A529b Multiple Intelligences in Practice
A529b Multiple Intelligences in Practice
A529b Multiple Intelligences in Practice
jn practice
enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Published by
Network Continuum Education
PO Box 635, Stafford ST16 1BF
An imprint of The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
First published 2006
Mike Fleetham 2006
ISBN-13: 978 1 85539 141 3
ISBN-10: 1 85539 141 4
The right of Mike Fleetham to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted
in accordance with Sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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The publishers would like to thank the following for permission to use extracts from their
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produced in this book. The publishers apologize for any omissions and will be pleased to
rectify them at the earliest opportunity.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development for the extract on page 46 from
Becoming a Multiple Intelligences School by Tom Hoerr, 2000. Reprinted by permission
Basic Books, a member of Perseus Books LLC, for extracts on pages 17 (repeated 19), 38,
48 and 66 from Intelligence Reframed by Howard Gardner, Copyright 1999 Howard
Gardner. Reprinted by permission
Professor ine Hyland for the abridged extract on page 21 from 'Multiple Intelligences,
Curriculum and Assessment Project, Final Report', University College Cork, 2000
The Random House Group for the extract on page 16 from The Curious Incident of the Dog
in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, published by Jonathan Cape. Reprinted by permission
Branton Shearer for the MIDAS profile on page 60. Author: C. Branton Shearer, PhD, The
MIDAS Professional Manual, MI Research and Consulting, Inc. www.miresearch.org
Teachers College Press for extracts on pages 87, 100 and 109 from Multiple Intelligences in
the Elementary Classroom: A Teacher's Toolkit by Susan Baum, Julie Viens and Barbara Slatin
Editor: Roanne Charles
Design by: Neil Hawkins, Network Continuum Education
Cover design by: Network Continuum Education
Illustrations by: Kate Sheppard
Proofreader: Lynn Bresler
Indexer: Sue Lightfoot
Printed in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall
Author's acknowledgements 4
Foreword Tom Hoerr 5
A word about MI in education 6
Introduction 7
Section 1: Discovering MI 9
Personalizing learning 9
What is intelligence? 12
MI, IQ and g 18
How you shape intelligence 20
Eight and a half ways to be clever 22
How to be brainy 40
The cornerstones of MI 42
Section 2: Using Ml 43
Preparing to use MI 43
Stage 1: How to understand MI 46
Stage 2: How to speak MI language 52
Stage 3: How to build MI profiles 57
Stage 4: How to create an MI environment 78
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with MI 87
Putting it all together 118
Photocopiable resources 123
Further reading and resources 131
Index 134
Author's acknowledgements
I would like to thank the following three people for, respectively, support, encouragement
and the opportunity to develop my work with multiple intelligences:
Rick Barnes, Portsmouth LEA (2000)
Sue Davies and Sandra Lawlor, Fernhurst Junior School, Portsmouth (2000).
Teachers affect eternity, and they rarely know it.' Thanks to my tutors from University
College Chichester who sowed the 'MI seed' in my brain in 1993.
Many children and educators have contributed to this book in lots of different ways,
including case studies, advice and inspiration. Their willingness to take calculated risks
with learning is very much appreciated:
Class 3F (2000), Fernhurst Junior School, Portsmouth
Class 4F (2001), Paulsgrove Primary School, Portsmouth
Natalie Earl, Craneswater Junior School, Southsea
Dr Branton Shearer, MI Research and Consulting, Ohio
Dr Tom Hoerr, New City School, St Louis
Maria Penicud and Angela Mumford, Arbour Vale Special School, Slough
Sean and Fiona, Aspire, Angus Council
Cheryl Garlinge, Baylis Court School, Slough
Rebecca Nelson, Beeston County Primary School, Beeston
Mary Sefton, Bracknell Forest LEA
Debbie Anderson and Vicki Cleeve, College Park Infant School, Southsea
Liz Flaherty, Cove Secondary School, Farnborough
Tina, Barbie and Davina, Front Lawn Junior School, Havant
Jo Iies, Gillotts School, Henley-on-Thames
Alison Spittles, Goldsmith Infant School, Southsea
Sue Harden-Davies, Mayville High School, Southsea
Trish Raper, Milton Cross Secondary School, Portsmouth
Andrew Cowell, Oakwood School, West Sussex
Sue Harris and Elspeth Simpson, Pinewood Infant School, Farnborough
Anne Cassidy, Portsmouth Family Learning
Chris Neanon, Portmouth University
Caroline Freestone, St Michael's School, Doncaster
Louise Rich, Wallisdean Junior School, Fareham.
It takes a wide range of intelligences to produce a book - thanks to the following experts
for sharing theirs as a collaborative group:
Bridget, Lily, Neil, Marc and Jim at Network Continuum (visual, linguistic,
intrapersonal, interpersonal and logical); Roanne for her incisive editing
(intrapersonal, interpersonal, linguistic, logical); Kate for illustrations (visual,
kinesthetic); and Terry for wise visual advice and cunning interpretations of MI
concepts (visual, existential, linguistic).
Apologies if anyone's work or acknowledgement has been either omitted or edited - all
contributions in whatever form have been greatly valued.
This book is dedicated to my w ife and favourite person, Lucy
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 4
Even before Howard Gardner's conceptualization of the theory of multiple intelligences
(MI), good teachers knew that students had many different strengths and ways of
learning. Those good teachers modified their curriculum and teaching as they were able,
but it was all done rather intuitively. Gardner changed how we view intelligence and how
we look at children; but he did not provide a strategy for bringing MI to life.
In the nearly 25 years since Gardner's Frames of Mind was published, many educators and
authors have taken their hand to providing tools and strategies for teachers. Still, there
often remain many questions about implementing MI. MI in Practice will definitely help
to fill that void. It is an excellent compendium of theory, practice, reflection, suggestions
and anecdotes.
In these pages, a teacher shares her experiences of using MI for an entire school year, and
other teachers offer case studies. I came away wanting to meet these teachers and wanting
to share their ideas with my faculty members. Their experiences, coupled with Mike's
creativity and encompassing view of MI, create a wonderful resource.
Mike notes that his pupils referred to him as 'intelligence man', and after reading this
book, it is easy to see why. Mike not only understands MI, and how it can be used to help
students and teachers succeed, he lives MI. By that, I mean that he clearly recognizes that
we are all unique, and he reflects that appreciation in his attitudes and practices. His
approach is not prescriptive in any way but filled with suggestions for how to work with
students and their parents.
To be fair, Mike also recognizes the realities that teachers face each day. Children don't
always come to school ready to learn; parents aren't always supportive and
understanding; school administrators can be rigid and critical. And, oh yes, the
government seems overly focused on percentiles. Given this context, implementing MI
can be a challenge. Yet it is precisely because of this context that MI can be such a
wonderful tool. MI is not a panacea, but it can bring life and success to every classroom.
This book demystifies both what MI is and how it can be used. It provides concrete
examples and, at the same time, serves as a bit of a cheerleader for the reader. A practising
educator, Mike knows that it is harder to 'do' MI than to describe it. These pages are full
of examples, some self-effacing humour and lots of encouragement. Perhaps Mike's
attitude can be summed up in his statement, MI is 'your potential to think, act, solve
problems and create valuable things in eight and a half (nine) different, equally valuable
ways' (page 35). As set out in this book, MI is more than an add-on or something to be
done this week or this month; rather, MI becomes a new way to look at learners, to think
about teaching and to reflect on our profession.
Tom Hoerr
Tom Hoerr is the Head of the New City School in St Louis, USA, where multiple
intelligences theory has been implemented since 1988. He is the author of Becoming a
Multiple Intelligences School and The Art of School Leadership (both ASCD). He can be
contacted at [email protected].
A word about Ml in education
'The single most important contribution
education can make to a child's development
is to help him tow ards a field w here his
talents best suit him, w here he w ill be
satisfied and competent We've completely lost
sight of that Instead w e subject everyone to
an education w here, if you succeed, you w ill
be best suited to be a college professor. And w e
evaluate everyone along the w ay according to
w hether they meet that narrow standard of
success. We should spend less time ranking
children and more time helping them to
identify their natural competencies and gifts
and cultivate those. There are hundreds and
hundreds of w ays to succeed and many many
different abilities that w ill help you get there.
Howard Gardner
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 6
have written this book for educators who want to infuse multiple
intelligences (MI) theory into their teaching. It includes lots of practical
ideas and case studies demonstrating successful implementation. It shows
you how teachers are using MI theory to enhance many aspects of teaching
and learning - planning, assessment, creativity and thinking. It then gives
you the tools to do the same yourself.
The ideas and case studies have mainly come from experience with school-
age learners (4-16 years), but they are easily adapted for older (or younger)
ones. Once you have grasped MI theory, you begin to see any learner, or
any learning, in a richer way.
MI is not an educational bolt-on or quick fix. It is not a curriculum, strategy
or a catch-up programme. Nor is it a trendy educational 'gadget' - here
today, gone tomorrow. MI is a scientifically validated philosophy that has
been steadily absorbed into classrooms worldwide over the last 20 years.
MI offers an enriched way of seeing the world that can expand your
thinking about human success. It gives you the chance to discover, value
and enhance the talents of all learners, not just those who are suited to
'traditional' schooling. And it provides a means to improve self-esteem,
self-motivation and independence, which can then lead to raised academic
standards and life success.
This book doesn't aim to tell you how you should use the theory of multiple
intelligences, or even try to prove to you that it 'works'. That would be
against the spirit of MI. But it does present the basics of the theory and how
it can be brought to life in the classroom. The book offers a menu rather
than a diet. This means choices of really practical stuff: classroom resources,
activities and ideas for you to apply, adapt, evaluate, praise, criticize, or even
discard, as you wish! You are a creative, professional educator and only you
know what is best for yourself and your learners.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 7
At the back of the book are suggestions for materials and resources that will
take your MI learning further.
MI is a powerful and empowering tool, but it needs a skilled person to pick
it up and make something valuable with it: you're that person... and the
valuable thing you're making...? The teaching that your learners really
Oh, and here's another very good reason for reading on:
'1. States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to:
( a) The development of the child's personality, talents and mental and
physical abilities to their fullest potential.
Article 29, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
...Multiple intelligences can help you to do just that!
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom
Section 1: Discovering MI looks at intelligence in general, then goes on to
explain the theory of multiple intelligences in an accessible way. There are
some activities to try as you read, which can be repeated later with your
Section 2: Using MI presents many ways in which teachers have made
multiple intelligences their own, and suggests how you can begin to use it
in your lessons. It demonstrates the benefits of using MI. The section offers
advice on how to carry out MI profiling and how to set up an MI classroom,
and it introduces four different approaches to MI teaching and learning:
Building on strengths
Developing talents
Enhancing understanding
Solving problems.
Discovering Ml
Personalizing learning
t was a lovely hot summer's day, but the animals of the forest
were not happy. Lion had been having ideas again. His latest was
this - that everyone had to pass a test before they were allowed to
drink from the pool. The pool had been drying up and there wasn't
enough water to go round.
None of the animals knew what Lion's test was, but they all started
getting ready anyway. Snake was good at curling round things and
fitting into small holes, so she slithered off into the undergrowth to
Monkey could climb trees and make lots of noise, so he swung off,
chattering loudly to himself.
Elephant could squeeze things and was great at trumpeting with his
trunk. So he found a few smaller animals, held them carefully under
his foot, and gave them a loud blast with his trunk. (Don't worry,
the little animals were only slightly dazed!)
Anteater burrowed her nose into a huge anthill and tried a new
technique she'd been working on - the multiple slurp.
Just then, Lion loped up. All the other animals stopped what they
were doing as he opened his mouth to speak.
'Animals of the forest, the summer is hot, water is scarce, the pool is
drying up. Only those of you who pass my test will be allowed
anywhere near it.'
'We knew that,' they thought, collectively.
'But what's the test please?' they asked
'All you have to do,' said Lion, 'is squash a pineapple.'
Elephant looked happy, while all the other animals had long and
thirsty faces.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 9
Section 1: Discovering Ml
It's really easy to squash a pineapple if you're an elephant. It's not so
straightforward should you happen to be a snake... Maybe a boa constrictor
could have a crack at it, but generally snakes get an E in squashing.
Likewise, it's easy to sail through school if you excel in timed, written tests.
It's not so straightforward if you happen to prefer showing what you know
in more practical ways - talking, painting, singing, acting; through video,
photography or audio recordings.
Teachers have always known that children shine in many different ways.
The writers, the talkers, the singers, the friendly ones, the thinkers and the
doers - they all make themselves known early on in a school year. And this
diversity should be each child's strength - not a burden to carry.
Unique skills and talents should be discovered, valued and brought to bear
on learning: if a child has strong visual skills, then surely he should be able
to exhibit what he knows using these skills? If a child has great musical
talent, surely she should have the chance to use this to express her learning?
In this section of the book, multiple intelligences theory is introduced as a
method to do just this. It discusses different ways of defining intelligence
and shows how MI integrates well with more traditional views of 'being
clever'. A light-hearted yet thorough introduction to the theory then
follows, during which it should become clear just how powerful MI is when
describing each learner's achievements and potential.
Every Child Matters
As I write, two big things in UK education are the Every Child Matters
initiative and, as part of this, 'personalized learning'. Like most big things
in education there are passionate advocates, fierce opponents, people
selling resources and training, and practitioners like you and I who have to
implement other people's grand ideas.
Every Child Matters is a very worthy attempt to ensure that each child in the
country is kept safe and healthy, can reach their full potential through
education, and then eventually can become a valuable member of society.
This will happen as the various agencies that work with children begin to
communicate with each other more effectively.
Personalized learning is a key strand of this. Note that there are subtle, but
important differences in the phrases used around personalized learning:
'personalizing for...' and 'personalizing by...'. The 'for' bit means teachers
do the personalizing, the 'by' is when learners do it themselves. By now,
Ofsted will be on the hunt for schools where learning is genuinely
personalized by the learners not by the teachers. I wonder if personalized
inspections are around the corner - where the inspection is adapted to
meet the needs of the school?
