Board Questions 2009
Board Questions 2009
Board Questions 2009
Which of the following best describes acquaintance Some lifetime habits and hobbies affect
rape? postoperative respiratory function. If your client
o Sexual intercourse committed with force smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day for the past 10
or with the threat of force without a years, you will anticipate increased risk for:
person’s consent o postoperative respiratory function
You are the nurse in an Adult Care Unit. You over- Situation – One of the realities that we are
hear one of your co-staff nurse assigned to Aling confronted with is our mortality. It is important for
Josie who is 78 years old say, that if she refuses to us nurses to be aware of how we view suffering,
take her medications she will not be given her pain, illness, and even our death as well as its
favorite dessert. You report your co-staff’s behavior meaning. That way we can help our patients cope
as: with death and dying.
o Assault Irma is terminally ill, she speaks to you in
confidence. You now feel that Irma’s family could be
When a nurse volunteers to work in a hospital helpful if they knew what Irma has told you. What
setting and she commits a mistake, who is legally should you do first?
o Volunteer nurse, hospital and the nurse in Obtain Irma’s permission to share the information
charge with the family
As a nurse, you accidentally administer 40 mg of Ruby who has been told she has terminal cancer,
propranolol (Inderal) to a client instead of 10 mg. turns away and refuses to respond to you. You can
although client exhibits no adverse reactions to the best help her by:
larger dose. You should: Coming back periodically and indicating your
o Complete an incident report availability if she would like you to sit with her
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To check if the nurses under her supervision use Miscommunication of drug orders was identified as a
critical thinking, Mrs. David observes if the nurses probable cause of medication error. Which of the
act responsibly when at work. Which of the following is a safe medication practice related to
following actions of a nurse demonstrates the this?
attitude of responsibility? o Only officially approved abbreviations may
o Following standards of practice be used in the prescription orders
Situation - The psychiatric mental health nurse Situation – Your director of nursing wants to
adheres to standards that ensure quality improve the quality of health care offered in the
improvement. The following situations and hospital. As a staff nurse in that hospital you know
behaviors are means to achieve this goal. that this entails quality assurance programs.
This is a process wherein the client’s chart is The following mechanisms can be utilized as part of
reviewed to compare criteria for quality care with the quality assurance program of your hospital
actual practice EXCEPT:
o Psychiatric audit ANS: Use of the Nursing
Interventions Classification
In order to assess “Reliability” as a behavioral
characteristic, the nurse would ask herself which of The use of the Standards of Nursing Practice is
the following questions regarding her recording: important in the hospital. Which of the following
o Did the history of the present problem statements best describes what it is?
correlate with the review of growth and ANS: The Standards of care
development includes the various steps of the
nursing process and the standards
All of these are advantages of peer review EXCEPT: of professional performance
o It requires the development of standards
for quality care You are taking care of critically ill client and the
doctor in charge calls to order a DNR (do-not-
The nursing team leader wants to involve all the resuscitate) for the client. Which of the following is
nurses in participating in their own personal and the appropriate action when getting DNR order over
professional growth through a brainstorming the phone?
session. One of the most important ground rules is: o Have 2 nurses validate the phone order,
o Follow the problem solving approach both nurses sign the order and the doctor
should sign his order within 24 hours
“Did the nurse perform in the best possible manner
without waste?” aims to describe the nurse’s: To ensure client safety before starting blood
ANS: efficiency transfusion the following are needed before the
procedure can be done EXCEPT:
You are the nurse manager of the Medical Unit. o blood should be warmed to room
Which of the following is a priority for you to temperature for 30 minutes before blood
consider when planning for the care of group of transfusion is administered
clients utilizing evidence-based practice?
ANS: Clients’ needs are assessed Part of standards of care has to do with the use of
and individualized care plan are restraints. Which of the following statements is NOT
developed for each client true?
o Check client’s pulse, blood pressure and
Situation - The purpose of the nursing care plan is to circulation every 4 hours
identify the care for an individual patient based on
his problem should be included if it is known. The Situation – Joint Commission on Accreditation of
nurse writes a nursing care plan for a patient based Hospital Organization (JCAHO) patient safety goals
on nursing care standards. and requirements include the care and efficient use
Given the example of a problem: “Anxiety due to a of technology in the OR and elsewhere in the
job interview”. Then “due to” or the reason for the healthcare facility.
problem should be included if it is known. The initial As the head nurse in the OR, how can you improve
step in identifying problem is: the effectiveness of clinical alarm systems?
