Nursing Practice

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Nursing Practice (Integrated Exam) with Answer Keys

Degree of Question’s Difficulty

(3) – Difficult question
(2) – Average question
(1) – Easy question

Situation 1: Mr. Santiago has a long history of smoking; he is currently diagnosed

with COPD. He is admitted for a pulmonary work up.

1. His arterial blood gas results are PO2 of 85, PCO2 of 40 and HCO3 of 24. Which
of the following should be initiated? (3)

a. Administer O2 at 2L to prevent him from becoming hypoxic.

b. No action is necessary; this is within normal range for a COPD client.
c. Anticipate the development of metabolic acidosis and administer Na HCO3.
d. Position him in high Fowler’s and anticipate him to need assisted ventilation

2. He finds that after smoking or exercise, he experiences difficulty of breathing,

headaches and nausea. These are symptoms of: (2)

a. Increased level of carbon dioxide

b. Decreased level of arterial oxygen
c. Decreased level of carbon dioxide
d. Very rapid breathing and metabolic acidosis

3. To encourage proper breathing exercises, which of the following should the nurse
teach? (1)

a. Encourage pursed lip breathing

b. Inhalation should be 2 to 3x that of exhalation
c. Encourage high abdominal breathing using the muscles of the diaphragm
d. Inhale through the mouth and out through the nose.

4. Which set of blood gases would indicate respiratory acidosis? (2)

a. pH 7.0; PCO2 42mmHg; HCO3 21mEq/L

b. pH 7.46; PCO2 38mmHg; HCO3 28mEq/L
c. pH 7.35; PCO2 44mmHg; HCO3 25mEq/L
d. pH 7.32; PCO2 48mmHg; HCO3 22mEq/L

5. He is to receive an IV of Lactated Ringer’s, 1000 cc to run for 8 hours. The drip

factor is 10 gtt/cc. How many drops per minute should you regulate the IV? (1)

a. 24 gtt/min
b. 12 gtt/min
c. 21 gtt/min
d. 30 gtt/min

Situation 2: Nurse Jeddah is the staff nurse assigned in the Medical Ward of a
secondary hospital.

6. The physician ordered reverse isolation for Mr. Perez with second degree burns.
While performing reverse isolation technique, Nurse Freud should understand that:
a. it is not necessary to use sterile linen if the linen has been properly washed.
b. only some persons who come in direct contact with the client need to wear gloves
c. sterile gown and gloves must be worn while caring for Mr. Perez
d. it is not necessary to wear a mask

7. During the stage of diuresis, there is resorption of fluid into the intravascular
compartment and increase urinary output. Which electrolyte imbalance is most
frequently associated with this stage? (3)

a. hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, carbonic acid deficit

b. hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, bicarbonate excess
c. hyponatremia, hypokalemia, bicarbonate deficit
d. hypernatremia, hypokalemia, carbonic acid excess

8. The priority nursing care for patient suffering from stroke during acute phase is
to: (3)
a. maintain respiratory and cardiac functions
b. prevent contracture and deformities
c. maintain optimal nutrition
d. provide sensory stimulation

9. The nurse in the clinic would assess a 4-month-old who is in acute respiratory
distress when which of the following is observed? (2)

a. resting respiratory rate of 35 breaths/min

b. flaring of nares
c. diaphragmatic respiration
d. bilateral breath sounds

10. In assessing patient for signs of impending respiratory failure, an early symptom
that the nurse should look for is: (1)

a. Kussmaul’s respiration
b. cyanosis
c. tachypnea
d. bradypnea

Situation 4: Nurse Kitchie is caring to clients with tuberculosis at San Lazaro


11. Which of the following symptoms is common in clients with tuberculsosis? (1)

a. Mental status changes

b. Increased appetite
c. Dyspnea on exertion
d. Weight loss

12. Nurse Kitchie obtains a sputum specimen from a client for laboratory study.
Which of he following laboratory techniques is most commonly used to identify
tubercle bacilli in sputum? (1)

a. Dark-field illumination
b. Sensitivity Testing
c. Acid – fast staining
d. Agglutination

