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Disclaimer: Things involved within the following roleplay involve extreme levels of gore and

torture, as well as filth and abuse. Ageplay is also a factor. Unless the thought of an eight year
old girl being ruthlessly abused, defiled, and eventually fucked so badly shes left to die turns you
on, ! suggest exiting out. "ow.
Daklore was preceded by a foul stench. One otherworldly, permeating and vomit-worthy. It could be tasted,
so heavy his aroma it even clung to things he passed. No one smell could be picked out, though some visuals
pointed to a source of many. Most notable about the man was he went unbathed, possibly for the entirety of
his life. What fur wasnt matted and solidified into a sort of e!oskeleton was missing, fallen victim to mange
and parasites that riddled his body. "leas were most prominent, the more grotes#ue actually burrowed on
flesh. Worms, bot flies, cockroaches, maggots and other unimaginable. $air was green, slicked back easily
by grease, gravity resistant through mismanagement. %hat messy mop held the same filth of his body,
curious if the coloration was natural or attained through the mold that found home, predominately black and
fu&&y white, however. $e wore a once white wife-beater, stained in every spot from dark brown to yellow
and red. 'argo pants were much the same, only dripped and s#uished at the crotch, thigh and rear. 'laws,
long and sharp were red at the tips, yellow at base and were home to fungus on both hand and foot. Only
care given to them were trimmings, kept pointed and sharp hapha&ardly. %hen there was his tail. %hick at
the base, thinned at the end and spaded tip, pieced foolishly with brass truck nuts. Obno!ious. %his evening,
(aklore took a liking to an abandoned clinic. %wo story building, boarded up and home to rats, cockroaches
and eery noises. %hose would be the least of anyone)s worries had they come across the psychotic. $ands
stuffed in pockets, he played around with drooping nut sac through holes to s#uish, pluck and harass the
infestations there. $appy humming came through an e#ually disgusting maw. *lack lips peeled to show off
gnarled, red-yellow stained green fangs and much like many other parts, home to an unidentified mold.
Worms crawled around gums, or what was left them. %eeth would fall out from the lack of them if they
werent rooted to his skull. Many were chipped, crooked, curled and covered in blackened, spongy holes. No,
hed never seen a dentist or even a toothpick in his life. Most prominent of his features and possibly the only
thing of beauty were two brilliantly glowing eyes. %hey flowed and glowed, much like molten magma behind
glossy cornea compliments of drug and alcohol abuse. 'urrent afflictions were di&&iness, clouded mind,
alcohol poisoning, a floating brain and thin, popping veins from far too much needle work. %onight, (ak felt
great. $adnt felt so good in #uite some time, and was probably healthier than he has been in years. Nothing
like the dark, crumbling hallways of a dead building for him to set up shop and begin a new hunt for fun.
$oe hadnt meant to end up in such a nightmarishly twisted place as this, the + year old canine having been
playing in the woods with friends for the better part of the evening. (uring the last few minutes of daylight,
before shadows had taken over and imagination began to create unseen monsters, the red and black-furred
angelpup had been sure she was e!ploring the coolest place in the world. %he decrepit hallways and
ominous, flung about, ,agged wires and e#uipment appeared as mere trinkets and toys that belonged within
this amusement park of unseen wonders. %he time had gotten away from her, an hour all alone. $er friends
had likely stopped looking for the that beautiful, innocent little red-eyed canine, but she didnt care. %hose
eyes were wide with wonder. %his place was awesome....until the sun began to set. -ma&ing what darkness
can do to the mindset of an eight year old girl. .uddenly everything began to loom over her, shadows grew
along the walls, the only light seemingly rising from the setting sun and the floodlights within the building
that still flickered to life every evening. %he cute little top she was wearing was slightly stained with the
smallest amount of sweat, both from e!haustion and fear...and her adorable little skirt settled down nicely as
her tail drooped. /ars were perked as the canine peeked around a corner. .hed snuck in through a
window...seemingly a world away at this point. .hed wandered so much, the e!it was gone. Whines left her
and she yelled out for mother and father, hoping theyd hear her...that anyone would hear her.
.he was ,ust a normal little girl. "resh out of first grade, 0oe 1raham was one of the most adorable, cute
little pups youd ever come across. $er body was lithe and trim, yet filled nicely. .he had black little
rosebuds tits and a big, beautiful grin that matched those ears of hers. Innocence by universal definition.
.atan himself would have likely led the girl home unscathed had he found her there where she was
now...sitting against a wall on the second floor, knees pulled up to her chest, ears perked and flicking at
every sound as she whined and cried softly. It wasnt until a gentle bree&e blew through the busted windows
a few yards away that she raised her head and wrinkled her nose. .niffling that line of snot off her mu&&le,
she perked her ears. .he thought she could hear footsteps....maybe...but she knew she could smell
something...and it smelled awful2 *ut still, it was new2 .he had to check2 "ortune and luck told her clueless
little mind to head downstairs, ironically enough right into the main lobby. .hed never bothered to check
those boarded up doors that were the main entrance to the place, she didnt know the wood had rotted away
and that anyone could let themselves in...she was, after all, ,ust a pup.
3$-hello4 .-someone there43 she asked, almost whispering the words as she looked around the large lobby.
Daklore turned on heel when hed heard the voice of an innocent. "ear was an easy thing for him to pick up,
as was pain. %he slightest vibration or twitch of the face and hed pick up on thanks to decades of practice
drawing it out. $ummin didnt cease, staying constant in tune and volume. 5.eems the fun came ta me
tnight. 6ucky ducky27 %ail swished and snapped every half do&en slow, deliberate steps that sent his
adornment to against drywall and cements. %he smacks echoed loud, splintered chunks flung and sparks
sent dancing.
38a lost43 'ame his growled voice, haunting delivered by two sets of vocals rasping through phlegm. More
like grinding stones in a lions roar. 9ust a few corners and one barricade of a fallen ceiling and wall, his voice
carried well. 3I got what yer looking fer.3
6ies and deceit, the foul creatures first tools against the innocent. 'alm, collected hed approached the
barricade where few holes provided a peek through. 6ack of lighting would show off his eyes and soft glow
dancing over his mu&&le, true horror masked by night and obstruction. .weat. .he smelled delicious, young
and fresh. %ongue ran over his chops, her taste already in his mouth. $and thrust deeper in holed pocket,
nut sac fondled, tugged and rolled in palm to work out tip from sheath. *reath came shuddered, controlled
and muffled. $e didnt want to spook her off ,ust yet by seeming a pervert. $umming resumed,taken tune of
.omewhere Over %he :ainbow where he dreamed of little girls soggy faces and beaten bodies. If he wasnt
foreboding enough as it stood, tail lashed once against against stone pillar. .parks struck, his silhouette
stood out for a brief second, an illusion of a handsome smiling face given.
