Khoa Manufacture

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hoa is partially dehydrated, heat desiccated
milk product and it is widely used as a base
material for preparation of numerous indigenous
sweets. The increasing demand of khoa based
indigenous sweets has created need for large
scale industrial production, ensuring uniform
product qual i ty, product saf ety, energy
conservation, etc. Development of an industrial
scale khoa making plant has been a challenge
to dairy scientists since several years. Many
efforts have been made in mechanization of khoa
making process to improve heat transfer and
also to overcome the drawbacks of traditional
methods as well as to commercialize the process
for industrial requirements. Extensive studies
were also carried out on the hydrodynamics and
heat transfer of thin film scraped surface heat
exchanger (TFSSHE) for processing of liquid,
concentrated liquids, and particulate viscous
foods. Studies were also undertaken on the
applicability of thin film scraped surface heat
exchanger (SSHE) for the mechanization of khoa.
According to PFA rules, revised in 2002, khoa
is a product obtained from cow or buffalo milk
or a combination thereof by rapid desiccation
and having not less than 30% fat on dry matter
basis of the finished product. According to Indian
Standards (IS: 4883-1980), khoa shall be heat
coagulated milk-product obtained by partial
dehydration of milk of buffalo, cow, sheep, and
goat or their admixture. Milk solids suitably
processed may also be used. It shall not contain
any ingredient foreign to milk except citric acid
in danedar khoa added to develop desirable
A large variation in quality of market surplus
indicates three major varieties of khoa viz. pindi,
dhap and danedar. Chemical composition, sensory
characteristics and end uses of such varieties
are found to be different. These varieties of khoa
are received in Delhi market, which is the
biggest khoa marketing centre in the country
today. These types of khoa differ in quality and
also in price. All of these varieties are in demand
and are required for specific types of sweets as
shown below (De, 1980).
Gross composition and specific sweets prepared
from different khoa is given in Table-1.
The work on continuous khoa making machine
gained momentum in recent years as a result
of greater emphasis laid for the manufacture of
indigenous milk products in the organized sector.
For handling high viscosity products with or
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar
Khoa using Thr Khoa using Thr Khoa using Thr Khoa using Thr Khoa using Three Stage S ee Stage S ee Stage S ee Stage S ee Stage SSHE SHE SHE SHE SHE
Dairy Engineering Division, NDRI, Karnal 132001 Haryana
2012-045 Received:October 2011; Accepted:July 2012
A.K.Dodeja and Ankit Deep
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001 (Haryana)
The present investigation is undertaken to explore the feasibility of three stage SSHE for
manufacture of danedar khoa. Trails were conducted to optimise the process parameters such
as initial acidity of milk, mass flow rate, steam pressure and scraper speed. Initial acidity of
milk was varied from 0.16 to 0.19% LA. The mass flow rate was varied between 170 to 210 kg/h.
Three levels of scraper speed were taken in first, four levels in second stage and three levels in
third stage i.e. 200, 175 150 rpm, 200, 175, 150, 125 and 25,20,15 rpm respectively. The
quality of danedar khoa so produced was evaluated in terms of sensory evaluation and textural
profile analysis. The best quality of danedar khoa was prepared by using standardized milk
with 0.18% LA initial acidity and keeping scraper speed 175, 150, 15 rpm for first, second and
third stage SSHE and flow rate 190 kg/h and steam pressure 4, 2 and 1.5 kg/cm2.
Keywords: Scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE), Danedar Khoa, heat transfer coefficient
Research Article
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(4), 2012
without particulates, and for the products that
tends to foul the heat transfer surface, the thin
film scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE) is
most suitable.
Khoa is the basic ingredient in most of milk
based sweets. However, no systematic attempt
has been made in the development of scientific
methods for predicting equipment performance,
suited to the formation of desirable texture of
Indigenous dairy products. Since there is scanty
knowledge of basic research data pertaining to
the texture of the khoa, it has been difficult to
make ameliorative effort to mechanize the
process of khoa production with desirable texture.