For details, visit www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ete/personalisedlearning,
or see Personalising learning: Next steps in w orking laterally by David
Hargreaves (iNet).
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 10
Personalizing learning
Together, they describe the learning process, but they often get confused.
This might help you to tell them apart:
Learning styles are the different ways in which a learner takes in
Thinking skills are the different ways in which a learner processes,
stores and retrieves information.
Multiple intelligences are the different skills and talents a learner uses
to make products and solve problems - to demonstrate learning.
The boundaries between all three are very fuzzy, but one way to represent
them is like this:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Personalized learning is a broad term, but the key to 'doing it' is quite
specific. To personalize learning, you must understand the learner - how
they learn best, what makes them tick, what motivates them; who they are.
Multiple intelligences can play a big role in this. It's a very powerful way to
portray a learner - it describes their skills, potential and preferences. It
suggests how they will learn best by defining the activities that suit their
talents. MI gives students a voice and it gives them a choice in their
But there are other aspects to personalizing learning - how does MI fit in?
Ml, thinking skills and learning styles
Three concepts that keep cropping up in educational debates and
newspaper columns are:
learning styles
thinking skills
multiple intelligences.
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Learning styles tend towards the 'front end' of learning; thinking skills
towards the middle; and multiple intelligences the back end, though each
one does contain features of the other. For example:
The main point is that, although they do have features in common,
learning styles are different from multiple intelligences.
What is intelligence?
It is a Monday morning in late autumn. The Year 3 class is timetabled for
PE. It is cold out on the playground. The teacher has struggled into school
with a sore throat and a headache. He is using hand signals to direct a
surprisingly understanding group of shivering seven year olds. Mark is
standing next to Thomas.
Mark has a spelling age of 14, reading level of 3a and a numeracy score of
4c. Pretty impressive tags. Thomas can read a handful of words, has just
learned to count on and has difficulty writing CVC words.
The teacher wants Mark to collect a ball from the equipment store. In his
voiceless state, he makes two gestures, one for 'Go over there', another for
'Pick up a ball'. Mark looks at his teacher blankly. In the best tradition of
communication gone astray, the teacher makes the same signals again, only
slower and with more detail. Mark still doesn't know what to do when the
hands move for a third time. But Thomas, who has been watching all this
time, turns to Mark and says, 'He wants you to go over there and get a ball.'
Which of these children is the more intelligent?
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 12
What is intelligence?
And, on a scale from 1 to 10, how clever are you? After a little think, mark
it here:
Addle-pated or enlightened?
The Oxford Thesaurus of English lists over 80 words for 'stupid'. However, it
includes only 31 for 'intelligent'. That means you have a lot more choice of
things to mutter under your breath when you lock yourself out of your
house, compared to when you correctly answer all the questions on Who
Wants to be a Millionaire?. If you have a thesaurus to hand, try the
following. Marvel at the variety the English language offers you!
Alone: Research words for 'intelligent' and words for 'stupid'. There are some to
start you off below. When you've collected a list, sort them into ascending order. For
example, which of these implies more intelligence: 'wise' or 'quick-witted'? Which
word suggests more stupidity: 'dull' or 'empty-headed'?
With your learners: Spice up the research a bit by including slang and dialect -
including playground vernacular. Remember to set reasonable limits of decency and
forbid any negative personal comments between the children.
smart addle-pated
capable talentless ignorant
Words like this are often used without considering their meaning or
impact. If you say that someone is 'smart', what do you mean? Are they
good at maths or languages? Can they pass exams? Are they successful -
wealthy, healthy, happy; own a fast car, a large house? Then if someone has
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 1 3
Section 1: Discovering Ml
been 'stupid', have they made a mistake? Been too slow in answering?
Forgotten something? Not used their common sense? Failed? Or just never
knew something? If you are called any of the following, what do you end
up believing about yourself and your capacity for success?
'What a clever boy!'
'You are so stupid!'
'You're really brainy you know .'
'You're one sandw ich short of a picnic.'
Of course, as teachers we don't now use words or labels that criticize our
learners' intellectual capacity and potential to succeed - at least not in front
of them. But what do we think and believe about this idea of 'intelligence'?
Are we evaluating learners on a scale from Genius to Dullard without
knowing what the scale really means? The Oxford English Dictionary doesn't
help much:
'Intelligent- having or show ing intelligence; quick of mind, clever/
Yet there are those people who have been unfairly labelled as 'stupid' but
who are very successful - David Beckham for example. And we all know a
Beckham - a friend, relative or colleague who is very successful despite
having no GCSEs or being dyslexic. Consider these school report
'Certainly on the road to failure... hopeless... rather a clow n in
class... w asting other pupils' time.'
1957 report for John Lennon (age 17), musician
'...though her w ritten w ork is the product of an obviously lively
imagination, it is a pity that her spelling derives from the same
1943 report for Beryl Bainbridge (age 9), author
I wonder if your own school reports said similar things? Or worse! Mine
usually pointed out careless spelling and tatty handwriting. In the first year
of secondary school, our form tutor asked us to write down our hobbies. I
noted one of mine as 'being inteligent'. This calculated risk was displayed
on the board for all to see and my spelling mistake waved in front of me
for days to come. Crushed, I sank into a bout of pre-teen angst - my
linguistic slip-up had labelled me as stupid.
Many years later (the angst now mostly gone), while snoozing in a
psychology lecture, my ears pricked up to the presenter's throwaway
comment, '...and there's even a guy in America who reckons there are
seven different ways to be intelligent.' He was referring to Professor Howard
Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligences.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 14
What is intelligence?
It's a powerful theory, proposing that there are many ways to be clever and
that every one of us is intelligent in our own unique way. No longer, it says,
is intelligence reserved for those with a high IQ score, or good spelling, or
the ability to remember their front door keys.
Deep in conversation at a party, you will usually pick out your name from
the buzz and chatter, even if it's said at the other side of the room. You're
programmed for it. I do the same with 'intelligent', 'stupid' and their
synonyms. Whenever I hear an 'intelligence word' I note it and think about
what the speaker really means. I should probably find a better hobby, but
it does give an insight into what people believe about intelligence. For
On the bus: 'Sit down, you silly boy!'
In the pub: 'Rooney - yeah, the lad's a genius.'
In the playground: 'She's not too bright, but she's really good at art
and design.'
In a department store: 'Am I thick or something? How do I find my
way to bedroom furnishings?'
Experts will always argue about the definition of intelligence, but us lay
people have some pretty fascinating insights too. Before you turn the page
to see what some people have suggested, try this short exercise. In no more
than two sentences, complete the following in your own words:
Intelligence is...
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 15
Section 1: Discovering MI
Here are some thoughts about intelligence from a wide range of people -
young and old, famous and fictional, expert and layperson. How do they
compare to what you thought?
Intelligence is very useful... but often elusive.
Alan Titchmarsh, gardener and author
Intelligence is the ability to encode, evaluate and utilize a large
amount of novel information very quickly.
Professor Mary Phillips, neuroscientist
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.
Qui-Gon Jinn to jar jar Sinks in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Mr Jeavons said that I w as a very clever boy. I said that I w asn't
clever. I w as just noticing how things w ere, and that w asn't clever.
That w as being observant. Being clever w as w hen you looked at how
things w ere and used the evidence to w ork out something new . Like
the universe expanding, or w ho committed a murder.
Christopher Boone in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon
Being intelligent and smart, w ell that's one thing - money in the
Anne Robinson, TV presenter
Intelligence is being good at something.
Cameron, Year 4 pupil
Intelligence is too big and amorphous to define in a box.
Philip Pullman, author (on a worksheet with a box in which to write his answer)
Intelligence is seeing one thing in terms of another: Sir McFarlane
Burnett in 1959 realized that the principles of Darw inian evolution
could be imported into a completely different domain, the immune
Professor Susan Greenfield, scientist
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 16
What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the ability to be happy.
Vicky, web designer
Intelligence is w hat the intelligence tests test,
Professor E.G. Boring, psychologist
/ haven't got any so I can't really say -w hat it is.
Brian, retired LEA adviser
Intelligence is creating solutions.
Lucy, mathematician
Intelligence is engaging brain before mouth.
Anonymous secondary schoolteacher
Intelligence is a biopsychological potential to process information that
can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create
products that are of value in a culture.
Professor Howard Gardner
Intelligence is seeing the connections among seemingly disparate
pieces of information as a means of understanding the bigger picture.
Professor Sir Peter Crane, Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent w ould ever get done.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher
The w ord 'genius' isn't applicable to football. A genius is a guy like
Norman Einstein.
Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback and sports analyst
Intelligence is an indefinable quality w hich can not be defined.
Nigel, solicitor
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 17
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Ml, IQ and g
Present-day Western understanding and evaluation of intelligence can be
traced back to the beginning of the twentieth century. In the early 1900s,
Alfred Binet, a well-intentioned French psychologist, developed a written
test of intelligence. Through a series of questions, he wanted to establish
whether children were at risk of failure in school, so that the authorities
could give them appropriate support.
Then, in 1912, German psychologist Wilhelm Stern developed Binet's work
and gave us two letters that have been burned into the skin of intelligence
ever since: IQ. He rationalized test results into the Intelligence Quotient:
the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age. The final
figure is multiplied by 100 to produce the IQ score. So, an IQ of 100 means
that you are as bright as could be expected for your age. Anything over 100
and you feel very good about yourself, anything below and there's
obviously something wrong with the test questions.
The items in an IQ test measure only a limited set of human talents,
including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, visual thinking and
logical problem solving. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, version III
(WAIS-III) is an expanded version that produces a measure called 'g', or
'general intelligence'. It assesses 13 mental faculties such as arithmetic,
sequencing, vocabulary and processing speed, but still has limitations.
Both IQ and g are the results of psychometric tests. Since 1912, loads of
people have taken them and they have generated a huge amount of data.
Some interesting questions have emerged: How do genes and environment
effect intelligence? How does intelligence change with age? Are factors of
gender, race and culture reflected in intelligence scores? Does the
intelligence of the people in a country change over time? Is intelligence
actually that important?
But all of this is based on an arbitrary and restricted set of criteria. Who
chose and gave value to the components in the intelligence tests? Who
decided which human abilities should be included or left out? And what
are the consequences of making these choices? It could be argued that by
restricting the range of skills measured in an intelligence test, we are
denying 'intelligence' and then possibly 'success' to a great number of
people; people who just happen to have skills that are equally valuable but
not present on the test paper.
Just like a SAT paper, the IQ test produces a single number that defines the
person who sat the test and can be used to sum up their potential.
Society adopted (and still values) IQ because it measures things that society
values. And it's very easy to understand - the higher the number, the higher
the intelligence (or at least, the more test questions answered correctly).
Such a straightforward measure has its place - IQ measures a valuable set of
skills. But it is a narrow set, and if society's view of 'intelligence' is to
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 18
Ml, IQ and g
expand to include all skills and talents, then society must learn to value all
skills and talents equally.
For more background on IQ and g, see Intelligence - A V ery Short Introduction
by Ian J. Deary (OUP).
The theory of multiple intelligences is an intriguing expansion of the
concept of intelligence. Put simply, it states that there are many ways to be
intelligent, not just by scoring highly in a psychometric test. Harvard
psychologist Howard Gardner first presented his idea in 1983 after working
with brain-damaged patients.
He had noticed that damage to specific brain regions affected only certain
skills in his patients, leaving others intact. He proposed that many different
'kinds of minds' had evolved within the human brain, each of these minds
being endowed with a separate intelligence. He went further and argued
that each separate intelligence was equally valuable. In Intelligence
Reframed, Gardner defines an intelligence as:
'A biopsychological potential to process information that can be
activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that
are of value in a culture.'
Intelligence is your ability to do things that other people value. It's the
origin of your skills and talents; the manifestation in the real world of your
hidden brain processes - your thoughts turned into actions. It then follows
that if all of your brain is present and intact (teachers in the last week of
summer term may feel theirs are not), then you have all of the
intelligences, to varying degrees, each being of equal worth. For example, a
child who has incredible ball-control skills and can manipulate the tiniest
of objects with patience has a strong bodily intelligence. She would be
making great use of the brain regions controlling movement. This is on a
par with another child who communicates well and has a highly developed
linguistic intelligence - and is using the brain's language centres. A rugby
player sending a drop kick over the bar draws on bodily, visual and
intrapersonal intelligence.
If we value each part of our brain equally then surely the skills and talents
produced by each part are equally valuable? A gymnastics sequence is as
valuable as an essay; a painting as worthy as a solved equation.
This concept is often seen as a serious challenge to the intelligence
establishment - especially by some people with very high IQs; but it
needn't be. If you look more closely, there's actually no conflict between MI
and IQ. It's not one or the other, but both. IQ is a measure of certain skills,
all of which are included in MI. It's like looking through the lens of a
camera - the shot you take is IQ and the whole 360-degree panorama in
which you are standing is MI.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 19
Section 1: Discovering Ml
The theory of multiple intelligences has been jeered as popular pseudo-
science. But it has also been cheered by those who want a theory to back
up their belief in the full range of human talents. Howard Gardner is
scrupulous with his scientific definition of an intelligence. Each one must
meet eight criteria, one of which (ironically) is that psychometric evidence
supports its existence.
In fact, Gardner took around ten years to add the eighth intelligence
(naturalist) to his original seven, and has recently been looking into a
ninth: existential. Currently, existential intelligence is awarded the status
of a 'half intelligence'. This is not meant to devalue existential talents. It
merely points out that there is not, as yet, enough evidence against the
eight criteria. (See pages 23-35 for explanations of the intelligences, and
pages 39-40 for the eight criteria.)
