Air-Conditioning System Design

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The document discusses air conditioning systems and describes AutoCAD MEP software for designing HVAC systems. It focuses on designing an air conditioning system for a building using AutoCAD MEP.

The document describes four basic types of air conditioning systems: all-air, all-water, air-water, and unitary refrigerant-based systems.

The document explains that central air conditioning systems consist of an air handling unit, air distribution system, water system, and central plant including a chiller plant and boiler plant.


Many of our homes and most offices and commercial facilities would not
be comfortable without control of the indoor environment. The "luxury label"
attached to air conditioning in earlier decades has given way to appreciate it
practicality in making our live healthier and more productive. Along with rapid
development in improving human comfort came the realization that goods could
be produced better, faster, and more economically in a properly controlled
AutoA! M"# is the AutoA! software for mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing designers and drafters. reation and coordination of construction
documents is more efficient with AutoA! M"#$s more intuitive systems drawing
and design tools. AutoA! M"# also assessing our vision and enhance our
efficiency because of its purpose%built software for M"# designers and drafters.
&ith AutoA! M"# we are able to make changes much faster, thus help
minimizing the financial impact, and make those changes in almost real time.
1.1 The project goal
This pro'ect aims at designing an air%conditioning system for !awood
Abdellatif building. A complete air conditioning system will be designed to control
the indoor environment (temperature, relative humidity, air movement, etc.) in an
economical way using AutoA! M"#.
Air-conditioning and Air-conditioning System Design
2.1 What is air conditioning?
+eating ventilating and air%conditioning +,A is one of the
building mechanical services that include plumbing, fire protection,
and escalators. Air%conditioning refers to any form of cooling,
heating, ventilation or disinfection that modifies condition of air.
The goal of an +,A system is to provide an energy
efficient, cost effective, healthy and comfortable indoor environment
with acceptable indoor air -uality. .*/
2.2 Air conditioning systems classification
orresponding to their related e-uipment Air conditioning systems
may be classified as0
1. entral systems.
2. !ecentralized systems1 the distinction between central and
decentralized systems is critical from an architectural perspective.
According to the method by which the final within the space cooling
and heating are attained, air%conditioning systems are generally
divided into four basic types0
*. All%air system when energy is transferred only by means of heated or
cooled air.
2. All%water system when energy is transferred only by means of hot or
chilled water.
3. Air%water system when energy is transferred by a combination of
heated4cooled air and hot4chilled water.
5. 6nitary refrigerant based system when energy is transferred by a
2. !entral air conditioning systems
A central +,A system serves one or more thermal zones and has
its ma'or components located outside the zone or zones being served in
some convenient central location in the building or near it. !istrict systems
serving more than one building revert to central systems at the single
building level.
2..1 !entral air conditioning systems components
entral air conditioning systems basically consist of three ma'or parts0
*. An air system or air handling unit (A+6), air distribution system (air
ducts) and terminals.
2. &ater system 7 chilled water system, hot water system, condenser
water system.
3. entral plant 7 refrigeration (chiller) plant, boiler plant.
2..2 Ad"antages of central air conditioning systems
Allow ma'or e-uipment components to be isolated in a mechanical room
(i.e. allows maintenance to occur with limited disruption to building
functions, reduce noise and aesthetic impacts on building occupants).
8ffer opportunities for economies of scale.
9arger capacity refrigeration e-uipment is usually more efficient than
smaller capacity e-uipment1 larger systems can utilize cooling towers that
improve system efficiencies in many climates.
entral systems may permit building%wide load sharing resulting in reduced
e-uipment sizes, costs, and the ability to shift conditioning energy from one
part of a building to another.
entral systems are amenable to centralized energy management control
schemes1 i.e. reduced building energy consumption.
A central system may be appropriate for other than climate control
perspective1 active smoke control is best accomplished by a central all%air
+,A system.
2.. Disad"antages of !entral air conditioning systems
As a non%distributed system, failure of any key e-uipment component may
affect the entire building.
As system size and sophistication increase, maintenance may become
more difficult and may be available from fewer providers if specialists are
9arge centralized systems tend to be less intuitive making systems analysis
and understanding more difficult.
2.# Decentrali$ed air conditioning systems
A decentralized system serves a single thermal zone and has its ma'or
components located within the zone itself, on the boundary between the zone
and the exterior environment, or directly ad'acent to the zone.
Decentrali$ed systems may %e di"ided into&
*. :ndividual ;ystems using self%contained, factory%made air conditioner to
serve one or two rooms.
2. 6nitary ;ystems, which are similar in nature to individual systems but serve
more rooms or even more than one floor, have an air system consisting of
fans, coils, filters, ductwork and outlets (e.g. in small restaurants, small
shops and small cold storage rooms). The term packaged air%conditioner is
sometimes used interchangeably with the unitary air%conditioner. The air%
conditioning and refrigeration institute A<: defines a unitary air%conditioner
as one or more factory%made assemblies that normally include an
evaporator4cooling coil and a compressor and condenser combination.
2.#.1 Ad"antages of decentrali$ed air conditioning systems
o ;erving only a single zone, decentralized +,A systems will have
only one point of control typically a thermostat for active systems.
o "ach decentralized system generally does its own thing, without
regard to the performance or operation of other decentralized
o !ecentralized systems tend to be distributed systems providing
greater collective reliability than do centralized systems.
2.#.2 Disad"antages of decentrali$ed air conditioning systems&
!ecentralized system units cannot be easily connected
together to permit centralized energy management
!ecentralized systems can usually be centrally controlled
with respect to on%off functions through electric circuit
control, but more sophisticated central control (such as
night%setback or economizer operation) is not possible.
2.' All air systems
2.'.1 Introduction&
All%air systems provide sensible and latent cooling capacity solely
through cold supply air delivered to the conditioned space. =o
supplemental cooling is provided by refrigeration sources within the zones
and no chilled water is supplied to the zones. +eating may be
accomplished by the same supply airstream, with the heat source located
either in the central system e-uipment or in a terminal device serving a
zone. A zone is an area controlled by a thermostat, while a room refers to
a partitioned area that may or may not have a separate thermostat.
