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Effects of electroacupuncture on the BIS and anxiety in anxious volunteers:

a prospective, randomized, blinded study

Silva, N
; Coelho
, R; Lia
, N; Greten J
, Correia, N
, Rodrigues, A
; Bressan, N
, Amorim
, P

Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Hospital Geral de Santo Antnio, Porto, Portugal;
Hospital Geral de So Joo, Porto, Portugal

Introduction Acupuncture is a low-risk intervention that is increasingly used. Some studies examined the
potential clinical effects of acupuncture on anxiety and the bispectral index of the EEG (BIS), used as an
objective and indirect measure of anxiolysis. Those studies used the same acupuncture point and
achieved conflicting results.

Methods Anxious subjects were recruited for a prospective, controlled and crossover study with random
group allocation. Acupuncture was performed on different sessions at the experimental point He7 (Heart
7) and at a control point Lu 9 (Lung 9). Participants were asked to fill an anxiety visual analog scale (VAS)
before and after the acupuncture procedure. BIS was evaluated at 3 different stages, (1) rest state (10
min.) (2) during electro-acupuncture (20min.) (3) post acupuncture (5 min.).

Results Acupuncture significantly decreased self-assessed anxiety levels both on the control and the
experimental group (p=0,002 and p=0,001); however, there was no difference between the groups. Acu-
puncture on He7 did not show a significant decrease in BIS values compared to the rest state (89,7 5,0
to 86,5 7,2; p>0,05). However, acupuncture on He7 was related to a significant decrease in BIS values
as compared to acupuncture on Lu9 (means: 90,7 4,3 to 86,5 7,2; p=0,009. Minimum BIS was also
significantly lower for He7 (80,6 9,6 to 71,9 12,3; p=0,011).

Discussion and Conclusions Acupuncture on He7 was superior over acupuncture on Lu9 to decrease
BIS values in anxious volunteers but it didnt show to decrease BIS compared to the rest state, possibly
due to a high standard deviation. Self-perceived anxiety decreased with acupuncture on both acupunc-
ture points. However acupuncture on He7 was not superior to acupuncture on Lu9 in decreasing anxiety
VAS scores. Our study found that He7 is another possible point for assessing acupuncture effects on

KEYWORDS: acupuncture, bispectral index
of the EEG, electro-acupuncture, anxiety

Acupuncture is increasingly used in western
countries. In France 21% of the population
experienced acupuncture (Fisher, et al.,
1994) (Barnes, et al., 2004) and 20% of
medical doctors in United States and United
Kingdom recommended acupuncture to
their patients (White, et al., 1997).
Acupuncture can be defined as the insertion
of one or more needles on specific points on
the bodys surface with therapeutic means
and originally a part of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) (Nasir, 2002). Acupuncture
points can be stimulated by electrical cur-
rent, heat, pressure, laser light (Whittaker,
2004) and shockwaves (Everke, 2005).
Acupuncture has the advantages of safety
and low side effects. Severe side effects
occur rarely and are associated with trau-
matic injury of internal organs (pneumotho-

rax and cardiac tamponade) and hepatitis C
virus and HIV infection (Ernst, et al., 1997).
Several large prospective studies have
shown that such severe side effects are
extremely rare (White, et al., 2001). It was
also demonstrated that mild and transient
side effects such as pain secondary to nee-
dle insertion and bleeding occurred in 7-
11% of all cases (Birch, et al., 2004).
In 1997, the USA National Institute of
Health, declared that acupuncture had
proven benefits for several medical condi-
tions (NIH Consensus Statement Online,
1997) and a review by the World Health
Organization in 2003 concluded that acu-
puncture is efficient in 28 medical conditions
(World Health Organization, 2003). This
document has been criticised as being too
optimistic and not sufficiently supported by
scientific evidence. Some authors claim that
acupuncture is effective in a myriad of
medical conditions while others claim the
opposite. According to Ernst, the evidence
from systematic reviews invalidates both
perspectives (Ernst, 2006) as none of them
takes in account the totality of scientific
knowledge. Moreover there still is a com-
plex issue: the difficulty in implementing an
efficient double-blinded method to perform
well designed controlled studies.
The EEG is used to assess cerebral func-
tion, namely in relation to central nervous
system physiologic alterations (sleep) and
disease. It is also used to assess the effect
of drugs on the brain. Due to the complexity
of the EEG signal, processed indexes de-
rived from the EEG have been introduced in
order to allow clinicians an easier evaluation
of cortical electrical activity. The Bispectral
Index of the EEG (BIS) is the most widely
used of such indexes. In 2004, the FDA
approved the BIS for reducing the incidence
of intra-operative awareness during general
surgery (Joahansen, 2000). Bispectral
analysis employs statistical equations to
study phenomena with nonlinear character,
representing a different description of the
EEG, and it predominantly quantifies the
coherence of different frequencies in the
EEG (Joahansen, 2000).
The BIS algorithm uses a complex formula
that combines several EEG variables into a
single index of hypnotic level with advanced
artefact rejection techniques to dene a
dimensionless BIS value from 0 (isoelectric
EEG) to 100 (alert and oriented) that is rela-
tively independent of hypnotic agent
(Joahansen, 2000). BIS monitoring is mov-
ing out of the operating room and ICU into
hands of practitioners using conscious se-
dation in a variety of locations (Morse, et al.,
2002) (Overly, et al., 2005)(Miner, et al.,
2003)(Bell, et al., 2004)(Motas, et al.,
2004)(Matsuzaki, et al., 2004)(Coimbra, et
al., 2003).
Our aim was to evaluate acupuncture point
He7 (Heart 7) commonly used for treating
anxiety and its possible impact in decreas-
ing subjective anxiety and the Bispectral
Index (BIS) in anxious volunteers, com-
pared to Lu9 (Lung 9), a neutral point, nor-
mally not used for anxiety. Almost all previ-

