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What Is Ampalaya

Scientific Name : Momordica Charantia

Common Names:
Ampalaya, Bitter melon, papailla, melao de sao caetano, bittergourd, sorosi,
a'ayib al maasi, assorossie, balsam apple, balsam pear, chin li chih, einrin
gule !handan, fu"!ua, !arela,
!'u !ua !urela, !or"!uey, !u gua, lai p'u t'ao, pa#a"a!i, salsamino, sorci,
sorossi, sorossie, sorossies, pare, peria laut, peria
Ampalaya Bitter Melon$Momordica charantia% also !no&n as
Bitter Melon is a tropical and subtropical #ine of the family
Cucurbitaceae, &idely gro&n in the Ama'on, Carribean,
South east Asia such as (hilippines for its edible fruit)
Ampalaya or bitter melon also !no&n as bitter gourd as the
name implies has a bitter taste due to the presence of
momordicin, and is belie#ed to be among the most bitter of
all #egetables)
Ampalaya Bitter Melon is a climbing #ine that gro&s up to
*m, &ith tendrils up to +,cm) long) Amplaya lea#es are heart"shaped, *"-, cm
across, cut into *". lobes) /ach Ampalaya Bitter Melon plant bears separate
yello& male and female flo&ers) Ampalaya bears fleshy green fruit, oblong
shaped &ith pointed ends, ribbed and &rin!led, bursting &hen mature to
release seeds) Ampalaya seeds are flat &ith ruminated margins)
Ampalaya, 0erbal Medicine
Ampalaya $Bitter Melon% or it's scientific name, Momordica
charantia has been a fol!loric cure for generations but has
no& been pro#en to be an effecti#e herbal medicine for
many aliments)
1he (hilippine 2epartment of 0ealth has endorsed
Ampalaya Bitter Melon $Momordica Charantia% as an
alternati#e herbal medicine for li#er problems) 3esearch
about Ampalaya has sho&n that Ampalaya increases the production of beta
cells by the pancreas, thereby impro#ing the body4s ability to produce insulin,
that controls the blood sugar for diabetics)

