
3-4 You lose a random Side Bag Token. If you don’t have, The Prospector has suddenly grown suspicious of the Posse.
you lose a Grit instead. If you also don’t have Grit, you
lose 30XP Choose one Hero to perform a Cunning
5-6 The ghost scare you enough to take D6 Horror Hits. 5+ Test
If you succeed the Spirit tests and fail the Lore test, you have If you pass this test, the Prospector gives the Posse D6x$50
never heard of this ghost before but your faith is so strong that to buy your silence about the location of the gold deposit. All
you do not fear any Legends or Tales. Gain 10XP. Heroes win 20XP.
Also, somehow a random side bag token is lost. You don’t
understand how. If failed, the Prospector whips out his pickaxe and chases you
varmints away for trespassin’ on his property!
If you succeed both tests, you know all about this ghost and your
faith is too Strong. You do not fear him. Furthermore, the ghost Each Hero takes D3 Hits and runs away back where you came
feels your inner strength and fears you. Gain 1 Grit and 30 XP. from. The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard must roll for
another Travel Hazard.
512 - Ruins of the Old World 514 - Nightmare Ram
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The bridge crossing this part of the river is an elaborate stone affair, Before you, stands a weird half-goat, half-man beast, a Nightmare
with some complex artistic reliefs carved into the arched sides and Ram! The beast carries a lantern and stares intently at you with cruel
supports. eyes as it guards what looks to be a riverside garden of some sort.
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test The weird beast charges at the party, out of fear or malice you
cannot say. Each Hero in the party takes Hits and the thing
For each 5+ that a Hero rolls, they gain 20 XP. If the Posse wades out into the river and escapes.
collectively rolls more successes than there are Heroes in the If nobody in the party takes any Wounds from the assault, the
Posse, they discover a puzzle worked into the artistic reliefs on Nightmare Ram also drops his intricate Lantern, carved of bone!
the bridge. This Lantern can be used to make separate Hold Back the Dark-
ness rolls (make two sets of rolls, only move the Darkness marker
How to solve the puzzle: if both rolls fail). This Lantern will last until the end of your next
Adventure, at which point it crumbles apart.
All Heroes perform a Cunning 4+ and an
Agility 4+ Test
515 - Deputies & Desperados
Hero will perform this test by initiative order (Each Hero at a Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
time). The first Hero to complete both tests draws a Loot card.
A group of lawmen and some outlaws have gotten themselves into a
shootout, the outlaws seem to have the upper-hand as the lawmen are
513 - Lost in the Fog pinned down and can’t retreat with the river at their backs.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
You may choose to help either the Outlaws or the Lawmen. If
A thick fog obscures your vision. You can barely see.. you assist the Lawmen, the Outlaws are killed and each Hero in
the Posse gains 30 XP. If you assist the Outlaws, the Lawmen are
A thin voice calls far away: “Mother... mother... help me.... “ killed and each Hero in the Posse gains D3x$100. If there are any
The Posse may decide to go into the voice’s direction or ignore it ‘Law’ Heroes in the Posse, you must help the Lawmen.
If at least one Hero succeeds the test: Any Heroes may pay the Ferryman with Dark Stones to
Win 20XP. You find a girl lost in the fog. She is very scared and gain 1 personal Revive Token. This Revive Token may only be
all you can do is try to calm her! Roll a D6: used by the Hero that paid the toll and may not be transferred to
any other Heroes. Each Hero may only buy one Revive Token.
D6 Result::
1: The mother of the girl suddenly appears as you try to
calm her. With her, a group of 10 man quickly pull 517 - The Mist
their guns at you and start shooting. You retreat! Each Writer: Darrell Jones
Hero takes D8 Hits.
2,3,4: You are not able to calm the girl. A group of 10 men The Heroes are suddenly surrounded by a dense mist. They can barely
appear and immediately take the girl from you. They see each other even though they are mere feet from each other. After a
grunt before they leave. few minutes, they start feeling as if something is picking at the back of
5,6: You are able to calm the girl. She smiles in comfort their mind. There is something causing them to see their worst fears.
when she understands you mean no harm. Eventually
you find a big group of peregrins. A tall women rushes Each Hero rolls on the Madness Chart. Rolls of 11 and 12 are
to the little girl and hold her thight. The women thank ignored on this chart. Cannot be healed. The effect goes off after
you and give 50$ to each Hero. the end of the next Adventure. Heroes can perform a Cunning
6+ or Spirit 6+ test to see if they are strong enough to resist their
fears. Any Hero that passes gains 30XP.
518 - Void Beast 521 - Men of Stone and Sorrow
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
You find two men hiding behind some rocks. You ask what they are do- You stop by the river to get yourself a drink, as you bend down and
ing. “Shhht, keep quiet”, one of them say. “We have sent a scout ahead cup your hands for some water, you see something strange. At first it
to search the area... We have heard rumours about some nasty beasts or appears to be a statue beneath the water, but it begins to swim towards
god knows what else lurking around. Our scout have a Cavalry horn. you at a rapid pace. It reaches you and tries to pull you under!
We plan to wait until he plays it. If he plays one time, the path is free, if
he plays it two times, it means he found something and we need to go A random Hero performs an Agility 4+
to him. If he plays…” Test
A horn… at the distance sounds the alarm. Everyone goes silent waiting If the Hero successfully dodges the attack, he gains 25 XP. If
for the number of times he will play. failed, this Hero is dragged into the water and becomes infected
with ‘Greyscale’, an illness that slowly turns a Hero to living
Roll a D3. This is equivalent to the number of times you will stone!
hear the horn
Each time this Hero starts an adventure, after becoming infect-
D3 Result:: ed, he gets -1 to Initiative, and roll once on the Madness Chart.
1: Nothing happens. You can proceed He also get’s 6+ natural armor on the beggining of his second
2: You follow the two men into a small valley ahead. A adventure and 5+ natural armor on the beggining of the 3rd (this
large creature, different from everything you have ever is not comulative with any mutations that provide armor or with
seen eats the remains of a dead body. The creature any equipement with the keyword “chest”)
is feeding and ignores the Posse, but the smell is too
intense and impregnates the entire area. Each Hero After 4 full adventures, the Hero will die and it’s body perma-
takes D3 Corruption. The two men ran away the nently changes into a statue.
moment they lay eyes on the creature. You can decide
to run or fight it. If you run, you can proceed to the The only cure for Greyscale is to be bitten by a Void or Undead
next Hazard. If you fight, go to “how to fight the Enemy. After receiving 1 Wound from a Void or Undead Enemy,
beast” section of this Hazard. * the effects of the disease are removed at the end of the Mission.
3– A third man appears out of the woods, running in
your direction. He does not stop, he passes by
and contiues running. “That was our scout!” A large 522 - Flash Flood!
roar echoes the area. Something is purchasing the Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
scout. A large beast appears. There is no time to run,
you have to fight. The two man obviously manage to Dangerous flash flooding upriver has surprised your group. The rush
escape and leave the Posse face to face with the beast. for high ground is on and it’s everyone for themselves!
If none of the Heroes have a Dynamite token and all Heroes fail
the Cunning Test, the Heroes are in trouble and run. All Heroes
take D3 Corruption Hits and D6 Wounds without Defense. Also,
when you reach next Town, you find that the Beast had been
there and caused the destruction of D3 Locations.
523 - Deep Hatreds 526 - Void Hound Attack
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 56
A tribe of Serpent men have taken up residence on this part of the river. Located on page 21
Though their features appear misshapen and horrible to behold, they’re
not immediately attacking you. They seem to have the same level of
disgust and trepidation towards you as you do of them. 527 - The Cursed Valley
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Each Hero takes D3 Horror Hits. If anybody takes any Sanity
damage, a fight breaks out and each Hero takes D6 Hits. Regardless of the direction the Heroes takes, North, South, East or
West, they always end in the same Valley. Are they lost? Feels as if
If nobody in the Posse takes any Sanity damage, they see past crossing a cursed land. A land that will not allow the Heroes to leave.
the serpent mens’ frightening exterior and begin a dialogue with
them. Heroes may buy Purchase Items from these Serpent men Choose one Hero to perform a Cunning
Draw 3 Jungle of Jargonno Artifacts. you can buy them for the 5+ Test
base value + D3*$100 (roll for each Artifact)
The chosen Hero will perform a Scout mission, leaving the Posse
524 - Army Convoy
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 54 If the Hero fails the Cunning test, he will come back to the same
place where he started, at the Posse location. Also he takes D6
Located on page 21 Horror Hits. Eventually, the Posse finds the exit but not without
suffering. All Heroes lose 1 Grit and 50 XP.
525 - Starving Dog If the Hero succeeds the test, win 20XP. He found a possible
Writer: Nuno de Sá exit, leading the Posse out of this Cursed Vale. All Heroes then
recover 1 Grit.
A dog approaches the Posse carefully. It looks like he is starving. He
does not seem upset and is somehow curious.
528 - Molotov Cocktail Schematics
The Hero that rolled this Hazzard interacts with the dog Writer: Nuno de Sá
Choose: A lone grizzly old man sits on top of his old Wagon that barely seems
to stand without falling apart. A white long beard hides a smile that his
Ignore the poor dog. Take 1 Corruption Hit without Willpower eyes won’t deny as he commands his old horses to stop. “Hello Strang-
ers”, he happily shouts. “Are you interested to learn some schematics?
Kick him to go away: Take 1 Corruption Hit without Willpower I can easily teach you how to create a Molotov Cocktail. You will need
them in this woods hahahahaha. In return, all I am asking is that you
Try to feed the dog. Perform a Spirit 4+ Test give me one Whisky, one Bandage and a bit of Lantern Oil (one)”.
If you succeed, you feed the dog. Heal D3 corruption and win The old man removes a pipe from a side bag and starts smoking while
25XP. If you fail, the dog is not happy about how you waiting for an answer.
approached him and bites you. Take D6 Hits.
If the Posse owns the ingredients listed by the Old Man, he will
Try to pet the dog. Perform a Cunning 5+ Test teach every Hero how to build a Molotov Cocktail.
If you succeed, the dog is happy but is still angry for food. He
leaves. Take D3 Corruption Hits and win 25XP. If you fail, the Each Hero performs a Lore 5+ Test to see if they have learned
dog is not happy, he bites you before he leaves. Take D6 Hits. how to build it. If fail, the Hero learns nothing. If succeed, the
Hero learns the schematics and win 20 XP.
Try to pet and feed the Dog You are a true Dog Whisperer.
How to Build a Molotov Cocktail: Simply mix one bottle of
Perform a Spirit 5+, a Cunning 5+ and a Whisky or Tonic with one Lantern Oil and apply a Bandage at
Lore +5 Tests the neck of the bottle. Cannot be created during a fight.
How to use a Molotov Cocktail: The same rules of Dynamite
If you succeed, congratulations, you have won a dog as a com- apply, except that it only bounces One Time, if the Ranged
panion (use the allies and companions book) and win 50XP. If Hit misses. Molotov Cocktail does D6-1 Damage and ignores
you fail, the dog gets enraged, he mistakes you for food and then enemies Defense.
attacks. Take D8 Hits plus D3 Corruption without Willpower.
531 - The Storm 534 - Ragged Story Teller
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Heavy rains have raised the waters higher than normal and the entire Sitting beside the river, an elderly woman dressed in patched gypsy
area has become flooded. clothing is singing a song in a language you can only guess as Europe-
an. Nearby you see an immaculately painted vardo and a horse grazing.
Two random Heroes add another Travel Hazard to this journey. The woman beckons you over and without introducing herself begins a
story (in English).
532 - Floating Body The woman weaves a tale of death & destruction, of tragic He-
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) roes & loves lost, of monsters slain and wrongs righted. When
she has finished her story, she turns to a Random Hero and says
A corpse, bloated and rotting floats along the river. The body appears that the tale she has just told, was their own future. That Hero
to be quite old and from where you are, there’s no way to tell the cause gains a personal Revive Token. That Token may only be used by
of death. that Hero and cannot be transfered.
The Heroes can ignore this strange warning and continue on this You may cancel the next Travel Hazard. If you do, roll another.
Heroes that pass this test, win 20XP. Each Hero take D6 Horror Hits.
If the Heroes choose to heed the warning and go back, all He- As they blink their eyes in confusion, the desert and the skies are
roes roll for an additional Travel Hazard. normal again.
538 - Sun-Bleached Skeleton 543 - Settlers
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Posse finds the remains of some poor fool. His bones have been The Posse comes across a wagon train looking to make a settlement.
bleached by the sun, his clothes have rotted away. Having heard rumors about free land near a specific Town they have
packed up all their belongings
Clearly he has been here for some time.
The Settlers ask you for an escort. (only if more than 2 hazards
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test are left until you reach next Town)
Any Hero that fails take D3 Horror Hits as the skeleton looks up If you accept, at the begining of every remaining Travel Hazard,
at them and whispers their name! roll a D6:
Any Hero that passes win 20XP and may perform a Scavenge D6 Result::
Roll. If more than one 6 is rolled, the Heroes find Gear buried 1 One or more settlers die as a result of the Hazard or
in the sand around the skeleton - draw a Gear Card. If only one any other afflictions. The settlers blame the Posse and
6 is rolled, draw a Scavenge Card as normal. leave. Every Hero takes D3 Corruption Hits without
Willpower save.
Then roll a D3 for each Gear Card collected (even those collect- 2 The Settlers decide to travel alone as traveling with the
ed by Scavenge Cards). On a roll of 1-3, the gear has weathered Posse is too dangerous. They leave you and curse you.
too long in the desert and is useless. On a roll of 4-6, you gain Every Hero takes 1 Corruption without Willpower save.
that Gear Card. 3,4,5 Nothing Happens.
6 The Settlers decide the reward the Posse for their trou-
541 - Medical Attention ble. Each Hero collects D6*$50.
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) If the settlers make it to Town the Posse is heavily rewarded.
Every Hero receives D6*$100
A Doctor on his way to cover his rounds for folks out in the wilderness,
slowly rides towards the Posse.
544 - Circle the Wagons
He notices the state of the group and asks if there’s anything he can do Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
to help.
The Posse barely manages to take up defensive positions within a circle
You may pay for Medical Attention actions from this Doctor as if of homesteading wagons after coming across a pack of Stranglers.
you were at a Doc’s Office (do not roll for Location Events). The homesteaders here have been massacred, but you don’t seem to
be alone. A group of Indian Braves have also ended up here and are
542 - The Tar Pits helping to hold back the fiends.
545 - Big Race (Advanced) 546 - Indian Curse
Writer: Nuno de Sá *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 61
A massive group of people gather together in a large campsite filled Located on page 22
with tents and caravans. Some Cowboys patrol the outskirts of the
camp. As you approach you are amazed with the positive energy
around. Children playing while their parents laugh and tell stories by 547 - Jim the Bullet
the fires. Writer: Nuno de Sá
You notice some folks, wearing white dirty cloths, running around A group of Deputy Cowboys stop by to greet the Posse:
like crazy. You wonder what are they doing when suddenly a Cowboy
approaches the Posse. “Howdy strangers, have you come to participate “Howdy, it’s a fine day today. I hope you don’t mind us. We are
in the Big Race?” carrying the infamous Jim the Bullet. That’s right, that man right there
it’s Jimmy”
All Heroes choose:
It would be impossible to miss him. A man beaten so badly he can
Don’t participate on the Big Race: The Cowboy repplies: “Well hardly speak is tied up on top of a mustang. His body is hurt but his
ok, then. I will inform the others to start the race. If you want, face haves no expression, as if he feels no pain. He looks at the Posse
you can go bet on who you think might win the damn thing”. members for some moments, until he decides to ignore it.
Any of your friends are still welcome to participate.
“We still have some days ahead before we reach the Town. We could
Each Hero not participating in the Big Race can bet on a runner. use your company. Are you interested to join our ranks? Old Jimmy’s
Crew could attack us any moment and we could use an extra pair of
Spend to a maximum of 300$. Anyone that bet on the first place, guns. We pay good money, of course”
wins double the money they invested. Anyone that bets on the
second place, gets the same money they have invested. Other- Choose:
wise, the money invested is gone.
Ignore the request and move on. Nothing else happens.
Participate on the Big Race:
Help the cowboys carry Jim the Bullet:
All Heroes that are particiating spend $100 toll to participate.
Obviously, you are attacked down the road. The bloodthirsty
Each perform an Agility test and sum the dices. famous Jim’s Crew fight furiously to get their Boss back:
There are 4 NPC’s also participating. They all have 4 to their All Heroes choose to perform an Agility
Agility. Perform the same check and sum the dices. or Strenght Tests
The two racers with the lowest results are removed from the race. Sum all dices. This is the strength of the Posse
All other remaining racers perform another Agility test and sum Then roll 3D6 for each Hero in the Posse and sum all dices.
all dices. Again, remove the two racers with the lowest results. This is the strength of Jim’s Crew.
Continue until one or two racers are left. If 1, he immediately Check both side’s results. The higher result wins.
wins the Race. If two are remaining, they each perform a last
Agility check and sum the dices. The player with the highest If you win, you are able to carry Jim’s tied up body until the
result wins. next Town and Ignore the next Travel Hazards.
If a Hero wins the race he wins $400 and a Gear card. Also The deputies thank you and give the Posse $100 to each Hero.
wins 30XP. Also, each Hero wins 40XP
Second place wins $200 and 20 XP If you fail, Old Jimmy was helped by his Crew. Each Hero takes
D8 Hits.
Third Place wins $100 and 10XP
548 - The Obelisk 553 - Stage Coach Mystery
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
On the horizon, the Heroes see a strange building towering over the Bloodied bodies hang from the windows and drape the stage coach
desert. As they approach, they realize quickly that this is not a building, reigns. The horses are exhausted with fright and come to a halt in front
but a structure - one that no way is humanly made. Getting closer, the of the Posse. Something doesn’t seem right about the situation.
Posse realizes that this obelisk is hovering a few feet off the ground and
emanating a weird electric current that you can feel but not see. All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
Each Hero rolls a D6. Each Hero that passes this test wins 20XP and uncovers the
mystery. Then, immediately take D8 Horror Hits at the sudden
D6 Result: realization of what happened on that stage coach.
1-2: The humming electric sound from the obelisk increases
in volume to a point that it seems to be starting from Any Hero that rolls a 1, also rolls once on the Madness Chart.
inside your head. Take D3 Horror Hits ignoring will- The details of the stage coach mystery are so horrific, its beyond
power. human understanding, let alone the written word.
3-4: You feel compelled to touch the obelisk. The Hero is
shocked and takes D6 Hits ignoring Defense.
You are repulsed by the sheer presence of the obelisk. 554 - Bleeding Justice
You need to get away from it as fast as possible. Lose Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
all your Side Bag Tokens as you run away in fear.
6: You vanish instantly without a trace. You suffer D3 A US Marshal, tired and dusty, is approaching from the opposite
Horror Hits and find yourself strapped to a chair direction. He has a gunshot wound and is demanding help from you in
in the Church in Town. You cannot do anything but the name of the US Government.
wait. When all Travel Hazards are complete, the
Posse finds you in Town. Proceed normally. If there are any ‘Law’ Heroes in the group, the Posse must
collectively give up 3 Bandages or other Wound-Healing Side
Bag Tokens to Heal the US Marshal.
551 - Well Worn Wheel
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Otherwise, it is optional.
A passing stage coach has thrown a wheel and one of the passengers If the Posse does not help the US Marshal, Heroes with the
has suffered a severe wound to the head, if the Posse can lend aid they keyword ‘Law’ take D6 Corruption Hits, ignoring Willpower, as
will be most appreciative. they watch him die.
Any Hero may give up a Bandage or any other Wound-Healing All other Heroes without the keyword ‘Law’ or ‘Outlaw’ instead
Side Bag Tokens, then chooses from the following rewards: $50, take D3 Corruption Points with no Willpower save.
a Whiskey Side Bag Token, or recover 1 Grit. Each Hero may
only donate a single Side Bag Token for a reward. If nobody do- ‘Outlaw’ Heroes are unaffected (but must still give up Side Bag
nates anything, each Hero in the Posse takes D3 Corruption Hits. Tokens if ‘Law’ Heroes are present).
A mail carrier lies in the floor, half eaten by a pack of wolfs. He asks
the Posse to help him before he dies. “Can you please carry this letter to 555 - Massacred Wagon Train
its destiny? I think this is important”. *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 55
When arriving to next Town, roll a D6. On the roll of 4,5 and 6, Located on page 21
you have found the subject to whom the letter was sent.