ous studies focused on extra-1 acupuncture
point over subjective anxiety and BIS values
but no published experiment had ever
tested He7 acupuncture point isolated, al-
though many practitioners use this point
frequently in their practice to treat anxiety. A
recent animal experiment showed that acu-
puncture on He7 but not on S36 (Stomach
36) decreased anxious behaviour in anxious
rats (Park, 2005).
In the current experiment we hypothesized
that electro-acupuncture on H7 could de-
crease subjective anxiety and BIS values
comparatively to acupuncture on L9 in anx-
ious subjects.

Participants were recruited among students
present in the premises of the University by
mid afternoon. Potential participants were
asked to fill a questionnaire to assess
whether they were in a state of anxiety. In-
clusion criteria were: age between 18 and
40; being in a state of anxiety. Anxiety was
assessed by a version of Zung Anxiety Rat-
ing Scale gauged for the Portuguese popu-
lation (Serra, et al., 1982) and defined as a
score above 37 (strong suspicion of being
All the participants gave their written in-
formed consent. Exclusion criteria were:
cardiac, respiratory, neurological or psychi-
atric disease; pregnancy or lactancy; anti-
coagulant medication, psychopharmaceuti-
cals or regular use of dietetic supplements;
smoking more than 10 cigarettes/day; hav-
ing had a meal or coffee less then 1 hour
previously; having ever been acupunctured
and having needles phobia.
Before the experimental procedure, se-
lected subjects filled in a questionnaire to
assess biometric parameters and their ex-
pectations about acupuncture.

Study Design
Nineteen subjects were enrolled in this pro-
spective, crossover experiment. The proce-
dure was briefly outlined and a four-lead
BIS sensor (X4 sensor from ASPECT Medi-
cal provided by the manufacturer for this
study) was placed on the forehead. Blood
pressure and heart rate were also evalu-
ated. Headphones were placed and non-
monotonous solo instrument music was
played along the procedure so that envi-
ronmental sounds would be smoothed but
sleep was not facilitated. From then on any
contact with the participants was made via a
microphone connected to the headphones.
Subjects were asked to answer (yes or no)
to any question made during the procedure
by moving the head. They were asked to
keep their eyes closed and to lye still.
The experimental procedure was composed
of 3 parts: (1) the stabilization period, corre-
sponding to the first 10 minutes, so that a
baseline could be established for posterior
comparisons; (2) the acupuncture period,
when a needle was inserted in the control or
the experimental point and stimulated by
electrical current during 20 minutes (3) the

post-acupuncture period, when the electrical
current was switched off and the recordings
continued for 5 minutes more.
Subjects were assessed their level of anxi-
ety by means of a visual analog scale (VAS)
with maximum serenity on one extreme and
maximum anxiety on the other (correspond-
ing to a 0 and 10 score, respectively); this
evaluation was performed twice: right be-
fore the experimental procedure and at the
end. After the acupuncture session, partici-
pants filled a questionnaire about biometric
parameters, and stated their perception of
whether the control or experimental point
was used and also if he/she had fall asleep.
At least 1 week later, the subjects returned
to repeat the procedure but this time on the
experimental or on the control acupuncture
point, whether acupuncture was applied on
the control or on the experimental point in
the previous session. In order to ensure
participants commitment for the 2 sessions
a monetary incentive was offered.