$oe had no sooner heard the voice answering her cry than did she turn around in shocked fear, eyes
widening further as she pressed against the wall and glanced at the figure of the creature slowly making his
way towards her. .hed gotten what shed wanted. -n adult. $elp. .omeone to make the scary things in this
place go away. 8et....something wasnt right. $ad she been about three years older it would have clicked the
instant those sparks struck and that devious grin flashed before her eyes. -nyone else would have seen into
that lupines ga&e and tucked tail and ran, but not this little canine. %o her...this was help. %hough, mother
and father had trained her well. (ont ever talk to strangers 0oe, you never know what they might be
thinking. Words coming from a father whod done his fair share of womani&ing back in the day, whod even
slipped out of bed and to his computer to browse the more fucked up side of porn, who would never lay a
finger on his daughters se! but knew that his girl was the ob,ect of perfection and desire to so many
monsters out there....monsters like the wolf that stood before her now.
.he gulped and slowly straightened her stance, feeling scared still, but certainly relieved at first sight. It was
,ust eight year old instinct, really. *ut that scent....that horrid, filthy, rotting smell of death...even she could
pinpoint its home. Naivety shown true again though. .hed seen homeless before, and mother had told her
not to stare...to try and pretend they didnt smell...to treat them nicely because most of them were ,ust
poor. .o...her thoughts went about it that way. .he didnt run. .he grimaced though, blinking away the
tears in her eyes that were both from her earlier crying, as well as the sickening stench that was burning
them. 38-yes.3 she mumbled, rubbing one eye before reaching up to cutely tug on one of her ears. 3I f-found
this place and got lost. Its scary though.3 .he took a timid step forward, only to gasp and turn around,
reali&ing shed left that trinket of hers on the ground...that golden locket her father had given her for her
birthday, with a picture of her, and her parents on the inside. %he pup turned around and bent over, skirt
riding up and that untouched, black-lipped, succulent little canine twat and rear being put on display for the
stranger behind her...all before she turned back around and slid that necklace over her head and back
around her neck.
(ay off from school, she ,ust wanted to play....mother had said to put panties on and behave like a proper
girl, but shed chosen otherwise. Mother had also told her not to wander into the woods. 3'-can you help me,
s-sir4 ;-please43
Daklore snorted a chuckle, the girls naivety much unlike any child hed ever met. %he younger ones even
had sense to turn heel and run, but they usually had a better view. Much like a li&ard, the fiend crawled
through an opening in the fallen rubble and came to feet once cleared. .hown off in a slight light, rather than
behind a wall, crusted filth was more evident. 8ellowed claws scratched at crawling bugs and open sores-
sunk in when 0oe had bent over. *reath sucked into lungs, teeth clenched with enough force to chip a
gangly fang and eyes bugged out. "ace illuminated bright, those devil lava-orbs grown heated with an!iety
and eagerness.
3My, what a lovely lil girl ya must be. Why dontcha cmere, darlin4 (addy will show ya the way.3 %hin,
black lips peeled back, a sickening spltch of gross ,uices cracked out under his wide grin. 0oe was given little
choice, urged physically by hand to back of head as hed kneeled. 6ittle butt directed to knee, tail wound
around waist and she was in a perfect position for the pedopheliac hell demon. Nose dipped to dainty throat,
sweet stench of sweat breathed deep and tasted through a long, gentle slurp from shoulder to ,awline. 3Now,
whats yer problem4 8a lost, sweetiepie43
.imply being near such a sweet thing had (ak chubbing, inches bulging out along pantline where he had 0oe
sat. Moments later, she would feel the thing hot from fever snaking under thigh. -n unwanted cock and licks
werent the only things dished, but wandering hands. While face held close to her own, fingers sift through
hair on its way down. .pine tickled, waist caressed and finally, skirt up-lifted for a firm grasp at sweet, tight
flesh of her rump. %ip of center digit pressed to asshole, circled and retreated in search of a full feel of
*eing so close to such a vile creature had its conse#uences, immediate negatives included tainted air of
death and filth. Others, the parasites that audibly wriggled over flesh and hopped to their new host< 0oe.
'heek to cheek, puss of open sores and worms s#uelched into fur, matting down her hair and soaked to
flesh. *y now, (aklores prick grew enough to settle under his little preys legs. %hick, heavy, pulsing and
crawling, his already wet pants spotted with ,uices anew from crotch to knee. .plit splats dropped to the
floor, new stench melting to the already present permeation. .punky, tinted metallic and hot, it stuck into
nostrils with an acidic burn.
$oe was stuck in such a mi!ed perception of fear, shock, and relief that the only thing that innocent, half-
clueless little red pup could do was stand there and watch as the creature came closer. Mothers words about
the homeless, life lessons dished out to her over the years of saying please and thank you, of how to be a
good girl and not say mean things...it was all fading fast. %he stench alone was soon enough to make her
ears pin down and eyes water, blurring her vision slightly as tears rimmed her ga&e. .he sniffled and
stepped back an inch, but otherwise immobile and eventually left to s#ueak in surprise as the wolf was
above her. (espite it all, her mind saw him as help still. /ight year olds didnt know how fucked up the mind
and body could get...how luscious and appeti&ing she was to beasts like him...his gestures, though be them
odd, werent aggressive. -t first...
.he sniffled again as she was placed across his knee, straddling it and finding herself face to chest with the
lupine, gagging slightly yet still leaving her hands at her side. Maybe he was ,ust checking on her4 Or was he
carrying her like this4 .uch naivety. $ard to believe she was eight, most had a bit more foresight into such
situations. %his little angelpup, however, didnt react against her saviors actions for #uite a while yet. In
fact...despite the stench, which soon had her heartbeat #uickening and her eyes gla&ing over slightly, it
almost felt good...that is, for the few seconds she was able to look past his horrid outer shell. %he way he
spoke so kindly, so caring and gentle...she didnt catch the malice and intentions in those words...and the
way he called himself daddy4 Well...at the pace this musk was working her mind over, shed eventually be
unable to think straight enough to decipher a difference between him, and her real father. %hen there was
that sniff up along her neck, making her shiver....then that warm, hot sensation from between his legs...she
never looked down to see what it was, but it was warm, hot even, it made her feel even safer. -nd the way
his filth hands ran through her hair and down her form, even moreso down her rear and cupping her ass like
that....it made her s#uirm and blush...
8et...that stench. It was so horrid. 6ike rotting death, and it was literally and truly making her di&&y. .he
didnt hardly blink though, not when she locked on to his ga&e. It was almost hypnoti&ing...the whole
combination of it all. $is brain-melting stench, a rotting musk and smell that, to an untouched flower of an
eight year old like her, was simply more than her body could process. -s well as those red eyes. .hed never
seen anyone with such a burning ga&e as this wolfs...well...other than her own. *ut his was so different. .o
much so that she could only nod stupidly and sit there, playing the part of a numbed, somewhat soothed,
little plaything for his wandering paws. .he didnt notice how his infectious rot and filth seemingly oo&ed
onto her form, how those maggots and worms, that puss and infection, how it all ,ust rubbed, crawled, and
spread across that once-pure and angelic fur of hers. "rom a side view, it must have been beautifully horrific
to behold. %o picture this monstrous creature kneeling there and settling an unblemished little red pup on his
knee...then for her unknowing mind to slowly go numb from the sheer sickness he possessed, leaving him to
do whatever he desired with her....it was a nightmare come true for one, and a dream come true for
.he cooed softly and wiggled ,ust a little, her tail wagged once, then drooped, then wagged again. .he sat
there and gawked slightly at him, shivering as filth and parasites alike crawled across her, as well as the
sensation of having her rosebud fingered and touched about on her pert rear. -nd then, much to any
onlookers horror, and to this beasts delight, she spoke one word.