Ampalaya lea#es and fruits are e5cellent sources of 6itamin B, iron, calcium,
and phosphorus) It is also rich in beta carotene)
Ampalaya is used as herbal treatment for diabetes, 0I6, coughs, s!in diseases,
sterility in &omen, parasiticide, antipyretic and as purgati#e among others)
7ol!loric 0ealth Benefits 8f Ampalaya
0ealth benefits of uice e5tract from ampalaya fruit)
9sed to treat diabetes
9sed to treat stomach problems such as colitis, dysentery and intestinal
9sed to treat spleen and li#er problems
9sed to treat mild cough, heal &ounds, and to treat rheumatism and
0ealth benefits from ampalaya lea#es)
(o&ered lea#es used as astringent to treat haemorrhoids and piles
Sap or uice of lea#es used to treat s!in problems such as ec'ema, acne,
psoriasis, leprosy and scabies
(ounded lea#es used to treat for burns and scald
Infusion of lea#es used to treat fe#er
Infusion used to treat #arious stomach problems and to impro#e appetite
(oultice of lea#es used to treat headache
Infusion of lea#es used as mouth&ash to treat tooth ache and other
mouth problems
0ealth benefits from ampalaya seeds, roots and flo&ers)
2ecoction of seeds and roots used to treat urethral discharge
3oots are used as an ingredient in aphrodisiac preparations
2ecoction of roots used to abort pregnancy
Infusion from bitter melon flo&er is used to treat asthma
0o& is it ta!en:
;reen fruit of ampalaya and young lea#es are coo!ed, ta!en as food and is
included in diet during treatment)
<uice e5tract from bitter melon fruit or lea#es are ta!en spoonful for adults
and teaspoonful for children) = times a day until symptoms impro#e)
2ecoction prepared by boiling *, grams of chopped fruits, seeds, lea#es
and>or roots of ampalaya to a liter of &ater, ta!en as ampalaya tea three
times a day until symptoms impro#e)
Medical 9ses 8f Ampalaya " 0elath Benefits
Ampalaya for 2iabetes) Clinical Studies for Ampalaya Bitter Melon
demonstrated hypoglycemic properties $blood sugar lo&ering% or other actions
of potential benefit against diabetes mellitus)
1he hypoglycemic chemicals found in Ampalaya Bitter Melon include a mi5ture
of steroidal saponins !no&n as charantins, insulin"li!e peptides, and al!aloids)
1he hypoglycemic effect is more pronounced in the fruit of bitter melon
&here these chemicals are in greater abundance) 1he fruit has also sho&n the
ability to enhance cells4 upta!e of glucose, to promote insulin release, and
potentiate the effect of insulin) In other in #i#o studies, bitter melon fruit
and>or seed has been sho&n to reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides in
both the presence and absence of dietary cholesterol) In one study, ele#ated
cholesterol and triglyceride le#els in diabetic rats &ere returned to normal
after -, &ee!s of treatment)
Ampalaya for 0emorrhoids) (o&dered lea#es and root decoction of Ampalaya
are applied to hemorrhoids as astringent)
Ampalaya for Stomach (roblems) Ampalaya leaf uice is used to e5pel
intestinal parasites, treat dysentery, diarrhea, and chronic colitis) ;rounded
seeds may also be used) 1a!en in a spoonfull =5 a day until ailment subsides)
Ampalaya for Cough) Ampalaya leaf uice is used for mild coughs for children)
Administered in a teaspoon =5 a day)
Ampalaya for Burns, Scalds and Wounds) (ounded Ampalaya seeds or leaf are
used to treat burns, scalds and &ounds)
Ampalaya as Anti"Cancer, 1&o compounds e5tracted from ampalaya bitter
melon, ?"eleostearic acid $from ampalaya seeds% and dihydro5y"?"eleostearic
acid $from the ampalayafruit% ha#e been found to induce apoptosis of
leu!emia cells in #itro) 2iets containing ,),-@ ampalaya bitter melon oil
$,),,A@ as ?"eleostearic acid% &ere found to pre#ent a'o5ymethane"induced
colon carcinogenesis in rats)
8ther acclaimed uses are for the treatment of 0I6, treatment of fe#er and
headaches, treatment of rheumatism and gout, disease of the spleen and li#er)
Amplaya Side Effects
In large do'es, pure Ampalaya uice can be a purgati#e and may cause
pregnancy abortion)
Ampalaya (reparation And A#ailability
Amplaya or Bitter Melon for Coo!ing) Ampalaya fruits and lea#es
are usually a#ailable in Asian or Chinese mar!ets) 1hey can be
bought fresh by the !ilo, per piece or by bundles) Ampalaya are
coo!ed mi5ed &ith meat) 1o lessen the bitterness of the
ampalay, sliced ampalaya are &ashed or e#en boiled in &ater
&ith salt)
(o&dered Ampalaya or Bitter Melon,) (o&dered lea#es and root
decoction of Ampalaya are applied to hemorrhoids as
astringent) Wash the bitter melon ea#es and the &ith fresh
&ater) (ound to po&der) Bou can use carrier oils to mi5 &ith
the po&der for application)
Ampalaya or Bitter Melon <uice) Ampalaya Bitter melon lea#es
and fruit $&ithout the seeds% are pounded and uiced to e5tract concentrated
uice) Ampalaya bitter melon uice is then added to other plesant tasting uice
for drin!ing
Ampalaya or Bitter Melon Capsules, Bitter melon, as its name
implies, is Cuite bitter, &hich is &hy many often prefer to
ta!e capsules and tablets)3eady"made bitter melon e5tracts
are a#ailable in capsules and tablets in many Asian mar!ets,
herb shops, and in the supplement department of health food
Doo! for standardi'ed e5tracts $to -,@ charantin for instance%
or concentrated &hole fruit e5tracts $E:- or *:-% to help insure sufficient
acti#ity) If you are in 9S, Canada or 9F, &here Asian or Chinese health shops
may not be a#ailable) Ama'on)compro#ides an alternati#e) loo! for products
that ha#e fa#orable customers re#ie&s such as Bitter Melon ;8D2 It is
naturally e5tracted &ithout the use of to5ic sol#ents, harsh chemicals or gases
to ensure all the acti#e and synergistic constituents are present in the