Acupuncture was performed by post-
graduates in Traditional Chinese Medicine
at the Biomedical Sciences Institute Abel
Salazar University of Porto (ICBAS-UP),
Portugal. They all had an education session
about He7 and Lu9 location and needle
insertion technique with Henry J. Greten,
M.D., DGTCM Chairman (Deutsche Gesell-
schaft fr Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin)
and the TCM Post-graduation Chairman at
He7 was the experimental point and is lo-
cated on the wrist crease, in the medial
side, in a small depression just lateral to the
pisiform bone. Lu9, the control point,
thought to have a neutral action on anxiety,
is located also in the wrist crease, laterally
to the radial artery. The EA was applied
Acupuncture points stimulation was per-
formed with electrical current (electro-
acupuncture). Electro-acupuncture (EA)
was chosen for 3 reasons mainly: first, it is
measurable and reproducible; second, it
has been shown to produce a stronger ef-
fect than manual acupuncture although for
other purposes (Ulett, et al., 1998); also, it
allows a continuous and stable stimulation
for any period of time.
The decision on what point to acupuncture
first, the control point or the experimental
point, was randomly made by the acupunc-
turist by coin flip. The selected point was
then registered using an alphabetical code,
so that all other investigators who analyzed
the data did not know to which group (con-
trol or experimental) it corresponded. Only
after the end of the entire study did the acu-
puncturists reveal the codification key. The
acupuncturist and the researcher controlling
data capture were separated by a screen,
so that the acupuncturist could not see the
BIS values and the staff person collecting
the data could not see which point was be-
ing acupunctured.
A device was created to effectively apply
the stimulation only to the point being ana-

lyzed (Fig. I). Once the device was in place,
EA with continuous waves, 2Hz and 10-
50mA was started and the subject was
asked to tell when an electrical sensation
was felt. From then on, each 5 minutes, the
acupuncturist increased the current slightly.
Stainless needles were used,
0,25mmx25mm and the EA device was the
Multi-Purpose Health Device, KWD-808.
Electrical current frequency and intensity
were calibrated with a multimeter Meterman
37XR(True RMS).

Data collection
BIS values were assessed using a Model A-
2000 (Aspect Medical Systems, Inc., Na-
tick, MA) 4.0 software version. BIS data was
captured and synchronized each 5 seconds
through ASYS (Bressan, et al., 2008)
(Anesthesia Synchronization Software) and
automatically registered in an Excel file.

Fig. I EA device (1) Skins scheme (2) Needle
insertion on the acupuncture point (3) Placement
of a copper ring around the needle (attached to
the skin with adhesive, not shown in the illustra-
tion) (4) Electrodes attachment to the needle
and copper ring (5) Electrical current initiation.
The light gray triangle is the most probable elec-
trical current flow representation.

Blood pressure was assessed twice, one 5
minutes after the start of the experiment and
the other at the end of the Pos-Acupuncture
period. Heart rate was assessed each 2
minutes. Both heart rate and blood pressure
were manually registered.

Statistical Analysis
Data are presented as mean standard
deviation. Intra-session and inter-session
group comparisons were done with the Wil-
coxon signed-rank test. P<0,05 was as-
sumed as significant.


For BIS analysis, 3 time frames were con-
sidered. First, the basal status was defined
as the 5 minutes that preceded acupunc-
ture; second, acupuncture period corre-
sponded to the total electro-acupuncture
time less the 2 initial minutes (18 minutes)
as needle insertion distorts the BIS pattern;
third, the 5 minutes measurements after
electrical-current was switched off was con-
sidered to be the post-acupuncture period.
Nineteen subjects were recruited for the
study but 4 were eliminated due to BIS data
acquisition abnormalities. From the 15 sub-
jects under analysis, 10 were female and 5
were male; mean BMI was 21,1 2,1, mean
age was 21,6 2,4 and mean Zungs Anxi-
ety Rating Scale score was 41 4,7; all
were Caucasian.
We did not find significant correlation be-
tween acupuncture expectations, Zungs
scale score and self-perceived group alloca-
tion compared to BIS variables. Also,
blood pressure and heart rate changes had

no correlation with self-perceived anxiety or
BIS values.
BIS missing values were replaced using a
linear interpolation method.
For the effects of acupuncture on the BIS
and anxiety VAS, the within analysis refers
to comparisons between the acupuncture
period and the rest state; the between
analysis refers to comparisons of acupunc-
ture period on the experimental point over
acupuncture period on the control point, so
that we could compare if there was a signifi-
cant difference of acupuncture on He7 over
acupuncture on Lu9. Basically, within analy-
sis refers to an intra-session analysis and
between to an inter-session analysis.
Anxiety VAS scores were significantly lower
in both groups after acupuncture (table 1).
However, no significant difference was
found between acupuncture on He7 and
Lu9, represented as the percent decrease in
VAS scores after acupuncture compared to
VAS before acupuncture between groups.
Table 1 - VAS Comparison within groups
Before A vs After A Before B vs After B
3,83 2,01 2,32 1,62 3,60 1,89 1,79 1,37
p=0,002 p=0,001
VAS between groups B and A
-39,9% 27,5 -40,5% 59,8