The three stage SSHE devel oped f or the
manufacture of khoa was attempted for the
mechanized manufacture of danedar khoa
Hence the present dissertation work is envisaged
to produce danedar khoa using thin film scraped
surface heat exchanger..
Selection of Raw material
Fresh buffalo milk and Skimmed milk were
procured from Experimental Dairy NDRI, Karnal.
Standardization was done to 6% Fat and 9%
SNF. Acidity was increased up to 0.18% LA.
Caustic Solution
Caustic solution of 0.75% strength was prepared
by using sodium hydroxide flakes LR grade for
Potable water available at Dairy Engineering
Division was used for washing and cleaning.
Experimental Procedure
Preparation of khoa in Three Stage Scraped
Surface Heat Exchanger
.The operating features and performance of
operation of three stage SSHE has been described
elsewhere (Sharma, 2007). The photograph of
experimental set-up is given in Plate-1 and flow
diagram in Plate-2. Buffalo milk was poured into
bal ance tank through si eve to f i l ter any
extraneous matter out. Then milk flow was
varied between 170- 210 kg/hr with the help of
electromagnetic flow meter by controlling the
rpm of feed pump from the control panel. The
scrapper blade assembly of all SSHEs were set
their pre-decided rpm by control panel. The
Steam pressure in first and second stage was
fixed at 4 kg/cm2 and 2 kg/cm2 (gauge)
respectively. The steam pressure was adjusted
between 1.5 kg/cm2 to 2.0 kg/cm2 in third
stage according to observation of the body of
product coming to third stage, from second stage.
The milk flow rate was so adjusted to get the
consistency required in the product. Homogenous
mixture of final product was obtained from outlet
of third stage which was collected in trays and
spread into layer of uniform thickness. Then
product was covered with aluminium foil and
cooled at room temperature. When product got
cooled, it was cut into pieces and analysed as
explained below.
Measurement and Analysis
Analysis of milk
Initially the raw milk was tested for fat, SNF
and total solids (TS) by Gerber method (IS: 1224,
1977) using lactometer.
Total solid (%) = SNF + Fat
Titratable acidity was determined using the
method described in IS: 1479 (Part-I)-1960.
Analysis of khoa
Chemical analysis
The khoa manufactured using three stage SSHE
by sel ecti ng process vari abl es under
consideration was analysed for Moisture/TS by
gravimetric method as per IS: 2785 (1964).
Sensory Evaluation
The khoa made from fresh standardized buffalo
milk have typical sensory attributes, which
depends on the process variables under study,
viz. steam pressure, rotor speed and mass flow
Table-1 Gross composition of various types of khoa
Type Gross Composition Specific Sweets Prepared
Fat% Moisture %
Pindi 21-26 31-33 Burfi, Peda
Dhap 20-23 37-44 Gulabjamun, Pantua
Danedar 20-25 35-40 Kalakand, Gourd Burfi, Milk Cakes
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Khoa using Three Stage SSHE
rate. The khoa samples were subjected for
sensory evaluation by a panel of 5-7 judges
selected from Dairy Technology and Dairy
Engineering Division. A 25-point descriptive scale
was used for sensory attributes like Flavour,
Body & Texture and Colour & Appearance.
Texture Profile Analysis
Anal yser ( Model TAXT2i , doubl e cycl e
compression) of Stable Micro Systems, U.
K., combi ned wi th Texture Expert Exceed
Software, installed in Dairy Technology Division,
NDRI, Karnal. Khoa was evaluated for various
rheol ogi cal properti es l i ke hardness,
adhesi veness, spri ngi ness, cohesi veness,
gumminess and chewiness.