2.'.2 Ad"antages of All air systems&
o ;uch systems are well suited to air%side economizer use, heat
recovery, winter humidification, and large%volume outdoor air
o They are the best choice for close control of zone temperature
and humidity.
o They are generally a good choice for applications where indoor air
-uality is a key concern.
o They are amenable to use in smoke control systems.
o There is simple seasonal changeover.
o ;uch systems generally permit simultaneous heating and cooling
in different zones.
2.'. Disad"antages of All air systems&
All%air systems use significant amounts of energy to move air
(approximately 5?@ of all%air system energy use is fan energy).
!uctwork space re-uirements may add to building height.
Air balancing may be difficult.
:t is difficult to provide comfort in locations with low outdoor
temperatures and typical building envelope performance when
warm air is used for perimeter heating.
#roviding ready maintenance accessibility to terminal devices
re-uires close coordination between mechanical, architectural,
and structural designers.
2.( Air and )ater systems
Air%and%water systems condition spaces by distributing both
conditioned air and water to terminal units installed in the spaces. The air
and water are cooled and4or heated in a central mechanical e-uipment
room. The air supplied is termed primary air to distinguish it from
recirculated (or secondary) room air. Air%and%water systems that have
been used in buildings of various types are presented below. =ot all of
these systems are e-ually valid in the context of a given pro'ect. =ot all of
these systems see e-ual use in today$s design environment. They are
presented, however, to provide a sense of the possibilities and constraints
inherent in the use of an air%and%water +,A system.
2.*.1 Ad"antages and Disad"antages of Air and )ater systems&
Because of the greater specific heat and the much greater density
of water compared to air, the cross%sectional area of piping is much
smaller than that of ductwork to provide the same cooling (or heating)
capacity. Because a large part of the space heating4cooling load is
handled by the water part of this type of system, the overall duct
distribution re-uirements in an air%and%water system are considerably
smaller than in an all%air systemCwhich saves building space. :f the
system is designed so that the primary air supply is e-ual to the ventilation
re-uirement or to balance exhaust re-uirements, a return air system can
be eliminated. The air%handling system is smaller than that for an all air
system, yet positive ventilation is ensured. =umerous zones can be
individually controlled and their cooling or heating demands satisfied
independently and simultaneously. &hen appropriate to do so (as during
unoccupied hours), space heating can be provided by operating only the
water side of the systemCwithout operating the central air system. &hen
all primary air is taken from outdoors, cross%contamination between rooms
can be reasonably controlled.
!esign for intermediate season operation is critical. hangeover
operation (between seasons) can be difficult and re-uires a
knowledgeable staff. ontrols are more complicated than for all%air
systems, and humidity cannot be tightly controlled. :nduction and fan%coil
terminal units re-uire fre-uent in%space maintenance.
2.( All )ater systems
:n an all%water system, space cooling and4or heating is provided by
chilled and4or hot water circulated from a central refrigeration4 boiler plant
to terminal units located in, or immediately ad'acent to, the various
conditioned spaces. +eat transfer to4from the room air occurs via forced or
natural convection. "xcept for radiant systems, radiant heat transfer is
usually nominal due to the size and arrangement of the heat transfer
surfaces. All%water systems can be employed for both heating and cooling.
+eating water is supplied either through the same piping network used for
chilled water in summer or through an independent piping system.
2.(.1 Ad"antages of all )ater systems&
9ess building space is re-uired for distribution elements.
They are well suited for retrofit applications due to their distribution
9ittle (often no) space is needed for a central fan room.
There is ready potential for individual room control with little or no cross%
contamination of air between rooms.
Because low%temperature water can be used for heating, they are well
suited for solar heating and heat recovery applications.
2.(.2 Disad"antages of all )ater systems&
Maintenance demands can be high and maintenance must be performed
on terminals within occupied spaces.
ondensate drain pans and a drain system are re-uired1 in addition,
they must be cleaned periodically.
,entilation is not centrally provided or controlled and is often
accomplished by opening windows or via an outdoor air inlet at each
terminal unit1 thus, providing for acceptable indoor air -uality can be a
serious concern.
<elative humidity in spaces may be high in summer, particularly if
modulating chilled%water valves are used to control room temperature.
2.+ Air conditioning system design
Air%conditioning system design is the process of selecting the
optimum system, subsystem, e-uipment, and components from various
alternatives and preparing the drawings and specifications. Air%conditioning
system design process comprises five phases0 schematic design phase,
design development phase, construction document phase, bidding or
negotiation phase, and construction phase.
The purpose of conceptual4schematic design efforts is to develop an
outline solution to the owner$s pro'ect re-uirements (8#<) that captures
the owner$s attention, gets his4her buy%in for further design efforts, and
meets budget. ;chematic (or early design development) design efforts
should serve as proof of concept for the earliest design ideas as elements
of the solution are further developed and locked into place. !uring later
design development4construction documents, the final drawings and
specifications are prepared as all design decisions are finalized and a
complete analysis of system performance is undertaken.