Each Hero in the Posse gains 30 XP and $100.
556 - Interdimensional Smuggler 557 - Highwaymen
Writer: Oscar Andrés Schwerdt Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
It is a quiet night in the barrens. The stars are infinite, the moon shines A stage coach flanked by well-armed men all around it proceeds cau-
like a river full of gold nuggets and the wind blows sweet, like the tiously down the road. The men seem to be expecting trouble and one
tender breath of a lover laying in the bed next to you. wrong move could provoke an altercation, especially with how heavily
Suddenly you sense the smell of wet soil. The rain starts falling heavily, armed your group is.
so loud that you cannot think in anything else.
All the players gather in a circle looking at each other. In unison,
You wake up due to the bad weather, just to see a flash. After that, the all players count from 1 to 30. The first player to blink during
night is again silent, like before you fell asleep. Was it a nightmare? this time has caused some sort of misunderstanding. Their Hero
gets shot and immediately takes Hits without Defense, all
The next morning you wake up hearing the complaints of the remain- other Heroes take Hits in the resulting shootout.
ing Heroes of the Posse. You’ve been robbed.
All Heroes gain 10 XP. If the players all manage to make it with-
All member of the Posse discards one random Artifact. If you out blinking, then the stage coach passes by without incident and
don’t have an Artifact, discard a Gear instead (Personal Items and all Heroes instead gain 20 XP.
Starting Gear are not affected).
If none of the Heroes have any, this Hazard is over. 558 - A Voice in the Wind
Writer: Darrell Jones
Roll a D6
The wind picks up across the desert.
D6 Result::
1-4: You gather your belongings and go back to travel. You The Hero with the lowest Lore performs
are pissed and want to reach Town as soon as possible. a Lore 5+ Test
This Hazard is over.
5-6: You believe that you saw something between some If more than one Hero has the lowest Lore, then they tests Lore
rocks. 5+ too.
You found an item, an odd dreamcatcher. If any Hero passes, he wins 20XP. Also, he realizes it is just the
wind blowing through the shrubbery.
All Heroes perfom a Lore 5+ Test
On a failed role, that Hero hears voices on the wind (or are
If you don’t succeed, you can sell the object when you reach the they in the Hero’s head?) The voices are promising knowledge
next Town. It’s apparently a very rare find! All Posse members and power. The Hero doesn’t want to listen but are compelled
gain $100 after dividing the money. This Hazard is over. beyond their control.
If any of the Heroes succeed, win 20XP. Also, you recognize the The Hero performs a Spirit 5+ Test
damn thing! It is the mark of the interdimensional smuggler, a
Jargono Native that opens portals to other dimensions to trade If pass this test, win 20XP.
and steal what doesn’t belong to him.
If fails, the Hero takes D3 Horror Hits as he believex the voices
Next time you travel to Jargono, you will be looking for the are real.
thief. You will find him at the same time you find the third clue
(Exploration Token) of an Adventure while within Jargono. Time
to get your stuff back. 561 - Rambling Whispers
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
Place a Bandit (Frontier Town Expansion) on the Map Tile
representing the Thief. He haves two extra Elite abilities. A man dressed in a bloody coat meanders past you on the road,
mumbling under his breath. You watch as he stumbles past and seems
After resolving all Encounters and Exploration Token, if there are to disappear into the air. What did you just see?
no other Enemies on the Map Tile, draw a Jargono Threat card
according to your level, representing the Thief’s protection. If Nothing eventful happens.
you defeat all threats, including the Thief, you have a chance to
recover your belongings.
Roll a D6 against each belonging lost.
On the Roll of 1-3, too late. The thief had already sold the item.
On the Roll of 4-6, you recover the item.
562 - The Preacher 564 - Where the Deer and the Antelope
Writer: Nuno de Sá
A lone Preacher asks if he can join the Posse until next Town. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Preacher cannot heal any Hero but can hear their sins. A cadre of cowboys are gathered around a makeshift camp, resting,
talking, playing songs, and they invite you to sit with them and pass
Any Hero that wants to confess his sins must be judged by the the time. The sight of so many friendly faces almost makes you forget
Preacher in the name of God. about the trials and tribulations you’ve seen out on the road.
Âny Hero can perform a Spirit 5+ Test Each Hero may choose one activity to
perform and perform a Skill Test
Heroes can refuse to confess their sins.
• Sing a song: Spirit
If successful, win 40XP. Also, the Preacher believes there is • Tell a Story: Lore
regret, the sinner heals any amount of D6 Health / Sanity. • Play a Game of Cards: Luck
• Drink some Whiskey: Strength
If fail, the Hero takes D3 Corruption as the Preacher curses the • Tell some off-color Jokes: Cunning
sinner. • Play the Knife game: Agility
At the begining of the next Adventure, move the Darkness For each 6 rolled, gain 20 XP. For each 1 rolled, take 1 Hit (D3
Marker one time for each Hero cursed by the Preacher. Damage) as either your chosen activity takes a turn for the worst
or somebody takes offense and gives you a punch in the face.
At this crossroads, a statue of eerie and unsettling aspect has been erect- The road here is lined with rows of burned out houses, with corpses
ed. It resembles a robed death, a bent crone, and some kind of snaky stacked high. Their spines have been broken and they’ve been stacked
tentacle creature, all rolled into one hunched form. neatly.
Someone has left for this strange waygod an offering of a raw haunch Each Hero takes Horror Hits as you recoil at the terrible
of deer, dry and odorous and pecked by birds but new enough to be efficiency of the scene around you. Something went through alot
untouched by wolves or other creatures. of trouble to horribly mutilate these corpses, yet neatly stack them
along the roadside.
Any Heroes may give up Side Bag Tokens as an offering to the
statue, then roll 2D6 once on the table.
566 - Dust on the Horizon
For each additional Token offered beyond the first, add +1 to the Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
roll. Otherwise, nothing happens if no offering is made.
Something off in the distance is approaching the Posse at a tremendous
2D6 Result:: speed, so much so that it’s kicking up a storm of dust all around it.
1-4: The hunched form was apparently angered by your
meager gift as leeches begin to rain from the sky all All Heroes perform an Agility 6+ Test
around you. Each Hero takes D6 Hits without De-
fense Any Hero that fails gains 10 XP and is thrown from his horse.
5-10: The curious figure takes no notice of your meager He also suffers 2 Hits with no defense and rolls a D6.
offering. Consider his apathy to be a blessing.
11-12: The strange waygod appears to have been most pleased 1 or 2, their Transport / Mount is Killed or Destroyed by the
by your offering. Each Hero that contributed some speeding thing. When you get to Town you will need a new
thing may choose to have any one Mutation, Madness mount, You can buy a standard mount for 50$ or a special one
or Injury permanently Healed. available. This Hero also rolls once more on the Travel Hazard
Heroes that succeed at their Agility test gain 20 XP, but otherwise
suffer no ill effects apart from a newfound healthy paranoia of
high-speed objects.
567 - Reflection 573 - Light In the Storm
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Darrell Jones
The Heroes stop by a small pond to refill their canteens and take a A storm hits the Heroes as a cold front moves through. Suddenly they
break from their long journey. are being pelted with hail! They must seek cover immediately.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test They find an abandoned shack out in a field. They run inside and close
the door behind them. It’s dark and they stumble around to find a light
Any Hero that passes win 20XP, feels refreshed and gains 1 Grit source.
up to their maximum.
One of the Heroes lights a candle they find on a shelf. Instantly, the
Any Hero that fails, leans down to take a drink and realizes that Heroes are cast in candlelight. But suddenly the light from the candle
there is no reflection. Stumbling back in terror, the Hero takes changes color from yellow to orange to red to purple and back to
D3 Hits as they trip and fall. yellow.
If any Hero rolls a 1, a sinkhole opens up and starts to swallow Each Hero that took a drink rolls a D6
everything around all Heroes. Then:
D6 Result::
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test 1: The Hero clutches their stomach, drops to the floor
writhing in pain. Roll once on the Mutation Chart.
If a Hero fails the Agility test, the Hero falls into the bottomless 2: The Hero convulses violently while foaming at the
pit for what feels like an eternity, until eventually, landing on the mouth. The Hero is knocked out and must roll on
ground next to the pit and take D3 Hits ignoring Defense. the Injury Chart or lose one Grit to take D3 Hits
Any Hero passing the Agility test above win 20XP and is able to without Defense.
leap to safety before consumed by the sinkhol 3: The Hero grabs their head and starts banging their
head on the wall while screaming. The Hero takes D3
571 - Rotten Breeze 4:
Horror Hits ignoring Willpower.
The Hero appears to come out of a haze and belches.
Writer: Perry Grosshans The drink has no effect.
5: The Hero looks around, confused as to what just
A strange wind stirs up the Hero Posse’s belongings one night, causing happened. The Hero can remove D3 corruption.
the camp fire itself to suddenly turn a strange purple. When the fires 6: Something about the Hero is different. The Hero adds
turned normal, no one thought much more about it. The next morning, 1 permanently to Sanity and Health.
the Heroes discover that the wind has aged and rotted their supplies!
For every Side Bag Token roll a D6. On a 1 and 2 the item is 574 - Opium Dreams
ruined and discarded. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
572 - Unlucky Doctor A group of caravan traders has stopped by the side of the road. They
nod politely as you approach, sitting in a circle and smoking a hookah.
Writer: Perry Grosshans
Those Heroes that want to, may stop and smoke with the carava-
The Posse come across the remains of a busted up wagon. A sun- ners. Ouch, that is some heavy stuff!!
bleached sign barely reads “Doc Parker, healin’ all that ails ya!”.
Each Hero that smokes up rolls a D6, If the number rolled is
If the Heroes want to search the wagon, roll a D6: less than the total number of Madnesses that a Hero has, they
D6 Result: may remove one of those Madnesses. Otherwise if it is equal to
1-3 Nothing but dust and lost memories. or greater than the number of Madnesses they currently have, roll
4-5 A small nest of scorpions! Each Hero rolls D6: on a 1 on the Madness Chart instead.
get stung for D3 Poison Wounds.
6: You find a hidden compartment! Gain D3 Bandages.
575 - Boon from the Gods (Advanced) 577 - Local Update
Writer: Walter Gagajewski Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Heroes are granted a visit from a priest that calls him self “The A cavalry officer and some troops are returning from a fight with a
Hand of God”. He offers rewards to the Posse for fighting evil. pack of Void things. They saw something else and tell you what you
can expect to find ahead.
Each Hero rolls a D6.
You may Re-roll the next Travel Hazard.
D6 Result:
It rains money. The Hero receives D6 x $25
The Hero is blessed and receives two Grit tokens to 578 - Ghost Lights
use at any time and cannot be regained. These do not Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
count against his/her max Grit total.
3: Enlightenment. The Hero Spirit is Increased by 1 You are currently on a Swamp. Off in the distance you spy a group of
permanently. floating lights. Many men lost their lives to the deceptive guidance of
4: Divine Shield. The Hero receives a One-use shield these dancing lights.
that can be used to reduce the damage of any 1 Attack
to 0. You avoid the lights and go for another path. This will increase
5: Divine Nourishment. The Hero rolls a D3 and adds the journey to Town. Two random Heroes must roll one more
the number permanently to their Sanity. time on the Travel Hazard chart.
6: Roll twice on this chart. (Can only be used once by a
Hero. If you get this result when rolling a second
time, this result is the same as #1). 581 - Black Wings
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
576 - The Western Crystal Pylon A swarm of BogBats native to Jargono suddenly catches sight of the
Posse and swoops down on your position!
Writer: Nuno de Sá Each Hero must roll a D6 for every Dark Stone they are carrying
(including Items with a Dark Stone Icon and Items with Dark
You have found a Crystal Pylon on top of a carved stone structure. Two Stone Upgrades on them). On a roll of 1, that Item is snatched
Giant Hell Bats are carefully sculpted in front of the structure. by a BogBat (discarded).
Any Hero that previously found and sucessfully completed the All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ test
tests of all Pylons (Agility, Cunning, Lore and Strength), gain +1
Health and +1 Sanity Permanently. This test is to be performed for each day the Heroes spend at the
Cemetery. At least one Hero is needed to pass the Test each day,
otherwise not all graves will be restored. Single Successes award
10 XP to each Hero.
If the Posse fails to restore all graves, all Heroes are -1 Spirit (min
1) for their next Adventure per failed day.
If the Posse fully restores the cemetery, all Heroes gain 30XP and
+1 Spirit until the end of the Next Adventure.
583 - Baptism By Fire 586 - Traveler on the Road
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) *Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 66
Behind a little hill runs an oily stream of water. A gathering of hunger Located on page 22
and soul worn individuals have collected around a Preacher. Holding
his Bible high he thunders the sin of mans, and with a flick of his wrist
ignites an inferno. There’s no time to save any of the townsfolk, you’ll 587 - One Last Drink
have a hard enough time saving yourself! Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
All Heroes perform an Agility Test A bruised and bleeding man is reaching for a bottle of some greenish,
glowing liquid, but he can’t quite reach it and doesn’t have the strength
Each Hero sum their dices, then subtracts from this result, the to get to it. He whispers some desperate, unintelligible words to you,
number of current weight icons the Hero is currently carrying. asking for a drink.
The Hero with the lowest resulting number takes D8 Hits from
the Fire (if tied, all affected tied Heroes take these Hits). The Hero who rolled this Hazard
584 - The Feast Assist the dying man to take a drink of the greenish liquid before
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) he dies:
A banquet that would make a king blush is laid out in the center of The man drinks and then mutates into some bizarre gooey sub-
Town. The food’s aroma causes the Posse to swallow hard, and smack stance and slinks away, leaving $100, but each Hero (except the
lips. Something is seriously wrong here, for the flies are thicker than a Hero that rolled this Hazard) takes D6 Horror Hits at the sight
bucket of spit, but they won’t come within ten feet of the feast. of all this.
Any members of the Posse that want to, may feed on the food Do not assist the dying man to drink the liquid:
that has been laid out. Those that do, Heal all Health and Sanity
Damage. The man collapses and dies with his last dying wish unfulfilled.
That Hero takes D3 Corruption Hits for denying a man his last
In addition, one Random Hero that fed on the food rolls a D6: wish.
D6 Result:
1 Roll once on the Injury AND Madness Charts, you
have gained one from each! 588 - Charming Figure
2-4 Take D6 Corruption Hits. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
5-6 Heal a random Injury or Madness.
A masked figure is riding hell-bent for leather towards you. As they
come to a stop in front of you, they take off their bandana to reveal
585 - Hell’s Cowboys an attractive face. One of the Heroes catches their eye and they ride up
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) next to them. Their lusty intentions made blatantly obvious with their
You have found a lost saloon n the middle of nowhere.
The Hero with the highest Initiative is approached by this ravish-
The saloon glows and strobed lights stream from the building. Within ing Rider (choose one random if tied for highest).
the blinding light, six silhouetted figures move out of the saloon. Six low
brimmed cowboys stand absolutely motionless facing the Posse. Togeth- For each Corruption Point on the Hero, they must make a Will-
er as one, they lift their heads and the guns in their hands. power save. If more than half of their saves are successful, or they
have no Corruption, they resist the Rider’s charms and the Rider
Distribute 6 Hits amongst the Posse (minimum 1 Hit per Hero). simply leaves with a kiss.
Each Hit a Hero fails to defend against does an amount of
damage to a Hero equal to the amount of Corruption Points that Otherwise, if not, the Rider leaves with a kiss... and D6x$100 that
Hero has (minimum 1). they picked from your pocket while you were distracted!
611 - The Coldbat Gang 613 - The Trailblazer
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
You hear some voices nearby: The Heroes come across a man travelling alone. He is a pioneer and a
A man stands on top of a horse with a rope tied to his neck while a trailblazer.
second rope tie his hands to his body. Eight man surround him. Looks
like they are about to hang him. He offers to provide the Posse with maps with shortcuts for
The man is immediately Hanged and his neck broken. Nothing
you could do. Just another episode in the Brimstone region. If they agree, the Posse gives the man $200. The Posse can
All Heroes take D3 Sanity. The Gang members turn their choose to ignore up to 2 Travel Hazards when travelling back to
attention to the Posse and draw their guns: Town.
All Heroes choose to perform an Agility If they choose not to, they continue on as normal.
6+ or Strength 6+ Test
For each 6 rolled, one of the Coldbat Gang members dies and Every Hero take D3 Corruption and D3 Hits
the Hero that rolled that dice wins 10XP. Every Hero rolls a D6. On the roll of 1, the Hero is infected
with Bora Bora. He will take D3 Corruption for D3 more Travel
If no Coldbat Member dies, they continue to shoot and the Posse Hazards until the Posse reaches next Town.
must repeat the Agility or Strength checks above as well as the
fail or succeed consequences. Repeat until at least one Coldbat
Member dies. 615 - Deluge of the Necrotoads
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
612 - Mysterious Stranger A mysterious rain of flesh-eating amphibians pours from the skies as
Writer: Nuno de Sá they try to devour any living thing they come in contact with.
A figure lurks around the corner. He stands still, waiting for the Posse Any Heroes that do NOT have any Hat or Coat Gear take D6
to come near. He wears a fancy Hat and Suit. This man knows how to Hits, ignoring Defense, as the rain of slimy Necrotoads falls.
He takes a letter from his side pocket and hands It over to the closest 616 - Mutant Enclave
Hero. He does not speak. He waves goodbye and vanishes in the blink Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
of an eye.
You come across a small community of Mutants living in this swamp-
The letter is properly sealed. You open it. To your surprise it contains land. They’ve retreated from the communities of “normal” men out of
just one symbol and two words. “Thank You !” fear of persecution and look at you with guarded eyes.
Next time the Hero that rolled this Hazard is KOed due to a All Heroes choose to perform a Spirit 6+
fight, the Mysterious Stranger appears from thin air and performs or Cunning 6+ Test
a ranged attack to all enemies. He can hit all enemies regardless
of Range, once. The shots automatically hit and each does D8 If any Heroes are successful the group may stop and rest for a
Damage (enemies defense still apply). No Hero gets XP for this day with the Mutant enclave (otherwise, no effect).
attack and any resulting kills/damage.
Each Hero may roll a D6 to see if a single Injury is healed by a
After performing the attacks, the Mysterious Stranger vanishes Mutant Healer with miraculous powers.
On a 1, the Injury becomes permanent instead (cannot be healed
by any means). On a 2, the Injury is not healed and the Hero
gains a random Mutation. On a 6, the Injury is Healed.
617 - Once Upon a Time in Brimstone “It must be somewhere around here”, one of the Cowboys say.
“At least that’s what they said. Can you believe it? A bag filled
(Advanced) with Darkstones. So many Darkstones that you won’t know what
to do with them. I mean, I know what I will do. ‘Gona’ give
Writer: Nuno de Sá
myself nice money for it, that’s for sure. What about you fellas?
What will…?”
As the Posse ride through the green fields of a large prairie, nothing
could anticipate what would follow. First, you hear the gunshots... More
Suddenly, a sound bursts in this section of the Quarry. The
gunshots than you can count, all coming from a faraway carry to the
cowboys realize of your presence as they reach for their guns…
east, where you haste to investigate. While you ride, the gunshots stop.
Whatever happened down there is over and you wonder who or what
Next Chapter:
remains alive.
… you and the Cowboys are not alone. Three Dark Stone
A massacre! Dozens of quarry workers butchered. This is not
Hydras emerge from the ground and provoke a small Quarry
the work of beasts. This is the work of man, the most despicable
earthquake, causing falling rubble!
type of man. Every Hero takes D3 Horror Hits.
All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test
Each Hero performs a scavenge test. If any Hero rolls at least
one 6, you find a trail of those you think that could have per-
If you fail, take D3 Hits as some rubble fall on your heads. Pass
formed this mass execution. Also, draw a loot card for each 6.
and win 10XP.
If you haven’t found the trail, this Hazard over.
The Dark Stone Hydras immediately attack the cowboys. You
If you did find the trail, you can choose to not follow it and end
take the opportunity to run. The path that leads to exit is no
this hazard. If you follow the trail, Roll a D6:
more. You go in a different direction.