Process Parameters
There are various process variables of three
stage scraped surface heat exchanger that were
selected for designed research project under study
for manufacture of khoa:
Mass flow rate: 170 - 210 kg/hr
First stage SSHE
Pressure: 4.0 kg/cm2
RPM: 150, 175, 200
Second Stage SSHE
Pressure: 2.0 kg/cm2
RPM: 125, 150, 175, 200
Third Stage SSHE
Pressure: 1.5 to 2.0 kg/cm2
RPM: 15, 20, 25
The quality of khoa so produced was evaluated
in terms of sensory scores, textural profile
analysis and TS/Moisture
In the present Investigation systematic attempt
has been made to produce danedar khoa using
thin film scraped surface heat exchanger. Product
obtained was subjected to sensory evaluation
using a panel of judges. Texture profile analysis
was done by usi ng a texture anal yser.
Instrumental texture profile analysis was used
to compare the subjective sensory assessment
of the textural attributes of the product. Based
on these determinations, the operating parameter
for formation of desired texture of the product
has been optimized. The results obtained during
present investigation are discussed in the
proceeding text hereunder following heads:
Preliminary Studies
Initially trials were conducted using standardised
milk of 5.5% fat and 9.0% SNF with different
acidity levels (0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19 %LA) by using
SSHE and it was found that size and type of
grains formed in final product was most suitable
in case of milk with 0.18% LA. Acidity of milk
was adjusted to predetermined value by using
ei ther natural souri ng by keepi ng i t i n
unrefrigerated conditions for some time (if acidity
was to be slightly raised) or by addition of small
quantities of 10% citric acid solution in case
acidity was to be raised substantially and
measuring acidity after addition of citric acid
solution. In no case milk was neutralised as
milk received never exceed 0.16% LA initial
acidity. In case of milk with 0.16 % LA there
were no grains and product was pasty in texture
and with loose body. As acidity was increased
to 0.17 % LA there was small grain formation
but in pasty texture. In case of 0.18 % LA there
was good amount of grain formation desired in
danedar khoa and also product was not pasty in
texture. As acidity was increased to 0.19 % LA
grains formed were much harder and of large
size. The product was having acidic off flavour
and also definite wheying off was observed in
the product. Hence milk with 0.18 % LA was
chosen f or f urther studi es f or process
Effect of Scraper speed on Sensory Attributes
Effect of Scraper speed on Flavour
Fig.1 indicates the effect of scrapper speed on
flavour. It is evident that as scrapper speed
increases flavour scores decreases. It can be
observed from graph that flavour scores are higher
for lower speed in previous stage. This may be
due to the fact that at the higher scraper speed,
the residence time of the product in the SSHE
i s reduced whi ch l eads to l ess rel ease of
flavouring compounds at higher speeds.
Effect of Scraper speed on Body and Texture
Fig 2 indicates the effect of scrapper speed on
body and texture. It is evident that as third stage
scrapper speed increases body and texture scores
decreases. It can be observed from graph that
body and texture scores are highest when previous
stage scrapper speed is kept at 172.94 m/s and
decreases on ei ther si de of 172. 94 m/s
circumferential velocity (150 rpm). Also the body
and texture scores are lowest at lowest or highest
Sanjeev Kumar et al.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(4), 2012
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Khoa using Three Stage SSHE
values of speed. This may be because at higher
scrapper speeds the grains formed are broken
by blade at higher scrapper speed, which results
in a poor body and texture of the final product.
The best results were observed at 172.945 m/s
circumferential velocity for first and second stage
scrapper assembly.
Effect of Scraper speed
on Colour and Appearance
As third stage scraper speed increases colour
and appearance scores decreases. As first or
second stage speed i ncreases col our and
appearance scores increases. It can be observed
from graph that colour and appearance scores
are higher for higher speed in previous stage.
This may be because in third stage most of
cooking occurs due to less speed and more
residence time causing more color development
which provides better color and appearance score
with fall in third stage speed.
Effect of Scraper speed on Overall Acceptability
Fig 3 indicates the effect of scraper speed on
overall acceptability. It is evident that as scraper
speed increases overall acceptability scores
decreases. It can be observed from graph that
overall acceptability scores are highest when
scrapper speed is kept at 172.945 m/s and
decreases on either side of 172.945 m/s. Also
overall acceptability scores are lowest at lowest
or highest values of scrapper speed. This is
obtained after summation of all three previous
sensory scores hence it has all previous effects
added l i nearl y to gi ve overal l ef f ect on
acceptability of the final product.