There are many other theories of intelligence and even other concepts of
multiple intelligences. We can find value in all of them. However, different
ways of seeing have different results. For example, if you choose to see
intelligence in only the IQ score, then intelligence will be bestowed only
on a certain few. If you choose to see intelligence sweeping over the whole
range of human talents, then everyone is clever. Instead of asking, 'How
clever are you?' (IQ), we now ask, 'How are you clever?' (MI) - a tiny
difference with far-reaching consequences. It is your choice, and the choice
of everyone else in our culture, to decide what is and what is not a valuable
skill or talent; to decide who is and who is not clever.
Let's look at how some different cultures value intelligences...
How you shape intelligence
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar. The barman
takes one look at them and says, 'Is this some sort of joke?'
The Irish have long been the butt of many English jokes - just as Texans are
for other Americans and Turks for Greeks. Here we look at just how
inaccurate this is.
Professor Aine Hyland of University College Cork carried out a major
research proj ect between 1995 and 1999 into Gardner's multiple
intelligences. Working with Irish primary and secondary teachers, she
investigated the implications of MI for curriculum and assessment.
Her f inal proj ect report ('Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and
Assessment') includes a summary of intelligence, multiple intelligences and
the whole intelligence debate. It also includes a section, part of which is
included on the next page, which really opened up my own thinking about
these issues and how language and culture shape our understanding of
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 20
How you shape intelligence
'Given the diversity of view s as to w hat might constitute intelligence
in Ireland, it is not surprising that there is no one w ord for intelligence
in the Irish language... "Eirimiuil" is probably the w ord that most
closely approximates the English w ord "intelligent" but it is not often
used, and rarely w ithin a schooling context. The w ord "cliste" is
probably most often used to denote intelligence or cleverness. "Duine
cliste" is a "clever" person - clever w ith positive connotations and not
confined to academic learning. It can encompass creativity, talent and
skills in a w ide range of areas. "Duine glic", on the other hand, is
also a clever person, but usually intelligent in pursuit of their ow n
interests... "Duine crionna" is a w ise or sagacious person - w orldly
w ise from the experience of many years... Yet another w ord that
implies intelligence in the Irish language is "stuama". "Duine
stuama" is solid, reliable and sensible - an important form of
intelligence in certain situations. In addition to the above w ords,
modem dictionary translations of "intelligent" include "intleachtuil"
( derived from the English w ord intellectual) and "tuisceanach" ( w hich
translated directly means "understanding") .'
Professor Hyland's explanation shows clearly how 'intelligence' can be
much broader than IQ. In Ireland, a range of words is used to describe the
variety of talents esteemed by the Irish people. It demonstrates how a group
can evolve unique ideas about being clever based on the skills most valued
by the people in the group: you're smart if you can do the valuable things.
If you lived in a land where food fell from the sky when you danced,
dancers would be the clever ones; if you were from a species with no sight
or hearing, your skills of touch would define your intelligence; and if you
inhabited a country where seven year olds were given exams in maths,
language and science, then the ones with the highest scores would be the
brainiest. What a place that would be...
Irish speakers are free to be clever in a whole range of ways and Professor
Hyland suggests an intriguing reason for this: an IQ test that could be
administered in the Irish language was never developed - the Irish people
have never been saddled with IQ scores!
All cultures have their 'Irish', as indicated by the following alternative tale.
Feel free to customize it: Turkish academics could be Ofsted inspectors;
Greeks could be headteachers...
Three Greek and three Turkish academics are travelling to a
conference on multiple intelligences. At the train station, the three
Turks each buy one-way tickets and watch as the Greeks buy only
one one-way ticket between them.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 21
Section 1: Discovering Ml
'How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?' asks
one Turk.
'Watch and you'll see/ answers one Greek.
They all board the train. The Turks take their seats but all three
Greeks cram into a toilet and close the door behind them. Shortly
after the train has departed, the conductor comes around. He
knocks on the toilet door and says, 'Ticket, please.'
The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket
in hand. The conductor checks the ticket and moves on.
The Turks see this and agree it is quite a clever idea.
After the conference, the Turks buy just one ticket for the return
trip. To their astonishment, the Greeks don't buy a ticket at all.
'How are you going to travel without a ticket?' asks one perplexed
'Watch and you'll see/ answers a Greek.
When they board the train the three Turks cram into a toilet and
the three Greeks cram into another one nearby. The train departs.
Shortly afterwards, one of the Greeks leaves his toilet and walks to
the toilet where the Turks are hiding. He knocks on the door and
says, 'Ticket, please/
Eight and a half ways to be clever
A few months ago my wife and I took a trip to a large
f urniture store. Having installed our children in the
creche, my wife and I began 30 minutes of frantic
browsing. (Browsing frantically is possible - it's in the
parents' manual!)
I like maps, so I thought we could use the store's
floor plans to get about effectively. There are
paths, weaving through beds, plants, fabrics
and computer tables. There are also secret
short cuts to the cafe and escalators. I head
off confidently, but after a while my sense of
direction has disappeared and I've lost my
understanding of where things are in relation
to other things.
Several days later - it seemed - we emerged, blinking
into the bright morning sun and loaded our newly
purchased flat-pack wardrobe into the car.
At home, after five hours of 'easy self-assembly' and
unsuccessful attempts to follow the instructions, my daughter
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 22
Eight and a half ways to be clever
explained that the wardrobe would 'fit together in a less wobbly way if you
move that bit over there, so it looks like that drawing on the paper.' My
daughter has a rich imagination and can manipulate pictures easily in her
This episode introduces aspects of one of the intelligences - the
visual/spatial intelligence. You need its skills to successfully shop in
furniture stores. Firstly, map reading to get to your nearest store, then
parking - manoeuvring your car into a tight space, respectfully leaving
neighbouring cars undamaged. Once in the store it's helpful to have a
visual memory of the positions of the different departments - so you can
rush back from the checkout to pick up a bathroom mirror. Then, making
the f urniture 'look like that drawing on the paper' requires visual (and
actual) manipulation of a large number of pieces, relating them to the
diagrams in the usually word-free instructions.
Visual/spatial intelligence
Your potential to think I n images and to understand how objects fit and move
together I n the real world.
It's to do with seeing things and being able to recall, change and express what you see,
This could be anything from taking a photograph, to painting a favourite memory or
daydream. It's also about knowing how things fit together and how they move in relation
to each other - using a map, assembling or arranging furniture, remembering where you
parked your car.
Alone: Take a journey in your mind: Start from the place where you are now, and,
without actually moving, take yourself to your kitchen - use your imagination. If you
are already in your kitchen, travel to someone else's. It may help to close your eyes.
Be aware of the journey. How much detail do you see? If you're not at home, what
was the traffic like getting there?
With your learners: Guide them on imaginary visual journeys linked to curriculum
content, for example back in time via historical milestones; around the local
community; around your classroom displays; along a number line; around a set of 2D
or 3D shapes.
For more technical information about visual intelligence, try
V isual Intelligence: How We Create What We See by Donald D. Hoffman
(W.W. Norton & Co).
So far, Howard Gardner acknowledges eight and a half intelligences. We've
bought a flat-pack wardrobe with our visual/spatial intelligence, so let's try
our other intelligences in different shops. The shops certainly don't tell the
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 23
Section 1: Discovering Ml
full story of skills and talents and each shop can represent many
intelligences, but the obvious shops can be a starting point to bring the
theory of MI to life. So, let's carry on shopping!
Music store
Whatever your musical taste, there's probably something in the CD racks
here that you would enjoy: rock, pop, classical, jazz, R&B, folk, world
I walk in, attracted by the music that's playing, and suddenly a different set
of brain areas spring to life. I'm thinking music: I'm hearing drums, strings,
horns, synthesizers, singing; I'm picking out the rhythm, melody, harmony
and the 'feeling' of the music. I love the track and I know why: I love the
rhythm; the melody is engaging and changes unexpectedly; the hypnotic
string riff makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
I'm using part of my musical/rhythmic intelligence. This is the
intelligence that helped me struggle through piano lessons from the age of
seven; the one that produced some of the horrendous noises made in a
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 24
Eight and a half ways to be clever
series of sixth form and university bands; the one that responded to voice
training lessons and learned to sing properly; and the one that enjoys
exploring and appreciating the fascinating world of music.
I think about explaining all this to the girl behind the counter, but she
seems preoccupied with the boy behind the counter, so I just buy the CD
and leave.
Musical/rhythmic intelligence
Your potential to think I n sounds and to understand how music is made, performed
and appreciated.
It's to do with recognizing how things such as rhythm, pitch, timbre and tone work
together. You can show this by composing, singing or playing an instrument, and by
appreciating other people singing and playing instruments.
Alone: Put on any piece of music with a distinct rhythm. Choose a part of your body
that moves freely. (It's probably best to do this activity in private.) Now move that
part of your body in time to the music. You're using one part of your musical
intelligence - the ability to keep time.
You may ask, 'How do I know if I'm in time?' Good question. Maybe someone who is
known for their sense of rhythm (and who won't embarrass you) could watch you
and tell you how you're doing. Or maybe you think, 'Oh, I've never had a sense of
rhythm - I blame my music teacher.'
However well, or not, you thought you were keeping time, you were using part of
your musical/rhythmic intelligence, the areas of your brain that are wired for rhythm
and movement.
With your learners: If you get the chance to sit back and observe your learners
while music is playing, notice who is tapping their hands, feet or fingers in time to
the music.
For a unique take on the musical intelligence, have a look at
Book shop
I wander down to the book shop: there are floors crammed with books of
all shapes, sizes and subjects - from Beckham's biography to Tolkien's tales,
with poems, recipes, advice, humour, facts and opinion in-between. The
shop is full of language, lovingly carved to entertain, enlighten, express,
and to influence. This is the heart of the verbal/linguistic intelligence -
the ability to use language.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 25
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Verbal/linguistic intelligence
Your potential to think in words and to understand how language is used
It's to do with the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening and using them to
describe, inform and persuade. You see this intelligence in lawyers and politicians when
they are trying to influence or convince others. It was used quite a lot to launch the
National Literacy and Numeracy strategies.
I browse the shelves of the education section, looking for a copy of my first
book. ( How to Create and Develop a Thinking Classroom, LDA, if you're
I'm rather surprised to be an author. From junior schooldays I still
remember the weekly force-feed of spellings and the utter frustration of
handwriting practice. However, I also remember being pretty good at
talking myself and my friends out of trouble with the bigger boys. I've
avoided many fights by my careful use of language - I still do when I'm
running some INSET days. But being able to blag your way to safety was
never as valuable as having neat handwriting and ten out of ten for 'ight'
words. Typing away here at my laptop, spelling and grammar checks on, I
know which skill is more valuable to me now.
Alone: Imagine that you are sitting in a radio studio, at a table, with a microphone
in front of you. One minute from now you will be live, broadcasting on air. But this
isn't local or even national radio. When the 'on-air' sign glows, the whole world will
be listening. Your words will go around the globe, translated and re-broadcast and
transcribed and passed on by word of mouth, until everyone alive has heard you.
Your words will reach every corner of every country. But there's a catch: you can
broadcast only ten words in your own language. You have one minute to think up
your ten words. Start the clock now - what would those ten words be?
With your learners: Bring the focus onto specific learning objectives: summarizing
a story; describing a mathematical operation; evaluating a D&T product; giving an
opinion; critiquing a piece of art; summarizing the day's learning.
The words can be written or spoken and the time limit/word count set to meet the
linguistic abilities of your learners. Over time, you can reduce the time given and the
number of words allowed.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 26
Eight and a half ways to be clever
The salon
It's been quite a busy morning, so time for a bit of pampering at the hair
salon. I used to visit a barber's, but since I've been working with learners in
the hair and beauty industry, I have a 'design and cut' instead of a 'number
3 up the back and sides; short and spiky on top please'.
My hairdresser is very clever. Like us all, she has each intelligence to
varying levels, but she excels when she deals with people. Happy clients
come back to her, and her business thrives if she manages her team
effectively. She understands how people tick. She knows from their
expression, posture, words and intonation just how they are feeling, and
she can predict how they will react. She's skilled at relationships: discussing
a client's needs; managing her team of stylists; or planning the growth of
her business. She uses her interpersonal intelligence.
Interpersonal intelligence
Your potential to think about other people and to understand the relationships you
have with them.
It's to do with your knowledge of how people behave and your use of this to get along
with them effectively.
After my shampoo and Indian head massage, I ask my stylist for a number
3 up the back and sides; short and spiky on top, but she insists on
discussing my needs properly first. Then, as she snips away effortlessly at
my hair, we talk about the salon's new intake of trainees. Some are low on
self-esteem, so the salon has decided to use MI to address this. Within a few
days of joining, each trainee has their MI profile pinned to the wall. Every
time they pass it, they see a public affirmation of how they are clever.
I buy some gooey stuff to smudge through my hair every morning, and say
goodbye, scratching at snipped hairs under my collar, and very happy with
my haircut.
Alone: Open your personal phone book at random and dial the first number you see.
If there's no answer, try a different random number. When you do speak to someone,
talk with them for about ten minutes, then bring the conversation to a close without
being rude. You could say that you're doing an experiment and need to go away and
make some notes. Now think about the person you have just spoken with. How were
they feeling? Do you think your conversation altered the way they were feeling in
any way? How did they react at different points during the conversation, and why?
If you know the person well enough, you could perhaps phone back and find out
what they thought.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 27
Section 1: Discovering Ml
This can be quite a difficult activity, both to do and 'assess', because a lot of information
that your interpersonal intelligence makes use of is either missing or distorted - there
is no body language or facial expression and speech is altered by the phone.
With your learners: Best not to encourage them to repeat the above activity.
Instead, to sample their interpersonal intelligences, you could ask them to observe
other people - during breaks, in different classes, at lunchtime - and think about
how these people might be feeling. Tell them to look for body posture, facial
expression, speed and type of movement; and to listen for not only the words but
how they are spoken.
This observation activity could also be run during lessons. How do people act and
move when they are learning effectively? How can you tell if someone is feeling
good about their learning?
