Advances in Modifying and Understanding Whey Protein Functionality

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The document discusses advances in modifying whey protein functionality through enzymatic hydrolysis and heat-induced polymerization to design proteins for specific applications like gelation and interfacial properties. It focuses on gelation, foam and emulsion formation properties.

Whey protein gels have been classified as fine stranded, mixed or particulate based on rheological and microstructural properties.

A series of studies have established that the incorporation of protein into the gel network at and after the gel point determines rheology and microstructure of whey protein gels.

Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159

Advances in
ingredients, the remaining whey fluid contains approxi-
modifying and mately 0.6% protein and 93% water (Foegeding &
Luck, 2002). Whey can be processed into a food ingre-

understanding dient by simple drying, or the protein content can be

further increased by removing lipid, minerals and lac-
tose. Producing whey protein concentrates (25–80%
whey protein protein) and isolates (590% protein) requires that large
amounts of non-protein compounds be removed, there-
fore separation technologies were the focus during the
functionality early development of whey protein concentrates and iso-
lates (Goldsmith, Amundson, Horton, & Tannenbaum,
1970; Timmer & van der Horst, 1997). While separation
technologies continue to be developed, direct modifica-
tion of the proteins has been an active area in recent
E. Allen Foegeding*, years. Proteins can be modified by: (1) covalently attach-
ing other compounds such as carbohydrates (Chevalier,
Jack P. Davis, Dany Doucet Chobert, Popineau, Nicolas, & Haertle, 2001; Losso &
and Matthew K. McGuffey Nakai, 2002); (2) causing non-covalent and/or covalent
interactions among proteins to produce aggregates or
Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center, North polymers or (3) hydrolyzing proteins to various degrees
Carolina State University, Department of Food (van der Ven, Gruppen, de Bont, & Voragen, 2001).
Science, Box 7624, 236 Schaub Hall, Raleigh, NC Proteins provide various functions in food quality and
27695-7624, USA ( 1tel.: +1-919-513-2244; fax: +1- stability. They form interfacial films that stabilize emul-
919-515-7124.; e-mail: [email protected]) sions and foams; can interact to make networks asso-
ciated with gels (e.g., cheese and meat) and edible films;
and produce stable sols for nutritional drinks (often
Whey protein ingredients are used for a variety of func- referred to as thermal stability). The ability of proteins
tional applications in the food industry. Each application to provide these properties is called protein functionality,
requires one or several functional properties such as gela- and is dependent not only on proteins but also on other
tion, thermal stability, foam formation or emulsification. ingredients and processing operations. Nevertheless,
Whey protein ingredients can be designed for enhanced one often speaks in general terms of increasing or
functional properties by altering the protein and non-pro- decreasing protein functionality.
tein composition, and/or modifying the proteins. Modifica- This review of protein modifications and functional
tions of whey proteins based on enzymatic hydrolysis or consequences will focus on the areas of gelation, foam
heat-induced polymerization have a broad potential for and emulsion formation. Emphasis will be given to the-
designing functionality for specific applications. The effects oretical models and the modifications of polymerization
of these modifications are demonstrated by discussing how and hydrolysis, with hydrolysis discussed as a separate
they alter gelation and interfacial properties. section. These modifications represent the extremes of
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. what happens when you effectively increase or decrease
molecular size.
Focusing on a limited number of functional proper-
Whey protein ingredients and functionality ties and modifications was done to allow for more in-
When casein is formed into a cheese network or depth coverage.
removed from milk to produce caseinate or casein
Gelation of whey proteins
Gels are formed when proteins interact and produce an
* Corresponding author. elastic network. Whey protein gels have been classified as
0924–2244/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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152 E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159