ANS: Gather the data about the o Implement a regular maintenance and
patient testing of alarm systems
Given the example of an expected outcome: “Openly Overdosage of medication or anesthetic can happen
verbalize anxiety about job interview. Identify how even with the aid of technology like infusion pumps,
he can prepare for the job interview. “Which of sphygmomanometer, and similar devices/machines.
these is not a criterion of expected outcomes? As a staff, how can you improve the safety of using
o ANS: An expected outcome is stated in infusion pumps?
terms of what the nurse will do o Check the functionality of the pump before
The following are reasons for setting deadlines
within which to achieve outcomes of care EXCEPT: JCAHOs universal protocol for surgical and invasive
ANS: Does not allow plans to be procedures to prevent wrong site, wrong person,
changed and wrong procedure/surgery includes the following
Which of these is not a relevant nursing order? o Take a video of the entire intra-operative
ANS: Discuss with a patient with procedure
specific means he might prepare
for the job interview You identified a potential risk of pre and
postoperative clients. To reduce the risk of patient
Which of these practices on evaluation support harm resulting from fall, you can implement the
nursing care? Review of care plan is: following, EXCEPT:
o A nursing team responsibility o Allow client to walk with relative to the OR
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Using Benner’s stages of nursing expertise, you are a The least satisfactory method to evaluate the
beginning nurse practitioner. You will rank yourself effectiveness of the program is through:
as a/an: o Attendance
o Novice nurse
Benner’s “Proficient” nurse level is different from situation - The supervising nurse received report that
the other levels in nursing expertise in the context of a staff nurse is displaying frequent irritation, anger
having: and even indifference toward client and co-workers.
o A holistic understanding and perception of
the client The initial action of the supervisor would be to:
o Call the nurse for a one on one conference
As you become socialized into the nursing “culture”
you become a patient advocate. Advocacy is The nurse expressed increasing feelings of
explained by the following EXCEPT: dissatisfaction. The supervising nurse intervenes
o Demonstrating loyalty to the institution’s therapeutically by taking on the role of:
rights o Counselor by actively listening
makes the decisions for everyone without consulting enhancing the quality of nursing
anybody. This type of leadership is: care.
o Autocratic leadership
ANS: a & d are strong justifications
When the head nurse in your ward plots and
approves your work schedules and directs your Which of the following IS NOT a correct statement as
work, she is demonstrating: regards Specialty Certification?
o Authority o The Board of Nursing intended to create
the Nursing Specialty Certification Program
The following tasks can be safely delegated by a as a means of perpetuating the creation of
nurse to a non-nurse health worker EXCEPT: an elite force of Filipino Nurse
o Change IV infusions Professionals.
You made a mistake in giving the medicine to the The NSCC was created for the purpose of
wrong client. You notify the client’s doctor and write implementing the Nursing Specialty policy under the
an incident report. You are demonstrating: direct supervision and stewardship of the Board of
o Accountability Nursing. Who shall comprise the NSCC?
o A Chairperson, chosen from among the
Situation – As the CPE is applicable for all Regulatory Board Members; a Vice
professional nurse, the professional growth and Chairperson appointed by the BON at
development of Nurses with specialties shall be large; two other members also chosen at-
addressed by a Specialty Certification Council. The large; and one representing the consumer
following questions apply to these special groups of group;
Which of the following serves as the legal basis and Situation – As a Nurse, you have specific
statute authority for the Board of Nursing to responsibilities as professional. You have to
promulgate measures to effect the creation of a demonstrate specific competencies.
Specialty Certification Council and promulgate
professional development programs for this group of The essential components of professional nursing
nurse-professionals? practice are all the following EXCEPT:
o R.A. 7164 Culture
You are assigned to care for four (4) patients. Which
By force of law, therefore, the PRC-Board of Nursing of the following patients should you give first
release Resolution No. 14 Series of 1999 entitled: priority?
