Herbal Meds

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(Cassia alata)

The Akapulko leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies
and eczema.. Akapulko leaves are also known to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, used to treat intestinal problems
including intestinal parasites. Akapulko is also used as herbal medicine to treat bronchitis and asthma. Because of
Akapulko’s anti-fungal properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for a Akapulko
herbal medicine lotion.

Akapulko Traditional Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits

Akapulko has a long history of medical usage and has a long list of folkloric health benefits for the following conditions.

Skin problems and diseases. Akapulko is commonly used as an antibacterial and anti-fungal treatment for various skin
diseases that include

 tinea infection,
 ringworms,
 eczema,
 scabies
 insect bites
 and all sorts of skin itchiness.

Stomach problems. Akapulko has long been used to treat stomach related problems that include:

 Laxative to expel intestinal parasites,

 diuretic purgative.

Anti-inflamatory activity. Akapulko is known to alleviate symptoms related to inflammation and is used in the treatment
of the following

 arthritis,
 gout,
 rheumatitis
 bursitis
 and other joint and muscle problems.
Lung problems. Akapulko tea is also a folkloric remedy to prevent symtoms of lung problems such as

 asthma attacks
 bronchitis.
 coughs

Mouth problems. Akapulko is used as mouth wash for various mouth problems that include ulcers, sores, and toothache.

Recent studies also suggests that it is a strong antioxidant that may have anti-peroxidation activities that is beneficial in
preventing the development of cancer.

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)

Ampalaya also known as Bitter Melon is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in the
Amazon, Carribean, South east Asia such as Philippines for its edible fruit. Ampalaya or bitter melon also known as bitter
gourd as the name implies has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and is believed to be among the most
bitter of all vegetables.

Ampalaya Traditional Medicinal Uses and Health benefits

Ampalaya has a long history of medical usage and has a long list of folkloric health benefits for
the following conditions.
 Diabetes. Ampalaya or bitter gourd is a widely used herbal remedy to lower the blood sugar levels for diabetic

 Analgesic. The juice of Amplaya is used to alleviate symptoms of fever, headache and body pains.

 Eye problems. Amplaya juice is also used to treat eye related problems that include sty and sore eyes. It is
thought to improve eyesight and prevents the development of cataract.

 Respiratory ailments. The juice from amplaya fruit and leaves are used to treat various respiratory problems that
may include, asthma, wheezing cough, bronchitis and pharyngitis.

 Hair and scalp problems. Ampalaya or bitter gourd has been used to treat various hair and scalp problems that
may include hair loss, dry scalp, lice and pimples on the scalp.

 Weight loss. Ampalaya is also used to promote body metabolism and the burning of fats thus it is valued as a
weight loss supplement.
 Source of energy. The vitamins and mineral found in ampalaya is considered as a stamina builder that combats

 Antioxidant. Amplaya is also considered as a potent anti-oxidant acitivity that counters the oxidation of free
radicals that is the cause of cancer.

 Stomach problems. Ampalaya leaf extract is a folkloric remedy for various stomach ache and problems that
include indigestion, dyspepsia, parasite infestation, diarrhea and constipation.

 Hepatoprotection activity. Ampalaya is used as a herbal remedy to protect the liver from damage due to intake
of alcohol and other harmful substances.

 Skin problems. Ampalaya is crushed or rubbed over the skin to alleviate symptoms of psoriasis, ringworm,
athlete’s foot, wounds, burns and ulcers.

 Boosts the immune system.  Ampalaya is also used to boost the immune system and as a supplement to build
body resistance during sickness.

 HIV virus. Ampalaya is also being considered as treatment ot viral diseases that include HIV, malaria, chicken
fox and measles.

 Menopause. Ampalaya tea is taken as a remedy for pain and discomfort associated to menopause.

 Anti-inflammatory activity. Ampalaya leaf extract combined with coconut oil is used to alleviate inflammation
and pain associated to gout, arthritis, rheumatism and other body pains.

 Cholesterol control. Ampalaya is also widely consumed to lower the cholesterol level in the blood that helps to
prevent the build up of plaque along the arterial walls.

 Hemorrhoids. Ampalaya is used as astringent to treat hemorrhoids.

 Contraceptive. Ampalaya has been used in folkloric medicine as an abortificient and as a contraceptive to
prevent pregnancy.

Bayabas (Psidium guajava) 
Bayabas or guava fruit is known for being rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. It has value in herbal medicine for its
antiseptic activity in treating wounds, ulcers, bacterial infections and diarrhea. Bayabas leaves and fruits contain eugenol,
tannin, saponins, amydalin, phenolic acids, malic acid, ash, aldehydes, catequinic components and flavonoids. Bayabas or
guava is used in herbal medicine as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-
allergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic.
Bayabas Medicinal Uses
Bayabas in Traditional and Folkloric Medicine for Skin Problems
Bayabas is traditionally used as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory for skin conditions such

 skin burns,
 scalds,
 scrapes,
 sunburn
 wounds
 psoriasis
 eczema and others

Crushed bayabas leaf or boiled leaves is applied directly to the affected skin, providing relief and believed to
improve healing.