Daklore couldnt believe she still stood there and without fear. =nder his predatory ga&e, nothing was left
unilluminated. $e could see everything through those devil eyes, but possessed a body unfit for real combat.
Once upon a time, he was a vision of perfect athletic fitness, but eroded to a deathly state through so many
lifetimes of substance abuse.
*ody trembled, not through illness but sick depravity. 1roping grew feverish, both hands wandering under
shirt and skirt. 6ittle budding tits of the child s#uee&ed between fingers, nipples tweaked and rolled
perversely all while coiled tail at waist had her little crotch gliding over perfectly lubed bulge. .low, easy and
long grinding from his thigh to knee, little girls twat stood no chance against his hotly infected e!cretions.
*reath now shuddered, body wracked with trembling as desire grew beyond simple control. -nd that sweetly
uttered word, how she called him daddy broke the beasts resolve to draw out the molesting torments. No
longer did he want to scare her into flight, but stay firm in his grasp. "ang to throat, he clamped hard
enough to impart a few drops of blood and cut off air-flow, rotten tongue set to flick, press and swirl. .weat
cleaned off, only to be replaced by his molded, parasitic and blackened saliva, (aklore groaned while twirling
tongue made love to flesh. %rembling hands fiddled with pants, button #uickly popped from its stitches and
&ipper dropped wetly, hed untroud. Only when dropped, the mans fevered white, black spotted cock flung
up to smack 0oes cunt, and trapped moldy built up discharge fell to the floor. .sschplrt, splt splt splt
/very twitch of his prick sent it back up into 0oes pussy, transferring a fair amount of his green-black
disease and s#uirming of parasitic worms that eagerly dug their way into a healthy host. %hen he parted
from her throat, ,ust to cram that shit-tasting tongue down the child)s throat. .erpent like in its motions,
long as a snake he could slurp down throat to bulging, past esophagus and break its way ,ust inside her
stomach. It pumped, fucked, stuffed cheeks insides and folded in on itself when swept from outter cheek,
over throat and back out. *y then, (ak has his little girls hair clenched at back of skull in hand, strands
popping and roots pulled free, hed held no passion back.
"ree hand took 0oes little mitts, one placed to his grapefruit si&ed knot and other to e#ually large nuts. $ow
theyd held themselves inside the sac, what with much of it missing through dead and peeled flesh, was
through their misshapen, swollen si&e. 9uice sloshed audibly, the two churning out a constant, s#uirting flow
of tainted precum and swam with worms. %he things were heavy, but s#uishy and malleable. (ak had the
child s#uee&ing and turning them in palm, little fingers stuck inside and out the shaft, bugs and worms
disturbed in the process. "ully free, the split splat of shooting and dripping moldy discharge never ceased, a
puddle of bug crawling, green-black and brown vile li#uid growing.
Mouth left long enough for him to speak, and her answer, though otherwise resumed its deeply invasive hole
fucking. 3%night, darlin.. (addys gunna make ya woman n wish ya neer were born.3 $e hummed sweetly,
smile of a doting father shined down before his grunting, slurping and drooling face continued its needy
$oe was truly lost in her mind. It was too much for such a fragile, pampered little pups being to grasp...that
horrid stench, that lava-colored ga&e, his voice, the way he handled her like that. %ruly he was the devil.
(eceptiveness was his game to this canine, and hed won ,ust by showing up. %here truly was only a slight
fiber of her entire being that had enough sense to tell her everything was wrong, that even though she was a
naive eight year old, that mother and father would want her to run away from this man. *ut such an idea
was silly at this point. $er ember ga&e was clouded over now, she cooed and s#uirmed, moaned softly as her
tits were fondled and abused. %ears trickled silently down her face due to nothing more than the horrid
stench and musk that she was forced to breath...they werent tears of fear or worry. .he wasnt scared...at
least, not yet anyways.
- high pitched ahhhh left her as she stiffened and leaned her head back into his grasping hold upon having
her neck bitten into. ;aws raised up and clutched at the beasts shoulders, yet she didnt push away. .he
merely held him. (addy wouldnt hurt her. $e was ,ust making her feel good...right4 .he never saw him
release his e!citement, but she heard the impending reaction. %he sound of chunks and handfuls of rotten
smegma and maggot-writhing dickslop falling to the ground beneath them, it made her red ears swivel and
perk slightly, but otherwise her clouded ga&e #uickly re-narrowed itself into a lost stare up at her lupine.
Instinct, albeit so very faint and perhaps way too early to know of, took over. .he slowly ground her hips
against daddys leg as she felt that hot, sticky thing against her cooche. .he didnt know what it was, what it
would do, or what it was slapping and oo&ing up into her angelic little girlcunt, but she didnt care...especially
not after what happened ne!t.
Neck bloodied and marked, those eyes widened and softened, before widening again as she groaned out and
wiggled in response to having maws locked together and tongue shoved down her neck. %hat tight little
bundle of fur, seemingly tucked away and hidden beneath the lupines form, could only #uiver and shake and
s#uirm as she craned her head upwards and stared, with tear streamed eyes, at the monster who was
destroying her innocence. .he was puddy, ready to be molded to do his bidding. %hose paws of hers soon
got the idea as they were held against his monstrous knot and nuts. (addy wanted her to rub4 .hed rub.
.he didnt know, didnt care, what those crawling, nibbling, slithering things were that were forcing their way
into and onto her body. .he only did what her fucked up, numbed mind told her. .he groped and massaged
that massive bulge, and those e#ually monstrous cum-makers...all whilst idly grinding against that cock as it
throbbed and smacked against her ripe, flowered cunt.
It was almost as if she knew what he e!pected of her, as if she were raised a slut and knew e!actly what to
do. It was the e!act opposite. .he knew nothing...and because of that, the eight year old pup simply did
what the adult wanted. (idnt hurt that his mere stench and piercing ga&e had corrupted her mind into a
puddle of obedience either. $is words made her eyes sparkle cluelessly. .not ran from her nose, she sobbed
and nodded, tears streaming her face. $er tail wagged, lifting up her skirt and showing off that tiny little
pucker of hers. .he was nearly coated in those worms and parasites, they seemed to slip from one host to
another without any trouble.....and his sloppy e!cess, that rotting smegma and infectious oo&e, it molded
into her so well due to the way he was holding her little form inside his own. .he gave his knot a s#uee&e
and his nuts a pat before nodding once more. 3%-t-thankoo d-d-daddy...3 came her weak, mindless
answer...before she raised her nose and touched it with his own, only to be rewarded with another brutally
filthy, gag-inducing, stomach-fucking makeout session.