13. A client has a positive Mantoux test. Nurse Kitchie correctly interprets this
reaction to mean that the client has: (2)

a. active tuberculosis
b. had contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
c. developed a resistance to tubercle bacilli
d. developed passive immunity to tuberculosis

14. Nurse Kitchie should teach clients that the most common route of transmitting
tubercle bacilli from person to person is through contaminated: (1)

a. dust particles
b. droplet nuclei
c. water
d. eating utensils

15. The client is to be discharged home with a community health nursing follow –
up. Of the following interventions, which would have the highest priority? (2)

a. Offering the client emotional support

b. Teaching the client about the disease and treatment
c. Coordinating various agency services
d. Assessing the clients environment for sanitation

Situation 5
Mang Tomas with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
reports steady weight loss and being “is too tired from just breathing to eat, is
admitted in the hospital.
16. Which of the following physical assessment findings would Nurse Pepsi expect to
find for Mang Tomas? (2)

a. Increased anteroposterior chest diameter

b. Underdeveloped neck veins
c. Collapsed neck veins
d. Increased chest excursions with respiration

17. Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be most appropriate when
planning nutritional interventions? (1)

a. Altered Nutrition: Less than body requirements r/t fatigue

b. Activity Intolerance r/t dyspnea
c. Weight loss related to COPD
d. Ineffective breathing pattern r/t alveolar hypoventilation

18. Nurse Pepsi’s priority goal for Mang Tomas is: (2)

a. Maintaining functional ability

b. Minimizing chest pain
c. Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the blood
d. Treating infectious agents

19. Which of the following diets would be most appropriate for Mang Tomas? (2)

a. Low fat, low cholesterol

b. Bland, soft diet
c. High calorie, high CHON
d. Low sodium diet
20. When developing a discharge plan to manage the care for Mang Tomas, Nurse
Pepsi should anticipate that the client will do which of the following? (3)

a. Develop infections easily

b. Maintain current status
c. Require less supplemental oxygen
d. Show permanent improvement

Situation 5: Tuberculosis (TB) has been declared a global emergency in 1993 by the

21. TB ranks sixth in the leading causes of morbidity. Nurse Miranda recognizes
that the most hazardous periods for development of clinical disease is: (1)

a. 1 year
b. 2 ½ years
c. 3 months
d. 6 months
22. Which of the following statements is the primary preventive measure for PTB?

a. Provide public health nursing and outreach services

b. BCG vaccination of newborn, infants and grade 1 or school entrants
c. Make available medical, laboratory and x –ray facilities
d. Educate the public in mode of spread and methods of control

23. The source of infection in PTB is through which of the following? (1)

a. Contamination of potable water

b. Direct connection with injected persons
c. Crowded living patterns
d. Sexual intercourse

24. In TB control program, DOH has specific objectives, one on prevention is

another program focused on children. Which one below is the program? (1)

a. Sputum collection and examination

b. Tuberculin for skin testing
c. EPI for BCG vaccine
d. Maternal and child health nursing

25. BCG is given to protect the baby from infection at what age? (1)

a. At birth
b. At 1 month
c. At 2 month
d. At 9 month

Situation 6: The national objectives for maintaining the health of all Filipinos is a
primary responsibility of the Department of Health.

26. The Department of Health Program has a mission which includes all of the
following, except: (1)

a. Ensure accessibility
b. Quality of health care
c. Improve quality of life
d. Health for all Filipinos in the year 2020

27. Which of the following are primary strategies to achieve health goals? (1)

a. Assurance of health care

b. Development of national standards and objectives
c. Support to local health system development
d. All of the above
28. Which of the following statements best describes the DOH vision? (1)

a. Ensure accessibility
b. Achievement of quality health care for all
c. Health for all Filipinos
d. Promotion of health education

29. Which of the following is the mission of the DOH? (1)

a. Promote healthy lifestyle

b. Ensure accessibility and quality of health care
c. Reduce morbidity and mortality
d. Improve general heath status of the people

30. Which of the following is not a primary strategy to achieve health goals? (1)

a. Support of local health system

b. Development of national standards for health
c. Assurance of health care for all
d. Funding from non – government organizations

Situation 7: Asthma results in diffuse obstructive and restrictive airway disease of

inflammation and bronchoconstriction. With increasing pollution in our
environment, both children and adults are now affected with asthma.