Bayabas is traditionally used to treat stomach problems:

 diarrhea
 dusentery
 flatulence

A decoction of bayabas leaves is taken 3-5 glasses per day.

Other health benefits of bayabas or guava in herbal medicine include:

 anti-spasmodic,
 antioxidant
 hepatoprotective,
 anti-allergy,
 antimicrobial,
 anti-plasmodial,
 anti-cough,
 antidiabetic, and
 antigenotoxic.

Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica)

Niyog-niyogan or Rangoon creeper shrub has fragrant and colorful flowers. Niyog-niyogan is also one of the
herbal plants endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health for its deworming property.

Niyog-niyogan (Rangoon creeper) Traditional Health Benefits

According to Philippine Department of Health, Niyog-niyogan has the following health

Expels Intestinal Worms and Parasites. The seeds of Niyog-niyogan are dried and taken orally. Recommended dosage
is 4 to 7 seeds for Children while 8 to 10 seeds for Adults.
Caution: Adverse reactions - diarrhea, abdominal pain, distention and hiccups more likely if nuts are eaten in consecutive
days or when fresh nuts are eaten.

Treatment of Inflammation of Kidneys, Niyog-niyogan fruits are believed to alleviate nephritis or inflammation of the

Remedy for boils and skin ulcers; Niyog-niyogan leaves are pounded and applied to externally to skin ulcers and boils.

Remedy for headaches, Niyog-niyogan leaves are applied to the head to relieve headaches.

Remedy for Diarrhea and Fever, ripe fruits of Niyog-niyogan are roasted and taken internally for diarrhea and fever

Remedy for Dysuria or painful urination. A decoction of boiled Niyog-niyogan leaves are taken as tea to relieve pain
while urinating.

Anti-Cancer, According to Professor Dr. Thomas Efferth of the DKFZ who studied 76 kinds of Chinese Medicinal
plants, Niyog-niyogan or the Rangoon Creeper contains three ingredients with powerful anti-tumor activity that suppress
the growth of a specific tumor cell line that is particularly resistant to many commonly used cytotoxins due to
overproduction of a transport protein in the cell wall. In contrast, a whole range of standard anti-cancer drugs fail to be
effective against this cell.

Yerba-buena (Mentha arvensis)

Yerba buena is also known for its medicinal properties. Yerba buena is used as herbal medicine for the treatment of many
ailments which has been traditionally used since ancient times. Studies have shown that Yerba buena contains pulegone,
menthol, menthene, menthenone and limonene.
Yerba buena Traditional Medicinal Uses
Yerba buena is largely used in traditional herbal medicine for various conditions.
Common Health benefits from Yerba buena are as follows:
Digestive disorder.  Yerba Buena has long been used to provide relief for abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of
appetite, passage of gas, diarrhea and stomach ache. It is known to relax the digestive tract muscles.
Bad breath. Yerba Buena has this minty scent and flavour that can improve the foul odour emanating from the
mouth. Yerba Buena or mint is widely used in commercial mouth washes or flavouring for gums and candies.
Skin tonic. Yerba Buena has long been used to improve the tone of the skin and widely used to treat acne
breakouts, removal of black heads, lightening of dark spots and dry skin.
Insect bites. Yerba Buena leaf is crushed over insect bites and stings to alleviate itching and pain and to hasten
Weight loss. Yerba Buena tea or mint tea is usually taken after meal to improve digestion and burning of fat. 
Relaxant. Yerba Buena tea is taken as a relaxant to combat stress and anxiety. It is also used in vaporizers to
calm the body and as scent mixed over baths.
Nausea, Morning sickness, fainting. The scent  from burning Yerba Buena leaves can calm nausea
accompanied to early stages of pregnancy. The leaves can also be crushed before the nostrils thus the scent can
be inhaled.
Menstrual cramps. Yerba Buena is taken to calm symptoms of menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea and induce
the flow of menstruation.
Asthma. The minty scent of yerba Buena is used to alleviate the attacks of asthma by calming the muscles in
the respiratory system. The scent can come from extracted oil as used in vaporizers or by burning the leaves and
inhaling the fumes.
Antioxidant. The Rosmarinic acid found in yerba buena is a known strong antioxidant. It can counteract the
oxidation of free radicals that prevents the formation of cancer cells.
Anti-Allergy. The romarinic acid in yerba Buena inhibits the formation of leukotrienes, an agent responsible
for allergic reactions. Yerba Buena is used to treat hay fever.
Coughs and Colds. The minty scent and flavour of Yerba Buena is used in vaporizers to unclog the nasal
passage due to accumulation of phlegm and helps to relieve inflammation. It also acts as an expectorant.
Antibacterial and Antifungal properties. Yerba Buena oil is used to treat various skin infections and
conditions that include eczema, insect bites, scars and wounds, burns, scabies, ringworms and other skin
Pain reliever. The minty and relaxing effect of yerba Buena is used as a topical aid in alleviating the pain
associated with arthritis, gout, headache and other body and joint pains.
Tooth and mouth diseases. Yerba Buena is chewed to treat toothache and a decoction can be gargled to treat
mouth sores and ulcers, gum disease and even swollen tonsils and sore throats.

Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
Lagundi or Vitex negundo has been traditionally used as herbal medicine by Philippine and Indian folks. It;'s
main health benefit is to ease respiratory complaints. Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of
coughs, asthma symptoms, and other respiratory problems.

Lagundi / Vitex Negundo Traditional Health Benefits

Lagundi in Traditional and Folkloric Medicine
Lagundi is also known for its analgesic effect that helps alleviate pain and discomfort. Other traditional health
benefits that are derived from the use of Lagundi are as follows:

 Lagundi is used to prevent and treat worm infestation

 Lagundi is also used treat skin diseases such as eczema, ring worm, etc.
 Used to wash wounds to promote healing,
 Lagundi has an analgesic function to treat rheumatism, muscle pain and inflammation of joints
 Lagunid is used for anorexia,
 Used to treat Stomach problems such as colic, spasms and indisgeston,
 Lagundi has claimed health benefits against high cholesterol.
 Lagundi is also used as a carminative herb
 Lagundi is believed to promote good memory and eye sight,
 Lagundi tea is taken to relieve anxiety and to promote relaxation.

Pansit-pansitan (Peperomia pellucida) 

Pansit-pansitan has been used as food item as well as a medicinal herb for its analgesic, anti-arthritic, diuretic
activity. The entire plant is edible both cooked or raw. Pansit-pansitan is widely used as folkloric herbal
Pansit-pansitan Traditional Health Benefits
Pansit-pansitan is known for the following health benefits:
 Eye inflammation,
 Sore throat,
 Diarrhea,
 Prostate problems,
 High blood pressure,
 Arthritis,
 Gout,
 Skin boils,
 Wounds,
 Burns,
 Skin inflammation,
 abscesses,
 pimples,
 Headache
 Fever,
 Abdominal pains ,
 Renal problems,
 Mental excitement disorder.

Bawang (Allium sativum L.)

Bawang or garlic, is a specie in the onion family Alliaceae. Bawang is a close relative of onion (sibuyas), the shallot, the
leek and the chive. Bawang has been used throughout recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Bawang (Allium sativum L.) Medicinal Uses

Bawang in Traditional and Folkloric Medicine
Bawang has long been used in traditional medicne by various cultures, Widely known health benefits
include the folliwng:

 In ancient Rome
bawang was fed to
the athletes for
increasing stamina
 In ancient Chinese
and Indian medicine,
bawang is used to
aid respiration and
digestion and to treat
leprosy and parasitic
 Bawang is also used
to treat arthritis,
toothache, chronic cough, constipation, parasitic infestation, snake and insect bites,
 Bawang is also used for gynecologic diseases, as well as in infectious diseases (as antibiotic).
 Bawang consumption is known to lower blood pressure
 Consumption of bawang prevents heart diseases
 Bawang is believed to help treat cancer.

Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)

Sambong | Blumea balsamifera DC, a medicinal herb, is widely distributed in Eastern and Southeastern Asia. It
has been used in folk
medicine for its many
health benefits that
include the treatment of
septic wounds,
respiratory infections,
stomach pains and
kidney stones.

Sambong |
Medicinal Uses
Sambong in Traditional and Folkloric Medicine
 Sambong roots and leaves are used as herbal treatment for fevers, sambong leaves and roots are pounded
then dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the nape, forehead, underarms and other
body parts to bring down the body temperature.
 Sambong roots and leaves are also used as herbal medicine treatment for rheumatism.
 Sambong roots and leaves are pounded and applied as poultice on the affected body part. Sambong roots
and leaves may also be boiled and are applied as warm compress onto affected area
 Sambong is also used to treat headache, sambong leaves are pounded and applied as a poultice over the
 Sambong tea are also used as herbal medicine for colds and coughs.
 Sambong tea are also used for herbal treatment of diarrhea and stomach spasms.
 Sambong juice are also used for treatment of cuts and wounds.

Tsaang gubat (Carmona retusa)

Tsaang gubat is one of the 10 herbal medicines recommended by the Philippine's Department of Health for safe
use. It is largely used for the treatment of skin diseases and stomach problems.

Tsaang gubat Traditional Medicinal Uses

 Tsaang gubat is largely used in traditional herbal medicine for various conditions.
 Tsaang gubat is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine for skin diseases and stomach
problems where it is available in tablet and tea bags forms while there are other claimed health benefits
as follows:
 Allergy, canker sores, colic, cough, diarrhea, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, gastroenteritis, itching,
inflammation, scabies, skin diseases, stomach problems, teething problems and wounds

Scientific Studies Relating to Carmona retusa (Tsaang gubat)

 Anti-inflammatory
 Antibacterial
 Anti-allergy
 The tsaang gubat analgesic activity
10 Herbal

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