4605-DS-002 - B - Design Submittal of 20 MVA Transformers

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CONTRACT : 220kV & 66kV Development 2007 - 2011


CONTRACT No. : 4605/2008/3100

SUBMISSION NUMBER : 4605/DS/002_B DATE : 23.09.2009

DESCRIPTION : Desing Submittal of 20 MVA Transformers

Drawings List
Item : Document Title : Document No. : Doc. size No of Pages Rev.
2 RATING PLATE E2823987 A3 1 01
4 TRANSPORT DRAWING E2823990 A3 1 01
5 LV CABLE BOX E2823992 A3 1 01
6 HV CABLE BOX E2823993 A3 1 01
7 AND DISASSEMBLY E2824409 A3 1 00
8 FOUNDATION PLAN E2824412 A3 1 00
9 TERMINAL BOX E4207974 A4 27 00
10 ACCESSORIES LIST E2823991 A3-A4 277 01
11 OVERLOADING TABLE D20093074 A4 1 00
12 PROTECTION LIST D20092940 A4 4 00

FOR ESBI USE : Date received : Approval Status :

Date Reference Comments
Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

Transformer Protection Relays

(Buchholz Principle)
Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH


Item No. Heading Page

Firm’s history 3

Preface 3

1. Design features 4

2. Function 6

3. Tests 7

4. Type list 8

4.1. Single-float Buchholz relays with thread connection 8

4.2. Single-float Buchholz relays with flange connection 8

4.3. Single-float Buchholz relays - possible switching system designs 9

4.4. Double-float Buchholz relays with thread connection 10

4.5. Double-float Buchholz relays with flange connection (round) 11

4.6. Double-float Buchholz relays with flange connection (square) 13

4.7. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions 13

according to former Chinese norm

4.8. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions 14

according to French norm

4.9. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions 15

according to British standard

4.10. Double-float Buchholz relays - possible switching system designs 16

5. Technical data 20

6. Special designs 21

6.1. Explanations to identif. no. 32 22

6.2. Explanations to identif. no. 60 22

7. Ordering data 23

8. Additional devices for Buchholz relays 24

9. Further protection devices 27

Firm’s history Preface
Since its foundation the company has been The Buchholz relay was developed in 1921 by Max
passed through an eventful history with regard Buchholz, Oberrat at the Prussian Electric supply
to ownership, affiliation and connected with this company - PLC in Kassel. Since that time it has been an
changes of firm names. important protection and monitoring device for liquid-
cooled transformers and choke coils. It is known for its
easy operation, high reliability, maintenance-free
operation and extremely long life.
1863 Foundation of the company
The Buchholz relay is built in the cooling cycle of the
as sugar factory
appliances to be protected and responds in the event of
troubles like gas accumulation, loss as well as high flow
1943 Establishment of SIEMENS
of the insulation liquid. For transformers with hermetical
closure by means of a membrane (rubber sack) in the
expansion tank Buchholz relays can be used also as
1948 VEB1 Elektromotorenwerk
indicating device (“Air Cell Failure Relay”) of this
Barleben; VEM
(state-owned firm)
The company has had for more than 50 years experience
1951 VEB1 Starkstromanlagenbau in producing Buchholz relays and other protection
Magdeburg devices for liquid-cooled appliances. It ranks among the
(state-owned firm) most distinguished manufacturers of this kind of
equipment. Experiences collected and profound know-
1951 Start of manufacturing how are the sound basis for a high product quality.
Buchholz relays at site References from reputed transformer manufacturers and
in Barleben further users are proof of the high level of the products.
The company is ISO 9001/2000 certified.
1970 VEB1 Elektrotechnik und
Gerätebau Magdeburg; The staff of highly qualified engineers and experienced
EGEM skilled workers do their best to guarantee top quality
(state-owned firm) high-precision products.

1980 VEB1 Kombinat The mechanical working of the casings is done on

Elektromaschinenbau Dresden modern CNC-controlled machine tools. The final tests,
VEB1 Elektromotorenwerk where all the functions of the Buchholz relays are
Barleben; VEM; ELMO checked, are done with each device by using special test
(state-owned firm) equipment. Each device is delivered with a test
1990 VEM Antriebstechnik AG The type diversity of the Buchholz relays is tailored to
Dresden norms and standards as well as to special customer
Elektromotorenwerk Barleben demands. EMB-Buchholz relays are in compliance with
GmbH; VEM; ELMO EN 50216.
(public limited company)
The type of relay to be used depends on nominal rating
1993 Elektromotoren und and construction features of appliance to be protected.
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH; Our range of products permits optimum adaptation to
EMB actual requirements.
(privately owned company)
Buchholz relays may be used in open-air or also in indoor

VEB = nationally owned firm

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH
1. Design features

(Figures 1A and 1B)
The casing is a weather-resistant
casting of light alloy and is provided
with a paint coat. It is supplied either
with screwed or flanged ends (1).
The variants of casings are shown
under para. 4, further are possible on
The casing has sightglasses (2) for
inspection of function of the switching
systems. The sightglasses with scale 2
divisions permit reading of collected
gas volume.
The relays can be equipped with lids
(3, may be folded up) before the Figure 1A: casing with
sightglasses. flange connection
Figure 1B: casing with
thread connection

Cover (Figure 2)
The cover is a weather-resistant casting
of light alloy and is provided with a paint
7 coat. Terminal box (1), test valve (2) and
5 test key, covered by a cap nut (3) as well
as a plate for operation of the test key (4)
are arranged above the cover. The
terminal box has an earthing contact (5)
9 and at most eight electrical connectors
(6). By the number of these connectors
6 the design of the switching systems
concerning kind and quantity of the
1 magnet contact tubes is determined.
The aluminium cap (7) seals the terminal
box. If the cap is opened the contact
setting (8) can be seen. The cable may
3 be optionally brought in through one of
2 both cable glands (9).

Figure 2: cover with dismantled cap

Switchgear (Figures 3A and 3B)

The switchgear has the following main components:

- Switching system
- Carrier, frame
- Mechanical testing device.
Whereas the single-float Buchholz relay has only one switching system, the double-float Buchholz relay
has an upper and a lower switching system. Permanent magnet and float are rigidly linked forming an unit
that is movably fitted to the frame together with mechanical testing device and magnet contact tube(s).

Switchgear of a single-float
Buchholz relay:

float (1)
permanent magnet(s) (2)
one or more magnet contact tube(s) (3)
frame (4)
mechanical testing device (5)
damper (6)
5 The damper is hold by permanent magnets.
6 3

Figure 3A: Switchgear of a single-float
Buchholz relay

Switchgear of a double-float
Buchholz relay:

upper float (1)

lower float (1a)
permanent magnet(s) for upper float (2)
permanent magnet(s) for lower float (2a)
one or more magnet contact tube(s) for
upper switching system (3)
one or more magnet contact tube(s) for 1
lower switching system (3a)
frame (4) 5
mechanical testing device (5)
damper (6)
The damper is hold by permanent magnets and acts
on the lower switching system. 6 3a

4 1a


Figure 3B: Switchgear of a double-float

Buchholz relay

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

2. Function

In the following the operation of a Buchholz relay is explained using the example of a double-float
Buchholz relay. The relay is built in the connecting pipe between the transformer tank and the
conservator. During normal operation it is filled completely with insulating liquid. Due to buoyancy the
floats are at their top position. If a fault occurs inside the transformer, the Buchholz relay responds as

Gas accumulation (Figure 4)

Fault: Free gas is available in the insulating

Response: The gas in the liquid moves
upwards, accumulates in the Buchholz relay
and displaces the insulating liquid level. The Oil
moving float actuates a switch contact (magnet
contact tube). An alarm signal is tripped.
The lower float is not affected as from a certain
gas volume the gas flows through a piping to
the conservator.
Figure 4: Gas accumulation

Insulating liquid loss (Figure 5)

Fault: Insulating liquid loss due to leakage.

Response: As the liquid level falls the top float
moves downward. An alarm is tripped. If the
liquid loss continues, conservator and piping as Air
well as the Buchholz relay will be emptied.
As the liquid level falls, the lower float moves Oil
downward. The moving float actuates a switch
contact so that the transformer is disconnected.

Figure 5: Insulating liquid loss

Insulating liquid flow (Figure 6)

Fault: A spontaneous incident generates a

pressure wave moving in the direction of the
Response: The liquid flow reaches a damper Oil
arranged in the liquid flow. If the flow rate
exceeds the operating threshold of the damper,
the latter moves in flow direction. Due to this
movement a switch contact is actuated so that
the transformer is disconnected.
Figure 6: Insulating liquid flow

The upper and lower switching system form a functional unit in the single-float Buchholz relay. In case
of a fault, the single-float Buchholz relay normally isolates the transformer immediately from the mains

3. Tests
To each Buchholz relay a works-number is given mentioned in the test certificate. Furthermore the
tests made with each Buchholz relay are documented in the test certificate.

- Dielectric strength test

(AC 2000 V against casing)
- Leakage test
(25 min with 80o C warm Transformer oil at 0.25 MPa)
- Functional test
(damper setting, switching systems)

The Buchholz relays are delivered in transport

cardboards. In the cap nut of the test key there is a
temporary lock for the switching system. This temporary
lock has to be removed before the device is taken into

With each device we deliver

in the agreed language:

- operating instructions
- test certificate.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate

Flow test Functional and leakage test

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

4. Type list
4.1. Single-float Buchholz relays with thread connection
Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for
Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

01 Connection
(AG 25) thread 25 - - - - 16 185 170 62 3.1 < 1600 KVA

(CG 25) G 11/2 “

4.1.1. Type 01



G 11/ 2"

4.2. Single-float Buchholz relays with flange connection

Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for
Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

(AF 25/6) 4-holes 25 100 75 60 12 12 185 195 62 3.6 <1600 KVA

(AF 25/10) 4-holes 25 115 85 68 14 16 200 205 62 4.0 < 1600 KVA

(AF 25) 4-holes 25 100 75 -- 12 10 160 195 62 3.3 < 1600 KVA


4.2.1. Type 02, 03, 25

1 70



f d1
l d4

4.3. Single-float Buchholz relays – possible switching system designs

As switching elements are used magnet contact tubes. There are normally-closed (NC), normally-
open (NO) or change-over (CO) versions.
For coding of the switching system version see point 7. ordering data, page 23.
The magnet contact tube version is coded by the last figure of the ordering number.

...01 ...02 ...03 ...04 ...05 ...06

1 NO 1 NC 2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC 1 CO
13 11
13 23 11 21 13 11 1

14 12 14 24 12 22 14 12 2 4

...07 ...08 ...09

2 CO 1 NO and 1 CO 1 NC and 1 CO
21 11 23 11 21 11

22 24 12 14 24 12 14 22 12 14

Explanation of symbols: not occupied

Example: coding „ ...0 6 “

magnet contact tube version (1CO)

1 1 change-over Note:
(CO) --- Graphical symbol with
terminal marking The switching systems is shown in
its normal position, i.e. with the
2 4 Buchholz relay filled completely
with insulating liquid corresponding
to trouble-free operation of the
device to be monitored.
Terminal assignment
in terminal box

A plate showing the connection diagram and the terminal assignment is arranged inside the
cover of each Buchholz relay delivered by EMB.

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

4.4. Double-float Buchholz relays with thread connection

Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for

Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

04 thread
(BG 25) 25 - - - - 16 185 235 90 4.2 < 5000 KVA

(DG 25) 1
G 1 /2 “

21 thread
(BG 25 S) 25 - - - - 16 185 235 90 3.6 < 5000 KVA

(-) 1
G 1 /2 “

4.4.1. Type 04


cm 3

l d1

G11 /2"

4.4.2. Type 21
1 50




4.5. Double-float Buchholz relays with flange connection (round)

Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for

Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

(BF 25/6) 4-holes 25 100 75 60 12 12 185 235 90 4.4 < 5000 KVA


(BF 25/10) Flange
(DR 25) 4-holes 25 115 85 68 14 18 200 235 90 4.8 <5000 KVA

(BF25/10S) 4-holes 25 115 85 68 14 18 200 235 90 4.4 < 5000 KVA


Flange > 5000 KVA
(BF 50/6) 4-holes 50 140 110 90 14 12 185 235 80 4.6
< 10000 KVA

Flange > 5000 KVA
(BF 50/10) 4-holes 50 165 125 102 18 16 195 250 80 5.9
< 10000 KVA
(DR 50)

(BF 80/10) 4-holes 80 200 160 138 18 15 195 265 80 6.2 > 10000 KVA


Flange 18
(BF80/10/8) 8-holes 80 200 160 138
15 195 265 80 6.2 > 10000 KVA

(DR 80)

(BF 80/6) 4-holes 80 190 150 130 18 15 195 260 80 6.0 > 10000 KVA


Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

4.5.1. Type 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 24

4.5.2. Type 23
1 50



f d1
l d4

4.5.3. Type 09-26.

17 0

350 M 16


l d1

4.6. Double-float Buchholz relays with flange connection (square)
Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for
Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 b d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

10 Flange
(BF 80/Q) square
80 125 132 - 18 20 200 235 80 5.0 > 10000 KVA

(DQ 80)

4.6.1. Type 10

4.7. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions

according to former Chinese norm
Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for
Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
DIN-design. (mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 b d3 d4 d5 f l h1 h2

63 Flange
(BC 80) square
80 160 160 - 18 15 185 245 80 5.0 > 10000 KVA


Suited for connecting to Chinese butterfly valves (square flange). Further types on request.

4.7.1. Type 63

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

4.8. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions

according to French norm

Type code no. Mode of DN Flange Device weight Suited for

Works-design. connection of pipe dimensions dimensions (kg) transformer
(mm) (mm) (mm) ratings of
d1 d2 d3 d5 f l h1 h2

41 Flange
(NF 25) 4-holes 25 115 85 14 8 240 235 90 4.2 < 5000 KVA

42 Flange >5000 KVA

(NF 50) 4-holes 50 165 125 18 11 240 250 80 5.1
< 10000 KVA

43 Flange
(NF 80) 4-holes 80 200 160 18 11 240 265 80 5.5 > 10000 KVA

4.8.1. Type 41, 42, 43

1 50


cm 3


4.9. Double-float Buchholz relays with geometrical flange dimensions
according to British standard

Type code no. Mode of DN Flange dimensions Device dimensions weight Suited for
Works-design. connection of pipe (mm) (mm) (kg) transformer
(inch) (inch)
(mm) ratings of
d2 d3 d5 f l h1 h2 h3

51 - 72 M10 127 235 90 80
(BS 25)
square 25 - 2.83 M10
5 9.25 3.54 3.15
3.7 < 5000 KVA

52 Flange 140 110 12 12 185 235 80 80 > 5000 KVA

(BS 50) 6-holes 50 5.51 4.33 0.47 0.47 7.28 9.25 3.15 3.15
< 10000 KVA

53 Flange 160 130 12 13 185 240 80 80

(BS 80) 6-holes 80 6.30 5.12 0.47 0.51 7.28 9.45 3.15 3.15
5.0 > 10000 KVA

4.9.1. Type 51

4.9.2. Type 52, 53

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

4.10. Double-float Buchholz relays - possible switching system designs

As switching elements are used magnet contact tubes. There are normally-closed (NC), normally-
open (NO) or change-over (CO) versions.
For coding of the switching system version see point 7. ordering data, page 23.
The switching system version is coded by the last two figures of the ordering number.

...11 BS 25...11 ...12 ...13 ...14 ...15

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
1 NO 1 NO 1 NO 1 NO 1 NO 1 NO

13 13 13 13 13 13

14 14 14 14 14 14

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

1 NO 1 NO 1 NC 2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC

23 23 11 23 33 11 21 23 11

12 24 34 12 22 24 12
24 24

...16 ...17 ...19 ...21 ...22

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
1 NO 1 NO 1 NO 1 NC 1 NC

23 13 13 11 11

14 12 12
24 14

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

1 CO 2 CO 3 NO 1 NO 1 NC

11 21 31 13 21
23 33 43

22 24 32 34
24 34 44
12 14 14 22

...23 ...24 ...25 ...26 ...27 ...31
Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
1 NC 1 NC 1 NC 1 NC 1 NC 1 CO
11 11 11 21 11 21

12 12 12 22 12 22 24

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC 1 CO 2 CO 1 NO
13 23 21 31 13 21 13
11 21 31

22 24 32 34
14 24 22 32 14 22 12 14 14

...32 ...33 ...34 ...35 ...36 ...41

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 2 NO

21 21 21 21 21 13 23

22 24 22 24 22 24 22 24 22 24 14 24

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

1 NC 2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC 1 CO 1 NO
11 33 43 31 41 13 11 11 33

12 34 44 32 42 14 12
12 14 34

14 13 34 33

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

...42 ...43 ...44 ...45 ...46 ...51

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
2 NO 2 NO 2 NO 2 NO 2 NO 1 NC and 1 NO

13 23 13 23 13 23 13 23 23 33 11 13

14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 24 34 12 14

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

1 NC 2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC 1 CO 1 NO
33 43 11 21 33 11
11 11 23

34 44 12 22 34 12
12 12 14 24

...52 ...53 ...54 ...55 ...56

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm
1 NC and 1 NO 1 NC and 1 NO 1 NC and 1 NO 1 NC and 1 NO 1 NC and 1 NO
11 13 11 13 11 13 21 23
11 13

12 14 12 14 12 14 22 24
12 14

Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection Disconnection

1 NC 2 NO 2 NC 1 NO and 1 NC 1 CO

21 23 33 21 31 23 21 11

24 34 22 32 24 22 12 14

Magnet contact tube version
Explanation of symbols: Upper switching system - Alarm

Example: coding „ ...1 2 “

Magnet contact tube version

Lower switching system - Disconnection

1 NO
--- Graphical symbol with
terminal marking
1 NC

Terminal assignment
in terminal box

The switching systems are shown in their normal position, i.e. with the Buchholz relay filled
completely with insulating liquid corresponding to trouble-free operation of the device to be

A plate showing the connection diagram and the terminal assignment is arranged
inside the cover of each Buchholz relay delivered by EMB.

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

5. Technical data

The technical data listed in table 1 are valid for all Buchholz relays manufactured by EMB.
More options are mentioned in table 2 on page 21. These additional special designs should be coded
with the relevant identification number when ordering Buchholz relays.

Table 1

Parameter Data Notes

Nominal voltage AC 230 V 12 V to 250 V

DC 230 V 12 V to 250 V
Nominal current AC 2 A 0.05 A to 2 A
DC 2 A 0.05 A to 2 A
Contact voltage capacity AC 1000 V --
Insulation voltage capacity AC 2000 V Contact against casing
Temperature range:
- ambient temperature -40oC to +55o C Climate acc. to
-40o F to +131o F DIN EN 60068-2-78: 2002-09
- working range
* temperature of the insulation liquid -40oC to +115oC Others on request
-40o F to +239o F

* viscosity of the insulation liquid < 1100 mm2/s

Shock resistance class 4M6

- Earthquake / Vibration 2g (peak value) frequency --

range 2Hz to 200 Hz

- Impact 25g / shock duration 11 ms --

Resistance to pressure 0.25 MPa --
Resistance to vacuum < 2.5 kPa --
Insensitivity to 25 mT --
magnetic fields
Switching system:
- Number of switching contacts per
switching system 1 More on request
- Switching contact magnet contact tube --
- damper hold by magnets --
- Response time of damper < 0.1 s --

Response of switching system in

case of:
- Gas accumulation 200 cm3 to 300 cm3 --

- Flow of insulation liquid

nominal diameter (DN) 25 mm 1.00 m/s + 15%
Others on request
nominal diameter (DN) 50 mm 1.00 m/s + 15%
Please see also ordering data
nominal diameter (DN) 80 mm 1.00 m/s + 15% or on page 23.
1.50 m/s + 15% or
2.00 m/s + 15%
Cable gland M 20x1.5 Others on request
Nominal installation position 1o ascending towards 0o to 5o
expansion vessel
Degree of protection IP 54 Others on request

6. Special designs
Table 2

Explanation Identif. no.

Insulation liquid silicone oil* 20

Insulation liquid based on esther * 21

Climatic version (extreme frigidal open-air climates below -40°C) * 34

Climatic version (sea climate) * 36

Degree of protection IP 56 38
Degree of protection IP 66 39

Special design approved by RWE, Germany 24

With premounted Harting connector 59

Casing colour RAL 7001 (silver-grey) * 41

Casing colour RAL 7012 (basalt-grey) * 42
Casing colour RAL 7022 (umber-grey) * 43
Casing colour RAL 7033 (cement-grey) * 44
Casing colour RAL 7038 (agate-grey) * 45
Casing colour RAL 7035 (light-grey) * 46
Casing colour RAL 7016 (anthracite-grey) * 47
Casing colour RAL 9002 (grey-white) * 48
Casing colour RAL 7032 (siliceous-grey) * 49

Upper switching system equipped with two magnet contact tubes 35

Lower switching system equipped with two magnet contact tubes 25
Upper and lower switching system each equipped with two magnet contact tubes 33
Lower switching system equipped with three magnet contact tubes 99

Testing of the switching systems by means of compressed-air and test key 32

Damper hold in response position 23
With oil drain plug (only double-float Buchholz relays) 28

Special request (on special agreement with customer) 29

NM series – Buchholz relay with analog measurement of the gas volume 60

* These identification numbers you can use also for ordering gas sampling device ZG 1.2.

Casing colour: two-component polyurethane-based structural coating

Attention: For constructional reasons the following special designs are not combined possible in
the same device:

identif.no. with identif. no. identif.no. with identif. no.

23 32 99 23
23 33 99 32
32 33 99 33
32 25 99 35
32 35

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

6.1. Explanations to identif. no. 32

For Buchholz relays of special design (identif. no. 32), the
2 3 1 mechanical function of the two switching systems can be tested
by means of test button (1), and the upper switching system
(alarm) can be tested by pumping in air via the test valve (2)
using a suitable test pump. Additionally, the switching system
can be tested pneumatically. To this end, air is supplied via an
air supply nipple (3) provided with a check valve.
Pneumatic test of the upper switching system (alarm)
using compressed air:
Air is introduced slowly into the Buchholz relay until the alarm
contact is tripped when the upper float is lowered.
4 Pneumatic test of the lower switching system
(disconnection) using compressed air:
Through the air supply nipple and the pipe (4) air is applied
suddenly to the damper. When the damper responds the
disconnection contact is tripped. The response value of the
damper is not checked.
After any test using air, bleed the Buchholz relay through the
test valve (2).

The functional test using compressed air results from British Standard B.E.B.S. T2 of 1966.

6.2. Explanations to identif. no. 60

The principal construction of the Buchholz relay with

floats and damper as well as their electro-mechanical
functions have been maintained. Buchholz relays of
series NM are equipped additionally with a
capacitive sensor (1). The sensor is installed in the
cover of the Buchholz relay. The cover of the terminal 1
box accommodates the electronic amplifier of the
measuring unit. Sensor and amplifier are connected
by a cable connector. The measured value is based
on capacitance variation of the sensor caused by
variation of the insulating liquid level in the Buchholz

Analog measurement of the gas volume is possible 350

between 50 cm3 and 300 cm3. Lower gas volumes
cannot be measured reliably because of high 300

inaccuracies. Measurements beyond this range are



not necessary as in this case the upper switching 200

system will respond. Besides, the construction of the

Buchholz relay (larger gas volumes escape towards 150

the expansion tank) does not allow such



measurements. The operating point of the upper 50

switching system (upper float) is a gas volume of
200-300 cm3. 0
0 5 10 15 20
Output signal of the messuring unit [mA]
Further information:
“Technical information and operating instructions
Transformer Protection Relay
(Buchholz principle) Series NM”

7. Ordering data
For placing orders, please, use the following key:

Single-float Buchholz relays Double-float Buchholz relays

XX - XX ... XX .- X 0 X XX - XX ... XX .- XX X X
Type code no. Type code no.
(see para. 4) (see para. 4)

Special design
Special design (see table 2)
(see table 2) (There are several
(There are several identif. no. possible,
identif. no. possible, always separated by
always separated by a dot.)
a dot.)

Damper setting (m/s) Damper setting (m/s)

1= 0.65 01 = 0.65 11 = 1.20
2 = 1.00 02 = 1.00 12 = 1.25
3 = 1.50 03 = 1.50 13 = 1.30
04 = 2.00 14 = 1.40
05 = 2.50 15 = 1.80
06 = 3.00
0 = not occupied

Contact setting of upper

Contact setting of switching system
switching system (alarm)
1 = one NO-contact 1 = one NO-contact
2 = one NC-contact 2 = one NC-contact
3 = two NO-contacts 3 = one CO-contact
4 = two NC-contacts 4 = two NC-contacts
5 = one NO- and one 5 = one NO- and one
NC-contact NC-contact
6 = one CO-contact
7 = two CO-contacts Contact setting of lower
8 = one NO- and one switching system
CO-contact (disconnection)
9 = one NC- and one
1 = one NO-contact
2 = one NC-contact
3 = two NO-contacts
4 = two NC-contacts
5 = one NO- and
one NC-contact
6 = one CO-contact
7 = two CO-contacts

9 = three NO-contacts

For possible switching designs, please, see for single- Important remark:
float Buchholz relays on page 9 and for double-float NO = normally-open contact
Buchholz relays on page 16-18. NC = normally-closed contact
CO = change-over contact

Ordering example:
Buchholz relay 10-25.28.44.-0313 10 = double-float Buchholz relay type 10 (BF 80/Q)
25 = lower switching system equipped with 2 magnet contact tubes
28 = oil drain plug
44 = colour RAL 7033
03 = damper setting of 1.50 m/s
1 = contact setting of upper switching system - 1 NO-contact
3 = contact setting of lower switching system - 2 NO-contacts

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

8. Additional devices for Buchholz relays

designation description

ZG 1.2. Gas sampling device

The gas sampling device is mounted at the transformer

and connected to the Buchholz relay by means of a pipe.
It allows to sample the relay gas at normal operating level.
The length of the tube (pipe) will be as requested by
costumer. The device can be delivered with a lockable box

Technical data:
Gas outlet opening: R 1/8“ others on request
Oil outlet opening: R 1/8“ others on request
Viscosity of the insulation liquid: <1100 mm²/s
Temperature of the insulation liquid: -40°C to +115°C others on request
Ambient temperature: -40°C to +55°C others on request
Weight without tubing: 2.2 kg

Tubing dimensions: Ø 6x1 copper tubing others on request

Tubing length: < 15 m others on request


Ordering data:
90 XX ... XX . X XX,XXm
type code special design 0 = without box tubing length
for ZG 1.2. (see table 2, page 21) 1 = with box in meter
(There are several
identif. no. possible,
always separated by
a dot.)

Ordering example:
Gas sampling device 90-34.44.-0-10,50m 90 = ZG 1.2.
34 = extreme frigidal open-air climates below -40°C
44 = colour RAL 7033
0= without box
10,50m = tubing length of 10,50 m

designation description

ZG 3.1. Gas testing device

The gas testing device is used to test the gas accumulated

in the Buchholz relay. It can be installed directly on the test
valveof the Buchholz relay or on the gas outlet tap of the
gas sampler. The Buchholz gas flows through two different
chemical solutions and their colour reactions allows
conclusions with regard to the type of fault.

Testing by means of the gas testing device is no

substitution for a chromatographic analysis.

Ordering data: ZG 3.1.

Reflux lock
ZG 4.1.
The device prevents that the insulation liquid gets into the
Gas testing device. The device is arranged between the
Buchholz relay or gas sampling device and gas testing device.

Ordering data: ZG 4.1.