“Adoption of a Nursing Specialty Certification Emy, who was previously lucid but is now
Program and Creation of Nursing Specialty unarousable
Certification Council.” This rule-making power is
called: Brenda, the Nursing Supervisor of the intensive care
o Quasi-Legislative Power unit (ICU) is not on duty when a staff nurse
committed a serious medication error. Which
Under the PRC-Board of Nursing Resolution statement accurately reflects the accountability of
promulgating the adoption of a Nursing Specialty the nursing supervisor?
Certification Program and Council, which two (2) of Brenda should be informed when she goes back on
the following serves as the strongest justification for duty
its enforcement?
Advances made in science and Which barrier should you avoid, to manage your
technology have provided the time wisely?
climate for specialization in almost Procrastination
all aspects of human endeavor;
and You are caring for Vincent who has just been
As necessary consequence, there transferred to the private room. He is anxious
has emerged a new concept known because he fears he won’t be monitored as closely
as globalization which seeks to as he was in the Coronary Care Unit. How can you
remove barriers in trade, industry allay his fear?
and services imposed by the Assign the same nurse to him when possible
national laws of countries all over
the world; and Situation 18 – There are various developments in
Awareness of this development health education that the nurse should know about:
should impel the nursing sector to
prepare our people in the services The provision of health information in the rural areas
sector to meet the above nationwide through television and radio programs
challenge; and and video conferencing is referred to as:
Current trends of specialization in o Telehealth program
nursing practice recognized by the
International Council of Nurses A nearby community provides blood pressure
(ICN) of which the Philippines is a screening, height and weight measurement, smoking
member for the benefit of the cessation classes and aerobics class services. This
Filipino in terms of deepening and type of program is referred to as
refining nursing practice and o outreach program
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Part of teaching client in health promotion is As a nurse, you know that the intact skin acts as an
responsibility for one’s health. When Ciara states she effective barrier to most microorganisms. Therefore,
needs to improve her nutritional status this means: items that come in contact with the intact skin
o Client will decide the goals and should be:
interventions required to meet her goals o Disinfected
Situation 6- The OR is divided into three zones to
Nurse Eunice is providing tertiary prevention to Mrs. control traffic flow and contamination.
Vento. An example of tertiary prevention is What OR attires are worn in the restricted area?
o Identifying complication of diabetes o Head cap, scrub suit, mask, OR shoes
Mrs. Olivia has schedule for Pap Smear. She has a Which of the following nursing intervention should
strong family history of cervical cancer. This is an be given the highest priority when receiving a client
example of in the OR?
o secondary prevention o Verify the identification and informed
Situation – Ensuring safety is one of your most
important responsibilities. You will need to provide Conversation while in the operation is ongoing is
instructions and information to your clients to minimized because:
prevent complications. o It enhances the spread of microorganism
to the incision site
Randy has chest tubes attached to a pleural drainage
system. When caring for him you should: Spaulding categorized instruments according to use.
change the dressing daily using aseptic techniques Where do you classify endoscopic instrument?
o High level disinfected instruments
Fanny, came in from PACU after pelvic surgery. As
Fanny’s nurse you know that the sign that would be In the OR, “Surgical Conscience” means:
indicative of a developing thrombophlebitis would o Honest adherence to surgical aseptic
be: techniques all the time
a tender, painful area on the leg
Medical gases are used a lot in the OR. Some gases
To prevent recurrent attacks on Terry who has acute are used to operate equipment and some are used
glomerulonephritis, you should instruct her to: to administer genral anesthesia through inhalation.
seek early treatment for respiratory infections What is the identifying color of the tank which
contains “laughing gals”?