For BIS, the within analysis showed no sig-
nificant differences, comparing the acupunc-
ture with the rest state on both the experi-
mental and the control group. Also, there
was no significant relation when comparing
BIS in the post acupuncture period and the
rest state (table 2).
Table 2 BIS Comparison within group
Rest A vs Acup A Rest B vs Acup B Rest B vs PosAcup B
89,3 5,6 90,7 4,3 89,7 5,0 86,5 7,2 89,3 5,6 88,8 5,9
p>0,05 p>0,05 p>0,05

Between analysis showed a significant de-
crease of BIS values during acupuncture on
the experimental point (He7) compared to
the control point (Lu9), but this difference
was lost during the 5 minutes after current
was switched off (post-acupuncture period).
A corrected between analysis was per-
formed so that before BIS averages were
compared between control and experimen-
tal groups, corrected to the respective rest
state. The corrected between analysis also
showed a significant decrease upon acu-
puncture on He7 compared to acupuncture
on Lu9, (table 3). BIS minimum values were
identified and compared between the expe-
rimental and the control groups: significant-
ly lower BIS minimum values were found
with acupuncture on He7 in comparison to
acupuncture on Lu9 (table3).
Table 3 BIS Comparison between group
Acup A vs Acup B
90,7 4,3 86,5 7,2
80,6 9,59* 71,9 12,3*
Acup A - PreAcup A vs Acup B - PreAcup B*
1,4 2,7 -3,2 7,7
*Minimum BIS values means

The average BIS and the minimum BIS for
each subject for acupuncture on He7 and
Lu9 were evaluated. Although there was a
significant decrease in overall average BIS,

when comparing for the same subject acu-
puncture in the control point and the ex-
perimental point, this effect was not consis-
tent in all subjects as in 10 acupuncture on
He7 lowered BIS comparatively to Lu9, in 4
it was similar and in 1 case the opposite
occurred; as for minimum BIS for each sub-
ject something similar happened, as in 10
acupuncture on He7 caused lower minimum
BIS, in 3 it was similar and in 2 the opposite
occurred (Figures II and III).

Figure II Individual BIS means for the control
(lozenges) and acupuncture group (squares).
The x axis represents the subjects code number
and the y axis the BIS.

Graph III Individual BIS minimums for the con-
trol (lozengues) and acupuncture group
(squares). The x axis represents the subjects
code number and the y axis the BIS.

Figure IV - Mean BIS values over time for the
control point (Lu9) and experimental point (He7).
Note the significant difference between acu-
puncture on the He7 (light gray) and on P9 (dark
grey), and the non-significant difference be-
tween the acupuncture period (Acupuncture)
and the rest state (Rest) within He7 (light gray).
The thin lines represent polynomial regression
lines for each group.

Our study focused on anxious subjects in
order to assess a clinically relevant popula-
After a careful analysis of the studies on
acupuncture, BIS and anxiety we tried to
improve some methodological issues in
terms of objectivity and reproducibility.
Since manual acupuncture and acupressure
are difficult in terms of standardization of
frequency and pressure amount during a
period of time we chose to use electro-
acupuncture, which can be applied with a
certain frequency and current intensity that
can be easily reproduced by others and
minimizes acupuncturists possible bias In
order to be able to precisely apply the cur-
rent to the desired acupuncture point we
built and used a simple device in which a
copper ring is placed around the needle and
electrodes were connected to both, inducing
current flow in the direction of the acupunc-