Effect of Scraper speed on Texture Profile
Effect of Scraper speed on Hardness
It is evident from Fig 4 that as third stage scraper
speed increases hardness decreases. As first
Sanjeev Kumar et al.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(4), 2012
or second stage speed increases hardness also
increases. It can be observed from graph that
hardness is higher for higher speed in previous
stage. This may be because as third stage
scrapper speed increases, the residence time
of the product within the system decreases,
resulting in higher moisture which lowers
hardness of the final product. But in case of
increasing scraper speed of first and second
stage hardness decreases.
Effect of Scraper speed on Gumminess
Fig 5 indicates the effect of scraper speed on
gumminess. It is evident that as third stage
scrapper speed increases gumminess decreases
but as first or second stage speed increases
gumminess also increases. It can be observed
from graph that gumminess is higher for higher
speed in previous stage. This may be because
gummi ness i s product of hardness and
cohesiveness hence gumminess varies directly
as hardness does.
Effect of Scrapper speed on Chewiness
Fig 6 indicates the effect of scrapper speed on
chewiness. It is evident that as third stage
scraper speed increases chewiness decreases
but as first or second stage speed increases
chewiness also increases. It can be observed
from graph that chewiness is higher for higher
speed in previous stage. This may be due to
fact that chewiness is directly proportional to
hardness so it shows nearly same trends as
hardness does.
Effect of Scraper speed on Adhesiveness
No particular trend is observed between scraper
speed and adhesiveness. Hence we may assume
adhesiveness to be uncorrelated to scraper speed.
Adhesiveness of khoa mad e by SSHE is on higher
side than that made by conventional method.
This may be due to salt imbalance of the milk
during processing in SSHE. It supports the
argument of earlier workers that conditions
should be standardized during processing.
Effect of Scraper speed on Springiness
No particular trend is observed between scraper
speed and springiness. Hence we may assume
springiness to be uncorrelated to scrapper speed.
Effect of Scraper speed on Cohesiveness
No particular trend is observed between scraper
speed and cohesiveness. Hence we may assume
cohesiveness to be uncorrelated to scrapper speed.
The cohesiveness of the product made by SSHE
was higher than that obtained from conventional
method. I t i ndi cates that the extent of
deformation of the product before it ruptures is
higher in the case of SSHE than made by
conventional method.
Effect of Scraper speed on Overall Heat Transfer
Fig 7 indicates the effect of scraper speed on
overall heat transfer coefficient. It is evident
that as scraper speed increases overall heat
transfer coefficient also increases. It can be
observed from graph that U value is higher for
lower speed in previous stage. This is be because
increasing scrapper speed increases turbulence
and hence led to higher heat transfer rates.
But increasing scraper speed in previous stage
causes most of heat transfer to take place there
only and much more concentrated and viscous
product is delivered to next stage from which
evaporati on rate decreases due to hi gh
concentration and viscosity hence reduces heat
transfer leading to comparatively lower overall
heat transfer coefficient.
Overall heat transfer co-efficient Value varied
for first stage from 1431 W/m2K to 1775 W/
m2K and for second stage it varied from 758
W/m2K to 1385 W/m2K and for third stage it
varied from 126 W/m2K to 567 W/m2K.
Effect of Scrapper speed on Electric Power
Fig 8 indicates the effect of scraper speed on
electric power consumption. It is evident that
as scraper speed increases electric power
consumption also increases. It can be observed
from graph that electric power consumption is
higher for higher speed in previous stage. This
is because increasing scraper speed increases
work load on scraper motor and hence led to
higher power consumption. But increasing
scrapper speed in previous stage causes more
heat transfer to take place in that stage and
much more concentrated and viscous product is
delivered to next stage hence increasing density
(due to rise in TS) of product so it becomes more
heavy to be handled (scrapped and conveyed) and
increasing power consumption.