fine stranded, mixed or particulate based on rheological 2.35  0.15 and 4.5  0.5, respectively (Verheul &
and microstructural properties (Clark, Judge, Richards, Roefs, 1998a).
Stubbs, & Suggett, 1981; Foegeding, Gwartney, &
Errington, 1998; Stading, Langton, & Hermansson, Gelation models
1993). Recently, Gosal and Ross-Murphy (2000) One approach to characterize disordered structure is
reviewed the physics of globular protein gelation with through fractal analysis (Pedreschi, Aguilera, & Brown,
an emphasis on models describing their fundamental 2000). The fractal dimension (df) is a non-integer value
structure and rheology. that expresses the self-similarity of gel structure and can
be probed through either rheological or microstructural
What determines whey protein gel rheology and methods. b-Lactoglobulin (b-Lg) forms fractal aggre-
microstructure? gates (Aymard, Durand, Nicolai, & Gimel, 1997;
A series of studies have established that the incor- Aymard, Gimel, Nicolai, & Durand, 1996; Le Bon,
poration of protein into the gel network at and after the Nicolai, & Durand, 1999) that further associate into a
gel point determines whey protein (WP) gel micro- three-dimensional network. The fractal nature of these
structure and rheology (Verheul & Roefs, 1998a,b; Ver- networks is a current subject of debate (Kavanagh,
heul, Roefs, Mellema, & de Kruif, 1998). The lower Clark, & Ross-Murphy, 2000).
kinetic limit for b-lactoglobulin denaturation (68.5 C) The df relates to the two limiting cases of aggregation
(Iametti, De Gregori, Vecchio, & Bonomi, 1996) at long kinetics: reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA; df
times ( 24 h) was used to slow the process so the of 2.2–2.1) and diffusion-limited cluster aggregation
development of rheological and microstructural prop- (DLCA; df of 1.7–1.8) (Bijsterbosch, Bos, Dickinson,
erties could be observed. The amount of aggregated van Opheusden & Walstra, 1995). In RLCA, there is a
protein forming the incipient gel network seems to repulsive energy barrier to aggregation so many colli-
determine gel network type (microstructure) and per- sions must occur before two particles collide with the
meability (a function of microstructure and other prop- correct orientation and ‘‘stick’’. With DLCA, the energy
erties). Gel permeability decreased only slightly upon barrier has been overcome so all collisions result in the
further heating after the gel point (Fig. 1). In contrast, proteins ‘‘sticking’’. The aggregation kinetics of b-Lg
the elasticity (G0 ) is zero at the gel point and increased are highly sensitive changes in electrostatic properties
with the total amount of protein incorporated into the and will switch between RLCA and DLCA with chan-
established gel network (Verheul & Roefs, 1998a,b). ges in pH and salt concentration (Aymard et al., 1997;
The gel permeability decreased as the concentration of Vreeker, Hoekstra, Denboer, & Agterof, 1992).
aggregated protein at the gel point increased. Perme- A compelling aspect of the fractal approach is that
ability and G0 scale as a power law with concentration scaling behavior or elastic properties can be used to
of whey protein isolate (WPI) with exponents of describe structural elements within the microstructure.

Fig. 1. Fractional native WPI concentration (Ct/Co) (), Bgel (O) and G0 (&) as a function of heating time at 68.5 C for an initial WPI con-
centration of 44.5 g/l and 0.4 mol/dm3 NaCl; the arrow indicates the gel point. (Reprinted from (Verheul & Roefs, 1998b) with permission from
Elsevier Science).
E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159 153