D6 Result: As you run, you hear screams of the Cowboys attacked by the
1: You find nothing other than a pile of decomposing Hydras. Agonizing screams of those who cease to exist. You
bodies. Every Hero takes D3 Corruption Hits know the Dark Stone Hydras are coming for you next. There is
2: The trail leads you down the quarry, where you will no escape, you start to panic.
fall into a trap. Each Hero performs an Agility 5+ test
to avoid it. Heroes that fail, take D6 Wounds. Heroes All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
that succeeed, win 20XP.
3: The trail leads nowhere. You find nothing. Fail and take D3 Horror Hits. Pass and win 10XP.
4: The trail ends on a room filled with some garbage. A
chest in the middle of the room steals your attention. As the Dark Stone Hydras approach, you find a way out of this
The chest is closed. Any Hero can try to Open the Nightmare. A gate! You decide to enter… Strangely, the Dark
chest with a 5+ Cunning test. Stone hydras do not follow you and the gate disappears as the
If successful, draw two Gear Cards. All Heroes gain last Hero enters. You are now on: Roll a D3:
If failed, a poison trap is activated. The Hero that tried
to open the lock is poisoned for D6 Poison Tokens.
D3 Result:
1: Exacty where you were at the beggining of this Travel
5, 6: You successfully find what you were looking for. A
Hazard, except that the massacre does not happen. The
group of Cowboys roam the quarry as if they are
Hero that rolled this Hazard, rolls another one.
looking for something. You keep your distance to try to
2: On a location close-by. Nothing happens. The Posse
understand what they are up to.
continues to travel.
3: The Posse arrives to next Town. Cancel any remaining
If you rolled 1,2,3 or 4 this Hazard is over.
Travel Hazards.
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
If any Hero fails, you have been caught. by the Cowboys. Before
any shootout happens, a sudden sound bursts this section of the
Quarry. Go to the Next Chapter section.
618 - Poison Arrows 624 - Hunting Jaguar
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
In the middle of your search through these humid, disgusting swamps, Every now and then you catch sight of a pair of glowing jade eyes on
arrows are unleashed by invisible assailants! The tiny arrows seem to be the prowl. They remain off in the shadows and disappear anytime you
tipped with some foul dark brown substance: poison! try to investigate, but always they appear again... waiting... following...
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
All Heroes perform a Cunning 4+ Test
If successful, gain 20 XP and you are unharmed. If failed, you
have become Poisoned! Gain D3 Poison Markers. Each Hero that is successful gains 15 XP, you have outsmarted
the Jaguar.
621 - The Witch’s Hovel Each Hero that is unsuccessful takes either D8 Hits with no
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) Defense, or rolls once on the Injury Chart (must choose before
rolling for Damage).
An old hag of a woman, white haired, wrinkled face, and a mean look
in her eye, stands hunched over in the middle of the swamp. She stares
at the Posse as they travel through the swamp. Her look seeming to 625 - A Knot of Toads
curse the very ground you walk upon. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test A knot of giant toads sits before you, just as ugly when they’re big as
they would be small and normal. The heads on these toads though,
If successful, gain 5 XP for each 5+ rolled as you’re able to appear to be misshapen, almost human-like in their appearance. Before
engage the old hag in a battle of wits and confound her with you can react, they begin to swarm around you!
All Heroes choose to perform an Agility
Any Hero that fails the test takes D6 Horror Hits, then performs 5+ or Luck 5+ Test
a Spirit 5+ test.
If successful, gain 15 XP and you are unharmed. If failed, you
If pass, win 20XP. have become Poisoned! Gain D8 Poison markers.
If failed, the Witch has cursed you. Roll once on the Madness
626 - A Supposed Voodoo Meeting
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
622 - The Smiths
Writer: Nuno de Sá As you make your way slowly through the muck and the mire, you
see ahead of you a fountain of flame rising from a small island in the
You have found a Smith community. Several houses built around a swamp. About it dances a group of what appear to be children at first,
massive Anvil . but upon closer inspection seem to be small, dwarven humanoids.
You may buy Purchase Items from here as if you were at a All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
Blacksmith (do not roll for Location Events).
Each Hero that is successful gains 25 XP. For each Hero that fails
this test, they instead add a Growing Dread card to the stack.
623 - Black Spears This stack will apply to the next Adventure the Posse begins and
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) cannot be removed by any means.
Nothing eventfull happens Puffs of little clouds are released from the tops of iridescent mushrooms.
Their pungence clogs the lungs, and clots the mind with hallucinations.
628 - Pack of Coyotes 633 - Blasphemy!
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Posse is surrounded by a small pack of coyotes! You seem to have caught a group of cultists in the middle of a blas-
phemous ritual. The carcases of small animals littered about and cult
If the Posse has a dog as an ally, the dog stands its ground and members in various states of undress. However, the sight upon the crude
scares off the pack of coyotes. Nothing special happens. altar they have erected in the center of their gathering is downright
Otherwise, the Heroes need to scare off the coyotes. Guns aren’t
loud enough, but dynamite is! If someone has Dynamite in Each Hero takes D6 Horror Hits before leaving this evil Loca-
their Side Bag, one of them must use it to scare off the coyotes tion.
(discard the token), and gain 50 XP.
If no one has Dynamite, then each Hero takes D6 Hits before 634 - Lord of the Toads
they are able to finally scare the coyotes off. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The grass is high and thick. The Heroes can’t see the ground. The two Heroes with the weakest Maximum Sanity take D6
Horror Hits (if more are tied, they all do).
Suddenly a snake attacks the Hero that rolled this result. He Rolls
a D6. Those Heroes take 3 Horror Hits as a result of becoming thralls
of the Great Toad and suffer an additional D3 Corruption Points
D6 Result: with no Willpower save before they’re eventually able to recover
1 The snake is not poisonous and not too big. There’s no their senses and get away.
2 The snake is not poisonous, but it is big (and strong).
The Hero now has problems moving their left leg. Un 635 - Serpent Swarm
til the end of the next Mission the Hero is at -1 Move Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
(minimum 1).
3 The snake bites, the poison only has a small effect on A great writhing mass of entangled serpents erupts beneath the Heroes
humans. The Hero is -1 Agility, -1 Cunning and -1 as they walk through the swamp.
Lore (all three: minimum 1) until the end of the Town
visit. Each Hero perform an Agility 5+ Test
4 The snake is poisonous. The Hero is at -1 Strength.
They can have the antidote administrated in the If pass, win 20XP. If failed, you have been biten. Those are not
Doctor’s Office (not at the Camp Site) if the Hero pays standard snakes. Roll once on the Mutation Chart.
$250. If they do not pay, the effect of the poison wears
off only at the end of the next Mission.
The snake is poisonous. The Hero gets D2 Poison 636 - Gambling Stagecoach
Markers Writer: Nuno de Sá
6 The snake is poisonous, and the poison has an effect
on the Hero. There’s no known antidote; the Hero is A broken Stagecoach is located on the top of a rocky area. A well
-1 Initiative (minimum 1) until the end of the dressed figure walks at you: “We tried to cross this area but that was a
next Mission. After that, the effect wears off. mistake. Our Stagecoach is not going anywhere. After a few days trying
to move it without success, we decided to stay and build our gambling
playground right here. You are welcome to stay and play with us”.
632 - Snake Oil Salesman
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 63 All Heroes decide if they want to play
Located on page 22 If you play: Roll a Luck 6+ test and pay 50$. If you win, recover
637 - The Fugitive 638 - Dreamer of Fates
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A wounded woman rides to the Posse and quickly offers a wrapped On a particularly large island in the middle of this swampland, you spy
object to a random Hero. a strawthatched hut. About the hut lie many skulls and cracked bones,
the sound of strange, rhythmic music permeates the air. A lone figure in
She rushes and quickly rides out. It was too fast. You had no time to front of the dwelling sits cross-legged, seemingly in a trance. His face is
accept or deny. You take a look at the object she gave you. A bloodied painted bone-white, as if to resemble a smiling skull.
Axe! Some minutes later, a Sheriff and two deputies ride to the Posse’s
location… asking for a woman whereabouts. The Dreamer of Fates asks if you would know your future. Each
Hero rolls a D8 on the following table:
D8 Result:
Say you did see the Lady, explain the story and give the object to 1: Death - The next Wound or Sanity damage you suffer
the Sheriff. All Heroes gain 10XP. will cause you to be KO’d, no matter how much
Health or Sanity you have.
Say you did see the Lady, explain the story, except that you will 2: The Devil - The next point of Corruption you take will
“forget” to mention the object she gave you cause you to gain a Mutation, no matter how much
Corruption you actually have.
Choose one Hero to perform a Cunning 3: The Tower - Until the end of your next Adventure, you
6+ Test cannot get Critical Hits, no matter what you roll.
4: The Fool - Until the end of your next Adventure, gain
If Successful, the Sheriff trusts your Word. The Hero gains 50XP -5 XP anytime you would gain XP.
and a random Hero gains 1 Throwing Axe Side Bag Token. 5: The World - After today, the next day of overland
If Failed, All Heroes become “Wanted” at the next Town Stay. If movement occurs without incident, You may ignore
any Hero is already Wanted, he becomes Most Wanted. your next Travel Hazard.
6: Justice - Until the end of the next Adventure, for every
Say you Haven’t seen the Lady. Roll a D6: hit that you take, the source of that hit takes a Hit (roll
a D3 for Damage).
D6 Result: 7: The Sun - Until the end of your next Adventure, gain
1: The Sheriff finds the Lady a few miles ahead. She tells +5 XP anytime you would gain XP.
him the truth and that you have the bloodied Axe. All 8: Strength - Until the end of your next Adventure, do
Heroes become “Wanted” when they arrive to next +1 Damage for all attacks.
Town. You have won 1 Throwing Axe Side Bag Token.
2: The Sheriff finds the Lady a few miles ahead. She tells
him that the Posse tried to help her but does 641 - Voices of the Damned
not mention the bloodied Axe. All Heroes receive 1 Writer: Nuno de Sá
Unwanted Attention as soon as they arrive to the next
Town. You have won 1 Throwing Axe Token A lonely traveler joins the Posse. Although none of the Heroes of the
3: The Sheriff does not find the Lady but you never see Posse met him before, it is clear that he is a very reserved individual. A
her again. You have won 1 Throwing Axe Token. voice, slowly grows in one of the Hero’s mind. “Kill him. Kill him. He
4: The Sheriff does not find the Lady. Later, she returns to deserves to die… Kill him and you will be rewarded.”
the Posse and asks for the weapon back. She leaves.
All Heroes win 30XP. A random Hero perform a Spirit 5+ Test
5: The Sheriff does not find the Lady. Later, she returns to
the Posse. She is deeply thankful for your help and If success, you have resisted the attempt of an evil Spirit to con-
asks for the Axe back. the Lady gives something in trol your mind. Gain 30XP. This Hazard is over.
return. One random Hero draws a random Gear card.
6: The Sheriff does not find the Lady. Later, she returns to If failed, an evil Spirit is able to control your mind and will. You
the Posse. She is deeply thankful for your help. She tells kill the lonely traveler. All other Heroes take D3 Horror Hits in
the story of a cruel husband that kept bullying her until Shock. Also:
the day she could not take any more and killed
him. She allows the Posse to keep the Axe and also, Next time this Hero rolls on the Madness Chart, instead, he will
she gives something for your trouble. Each Hero draws get the following Madness: Nervous Trigger Maniac:
a random Gear Card. Gain 1 extra attack roll per round. If using melee, get one more
Combat, if using ranged, one of ranged weapons gain one more
shot (only one). For every attack, roll a D6. If the result is 1-3,
the extra attack is made against a random Hero. (if using melee,
will only attack if close to another Hero).
642 - Mine Cart 645 - To the Death
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
Hours after leaving the last mission, the Hero Posse discovers a mine The moon is high in the sky and it’s full. There is something magical
cart in the middle of the desert. It doesn’t look like it’s been out here for surrounding the campsite. You feel safe and go to sleep. Usually, you
very long - there’s no signs of weathering, but there are also no tracks would take turns to sleep and have someone “on watch” but not this
or markings as to how it got here. Curious, the Posse investigates. night. All Heroes fall asleep...
A random Hero performs an Agility 5+ ...later you wake up inside the Mines. Peace transforms into a nightmare
and Cunning 5+ Tests as you feel the Void and Darkness around you.
If the Hero passes both, he gains 30XP. Also, he disarms the A sudden desire to kill invades your mind. It’s too strong. You have to
booby-trap and gains 1 Dynamite Token. He is also able to move kill all other Posse members. No words, no reasoning, only killing.
the mine cart. All Heroes discover D3 Darkstone, D3 x $25 and
1 random Gear Card as a result. Choose how to resolve the fight
If the Hero fails both tests, then that Hero is knocked out and The Bloody Way:
must roll on the Injury Chart.
Draw two random mine map tiles. Player by player, following
If the Hero passes the Agility 5+ and fails the Cunning 5+, he the Heroes initiative (from higher to lower), place the Heroes in
sets the dynamite off, but is able to get out of the immediate the tiles, anywhere they see fit. After all Heroes are placed, they
blast range. He suffers D3 Hits and wins 15XP. The mine cart will fight until only one survives. Use the standard fight rules.
is destroyed along with some of the buried treasure. All Heroes Revive tokens cannot be used but everything else is possible, even
gain $25. collaboration to defeat stronger opponents and using any Side
Bag Tokens you have.
If the Hero fails the Agility 5+ and passes the Cunning 5+, he
is able to disarm the booby trap before he sees the secondary The Quick and Dirty:
triggering device on the Dynamite. The Dynamite explodes. He
wins 15XP. All other Heroes suffer D3 Hits ignoring Defense. Each Hero chooses Strength (melee) or Agility (ranged). All
The mine cart is partially destroyed along with some of the trea- Heroes perform the associated test and sum all dices. That is their
sure. All Heroes gain D3 Darkstone. attack value. The Hero with the Highest attack value wins.
When the last Hero stands, all Heroes suddenly wake up from
643 - Boring Afternoon a shared Nightmare. What was that? Something was clearly
Writer: Nuno de Sá messing with the minds of the Heroes. Something that cannot be
Nothing really special happens. Not even the sounds of animals disturb
the Posse. It’s just a boring afternoon Even dreaming, it was so real that the Heroes learned something
from that fight. The Hero that won gain 500XP. All other Heroes
Nothing Eventfull Happens gain 20XP.
Someone lurks, hidden in the forest, waiting for passing travellers to A well guarded Campsite hides in a valley. Lots of folk can be found
steal their possessions. within looking for new adventures.
The Hero that rolled this Hazard rolls a D6: The Posse can hire any Advanced Ally (from any expansion) that
would be found in Town for the half Price listed.
D6 Result:
1: A Hidden thief Steals 1 random Gear from all Heroes
2: A Hidden Thief Steals 1 random Artifact from the
Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard
3: A Hidden Thief Steals 1 random Side Bag Token from
all Heroes
4-5: A Hidden Thief Steals 1 Side Bag Token from the
Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard
6: A Hidden Thief tries but Steals Nothing
647 - Bear Trap 653 - Shepherd of Fire
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
A well placed hidden bear trap triggers as you prepare a camp to spend His eyes spit the flames of damnation. The Preacher’s long robes are
the night. sewn from the burnt flesh of sinners who have fallen beneath his black
book. Behind him flock his congregation of black flames that beseech
If the Posse owns any Ally type such as Blacksmith, Henchman, the Posse to join them.
Dog or Pack Mule. One of them triggered the trap. Choose one
random and roll a D6 Each Hero takes 1 Horror Hit for each point of Corruption they
have, while those without any Corruption gain Spirit Armour 5+
If the result is 1-4: The Ally is damaged by the trap and his ad- until the end of the next Adventure.
venture days are over. You will have to let him go in the nearest
Town. A Dog or Pack Mule will have to be shot down on the
spot and all Heroes take D3 Horror Hits without Willpower save 654 - The Good Samaritan
in the process. Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
If the result is 5-6: The Ally just barely avoided the trap. Nothing As you make your way near a house ruin, you hear a faint sound
else happens. coming from somewhere nearby... It sounds like a survivor!
If the Posse does not own a Ally, one of the Heroes triggered the Each Hero makes a Scavenge roll. If collectively the Heroes roll
trap. A random Hero takes D6 Health Damage and is at -1 Speed as many 6s as there are Heroes in the Posse, a Survivor is found!
and -1 Agility until the end of the next Adventure. If the Survivor is found, each Hero recovers 1 Grit.
Located on page 22
657 - Rock Falling
Writer: Darrell Jones
652 - Local Story
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl) A rock slide starts as the heroes travel through a ravine.
A disheveled and dirty looking fellow walks through the swamp towards All Heroes test Agility 5+
you, unmindful of the mud he’s walking through. He wipes his hand
on the one corner of clean fabric he still has on and shakes your hand. Any Hero that fails takes D6 hits. Any Hero that passes is able to
He takes a swig of some liquid and tells you a crazy long story about dodge the falling rocks and wins 20XP
something he saw just a while back.
658 - Hellhounds 663 - Lucky Roll
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Posse is suddenly overwhelmed by the powerfull smell of sulfur. Someone left his belongings hidden near a rock. You were lucky to spot
it. Now to find what it is:
All Heroes perform a Lore 6+ Test
Chose a random Hero to Roll D6
Pass the test and win 20XP. Also, those that pass immediately
identify the source of the smell. A pack of Hellhounds are in the D6 Result:
area. Hellhounds are known to guard portals. 1 Add a Spice Token to your inventory
2 Add a Lantern Oil Token to your inventory
Regardless, even if all Heroes fail the test, the next time the 3 Add a Fine Cigar Token to your inventory
Heroes reveal an encounter token during a mission, treat it as a 4 Add a Potion Token to your inventory
token with a gate. If it already haves a gate, all other passages in 5 Add a Bandage Token to your inventory
that room are considered to be closed and Heroes are forced to 6 Add D3 Dark Stones to your inventory
662 - Fast Forward On a roll of 1-4, the Heroes are unable to make a dent in the
Darkstone. Each Hero immediately takes two Corruption Hits as
Writer: Nuno de Sá this deposit of Darkstone is really strong.
A Stagecoach passes by and stops. Someone asks if you want a ride to On a roll of 5-6, each Hero use their primary Weapon once
a location closer to next Town. It will cost some money though. against the Boulder. For each hit, that Hero receives D3 Dark-
stone as they are able to break some off. Then, each immediately
If you accept, each Hero pays $100. Also, each Hero roll 1 less take two Corruption Hits.
Travel Hazard before they arrive to next Town.
666 - The Devil’s Number 668 - Mutation Death
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Mike Davis
Your hearth starts pounding hard. Your chest is in pain, your arm stops The Posse comes upon a grotesque mutated body of what once was a
moving. You know what is coming, you rolled the Devil’s number. man. He has multiple tentacles emerging out of his body and his face
is barely recognizable as human. You wonder if this will be your fate if
The Devil comes for the Hero that rolled this Hazard. The Hero you deal too much in dark stone.
is knock out. Roll once on the Injury Chart and another on the
Madness Chart. This Hero will ignore further Travel Hazards. He Do you bury the poor sod? If you do, each Hero take D3 Cor-
haves to be carried by the remaining Posse members until they ruption and D3 Horror Hits without Willpower Save. Also, each
arrive to Town. Hero finds D6 x$25 and a Gear Card.
In Town, the Hero who rolled this Hazard will not perform any
actions during day 1. He/She will recover at the Doctor in the
Campsite. No need to roll for any Campsite Events.
671 - The Approaching Storm
Writer: Brian Bosch
667 - The Devil’s Tower
Writer: Darrell Jones The sound of thunder echoes in the distance. Soon after, a second star-
tling thunder rumbles overhead and shakes the ground under your feet.
Everyone around Brimstone have heard the stories of the Devil’s A furious wind picks up and sweeps through the canyon, warning of
Tower. It’s a butte in the middle of the desert that stands out against its the approaching storm. The Posse quickly seeks shelter under a nearby
surroundings. 1200 feet in the air, the butte is an intimidating presence, outcropping of rocks as the skies open up in a heavy downpour that
completely at odds with the environment. floods the trail through the canyon. Lightning dances across the sky and
lights the shadowy canyon walls. Best to wait it out. It’s a welcome rest
Over the years, the stories have varied so often - Indian boys or girls from the travel back to town and better than running into more void
were chased by a bear and climbed the rock to get away, praying to fiends waiting below the earth.
their god to save them. The rock grew up into the skies.
All Heroes recover 1 Grit as they watch the spectacle provided by
Recently, those stories have turned into a Darkstone depository, haunted Nature.
caves, Indian burial seems like anything is possible.