Computer store
My computer is 'on holiday'. Over the last few months it has slowed down
little by little, like an enthusiastic jogger coming to the end of the London
marathon. I left it with the professionals for a boost, and I'm off now to
collect it.
I got my first PC in 1980 - an Acorn Atom with 2Kb of memory, which was
just enough to run a game called Sheepdog. In Sheepdog, your cursor was the
dog; many white dots were the sheep. The aim was to herd the sheep into
a pen (three connected lines). It was tricky because the sheep were
programmed to avoid the dog, but stick together.
Before long I tired of this game and learned to program the computer
myself. Eventually, I discovered how to reprogram Sheepdog to make the
sheep gather around the sheepdog rather than run away. The dog simply
walked into the pen and the game was over.
Today I use a computer with 30 million times more memory than the one
I had in 1980 - though the box itself is half the size - and I have immediate
access to well over a billion pages of information via the internet. I can chat
and share photographs by email and I can buy most of my Christmas
presents online.
This phenomenal, continuing and sometimes overwhelming growth in
communications technology is due to the logical/mathematical
intelligence. Physicists, mathematicians and technologists work tirelessly
to explore and exploit the boundaries of science. Through hypothesis,
experiment and logical reasoning they have speeded up, shrunk and vastly
enriched the potential of technology.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 28
Eight and a half ways to be clever
Logical/mathematical intelligence
Your potential to think logically and to reason about the connections between
objects, actions and ideas.
I t' s to do with thinking in straight fines - if-then thinking; knowing about cause and
effect. This intelligence gives you the skills to create strategies, to explore, examine and
work things out and score well in IQ tests.
The strategic thinking of the business world applies these technological
discoveries for our benefit. The cogs and wheels of commerce have turned
the scientists' findings and inventions into our tools and entertainment.
And at the store I'm pleased to find that the technicians have used their
considerable logical/mathematical skills to give my computer a new lease
of life.
Alone: Answer this question: If the weight of a sheep is 40kg plus half its own
weight, how much does it weigh?
The right answer is not necessarily important - wrestling with the question is. By
having a go you engage parts of your brain that look after logical reasoning. Don't
spend too long on the problem though - you may begin to use other bits of your
brain involved with feeling frustrated. In the best tradition of puzzles like this, the
answer appears upside down at the bottom of the page.
That challenge may have raised painful memories of algebra lessons. Or you may
have found it a doddle! And it is unfortunate that intelligence is sometimes linked
only to this sort of question - one that is easy to do if you know how to do this sort
of question!
With your learners: An easy way to challenge them to think logically is by turning
learning objectives into logical arguments - by using if-then. For example, the
'To be able to multiply two three-digit numbers' becomes:
'If you can multiply two three-digit numbers, then...' and learners finish it off:
'...you can multiply two two-digit numbers' or
'...you can speed up addition' or
'...you can solve problems'.
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Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 29
Section 1: Discovering Ml
DIY store
I'm now at the DIY warehouse, a vast building stocked with row upon row
of tools and materials for the amateur builder or would-be landscape
gardener. I used to take ages to find what I came in for, but with a bit of
thought I've discovered that it's quite easy to get around.
The store is organized by product type - roughly one aisle for each. Along
each aisle, products are usually arranged by brand. These categories then
divide again into sizes, colours or styles. For example, a five-litre can of
value white matt emulsion is classified and placed like this:
Every item, from a 10mm panel-pin to a new kitchen, has its place in the
hierarchy of DIY. And this is the essence of the naturalist intelligence - the
classification, organization and recognition of things in the environment
and discerning fine differences between similar things.
Naturalist intelligence
Your potential to think about and understand the natural world,
It's to do with your ability to recognize and classify plants and animals and other aspects
of your environment. It's about appreciating nature - weather systems, lakes, rivers,
forms - and buildings, cars and people. And there's more to it than going camping every
These skills and talents have their origin in our cave-dwelling days - at a
time when we needed to know if a certain berry would poison or nourish
us; whether a certain animal would eat us or we could eat it. And these
skills are still alive and active in our modern urban environment.
I pick up some 10mm panel-pins and wander into the garden centre. As
before, the plants and garden materials are arranged in a strict order. The
tags on the plants display their common and Latin names and often the
family - their place in the plant kingdom. I'm not much of a gardener, but
I have kept several house plants alive for at least a couple of months. I
choose a Dionaea muscipula (Venus fly trap) to replace the Chlorophytum
comosum 'Vittatum' (spider plant) that died last week.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 30
Paints and varnish (product)
Emulsion (product - more specific)
Value range (brand)
White (colour)
Matt (type of emulsion)
5 litre (tin size).
Eight and a half ways to be clever
Alone: Look around you. You may be outside, in your home or at school. Look at the
objects in your environment. Note them down and classify them. If you are in the
garden, you could arrange items into living and non-living (include yourself), then
reduce each group by size, shape, colour and so on.
With your learners: Carry out a similar task in the classroom. At the start of the year
this activity can particularly help with organization and management of resources -
all learners get to contribute to classifying the work area in their own way, helping
them to locate and then tidy away materials and tools. For example, to find A5 lined
Online auction site
It's time for a bite to eat, and I go back into town to an internet cafe. It has
baguettes and broadband, so I buy a BLT and settle down in front of a PC
to check my email. (Three genuine messages and 17 from someone called
'Viagra'.) After I've replied (to the genuine ones), I log on to see if anyone's
auctioning 10mm panel-pins.
Online auction sites usually look after themselves very well. They don't
need much patrolling because their users self-regulate. If you provide goods
as you've described and deliver promptly, or pay on time, you receive
positive feedback, which builds your reputation as a trusted buyer or seller.
Conversely, if you post late, send faulty goods or don't pay, you receive
negative feedback and a damaged name.
It's fascinating. The range and quantity of things for sale are awesome.
When I looked this morning, there were 402 toothbrushes - most of them
new. One 'genuine' used-by-Beckham hotel toothbrush had a reserve price
of 200!
Selling and buying online like this needs the skills of the intrapersonal
intelligence: the self-motivation to buy and sell on the internet; the knack
of building your online reputation; the ability to handle the knocks when
your beloved tea set doesn't sell, or to bounce back from unfair feedback (or
a non-payer); the ability to make decisions and choices for yourself; and the
self-control to work alone and patiently at your laptop - possibly long into
the night - to put a final bid on that celebrity-owned toothbrush you've
always dreamed of.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom
Resource tray trolley
Paper trays
Lined paper trays
A5 lined paper tray.
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Intrapersonal intelligence
Your potential to think about yourself and to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and
It's to do with how well you know yourself and what you do with the knowledge. This
intelligence gives you the skills to set your goals; to work towards them realistically; and
to consider the 'you* part of your relationships with others.
Alone: Take some quiet time out to look into a mirror for a few minutes. Think about
who you are, your skills and talents, your life past and present. Then ask yourself
these three questions:
1. What would I keep about myself - what do I like about who and what I am?
2. What would I change about myself if I could?
3. What would I grow - what aspects of myself would I like to develop further?
With your learners: Ask them to do the same, perhaps bringing it to bear
specifically on learning:
1. What learning skills would you like to keep?
2. What learning skills would you like to change?
3. What learning skills would you like to develop?
Time for coffee
I've arranged to meet a friend in the cafe. He's a headteacher from a local
school and a very deep thinker. But that doesn't get in the way of his being
a very practical and effective school manager.
I've known this friend for over ten years and I can't ever recall making
'small talk' with him. Instantly we're away; discussing the books we're
reading at the moment, films we've watched recently, people we've seen
since we last met. We talk about ideas and issues and consider how this
relates to our philosophies of life. We argue, discuss and debate. He's an
atheist-humanist with Buddhist sympathies. I have a Christian background
and I'm interested in concepts common to all religions and belief systems.
So, we have a lot to talk about.
Conversations in coffee shops, cafes and bars are when we tend to put the
world to rights and explore our place in the universe; where our existential
intelligence kicks in.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 32
Eight and a half ways to be clever
Existential intelligence
Your potential to think philosophically and to understand life, the universe and
I t' s to do with your ability to deal with questions about life, death and human existence.
This intelligence gives you the skills to contemplate your place in the universe and to
explore and express the beliefs by which you live your Me.
Recently, I've been learning to meditate. I've read books, listened to gurus,
set time aside to practise and kept a diary of my progress. In that time I
think I've managed one second of semi-enlightenment. Meditation is a
slippery pursuit - the more I think about it and attempt it, the more it
eludes me. I seem to have the most success when I stop trying.
Meditation is one way to express your existential intelligence. At the
moment, existential is known as a 'half intelligence', but colleagues in the
States tell me that Howard Gardner is looking for further evidence to
equate it with the others.
Alone: Find a place to be alone. Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your eyes open.
Become aware of your breathing - there's no need to alter it; just notice it. Now
choose an object or point in front of you and look at it. Keep your attention on it.
Thoughts will spring up, noises may be heard, your body may ache. Acknowledge the
thoughts, feelings, sounds and aches, then let them pass, like clouds drifting (or
speeding) in front of the Sun. Bring your attention back to your object or point. As
thoughts and feelings come, continue to acknowledge them, let them pass, and then
focus your attention once more. Do this for as long as you want - a minute, ten
minutes, twenty.
With your learners: I've always thought that young children are more in tune with
existential ideas than us 'baggage-laden' adults. They are full of questions about the
universe, and they are not afraid to ask them: 'Where did I come from?', 'What colour
is God?', 'Why do people die?'. If you are working with younger children, ask them,
'What's the biggest question you can ask me?'. Set some time aside for answering.
The existential intelligence is used naturally in RE, but can be called on in other
subjects. Short meditations with music can prepare pupils for learning and the
question 'Why?' can help. Take an idea linked to any learning objective and ask,
'Why?'. Then ask why to the answer and keep going. Like a curious child, you'll
eventually get to a deep question about life, the universe and everything - to which
the answer will be '42', 'Because', or There goes the bell'.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 33
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Case study
Resource: Medi t at i on in school
Teacher: Rebecca Nel son
Locat ion: Beest on Count y Pr i mar y S chool , Beest on
Rebecca has studied the use of meditation in the classroom. She sent
questionnaires to 70 schools and of the 37 who replied, 9 said they were using
meditation. These were some of the reported positive effects on the children:
'Many are more relaxed and receptive.'
'They do go to play more calmly.'
'More calm and receptive to learning.'
'Definitely much calmer after the (meditation) session.'
Rebecca's search for findings to build on didn't bear much fruit, and she
concludes that more research is needed. She also recommends that teachers
take the right training if they plan to use relaxation programmes in class. Visit
www.discovery-project.com, for example.
The gym
After a tough day shopping, I could either: relax in front of the TV or go to
the Pilates class my wife has recommended.
My local fitness centre has a gym, relaxation rooms and a range of classes.
These classes have moved on since the aerobics of the 1980s and 1990s. We
now have body-balancing and Pilates and if you've tried either, you'll know
how difficult some of the moves can be. Pilates needs a great deal of
concentration, body awareness, flexibility and strength. This is my first session.
After some 'easy' starters I'm now focusing my way into one of those
'breathe out, stretch and hold (for ages)' positions. I'm trying to think
about which parts of my body should be doing what. I'm aware of muscles
and joints and body shape and I'm thinking about how to move in to and
out of this challenging position. I'm using the brain areas responsible for
body control - part of the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence.
Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence
Your potential to think in movements and to use your body.
It's to do with your ability to control your body and to control things with it This means
sport, dance, art, craft and brain surgery.
An hour later, stretched and sweating, I head for the changing rooms. I take
my shower things out of my locker and put my glasses in (I can just make
out the top letter on the optician's chart without them). When I return,
dried and dressed, I remember my 1 deposit in the locker. It's stuck and
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 34
Eight and a half ways to be clever
peeping out from its slot. I pinch it tight and pull. I use my nails. I attempt
to dig it out with my car keys. I try bashing it; pinching and pulling it with
both hands; spinning it in the slot; rattling it; wobbling it; and finally,
swearing at it. It remains stuck. At this point I become aware of a very large
and muscled man near by. Even without my glasses I see he is not happy. I
have been trying to liberate his 1. I smile and get my specs from the
neighbouring locker.
My attempts to steal 1 from Arnold Schwarzenegger used other features of
the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - the skills of manipulating objects. I
also needed my interpersonal intelligence to manage this situation. Saying,
'finders keepers' to this man would have been MI suicide!
Alone: This activity gives some indication of your bodily-kinesthetic skills and is best
done behind closed doors. Or at least in the staffroom. You can also use it to great
effect during an Ofsted lesson observation. Stand on one leg with your eyes closed
and both arms outstretched. How long can you stay like this? The record at the time
of writing is held by a headteacher in Portsmouth who stayed balanced for two
minutes and ten seconds.
With your learners: With appropriate health and safety considerations, ask them to
try the above.
Department store
This leisure day has been a light-hearted tour of the intelligences. As you'll
see, each intelligence comes with a wealth of serious, supporting scientific
evidence. But first, we need to go to a department store.
If a single high street shop represents a single set of skills, then the
department store stands for them all; if a single shop links to a specific set
of brain areas, then the department store symbolizes the whole brain. In a
collection of departments, under one roof, you can buy furniture, sports
equipment, music, computers, hair and beauty products, books, coffee and
flowers - and many other items - each representing one or more
intelligence. The department store can bring MI into the real world by
combining the intelligences as they are in our everyday experiences.
Multiple intelligences
Your potential to think, act, solve problems and create valuable things in eight and
a half (nine) different, equally valuable mays.
It's to do with your whole range of skills and talents, driven by the activity of different
sets of brain regions. It's your ability or opportunity to think about how you are clever
rather than how clever you are.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 35
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Intelligences rarely work on their own. Most tasks in life need a special
combination of skills, just as different products represent more than one
intelligence. Does a book about Vivaldi activate musical or linguistic skills?
