Tom Hilbert Contract

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THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this 1st day of January,

2014 (''Effective Date
STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM (the "Board"), acting by and through COLORADO STATE
UNIVERSITY ("University" or "CSU") for the benefit of the DEPARTMENT OF
INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS (the "Department"), and TOM HILBERT ("Hilbert") on the
other hand (collectively, the "Parties").
WHEREAS, the Board, CSU and Hilbert are parties to that certain Agreement effective
February 2, 2000 (the "Original Employment Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, the Parties mutually desire to cancel the Original Employment Agreement and
enter into a new employment agreement that terminates, supersedes and completely replaces the
Original Employment Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Parties agree that this Agreement terminates, supersedes and completely
replaces the Original Employment Agreement and any and all prior agreements or understandings
concerning Hilbert's employment with CSU;
WHEREAS, CSU wishes to employ Hilbert as Head Coach of the CSU Women's Volleyball
program and to assure itself of the continued services of Hilbert on the terms set forth herein;
WHEREAS, the Board and the University have found that the term of employment set forth
herein is necessary in light of prevailing market conditions and competitive employment practices in
Colorado and other states; and
WHEREAS, Hilbert wishes to be so employed under the terms set forth herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, mutual covenants, the above recitals,
and the agreements herein set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree to the following terms and conditions of Hilbert's
1. EMPLOYMENT; TERM. CSU hereby employs Hilbert as Head Coach of the CSU Women's
Volleyball program (''Program") commencing on the Effective Date and continuing thereafter until
December 31, 2018, unless extended in accordance with the terms set forth herein or by mutual written
agreement signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties, or sooner terminated under the
provisions of Section 6 herein ("Term"). Beginning on January 1, 2016, and on January 1 of each year
thereafter (the "Renewal Date"), the Term shall be automatically extended by an additional year, unless
either Hilbert or CSU provide written notice to the other that the Term shall not be so extended at least
thirty (30) days prior to such Renewal Date. Accordingly, in the event such notice of non-extension is
provided, the Term shall expire three (3) years from the last Renewal Date preceding the written notice
of non-extension, and no further automatic extensions shall occur. The date to which the Agreement has
been most recently extended shall be deemed the ending date of the Agreement, and such date shall be
called the "Termination Date." This Agreement in no way grants Hilbert a claim to tenure in
employment, but Hilbert's employment shall not be deemed at will.
Hilbert agrees to such hiring, engagement and employment, subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. In such capacity, Hilbert shall be under the general supervision of the President of the
University (the "President
) and the immediate supervision of the Director of Athletics (the "Director")
of the University. The Director and Hilbert shall meet annually upon the conclusion of each volleyball
season to discuss the Program's status and progress, as well as Hilbert's performance under this
Agreement. CSU and Hilbert agree to review the terms and conditions of the Agreement after the 2016
volleyball season.
2. DUTIES. Throughout the Term of this Agreement, Hilbert shall render exclusive, full-time
services as the Head Coach of the Program at CSU. Hilbert agrees that he will at all times faithfully,
industriously, and with use of his full experience, ability, skill and talent, perform all of the duties that
may be required pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Hilbert shall perform such duties as may be
assigned by the President and/or the Director in connection with supervision and administration of the
Program. Hilbert shall confer with the Director on all matters requiring administrative decisions. The
annual schedule for the Women's Volleyball program shall be developed in collaboration with and is
subject to the approval of the Director, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. If necessary, the
Director and Hilbert may confer with the President if a problem cannot otherwise be resolved. The
Director and Hilbert agree to meet regularly to discuss the Program. Such meetings shall take place in
person (unless mutually agreed otherwise) at a time and place reasonably convenient and agreed to by
the Director and Hilbert. Each year during the Term, Hilbert shall complete, and Hilbert and the
Director shall review together and in-person, the Annual Performance Survey provided to Hilbert by the
Hilbert's principal place of employment shall be in the facilities of the Department in Fort Collins,
Colorado, and, when appropriate and as required, at any of the CSU System's various offices, branches,
divisions, and venues throughout the State of Colorado, and at such other places as the Director shall
deem appropriate and in the interest of CSU. Hilbert shall travel with the CSU Women's Volleyball
team ("Team") to all games, appearances and events involving the Team, and shall make all such travel
arrangements through the Athletic Department staff assigned to such administrative duties, seeking all
necessary and appropriate approvals for travel arrangements and expenses as required by University
policies and procedures.
3. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES. Hilbert agrees that he will engage in no business or professional
activities that conflict with his duties to the University, the Department, or the CSU System. With the
exception of passive investments, Hilbert understands and agrees that he must seek and receive prior
written approval from the Director, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, should he wish to
engage in any such outside activities, or engage in other employment or consulting activities, in
accordance with the University's conflict of interest and conflict of commitment policies, as stated in
CSU's Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual, and all applicable policies of the
Department, as may be amended from time to time. As stipulated in Bylaw 11.2.2 of the NCAA
Division I Manual, Hilbert agrees to provide a written account annually to the President for all
athletically related income and benefits from sources outside the institution.
a. Base Salary. For all services rendered and to be rendered hereunder, during the
Term of this Agreement, CSU agrees to pay to Hilbert, and Hilbert agrees to accept, an annual base
salary of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) per contract year ("Base Salary"), which shall
be paid in monthly installments, beginning on the Effective Date and ending upon the expiration or
termination of the Term. Such Base Salary shall be subject to such deductions or withholdings as CSU is
required to make pursuant to law or by further agreement with Hilbert. The Director will evaluate
Hilbert' s performance at least annually following the end of each volleyball season. Hilbert shall be
eligible to receive increases to his Base Salary based on merit and/or cost-of-living adjustments.
b. Fringe. Hilbert shall be eligible for all fringe benefits, including annual leave and
sick leave, and such employer contributions to the cost of such benefits and/or retirement plans as apply
to Administrative Professional staff within the University, as well as those specifically established for
head coaching positions, if any.
c. Media and Public Relations. In addition to the duties described herein above,
and in consideration of the Base Salary described above, Hilbert shall throughout the Term engage in all
necessary and appropriate media and public relations activities reasonably related to his position,
including, by way of example and not by limitation, meeting radio and television programming
obligations, making personal appearances, giving speeches, carrying out public relations activities and
performing other services besides coaching that promote the interests and public image of the
University. For all other activities, Hilbert may retain the net proceeds. Hilbert shall be solely
responsible for payment of any and all taxes incurred in connection with such compensation. Such
activities will be subject to the reasonable prior approval of the Director; shall not conflict with any
current or existing agreements, contracts, sponsorships, products, vendors or entities; shall be in
conformity with University policy regarding the use of its trademarks; shall be subject to the
University's conflict of interest and conflict of commitment policies; and shall serve the best interests of
the University. As stipulated in Section 3 of this Agreement, Hilbert agrees to provide a written account
annually to the President for all athletically related income and benefits from sources outside the
d. Shoe and Apparel Contracts. It is understood that CSU currently has apparel
and shoe contractual commitments. Hilbert agrees to abide by those commitments. Subject to those
commitments, Hilbert may have opportunities from time to time during the tenn of this Agreement to
enter into one or more promotional contracts with athletic shoe and apparel providers, pursuant to which
Hilbert agrees to wear particular brands, provide apparel or other items to his assistants, and make
promotional statements or appearances and the like. Hilbert agrees that he shall not enter into any such
contracts or commitments, nor extend or renew any future contract without the express, prior consent of
the Director and that, to the extent deemed reasonable and necessary by the Director (and approved as
required by University rules and procedures), the University may elect to be a party or give written
consent to all such contracts. Hilbert shall provide copies of all such proposed contract documents to the
Director promptly upon receiving them and shall make no oral or written promises or commitments to
other parties until such consent and approval is obtained. Hilbert acknowledges that the Director may
seek an all-sport arrangement with one or more such providers, and that such arrangements may be
given priority over other offers. Such activities shall be subject to the University's conflict of interest
and conflict of commitment policies and shall serve the best interests of the University.
e. Camps. During the Term, Hilbert will be pennitted to conduct summer
volleyball camps. The camps shall be operated by the Department in accordance with University and
NCAA policies and all applicable rules and regulations. The University shall make reasonable efforts to
make the necessary facilities available for the camp for fourteen (14) full days in the months of June,
July and August of each contract year. These dates may be adjusted from time to time by the University
as necessary to meet changes in NCAA legislation and University constraints. An amount equal to the
net revenue from such camps may be paid as supplemental salary to Hilbert and his assistant coaches,
administrative assistants and/or volleyball operations directors, as mutually determined by Hilbert and
the Director with approval from the President. For purposes of this section, "net revenues" shall be the
amount remaining after deduction of all normal expenses of operating the camp as permitted by
applicable NCAA regulations.
g. Courtesy Car. During the Term, Hilbert is expected to travel extensively in
order to perform all of the duties and activities described herein. For such purposes, he shall be
provided, at CSU's discretion, with either the use of a suitable vehicle or an equivalent car stipend.