ZG 5.1. Test pump

ZG 5.2.
The test pump (manual or pedal operated) serves to check
the function of the upper switching system (warning) of the
Buchholz relay by pumping in air. The test can be performed
directly on the Buchholz relay. For that purpose, the test pump
is connected to the test valve of the Buchholz relay.
When the test is performed with the help of the gas sampling
devise, the test pump is connected to the gas outlet tap
of the gas sampling devices.

Ordering data: ZG 5.1.

ZG 5.2.

ZG 6.1. Oil sampling device

The oil sampling device is connected with the Buchholz relay

via a pipe and serves to take oil samples from the Buchholz
relay (suitable for Buchholz relays with oil drain plug).
The pipe is supplied as requested by customer.

Ordering data: ZG 6.1.

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

designation description

Buchholzgas - Sampler
BGS The Buchholz gas sampler serves to safely take and
Transport gas samples from the Buchholz relay or the
gas sampling device. Its capacity is 100 ml. The gas
sampled can be stored up to five days.

Ordering data: BGS

Buchholzgas - Tester
BGT The Buchholz gas tester serves to measure the hydrogen
concentration of the Buchholz gases. Measurement can be
performed directly on site. For any other gas testing equipment,
please, contact us.

Ordering data: BGT

For any other information, please, ask for special reference material.

9. Further protection devices

designation description

ÜRF 25 Monitoring relay for tap changer

The monitoring relay for the tap changers or oil flow

ÜRF 25/10
relay is installed in the pipe between the tap changer head
and the oil expansion vessel. It is tripped in the case of
inadmissibly high oil flows towards the expansion vessel
caused by tap changer faults.

Pipe diameter: 25 mm (1“)

Connection: flange

SG 25 Flow indicator

SF 25 The flow indicator is a protective relay monitoring circulating

oil lubrication or circulating oil cooling of machines and
equipment. It indicates faults of circulating oil systems or shuts
SF 25/10
down the machine or equipment, hence preventing damage.
The flow indicator operates at a very low service pressure
so that it can be also installed in an oil return pipe where the
oil flow is ensured by a sloping oil pipe.

Pipe diameter: 25 mm (1“)

Connection: thread or flange

For any other information or data required for placing an order, please, ask for
special catalogues.

Elektromotoren und
Gerätebau Barleben GmbH

Bahnhofstraße 27/28
39179 Barleben / Germany

Phone : +49 39203 790

Telefax : +49 39203 5330
Telefax : +49 39203 5450

e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.emb-online.de

Edition: Catalogue Buchholz relays 01/02/08/02 English

Due to technical improvement of our products, the information contained in this brochure may be
subjected to change without notice.

NO. AKM345-CS100617

190 100
58 98



25 BSP 1"
AKM 3440615X-6.0 SERIES 34

4 = 4 contacts 118
X = Measuring range -10 to 150°C
15 = Bulb type
6.0 = Capillary length
Output = TD119-3 10
Label = 46894 OTI
Protection class = IP54 160
Cable Entry = Adapter with M25 cable glands
Certificates = Calibration Cert, Bulb type 15 shown 11 12 14 21 22 24 31 32 34 41 42 44 61 62 63

For other types see TD129E

AB Qualitrol AKM Phone: +46 8 447 54 50 TITLE:
Flygfältsgatan 6C Fax: +46 8 604 68 10 Oil Temperature Indicator
SE - 128 30 Skarpnäck
Sweden MODEL
Qualitrol and Qualitrol AKM are ISO 9001 system certified
companies. Information subject to change without notice.
NO. AKM345-CS100617
NO. AKM345-CS100616

190 100
58 98



25 BSP 1"
AKM 3540615X-6.0 SERIES 35

4 = 4 contacts 118
X = Measuring range -10 to 150°C
15 = Bulb type
6.0 = Capillary length
Output = TD119-3 10
Label = 46895 WTI
Protection class = IP54 160
Cable Entry = Adapter with M25 cable glands
Certificates = Calibration Cert, Bulb type 15 shown 5 5 11 12 14 21 22 24 31 32 34 41 42 44 61 62 63

For other types see TD129E

AB Qualitrol AKM Phone: +46 8 447 54 50 TITLE:
Flygfältsgatan 6C Fax: +46 8 604 68 10 Winding Temperature Indicator
SE - 128 30 Skarpnäck
Sweden MODEL
Qualitrol and Qualitrol AKM are ISO 9001 system certified
companies. Information subject to change without notice.
NO. AKM345-CS100616
akm oti/wti
Remote mount thermometers

The next generation thermometer

from the global leader
• Accomplish the most demanding control and alarm configurations
• Reduce failure costs with reliable AKM bellows operation
• Minimize installation complexity with all-in-one design
• Simplify operations by using one family of thermometers for all
environmental conditions

Product Summary
Description Capillary based, mechanical, remote

indicating thermometer. Configurations for oil

temperature measurement and winding temperature

simulation. Features up to 6 adjustable switches for

alarm, trip, and cooling system functions and can be

equipped with various electronic outputs for SCADA

and remote monitoring applications.

Application For oil (liquid) or simulated winding

temperature indication with integrated features

for control or alarm functions. Designed for use

where the point of measurement (the well or

pocket) is not easily viewed by personnel and

requires separate or remote indication.

OTI_WTI_6page.indd 1 12/18/08 2:33:19 PM

akm oti/wti remote mount thermometers

The next generation thermometer • Over 75 years of experience designing mechanical temperature
from the global leader measurement devices for transformers
• Over 250,000 capillary type thermometers in service worldwide in all
environmental conditions
• Improved connection ease with a greater number of cable glands;
3xM25 style and 2xM20 style
• Improved switching flexibility with up to 6 fully configurable switches
• New and improved swing out case design allows for easy cable
connection, switch configuration and testing without removal of the cover

Accomplish the most demanding • Up to 6 fully independent switches flexible enough for most
control and alarm configurations control and alarm schemes
• Each switch can be specified by switch type, hysteresis range, and
set point, without limitation of sequential set points
• Standard switch rated for up to 15 Amps AC and up to 10 Amp DC,
switches also available for higher VDC (magnetic blow out, M.B.O.),
and switches for milliamp loads-- see technical specifications for
more information
• Various analog outputs also available (mA, Pt 100, and Cu 10) -- see
technical specifications for more information
• Each switch can be specified with adjustable hysteresis (5 to 25°C)

Reduce failure costs with reliable • Non-pressurized bellows system avoids problems due to leakage
AKM bellows operation • Integrated heating element in bellows for winding temperature
indication eliminates extra cost and complexity of accessories to
simulate the winding
• AKM bellows system provides a 260° dial deflection (angle the pointer
travels from minimum to maximum) making it easier to interpret
temperature reading from a distance

Minimize installation complexity • Single enclosure design minimizes need for additional accessories
with all-in-one design such as matching units and heated wells commonly used by other
mechanical temperature solutions
• New hinged cover enables easy access to switch settings and
connections during installation while shielding device from elements.
Features all captive screws and can be completely removed, if necessary
• Same installation footprint and mounting options as the previous
generation AKM 345
• Improved wiring installation with addition of 2 cable glands (for a total
of 5) and an increase in size to 3xM25 and 2xM20 versus the
previous generation

Simplify operations by using one • Wide range of options allow for standard use of one thermometer
family of thermometer for series across a wide array of applications and operating conditions
all environmental conditions • Extreme temperature survivability with polar executions for use
down to -60°C
• Enclosures with IP55 or IP65 rating with numerous mounting
configurations available
• The most flexible switching capabilities available for implementation
of any control and alarm configuration

Don’t see what you need?
QUALITROL regularly creates models with special customer requirements.
Contact your local sales representative or QUALITROL Application Engineer
to review your special requirements.

OTI_WTI_6page.indd 2 12/18/08 2:33:20 PM

The next generation thermometer from the global leader in rugged
temperature measurement

One family of thermometer

for all environmental
conditions NEW case design
Enclosures with IP55 or IP65 rating Swing out case design allows for
with numerous mounting configurations easy terminal block connection,
available including polar executions for switch configuration and testing
use down to -60°C without removal of the cover

maximum readability
System provides a 260° dial deflection
(angle the pointer travels from
minimum to maximum) making it easier
to interpret temperature
reading from a distance
NEW Electronic output KITS
AKM bellows technology Various analog outputs available (mA,
Low-pressure bellows system Pt 100, and Cu 10) - user upgrade
avoids problems due to possible via rear access panel
leakage for life long accuracy
NEW 6 switch capability
integrated winding Up to 6 fully independent
simulation switches flexible enough for the
Integrated heating element in AKM most demanding control and
bellows for winding temperature alarm schemes
indication eliminates extra cost and
complexity of accessories to
simulate winding temperature

Improved wiring ACCESS

Improved wiring installation case
with addition of 2 cable glands (for
a total of 5) and an increase in size
to 3xM25 and 2xM20 versus the
previous generation

AKM bellows technology

Integrated heating element in AKM CT

measurement bellows simplifies
winding temperature indication by Probe
eliminating the complexity of
accessories to simulate the winding

Single enclosure design minimizes Compensation bellows

need for additional accessories such automatically compensates
as matching units and heated wells for ambient temperature
commonly used by other mechanical
temperature solutions


OTI_WTI_6page.indd 3 12/18/08 2:33:27 PM

Options and accessories
Pockets/wells • Pockets and wells available to fit all probe types including IEC
and ANSI standards

Remote indicators • Digital and analog indicators available for remote display of
temperature measurement
• For use with 4-20 mA output option

Power supply • For use with remote indicators and remote electronic outputs
when 24 VDC is not available
• Universal power supply
• DIN rail mounting

Pass through capillary gland • For environmental isolation when capillary needs to pass
through an enclosure such as the control cabinet

Electronic output user upgrade kit • Add electronic output capability to units previously purchased
without output
• Upgrade possible through back access panel
• Boards capable of mA, Pt100, Cu10, and voltage outputs for
remote indication and integration with SCADA systems

Email [email protected]

OTI_WTI_6page.indd 4 12/18/08 2:33:33 PM

akm oti/wti remote mount thermometers


Materials Housing Die-cast aluminum, polyester powder coat finish

Capillary Copper or copper/nickel with stainless steel jacket

Lens UV stabilized polycarbonate (standard), glass optional

Mechanical Indication accuracy ±1.5% full-scale

Standard measurement range 0 to 150°C (32°F to 302°F)

Probe types Standard: 14mm diameter x 156mm length

Available: for wells per DIN 42554, ASA C57.12.00

Winding thermal image Internal winding simulation: TD50 (up to 2.2A CT max) or
TD76 (up to 2.65A CT max)
External winding simulation: (AKM 44678) up to 2A CT or
(AKM 44674) up to 1,2A CT max, matching unit (AKM 44677)
for up to 5A CT max

Mounting styles Stainless steel anti-vibration mount (standard), elastomeric

seismic mount optional

Cover Swing up cover design, fully detachable, with all captive hardware

Cable glands 3 x M25, 2 x M20

Electrical Number of switches 2 to 6 switches (independently specified types)

Switch types VAC, VDC, M.B.O. (magnetic blow out for high DC)

Switching differential (hysteresis) 10° to 14°C for most dial ranges, optional adjustable
differential from 5° to 25°C

Switching accuracy ± 3% full-scale

Optional remote outputs Current loops: 0 to 1 or 4 to 20mA

Voltage: 1-5V and other ranges

Resistive: Pt 100 or Cu 10 ohm

Environmental Enclosure IP55 (standard), IP65 optional

Dielectric isolation (hi pot) 2500 VAC at 50Hz, 60 seconds, all terminals to ground

Surge withstand capability IEEE C37.90.1 (TD111 output board only)

Ambient operating temperature -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F), polar execution available for
-60°C to 70°C (-76°F to 158°F)

Storage temperature -50°C to 80°C (-58°F to 176°F)

Humidity 95% non-condensing relative humidity @ 95°C (203°F)

Vibration 50Hz/60Hz @ 0.1mm inch displacement, 3-axes

Shock 10 G’s half-sine, in three orthogonal planes

Email [email protected]

OTI_WTI_6page.indd 5 12/18/08 2:33:34 PM

akm oti/wti remote mount thermometers

Standard mounting

Universal mounting Siesmic mounting

QUALITROL Field Services


To further improve reliability, QUALITROL provides comprehensive education and on-site commissioning services, main-
tenance contracts and technical support to all customers worldwide. Emergency response is available on all products
and services.


QUALITROL Company LLC manufactures substation and transformer monitoring and protection devices used by electric
utilities and manufacturing companies. It is the global leader in sales and installations of transformer asset protection
equipment, fault recorders and fault locators. Established in 1945, QUALITROL Company produces thousands of differ-
ent types of products on demand, each customized to customers’ unique requirements.
©2008 QUALITROL® Company LLC, an ISO 9001 system certified company. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice.
All trademarks are properties of their respective companies, as noted herein. AP-T02-03L-01E.

Email [email protected]

OTI_WTI_6page.indd 6 12/18/08 2:33:37 PM

DO NOT SCALE PRINT NO. 44712-2-CS100618



(4) n13
n102 B.C. 13.00


4 60°




12 22

MIN 11 21 MAX

14 24 NOTICE


Applicable where no tolerance is indicated. Flygfältsgatan 6C bstaudmyer 4/7/2009 SCALE SHEET
For machining: ISO 2768-1m. SE - 128 30 Skarpnäck CHECK
For threads: ISO 965 External threads 6g Internal threads 6H. Sweden DRAWING
Surface finish acc. to ISO 1302 Ra 6,3 Machined surfaces. NO.
Inspection acc. to IEC 410.
Qualitrol and Qualitrol AKM are ISO 9001 system certified APP'D 44712-2-CS100618
companies. Information subject to change without notice.
Betriebsstätte BURSCHEID Betriebsstätte HALTERN Ausgabe: Ol/12/O3

Griesberger Str. 43-45 Annabergstr.67

51399 Burscheid 45721 Haltern
Tef efax +49(0)21 74 630 | 5 Telefax +49(0)2364 93 85-50
Telefon +49(0)217 4 60447 Telefon +49(0)2364 9385-0

Trafo-Ventilator lTransformer-Fan: SK 470

o Zweip u n kt befestig u ng DOUBLE_FIXING

Dreipu n ktbefestig u n g TRIPLE-FIXING

| ,g,s

Unteres Schul


TechnischeDatengeltenffir220-2401380-415 Volt ( 60 Hz ), Gewicht: etwa13Kg

Volt ( 50 Hz),208-265/360-460
Technicaldataarefor 220-2401380-415 Volt ( 60 Hz )
Volt ( 50 Hz ),208-2651360-460
Luftmengefreiblasend+- l0 o/oToleranz
Quantityof air freeoutletblowing+- 10 7oTolerance
Schalldruckpegel Lpa : MeßentfernungI m seitlichim reflexionsarmenRaum
Toleranz 2 dB(A)
Soundpressure levelLpa : MeasuringdistanceI m sideways room
in anechoic
Tolerance+ 2 dB(A)
l l
Typ p F Drehzahl l Nennstrom
Drehzahl Leistungsaufnahme Luftmenge stat.Druck Lpa
fi'i.pe Speed
Speed Ratedcurrent Powerinput Air quaniity stat.pressure Lpa
HzI| [| l/minl
IlHz [A I Delta/Star IWattI I m3/s.] llPal ldB(A)l

I I l
470-4 50
sK 1343 2,0811,20 525 2,25 69,0
sK 470-4 60 1580 3,20/1,85 850 2,63 145 73,5

sK 470-6 50 ges
963 \2110,70 260 1,61 54 62r0
sK470-6 60 1118 l,4llo,82 330 1,87 72 65,5

470-8I 50
sK 720 i 1,18i0,68 155 1,25 30 53,0
sK 470-8 60 830 1,04/0,60 180 l,4l 4l 58,0

sK 470-lo 50 I szo o,4olo,23 78 0,98 18 47,0

sK 470-1060 630 I 0,35/0,20 87 l,o0 20 47,5

sK 470-1250 460 0,52/0,30 85 0,78 10 40,5

sK 470-1260 525 0,4710,27 90 0,89 15 44rs
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Technical Data TD 82/02
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 General .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Summary of the technical data ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Survey ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

2.1 Rated through-current (Iu), rated step voltage (Ui) and step capacity (PStN) ................................................................ 13
2.2 On-load tap-changer V III 250 Y/D and V III 400 Y/D .............................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Restriction of the rated step voltage Ui ........................................................................................................................................ 14
2.4 Contact life ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Rated withstand voltages of the internal insulation ................................................................................................................ 15

3 Appendix – dimension and installation drawings .............................................................................................................................. 17


These technical data are intended for the calculator and designer of the transformer. These type-specific data are only
valid in connection with the information contained in the general section (TD 61) since this section contains important
information on such subjects as potential connection, leakage inductance, current division, and so on.
Dimensional drawings and connection diagrams are subject to change without prior notice.
Drawings submitted during bidding and ordering are always binding.
Since the on-load tap-changer is delivered to the specifications of the transformer manufacturer, the transformer
manufacturer is responsible for selecting the correct properties of the on-load tap-changer so that the requirements
of the transformer are met.

TD 82/02 3
1 General

1 General

1.1 Summary of the technical data

On-load tap-changer V III 200 Y V III 200 D V III 350 Y V III 350 D V I 350

Number of poles and 3 3 3 3 1

application neutral point at any point on neutral point at any point on
the winding the winding
Max. rated through-current Ium 200 350
(in A)
Rated short-time withstand 4 5
current (in kA)
Rated short-circuit duration 3 3
(in s)
Rated peak withstand current
(in kA) 10 12,5
Max. rated step 10 contacts 1500 1500
voltage Uim 12 contacts 1200 to 1400 1200 to 1400
(in V) 14 contacts 1000 1000
Step capacity 10 contacts 300 525
(PStN) 12 contacts 280 420
(in kVA) 14 contacts 200 350
Rated frequency (in Hz) 50 to 60
Operating positions without change-over selector: max. of 14
with change-over selector: max. of 27
Rated insulation level
Highest voltage for 40 76 123 40 76 123/76 40 76 123 40 76 123/76 40 76
equipment Um (in kV)
Highest operating voltage 40 76 123 30 55 79 40 76 123 30 55 79 30 55
Ub (phase - phase) on
diverter switch (in kV)
Rated lightning impulse Um 40 Um 76 Um 123 Um 123/76
withstand voltage
(in kV, 1,2 I 50) 200 350 550 550
AC withstand voltage 70 140 230 230
(in kV, 50 Hz, 1 min.)
Rated withstand voltages of see table 4
internal insulation
Oil compartment Pressure-proof up to 0.3 bar, continuous difference pressure (test pressure 0.6 bar),
head and cover of the on-load tap-changer are vacuum-proof.
Oil suction pipe Installed as standard (for details, see BA 18)
Temperature range The on-load tap-changer OILTAP® V can be operated in the rated load range with
oil temperatures of -25 °C to +105 °C.

Table 1a

4 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
1 General

On-load tap-changer V III 200 Y V III 200 D V III 350 Y V III 350 D V I 350

Weight without oil (ca. in kg) 130 140 140 150 120

Displacement without change- 125 165 140 185 85

volume over selcctor
(ca. in dm3)
with change- 155 200 170 220 115
over selcctor

quantity VS
and minimum
volume ΔV1 of without change- 100 14 145 19 110 15 165 21 68 10
the diverter over selector
switch oil
(in dm3) with 125 16 165 20 135 18 180 22 85 12
over selector

Table 1b

Notes for table 1b:

Applies to oil temperature - = – 30 °C ... +100 °C

TD 82/02 5
1 General

1.2 Survey

Fig. 1 Survey of the designs (no. of poles, change-over selector, and installation lengths) 8996820E

6 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
1 General

Survey of the basic connection diagrams (fig. 2a, 2b, 2c) with designation of the tap selector terminal contacts in accordance
with MR standards. This contact designation corresponds to the specifications in the on-load tap-changer dimension

Fig. 2a

excerpt from 8906164E_1

TD 82/02 7
1 General

Fig. 2b

excerpt from 8906164E_2

8 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
1 General

Fig. 2c

excerpt from 8906164E_3

TD 82/02 9
1 General

Fig. 3 Example: On-load tap-changer V III 200 / 350 Y, basic connection diagram 10 10 0

10 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
1 General

Fig. 4 Example: On-load tap-changer V III 200 / 350 Y, basic connection diagram 10 19 1 W

TD 82/02 11
1 General

Fig. 5 Example: On-load tap-changer V III 200 / 350 Y, basic connection diagram 10 19 1 G

12 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
2 Technical Data

2 Technical Data

2.1 Rated through-current (Iu), rated step voltage (Ui) and step capacity ((PStN)

On-load tap-changer V III 200 Y/D V III 350 Y/D, V I 350

Contacts 10 12 14 10 12 14

Iu (A) 200 200 200 350 300 350 350

Ui (V) 1500 1400 1000 1500 1400 1200 1000

PStN (kVA) 300 280 200 525 420 420 350

Table 2 Rated through-currents (Iu), related rated step voltages (Ui) and step capacities (PStN), at
highest and lowest rated step voltage of the step capacity curve (see fig. 6)


Fig. 6 Step capacities (Iu, Ui)

2.2 On-load tap-changer V III 250 Y/D and V III 400 Y/D
On-load tap-changers V III 250 Y/D and V III 400 Y/D are available as special designs with a maximum rated
through-current of Ium = 250 A or 400 A. The step capacity corresponds to the designs V III 200 Y/D or
V III 350 Y/D.
Dimensional drawings on request.

TD 82/02 13
2 Technical Data

2.3 Restriction of the rated step voltage Ui 2.4 Contact life

Due to insulation, the rated step voltage is also limited by The mean expected contact life of the arcing tap-changer
the dielectric strength of the tap-changer, i.e. by limitation contacts can be estimated based on the relative load (= Iu/
of the total operating voltage across the contact circle. Ium) as shown in fig. 7. Since actual contact life in indivi-
The total voltage must not exceed the limit values.: dual cases depends on many influencing factors while in
service, only estimations can be given (not applicable to
10 contacts: Total Ui = 13 500 V,
constant current service).
12 contacts: Total Ui = 13 200 V,
The inspection regulations must be observed.
14 contacts: Total Ui = 13 000 V.
The rated step voltages Ui of these on-load tap-changers
depend on the basic connection diagrams as shown in
figures 2a, 2b and 2c and are valid under the condition
that the rated step voltage is constant within the entire
setting range.

Basic connection diagram Rated step voltage Ui (in V)

10 10 0 1 500 ∑ Ui = 13 500 V
10 09 1 W
10 19 1 W
10 09 1 G
10 19 3 W
10 19 1 G
10 19 3 G 1 500 Fig. 7
Expected mean contact life under average load
12 12 0 1 200 ∑ Ui = 13 200 V
12 11 1 W 1 400 n – Number of operations
12 23 1 W 1 200 Iu – Rated through-current
12 23 3 W 1 320 Ium – Max. rated through-current
12 23 1 G 1 200
12 11 1 G 1 400
12 23 3 G 1 320

14 14 0 1 000 ∑ Ui = 13 000 V
14 13 1 W
14 13 1 G
14 27 1 W
14 27 3 W
14 27 1 G
14 27 3 G 1 000

Table 3
Max. rated step voltage

14 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
2 Technical Data

2.5 Rated withstand voltages of the internal insulation

Fig. 8 shows the specific voltage stresses present on the tap winding. When selecting the on-load tap-changer, a check must
be made to determine whether the stress at the most unfavorable position on the on-load tap-changer does not exceed the
related rated withstand voltages as shown in table 4.