Daklores body was a writhing, wracking mess against the child)s affections. $e could hardly keep muscles
under control, many clenched, grip grown tight and arms encircled her body. One around shoulders, fist
gripped til fingers were tangled in disconnected hairs. Other at waist, hand full of firm, tight ass. 'laws
began to dig, flesh pulled to microscopic tearing and center finger stuck grease-lubed up shit hole. It
pumped, pulled and buried knuckle deep, wriggling against a buried turd. (ak hissed a growl, shit the final
touch to end his molestation. $ed thrown the tiny child down by hair, pounced on prone form with knee to
thigh dug in painfully, leaving her spread and e!posed.
0oes ignorance would be wiped clean as to what shed been fondling, the hot slab of heavy meat now
draped over her torso like an overstuffed snake. %hicker than her legs, knot to crotch and tapered tip to
throat, he could destroy her with its ungodly si&e. Non-concern for the moment, (ak took hold again the
perfect handle of hair, head wrenched forward til lips met crawling cock. 3.-.. s-suck daddys cock, baby23
$ed hiss, hardly the capacity to keep a decent breath of air. No time was given for response, hips thrust
forward eager, goopy head buried itself in the child)s young, comparatively cold maw. .#rlp. .#rlp. .cchhlup
(ak fucked til her teeth dug in, throat bulging and tight hole held him back from going any deeper.
$aunched over, supporting hand at his fuck toys side, the monster was born full in its perverted, hellish
depravity. .econds in and he was roaring in orgasm, though no wad came. 'um pump was clogged with
chunky waste and critters, flesh stretching bulbous under pressured strain. 1rowing painful, but deliciously
heavenly in such a young child mouth, he couldnt stop. .kull double gripped, claw dug into back of neck
0oes face was pulled into an unrelenting push. *igger and bigger flesh bubbled out, a pint of stew held back
and growing. .low, pressure won out and the head of a long, thick worm was pushed from the mans slit and
into throat, parasite wiggling wild in protest until purchase failed.
31raaaa23 Wailed the beast, head thrown back with sweet release. .emen, thick enough to chew was
dumped whole-sale down his would-be daughters neck. .uch a tiny stomach wouldnt have the capacity to
hold it, let alone keep down such a vile cocktail of rotten, curdled ,i&&, mold and s#uirming bugs. 3.wallow
daddys cum, baby2 "uckin slurp it down, ya whore.3 .eething, milking the pleasure he would view the
ruined angels face with a leaking one of his own. :agged breaths shot snot and blackened spit onto his
victim of rape, mommies little girl defiled by a pedophile so heinous even the death penalty would be too
kind for him. %o think, what hed bestowed on this unfortunate grade-school girl so far would be considered
kind for (aks nature had he walked off now. Wretched images brewed and what shed done willingly at the
start would surely turn to tortured cries.
$oe only felt further at home, and in faint danger and despair, as the lupine enveloped her small form even
further. %he way he held her so ravishingly, digging claw into fur, pulling hair, groping ass and ,amming a
finger up her rear...through that tongue-fucking he was giving her stomach she couldnt help but cry out her
agony. %he line, however, wasnt crossed. Or did it still e!ist4 %hat line where the pain became too much,
where the stare of his ga&e, or daddys horrid, rotten stench wasnt a good enough anesthesia to numb her
entire being well enough to bear his harsh treatment. .he should have been a sobbing, crying, screaming,
fighting little bundle of red fur...not that it would have helped her case. *ut for now, as he held her, and
even as he threw her down to the ground...she played the part of a drooling, panting, writhing little girlslut
who knew only to do what daddy told her.
;aws were drenched in slop, much like the rest of her fur. ;arasites and creatures of all infectious corners of
his body were wiggling into and onto her, crawling up inside that cunt, her asshole, across her face, maggots
into her nostrils...into her snotty mu&&le. .he ,ust sniffed and moaned, shaking all over and suddenly
gasping from the sheer weight of having what was essentially a third leg plopped down across her timid little
form. It covered both her rosebud tits as it rested beneath her chin, eyes crossed and ha&ed over as she
stared down at daddys gift. %o the old her...she knew it was wrong, ,ust from what shed been told from
mother and father. *oys have a pee-pee...you dont touch it, ever. 3Wait until youre older.3 Mother had
said. *ut now...now daddy was showing his, and oh how big it was2 .hed poked her head into mother and
fathers room one night and seen her old daddys cock before...it wasnt even close to this big...yet, when
mommy had touched and licked it, she knew it had made him very happy...and now new-daddy was
demanding she do the same4
- hot, gurgling, retching sound echoed from her throat as she was stuffed with cock, eyes rolling halfway up
into her skull and paws grasping along the shaft. $er legs instinctively rose further at her sides, until they
were nearly on each side of her skull. %hat little bundle of slimy, infected pupfur took that facecramming as
best as she could, but her best certainly wasnt enough to handle more than a few inches before her maw
was ,am packed and left to simply choke on daddys monster-cock as he grabbed her skull and used her like
a ragdoll for his please. .he took it though. %hats all she did. %hat eight year old pup was pinned beneath
cock and beast, gagging and sputtering as she groped and scratched at that massive shaft until she was
finally rewarded for her suffering.
.he knew something had changed when his cock bulged a bit more, as if it werent gigantic enough already.
*ut it swelled some, and then more, and more...until finally the sick, horrendously beautiful sound of innards
being s#uelched open and freed reached even her own worm-crawling ears. %hose cute red eyes were not
streaming tears nonstop as she sobbed and finally screamed what little she could, feeling that...that...thing
oo&ing down her throat. %he worm itself was as big as most normal cocks and it lodged in her throat as soon
as it was freed. .hed likely have choked out then and there had the following e!plosion of curdled, chunky,
spoiled cum not been gushed into her being as well.
%hat poor pup immediately lost her hold on things. /yes went completely white as she thrashed and
twitched. - high pitched, gurgling, helpless scream choked away at her neck as stomach bulged and, after a
few seconds, thick, chunky wads of that horrendous slop began dribbling from her nose. $er little cunt
erupted with piss, splashing around that knot and reminding her, oh-so faintly, that daddys cock was as long
as her entire upper body. .he shit herself, the pressure combined with her own fear and this maddening
sensation of, what felt like, death taking over. .he was nothing like shed been a mere five minutes ago.
%hat angelic little red-furred eight year old pup was now bent in half, on her back, gagging on beastly lupine-
cock as it crammed and gushed infectious, wormy, maggoty cum into her poor tummy. $er ass was hurting
from that mere fingering, her tits were raw, her body drenched in sweat and the same rotten icor or
infectious puss and smegma and slop that her daddys body produced so efficiently.