ture point. Previous studies used manual
recording of BIS; since BIS is updated every
second and variability is present, we per-
formed BIS data acquisition and synchroni-
zation from the BIS monitor using a new
software (ASYS) that we helped develop,
which allowed automatic recording of BIS
values every 5 seconds during the entire
A crossover design was implemented to
eliminate inter-individual variability when
comparing control point versus the experi-
mental point, also representing a methodo-
logical improvement in comparison to previ-
ous studies.
Although control and experimental points
significantly decreased self-perceived anxi-
ety, acupuncture on He7 didnt show supe-
rior benefit over acupuncture on Lu9. This
fact may be interpreted as proof that acu-
puncture in itself may lower anxiety levels,
but that stimulation of a point specific for
anxiety (He7), as a demonstrable and
measurable cerebral effect. The BIS levels
achieved with stimulation of He7 are the
values observed when pharmacological
sedation is performed.
Because of difficulties in assessing anxiety
levels in individuals and due to many possi-
ble bias and confounding variables when
performing anxiety tests, we evaluated the
BIS as it is being increasingly used as an
indirect measure of anxiety levels and seda-
tive interventions, in which anxiolysis corre-
sponds to a milder form of sedation. BIS
absolute means and minimums means were
significantly reduced by acupuncture on
He7 compared to acupuncture on Lu9. In
the meanwhile, none of the acupuncture
groups showed a significant decrease in
BIS means when comparing the acupunc-
ture period to the rest state. However it
should be noted that acupuncture on He7
was related to a relevant (but non-
significant) decrease in BIS means com-
pared to the rest state but with a high stan-
dard deviation. A larger sample could pos-
sibly have shown a statistical significant
Another interesting finding was that acu-
puncture on He7 did not produce consistent
effects on all the individuals, showing a
variable response between subjects to acu-
Immediately after electrical current was
switched off and BIS values were recorded
for 5 more minutes, the post-acupuncture
period, the BIS normalized to values similar
to the rest state, showing that the decrease
of BIS values with acupuncture on He7
compared to acupuncture on Lu9 dissipated
after the current was switched off.
Regarding possible mechanisms that under-
lie the effect of He7 acupuncture on anxiety
and BIS, current research is very insufficient
to give a satisfactory answer. Most of the
research on acupuncture focused on anal-
gesic properties and underlying mecha-
nisms, consistently showing that endorphins
play an essential role in mediating the anal-
gesic effect of acupuncture and electro-
acupuncture (Han, 2004). In the meanwhile,

previous studies showed that the effect of
extra-1 point acupuncture on BIS and sub-
jective anxiety was not related to a change
in -endorphin and melatonin plasma levels
(Fassoulaki, et al., 2007). Consistent with
this findings is preliminary evidence demon-
strating that remifentanil, an opioid, even at
large doses, produced no modication of
BIS (Hans, et al., 2000) (Guignard, et al.,
2000)(Koitabashi, et al., 2002).
The only experiment addressing the effects
of acupuncture on He7 was performed in
maternally separated rats, a model for anxi-
ety studies in rats, showed a decrease in
anxious behaviour and a correspondent
increase in the expression of neuropeptide
Y in the basolateral amygdale, compared to
acupuncture on S36 (stomach 36). Those
findings suggested that acupuncture treat-
ment might reduce anxiety-like behaviour in
adult rats following maternal separation by
modulating the NPY system in the amyg-
dale (Park, 2005).
Furthermore, stimulation frequency is a de-
terminant factor in electro-acupuncture as
different frequencies correlate with different
neurotransmitters and hormones secretion
(Han, 2003)(Iverfeldt, 1989)(He, et al.,
1990)(Racke, 1989)(Frank, 1993).
In conclusion, our results demonstrate that
low-frequency electro-acupuncture on He7
significantly, decreased the Bispectral Index
of the EEG (BIS) when compared to acu-
puncture on Lu9 Acupuncture on He7 was
related to a larger BIS mean variation (90,7
4,3 to 86,5 7,2) than did a 10mg single
dose of diazepam (96.11.8 to 93.53.5)
compared to control groups (Hirota, et al.,

Acupuncture on He7 can be of therapeutical
usefulness in the future, constituting an al-
ternative or complement to current anxiolytic
therapies. Moreover acupuncture is a very
low risk technique with minimal interactions,
making it suitable to be used in almost any
patient and it is a low cost intervention. In
the meanwhile, further research is needed,
to evaluate its efficacy in different and lar-
ger samples as well as to clarify the under-
lying mechanisms (Birch, et al., 2004). It
could also be interesting to study the effects
of He7 acupuncture compared to a conven-
tional therapy like an anxiolytic drug on the
BIS and subjective anxiety perception.
Acupuncturist blinding difficulties remains a
major methodological concern and a possi-
ble source of significant bias. The current
study, although patient blinded and re-
searchers blinded, didnt eliminate this fac-
tor as well as almost all other acupuncture
studies in humans. Also, the sample size
was small and further studies could address
this issue on a bigger sample as well as
assessing variable responses between indi-
viduals to acupuncture and the underlying


Special thanks to everyone who contributed
to this research: Ana Castro, Rui Oliveira,
Carlos Ferreira, Jaime Babulal and Florian


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