When the interactions within fractal flocs are weaker over some length scales, but have rebuked this approach
than the interactions between flocs, the network is con- because the concentration dependence of the elastic
sidered strong-linked and breaking will occur within the modulus does not follow a simple power law, measure-
fractal flocs (Shih, Shih, Kim, Liu, & Aksay, 1990). The ments are made too far from the critical gelation
opposite case is called ‘‘weak-linked.’’ The critical strain threshold, and G0 is not extrapolated to infinite time.
(strain limit of the linear viscoelastic region) increases Their branching model successfully correlates G0 to the
with increasing network concentration in weak-linked molecular weight (MW) and crosslink density of net-
networks, and decreases with increasing network con- work chains for b-Lg gels (Gosal & Ross-Murphy,
centration in strong-linked networks (Shih et al., 1990). 2000; Kavanagh et al., 2000). The limitations of fractal
Therefore, simple experiments where protein concentra- models were also discussed in proposing an isotropic
tion is varied and rheological properties are measured force percolation model for protein gels (van der Linden
may reveal if the network is strong- or weak-linked. & Sagis, 2001).
Table 1 summarizes fractal dimension values for WPI
and b-Lg gels cited in the literature, which were Cosolute effects on thermal gels
obtained by either rheological or optical methods. The effects of ionic strength and various salts on whey
Rheological methods are the most common for deter- protein gelation have been reviewed (Foegeding et al.,
mining df (for a theoretical description see Bremer, Bij- 1998); therefore, this will be an update on the progress
sterbosch, Walstra, & van Vilet, 1993; Shih et al., 1990), made in understanding electrostatic effects of whey
and this value often correlates with the df calculated protein gelation.
from microstructural analysis (Hagiwara, Kumagai, & Electrostatic effects on the aggregation kinetics,
Matsunaga, 1997; Marangoni, Barbut, McGauley, rheology and microstructure of particulate gels have
Marcone, & Narine, 2000). Gels of WPI formed at pH 7 been studied (McGuffey & Foegeding, 2001; Verheul
with 25 mM NaCl demonstrate RLCA (df2.2), where and Roefs, 1998a,b). As pH is increased from 6.0 to 7.5
low ionic strength leads to a large electrostatic energy in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl, the rate of protein
barrier to aggregation (Ikeda, Foegeding, & Hagiwara, aggregation and G0 increase whereas the permeability
1999). Gels of WPI formed at pH 7 with a NaCl con- decreased (Verheul & Roefs, 1998b). Essentially, as pH
centration of 50, 80, 500 and 1000 mM NaCl demon- is increased away from the pI, the increased electrostatic
strate DLCA, indicating this electrostatic barrier has repulsion and reactivity of the sulfhydryl group causes
been overcome (Ikeda et al., 1999). the protein to unfold more extensively and aggregate
The fractal approach can yield inconsistent values (see more rapidly; this produced a more elastic, less perme-
Table 1) and must be applied with caution. Verheul and able, gel network. As NaCl concentration increased (at
Roefs (1998a) noted that fractal law assumes cluster- neutral pH), WPI gels have a more open, coarse struc-
cluster aggregation starting at t=0 and ending at the gel ture with increasing permeability and decreasing G0 that
point. In reality, only a fraction of WP is aggregated at may be related to a decrease in the solvent quality or an
the gel point and aggregates are incorporated into the alteration in the aggregation kinetics (McGuffey &
network after the gel point, which makes interpretation Foegeding, 2001; Verheul & Roefs, 1998a). Particulate
difficult (Verheul & Roefs, 1998a). Kavanagh et al. WPI gels with equivalent fracture stress and strain values
(2000) have acknowledged that WPI gels are self-similar can be formed by either varying the pH from 5.2 to 5.8 with
Table 1. Reported values for fractal dimension of WPI or -Lg gels from various studies
Protein Solvent conditions Thermal treatmenta Method of Fractal Reference
source analysis dimension
b-Lg pH 7; 50 mM HEPES 95 C for 10 min Rheology 2.17 (Hagiwara et al., 1997)
pH 7; 30 mM CaCl2 & Rheology 2.69
50 mM HEPES Microstructure 2.70
b-Lg pH 7.5; no salt 90 C for 1 h Rheology 2.91 (Stading et al., 1993)
pH 5.3; no salt Rheology 2.46
WPI pH 7; no salt 80 C for 20 min Rheology 2.7 (Fernandes, 1994)
WPI pH 6.8; 0.2–3.0 M NaCl 68.5 C for 20 h Microstructure 2.40 (Verheul et al., 1998)
WPI pH 7; 25 mM NaCl Held at 90 C for 1 h Rheology  2.2 (Ikeda et al., 1999)
(testing done at 90 C)
pH 7; 50,80,500,1000 mM NaCl Rheology  1.8
WPI pH 7; 30 mM CaCl2 80 C for 30 min Rheology 2.57 (Marangoni et al., 2000)
Microstructure 2.45
pH 7; 300 mM NaCl Rheology 2.44
Microstructure 2.45
Samples analyzed at ambient temperature unless otherwise noted (see actual papers for heating and cooling rates).
154 E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159