Herbert had a laryngectomy and he is now for o Blue
discharge. He verbalized his concern regarding his
laryngectomy tube being dislodged. What should On a traffic light, yellow means “proceed with
you teach him first? caution”. In the field of healthcare, where do you
Notify the physician at once discard your used tissue papers?
o Green bin
When caring for Larry after an exploratory chest
surgery and pneumonectomy, your priority would be An instrument tray with black striped
to maintain: autoclave/steam chemical indicator tape
ventilation exchange communicates that the instrument tray.
o Is sterile
to save a life. You felt good. What principle was Code of Ethics for Nurses which the Board
applied? of Nursing promulgated.
o Beneficence
Situation - Ninety year old Purita is confined at the Based on the Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses, what
medical unit for respiratory ailment for which a is regarded as the hallmark of nursing responsibility
breathing apparatus is prescribed for her to use and accountability?
while she sleeps. She refuses to wear it continuously o Health, being a fundamental right of every
though she fully understands the medical indication individual
for it
Which of these ethical principles can guide the nurse
in her action? Which of the following nurses’ behavior is regarded
o Nonmaleficence as a violation of the Code of Ethics of Filipino
Purita has six children who are already adults. They o A nurse endorsing a person running for
differ in their opinion whether or not to allow their congress.
mother to decide for herself. The nurse would
encourage family conference for: A nurse should be cognizant that professional
o Consensus building programs for specialty certification by the Board of
Nursing are accredited through the:
Breathing treatments are to be given to Purita. In o Nursing Specialty Certification Council
anticipation that Purita might refuse, Dinio, one of
the children requests that he be the one to sign Mr. Jimmy, R.N. works in a nursing home, and he
consent in behalf of their mother. The nurse explains knows that one of his duties is to be an advocate for
that Purita is rational in her thinking and which of his patients. Mr. Santos knows a primary duty of an
these clients’ right must be regarded? advocate is to:
o Right to refuse treatment o safeguard the well being of every patient
Which of these would be the nurse’s priority Lizette, a head nurse in a surgical unit, hears one of
following the treatment principle of least restrictive the staff nurse say that she does not touch any client
alternative? assigned to her unless she performs nursing
o One to one staffing procedures or conducts physical assessment. To
Purita talks about her joy in having responsible and guide the staff nurse in the use of touch, which of
accomplished children and recalls challenging career the following would be the BEST response of Lizette?
as a lawyer. She is demonstrating a sense of: o “Touch serves as a connection between
o Ego integrity the nurse and the patient”
Situation – The nurse’s understanding of ethico-legal
responsibilities will guide his/her nursing practice.
The principles that govern right and proper conduct George, a 43 year old executive is scheduled for
of a person regarding life, biology and the health cardiac bypass surgery. While being prepared of
professions is referred to as: surgery, he says to the nurse “I am not going to have
o Bioethics the surgery. I may die because of the risk”. Which
response by the nurse is most appropriate?
The purpose of having a nurses’ code of ethics is: o “This must be very frightening for you. Tell
o To help the public understand professional me how you feel about the surgery”
conduct expected of nurses
Mr. Chris Martinez has been confined for three days.
The most important nursing responsibility where His wife helped take care of him and he has
ethical situations emerge in patient observed her to be “too involved” in his care. He
o Be accountable for his or her own actions complained to the head nurse about this. Which of
the following would be the BEST response of the
You inform the patient about his rights which include nurse.
the following EXCEPT: o “What are your thoughts about your
o Right to obtain information about another wife’s involvement in your care?”
The major components of the communication
process are:
This principle states that a person has unconditional o Message, sender, channel, receiver and
worth and has the capacity to determine his own feedback
o Autonomy Informal communication takes place when
individuals talk and is best described by saying the
Situation – As Filipino Professional Nurses we must participants:
be knowledgeable about the Code of Ethics for o have no particular agenda or protocol
Filipino Nurses and practice these by heart. The next
questions pertain to this Code of Ethics.
Which of the following is TRUE about the Code of The mother of a 9-month old infant is concerned
Ethics of Filipino Nurses? that the head circumference of her baby is greater
o The Philippine Nurses Association for being than the chest circumference. The BEST response by
the accredited professional organization nurse is:
was given the privilege to formulate a
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o “This is normal until the age of 1 year, Soledad is terminally ill of cancer. Looking sad she
when the chest will be greater.” expresses. “Wala na yata akong pag-asang mabuhay
pa.” A response which fosters hope is:
Which of the following will work best when the o “Mukhang napakabigat ang dinaramdam
nurse is communicating with an infant? ninyo. Andito po ako at puwede tayong
o Use an adult voice just as you would for mag-usap.”