Insulation distances Voltage shape and V III 200 D V III 350 Y V I 350
period V III 350 D V III 200 Y

kV 1.2|50 μs 200 200 200

10 contacts
kV 50 Hz 1min 50 50 50
kV 1.2|50 μs 180 180 180
a, a1 12 contacts
kV 50 Hz 1min 50 50 50
kV 1.2|50 μs 170 170 170
14 contacts
kV 50 Hz 1min 50 50 50
b1 b2 b3
kV 1.2|50 μs 230 230 300 200
Um = 40 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 70 70 90 70
kV 1.2|50 μs 350 490 520 200
Um = 76 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 140 165 180 70
kV 1.2|50 μs 550 580 620
Um = 123 kV/76
kV 50 Hz 1min 150 165 180
kV 1.2|50 μs 200
Um = 123 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 70
c21 c22
kV 1.2|50 μs 350 350 350
Um = 40 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 140 140 140
kV 1.2|50 μs 490 520 350
Um = 76 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 165 180 140
kV 1.2|50 μs 580 620
Um = 123/76 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 165 180
kV 1.2|50 μs 350
Um = 123 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 140
f1 f2 f1 f2 f1 f2
kV 1.2|50 μs 200 300 200 300 200 300
Um = 40 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 70 90 70 90 70 90
kV 1.2|50 μs 350 490 350 490 350 490
Um = 76 kV
f kV 50 Hz 1min 140 165 140 165 140 165
kV 1.2|50 μs 550 580
Um = 123/76 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 230 230
kV 1.2|50 μs 550 550
Um = 123 kV
kV 50 Hz 1min 230 230

Table 4 Rated withstand voltages (in kV) of the insulation distances (rated lightning impulse withstand voltage,
AC withstand voltage) on the on-load tap-changer

TD 82/02 15
2 Technical Data

Without a1 = Between tap selector contacts of the winding of one tap position
change-over (connected or not connected)
selector a = Between beginning and end of a tapped winding and, with coarse
tap winding, between beginning and end of a coarse tap winding.
Note for coarse tapping arrangement in (-) - position of the change-
over selector:
When stressed with impulse voltage, the permissible withstand
voltage „a“ must be adhered to between the end of a coarse tap
winding connected with the K tap selector contact and the tap
selector contact at the end of the tapped winding of the same phase.
b = Between the tap selector contacts of different phases and between
change-over selector contacts of different phases, which are con-
nected with the beginning/end of a tapped winding or with a tap
selector contact.
(+) - position
With tap-changers for delta connection, the permissible voltages
between the contacts depend on the positions of the change-over
selector and the tap selector. This is why the various withstand
voltages b1, b2 or b3 must be adhered to for any insulation distance:
b1 = Between selected contacts of different phases
b2 = From the selected contact of one phase to the unselected
contacts of other phases
With b3 = Between unselected contacts of different phases
reversing f = To ground
switch The following applies to designs without change-over selector.
(–) - position f1 = Between selected tap selector contacts and ground
f2 = Between unselected tap selector contacts and ground
The following applies to designs with change-over selector.
f1 = Between selected change-over selector contacts and ground
f2 = Between unselected change-over contacts and ground
In addition, with coarse tapping arrangement in (+) - position of the
change-over selector:
c2 = Between (-) - change-over selector contacts of different phases and
of one (-) -change-over selector and one (+) - change-over contact of
With coarse another phase
tap selector Different permissible values apply to tap-changers for delta connections.
(+) - position c21 = Between one (-) - change-over selector contact and one
(+) - change-over selector contact of another phase
c22 = Between one (-) - change-over selector contact of
different phases

With coarse
tap selector
(–) - position


Fig. 8 Specific voltage stress of the tap winding

16 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
3 Appendix

3 Appendix

Dimension drawings, Um = 40 kV and 123 kV

On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 200 Y
Without change-over selector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 893949
With change-over selector ................................................................................................................................................................................. 893950
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 200 D
Without change-over selector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 893952
With change-over selector ................................................................................................................................................................................. 893951
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 350 Y
Without change-over selector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 898212
With change-over selector ................................................................................................................................................................................. 898213
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 350 D
Without change-over selector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 893955
With change-over selector ................................................................................................................................................................................. 893956
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V I 350
Without change-over selector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 893957
With change-over selector ................................................................................................................................................................................. 893958

Installation drawings
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 200 .............................................................................................................................................................. 893945
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 350 .............................................................................................................................................................. 893821
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 200, tie-in resistors attached on the side ...................................................................................... 898289
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 350, tie-in resistors attached on the side ...................................................................................... 898216
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 200 Y / V III 350 Y, tie-in resistors attached on the cylinder for 2, 3 or
4 tie-in resistors/phase ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 898530

Additional drawings
On-load tap-changer head ................................................................................................................................................................................ 893779
Special design for installation in bell-type tanks ....................................................................................................................................... 893864
On-load tap-changer head with mounting flange for pressure relief valve .................................................................................... 895167
Swivelling range of the gear unit, drive shaft left .................................................................................................................................... 894679
Swivelling range of the gear unit, drive shaft right .................................................................................................................................. 894680
Horizontal drive shaft (standard and special design) ................................................................................................................................ 893772
Directory of additional drawings for on-load tap-changer OILTAP® V in acc. w. note in
the dimension drawings ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 898018

TD 82/02 17
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 200 Y - 40 to 123 - 0, dimension drawing

18 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 200 Y - 40 to 123 - W/G, dimension drawing

TD 82/02 19
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 200 D - 40 to 123/76 - 0, dimension drawing

20 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 200 D - 40 to 123/76 - W/G, dimension drawing

TD 82/02 21
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 350 Y - 40 to 123 - 0, dimension drawing

22 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 350 Y - 40 to 123 - W/G, dimension drawing

TD 82/02 23
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 350 D - 40 to 123/76 - 0, dimension drawing

24 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V III 350 D - 40 to 123/76 - W/G, dimension drawing

TD 82/02 25
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V I 350 - 40 to 76 - 0, dimension drawing

26 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
V I 350 - 40 to 76 - W/G, dimension drawing

TD 82/02 27
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Installation drawing

28 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 350
Installation drawing

TD 82/02 29
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 200 Y/D
Tie-in resistors, attached on the side

30 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 350 Y/D
Tie-in resistors, attached on the side

TD 82/02 31
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V III 200 Y / V III 350 Y
Tie-in resistors, attached on the cylinder for 2, 3 or
4 tie-in resistors/phase

32 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
On-load tap-changer head

TD 82/02 33
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Special design for bell-type tank installation

Lifting device

O-ring 44.2 - 5.7

Lifting traverse (illustrated in turned position)

cover Washer 8


Supporting flange

Lifting traverse

Z - Centering bolt
Further dimensions of tap changer
head see dwg. 893 779
Lifting traverse see dwg. 893 805

34 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Mounting flange for pressure relief valve

TD 82/02 35
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Design with flange for pressure relief valve
Swivelling range of the gear unit, drive shaft left

36 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Design with flange for pressure relief valve
Swivelling range of the gear unit, drive shaft right

TD 82/02 37
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
Horizontal drive shaft (standard and special design)

38 TD 82/02 082/02/01/0
On-load tap-changer OILTAP® V
8980183E Directory of the additional drawings in acc. w. note in
dimension drawings

Installation drawing for

on-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 200........................................... 893945

Installation drawing for

on-load tap-changer OILTAP® V 350........................................... 893821

On-load tap-changer head ........................................................... 893779

On-load tap-changer head,

bell-type tank..................................................................................... 893864

Horizontal drive shaft ...................................................................... 893772

TD 82/02 39
© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Phone +49 941 40 90-0
www.reinhausen.com Falkensteinstrasse 8 Fax +49 941 40 90-111
93059 Regensburg, Germany E-Mail [email protected]

Please note: The data in our publications may differ from the data of the devices delivered.
We reserve the right to make changes without notice.
TD 82/02 en • 1206/1000 • 082/02/01/0 • F0017801 • Printed in Germany
On-Load Tap-Changer Type V
Operating Instructions BA 081/04


1 General
1.1 Safety instructions 5
1.2 Specified application 5

2 Design 6

3 Shipment 6

4 Installation of the tap changer for cover mounting

4.1 Mounting flange 8
4.2 Attachment of the tap changer head to the transformer cover 8

5 Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank

5.1 Installation of the on-load tap changer into the supporting structure 9
5.2 Preparations 9
5.3 Removal of the tap changer cover 10
5.4 Removal of the gear mechanism 11
5.5 Separating the tap changer head from the tap changer 12
5.6 Setting up the bell-type transformer cover 12
5.7 Reinstallation of the gear mechanism and attachment of the tap changer cover 13

6 Connection of tap winding and tap changer take-off leads 13

7 Transformer ratio test 15

8 Drying procedure and filling with oil

8.1 Drying procedure 15
8.1.1 Vacuum-drying 15 Drying in the vacuum autoclave 15 Drying in the transformer tank 15
8.1.2 Vapor-phase drying process 16 Vapor-phase drying in the vacuum autoclave 16 Vapor-phase drying in the transformer tank 16
8.1.3 Operating the tap changer 16
8.2 Filling with oil 16


Data contained herein may differ in details from the tap changing equipment delivered.
We reserve the right to make alterations without notice.

081/04/01/0 3

9 Pipe connections
9.1 Pipe connection R for protective relay RS 2001 17
9.2 Pipe connection S for suction pipe 17
9.3 Pipe connection Q 17
9.4 Connection flange E2 17

10 Mounting the motor drive unit, the bevel gear and the drive shaft
10.1 Mounting the motor drive unit 18
10.2 Mounting the bevel gear 18
10.3 Mounting the drive shaft (square tube) 18

11 Putting the tap changer into service at the transformer manufacturer

11.1 Operational test 20
11.2 Final oil filling 21
11.3 Ground connections 21
11.4 Electrical transformer tests 21

12 Transport to the operating site 21

13 Putting into service at the operating site 22

14 Supervision during service, failures 22

15 Inspections 23

16 Appendix 24


1 General
1.1 Safety instructions 1.2 Specified application

All personnel involved in installation, commissioning,

operation, maintenance or repair of the equipment
- be suitably qualified and
- strictly observe these Operating Instructions. Only use the on-load tap changer with the transfor-
mer specified in the order. Installation, electrical
Improper operation or misuse can lead to connection and commissioning of the on-load tap
changer may only be carried out by qualified, skilled
- a reduction in the efficiency of the equipment
personnel and only in accordance with these operat-
- damage to the equipment and property of the
ing instructions.
- serious or fatal injury. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that
the tap changer is used for the specified application
Safety instructions in this manual are presented in three only.
different forms to emphasize important information. For safety reasons, any unauthorized work, i.e. in-
stallation, modification, alteration of the tap changer
equipment, electrical connection or commissioning of
the equipment is forbidden without first consulting MR!
The trouble-free operation of the drive, the on-load
tap changer and the transformer may be put at risk.
This information indicates particular danger to life and
health. Disregarding such a warning can lead to
serious or fatal injury.


CAUTION All relevant fire protection regulations must be strictly

This information indicates particular danger to the
equipment or other property of the user. Serious or
fatal injury cannot be excluded.


These notes give important information on a certain


081/04/01/0 5
2 Design
3 Shipment

2 Design 3 Shipment

The tap changer is constructed as a selector switch of Tap changer and motor drive are shipped in the
tubular design. It combines the functions of a diverter adjustment position.
switch and of a tap selector. The switching oil is sepa-
The tap changer equipment is shipped as follows
rated from the transformer oil by means of the cylindri-
(insulating parts are protected against moisture):
cal pressure-proof oil compartment. The tap changer is
attached to the transformer cover by means of the tap Tap changer type V:
changer head. fig. 1 (type V 200, max. weight approx. 140 kg),
If required, the tap changer is equipped with a change- fig. 2 (type V 350, max. weight approx. 150 kg),
over selector. The design and the designation of the fig. 3 (type V 500, max. weight approx. 200 kg),
most important parts of the tap changer can be under-
stood from the installation drawings (see section 16,
drawings 893 945, 893 821 and 894 566).
Tap changer models V 200 and V 350 without change-
over selector are available up to a maximum of 14 and
with change-over selector up to a maximum of 27
operating positions.
The tap changer model V 500 is available for up to 12
or 23 operating positions, respectively.
These Operating Instructions apply to all tap changer
variants specified below (with or without change-over
Three-phase tap changers:
V III 200 Y, V III 350 Y, V III 500 Y
V III 200 D, V III 350 D, V III 500 D
Tap changers in special design:
V III 250 Y, V III 250 D, V III 400 Y, V III 400 D
Single-phase tap changers:
V I 200, V I 350, V I 700
All single-phase tap changers are also available as a tap
changer group 3 x V I ... with a common motor drive.

- +

- + 0
- +

0 1V
8 6 0 8 7 6
11 10 9 8


8 7 6 11 10 9 8
8 7 6


11 10 9 8
8 7 6

WA 8 7 6

1 KHW 894-4 2 KHW 895-4 3 KHW 896-4


Motor drive unit MA 9 (approx. 60 kg) or

Motor drive unit MA 7 (approx. 90 kg),
Motor drive unit ED 100/200 S (approx. 80 kg), or
Motor drive unit ED 100/200 L (approx. 130 kg), fig 4.
Drive shafts with coupling parts and bevel gear
(max. weight approx. 20 kg), fig. 5.
Protective relay RS 2001 (3,5 kg), fig. 6.
The shipment is to be fully checked against consign-
ment documents. The parts must be stored in a dry
place until assembly.
All tap changer parts must be left wrapped in their
airtight protective cover and are to be removed only
shortly before installation.

4 KHW 915-4

In general, drive shaft parts, bevel gear and protective

relay are packed with the tap changer.


5 KHW 766-4


6 KHW 848-4

081/04/01/0 7
Installation of the tap changer for cover mounting

4 Installation of the tap changer for

cover mounting (fig. 7)
4.1 Mounting flange

A mounting flange is necessary in order to mount the

tap changer head to the transformer cover. This
mounting flange is to be constructed in accordance
with the sealing surface of the tap changer head (see
fig. 8 and section 16, drawing 893 945, 893 821 and
894 566).
To position the studs (M12, max. length = 45 mm) we
recommend the use of a drilling template (see fig. 9
and section 16, dwg. 893 787). If requested, the
drilling template will be supplied with the first installa-
tion of a tap changer type V free of charge.

4.2 Attachment of the tap changer head

to the transformer cover
The tap changer is lowered through the cover aperture 7 int012
(= mounting flange) of the transformer and bolted by
the tap changer head to the mounting flange.
Proceed as follows: Flat surface

1. Place the tap changer on a level surface.

2. Clean the sealing surfaces of the mounting flange
and the tap changer head.
3. Put an oil-resistant gasket on the mounting flange.
4. Lift the tap changer by hooking up the tap changer
head and carefully lower it into the opening of the
mounting flange.
5. Make sure not to damage the terminals.
6. Check installed position of the tap changer.
7. Fix the tap changer head to the mounting flange.

8 int013

9 int014

Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank

5 Installation of the tap changer into a

bell-type tank

To install the on-load tap changer into a transformer

with a bell-type tank the tap changer has to be mounted CAUTION
onto a supporting structure.
Therefore the on-load tap changer is equipped with a
supporting flange at the oil compartment (= special The connected leads must not exert any force on
design, see dwg. 893 864 in section 16). the tap changer. Moreover, there must be sufficient
clearance, so that it is possible to raise the tap
First of all, lift the tap changer into the supporting changer to its final installation position after the bell-
structure and connect it to the tap winding. For this type tank has been mounted.
purpose the tap changer has to be attached to the
supporting structure in such a way that it cannot be
displaced. Drying procedure and transformer ratio test are to be
performed in accordance with sections 7 and 8.
The supporting flange is provided with bores, so that it
can, without further measures, be provisionally secured
to the supporting structure. It is advantageous to put
spacer blocks temporarily between supporting structure 5.2 Preparations
and supporting flange and to remove them before
Before setting up the bell-type tank, the tap changer
setting up the bell-type cover.
head must be separated from the tap changer.
After mounting the bell-type cover raise the on-load tap
For the removal of the tap changer head the gear
changer by means of the lifting traverse (see drawing
mechanism has to be removed. Make sure that the tap
893 805 in section 16) and attach both tap changer and
changer is in its adjustment position. This position is
tap changer head to the bell-type cover.
indicated in the connection diagram which is supplied
To attach the tap changer head to the bell-type cover with the tap changer.
we recommend the use of a mounting flange as de-
scribed in section 4.1.

5.1 Installation of the on-load tap changer

into the supporting structure
Lift the tap changer into the supporting structure.
Make sure that the tap changer is in its proper mounting
position and fasten it there safely.


In the supporting structure the tap changer must be

suspended in an exactly vertical position.
The tap changer must be mounted so that it need not
be lifted by more than 5 to 20 mm to reach its final
position after the bell-type cover has been set up.

Due to the provisionally installed spacer blocks between

supporting structure and supporting flange, the tap
changer is in its envisaged final position after the bell-
type cover is set up. By this measure the leads to be
connected to the tap changer can be correctly dimen-
sioned in length.
To connect the tap winding and the tap changer take-off
terminal follow the instructions according to section 6.

081/04/01/0 9
Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank

5.3 Removal of the tap changer cover

(fig. 10)

• Unscrew the 20 cover screws M10 x 35 / wrench

size 17, with 20 lock washers.
• Take off the tap changer cover.
Take care of the cover gasket (fig. 11).

10 int015

11 int016

Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank

5.4 Removal of the gear mechanism

The gear plate is attached to the tap changer head by

5 screws M8 (fig. 12). Note the positions of the gear
Disconnect the suction pipe and the spring energy
• Unscrew the suction pipe elbow R 3/4" (wrench
size 27 and 39) and take care of the gasket.
• Push the corresponding plug into the tap changer
• Withdraw the fixing bolts for spring energy accumu-
lator by means of a screw M5 x 20.
Removal of the gear mechanism:
• Loosen 5 screws M8 x 20, wrench size 13 (fig. 13).
Take care of lock washers.
13 int018
• Remove the gear mechanism in upward direction
(fig. 14).
• Take note of the position of the centering support
for later reinstallation (fig. 15).
Keep all removed parts for reinstallation.

14 int019

12 int017 15 int020

081/04/01/0 11
Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank

5.5 Separating the tap changer head from

the tap changer

Loosen the fixing screws on the tap changer head

(9 six-spline socket screws M8 x 25/w.s. T40, lock
washers, fig. 16). Keep the loose parts for reinstallation.


Under all circumstances avoid dropping any parts into

the tap changer oil compartment. Otherwise there is
the risk that the tap changer will block and both tap
changer and transformer will be damaged.
Therefore, make sure that the number of small parts
is complete when disassembling and reinstalling.
Count them to be sure.

Lift off the tap changer head from the supporting flange.
Take care of the round rubber gasket of the supporting 16 int021

flange (fig. 17).

5.6 Setting up the bell-type transformer

1. Before setting up the bell-type transformer cover
clean the sealing surface of the supporting flange.
Withdraw the spacer blocks (see section 5.1).
2. Lift the bell-type cover over the transformer active
part and set up the bell-type cover.
3. Before mounting the tap changer head, clean the
sealing surfaces (bottom surface of the tap changer
head, mounting flange). Put an oil-resistant gasket
on the mounting flange.
Depending on the final height adjustment leave a
clearance of 5 to 15 mm between tap changer head
17 int022
and supporting flange. Check the installation position
of the tap changer head with the help of the two
adjusting bolts (fig. 17) which ensure assembly in
the correct position in the supporting flange of the oil
compartment. Fasten the tap changer head to the
mounting flange.


It is absolutely necessary to use the lifting traverse

for the installation.
Otherwise damage may occur.

Place the lifting traverse (must be used) on the tap

changer head and screw the 4 bolts M8/w.s. 13 into
the supporting flange (fig. 18).
18 int023

Installation of the tap changer into a bell-type tank 5
Connection of tap winding and tap changer take-off leads 6

6 Connection of tap winding and tap

changer take-off leads

4. Lift the tap changer slightly by means of the lifting The connection of the tap winding and the tap changer
traverse (see section 16, drawings 893 864 and take-off leads has to be carried out according to the
893 805) so that the oil compartment screws connection diagram supplied with the particular tap
(9 six-spline socket screws M8, wrench size T40, changer equipment.
to be secured by lock washers) can be screwed in.
Tighten the screws uniformly with a maximum
torque of 14 Nm (fig. 19). CAUTION

All connections to the tap changer must be carried out

5.7 Reinstallation of the gear mechanism carefully and secured. The connecting leads must be
and attachment of the tap changer assembled in such a way as to allow all leads to be
cover connected to the tap changer without tension.

Reinstallation of the gear mechanism is carried out in If leads are crossing the surface of the oil compartment
the reverse order of its removal. leave a clearance of at least 50 mm between the leads
Set the gear mechanism in the adjustment position and the surface of the oil compartment.
(see section 5.4, fig. 12), as installation and coupling The tap changer terminals are designated according to
can be done only in this position. the connection diagram. They are provided with bores
Attachment of the tap changer cover: for the connection of cable shoes to one side of the
terminals as follows:
Check the gasket before closing the cover. Use 20
screws M10 x 35/wrench size 17 with lock washers at the change-over selector (fig. 20):
and fasten them uniformly (max. torque 35 Nm). 11 mm dia. for M10 screws.


Check the adjustment position.

- +

19 int024 20 KHW 897a-4

081/04/01/0 13
Connection of tap winding and tap changer take-off leads

at the selector switch V 200 (fig. 21):

9 mm dia. for M8 screws.
at selector switches V 350 (fig. 22) or V 500 (fig. 23) o
11 mm dia. for M10 screws.
at selector switches V 200, V 350 and V 500,
for tap changer current take-off lead or neutral point,
11 mm dia. for M10 screws
Neutral connection for tap changers type V III 200 Y,
V III 350 Y and V III 500 Y (see fig. 24).
This lead forms the neutral point of the tap changer and 7 6
8 5
must not be removed. The neutral point terminal is to be
connected at this location.

23 KHW 897d-4

8 7 6
8 6 5

8 7 6

8 7 6 5
KHW 897b-4

9 7 6

7 6
9 7 6

22 KHW 897c-4 24 KHW 897e-4

Transformer ratio test 7
Drying procedure and filling with oil 8

7 Transformer ratio test

We recommend to carry out ratio-testing before drying

of the transformer.
To operate the drive shaft in the tap changer head a
short tube of 25 mm nominal width with a screwed-in
coupling bolt of 12 mm dia. together with a hand wheel
or a hand crank may be used.
In case of motor drive MA 9 one drive shaft revolution is
required for one tap change operation, in case of motor
drive MA 7 33 drive shaft revolutions and in case of

motor drive ED 16.5 drive shaft revolutions are required.

The selector switch action can be heard distinctly.
When operating the change-over selector (adjustment
position ±1 step), which can be noticed as it takes more 25 KHW 764-4
effort, the commenced tap change operation must
always be completed without changing the rotation Vacuum-drying:
sense. with a temperature of 110 °C max. applied to the tap
Keep the number of tap change operations without oil to changer and the same drying time as for the trans-
a minimum. former.
The end positions which can be inferred from the
connection diagram supplied with the tap changer Drying in the transformer tank
equipment (position designation) must never be over-
run. It is therefore necessary to check the attained NOTE
operating position through the inspection window in the
tap changer head (fig. 25).
If the transformer is to be dried in its own tank, the in-
After the transformer ratio test the tap changer has to terior of the tap changer must be connected to
be set back to the adjustment position (see connection vacuum by a connecting pipe, as the tap changer
diagram delivered with the equipment). cover remains closed during the entire drying process.

The tap changer cover is vacuum-proof.

8 Drying procedure and filling with oil To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the oil
compartment and the incorporated tap changer insert, a
8.1 Drying procedure short by-pass tube of 25 mm nominal width must be
As a precondition of MR’s guarantee of the dielectric connected between the transformer tank and a connect-
properties of the tap changer, a minimum drying treat- ing flange at the tap changer head that leads directly
ment must be carried out according to the following into the oil compartment.
instructions (either 8.1.1 or 8.1.2): Connect this by-pass tube either between flanges E2
and Q or flanges E2 and R at the tap changer head (for
8.1.1 Vacuum-drying
position of connecting flanges see fig. 26 and section 9). Drying in the vacuum autoclave Procedure, temperature, pressure and duration of the
drying process are described in section


When drying the transformer in the autoclave remove

the tap changer cover and store it outside the vacuum

Heating up:
the tap changer in air of atmospheric pressure with a
temperature rise of approx. 20 °C/hour to a final tem-
perature of at most 110 °C.
Preparatory drying:
in circulating air at 110 °C max. applied to the tap
changer for a duration of 10 hours. 26 int025

081/04/01/0 15
Drying procedure and filling with oil

8.1.2 Vapor-phase drying process Vapor-phase drying in the transformer
Before starting the drying procedure, the kerosene drain For vapor-phase drying in the transformer tank the tap
plug in the oil compartment bottom must be opened to changer insert has to be withdrawn to enable opening of
drain the condensate from the oil compartment. the kerosene drain plug from inside. Please contact us
The kerosene drain plug has a hexagon socket (w.s. 24) for further instructions on removal and reinstallation.
and can be unscrewed from outside (fig. 27) or inside.
The kerosene drain plug is loss-proof and must be
closed again after the drying procedure (max. torque 8.1.3 Operating the tap changer
39 Nm).


Do not operate the tap changer after drying without

oil wetting, otherwise bearings and gaskets will be

The tap changer must not be operated before the oil

compartment has been filled with oil.

8.2 Filling with oil

Close the tap changer head by lowering the cover.
27 int026
Tighten all 20 cover bolts M10 equally (wrench size 17,
max. torque 34 Nm). Vapor-phase drying in the vacuum
Tap changer and transformer are simultaneously filled
autoclave with new oil under vacuum. When filling the tap changer
with oil, pipe connection S or R on the tap changer head
NOTE is to be used. To apply vacuum to the tap changer a by-
pass tube between connections E2 and Q is to be
installed in order to evacuate both transformer and oil
When drying the transformer in the autoclave remove compartment simultaneously.
the tap changer cover and store it outside the vacuum

Heating up:
by admitting the kerosene vapor at a temperature of
about 90 °C. Keep this temperature constant for about
3 to 4 hours. The tap changer oil compartment and the associated
oil conservator must be filled only with new mineral
insulating oil for transformers according to IEC 296.
by increasing the kerosene vapor temperature by about
The use of other oil puts at risk the trouble-free
10 °C per hour to the desired final temperature, but at
operation of tap changer and transformer.
most to 125 °C applied to the tap changer.
The duration of the drying procedure is normally the
same as that of the transformer.
Make sure that the kerosene drain plug has been
closed after the drying process.


The kerosene drain plug must be closed safely after

the drying process to ensure that no oil from the tap
changer oil compartment can flow into the transformer

Pipe connections

9 Pipe connections

The tap changer head is provided with 3 pipe connec-

tions for different purposes. After loosening the thrust
collar (4 bolts M10/w.s.17) these pipe connections can
be freely swivelled (see fig. 28 and section 16, drawing
893 779).

9.1 Pipe connection R for protective relay

RS 2001
The mounting of the protective relay RS 2001 (see
section 16, dimension drawing 892 608) is pursuant to
our Operating Instructions No. 59.

28 int027
The stamped-on serial number must be the same as
that of the tap changer.
The relay must be mounted as near to the tap
changer head as possible and in horizontal position.
The directional arrow on the relay must point towards
the oil conservator in the mounted state.
The pipe extending to the oil conservator must have
an inclination of at least 2%.

9.2 Pipe connection S for suction pipe

This is the connection for the feeding pipe of a station-
ary oil filter unit. If no filter is used, a pipe must be
connected which ends with a drain cock at the side of
the transformer tank at operating height.

9.3 Pipe connection Q

(special design, required only with oil
filter unit)
This pipe connection serves as the connection of the oil
return pipe of a stationary oil filter unit. If no oil filter is
connected, a dummy plug is mounted instead of the
pipe connection.

9.4 Connection flange E2

This connection is closed by a dummy plug. It leads into
the oil chamber of the transformer tank directly beneath
the tap changer head and can, in case of need, be
connected to an accumulating tube for the Buchholz

081/04/01/0 17
Mounting the motor drive unit, the bevel gear and the drive shaft

10 Mounting the motor drive unit,

the bevel gear and the drive shaft
10.1 Mounting the motor drive unit (see sec- 10.3 Mounting the drive shaft (square tube)
tion 16, dwgs. 895 660, 893 381, 898 420 resp.)
You may find comprehensive mounting instructions in The drive shaft must be mounted according to our
our Operating Instructions No. 40 for motor drive unit Operating Instructions No. 42. The drive shaft is the
MA 7 or No. 80 for motor drive unit MA 9 and No. 138 mechanical connection between the motor drive and the
for motor drive unit ED. tap changer head. The diverting from the vertical to the
horizontal direction takes place through the bevel gear.
Accordingly, when mounting, the vertical drive shaft is
to be mounted between motor drive unit and bevel gear,
NOTE whereas the horizontal drive shaft is to be mounted
between bevel gear and tap changer head.
The serial number of motor drive unit and tap changer The drive shaft itself consists of a square tube and is to
must be identical (rating plate). be connected at both ends to the respective implement
Motor drive unit and tap changer must be in the same by two coupling brackets and one coupling bolt.
operating position. The adjustment position is indi-
cated in the tap changer connection diagram supplied
with the equipment.
The motor drive unit must be mounted at the pro- NOTE
vided place on the transformer tank in a vertical
position and protected against excessive transformer When mounting the drive shaft make sure that the
vibrations. shaft ends to be connected are aligned exactly.

Square tubes, coupling brackets, coupling bolts, screws,

nuts and lock tabs are corrosion-resistant. We recom-
mend, however, to apply the same outside coating to
these parts as to the transformer tank.
The square tubes and the guard plate, which serves as
10.2 Mounting the bevel gear
foot step protection for the horizontal drive shaft at the
The bevel gear is to be attached to a support on the transformer cover, are supplied in oversize (various
transformer cover with 2 bolts (through-bores of standard lengths). These parts must be cut to the
18 mm dia., see section 16, dwg. 892 916). required size before mounting.


The stamped-on serial number of bevel gear and tap

changer must be identical.
The horizontal drive shaft must be in proper alignment
with the shaft end of the tap changer head.
After loosening the thrust collar (6 screws M8/
w.s.13) the upper gear unit can be freely swivelled
(fig. 29). When having adjusted the upper gear unit,
tighten the thrust collar (max. torque 15 Nm).
The bolts are to be secured.
In case of bevel gears and diverting gears in special
design and intermediate bearings of the vertical or
horizontal drive shaft, the above instructions apply
analogously. 29 int028

Mounting the motor drive unit, the bevel gear and the drive shaft

Before coupling of the upper gear unit of the tap

changer head, adjust the correct adjustment position
(inclusive idling) as follows:
a) in case of motor drive unit MA 9
(1 revolution per tap change operation):
Turn the drive shaft of the upper gear unit manually in
both directions until you feel that the spring energy
accumulator winds up (fig. 30, 31).
The centre of the rotation angle (approx. 180°) is the
exact adjustment position (fig. 32). Couple the drive
shaft in this position. When producing the coupling, the
square tube and the upper gear unit should be aligned
with the smallest possible rotation angle (max. 45°).

b) In case of motor drive unit MA 7 respectively ED

(33 revolutions per tap change operation respectively 30 int029
16.5 revolutions per tap change operation)
Loosen the screws of the tap changer cover
(20 screws M10/w.s. 17, lock washers) and lift the tap
changer cover by at least 15 mm until the gear unit
disengages. Support the tap changer cover in this
position by suitable pieces of wood or the like.
Turn the upper gear unit in the desired direction, so that
the drive shaft can be properly coupled.
Check the position of the driven shaft on the output side
of the gear unit below the tap changer cover and turn
the drive shaft manually until the driven shaft engages
into the coupling of the gear unit.
Remove the wooden supports and fasten the tap
changer cover again by 20 screws M10/w.s. 17,
max. torque 34 Nm and secure with spring washers.
Finally, checking the symmetrical coupling of the motor
drive to the selector switch according to Operating 31 int030

Instructions No. 40 for MA 7 or No. 80 for MA 9 and

No. 138 for ED.