no added salt, or by adding NaCl (0.2–0.6 M) at pH 7 2000b; Vardhanabhuti, Foegeding, McGuffey, Daubert,
(McGuffey & Foegeding, 2001). While identical in & Swaisgood, 2001).
fracture properties, the strain hardening trends in the Acidifying WP-polymer dispersions with glucono-d-
non-linear region of stress versus strain curves were dif- lactone induces weak network formation (Ju & Kilara,
ferent. Addition of the disulfide blocker n-ethylmalei- 1998). Even at pH < 5, disulfide bonds are formed
mide at levels less than the amount of total sulfhydryls between aggregates to strengthen the network, though
changed the non-linear region such that gels had similar gel microstructure is determined by the initial non-
values for strain hardening, without altering fracture covalent interactions (Alting, Hamer, de Kruif, & Vis-
properties. This showed that electrostatic properties schers, 2000). The presence of up to 8% w/w sucrose
were the major factor determining fracture properties, when forming WP-polymers (Kulmyrzaev, Bryant, &
whereas sulfhydryl/disulfide interactions were important McClements, 2000) decreases turbidity, increases gela-
to the non-linear region. tion time and decreases G*. The decrease in gelation
rate at low sucrose concentration is due to an increase in
Whey protein polymers and cold set gelation continuous phase viscosity, which decreases protein
Many food applications are sensitive to the high heat collision frequency. At high sucrose concentrations
required to gel proteins, so a great deal of attention has (> 10%), the protein-protein interactions are thermo-
recently been devoted to developing whey proteins as dynamically preferred over protein-solvent interactions
cold gelling ingredients. The mechanisms and processes leading to stronger gels formed more quickly than if
involved in the cold-gelation of whey protein polymers < 10% sucrose is present.
(WP-polymers, also referred to as heat-denatured, pre- Mixtures of WP-polymers and hydrocolloids can
heated or aggregated) have been reviewed (Bryant & undergo phase separation. Bryant and McClements
McClements, 1998). Essentially, whey proteins are heat- (2000a) found that adding xanthan gum to WP-polymer
polymerized (i.e. aggregated) at conditions that do not dispersions increases turbidity, gelation rate and final
yield a gel (low ionic strength and high pH), then the gel rigidity. Without salt, dispersions of these two bio-
solvent quality is altered to form a gel under ‘‘cold’’ polymers form a two layer separation, but with 200 mM
conditions (typically 20–37 C). Since the excellent review NaCl, xanthan-rich regions are dispersed within a WP
of Bryant and McClements (1998), new investigations gel network (Bryant & McClements, 2000a).
have focused on understanding how preheating and cold
gelling conditions affect the final gel properties. Interfacial properties
Increasing the concentration of protein in solutions Food foams and emulsions such as ice cream, soufflés,
used to make WP-polymers (heated at 80 C for various frothed drinks, dressings, etc. are extremely popular
times) results in increased whey protein polymer size (Ju among consumers (Bryant & McClements, 1998;
& Kilara, 1998) and intrinsic viscosity (Vardhanabhuti Campbell & Mougeot, 1999). The formation and stabi-
& Foegeding, 1999). The WP-polymers are formed pri- lity of these foods primarily depends on the behavior of
marily through disulfide bonding with some non-cova- surface-active agents, and whey protein ingredients are
lent interactions, and have flow properties similar to often chosen for this functional role (Dickinson, 1999).
common food hydrocolloids (Mleko & Foegeding, Simple system investigations into the properties (for-
1999; Vardhanabhuti & Foegeding, 1999). In general, mation, composition, rheology, etc.) of adsorbed pro-
when making WP-polymers, the higher the protein tein layers, are providing fundamental insights into the
concentration, heating time and temperature, the more relationships between protein interfacial behavior and
viscous the dispersion and rigid the gel (Bryant & the bulk properties of real food foams and emulsions
McClements, 2000b; Ju & Kilara, 1998; Vardhanabhuti (Dickinson, 2001; Wilde, 2000). Recent reviews (Dick-
& Foegeding, 1999). inson, 1999, 2001) have summarized much of the cur-
Solvent quality is altered to facilitate interactions rent research pertinent to the properties of adsorbed
among WP-polymers. Adding NaCl (100–400 mM) to whey proteins (most notably b-Lg).
WP-polymer solutions results in gels with an increase in Lateral interactions among adsorbed proteins at the
turbidity and G*, and a decrease in phase angle (indi- interface (air/water or oil/water) can lead to an inter-
cating an increase in elasticity) (Bryant & McClements, facial layer with measurable rheological properties. The
2000c). Adding CaCl2 increases turbidity, fracture rheology of interfaces has long been thought to be
stress, and G* and decreases fracture strain (Barbut & important to the stabilization of foams and to a lesser
Foegeding, 1993; Bryant & McClements, 2000b). When extent emulsions, so not surprisingly, the literature in
WP-polymer gels of equal ionic strength were made this area is quite extensive (Wilde, 2000). The following
with CaCl2 or NaCl, gels containing CaCl2 were more articles are excellent reviews on the rheology of adsor-
rigid due to calcium being more effective at screening bed milk protein layers (Dickinson, 1999) and protein
charges and its ability to form ion-bridges between interfacial layers in general (Prins, Bos, Boerboom, &
negative charges on proteins (Bryant & McClements, van Kalsbeek, 1998). The rheology of model systems,
E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159 155