Camilia verbalizes, “Pinaguusapan nila ako. Ayaw nila
The tone and pitch of the voice, volume, inflection, ako.” A therapeutic response is:
speed, grunts and other vocalization are preferred to o “Nalulungkot ba ang pakiramdam mo?”
by which of the following terms?
o Paraverbal clues During socialization Nicanor was provoked, became
furious and started shouting “Walang hiya kayo! Ako
Which of the following remark indicates that the ang bida ditto!” The nurse’s action is:
client’s relative understood the discharge instruction o Take him away from the group until he
for wound care? manages to have control of himself
o “I will report any redness or swelling of the
wound” Nicanor become verbally assaultive to the nurse. He
says, “Ikaw, nurse, wala kanga lam! Marunong pa
After cystoscopy, Mr. Santos asked you to explain ako saiyo, e. Ano ba ang pinagmamalaki mo!” The
why there is no incision of any kind. What do you tell nurse responds therapeutically by:
him? o Acknowledging his behavior, put him in his
o “Cystoscopy is an endoscopic procedure of right senses; respond with, “Oo nga, galit
the urinary tract” ka sa nurse pero hindi tama na naninigaw
Situation - The nurse visited the Reyes family to
check on their two growing children, aged 7 and 4 Situation – As a nurse, you should be aware and
years. Upon her visit she observed that common prepared of the different roles you play.
areas of arguments between Mr. and Mrs. Reyes are What role do you play when you hold all client’s
about conflicting ways of bringing up their children. information entrusted to you in the strictest
Mrs. Reyes is lax and tolerant while Mr. Reyes often confidence?
insists strict ways to a point of over protectiveness o Patient’s advocate
from what he perceives as unsafe i.e., community
and neighbours that cannot be trusted. As a nurse, you can help improve the effectiveness
Mr. Reyes remarked “I am way about visiting- with of communication among healthcare givers by:
all the media news about child kidnapping and o One-on-one oral endorsement
robberies.” – The Nurse’s BEST response would be:
o “I acknowledge what you are saying. My
concern is the health care of your family As a nurse, your primary focus in the workplace is
and information are strictly confidential.” the client’s safety. However, personal safety is also a
concern. You can communicate hazards to your co-
Mrs. Reyes expressed that her socializing with workers through the use of the following EXCEPT:
neighbors is limited because her husband thinks she o Posting IR in the bulletin board
is getting overly friendly with a guy next door. Which
of the following would the nurse emphasize as As a nurse, what is one of the best way to reconcile
basic? medications across the continuum of care?
o Keeping trust in the relationship o Communicate a complete list of the
patient’s medication to the next provider
For the nurse to be effective in developing rapport of service
with the family it is essential that she keeps her
appointment on time and stick to a care plan. She is As a nurse, you protect yourself and co-workers
applying the principle of: from misinformation and misrepresentations
o Consistency and predictability through the following EXCEPT:
o Endorsement thru trimedia to advertise
Which of these communicate unconditional your favorite disinfectant solution
acceptance of Anita and her situation?
o “You are safe here and I am ready to Situation – The nurse engages the client in a nurse-
listen” patient interaction
Situation - Through the nurse-patient relationship, The best time to inform the client about terminating
the nurse intervenes utilizing effective the nurse-patient relationship is:
communication techniques. The following are varied o at the start of the relationship
situations in a psychiatry ward.
The patient verbalizes, “Masama ang pakiramdam The client says, “I want to tell you something but can
ko. Hindi ako nakatulog kagabi.” A therapeutic you promise that you will keep this a secret?” A
response of the nurse would be: therapeutic response of the nurse is:
o “Maari mo bang sabihin sa akin ang mga o “Yes, our interaction is confidential
naiisip at nararamdaman mo?” provided the information you tell me is not
detrimental to your safety.”
