Friday Sermon The Lesson of Ramadhan

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Blessed Friday Jamaah

Time passing so fast, and now we are in the last Friday in Ramadhan.
We are in the last of the best month and the best day.
In these last few days of blessed month. Let us boost our takqa to Allah SWT
And to increase in our supplication of doa to Allah,
seeking from Him, in the hope of being able to meet this month of barakah, again.

In this khutbah, I would like to remind my self and all of you
About what is the lesson that should we get after Ramadhan?

I would like to recite famous ayah related to Ramadhan, Surah Al Baqarah verse 183

In this ayah Allah mention the goal of fasing,
which is one of main activity in Ramadhan
And Allah say in the end of ayah, that the goal of fasting is la'allakum tattaqun
That means hopefully you get taqwa

Here Allah do not said, li tattaqun which is mean that you should have taqwa

But Allah said la'allakum tattaqun

This is indirectly said that there are no guarantee we get taqwa by performing fasting,
Except we perform fasting correctly.

How do we perform fast correctly?
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,

Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, then
Allah will forgive all of his previous sins.

This mention that, if we perform fasting by have right faith, right intention

the gift or present that Allah give to as at the end of fasting is laallakum tattaqun
Masyaral muslim rahimakumullah

How is the performing of fasting make someone become taqwa?

There are relation between fasting and taqwa.

But first let us know what is definiton of taqwa.
Taqwa is not same with fear

The word taqwa in Arabic come from wiqoyah, that means protection

Ittiqo or taqwa have meaning protecting your self

What should we protect? Here the meaning of taqwa is, we protect ourself from
disobeying Allah, from displeasing Allah

In the end of part of Surah al Baqarah verse 24, Allah said

then protect your self from the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the

Taqwa isn't only fear, but beyond of that

As illustration:
Are the criminals afraid the police? Of courses, they feel fear during
his action whenever the police will arrest him. But here the fear doesn't
enough to protect him from doing criminal. But in the meaning of taqwa,
is not only including the fear, but we go step futher, that is protect yourself
from doing crime.

Masya Allah, Now we can imagine there are connection between fasting and taqwa.
In this Ramadhan, we perform fasting in summer season, when we walking from
our house to the campus for example, we can feel the heat of the day,
we can feel the thirst in our body, and our body will be screaming for
water, asking to drink, even though there are no one arround as
at that time. But we telling to ourself, No, wait until Magrib. This such
kind of conversation inside our body happen in the entire of day. And We
actively protect our self from making disobedience to Allah.

We can imagine how fasting in Ramadhan can training us, to become taqwa, to protect

By performing fasting, we declare the greatness of Allah.
We trained to undetstand, that
Allah command is greater than the hunger,
Allah command is greater than the thirt, and trained about
The presence of Allah, that Allah watch you, Allah always monitoring us, everytime and

During fasting, we should protect ourself even though from halal thing,
and after Ramadhan, we can have this halal thing again, but the training
that we get during Ramadhan should be help us, which is taqwam, that protect us,
to stay away from haram things, or disobedience to Allah in the rest of our life.

There many explanation of benefit of taqwa in Al-Quran, 2 of them :

In surah Al Baqarag verse 197, Allah mention taqwa is the best provision.
Surah ali Imran verse 133

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Jannah as wide as the heavens and
earth, prepares for Muttaqin

Dear blessed brother,

Also another message of Ramadhan, that is the month which Alquran is reveal.
The guidance of life reveal to mankind as the gift from of Allah.
In the beginning of surah Al Baqarah verse 185 Allah said :

Which mean :
The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a
guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.

Actually there are connection between Alquran and taqwa,
describe in AlBaqarah verse 2.

This is the Book (Alquran) about which is no doubt, a guidance for muttaqin, those
conscious of Allah.

Based on the scholars Nouman Ali Khan lecture, said that :
We want to get guidance from Alquran, and Al Quran reveal at Ramadhan.
Allah don't guide us through Quran, except you have taqwa, as mention HUDallil
muttaqin. And we can obtain taqwa from fasting. So after we perform fasting, then
listen and read Quran, Allah will guide you.

Masya Allah, there are close relation between fasting, taqwa, and AlQuran, and its
is conneted in Ramadhan

Dear blessed brother

For the last lesson in this first khutbah, mention in the same ayah.
At the end of the ayah 185 in surah Al Baqarah,
after Allah describe that Ramadhan is the month of revealing Al quran,
and follow by command to performing fasting,
then who cannot perform fasting because ill or jurney,
should completed the fasting in other day,
Allah end this ayah by said :

By meaning :
to glorify (glorifai) Allah, for that [to] which He has guided you;
and perhaps you will be grateful.

Allah end this ayah with the message : Laallakum tasykurun,
hopefully you become grateful person

That means, the output of this training, Ramadhan,
that we should become grateful person.