/ventually she stopped fighting and simply grunted and moaned, arms limp and simply resting atop that
massive knot as she snorted chunky cum from her nose and lay there in a little, bundled up ball of
unrecogni&able fur beneath the monster as he emptied his first load of rot across and into her body. %he fear
was there now. %his was new, this was sudden, she didnt like this....yet....to have even %-.%/( what his
nuts could produce, to have gotten her tongue, stomach, and seemingly her very brain, a taste of that lupine
seed...of how potent it was...it had truly done her in. .he was shot. .he was sold on simply being daddys
girl now.
Daklore knew that what had been done ne!t to the poor, brain-washed unfortunate would turn the mind of
any sane creature. .he wasnt writhing. %here was no fear, no pain. Initial lust for a kiddie was lost, a thirst
for blood grown. "ull weight of his body went to knees, dug into muscle of 0oes thighs til her knees touched
floor. $ed worked his way up, caps at the back of the girls leg crook and hands at ankle, cock yet clogging
young child)s throat. .cents and smells of release encouraged him to do the same, blackened urine unfiltered
from a failing liver pouring into ,i&& filled stomached. Naturally, he performed a bowel movement as well,
only seeming sensible to empty both forms of waste while he was at it. - few s#ueaking farts and little
pebbled turds fell free, then the mass flew free followed by a stream of mi!ed solids and thick, stew sewage.
It was green, stringy and teaming with life. ;ressured blowout had tapeworms s#uirming to keep their home,
many lost but do&ens more able to remain anchored.
With little toes at the monsters mouth, he licked and slurped between them, even nu&&ling face. %hen with
brilliantly glowing, happy eyes, daddy (ak smiled warmly to 0oe and cood, 3Now scream for daddy, baby.3
%he way he spoke said infinite, undying love.. but his actions told an entirely different story. One hand to
knee, other at ankle, ,oint was popped out and lower portion of leg twisted backward. $er foot faced the
other direction, but was righted when ankle was forcibly dislodged fro its home and turn about. >nee to her
shin, psychotic demon wrenched and snapped bone clean in half, leaving her legs whole limp and unusable.
?ery same done to other, both tucked behind shoulders, hed worked on tying them in a knot at the front.
$ips has to be dislodged, muscle and tendon torn for e!tra length to complete the knot.
If the scene wasnt sickening enough, (ak had a cheek to cheek grin, humming $ush 6ittle *aby the entire
time. .atisfied with the footwork, he chuckled in thought to himself, little toy was flipped to stomach. >nee
dug heavy into back, wrists taken to hand and he pulled. .houlders pulled free of their socket, rotated in
place until nothing but twisted skin held arms on, he wrapped little fingers around his cock. 31ive daddy a
good ,erk off, will ya43 *ut no more opportunity was much given, his work continued on. /lbow and wrists
were taken from their sockets, wrenched in circled to break muscle and tendon, then bone broken at bicep
and forearm. $ead bobbed side to side, tune turned happy whistling while arms were tied at back like a
bundle of rope. 3-h2 -ll done, baby... Now, les git somethin fer yer boo-boos, eh43 $e chipperly sing-
songed, child returned to her back.
;ants fetched, hed dug into pockets for a filthy needle, rusty spoon, bag of powder and a lighter. It was
heroine, cooked and needle filled on the spot. "irst, hed shot up himself with ease, like it was done
thousands of times before. - sigh of relief,monster edged his way back to pret&el folded 0oe, hammered his
monster cock down onto her body and gripped little girl by hair. $ead lifted, he showed off the drug filled
needle. 3Now, dun need ya go inta pain induced cardiac arrest, eh43 .low, deliberately he lowered the
needle.. only to her eye. 3(nt blink.3 he chuckled out, teeth clicking with pleasured clench and sunk rusty,
over-used needle to pupil. $ands shook on purpose, eyeball wiggled in socket until he reached the brain.
;lunger sunk, delivering sweet, li#uid pleasure before pulling it free. %ip scratched over cornea, dribbling last
drops over the wounds and pitched the syringe. 3%a-da2 -ll done, baby.3 from there, hed gone straight to
penetration, or rather an attempt to it.
$oe was only further thrown into a ha&y, mindless state of living as that monster loomed over her and
released himself within her maw, pissing what tasted like bloodied puss and death right across her tongue
and down into that tiny, bloated belly of hers. *ones were already cracking beneath his weight as he pinned
her knees to the floor, the pups body a rolled up, sickening little ball of fur as she stared upwards at her
daddy and continued to choke on the mere tip of his cock as it remained lodged down her throat. -ll she
could do was take it, and that she did...though only barely. $im shitting himself only added to her agony, as
if the scent and mess around her wasnt dismantling enough...the poor eight year old sweetheart was further
sub,ected to that brain-frying rot. $er eyes were crossed and rolled up into her skull as her maw hung agape
around wolfcock. .he continued to clutch at his cock and balls whilst curling her toes, loving her daddys
actions as he licked and nu&&led her paws...having not the least amount of fear in her mind at this point.
.o nice...she liked it. %his daddy was so much better than her fake daddy from before. $e played with her in
such a better way....
$is words rang clear in her mind but what they meant she had no idea. %he pup gurgled and gagged on
rivets of infectious dickslop as it as pumped down her throat, having no idea what was about to happen.
Oh...but when it did, oh did she try to follow orders. %hat tiny little form of hers stiffened immensely and her
eyes rolled even further up into her skull...nothing but white orbs as her claws dug into her daddys cock and
nutsack. %he sound of her bones being snapped and popped out place reached her ears and she sobbed and
screamed bloody murder as best as she could whilst gagging on his monstrous shaft. %he sight was
horrendous, and it seemed to have happened in a mere few seconds. .N-;....N-;...':-'>>>> over and
over, and the poor girl able to do nothing but snort blood and rotten cum from her nostrils as she shook
about in her pinned position and puked her agony up into a clogged throat.
*y the time hed done the same thing to the other one, and then horrendously tied her useless legs together,
it was made clear that her mind wasnt as numbed as shed have hoped. .he felt this. .he understood the
pain. -n eight year olds body wasnt supposed to live and endure this agony. $er entire lower half was
nothing but endless suffering as bones twisted and cracked, twitched and stood at horrid angles between
locked legs. *ut no...daddy wasnt done. $er maw was freed from his cock as she was flipped over and no
sooner was her mouth allowed to breath did she retch up gallons of cum and bloody puke. .he would gasp
and breath into a wrecked, shaking form, then puke again...and again....before those high pitched screams
were finally able to escape from her maw. 8et...it didnt end. .he felt her arms being pulled and twisted,
shoulders popping and snapping, elbows and wrists doing the same, leaving her to stupidly slam her face
down into the filthy concrete beneath her, busting her nose open as she thrashed left and right. %he pain
was so intense that, for a few seconds, as she heard the crunching of her arms and legs with every little
twitch and touch being given to their tied forms...she could only gasp and gurgle as she trembled all over.