The schematic4early design development stage should involve the
preliminary selection and comparison of appropriate +,AG< systems. All
proposed systems must be able to maintain the environmental conditions
for each space as defined in the 8#<. The ability to provide ade-uate
thermal zoning is a critical aspect of such capability. Hor each system
considered during this phase, evaluate the relative space (and volume)
re-uirements for e-uipment, ducts, and piping1 fuel and4or electrical use
and thermal storage re-uirements1 initial and life%cycle costs1 acoustical
re-uirements and capabilities1 compatibility with the building plan and the
structural system1 and the effects on indoor air -uality, illumination, and
aesthetics. Also consider energy code compliance and green design
implications (as appropriate). .2/
,sing Auto!AD programs in designing projects
.1 -I. Terminology and Definitions
The A;+<A" (American ;ociety of +eating, <efrigerating and Air%
onditioning "ngineers) defined B:M as the process of using intelligent
graphic and data modeling software to create optimized and integrated
building design solutions. B:M encompasses the use of three%dimensional,
real%time, intelligent and dynamic modeling, and can be a valuable tool in
facilitating successful coordination and collaboration. Architects are the
heaviest users of B:M. .3/
.2 The traditional construction design deli"ery method
A new pro'ect usually starts when the owner approaches a design
professional with an idea for a new facility. 6sually the first contact is with
a pro'ect architect, who hires a team of other design specialists such as
structural (civil) engineer, an +,A and plumping (mechanical) engineer,
and an electrical engineer. The main responsibility of the design
professional team is to produce the schematic, layout, and detail
drawings, and to prepare the 'ob specifications and e-uipment schedules
re-uired to bring the 'ob to completion.
The traditional construction !esign%Bid%Build delivery method for
Architecture, "ngineering, onstruction, and Hacility Management industry
is fragmented, and is based on traditional use of 2! information systems
as well as on the use of 2! paper documents. "rrors and omissions in
paper documents often cause unanticipated field costs, delays and
eventual lawsuits between the various parties in a pro'ect team. These
problems cause friction, financial expense and delays.
Hor the traditional paper%based delivery process, the poor field
productivity and non%effective information flow can explain how
unnecessary waster and errors are generated. The lack of industry
leadership and lack of labor saving innovations could be the reasons that
lower the productivity in construction industry. Also, due to the
fragmentation of the industry, integrated information systems, better
supply chain management and improved collaboration tools cannot be
efficiently implemented in the construction industry. Hurthermore, the use
of cheap labor has stagnated the innovation of construction tools and
e-uipment. :t is considered that, Building :nformation Modeling, on the
other hand, can reduce the waste generated from the interoperability issue
and can increase the productivity as well.
. What is g%/.0?
The Ireen Building JM9 schema , referred to as gbXML, was
developed to facilitate the transfer of building information stored in A!
building information models, enabling integrated interoperability between
building design models and a wide variety of engineering analysis tools and
models available today. Today, gbJM9 has the industry support and wide
adoption by the leading A! vendors, Autodesk, Iraphisoft, and Bentley.
&ith the development of export and import capabilities in several ma'or
engineering modeling tools, gbJM9 has become a defacto industry standard
schema. :ts use streamlines the transfer of building information to and from
engineering models, eliminating the need for time consuming plan take%offs.
This removes a significant cost barrier to designing resource efficient
buildings and specifying associated e-uipment. :t enables building design
teams to truly collaborate and realized the potential benefits of Building
:nformation Modeling.
JM9, extensible markup language, is a type of computer language
that allows software programs to communicate information with little to no
human interaction. This approach allows building designers to focus on
what they want to do most % design beautiful, environmentally responsible
buildings that use intelligent technologies to meet their clientKs needs at
the lowest cost possible. +elping realize the promise of Building
:nformation Modeling, gbJM9 allows intelligent solutions for the design,
certification, operation, maintenance, and recycling of buildings. .5/
.# 1lo%al %enefits of -I. concept&
To understand the benefits of B:M to our industry, we must explore
some of the global benefits of B:M and discuss the direct benefits to
A;+<A" and its members of embracing and adopting B:M, integration
and interoperability.
Ilobally one of the great advantages of Building :nformation
Modeling is the ability to create an accurate model that is useful
throughout the entire life of the building, from initial design through
occupancy and operation (see definitions). :deally, a B:M would be created
in the early stages of the design, updated as the design is refined and
used by the construction team, and refined continuously as the facility is
built. #ost%occupancy, the B:M would be used by the owner and owner$s
maintenance team to improve understanding of building operation and to
make adaptations, renovations, additions and alterations to the building
faster and for less cost than through traditional processes. Huture benefits
may include linking manufacturers$ <G! databases, which will be
discussed later in this guide. :n addition, operating level B:Ms may be
linked through integrated and interoperable pipelines to local and national
emergency response and disaster management systems to help improve
life%safety save lives and mitigate damage.
The power of B:M can be realized though its ability to allow the
whole building to be optimized in lieu of optimizing individual components.
"ach discipline and trade benefits through integration and optimization
within a B:M and becomes more efficient by providing parametric
responses to single discipline changes through the use of consistent data
sets for calculation and decision making. The work of the +,A industry
has an impact on every other design and construction discipline and trade
including the following0 architecture, electrical engineering, lighting design,
roof and envelope consultation, food service, fire protection, civil
engineering, structural engineering, security consultants, acoustical
engineering and others. B:M can benefit these associated and
complimentary disciplines and trades through precise interdisciplinary
coordination using parametric geometric modeling. +owever, much of the
existing software, such as load calculation, plumbing, piping, lighting
design and life%cycle assessment tools, only receive input data from the
B:M at this time and are not fully parametric. ;oftware and hardware
developments that will allow ad'ustments and fine tuning of the
calculations via changes in the B:M and vice versa that would result in
optimizing the B:M in real time will be available in the near future.
The benefits of B:M are evident in its capability of capturing,
organizing, integrating, maintaining and growing the vast amount of
knowledge, data and information re-uired to conceive, plan, design,
construct, operate, maintain, adapt, renovate and, finally, beneficially
deconstruct a building at the end of its life cycle.
The +,AG< industry impacts building owners, users, regulatory
agencies, legal, finance, operation and maintenance, the environment, and
community. B:M can benefit pro'ect participants and these entities through
improved multidiscipline collaboration to achieve optimal solutions,
interference checking prior to construction, reduced errors and omissions,
automated code4regulatory reviews, accelerated permitting, and earlier
beneficial occupancy, leading to enhanced return on investment (<8:) for the
building owner4developer.
