ATP Petersen Coil PracticalExercise

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Hochschule fr

Technik und Wirtschaft

des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

EEUG Meeting 2005 - One Day EEUG Course

Protection Modeling with ATP and ATPDesigner
September 14, 2005, Warsaw, Poland

ATPDesigner and ATP

Practical Exercises

Home Page: http://people.freenet

E-Mail: DrMichaelIgel@
[email protected]
Release: V1.1 09.09.2005

Goal of the Exercises

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

 User Friendly Graphical User Interface to ATP
 Designed according Microsoft Style Guide
 Designed to be Intuitive

 It needs time to practise the handling
 It needs time to learn the toolbars, menus, etc.

 This exercises should support the user doing the first steps
 But should also support doing some more steps
 The user should get an overview about the operating concept

And at the End

 The user should be able to make the next steps without help

But Nevertheless
 Support Hot Mail : [email protected]

Goal of the Exercises

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

What Should Be Done from the Participants ?

Creating Default Network

Adding 20kV - Network Infeed
Adding 2x 2-Transformer 20/0.4kV
Adding 2x Single-Circuit Lines
Adding Circuit Breakers with Measuring Location
Enable Fault Type
Adding 110/20kV BCTRAN Transformer

 Changing Neutral-Point Connection of BCTRAN Transformer

 Calculating Voltages and Currents
 Analyzing Frequency Spectrum


Default Network
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel



ATP Data: Simulation Data

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Before starting the simulation it is

necessary to specify some settings,
which are related to the simulation
 Overall Length of the Calculated
Data in Cycles
 Time before a Line Fault occurs
 Sampling Rate of the Data stored
in the .PL4 File
 Repetition of the Test Step, related
to CMC Test System
 Number of Calculation Steps
between two Samples stored in the
.PL4 - File

Settings Network 1
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel


Default Settings
Name: 132kV
Vnom = 132 kVrms
Sk = 5000MVA



Add Load Impedance

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel


Default Settings
Name: 250 Ohm
Enable Option Solid Grounded

Set Vn = 20000 Vrms

Check the Results of the



Add BCTRAN Transformer

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks


Default Settings
Settings acc. Dialog

Click on a Line in One

of the List Boxes
Settings Copied into the
Edit Fields
Change Settings
Apply Settings
Close Dialog with OK

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel




Add Grounding System

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Adding Grounding System to the Neutral-Point of the BCTRAN Transformer

Click on Toolbar Symbol

Select Drawing Direction Down
Move Cursor to the Neutral-Point Snap Point
Release Left Cursor Button


 ATPDesigner Automatically detects the Neutral-Point of the BCTRAN Transformer

as 1-Phase Node
 Grounding System drawn in the Color for 1-Phase Network Elements
 Solid Grounded Network
 2-Winding Transformer, DYn11


Select Line Model

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

ATPDesigner supports different Numerical Models for Single-Circuit Lines, including

Double-Circuit Lines.
 Select Single Line (RLC) = Distributed-Parameter Lines
 Change Settings acc. the Figure below
This line model is important, if different neutral-point connections should by studied.

10 10

Selecting Nodes
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Start ATP to Calculate Voltages and Currents

Open Corresponding .PL4 File

Select TACS Output Signals of

Phase-to-Ground Voltages at
Measuring Location 1
(assigned to Cb1)

Confirm with OK

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

11 11

Diagram Viewer
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Enable Graphics Cursor

Set Graphics Cursor per Left
Mouse Click
Open Signal Analysis

Upg =


= 6,35kV
12 12

1-Phase Fault AG
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks


Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel


 Fault Type AG
 Fault Location = 100%

Start ATP to Calculate Voltages and

Open Corresponding .PL4 File

Refresh Diagram

13 13

Solid Grounded Network

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Enable Graphics Cursor

Open Signal Analysis

University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Selecting Primary Phase

Open Dialog to Select
Output Signals
Move All Selected Signals
to the Left
Move Phase Currents to
the Right
Confirm with OK

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

14 14

Solid Grounded Network

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Select Line Current IAP_M1

(Left Mouse Click)
Open Tab Harmonics
Open Tab Spectrum

15 15

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Settings of Bar Chart

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

ATPDesigner determines the Maximum

Frequency, which can be calculated
based on the DFT.
 fa = Sampling Frequency

fa =

= 5000Hz

 Length of a Cycle

Select fmax = 600Hz



= 20ms

 N = Number of Samples per Cycle

N = fa T = 5000Hz 20ms = 100

 df = Resolution of the Spectrum
df =
= 50Hz
16 16

Isolated Neutral-Point
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

In Power Networks with Isolated Neutral Point, the Capacitances of the Lines Must be
Taken Into Account.
 Delete Grounding System connected to the Neutral-Point of the 132/11kV
 Add a 2-Winding DYn11 Transformer
connected to the Right Busbar
 Start Simulation
 Refresh Diagram