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Situation – The nurse is often met with the following Cathy blames God for her situation. She is easily
situations when clients become angry and hostile. provoked to tears and wants to be left alone,
refusing to eat or talk to her family. A religious
To maintain a therapeutic eye contact and body person before, she now refuses to pray or go to
posture while interacting with angry and aggressive church stating that God has abandoned her. The
individual, the nurse should: nurse understands that Cathy is grieving for her self
o keep an “open posture, e.g. Hands by sides and is in the stage of:
but palms turned outwards o anger
During the pre-interaction phase of the N-P The nurse visits Cathy and prods her to eat her food.
relationship, the nurse recognizes this normal Cathy replies, “What’s the use? My time is running
INITIAL reaction to an assaultive or potentially out.” The nurse’s best response would be:
assaultive person. o “You sound like you are giving up.”
o Display empathy towards the patient
The nurse feels sad about Cathy’s illness and tells her
Which of the following is an accurate way of head nurse during the end of shift endorsement
reporting and recording an incident? that, “it’s unfair for Cathy to have cancer when she is
o “When asked about his relationship with still so young and with two kids.” The best response
his father, client clenched his jaw/teeth, of the head nurse would be:
made a fist and turned away from the o Advise the nurse to “be strong and learn to
nurse.” control her feelings”
To encourage thought, which of the following Realizing that she feels angry about Cathy’s
approaches is NOT therapeutic? condition, the nurse learns that being self-aware is a
o “Why do you feel angry?” conscious process that she should do in any situation
like this because:
A patient grabs a chair and about to throw it. The o The nurse has to be therapeutic at all times
nurse best responds saying, and should not be affected
o “Stop! Put that chair down.”
Situation - while working in a tertiary hospital, you
Situation – It is common that clients ask the nurse are assigned to the medical ward.
personal questions. Your client, Mr. Diaz, is concerned that he cannot
pay his hospital bills and professional fees. You refer
Anticipation of personal questions is given adequate him to a:
attention during which phase of the nurse patient o Social worker
o Working phase Mr. Magno has lung cancer and is going through
chemotherapy. He is referred by the oncology nurse
If the client asks for the nurse’s telephone number, to a self-help group of clients with cancer to:
which of these responses is NOT appropriate? o Receive emotional support
o “It is confidential I just don’t give it to
anyone.” A diabetic hypertensive client, Mrs. Linao, needs a
change in diet improve her health status. She should
When the client asks about the family of the nurse, be referred to a:
the MOST appropriate response is: o Dietician
o Give a brief and simple response and focus When collaborating with other health team
on the client. members, the best description of Nurse Rita’s role is:
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o Shares and implements orders of the Situation - The perioperative nurse collaborates with
health team to ensure quality care the client, significant others healthcare providers.
Patient outcomes reflect the collaborative
Nurse Rita is successful in collaborating with health interdisciplinary effort and independent nursing
team members about the care of Mr. Linao. This is activities. Who is the primary partner of the nurse in
because she has the following competencies: health care?
o Communication, trust, and decision c. The client
To control environmental hazards in the OR, the
Situation - The following questions refers to nurse’s nurse collaborates with the following departments
efforts to do collaboration and teamwork. Select the EXCEPT:
best answer. o Chaplaincy services
The most important role of the nurse as a member Waste disposal poses a big problem for the hospital.
of the team is to: Biological wastes (i.e., amputated limbs) disposal
o Coordinate the physiological care and should be coordinated with the following agencies
management of clients EXCEPT:
o Crematorium . MMDA
A biological/medical approach to patient care utilizes o DOH DILG
which of the following?
o Somatic therapy Tess, the PACU nurse discovered that Malou, who
weighs 110lbs prior to surgery, is in severe pain 3
Which of these nursing actions belong to the hours after cholecystectomy. Upon checking the
secondary level of preventive intervention? chart, Malou found out that she has an order of
o Providing emergency psychiatric services Demerol 100 mg I.M. pm for pain. Tess should verify
the order with:
When the nurse identifies a client who has attempt c. Surgeon
to commit suicide the nurse should:
o Refer the client to the psychiatrist Rosie, 57, who is diabetic, is for debridement of
incision wound. When the circulating nurse checked
The community health nurse was invited by the the present IV fluid, she found out that there is no
principal of an elementary school and was asked to insulin incorporated as ordered. What should be
give a task to parents. An appropriate topic would circulating nurse do?
be: o Communicate with the ward nurse to
o Disciplining children at home and in school verify if insulin was incorporated or not
Situation - Collaborative planning is essential if Situation – Concerted work efforts among members
nursing and health care are to be made available to of the surgical team is essential to the success of the
all people. surgical procedure.