<eal%time monitoring of a building$s temperature, humidity, ventilation,
air -uality, pressurization, isolation, compartmentation, and occupant location
integrated into the B:M can benefit first responders in public health, safety,
fire, law enforcement and disaster recovery to help save lives, protect
property, and mitigate environmental and property damage.
!uring design and construction all disciplines and trades involved on a
pro'ect can benefit from using B:M through0
1. 2arly !olla%oration0
B:M fosters collaboration in the early phases of a pro'ect between
team members through the use of consistent and more complete
information more effectively than do traditional approaches. This allows
design decisions to be made that optimize the whole building at a stage
when they are far less expensive to analyze, rather than the traditional
approach of optimizing individual components. This should minimize the
need to make changes later in the design or during the construction
process when even small changes can have enormous effects on both the
construction cost and life%cycle cost of the building.
2. 3arametric .odeling&
ertain features, ob'ects and components represented within a B:M
can be related parametrically. (;ee definitions of parameter, parametric
and intelligent ob'ects.) Therefore, a number of related conditions can be
updated by changing only one property. Hor example, if a diffuser is
associated with a certain low%pressure duct, and that diffuser is moved,
the associated duct will automatically relocate to the appropriate new
position relative to the diffuser. Thus, not only can design changes be
made earlier, they can also be made much faster and easier. This
provides the designer greater certainty that all views have been updated
with current information.
. 4uality&
The ability of B:M to integrate multiple disciplines with the use of a
common model means that coordination between team members is made
easier, and design optimization and interference checking can be performed
more fre-uently. This can be achieved through proprietary, single vendor
solutions or through viewers and model checkers that can take advantage of
interoperability and read, translate and understand multiple vendor file
formats, possibly through :H interfaces, domain specific JM9 tagging and
other data exchange specifications and standards. This ability offers the
potential for more thorough -uality control in the design phase prior to
construction activity beginning, which should result in fewer re-uests for
information (<H:s) and change orders. Hor example, early interference
checking and clash avoidance between ductwork and structural members
facilitated by better 3%! visualization by designers and automated clash
detection and model checking features that exist in the B:M or through
interoperable applications can result in +,A systems operating at lower
static pressures, lower noise levels and lower horsepower than a system
where the clashes are resolved in the feld, by the frst trade there
method of clash detection, which can result in multiple ofsets,
cumbersome work%arounds, changes in duct dimensions, waste and
re%work in the field. Another benefit of B:M is the potential for ongoing
commissioning. <eal%time performance data gathering, verification and
management allows for effective ad'ustments to systems to improve human
comfort and safety and to optimize performance while minimizing
environmental impacts.
#. 2conomics&
B:M can provide economic benefits for all stake holders. Hor
example, investing in B:M technology by the design team fre-uently
involves some initial expense1 however, there is great potential to reduce
design and production cost through more efficient use of time and better
visualization. ontractors can benefit from the use of B:M through better
coordination, better cost estimating and procurement management, use of
the B:M for automation of off%site fabrication, and for better scheduling,
which can provide cleaner and safer construction sites and shorter
construction duration. The owner can benefit from the B:M through
achieving greater certainty in outcomes with respect to pro'ect cost and
time that can be better estimated when 5%! and >%! B:M are integrated
into the process earlier.
'. Sustaina%ility and climate protection&
BM will play a ma!or role in helping us meet the world"s need for
sustainable construction and climate protection. +,AG< systems are one of the
largest users of energy in a building. B:M will allow a design team to better take a
reduce and optimi#e approach to reaching a client"s and building
pro!ect"s sustainability and climate protection goals by focusing on reducing
energy first. The most important aspect of providing sustainable high performance
buildings is the attention to detail that can be given to the selection, optimization and
use of materials and components based on whole building life%cycle assessment
(9A). A large component of an L$% is the building"s use of nonrenewable
energy sources. B:M allows the rapid and economical (relative terms) consideration
of alternatives, what ifs, and game scenarios early in the e&olution of a building to
optimi#e the building"s life%cycle impact.
Hor buildings to be sustainable, they must be adaptable' % building"s materials,
components, contents and systems should ultimately be *??@
recyclable either through adaptive reuse, preservation, restoration,
salvage, and4or traditional recycling processes. A building that serves as a
school today should be able to function as an office building or medical
facility in the future. A B:M is a living historical database of every material,
component, assembly, and system used in the building. The B:M can
contain design, construction, and life%cycle assessment information1
operation, service and maintenance data1 along with energy use down to
the system and component level that could be used for intelligent strategic
planning for the adaptive reuse or recycling of a building should
renovation, restoration or demolition become necessary. The popular
mantras reduce, reuse, and recycle will be better ser&ed
through the use of B:M, integration and interoperability.
.' -enefits of -I. to 56A!7 industry
Design professional& The greatest benefits of B:M to the design
professional will be its fundamental effect on the process of design. By
moving away from 2%! and 3%! A! and paper%based review, analysis
and work product delivery processes, B:M will help increase productivity,
lower design cost and improve design -uality. :ncreased productivity and
lower design cost will be realized by using information about the building
contained in the B:M to automate precise -uantity, material and assembly
takeoff, reduce the time re-uired to perform +,AG< load analyses, en%
ergy modeling, duct design, air distribution design, piping system design,
e-uipment selection, cost estimating and specification production.
:mproved design -uality will be achieved through greater visualization and,
thus, better understanding of end results, more precise interdisciplinary
coordination and clash and conflict avoidance prior to construction,
reduced re-uests for interpretation (can also be referred to as re-uests of
information) from contractors and, as a result, less coordination related
change orders. B:M, integration and interoperability will allow the design
professional to work in an environment that provides greater certainty of
the correlation between design intent and the final construction and
operation of the building.