32 int031

081/04/01/0 19
Putting the tap changer into service at the transformer manufacturer

11 Putting the tap changer into service

at the transformer manufacturer
11.1 Operational test

Before applying voltage to the transformer some test

operations must be carried out to check the mechanical
functions of tap changer and motor drive.
For these test operations the tap changer has to be run
through the entire operating cycle.
Make sure that in each operating position the indica-
tions of motor drive and tap changer (inspection window
in the tap changer head) read the same position.


A coupling fault between tap changer and motor drive

unit exists, if tap changer and motor drive unit show
different operating positions.
Misalignment of coupling between tap changer and 33 int032
motor drive unit leads to severe damage of tap
changer and transformer, if operation is continued.
The transformer must not be put into service.

Check, in both end positions, the automatic switching

off and the function of the electrical and mechanical end
position limitation (see Operating Instructions No. 40 for
motor drive unit MA 7 or No. 80 for motor drive unit
MA 9 and No. 138 for motor drive unit ED).

34 int033

35 int034

Putting the tap changer into service at the transformer manufacturer 11
Transport to the operating site 12

12 Transport to the operating site

11.2 Final oil filling

Fill up the tap changer completely with transformer oil If the motor drive unit is to be demounted for transport
via the oil conservator and bleed as follows: of the transformer to the installation site, move the
motor drive into the adjustment position and then
• The tap changer head via the bleeder valce in the
tap changer cover (E1):
Open the screw cap M30/w.s. 36 (fig. 33),
lift the valve tappet by means of a screwdriver.
• The suction pipe (S) via the bleeder screw at the
connecting elbow: cap nut M16/w.s. 22, max.
Do not operate the motor drive while the tap changer
torque 9 Nm, slotted bleeder screw M6 (max.
is uncoupled.
torque 2 Nm, fig. 34).

To remount the motor drive unit follow the instructions

CAUTION according to sections 10.1 and 10.3.

Make sure that the suction pipe has been bled com-
pletely. The insulation capability of the tap changer to NOTE
ground is otherwise significally impaired.
If the transformer is filled with oil but stored or trans-
ported without oil conservator, a by-pass tube must
11.3 Ground connections be installed between the interior of the tap changer oil
compartment and the transformer tank to equalize the
Connect the ground screws of the tap changer head pressure caused by the expansion of the oil.
(2 screws M12 mit nuts, w.s. 19, max torque 60 Nm,
fig. 35) to the transformer cover.
Connect the ground screw M12/w.s. 19, max. torque
60 Nm, of the motor drive protective housing to the Install this by-pass tube at the tap changer between
transformer tank. pipe connections E2 and Q of the tap changer head.
For short stand-by periods of 2 to 4 weeks without oil
conservator, it is also sufficient to lower the oil level by
11.4 Electrical transformer tests approx. 5 litres.
After the afore-mentioned steps the electrical tests If the transformer is to be completely emptied, drain
necessary for acceptance of the transformer can now also the switching oil of the tap changer completely.
be performed.
The interior of the tap changer oil compartment should
be conserved and protected in the same way as the
transformer (e.g. by filling with nitrogen).
If a longer stand-by period is expected, the heater of the
motor drive unit must be connected and put into

081/04/01/0 21
13 Putting into service at the operating site
14 Supervision during service, failures

13 Putting into service at the operating 14 Supervision during service, failures


Before putting the transformer into service operational Supervision of tap changer and motor drive unit is
tests of tap changer and motor drive have to be per- limited to occasional visual checks of tap changer head,
formed according to section 11.1. At the same time protective relay and motor drive.
check the function of the protective relay.
Pay special attention to:
• oil tightness at the sealing locations of the tap
NOTE changer head, the protective relay and the pipe
The protective relay has to be inserted into the • sealings at the protective housing of the motor drive,
tripping circuit of the circuit breakers so that on • proper function of the incorporated electrical heater
response of the protective relay the transformer is inside the motor drive housing,
immediately switched off (see Operating Instructions
• the condition of the control devices in the motor drive
No. 59 for protective relay RS 2001).

Make sure that the circuit breakers switching off the WARNING
transformer operate when test button »OFF« of the
protective relay is pressed. Be sure that they energize After a response of the protective relay, do not reset
the transformer only after test button »IN SERVICE« of until the tap changer and the transformer have been
the protective relay has been pressed. checked. For this purpose withdraw the tap changer
insert and check it according to our Inspection
Instructions. Proceed in detail according to Operating
CAUTION Instructions No. 59 for the protective relay RS 2001.
Before returning to operation, make sure that the
cause of the trouble has been corrected and that tap
Check that all stop valves between oil conservator
changer and transfromer are free of damage.
and tap changer are open.
Reconnection of the transformer without prior check-
ing is prohibited and can lead to severe damage of
tap changer and transformer.
When having energized the transformer, tap change
operations under load can be performed. The then In case of major faults with tap changer or motor drive
arising switching gas accumulating under the cover of which cannot be easily overcome on the spot and in
the tap changer head will cause minor oil displacement case of a response of the protective relay, please con-
or escape via the oil conservator. tact the authorized MR representative, the transformer
manufacturer or directly
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH
Technical Service
Postfach 12 03 60
D-93025 Regensburg
Phone: +49-941-4090-0
Telefax: +49-941-4090-501
Telex: 6 5 881


15 Inspections

When the tap changer V III 200 D, V III 350 D and

NOTE V III 500 D is in operation in countries with a tropical or
subtropical climate where the relative humidity is ex-
tremely high and the temperature in the oil conservator
The tap changing equipment must be inspected at
usually falls below the dew point every day, the use of
regular intervals to maintain a high level of operating
an oil filter unit with a combined filter insert is recom-
mended to maintain the dielectric properties of the
switching oil.
The inspection can be carried out by qualified and If, under such circumstances, the highest operating vol-
MR-trained personnel usually within one day, tage between the phases of the tap changer is > 55 kV,
provided it is well prepared and organized. the use of an MR oil filter unit with combined filter is
We strongly recommend to have the inspections always required (see Operating Instructions No. 18).
carried out by our Technical Service. This guarantees Filtering of the switching oil allows the inspection
a professional performance of the inspection and intervals to be extended.
ensures the updating of specific components to the
The insulating oils in the transformer are to be moni-
latest operational state.
tored by the operator according to the appropriate
If the inspection is not to be carried out by MR person- directions.
nel, we recommend that you ask for a quotation of the
spare parts required for the inspection (please quote If inspections are not carried out by MR personnel, we
the tap changer serial number and the number of request a report to supplement our inspection data.
switching operations).
The numbers of tap change operations determining
the inspection intervals indicated in table II are figures
based on experience with use of usual oil qualities. CAUTION
After reaching 800 000 operations the OLTC insert
and the complete gear must be replaced. Disregard of the inspection intervals puts at risk the
If the number of tap change operations per year ex- trouble-free operation of the tap changer and
ceeds 15,000 we recommend the use of our stationary transformer.
oil filter unit type 51 (see Operating Instructions No. 18).

The following standard values for oil testing according to CIGRE report 12-13 (1982) apply to transformer oil at
service temperature:

On-load tap changer Water content*) Dielectric strength**)

V III 200 Y, V III 350 Y, V III 500 Y < 40 ppm > 30 kV/2.5 mm

V III 200 D, V III 350 D, V III 500 D < 30 ppm > 40 kV/2.5 mm

V I 200, V I 350, V I 700 < 30 ppm > 40 kV/2.5 mm

*) measured according to Karl-Fischer method based on IEC-Publication 814

**) measured according to DIN VDE 0370 Teil 1

Table I Guide values for monitoring the tap changer oil

081/04/01/0 23
15 Inspections
16 Appendix

On-load tap changer Transformer- Number of tap changer operations

rated current without MR oil filter unit with MR oil filer unit

V III 200 Y, V III 200 D, V I 200 up to 100 A 100 000 150 000
V III 250 Y, V III 250 D up to 250 A 70 000 140 000

V III 350 Y, V III 350 D, V I 350 up to 200 A 100 000 150 000
V III 400 Y, V III 400 D up to 400 A 70 000 140 000

V III 500 Y, V III 500 D up to 350 A 100 000 150 000

up to 500 A 70 000 140 000

V I 700 up to 350 A 100 000 150 000

up to 700 A 70 000 140 000

Table II Inspection intervals

If the number of operations indicated in table II has not been reached an inspection is to be carried out after the
following number of years:
On-load tap changer type: V III 200 Y, V III 350 Y, V III 500 Y
First inspection: 6 - 7 years
Further inspections: 6 - 7 years with or without MR oil filter unit
On-load tap changer type: V III 200 D, V III 250 D, V III 350 D, V III 400 D, V III 500 D, V I 200, V I 350, V I 700
Arrangement of the on-load tap changer at the line end of the delta winding or in
First inspection: 2 years
Further inspections: 4 years without MR oil filter unit / 6 - 7 years with MR oil filter unit
Arrangement of the on-load tap changer in the middle of the delta winding
First inspection: 2 years
Further inspections: 6 - 7 years with or without MR oil filter unit

16 Appendix
On-load tap changer type V 200, installation drawing ________________________________________ 893 945
On-load tap changer type V 350, installation drawing ________________________________________ 893 821
On-load tap changer type V 500, installation drawing ________________________________________ 894 566
Drilling template for tap changer head ____________________________________________________ 893 787
Tap changer head, dimension drawing ___________________________________________________ 893 779
Supporting flange for installation into a bell-type transformer tank ______________________________ 893 864
Lifting traverse, dimension drawing _____________________________________________________ 893 805
Protective relay RS 2001, dimension drawing ______________________________________________ 892 608
Motor drive unit MA 7, dimension drawing _________________________________________________ 895 660
Motor drive unit MA 9, dimension drawing _________________________________________________ 893 381
Motor drive unit ED-S, protective housing _________________________________________________ 898 420
Bevel gear CD 6400, dimension drawing _________________________________________________ 892 916


Flat surface


Provide sufficient

Transformer tank bottom


11 – Mounting flange on transformer cover

12 – Fixing bolt M12
13 – Tap changer head gasket
Tap changer terminals also available 14 – Inspection window for position indication
with through-bore in vertical position! 15 – Through-bore Æ 16 mm

21 – Tap changer head

22 – Cover of tap changer head
23 – Pipe connection R for protective relay
24 – Pipe connection Q for oil return pipe (with oil filter unit only)
25 – Pipe connection S for suction pipe

26a – Bleeder screw of tap changer cover

26b – Bleeder screw for transformer oil
26c – Bleeder screw for suction pipe
27 – Upper gear unit with drive shaft 27a

31 – Selector switch contact cylinder

32 – Bottom of oil compartment with kerosene drain screw 32a
33 – Selector switch terminal
34 – Output terminal or neutral terminal
Provide sufficient 35 – Change-over selector terminal ’’+’’ and ’’–’’
clearance! 36 – Change-over selector terminal ’’0’’
Transformer tank bottom

On-load tap changer type V 200

893 945:4E
Installation drawing

081/04/01/0 25


Provide sufficient

Transformer tank bottom

5 thick

7.6 thick

Tap changer terminals also available with through-bore in vertical position!

11 – Mounting flange on transformer cover

12 – Fixing bolt M12
13 – Tap changer head gasket
14 – Inspection window for position indication
15 – Through-bore Æ 16 mm diameter
21 – Tap changer head
22 – Cover of tap changer head
23 – Pipe connection R for protective relay
24 – Pipe connection Q for oil return pipe (with oil filter unit only)
25 – Pipe connection S for suction pipe
26a – Bleeder valve for tap changer cover
26b – Bleeding facility for transformer oil chamber
Provide sufficient 26c – Bleeder screw for suction pipe
27 – Upper gear unit with drive shaft 27a
31 – Selector switch oil compartment
32 – Bottom of oil compartment with kerosene drain screw 32a
33 – Selector switch terminal
Transformer tank bottom
34 – Output terminal
34a – Output terminal or neutral terminal
34b – Star-point connection
35 – Change-over selector terminal ’’+’’ and ’’–’’
36 – Change-over selector terminal ‘’0’’
37 – Change-over selector terminal V I 700 ’’+’’ and ’’–’’
38 – Change-over selector terminal V I 700 ‘’0’’

On-load tap changer type V 350

893 821:7E
Installation drawing



Provide sufficient

Transformer tank bottom

11 – Mounting flange on transformer cover

12 – Fixing bolt M12
13 – Tap changer head gasket
14 – Inspection window for position indication
15 – Through-bore Æ 16 mm diameter

21 – Tap changer head

22 – Cover of tap changer head
23 – Pipe connection R for protective relay
24 – Pipe connection Q for oil return pipe (with oil filter unit only)
25 – Pipe connection S for suction pipe

26a – Bleeder screw of tap changer head cover

26b – Bleeder screw for transformer oil
26c – Bleeder screw for suction pipe
27 – Upper gear unit with drive shaft 27a

31 – Selector switch contact cylinder

32 – Bottom of oil compartment with kerosene drain screw 32a
33 – Selector switch terminal
34 – Output terminal or neutral terminal
35 – Change-over selector terminal ’’+’’ and ’’–’’
36 – Change-over selector terminal ‘’0’’


Tap changer terminals also available with through-bore in vertical position!

On-load tap changer type V 500

894 566:4E
Installation drawing

081/04/01/0 27

3 thickness

Marks to be pounded

On-load tap changer type V

893 787:0E
Drilling template for tap changer head


Width of gasket

Detail ''X''

Connecting flange
for R, Q, S

Thickness 16

E1 = Bleeding facility for tap changer head

E2 = Bleeding facility for space under the head
outside the tap changer oil compartment

R = Connection for protective relay (exchangeable with connection Q)

Q = Connection for oil return pipe (only for oil filter) Connections can be swivelled by 360°
S = Connection for suction pipe
= Earth connection M12

O-ring 44.2 - 5.7

On-load tap changer type V

893 779:7E
Tap changer head, dimension drawing

081/04/01/0 29

Lifting device

O-ring 44.2 - 5.7

Lifting traverse (illustrated in turned position)

cover Washer 8


Supporting flange

Lifting traverse

Z - Centering bolt
Further dimensions of tap changer
head see dwg. 893 779
Lifting traverse see dwg. 893 805

On-load tap changer type V

Supporting flange for installation 893 864:4E
into a bell-type transformer tank (special design)


(Part no. for subassembly: 086 402) Sheet steel U St- 37-1K
DIN 1652

On-load tap changer type V

893 805:3E
Lifting traverse

081/04/01/0 31

Cable gland
PG 16

Identification plate

Gasket Gasket

Test push buttons

In service Off
(reset) (trip)

Blind screw PG 16

The arrowhead must always point towards Plan view of test push buttons
the oilpipe leading to the oil conservator (cover removed)
of the transformer

Key of variants
Reed Contact positions
Variant Designation of relay 1) Arrangement of terminals Design
contact in service off

Standard design
Special design against surcharge

NO - normally open, NC - normally closed, CO - change-over contact
The protective relay is to be connected in such a way that if it is energized, the power transformer is switched-off
immediately by its circuit breakers

Protective relay RS 2001

892 608:7E
Dimension drawing


Design for guard plate Earthing screw

(special design) M12

3 blind gland plates


Location of fixing holes

at protective housing

The cover can be opened to the left

Hand crank or to the right according to the
centre line arrangement of the hinge pins.

opened by 90°
transformer tank

opened by 180°
Aperture in protective housing for cable entry
(viewed from below)
Wall of

Section A-B

Protective housing
(fixing hole)

Motor drive unit MA 7

895 660:AE
Attachment and dimensions (lock with clamp lever)

081/04/01/0 33

Design for guard plate

(special design) Earthing screw M12

Blind gland plate

Hinge pin

opened by 90°

opened by 135°

opened by 180°

Wall of
transformer tank

Fixation of
protective housing

Aperture in protective housing for cable entry

(view from below)

Motor drive unit MA 9

893 381:AE
Attachment and dimensions


Vertical guard plate

with spacing ring

Hand crank

3 dummy plates for

packing glands

Wall of transformer tank


Attachment of protective housing

The cover can be opened

to the left or to the right
depending on the arrangement
of the hinge pins.

approx. 685 if opened 130°

approx. 858 if opened 180°

Location of fixing holes on protective housing

(rear view) Aperture in protective housing for cables
(underside view)

Motor drive unit ED-S

898 420:3E
Protective housing

081/04/01/0 35

e2 = 215 for design with ball joint

e1 = 205 for standard design

Bevel gear CD 6400

892 916:6E
Dimension drawing

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Phone +49 (0)941 4090 0
Falkensteinstrasse 8 Fax +49 (0)941 4090 111
www.reinhausen.com 93059 Regensburg, Germany E-Mail [email protected]

BA 081/04 en • 0802/1000 • 081/04/01/0 • F0001803 • Printed in Germany

Oil filter unit OF 100
Operating Instructions BA 18/06
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 General ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Safety instructions ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Designated application ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Function ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Function principle .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Cleaning and drying ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Cleaning of the switching oil by a paper filter ................................................................... 5 Cleaning and drying of the switching oil by a combined filter cartridge ................. 5
1.4 Type designations ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Available designs ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Design ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Suction pipe ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Pipes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Pump unit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Pump motor ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Feed pump ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.3 Filter cartridge ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.4 Tank ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Control ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.4.1 Control inside the motor drive housing ................................................................................................. 8 Electrical control........................................................................................................................... 8 Electrical protection .................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Control in separate control cabinet ......................................................................................................... 9 Electrical control........................................................................................................................... 9 Heating ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Electrical protection .................................................................................................................... 9 Electrical monitoring equipment ............................................................................................ 9 Control cabinet ............................................................................................................................. 9

3 Criteria for operation ........................................................................................................................................................... 10


Changes may have been made to a product after going to press with this documentation.
We expressly reserve the right to make changes to a product’s technical data and design as well as changes to the scope
of delivery.
In all cases, the information submitted and agreements concluded during processing of the quotation and order
in question shall be binding.

2 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

4 Installation .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

5 Commissioning .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Time switch .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Filter cartridge ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.1 Paper filter cartridge .................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.2 Combined filter cartridge ............................................................................................................................ 14 Oil quality check regarding water content during commissioning and
during operation ............................................................................................................................ 15

6 Replacement of the filter cartridge ................................................................................................................................. 16

6.1 Paper filter cartridge ................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.1 Replacement of the filter cartridge ......................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Combined filter cartridge .......................................................................................................................................... 16
6.2.1 Replacement of the combined filter cartridge 16

7 Special designs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18

8 Disposal of used filter cartridges ...................................................................................................................................... 18

9 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

BA 18/06 3
1 General

1 General

1.1 Safety instructions

All personnel involved in installation, commissioning, CAUTION
operation, maintenance or repair of the equipment must:
- be suitably qualified and Since the instruments of the oil filter plant (manometer,
- strictly observe these Operating Instructions. pressure switch) are not absolutely vacuum-proof, the stop
valves in fig. 1 (item 5) must be closed during the entire oil
Improper operation or misuse can lead to
filling procedure (application of vacuum and oil filling).
- a reduction in the efficiency of the equipment After the oil filling procedure of the on-load tap-changer,
- damage of the equipment and property of the the stop valves in fig. 1 (item 5) must be opened.
- serious or fatal injury. The amount of oil which flows into the oil filter plant
(approx. 35 l + quantity in the applicable pipe lines) must
Safety instructions in this manual are presented in three be added to the on-load tap-changer oil conservator.
different forms to emphasize important information.

This information indicates particular danger to life and It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the oil
health. Disregarding such a warning can lead to serious or filter unit is to be used for the designated application only.
fatal injury. For safety reasons, do not carry out any unauthorized work,
i.e. during installation, modification, commissioning and
alteration of the oil filter unit without first consulting MR!

CAUTION The trouble-free operation of the motor-drive, the on-load

tap-changer and the transformer may be put at risk.
This information indicates particular danger to the
equipment or other property of the user. Serious or fatal
injury cannot be excluded.

Observe the local environmental regulations when handling

Note the tap-changer oil.

These notes give important information on a certain


1.2 Designated application All relevant fire protection regulations must be strictly
The oil filter unit OF 100 is exclusively used for cleaning and
drying the switching oil of on-load tap-changers in power
transformers and plunger-core earth-fault neutralizers.


Do not dry the oil filter plant and the control cabinet
(special design) together with the transformer.

4 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
1 General

1.3 Function 1.3.2 Cleaning and drying

1.3.1 Function principle The oil filter unit is used for cleaning or for cleaning and
The cylindrical tank of the pump unit contains the feed drying the switching oil in on-load tap-changers.
pump, the pump motor and the filter insert. The flange Depending on requirements, it can be fitted with a paper
connections for oil feed and return are located on the top filter (for cleaning) or with a combined filter (for cleaning
and bottom covers. and drying).
The pump unit draws the switching oil in through the suction
pipe of the tap-changer and the feed pipe. Cleaning of the switching oil by
The oil enters the tank of the pump unit and is then pressed
paper filter
through the filter insert by the feed pump. The filtered oil (in
case of combined filter insert filtered and dried) leaves the When on-load tap-changers are used in industrial trans-
tank through the flanged connector and returns to the tap- formers under extremely onerous conditions (high switching
changer head through the return pipe. frequencies, consistently at full load and high frequent
overloads) arcing will relatively soon cause contamination of
the switching oil. This applies, for example, to on-load tap-
CAUTION changers incorporated into transformers on furnace or
electrolytic plants.
Replace the filter cartridge when the working pressure These service conditions can be met by an oil filter unit with
exceeds 3.5 bar and the oil temperature is higher than a paper filter insert.
20° C. The paper filter cartridge allows to clean the oil from solid
particles. The number of inspections and oil changes which
are otherwise necessary at short intervals, is reduced.
A pressure switch, set at 3.5 /4.0 bar (combined filter / paper
filter cartridge) at the factory closes a signalling contact, The specific contamination of the switching oil depends on:
when the critical pressure has been reached and gives a • the quantity of oil (litres)
remote signal to the control room. • the switching energy (kWs)
If required by the customer, the signal of the pressure switch • the switching frequency
is suppressed by an integrated temperature switch if the oil
temperature falls below 20 °C. In this case an incorrect signal Refer to section 3, table 1 and 2 for the criteria on how to
due to an increased oil viscosity is avoided (special design). use the oil filter unit Cleaning and drying of the switching

NOTE oil by a combined filter cartridge
(paper filter with drying agent)
Please note that the manometer may trip during start-up When the on-load tap-changer is installed in areas where
due to a higher viscosity of the oil in the presence of a low humidity is extremely high and the temperature in the oil
oil temperature (standard design). conservator usually falls below the dew point every day, an
This signal can be ignored when the oil temperature is increased water content in the tap-changer oil and an
below 20 °C. accumulation of water in the carbon deposited on the
insulating materials can occur which will deteriorate the
insulating properties of the on-load tap-changer.
Refer to section 3, table 1 and 2 for the criteria on how to
use the oil filter unit

BA 18/06 5
1 General

The combined filter cartridge not only filters contaminating

particles from the switching oil but also reduces the water NOTE
content to a residual amount of < 10 ppm.
The necessary oil monitoring can be reduced and an oil
conditioning during maintenance may not be required. Please note that the storage time of a combined filter
The combined filter cartridge is equipped with a paper filter cartridge in its original wrapping should not exceed
on the outside (filter fineness ca. 9 micron) and filled with a 4 years. Otherwise the trouble-free function of the filter
drying agent on the inside (granules approx. 4 kg). plant cannot be guaranteed.


Check after receipt of the delivery that the transport Because of the highly hygroscopic properties of the drying
container with the combined filter cartridge is undamaged. agent do not remove the combined filter cartridge from
Even minor damage to the air-tight wrapping can render the transport container until immediately before installa-
the filter cartridge useless in a very short time. tion into the pump unit and commissioning of the plant.
Carefully store the filter cartridge in its air-tight wrapping.

1.4 Type designations

The different basic designs of the oil filter unit OF 100 are identified by distinctive product designations.

Type designation Description

OF 100 DC Oil filter unit with control in the motor-drive unit with combined filter cartridge
OF 100 DP Oil filter unit with control in the motor-drive unit with paper filter cartridge
OF 100 D Control for oil filter unit in the motor-drive unit without pump unit

OF 100 SC Oil filter unit with separate control cabinet with combined filter cartridge
OF 100 SP Oil filter unit with separate control cabinet with paper filter cartridge
OF 100 S Control in a separate control cabinet without pump unit

OF 100 NC Oil filter unit with combined filter cartridge without control
OF 100 NP Oil filter unit with paper filter cartridge without control

1.5 Available designs

Design Temperature switch Control

with without integrated in ED separate control
Standard design • •
Special design • •

6 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
2 Design

2 Design (see fig. 1)

A complete oil filter unit comprises the following 2.3 Pump unit (appendix, dim. drwg. 898718)
For transformers one pump unit with filter
2.1 Suction pipe
is installed for each switching column.
A suction pipe installed in the on-load tap-changer which
leads from the tap-changer oil compartment bottom to the
tap-changer head.
2.3.1 Pump motor
Ratings (standard design)
2.2 Pipes
Power: 1.1 kW
Two pipes (feed and return, nominal width not less than Voltage: 3 AC 230/400 V (other voltages on
22 mm) with appropriate flanges D115. request)
When installing the pump unit, the feed and return pipe is to Rated current: 4.5 / 2.6 A
be equipped with a stop valve. Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz
The pipes and accessories are to be provided by the Synchronous speed: 3000 1/min (50 Hz)
transformer manufacturer. 3600 1/min (60 Hz)

3 4 5 6
Oil filter unit,
2 schematic illustration

1 - Pump unit
2 - Contact manometer
3 - Pressure switch
4 - Oil return
5 - Stop valve
6 - Oil return pipe
7 - Tap-changer head
8 - Oil feed
9 - Drain valve


BA 18/06 7
2 Design

2.3.2 Feed pump 2.4 Control

Centrifugal pump 2.4.1 Control inside the motor drive housing
capacity approx. 65 I/min (35 I/min) Electrical control
against a pressure of 0.5 bar (3.5 bar)
• The electrical control of the standard design is installed in
2.3.3 Filter cartridge: the housing of the motor drive unit (fig. 3).
• Design with paper filter cartridge for cleaning of the • Control by a potential-free contact of the motor drive;
switching oil, filter fineness ca. 9 micron Operating time:
• Design with a combined filter cartridge for cleaning - factory setting by time relay
and drying of the switching oil, filter fineness (see. table 1, section 3);
9 micron, granule filling approx. 4 kg - by control switch for permanent operation
• Voltage: AC 230 V
2.3.4 Tank
• Steel cylinder with top and bottom covers (pump flange) Electrical protection
• Outdoor design • Each pump motor is provided with a motor
• Dimensions (W x H x D) = 410 x 925 x 406 mm protective switch with thermal and magnetic
outside paint RAL 7033 overload trip
• Test pressure 6 bar
• Flanged connectors for feed and return pipes
• Manometer (mounted to pressure tank)
• Pressure switch (mounted to pressure tank)
adjustable from 0...6 bar, set at 3.5 bar,
contact rating: AC 250 V, Imax = 3 A
Pmax = 500 VA/250 W
• Temperature switch (special design) at the bottom
(pump flange installed) fig. 2
set to 20 ± 5 °C, 33x

contact rating: AC 230 V, 10 A


• Weight of the complete pump unit (dry): approx. 75 kg 16 17

19 20
15 21
14 22

• Oil capacity: approx. 35 litres

12 24
11 25
10 26
9 27
8 L R 28
7 29
6 30
5 31
4 32 0 0 0 3 9 9

3 33
2 34
1 35 360282

MR Maschinenfabrik



1 2 1 0 2

2 4
1 - Temperature switch 5
2 - Oil sample valve
3 - Earthing screw
4 - Terminal box
5 - Stop valve
KHW 1122-4-01
2 KHW 1143 3

8 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
2 Design

2.4.2 Control in separate control cabinet (special design) Electrical protection Electrical control • Each pump motor is provided with a motor
protective switch with thermal and magnetic
• The electrical control of the standard design is installed in
overload trip
a separate control cabinet (fig. 4).
• Automatic cutout for control circuit
• Control by a potential-free contact of the motor drive;
Operating time:
- factory setting by time relay Electrical monitoring equipment
(see table 1, section 3); • Elapsed-hour meter, 5-digit display
- adjustable up to 24 hours by time switch (recording of pump operating time)
(see page 14, section 5.1.1);
• Pulse counter, 6-digit display
- by control switch for permanent operation.
(recording of pump starting frequency)
• Voltage: AC 230 V
• Power consumption per motor contactor: Control cabinet
65 VA (initial)
9 VA (running) • Sheet-steel housing, outdoor design, protection IP 55
• W x H x D: 400 x 600 x 210 mm Heating • Paint: RAL 7033
• Voltage: AC 230 V • Weight: ca. 10.5 kg
• Power: 15 W

S30 K1 K29

Control cabinet with equipment for one

pump unit

K29 Time delay relay

K1 Motor contactor
S30 Control switch
P2 Time switch
P3 Elapsed-hour meter P2
F14 Automatic cutout
Q1 Motor protective switches P3
H6 Counter 0000000

R1 Heating
X1 Terminal strip F14


H6 000000



KHW 903-4

BA 18/06 9
3 Criteria for operation

3 Criteria for operation

For the operation of process transformers with an annual For OLTCs in operation with full insulation between the
number of switching operations > 15,000 it is recommended phases (V lll ...D, H lll ...D, M lll ...D as well as the single-phase
that an oil filter plant with a paper filter cartridge be in- switches with Um > 300 kV) the installation of an oil filter
stalled, as this will extend the length of the maintenance plant with combined filter cartridge is recommended for
interval (refer to operating instructions of the various maintaining the dielectric properties of the switching oil
on-load tap-changers). according to table 2.