The sterile nurse or sterile personnel touch only
Perioperative examples of collaboration are the sterile supplies and instruments. When there is a
following EXCEPT: need for sterile supply which is not in the sterile
o Collaboration with other OR personnel field, who hands out these items by opening its
regarding the practices of surgeons outer cover?
collecting exobirant professional fees. ANS: Circulating nurse
the nurses collaborate with other members of the The OR team performs distinct roles for one surgical
health profession to improve the integrity of the procedure to be accomplished within a prescribed
hospital working environment through the following time frame and deliver a standard patient outcome.
ways EXCEPT: While the surgeon performs the surgical procedure,
o Joining the Mayo Uno Labor Union who monitors the status of the client like urine
output, blood loss?
An example of a collaborating effort on public o ANS: Anesthesiologist
service particularly during summer is: Surgery schedules are communicated to the OR
c. Clean and Green usually a day prior to the procedure by the nurse of
the floor or ward where the patient is confined. For
When does a nurse reject the interdependence of orthopedic cases, what department is usually
providers and patients in achieving access to health informed to be present in the OR?
care? o ANS Radiology department
o “Our hospital does not honor visiting Minimally invasive surgery is very much into
doctors” technology. Aside from the usual surgical team, who
else has to be present when a client undergoes
Individual patients and society as a whole benefit laparoscopic surgery?
from nursing participation in decisions made about o ANS: Laboratory technician
health care. This is exemplified in:
o Following the decision of CGFNS to retake
Test III and V to validate the visa screen for In massive blood loss, prompt replacement of
the U.S. compatible blood is crucial. What department needs
to be alerted to coordinate closely with the patient’s
family for immediate blood component therapy?
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In the OR, the nursing tandem for every surgery is: BOARD EXAMINATION – NURSING PROCEDURES
o Scrub and circulating nurses COLOSTOMY CARE
1. Gather equipment.
While team effort is needed in the OR for efficient 2. Place the patient in supine position.
and quality patient care delivery, we should limit the 3. Wash hands.
number of people in the room for infection control. 4. Don gloves.
Who comprise this team? 5. Remove old pouch by grasping pouch and gently
o Surgeon, assistants, scrub nurse, pulling away from skin. (You may use warm water
circulating nurse, anesthesiologist or an adhesive solvent to loosen the seal.)
6. Discard gloves.
When surgery is on-going, who coordinates the 7. Wash hands and don new pair of gloves.
activities outside, including the family? 8. Gently wash stoma area with warm, soapy water.
o Nurse supervisor 9. Dry skin thoroughly.
10. Assess (and document after procedure):
The breakdown in teamwork is often times a failure Stoma: Appearance
in: Peristomal skin: Condition
o Communication Feces: Amount, color, consistency, and presence of
unusual odor
Situation – As a member of the health and nursing Emotional status
team you have a crucial role to play in ensuring that 11. Temporarily cover stoma with a gauze pad to
all the members participate actively is the various absorb drainage during ostomy care.
tasks agreed upon. 12. Apply skin prep in a circular motion. (Allow to air
dry for approximately 30 seconds.)
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9. Place a bedpan near the bedside. 11. Check for proper tube placement in the stomach by
10. Don gloves. aspirating with a syringe for gastric drainage or by
11. Instruct the patient to take slow deep breaths to instilling about 20 mL of air into the NG tube while
facilitate relaxation. listening with a stethoscope for a gurgling sound
12. Separate the buttocks and insert rectal tube, directing over the stomach.
it toward the umbilicus about 3 to 4 inches. 12. Secure the tube after checking for proper placement
13. Raise the enema container about 12 to 18 inches by cutting a 3-inch strip of 1-inch tape and then
above the rectum and open the regulating clamp. splitting the tape lengthwise at one end, leaving 1
14. Administer the fluid slowly. inch intact at the opposite end
15. Lower the container or clamp the tubing if the 13. Place the intact end of the tape on top of the
patient experiences cramping.Medical-Surgical patient’s nose, and wrap one side of the split tape
16. After the solution is instilled, close the clamp and end around the tube and secure on a nostril. Repeat
remove the rectal tube. with the other split tape end.