Is a Pilates video visual or bodily? Which intelligences do we use when we
are digging the garden on a rainy day? Naturalist? Kinesthetic?
Intrapersonal? Visual?
Introducing Ml into the classroom
Classroom display is a powerful way to introduce MI to your learners.
Choose a theme then think up nine examples on the theme - one to
represent each intelligence. Make this into an interactive display in your
classroom or a corridor. I decided on shops as a theme for my introduction;
you could choose hats, celebrities, products, phrases or any other theme
suiting the age and maturity of your learners. For example:
Age group
Special needs
Post 16
Photographs of children doing activities; modelling language and actions
Toys; everyday objects; photographs of activities; nursery rhymes
School equipment and resources; parents' jobs; jobs/skills of cartoon characters
Hats (see illustration above); shoes;
Subject-specific displays: geography
composers and performers; English
Vocational themes - hair and beauty
school subjects; hobbies; famous people
- places; maths - patterns; music - genres,
- characters from novels, lines from poems
tools; engineering tools; media equipment
Key life events; careers
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 36
Eight and a half ways to be clever
What makes an intelligence?
The Lilliput Antique Doll and Toy Museum on the Isle of Wight is, not
surprisingly, full of antique dolls and toys. If you can draw yourself away
from the amazing collections of Lego and Meccano, Barbie, Cindy, teddy
bears, Scalextric cars and Hornby trains, there's a corner at the back of the
building with something even more interesting in it.
There is a display of soft toys from the middle of the 20th century. Look
closer and you'll see that one of the cuddly figures is in fact Adolf Hitler.
That doesn't feel right - a soft toy version of one of history's most evil men
- but it's there, and it raises a valuable point about MI: soft wadding can be
used to make cuddly animals or 'cuddly' despots; the stuffing doesn't
distinguish between filling Winnie the Pooh and Adolf Hitler - the stuffing
is neutral.
The same goes for the intelligences - they are not good or evil in
themselves; they can be used for peacemaking or warmongering; for
creating or destroying; for good or evil; for helping or hurting.
Thankfully, we get a chance to learn a sense of right and wrong - morality
- which helps us to choose how we use our gifts. Hitler was a very
intelligent man, especially skilled with words. But his warped morality
applied this linguistic talent (and others) to the destruction of freedom.
Gandhi was also a highly intelligent man, and used his linguistic
intelligence (and others) in the pursuit of liberty.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 37
Section 1: Discovering Ml
A moral intelligence has been proposed, but Howard Gardner rejects this
idea. In Intelligence Reframed, he writes, 'Morality is a statement about
personality, individuality, will, character - and, in the happiest cases, about
the highest realization of human nature.'
If morality is about how we use our intelligences, but isn't one itself, what
makes 'an intelligence'? The existential intelligence is only a 'half not
because its skills are any less valuable than the full eight - but because there
is not yet enough proof to confirm its existence.
Howard Gardner assesses a 'candidate' intelligence like existential or moral
against eight criteria, and when enough evidence has been collected to
meet the criteria, the intelligence is approved and added to the list. Only
one intelligence has so far been added to the original seven drawn up in
1983 - naturalist in 1996.
Rejected candidates are usually cocktails of the other intelligences.
Shopping, for example, can call on the skills of decision making,
motivation, financial management, visualization and planning - all linked
to various existing intelligences. Nonetheless, let's take some examples to
see how a 'shopping intelligence' measures up against the recognized
verbal/linguistic intelligence.
To meet the eight criteria, Gardner says that an intelligence must have:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 38
Eight and a half ways to be clever
2. 'a distinctive developmental history, along with a definable set of 'end-state' performances.,.'
which means that the skills grow (through learning) eventually to match the needs of certain careers
Linguistic Shopping
From early babbling to a language degree and
onwards, word skills develop along a well-defined
road - 'Da da' comes before 'Drink please'; Nick
Butterworth before Nick Hornby.
Careers relying in part on linguistic skills include:
Is there a difference between buying a penny chew
in the corner shop and financing a mortgage on
your first house? If so, then maybe shopping does
have a developmental history.
As for 'end states' or careers, my wife tells me
there are professional shoppers, and an internet
supermarket order needs a 'shopper' in the store to
fill the trolley before a van brings it to your door.
You can also become a 'secret shopper' where you
are paid to shop, and must provide detailed
feedback on your experience.
3. 'an evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility...'
which means that the skills have grown and changed as humankind has evolved
Linguistic Shopping
Linguists tell us how languages emerge and evolve
around the world. They explore how spoken and
written forms of communication change over time.
For example, they tell us that English, Bengali,
Polish, Welsh, Irish Gaelic and many others derive
from a prehistoric language called Proto-Indo-
European. They also track the appearance of writing
from its roots in pictograms and symbols.
Most of us would struggle to hand over two
chickens and a sack of carrots in exchange for a
Robbie Williams CD. So you could say shopping
has evolved.
4. 'support from experimental psychological tasks,..'
which means psychologists have tests for it
Linguistic Shopping
It's harder to do a crossword while listening to a
song than it is while listening to music with no
words. The crossword and the lyrics compete for
the language areas of your brain. Music is handled
by different regions, so does not stretch your
linguistic resources. Psychologists have many tests
like this to show that the intelligences are separate.
Is shopping performance affected by other
intelligences? Is it as easy to shop while playing
table tennis as it is when chatting to a friend? Can
you carry out two transactions at once without your
performance suffering? (This must be a PhD
waiting to happen...)
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
1. 'an identifiable core operation or set of operations...'
which refers to the various skills that are produced by the intelligence
Linguistic Shopping
Identifying a need
Finding a product to meet the need
Choosing a product
Buying a product
Using words to persuade or inform
Understanding grammar
Knowing word meanings
Identifying different sounds
3 9
Section 1: Discovering Ml
5. 'support from psychometric findings...'
which means there are tests for it
1 don't think so...
6. 'susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system. . .'
which means that the intelligence can be represented in some way
The symbols of language are the marks we make -
letters combining into words building into
sentences, paragraphs and texts.
1 don't know of symbols that specifically represent
shopping skills, but there are many symbols
associated with it - brand logos; 'Enter your PIN';
; $ ; % ; &; M; .
7. 'examples of idiots, savants, prodigies and other exceptional individuals...'
which means there are special needs and gifted people with respect to the intelligence
Have you ever been taken in 100 per cent by an
inspirational speaker, or laughed till it hurt at the
jokes of a stand-up comic? Have you ever heard
the bodily genius Wayne Rooney give an interview?
The use of language exists across a vast spectrum
of competence.
Consider the
for evidence
groups 'most men' and 'most women'
of the broad spectrum of shopping
8. 'potential isolation by brain damage. . .'
which means that the skills are lost if key parts of the brain are damaged
A stroke is devastating. A blood clot damages areas
in the brain causing loss of function - usually
speech, movement or vision. If areas on the left
side of the brain are harmed, speech can become
slurred or lost altogether.
Are there specific brain regions which provide our
shopping abilities? I honestly don't know and I
think by now you will have realized that shopping
falls short of the eight criteria!
How to be brainy
As discussed earlier, if we value each part of our physical brain equally then
the skills and talents produced by each part of that brain must be equally
valuable. Isn't a six in cricket as valuable as a poem; a sculpture as worthy
as a physics experiment? This is one of the best arguments you can use to
defend MI and promote its benefits. Here are the specifics:
It is accepted by most neuroscientists that different areas of the brain look
after different functions. But it's not the case that one single brain area
drives one function. Networks and combinations of areas look after broad
collections of activity. These collections aren't fixed - the brain is flexible
and dynamic; it evolves and self-organizes in response to its surroundings.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 40
How to be brainy
With new brain-scanning techniques and shrewd experiments, scientists
are beginning to tell just which networks drive which actions. The list
below is illustrative only and incomplete (and I'd be interested to hear from
neuroscientists who can develop it for me).
1 Brain areas associated with aspects of the verbal/linguistic
intelligence - specifically reading and speaking
2. Brain areas associated
with aspects of the
3. Brain areas associated with aspects of the
logical/mathematical and visual/spatial intelligences
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 41
4. Brain areas associated
with aspects of the
interpersonal and
intrapersonal intelligences
Located mainly in the left hemisphere, around and above the ear.
Broca's area co-ordinates the mechanics of speech.
Wernicke's area makes spoken language comprehensible.
Angular gyrus is concerned with meaning.
The right auditory cortex springs to life at the sound of music.
The limbic system registers the emotional tone of music.
The 'God Spot' found in the temporal lobes fires up during prayer and meditation.
Interpersonal and intrapersonal
The amygdala is the brain's alarm system. It sends information to the conscious
brain and is a clearing house for emotions.
Part of the cortex generates a social 'Have a nice day' smile.
The unconscious brain generates the genuine, or 'Duchenne' smile.
The anterior insular cortex registers disgust.
The anterior singulate cortex fixes your attention, motivation and persistence.
The pre-frontal cortex controls impulses and plans ahead.
Section 1: Discovering Ml
Everyone is intelligent in their own unique way.
There are at least eight ways to be intelligent.
Intelligences combine and work together.
Everyone has each intelligence.
Intelligences can develop and grow.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
The right hippocampus and parietal cortex help you find your way around a space.
Different parts of the visual cortex look after various aspects of vision:
V1 - general scanning V4 - colour
V2 - stereo vision V5 - motion.
V3 - depth and distance
The pre-motor cortex executes movement.
At the junction of the frontal and parietal lobes lie the sensory and motor cortices.
Each area of the body has a corresponding part of these cortices associated with it.
The pre-frontal cortex handles strategic thinking skills.
The cornerstones of Ml
To summarize, remember:
If you distil MI theory right down and down again, you get to this:
Everyone is clever.
That's the heart of it, and if you believe it deep in your bones, MI theory
and practice will come to you naturally.
MI researchers and educational practitioners from around the world gather
regularly to share their learning and experiences. The AERA - MISIG
(American Educational Research Association - Multiple Intelligences
Special Interest Group) meets each year in a different American city. In
2002, af ter an address from Howard Gardner, Larry Cuban, an urban high
school teacher, made the point that multiple intelligences theory has had:
the highest impact on schoolteachers' belief and talk about
children's intelligence
moderate to high impact on the formal curriculum and
instructional methods
little impact on mainstream teaching practice.
Teachers believe in MI, talk about it and adjust their plans, but they don't
change their teaching. Section 2 will show you how this can be achieved.
Using Ml
Preparing to use Ml
'People, you see, are so very different.'
Fyodor Dostoevsky
aving come this far, the last thing I want you to think is that MI is
'another thing to do', 'a new initiative' or 'one more strategy likely to
tip my work-life balance the wrong way'. MI is a different way of viewing
your work and a boost to what you do well already - not an addition.
This section of the book looks at the practical nitty-gritty of using MI in the
classroom and showing your learners how clever they are. It includes:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 43
seven different ways of infusing MI into your teaching
practical suggestions and case studies to plan your own
development of an 'intelligent classroom'
extracts from a teacher's diary as she begins to use MI with her
pupils and creates an intelligent classroom.
This section describes how I and other educators have used MI in practice:
what we did and what happened as a result. The ideas help to deliver
curriculum content and support school improvement, but you need to
decide if and how you will implement them. Use the following questions
to guide your thinking as you read and to consider if an idea will help you
and your learners to succeed:
Will it work for me?
Does it feel right?
Will it help me to teach more effectively?
Will it help my learners learn more effectively?
How can I apply the idea? Does it need to be adapted? Is that easily
The Ml spiral
Some educational experiences can be represented by a straight line,
progressing steadily from one to the next.
But with a straight line, outcomes can't influence what happens next.
This could be put right with a circle: outcomes provide information to
make the next experience better.
But a circle doesn't go anywhere except round and round. Another
representation might combine a line and a circle like this:
Progress is implied by movement to the right and the results of one
experience lead into the next. However, the final loop can be a very long
way from the first one.
A spiral puts this right and this is why I have chosen a spiral to symbolize
the infusion of MI into teaching and learning. It shows feedback by going
round and round, and progress by growing outwards. Each part is fairly
close to every other one, even though a great distance has been travelled.
Learning is connected and evolving.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 44
Section 2: Using Ml
Do I have the time to do it?
What are the benefits for me, my learners, my school?
What could get in the way of doing it?
What will I see and hear in my classroom if I am successful?
Preparing to use Ml
On a spiral, each stage of teaching and learning grows out of the ones
before, yet remains connected to them. You can move at your own speed -
maybe stopping now and again or even reversing to take another look.
Creative solutions
In March 2002, Chris Woodhead, then Chief Inspector of Schools,
published an article in the Daily Mail entitled 'Learnacy? This is Lunacy'.
He used his column inches to launch an attack on 'learnacy' (the concept
that learning itself can be learned) of which multiple intelligences is a part.
He said, 'Think about it for a moment. Seven intelligences, five different
approaches, 30 children in the class. That is more than 1,000 permutations
to hold in your head.'
The quote references Michael Barber (then the Campaign for Learning's key
adviser) who proposed five approaches to a lesson, each mapping on to one
intelligence. This is duplication and means that we're only looking at five
times 30 possibilities - but 150 levels of differentiation is probably a little
too much to ask even of the most accomplished teacher.
Mr Woodhead was spot on with his observation. He brought his logical and
linguistic strengths to a challenging educational innovation. Obviously it
would be very difficult and time-consuming to give each student the
curriculum matched to their unique intelligences.
But logical strengths can at times become limitations. There are many
straightforward ways of using MI without having to prepare each lesson in
hundreds of ways. If you want to find them, there are always creative
solutions. Where teachers succeed with MI, we find them offering a range
of Mi-inspired activities over a period of time - maybe a visual/spatial bias
one week, and a verbal/linguistic one the next; maybe a choice of two
activities, or an opportunity to be valued for every skill - not just
An approach like this keeps learning manageable while respecting
individual abilities. Over time, as teacher and students get to know each
other, approaches can be refined and activities matched more accurately.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 45
Section 2: Using Ml
This sequence isn't restrictive. As long as you have a basic understanding of
the theory, you can pick any area to explore on its own, or in combination
with others.