On-load tap-changer Min. running time of pump per tap change operation

Type V, H 30 min.
Type M, MS 30 min.
Type R, RM 60 min.
Type T 60 min.
Type G 60 min.

Table 1 Factory setting of pump running time of the oil filter unit with paper filter or combined filter cartridge for
various OLTC types.

OLTC (ST) M III 350 D-123 OLTC type

Selector switch (LW) OLTC (ST) M III 600 D-123 M, R, RM, T, G
UbLW = max. voltage between the phases UbST = max. phase-to-phase operating voltage
on insulation distance to ground of the OLTC

V III 200 D-76

V III 350 D-76 55 kV < UbLW ≤ 79 kV
V III 500 D-76 Um = highest voltage
79 kV < UbST ≤ 123 kV for equipment
H III 400 D-123 79 kV < UbLW ≤ 123 kV OLTC
H III 400 D-145 123 kV < UbLW ≤ 145 kV > 245 kV
H III 400 D-145 79 kV < UbLW ≤ 95 kV1)

Table 2 Operating criteria which make the installation of an oil filter unit with combined filter cartridge obligatory.

10 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
4 Installation

4 Installation

The installation of the complete oil filter unit should be carried

out in the following steps: CAUTION
• Attach the pipes and fastenings (studs) for pump unit and
control cabinet (special design) to the transformer tank. Check the oil level in the oil conservator after the installa-
The trouble-free operation of the oil filter unit, the on-
CAUTION load tap-changer and the transfomer may be put at risk.

Please note that a stop valve is obligatory on the feed and

return pipe flange (fig. 7). Without it large amounts of
tap-changer oil can leak out during the changing of the
• Before proceeding with the installation, install the on-
load tap-changer in the transformer, dry it and fill it with
• Attach pump unit and control cabinet (special
design) to the transformer tank.
• Connect the pipes to the tap-changer head (fig. 6) and
to the pump unit (fig. 7), see also fig. 11. E2
• Establish an electrical connection with the pressure switch
( see connection plug in fig. 5) respectively the temperat-
ure switch (special design).

Take care to keep the inner surfaces of the pipes absolutely
clean and free of rust, scaling etc. 6 KHW 805

Schaltdruck: ........ 3,5 bar
Umax: 250 V AC I max: 3 A
Pmax: 500 VA / 250 W

2 4

1 5
0 6


Connected to Q
(compare to
fig. 8) ACHTUNG! Die Filterpatrone für
die Filteranlage wird separat mitgeliefert! Vor
Inbetriebnahme muss diese Filterpatrone
gemäss Betriebsanweisung BA 18/... eingebaut

ATTENTION! The filter cartridge

for the filter unit is packed separately!
The filter cartridge is to be installed

Schaltdruck: ........ 3,5
according to Operating Instructions BA 18/...
before putting the unit in service!

Umax: 250 V AC I max: filter

P max: 500 VA / 250 W delivery commissioning

098 655:02


0 6
Connected to S
(compare to fig. 6)

5 KHW 1114 7 KHW 1120

BA 18/06 11
4 Installation

• Establish proper ground connections at the pump unit • Ensure proper filling of the pump unit.
and at the control cabinet (special design).
• Bleed the pipe system and the pump unit by opening the
Ground connection of the OF 100 is ensured on all the
bleeder screw (fig. 9) on the return pipe flange.
flanges by 4 contact washers for each flange.
The contact washers are locking devices and ensure a
proper metallic contact. A ground connection for the
pump unit is provided on the terminal box (fig. 8). NOTE
• The electrical connection of the pump motor and of the
If the phase sequence is correct the manometer shows
control cabinet (special design) must be established
higher than 3.5 bar with the pump running and the return
according to the corresponding circuit diagram (see
valve shut.

Breather cap

Earthing screw Breather cap
Special design:
temperature switch

8 KHW 1142 9 KHW 1118

After installation of the oil filter plant at the transformer site

prick the breather cap on top of the manometer with the
attached needle, as shown on the decal (fig. 10).

Schaltdruck: ........ 3,5
Umax: 250 V AC I max:
P max: 500 VA / 250 W



bar Decal
0 6

10 KHW 1114

12 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
4 Installation

Type Connecting

V flange

S, Q
66 S


R E1

gasket 44.2-5.7

Type Connecting


H flange
S, Q


O-ring R
gasket 44.2-5.7

Type 26
MS Connecting


flange Q
M S, Q

RM 115


O-ring R
flange 44.2-5.7



45° 45°
S, R
Type 60

area 40


Position of feed and return pipe connections on the tap-changer head

BA 18/06 13
5 Commissioning

5 Commissioning

Perform the functional test with the protective housing cover • Attach the connecting flange on the return pipe
of the motor-drive or the control cabinet (special design) connection.
open and the supply voltage connected as the motor protec- • Open the stop valve for feed and return pipe.
tive switch for the pump motor is only accessible in this way.
• Bleed the tank at the return pipe connection
(see page12, fig. 9).
• Bleed the feed pipe connection (suction pipe
WARNING connection) at the tap-changer head (see page 11, fig. 6).
• Carry out all other commissioning procedures
Observe the safety regulations during commissioning. according to section 5.2.1 or 5.2.2.
Danger to life and limb.
• Perform a test run and bleed again.

5.1 Time switch 5.2.1 Paper filter cartridge (4.8 kg)

When using the integrated time switch (special design) the • Operate switch S30 to make a test run
pump unit - independent of the switching operations of the
• For a functional test close the stop valve of the return
on-load tap-changer - is set to a daily pump operating time
pipe. During operation of the oil filter unit the contact
of at least 2 hours. The operating time is set by the manu-
manometer should read a pressure of at least 3.5 bar.
facturer between 0.00 and 2.00 o'clock. When taking the oil
If not, check the phase sequence of the motor voltage
filter unit into service set the time switch to local time.
(W, V, U clockwise).
• Test of the response value of the manometer:
5.2 Filter cartridge
When the stop valve is slowly closed, the return pipe is
throttled. With an electrically connected manometer, the
response pressure can be read on the manometer when a
CAUTION signal is given. The standard response pressure is around
3.5 bar.
The filter cartridge (paper filter or combined filter cartridge) • The operating time of the pump unit at the time delay
is delivered separate from the oil filter unit and must not relay K29 is set to match the oil content of the tap-changer
be unpacked and installed into the oil filter unit until im- oil compartment. It is set by the manufacturer on the basis
mediately before commissioning. of the values stated in table 1.
Before commissioning the oil filter unit make sure that the • Under certain operating conditions it may be necessary to
filter cartridge has been installed. Without it the oil filter set a different pump operating time. In this case the
unit is ineffective. desired operating time has to be readjusted at the time
delay relay K29.
Installation of the filter cartridge (paper and combined filter • Check by giving an impulse at the motor-drive to set the
cartridge, see appendix, drawing 707 931) pump unit going automatically as soon as the motor-drive
• Shut the stop valves of the feed and return pipe
• Loosen the connecting flange at the return pipe
• Loosen the 6 cover screws M10/w. s.17, 2 ring screws M10,
remove the cover with gasket.
• If the pump unit has already been filled with oil, drain
approx. 10 l at the sampling valve (see page 8, fig. 2).
• Take the cartridge out of the transport case and insert it
into the pump unit; please note that the cartridge will be
centred automatically when the cover is closed.
• Fasten the cover and the cover gasket (6 screws M10/
w. s. 17, 2 ring screws M10, max torque 30 Nm).

14 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
5 Commissioning

5.2.2 Combined filter cartridge (14.0 kg, transport Check the residual water content and the dielectric strength
case included) when commissioning the oil filter unit and during further
operation on the basis of the flow chart in fig. 12.
In dependence on the water content, relevant measures must
CAUTION be carried out.
Fig. 12 shows the standard procedure in bold print, i. e. the
The combined filter cartridge must never be exposed to water content and the dielectric strength are within the
humidity before installation. admissible range.
For this standard procedure oil samples are taken in the
See table 2 on page 10 for operating conditions that require following intervals:
the use of an oil filter plant with combined filter cartridge. • first oil sample 30 min after commissioning
• second oil sample 24 hours after commissioning
Test run, functional test and setting of the pump operating
• further oil samples at 2-year intervals.
time are carried out according to section 5.2.1.
Procedure for taking oil samples:
• Switch off the OF 100 (motor protective switch)
• Remove the screw cap from the oil drain valve.
CAUTION • Open the oil valve by means of the wrench surface
integrated in the screw cap.
The combined filter cartridge is packed separately. Before
• Take oil sample. Take as much as needed by the lab.
commissioning, the filter cartridge has to be installed and
the tank filled with oil. These actions must be carried out • Close oil valve.
one after the other without interruption to avoid that the • Replace cap.
combined filter cartridge absorbs humidity from the air. • Switch OF 100 on again (motor protective switch)
Use only new and clean transformer oil with a dielectric Note down the oil temperature of every oil sample.
strength of ≥ 60 kV/2.5 mm and a residual water content
of ≤ 10 ppm. Independent of the criteria for the residual water
Take oil samples from each transport container and analyse content, the dielectric strength of the tap-changer oil must
them. Furthermore, make sure that the oil quality is not be at least 40 kV/2.5 mm, measured according to DIN VDE
affected by dirty filling equipment. 0370 Teil 1.
Before commissioning the filter unit at an active on-load
tap-changer, all insulating parts immersed in tap-changer
oil (diverter switch unit and inner surface of the oil com-
partment) must be thoroughly cleaned and inspected. CAUTION

The combined filter cartridge has to be replaced:

- when the max. operating pressure of approx. Oil quality check regarding water content 3.5 bar has been reached, or
during commissioning and during operation - when the residual water content exceeds 20 ppm
After commissioning the oil filter unit must be operated even after 24 hours of operation, or
continuously for 24 hours. - when the dielectric strength of not higher than
40 kV/2.5 mm has been reached after 24 hours
The drying ability of the combined oil filter cartridge must be of filter operation
controlled by taking oil samples at regular intervals. If the
measured residual water content of the switching oil exceeds If one of these limit values has been exceed, the filter
20 ppm, the combined filter must be replaced. cartridge must be replaced.

BA 18/06 15
6 Replacement of the filter cartridge

6 Replacement of the filter cartridge

6.1 Paper filter cartridge 6.2 Combined filter cartridge

The paper filter cartridge must be replaced when the max. The combined filter cartridge is to be replaced:
operating pressure of approx. 3.5 bar has been reached.
- when the operating pressure exceeds 3.5 bar,
The exact pressure limit is set by the manufacturer at the
- when the residual water content exceeds 20 ppm,
pressure switch.
- when the dielectric strength is lower than
40 kV/2.5mm.

CAUTION 6.2.1 For replacing the combined filter cartridge

proceed as described in section 6.1.1.
The paper filter cartridge is separately delivered in dried Oil quality check is to be carried out according to section
condition. Do not unpack until immediately before Strictly observe the safety instructions given in
installation. section 5.2 and section 5.2.2.

6.1.1 Replacement of the filter cartridge should be

carried out as follows (see appendix,
drawing 707 931):
Only use original MR filter cartridges which are especially
• Shut the stop valves of feed and return pipes designed for the described oil filter unit.
• Loosen the connecting flange at the return pipe The use of another type of filter cartridges can lead to
connection. severe damage on the complete oil filter unit, and the
• Loosen the 6 cover screws M10/w. s.17, 2 ring screws M10, sequence of operation to be observed (see fig. 12) is no
remove the cover with gasket. longer ensured. MR must decline any responsibility when
another type of filter cartridges is used.
• Drain approx. 2 liters through the drain valve (see page 8,
fig. 2).
• Slowly pull out the old filter cartridge using the handle
• Take the new cartridge out of the transport case and in- CAUTION
sert it into the pump unit; please note that the cartridge
will be centred automatically due to the pressure exerted Only use the here described oil filter unit OF 100 for MR
during the closing of the cover. OLTCs, which has been specially designed for the conditions
• Fasten the cover and the cover gasket (6 screws M10/ around this type of an on-load tap-changer. The use of
w. s. 17, 2 ring screws M10, max torque 30 Nm). other oil filter units on MR on-load tap-changers can lead
• Attach the connecting flange on the return pipe connec- to problems on the on-load tap-changer and the
tion transformer.
• Open the stop valve for feed and return pipe
• Bleed the tank at the return pipe connection
(see page12, fig. 9).
• Bleed the feed pipe connection (suction pipe connection)
at the tap-changer head (see page 11, fig. 6)
• Perform a test run and bleed again.

16 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
6 Replacement of the filter cartridge

Oil compartment with new oil Dielectric strength UD of the tap changer oil
H2O content < 10 ppm measured according to DIN VDE 0370 part 1
UD > 60 kV/2.5 mm

Fill with oil

oberserve cleanliness

Filter pump “ON”

(for 24 hours)

< 30 ppm and

> 40 kV/2.5 mm > 30 ppm
1. oil sample
after 30 Min.

Put transformer Do not put transformer

into service into service

> 30 ppm or < 10 ppm and < 10 ppm and > 30 ppm or
< 40 kV/2.5 mm > 40 kV/2.5 mm > 40 kV/2.5mm < 40 kV/2.5 mm
2. oil sample 2. oil sample
after 24 hours after 24 hours
10 ppm ≤ H2O < 30 ppm 10 ppm ≤ H2O < 30 ppm
and UD > 40 kV/2.5 mm and UD > 40 kV/2.5 mm
Put the Leave transformer in service Put the Do not put
Put transformer into service
transformer out Filter for another 24 hours transformer into transformer into
Filter for another 24 hours
of service service service
< 10 ppm and
> 20 ppm > 40 kV/2.5 mm
Leave > 20 ppm
Another oil sample transformer in Another oil sample
service < 10 ppm and
10 ppm ≤ H2O < 20 ppm > 40 kV/2.5 mm

Transformer may remain in Transformer may remain in

service service
Prepare to replace filter 10 ppm ≤ H2O < 20 ppm Prepare to replace filter
Replace filter cartridge cartridge Replace the filter
cartridge Operating limits after 24 cartridge
Operating limits after 24
hours of filter operation: hours of filter operation:
max. 20 ppm H2O max. 20 ppm H2O
min. 40 kV/2.5 mm UD min. 40 kV/2.5 mm UD

> 20 ppm or
< 40 kV/2.5 mm
Oil samples in Filter for
2-year intervals 24 hours

≤ 20 ppm and > 20 ppm or

> 40 kV/2.5 mm < 40 kV/2.5 mm
≤ 20 ppm and
> 40 kV/2.5 mm
Oil sample

Oil filter unit with combined filter cartridge – Monitoring of oil quality
Flow chart to be observed when putting the oil filter unit into service,
when replacing the filter cartridge, or after an on-load tap-changer maintenance

BA 18/06 17
7 Special designs
8 Disposal of used filter cartridges

8 Special designs 9 Disposal of used filter cartridges

The electrical equipment of the control cabinet can be Disposal of used oil filters in accordance with the local
supplied in the following special designs: environmental regulations.
• Different rated voltages and/or rated frequencies for
motor and control circuit

18 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
9 Appendix

9 Appendix

Rating plate ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... WN 4033-02

Pump unit, dimension drawing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 898 718
Oil filter unit, control cabinet .............................................................................................................................................................................. 897 688
Installation and replacement of the oil filter unit ......................................................................................................................................... 707 931
Control for oil filter unit (1pump) in the motor drive, standard connection diagram ...................................................................... 362 596
Control for oil filter unit (3 pumps) in the motor drive, standard connection diagram ................................................................... 362 597
Control for oil filter unit (1 pump) in the control cabinet, standard connection diagram .............................................................. 362 715
Control for oil filter unit (3 pumps) in the control cabinet, standard connection diagram ........................................................... 362 716

BA 18/06 19
WN 4033-02
Oil filter unit OF 100
Rating plate

Field No. Explanation Designation example

1 MR serial number of oil filter unit 362819A

2 Year of construction 1999
3 Type designation OF 100 SC
4 Serial number of the tap-changer 150890
5 Motor voltage 400
6 Motor frequency 50
7 Setting of overcurrent tripping 3.2
8 Control voltage 230
9 Frequency 50
10 Connection diagram 362462

20 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
Oil filter unit OF 100
Dimension drawing

Return pipe Bleeder screw The connecting flange is supplied with an O-ring.
(Flat gasket !114"x !40 x 2 type
"KLINGER-SIL C-400" is also permitted)
Pressure switch

Pg 9
(cable ! 6 ... 8)
O-ring 400 854:00 (44.2 – 5.7 FP)

Filter cartridge:
The filter cartridge (paper or combined
filter) is supplied loose. The filter must not
be installed until immediately before the
commissioning of the transformer!
Installation and changing of the filter
according to installation drawing 707 931.

In the standard model the control of the oil
filter unit is integrated in the motor drive
unit. The control of the special design is
installed in a separate control cabinet.

Pg 16
(cable ! 7.5 ...16)
Terminals for Sampling valve
pump motor View X

Pg 16 (cable ! 8 ... 10)

Shut-off valves are not included
in the delivery of the oil filter Ground screw
plant. MR can supply such
valves on request.

Temperature switch (for

special design only)
cable gland Pg 9
(cable ! 6 ... 8)


Bleeder screw

The pipe connection (086 942:) is

continuously adjustable in an angle
range from 150° to 225° and from
315° to 30°

BA 18/06 21
Oil filter unit OF 100
Control cabinet, dimension drawing

View »X«

View from the rear

22 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
450 970 (M 10)
Pipe connection turned to Corresponding dimension drawing 898 718:
705 917 (SKM 10)

sectional plane

Stop valve

455 046
(M 10 x 20)
Lifting lever

705 917 (SKM 10) Md = 30 Nm

or 704 370 (SKK10)
Oil filter unit OF 100

705 921 (O-ring 215-7)

705 922 (O-ring 265-5) M12
Torque = 30 Nm
Torque = 80 Nm

BA 18/06

Filter cartridge:
Installation and replacement of the filter cartridge

Paper or combined flter cartridge

is delivered loose and must not be
installed until immediately before the
commissioning of the transformer.

Installation procedure (installation and removal of filter cartridge):

1. After closing the two stop valves on the feed and return pipe the 2. After opening the cover the filter cartridge can be inserted into the 3. The fixing screws M10 must be tightened with a limited torque of 30 Nm.
cover can be opened by loosening the 6 fixing screws (M10 x 20) flange by means of the lifting lever integrated in the cartridge. 4. Due to its pre-tension the lifting lever is lifted out of the groove above
and the 2 eyebolt screws (M10). (The lifting lever moves back into its fixing groove when closing the oil level when the cover is opened so that the filter cartridge can be
the cover so that it will not touch any sealing surface). easily lifted out.

Oil filter unit OF 100
Control for oil filter unit (1 pump) in motor-drive
Standard connection diagram

24 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
Oil filter unit OF 100
Control for oil filter unit (3 pumps) in the motor-drive
Standard connection diagram

BA 18/06 25
Oil filter unit OF 100
Control for oil filter unit (1 pump) in control cabinet
Standard connection diagram

26 BA 18/06 018/06/01/0
Oil filter unit OF 100
Control for oil filter unit (3 pumps) in control cabinet
Standard connection diagram

BA 18/06 27
© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Phone +49 941 40 90 0
www.reinhausen.com Falkensteinstrasse 8 Fax +49 941 40 90 111
93059 Regensburg, Germany E-Mail [email protected]

BA 18/06 en • 1105/2000 • 018/06/01/0 • F0007605 • Printed in Germany

www.reinhausen.com Motor Drive Unit TAPMOTION® ED
Technical Data TD 292/01
The product may have been modified after this document went to press.
We expressly reserve the right to make changes to the technical data, the design or the scope of delivery.
In general, the information provided and the arrangements agreed during processing of the relevant
offers and orders are binding.
Table of contents

1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Explanation of safety labels..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Safety instructions ...........................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Summary for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED ...................................................................................................1
1.4 Protective housing types................................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Identifiers............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.3 Special types (optional)................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Door options ......................................................................................................................................................................3
1.6 Motor types ........................................................................................................................................................................8
1.7 Transmission gear types..................................................................................................................................................8
1.7.1 Identifiers............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.7.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.7.3 Hand crank gear wheels.................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.7.4 Drive belts............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.7.5 Motor design ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Control gear options .................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Terminals and cable types (wiring) .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.9.1 Terminals............................................................................................................................................................................10
1.9.2 Cable types (wiring)........................................................................................................................................................10
1.10 Base plate/cover options............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.11 General technical data - power consumption ..................................................................................................... 13
1.11.1 Motor circuit.....................................................................................................................................................................13
1.11.2 Control circuit ..................................................................................................................................................................13
1.11.3 Heating circuit .................................................................................................................................................................13
1.11.4 Temperature range (areas of application)...............................................................................................................13
1.11.5 Microswitch (cam-controlled).....................................................................................................................................13
1.11.6 Note regarding position transmitter equipment ..................................................................................................13
1.11.7 Position transmitter module........................................................................................................................................13
2 Module catalog ..................................................................................................................................................14
3 Accessories (optional) .......................................................................................................................................35
3.1 Tap position indicator device for constant current analysis ........................................................................... 35
3.1.1 Principle and configuration .........................................................................................................................................35
3.1.2 Principle .............................................................................................................................................................................35
3.1.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................................35
3.1.4 Connection ........................................................................................................................................................................35
3.1.5 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................................................35 Mechanical data ............................................................................................................................................35 Electrical data.................................................................................................................................................35
3.2 Tap position indicator instrument for resistor signal processing................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Configuration / Types.....................................................................................................................................................36
3.2.2 Principle and configuration .........................................................................................................................................36 Principle ...........................................................................................................................................................36 Configuration .................................................................................................................................................36 Connection ......................................................................................................................................................36
3.3 Self-synchronizing transmitter (Selsyn)................................................................................................................. 42
3.4 Digital position display ................................................................................................................................................ 44
3.4.1 Configuration / Types.....................................................................................................................................................44
3.4.2 Principle and configuration .........................................................................................................................................44

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED

Table of contents Principle ...........................................................................................................................................................44 Configuration .................................................................................................................................................44
3.4.3 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................................................45 Modular signal transfer unit .....................................................................................................................45 Modular display unit....................................................................................................................................45 Connecting cable for display.....................................................................................................................45
3.5 Brackets for replacing an existing drive with motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED ................................... 49
3.6 Auxiliary gearbox for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED ................................................................................ 50
4 Application of the motor drive unit in potentially explosive atmospheres (optional) ............................51
4.1 Mechanical configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 51
4.2 Measures for ensuring compliance with explosion protection requirements ........................................... 51
4.3 Limit temperature, ambient temperature.............................................................................................................. 51
4.4 Temperature monitoring in the on-load tap-changer oil compartment .................................................... 52
4.5 Technical data, pressurized enclosure..................................................................................................................... 52
4.6 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED-Ex ................................................................................................................. 52
5 Special types (optional) ....................................................................................................................................53
5.1 Voltage regulator (TAPCON®230/240/260) and monitoring systems (TAPGUARD® 240/260).............. 53
5.2 Phase shifter.................................................................................................................................................................... 53
5.3 Plunger coils (E coils).................................................................................................................................................... 53
6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers" ..............................................56
6.1 Selection table for motor drive types with normal operating time.............................................................. 56
6.2 Explanation of type designations for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED ................................................. 59
7 List of relevant standards.................................................................................................................................60
8 Order forms for TAPMOTION® ED ...................................................................................................................61

Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

1 General
1.1 Explanation of safety labels 1.2 Safety instructions
The following safety labels relating to the operation of the • All warnings and safety instructions must be observed
TAPMOTION® ED are used in this technical data document. at all times!
These labels must be observed at all times Failure to follow the safety instructions may lead to acci-
dents and severe personal injury.
• Please read this technical data document before com-
DANGER! missioning the equipment!
Please read this technical data document and the associa-
Refers to an imminent danger
ted Operating Instructions BA 138 before commissioning
that may result in death or severe
the TAPMOTION® ED. As the operator, you are responsible
for ensuring that users of the equipment have fully under-
stood the operating and safety instructions.
• Train your staff!
Before asking staff to work with the TAPMOTION® ED,
CAUTION! provide training regarding general and special safety
instructions and accident prevention regulations.
Refers to a potentially hazardous situa- • Only suitably qualified personnel should work with the
tion that may result in damage to the TAPMOTION® ED!
product or adjacent equipment. The TAPMOTION® ED is designed exclusively for applica-
tion in electrical or energy systems and facilities operated
by appropriately trained staff,
i.e. staff who are familiar with the installation, assembly,
NOTE! commissioning and operation of such products.
1.3 Summary for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED
Contains important information and
The modular motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED is used for ad-
special notes.
justing the operating position of on-load tap-changers/off-
circuit tap-changers in regulating transformers to the respec-
tive operational requirements.
The tap change operation is initiated through actuation of the
Special safety labels are used for certain hazards, such as elec- motor drive (single control impulse, e.g. through a device from
tric shock: the TAPCON® series). This tap change operation is automatical-
ly terminated, irrespective of further control impulses that
may have been issued during the tap change operation. A fur-
DANGER! ther tap-change operation is only possible once all control de-
vices have returned to their rest positions.
Electric shock!
Refers to an imminent danger through
that may result in death or severe

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 1

1 General

1.4 Protective housing types

1.4.1 Identifiers
ED S: "small"
ED L: "large"
The motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED is characterized by con-
sistent design for all versions and a modular drive concept.
The TAPMOTION® ED is available with two types of protective
housing with standardized arrangement for the attachment
points and the drive shaft (ED 100/200 L, see Figure 1 and ED
100/200 S, see Figure 2).
Depending on the version the max. weight of the complete
motor drive unit may be up to 130 kg.