consisting of both milk proteins (often b-Lg) and small nutritional value and functional properties. Enzymatic
MW surfactants (monoglycerides, Tween 20, sodium hydrolysis is generally used to produce WPH because it
dodecyl sulfate, etc.), has also received a great deal of occurs under mild conditions and thus retains nutri-
attention due to its relevance in actual food systems. tional quality. The applications for these products
The following articles provide thorough reviews on include but are not limited to: improved heat stability;
recent advances pertaining to the behavior of combined reduced allergenicity; production of bioactive peptides,
protein/surfactants layers (Bos & van Vilet, 2001; Miller tailoring amounts and size of peptides for special diets;
et al., 2000; Prins et al., 1998). and altering the functional properties of gelation,
The relationships between measurements taken from foaming and emulsification.
isolated interfacial protein layers and actual bulk foam Native whey proteins are not always hydrolyzed easily
or emulsion properties are not well understood. This so the susceptibility to hydrolysis can be increased by
was recently illustrated in the work of Ipsen et al. different means such as heat treatment, sulfitolysis, high
(2001), who examined the effects of limited enzymatic pressure, medium polarity changes and esterification
hydrolysis on the interfacial shear rheology and foam (Chobert et al., 1997; Kananen et al., 2000; Maynard,
overrun of purified b-Lg A. Increasing the degree of Weingand, Hau, & Jost, 1998). Whey protein hydro-
hydrolysis steadily decreased both interfacial shear lysates designed for nutritional applications (sports
elasticity and viscosity values as compared to the unhy- nutrition, enteral formulas, hypoallergenic infant for-
drolyzed control. However, the highest foam overrun mulae, etc.) have a high degree of hydrolysis and there-
was found for the sample with maximum hydrolysis fore a high content of short peptides. Short chain
(86%). peptides are less antigenic due to elimination of
A foaming property of interest for liquid foams is sequential epitopes (Siemensma, Weijer, & Bak, 1993).
yield stress, , which relates to the empirical concept of The diminished or lack of secondary structure in pep-
foam ‘‘stiffness’’ (Pernell, Foegeding, & Daubert, 2000). tides explains heat stability, in that there are minimal
The  of egg white protein foams is higher (  150 Pa) changes in structure upon heating. Furthermore, a pro-
than whey protein isolate foams ( 50 Pa) (Pernell et al., duct with a low content of free amino acids is absorbed
2000). The theoretical model of Princen and Kiss (1989) more efficiently because of intestinal absorption differ-
predicts that t depends on surface tension, air phase ences between peptides (primarily di- and tripeptides)
volume fraction, and bubble size. However, none of these and free amino acids (Boza et al., 2000; Clemente,
factors explained the difference between egg white and 2000). To obtain that kind of profile, an extensive
whey protein foams (Pernell, Foegeding, Luck, & Davis, enzymatic hydrolysis is required, preferentially with an
2002). The potential importance of protein interactions endoprotease, in order to avoid the presence of free
(and possibly networks) in the lamellae was suggested. amino acids in the final product.
Whey protein ingredients can be modified to increase foam
yield stress by increasing the ratio of b-Lg to a-lactalbu- Gelation
min, or hydrolysis (Luck, Bray, & Foegeding, 2002). Hydrolysis can be used to change conditions required
The adsorption of proteins at the interface is extre- for gelation (e.g., temperature) along with the physical
mely sensitive to protein structure, as was recently properties of gels. When b-Lg was subjected to limited
demonstrated by Mackie, Husband, Holt, and Wilde proteolysis with immobilized trypsin, it had a lower gel
(1999) who compared the adsorption of the A and B point and gelled more rapidly than native b-Lg at 80 C
genetic variants of b-Lg at the air/water interface. These (Chen, Swaisgood, & Foegeding, 1994). Incubation of a
variants differ by only two amino acids, but the B var- heat-polymerized WPI solution with a variety of pro-
iant was shown to adsorb more rapidly via surface ten- teinases (trypsin, papain, pronase and protease) caused
sion measurements. The valine (A) to alanine (B) gelation (Sato, Nakamura, Nishiya, Kawanari, &
substitution at residue 118 was hypothesized to effect Nakajima, 1995). Gelation properties of WPI were sig-
adsorption minimally (at least initially), since neither nificantly improved at neutral pH by limited hydrolysis
amino acid is charged, both are hydrophobic, and their with a protease from Bacillus licheniformis (BLP) (Ju,
location is within the interior of the molecule. However, Otte, & Madsen, 1995). Gels formed from BLP-hydro-
the substitution at position 64, aspartic acid (A) to gly- lyzed WPI consisted of small aggregates that were
cine (B) is on the surface of the molecule. Variant B speculated to be formed during hydrolysis, prior to
therefore has a lower charge and higher hydrophobicity heat-induced gelation (Otte, Ju, Skriver, & Qvist, 1996).
both of which were hypothesized to contribute toward It was confirmed that limited hydrolysis of WPI by BLP
its increased adsorbance. leads to formation of a soft gel, with a microstructure
similar to a heat-induced gel (Otte, Ju, Faegermand,
Enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein Lomholt, & Qvist, 1996). The formation of aggregates
Whey protein hydrolysates (WPH) have been on the and a soft gel prior to heating is thus one way that heat-
market for many years because they possess excellent induced gelation properties of whey proteins are altered
156 E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159