31. As a nurse you know that there are many elements that provoke the attack.
Which among the elements is a common allergen to both the children and adult
patients? (1)

a. Cigarette smoke
b. Dust – mite
c. Perfume
d. Flowers

32. If a child has asthma, what nursing diagnosis can you make that will direct your
nursing intervention? (2)

a. Parental anxiety r/t respiratory distress in child

b. Child fear r/t asthma
c. Impaired breathing mechanisms r/t bronschospasm
d. Fatigue r/t respiratory distress

33. As a nurse, what body organs and sense can you utilize in rural areas that can
crudely assess presence of asthma in children? (2)

a. heart, eyes and ears

b. eyes and mind
c. eyes, ears and touch
d. ears and heart

34. In case of asthmatic attack, what position can a nurse advise patients to take? (1)

a. Semi – fowler’s
b. Sitting
c. Lying down in bed
d. Prone lying

35. Of what use is the Peak Expiratory Low Rate (PEFR) as a monitoring device for
nurses? (3)

a. Guide to respiratory therapy with medications

b. Help in planning of an appropriate therapeutic regimen
c. Monitor breathing capacity
d. Know adequate transfer of gases across alveolar capillaries

Situation 8: Fear and anxiety are conditions that bring about acid-base imbalances.

36. What is the primary nursing responsibility when a patient presents respiratory
distress? (2)

a. Get ready with complete ECG cart at the side

b. Life-threatening measures are readied
c. History taking and keen assessment of respiratory problem
d. Positioning and oxygen therapy on hand

37. When a patient is fearful and anxious, what is the condition indicative of? (3)

a. Respiratory alkalosis
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Respiratory acidosis

38. When a patient shows manifestation of an acid-base imbalance, what is the

nursing responsibility? (2)

a. Explain procedure and protocol of care

b. Take arterial blood gases every hour
c. Assess respiratory and neurologic status every 2-4 hours
d. Administer medication to help ventilation

39. Chow, 2-year-old has difficulty of breathing without any previous cause. What
can a nurse do at this very moment? (2)

a. Positional nursing care – head part higher

b. Administer oxygen and fluids
c. Hook to mechanical ventilation
d. Monitor intake and output

40. If Chow asks for food and drink, which among the following will you give him?

a. Soft drinks
b. Ice cream
c. Hot milk and crackers
d. Warm congee

Situation 9: “Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) especially pneumonia leads as the

cause of illness and death among Filipino children”, claims the Department of

41. Which of the following is the main factor that contributes to the problem of
getting sick of pneumonia among children below 5 years old? (3)

a. Poor follow-up compliance to treatment

b. Lack of advocates to gain local government support
c. Inability of health worker to refer immediate treatment
d. Failure of mother to recognize early signs and symptoms

42. What is the program mandated to reduced mortality of acute respiratory

illness? (1)

a. Pneumonia control program

b. Stop pneumonia
c. Control of ARI (CARI)
d. “Ask, Look and Listen”

43. Which classification of pneumonia has the child if 3 or more danger signs are
present? (2)

a. Severe
b. Pneumonia
c. No Pneumonia
d. Very severe

44. When the child is to receive antibiotic, where should the first dose be given? (1)

a. In the school
b. In the health center
c. In the home
d. In the referral system
45. Which of the following is your topic for health teaching to mothers of children
with pneumonia? (2)

a. Breastfeeding
b. Family planning
c. Use of Assess Card
d. Play therapy

Situation 10: The Tochan family is in crisis situation. Mr. Tochan, 60-year-old has
emphysema and is in ZMDH. He was admitted last September 5, 2006. His wife
Vina, 50-year-old is taking care of her husband in the hospital. He is under close
observation with O2 inh/NC @ 2LPM.