Such use or stipend shall be governed by the Department's applicable policies. Personal use unrelated
to University business may result in the reporting of taxable income by Hilbert. The University makes
no representation regarding personal income tax consequences related to same and Hilbert shall be
responsible for the payment of any tax related to such courtesy cars, if any.
h. Club Membership. During the Term, Hilbert is expected to engage existing and
potential donors and Program supporters in both social and business relationships that further the
interests of the Program, the Department, and the University generally. In order to facilitate these
relationships, Hilbert will be provided with a paid membership to at least one golf/country club of the
Department's choice. Such membership is intended to be used for official business purposes. Personal
use unrelated to University business may result in the reporting of taxable income to Hilbert. The
University makes no representation regarding personal income tax consequences related to same and
Hilbert shall be responsible for the payment of any tax related to such club membership, if any.
i. Additional Compensation for Extraordinary Achievements of the Program.
Hilbert represents, and has been hired upon the belief and expectation that he has special, exceptional
and unique knowledge, skill and ability in athletic coaching and administration which, in addition to
future acquisitions of experience at the University, the University believes will be an important
contribution to its success and excellence in its intercollegiate athletic programs. As an additional
incentive to Hilbert to achieve the very highest level of success for the Program and the academic
success of its student athletes, the University hereby agrees to pay compensation, in addition to all other
amounts set forth herein, as follows:
I. Beginning December 31, 2014, and each December 31 thereafter during the Term,
Hilbert shall be eligible to receive annual Performance-Based Additional
Compensation in the amounts set forth below based on the Program's
performance in the immediately preceding season if: (I) the Program's most
recently published official four-year APR score meets or exceeds the NCAA's
then-current minimum cut score requirement (e.g., 930 for the 2013-14 data
collection year); and (2) there have been no findings or formal allegations by the
NCAA of a major NCAA violation against the Program as of each December 31
during the applicable year under consideration (e.g., January 1, 2014 through
December 31, 2014 in respect of any additional compensation that may be earned
and due for 2014):
AJJitional Compensation
(i) Win the Mountain West Conference regular
season championship; QB An amount equal to 111th
(ii) Win, if later instituted, a Mountain West of Hilbert' s Base Salary for
Conference Tournament championship; OR the year in which this
(iii) Qualify for the NCAA Championship additional compensation
Tournament. was earned.
(Note: Hilbert may earn this element of the Additional
Compensation only once in any single season.
Therefore, even if Hilbert accomplishes more than one
of these achievements in a single season (e.g., wins
the regular season and a conference tournament
championship in the same season), he will be limited
to receiving an amount equal to 1/12 of his Base
Salary for that year.
Advance to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Championship Additional $15,000.00
Advance to the Final 4 of the NCAA Championship Additional $15,000.00
Win the NCAA National Championship Tournament Additional $25,000.00
2. Any Performance-Based Additional Compensation payments shall be payable on
or before January 31 immediately following the year in which such additional
compensation was earned.
3. If CSU receives a Notice of Allegation from the NCAA notifying CSU of an
alleged major violation or alleged repeated secondary violation(s) that rise to the
level of a major violation before the Performance-Based Additional
Compensation for a particular contract year has been paid, then the payment will
be withheld until the matter is fully and finally resolved. This option to withhold
payment of the Performance-Based Additional Compensation shall apply to: (i)
any alleged major violation by Hilbert or series of repeated secondary violations
by Hilbert that rise to the level of a major violation; and (ii) any alleged major
violation or series of repeated secondary violations that rise to the level of a major
violation by a member of Hilbert's coaching/operations/administrative staff,
unless Hilbert can clearly and affirmatively show (as reasonably determined by
CSU) that Hilbert promoted an atmosphere of compliance and monitored his staff
in the specific subject matter areas (e.g., recruiting, financial aid, extra benefits,
etc.) in which the violation(s) occurred and that he was neither aware of nor
complicit in the commission of the violations. If a final decision rendered by the
NCAA indicates that a major violation occurred, then Hilbert shall not be eligible
to receive the Performance-Based Additional Compensation for that year.
