EF3e Uppint Quicktest 02 2

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The passage provides a sample test covering grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It aims to assess proficiency in these areas.

The test aims to assess proficiency in grammar.

The vocabulary section covers words related to health, illness, clothing, and fashion.

Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Quick Test

Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: The ________ eat a lot of fish.
A Chineses B Chinese  C Chinese people
1 How long ________ Belinda?
A do you know B have you been knowing C have you known
2 ________ the floor yet?
A Have you been cleaning B Have you cleaned C Did you clean
3 I’ve been writing emails all day – I think ________ over a hundred?
A I’ve been sending B I’m sending C I’ve sent
4 We’ve lived in this house ________ I was six years old.
A from B for C since
5 A You look exhausted!
B That’s because I ________ the garden all day.
A dug B ’ve dug C ’ve been digging
6 There’s blood on your shirt! You ________ yourself!
A ’ve cut B cut C ’ve been cutting
7 Bungee jumping is the best thing ________ in my life.
A I’ve ever done B I ever did C I’ve ever been doing
8 A Do you want to have a game of tennis later?
B No thanks. ________ twice this week.
A I’ve already played B I’ve already been playing
C I’ve been already playing
9 How many times ________ to the coast this year?
A have you been B did you go C have you been going
10 How long ________ at this language school?
A do you study B have you been studying C you have been studying
11 Harry’s got a ________ sports car.
A blue new fantastic B fantastic new blue C new blue fantastic
12 ________ have a reputation for being hard-working people.
A A Pole B The Poles C Polish
13 ________ joined my English class this week.
A A Chinese B Chinese girl C A Chinese girl
14 I think the ________ dress suits you best.
A green long cotton B long green cotton C cotton long green
15 My grandparents have a(n) ________ cottage in the country.
A old lovely little B lovely little old C little old lovely
16 The government should do more to help ________.
A poor B the poor C the poverty
17 Could I have ________, please?
A the green ones B the green C the ones green
18 All ________ in my class were really friendly.
A the Mexicans B the Mexican C Mexicans
19 ________ are going to become an increasingly large section of society.
A The Elderly B The old people C The elderly
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Quick Test
20 I’d love to learn more about ________ – they seem such interesting people.
A the Japanese B Japanese C the Japan



a Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: Billy’s ________ himself. He touched a hot saucepan.
A burnt  B cut C twisted
1 I get very ill if I eat peanuts because I have an allergic______ to them.
A attack B condition C reaction
2 David is ______ on a fish bone! Can you help?
A choking B swallowing C vomiting
3 You should cover your mouth when you ______ to stop any viruses spreading.
A swallow B sneeze C vomit
4 He keeps having to go to the toilet. He’s got______.
A a rash B diarrhoea C a blister
5 I hate ________ but I need to have some before I go on my trip to Africa.
A bandages B injections C X-rays
6 I ________ and then I fainted.
A had a blister B felt dizzy C was unconscious
7 I’ve got a(n) ________. It hurts when I talk.
A headache B earache C sore throat
8 I cut my foot badly on some broken glass and had to have five ________.
A X-rays B stitches C wounds
9 My back ________ if I spend too long sitting in that chair.
A aches B vomits C bleeds
10 It was difficult to walk when I ________ my ankle, but it got better quite quickly.
A bandaged B swollen C twisted

b Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: I went ________ with flu last month.
A down  B up C through
11 I was feeling so dizzy that I had to lie ________.
A up B down C over
12 The fish we ate wasn’t cooked properly and I threw ________ during the night.
A up B out C down
13 I was very ill with food poisoning and it took a couple of weeks to get ________ it.
A across B through C over
14 I felt very strange and light-headed and then I passed ________.
A over B out C down
15 I was unconscious for a few minutes and then I slowly came ________.
A up B through C round
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Quick Test
c Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: Those shoes aren’t made of ________. That’s why they’re so cheap.
A leather  B velvet C cotton
16 Ben’s so ________. He always dresses really well.
A old-fashioned B stylish C scruffy
17 Your jeans are going to fall down. They’re too ________.
A smart B checked C loose
18 I think you should buy that red dress. It really ________ you.
A matches B goes with C suits
19 I don’t like patterned shirts. I prefer ________ clothes.
A denim B hooded C plain
20 Are you going to ________ for the dinner tonight?
A wear up B dress over C dress up


a Which word has a different sound? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A glove  B spotted C sock
1 A stylish B striped C denim
2 A scruffy B shirt C fur
3 A swollen B choke C vomit
4 A poisoning B swollen C dizzy
5 A striped B checked C spotted

b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick (  ) A, B, or C.

Example: A old-fashioned  B old-fashioned C old-fashioned
6 A cardigan B cardigan C cardigan
7 A accident B accident C accident
8 A fashionable B fashionable C fashionable
9 A allergic B allergic C allergic
10 A unconscious B unconscious C unconscious

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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