Figure 2 TAPMOTION® ED 100/200 S,

WxHxD: 566x983x385 mm
The protective housing with corrosion protection finish in
standard RAL 7033 colour consists of two parts (trough and
cover), both manufactured from field-proven non-corroding
cast aluminium. The joints between the cover and the trough
and all functionally required openings (drive shaft, window,
aperture for hand crank for Arctic version, etc.) are sealed
through special measures, providing protection against dust
deposits and strong water jet (according to VDE 0470-1/DIN
EN 60529:2000-09).
Ventilation of the protective housing is provided through two
labyrinth vents with metal filters in the side panels. The hou-
sing trough features three bottom plates that can be used for
cable entry.
In the standard version the cover is attached with two hinges
mounted on the left-hand side. The standard opening angle for
the protective housing cover is 130°.
A pocket for connection circuit diagrams is attached on the in-
side of the housing cover.

Figure 1 TAPMOTION® ED 100/200 L,

WxHxD: 566x1328x385 mm

2 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

1.4.2 Features 1.5 Door options

• Material: cast aluminium The motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED is available with the fol-
• Custom paint finish (optional) lowing door options:
• Protection class IP 66 according to VDE 0470-1/DIN EN Door hinge Opening angle Door lock Standard
60529:2000-09 (dust-proof; protected against strong jets 90°
of water; not protected against corrosive atmospheres, 110°
since the ambient air can enter the inside of the motor 130° x
drive unit via the vents.) left
130° x
• Transformer fixture TAPMOTION® ED S/L with identical di- 180°
mensions 180° x
• The transformer fixture is identical to the MA7 version 90°
(predecessor of TAPMOTION® ED ).
1.4.3 Special types (optional) 130°
130° x
• External control elements
For application at ambient temperatures < -30°C
180° x
• Integrated lock
with profile half cylinder or Kaba cylinder Table 1 Door options for motor drive unit TAPMOTI-
• Sun/rain shelter ON® ED
for protection of the motor drive unit against direct solar
radiation and rain
• Version for auxiliary gearbox
Special design for adaptation to different transformation
ratios and/or adaptation of the deflection.
• Vibration-cushioned version
see Figure 5
Minimization of the motor drive unit excitation at its reso-
nance frequency (~20Hz) through transformer oscillation
frequency; frequency: 33/100/120 Hz
=> optimum attenuation in direction of oscillation
• Version for insulated installation
see Figure 6

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 3

1 General

Figure 3 Housing drawing TAPMOTION® ED S (8988013D)

4 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

Figure 4 Housing drawing TAPMOTION® ED L (8988023D)

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 5

1 General

Figure 5 Motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED with vibration-cushioned protective housing (7303420D)

6 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

Figure 6 Motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED with insulated protective housing (8989350D)

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 7

1 General

1.6 Motor types

For choosing a suitable motor type for the selected switch please refer to the selection table for motor drive types with normal
operating time provided in section 6.1.
The following schedules show the different drive motor options for the TAPMOTION® ED. Further information about drive motors
(AC, DC) is available on request.
Motor MR voltage range Frequency Voltage range Rated current Starting current Minimum starting torque at the
capacity [kW] [Hz] [V] Y/D [ A ] (times x) drive shaft [Nm] motor shaft [Nm]
1 60 190-230/110-133 8.0 - 5.5/12.0 - 9.0
50 200-240/115-139 5.0 - 3.5/10.0 - 7.0
60 220-294/127-168 5.0 - 3.5/6.3 - 4.5
50 238-290/138-167 5.0 - 3.5/8.0 - 5.5
60 285-350/165-200 5.0 - 3.5/8.0 - 5.5
50 290-360/167-208 4.0 - 2.8/6.3 - 4.5
0,75 60 346-430/200-248 4.0 - 2.8/6.3 - 4.5 3.5-7 45 6,5
50 360-440/208-254 2.5 - 1.8/5.0 - 3.5
60 430-530/248-306 2.5 - 1.8/5.0 - 3.5
50 450-550/260-320 2.5 - 1.8/4.0 - 2.8
60 540-660/310-380 2.5 - 1.8/4.0 - 2.8
50 625-760/360-440 1.6 - 1.1/3.2 - 2.2
60 750/430-530 1.6 - 1.1/3.2 - 2.2
1 60 190-230/110-133 12.0 - 9.5/21.0 - 16.5
3 AC 50 200-240/115-139 9.4 - 7.5/16.5 - 15.5
60 220-294/127-168 10.5 - 7.8/18.0 - 13.5
50 238-290/138-167 7.9 - 7.5/13.7 - 13.0
60 285-350/165-200 7.9 - 6.0/13.7 - 10.5
50 290-360/167-208 6.5 - 6.1/11.2 - 10.5
2 60 346-430/200-248 6.5 - 5.0/11.2 - 8.7 3.5-7 90 13
50 360-440/208-254 5.2 - 4.9/9.0 - 8.5
60 430-530/248-306 5.2 - 4.0/9.0 - 7.0
50 450-550/260-320 4.2 - 3.9/7.2 - 6.8
60 540-660/310-380 4.2 - 3.2/7.2 - 5.6
50 625-760/360-440 2.9 - 2.8/5.2 - 4.9
60 750/430-530 2.3/5.2 - 4.0
50 290-360/167-208 7.7 - 6.6/13.5 - 11.5
60 346-430/200-248 7.5 - 5.6/13.0 - 9.7
2,2 3.5-7 125 18
50 360-440/208-254 6.2 - 5.3/11.0 - 9.2
60 430-530/248-306 6.0 - 4.5/10.5 - 7.8

Table 2 Drive motors with 0.75 kW, 2.0 kW or 2.2 kW capacity

1.7 Transmission gear types
Motor size ED type ID Transmission gear type Hand crank revs. per the
tap-change operation
Transmission gear 100 (hand
I ED 100 33
Transmission crank gear ratio 2:1)
gear Transmission gear 200 (hand
II ED 200 33
crank gear ratio 2:1)
Transmission gear 200 (hand
III ED 200 54
crank gear ratio 3:1)

Table 3 Transmission gear types for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

1.7.1 Identifiers
• LG 100: small transmission gear unit, up to 45 Nm at the drive shaft
• LG 200: large transmission gear unit, up to 125 Nm at the drive shaft

8 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

1.7.2 Features
• Single-stage belt type gear with i = 7.75:1
• Efficiency: ~ 0.9
• Belt: Poly-V belt
• Low-noise
• High torque values up to 125 Nm at the drive shaft
• Hand crank operation possible
• Integration of mechanical blocking

1.7.3 Hand crank gear wheels

The hand crank gear wheels have a gear ratio of 2:1 or 3:1, depending on the version.

1.7.4 Drive belts

Information about the drive belts and the belt tension is available on request from your contact at Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen.
The choice of transmission gear and the hand crank gear ratio depends on the size of the drive motor and the torque required for
the on-load tap-changer.

Damage to the motor drive unit!
The belt tension is set by MR and must
not be modified during the service life!

1.7.5 Motor design

Minimum starting torque at the motor shaft
for 3 x AC 50 Hz motors in 50 Hz mode and 0.8 rated operating voltage
for 3 x AC 50 Hz motor in 60 Hz mode and 0.85 rated operating voltage
for 1 x AC 50 Hz motor in 50 Hz mode and 0.8 rated operating voltage
for 1 x AC 50 Hz motor in 60 Hz mode and 0.85 rated operating voltage
for DC motors at 0.8 x rated operating voltage
ED motor size Minimum starting torque [Nm] Motor capacity [kW] Transmission
3 x AC 1 x AC DC 3 x AC 1 x AC DC gear
Motor 1 6,5 6.5/3.0***) 6.5*) 4.3**) 0,75 0,45 0.4*) 0.4**) LG 100
Motor 2 13 - 13*) 6.5**) 2 - 0.65*) 0.65**) LG 200
Motor 3 18 - - 2,2 - - - LG 200
*) 110-132 V and 220-250 V
**) 48-50 V and 60-65 V
***) minimum starting torque = 6.5 Nm, minimum breakdown torque = 3 Nm
Table 4 Motor versions for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

Please note that AC motors have a
lower breakdown torque.

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 9

1 General

1.8 Control gear options

The control gear options in Table 5 are applicable for on-load NOTE!
tap-changers with switch arrangement"A". Other control gear
options for special switch arrangement "AB" or "ABC" are Shorter operating times (half, third)
available on request. usually require changes in the drive
shaft configuration and higher motor
Operating time per Drive shaft revs. Max. number of
tap-change operation per tap-change operating positions
at 50 Hz operation 35 70 105
normal (approx. 5.4 s) 16,5 X X X
half (approx. 2.7 s) 8,25 X X X
third (approx. 1.8 s) 5,5 X X
Operating time data are guide values,
double (approx. 10.4 s) 33 X
since the actual operating time
depends on the motor voltage, the fre-
Table 5 Control gear options for motor drive unit TAP- quency, and the load profile.

1.9 Terminals and cable types (wiring)

1.9.1 Terminals
The following terminal types are available for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED as standard:
Standard terminals in the motor drive unit:
FA Type Connected loads Width Colour Terminal type
WAGO 880-901 2 (AWG 28-12) 800 V/25 A 5 mm grey Line-up terminal
0.08 - 4 mm
880-907 2
0.08 - 4 mm (AWG 28-12) 25 A 5 mm yellow/green Terminal, Earth

Table 6 Standard terminals for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

FA Type Connected loads Width Colour Terminal type
Phoenix UK5N 2 (AWG 24-10) 800 V/41 A 6.2 mm grey Line-up terminal
0.2 - 6 mm
USLKG10-1 2 (AWG 28-12) 44 A 6.2 mm yellow/green Terminal, Earth
0.5 - 6 mm
URTK/S 2 (AWG 20-8) 400 V/57 A 8.2 mm grey Disconnect terminal
0.5 - 10 mm

Table 7 Terminals (optional) for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

Further terminal types are available on request.

1.9.2 Cable types (wiring)

Standard wiring in the motor drive unit
H07V-K 1.5 mm2 AWG 16 black
H07V-K 2.5 mm2 AWG 14 yellow/green
Table 8 Standard wiring
Special wiring in the motor drive unit
H07Z-K 1.5 mm2 AWG 16 black or coloured
H07Z-K 2.5 mm2 AWG 14 black or coloured
H07Z-K 2.5 mm2 AWG 14 yellow/green
Table 9 Special wiring (optional)

10 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

1.10 Base plate/cover options

The base plate and the cover are supplied without holes as standard.
The base plate and cover can optionally be ordered with drill holes according to your requirements.
You can select the base plate or cover to match your requirements in terms of type, size and number of holes from Table 10.
Thread type and size M 20 M 25 M 32 M 40 M 50 M 63 PG11 PG 13.5 PG 16 PG 21 PG 29 PG 36 PG 42

Qty./ED Type ID Number of holes

M - 1xM20/1xM25/3xM32/3xM40 1 1 3 3
M - 2xM20/3xM25/2xM32 2 3 2
M - 16xM25 16
M - 6xM25/2xM32/3xM40 6 2 3
M - 12xM25/2xM32/2xM40 12 2 2
M - 1xM25/3xM32/3xM40 1 3 3
M - 2xM25/5xM32/1xM63 2 5 1
M - 3xM25/7xM40 3 7
M - 4xM25/2xM32/2xM40/2xM50 4 2 2 2
M - 5xM25/3xM40 5 3
Base plate version

M - 2xM32/1xM40/2xM50 2 1 2
M - 2xM32/3xM40/1xM50 2 3 1

M - 4xM40/3xM50 4 3
PG - 16xPG16 16
PG - 6xPG16/2xPG21/3xPG29 6 2 3
PG - 12xPG16/2xPG21/2xPG29 12 2 2
PG - 1xPG16/3xPG21/3xPG29 1 3 3
PG - 2xPG16/5xPG21/1xPG42 2 5 1
PG - 3xPG16/10xPG29 3 10
PG - 3xPG16/3xPG21/1xPG29 3 3 1
PG - 4xPG16/2xPG21/2xPG29/2xPG36 4 2 2 2
PG - 5xPG16/3xPG29 5 3
PG - 3xPG21/4xPG29/4xPG36 (SYMMETR) 3 4 4
PG - 4xPG21/2xPG29 4 2
PG - 5xPG29/3xPG36 5 3
for 6 x M20x1.5 6
for 4 x M25x1.5 4
for 3 x M32x1.5 3
for 4 x M20x1.5 & 1xPG13.5 (emerg. heater) 4 1
Cover version

for 2xM20, 1xM25, 1xM32 (x 1.5) 2 1 1


for 6 x PG13.5 6
for 5 x PG16 5
for 4 x PG21 4
for 5 x PG13.5 (emerg. heater plug) 5
for 1xPG11 1xPG13.5 1xPG16 1xPG21 1 1 1 1

Table 10 Base plate/cover options for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

The base plates and covers can be supplied with PG thread or metric threads.
The MR range of cable glands (optional) only includes screw fittings with metric thread.

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 11

1 General

Figure 7 illustrates the relationship between PG and metric thread:

Pg threads Pg7 Pg9 Pg11 PG13.5 Pg16 Pg 21 Pg29 Pg36 Pg42 Pg48

Drill hole 13 15,7 19 21 23 28,8 37,5 47,5 54,5 59,8

dia. in mm

Drill hole 12,5 16,5 20,5 25,5 32,5 40,5 50,5 63,5
dia. in mm

Metr. thread M 12 M 16 M 20 M 25 M 32 M 40 M 50 M 63

Figure 7 Relationship between PG and metric thread

12 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

1 General

1.11 General technical data - power consumption This must be taken into account in the design of interlocking
All electrical components meet the requirements of IEC circuits between the motor drive unit and external equipment.
60214-1 (operating range 0.85-1.1 Urated). Prior to delivery
through MR the motor drive unit is tested with a test voltage 1.11.7 Position transmitter module
of 2 kV/60 s against ground. • N/O contact with 19 to 35 positions
The slider of the position transmitter board can be used in
break-before-make (BBM) or make-before-break (MBB)
CAUTION! mode. During position switching the signal is either briefly
interrupted (BBM) or bridged (MBB). The position designa-
Damage to the motor drive unit and tion is always shown from the lowest to the highest posi-
electronic components! tion.
Damage to the motor and electronic • N/O contact up to 35 positions, 10 A
The slider of the position transmitter board is used in
Before carrying out a dielectric test the
make-before-break (MBB) mode. During position swit-
motor and all electronic devices must
ching the signal is briefly bridged (MBB). The position
be disconnected
designation is always shown from the lowest to the high-
est position.
1.11.1 Motor circuit The module is used for controlling current matching trans-
Information about the motor circuit can be found in section formers for industrial applications up to 10 A.
1.6, Motor types. • Resistor type up to 35 positions
The slider of the position transmitter board is used in
1.11.2 Control circuit
make-before-break (MBB) mode. During position swit-
Control circuit ching the signal is briefly bridged (MBB). The position
Making capacity of the contactor approx. 100 VA over designation is always shown from the lowest to the high-
coil the whole voltage class est position.
The potentiometer module can be supplied in different
Working range of the solenoid coils AC 0.8 to 1.1 x Us versions: upstream and/or downstream resistors (same or
different resistance value), automatically changing positi-
DC 0.8 to 1.1 x Us
ons, bridged/unbridged.
Minimum/maximum supply voltage 48/240 V AC 50/60 HZ
• Position transmitter as diode-coded matrix up to 35
24/220 V DC
Other voltages (AC, DC) on request
The slider of the position transmitter board is used in
Table 11 Control circuit break-before-make (BBM) mode. During position swit-
ching the signal is briefly interrupted (BBM). The position
1.11.3 Heating circuit designation is always shown from the lowest to the high-
est position.
Heating circuit
Base heating capacity ED-S /ED-L 50 W/60 W
Auxiliary heating ED-S /ED-L (via 140 W/175 W
Supply voltages 110 V - 265 V AC/DC
Table 12 Heating circuit

1.11.4 Temperature range (areas of application)

• Ambient Temperature: -30 °C to +50 °C
• Arctic conditions < -30°C

1.11.5 Microswitch (cam-controlled)

Data: 24-250 V, 100 W, AC/DC (ohmic load)

1.11.6 Note regarding position transmitter equipment

The switching time of the position transmitter in the motor
drive unit does not represent the diverter switching time,
which depends on the diverter switch type.

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 13

2 Module catalog

2 Module catalog

Module 100

14 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 110

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 15

2 Module catalog

Module 115

16 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

Module catalog

Standard electric control circuit module K1(K2).

The control circuit has a mechanical protective device against unintentional passage of posi- Cam switch S13A (S13B) actuates stepping contactor K20 after 4.5 tap change steps (TCS),
tions with two monitoring phases (TCS 3-4, TCS 29-30) that monitors all contactors and cam which de-energizes electric latching of motor contactor K1 (K2) via the contacts K20:21-22,

Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED

switches. 31-32. K20 latches independently (K20:13-14, 43-44). S13 falls back after 30.5 TCS, K20 is only
If a component fails the motor protective switch (Q1) is switched off via its trip coil. If an in- energized via electric latching.
correct rotating field is applied the motor starts up, changes the direction of rotation, and trips During the 31st tap change step S12(S14) fall back, electric latching of the motor contactor is
the motor protective switch when it reaches the monitoring phase. inactive, and the tap-change operation is complete. If an impulse is still active, K20 remains
If the supply voltage fails an active tap-change operation is terminated when the supply is re- energizes via its electric latching contacts, and the impulse path of the motor contactors is
stored [except during the monitoring phases for the mechanical protective device against un- locked for another tap-change operation (stepping characteristics). A further tap-change ope-
intentional passage of positions (3-4, 29-30)]. ration is only initiated after interruption of the pulsing
Pulsing takes place via sensor S3 or externally via terminals X1:10 , X1:11 (X1:12). The motor The cam switches of the mechanical protective device against unintentional passage of posi-
protective switch can be actuated externally via terminals (X1:14) X1:15. After pulsing the mo- tions S1/S2 form two monitoring phases (3-4, 29-30 TCS) during which the switching states
tor contactor K1(K2) is energized and latches independently [K1(K2): 73-74]; during the fourth of the contactors and therefore the cam switches are checked.
tap change step mechanical latching S12(S14) is actuated and energizes the motor contactor For safety reasons the control voltage should be derived from the supply voltage.

Module 150

Module catalog

Standard electric control circuit module with autom. passage 30.5 TCS, K20 is only energized via electric latching. During the 31st tap change step S12(S14)
The control circuit has a mechanical protective device against unintentional passage of positi- fall back, electric latching of the motor contactor is inactive, and the the tap-change operation
ons with two monitoring phases (TCS 3-4, TCS 29-30) that monitors all contactors and cam swit- is therefore complete. If an impulse is still active, K20 remains energized via its electric latching

Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED

ches. If a component fails the motor protective switch (Q1) is switched off via its trip coil. If an contacts, and the impulse path of the motor contactors is locked for another tap-change ope-
incorrect rotating field is applied the motor starts up, changes the direction of rotation, and ration (stepping characteristics). A further tap-change operation is only initiated after interrup-
trips the motor protective switch when it reaches the monitoring phase. tion of the pulsing. The cam switches of the mechanical protective device against unintentional
If the supply voltage fails an active tap-change operation is terminated when the supply is re- passage of positions S1/S2 form two monitoring phases (3-4, 29-30 TCS) during which the swit-
stored [except during the monitoring phases for the mechanical protective device against un- ching states of the contactors and therefore the cam switches are checked.
intentional passage of positions (3-4, 29-30)]. For automatic passage through a position (freely definable) over the tapping position range,
Pulsing occurs via sensor S3 or externally via terminals X1:10 , X1:11 (X1:12). stepping contactor K20 is de-energized via cam switch S37 before the end of the tap-change
The motor protective switch can be actuated externally via terminals (X1:14) X1:15. operation.
After pulsing the motor contactor K1(K2) is energized and latches independently [K1(K2): 73- At the end of this tap-change operation electric latching of the motor contactors K1/K2 is active
74]; during the fourth tap change step mechanical latching S12(S14) is actuated and energizes and a further position is passed.
the motor contactor K1(K2). Cam switch S13A (S13B) actuates stepping contactor K20 after 4.5 For safety reasons the control voltage should be derived from the supply voltage.
tap change steps (TCS), which de-energizes electric latching of motor contactor K1 (K2) via the
contacts K20:21-22, 31-32. K20 latches independently (K20:13-14, 43-44). S13 falls back after

Module 155

2 Module catalog

Module 160

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 19

2 Module catalog

Module 270

20 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 250

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 21

2 Module catalog

Module 285

22 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 365

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 23

2 Module catalog

Module 370

24 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 415

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 25

2 Module catalog

Module 460

26 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 550

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 27

2 Module catalog

Module 660

28 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 700

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 29

2 Module catalog

Module 750

30 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 805

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 31

2 Module catalog

Module 810

32 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

2 Module catalog

Module 820

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 33

2 Module catalog

Modules 830, 835 and 840

34 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

3 Accessories (optional)
3.1 Tap position indicator device for constant current 3.1.5 Technical data
analysis Mechanical data
3.1.1 Principle and configuration Design: Casing for installation in control
The tap position indicator instrument displays the current po- panels or machine consoles,
sition of the motor drive or the on-load tap-changer at any lo- modular
cation, usually in the control room. Casing material: Polycarbonate, self-extinguishing,
non-dripping UL 94 V - 0
3.1.2 Principle
Each motor drive position corresponds to an area on the posi- Front screen: Sheet glass
tion transmitter board that is contacted by the slider. The areas Front frame colour: black (similar to RAL 9005)
are connected with the position transmitter module (resistor Mounting position: vertical ± 5°
type) via the position transmitter cable. Fixture: Screw spindle
In the position transmitter module a modified resistance value Installation: "high density" possible
is transferred to the input of a measuring transducer in the Control panel <= 40 mm
motor drive unit, depending on the position. thickness:
Connection: Hex bolts with M4 and bolt clamp
This measuring transducer converts the resistor input signal
into a constant current signal (e.g. 4...20 mA). The input signal strap
of the measuring transducer is generally specified with 10 ohm Wire section: max. 2.5 mm²
per step, the output signal can be variable, usually 4...20 mA. Display dimensions
The display instrument is adapted to the output signal and the- Square front frame 72 x 72 mm,
refore indicates the motor drive position, depending on the with bridge circuit installation depth 120 mm
constant current signal. 96 x 96 mm,
installation depth 120 mm
3.1.3 Configuration 144 x 144 mm,
In the motor drive unit a resistor-type position transmitter po- installation depth 120 mm
sition transmitter is required. The resistor contact range (10 Rectangular front 96 x 48 mm,
ohm per step) must match the number of required positions. frame: installation depth 107 mm
The motor drive unit also features a measuring transducer that 144 x 72 mm,
converts the resistor signal into a constant current signal installation depth 192 mm
(4...20 mA). Circuit board section: 68 x 68 mm
The output signal of the measuring transducer is connected 92 x 92 mm
with the display instrument via a screened cable. 138 x 138 mm
92 x 45 mm
3.1.4 Connection 138 x 68 mm
Tap position indicator device, square version Drawings: 898105:3M, 899030:0M
Standard connection Table 13 Mechanical data
Terminals 17 (+) and 18 (-) are connected with the output si-
gnal of the measuring transducer in the motor drive unit, Electrical data
usually terminals X1:211 (-) and X1:212 (+). Measured variable: DC
Terminal 17 (+) constant current input + Overload limit according to DIN EN 60051
Terminal 18 (-) constant current input - continuous: 1.2 x
max. 5 sec: 10 x
Tap position indicator device, rectangular version
Protection class: II
Standard connection Protection rating IP20
The + and - terminals are connected with the output signal of Insulation group: A according to VDE 0110
the measuring transducer in the motor drive unit, usually ter- Rated insulation voltage: 1000 V
minals X1:211 (-) and X1:212 (+). Test voltage: 3 kV at 50 Hz, 1 min. according to
Terminal + constant current input + DIN 57410
Terminal - constant current input -
Table 14 Electrical data

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 35

3 Accessories (optional)

3.2 Tap position indicator instrument for resistor

signal processing NOTE!
3.2.1 Configuration / Types Before establishing the connection
For transformers where the transformer ratios are modified check the auxiliary voltage.
through on-load tap-changers with remote-controlled motor It must be within the range specified
drives, the operating positions of the on-load tap-changer on the nameplate.
have to be displayed in the control room.
The square tap position indicator instrument shown in drawing Connection
897897:3M (see Figure 8) is generally equipped with an inte-
Tap position indicator device, square version
grated power supply unit.
Standard connection
The rectangular tap position indicator instrument shown in
drawing 898105:3M (see Figure 10) is equipped with an addi- Connect the device according to the wiring diagram on the na-
tional power supply unit with bridge circuit according to dra- meplate at the rear of the housing. The numbers in the wiring
wing 898106:2M (see Figure 9). diagram match the numbers on the terminals.
Terminals 1 - 3 potentiometer teletransmitter
3.2.2 Principle and configuration Terminals 4 - 7 auxiliary voltage
The tap position indicator instrument displays the current po- A trim potentiometer for minimum scale value
sition of the motor drive or the on-load tap-changer at any lo- E trim potentiometer for full-scale value
cation, usually in the control room. Extended setting range: Principle To extend the setting range for the minimum or full-scale va-
lue, set potentiometer RA or RE:
Each motor drive position corresponds to an area on the posi-
tion transmitter board that is contacted by the slider. The areas • Extended setting range for minimum scale value (zero ele-
are connected with the position transmitter module (resistor vation):
type) via the position transmitter cable. calibration with potentiometer RA
• Extended setting range for full-scale value (full-scale value
In the position transmitter module a modified resistance value suppression):
is transferred to the input of a tap position indicator instru- calibration with potentiometer RE
ment, depending on the position. • RA: Trim potentiometer for extended minimum scale value
The display instrument operates with resistance range of 60 - range
2700 ohm. • RE: Trim potentiometer for extended full-scale value range
Tap position indicator device, rectangular version with po- Configuration
wer supply unit
In the motor drive unit a resistor-type position transmitter po-
Standard connection
sition transmitter is required.
Connect the device according to the wiring diagram on the na-
The resistor contact range (10 ohm per step) must match the
meplate at the rear of the housing. The numbers in the wiring
number of required positions.
diagram match the numbers on the terminals.
The resistor module is connected with the display instrument
Terminals 1 - 3 potentiometer teletransmitter
or the power supply unit with bridge circuit via a screened ca-
Terminals + and - switch position indicator
Terminals 4 - 7 auxiliary voltage
A trim potentiometer for minimum scale value
E trim potentiometer for full-scale value