Stage 1: How to understand Ml
The more you use MI the more you understand it, but it's a good idea to
know the basics before you begin. Section 1 of this book goes some way to
explaining what MI is all about. The following text includes suggestions for
sharing this learning with your colleagues.
In his book, Becoming a Multiple Intelligences School (published by ASCD),
Tom Hoerr (who kindly put some words at the front of this one - and do
visit him at New City School in St Louis if you can get international study
money) suggests we get to grips with MI theory as a whole staff:
'At one of our w eekly faculty meetings in spring 19881 told the staff
about a fascinating book I had read, Frames of Mind by How ard
Gardner. I w as particularly excited because I thought it might have
implications for our w ork w ith students... I proposed that w e all read
the book and take turns presenting chapters to the group... "But since
w e believe in team teaching/' one of the teachers responded, "w hy
don't w e team-teach each chapter, w orking in groups of tw o?" Another
teacher said, "And if the idea is that children possess strengths in
different intelligences and w e are going to w ant to think about using
them in our teaching, shouldn't w e try to teach w ith the different
Over the following months, Tom and his staff slowly, carefully and
creatively brought MI theory to life. Since then, they haven't looked back
and Tom now welcomes over 800 international visitors each year to New
City School - to see how they 'do' MI. He recently opened his school's new
MI Library - a wonderfully rich environment where both the architecture
and resources reflect all intelligences. (See page 120 for notes from my visit
to the school.)
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
The rest of this section offers simple, inventive solutions to the rewarding
challenge of using MI. Working out from the centre of the MI spiral, the
development of MI can grow naturally through the following stages.
Stage 1: How to understand MI
Stage 2: How to speak MI language
Stage 3: How to build MI profiles
Stage 4: How to create an MI environment
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with MI
Stage 1: How to understand Ml
Tom's collaborative approach can be used for any new theory that a school
wants to put into practice - everyone is involved, everyone has a part to
play, everyone has ownership of the theory and the practice. Inspired by
Tom's ideas, below is a plan for preparing and holding a series of four
meetings to help school managers who want their staff to develop an
understanding of MI.
Getting to grips with MI theory in five easy steps
Establish a rationale for using MI to enrich teaching and learning
(the tricky bit).
Make a personal commitment to using MI in school.
Choose a suitable MI text, read it, then get a copy for each
member of staff.
Explain the rationale and reasons for committing to MI.
Present a brief summary of MI theory and practice.
Distribute books and allocate sections or chapters to small groups.
Give groups the next session and the remainder of this one to read
their section and prepare an activity to teach to everyone else - the
activity must reflect one or more of the intelligences.
Step 3: Staff meeting 2 (1 hour)
Small groups teach their section of the book to the other groups,
using an Mi-inspired activity.
After each activity, groups feed back their understanding to the
whole group.
Develop Mi-inspired action plans linked to new-found
understanding and integrated with the school improvement plan.
Multiple intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Step 1: Preparation
Step 2: Staff meeting 1 (1 hour)
Reading and activity preparation time.
Step 4: Staff meeting 3 (1-2 hours)
Step 5: Staff meeting 4 (1 hour)
Section 2: Using Ml
In I n t e l l i g f f l c e Re f rai n e d, Howard Gardner suggests further activities for
deepening an understanding of MI and using it well:
Learn more about MI theory and practices.
Form study groups.
Visit institutions that are implementing MI ideas.
Attend conferences that feature MI ideas.
Join a network of schools (that are exploring and using MI ideas).
Plan and launch activities, practices or programmes that grow out of
immersion in the world of MI theory and approaches.
The diary of an Ml teacher
Between September 2003 and June 2004, primary teacher Natalie Earl used
MI theory to enrich her teaching. Extracts from some of her diary entries
from this time are included at appropriate points in this section of the book
- to bring to life the reality of infusing MI into a busy curriculum, itself
sitting within a crowded educational world, Natalie and her class also
kindly agreed to be recorded on video. This recording was possible thanks
to a grant from Best Practice Research Scholarship (BRPS) and extracts can
be viewed online at www.thinkingclassroom.co.uk.
Natalie works at Craneswater Junior School in Portsmouth. She qualified as
a teacher in 2002, and in August 2003 offered to learn about multiple
intelligences and see if and how it could help her and her pupils in the
classroom. Natalie is open to new ideas, but she is also down to earth in her
expectations. She is a real teacher in a real school and recorded her
thoughts throughout the year as she attempted to create an intelligent
classroom. Here is her first diary entry.
48 Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 1: How to understand Ml
Ml glasses
As your understanding of MI grows, you'll begin to think differently. If you
are open to MI and let it flow into your consciousness it can alter the way
you view people and the world.
Thinking with multiple intelligences is like putting on
a special pair of glasses. Instead of seeing a person
in terms of how traditionally 'brainy' they might
be, MI glasses give you an enhanced picture -
you, and hopefully they, can now consider
their skills and talents across at least eight
different areas. It's a bit like
X-ray specs from comic
strips - rather than just
seeing the outside, you
can look a bit deeper.
MI gives you a tool
to 'reframe', that is,
see in a different
way. The table
below gives a few
examples - you
may recognize
some of these
Traditional view
A six-year-old girl who struggles with
handwriting and reading, loves drawing and
football and is popular with her classmates
View through Ml glasses
A six-year-old girl who has interpersonal, visual
and kinesthetic strengths that need to be applied
in developing her linguistic skills
An 11-year-old boy with an IQ of 145 who feels
isolated from and different from his peers
An 11-year-old boy with highly developed visual,
logical and linguistic skills who may benefit from
bringing these skills to bear in developing his
interpersonal intelligence
A primary schoolteacher who uses music and art
extensively in his teaching and has difficulty
producing lesson plans in the detail required by
the school
A teacher who uses his musical and visual
intelligences to deliver the curriculum and who
needs to develop his logical skills - possibly by
applying the structural aspects of music or by
planning his lessons as mind maps
A secondary school science teacher who excels
in her scientific understanding and enthusiasm
for the subject and who has difficulty forming
relationships with students and colleagues
A secondary school science teacher with logical
and naturalist gifts who could be supported in
using these strengths to analyse and then
improve her professional relationships
A parent who believes she is 'thick' because she
didn't get maths 0 level and who has a knack of
organizing fellow parents to support school
fayres and other fundraising events
A parent with underdeveloped mathematical
abilities who has a highly effective set of
interpersonal skills
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 49
Section 2: Using Ml
MI glasses help you to see what people are good at, and to visualize how
they can improve. It shifts the focus from weaknesses by keeping the view
balanced and inclusive.
Alone: To develop your abilities to see the world through Ml glasses, think of the
student (or students) who you find most challenging to teach. Write a pen portrait,
including the things they do that make them difficult to work with. (Try to keep it
reasonably brief!)
Now, if you can, break through the grief and stress these students cause you, and
weigh them up against the intelligences. Think about what they are good at in terms
of the intelligences and record it here:
Is there a connection between the things that make certain students
difficult to teach and the things they are good at? Liz Flaherty, SENCO at
Cove School in Farnborough believes there may be.
Case study
R e s o u r c e : Links be twe e n MI and 'dis r u ptive ' be havio u r s
T e ac he r : Liz Flahe r ty, as s is tant he adte ac he r /SENCO
Lo c atio n: c o ve Se c o ndar y Sc ho o l, Far nbo r o u gh
Liz uses Ml theory to think about disruptive behaviour in class. She believes that
each of the intelligences, and combinations of them, can be the cause of different
'problem' behaviours. She and her special needs team are always asking
themselves what drives unacceptable behaviour. For example, when Darren taps
and hums, is it a deliberate strategy to annoy the teacher, or an unused
musical/rhythmic intelligence spilling over?
Liz says, 'Teachers need to be aware that these children are not being
deliberately difficult or non-compliant. Effective differentiation would take these
behaviours into account and capitalize on them. The curriculum is currently based
on a model that presumes all children are, or need to be, linguistically or
mathematically intelligent, but so many more students would be enabled to
succeed if we could acknowledge, make provision for and encourage their
individual styles of learning.'
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 1: How to understand Ml
Below is the table of 'disruptive' behaviours that Liz Flaherty has identified
during her research. She links the behaviours to the different intelligences
then considers how each behaviour/intelligence can be harnessed in
learning: what activities make use of the intelligence that is otherwise
going to waste?
Intelligence Manifestation as 'disruptive' behaviour
Verbal/linguistic Checks repeatedly what s/he has been asked to do
with teacher/peers
Chats as s/he completes a task
Has difficulty in maintaining 'exam conditions'
Asks why
Seeks clarifications such as:
how much to write
how many questions there are
what the time is
how much time is left
Hums quietly under breath
Taps out rhythms on desk
Uses personal stereo mp3 player
Needs to sit in 'his'/'her' seat
Likes personal area not to be obstructed
Behaves worse if in a strange room
Finds it hard to sit still
Plays with equipment
Taps desk
Clicks pen
Leaves seat at any opportunity
Touches other pupils
Swings on chair
Interpersonal Likes to know what is going on in other people's lives
Chats about social life
Easily distracted by others
Likes to be the centre of attention
Keeps head down
Reluctant to participate in class
Thinks things through for him/herself
Prefers to work alone
Does not seek out the company of peers
Naturalist Finds it hard to be in an enclosed room
Always looking out of the window
Likes to be close to the door
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 51
Section 2: Using Ml
Stage 2: How to speak Ml language
Two Y ear 4 boys come running into class after lunch.
F I R S T B OY: Miss, he swore at me!
S E CON D B OY: I didn't, honest!
F I R S T B OY: Y ou did, you said the f word!
S E C ON D B OY: I didn't miss, honest.
F I R S T B OY : Y ou did. Y ou said I was fick.
We've seen how MI can change the way you think. I t's a small step from
there to adapting the things you say. Here are some examples of how MI
language can enhance existing teacher talk:
'In PE today, our challenge is to improve our ball skills; so we're going
to need our BK (bodily/kinesthetic) intelligence.'
'Why do we need to use our logical and visual intelligences in
numeracy today?'
'Great! That's an effective sentence; good use of your linguistic
'Your challenge is to create a map of our local area. Which
intelligences will you need to do this?'
'Look everyone, Liam's done well here because of his naturalist
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 2: How to speak Ml language
If you use 'MI speak' in front of your learners, then they will use it too,
especially as you travel through more and more stages of infusion, giving
learners more exposure to the vocabulary of MI.
When I used language like this with a Year 4 class, most of the children
adapted their own vocabulary without effort or complaint. Over the year, I
noted four distinct stages of language use. This was exciting because the
same things had happened the previous year, and in the same order, with
a Year 3 class:
The development of MI language
Stage 1: The excuse
A couple of months after introducing MI, a child will use MI as an
ME: Kamal, please stand still outside Mr Maynard's office.
KAMAL: I can't because I'm BK.
ME: If you're BK then you should be able to control your
Stage 2: The parent's excuse
Four months in, parents use MI as an excuse:
MR NASH: He's linguistic you know, so he's going to talk in class.
This stage is encouraging because it indicates that the children have
spoken to their parents about MI being used in school.
Stage 3: Spontaneous use
After six months, children use MI language without prompting:
ME: So why do you want to be a hairdresser and a runner,
BETHAN: Well I reckon I could use my BK and inter [-personal
Stage 4: Creative use
At eight months, some children begin to work out the intelligence
profiles of their relatives and pets:
CHARLIE (in the middle of a science lesson, during which he has
obviously been thinking about something other than the
topic): Mr Fleetham, I reckon I know the intelligences of
all my family and my baby brother too.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 53
Section 2: Using Ml
Charlie hadn't answered any questions or spoken in class until he
volunteered that information, which was followed by:
CHARLIE: My cat's BK, visual and inter.
ME: How did you work that out?
CHARLIE: Because he catches birds and plays around with them.
A caveat to my time with Charlie was his admission towards the end of
the year that he had successfully taught this same cat a series of Brain
Gym moves. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to validate his
It took a while to convince some learners that they were clever. The
language and culture of multiple intelligences was confusing and
threatening to them. Their identity, security and safety net seemed to come
from a sense of not being clever. They had (very cleverly in fact)
constructed a belief that 'acting stupid' made life easier and helped them to
avoid hard work. 'I'm thick/ was mumbled openly and regularly by two
children who were very cautious about this chance to be clever. By the end
of the year, the message did reach them: 'OK, OK, I'll use my BK then, if
you really want me to.'
And it was very encouraging to overhear an uncharacteristically kind
nickname that this class had for their teacher: 'Intelligence man'.
Your MI thoughts and MI language are one and the same. The strength of
connection between what you think and what you say is very strong and
illustrated well by the concept of political correctness: by being told what
is acceptable/unacceptable to say you are automatically being told what is
acceptable/unacceptable to think. Certainly, in some cases, rethinking and
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 54
Stage 2: How to speak Ml language
rewording are needed - especially if an individual or group are being
disrespected or devalued. But to have real impact by what we say, first we
need to alter what we think:
If your learners understand MI, think MI and begin to use its language,
then over time their self-belief can shift. This was brought home to me very
powerfully a few years ago with a Year 3 class. Using a short questionnaire
at the beginning and end of the year, I discovered this inspiring and
rewarding set of figures:
The following July
Number of children who believe that. . .
Tm clever'
Tm not sure'
Tm not clever'
The following activity rounds off our look at the first few stages of MI
infusion - understanding, thinking and language.
Alone and with your learners: Have a go at the Ml song over the page. It should
help you all to remember the intelligences. It can go to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star' and has accompanying actions. The tune can be changed to suit the age
of your learners.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 55
Section 2: Using Ml
Musical and linguistic
Conduct. Hands talk into ear.