Your travel lead you close to the Devil’s Tower 672 - The Brawl
Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Heroes are close enough to check it out for themselves. If
they choose not to, they continue on as normal. That’s it, you had enough! What started as a innocent discussion turned
into a serious debate. Soon, all Heroes start brawling with each other.
If they do choose to investigate, then they hike around the base No one can stop it now.. It’s on!
of the butte for several hours. A random Hero rolls a D8.
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
On a result of 1-6 the heroes find no signs of Darkstone, Indians,
caves, nothing but rocks, dirt, and weeds. Those that fail the test are knocked out and take D6 Hits.
On a roll of 7 or 8, the Heroes find the remains of a prospector. Those that pass the check are still on their feet. They take D3
He’s been here for some time. You can see where the vultures Hits but win 20XP.
have had their fill. His skull is crushed and several other bones
are broken. It looks as if he has fallen, but you see no way to
climb to the top. There is no campsite nearby, and the only thing
around the prospector is his bag.
D6 Result:
1,3 You find nothing of any value.
4 You find D3 x Dark Stones.
5 You find $100.
6 You find 1 Gear Card.
673 - Shooting Star Contest 676 - Robbed!
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You look into the dark sky just before going to sleep. Today the stars Was it during the night? You dont’t know. You just know that you have
are bright. It’s a good night to watch shooting stars. been robbed. Damn those thiefs.
Nothing else to do, the Posse bets who will watch more Shooting Stars. Each Hero looses D6x$50 money and then roll a D3 to loose
that many Dark Stones, if they have.
All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test
674 - The Insult A Deputy answers: “Now, now… we caught us five suspects in the area
Writer: Nuno de Sá but we don’t know which ones are the guilty bastards… if not all…”
Can a Hero take an insult? No, he cannot! One insult pulls the other The Sheriff interrupts as the Posse approaches.
and when they realize all Heroes are having a strong debate. They
scream, yell and insult each other’s the best they can. “My god, I do believe I recognize you folks. Aren’t you the Posse that
has been helping the community by doing all sorts of good deeds
All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test such as going into mines and destroying evil? We could use your help
around here you know. For starters, with your experience, you could
Fail the check and take D6 Horror Hits as you feel depressed by help us identify who the guilty man is....”
not being able to handle this conflict. You just could not find a
proper way to speak out your mind. All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ and
Cunning 6+ Tests
Pass the check and win 20XP. You cannot stop smilling as you
love conflict with words and you think you are good at it. If at least one Hero succeeds, the Posse is able to follow all leads
and information provided by the Sheriff and his Deputies. They
discover who are the guilty man behind the murders. All Heroes
675 - Under a Bloody Sky get 30XP and a Loot Card.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
The sun burns on a redish aura. Bigger than you have ever seen before 678 - Evil Spirit
it fills most of the sky. You stop for a moment and smoke a cigar while Writer: Nuno de Sá
contemplating this amazing bloody sky.
You feel it deep in your bone. Some evil spirit started to follow you
Nothing eventfull happens. around since that last Adventure. You don’t see this evil but you feel it’s
681 - Broken Knee 684 - Voices from the past
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
That last fall got it’s toll on you. It seems you have a broken knee and Snow starts falling down the road. Some minutes ago, the sun was
out here in the wild, its going to be difficult to heal it. shining and was also very hot. You feel an unnatural presence. A voice
echoes through the Heroes minds:
The Hero that rolled this hazard brooke his knee and now moves
at -1 Speed and haves -1 Agility. “This is the ghost of the past, the one who haunts your sins, the one
who make you regret the darkest actions from your soul. Fight me deep
The Broken Knee can be healed at the Doctor as any other in your mind, if you wish to be free. I am the ghost of the past and
Permanent Injury. now, you belong to me”
Otherwise, It will heal after the completion of two Missions, if All Heroes perform a Spirit 4+ Test
the affected Hero performs a successful Strength 5+ Test. If he
fails the test, the knee will take more time to Heal and additional Each Hero that fails take D6 Horror Hits and must go to
two Missions will be required before the Knee Recovers. Hazard #682 .
683 - Dark Stone Bullets Then you will understand that the hanged man was the owner.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
You can only sleep in the Camp during this Town Stay.
A creeping dwarf lies ahead, smoking from a pipe made of wood. A
merchant sign is visible.
D6 Result:
1-3 The Dwarf refuses to do business with this Hero..
4-5 Draw a Gear card. This Hero can buy it from the
Dwarf for the price listed on the card + $100
6 Draw an Artifact card. This Hero can buy it from
the Dwarf for the price listed + $200. Also, the Dwarf
offers Dark Stone Bullets to be used in any Adventure
(same as the ones available at the Blacksmith in town).
“You seem like a nice person. I have just what you
need. Here, I don’t need it.. but seems that you might”
687 - The Crossroad 688 - The Doppelgängers
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
You come from south and stand near a crossroad. The Posse notices a group of people heading toward them. As they
To the north rocks and debris block the road. It’s impossible to pass get closer, they notice that this group looks really familiar. They are
To the east, a dark passage to a small tunnel does not look like a com- carrying a lot of gear and weapons.
fortable path but you know it will take you where you need to go When the group gets closer, the Posse quickly realizes that they are
To the west, a path to an old bridge made of wood. This bridge does staring at themselves! Each member of the Posse is staring at their
not look safe. If you fall, it could lead to your death but it also seems to doppelgänger.
take you where you need to go.
The Hero that rolled this Hazard rolls a
All Heroes choose: D6:
If the Hero that caused the Bridge to collapse fell and was not
able to grab the rope of the Bridge, he must roll 1 additional
Travel Hazard before rejoining with the other members of the
Posse. This extra Travel Hazard will only impact this Hero as he
will travel alone.
711 - Cursed Doll 712 - The Pantomime Rider
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: David James-Dimitrov
There was something wrong in those woods. An unnatural presence At the distance a figure on horseback stands in the middle of your path,
was felt by the Posse but nothing happened. The Posse traveled through arm upraised in greeting. What does this stranger want?
without triggering any event, or at least, that’s what they thought... As you approach something seems...wrong. The Posse is almost upon
the rider when you realize just how wrong it is. This stranger and his
Choose a random Hero: horse are one seamless mass of flesh with mottled spots replicating
clothing from a distance. Before the Posse can move to get away from
This Hero finds a doll inside his Side Bag. He does not know this horrible thing, across it’s surface countless small orifices dilate open
how she got there in the first place. After a few attempts to get and fire out a barrage of spines.
rid of the doll, such as, throwing the doll away, rip it to pieces
and even burning, he learns that the doll will always reappear All Heroes perform a Defense roll at +1
inside his Side Bag, unarmed. difficulty (cannot use grit)
The doll is cursed. If the Hero’s Side Bag is full, destroy a ran- Heroes that fail the Defense roll are hit by the spines and become
dom Side Bag Token that is replaced by the Doll. As long as she paralyzed by the Creature’s toxins.
exists, this Hero haves 1 less Side Bag Token capacity.
If less than half Heroes fail the test:
Also, roll a D6 to find the curse that comes with the Doll: The creature’s horse form blossoms open and vomits out a mass
of barbed feeding tentacles across the fallen Heroes. All Heroes
D6 Cursed Table Result: that are paralyzed immediately take D3 Hits (ignoring Defense
1: Your Luck is over. Your Luck is at -1 Permanently. and Armor).
2: Your max Health and max Sanity are at -1 Permanently.
3: Your initiative and movement are at -1 Permanently. Still, Heroes that passed the test may make a full attack (Ranged
4: This Hero or any Hero that is inside the same tile as or Combat) against the creature, by order of initiative. Creature is
this Hero during an adventure, while rolling for Hold Defense 4, Health 4.
the Darkness, have the rolls reduced by -1. You can
destroy a Dark Stone to add the missing 1 to the Hold At the end of the attacks, if the creature is still alive, the paralyzed
back the Darkness result. Heroes take another D3 Hits (ignoring Defense and Armor).
5: Roll only a D6 for any Madness or Injury Chart Rolls. Repeat until the Creature is dead:
6: Your body shines. Whenever you enter a Town, - Heroes that are standing attack the Creature
immediately gain 2 Unwanted Attention Markers. All - The Creature attacks Paralyzed Heroes.
Town Location Rolls are at -1. Your body acts as a
Lantern. Under the Mines, any Hero that is in the Once the creature is dead each Hero that attacked the creature
same Tile as you haves enough light and is immune to win 50XP.
the lack of light caused by Lantern being out of range
If half or more Heroes succeed the test:
This curse can be removed in the Church if the Priest is willing The creature, searching for easy prey, flees in a blinding explo-
to bless the Cursed Hero. A donation of $200 is required to sion of noxious gas.
convince the Priest to perform the dangerous ritual. This can be
performed once per day. If all Heroes fail:
The Heroes awake, trapped in a constricting membraneous sack
To perform the ritual, roll a D6: filling with milky digestive juices. Each take D3 Hits ignoring
D6 Result: Defense and Armor.
1: Failed. Roll once more on the Cursed Table. You got
a second Curse (cannot be the same) as the Demon All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test by
who possesses the Doll is angrier than ever. You cannot order of initiative
attempt to remove the Doll again during this Town
Stay. Heroes must collectively make successes equal to the highest
2,3: The ritual failed. Hero level to rip apart the creature from the inside out.
4,5: The Doll has been destroyed. The curse is no more.
6: The Doll has been destroyed. The curse is no more. If Heroes need to repeat the initiative order before reaching the
You feel invigorated. Gain 1 Health and 1 Sanity successes needed, all Heroes take another D3 Hits ignoring
Permanently. Defense and Armor.
After you remove the curse caused by the Cursed Doll, she van- Once the Heroes tear themselves free, all Heroes gain 50 XP. The
ishes. Your Side Bag Token Capacity is again at Max. Posse leaves the area before the Creature returns.
713 - Bounty! 715 - Coma
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
A Deputy travels alone carrying a pile of Posters. After introductions, he First you feel a Headache. Then your head starts spinning. You can
explains that the Sheriff from the nearby Town asked him to distribute hardly hold it together. I feel as if you are about to faint.
the Bounties. Seems there has been some recent attacks in the area from
a specific group of nasty creatures. Choose a random Hero to perform a
Strength 5+ Test
Roll a D3 to see what the Bounty is
If success:
D3 Result: You had High Blood Pressure and barely made it without faint-
1: Creatures with keyword “Undead” - $20 for each ing. Take D3 Wounds. It will take a while to recover. Gain 10XP
killed. and remove a Grit.
2: Creatures with keyword “Void” - $20 for each killed.
3: Creatures with Keyword “Demon” - $30 for each If failed:
You faint and go into Coma. The other members of the Posse
This is valid until the Posse finds the first group of the Target will have to carry you to next Town. This Hero ignores all
Creatures. Money is instantly collected by each Hero, each time following Travel Hazards. He spends the first D3 days in Town
he kills a creature of the type rolled. in a Doctor (Town or Camp) recovering.
A Black Raven follows the Posse everywhere they go. This is surely a If Passed, the Hero feel much better and is able to leave without
bad Omen. any issues. Also win 30XP.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test If Failed, the Hero is able to leave the Doctor but permanently
loses 1 Sanity due to brain damage.
If failed, take D6 Horror Hits.
The doctor later explains that this Hero suffered from a rare
If pass, gain 20XP. head trauma related disorder that can lead to coma in extreme
Choose a random Hero
717 - Lost 722 - A Hanging Proposition
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Perry Grosshans
There is no other way to say it. You are completely lost. You have no The Posse come across a disturbing sight just off to the side of the road.
idea where you are and the direction to the nearest Town. A group of four cowpokes are in the process of hanging a man at the
base of a large tree. This fancy fella is dressed in his Sunday best, but
The Hero that rolled this Hazard rolls additional D3 Travel from the way his shirt is untucked, his face all dirty and bruised, and
Hazards that represent the effort to be again on the right track to with several tears in his jacket, it is quite clear he has been roughed
the nearest Town. up. The cowpokes have tied his hands behind his back, and dropped a
noose around his neck. One of them is in the process of tossing the end
of the rope over a branch. A top hat lies on the dusty ground, and one
718 - Poison Ivy of the cowpokes picks it up and places it on his own head with a laugh.
Writer: Nuno de Sá When the fine-dressed fella spots the Posse, he calls out to them.
It’s itchy, it’s painful and it definitely ruined your Travel. It was as easy “Help!” he yells, fighting at his bonds. “These men are going to murder
as accidentally brush one of these plants with your leg. me!”
The Hero that rolled this Hazard takes D3 Poison Markers One of the cowpokes looks at you and scowls. “This here feller is a no
good swindler,” he says, spitting on the ground near the gentleman’s
fancy shoes. “He forced good folks outta the town by foreclosing on
721 - Uktena their houses. He cheated ‘em, and fer that he’s gonna hang.”
Writer: Darrell Jones
“He’s lying!” the man yells. “They only want my money! If you
Rumors across the plain have spoken of the Uktena, a horned serpent free me I’ll give each of you $100! Please help me!”
as big as a tree, with a jewel encrusted on its head.
Most people figured this for lore, including the Heroes. That is, until The Posse has a choice: They can either walk away and let the
right now. Standing before them about 10-feet tall, is the Uktena. It’s rich fella dangle from the end of a rope. Or they can try and save
antlers reaching into the sky. him.
You have disturbed the Uktena and it is ready to strike. The If the Posse intervenes, they must fight a successful combat versus
Heroes have two options, fight or flee. four bandits plus 1 per Hero, to a maximum of 6. Draw two
random Map Tiles as scenario. Treat it as a normal Attack. Don’t
If deciding to flee: use a Mine Tile.
All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test If the Heroes win, they receive extra 50XP and one Loot Draw
each. The fella, whose name is Merle Dewitt, is very grateful and
Pass and win 20XP. rides into Town with the Posse and gives them each $100 as a re-
Fail and take D6 hits. ward for saving his life. Unfortunately, Mr. Dewitt works for one
If all Heroes Pass: Heroes are able to flee. Ignore rest of Hazard. of the big city banks and is not well liked here at all, as he has
Otherwise the Uktena Attacks: the Uktena Attacks. It strikes first indeed foreclosed on several homes. Before a Hero can interact
bringing its antlers down to charge. Each Hero takes D6 wounds with any Town area, they must first pass a 4+ Cunning or Luck
ignoring Defense. The Uktena then leaves. test (player’s choice).
If deciding to fight: Failure means someone saw them entering the Town with Mr.
Dewitt, and they are not allowed into the establishment; that
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test Town area is now unavailable for all the posse for the rest of
their stay (this can include the Hotel!).
If any Hero fails, the Uktena Attacks. It strikes first bringing its
antlers down to charge. Each Hero takes D6 wounds ignoring
The Heroes then retaliate, striking fiercely, so that they can find
cover. They realize quickly they are not capable of destroying the
Uktena. At the first opportunity, they turn and flee. Lose 1 Grit.
723 - Wendigo 724 - Night of the Living Dead
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Heroes are being hunted. They have sensed someone, or some- You find a Stagecoach traveling in the same direction of the Posse. An
thing is following them for the last few hours. They have double-backed old man and a little girl make their way into next Town.
to catch the hunter to no avail. They seem nice and you decide to travel together. Along the way, the
Posse get to know the new friends and find out that the little girl’s par-
It gets dark and the Heroes set up camp. ents died due to sickness conditions and the old man, the grandfather,
is her only family left. There is something interesting about this girl.
The Heroes settle in for the night. She does not seem to fear the dangers of this world. She seems happy
together with her grandfather and even happier with the new friends
Choose a random Hero to perform a she made.
Cunning 6+ Test to take the first watch
Down the road you decide to make camp. You play games, tell stories
If the Hero passes, he hears something nearby, grab his weapons and laugh...
and awaken the other Heroes. Whatever it was, they have scared
it away, at least for tonight. All Heroes Recover 1 Grit
If there is another Travel Hazard after this one, replay this Travel While trading laughs, a spear crosses the sky. Laughs turn into
Hazard first. Keep replaying at the start of any remaining Travel silent as the Heroes vision is blurred with Horror. The Spear
Hazards until there is another outcome (fail the Cunning test) or struck the girl’s chest. She gargles a mountain of blood. In sec-
until the Posse reach next Town. Every time, choose a different onds, joy and laugh transform into a nightmare. The Grandfather
random Hero. quickly grabs her in his arms while blood splashes his face. His
screams echo the Night.
If a Hero fails the test, he moves toward the noise he heard,
hand on his weapon. A Wendigo quickly jumps out and takes All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test
bite out of the Hero. That Hero takes D6 Hits ignoring Defense,
then dazes in and out of consciousness. Pass and win 30XP. Fail and take D6 Horror Hits.
As the Hero starts to regain conscience, daylight is breaking and All Heroes immediately grab their weapons. Shortly after, a
the realization sets in that the Wendigo has pulled the Hero away dozen of undead attack. Some of them have spears, others are
from camp and has been feasting at its leisure. The Hero takes equipped with rustic weapons. You don’t care. They will pay the
D3 Horror Hits. price. They will all be slaughtered!
The Wendigo is trying to drag the Hero off now that the sun is All Heroes take D6 Hits as a result of the Fight with the dead
coming up. and win 30XP.
The Hero performs a Strength 5+ or After a while the dead are no more. The Posse take a moment to
Agility 5+ Test catch their breath… (perform catch your breath as per rules)
• If the Hero passes, he fights back and make enough noise to When the Heroes turn back, they no longer see the girl or her
awaken the other Heroes that arrive in time to kill the Wendigo. grandfather. Confused, they search the area.. until someone
Each Hero receives 50XP. remembers to search inside the Stagecoach.
• If the Hero fails both tests, the Heroes realize the Hero is Terror, horror, agony, no word can describe what they see. The
missing and start searching. They find the Wendigo and kill it, girl is up and her eyes shine red. She is holding a knife in one
each gaining 50XP, but not before the Wendigo has done signifi- hand and her grandfather’s head on the other. An evil smile
cant harm to the Hero. He rolls once on the Injury Chart. crosses her cheeks. The spear is still stuck to her chest.
The Hero now has a fever and a slight infection. That Hero is -1 All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
to all Trait tests until he sees a Doctor in Town (or Camp) and
pays $50 to be treated. If Pass, win 10XP. If failed, take D6 Horror Hits.
Nothing more to do than to burn the girl. The Posse also decides
to do the same with all remaining dead ones, just in case.
725 - Medical Stagecoach 727 - No Man’s Land
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
A Stagecoach with the medical cross stops nearby. An old man with a Some days have passed since the last time anything worthy of mention
long white beard greets the Heroes and asks if they are in need of help. happened. This area feels like a dead zone..
Heroes can fully heal their Health for the price of $50. Also: You have spent too much time traveling while bored and became
sluggish as a result.
All Heroes perform a Strength 6+ Test
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
If successful, gain 20XP and 1 Health Permanently. Turns out,
the old man is a great Massagist. Pass and win 20XP. Fail and you are at -1 Initiative until the end
of your next Adventure.
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard can decide to interact Note: Results add up. Example: If a Hero passed the Spirit test
with the sphere or ignore it. If he chooses to ignore it, this and the Posse passed the Luck test, he will become +1 Initiative
Travel Hazard ends. until the end of the next Adventure. Same way that a Hero will
be at the same Initiative level if he failed the Spirit test and the
If he chooses to interact with it, roll a D6: Posse passed the Luck test.
D6 Result:
1: The Hero stares intently at the sphere and decides to 728 - Toxic Haze
try to grab it. The Hero instantly realizes this was a Writer: Philbarfly
terrible idea as the sphere shoots out a bolt of electrici-
ty. The Hero takes D6 Hits ignoring Defense. A greenish miasma crawls across the passage before diluting.
2: The Hero stares unblinking at the sphere. “Yes, I
understand.” he says. He grabs his weapon and try Every Hero takes Hits. Also:
to attack a random Hero. Roll a D6. If a
result of 1-3 the Hero is successful in their attempt All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test
and attacks a random Hero. Resolve 1 normal Com-
bat hit and Defense roll. On a result of 4-6, the other Heroes that failed this test are at -1 Speed until the end of their
Heroes see what is about to happen and intervene just next Adventure. Gain 20XP if you succeed.
before the Hero attacks. The attacking Hero suffers D3
Horror Hits as he snaps out of his daze.