36 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

Design: Casing for installation in control Measured variable: DC

panels or machine consoles, Overload limit according to DIN EN 60051
modular continuous: 1.2 x
Casing material: Polycarbonate, self-extinguishing max. 5 sec: 10 x
and non-dripping according to UL Protection class: II
94 V – 0 Protection rating IP20
Front screen: Sheet glass Insulation group: A according to VDE 0110
Front frame colour: black (similar to RAL 9005) Rated insulation voltage: 1000V
Mounting position: vertical ± 5° Test voltage: 3 kV at 50 Hz,
Fixture: Screw spindle 1 minute according to DIN
Installation: „high density“ possible 57410
Control panel <= 40 mm Supply voltages: 9.6 – 15V DC, 20 – 29V DC,
thickness: 43 – 54V DC
Connection: Hex bolts with M4 and bolt clamp 51 – 70V DC, 93 – 132V DC,
strap 190 – 235V DC
Wire section: max. 2.5 mm² 98 – 126V AC, 195 – 253V AC,
Display dimensions 340 – 440V AC
Square front frame
Table 16 Electrical data
with bridge circuit: 72 x 72 mm,
installation depth 120 mm
96 x 96 mm,
installation depth 120 mm
144 x 144 mm,
installation depth 120 mm
Rectangular front 96 x 48 mm,
frame: installation depth 107 mm
144 x 72 mm,
installation depth 192 mm
Circuit board section: 68 x 68 mm
92 x 92 mm
138 x 138 mm
92 x 45 mm
138 x 68 mm
Power supply dimensions
with bridge circuit:
Drawings: 897897:3M, 898105:3M,
898106:2M, 899030:0M
Table 15 Mechanical data

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 37

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 8 8978973M

38 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 9 8981062M

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 39

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 10 8981053M

40 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 11 8990300M

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 41

3 Accessories (optional)

3.3 Self-synchronizing transmitter (Selsyn)

The angular rotation transmitter is self-synchronizing (SELSYN) and operates with a 9° or 15° angle per step.
The tap position indicator (drawing no. 708667:00) is connected with the transmitter B3 (SB 1611592) and a common power sup-

Housing size
for adjustment of indicator
Setscrews (3 x 120 degree)

by turning the receiver

Extract from switch panel acc. to DIN 43700:

Receiver in tap position indicator

Supply voltage
Transmitter in ED

Figure 12 70866700

42 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

Module 685

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 43

3 Accessories (optional)

3.4 Digital position display 3.4.2 Principle and configuration

The signal transfer unit for remote tap position indication
3.4.1 Configuration / Types transfers digital signals generated in the motor drive unit over
For transformers where the transformer ratios are modified long distances (up to 50 km). The digital signals can be condi-
through on-load tap-changers with remote-controlled motor tioned, digitally displayed and processed further at a freely sel-
drives, the operating positions of the on-load tap-changer ectable location, usually the control room.
have to be displayed in the control room. For technical reasons
it is expedient to transfer the signal in digital, encoded coded Principle
form. The signal transfer unit in the control room applies a stabilized
The signal transfer and decoupling unit (signal converter) is voltage (terminal 1) to the position transmitter integrated in
used for remote data transmission, processing and potential- the motor drive unit.
free provision of digital signals, independent of their form (co- Motor drive unit:
de). The data are electrically recorded at the source, in this case
The stabilized voltage (24 V DC) applied at the position trans-
the motor drive unit (diode matrix), transferred over longer di-
mitter module (diode matrix) is applied to the slider of the po-
stances, and processed at a freely selectable location, usually
sition transmitter board via the position transmitter cable.
the control room. The processed signals are converted and dis-
Each motor drive position corresponds to an area on the posi-
played via a code converter included in the display module (di-
tion transmitter board that is contacted by the slider. The areas
gital display). In addition, the signal is also available in the
are connected with the position transmitter module via the
control room in potential-free form for further digital proces-
position transmitter cable.
sing (e.g. grid control center). The function of the signal trans-
fer unit is independent of the of the digital signal coding. The In the position transmitter module the signals from the indivi-
labeling is based on the code used (BCD, Gray, binary code) (see dual areas are digitally coded and applied to the outputs ac-
Table 17). The display is available with code converters for the- cording to the on-load tap-changer position designations and
se codes and prepared for additional codes. the required code (BCD, BINARY, Gray) and applied to the out-
The modular design (code-independent signal transfer unit)
and incorporation of a power supply covering the complete Control room:
voltage range (48...265 V DC/AC 50, 60 Hz) make the unit very The output signals from the position transmitter module are
versatile. connected to the signal transfer unit installed in the control
Extract from the truth table for the available codes room (terminals 2...12) and used for actuating relays. For each
bit there are 2 relays, one for controlling the display (5 V DC,
(maximum number of position designations that can be dis-
TTL level) and one for potential-free signal provision. The dif-
played: -199 ... +199)
ferently coded signals are connected with the display via a se-
DECIMAL BCD GRAY DUAL DECIMAL BCD GRAY DUAL rial cable (max. 20 m). In the display the signal is converted to
1 00 0001 00 0001 00 0001 19 01 1001 01 1010 01 0011 a 7-segment-code and digitally displayed. In addition the ori-
2 00 0010 00 0011 00 0010 20 10 0000 01 1110 01 0100
ginal signal is available in potential-free form at the signal
3 00 0011 00 0010 00 0011 21 10 0001 01 1111 01 0101
4 00 0100 00 0110 00 0100 22 10 0010 01 1101 01 0110 transfer unit. If further contacts are required, they can be
5 00 0101 00 0111 00 0101 23 10 0011 01 1100 01 0111 made available via additional interposing relays.
6 00 0110 00 0101 00 0110 24 10 0100 01 0100 01 1000
7 00 0111 00 0100 00 0111 25 10 0101 01 0101 01 1001 Configuration
8 00 1000 00 1100 00 1000 26 10 0110 01 0111 01 1010
9 00 1001 00 1101 00 1001 27 10 0111 01 0110 01 1011 In the motor drive unit a position transmitter with diode ma-
10 01 0000 00 1111 00 1010 28 10 1000 01 0010 01 1100 trix is required. The diode matrix must be configured according
11 01 0001 00 1110 00 1011 29 10 1001 01 0011 01 1101 to the required code and the position designation of the motor
12 01 0010 00 1010 00 1100 30 11 0000 01 0001 01 1110
drive unit. The diode matrix in the motor drive unit is connec-
13 01 0011 00 1011 00 1101 31 11 0001 01 0000 01 1111
14 01 0100 00 1001 00 1110 32 11 0010 11 0000 10 0000 ted with the signal transfer unit in the control room via a cable
15 01 0101 00 1000 00 1111 33 11 0011 11 0001 10 0001 for the slider signal and cables for each bit of the digital signal
16 01 0110 01 1000 01 0000 34 11 0100 11 0011 10 0010 (see Appendix, drawing no. 707 281:00).
17 01 0111 01 1001 01 0001 35 11 0101 11 0010 10 0011
18 01 1000 01 1011 01 0010 36 11 0110 11 0110 10 0100
A signal transfer unit is required in the control room. The signal
transfer unit is voltage-independent due to its large voltage
Table 17 Extract from the truth table for the available range and code-independent due to its modular design. The si-
codes gnal transfer generally contains potential-free contacts at
which the signal is additionally available in decoupled form. In
addition a display unit is required for displaying the operating
position. The display has 2.5 digits with sign (+/-) and only de-
pends on the required code, not on the position ID.

44 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

3.4.3 Technical data

Details for other special types with different technical data are
available on request. Modular signal transfer unit 100

Connection: Wiring diagram 707 281:00 (see Figure 14)

U [V]
Power supply: 2 terminals 51, 52, pluggable, input voltage
48...265 V AC/DC (50.60 Hz).
Control: 12 terminals, pluggable.
Terminal 1: 24 V DC stabilized
Terminal 2...10: relay control (1...199 code-independent) 0,1 1 10
Terminal 11, 12: relay control (sign +/-) I [A]

Pot. free contacts: 12 terminals, pluggable Figure 13 Load limit curve

Terminal 21: input voltage I = switching current
Terminal 22...30: output (1...199 code-indep.) U = switching voltage
Terminal 31, 32: output (sign +/-)
Definition of load limit curve: During 1,000 switching cy-
Display unit: 25-pin socket strip (according to RS232) 5 V DC cles no arc with a duration of > 10 ms may occur.
stabilized (TTL level)
Operating temperature: -30 °C to +50 °C
Diagram: 898 699:0M (see Figure 15)
Transfer distance: max. 50 km (from motor drive unit to signal
Relays: 24 mains relays, 1 change-over contact transfer unit)
Operating voltage = 24 V DC
Contact material = AgSNO2 Modular display unit
Rated output = 170 mW Diagram: 898 700:0M (see Figure 16)
Response value = 75 mW Circuit board section: 22.5 mm x 67.5 mm
Working range/response class = DIN/IEC/VDE -2b Configuration: 2.5 digits with sign (+/- 199), height of digits
Response time/release time = 5 ms/6 ms 14 mm
AC switching capacity/DC = 1500 VA/load limit curve Power supply: DC 5 V
Connection: 25-pin plug connector (according to RS232)
Control: BCD, BINARY, GRAY code (TTL level DC 5 V), other co-
des on request
Operating temperature:-30 °C to +50 °C
Transfer distance: max. 20 m (from signal transfer unit to dis-
play) Connecting cable for display

Type: 25-pin m/f
Standard length: 1.8 m (optionally 3 m, 10 m available)
Operating temperature: -30 °C to +50 °C

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 45

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 14 Digital position display (707 281:00)

46 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 15 Signal transfer unit for remote tap position display (898 699:0M)

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 47

3 Accessories (optional)

Figure 16 7-segment remote tap position display (898 700:0M)

48 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

3 Accessories (optional)

3.5 Brackets for replacing an existing drive with Figure 19 shows the universal bracket with angular fixing strip
motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED for mounting a bevel gear (extension bars and angular fixing
Figure 17 shows the standard universal bracket (max. com- strips can be combined).
pensable horizontal offset: 306 mm, max. compensable verti-
cal offset 172 mm).

Figure 19 Universal bracket with angular fixing strip

If the universal bracket is used, the position of the TAPMOTI-
Figure 17 Standard universal bracket ON® ED drive shaft is moved forward by approx. 78 mm.
Figure 18 shows the universal bracket with extension bars (ex- If the universal bracket is used in combination with extension
tending the vertical compensable offset to 463 mm). bars, the position of the TAPMOTION® ED drive shaft is moved
forward by approx. 83 mm.

Figure 18 Universal bracket with extension bars

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 49

3 Accessories (optional)

3.6 Auxiliary gearbox for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

For realizing a non-standard number of revolutions per tap- A distinction is made between two basic types (see Figure 20):
change operation the TAPMOTION® ED can be equipped with a) Intermediate gear unit: no drive shaft offset
an auxiliary gearbox. b) Displacement gear unit: drive shaft offset

Number of outgoing revolutions

per tap-change operation
66 33 22 16,5 16 8,25 8 6 4 2,5 2
(normal operating time, i.e. 16.5
revolutions input)
Gear ratio 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,031 2 2,063 2,75 4,125 6,6 8,25
Intermediate bearing X X X X X X X X
Intermediate bearing with bevel
Displacement gear unit X X X X
Displacement gear unit with gear
reducer unit
Table 18 Types

Figure 20 Displacement and intermediate gear unit

50 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

4 Application of the motor drive unit in potentially explosive atmospheres

4 Application of the motor drive unit in potentially explosive atmospheres (optio-

4.1 Mechanical configuration 2) EN 60079-2 "Pressurized enclosures p":
The motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED-Ex is only available with Cable entries:
protective housing type ED 100/200-Ex, see Figure 21. The housing of motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED 100/
200S-Ex offers protection rating IP66. The housing trough
is with sealed with a dummy plate. Only Ex-certified cable
entries without negative influence on the leakage loss rate
of the motor drive unit are permitted.
Maximum operating pressure:
The maximum operating pressure of motor drive unit TAP-
MOTION® ED 100/200 S-Ex is 2 kPa.
Safety equipment, inert gas supply:
The safety equipment and the inert gas supply must be
provided by the user.
The safety equipment and the inert gas supply must be
certified based on Explosion Protection Directive 94/9/EG,
similar to motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED-Ex.
The following specifications apply for the selection and opera-
tion of the inert gas supply equipment:
• Nitrogen (N2) and air can be used as protective gas.
• Minimum purge volume: 1700 l (free housing volume 170
l x 10)
Minimum purge duration: depends on the selected wire
cross-sections and purge pressure.

Figure 21 Protective housing type for the TAPMOTI-
ON® ED-Ex, WxHxD: 640x983x442 mm Damage to the motor drive unit!
The protective housing with corrosion protection finish in The pressure at the inlet valve must not
standard RAL 7033 colour consists of two parts (trough and exceed 2000 Pa.
cover), both manufactured from field-proven non-corroding
cast aluminium. The joints between the cover and the trough
and all functionally required openings (drive shaft, window,
aperture for hand crank for Arctic version, etc.) are sealed • Minimum inlet overpressure: 100 Pa
through special measures. providing protection against dust • Maximum inlet overpressure: 2000 Pa
deposits and strong water jet (IP 66). • Leak rate at Pmax: 0.3 dm³/h
Further information about motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED- • Limit temperature for inert gas:
Ex can be found in the associated Operating Instructions, BA Tmax. ≤ 50 °C for temperature class T3
271. Tmax. ≤ 40 °C for temperature class T4
4.2 Measures for ensuring compliance with explosion Due to the small difference in density these values apply to ni-
protection requirements trogen (N2) as protective gas and to air.
In order to ensure correct operation of motor drive unit TAP- 4.3 Limit temperature, ambient temperature
MOTION® ED-Ex the user must implement the following mea- The motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED-Ex is certified for tem-
sures for ensuring compliance with explosion protection perature class T3 (unrestricted operating mode ) or T4 (restric-
requirements. ted operating mode).
Fundamental standards: • T3 certification applies to motor drives for unrestricted
1) EN 60079-0 "General requirements": operating mode within the following ambient temperature
The design of the motor drive unit complies with EN range: -25 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +50 °C
60079-0 "General requirements" (e.g. choice of material, • T4 certification applies to motor drives for restricted ope-
IP protection class, sealing and pressure resistance of the rating mode within the following ambient temperature
equipment, earthing etc. No special measures are required range: -25 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +40 °C
by the customer. Operating mode restriction:

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 51

4 Application of the motor drive unit in potentially explosive atmospheres (optional)

The number of consecutive tap-change operations carried 4.6 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED-Ex
out with this motor drive unit must not exceed 216, after Motor drive unit ED 100/200-S-Ex
which a mandatory idle period of at least 10 hours is Motor output 0.75 kW 2 kW 2.2 kW
required. Voltage 3 AC/N 230/400 V
Current 1.9 A 5.2 A 6.2 A
Frequency 50 Hz
Synchronous speed 1500 rpm
The motor drive unit features a warn- Drive shaft revs. per tap- 16,5
ing sign, indicating that, in the event change operation
of a fault, the motor drive unit must Rated torque of the drive 45 Nm 90 Nm 125 Nm
not be opened until 30 minutes after shaft
disconnection from the mains: Maximum operating range 1155 rpm
"In the event of a fault do not open at the drive shaft
until 30 minutes after disconnection Control and heater voltage AC 230 V
from the mains!" Power consumption of the 100 VA/25 VA
This warning applies to motor drives
control circuit
for both temperature classes (T3/T4).
Heating power 50 W for ED 100/200 S
4.4 Temperature monitoring in the on-load tap- Temperature range -25 °C to +40 °C (T4)
changer oil compartment (ambient temperature) -25 °C to + 50 °C (T3)
The on-load tap-changer cover is equipped with a temperature Test voltage against earth 2 kV/60 s
sensor for monitoring the oil temperature in the on-load tap- Weight max. 100 kg
changer oil compartment.
The associated control unit (temperature monitoring relay) is Table 20 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED-Ex
integrated in motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED-Ex.
The temperature monitoring unit prevents further switching CAUTION!
operations of the on-load tap-changer if the limit temperature
is reached. The temperature monitoring setting for all explosi- Damage to the motor and electronic
on-proof on-load tap changer types is specified individually components!
for each order and protected against unintentional alteration. Before carrying out a dielectric test the
motor and all electronic devices must
be disconnected.
Damage to the motor drive unit!
The set value of the temperature moni-
toring system is set in the factory. This
value must not be changed.

4.5 Technical data, pressurized enclosure

Minimum overpressure (inlet) [Pa] 100
Maximum overpressure (inlet) [Pa] 2000
Minimum purge volume [dm³] 1700
Protective gas air / nitrogen
Leakage loss rate [dm³/h] 0,3
Table 19 Pressurized enclosure

52 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

5 Special types (optional)

5 Special types (optional)

5.1 Voltage regulator (TAPCON®230/240/260) and 5.2 Phase shifter
monitoring systems (TAPGUARD® 240/260) The ED functions within a phase shifter project are very versa-
The voltage regulators of the TAPCON® series are used for au- tile and complex. The motor drive interlock options are also
tomatic control of transformers with on-load tap-changers very extensive.
operated by a motor drive unit. The motor drive unit receives Detailed information and support relating to these issues is
the corresponding control commands from the voltage regu- available on request.
5.3 Plunger coils (E coils)
Based on these signals the on-load tap changer switches to the
next position, and the transformer voltage value is adjusted to In contrast to standard drives, drives for plunger-core earth-
the specified voltage level. fault neutralizers have no stepping contactor K20, and moni-
toring via S1 and S2 is therefore not available.
To allow individual adaptation of the voltage regulation to dif-
ferent operating conditions, parameters such as Motor contactors K1 or K2 are controlled through actuation of
control switch S3. The end position switches S4/S5 interrupt
• time delay
control of the contactors when the end position is reached and
• bandwidth
prevent pulsing beyond the end position.
• line or load-dependent parameters for compensating
voltage drops The maximum operating range of 1155 rpm at the drive shaft
• voltage- or current-dependent limits can be set individually.
must be programmed. Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED (plunger coil design)
The TAPCON® voltage regulators are also capable of con- Motor drive unit ED 100/200-S/L
trolling parallel transformer operation. Motor output 0.75 kW 2 kW 2.2 kW
Further information about TAPCON® 240 and TAPCON® 260 Voltage 3 AC/N 230/400 V
can be found in the associated operating instructions, BA 222 Current 1.9 A 5.2 A 6.2 A
and BA 261 (available from MR on request). Frequency 50 Hz
Synchronous speed 1500 rpm
The monitoring systems of the TAPGUARD® series were de-
veloped specifically for condition-dependent maintenance of Operating time over the approx. 6 minutes
MR OILTAP(r) on-load tap-changers (switching in oil). TAP- maximum operating range
GUARD® calculates the main maintenance criteria for the on- Rated torque of the drive 45 Nm 90 Nm 125 Nm
load tap-changer. If displays the current status and the time shaft
until the next service. Maximum operating range 1155 rpm
The device is controlled by a microcontroller. In addition to a at the drive shaft
voltage transformer and a current transformer it contains op- Control and heater voltage AC 230 V
tocoupler inputs with potential separation and potential-free Power consumption of the 100 VA/25 VA
output relay contacts. control circuit
TAPGUARD® can be parameterized via a PC and a serial inter- (control/operation)
face integrated in the front panel. Heating power 50 W for ED 100/200 S
The monitoring systems of the TAPGUARD® series equipped Temperature range -30 °C to +50 °C
with a data recorder as standard, which automatically stores (ambient temperature)
data relating to on-load tap-changer operating positions, Test voltage against earth 2 kV/60 s
switching currents, and contact wear values. The data can be Weight max. 130 kg
downloaded with the TAPGUARD® visualization software and
Table 21 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED (plunger
then structured and processed for viewing on the PC.
coil design)
Further information about TAPGUARD® 240 and TAPGUARD®
260 can be found in the associated operating instructions, BA
244 and BA 301. CAUTION!
Damage to the motor and electronic
Before carrying out a dielectric test the
motor and all electronic devices must
be disconnected.

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 53

5 Special types (optional)

Module 160

54 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

5 Special types (optional)

Module 710

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 55

6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers"

6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers"

6.1 Selection table for motor drive types with normal operating time
Motor drive type ED 100S ED 100 L ED 200 S ED 200 L ED 200 L
Voltage type 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC
Motor torque (starting torque) 6.5 Nm 13 Nm 18 Nm
Areas of application
Type VV VV I 401 · · · + + +
3x VV I 401 · · · + + +
VV III 250/400/600 · · · + + +
2x VV III 250/400/600 without change-over selector · · · + + +
2x VV III 250/400/600 with change-over selector · · ·1 + + 1
Type VRC VRC I 401/551/701 · · · + + +
3x VRC I 401/551/701 · · · + + +
VRC I MW 701 · · · + + +
3x VRC I MW 701 · - · + - +
VRC II 402/552/702 · · · + + +
VRC III 400/550/700 · · · + + +
VRC III MW 700 · · · + + +
VRC I 1001 · · · + + +
3x VRC I 1001 · - · + - +
VRC I MW 1001 · · · + + +
3x VRC I MW 1001 · - · + - +
VRC I 1301 · · · + + +
3x VRC I 1301 · - · + - +
VRC I MW 1301 · · · + + +
3x VRC I MW 1301 - - - - - - · - ·1
VRC linear selector · · · + + +
3x VRC linear selector · - · + - +
Type VRD/VRD-Ex VRD III 1000 · · · + + +
VRD III 1300 · · · + + +
VRD III 1300 · - · + - +
VRD I 1301 · · · + + +
VRD I 1301 · - · + - +
Type VRE/VRD-Ex VRE I 701 · · · + + +
3x VRE I 701 · · · + + +
VRE III 700 · · · + + +
VRE I 1001 · · · + + +
3x VRE I 1001 · - · + - +
VRE I 1301 · · · + + +
3x VRE I 1301 · - · + - +
Type VRF/VRF-Ex VRF I 1001 · · · + + +
3x VRF I 1001 · - · + - +
VRF III 1000 · · · + + +
2x VRF III 1000 · - · + - +
VRF I 1301 · · · + + +
3x VRF I 1301 · - · + - +
VRF II 1302 · · · + + +
VRF III 1300 · · · + + +
2x VRF III 1300 · - · + - +
VRF I with dual power cable 2602 · · · + + +
Selection table for normal operating time (·=standard version + =optional version) ; 1= voltages between 110-132V and 220-250V only
For shorter operating times or Arctic operation please contact MR

Table 22 Selection table for motor drive types with normal operating time

56 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers"

Motor drive type ED 100S ED 100 L ED 200 S ED 200 L ED 200 L

Voltage type 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC
Motor torque (starting torque) 6.5 Nm 13 Nm 18 Nm
Areas of application
Type VRG/VRG-Ex VRG I 1001 · · · + + +
3x VRG I 1001 · - · + - +
VRG III 1000 · · · + + +
2x VRG III 1000 · - · + - +
VRG I 1301 · · · + + +
3x VRG I 1301 · - · + - +
VRG II 1302 · · · + + +
VRG III 1300 · · · + + +
2x VRG III 1300 · - · + - +
VRG I with dual power cable 2602 · · · + + +
Type M M I 351/501/601 · · · + + +
M I 502/602 · · · + + +
M I 603 · · · + + +
M II 352/502/602 · · · + + +
M I 351/501/601+ M II 352/502/602 · · · + + +
3x M I 351/501/601 · · · + + +
3x M I 353/503/603 · · · + + +
M I 802/803 · · · + + +
3x M I 802/803 · - · + - +
M I 1203/1503 · · · + + +
3x M I 1203/1503 without change-over selector · - · + - +
3x M I 1203/1503 with change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·1
M III 350/500/600 · · · + + +
2x M III 350/500/600 · · · + + +
M Dr 600 · · · + + +
M III MG 600 · · · + + +
3x M I -MG 351/501/601 · · · + + +
3x M I -MG 802 · - · + - +
3x M I -MG 1203/1503 - - - - - - · - ·1
M linear selector, all types · · · + + +
3x M linear selector, all types · - · + - +
Type MS MS I 301/300 · · · + + +
3x MS I 301/300 · · · + + +
MS II 302 · · · + + +
MS III 300 · · · + + +
MS I + MS II 301/302 · · · + + +
Selection table for normal operating time (·=standard version + =optional version) ; 1= voltages between 110-132V and 220-250V only
For shorter operating times or Arctic operation please contact MR

Table 23 Selection table for motor drive types with normal operating time

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 57

6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers"

Motor drive type ED 100S ED 100 L ED 200 S ED 200 L ED 200 L

Voltage type 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC AC DC 3 AC
Motor torque (starting torque) 6.5 Nm 13 Nm 18 Nm
Areas of application
Type R R I - C/D 1201 · · · + + +
3x R I - C/D 1201 · - · + - +
R III - C/D 1200 · · · + + +
2x R III - C/D 1200 · - · + - +
R I - C/D 2002/2402 · · · + + +
3x R I - C/D 2002/2402 · - · + - +
R I - C/D 3003 · · · + + +
3x R I - C/D 3003 · - · + - +
3x R I - C/D 3003 - - - - - - · - ·1
R III - E 1200 · · · + + +
2x R III - E 1200 · - · + - +
R I - E 1201 · · · + + +
R I - E 2002/2402 · · · + + +
R I - E 3003 · · · + + +
3x R I - E 2002/2402 · - · + - +
3x R I - E 3003 - - - - - - · - ·1
Type RM RM III 600 · · · + + +
RM I 601 · · · + + +
RM I 1201/1502 · · · + + +
3x RM I 601 · · · + + +
3x RM I 1201/1502 without change-over selector · - · + - +
3x RM I 1201/1502 with change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·1
Type V V I 350/400 · · · + + +
3x V I 350/400 · · · + + +
V III 200 · · · + + +
V III 350/4010 · · · + + +
V I with coarse tap selector · · · + + +
V III with coarse tap selector · · · + + +
Type G G I 1612/1622/1602 · · · + + +
G I 3022/3002 without change-over selector · - · + - +
G I 3022/3002 with change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·
G I 4502 - - - - - - · - ·1
G II 1622 - - - - - - · - ·
G III 1602 without change-over selector · - · + - +
G III 1602 with change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·1
G III 2002/2502 without change-over selector · - · + - +
G III 2002/2502 with change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·1
G I DW 1612/1622/1602 - - - - - - · - ·
G I DW 3022/3002 - - - - - - · - ·
3x G I 16../20../30.. without change-over selector - - - - - - · - ·1
3x G I 16../20../30.. with change-over selector - - - - - - - - - ·
2x G III 16../20../30.. - - - - - - - - - ·
Type VT VT 500 · · · + + +
3x VT 500 · - · + - +
Type DU DU III 200/400/600/800/1000 · · · + + +
DU III 1202/1222/1602/1622/2022 · · · + + +
DU I 200/400/600/800/1000 · · · + + +
DU I 1202/1222/1602/1622/2022 · · · + + +
Selection table for normal operating time (·=standard version + =optional version) ; 1= voltages between 110-132V and 220-250V only
For shorter operating times or Arctic operation please contact MR

Table 24 Selection table for motor drive types with normal operating time

58 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

6 Extract from selection table "Drive capacities for on-load tap-changers"

6.2 Explanation of type designations for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

Type Description Version
ED 100-ST PRODUCT ID Electric Drive
ED 100-ST Transmission gear type 100 = small transmission gear (motor, 6.5 Nm)
200 = large transmission gear (motor, 13/18
ED 100-ST Protective housing type S = small protective housing
L = large protective housing
ED 100-ST Special applications C = plunger coil type
Table 25 Explanation of type designations for motor drive unitTAPMOTION® ED