Existential; naturalist
Hold chin and frow n thoughtfully. Look to the horizon.
I nter-; intrapersonal
Both arms out. Arms across chest.
Visual; mathematical
Hands make binoculars. Hands out and count.
Or is it bodily...
Front craw l.
Which ones are right for me?
Both hands point to self.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 56
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
By now, you'll have a good grasp of MI theory and how it can enrich
thinking and language. So, it's natural to ask, 'How am / clever and how are
my students clever?' By compiling a profile to answer these questions you'll
discover two things:
1. the activities that you are best at providing for your learners (based
on your MI strengths)
2. the activities that your learners are most likely to engage with
(based on their MI strengths).
NB: These two may not necessarily be the same.
There are several ways to build up a multiple intelligences profile, described
in the following pages. You can pick one or more from this list. Most of
them will already be part of your day-to-day work - all they'll need is an
'MI tweak'.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 57
Using questionnaires
Observing behaviour
Talking with parents
Talking with learners
Using performance data
Using work samples
Before we look at the tweaks, a warning about questionnaires and profiling
in general. Do you ever have a go at those multiple-choice questionnaires
when browsing through magazines? When you add up your score, you'll
probably get a number that tells you what sort of person/lover/
gardener/driver/dieter you are. If you get a 'good' score, you may feel better
about yourself; if you get a 'bad' one, you either start worrying (about your
self/partner/garden/driving/diet...) or go back and change your answers.
Sometimes, there are recommendations based on your score, along the
lines of:
0-25: Slow down and remember not to diet while driving, making
love or digging up vegetables.
26-35: You need more broccoli in your life.
It can be tempting to apply the same process with MI questionnaires, but
that's dangerous. MI is all about discovering and developing, over time, a
range of talents within each learner. A questionnaire gives your first
glimpse, but can turn discovery and development into labelling and
limitation if it's the only profiling done.
Section 2: Using Ml
Questionnaires cannot ask every possible question related to MI and may
not give an accurate first impression of a learner, and questionnaires,
particularly if self-completed, could appeal more to people with strong
verbal and intrapersonal skills. Profiles also change over time as learners
grow and experience new things. So it makes sense to build on
questionnaires by using other ways of profiling. Even when other methods
are used, we must still avoid constraining learners to their strengths.
If, for example, Max's MI questionnaire reveals that he has strong bodily
and interpersonal intelligences then we should value and use these skills.
But Max shouldn't be restricted to them. He may well need a boost to his
linguistic intelligence - necessary for exam and future life success. His
language skills can be improved by using what he's best at: interpersonal -
paired writing, paired reading; bodily/kinesthetic - role play, charades.
An MI questionnaire is the opening credits to a dynamic and evolving
movie telling the unique story of a learner's skills, talents, potential and
achievements. And it's a movie that never ends - you never get to that final
definitive profile - whatever combination of methods you use - because
people keep changing and growing.
This is why you should avoid labelling (and potentially limiting) with any
form of MI assessment. You don't want the movie to end just after the first
reel. Remember:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 58
Build profiles by using more than an MI questionnaire.
An MI profile is an ongoing process, not a product.
With that in mind, we'll now look at the different profiling methods. Then,
the table on page 76 shows you how all of them can be integrated during
a school year.
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
There are lots of questionnaires out there that can give you the first draft
of a learner's MI profile. Two of the best can be completed online, the
Birmingham Grid for Learning (BGfL) MI wheel and the MIDAS system.
The BGfL profile has been completed by over 50,000 people from all over
the world. It's free to access at www.bgfl.org/multipleintelligences.
After answering 40 questions online, your MI wheel appears. It's a pie chart
of eight coloured sectors representing the intelligences. Results can be stored
online and accessed later using a password. MI wheels can also be printed
out for reference and display. (See pages 78-85 for more on MI displays.)
BGfL MI wheel
(nature smart)
(picture smart)
(body smart)
(music smart)
(word smart)
(number smart)
(people smart)
(myself smart)
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 59
Using questionnaires
Before children complete a questionnaire, you might like to tell them some
or all of the following points:
This is not a test and it won't be marked.
There are no right or wrong answers.
Everyone will choose different answers and that's OK because
everyone is different.
The results will tell you what you're good at and help you to learn.
The results will help your teacher to make your lessons better for you.
It'll give you a chance to let people know what you're best at and
what you like doing.
Answer for yourself. Don't put down answers you think your
teacher wants to see.
Be honest
Section 2: Using Ml
MIDAS, which stands for Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment
Scales, is an online inventory of 70-120 questions, dependent on age.
Five versions are available, from pre-school to adult, at
Developed by Dr Branton Shearer, lecturer at Kent State University in Ohio,
MIDAS is considered to be the Rolls-Royce of MI profiling and has over 15
years of research and validation behind it. It's not free, but it's well worth
the investment because it goes much deeper than a basic profile. It's the
only MI questionnaire to break down each intelligence into its component
parts. The musical intelligence, for instance, is made up of four subscales:
appreciation, composition, vocal and instrumental. The subscales are then
averaged to give you an overall musical score, but the value of each subscale
is also shown because the averaging process can hide a high-scoring
subscale. For example, a very high level of 'musical appreciation' would not
be recognized if the other three scales were very low and pulled down the
In this extract from a MIDAS profile, if the details from the subcategories
were not included and taken into account, the moderate musical score of
47 could easily mask the very high Instrument score (100). Likewise, the
low logical/mathematical score (25) is partly made up from a moderate
problem-solving score (42).
School maths
Logic games
Everyday maths
Everyday problem solving
47 (Moderate)
34 (Low)
25 (Low)
60 (High)
100 (Very high)
0 (Very low)
13 (Very low)
35 (Low)
33 (Low)
17 (Very low)
19 (Very low)
25 (Low)
42 (Moderate)
Howard Gardner does not endorse any profiling systems, products or
programmes that are derived from his work (he says, 'certain aspects of
these intelligences can be measured quickly and easily, but many others
cannot'), but he does recognize the value of the MIDAS system: 'To my
knowledge, MIDAS represents the first effort to measure the multiple
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 60
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
intelligences that has been developed according to standard psychometric
procedures. Branton Shearer is to be congratulated for the careful and
cautious way in which he has created his instrument and offered guidance
for its use and interpretation.'
Dr Shearer uses MIDAS as a starting point, but then puts further effort into
guidance and interpretation. The first questions asked after the profile is
completed are:
Do the results feel right?
Do they match what you already know about yourself?
Would those who know you recognize you from your MIDAS
In MIDAS profiling, it is OK to disagree with the results - what you and
others know about you is just as valid to your 'total' profile as the numbers
on the computer printout.
* Intelligence R ef r a ined by Howard Gardner
If you're unable to spend time online or pay for a profiling tool, a paper-
based version - a simple set of questions that will get you going - is
presented as a list on page 124 and a mind map on page 125, Each
intelligence includes a question about 'getting into trouble at school',
which will test out the idea presented on page 50 that misbehaviours in
class may be related to untapped MI potential
If your younger learners can't read the questionnaire, you may need to
present the questions in a different way. The case study on the following
page shows how the teachers at one infant school have developed resources
to do just that.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice -Enhancing seff-esteem and learning in the classroom
6 1
Section 2: Using Ml
Case study
MI qu e s tio nnair e s fo r yo u nge r le ar ne r s
Els pe th Simps o n, and Su e Har r is , he adte ac he r
Pine wo o d Infant Sc ho o l, Par nbo r o u gh
The school has 90 on roll and a resourced provision for language impairment. The
school is wholly inclusive - children with language impairment (LI) are taught
within mainstream classes, and withdrawn for specialist work and therapy.
Classes are kept small.
Elspeth is SEA/CO and manager of resourced provision for LI. She has known
about Ml theory for some time and has always believed, 'everyone is good at
something and it is our role as teachers to find out what that is.'
Elspeth says, 'Ml has enabled me to talk to colleagues about their children in
terms of what they can do rather than what they can't do. It has also clarified the
mismatch between verbal ability and other intelligences. We have several children
with autism spectrum disorders whose interpersonal skills may be weak but other
intelligences are highly developed; this has enabled staff to emphasize the
positive and not make assumptions about ability based on verbal skills. This also
enables them to talk to parents about their children's achievements and
expectations as well as their areas of needs.'
Finding out what pupils are good at is key to this approach. The school wanted a
profiling method matched to the communication abilities of learners. Headteacher
Sue Harris explains how they went about getting one:
'Initially our collective ideas of a profiling method were based on questions about
how children felt when engaged in a particular activity. The children's answers
would take the form of colouring a face depicting the emotion that best matched
their feelings about that activity.
'I undertook a small-scale study and discovered that the children's responses
were not as reliable as they could be. Despite our best intentions at simplifying
the language, it was proving a barrier to all but the oldest or more able children.
7 carried out the study again, asking the questions verbally while showing
photographs or objects relating to the activity. The responses were much more
animated and children began to talk about what was happening in the picture or
recalled a similar activity. The responses were generally more rounded and
indicated a fuller understanding of what had been asked.'
Sue says that Ml has had the following effects in school:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Conversations about children now focus on what they can do rather than
what they can't and all staff are beginning to recognize children's strengths.
Our understanding of 'intelligence' has moved beyond what can be
Planning is gradually evolving to reflect a range of activities for learning.
Informal observations show that children are more engaged in their
Negatively -1think about all the children who passed through our classes
before we were aware of Ml!
The resources mentioned in the case study are included on pages 126 and
127 for you to use and adapt with your learners.
Stage 3: How to build M! profiles
The questions on the sheet 'MI through feelings' (page 126) cover a range
of intelligences and all begin with 'How do you feel when...', with one of
four responses - happy, neutral, sad, angry - to be coloured in. The
repetition and focus on feelings can help young children who may not
know if they are good at PE for example. That said, those of you who work
with younger children will know all about their variable ability to judge
their own performance and how it can be influenced by you and by peers.
The 'Visual MI questionnaire' template can be used for creating your own
visual MI questionnaire. You'll need to take photographs around school to
match the descriptions, or equivalent ones that represent the range of
intelligences. Lay out large prints on the table for discussion, alongside the
recording sheet (which could include thumbnail versions of the
Work one-to-one with pupils to discuss the series of photographs.
Encourage the pupil to talk about the images through guiding questions
such as;
Which of these would you most like to do?
Which are you best at?
Which don't you enjoy?
Which are you not very good at?
Which do you want to get better at?
As you work with each child, use a highlighter pen to record preferences
and therefore likely intelligence strengths on a personalized copy of the
sheet. Recording is made easier if the photographs on the table are arranged
in the same way as on the recording sheet.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom
Section 2: Using Ml
Observing behaviour
I went recently to an end-of-term concert: 250 children from local infant,
junior and secondary schools assembled in a theatre, packed with proud
parents and tired teachers. I was up in the circle, looking down on the stage
and the performers waiting in the stalls.
The first act was a secondary school orchestra, and while it kicked off with
the theme from The Great Escape my eyes were drawn to the younger
members of the audience. As the tune progressed, some of them sat
absolutely still, some tapped their feet; others bounced their legs, and a few
were either conducting or moving their whole body from side to side. A
small number were alternately standing and sitting in time to the beat.
From the circle above, it looked like a huge frying pan full of sizzling,
jumping vegetables.
Thankfully, the teachers didn't intervene to stop any of this behaviour.
Each child's response to the music was a key to part of their multiple
intelligences profile - the rhythmical and appreciative aspects of the
musical intelligence.
Every day, there are thousands of actions and interactions in a classroom:
learners talking to each other, moving around, looking, choosing, arguing,
listening, laughing and sulking; and teachers instructing, sighing,
intervening, guiding, frowning, smiling, and drinking coffee. Some actions
pass unnoticed; others stand out. The ones that stand out while you're
wearing your MI glasses (see page 49) are the ones to be interested in now.
They'll give you further information about emerging MI profiles.
Observations can be targeted in several ways and it's advisable to keep them
simple. Watching for signs of all intelligences, in each learner, in every
lesson is not recommended. You could focus on:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 64
a single child
a group
a specific subject linked to an intelligence
evidence of one intelligence
a specific activity.
The resource on page 128 is pupil-centred. It lists things you might see
children doing to indicate specific intelligences, but the list is not
complete, so you can add your own observations.
I'm not particularly successful when it comes to strict record keeping. I
prefer a more spontaneous approach than religious form-filling and
rigorous filing of 30-plus observation sheets, because that's the way my
brain is wired. A pad of sticky notes and a pen in the pocket is my preferred,
but no less comprehensive method.
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
Whenever you spot Mi-related behaviour, write it down on a sticky note
(with the date and pupil's name) and then slap the note loudly, and
perhaps with a theatrical flourish, onto the board. You may be invited to
share with the class what you saw and why you valued it. However, do be
sensitive to pupils' preferences with regard to public compliments and
At the end of the day, peel the observation notes off the board and transfer
them to a folder full of sheets of paper - one sheet for each of your pupils.
By the end of the year, you should have a mosaic of MI sticky-note
comments for each learner.
What you'll observe depends partly on how well each intelligence is
represented in your classroom environment. Have you been able to provide
opportunities for each intelligence to shine through? For example, lots
of books, stories and talking will draw out linguistic behaviours; an absence
of musical instruments, singing and CDs will reduce the musical ones.
We'll look more at this in Stage 4: How to create an MI environment, on
page 78.
The Spectrum classroom
Howard Gardner and colleagues thought about observation and
environment back in the mid-1980s. It was around the time when he
declined the advances of companies who wanted to of f er MI profiling and
testing. Instead of creating another battery of tests, his team took a
different line - the Spectrum classroom.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Section 2: Using Ml
They created a comfortable, resource-rich environment where children
could naturally demonstrate their spectra of intelligences. The first
'Spectrum site' was for pre-school children and was well stocked with
opportunities to trigger different intelligences - board games, art materials,
musical instruments, areas for exercise, dance and building, specimens
from nature and so on.