by hydrolysis. Otte et al. (1997) showed that hydrolysis Interfacial properties

of b-Lg with BLP produced soft gels; indicating that Whey protein hydrolysates designed for foaming and
other proteins found in WPI were not a requirement for emulsification applications are generally hydrolyzed to a
soft gel formation. The aggregates derived from b-Lg lower extent. However, there are some contradictory
hydrolysis consisted of a range of peptides of inter- findings on how the degree of hydrolysis affects the
mediate size (2–6 kDa) held together by non-covalent functionality.
interactions (Otte et al., 1997). The aggregates consisted The fact that peptides are smaller than proteins gen-
of 6–7 major peptides of which the fragment f135–158 erally allows for a more rapid adsorption, which in turn
seemed to be the initiator of aggregation. This fragment allows for better foam or emulsion formation (Wilde &
contains several basic and acid amino acids alternating Clark, 1996). Additionally, hydrolysates are generally
with hydrophobic amino acids, which is in accordance more soluble over a wider range of environmental con-
with formation of non-covalently linked aggregates ditions, such as pH and ionic strength, which also
(Otte, Lomholt, Halkier, & Qvist, 2000). explains some of the improved surface-activity of
In producing whey protein hydrolysates, it is desirable hydrolysates (Turgeon, Gauthier, & Paquin, 1991).
that the protein concentration be as high as possible to Studies have shown that the relative distribution of
minimize the cost of drying. A problem encountered hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids found in a
when hydrolyzing at high protein concentrations is protein or peptide is important for its adsorption (Singh
gelation at normal processing temperatures (40–50 C). & Dalgleish, 1998).
Unlike above, where hydrolysis is used to improve It has been speculated that smaller peptides do not
gelation properties, in this case, the prevention of gela- form the same inter-molecular interactions as larger
tion is desired. Gelation occurs during extensive hydro- proteins, making the interfacial network less stable
lysis (degree of hydrolysis > 18%) of whey protein (Singh & Dalgleish, 1998; Wilde & Clarke, 1996). How-
isolate with Alcalase 2.4L1 (Doucet, Gauthier, & Foe- ever, foam yield stress and overrun is improved by
geding, 2001). Figure 2 shows the mechanical spectrum hydrolysates ranging in degree of hydrolysis from 5.4 to
and their respective slopes (n) for enzyme- and heat- 15.9% (Luck et al., 2002). A probable explanation is
induced gels. A flat slope is indicative of a strong, elastic that since degree of hydrolysis varies strongly with
gel. Both gels have similar characteristics and are pre- enzyme and substrate (Singh & Dalgleish, 1998; Tur-
dominantly elastic in nature. The types and amounts of geon, Gauthier, Molle, & Leonil, 1992), the link with
aggregating peptides produced are important and functional properties will vary. Distinct regions of
research is needed in this area to better understand the hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids with a mini-
gelation mechanism. mum in size seem to be the most desirable for interfacial