The Hero caresses the edges of the sphere trying to 731 - Christian Temple
deduce what to do with it. With a sudden burst of light Writer: Nuno de Sá
and the sound of an explosion many miles away, all
Heroes are instantly transported to the next Town - The Posse comes across a Christian temple dedicated to the religion.
ignoring any remaining Travel Hazards.
4: The Hero walks around the sphere trying to find some This is a great place to rest. Heroes can fully heal their Sanity in-
way to interact with it. Suddenly, the Hero’s eyes roll side. They can also choose and heal one Madness if they are able
back in their head and he chant out a melodic series to roll 6 on a D6. This check can only be tried once and Heroes
of words that no one can understand. The sphere cannot use a Grit on this roll. Then:
opens and the Hero is cast in blue light. That Hero is
now enlightened to the universe and their place in it. All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test
Gain 50XP.
5: The Hero whispers to himself and reaches into the If successful, gain 20XP. If you roll at least two 6’s, gain 1 Sanity
center of the sphere. He pulls out some large nuggets Permanently.
of gold! Roll a D3 x $100 for the amount.
6: The Hero reaches into the core of the sphere and pulls
out D6 Dark Stones!
732 - Ghostly Visage 735 - The Pirate Ship
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Oscar Andrés Schwerdt
A strange old man stands near. He looks pale, as pale as a ghost. A few miles deep in the desert and the Heroes start to struggle with the
hot sun burning their very souls. “I must be delirious”, the Hero that
He speaks: rolled this Travel Hazard says, “I see an otherworld gate in the middle
of the desert”. Another Hero (if available) replies “If you are delirious,
“I am no one. I have never been anyone and I was buried without ever I am too as I can also see it. Let’s check, maybe it will take us to some-
being known to anyone. I never knew who I was nor was there anyone where cooler than here”.
to teach me. There was nowhere I belonged in this world. No one
needed me and no one knew me. I came to scavenge garbage by night. The Heroes rush and approach the Gate. They take a peek, obviously.
And by day, I hid silently in a pit. After a very long time had passed, Though luck, in the other side you find another desert. Sure looks much
my home became a grave for the people who lived above. Soon after like the one you are in except that the sand is darker; but the sun also
my home became my grave. “ burns. “Mother of god, I cannot believe my eyes”. Somsone speaks. The
Posse can hardly believe it but an old pirate ship stands in middle of the
All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test desert beyond the gate.
If pass win 30XP. If fail, take D6 Horror Hits without Willpower Choose:
The old man then disappears. It is clear this area is haunted. One
thing is for sure, the Heroes will not be able to sleep tonight. It’s too hot and you don’t care, you will continue traveling in
your own world to the nearest Town. Nothing else happens.
Also, at the end of the day, the Heroes can take the train to any If none of the Heroes rolled a 1, draw a Scavenge card for each
location but must first pay the ticket. $200 Per Hero. 6.
If you decide to take the Train, this becomes the last Travel Resolve the scavenge cards normally but If you find Gear, draw
Hazard and you don’t need to roll for a City Type when arrive an Otherworld Card. You just found an Artifact from that world.
at Town. Instead, choose one (available at the Frontier Town Draw it from the respective deck.
737 - Luz Mala 742 - Holy Water
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Posse settles down for a night on camp when they notice a strange You find a pilgrim traveling alone. He presents himself to the Posse and
light as the moon rises on the horizon. There is a distinct purple hue to claims to be a Holy Man that dedicated most of his life giving hope
the light. Folklore tells of great treasures buried at these locations! and salvation to those who need. He also seeks to sell bottles of Holy
Water to the fine Christians whiling to pay a small amount of money.
The Heroes can visibly see where that light is emanating from in
the valley and make note to check it out in the morning. All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
The next morning, the Heroes come to the site they believe the If succeed, win 20XP. Also, you refuse to buy something from
light was shining from. Each Hero rolls a D6: this charlatan.
D6 Result: If failed, you have been convinced to buy a bottle of Holy Water.
1-2: Ambush by Void Spiders! Pull a random Mine Tile and Pay $50. If you don’t have the money, you trade the Holy Water
place the Heroes in the center of the Tile. for any Side Bag Token. If you also don’t have a Side Bag To-
Roll 2 for the number of Void Spiders ken, the Preacher curse you. Take D3 Corruption Hits.
attacking. Conduct the fight as normal.
3-4: You find nothing of value. If you buy a bottle of Holy Water, roll a D6. If the result is Six,
5: You find 2D3 Darkstones. it seems this bottle was ineed Holy. You can use it the following
6: You find 2D6X$25 Gold ways:
- Consume it to heal D3 Corruption.
- Throw it to an enemy with the keyword “Undead” to cause D6
738 - Poisonous Scorpion Hits, ignoring defense.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
This is not your lucky day. You have just been stung by a Scorpion. 743 - Labyrinth
Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard take D6 Poison tokens.
This section of the woods it a nightmare. Thick vegetation almost makes
it impossible to travel. You still proceed as you believe this is the best
741 - Dust Bowl path to next Town.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Some hours crossing this damn place and it’s clear that it is not getting
It’s a windy day. While crossing a small desert area, a considerable any better. Are you lost?
amount of sand particles are blown closer to the surface. A Dust Bowl
is about to start. Roll D6:
The wind is blowing with furious anger. Some trees fall down. It’s a A dubious man and his Gang introduce themselves to the Posse. “How-
Hurricane! dy, my name is James Pattee, but everyone just calls me Pattee. This are
my men and we are looking for fine people such as yourselves whiling
Although the Posse was able to avoid the Hurricane’s rage, the to make some coin. What do you say? I am about to run a Lottery on
same cannot be said from the nearby Town. Brimstone. See, selling Lottery tickets to give hope for those who need.
The money is for charity of course. If you are heading into the nearest
Destroy D3 Locations when the Posse arrives to next Town. Town, I could use you guys to meet us there to sell some Lottery tickets.
Now what do you say?”
The air in the hideout is so corrupted it taints those who enter. He will give 10% of the income to each Hero. Later you find
You can perform any activity as if in the “Mutant Quarter” loca- that this was a scam and Pattee is known to make a lot of money
tion (as per Frontier Town expansion) and buy any of its items. from Lotteries all over the Old West. Each Hero takes D3 Horror
Don’t roll on the Location chart. Hits. Also. Each Hero receives 1 Unwanted Attention Marker as a
result of being associated with a scam. This Hazard is over.
At the end of the stay, roll a D6:
The Posse may try to leave Town with the money they gathered.
D6 Result:
1: The Mutant Hideout air was too tainted. Each Hero All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
that entered rolls once on the Mutation Chart.
2: Heroes that entered the Mutant Hideout are still trying - If all Heroes are successful, you’re staying in Town is over.
to recover. Each take D3 Corruption Hits. You keep all the earnings. All Heroes become Wanted (or Most
3,4: Nothing Happens Wanted in case they are already Wanted) and this effect follows
5: The Posse have made a new friend during this stay. He the Posse until next Town stay. Also, at next Town Stay, all He-
requests that you deliver a letter to a friendly contact. roes get 5 Unwanted Attention Markers when they arrive.
Each Hero that entered the Hideout wins D6x$25
when arriving to next Town - If any Hero fails, Pattee finds out of your betrayal and have the
6: A Mutant Healer is in the Hideout, providing free Posse surrounded by dozens of men plus the Sheriff. You lose all
Mutation Healing services to everyone. Each Hero that the money and receive a warning from the Sheriff. Until the end
entered the Hideout chooses and heal one Mutation. of the Town Stay, each Hero removes 1 from any Town Location
Chart Rolls.
751 - Side Trail Trouble 753 - The Flesh Door
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
A man lies down at the side of the trail. His clothes are ripped, and The Heroes come across what appears to be an abandoned church.
blood flows from a flesh cut above his eye. He tries to push himself up, They notice that the church has no crosses anywhere. Inside, they feel a
but his arms are shacking. He winces painfully. dark presence.
The Posse helps the man to rise up and ask what happened.
“I was just on my way to the nearest Town when I was attacked by a All Heroes must agree to continue investigating the church or
group of lawless men. I guess I can’t complaint since I am still breath- ignore the rest of this Travel Hazard.
ing. But they stole all my money.”
If they decide to leave, this Travel Hazard ends.
The Posse helps the man recover and provide him some supplies
for the remaining travel. If they decide to investigate, they find a back room with a closet.
The closet has a door made of human flesh! The flesh door is
All Heroes gain 30XP for helping the man. When they arrive to alive and seems to be breathing.
next Town, they add 1 to all Town Location Chart rolls.
Each Hero takes D3 Horror Hits as the sight of this thing eats at
their sanity.
752 - Sacred Tree
Writer: Nuno de Sá Again, all Heroes can choose to continue or leave. If they leave,
this Travel Hazard ends.
A Giant Tree with dozens of hanged dead bodies stands in your way.
The Posse have seen dead bodies before but not like this. Each body If they continue, they realize that this flesh door is here protect-
that lies hanged shows signs of torture and mutilations. This is a place ing something.
of Horrific pain. Multiple strange symbols, amulets, totems and blood
paintings surround the Tree and suggest the usage of dark rituals by evil All Heroes perform a Strength 6+ Test
If all Heroes fail, they leave this flesh door alone and swear never
All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test to speak of it again. The Heroes feel sick and suffer D3 Horror
Pass this test and win 20XP.
Anyone that passes win 20XP.
If all Heroes succeed, you leave this area and wish never to
return. This Hazard is over. Also, at least one success roll means that the Heroes take knifes
and start cutting into the door. A shriek erupts from the wall
Fail and take D6 Horror Hits. Also, if at least one Hero failed, piercing their very souls. This flesh door feels everything they are
you hear voices of the dead hanged in the tree. They beg to be doing. The Heroes are close to opening the flesh door.
removed from the tree and buried underground.
Leave now or take D6 Horror Hits ignoring Willpower to
Choose: continue.
Accept and bury the dead: Inside, the Heroes see an ancient Artifact. Draw a random World
Card. If you draw Mine, draw another. Then draw an Artifact
Dig some holes, remove the bodies from the Tree and bury from that world. As the Heroes pick up the Artifact, the flesh
them: All Heroes win 20XP. Also. all Heroes perform a Luck 5+ wall wails in terror then explodes causing D3 Hits to all Heroes.
test. If any Hero fails, a Group of Native Indians surround the
Posse. No one understands their language, not even an Indian
Scout. They seek vengeance for the trespassing of their Sacred
Tree and attack. The Posse runs. Each Hero takes D6 Hits.
The dead curse the Posse. All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ test.
Those that fail are now at -1 Attack Damage against enemies with
the Keyword “Undead”.
This effect passes after the Posse defeats any Enemy Threat with
the keyword “Undead”.
754 - Veterans! 756 - Dust to Dust
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You have found a Soldiers Camp. You decide to take shelter for the A group of farmers stand close to a grave in the middle of nowhere. A
night and learn that most soldiers have deserted. Some ask if the Posse preacher shout words from the old bible, desperately trying his best to
is interested to welcome new members. provide comfort. “…by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food
until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust
If you don’t own a Allies expansion, ignore this Travel Hazard. you are and to dust you will return.”
As the Posse approaches, the preacher finishes his sermon with a single
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard roll a D6: word: “Amen”. You sense danger. The farmers and the preacher are
not happy with your presence.
D6 Result: “What do you want?” Say the Preacher: “Have you come to rejoice
1-2: You inspect all ex-soldiers that are willing to join your your deeds? Have you come to make fun with those who suffer? Are
Posse but none of them seem good enough. you the ones who killed poor Eliot?”. The Preacher draws his Shotgun
3-4: After inspection, you decide that at least one haves and aims at the Posse. “Who is laughing now?” Shouts the Priest. The
enough skills to join your Posse. Choose any Ally farmers also draw their guns from their holsters and aim at the Posse.
(Basic Level) to join the Posse. It is clear this is a mistake. A man is dead and it seems you are blamed
5-6: After inspection, you decide that at least one haves for it.
enough skills to join your Posse. Choose any Ally
(Advanced Level) to join the Posse. All Heroes perform a Cunning 5+ Test
If at least half of the Heroes passed this test, you are able to
755 - Pack Mule explain that you are just passing by and have nothing to do with
Writer: Nuno de Sá Eliot’s death. Each Hero that passed wins 30XP and this Hazard
is over. If more than half of the Heroes failed this test, you are in
You find a Pack Mule feeding from some herbs. trouble.
If you don’t own a copy of the “Old West Allies” expansion, Choose:
ignore this Travel Hazard. If any Hero from the Posse owns a
Pack mule, this Hazard haves no effect. Kill the farmers and the Priest:
All Heroes take 5 Corruption Hits and win 50XP. Each Hero
You have found a Pack Mule (Advanced) also takes 3 Hits.
Success - win 30XP. Also, the Pack Mule is now yours. You also
find D3 Dark Stones inside one of the bags. 757 - Exchange Bodies
Writer: Nuno de Sá
A strange wind blows through the Posse. It only takes a few seconds but
it’s strong enough to alarm the Mounts.
When the Posse starts their next Mission, right after they enter
the Mine (or any other world entrance), both Heroes faint for
a few seconds. Each take D3 Horror Hits and then, when wake
up, they exchange bodies. The player that controls the Hero that
fainted will control the second Hero and vice versa. This effect
lasts only until the end of that Mission. Heroes keep the old
Sanity and Willpower values as only the body is transfered.
758 - Law Enforcing 761 - Mark of the Damned
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You found a Stagecoach that was just assaulted. Luckily for the owners, You have a horrible dream. Deformed monsters slaughtering animals
the thieves were just after the money and left them alive. They ask the and humans alike. In this dream, you are trapped and are unable to run
Posse to pursue the thieves and bring them to Justice. while an evil creature feasts of human bodies while staring at you.
Hunt the thieves: Regardless if fail or success, you wake up, sweating and trem-
bling. What a horrible nightmare you had. A strange burning
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ and feeling on the neck captures your attention. After analyzing, you
Cunning 5+ Tests find a small mark tattooed on the back of your neck that you
have never noticed before.
If all Heroes fail,
This is the mark of the damned and it is a curse. As long as you
You could not find the Thieves. All Heroes lose 40XP. This are cursed, the dead will stalk you. Every time the Posse draws a
Hazard is over. threat card, roll a D6.
All Heroes take 4 Horror Hits but this is a spectacle they cannot
miss and continue to Watch. Roll a D6:
D6 Result:
1-2: The Dark Stone Hydra wins
2-4: The Harbinger wins
5-6: They both die as a result of the clash
If both the Harbinger and the Dark Stone Hydra die as a result
of this fight, the Heroes can go to the area and search the place.
Each Hero wins 1 Dark Stone and 1 Loot Card as a result.
763 - Mount Ridding Race 765 - The Vagrant
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Darrell Jones
A cocky Young Adult shows up near the Posse riding a magnificent The Posse comes across an old vagrant. He’s drunk and delirious,
Horse. “Greetings” He throws to the air while adjusting his Hat’s po- rambling on about “somethin’ in them hills” and “biggest varmint he’s
sition. “It’s a lovely day. Any of you ‘old bones’ care for a Race? Been ever seen”.
some days since my last race and Mr. Lucifer here needs the exercise.”
The Posse just assumes that he is drunk and passes on.
Any Hero can choose to race the Young Man. This is not about
money, it’s about pride. A few hours later they see another vagrant. He’s wearing similar clothes.
He’s drunk and rambling something crazy like, “bigger than a bear”
How to race: and “came outta nowhere”. An odd coincidence, for sure. This has to
be a different guy, right? So, the Posse carries on.
The Young Man’s initiative is 8 and his Agility Is 4
Each racer, by order of initiative, performs an Agility 5+ test. For About an hour later, they see a third vagrant, this one is drunk too, but
each 5 or 6 Die rolled, you get a speed token. The first racer to stumbling right toward the group yelling about the “giant is coming”
get 5 speed tokens, wins the race. and “get outta here!”
Every Hero that participates in the race but does not win, gains
20XP Then the Posse realizes that this is the same vagrant they have
seen along their trek.
If a Hero is the winner of the race, he wins 50XP.
If the winner is the Young Adult, all Heroes that participated All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
in the race take D3 Horror Hits without Willpower save. Their
pride has been hurt badly. If Pass, win 20XP. You are still confused but choose to ignore it.
The Posse arrive to a small community living up in the hills. Nothing 766 - Wildfire!
really happens here, except that they have invented a dice game called Writer: Darrell Jones
“Ones” that they use to spend their time.
The community does not play for money but they do play for Gear. The Heroes are hiking through a dry field during a lightning storm.
Quickly, lightning strikes and the field catches ablaze. Before they know
Any Hero willing to play chose an Item they possess. (Gear or it, the Heroes are surrounded by flames and the increasing heat and
Artifact only. Tokens, personal Items and Starting Gear are not smoke are making it hard to breathe.
allowed). They will bet that Item and discard it if lose the game.
Draw two Gear Cards. Choose one. This is the Item the Hero All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ and
wins if he wins the “Ones” game. Agility 5+ Tests
Heroes can only play the “Ones” game until they win one game. Any Hero that passes both tests
How to play the “Ones” game: Sees a shallow area of the fire and jump through unscathed.
Receive 30XP.
A Hero plays against one opponent in turns.
If the Hero passes only one of the two tests
One turn:
Roll five dices. For every 1 rolled, you win 100 points. Put all 1’s He attempts to find a safe path through the flames and jump. He
aside and re-reroll the remaining dices. Again, score 100 points come up short and land in the patch of fire, suffering D3 Hits ig-
for each 1. Do this until all dices are 1’s, or until the dices you noring Defense from the fire and D3 Horror Hits as the heat and
just rolled do not have a single 1. (Any roll without at least a 1 is smokes chokes to the point of complete exhaustion. Win 15XP.
considered botched and you must immediately pass the play to
the opponent). If the Hero fails both tests
You pass the play to the opponent when you have botched or
when all your dices are 1’s. He takes too long to decide while the fire engulfs him. Take D6
The opponent uses the exact same rules. When he ends his play, Hits ignoring Defense from the burns and D6 Horror Hits as
a full turn has passed. the fires have disfigured your face.
The player that sums more points at the end of three Full Turns
wins the game.
767 - Outdated Map 771 - Gambling Camp
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
A traveler informs the Posse that the map they got during the last Town You have found an illegal Gambling Camp..
Stay is outdated. They are traveling into a Town that is not the size they
expect. The Camp is full. It’s not going to be easy to get access to all
pleasures due to the high demand.
Roll a D3:
All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ and
D3 Result: Cunning 5+ Tests
1: The Posse is traveling to a Small Town
2: The Posse is traveling to a Medium Town If successful in both tests, win 40XP and they get to choose the
3: The Posse is traveling to a Large Town activity they want to perform in the Gambling Camp. (Choose
one activity from the D8 result bellow).
If you get the same result as the Town you were heading to,
re-roll until you get a different result. This change does not affect If not successful, roll a D8.
the number of Travel Hazards the Posse is rolling to reach next
Town. D8 Result:
1 Nothing. You are stuck and all you can do is watch
other having fun. This makes you really sad. Take D3
768 - Refugees Horror Hits.
Writer: Nuno de Sá 2 Play Five Card Draw Poker (as per Gambling Hall).
3 Play Brimstone Craps (as per Gambling Hall and
A large group of travelers is following the trail to the nearest Town. Saloon).
4 Play the Devil’s Wheel (as per Gambling Hall).
They seem different from any other you have seen so far. They wear 5 Play Casual Poker (as per Saloon).
large white impeccable cloths. The women’s hairs and bodies are com- 6 Play Street Gambling (As per Street Market).
pletely covered. They seem harmless and you decide to investigate. 7 Play Blackjack (Described Below).
8 A famous Singer is performing for the locals. He/She
You discover that they come from a far place called Al-Hasā, located dedicates a song to you. Choose to Heal a random
in Arabia. They are running from war caused by the greedy Ottoman Madness or to recover 1 Grit.