=ltimately...her head fell flat onto the floor and on its side, her eyes halfway up into her skull and maw
hanging open, drooling worms and maggots as she stared half-dead across the room and sobbed. .he
understood this pain. $er mind refused to ignore it...she wanted to die now. .he wanted her mommy to
make daddy stop...he was playing too roughly with her....
.he shook all over and retched up another mawful of bloodied, maggoty cum and piss, her poor body simply
covered in the stuff. - yelp left her as she felt that cock slam down onto her backside, her dislocated
shoulders and legs giving the slightest, useless spasm as a result, but otherwise the canine doing nothing
but laying there on her stomach and head. .not and drool mi!ed with tears as her head was pulled up. .he
managed to stare ahead at the needle being brought within her view, crossing her eyes and sobbing as it
grew closer. *ut she couldnt fight. .he couldnt do anything. $er poor little body was being eaten alive from
the inside, and outside...and the torture it was suffering...she should have died then and there ,ust to escape
it all. Instead, the sickeningly wonderful sound of that needle psshhing into one of those red eyes of hers
sounded off. -t this...she lost it. *lood began running from her eyes, from her ears, adding to everything
else. .he shit and pissed herself as soon as it was shot into her brain, one of her eyes rolling into her skull,
the other trying but forced to remain put due to the needle in place. When it finally ended it felt as if her
entire body had been peeled of her fur and skin, then doused in gasoline and lit on fire. %hat right eye of
hers was swelling with blood, and no sooner did he pull the needle out and admire his work did she let her
head fall to the ground. $er entire body was a horrific mess of agony. - high pitched scream left the eight
year old, her vocal cords starting to tear and blood dribbling from her maw as a result. .he sobbed and
thrashed pathetically with what few muscles she still had to use....feeling her body light up due to that drug
coursing into her skull now.
.he didnt know it, but death itself wouldnt come about for a very, very long time now...unless this monster
desired of it.
3N-n-nooo22222 *lrff...g-nyaa2 .-s-stttooop22 $-hurrrts dadddddy2222 ;-pppleaseee23
Daklore fangs clicked and cracked, grin painfully wide while the little one thrashed and screamed. 'huckles
turned to laughter, and laughter to a rolling roar. $ow deliciously she suffered. It had the hellhounds heart
pumping near out of its chest. -nd when she slammed her own face into the ground, bloodying face for him2
It was like watching sketch comedy. %ail swung and struck sparks, blurred in its action like an over-e!cited
puppy. $ow precious his would-be daughter looked, tight up neat and nice in a bow. %hrough thousands of
victims, the psychotic could perform surgery better than any man on the planet. Where no morals held him
back, he was free to perform the most twisted operations, discovering what killed and what only safely
maimed. %he nervous system was fascinating, so far over-developed for sentient beings and yet their bodies
so resistant.
%hen came 0oes cries of mercy, which were shortly mocked after. 3@iAOh my god, help2 .omeone, please
help her, shes dying. -aaahh, mommy, daddys hurting me. @bA;6/-./ $/6;2@BiA@BbA 1yaaahahahaha23
.tomach clutched, doubled over and roaring with laughter, this pathetic scene made his night. While
recovering, he grabbed that monster cock by the knock and began hammering her twat with it. .plt. .plt.
.pltch. .plat it went, blows heavy enough to break blood vessels after a few hits. $e wouldnt stop until lips
were three times their si&e, puffy, black and deformed. .o many parasites were rocked free, they covered
her legs and stomach, trying to skitter free from being crush to death. *y the time hed finished, there were
more guts and crushed e!oskeletons of critters than goop and blood, soon to be rectified. $ead dove down,
fangs sunk in to flesh above clit and below asshole. %hey anchored deep, clamped on to bone while tongue
slurped and swirled, dove and twirled into each hole. $ed eat the shit, swallow piss and tonguefuck those
delicious holes. Only when satisfied he couldn)t get any more filth did he pull back, deep fissures left in flesh
by dragging fang.
6ust burned anew, his taste for the child)s flesh fresh and swollen pussy looked so enticing. ;alms landed
heavy to 0oes broken shoulders, full weight of body placed while he thrust and teased at her too small holes
with that behemoth cock. No purchase could be found, fun still had with those attempts. Nuts spewed
chunky rot-stew, buggies and worms seeming an endless supply that piled up, leaving more and more of his
poor little victims body simply s#uirming with a cesspool of shit so rotten its smell could be seen.
'oagulated, stringy, hard chunks and thin to thick goo, it was a wonderment how any form of life survived in
the rot.
Worried she may bite him later through pain, hed put one hand to chest for support while he unsheathed a
very thin, few inch wide and foot and a half long blade from nearby pants. It was perfect for parting
flesh,used daily and kept well maintained, unlike anything else in his life. 3Open wide, sweetie. (addy sees
some cabibies,n no ickle wickle babben of daddys is gun hab dem nasty wittle fings fuckin up yer pretty
mouf23 (ak mocked in baby talk, that painfully wide, twisted grin come back. %hin enough, steel fit between
canines fangs with little pressure and he sawed slowly. "iguring it better to hold her head still, elbow settled
to chest instead of hand, using freed fingers to grip ,aw. 'laws dug in at its ,oint, penetrated deep enough to
maintain a hold on bone to prevent her from at least biting. ;recarious work continued on, fang by fang
removed. .ome by surgical cutting, a few loosened by forceful knuckle and others taken through bites.
(uring the process, he had to cut strips of soggy pants and stuff gaping wounds in gums, actions none too
gentle. %hey were packed deep without additional anesthesia, twisted and prod by fingertip. $e took the time
now to carve a curve at top and bottom, then clamped her mouth shut to show off a wide hole... not #uite
big enough for his cock, but good enough to use as a pocket pussy.
(ental work finished, hed taken up cock by knot and lined up head with tortured pussy, a mighty heave
given with no results. %oo tight, but he didnt give up. %wice, three, four more times he tried, each one
sliding her small body across the floor as hole resisted his mighty girth. Once more, he had 0oes body
against a wall with no more room to retreat, he pushed and pushed until flesh gave way, parting under sick
wet tearing,.ssppltcchhh. Inside, it wasnt any more difficult to make progress, pussy easily giving way to
daddy)s dick.
$oe wanted to die. 8oung and naive, or not...she knew better than to wish for anything other than the
swiftest of endings to this torture. It was too much. (addy was too mean...too rough with her little, fragile,
angelic form. .he was #uickly conforming to his image, albeit a broken one. .he looked less like a little
canine eight year old, and more like a mangled, fucked up, slop-covered pret&el. $er cries and screams
varied from loud, high pitched whines and sobs...to choking, gasping, almost inaudible gags and retches. It
hurt to live. It hurt to breath. /verything hurt. -nd it ,ust kept getting worse and worse...