!onstruction professional& ;imilar benefits as stated for the
design professional will also accrue to the construction professional as a
result of more precise and integrated design processes that include
fabrication and constructability evaluations. :n addition, the construction
professional who learns to take advantage of a design level B:M, takes
over its management and adds construction level details, subcontractor
information, piece and part numbers and 5%! and >%! data, will then
increase productivity, lower construction cost, improve construction -uality,
better manage risk and enhance 'ob%site safety. :ncreased productivity and
lower construction cost will be realized by using information about the
building contained in the design level B:M to automate precise -uantity,
material and assembly take%off, automate scheduling of crews,
subcontractors, temporary facilities and manage procurement, delivery
and fabrication processes. :mproved construction -uality will be achieved
through greater visualization and, thus, better understanding of end
results, more precise trade coordination and clash and conflict avoidance
prior to fabrication and erection, reduced re-uests for interpretation to the
design professional and, as a result, less coordination related change
orders. B:M, integration and interoperability will allow the construction
professional to also work in an environment that provides greater certainty
of outcomes with respect to the final construction and operation of the
.anufacturer& The manufacturing industries have recognized the
benefits of information management, computer%aided design and
modeling, integration and automation for decades. :n most cases, many
manufacturing processes aren$t as diverse or fragmented as the design
and construction process. Manufacturers who adopt interoperable and
integrated B:M technologies to promote their products and services to
owners, design and construction professionals will accrue many of the
same benefits previously stated. B:M provides mechanisms for the earlier
use of supplier information for selecting products and assessing their
installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance characteristics
when making design and installation decisions. By providing product data
that integrates with and is interoperable with design and analysis tools,
detailing and specification systems, cost and scheduling systems, and
procurement and construction management systems, manufacturers can
better predict future manufacturing needs for their products, better control
inventories and improve 'ust%in%time manufacturing and delivery methods.
B:M integration can also reduce the cost of creating and updating owner
documentation for sales literature, shop drawings, product data,
installation instructions, warranty management, training, commissioning,
operation and maintenance by including links to the manufacturer$s digital,
&eb%based product information. By taking this thought a little further, a
manufacturer capable of gathering data, feedback and real%time
information embedded in operating level B:Ms will be able to use the built
environment as a large research and development laboratory to monitor
and improve existing products and create new products and opportunities.
Soft)are de"eloper& As previously stated, our technical
knowledge base is doubling at the rate of almost once every two years.
&eb based applications, cloud computing, model servers, integrated
pro'ect management and data repositories either exist now or are being
developed and tested as this guide is being written. Ireat economic
benefits and opportunities exist to software vendors who can develop
interoperable applications, both proprietary and open source solutions,
that respond to the changing needs and demands of the design,
construction, owning, operating and maintenance industries and are
capable of keeping up with and maintaining compatibility with the rapid
advances that are constantly occurring in science and technology.
Academic sector& As our knowledge base expands and more
reliable data and metrics are captured from better connected databases
and operating level B:Ms, researchers will be able to provide better, more
focused study, innovations and solutions. They will be the leaders in
creating new knowledge to benefit our industry, the community and the
environment. B:M is also a training tool for future engineers.
AS57A2& The combined benefits of B:M to every discipline and
sector defined above will all accrue to the benefit of A;+<A". onverting
the combined knowledge base contained in our standards, guidelines,
handbooks and other publications into digital computer%proccessable
resources, so they can be integrated with building information modelling
software, will make A;+<A" more valuable to its members and all of
.* ,sing Auto!AD in designing projects
!epending on B:M concept, Autodesk ompany created 3! design
packages (AutoA! M"#, AutoA! civil3!, AutoA!
ArchitectureL). &ith more information being shared throughout the
pro'ect team, using intelligent, 3! Autodesk design packages, it is now
possible to test design considerations in the virtual building model before
anything, literally, gets set in concrete which is expensive to fix in the field.
.( 8eatures of Auto!AD .23
8ne of the ma'or benefits of AutoA! M"# is the improved
coordination with the architectural and structural designs (mechanical,
electrical, plumping).
&ith AutoA! M"#, production of construction documents is
automated, helping to save time and allowing for the creation of single%
line and double%line systems in addition to schematics. &hether you
are working on a building pro'ect led by an architect or partnering with
professionals from other disciplines such as structural and civil
engineering for the design of water4wastewater facilities, AutoA!
M"# allows you to work in the familiar AutoA! environment while
implementing new systems and documentation tools at your own pace.
-etter Design Accuracy& &ith constant re-uests to accommodate
last minute changes, M"# professionals need to efficiently create and
edit designs. 6sing AutoA! M"#, you can more easily assess
designs, sizing, and system balances with integrated calculators that
help ensure accuracy. "rrors are minimized with automated drafting
tasks and built in calculators.
!oordinate Design Information& &ith continuous pressure to reduce
costs, you can help reduce re-uests for information (<H:s) and costly
design changes in the field with more accurate and consistent
construction documents produced with AutoA! M"#. !esign systems
using real%world parts and e-uipment, which can be used throughout
the fabrication and construction of the building helping to save time
and money.
!olla%orate .ore 2ffecti"ely& ;ince most pro'ects re-uire
collaboration with professionals from other disciplines, take advantage
of architectural and structural plans developed using AutoA!%based
software applications to better coordinate with your extended team.
AutoA! M"# software helps you to minimize interferences prior to
construction, allowing greater coordination and collaboration.
Single9Dou%le-0ine Design& Automate your workflow by creating
construction documents more efficiently with single line for design
development and convert automatically to double line for construction
documents. 9ay out mechanical systems in single line with un sized
parts early in the design process, and then use duct%sizing tools and
convert the layout to double line. "nhanced sizing tools help to
increase drafting productivity when moving from design development
to construction documentation.
