3ºb - P. Catrare #2

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Name ____________________________

3º “B”
Trabajo Práctico Nº 2 - Revision Unit 5
Prof. Marcela Catrare


Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks  C do speak
1 I need _____ English quickly.
A learning B learn C to learn
2 I don’t mind _____ up early in the morning.
A to get B get C getting
3 We stopped at a petrol station _____ some petrol.
A to get B get C for get
4 _____ is very bad for your health.
A Smoke B Smoking C The smoking
5 It’s dangerous _____ here late at night
A walk B to walk C for walk
6 He went to work without _____ breakfast.
A having B have C to have
7 You _____ pay to go into that art gallery. It’s free.
A don’t must B mustn’t C don’t have to
8 It’s a secret so you _____ tell anybody.
A mustn’t to B mustn’t C don’t have to
9 We walked _____ the park.
A through B over C under
10 John _____ of the room and didn’t come back.
A went B went out C went in
11 I would _____ go to China.
A like to B like C to
12 It's important to _____ good English in my job.
A speaking B speak C spoke
13 I opened the door _____ who was there.
A see B saw C to see
14 _____ books or magazines helps me to learn new words.
A Reading B Read C The reading
15 I hate _____ for buses when it’s cold.
A wait B the wait C waiting
16 She’s good at _____. She makes fantastic pasta.
A cooking B to cook C the cooking
17 She _____ to work on Saturdays. She’s a shop assistant.
A has B must C mustn’t
18 You _____ touch that. It's very dangerous.
A has B must C mustn’t
19 Do you _____ to wear a uniform at your school?
A must B have C mustn’t
20 In tennis you hit the ball _____ a net.
A into B along C over
Name ____________________________
3º “B”
Trabajo Práctico Nº 2 - Revision Unit 5
Prof. Marcela Catrare


a Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form.

Example: She likes going to parties.
A is liking B likes to C likes 

1 I’m _____ find a new job.

A to try B trying C trying to
2 We’re _____ to go abroad next summer.
A planning B to plan C plan
3 Don’t _____ to turn off the light.
A to forget B forget C forgetting
4 I don’t _____ living with my parents.
A to mind B minding C mind
5 He always _____ to help me with my homework.
A offers B is offering C to offer
6 I _____ to go to the bank today.
A am needing B need C needs
7 We’ve _____ to buy a new house.
A deciding B decide C decided
8 We’re _____ to buy a new flat soon.
A hopping B to hope C hoping
9 She _____ to phone me last night.
A promises B promised C promise
10 I _____ being late.
A am hating B hates C hate

b Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: The train went through the tunnel.
A across B through  C down
11 The cat ran _____ the road.
A across B through C opposite
12 Our ball fell _____ the river.
A across B into C over
13 In athletics you have to run _____ a track.
A over B across C round
14 We walked up the hill and then _____ again.
A down B along C towards
15 Pass the ball _____ me!
A round B along C to
Name ____________________________
3º “B”
Trabajo Práctico Nº 2 - Revision Unit 5
Prof. Marcela Catrare

c Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct verb.

Example: I _____ basketball every Saturday.
A play  B do C go

16 I _____ aerobics at my local gym.

A play B do C go
17 In tennis you have to _____ the ball with a racket.
A hit B throw C kick
18 They always _____ skiing at Christmas.
A play B do C go
19 In football you have to _____ the ball into the net.
A hit B throw C kick
20 We’re learning to _____ golf.
A play B do C go


a Which word has a different sound? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A if B try C mind
2 A enjoy B noise C boring
3 A think B thin C sitting
4 A after B along C arrive
5 A offer B stop C open

b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A afternoon  B afternoon C afternoon
6 A difficult B difficult C difficult
7 A remember B remember C remember
8 A interested B interested C interested
9 A important B important C important
10 A aerobics B aerobics C aerobics
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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