46. Upon auscultation, rales are heard in Mr. Tochan’s left lower lung segment. One
of the orders in the care and treatment of Mr. Tochan was postural drainage once a
day. To perform the procedure it would involve placing Mr. Tochan on: (2)

a. back with a pillow under his hips

b. left side with a pillow under his hips
c. right side with a pillow under his hips
d. abdomen with a pillow under his chest

47. Mr. Tochan’s condition resulted in COPD. His blood pH is 7.33 and he is
restless. Accordingly, her nursing care plan should include: (3)

a. increasing his O2 flow rate

b. removing his secretions from his respiratory tract
c. limiting his fluid intake
d. administering hypnotics as ordered

48. Most of the time Mr. Tochan is allowed to rest. At 12 noon CBC & ABG were
done. The results showed PaO2 - 92%, PCO2 - 46, RBC- 4.8 mx10, WBC - 11000,
Hgb.-12g/dl. The best nursing action would be: (2)

a. monitor Mr. Tochan

b. Increase O2 inh
c. call the MD
d. start an antibiotic

49. He complained of inability to produce sputum. “I feel I have something in my

lungs that I need to cough out.” Nurse Pia would be most helpful if she: (2)

a. calls the physician

b. administer mucolytic
c. give health teaching
d. limit fluid intake
50. Chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercises were encouraged for Mr.
Tochan. When is the most appropriate time to perform such procedure? (1)

a. after lunch, before napping

b. before breakfast
c. after breakfast, before am care
d. time element is not important

Situation 11: At around 7:30 am the following day, Nurse Pia endorsed Mr. Tochan
to Nurse Vega as having a temperature reading of 38.8ºC/ax. She also endorsed that
he’d been restless during the night.

51. The most appropriate nursing action would be: (3)

a. check vital signs

b. call the physician
c. administer cooling measures
d. administer antipyretics

52. One of the nurses came at the bedside of Mr. Tochan and states: “You look like
you are having difficulty of breathing.” The nurse’s statement is: (3)

a. appropriate because difficulty of breathing is expected from COPD

b. appropriate because it states what the nurse is observing
c. inappropriate because the nurse made a conclusion without validating
d. inappropriate because the nurse should wait for the client to speak first

53. Later that day, Mr. Tochan had bouts of productive cough. The most effective
infection control is for the nurse to: (1)

a. monitor the temperature

b. push oral fluids
c. have the client cover his mouth when coughing
d. do not allow visitors for the client

54. In respiratory infection, the sputum is highly contagious. In the chain of

infection the sputum is: (1)

a. portal of entry
b. infectious agent
c. reservoir
d. portal of exit

55. The following conversation took place at Mr. Tochan’s bedside while the
morning shift nurse was making her rounds:
Nurse: “Mr. Tochan, I will be teaching you deep breathing exercises.”
Tochan: “I would prefer that we wait for my wife. She knows what to do.”
Nurse: “You should not rely on your wife. I will show you how to do it effectively.”
The nurse’s last statement is: (2)

a. displaying a value of judgment

b. appropriate because it encourage independence
c. the client must realize that the wife has other things to do
d. inappropriate because patients are always right

Situation 12: The Department of Health promotes use of herbal drugs. As a public
health nurse, you implement the program on traditional medicine in the community.