However, if a final decision rendered by the NCAA indicates that no major
violation occurred, then CSU shall pay the Performance-Based Additional
Compensation to Hilbert with interest calculated at the U.S. Treasury 1-year bond
4. If Hilbert receives Perfonnance-Based Additional Compensation in a particular
Contract Year, and if a major violation is later detennined through a final ruling
by the NCAA to have occurred during that contract year, then CSU shall have the
option to require Hilbert to reimburse CSU for all of the Perfonnance-Based
Additional Compensation paid to him for that Contract Year. In order to obtain
such reimbursement, CSU shall have the option of withholding subsequent
monthly Base Salary payments (not to exceed 20% of the gross paycheck amount
paid each month as Base Salary) and any future Perfonnance-Based Additional
Compensation payments that may be due to Hilbert, up to the amount of required
reimbursement. For purposes of example only, if the NCAA were to detennine
through a final ruling on September 1, 2016 that Hilbert had committed a major
violation on June 15, 2014, CSU would have the option to require reimbursement
of any Perfonnance-Based Additional Compensation received by Hilbert for the
period January 1, 2014 through December 31,2014. However, the June 15, 2014
major violation would not impact additional compensation earned by Hilbert after
those periods or Hilbert's ability to earn subsequent additional compensation after
those periods.
Any Perfonnance-Based Additional Compensation contemplated by this Agreement shall be subject to
applicable law and NCAA regulations. The Parties agree to negotiate in good faith comparable,
alternative additional compensation metrics if such payments are contrary to applicable law or
k. Hilbert shall have the right to select and retain a coaching staff, operations
director(s) and such other staff deemed necessary by Hilbert, subject to the financial constraints of the
University and the approval of the Director. The Director shall make specific recommendations to the
President concerning such personnel, who shall have the ultimate right of approval pursuant to delegated
power from the Board.
5. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Hilbert agrees that he is subject to and will at all times have
knowledge of, observe and comply with and shall take reasonable measures to assure that his assistant
coaches, other staff members, operations director(s) and student athletes, shall observe and comply with
the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Colorado, and the regulations, policies and procedures of
CSU and the CSU System, the NCAA, and the athletic conference(s) in which the University is a
member, as such laws, regulations, policies and procedures may be modified, added to or eliminated
from time to time. As stipulated in Bylaw 11.2.1 of the NCAA Division I Manual, a coach who is found
in violation of NCAA regulations shall be subject to disciplinary or corrective action as set forth in the
provisions of the NCAA enforcement procedures, including suspension without pay or termination of
employment for significant or repetitive violations.
6. TERMINATION. This Agreement shall expire on June 30,2018, if not extended as set forth in
Section I herein or tenninated as set forth in this Section 6:
a. Termination by Death or Disability. Subject to applicable state or federal law,
in the event Hilbert shall die during the period of his employment hereunder or become disabled such
that Hilbert is unable to carry out his job responsibilities for a period of three months or more, Hilbert's
employment and CSU's obligation to make payments hereunder shall terminate on the date of his death,
or the date upon which, in the sole determination of the President, Hilbert has failed to carry out his job
responsibilities for three (3) months because of a disability.
b. Termination for Cause. The University shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement during the Term, upon written notice pursuant to Section 8(i) herein, for "Just Cause," which
shall include:
(i) Determination by the Director, the athletic conference(s) in which the University is a
member, or the NCAA that Hilbert (regardless of whether or not a final determination has been made by
the NCAA with respect to the conduct constituting such violation) has committed a major violation, or
repeated secondary violations, of NCAA rules and regulations (as defined in Bylaw 19.02.2 of the
NCAA Division 1 Manual, or such other Bylaw(s) as may be adopted or amended during the Term
(ii) Determination by the Director, the athletic conference(s) in which the University is a
member, or the NCAA that a member of Hilbert's coaching staff or administration staff acting under
Hilbert's supervision, direction or control (regardless of whether or not a final determination has been
made by the NCAA with respect to the conduct constituting such violation) has committed a major
violation, or repeated secondary violations, of NCAA rules and regulations (as defined in Bylaw 19.02.2
of the NCAA Division 1 Manual, or such other Bylaw(s) as may be adopted or amended during the
Term hereof), unless Hilbert can clearly and affirmatively demonstrate (as reasonably interpreted by
CSU) that he promoted an atmosphere of compliance and monitored his staff in the specific subject