292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 59

7 List of relevant standards

7 List of relevant standards

EU/Int. Issue National concordance Issue Title Subtitle
EN 60034-5 2001:12 VDE0530-5/ 12.01 Rotating electrical machines Degrees of protection provided by the
IEC 60034-5 2006 (ConEd) 4.1 DIN EN 60034-5 integral design of rotating electrical
machines (IP code); Classification
EN 60204-1 1997:12 VDE0113-1/ 11.98 Electrical equipment of machines General requirements
IEC 60204-1 5ED2005 DIN EN 60204-1
EN 60439-1 1999:10 VDE0660-500/ 01.05 Low-voltage switchgear and Type-tested and partially type-tested
IEC60439-1 4ED1999 DIN EN 60439-1 controlgear assemblies assemblies
EN 60445 2000:02 VDE0197/ 08.00 Identification of equipment Gen. requirements -
IEC 60445 4ED2006 DIN EN 60445 terminals and of terminations of including general rules of an
certain designated conductors, alphanumeric system
EN 60529 1991:02 VDE0470-1/ 09.00 Degrees of protection provided IP Code
IEC 60529 2001 (ConEd) 2.1 DIN EN 60529 by enclosures
EN 60691 2003 :01 VDE0821/ 07.03 Thermal links Requirements and application guide
IEC 60691 3ED2002 DIN EN 60691
EN 60947-1 2004:04 VDE0660-100/ 01.05 Low-voltage switchgear and General rules
IEC 60947-1 4ED2004 DIN EN 60947-1 controlgear
EN 60947-2 2006:08 VDE0660-101/ 03.04 Low-voltage switchgear and
IEC 60947-2 4ED2006 DIN EN 60947-2 controlgear
EN 60947-3 1999:04 VDE0660-107/ 03.06 Low-voltage switchgear and Switches, disconnectors, switch-
IEC 60947-3 2005 (ConEd) 2.2 DIN EN 60947-3 controlgear disconnectors and fuse-combination
EN 60947-5-1 2004:06 VDE0660-200/ 02.05 Low-voltage switchgear and Control circuit devices and switching
IEC 60947-5-1 3ED2003 DIN EN 60947-5-1 controlgear elements - Electromechanical control
circuit devices
EN 60999-1 2000:03 VDE0609-1/ 12.00 Connecting devices Safety requirements for screw-type and
IEC 60999-1 2ED1999 DIN EN 60999-1 screwless-type clamping units
EN 61010-1 2001:03 VDE0411-1/ 08.02 Safety requirements for electrical General requirements
DIN EN 61010-1 equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use
EN 60446 1999:04 VDE0198/ 10.99 Basic and safety principles for Identification of conductors by colours
IEC 60446 3ED1999 DIN EN 60446 man-machine interface, or numerals
EN 60214-1 2003:04 VDE0532-214-1/ 12.03 Tap-changers Performance requirements and test
IEC 60214-1 1ED2003 DIN EN 60214-1 methods
IEC 60214-2 1ED2004 VDE0532-214-2/ 04.04 Tap-changers Application guide
DIN EN 60214-2 Entwurf
DIN 42513 03.89 Transformers Marking of components for transformers
and reactors
EN 50262 1998:04 VDE0619/ 05.05 Cable glands for electrical General application, dimensions,
DIN EN 50262 installations installation
EN 50110-1 2004:11 VDE0105 Part 1/ 06.05 Operation of electrical General rules
DIN EN 50110-1 installations
EN 50274 2002:04 VDE0660-514/ 11.02 Protection against electric shock Protection against unintentional direct
DIN EN 50274 contact with hazardous live parts
BGV A3 01.05 Electrical installations and Accident prevention regulations
2006/95/EC 2006:12 11th Equipment Safety Act Low-Voltage Directive European act
93/68/EEC 1993:07 Ordinance CE marking European act
EN 60664-1 2003:04 VDE0110-1/ 11.03 Isolation coordination for
IEC 60664-1 2002 (ConEd) 1.2 DIN EN 60664-1 equipment within low-voltage
EN 60079-0 2005 VDE 0170-1/ 12.04 Electrical apparatus for explosive Part 0: General requirements
IEC 60079-0 DIN EN 60079-0 gas atmospheres
EN 60079-2 2004 VDE 0170-301/ 02.05 Electrical apparatus for explosive Part 2: Pressurized enclosures "p"
IEC 60079-2 DIN EN 60079-2 gas atmospheres

Table 26 Standards applicable for motor drive unit TAPMOTION® ED

60 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

8 Order forms for TAPMOTION® ED

8 Order forms for TAPMOTION® ED

Inquiry/Order no.: Comm no.:

MR Offer/Order no.: / MR Serial no.:
Designation Standard Special design

Type ED

Transmission gear 100 200

Protective Housing S L

Design f. plunger-coil No C
earth-fault neutral.

Electronic device installed in ED No Monitoring TAPCON/TAPGUARD


Language of connection diagram English

Design of connection diagram Modular diagram Multiple-sheet technique

Connection diagram standards DIN EN 60617/IEC 60617 ANSI Australia Canada

Connection diagram inside ED Paper DIN A4 Alu DIN A4 Foil (tear- and water resistant)

Mechanical Design Details

Door hinges Left Right

Door swing angle (°) 130 90 110 180

Duration of tap change operation Normal

Protectiv housing paint RAL RAL 7033

Electrical Desing Details

Terminal Type Typ 880/769 (WAGO) UK5N URTK/S

Wiring H07V-K H07Z-K

Idenitfication sleeves No According to connection pin

Motor Power Suppply

Supply voltage (Motor) (V) 400 380

Supply voltage network type 3AC/N 3AC AC DC

Supply voltage frequency (Hz) 50 60 DC

Main switch (for all circuits) No W/o interior lighting W/o heating and int.
Main switch with signalling contact No 1C/o contact

Voltage monitoring No Control circuit OFF 1 C/o cont.

1 C/o cont. and cont. circuit OFF 2 C/o cont.


292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 61

8 Order forms for TAPMOTION® ED


Inquiry/Order no.: Comm no.:

MR Offer/Order no.: / MR Serial no.:
Designation Standard Special design
Control Circuit

Supply for control circuit From supply voltage (motor) Separate (to be specified)

Control circuit voltage (V) From supply voltage (motor)

Control circuit network type From supply voltage (motor) AC 2AC DC

Control circuit frequency (Hz) From supply voltage (motor) 50 60 DC

Control circuit protection No Autom. cut-out 1-pole w/o With signalling

Autom. cut-out 2-pole w/o With signalling
Fuse disconnector 1 FUSE / 1 Link

Coupling relay / Voltage (V) No

Coupling relay / network type No AC 2AC DC

Add. Inputs for operation "w/o No Yes

step-by-step switch"

Local / Remote switch with sign. No With 1 2 3 4 sign. Contacts


automatic passage of positions No Position I

automatic passage of positions No Position I


Supply for heating circuit From supply voltage (motor) Separate (to be specified)

Heating circuit voltage From supply voltage (motor)

Heating circuit network type From supply voltage (motor) AC 2AC DC

Heating circuit frequency (Hz) From supply voltage (motor) 50 60 DC

Heating circuit protection No Autom. cut-out 1-pole w/o With signalling

Autom. cut-out 2-pole w/o With signalling
Fuse disconnector 1 FUSE / 1 Link

Current measuring relay for No With (signalling switch 1 c/o cont)


Auxilliary Circuits / Signals

End position signalling switch No 1 c/o contact 2 c/o contact

Signalling switch for hand crank No 1 c/o contact 2 c/o contact


Sign. Switch f. motor circuit breaker 1 n/o 1 n/o contact / 1 n/c contact (additional)

Sign. for incomplete tap change op. No 1 c/o contact 2 c/o contact

No. of non-directional cam No 1 2 3 4 5 6 c/o contact


Directional cam switch No With (1 c/o contact per direction)

Plug socket protected by current No Socket with earth contact 250 V 16 A

(German standard SCHUKO)

62 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 292/01/01/0

8 Order forms for TAPMOTION® ED


Inquiry/Order no.: Comm no.:

MR Offer/Order no.: / MR Serial no.:
Designation Standard Special design
Remote tap position indication

1st resistor type design, ohmic value No 3 4,99 10

2nd resistor type design, ohmic No 4,99 10


add. Step resistor for 1st and 2nd No Before After Before / after

Step resistors for positions By-passed Not by-passed

Meas. Transducer 4-20 mA, for 1st No 4 mA corresponds to position:

Meas. Transducer 4-20 mA, for 2nd No 4 mA corresponds to position:

n/o contact type (up to 0.5Amps) 1 2 3 4 5 6 No


n/o contact type (up to 0.5Amps) No 1 2 3 4 5 6


n/o contact type (up to 10 Amps) No 1 3


1st coded position output-type No Decadic BCD Gray

2nd coded position output type No Decadic BCD Gray

1st contact type for linked No Every 2nd Every 3rd Every 4th

2nd contact type for linked No Every 2nd Every 3rd Every 4th


292/01/01/0 Technical Data TD 292/01 TAPMOTION® ED 63

www.reinhausen.com ©Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Telefon: +49 (0)941 4090 0
Falkensteinstraße 8 Telefax: +49 (0)941 4090 111
93059 Regensburg E-Mail: [email protected]

TD 292/01 en • 0707/1000 • 292/01/01/0 • F0167000 • Printed in Germany

No Qty. Type of revision Date Intro. Appr.
3 1 Redrawn. 1996-11-11 PL
4 1 Text alterd, was "Max leader dim". 1998-09-07 TB


Fuse 160 mA inside

For rail 35x7,5 acc.

to DIN 50022

Power supply unit

+ -
24 VDC

230 VAC

~ ~

Type Input Output
no. Voltage Voltage Max current Protection class casing: IP 40
48450-1 230 VAC ±10% 24 VDC 25 mA Protection terminals: IP 20
48450-2 115 VAC ±10% 24 VDC 25 mA Material of casing: ABS, UL 94HB
48450-3 230 VDC ±10% 24 VDC 25 mA Temperatur range: -40°C to +50°C
48450-4 115 VDC ±10% 24 VDC 25 mA Max wire area: 4 4 mm²
Insulating test: 2kV 50Hz to gnd 60s

Designed by Drawed by Approved by File Scale Replace

PL 48450 Rev.-4.dft 1:1 48450 av den 1996-11-11

Power supply unit for

Weight Date

AKM-TD66 and TD111



Naphthenics Product Data Sheet 20.12.2006
Nynas Transformer Oil-Nytro Libra


Min Max
1. Physical

Appearance IEC 60296 Clear, free from sediment Pass

Density, 20°C kg/dm3 ISO 12185 0,895 0,887
Viscosity, 40°C mm2/s ISO 3104 12,0 9,2
Viscosity, -30°C mm2/s ISO 3104 1800 1100
Pour Point °C ISO 3016 -40 -57

2. Chemical

Acidity mg KOH/g IEC 62021 0,01 <0,01

Corrosive sulphur DIN 51353 non corrosive non corrosive
Corrosive sulphur ASTM D1275B non corrosive non corrosive
Aromatic content % IEC 60590 11
Antioxidant, phenols Wt % IEC 60666 not detectable Pass
Water content mg/kg IEC 60814 30 <20
Furfural content mg/kg IEC 61198 0,1 <0,1

3. Electrical

Dielectric dissipation
factor (DDF) at 90°C IEC 60247 0,005 <0,001
Interfacial tension mN/m ISO 6295 40 49
Breakdown voltage
- Before treatment kV IEC 60156 30 40-60
- After treatment kV IEC 60296/60156 70 >70

4. Oxidation Stability

At 120°C, 164h IEC 61125 C

Total acidity mg KOH/g 1,2 0,40
Sludge Wt % 0,8 0,12
DDF/90 °C 0,5 0,050

5. Health, safety and environment

Flash Point, PM °C ISO 2719 135 148

DMSO extractable
compounds (PCA) Wt % IP 346 3 <3
PCB IEC 61619 not detectable Pass

Nytro Libra is an uninhibited transformer oil, meeting IEC 60296 (03) General specifications.
Naphthenics Safety Data Sheet 21.11.2006


Identification of the Substance/Preparation and the Company/Undertaking


Product Name: Nytro Libra

Product Type: Insulating Oil

Supplier: Nynäs Naphthenics AB

P. O. Box 10701

Telephone No: +46-8-602 1200 Fax: +46-8-81 62 02

Emergency Phone No: +46-8-33 70 43

Composition/Information of Ingredients

Chemical Name: CAS-No.: EC-No.: Weight-% Symbols/Phrases

Hydrotreated Light Naphthenic Distillate 64742-53-6 265-156-6 65-85

Hydrotreated Light Paraffinic Distillate 64742-55-8 265-158-7 15-35

Solvent Refined Light Naphthenic Distillate 64741-97-5 <5

3. Hazards identification

Classification: No classification needed according to 67/548/EC and 1999/45/EC.

Human Health: Inhalation of vapours and/or mists might irritate respiratory tract.
Prolonged skin contact will cause defatting and possible irritation. Eye contact might cause irritation.
Environment: Slow biodegradation, the product will remain for long time in the environment. Risk for contamination
of earth, soil and water.
Physical and chemical hazard: At elevated temperatures flammable vapours and decomposition products will be released. Risk for
slippery floors if spilled out.
First Aid Measures

General advice:

Inhalation: If inhalation of mists, fumes or vapours occur causing irritation, move to fresh air. If the symptoms
persist, obtain medical advice.
Skin contact: Remove immediately adhering matter and wash off with soap and plenty of water.

Eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water.

Ingestion: Clean mouth with water. Obtain medical advice if a large amount has been swallowed. Do not induce

Fire-fighting Measures

Suitable extinguishing media: Extinguish preferably with dry chemical, carbon dioxide (CO2), or foam. Waterspray / mist may be
Extinguishing media which must not be Water jet, unless used by authorised people.(Stain risk caused by combustion).
used for safety reasons:

Accidental Release Measures


Personal precautions: Suitable protection equipment should be used. In case of large spillage, the cleaning procedure should
be carried out using suitable protective clothing such as overall, gloves and boots. Remove
contaminated clothes as soon as possible.

Smaller spillage can be wiped up with paper cloths, using protective

Environmental precautions: Prevent spills to enter and spread to drains, sewers, water courses, and soil. Contact local safety
Methods for cleaning up: Absorb leaking product with sand, earth or other suitable inert material and collect. Disposal according
to section 13.

Handling and Storage


Handling: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. If handled at elevated
temperatures or with high speed mechanical equipment, vapours or mists might be released and require a
well ventilated workplace.
Storage: Store at ambient temperature or with lowest necessary heating as handling requires.
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Control parameters: Exposure via the air and normal handling.

Chemical name: Mineral oil.

Short term value: 5 mg/m3. TLV-TWA 8 hours ACGIH (1998).

Engineering measures to reduce exposure: Mechanical ventilation and local exhaust will reduce exposure via the air. Use oil resistant material in
construction of handling equipment. Store under recommended conditions and if heated, temperature
control equipment should be used to avoid overheating.
Personal protection equipment:
- Respiratory protection: If the product is heated under manual handling, use suitable mask with filter A1P2 or A2P2. Handling in
automatic production lines, with exhaust or ventilation, will not require mask.
- Hand protection: Wear oil-resistant protective gloves if there is a risk of repeated skin contact. Suitable gloves
are neoprene, nitrile- or acrylnitrilebutadiene rubber, or PVC. Take notice of CEN 420:94, CEN 374:1-
3:94 and CEN 388:94.
- Eye protection: Wear safety goggles / safe shield if splashes may occur.

- Skin and body protection: Wear protective clothing if there is a risk of skin contact and change them frequently, or when
Hygienic measures: Act in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Form: Viscous liquid

Colour: <0.5, pale light yellow

Odour: Odourless / light petroleum

Melting point/pour point: -54°C

Initial boiling point: >250°C

Density 15°C: 886 kg/m3

Flash point, PM: 144°C

Auto ignition temp.: >250°C

Solubility in water: Non soluble

Solubility in organic solvents: Soluble

Decomposition temp.: >280°C

Vapour pressure at 100°C: 160 Pascal

DMSO extractible compounds according < 3%

to IP346:

Calculated partition coefficient >6

n-octanol/water, log Pow:

Viscosity at 40°C: 9,5 cSt

pH: non relevant

Stability and Reactivity


Stability: Stable at normal conditions. Start to decompose at 280°C or higher.

Avoid: Excessive heating and highly oxidizing agents.

Hazardous decomposition products: Flammable gases which might also be noxious. With air present, there is a risk for auto ignition at
temperatures >270°C.
Toxicological Information

Acute toxicity: Studies available indicate oral and dermal LD50 s of >5 000 mg/kg which is considered as low acute
Local effects:

- Inhalation: Prolonged and repeated inhalation of mist or vapour generated at elevated temperatures may irritate
respiratory tract.
- Oral: May cause nausea and eventually vomiting and diarrhoea.

- Skin contact: Prolonged or repeated exposure may lead to defatting of the skin and subsequent irritation.

- Eye contact: May cause redness and transient pain.

- Sensitisation: Studies indicate no evidence of sensitisation.

12. Ecological Information

Mobility: Low, due to low water solubility.

Persistence/degradability: The baseoil is not readily biodegradable. Substances may not meet criteria for ready biodegradability.
Studies indicate inherent, primary

biodegradation in the range of 20-60 % based on carbondioxide

Bio-accumulation: Base oil has Log Pow in the range >3,9->6,0.
Log Pow is used for estimating the bioacccumulation in fish. A value >3,0 indicates possible
bioaccumulation. The size of the hydrocarbon molecules reduces the risk for bioaccumulation.
Ecotoxicity: Aquatic toxicity data on base oils indicate LC50 values of >1 000 mg/l, which is considered as low
toxicity. Chronic toxicity studies shows no long-term hazard to the aquatic environment.

Disposal Considerations

Residues of unused product is not regarded as hazardous waste. Residues of products/packageing must not be disposed of in the environment, but
taken care of in accordance with local regulations.

Emptying instructions:

Barrels and equals: Turn the barrel upside down and tilt it approximately 10° until nondripping.
Nondripping is less than one drop / minute at 15 °C. The product viscosity depends on temperature, and it is important that the emptying not is done
at to low temperature. It can be necessary to scrape out highviscous products.
When the barrel is nondripping send it for recycling. If the residue volume is more than 1% send it for destruction of barrels. Empty barrels with < 1
% residue is not dangerous goods. Notify local regulations.

Bags for one way use/multiple use: Follow instructions given by the bag manufacturer. The last residues in the bag can be removed by placing the
hose over the remaining residues or by lifting the bag so the product can run towards the hose.
Bottom residues; roll up the bag towards the hose to press out the oil
One way bags of polyethylene can be recycled or disposed of by incineration. Notify local regulations.

14. Transport Information

The product is not classified as hazardous goods for land, sea and air transport according to the respective regulations (ADR, IMDG, IATA-DGR).
15. Regulatory Information

Classified according to European directives on classification of hazardous substances and preparations. Not classified as hazardous. No statutory
label required.

Listed in TSCA ( Toxic Substances Control Act) and EINECS.

Other Information

The information for labelling and ecotoxicity is according to Concawe Report No. 95/59, 98/54, 05/6 and 01/54.

Classified according to the Dangerous Substance Directive, 67/548/EC up to the 29th ATP, the Dangerous Preparation Directive 1999/45/EC, and the
Safety Data Sheet Directive 2001/58/EC.

Component CAS no 64742-53-6 has DMSO extractible compounds according to IP 346 <3%.

Component CAS no 64742-55-8 has DMSO extractible compounds according to IP 346 <3%.

Component CAS no 64741-97-5 has DMSO extractible compounds according to IP 346 < 3%

Published: 2006-11-21

Nota L
The classification as a carcinogen need not apply if it can be shown that the substance contains less than 3 w%w
DMSO extract as measured by IP 346. This Nota applies only to certain complex oil-derived substances in Annex 1.

Nota N
The classification as a carcinogen need not apply if the full refining history is known and it can be shown that the substance from which it was
produced is not a carcinogen. This Nota applies only to certain complex oil-derived substances in Annex 1.


Rated Power SN : 20 MVA

HV / LV UN : 66-11.5 kV

Frequency f : 50 Hz.


AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 30 0C 35 0C 40 0C 45 0C 50 0C
Initial Load-
Load-K1 Cyclic load-
(%) (%)

90% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

100% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

70% 110% Continous Continous Continous Continous 8.6

120% Continous Continous 7.0 3.8 2.5

130% 5.8 3.8 2.7 1.9 1.4

90% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

100% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

80% 110% Continous Continous Continous Continous 8.1

120% Continous Continous 6.6 3.4 2.1

130% 5.5 3.4 2.4 1.6 1.1

90% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

100% Continous Continous Continous Continous Continous

90% 110% Continous Continous Continous Continous 2.2

120% Continous Continous 6.0 2.8 0.7

130% 5.1 3.0 1.9 1.2 0.2


Item Device Device Type of

Causes of Failure Solution of Failure
Number Code Description Failure

1 CF050 Bucholz Relay Alarm / Trip a. Loss of transformer oil. Restart of transformer may
for Main Tank b. Air aggregation inside be performed after the
the bucholz relay. following tests and
c. Gas generation resulted inspections:
from an internal failure 1. Gas level, pipe
inside the transformer. connections should be
2. Electrical connections
should be checked.
3. The operation mechanism
of bucholz relay should be
4. A sample from the gas
should be taken and
analysed by means of a
glass container in 5 hours
after the alarm.
5. One (1) liter of oil sample
should be taken from the “top
of the tank” and a gas
analysis of it should be
6. One (1) liter of oil sample
should be taken from “bottom
of the tank” and it should be
passed from dielectric
impedance tests in
accordance with VDE.
7. The following tests should
be made after after all
bushing cable connections
are disconnected.
7.1. Inter-coils and between
coil-and-tank DC insulation
resistances should be
measured (Required
measurements should be
approximately 1MΩ/kV
nominal resistance).
7.2. Turns ratio should be
measured by applying it
through a measuring bridge
or high voltage (220V, 380V).
7.3. Coil resistance should
be measured with direct
8. Test results should be
compared with previous test
If no fault has been detected,
switch the transformer on.


Item Device Device Type of

Causes of Failure Solution of Failure
Number Code Description Failure
a. Loss of cable box oil. 1. Check any possible oil
b. Air aggregation inside leakages.
Bucholz Relay the bucholz relay. 2. Check any possible loose
2 CF001 for Alarm / Trip c. Gas generation resulted connections inside the cable
HV Cable Box from an internal failure box which may cause gas
inside the HV cable box. generation and oil
temperature rise.
a. High inner pressure of 1. Check all the pipe
the subject transformer. connections and valve
b. Pipe connections and positions.
Pressure Relief valves between the 2. Perform the tests
3 CP081 Device for Trip transformer tank and mentioned in “Item Nr.1”.
Main Tank conservator are blocked or
c. Electrical failure occured
inside the transformer tank.
a. High inner pressure of 1. Check all the pipe
the OLTC. connections and valve
b. Pipe connections and positions.
Pressure Relief valves between the OLTC 2. Perform the tests
4 CP071 Trip
Device for OLTC and conservator are mentioned in “Item Nr.1”.
blocked or closed.
c. Electrical failure occured
inside the OLTC.

Oil Surge Relay

5 CF067 Trip Please refer to “Item Nr.:1”. Please refer to “Item Nr.:1”.
for OLTC

a. Oil Leakage. 1. Conduct a sealing check.

Oil Level b. Oil temperature is too 2. Check the signal circuit of
6 CL060 Indicator for MIN. Alarm low. indicator.
Main Tank 3. Add oil, if needed.
a. Excessive amount of oil. 1. Drain the excessive
b. Oil temperature is too amount of oil if the oil
Oil Level high. temperature is normal.
7 CL060 Indicator for MAX. Alarm 2. Cool the transformer oil by
Main Tank activating the cooling
sytstem or by decreasing the
transformer load.
a. Oil Leakage. 1. Conduct a sealing check.
Oil Level b. Oil temperature is too 2. Check the signal circuit of
8 CL064 Indicator for MIN. Alarm low. indicator.
OLTC 3. Add oil, if needed.
a. Excessive amount of oil. 1. Drain the excessive
b. Oil temperature is too amount of oil if the oil
Oil Level high. temperature is normal.
9 CL064 Indicator for MAX. Alarm 2. Cool the transformer oil by
OLTC activating the cooling
sytstem or by decreasing the
transformer load.
a. Transformer is 1. Turn off the transformer.
overloaded. Switch off the fan and
b. Insufficient cooling. cooling system.
10 CT001 Thermostat Alarm
c. Fault in temperature 2. Clean the cooling system.
settings. Check the positions of
butterfly valves between the


Item Device Device Type of

Causes of Failure Solution of Failure
Number Code Description Failure

tank and radiators. If

positions are wrong, re-
adjust the positions and
thermostat settings.
(Continuing from (Continuing
CT001 (Continuing from Page 2) Compare the thermostat
Page 2) from Page 2)
measurements with another
thermostat (if possible). If the
problem continues,
contact Areva.
1. Turn off the transformer.
Switch off the fan and
cooling system.
2. Clean the cooling system.
Check the positions of
a. Transformer is butterfly valves between the
overloaded. tank and radiators. If
11 CT002 Thermostat Trip b. Insufficient cooling. positions are wrong, re-
c. Fault in temperature adjust the positions and
settings. thermostat settings.
Compare the thermostat with
another thermostat (if
possible). If the problem
contact Areva.

Pressure Switch a. Failure in the Oil Level 1. Please refer to

12 CP264 Alarm Indicator (Please refer to
of Oil Filter Unit “Item Nr.:6”.
“Item Nr.:6”).
1. Check the electrical
a. Transformer is connections and opening
overloaded. mechanisms.
b. Insufficient cooling. 2. Check control system of
13 CT033 Temperature Alarm/Trip
c. Fault in temperature the cooling system.
settings. 3. Check current
transformers and Refer to 11
Refer to 11 thermometers.
1. Turn off the transformer.
Switch off the fan and
cooling system.
2. Clean the cooling system.
a. Transformer is Check the positions of
overloaded. butterfly valves between the
b. Insufficient cooling. tank and radiators. If
Oil Temperature
14 CT031 Alarm/Trip c. Fault in temperature positions are wrong, re-
settings. adjust the positions and
Refer to 11 thermometer
Refer to 11 settings. Compare the
thermometer with another
thermometer (if possible). If
the problem continues,
contact Areva.
1. Check the circuit breaker
positions of the cooling fans.
15 Cooling Fans Switch-Off Cooling fan is not working. 2. Check the current
adjustments on the circuit
breakers of the cooling fans.


Item Device Device Type of

Causes of Failure Solution of Failure
Number Code Description Failure
3. Check any physical
damage or dirt particles on
the subject cooling fans.
4. Check the cabling
AN701... (Continuing from (Continuing
(Continuing from Page 3) connections of the cooling
708. Page 3) from Page 3)
fans and related circuit
If the problem is not solved,
contact Areva.
Please refer
manufacturer’s Please refer to Please refer to
connection manufacturer’s connection manufacturer’s maintenance
Output Contacts diagrams diagrams and guides guide document: 1ZSE 5492-
16 GX001 of OLTC & and guides related to the specified 127 en Rev.3 or contact
Motor Drive Unit related to the model for detailed manufacturer for further
specified assistance. assistance.
model for


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