56. To promote the use of herbal medicines, which of the following projects would
you encourage the people in the community to do? (1)

a. Backyard herbal gardening

b. Plant a tree today
c. Save Mother Earth
d. Clean and Green

57. Which of the following herbal plants is used for respiratory problems such as
asthma, cough and fever? (1)

a. Lagundi
b. Sambong
c. Niyog-niyogan
d. Yerba Buena

58. Which of the following aromatic herbs for body pain, rheumatism and arthritis
is used by older persons? (1)

a. Sambong
b. Yerba Buena
c. Carmona-rosa
d. Alusimang Bato

59. Which of the following herbal plants is used for mild non-insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus? (1)

a. Alusimang Bato
b. Bawang
c. Carmona-rosa
d. Ampalaya

60. In the use of herbal medicines, which of the following statement is incorrect? (2)

a. Avoid the use of insecticides as these may leave poison on plants

b. Use only the part of the plant being advocated
c. In preparation, use a clay pot and cover it while boiling at low heat
d. Follow accurate dose of suggested preparation

Situation 13: Mr. Ang Lee has chronic cough and dyspnea. Her physician made a
diagnosis of Acute Pulmonary Emphysema.

61. He has dyspnea with mild exertion. What is the probable cause of this? (2)

a. Impaired diffusion between the alveolar air and blood

b. Thrombic obstruction of pulmonary arterioles
c. Decrease tone of the diaphragm
d. Lowered oxygen carrying capacity of the RBC

62. Which of the following tissue changes is a characteristic of emphysema? (2)

a. Overdistention, inelasticity and rupture of alveoli

b. Accumulation of pus in the pleural space
c. Filling of air passage by inflammatory alveoli
d. Accumulation of fluids in the pleural sac

63. While waiting for the resident-on-duty to perform the physical examination, Mr.
Lee would be most comfortable in which position? (1)

a. Sitting on edge of bed

b. Lying flat on bed
c. Reclining in his left side
d. Supine with head elevated

64. The primary objective of your nursing care management for him is to improve
her quality of life. Which of the following would not be included in your therapeutic
approach? (3)

a. Prevention of infection
b. Prompt treatment of infection
c. Providing supportive care
d. Maintenance of a conducive environment

65. Which of the following hygienic care would be most appropriate for Mr. Lee?

a. Proper care of finger and toenails

b. Not allowing him to have daily baths
c. Checking the VS every four hours
d. Providing oral care at least three times a day

5Situation 14: Mrs. Meow, 46-year-old with asthmatic attack is admitted in the
medical ward of Rico Hospital.

66. Your finding in your assessment would include the following, except: (1)
a. Ability only to speak a few words without taking a deep breath
b. Tachycardia, cool and moist skin
c. Air hunger and presence of wheezing sounds
d. Tachycardia, warm and moist skin

67. With your assessment, which of these symptoms would you expect to develop
later? (2)

a. Nasal flaring
b. Lips pursed in an effort to exhale
c. Cyanosis
d. Use of accessory muscles for breathing

68. Which has the fewer tendencies to precipitate or trigger asthmatic attack? (1)

a. Air pollution
b. Cold weather
c. Changes in climate
d. Mold, house dust

69. The least of nursing care that you would do with Mrs. Meow is to: (2)

a. Give Bricanyl tablet to ease breathing

b. Keep his back always dry
c. Keep the siderails up at all times
d. Force fluids to liquefy the secretions

70. The most comfortable position for Mrs. Meow to assume during asthmatic
attack is: (1)

a. Sitting
b. Orthopneic
c. Fowler’s
d. Supine

Situation 15: Mr. Kaldero, age 38, is referred to the local hospital clinic after his
tuberculin skin test was found to be positive. He is admitted for further diagnosis
and evaluation. Medications ordered for Mr. Cordero are 300 mg Isoniazid (INH)
p.o. daily, 300 mg Rifampicin p.o. daily, 100 mg Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) p.o. daily,
regular diet and bed rest.