Turks and their destiny lead them here. They are looking for a new
place to stay. Blackjack ($50 to Play)
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ and Roll D8’s, one dice at a time and sum the results as you go. The
Cunning 5+ Tests goal is to get closer to 21 as much as possible but never more
than 21. If the total result of the sum of the dices is more than
Brimstone is a dangerouse place. The Heroes try to convince the 21, the game is lost.
foreigners to travel elsewhere, which is not an easy task, since Example: roll 8, then roll another 8, then roll 3. This equals 19.
they don’t speak English. The player may decide to stop, since rolling another D8 will
easily result in a final result of more than 21 or, if he feels lucky,
Every Hero that Is successful in both tests, win 40XP. he can throw another dice. If he rolls a 3, he gets 21 and wins a
If at least half or more of the Heroes are successful with both Heroes will win money according to the following results:
tests, every Player draw a Gear Card. The foreigners are happy
for their warnings and decide to share their riches before leaving. 21 - $500
20 - $200
Otherwise, the foreigners are not happy as they feel unwelcome. 19 - $75
All Heroes remove 1 Grit. 18 - $50
The Gambling Camp does not stay in the same place twice and
they are always moving around. As such, you cannot stay here
more than one day.
772 - Quicksand 773 - The Lucky Grain of Rice
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Alexandre Legros
Just off the trail, the Posse sees something peculiar. Sitting in the middle A beggar is kneeling on the road. He lost his lucky grain of rice and
of a sand bed is a chest. The Heroes decide to investigate. desperately tries to find it on the ground.
Choose a random Hero The Posse doesn’t have time for such a useless search, but the
Hero who rolled the event notices the grain of rice at first glance!
This Hero walks out to take a closer look. As soon as he gets
to the chest, he realizes is in slow-moving quicksand but he is The Hero chooses:
already shin-deep. The Hero starts struggling to get back to safe Secretlly pickup the grain and keep it
ground, but the more he moves the faster he sinks. Roll a D6, no reroll allowed :
1: the grain is cursed and the Hero gets -1 Luck perma-
The Hero perform a Spirit 5+ Test nently (but it can’t drop below 1)
2-3-4-5 : The grain is just a regular grain, nothing happens
If the Hero passes, he slows the quicksand and win 20XP. The 6: The grain is a lucky charm, gain +1 luck permanently
remaining Heroes add 1 to all rolls when trying to save him.
Pickup the grain and give it back to the beggar
All other Heroes must perform an Roll a D6, not reroll allowed :
Agility 5+ Test 1: The beggar accuses you of breaking the lucky spell and
bites your hand real hard. The Hero can’t use one of
Pass and win 20XP. Also, you use some rope to lasso around his hands until healed when arriving at any Town for
the sinking Hero and must then perform a Strength 4+ test. Any 200g
Hero that passes pulls the sinking Hero to safety and wins 10XP. 2-3-4-5 : The beggar throws the grain away and start looking for
If all Heroes fail the Agility 5+ test, the victim is now neck deep it again... nothing special happens
in quicksand. Each Hero then performs a Luck 6+ test for one 6: The beggar thanks you and offers you some gold nug-
last lasso toss. Anyone that passes win 20XP and will then per- gets (gain D6x50g) “Don’t worry for me, I find plenty
form another test Strength 5+ to pull the Hero to safety and win of these with my lucky grain of rice”
20XP is successful.
If the Heroes fail either the Luck 6+ test or the Strength 5+ test, a
second random Hero goes after the first Hero. That Hero is able 774 - Early Prohibition
to grab the first Hero and keep his Head above the quicksand. Writer: Nuno de Sá
All tests start again to save the second Hero.
Rumors about a State law that passed on Kansas. No one have
This continues until all Heroes are saved or there is one Hero permission to brew or sell intoxicating liquor.
remaining on safe ground. That Hero has the choice of trying
to save all Heroes by passing the same tests, or abandoning the Although the State Law does not apply to Brimstone, it’s effects
Posse and saving his own skin. are felt. From this moment and until you roll this Hazard again,
all Whisky cost $20 more each bottle. The Posse can sell Whisky
If the last Hero decides to leave, he suffers D6 Horror Hits ig- for $50 in Towns.
noring Willpower as the guilt of his decision will weigh on him
for eternity. (Then read *)
If the last Hero tries to save the Heroes and fails all tests. All 775 - The Shadow of Bel’ial
Heroes take their last breath as they sink under the quicksand. Writer: Nuno de Sá
The next morning, they all awake at the banks of the quicksand. It’s night at the campsite. Suddenly, the lights go dim and the air is filled
The chest is still mysteriously sitting in the middle of the sand with smoke. A hideous laugh echoes through your surroundings.
bed. They are all alive, but quite shaken by the events. They “KUM-XAM-RA ZUM-ZAM-RI.. As long as it may take, this world
should be dead! Who saved them? How is this possible. Each will be mine” A large shadow forms in front of the Posse… “Have you
Hero has lost a random Gear card or D3 Darkstone or $200 come to die?” The shadow haves no face, only a body of dark thick
(their choice). Each Hero also takes D3 Horror Hits as the near- smoke.
death experience bears on their minds.
All Heroes perform a Spirit 6+ Test
* The Heroes in the quicksand survive, waking up on the banks
the next morning just as above - losing Items/Money/Darkstone Those that fail, take Horror Hits due to this horrific
and taking Horror Hits. They quickly gain their composure and experience. Those that pass this test win 20XP.
head out to catch up to the yellow-bellied, lily-livered “Hero”.
Players can decide how the Hero that left them for dead can Next time you draw a Bel’ial or a Shadow of Bel’ial as a threat, it
repay them. comes with one extra Elite Ability.
776 - Possession Daily Events: D6
*Frontier Town Adventure Book* - Hazard 11
D6 Result:
1: Minor Earthquake: Digging deep in the mines caused
Located on page 19.
a chain reaction of falling rubbles all over Town. D3
Locations Collapse.
777 - Underground Town 2: Invasion: Town is under attack by Void Creatures. All
Heroes participate in the fight to send them back to the
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Darkness. All Heroes take D6 Hits and D6 Horror
Hits in the process. They also win 30XP each.
You have found a Town located deep under the ground. Rumors about
3: The Price of Corruption: Dark Stone corruption is
this city existence spread far but you never thought you would have the
more intense than ever. All Heroes take D3 Corruption
pleasure to find it one day.
Hits without Willpower Save.
4: Dark Stone Market: Today is Dark Stone Market day,
Cancel all remaining Travel Hazards. You have found a Town.
an event that takes place to allow Prospectors sell their
The size of the Town is the same as you have chosen before
findings to traders that visit Town on this special day.
you decided to Travel. All location placing rules apply (same as
Any Hero can buy up to 10 Dark Stones at the Price of
number of locations that could or not be destroyed due to failed
$30 each or sell any number of Dark Stones for $20
Missions or other Events)
each, although you know that you can get more money
for them in other Town Types.
Special Rules:
5: Inspection: The Sheriff in this Town is more cautious
than others you have seen. Today all visitors are going
Many who live underground are dedicated to Dark Stone
through close inspection. This will take the entire day.
prospecting activities. Most are heavily armed and random Void
There is no time for other activities today.
encounters are not rare.
6: For a few Dark Stones: A lucky find! While exploring
town, you find a bag without owner, filled with Dark
Stones. Each Hero receives D3 Dark Stones.
The camp of this Town is located above, not underground. He-
Extra Options
roes can stay the night here as if in any Town Camp but all daily
Camp Location rolls have -1 due to lack of protection.
Each Hero may give up their day in Town to go down deeper
to the prospecting area and try their luck prospecting some Dark
There is one Hotel in the Underground Town but is full.
However, Heroes are able to rent rooms in some bunkers. The
price however is $50 per night but the condition of the available
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ and
Bunkers change every night.
Luck 6+ Tests
Any Hero that decides to sleep in the Hotel also roll a D3 at the
If success, win 20XP. Also, you have found D3 Dark Stones.
end of each day in Town. (Roll before the Dark Stone
Corruption Check required at each day before going to sleep as
Out of this World:
per Dark Stones special rule).
Every 4 days in Town (starting on day 1), a seller appears with
D3 Result: Artifacts from Out of this World. He is a Treasure Hunter, that
1: This Bunker is in very poor condition: Take one extra dedicated his past year traveling through gates to other Worlds,
Corruption Hit at the end of the day. Reimbursements looking for Artifacts to sell.
are not accepted.
2: Acceptable Bunker: This Bunker offers ok commodities. You can decide to visit this seller without spending the entire day.
3: This Bunker is in great shape: It contains a clean See what he haves for sale. Draw 3 World Cards (Mine World
Corruption device installed. Heal D3 Corruption. Card does not count). Then Draw one random Artifact for each
of the Worlds drawn earlier (if the Artifact does not have a cost
Dark Stones
value, draw another). You can buy each Artifact for the Price
listed on the card + $300.
The Underground Town is a place dedicated to the mining of
Dark Stones. It is common to find folks with Dark Stones. Due
to the high presence of this mineral, it is easy to get corrupted.
Every day when go to sleep, all Heroes take two Corruption Hit
and another if they carry Dark Stones or Items with Dark Stones
symbol. Does not apply if Heroes choose to sleep in the Camp.
778 - Unnexcpected Shortcut 784 - Dark Stone Rush
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You followed a narrow path between the mountains and decided it’s the A big number of prospectors have been seen travelling around
best way moving forward. Brimstone roads this past few days. Everyone is rushing to Brimstone
for some Dark Stones.
Choose one Hero to perform a Cunning
5+ Test Next Town you find is a “Mining Town”. Also, when you arrive,
you will notice the effects of the Dark Stone Rush. During the
If successful, the Hero wins 20XP. At first, the Posse would not believe first 3 days in Town, a Dark Stone market can be found. Any
that it was possible to cross it but somehow the Hero found a way. This Hero will be able to visit and buy Darkstones for $150 each or
will save time to travel to next Town. Ignore the next Travel Hazard. sell them for $100. This can be done at any time during the day
If failed, you need to go all the way around the mountains and and the Heroes are still able to visit any Location.
waste a lot of time. The Hero that rolled this Hazard must
perform two extra Travel Hazard rolls. With high demand comes high risks. At the end of each day in
town, each Hero rolls a D6 for each Dark Stone they have. On
the roll of 6 that Darkstone is stolen.
781 - Mine Vortex
Writer: Nuno de Sá
785 - Gambler’s Luck
This particular area seems to be filled with mining sites. Prospectors, Writer: Nuno de Sá
Miners and other adventurous types lurk the area, trying their luck for
some Darkstones. There are some rumors about a Mine nearby that no The Posse finds a Horse Shoe attached to a nearby tree.
one dares to enter. Some say this is the biggest Mine ever seen and no
one was ever been able to witness what lies deep bellow. All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test
During your next adventure down in the Mines, every time you If any Hero is successful, wins 20XP. Also, if the Posse still have
draw a Map Tile, roll a D8. to roll for any remaining Travel Hazard, the next time you roll,
use the following rules instead:
If the result is 1, the Hero Posse Marker moves one position
down. If the result is 8, the Hero Posse Marker moves one The Posse rolls three Travel Hazards and chooses which one they
position up. Only the Lantern carrier can roll this dice. Also, prefer to Travel.
when you draw a Darkness card, roll a D6, on the roll of 1, draw
another. On the roll of 6, discard it. If the Posse was able to roll as many 6’s as the number of
Heroes in the Posse, you may travel any of the three Hazards or
ignore all.
782 - Sun Rising
Writer: Nuno de Sá
786 - Depression
It’s a beautiful Sun Rising and the skies are clean. It seems this is going Writer: Nuno de Sá
to be a great day.
Something about the landscape that make you feel sad. You start to
All Heroes recover a Grit. remember the times you were young and happy. Times spent with your
family. The sadness is deep.
The Posse hears some noises behind a large vegetation at the side of the If succeed, the Hero wins 20XP and is able to control his sad-
trail. There is no time to react. The Posse is ambushed! ness. He says something about how some dust entered inside his
eyes and clean them. Still take D3 Horror Hits.
Draw a random Map tile. If you can, use a Swamp of Jargono
Tile. Place the Heroes at the center of the tile in any positions If failed, the Hero starts crying as water pours from his eyes.
you prefer. Draw a Threat Card equivalent to the number of The other Heroes do their best to provide comfort but it’s no
Heroes in the Posse plus Two (if four Heroes, treat as six; if five use. Take D6 Horror Hits. During next Town Stay, this Hero is
or six Heroes in the Posse, draw Epic). This is an Ambush. As going to need some rest and will not perform any activity on the
usual, draw a Loot Card for each Threat Card. If you are defeat- first 2 Days .
ed, a random building on next Town is destroyed. At the end of
the fight, each Hero fully heals Health and Sanity.
787 - Harvesters 788 - Nightmare
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
You are not dreaming. The Posse is surprised by a Group of Huge You enter in your old House and call for your mother. A creepy voice
Alien like creatures wearing Heavy Suits. They came during your sleep answers from upstairs: “Yes my child?” You climb the stairs and search
and you have been caught off guard. for the voice. You call for your mother once more. Again, she answers:
They don’t immediately attack. Instead, they say a few ‘words’ that you “Right here, child”. The voice comes from the room that belongs to
cannot understand. One of the Aliens hold a Dark Stone in his hands your parents. You enter. Inside, a sinister transparent figure floats in the
while trying to communicate with the Posse. You understand that this is air. It looks at you and flies quickly in your direction. There is no time
what they are looking for. to run. You scream as loud as you can!
If the Posse does not carry any Dark Stone, ignore this Hazard. The Hero that roled this Hazard wakes up from a Nightmare and
(Items with Dark Stone items are not included in this require- take D6 Horror Hits.
Also, roll a D3:
D3 Result:
Ignore the Harvesters and try to leave: 1: The Hero is finding hard to recover from the Night-
mare. Roll once on the Madness Chart. Add 3 to the
That is a mistake. The Harvesters are only interested in the Dark result. If the result is 13, 14 or 15, this event forces the
Stones of this world and they have the advantage over the Posse. Hero to remember long forgotten memories. Instead
The Heroes try to run as the Harvesters start to attack. Each of breaking your will, this Nightmare helps you to
Hero take 2D6 Hits as a result. keep moving. Choose and heal a Madness instead.
2,3: Nothing else happens.
Try to mislead the Harvesters and only give them part of your
Dark Stones.
811 - Something Hidden
All Heroes with at least 1 Dark Stone Writer: Nuno de Sá
perform a Cunning Test 5+
There is something peculiar under that pile of Herbs. It could be your
• If succeed, win 20 XP. You were able to mislead the Harvest- lucky day.
ers. Give them at least 1 Dark Stone and they will be happy.
• If Failed, the Harvesters hurt you. Take D6 Damage. They also Choose a random Hero
force you to give all remaining Dark Stones you possess.
The Hero rolls a D6:
Give all your Dark Stones to the Harvesters:
D6 Result:
• If the total of Dark Stones is at least 5, before they leave, they 1: Found $25
give the Posse a present. Draw a random Artifact from a random 2: Found $50
world and give it to the Hero that gave more Dark Stones to the 3: Found 1 Dark Stone
Harvesters (or a random Hero in case of a tie). 4: Found D3 Dark Stones
5: Draw 1 Gear Card
• If the total of Dark Stones is at least 10, before they leave, they 6: Draw two Gear Cards. Discard one (ruined). Keep the
give the Posse two presents. Draw a random Artifact from a ran- other
dom world and give it to the Hero that gave more Dark Stones
to the Harvesters (or a random Hero in case of a tie). Also, a
random Hero receives a small alien gun device. 812 - Pragmatic
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Small Alien Gun Device Description:
It acts exactly as a Pocket Gun. It haves a freezing free attack that Today you wake up feeling very Pragmatic. You feel that all that you
can be used once per fight. It does not give any damage but It have done in your live lead you right here to this place and all you have
cancels any movement activity to a single enemy during his next done was useful for something, even your mistakes. After all, life is filled
activation. However, the enemy can still attack, if possible. with experiences. Up to us to make the best of it.
- It’s so light that it does not have any weight.
- It’s too complex to allow any upgrades. Choose a random Hero
- Haves a Range of 8.
- Extra Large creatures are immune to it. All the lessons in your live start to make sense. Gain D8x10 XP.
813 - The Howling 817 - Toxic Swamp
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Walter Gagajewski
Time to sleep but it’s not going to be an easy task. A full moon paints The toxic fumes from the Swamp become too dense and the Posse is
the sky, provoking nearby wolfs into howling frenzy, that echo through right in the middle of it.
the woods.
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
If you fail, loose 1 Grit and immediately take D6 Hits. Also, you
If successful, win 20XP. Nothing can keep you away from will have to pay $100 at the next Town in order to be cured from
sleeping. the nausea.
If failed, you won’t sleep this night and the Howling almost If you pass, win 20XP.
drives you insane. Take D6 Horror Hits and loose 1 Grit. Also,
loose 1 Strength until you spend one night at the Hotel, in Town.
818 - Full Moon
Writer: Walter Gagajewski
814 - Achluophobia
Writer: Darrell Jones The night is bright and contains a full moon in the sky.
As the Posse settles in to camp for the night, a mysterious calm comes Roll a D6:
over. No animals can be heard. The wind is still, and the campfire
doesn’t cast any light past the makeshift fire pit. D6 Result:
Feeling uneasy, the Posse lies down to a restless sleep, and recurring 1-3 Nothing happens
nightmares. 4-6 A random Hero begins to show signs of aggression.
During the next Adventure, at the beginning of every
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard has the worst of it. turn during any Fight, roll a D6. A 6 means that the
That Hero awakens visibly distraught, but does not know what magic of the full moon has angered him enough to
is wrong. During the next mission, any time a Darkness card is attack his opponents with vigour and malice, he gets an
drawn, the Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard suffers D3 Horror extra Free Combat Attack that can be used
Hits as the Darkness has been eating away at him for some time. once per turn during that fight (+1 To Hit, and
After the mission is over, the Hero can be treated by a doctor in +2 to Damage). If the Hero activates this Free Attack,
Town for $50. he stops performing this check during that fight since
he already got the 6. However he will resume this rolls
815 - Fear at the beggining of his turns in future fights. Excep-
tionally to the rules, this Free Attack can be used with
Writer: Nuno de Sá conjuction with other Free Attack the Hero may have.
That last fight got a toll on you. You can’t stop thinking about it.
821 - Paralysing Nightmares
Identify all enemy types included in the last fight. Randomly pick Writer: Walter Gagajewski
one. Then check the Keywords associated.
The Hero who rolled this Travel Hazard gains fear against all en- A Hero’s dreams cause him distress during the night. He awakes to
emies with ALL Keyword identified. He get’s -1 to all attack rolls find himself covered in perspiration, and with a great headache.
against them. This effect can be removed as any other Madness
but all Rolls to remove it are at -1. Choose a random Hero
816 - Locust Swarm For the remaining of his career, his nights are plagued by dreams
of void creatures, as they feed on him. Unless he visits a Doctor
Writer: Walter Gagajewski and pays $300 to be cured, all his attacks vs creatures with the
Keyword “Void” will be at -1 attack (If you attack with melee
A locust swarm engulfs the Heroes as they progress onwards. you have one less Combat; If you are Firing multiple ranged
weapons, you only loose one shot, choose which weapon loses
Roll D6. If the number rolled is 6 or is greater than the the shot).
members in the Posse, then the locusts are so thick that the
locusts get into everything. All Bandages and Herbs are ruined.
Travel is slowed and all sense of direction is lost. Each Hero must
roll another Travel Hazard.
822 - Gold Pieces 825 - Playing with Dynamite
Writer: Walter Gagajewski Writer: Nuno de Sá
Lucky find! A small Dynamite is thrown from behind some bushes, straight into the
The Hero that rolled this Hazard finds a pouch of D6*$50.
Start here if this is the first time you rolled this Hazard:
A Random Hero performs an Agility 5+ The Heroes see no signs of Human life nearby. The Posse moves
Test on.
If Passed, win 20XP. You barely made it without falling from Start here if this is the second time you rolled this Hazard:
your mount.
You find a lonely kid preparing to light a small dynamite. He
If fail, you fall down. Take D6 Hits in the process and become immediately recognizes the Posse. He also asks for forgiveness
the target of jokes by fellow Posse members. for any past mistakes and beg you to let him go.
824 - Inner Quest
Writer: Nuno de Sá Let him go.
A small house sits on top of a big rock. A welcome sign greets the Nothing happens. The kid is so happy that he offers a normal
travelers and invites them to enter with a promise of a hot meal. To Dynamite token to the Posse. Also, every Hero gets a Loot Card.
enter the house, the Posse need to climb a ladder where only one can This will not prevent the Kid to continue to harass the Posse next
fit at a time. time they meet him. Next time you roll this Hazard, start from
the beginning as if the first time you roll it.