Auto!AD .23 ena%le us to ma:e $ones %oundaries and adding
engineering properties for each zone separately, engineering
properties like light, no. of people, devices, tools, and sun light. Then
export zones with their properties to a cooling load calculation program
and receive the results. .A/
Auto!AD .23 concepts
#.1 Wor:ing )ith dra)ing management projects
The !rawing Management feature formalizes the processes related
to building system design and documentation. This feature automates the
management, viewing, and construction of building systems, ensuring
consistency in all aspects of the pro'ect. onse-uently, your entire design
team has a centralized pro'ect environment for accessing the most current
The basis of the !rawing Management feature is a sophisticated
referenced drawing (xref) feature enhanced from standard AutoA! xref
functionality. #ro'ect elements are referenced into constructs1 constructs
are referenced into views, and views are referenced into plotting sheets.
#owerful linking features ensure that source files can be distributed over
many different locations on a single computer or network, enabling
simultaneous access by others working on the same pro'ect.
The Dra)ing .anagement feature has t)o main
components 3roject -ro)ser&
#ro'ect Browser creates pro'ects and specifies high%level pro'ect
information and settings, such as the pro'ect number, pro'ect name,
contact information, and the file locations of the drawing templates, tool
palettes, and the pro'ect%specific ontent Browser library to use.
3roject ;a"igator&
#ro'ect =avigator centralizes pro'ect%specific tasks, such as
defining building levels and divisions (wings), creating pro'ect drawings,
and creating plotting sheets.
A drawing must be part of a pro'ect to synchronize with pro'ect standards.
The !rawing Management feature ensures that pro'ect standards are
properly enforced. Mou cannot apply pro'ect standards to standalone
drawings. Mou can copy standard styles and display settings into
standalone drawings, but they are not synchronized when the standards
#.2 2sta%lishing project standards
Typically, at the beginning of a pro'ect, you establish the standards
that guide the pro'ect design. #ro'ect standards, called A! standards,
enhance efficiency, automate repetition, and maintain consistency across
your pro'ect drawings and construction documents.
The #ro'ect ;tandards feature lets you establish, maintain, and
synchronize standards across all drawings in a !rawing Management
pro'ect. #ro'ect standards include standard styles, display settings, and
AutoA! standards that are used across all pro'ect drawings. ;tandard
styles and display settings are specified in one or more standards
drawings associated with the pro'ect. #ro'ect drawings can then be
synchronized with these standards throughout the pro'ect life cycle, either
automatically, or on demand.
Templates store the follo)ing standards re<uired to %egin a dra)ing&
o 6nit type and precision.
o !rawing and plotting scales. !imension and text styles.
o 9ayer structures.
o 9ine types and line weights.
=ou can also esta%lish the follo)ing design-specific standards on a
dra)ing-%y-dra)ing %asis or add them to a template&
!esign and drawing preferences.
oordinate systems.
!esign and plotting display layouts.
Title blocks and borders.
#. Auto!AD .23 0ayer Standards
The 9ayer Management feature in AutoA! M"# lets you
organize, sort, and group layers using layer standards, layer key styles,
and layer overrides. 9ayer standards define the naming of new layers
according to the structure defined in the standard. AutoA! M"# includes
a number of predefined layer standards and matching layer key styles
based on common building system industry norms. Mou can change any
part of the layer name structure using layer key overrides within the layer
key style. Mou can also override layer names for all of the layer keys in a
layer key style or for individual layer key styles.
#.# Auto!AD .23 Displays
Traditional, manual A! designs re-uire that you draw a single
ob'ect (such as a duct or a pipe) multiple times in different drawings to
produce different views of the same ob'ect. Hor example, you might have
*%line drawing of a duct and piping layout and a separate 2%line drawing of
the same layout to clarify the construction documents. Hor each drawing,
you use a separate collection of drafting entities to represent the ob'ects.
AutoA! M"# provides tools to view an ob'ect in the layout in different
ways. This saves time and maintains consistency across all your pro'ect
#.' Wor:ing )ith referenced dra)ings
&hen you create an AutoA! M"# drawing, you often need to relate your
layout to an architectural drawing, such as a floor plan, a reflected ceiling plan, or
an AutoA! Architecture building model. Mou can begin with a drawing that
contains the walls and other spatial elements that you need by attaching another
drawing called a referenced drawing or xref. Jref are drawings that are linked to,
and displayed in, the current drawing.
&henever you open a drawing, the software reloads the xref drawings
attached to it so that changes made to the xref drawings are reflected in your
building system drawing. Hor example, if you attach an architectural floor plan as
an xref, and the architect subse-uently changes the location of the building$s
mechanical room, the changes to the architectural floor plan are automatically
reflected in your building systems drawing the next time that you open it. Mou can
also reload xrefs on demand and check for interferences between building
system ob'ects and structural members by applying interference detection
highlighting to your drawing. There are 2 types of xrefs0 attachment and overlay.
6nlike an attached xref, an overlaid xref is not displayed when the drawing is
itself attached or overlaid as an xref to another drawingCa process referred to as
nesting xrefs. 8verlaid xrefs are designed for data sharing in a network
environment. By overlaying an xref, you can see how your drawing relates to the
drawings of other groups without changing your drawing by attaching an xref.
hanges made to an xref drawing, whether attached or overlaid, are displayed in
your drawing when you open the drawing or reload the xref. 9inking xrefs to your
drawings is effective when creating design drawings and construction
!esign pro'ects typically involve the coordination of many drawings, and
sharing the content of those drawings is fundamental to efficient pro'ect
management. "stablishing standards for using xrefs helps you to use drawings
optimally and minimize the need to re%create drawing content.
The follo)ing cite se"eral ad"antages to using >refs in Auto!AD .23
Mou can reference an architectural drawing as a base for your mechanical,
electrical, or plumbing drawings.
:n addition, you are aware immediately of any changes to the architectural
drawing because the changes are reflected when you open your drawing
or reload the xref.
Mou can assemble master drawings from individual design drawings. Hor
example, several people can work with different sections of a design for a
large building (such as by floor or by wing), and the individual designs can
be referenced into a master drawing.
Mou can attach drawings containing borders, title blocks, and other office
standards for plotting as xrefs for easy maintenance.
Mou can choose not to load an xref if you do not need it as a reference.