And what we should grateful for?
We grateful for gift of Ramadhan that Allah giving to us.

Now we realized that how meaningful Ramadhan is.
How the Ramadhan is the best give from Allah to us.
How the Ramadhan training people to close Allah.
So, in the remain day of Ramadhan, keep maintain our intention,
To seek his mercy, forgiveness and guidance, asking taqwa, and increase our doa.
We dont know next year we can meet again with Ramadhan or not?
Hopefully Allah give chance to meet this month of barakah again. Aamiin

May Allah accept all of our worship, and good deed during Ramadhan
Hopefully from this training of Ramadhan,
The Taqwa which is protecting ourself
and Al-Qur'an as guidance of life become our provision,
to face the rest of our life.
Also the spirit to perform good deed that we get during Ramadhan training could be
maintain and we are become more grateful person after Ramadhan.

Aamiin ya rabbal alamin

Ending the first khutbah

barakallahu lii wa lakum fill quraanil azhiim wa nafanii wa iyyaakum bima fiihi
minal aayaati wa dzikril hakiim. Aquulu qowlii hadzaa wa astaghfirullaaha lii wa
lakum wa lisaa iril muslimiina min kulli danbin fastaghfiruuhu innahu huwal
ghafuurur rahiimu.

Beginning the second khutbah:


Innal hamdalillahi robbalaalamiin wa asyhadu an laa ilaaha illahllaahu wa
liyyash shalihiina wa asyhadu anna muhammadan khaatamul anbiyaai wal
mursaliina allahumma shalli alaa muhammadan wa alaa aali muhammadin
kamaa shollayta alaa ibroohiima wa alaa alii ibroohiim, innaka hamiidum
majiid.Wa barok alaa muhammadin wa alaa aali muhammadin kamaa baarokta
alaa ibroohiima wa alaa alii ibroohiim, innaka hamiidum majiid.
Ammaa baad..

In the second of khutbah I would like to remind you to fulfill zakat-ul-fitr

The main purpose of Zakat ul-Fitr is to provide those who fasted with the means of
making up for their errors during the month of fasting.
Zakat ul-Fitr also provides the poor with a means with which they can celebrate
the 'Eid ul-Fitr along with the rest of the Muslims.

Ibn Abbas reported, "The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam made Zakat ul-Fitr
compulsory so that those who fasted may be purified of their idle deeds and shameful
talk (committed during Ramadhan) and so that the poor may be fed.
Whoever gives it before Salah will have it accepted as Zakat, while he who gives it after
the Salah has given Sadaqat."3
Hence, the goal of Sadaqat ul-Fitr is the spiritual development of the Believers.
By making them give up some of their wealth, the believers are taught the higher moral
characteristics of generosity, compassion (sympathy for the unfortunate), gratitude to
God and taqwa

And also I would like remind you about fasting for 6 days in syawal.

Fasting six days of Shawwal after the obligatory fast of Ramadhan is Sunnah
Mustahabbah, not wajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwal,
and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days
will have recorded for him a reward as if he had fasted a whole year, as was reported in
a sahih hadith from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Abu Ayyub
(may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"Whoever fasts Ramadhan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he
fasted for a lifetime." [Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nisa'i and Ibn

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained this when he said:
"Whoever fasts for six days after ('Eid) al-Fitr has completed (fasting in) the year"

- Before clossing, I would like inform information from Brother Hussam, he cannot
come here today. That we can give the zakat ul fitr to Syrian family, the amount of
zakatul fitr for 1 person is 1500 yen. So, if there are any brother want send his
zakatul fitr to us, you can give to me after pray. Jazakullah khairan.

In these last few days of Ramadan, let us reflect upon ourselves;
reflect upon our deeds and our acts of worship throughout this entire month.
If there are still many shortcomings in our fasting,
then we should strive hard to compensate for it in these last few days,
whether through increasing our acts of worship or giving more charity.

May Allah s.w.t. forgive our mistakes,
and with Allahs mercy and love,
grant us and our entire family a strong iman and takwa.
May we attain success in this world and the hereafter.
Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.

Ending the second khutbah:

Allahummagh fir lilmuslimiina wal muslimaati,
wal muminiina wal muminaatil ahyaaI minhum wal amwaati,
innaka samiiun qoriibun muhiibud dawaati.

Robbanaa laa tuaakhidznaa in nasiinaa aw akhthonaa.
Robbanaa walaa tahmil alaynaa ishron kamaa halamtahuu alalladziina min
Robbana walaa tuhammilnaa maa laa thooqotalanaa bihi,
wafua annaa wagh fir lanaa war hamnaa anta maw laanaa fanshurnaa alal
qowmil kaafiriina.

Robbana aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanah
wa fil aakhiroti hasanah wa qinaa adzaabannaar.
Walhamdulillaahi robbil aalamiin.


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