17 17

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Isolated Neutral-Point

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Transient Process After the

Occurence of the 1-Phase-toGround Fault AG

Signal Analysis

Fundamental Frequency = 50Hz

Transient Frequency 1500Hz

Next Step

Add a R-C-Impedance to Model an

Additional Residual Network
Without a Fault
Add 2x RLC Impedance
Add Grounding System

18 18

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Settings of R-C-Kombination

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Resistance R

Capacitance C

19 19

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Isolated Neutral-Point

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

The frequency of the transient process

 Transient Frequency 550Hz
Move the Graphics Cursor to a Later
Time e.g. 200ms

ICE = 3 CE Un
ICE = 3 (3F + 0.5F) 11kV
ICE = 20.95A
ICE = 22.1 A

20 20

Petersen Coil
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

The fault current can be reduced at the fault location, if a Petersen coil will be
connected to the neutral-point of the transformer.
 Connect a New Load Impedance to the Neutral-Point of the 132/11kV Transformer
 ATPDesigner Knows that the Neutral-Point is Only a 1-Phase Node
 ATPDesigner Automatically Draws the Load Impedance in the 1-Phase Color

Petersen Coil

XD =
= 303.15 Ohm
3 CE
3 3.5F

21 21

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Petersen Coil

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Fault Current at Fundamental

Frequency 100% Compensated

Transient Frequency 550Hz

What about DC-Component ?


22 22

Petersen Coil
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Click on the View which contains the Power Network

Open the Fault Type Dialog
Modify the Start Time of the Fault to 4ms
Re-Calculate Voltages and Currents, Refresh Diagram

 Fault AG occurs now Prefault + Start Time = 2 Cycles + 4ms = 44ms

23 23

Petersen Coil
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

The Start Time or Point on Wave of the Fault fixes the DC-Component which can be
observed in the fault current.
The Time Constant will be mostly caused from
 the Reactance X of the Petersen Coil and
 the Resistances R of the faulty line and of the infeed transformer

No DC-Component

24 24

Evolving Fault AG  ABCG

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

 Evolving Fault AG  ABCG

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel


 Set the Start Time of the 2nd Fault ABCG to 50ms

25 25

Evolving Fault AG  ABCG

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Occurence of the Fault ABCG

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel


 Prefault + Start Time = 40ms + 50ms = 90ms

Fault AG

Zoom In and Out

26 26

Vector Diagram
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Enable Graphics Cursor

Open Signal Analysis

Select One Signal

Open Vector Diagram

Move now the Cursor Left &

See the Behaviour of the
Vectors !!!

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

27 27

Impedance Calculation
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

ATPDesigner is able to calculate the impedance Z = R + j X using the DFTAlgorithm.

ATPDesigner uses the MODELS interface for the coalculation.


Set Neutral-Point to Solid

Open Signal Analysis Settings
Enable X and R
Set Output Sampling Rate in
the ATP Data Dialog

dt = 1ms

Step = 19
Select Fault Type ABCG

28 28

Impedance Calculation
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Line Model
 Left Mouse Button Double-Click on
Line 1 to Opem the Settings Dialog
 Seelct Default Settings for the Faulty
Line 1

29 29

ATP Data: Simulation Data

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

 Overall Length of the Calculated
Data in Cycles
 Time before a Line Fault occurs
 Sampling Rate of the Data stored
in the .PL4 File
 Repetition of the Test Step, related
to CMC Test System
 Number of Calculation Steps
between two Samples stored in the
.PL4 File
Internal Sampling Rate of ATP =
 = dt / Step
 = 1 ms / 3
 = 0,33 ms
 fa internal = 3 kHz
30 30

ATP Data: Simulation Data

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

Some Comments about dt and Step

 The required processing time of ATP increases dramatically, if dt and Step will be
 In addition the calculation of R and X comsumes a tremendous part of the
processing power of the CPU. Sometimes it seems that the PC has been locked up.
 The equations used for the calculation of R and X are typical for the equations
used in protection relays.
 The complex vectors are calculated based on a Full Cycle DFT
 Phase-to-Phase Impedances

ZAB = RAB + j XAB =


 Phase-to-Grounf Impedances

ZAG = RAG + j XAG =


 The setting kG is called Ground Compensation Factor

kG =

Z 0 - Z1
3 Z1

 See more in Example: Calculation of the Fault Impedance in the Help File
31 31

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes

Impedance Calculation

University of Applied Sciences

ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

The calculated Impedances appears

in the left side list called
 MODELS - ... .
Graphics Cursor can be also used,
because its a Diagram.
Open the Diagram Settings Dialog

Transient Process Caused

by the Fault Occurence
32 32

Diagram Settings
ATPDesigner Design and Simulation of Power Networks

Hochschule fr
Technik und Wirtschaft
des Saarlandes
University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Igel

 The Impedance of Line 1 is About 10
 Set the Ymin/Ymax Range to
 20Ohms / 20Ohms
 Change the Fault Location
 Recalculate Impedances !!!

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