balanced ratio nature intended) While this is highly popular brand, stoc!s are
usually lo& and if you find there is stoc!, order the soonest time)
Characteristics of the Ampalaya Plant
The ampalaya plant is a tropical plant with slim, climbing vines and long
fowering stalks, which appear in July or August. The fruit of these vines
emerge in September or October and are long and bumpy, similar to
ucchini s!uash or cucumber. The plant itself is green at "rst, but becomes
yellowish orange when ripe. All parts of the ampalaya plant are utilied for
medicinal purposes, including the vines, seeds, stalks and fruit, though the
fruit is the most popular part of the plant.
Health Benefits of the Ampalaya Plant
#ey compounds in the ampalaya plant give it its medicinal value. Since the
$%&'s, research conducted all over the world has supported the historical
theories regarding the ampalaya plant(s health bene"ts. The ma)or
compounds in the fruit of the ampalaya plant are peptides, charantin, vicine
and polypeptide*p, which give the herb its potency. The health bene"ts
associated with the plant include+
Antiviral properties**which help fend o, illness and "ght e-isting ailments.
.itamin /**which is bene"cial for cardiovascular health, metabolic function,
to prevent depression, encouraging skin and muscle tone, and boosting the
immune and nervous systems.
0ron**a crucial element, important in the development of red blood cells,
which disperse o-ygen throughout the body.
/eta carotene**an essential nutrient for health.
1alcium**which is vital to bone health.
2hosphorus**necessary nutrient present in bones and teeth and re!uired
by every cell in the body for natural functioning.
How is the Ampalaya Plant Used?
3atural healers in Asia have made use of the ampalaya plant by boiling,
chopping, and grinding the fruit, e-tracting the vital nutrients to make
beverages. Today, the herb is available in various supplemental forms, such
as teas and capsules. Added to dishes, the taste is bitter, though the bene"ts
are many. As a supplement, the plant is marketed as 4bitter melon,4 often
sold in Asian grocery stores and used for the following purposes+
Type 5 diabetes**the plant contains several compounds that are thought to
signi"cantly lower blood sugar levels in the body, though these e,ects are
not scienti"cally proven.
0nfections**thought to aid the immune system, helping the body ward o,
infection, the plant is used to heal various infections in the body.
6emorrhoids**in 0ndia the plant is used for hemorrhoids and skinailments as
well as fever and abdominal discomfort.
60.**in con)unction with A07S medicines, bitter melon is used to inhibit
6erpes**the antiviral properties make bitter melon a proper treatment for
2soriasis**bitter melon is thought to hinder the enymes responsible for
Bitter Melon Side Effects and Safety
8hile bitter melon is considered safe for supplemental use, side e,ects
may occur in some individuals. Stomach pain and diarrhea may occur with
consumption. 0nteractions are also possible, especially among those taking
medications for diabetes. Talk to your doctor about the safety of the
ampalaya plant and its various uses before e-perimenting with the herb. .
Herbal Plants as Potential Additive in Broiler Diets
Ten herbal plants utilied by backyard poultry raisers in 9t. Apo, 7avao del Sur,2hilippines
were sub)ected to preliminary testing by veterinary schools in 9indanao.These were
investigated for antibacterial and feed additive potential in broiler diets.Antibacterial
sensitivity testing of 9oringa oleifera :am. ;9alunggay<, =uphorbiahirta :in. ;Tawa*tawa<,
Jatropha curcas :in. ;Tuba*tuba<, Aadirachta indica, A.Juss ;3eem<, 1oleus blumei /enth
;9ayana<, 9omordica charantia :. ;Ampalaya<,>liricidia sepium Jacg. ;9adre de 1acao<, .ite-
negundo :. ;:agundi<, 1entenellaasiatica ;>otu #ola< and /lumea balsamifera ;Sambong< was
done. 6erbal plantsshowing antibacterial properties were used in the &5*day feeding trial to
determinetheir e,ect on the growth of broilers. Antibacterial assay showed highest ?0
in9oringa 1rude =-tract of 5@.$A mm and had 901 of 5B.@5 mgCml. Average dailyfeed intake
was signi"cantly higher in broilers fed with 9oringa =-tract*6igh and:ow and 9ilk 8eed
=-tract*:ow. Signi"cantly higher liveweight ;$,A$D.D' gCbird<,daily gain ;@%.A5 g< and feed
conversion eEciency ;5.'F gCliveweight gain< in broilersfed with 9ilk 8eed =-tract*6igh.
6ighly signi"cant variations on sensory test ofmeat samples were noted. Gesults suggested
that 9ilk 8eed =-tract 7iets showedremarkable results in live weight gains and feed
conversion eEciency of broilers.This proved that herbal plants could be a better alternative to
synthetic antibiotics asantibacterial growth promotant and as a feed additive to broiler diets.
#eywords+ /otany, animal nutrition, feed additive, antibacterial sensitivity,feeding trial,
descriptive design, 7avao del Sur, 2hilippines

Efectiveness of Amplaya Leaves (Momordica Charantia)
as an Alternative Feeds on
the Growth Performance of Broilers
Treatment @+
Step $+
1ut the leaves from its stem.
Step 5+ :et it dry.
Step @+ /lend it.
.iew of the chicks+
6ow to make the Ampalaya :eavesI
STAT=9=3T OJ T6= 2GO/:=9
0s there a signi"cant di,erence between and among the broilers based on their
growth performanceI
And the result will be this ...
Treatment '+
$''K 1ommercial Jeeds
Treatment $+
5DK Ampalaya :eaves, ADK 1ommercial Jeeds
Treatment 5+
D'K Ampalaya :eaves, D'K 1ommercial Jeeds
ADK Ampalaya :eaves, 5DK 1ommercial Jeeds
Treatment &+
$''K Ampalaya :eaves
Setting up the cage+

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