matter areas (e.g., recruiting, financial aid, extra benefits, etc.) in which the violation(s) occurred and
that he was neither aware nor complicit in the commission of the violation(s);
(iii) Determination by the Director that Hilbert's conduct could reasonably result in
conviction for, or a plea of nolo contendere to, a felony or misdemeanor resulting in a jail sentence or
any crime involving moral turpitude;
(iv) Determination by the Director that Hilbert failed or refused in a material or
significant manner to follow the directions of the Director after being given written notice and an
opportunity to cure;
(v) Determination by the Director that Hilbert engaged in dishonest, fraudulent or
unethical conduct that results, directly or indirectly, in demonstrable harm to the interests of CSU
(including, but not limited to, providing information to a bookie, betting money or anything of value on
the outcome or score of any athletic contest, intercollegiate, amateur or professional, in a sport in which
the NCAA conducts championship competition, promising impermissible benefits, engaging or
supporting academic misconduct, evading drug testing requirements or engaging in unethical business
(vi) Determination by the Director that Hilbert is unwilling or unable to perform the
duties of Head Volleyball coach after being given written notice and an opportunity to cure, as specified
in writing herein by the Director;
(vii) Determination by the Director that Hilbert engaged in conduct that is prejudicial to
the best interests of CSU or the Program or that casts CSU or the Program in an unreasonably negative
public light;
(viii) Determination by the Director that Hilbert engaged in conduct that constitutes a
material violation of university policy;
(ix) Determination by the Director that Hilbert has engaged in conduct that constitutes
physical, emotional or verbal abuse; and
(x) Determination by the Director, the University's Office of Equal Opportunity, an
external administrative agency, or a court of law that Hilbert violated the University's anti-
discrimination policies, including the sexual harassment policy, the University's policy against
retaliation, or any state or federal laws.
If Hilbert's employment as Head Coach is terminated for Just Cause, he shall not be entitled to any other
or further compensation of any kind, whether or not such compensation might have been earned, but was
not yet earned by the date on which such termination is effective according to the notice, as a result of,
or in connection with, any of the achievements enumerated in Section 4.i herein.
c. Termination without Cause. The University shall have the right at all times to
terminate this Agreement, without cause. If in the judgment of the Director, with the concurrence of the
President, the best interests of the University would be served by terminating Hilbert's employment
under the Agreement, such termination may be effected immediately upon notice from the Director and
the President, under the terms and conditions stated in this Section 6(c). In the event that Hilbert's
employment is terminated without cause, he will be entitled to receive all compensation actually earned
and due and owing as of the effective date of such termination. Also, Hilbert shall be eligible for
payment of any accrued but unused vacation as of the date of termination and in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual. However, upon
such termination Hilbert shall not be eligible for any additional compensation under Section 4.i above
that has not already been earned.
In addition, as consideration for the option and flexibility to terminate this Agreement without cause, in
the event that Hilbert's employment is terminated under this Section 6(c), Hilbert will receive the
remaining Base Salary due for the remainder of the Term of the Agreement (the "Best Interest
Flexibility Amount"), provided that for the purpose of calculating the Best Interest Flexibility Amount
for a termination occurring on or after December 31,2015, the remaining Term of the Agreement shall
be deemed never to exceed three (3) years. Any Best Interest Flexibility Payment is further subject to
the limitations stated in this Agreement. At the University's discretion, any Best Interest Flexibility
Amount would be prorated monthly and paid in arrears.
After any termination under Section 6( c) of the Agreement, Hilbert agrees to use his best efforts to
secure comparable employment as a head volleyball coach from another employer. If Hilbert accepts
any such employment within three (3) years after the termination date, any Best Interest Flexibility
Amount owed by the University shall be reduced by the amount of any such compensation earned by
Hilbert. Thus, the Best Interest Flexibility payment would be limited to the difference between any
remaining Best Interest Flexibility Amount owed and any compensation earned through Hilbert's
subsequent employment. If Hilbert's new employment provides compensation equal to or greater than
any Best Interest Flexibility Amount owed by the University, the University's obligation to pay any Best
Interest Flexibility Amount shall cease immediately and permanently upon the date Hilbert begins such
new employment or his receipt of such compensation. This Section 6( c) states the entire liability of the
University for any damages in the event of a termination for convenience or erroneous termination for
cause under this Agreement.