The xref does not use system resources when it is not loaded. .D/
System design
'.1 3roject description
'.1.1 1eographical location
;ite is located in university of Nhartoum, Iamaa Avenue, south of
"l Iazafi hall between faculty of law and Building and <oads <esearch
'.1.2 -uilding components
The building consists of two floors, a ground floor, eastern and
southern entrances. The total area of the building is about *2EE.2 m
The ground floor consists of&
*. A big hall has a capacity of *D? people. +all (*).
2. Two halls have a capacity of A? persons for each one. +all (2) and +all
3. Two offices, an office capacity are 3 persons.
5. An entrance hall.
>. orridors.
A. Bathrooms.
The first floor consists of&
*. A big hall has a capacity of *>? people +all (5).
2. Two halls have a capacity of 5? persons for each one. +all (5) and +all
3. orridors.
5. Bathrooms.
The second floor consists of&
*. A big hall has a capacity of >?? people +all (A).
2. Hour offices, an office capacity are 3 people.
3. orridors.
The ta%le %elo) ?Ta%le '.1@ summari$es the a%o"e mentioned information
8loor 5all no. ;o. of Area 3urpose
people ?m
+all (*) *D? *D5.2 9ecture room
+all (2) A? EE.E 9ecture room
1round floor +all (3) A? EE.E 9ecture room
8ffice (*) 3 2?.A 8ffice
8ffice (2) 3 2?.A 8ffice
+all (5) 2>? *>E.5 9ecture room
+all (>) 5? EE.5 9ecture room
8irst floor +all (A) 5? EE.5 9ecture room
8ffice (3) 3 22.A office
8ffice (5) 3 22.A office
+all (D) >?? 5A* 9ecture room
8ffice (>) 3 *3.3 8ffice
Second floor 8ffice (A) 3 *3.3 8ffice
8ffice (D) 2 **.A 8ffice
8ffice (E) 2 **.A 8ffice
'.2 Design 3rocedure
'.2.1 Specifying the project
&e started with drawing management using pro'ect browser
component and created the pro'ect by drawing the building plans since
they were not drawn by AA! M"#. Then using pro'ect navigator we
defined building levels and divisions floor by floor.
'.2.2 2sta%lishing project standards and space styles&
Typically, at the beginning of the pro'ect, we established AA!
M"# standards that guide the pro'ect design, enhance efficiency,
automate repetition, and maintain consistency across our pro'ect drawings
and construction documents.
Then we specified space styles from AA! M"# standards, we
then select A;+<A" A2.* 7 2??5 and define space engineering styles (i.e.
lightening load per area (2> &4m
), and e-uipment load per area (?.2
After establishing pro'ect standards and space styles we made the
following steps0
*. &e specified spaces boundaries and that by using one of the analysis
tools which is space generating tool. Then we specified space styles
for each space (office, lecture hall, lecture class, corridor).
2. After we generate spaces we add properties for each, basic properties
like space name, space dimensions (overall space height, floor
thickness, ceiling height, ceiling thickness, height above ceiling, and
height below floor). 8ther properties and their description are
explained in (Table A.*).
The table below (Table 5.2) summarizes building properties and its description
#roperty !escription
8ccupancy &e entered the number of occupants
for the room. This value is used for
calculating the re-uired outdoor air flow
classification. :f 8ccupancy is ?, the
occupant density for the classification is
used to calculate outside air.
ondition type ondition Type ;pecify how to
condition the room.
9ighting 9oad &e entered the lighting load for the
room. &e override that value by
entering a value for 9ighting 9oad here
"-uipment 9oad &e entered the e-uipment load for the
room. &e override that value by
entering a value for e-uipment 9oad
here (&4m
8utside Air Hlow &e can overrides the re-uired air flow
calculated from the classification or
take it.
<oom finished ob'ects (Base color, base finish, base material,
ceiling finish, ceiling material, etc).
3. Also we specified surface types, such as exterior walls (exposed to sun
light), interior walls (treated as partitions) using the ;pace4Oone
Manager tool.
5. After that we specify the north direction on the plan using geographic
location tool (its options are either using Ioogle earth or add it
'.2. !reating $one styles
Oones are used to group spaces together to represent an actual
building zone that re-uires its own temperature control. ;o we configured
a zone style for each space style we had configured previously. After that
we added zones and attached spaces to zones, a zone can be a single
space or more than one space controlled by a thermostat, then we
specified design temperatures for zones. Hinally we used space4zone
manager tool to review space and zone configuration.
'.2.# 2>porting g%/.0 data
After we modeled and configured spaces and zones we exported
the data in gbJM9 format, this format is used in an external analysis tool
to calculate heating and cooling loads for the building plan.
'.2.' System Analysis
Thermal load calculations are often considered one of the most
important aspects in any +,A system design. Accurate load calculations
are needed to ensure proper system and e-uipment selection. A proper
system4e-uipment selection can guarantee maximum performance and
maintain desired comfort levels.
The computer software program that was utilized to perform the
thermal load calculations was 9oadsoft A.?, which is a commercial and
industrial +,A (+eating, ,entilation, and Air onditioning) load
calculation software package issued by armel ;oftware. 9oad
calculations are based on radiant time series (<T;) method PA;+<A"
2??* HundamentalsQ. This program generates a complete 25%hour building
load profile of all systems selected. This feature is very useful when a
complete system analysis is completed. Another feature is the ability of the
program to provide an accurate hour%by%hour analysis for one complete
year for each individual zone so that we may properly specify the correct
size +,A e-uipment (whether it is a packaged rooftop unit or a boiler).
This program is geared specifically toward the +,A engineer, architect,
design4build mechanical contractor, and building maintenance supervisor.
'.2.'.- Analysis steps&
*. &e imported the gbJM9 file to 9oadsoft program and created a pro'ect
in it.
2. &e revised the imported data to the program (9oadsoft inputs).