As soon as the first Hero enters the house, the door shuts behind. The
light of day disappears and is replaced by complete darkness. A voice Tie him up and bring him to the nearest Town authorities.
whispers illegible words. Then, slowly, darkness fades to thin light and
you are able to see again. Next time when in Town, each Hero gets $50 paid by the Kid’s
father that was looking for him. Eventually the kid will run to
The Hero must pass a test of 5+ for every stat (Agility, Strength, the wilderness and restart the Dynamite activities and harass any
etc…) while inside the house. A series of Tests have been careful- travelers that pass by, including the Posse. Next time you roll this
ly prepared for any visitor. Hazard, start from the beginning.
827 - The French Merchant Roll a D6 to identify Second “Power”
Writer: Nuno de Sá
D6 Result:
1: During one adventure re-roll 1 defense dice
A colorful Stagecoach approaches. Someone seems to be playing a
2: During one adventure re-roll 1 attack dice
piano inside. The Stagecoach stops right by the Posse as a fancy man
3: During one adventure add 1 to any dice you roll
steps out greeting the Heroes eloquently. “Bonjour, bonjour messieurs…
4: During one adventure gain 1 grit automatically
my name is Jean Pierre. You guessed it, I am from the Beautiful Jolly
5: During one adventure re-roll a hold the darkness dice
France. Oh, la belle France. How I miss my home. I come here to
6: During one adventure heal D6 Health or D6 Sanity
sell the most exquisite cloths to fine gentleman such as yourselves. My
equipment is unique, directly from Venezia, a wonderful region in
At this stage each Cloth is worth $1000.
Italy, but I attach unique Old West flavor to them. You will not find it
anywhere else. This can be your lucky day messieurs!”.
Roll 2D8:
The Merchant is selling three unique cloth pieces. To identify the
At least one of the dices is a 8: Roll for an additional First Power.
cloths, roll the following charts for each:
The Cloth is now worth $2000
Roll a D8 to identify the Type
If both dices are 8’s: Roll for an additional First Power and Sec-
ond Power. The Cloth is now worth $3000
D8 Result:
1: Hat – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Hat” Results cannot be the same. Example: If you are rolling a second
2: Boots – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Boots” time on “First Power” Chart, you cannot have the same result as
3: Poncho – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Shoulders” the first “First Power”. If you get the same result, re-roll until you
4: Gloves – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Gloves” have a different result.
5: Belt – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Belt”
6: Duster – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Coat” ; If more than one Hero are interested in the same piece of Cloth,
1 ; 2 upgrade slots start an auction. The Hero who gives more money for it, starting
7: Bandana – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Face” from the base value, keeps it.
8: Shirt – Keywords – “Personal-Clothing-Torso”
This are unique set of Gear. As soon as a Hero buys one, he
Roll a D6 to identify First “Power” must name it.
D6 Result:
1: Roll a D6 to gain Status 828 - Different Directions
1-Agility Writer: Nuno de Sá
3-Spirit As you travel through a rocky area between the mountains, some rocks
4-Strength start falling. It’s a huge Rockfall!
6-Luck All Heroes perform a Luck 6+ Test
2: Roll a D8 to gain Keyword
1-Law Pass and win 20XP.
3-Holy Fail and you must perform an Agility test 5+ to avoid some rocks
4-Traveler falling over. If Pass, win 20XP. If fail, take D6 Hits.
6-Frontier A huge rock fell right in the middle of the posse. There is no
7-Performer way to turn around that rock. You can only go forward or go
8-Showman back.
3: + 3 Health
4: +3 Sanity Each Hero rolls a D6.
5: Increase Max Grit by 1
6: Gain 1 to Initiative D6 Result:
1-3 Hero go Forward
4-6 Hero go Back
The Heroes got separated. For now, on and until they arrive to
Town, the Travel Hazards of the Heroes that went forward do
not affect the Heroes that went back and vice versa.
831 - Pack of Wolves 834 - Blessed Pond
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
The way forward is blocked by a vicious pack of wolves. They seem You have found a small Pond with crystalline water. As you taste the
determined to attack. water, your head starts spinning and visions from the past greet your
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ and
Lore 5+ Tests All Heroes perform a Strength 5+ Test
If any Hero is successful, you are able to pass by them. All D3 Result:
Heroes win 30XP 1: This water is incredibly pure and your body was not
prepared. Take D3 Hits and D3 Corruption.
If all Heroes fail, the wolves attack. Each Hero take D6 Hits as a 2: This water is incredibly pure and your body was not
result of the fight. prepared. D3 Corruption.
3: This water is incredibly pure and your body was not
832 - The Snake Pit prepared. Take D3 Hits.
Writer: Darrell Jones If you pass, win 20XP. Also, roll a D3:
The Posse stumbles into a den of venomous rattlers
D3 Result:
Roll D6 1: This water haves powerful healing effects: Heal D3
D6 Result: 2: This water haves powerful healing effects: Heal 1
1: Three Random Heroes are poisoned. Take D6 Poison Random Injury.
tokens. 3: This water haves powerful healing effects. Your body
2: Two Random Heroes are poisoned. Take D6 Poison starts rejuvenating. Heal D3 Corruption, D3 Sanity, D3
tokens. Health, 1 Random Injury and 1 Random Sanity.
3: One Random Hero is poisoned. Take D6 Poison
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard is poisoned.
835 - Ambush on Desert Town
Take D6 Poison tokens. Writer: Nuno de Sá
5: Each Hero is bitten, but not poisoned. Each Hero take
D6 hits. You have found a Town that seems lost in time. It is completely empty.
6: Somehow the Heroes manage to escape the rattler You investigate but there is nothing, no one, not even a soul. Suddenly
den with just minor scrapes. One random Hero is the sunlight starts to go dim. Something is coming.
bitten but not poisoned. That Hero takes D6 Hits.
Unwrap the Town Adventure Board. You are about to be
Ambushed. Use it as playground to play the mission “Shootout
833 - Aura of Corruption in the Streets” as per Frontier Town Adventure Book.
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Instead of Bandits, you will place Undead Outlaws as per
You feel it in your bones. You have come to a place of Evil. These Undead Outlaws expansion. Search for the “Rooker Gang” card
woods are haunted. within the Infamous Undead Outlaws deck and use it as the
gang they belong to.
Each Hero performs a Spirit 5+ Test
Undead Outlaws in the roof also have the “Bandit Rifle” ability
If success, win 20XP. Also, the Hero is able to travel through the as described in the “Shootout in the Streets” mission.
woods without any harm.
If the Posse haves at least 5 or 6 Heroes or if the level of the Pos-
If failed, you can’t avoid the taunt of the nearby spirits. They se is at least 4, regardless of the number of Heroes, the Undead
attack you for the evil you possess inside. Take 1 Hit for each Gunslinger shows up, replacing the first Undead Outlaw that
Mutation you have, without Defense. spawns on the map after the mission started.
If you succeed, each Hero wins 100XP and $300 but If you fail,
loose all your money. You can still proceed to next Town.
836 - Tribal Roots 841 - Strangler Wrangler
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Perry Grosshans
It’s getting Dark and it’s time to Camp. The location is not ideal but You come across a gentleman in a covered wagon, which makes a lot
the Posse needs to rest. As the Heroes set Camp, they hear the sound of strange noise. When you ask him what the ruckus is all about, he
of drums mixed with tribal yells far away, as if a Native Indian tribe is gleefully flips open the flap to reveal six stranglers inside, all secured to
performing a ritual. the wagon with rope around their legs.
All Heroes recover a Grit and heal any Sanity damage they When you ask him why he’s transporting such dangerous critters, he
may have. The spiritual Healing Powers of the ritual are Strong smiles a rotten-toothed smile. “Oh,” he says. “They make good eatin’.”
enough to affect the Posse.
Something doesn’t seem right....
842 - Holes 844 - Void Attack!
Writer: Perry Grosshans Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Posse reaches a wide expanse of desert between two high bluffs. A large number of settlers go in the opposite direction of the Posse.
There are several old timers digging with shovels in seemingly random They explain that recently, a group of Void creatures attacked the
spots. When asked, the men exclaim there is treasure in these parts! nearest Town, nearly destroying it in the process. They are looking for
opportunities elsewhere.
There are a lot of holes dug, and not a lot of treasure to be seen. But
sometimes rewards take work. When you arrive to the next Town, you will find it in ruins. You
don’t need to roll to identify which town type you are. It will be
Each Hero chooses: a “Town Ruins” type (Frontier Town rules).
Laugh at the old timers and move on Also, any token you have that heals Sanity or Health can be
sold in Town for $150 due to the increased demand on those
Ignore the rest of this Travel Hazard. products. You cannot buy those type of Side Bag Tokens during
this visit.
Grab some shovels and start digging!
Spending time digging extends the travel time. Add D3 Travel 845 - Sanctuary
Hazards to the Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard after this one Writer: Nuno de Sá
(regardless of how many Heroes dig holes).
A church located in the center of a very small community in a rocky
Each Hero who digs roll a D6: region, offers protection and shelter to the travelers.
D6 Result: All Heroes heal D3 Corruption and D3 Sanity. Heroes can buy
1. Gold! The Hero finds D6 x$100 worth of gold! any service as if in a Town Church. Don’t roll for Location
2. Jewels! The Hero finds d6 x$10 worth of jewels! Events.
3. Nothin’. Nothin’ but more dirt and a whole lot o’
A few ants, a shiny nickel, and a sore back. 846 - Drunken Pig
5. Hidden nest! The Hero has dug into a nest of warp Writer: Nuno de Sá
spiders! The Hero takes D6 Hits and gains 20 XP as
he fights the critters off. As you cross a rocky region, you are lucky enough to see a hidden
6. Eureka! The Hero has found a secret stash! Draw a entrance guarded by a single man. He greets the posse and invites them
Loot card. to enter. “Welcome to the Drunken Pig. Where all dreams come true”
The Hero Posse stumble across a wandering tribe of natives who also
dabble and trade in Dark Stone. 847 - San Pascualito
Writer: Darrell Jones
They are willing to trade, but it is costly. The Heroes can
purchase Dark Stones for $200 each, in either cash or items. The Heroes come upon a graveyard covered in a dense layer of fog.
Deep within is a faint blue light causing eerie shadows across the
The Natives do not make change however (so giving them a ground. The Heroes look over and see movement within the shadows.
$250 item will yield one Dark Stone), even if another Hero gave The movements seem unnatural.
them money previously. They do not haggle!
The Heroes choose to investigate. Inside the dense fog they meet
San Pascualito - The King of the Graveyard.
If that Hero gets knocked out during the next Adventure, he rolls
for an additional injury or madness.
848 - Achiyalatopa 853 - Ghost Sickness
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Darrell Jones
Deep into a canyon, the Heroes are hit with a fierce wind. They hear A mental condition caracterised by a preoccupation with death and the
something behind them and quickly turn to see Achiyalatopa. dead is not unusual within the habitants of Brimstone, speacially those
that tend to visit the Mines.
Achiyalatopa is a giant bird-like monster with wings made of flint
knives. If the Heroes fought any Threat with the keyword “Undead”
during their last Adventure, they are stricken with Ghost Sickness.
Apparently, the Heroes have wandered too close to its nest and Achiyal- If not, this Travel Hazard is ignored.
atopa has been angered. The creature attacks with flint knives launching
them at the Heroes. All Heroes affected by Ghost Sickness are -1 Strength and -1
Agility. They can heal the sickness by visiting a Church in Town.
All Heroes perform an Agility 6+ Test Each Hero has to pay $100 to the Priest to be cured. The Priest
will recommend any Hero affected to stay in Town for 5 days
If passed, they successfully dodge the attacks and gain 20XP. If to rest up before they embark in the next Adventure. Heroes can
failed, take D8 Hits. still perform any activities during this period in Town.
If 1 or more Heroes successfully evade the initial attack, the If the Heroes leave before the 5 days, they will still be at -1
Achiyalatopa flies off. Strength and -1 Agility. They will cure the sickness only when
resting for 5 days in any future Town Stays but they do not need
If none of the Heroes is able to evade the initial attack, she to visit the Church location again to find the cure.
attacks again and another Agility roll must be performed. Again,
the Heroes that do not dodge the attack will take D8 hits. Repeat
until at least one Hero is able to pass the Agility test. 854 - Buffalo Bill’s Show
Writer: Nuno de Sá
After the encounter, each Hero rolls D6 to collect that many
number of flint knives from the ground. Each can be sold in Rumors that Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show is touring in Brimstone trav-
Town for $25. els fast. The show is performing in a Town nearby the Posse’s location.
The Posse rushes to Town.
851 - Ascalapha Odorata The Posse ignores the next Travel Hazard as they travel at double
Writer: Darrell Jones speed.
A few hours after the Posse takes off on their journey back to Town, During your next Town Stay, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show is
they are swarmed by tens of thousands of Ascalapha Odorata - Black performing on the Posse’s third day in Town.
Witch Moths.
During the second and third day in Town, apply the following
The Moths themselves, do no harm, but folklore around Town modifiers:
has said they bring misfortune. - All Town Location Chart rolls are at +2.
- All prices are at +$50.
All Heroes perform a Luck 5+ Test - Hotel is full. Posse will need to sleep at the Camp.
- All Camp related rolls are at -1 due to the large affluence of
Pass and win 20 XP. Fail and loose one random Gear card. suspicious individuals at Town that day.
Any Hero may attend the Show during the Posse’s third day,
852 - Ahayuta instead of performing any other Town related Activities.
Writer: Darrell Jones
To attend the Show, each Hero must pay $100. If they do, they
While camping for the night, all Heroes dream of being visited by heal a random Madness since the show is even better than the
Ahayuta, one of the Zuni Gods of War. Heroes wildest dreams.
In the following morning, the Heroes do not recall the dreams Also, any Hero can attempt to participate in the Show instead
from that night, but somehow feel invigorated. (giving up any other Town activities for that day), as a figurant.
The Hero must first pass a series of tests. Perform a Cunning
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test test 6+. If you succeed, win 20XP. Also, you are hired. Heal a
random Madness and win $100xD3 as a result of your perfor-
Pass and win 20XP and +1 Initiative during the next Adventure. mance. If you fail, you will not be able to attend the show since
you realize all tickets have been sold.
855 - Portal to Jargono 856 - The Hideout (Advanced)
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
It’s a new day and the Posse starts packing. The temporary campsite You found a Shackle and as you enter inside, you find that there is
was enough to keep you warm for the night but now rain starts pouring much more to this place that meets the eyes. You find a Bank and Train
from the clouded skies. Someone grunts: “Great, another colorful day it Robbery plans as well as letters with instructions about abductions and
seems. Just what we needed.” other forms of making money illegally.
Soon, just another rainy day transforms into a diluvium. “God damn,
we need to take cover. Let’s take shelter on that Hole we saw yesterday”. Choose:
The Posse follows into the Hole, frustrated.
Soon, the Posse realizes this is no normal cave. There is some depth, Nothing more happens. This Hazard is over.
much similar to mines you have encountered in the past. The walls
are filled with paintings that resemble ancient drawings, but instead of Search the Shackle.
any human resemblance, the drawings represent shapes of lizard like All Heroes perform a Scavenge check on the Shackle. Get a
creatures. Scavenge card for each 6 as usual.
Don’t investigate any further and wait for the rain to pass. If all Heroes failed:
Nothing happens. The Posse leaves the cave as soon as possible. Nothing else to do. This Hazard is over.
This Hazard is over.
If any Hero is successful:
Further Investigate the cave Heroes that passed the test win 10XP. Also, you have found a
It seems clear that the Cave is empty without signs of life. clever hidden door to a basement. The door is locked. Each
However, you find more drawings. You see trees, swamps, giant Hero then performs either a Strength test 5+ to bash the door or
animals and more lizards. a Cunning test 6+ to unlock the door.
After a few corridors, you find a Gate. You look inside and you If all Heroes failed, nothing else to do. This Hazard is over.
see a vast swamp with no end. All Heroes gain 30XP.
If any Hero is successful, all Heroes win 20XP and go
Choose: downstairs.
Leave the cave. You don’t want to mess with another world right You are on the Center Chamber
As soon as you try to leave, the cave starts to fall down. You need Choose:
to hurry. All Heroes perform an Agility test 5+. Fail and take D6
Hits from the rubble. Pass and gain 20 XP. Go Back:
You decide to leave. This is too dangerous. This Hazard Is over.
Investigate the Portal
You enter into an amazing swamp like area. Giant dense trees Investigate the Center Chamber:
block most of your vision and limit your movement, however, All Heroes perform a Scavenge test. Get a Scavenge card for each
you are still able to progress to further investigate. After a while, 6 as usual.
you realize that there are no improvements on the landscape.
Swamp, trees and thick jungle canopy. All Heroes win 40 XP due If any Hero in the Posse rolled at least two 1’s, someone triggers
to the investigation. a trap that immediately initiate a “self-destruct” mechanism.
The Basement is going down, you leave. This Hazard is over.
After some time, the Jungle becomes too deep. Some of the trees Otherwise:
become alive and start to attack the Heroes. the Posse struggles
to proceed. Time to run back! All Heroes take D6 Hits withtout Choose:
Defense as a result.
Investigate a large Passage to the left:
You find some tooth marks along the way. Something creepy
happened here. At the end of the passage you find several torture
equipment’s. Some dead bodies are piled up on the far section of
this room. You are on the Torture Room.
Investigate the Torture Room:
857 - White Buffalo
Roll a D6. If you rolled 1-3, someone triggers a trap that im- Writer: Nuno de Sá
mediately initiate a “self-destruct” mechanism. The Basement is
going down and you run. This Hazard is over. Many Buffalos are sighted near some canyons. Amongst them a great
White Buffalo stands out. Rumors say that the white buffalo is a sign of
Otherwise, all Heroes perform a Scavenge test. Get a Scavenge peace and prayer and when the great numbers of buffalo return and the
card for each 6 as usual. If any Hero rolled at least two 1’s, you white buffalo are among them world peace will come.
are ambushed by x Bandits with 1 extra Elite Ability. Draw
two Map Tiles and use as scenario for this fight. Next Town stay Location chart rolls are at +1.
During next Adventure, Hold Back the Darkness rolls are at +1.
After you defeat all Bandits, another wave of x Bandits
with 2 extra Elite Abilities ambush you. If you fail to defeat the
bandits, this Hazard is over. (only if Posse haves more than 4
858 - Gringos
Heroes) Writer: Nuno de Sá
Heroes draw 2 Loot cards at the end of the fights. Also, Heroes You find three Mexicans, or maybe, three Mexicans find you. They have
can “Catch your Breath”. If you defeat the Bandits you can an intense look in their eyes and will not answer to any questions, no
either proceed to the Center Chamber or leave. If you leave, this matter how hard you try. Their hands are on their holsters, ready to
Hazard is over. draw their Pistols.
Investigate a small Passage to the right: One of the Mexicans speaks something but you are not sure
you understand: “No hablamos Ingles. Nosotros tenemos mucha
There are some rusty Gear equipment’s left in this passage. May- hambre. Nos puede ayudar gringos?”.
be you can find something useful in-between this junk. Roll a D6
All Heroes perform a Lore 5+ Test
D6 Result: If at least one Hero succeeds, you are able to understand what
1-3: You found nothing.
the Mexicans need and all Heroes win 10XP. . You give them
4-6: A random Hero draws a Gear Card.
some food and they give you one bottle of Whisky (decide
which Hero keeps the Side Bag Token).
The Passage before you falls down. All Heroes perform an
Agility 5+ test to try avoid the falling rubble. If passed, win 20XP.
If no Hero succeeds, there is a barrier of communication. You
If failed, take D6 Hits.
don’t trust the Mexicans and the Mexicans don’t trust you. A hail
of bullets starts flying. Each Hero takes D8 Hits from this fight.
Luckily, this passage continues to a section that leads outside.
Unfortunately, there is no way you can go back to the Shackle.
This Hazard is over. 861 - Limnic Eruption
Writer: Nuno de Sá
Go forward through a tunnel:
A lake explodes at the distance. Although you are not close, you can
The tunnel leads the Posse further downstairs. You feel the
still hear the erupting sound. You have no idea what just happened.
presence of the Void. Draw a Darkness card and apply it’s results.