d. Termination by Hilbert. At all times during the Term, Hilbert shall have the
right to terminate this Agreement, without cause, at any time upon prior written notice to the University,
except that Hilbert shall not, without good cause (such as would be cause for termination for breach by
the University), give his notice of termination that is to take effect between July 1 and the last regular
season game of the then-current CSU women's volleyball season. If such notice is given during the
foregoing time frame, the termination effective date shall be determined at the sole discretion of the
Director, but in no event later than the final game (to include any post-season tournament game) of that
In the event that Hilbert so terminates this Agreement during the Term and accepts a coaching position
at another university or for a professional or national team, Hilbert shall pay to the University, as
liquidated damages because the Parties agree that the hann to the University cannot otherwise be
reasonably calculated, the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). This amount shall be payable in
full on a lump-sum basis within ninety (90) days ofthe effective date of Hilbert' s termination.
a. Base Pay. Hilbert is permitted to employ two full-time assistant coaches
and one full-time director of operations (the "Volleyball Staff') for a total annual compensation
amount of $163,000. The specific amounts to be paid to each of these employees shall be approved
by the Director, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Hilbert will evaluate the
performance of the Volleyball Staff at least annually following the end of each volleyball season.
Each member of the Volleyball Staff shall be eligible to receive increases to their respective Base
Salary based on merit and/or cost-of-living adjustments.
b. Additional Compensation for Extraordinary Achievements. As an
additional incentive to achieve the very highest level of academic and athletic success for the
Program, CSU will pay compensation, in addition to all other amounts set forth herein, as follows:
1. Beginning with the 2014 season, the Volleyball Staff (as defined above)
shall be paid additional compensation as follows:
h of their annual base pay (i.e., one-half of one month of base
pay) if the Program qualifies for the NCAA Division I National
Championship Tournament;
b.An additional l/24
h of their annual base pay (i.e., one-half of one
month of base pay) ifthe Program advances to the Sweet 16 ofthe
NCAA Division I National Championship Tournament;
c.An additional II 12th of their annual base pay (i.e., one month of
base pay) if the Program advances to the Final Four of the NCAA
Division I National Championship Tournament.
n. All additional compensation contemplated in this section must be
recommended by Hilbert and approved by the Director on an annual
basis, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.
iii . All additional compensation contemplated in this section is subject to the
same conditions regarding APR that apply to Hilbert in Section 4.i herein.
Furthermore, all additional compensation contemplated in this Section 7.b
is also subject to the same delay, recapture and claw-back provisions
related to NCAA violations that apply to Hilbert in Section 4.i herein.
iv. All additional compensation contemplated in this section shall be payable
on or before January 31 following the season in which the achievement
c. Fringe. Each full-time assistant shall be eligible for all fringe benefits and
such employer contributions to the cost of such benefits and/or retirement plans as apply to
Administrative Professional staff within the University.
d. Financial Constraints. Each of the payments authorized in Section 7 shall
be subject to financial constraints of the University and the approval of the Director.
e. Termination. The members of Hilbert's coaching staff shall be deemed
administrative professionals and shall be employed on an at-will basis. In the event of termination
of Hilbert, current Colorado law would allow the University to pay up to three months' severance
(salary and benefits) to Hilbert's assistant coaches provided they are otherwise eligible. For those
assistant coaches who would not be eligible for the severance payment, the University will seek to
work out other reasonable and fair arrangements that are permitted by law.
a. All services performed by Hilbert under this Agreement are personal and may not
be assigned, subdelegated or subcontracted in any way except upon the prior, written approval of the
Director and such other University officials as required by applicable laws, rules and policies of the
b. This Agreement is subject to all provisions of law applicable to the University; all
rules and regulations of the University, including, but not limited to its Academic Faculty and
Administrative Professional Manual and the Athletic Department Staff Manual, as such policies may be
amended from time to time in the sole discretion of the University; and the System and the University's
fiscal rules and similar rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to laws applicable to the University,
which laws, rules and regulations shall control in the event of any conflict.
c. Under C.R.S. 24-19-104, the following provisions are required by law to be
contained in this Agreement and are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof. This section is subject
to such modifications as may be required by changes in applicable federal or state law, or federal or state
implementing rules, regulations, or procedures of that federal or state law. Any such required
modification shall be automatically incorporated into, and be made a part of, this Agreement as of the
effective date of such change as if that change was fully set forth herein.
[24-19-104(1)(b)): No compensation, whether as a buy-out of the remaining term of
the contract, as liquidated damages, or as any other form of remuneration, shall be
owed or paid to [Hilbert] ... upon or after the termination of [this) contract except
for compensation that was earned prior to termination prorated to the date of
termination; and
[24-19-104(l)(c)]: If [this] contract is not substantially in compliance with the
prohibition against payment of post-employment compensation, the contract is null
and void.