3. &e calculated the cooling load and re-uired air flow1 the results are
exported to the AA! M"# software using gbJM9 (9oadsoft outputs
appendix (A)).
'.2.* Importing the analy$ed g%/.0 file&
:n this step we imported the analyzed gbJM9 file that includes
calculated load and air flow values for each zone. The imported data is
added in the engineering data properties for each zone. After we imported
calculations we specified values for outside air flow, supply air flow, and
return air flow. &e used this information when designing our +,A
'.2.( 0ayout of the system
The system selected for the lecture halls, and rooms is a central
chilled water system with combined central station air handling units (all
air system % constant air volume) and fan coil units (all water system).
The ma'or components are0
*. hiller.
2. Air handling units.
3. !ucts.
5. !iffusers.
>. Irilles.
A. &ater pipes. !etails of the selected components are mentioned in
appendix (B).
The steps of layout of the system are as follo)s&
*. &e started with placing ceiling diffusers and its elevation.
2. Then we placed the A+6s (for lecture rooms) and fan coils (for offices).
3. &e sized duct layout while we were drafting (AutoA! M"# uses
e-ual friction method for sizing ducts).
5. &e placed the chiller and drew piping works.
The system drawing sheets is in appendix ().
!onclusion and recommendationsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
:n this pro'ect, AutoA! M"# program, building information modeling
(B:M) software, is used to design a central air conditioning system. Building
engineering data have been exported from architectural plans, using gbJM9
format, to 9oadsoft A.? software for cooling load analysis. The software obtained
a total cooling load of *3A.* T8<.
The calculated cooling load was imported to the AutoA! software which
is used to design a central air conditioning system. The software analyzed the
imported data and used it for duct sizing and e-uipment selection.
A central chilled water system air%conditioning system comprising an air%
cooled screw type chiller of capacity of *3D T8<, *? air handling units with
different capacities according to the cooling load, and 5 fan coils units complete
with piping and ducting system was obtained. The layout of the complete air%
conditioning system was shown in Appendix ().
*.1 7ecommendations
*. &e recommend that the roof material of the second floor (consists of
sheet metal and for ceiling) be changed or been properly insulated since
the cooling load value is too high.
2. Make this pro'ect an inter%disciplinary pro'ect1 a design pro'ect done by an
architect student, mechanical student, electrical, and civil students so that
the full features of AutoA! M"# and B:M concept can be utilized to
produce a complete system design, make good decisions, and utilize
green building concepts with low emissions to the environment and lower
3. The department is re-uired to provide a full version of AA! M"#, and the
load calculation program (the analysis tool) to make use of its all features
and capabilities.
.*/ ;alah Ahmed Abdallah, Air conditioning course notes, university of
.2/ &alter T.Irondzic, Air conditioning system design manual, second edition.
.3/, An :ntroduction to building information modeling, 2??F.
.5/ #revious resource.
.>/ #revious resource.
.A/ Autodesk ompany, autocadRmep brochure, 2??F.
.D/ Autodesk ompany, AutoA! M"# 2?*? user$s guide, March 2??F.
Appendi> ?A@
!ooling load calculations results&
1. 1round floor&
Bone Total area Sensi%le Total Summer Total
name ?m
@ cooling ?W@ cooling ?W@ 09s tonnage
+all * *D5.2 >*,A*5.2 D3,?2F.E *,>FD.D 2?.E
+all 2 EE.E 2?,53?.2 2D,FEE.A D5>.A E.?
+all 3 EE.E 2?,53?.2 2D,FEE.A D5>.A E.?
8ffice ??* 22.A 3,?F3.F 3,5FD.> 2*2.A *.?
8ffice ??2 22.A 3,?F3.F 3,5FD.> 2*2.A *.?
Total Tonnage 0 3E.E
2. 8irst floor&
Bone Total area Sensi%le Total Summer Total
name ?m
@ cooling ?W@ cooling ?W@ 09s tonnage
+all 5 *>E.5 55,DA?.? A3,A>A.* *,35>.> *E.*
+all > EE.5 *5,322.D *F,3A*.D >>5.D >.>
+all A EE.5 *5,322.D *F,3A*.D >>5.D >.>
8ffice *?* 22.A 2,E3D.A 3,235.2 *F*.A ?.F
8ffice *?2 22.A 2,E3D.A 3,235.2 *F*.A ?.F
Total Tonnage0 3*.?
. Second floor&
Bone Total Sensi%le Total Summer Total
name area ?m
@ cooling cooling 09s tonnage
?W@ ?W@
+all D 5A*.? *A*,A53.F 22*,*AA.? >,>?A.A A3.?
8ffice *3.3 2,F?5.A 3,3?*.2 *FD.* ?.F
8ffice *3.3 2,F?5.A 3,3?*.2 *FD.* ?.F
8ffice **.A 2,23A.? 2,3EA.5 *AA.D ?.D
8ffice **.A 2,23A.? 2,3EA.5 *AA.D ?.D
Total Tonnage0 AA.3
Appendi> ?-@
Details of selected system components&
Selected !hiller&
=ame0 #; *>>
apacity0 *3D T8<
&ater flow rate0 33? I#M
#ower input0 *F3.3 k&
&ater pressure drop0 5.5 #si.
The selected Air 5andling ,nits&
<oom Model S cfm =o. of units
+all * M 5E 55A5 *
+all 2 M 25 *>DF.E5 *
+all 3 M 25 *>DF.E5 *
+all 5 M 3E 2E>*.*A *
+all > M *> **D>.35 *
+all A M *> **D>.35 *
+all D M 3E **AAD.E 5
The selected 8an !oils units&
<oom Model S cfm =o. of units
8ffice ??* B4B# > 5>?.2ED *
8ffice ??2 B4B# > 5>?.2ED *
8ffice *?* B4B# > 5>?.2ED *
8ffice *?2 B4B# > 5>?.2ED *
8ffice 2?3 B4B! 3 3>3.2*D *
8ffice 2?5 B4B! 3 3>3.2*D *

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