Army Builder - Dwarfs Roster

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2500 Pts - Dwarfs Roster
Unit Name ## Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Cp Dp US Cost
Longbeards 39 3 5 3 4/6 4 1 2 1 9 5+ In 625.0
Ancestral Grudge; Immune to Psychology; Old Grumblers - Dwarfs within 6" re-roll
failed Panic tests; Relentless; Resolute, Shield Wall; Great Weapon; +2S, Always
Strikes Last, Two-handed; Heavy Armour; Standard; +1CR; Musician; +1CR if tied. +1
Ld in rally attempts.
Runic Banner Strollaz's Rune; Unit can Vanguard. [35.0]
Old Guard 1 3 5 3 4/6 4 1 2 2 9 5+ In [10.0]
Hammerers 24 3 5 3 4/6 4 1 2 2 9 5+ In 431.0
Ancestral Grudge; Shieldwall; Kingsguard - any model may accept challenge;
Relentless; Resolute; Stuorn; Great Weapon; +2S, Always Strikes Last, Two-handed;
Heavy Armour; Standard; +1CR; Musician; +1CR if tied. +1 Ld in rally attempts.
Runic Banner Master Rune of Groth !ne-"ye; Confers Stubborn to unit and every friendly Dwarf unit
within 12" of bearer.
Miners 35 3 4 3 3/5 4 1 2 1 9 5+ In 415.0
Ancestral Grudge; Relentless; Resolute; Underground Advance - use Ambushers rule#;
Great Weapon; +2S, Always Strikes Last, Two-handed; Heavy Armour; Standard;
+1CR; Musician; +1CR if tied. +1 Ld in rally attempts.
Prospector 1 3 4 3 3/6 4 1 2 2 9 5+ In [35.0]
Steamdrill; +3Str, Two-handed, Always Strkes Last, Re-roll arrival dice.
Rangers 30 3 4 3 3/5 4 1 2 1 9 5+ In 440.0
Ancestral Grudge; Relentless; Resolute; Scouts; Dwarf Crossow; Range $%&; Str';
(war)-cra)ted; Move or *ire; Great Weapon; +2S, Always Strikes Last, Two-handed;
Throwing A+es; Range 6". St as user. Quick to *ire; Heavy Armour; Standard; +1CR;
Musician; +1CR if tied. +1 Ld in rally attempts.
Runesmith 1 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 9 2+ In 93.0
Ancestral Grudge; Relentless; Resolute; Shieldwall; Armour Piercing; Forgefire - gives
Armour Piercing to unit; Rune Lore - can Channel Dispel dice; Magic Resistance ,1-#;
Gromril Armour; Shield
Runic Armour Rune of Stone; +1 Armour Save. Exception to Rule of Pride. [5.0]
Runic Talisman Rune of Spellbreaking X 1; One Use !nly; Dwarven Dispel Scroll [25.0]
Thane 1 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 10 3+ 4+ In 188.0
Ancestral Grudge; Relentless; Resolute; Shieldwall; Gromril Armour; Shield; Battle
Standard; Units w/in 12" may re-roll Leadership tests
Runic Banner Master Rune of Grungni; Friendly units within 6" get 5+ Ward Save vs. shooting attacks
and magic Missles. Bearer recieves 4+ Ward for e.erything#; Strollaz's Rune; Unit can
Lord 1 3 7 4 4 5 5 4 4 10 1+ 4+ In 308.0
Ancestral Grudge; Relentless; Resolute; Shieldwall#; General; Units within 12" may use
General's Leadership, 18" if he has the Large Target special rule#; Shieldearers;
Gromril Armour; Shield
#Shield Bearer Count as 2 models in si/e; not considered as Large Target and Dwarf Lord still benefit
from 'Look Out Sir!' rule
Runic Weapon Master Rune of Snorri Spagelhelm; Always hits on 0+#; Rune of Might X 1; Double
Strength against To 1+#; Rune of Parrying; Enemy has -1 To-Hit in Close Combat.
Runic Talisman Rune of Warding X $; 4+ Ward. [45.0]
Shieldbearers 1 5 3 4 3 2 In [0.0]
Counts a single model with general using their own WS and Str to attack. Benefits from
a Look-Out-Sir!.
2500.0 Total
Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at!
2500 Pts - Dwarfs Roster
10 Apr 2014
Ancestral Grudge
Roll D6 at start of game. Dwarfs always have Hatred towards Orc & Goblins and Skaven.
1-2 Personal Vendetta - Dwarf General has Hatred against opposing General.
3-4 Rancerous Resolve - All friendly characters with Ancestral Grudge have Hatred against all enemy characters.
5-6 Seething Score to Settle - All friendly models have Hatred against all enemy models.
Dwarf-crafted - Weapons with this rule do not suffer from the -1 To-Hit when performing a Stand and Shoot reaction.
Resolute - Models with this have +1 Str on the charge.
Relentless - Do not need to pass a Ldr test in order to March.
Shieldwall - +1 bonus to Parry saves even if charged while already in combat.
Natural Resistance - Dwarf Army has a +2 bonus to Dispel attempts as long as no friendly wizard is in the Army.
Models in Army: 133
Validation Results for Army List 'Standard Army' using Rule-Set 'Primary Rule Set':
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
Lord (<=25%) 1 n/a 308.0 317.0 12%
Hero (<=25%) 2 n/a 281.0 344.0 11%
Core (>=25%) 1 n/a 625.0 1875.0 25%
Special (<=50%) 2 n/a 846.0 404.0 33%
Rare (<=25%) 1 n/a 440.0 185.0 17%
Magic Item Summary 7 n/a 355.0 n/a 14%

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