[24-19-104(1.5)(a)(II)]: ... [T]he institution remains free to terminate the contract or
extension without penalty if sufficient funds are not appropriated.
d. Taxes. Hilbert agrees to be responsible for the payment of any taxes due on any
and all compensation, or benefits provided by CSU. Hilbert agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
harmless CSU, its governing board, officials, employees, insurers, and agents, from any and all claims
or penalties asserted against them, for any failure to pay taxes due on any salary, compensation, or
benefit provided by CSU pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise in connection with his employment.
Hilbert expressly acknowledges that CSU has not made, nor herein makes, any representation about the
tax consequences of any consideration provided by CSU to Hilbert or his attorneys, agents or
representatives in connection with this Agreement.
e. Modifications and Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended,
modified, superseded, canceled, renewed or expanded, or any terms or covenants hereof waived, except
by a writing executed by each of the Parties.
f. Waiver. Failure of any party at any time or times to require performance of any
provision hereof shall in no manner affect his or its right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver
by a party of a breach of any term or covenant contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or
otherwise, in any one or more instances shall be deemed to be or construed as a further or continuing
waiver of any provision in this Agreement. Any express waiver of any provision hereof must be made
in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties, which in the case ofCSU, shall be
the Athletic Director with approval of the President.
g. Representation and Warranty. Hilbert warrants and represents that he may
freely enter into this Agreement and that he is subject to no other contract, claim, obligation, or
restriction, including, but not limited to any existing arrangements with his current employer or past
employer, which would be breached or violated by execution of this Agreement. Further, Hilbert
explicitly represents and warrants that the University will not incur any "buy out" liability as a result of
Hilbert entering into this Agreement.
h. Assignment. This Agreement involves the provision of personal services and
shall not be assignable. Any purported assignment in contravention of this section shall be null and
i. Notices. All notices given hereunder shall be given by certified mail, or delivered
by hand, to the other party at his or its last known home or business address, or at any other address
hereafter furnished by notice given in like manner. Hilbert promptly shall notify CSU of any change in
his address. Each notice shall be effective as of the date it is hand delivered, or if sent by certified mail,
three days after the date of mailing.
j. Governing Law; Personal Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement and all
disputes relating to this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Colorado
as such laws are applied to agreements between Colorado residents entered into and performed entirely
in Colorado. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement constitutes the minimum contacts to
establish personal jurisdiction in Colorado and agree to the exercise of personal jurisdiction by Colorado
courts. The Parties further agree that any disputes relating to this Agreement shall be brought in courts
located in the County of Larimer, State of Colorado.
k. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and
understanding of the Parties hereto with regard to the employment of Hilbert by CSU as of the Effective
Date, and shall supersede any and all prior offer letters, agreements, arrangements and understandings,
written or oral, pertaining to the subject matter hereof. No representation, promise or inducement
relating to the subject matter hereof has been made to Hilbert that is not embodied in this Agreement,
and neither CSU nor Hilbert shall be bound by or liable for any alleged representation, promise or
inducement not so set forth.
I. Severability. In the event that any provlSlon of this Agreement is held
unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and
m. Contract a Public Record. The University shall make the terms of this contract
available to the public for inspection and copying during regular business hours.
n. Indemnification. Hilbert agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University,
its governing board, officials, employees, insurers and agents from any and all claims or penalties
asserted against them as a result of serious or intentional NCAA rules violation(s) by Hilbert or by those
who have committed such serious or intentional rules violation by following Hilbert's specific and direct
[The remainder of this page is intentionally blank]
Date: __ ....... 3'-+-j_-zA __ ,,___'Z-_0_
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SYSTEM, acting by and through Colorado State

Dr. Ant ony A. Frank, Prestdent
Colorado State University
k Graham, Dir
Colorado State University

Deputy General Counsel
Colorado State University System
C.R.S. 24-30-202 and University policy require the Colorado State University Controller to approve
all Contracts. This Contract is not valid until signed and dated below by the University Controller or
delegate. Hilbert is not authorized to begin performance until such time. If Hilbert begins performing
prior thereto, the University is not obligated to pay Hilbert for such performance or for any good and/or
services provided hereunder.
By: -1- J<Jk .....;
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