Fig. 2. Influence of frequency on storage (circle) and loss (triangle) moduli for an enzyme-induced WPI gel with Alcalase 2.4L1 (20% solution
at 45 C, E:S 1:10) and for a heat-induced WPI gel. Enzyme (n=0.052) and heat-induced (n=0.067) gels are represented by open and closed
symbols respectively.
E.A. Foegeding et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 151–159 157

properties (Turgeon et al., 1992). Therefore, while the whey protein ingredients will continue to foster research
degree of hydrolysis and molecular weight distribution in this area.
are good general indicators of hydrolysate properties,
the functional properties are determined by the specific References
peptides produced. Recent work has shown that emul-
sion-forming behavior of WPH is generally independent Alting, A. C., Hamer, R. J., de Kruif, G. G., & Visschers, R. W. (2000).
of the molecular weight distribution and degree of Formation of disulfide bonds in acid-induced gels of preheated
hydrolysis (van der Ven et al., 2001). Another study has whey protein isolate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
48, 5001–5007.
demonstrated that adsorption of b-Lg peptides of Aymard, P., Durand, D., Nicolai, T., & Gimel, J. C. (1997). Fractality
known sequences at the oil/water interface is influenced of globular protein aggregates: From the molecular to the
more by the amphiphilic character than the peptide microscopic level. Fractals, 5(suppl), 23–43.
length (Rahali, Chobert, Haertle, & Gueguen, 2000). Aymard, P., Gimel, J. C., Nicolai, T., & Durand, D. (1996). Experi-
Caessens, Daamen, Visser, Gruppen, & Voragen mental evidence for a two-step process in the aggregation of
b-lactoglobulin at pH 7. J. Chim. Phys, 93, 987–997.
(1999a) subjected purified b-Lg to limited hydrolysis (1, Barbut, S., & Foegeding, E. A. (1993). Ca-induced gelation of pre-
2 and 4%) by three different enzymes (plasmin, trypsin, heated whey protein isolate. Journal of Food Science, 58, 867–
and an endoproteinase from Staphylococcus aureus V8) 871.
and screened the resulting hydrolyzates for their foam- Bijsterbosch, B. H., Bos, M. T. A., Dickinson, E., van Opheusden, J.
ing and emulsifying properties. Overall, the plasmin H. J., & Walstra, P. (1995). Brownian dynamics simulation of par-
ticle gel formation: from argon to yoghurt. Faraday Discussions,
hydrolyzates displayed superior interfacial function- 101, 51–64.
ality. This was attributed to the high concentration of Bos, M. A., & van Vilet, T. (2001). Interfacial rheological properties
both large molecular weight and hydrophobic peptide of adsorbed protein layers and surfactants: a review. Advances
fragments retained in this hydrolysate. However, limited in Colloid and Interface Science, 91, 437–471.
hydrolysis by the other enzymes also improved the Boza, J. J., Moennoz, D., Vuichoud, J., Jarret, A. R., Gaudard-de-
Weck, D., & Ballevre, O. (2000). Protein hydrolysate vs free
functionality of b-Lg. Most of the peptides were dis- amino acid-based diets on the nutritional recovery of the
ulfide linked b-Lg fragments suggesting that consider- starved rat. European Journal of Nutrition, 39, 237–243.
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