;erhaps in some far, distant speck of sanity and knowledge in her mind she knew that it was unreal for any
male to have a cock that big. -nd when he began slamming and beating at her cunt, well, it only made her
sob and beg louder. $e was slowly turning that tiny little fuckhole into a plump, bloodied, swollen mess of
flesh...and oh, god...did she swim in his filth by the time it was over. Maggots and mites, worms and bugs,
all creatures who lived in death itself simply falling and flying into and onto her bent, contorted form beneath
the wolfs fuckrod. .he hardly understood what was going on through her agony. .he took the rimming and
was eaten out without any lack in her screaming, sobbing, and begging for daddy to stop. It was only when
he shoved his weight into her back and yanked her head off the ground that she knew something else was
going to happen.
$is words went over her head, but a few seconds later she knew what theyd implied. .he tried to shake her
head free, but that grip on her lower ,aw was stupidly unbreakable and the girl was left gasping wide and
crossing her eyes Cor, the one eye that still half workedD as she watched that knife come into play. In
truth...thered been no way her suffering could have possibly gotten any worse until now. .hed never have
imagined a worse pain in her life than what she was already enduring...but yet again daddy had proven her
wrong. .he couldnt even scream this time, only gurgling up sobs and shaking beneath his form as she felt it
slowly happen. *lade digging and slicing into nerves and fangs, cutting her maw open and digging into her
mouth to rip out teeth in the most agoni&ing of fashions. *lood was running profusely from her ears and eyes
now, it trickled from her nose and maw as well, though snot and filthy puke mi!ed in with the concoction as
she twitched and sobbed awkwardly throughout the entire endeavor. *eautifully nightmarish begs could only
faintly be made out the entire time it was going on. Imagine that. Imagine her distorted, agony-filled, eight
year old pleas...as that poor canines maw was operated on with such brutality that, had it not been for the
heroine pumping through her skull, shed have likely passed out from after ten seconds. *ut no...she
endured the entire nightmare, she felt every second of it, every tooth being cut and snapped, ripped and
yanked, wondering if any would be left...
-nd when it was over, she fell back down onto the ground, face laying there lifelessly, yet still very much
living. .he was a heaving, fucked up mess. - poor, sickeningly little bundle of fur pinned beneath a
monster...blood and sloppy e!cess coating her entire form as eight year old cunt was soon being slammed
against by beastcock. .he only grunted in response. $er fingers and toes twitched slightly, her maw hung
agape and drooled blood and rot. /yes were buried up in her skull, one of them nothing but a sea of red as
vessels had popped within it. .he spasmed all about with every slam, sobbing and yelping awkwardly as she
hit the wall and was suddenly forced to press back against that battering ram of a deathdick. It was too
much...all of this....everything...but especially this. $ed rip her in half, surely. $ed rearrange her guts
beyond repair if he got even half that thing inside of her...
-nd then it found purchase through brute force, and she was left retching up another mouthful of blood and
sobbing stupidly as the ripping, tearing sound of flesh filled the air. .trength had defied the laws of physics
and her body had given way. %hat eight year old canine cunt was split open by fat lupine cock, the tapered
tip alone nearly shattering her pelvis as it slid inside of her. .hed have been more fortunate with receiving a
double-fisting instead of this...yet daddys cock had found its home instead. What she was now...it was
inconceivable as to what shed been thirty minutes ago. $er entire body was nothing but a fucktoy, toilet,
and operating table. If her mother and father could see her now...oh...their suicides wouldnt be far off. %o
be forced to live with the mental image of their little girl in this shape...knowing shed suffered like this at
the hands of such a monster as the wolf above her...theyd be unable to stand it long enough to have a
closed-casket funeral for her...and the #uestion still remained in her struggling, agony filled mind....for what
little it could still function and think...
Was the end even near4
Daklore was gripped full in his tortuous insanity, screams and pathetic sobs of the beautiful child the
sweetest music to his ears. 0oes body pinned awkwardly beneath the demon and pressed to a hard wall,
there was no escape from the reaming. ?irginity lost in most brutal of fashions, child would never know the
wonders of sweet orgasm. Monstrous, vile rotted cock tore pussy to a bleeding mess, flesh split through to
asshole. It was all such a small body could do to accommodate the girth. %ip traded off from plowing through
intestines to hammering against cervi!, fucking gone s#uish, s#uirp and spraying s#uelp every thrust.
.hortly into his maddening love making, uterus turned fucksleeve. *anged around, stretching and displacing
other organs as he wrenched it free from fi!ture, fuck-holes were turned into no more than a gaping cavern
soon to be one with body cavity.
3$avin fun with daddy yet, baby423 Wide glowing eyes met same intensity with a hung open mouth, glaring
with twisted grin. ;ants and grunts mi!ed with chuckles, grown more passionate by the pump. 1a&e went
from 0oes tortured face to obno!iously distended stomach, showing off veiny detail of his fuckrod. .winging
nuts flung stringy mold of rot and chunky smegma, deathly disease of every victim hed touched with it
mingling with her blood. $ad his brutality not sealed the girls fate, ,she would die of disease and sickness in
days. 6ength fully sheathed, no part of her torso went untouched. *eating heart sent shivering vibrations of
pleasure from tip to spine, while struggling lungs inflated tight around the worm s#uirming shaft. (espite
having blown a chunky wad into her stomach a few minutes ago, something about plugging a kiddie always
held a warm, fu&&y spot in (aklores heart. It drove him wild with lust, drool spattering and runny nose
dripping long strings of swinging snot.
(espite the large hole hed formed, that knot simply wouldnt fit. - round bulb on each side, fist si&ed in
width, she would have a better time with two arms stuck up rather than the shredding tool he preferred.
/very s#uish, every little whimper and cry she gave drove him closer to clima!, keeping the madman stiff as
a rock. *ut that knot wanted in so desperately, body of a child and its damned unyielding limits a persistant
pain. Euickly rectified, (ak turned his folded fuck toy to her stomach, tied arms taken up as handles. $ed
pull, yank and thrust full force each time until sweet, heavenly fulfillment came. >not forced 0oes hipbones
to part, broken with a loud crack and knot slid inside ,ust as noisy, only ,uicier and with a spray of blood.
%ight, breathing, clenching and s#uirming body along with the view of tight, young flesh finally made its
impact, big bad wolf reaching his heavenly ascension of pleasure.
.omewhere in the lovemaking, his cock penetrated stomach and tip made its way to throats opening within,
neck bulged out as hed sheathed completely. =nclogged and free flowing, chunky white sperm erupted, fatly
wadded hard balls mi!ed in with green tinted slime and black puss, she would taste it all. $owls echoed off
the walls, loud panting and strained grunts would sound as hot love making to the blisfully ignorant, but the
truth was (ak had been blowing his load out 0oes mouth through mutilated insides. $ed made sure she
could smell and taste it all, face held in the growing pile of goo that s#uirmed unreal with life despite its
rainbow colored nature of death.