71. Which would most likely confirm Mr. Kaldero’s diagnosis of tuberculosis? (1)
a. Creatinine kinase test

b. Chest x-ray
c. Sputum smear and culture
d. White blood cell count
72. Which clinical manifestations would the nurse expect in a patient with TB? (2)

a. Hemoptysis and weight gain

b. Productive cough and afternoon elevated temp
c. Dry cough and blood streaked sputum
d. Night sweats and urticaria

73. Which nursing activity would be most therapeutic while Mr. Kaldero is on bed
rest? (2)

a. Encouraging family and friends to visit 3x a day

b. Assisting him in walking to the lounge
c. Assisting him with ROM exercises
d. Encouraging him to visit other patients

74. Possible adverse effects of Isoniazid therapy include: (2)

a. Peripheral neuritis, tachycardia, and insomnia vertigo

b. Fever and GI dysfunction
c. Hepatic dysfunction, headache and
d. Hepatic dysfunction and kidney damage

75. After a week in the hospital, Mr. Kaldero is ready for discharge. When
providing discharge instructions, the nurse should discuss all of the following,

a. The plan for regular follow-up care

b. The possible adverse effects of his medications
c. The need to discontinue INH if nausea occurs
d. The need to cover his nose and mouth when coughing

Situation 16: Reason Blade, R.N., is the staff nurse on duty at the Medical Ward of
Aquinas University Hospital.

76. In Bed No. 1 is Mr. Monterey, a 50-year-old client with asthma. Your nursing
management for him is: (2)

a. Administer Alevaire inhalation to soften secretions

b. Force fluids
c. Administer Bricanyl
d. Give fruit juice

77. To ease his breathing, which position would make him most comfortable? (1)

a. Dorsal recumbent
b. Sim’s
c. Orthopneic
d. Fowler’s

78. Mr. Tatad, who is in Bed No. 3 is suffering from COPD. You informed him that
the most effective bronchodilator is: (2)

a. Lukewarm lemonade
b. Deep breathing
d. Steam inhalation
d. Mild mucolytic agent

79. What diet is best recommended for him considering his existing Valsalva
maneuver problem? (2)

a. Full liquid diet

b. Bland diet
c. High in fiber and bulk
d. Soft, high in protein

80.Which of the following will not promote effective clearing of Mr. Tatad’s
tracheobronchial secretions? (2)

a. Assuming postural drainage

b. Administering Alevaire medications
c. Doing deep breathing exercises every 2 hours
d. Doing coughing technique effectively

Situation 17: In a developing country like the Philippines, accumulation of fluid in the
pleural cavity commonly results from tuberculosis.

81. Anatomically, the inner part of the thoracic cavity is lined by the parietal
membrane, while the membrane that envelops the lung is called: (1)
a. visceral membrane
b. cell membrane
c. plasma membrane
d. pulmonary membrane

82. Mang Jose is prepared for CTT. Nurse A would know that CTT stands for: (2)

a. Chest Tube Thoracostomy

b. Central Thoracic Test
c. Critical Terminal Treatment
d. Close Tube Thoracostomy

83. The correct position of Mang Jose to assume during CTT is: (1)

a. supine position
b. sitting on a chair, leaning on the back rest
c. high fowler’s with arm of affected side above the head
d. side lying on high fowler’s at the side of the bed

84. During the rounds, Nurse A noticed that the chest tube was accidentally
removed by the client. The best appropriate nursing action Nurse A should take is:

a. shout for help

b. reinsert the chest tube immediately
c. apply vaselinized sterile gauze and pressure dressing and notify surgeon immediately
d. ignore it, the client can reinsert it by himself

85. Nursing responsibilities in caring for patients with CTT are the following except:

a. ensure that the drainage bottle is at the level of the patient’s chest
b. monitor water-seal drainage bottle to ensure fluid level is above drain tube
c. coil tubing carefully to avoid kinking
d. prepare two clamps at bedside and take with patient when brought out of the room

Situation 18: Calamares, 25-year-old, employee was brought to the ER because of

severe allergic reaction. She complained of difficulty of breathing. Oxygen
inhalation 3L was ordered stat. Intravenous solution started.