All you can do is hope for the best and continue to move forward. A
Limnic eruption occurs when a gas, usually CO2, suddenly erupts from
Setup this section with the Mine entrance Tile and attach a
deep lake water. This are very rare events but in Brimstone, everything
random mine tile. Any doors are closed. Place the Heroes as
can happen.
usual at the entrance. Don’t forget to roll the Hold Back the
Darkness and choose someone to hold the lantern. Play as you
When you reach next Town, you will find that many residents
normally would, by initiative order.
died as a result of the suffocating gas. Town morale is low.
As soon as you reach the Mine Tile attached to the Entrance
Next Town stay Location Chart rolls are at -1.
Tile, Draw an Epic treat card. This is the reason why the bandits
left and locked the basement. Fight it. If you defeat the Epic
The owner of a random Town Location died in the process. That
threat, draw the loot card accordingly. Also, this room is the
location is closed and cannot be visited during this stay.
Bandits Treasure Room. Each Hero receives D6 x $100.
862 - Masters High Noon Duel D8 Result:
You are being followed. A Posse is after your group. After some time 2: Charlie Bowdre
trying to elude them, you give up. They have great scouts. There is no Will always try to get to melee.
mistake. They are 6 Gunslingers and they look deadly. However, they Combat – 6 with 4 Damage
are not really looking for a fight, at least, not for now. They explain that +5 Health per Hero
they are looking for duels with talented folks such as yourselves. +1 Defense
+3 Move
“Not here!” they say… “We only fight with an audience. You see, we
are looking for fame and you guys will make us famous. Your feats are 3: Henry Newton Brown
renown all over Brimstone. Hell, they are renown all over the West. But +5 Health per Hero
you are not the best and we are here to prove it. Meet us at the nearest Hail of Bullets ability – increase to 5 Hits each
Town and we will see who the best of the best is, once and for all” Each Combat or Ranged Hit +2 Damage
When the Posse arrives to the nearest Town, they will be 4: Jose Chavez y Chavez
challenged for a duel on day 2. Free Attack each round – Send a knife – Range 6 – 8
You should play exactly like the High Noon Duel, except that it +5 Health per Hero
isn’t really a solo mission. + 1 Elite Ability
+1 Defense
All Heroes participate. It’s all Heroes or none. Exceptionally,
if a Hero cannot participate or is not willing to participate, the 5: Doc Scurlock
number of opponents will not decrease. Their numbers are still +5 Health per Hero
equivalent as how many Heroes are in Town. Hail of Bullets trigger on each successful hit
If you fail to participate on the duel, the Posse will lose a large 6: Frank Coe
amount of reputation. From now forth, all Heroes receive an +5 Health per Hero
Unwanted Attention markers every time they set foot on a Town. If his brother George Coe is in play, receive +1 Defense
All ranged attacks are at +2 Damage
The Duel Day
7: George Coe
You are about to face The Lincoln County Regulators and they +5 Health per Hero
come to Brimstone just for you. If his brother Frank Coe is in play, receive +1 Defense
+ 1 Elite Ability
The Regulators are “Brutal Bandits” from the Frontier Town
Expansion Book. 8: John Middleton
+5 Health per Hero
Randomly pick between the following Cowboys as part of the Ranged Attack – Range 6 – Shots 8 – Damage 6
group that will face you in combat: +1 Defense
Roll a D8 for each Hero in Town to identify the Challengers: Note: Regulators XP is 30 + (10 per hit) and each have 3 Elite
(repeat if you roll the same result) Abilities as a baseline.
Apply each identified Challenger stats listed on top of the Brutal If you lose the Duel, roll for KO as usual. You start the next
Bandid stats. Adventure without any Grits. Now you know that you are not
the best in the Old West.
If you win the Duel, there is no other way to say it. You are the
best Heroes on the West! No one else is more suited to save the
World. Each Hero wins $1000 and 500 XP.
863 - Lawful Decisions 865 - The Chosen
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Nuno de Sá
Along the way to the nearest Town, you find two Bandits camping, Your mind starts blurring and you vision is impaired. After a few miles,
planning a Train robbery. They were so distracted by their plans and you start to see things that you do not understand, things on a different
didn’t noticed the Posse approaching. plane/dimension. There are horrific creatures there that you would
prefer to have never seen. They know you are watching and begin to
The Posse may decide to either help to Rob the Train or Con- chase, only to find that they cannot really harm you.
front the Bandits.
The Hero that rolled this Hazard has become afflicted with Vi-
Rob the Train: sions from another dimension. Physical interaction is not possible
but the horrors are too much to handle. The visions are not
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ Test permanent. Sometimes they come when the Hero is sleeping and
often when the Hero is awake.
If at least half or more number of Heroes in the Posse succeed,
the train is stopped. You will find little resistance. Every Hero There is no cure for this never-ending nightmare but the Hero
wins 40XP and 6x$50. Also, when you arrive to next Town, all can learn how to deal with it.
Heroes become “Wanted” (or Most Wanted if already Wanted).
The Hero that rolled this Hazard
If less than half of the number of Heroes in the Posse fails, you performs a Spirit 5+ Test
are not able to stop the train. all Heroes remove a Grit.
If successful, win 20XP. After the end of the Next Town visit,
Confront the Bandits: you will master the “sight” and become mentally empowered by
it. Permanently gain 1 Sanity.
All Heroes perform an Agility (ranged)
5+ or Strength (melee) 5+ Test If failed, the horror is too much to handle, after the end of the
next Town visit, permanently lose 1 Sanity.
If at least half or more number of Heroes in the Posse succeed
you are able to hold the outlaws in custody and bring them to Also, anytime the Posse draws a Darkness card, the Visions
next Town. Each Hero wins 40XP. If less than half of the num- become more powerful and there is a chance that they become
ber of Heroes in the Posse fails, the Outlaws escape. real as the dimensions interact. Roll a D6. At the roll of 1, you
must draw and Fight a Low Threat Card as some of the creatures
are able to cross and “Attack”. Draw until you face a Threat with
864 - Travelling Salesman the keyword “Void”.
Writer: Perry Grosshans
If a Hero rolls this Hazard again during his lifetime, his Visions
The Hero Posse meets up with a wagon. The driver introduces himself end. Also, he becomes the Chosen of some dark gruesome
as Cornelius “Corny” Withers, travelling salesman. He is more than creatures from another World. Permanently win 5 Sanity and 5+
happy to sell or purchase any wares. Willpower Armor.
The Heroes may purchase Bandage and Tonic Tokens for $100.
Also, draw D6 Gear cards, ignoring and redrawing any cards that 866 - Departure of a Friend
don’t have a dollar value. The Heroes may purchase any Gear Writer: Nuno de Sá
card at its cost + $100. Corny will also purchase Gear at half its
value. He was a good companion and you will never forget the days you
spent together. A sudden illness stroked him and now there is nothing
else that can be done. You need to put a bullet inside your Mount as a
final act of dignity..
The Mount of the Hero that rolled this Hazard dies as a result of
a sudden Illness.
867 - Outlaw Army 868 - Interesting Shortcut
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Perry Grosshans
A cloud of dust rises up on the horizon. You see that a large group of The Heroes find an old service mine tunnel at the base of a canyon.
riders are coming your way, fast! You don’t waste time and draw your According to their information, this tunnel should take them straight
weapons, in case things get ugly. through to the other side and closer to their destination. Problem is, the
tunnel is old and might not be safe
Quickly, you are surrounded by 30 or more heavily armed men.
A Tall rugged looking man riding a beautiful white mustang seems to If the Hero Posse don’t take the tunnel, ignore the rest of this
be the Leader. Travel Hazard. If the Hero Posse decide to take the tunnel, roll a
“Which one of you scum’s the leader?” The tall man asks.
He gracefully jumps down from his horse and walks to a random D6 Result:
Hero. Looking him straight in the eyes, he draws his gun and presses it 1 – 3: The tunnel is secure and takes them straight through
against his head. with no problems. Reduce the number of remaining
Travel Hazards by D3.
“I’m only going to ask this once. “ He spits on the ground. 4 – 5: The tunnel is dangerous and begins to cave-in! Roll
“We want all your weapons and all your money.”. another D6:
Choose: D6 Result:
1: The Hero Posse are buried under falling rocks. Each
Give them all your weapons and money: Hero takes D6 Hits (can be saved for normally) and
the Posse must now backtrack after digging themselves
All Heroes rolls a D6 for each weapon they have (personal items out. Add D3 Travel Hazards.
and starting gear are not affected). If you roll 4,5 or 6, you were 2-4: The Hero Posse manage to escape the worst of the
able to hide that weapon. Discard all others. All your money tunnel’s collapse, but now must backtrack, saving them
is lost. The tall man and his gang then leave the area with big no time. Add 1 additional Travel Hazard.
smiles on their faces… nothing you can do, except to move on… 5: The Hero Posse manage to make it through to the
tomorrow is always another day. other side before the tunnel collapses! Reduce the
number of remaining Travel Hazards by D3.
Fight your way out of this mess: 6: The tunnel is infested! Place the three straight Mine
tiles down and draw a random Low Threat. Place the
Kill the tall man and attempt to intimidate his gang. The Hero Hero Posse at one end, the Threat at the other end.
with the highest initiative perform a full ranged attack (all attacks If the Heroes defeat the encounter, they receive XP and
he would make in one full round). The tall man haves 2 defense Loot normally, and emerge from the tunnel; reduce the
and 6 health. number of remaining Travel Hazards by
D3. If the Heroes are defeated, they must retreat. Add
If the tall man dies, the Hero who killed him wins 50XP and D3 Travel Hazards.
perform a Cunning 4+ test. If successful, you have intimidated his
gang. You can leave. Those man will think twice before crossing
you again. If failed, run for your lives, all Heroes take D6 Hits 871 - Dark Visions
without Defense. Writer: Nuno de Sá
If the tall man survives, all Heroes run and take D6+2 Hits Dark Visions hunt you in your sleep. Horrible things yet to happen to
without Defense. you, to your friends and to Brimstone.
Try to convince the tall man to allow you to leave: The Hero that rolled this Hazard may cancel any Darkness card,
after it was revealed. Can only cancel one but at any time during
Choose one Hero to perform a Cunning any future adventures.
6+ Test
He also takes D6 Horror Hits, shaken by the terrifying and
If successful, that Hero wins 40XP and the tall man then asks confusing visions.
you to be on your knees and beg. If you accept, he allows you to
leave, all Heroes take D6 Horror Hits. if failed, go to “Give them
all your weapons and money” section.
872 - Alien Vegetation 873 - The Cactus
Writer: Darrell Jones Writer: Darrell Jones
The path the Posse was following dead ends into a field with strange The travels to Town are taking its toll on the Heroes. Low on food,
flora growing. There’s an odd smell in the air that seems to emanate they come across a cactus bearing fruit.
from the field. As they approach, the Posse notices an odd purple glow about the
cactus. You’ve just discovered a cactus mutated with Dark Stone!
The Hero that rolled this Travel Hazard must decide if they are
going to trek through the strange vegetation or try to find a route A random Hero is selected to pick the fruit
As he reaches up, the cactus moves its arms and grabs the Hero.
If they decide to find another route, every Hero must roll for a The Hero struggles and wrestles free.
Travel Hazard after any remaining Travel Hazards left to encoun-
ter. Perform a Strength 6+ Test
If they decide to trek through the vegetation, the Heroes set off If Pass, win 30XP. If fail, take D6 Hits.
toward the direction of Town. After an hour, the vegetation has
gotten thicker and is now shoulder high.
have seizures. Suffer D3 Hits and D3 Horror Hits.
The Heroes have been walking for hours. After what
875 - A Good Night Sleep
seems like an eternity, they emerge from the field and Writer: Nuno de Sá
quickly realize they are back where they started from.
Start this test over as the Heroes cannot decide to For the first time since you left Town, you had a good night sleep.
ignore the field now. Critters did not bother the Posse and the weather was perfect.
5: The Heroes quickly find their way and move through
the vegetation with no problem. Tired and exhausted, Today your senses are sharp. If you still have Travel Hazards left
they have completed this Travel Hazard. to roll, you can ignore one after you roll it.
6: A random Hero finds some fruit they identify to be
quite safe. He distributes to the remaining Heroes. Any
Hero that is not a full health can heal D3 Health.
876 - Dead Courier
Each Hero that heals gains 5XP for each Health Writer: Nuno de Sá
The Posse finds a dead body of a courier at the side of the trail. It
seems he died of sudden death.
D6 Result:
1: You don’t find anything useful
2: You find a Fine Cigar. A random Hero keeps it
3: You find some money. Each Hero receives $50
4: You find some money. Each Hero receives $100
5: You find a letter to the nearby Town’s Hotel Owner.
Next stay in Town, you don’t pay to stay in the Hotel
6: You find Gear. Draw a Gear Card.
877 - Misfortune 881 - Travelling Preacher
Writer: Nuno de Sá Writer: Perry Grosshans
Today is one of those days that would be best not to travel. You feel The Hero Posse comes across a Preacher, pontificating to a group of
that your luck is running out. travelers on the side of the road. As the Heroes watch, a young man
steps forward and holds up his right arm which ends in a tentacle!
Choose a random Hero The preacher tsk-tsks, and asks the man if he believes? The young
man shouts “Yes!” and the preacher grabs the man’s tentacle-arm and
Loose 1 to Luck until the end of next Town Stay (minimum screams at the heavens “So Sayeth the LORD!” You blink and suddenly
value is 1). the young man’s arm is normal again. The people all shout “Praise the
Lord!” and start singing. The preacher spies the Hero Posse. “Do you
Also roll a D3: believe?” he asks them.
D3 Result: Any Hero with a Mutation can approach the Preacher and roll
1: Your Side Bag haves a Hole of the size of a whisky D6 (adding +1 for every $100 donated before the roll), and
bottle. You didn’t realize it before. Roll a D3, loose consult the Doc’s Office chart from the Town Card. A failed roll
that many Side Bag Tokens. Also, your Side Bag means the Hero didn’t believe and the preacher won’t make an-
Token capacity is reduced to 2 until you reach next other attempt. On a success, the Hero believes and the mutation
Town, when you will pay $100 to repair it. is healed, also, the Hero may ask the preacher to remove another
2: Loose D6*$50 Mutation.
3: Perform a Luck +5 Test to attempt to counter your
misfortune. If successful, Bad Luck cannot harm you.
Win 50XP and add a point of Luck for each 6 rolled 882 - Fields of Glory
until the end of next Town Stay Writer: Nuno de Sá
If failed, this is really your unlucky day. Apply both 1
and 2 results from the D3 Roll. Hundreds of dead bodies fill the area. It seems that the Cavalry was
attacked by some dangerous Native Indians tribe.
878 - The Writer Each Hero may perform a Scavenge test as if in the mines to
Writer: Nuno de Sá search the dead bodies. They roll one extra dice (four total).
You found a man that claims to be a famous writer from England. He Also, when you reach next Town, the Daily Event of the first day
is looking for Brimstone stories and will reward anyone who can tell is “Wounded Soldiers”.
him about what is going on in the mines and the truth about the gates.
The number of stories each Hero can tell is linked with their 883 - Possessed
level. Each Hero gains $25 x Hero Level for the information they Writer: Nuno de Sá
give to the writer.
A lonely wanderer seems to be possessed by some Demonic Evil. He
Also: ignores the Posse as he is trying to finish performing a ritual.
All Heroes perform a Cunning 6+ and All Heroes perform a Spirit 5+ Test
Lore 6+ Tests
If failed, take D6 Horror Hits as the Demonic presence is too
If you Fail this test, the writter thank you but this Hazard is over strong. If Succeed, gain 20XP.
for you. If you succeed, win 50XP. You are a true Story Teller.
The Writter asks if you can keep sending him letters with more You can then either kill the wanderer, gain 30XP and take D3
stories as you continue to dwell into the Mines. Each time you Corruption without Willpower save or continue your journey and
enter Town, you will send a letter to the writter with new stories. ignore him.
Every time you do, roll a D3:
D3 Result:
1: The Story was dull. Nothing Happens
2: The Writter enjoyed the tale and send $50 in return.
3: The Writter was delighted. He sends $200 for the story.
884 - The Lonely Farmhouse 885 - Ornery Prairie Dogs
Writer: David James-Dimitrov Writer: Perry Grosshans
Riding through the countryside, the sun is setting and night time is A number of small holes dot the land on either side of the road. Your
settling in. Out in the middle of the open country you come to a lonely guess that this is a burrow for prairie dogs is a good one, as a number
prairie farmhouse. A deep purple light radiates from it’s windows of their small furry heads pop up to glare at you as you pass by. But
casting an eerie glow over the surrounding fields. Curious, the Posse ties then instead of darting away from your Mounts, a whole mess of the
up the Mounts and calls out a greeting. No response. You knock on the darn critters swarm the Hero Posse!
door. No response. The Posse tentatively opens the door.
You enter a simple living room, lit soley by the glow of darkstone. All Heroes perform an Agility 5+ Test
Before you lies a young boy laying in a bed with shards of darkstone
packed around him. His parents stand over him, heads down turned If a Hero passes, you manage to dodge the squirming vermin
staring at the boy and sick with worry. The Father speaks without and shake them off. Also win 20XP.
looking up. “The Lord wouldn’t listen to our prayers....maybe...the
Darkstone will save him.” If a Hero fails, you get bitten by multiple little teeth and take D6
Some members of the Posse may decide to rob the farmers at
gunpoint for their Darkstones. The Hero Posse then ride away, leaving the angry vermin in their
If you do, steal Darkstones, and divide among Heroes as
you’d like. Heroes Roll a D6 for each Darkstone they take. On
the roll of 1,2 or 3, Heroes take 1 Corruption Hit.
886 - Just Another Travel Day
All Heroes that participate in the robbery subtract 1 from their Writer: Nuno de Sá
Lawfull Trait.
The day has passed without any Event worthy of mention. Was just
Regardless of robbing the farmers or not: another travel day!
If pass: Win 20XP. Also. the Heroes apologize for barging in on 887 - Miraculous Apparition
the family and leave the family to their grief. Writer: Nuno de Sá
If failed: The sick boys begins to breathe rapidly. His skin begins While struggling to travel throw a rocky area, a shining figure takes
to pulsate. Suddenly his eyes flash open and he bursts out his form and levitates towards the Posse. “You are all children of the light.
bed, covers and Darkstone flying in the air. The boy lunges at the You are the warriors of Faith who fight the creatures that do not belong
random Hero and forces himself into his chest. in this word. This is my gift to you”.
This Hero now has a Child of the Void Mutation with the All Heroes heal a random Madness.
following changes: All Heroes heal a random Injury.
All Heroes may heal a random Mutation.
- Does not get +1 Lore in otherworlds.
- At the beginning of every mission the Hero takes 1 Hit with no Heroes with the Keyword “Holy” recover one Grit.
Sefense as the boy is living parasitically off of the Hero. Heroes with Positive Religious Trait gain 4+ Spirit Armor until
- If hero ever does anything to remove mutation and succeeds the the end of the next Mission.
Hero will take D6 Horror Hits as the boy pleads for his life.
- If this Hero already has a child of the void mutation or receives
a child of the void mutation they receive D6 Hits as the two chil-
dren try to destroy one another. Roll a D6 to see which survives
1-3: The sick boy 4-6: The Child of the Void.
888 - Gabriel’s Horns
Writer: Graeme Henson (Hexcrawl)
The Posse travels through a wet mist of low cloud formations feeling
miserable. They are drawn out of their black thoughts when the moun-
tain peaks begin to sing a sort of song. It’s almost as if the mountain
tops are resonating with some sort of cosmic harmony.
Book Design - Nuno de Sá (Based on Shadows of Thank you External Contributors!
Brimstone Design by Flying Frog)
Graeme Henson, by allowing the use of travel haz-
Writers - Darrell Jones, Perry Grosshans, Cliff Odell, ards from Hexcral:
Oscar Andrés Schwerdt, Rob Keetlaer, Mike Da-
vis, Brian Bosch, David James-Dimitrov, Alexandre
Legros, Nuno de Sá
Philbarfly, by allowing the use of travel hazards from
Concept Idea - Nuno de Sá Wandering Threats:
To everyone that participated in this project, from the Hazard Writer to the ones that supported by
providing simple “likes” on the Hazards, Stories and Ideas. Without everyone’s contribution, this book was
not possible.
Flying Frog for creating such an incredible game that inspire Players to participate with material and ideas
available online.
Nuno de Sá
[email protected]