$oe lacked the ability to do anything but lay there and, sickeningly, suffer through the entire act that was
having her eight year old cunt ripped open by beastcock. 6ittle fingers and toes twitched through tied,
broken, dis,ointed limbs, her head thrashed left and right as she sobbed and screamed into the abandoned
hallways around them. "at wads of snot and bloodied spit splattered from her nose and maw as her one
decent eye rolled further up into her skull. .he could feel her innards giving way to brute force, and she
begged for death with every microsecond that passed. %hat stupidly tightly little puppy pussy ripped and tore
like a rotten cloth around daddys cock, and her insides were surely and steadily wrenched and fucked out of
their inwardly fi!tures. .he was nothing more than a heaving, sobbing, groaning doll as it went on, and on,
and on. More and more of her body forced to bloat out and take in that monstrously sickening shaft.
/ventually she could feel him fucking her stomach out of its nest, into her lungs and heart, making her foam
at the mouth as she gurgled mindlessly and heaved with every breath she managed to take. %he mere
pressure against her tummy had rivulets of rotten cum and puke gushing from her poor maw...the canine
simply wallowing in that mess as well as a result. When she was placed on her stomach...when her arms
were handled for leverage like that, it must have looked horridly beautiful from above for her daddy. %hat
tiny little innocent form of hers, mangled and crammed together, her tongue hanging out as she lay beneath
him in a pond of e!cess and rotting filth and disease. Worms, maggots, and parasites of all kinds were
packing into her eyes and ears, slithering up her nose and biting at those rosebud tits...yet she hardly
noticed that, especially upon what happened ne!t.
It was a sickening crrrack that sounded off, followed by an ear-busting scream like none other. - scream
that proved she still had life left in her. - cute, nightmarish scream of agony as her hips were split apart and
her cunt and asshole became one massive whole for that monstrous fuckrod and its knot. $er entire lower
half was nothing but a monstrous hole now, writhing on cock...much like her entire torso. .he screamed only
that one time before everything turned to gurgling and retching, her throat stretching out and her abused,
half toothless and bleeding maw suddenly began choking and gagging on fat wads of rotted sperm and
snotty filth. /very ounce lodged in her throat it seemed, before slithering across her tongue and meshing out
around her skull. $er intestines, her stomach and cervi!, bits and pieces of her innards and flesh that had
been fucked away....the ones that had been stuck on the tip of daddys cock when he knotted her...it too
hung from her maw like massive, horrid strings of fleshy spaghetti....yet, she didnt care anymore. ;ain was
everything. %he eight year old angel was nothing but pain now. $er entire body was on fire, her skull felt as
if it were going to e!plode, her arms and legs were shattered and in a never-ending state of agony...her
mouth had been ripped free of its teeth...her cunt and asshole fucked and torn into one massive orifice,
currently twitching and writhing on monstrous cock as she felt daddys cock on the back of her neck from
...and the only thing she could do was endure it. ;uke, sob, gag, choke, twitch, whine...and suffer...until
daddy was done.
Daklore placed hands to spread, meaty asscheeks for a grope while he let her fading body milk out the last
bits of ,i&&, though interest was fading fast. .he might as well have already been a corpse, rise and falling on
his spears every twitch. *reaths came more easily, heart settling like a high gone too #uick. $is rush was
over, but the night was still young. $ed killed twenty minutes, but it was a good start. =nfortunately for his
ne!t victim, he wouldnt be so #uick and sweet, need for a nut gone til hours later.
- pat to the rump and satisfied sigh, (ak pushed on 0oes butt and yanked back, knot wrenched free with
one sickening sucking schluck. 3-wright, babydoll. (addys gotta go do some errands, so you ,us wait here
til I get back, k43 $e said sweetly, fatherly.. but wouldnt return. .he would be left to die. -nother sigh, he
grunted standing up, shook cock free of shred organ and chunky gore onto her body and stepped back to
admire his work with crossed arms and a smile. 3$mm... looks gud. "uckin call me Michaelamangelo
(a;inch Me, Im a fuckin artist.3 .harp laugh barked out once, twice as he turned and rolled into pitiless
roars as poor 0oe was left in the dark to die a cruel, agoni&ing death. %ail flung out happily behind, sparks
struck along the way. %une hed hummed when theyd first met picked back up, this time louder and more
chipper.. also horribly off key.
It was a good start. $e was happy, lust satiated for now. -ll there was left to do was find some drugs, likely
anything he could find and a new victi-
(ak turned on heel and rushed back, kneeled to 0oes side and stroked her cheek. 3My god, I almost forgot23
$e e!asperated. .o caught up in the mood, shiny flesh splitter was nearly left behind. .cooped up, tucked
into teeth and off he was again in a hop and skip, arms swinging. 3%oodles23 $e waved back, loudly
humming until tune faded off into the distance.
$oe was dying, and rightfully so. .hed been dying from the second shed caught a whiff of her daddys
horrid stench...but now death was truly upon her, a blessing in disguise. %he mangled eight year olds body
was such a fucking mess, her entire form nothing but blood and ripped flesh, her neck cracking as spine
gave way to pressure and si&e as that fat cock remained buried up her body. .he went limp. "oamed
bubbled from her maw though it was hardly noticeable past that blackish-yellow rot that clogged her throat
and splattered from her busted lips like fat chunks of rotten fleshcheese. .he didnt know the difference
between anything now. Only pain. %hat heroine...that fucking heroine hed in,ected straight into her brain...it
was so maddening that her mind refused to pass out, and hed masterfully left her heart and lungs in ,ust a
decent enough shape to make sure that her death was long and grueling. %hough...upon what happened
ne!t, its a wonder she didnt die then and there.
It was a pitifully gurgled scream, fading into a whining, whee&ing, puking gasp as her daddy popped himself
free of her rear...that act of sliding his monstrous, slowly shrinking fuckrod out of her body resulting in a
prolapse of flesh and innards like none other. $er intestines and stomach splattered down beneath her
shattered hips, her cervi!, her cunt and asshole turned inside out and left to throb and pulse there in that
ever-growing pond of rotten filth and parasite laden horrors. .he was done....not that she knew it from his
words. None of them registered with her, she hardly felt his paw stroking her cheek. $er one decent eye had
rolled halfway back down from her skull as she lay there on her stomach. $er little heart was beating madly
in an attempt to keep her alive, her head turned to the side as maw hung agape, panting and whining,
sobbing softly as she stared across the room and gave the tiniest of cries for mother and father to help her,
those cute toes and fingers of hers twitching slightly as she suffered.
.he didnt know when he left, she didnt care. In truth, shed lost her mind halfway through the act of having
her cunt and asshole ripped and knotted into oblivion. .he was a gaping mass of once-red fur, bound like
some sort of fucked up pret&el as she lay on her stomach. /ight year old innocence had been wrecked.
(estroyed. -ll by a single monster unlike none other. 6ittle 0oe would surely go to heaven...though to
believe there was any sort of 1od after looking down at her suffering form for the ne!t two hours before she
finally died...well, it would be foolish.
%he only thing that did e!ist was the devil himself, and little 0oe had ,ust met him in the most unpleasant of

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