17. Instruct the patient to retain solution as long as possible 14. Connect the NG tube to suction if ordered, or
(5 to 10 minutes for cleansing enema, 30 minutes clamp.Medical-Surgical
for retention enema). 15. Wrap adhesive tape around the distal end of the
18. Assist the patient to the bathroom or position him tubing and attach a safety pin through the tape tab
or her on the bedpan. to the patient’s gown.
19. Discard equipment. 16. Document the size and type of tube inserted. Note
20. Remove gloves and wash hands. the nostril used and the patient’s tolerance of the
21. Document the type and amount of enema solution procedure. Document how placement was validated
administered; approximate amount, color, and consistency and whether tubing was left clamped or attached to
of expelled material; and patient response. other equipment.
Example: Positioned on left side, NS enema, 500 mL Example: Number 10 NG tube placed per R naris and
given. Lg. amt. formed brown stool returned with secured with tape. Procedure tolerated well. Tube
enema solution. Complained of abdominal cramping placement validated by auscultation while instilling
during procedure. Quietly watching TV following procedure. air into stomach. Distal tubing clamped.
The amount of enema solution used for infants and small Infant
children ideally is ordered by the physician. Caution should Follow adult procedure with these adaptations:
be used if it is necessary to give an enema to a premature 1. Sharply bend NG tube about 1/4 to 1/2 inch from tip.
or low-birth-weight infant. A 5- to 10-mL syringe attached (There is a sharp bend “downward” almost immediately
to a number 5 feeding tube can be used for the procedure. after insertion of tube into the nostril.)
Solutions may usually be given to other children as follows: 2. Flex the infant’s head gently onto the chest with your
Age Amount of Solution Tube Insertion nondominant hand. Nasogastric tube insertion; method of
Infant 100 mL 1 in securing tube with tape3. With the dominant hand, insert the
2–4 yr 200 mL 2 in tube using a
4–10 yr 200–400 mL 3 in downward motion almost immediately after the tube
Over 10 yr 500 mL 3 in enters the nostril.
4. Because the infant’s chest is small and sounds are
NASOGASTRIC TUBE INSERTION conducted throughout the chest and abdomen, auscultation
1. Gather the necessary equipment. of sounds may give a false impression of
2. Explain procedure to the patient. placement. Other standard methods of placement validation
3. Wash hands. may be used. A sensitive method of placement
4. Position the patient in a sitting position.Medical-Sur 5. validation for the infant is to place your hand
Check nostrils for patency by asking the patient to flat over the stomach area while forcing 2 to 3 mL of
breathe through one naris while occluding the air through the tube. Vibrations that reveal the location
other. of the tube tip can usually be felt through the
6. Measure length of NG tubing to be inserted by abdominal wall.
measuring the distance from tip of nose to ear-lobe Toddler or Preschooler
and from ear-lobe to about 1 inch beyond base of 1. Demonstrate the procedure on a doll.
xiphoid process. Use a small strip of adhesive tape 2. One or two additional people are usually needed to
to mark the measured distance on the tube. help restrain the child. The parent should not be
7. Don gloves and lubricate tube in water or a watersoluble asked to assist with child restraint.
lubricant. (Never use mineral oil or petroleum
8. Ask the patient to tilt his or her head backward, and
gently advance the NG tube into an unobstructed
nostril; direct tube toward back of throat and down.
9. As the tube approaches the nasopharynx, ask the
patient to flex head toward chest (to close the trachea)
and allow him or her to swallow sips of water
or ice chips as the tube is advanced into the esophagus
(about 3 to 5 inches each time the patient swallows).
NOTE: If the patient coughs or gags, check the
mouth and oropharynx. If the tube is curled in
the mouth or throat, withdraw the tube to the
pharynx and repeat attempt to insert the tube.
10. Ask the patient to continue swallowing until the
tube reaches the premeasured mark.