86. Which of the following physiologic needs has the highest priority for Calamares?

a. Fluid
b. Nutrition
c. Oxygen
d. Low Temperature

87. A symptomatic patient like Calamares would consider which of the following as
her most important needs? (2)

a. Relief from her health problem

b. Assistance with family and financial responsibilities
c. Understanding of her personal concern
d. Solution for the office problem

88. Illness prevention activities are generally designed to help client attain which of
the following? (2)

a. Promote habits related to good health

b. Identify disease symptoms
c. Manage stress
d. Hospitalization
89. Nurse Lavigña provided Calamares and her family with information regarding
the client’s care. This constitute as: (1)

a. Patient advocate role

b. Surrogate role
c. Educator role
d. Counselor role

90. Which of the following is the most important precautionary measure in

administering oxygen inhalation to be observed that will benefit the client in
particular and hospital in general? (2)

a. Setting up a bottle of sterile water to humidify the oxygen before it is administered to

b. “Crack” the oxygen tank before it is wheeled/brought to client’s room
c. Lubricate the tip of the catheter with mineral oil that is water soluble
d. Hang a “No Smoking” sign on the oxygen tank and a similar warning at the door.

Situation 19: Mr. Murdocks, a 65-year-old retired steel mill worker, is admitted to
the unit with dyspnea-upon-exertion. He has a long history of smoking. Initial
assessment findings include barrel chest, ankle edema, persistent cough with
copious sputum production and variable wheezing on expiration.

91. Mr. Murdocks’ ankle edema and respiratory problems should make the nurse
suspect hypertrophy of which heart chamber? (2)

a. Left atrium
b. Right atrium
c. Left ventricle
d. Right ventricle

92. The physician orders an Aminophylline IV drip for Mr. Murdocks. The nurse
should be alert for which sign of drug toxicity? (2)

a. Depression
b. Lethargy
c. Tachycardia
d. Cyanosis

93. ABG measurements reveal a ph of 7.25, PaCO2 of 52 mmHg and a HCO3 level
of 25 mEq/L. The result indicates what acid-base imbalance? (2)

a. Respiratory alkalosis, uncompensated

b. Respiratory acidosis, uncompensated
c. Metabolic alkalosis, compensated
d. Metabolic acidosis, compensated
94. Mr. Murdocks is unable to exhale efficiently and becomes short of breath. The
best nursing intervention would be, to teach him: (1)

a. Pursed lip breathing

b. Coughing technique
c. Postural drainage
d. Relaxation technique

95. The physician orders postural drainage. Which statement about postural
drainage is most accurate? (2)

a. Postural drainage uses gravity to augment mucociliary clearing mechanisms and drain
retained secretions
b. All patients with COPD are positioned the same way during postural drainage
c. Postural drainage involves rhythmic clapping of the chest wall with cupped hands
d. postural drainage is effective only when performed for 1 hour or longer

Situation 20: Marisse, a BSN student was assigned in the medical ward. She is to
administer medication under the supervision of her clinical instructor.

96. When administering drugs, the nurse compares the label of the drug container
with the medicine card correctly except: (2)

a. Before removing the container from the drawer or shelf

b. As the amount of drug ordered is removed from it
c. Before resuming the container to the storage
d. Before directly administering the drug

97. What is the best way of identifying the right client ideally? (1)

a. Check the medicine tickets against the client’s identification

b. Nurse speaks the name of the client
c. Nurse ask the client’s relative to state the full name
d. Nurse consults the physician

98. If the doctors orders q8h, what does this mean? (1)

a. The medication should be given during the waking hours

b. The medication should be given round the clock
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

99. The expectorant guiafenesin (Robitussin) 300 mg p.o. has been ordered. The
bottle is labeled 100mg/5mL. How many mL should be given? (2)

a. 13 mL
b. 14 mL
c. 15 mL
d. 16 mL

100. The physician orders: Administer Ampicillin 50 mg. oral suspension p.o q6
hours for 7 days. Stock dose is 125 mg/5mL in 30 mL bottle. How many bottles of
the medication will you request? (3)

a. 5 bottles
b. 4 bottles
c. 3 bottles
d. 2 bottles

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