Electric power consumption for first stage varied
from 360 to 480W and for second stage it varied
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Khoa using Three Stage SSHE
Sanjeev Kumar et al.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(4), 2012
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Khoa using Three Stage SSHE
Plate 1:- Three Stage Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (SSHE)
Sanjeev Kumar et al.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(4), 2012
Plate2:- Flow diagram of Three Stage Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (SSHE)
from 348 to 876W and for third stage it varied
from 60 to 144W and for feed pump it varied
from 228 to 300W.
Energy consumption using SSHE
Steam consumption for processing milk into
danedar khoa using SSHE varied from 0.925 to
1.131 with an average of 1.017 kg steam used
per kg of milk processed.
Comparison between market sample and
danedar khoa from SSHE
Selection of optimal operating parameter
The opti mal combi nati on of operati ng
parameter for production of danedar
khoa with desirable textural attributes has been
selected on the basis of overall acceptability of
the product including all the sensory attributes
of khoa. Hence optimum operating parameters
for production of danedar khoa using SSHE are:
Initial Acidity of standardised milk : 0.18 % LA
Flow rate of milk through feed pump : 190 kg/hr
RPM of First Stage SSHE : 175 rpm
(201.769 m/s)
RPM of Second Stage SSHE : 150 rpm
(172.945 m/s)
Mechanized Manufacture of Danedar Khoa using Three Stage SSHE
RPM of Third Stage SSHE : 15 rpm
(17.294 m/s)
Steam Pressure in First Stage SSHE : 4 kg/cm2
Steam Pressure in Second Stage SSHE : 2 kg/cm2
Steam Pressure in Third Stage SSHE : 1.5 kg/cm2
Values in brackets represent circumferential
velocity or velocity at tip of scraper blade.
Comparative study
Comparative study was carried out with the
market sample and danedar khoa made by using
three stage SSHE with processing parameters
as menti oned above. Tabl e 2 represents
comparison between the instrumental textural
parameters of market sample and product made
by using TFSSHE with 69.01 1.89 percent total
solid contents. All the textural parameters except
hardness and adhesiveness of product made by
using SSHE and market sample having around
same total solid content were not significantly
different from each other. Hence it is concluded
that product manufactured from SSHE was
comparable with market samples with exception
that it was softer and more adhesive as compared
to market sample.
De, S. 1980. Indian Dairy Products, Outlines of Dairy
Technology, pub. Oxford University Press, Delhi, pp.
Prevention of Food Adulteration act amendment rules
2002. Directorate of prevention of food adulteration,
Union Ministry, Govt of India, New Delhi
Indian Standards: 10083 1982. Method of Test for the
determination of SNF (Solids-not-fat) in Milk by the
use of the Lactometer. Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi
Indian Standards: 1479, Part I 1960. Methods of Test for
Dairy Industry. Rapid Examination of milk. Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi
Indian Standards: 1479, Part II 1961. Methods of Test
for Dairy Industry. Rapid Examination of milk. Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Indian Standards: 4079 1967. Indian Standard methods
of testing dairy products.
Indian Standard Institution, New Delhi
Indian Standards: 4883 1980. Specification for khoa.
First edition reaffirmed 1999. Indian Standard
Institution, New Delhi
Nand Kishore, 2007. Feasibility studies on manufacture
of khoa from low fat milk using three stage scraped
surface heat exchanger. MTech thesis, Deemed
University, NDRI, Karnal.
Table 2 : Comparison of market sample and product made from SSHE
Instrument Textural Parameter Danedar khoa from Market Sample
three stage TFSSHE (Danedar Khoa)
Hardnes s(N) 25.209 6.801 33.553
Adhesiveness(N.s) -0.901 0.553 -0.311 0.389
Springiness 0.342 0.115 0.349 0.172
Cohesiveness 0.295 0.095 0.222 0.055
Gumminess(N) 7.451 2.419 7.448 3.304
Chewiness(N) 2.55 1.099 2.59 2.184
Sanjeev Kumar et al.

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