In Intelligence Reframed, Gardner notes, 'We assumed that children would
find these materials inviting, that they would interact with them regularly,
and that they would reveal to us, by the richness and sophistication of their
interactions, their particular array of intelligences. Hence the title
After several years of development, Spectrum was working as planned for
children between four and seven years old. Children who visited the
Spectrum classroom regularly, had their choices observed and then
assembled into rough-and-ready MI profiles.
It had taken time to identify materials that would appeal to children of
different ages, inclinations and social/cultural backgrounds. Gardner and
his team also had to develop what they called 'bridging activities' -
alternative ways for children to show their intelligences: 'for example, if a
child didn't want to tell stories about a picture, we gave her props and
encouraged her to build a diorama [a three-dimensional miniature or life-
size scene in which figures, toy animals or other objects are arranged in a
naturalistic setting against a painted background]. Using the diorama as a
bridge, we then asked her to tell us what had happened to the people or
animals in the diorama.'
For f urther information about the Spectrum Project, visit:
For a school, a dedicated Spectrum classroom would be an expensive
luxury, but the Spectrum approach can be used in any learning
environment. Anne Cassidy, a foundation stage teacher in Portsmouth,
took on the idea and used it to profile her children then adapt her teaching.
Case study
Resource: Usi ng MI In the f oundat i on stage
Teacher: Anne Cassi dy
Locat ion: Paul sgr ove Pr i mar y S chool , Por t smout h
Paulsgrove Primary serves an area of high deprivation. It has well over 600 pupils,
aged between three and 11.
Children entered Reception with poor levels of function, despite having an
excellent start in the school nursery. The classes contained, on average, 30
children, one teacher and one nursery nurse. With colleagues, Anne decided to
assess Year R children for their Ml strengths.
66 Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
'The project was two fold; using foundation assessments from nursery, and
observing children's learning choices during "free" time. We mapped the different
elements from the foundation assessments onto the intelligences. We then set up
a classroom rich in Ml activities. We spent the next half-term observing specific
(but different) children each day.
'Patterns of behaviour emerged as we focused on the children's first and second
choice of activity during free time. We assumed these to be their strongest two
intelligences. We then compared our observations to the nursery assessments
and saw that 75 per cent of the children matched in one or both intelligences. It
confirmed that kinesthetic learning was strong and linguistic poor.
'We then began to inspect our teaching plans and add activities to ensure Ml
coverage in any half-term. Phonics seemed an obvious place to start as we
already offered a multisensory approach. Gradually we introduced Ml into mental
maths, self-directed learning sessions and themed work. We felt happier that we
were addressing the needs of all our children, and we realized that our previous
curriculum had offered little music, space to learn on one's own and movement to
aid learning.'
Talking with parents
'Oh, she's alw ays w riting in her diary.'
'He's very popular you know , kids alw ays calling round, he's alw ays
out w ith his friends/
'Her dad can't spell to save his life, but he's dead brainy.'
'Yes, she loves singing and she's a majorette too on Thursdays.'
'He just w on't do his reading for me!'
How often have you heard comments similar to these during parents'
evening? If you listen very closely (with an MI ear trumpet, maybe), you'll
gather some interesting news about children's MI profiles.
Tony Blair once said that being a father was more challenging than being
Prime Minister. I'm not sure whether that tells us more about the Blair
family or the state of the UK at the time, but those of us who are parents
or carers will take his point.
All the pain, joy, frustration and reward of bringing up children makes
parents and carers, whether they realize it or not, experts - experts in the
children they look after. The time they spend with their children, in all
forms of family relationship, gives them a vast store of knowledge. Most
parents and carers can tell you instantly:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
what their children are like
when they learned to do various things such as walk and talk
This expert knowledge links directly to the child's MI profile and is a gold
mine of information for the teacher.
So, how can we tap into this valuable deposit? Well, the system is already
set up - the parents' evening. A typical first parents' evening is generally a
fairly informal affair when parents and teacher get to size each other up.
The focus is usually social and emotional rather that academic - parents
need to know that their young one is happy, and teacher checks out what
sort of support she can look forward to over the coming year. It's also a
great opportunity to gather some MI information.
I once asked parents and carers to review the year their children had spent
with me. They answered a short questionnaire, mainly about the impact of
MI in the classroom. The results were very interesting. Out of 36 children,
27 had regularly (at least once a week, some daily) talked about school and
MI with their parents. Children saying anything at all about school can
seem a minor miracle.
I also discovered that six of the parents had started to use MI ideas in their
own workplaces - from changed perceptions of work colleagues, to
presenting management information in different ways. The benefits of
bringing parents on-board may reach f urther than the classroom.
Here are three levels of gathering MI data from parents. The level you use
information will depend on the MI approach in your school.
Level 1 (subtle): Use Ml-inspired questions
During parents' evening, ask the usual 'settling in' and 'getting to know'
questions, but add some that provide MI clues. The pro forma on page 129
gives an idea of how this might work. You might notice, for example, that
the pupil:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 68
(linguistic) reads at home and practises spellings with mum
(logical) enjoys playing chess and fantasy computer game with
(musical) has a keyboard in his bedroom and tinkers with it most
evenings; enjoys MTV
(kinesthetic) goes swimming and to tennis every week, represents
club in galas
Section 2: Using Ml
what they enjoy doing
what they are good at
what they avoid doing
what motivates them
what demotivates them
how they choose to spend their time
what they dream of doing when they grow up.
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
Level 2 (shared): Share the Ml approach in advance
You can advise parents of MI and encourage their involvement by letter,
sent out a few days prior to parents' meetings. It saves you explaining to
each parent individually on the night and gives parents a chance to see
their children with MI glasses. An example of the type of letter you could
send out is provided below.
Preparing like this could work in your favour... or not. It could help parents
give you a more accurate and considered picture of their children, or it
could give them time and eight additional ways to overpraise or undersell
them. Emphasize to parents that MI isn't about grades or comparisons with
other children.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 69
(intrapersonal) likes his own company - not many friends, seems
happy with this
(naturalist) looks after dog and two cats at home, great interest in
TV nature programmes.
Section 2: Using Ml
Level 3 (full-on): Invite parents to an Ml workshop
At this level, you'll want parents to be much more involved and
knowledgeable. Through a hands-on workshop you can tell them about MI
and have them create their own profiles. This will give them the confidence
and vocabulary to describe their children to you in MI terms.
A workshop event like this can kick-start multiple intelligences in your
school and will tap into parents' and carers' MI knowledge about their
children. Hopefully, it will also pave the way for an ongoing MI dialogue
between parent, teacher and child - a dialogue that will inform an evolving
MI profile.
When planning and delivering an MI parents' workshop, be sensitive to
your audience's starting point: remember that they could well have a
traditional view of intelligence and a range of views on what school should
be like. Here's a sample invitation.
Welcome and thanks for coming
Rationale behind choosing to use MI
Parents fill out MI questionnaire (see page 130)
Introduce each intelligence - refer to a famous person who could be
seen to exemplify each one
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 70
The workshop could take the following format:
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
Share your old school reports and discuss how they match your
strengths and weaknesses (be sensitive here)
Parents share their school reports in small groups and discuss their
MI profiles
Explain how the school will be using MI
Explain how parents can help in profiling their children
Any questions.
As a spin on this, children could attend with their parents and fill out a
children's questionnaire (page 124 or 125) when parents do the adult
version (on page 130). There's a lot of scope here for family interaction -
looking at how intelligences do or don't get passed down generations or
through family environments.
Talking with learners
When your learners understand MI and know its vocabulary, they will be
able to assess it themselves. With your help, they can reflect on the results
of their MI questionnaire, their experiences in school, their activities
outside school and even consider whether their parents' and carers' views
of them are accurate.
Here, and on the next page, are the types of question that can get an MI
conversation going, either between teacher and learner(s) or just between
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 71
In school
Which lessons do you most enjoy in school?
Which subjects do you do well at?
Do your favourite/best subjects match your strongest
Which lessons do you least enjoy in school?
Which are your weakest subjects?
Is there a link between these subjects and your weaker
Out of school
What do you do in your spare time?
What clubs do you go to, which sports do you play?
Is there a link here to your strongest intelligences?
Section 2: Using Ml
The final two methods of MI profiling look at evidence produced by the
learner - performance data and work samples.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Multiple intelligences
Which intelligences are your strongest? How do you know this?
What can you do that demonstrates this?
What have you achieved that demonstrates this?
Which intelligences are your weakest? How do you know this?
What can't you do yet that demonstrates this?
Do you need to strengthen your weaker intelligences?
How can you strengthen your weaker intelligences?
What would your friends say are your strongest/weakest
Intelligence in general
Who is the cleverest person in the class? How did you decide?
Who is the cleverest teacher in school? How did you decide?
Who is the cleverest person in the world? How did you decide?
What is intelligence?
Can someone get more intelligent? If so, how?
Can someone get less intelligent? If so, how?
Is everyone bom with the same intelligence?
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
Using performance data
Since I began using MI in my teaching and training, I've come across many
people who feel let down by the education system. Sometimes, they have
succeeded in life in spite of their exam results, rather than because of them.
They don't have many 'A's to their name, but they've done well - like a hair
salon manager who couldn't fill in the evaluation of my training session
(because it was written feedback), but turned up in a Mercedes SL500 (that's
a very expensive one) and was the admired boss of over 50 employees.
Sadly, I also meet people who believe they have not been so successful.
They failed their O levels/CSEs/GCSEs and never recovered. An MI
perspective can sometimes undo this damage and release a person's long-
hidden potential, but it is not always the case.
Exams and tests generally rely on a good memory, and parts of only one
intelligence - reading and writing. If your talents lie elsewhere, you're
going to need linguistic skills to get those talents valued publicly in your
grades. For example, I work with many intelligent and successful hair
stylists. They are successful because of their interpersonal, visual and
kinesthetic intelligences. These skills are often already well developed when
they start their training, but are not used to assess their learning. Instead
they have to read multi-choice question papers and write long answers.
Although 'performance data' is a part of the MI picture, it has usually been
filtered through the linguistic intelligence.
It's also sad on the occasions when setting, streaming and grouping
disadvantages mathematically strong children (usually boys) because of
their below average linguistic skills: you can only be in the top maths group
if you can read well. Believe me, I still come across situations like this in
Whatever performance data you are using - SATs, foundation stage
assessment, GCSE, NVQ and so on - consider:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 73
which intelligences the data maps on to
that there won't necessarily be data for all intelligences (GCSE in
emotional intelligence...?)
that the data may not give a true picture of intelligences due to
'linguistic filtering'.
Using work samples
The different end products of learning illustrate the different intelligences.
The things learners make, and how well they make them, tell you a great
deal about their intelligences profile: a musical composition needs the
musical/rhythmic intelligence; a clay figure requires bodily/kinesthetic,
visual; and so on.
A great way to begin work sampling is to involve your learners straight
away. Ask them to choose their favourite piece of work or an achievement
of which they are proud. The list overleaf shows the sorts of things they
Section 2: Using Ml
could choose and the intelligences to which they are linked. (Of course,
students' abilities to choose these products depends on their having had an
opportunity to make them.)
These first choices should indicate areas of strength. Asking learners to
identify the piece of work they think they could most improve will point
to areas of weakness.
Favourite piece of work
Story, poem, reading record, book written or read, audio
recording made, audio book listened to, notes from a debate
Graph, calculation, maths/science investigation results
Composition, recording, dance set to music
Map, video, photograph, mind map, painting, sculpture
Model, sculpture, gym sequence, sports achievement
A product of teamwork
A product made alone, diary
Tree diagram, Venn diagram, visit report/photographs
Linked intelligence
From this starting point, collect more samples of work and build portfolios
of evidence. Seek out pieces from all intelligence areas and make it
manageable by taking a year to do it: every five weeks, choose a different
intelligence and collect one piece of work from each learner. Alternatively,
select a couple of intelligences for the year and every five weeks collect
pieces linked to them. The portfolios will then show a year's progression in
these narrow areas, rather than snapshots over the full range. Or do both if
you have the time.
74 Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 3: How to bui l d Ml prof i l es
A class Ml profile
At the start of the book we looked at personalized learning - remember the
pi neappl e-squashi ng el ephant? We considered the critics' vi ew that
genui ne personal i zati on for every l earner makes teaching unmanageabl e.
It's f ai r to say that 30-plus profi l ed and personalized l earners present a huge
di versi ty of need to thei r teacher. To help address thi s val i d concern we can
generate and use a class Ml prof i l e. This i s the average profi l e, generated
fromal l the i ndi vi dual ones. It characteri zes the teachi ng group as a whole,
i ndi cati ng the strongest and weakest intelligences. This in turn suggests the
types of activity that the majori ty of the group will engage wi th.
For example, for the questi onnai re on page 124, add up the total number
of blocks coloured in by all your learners, for eachintelligence, then di vi de
eachtotal by the number of l earners. The resul t i s a si ngl e profi l e describing
the cl ass as a whol e.
Class profi l es l i ke thi s are i nval uabl e when teachi ng wi th MI - see How to
teachand l earn wi thMI on page 87.
If you are serious about MI profiling, you will need to integrate it i nto
your school assessment procedures. Perhaps you can adapt qui te
strai ghtforwardl y what you al ready do to take account of MI; perhaps you'l l
need to remove or add certai n activities. Whatever you choose to do, these
are professi onal deci si ons for you and your school to make.
Mul ti pl e Intel l i gences i nPracti ce - Enhanci ng self-esteemand l earni ng i nthe cl assroom ? 5
Section 2: Using Ml
The profiling methods suggested in the previous page can work alone or in
combination. This table suggests how to use them all over one academic year:
Profiling in the future
Seven-year-old Ollie is starting school in a few weeks time, but he's
at school today with his dad for a learning profile. They meet his
mentor, Sally, and she leads them to a door marked 'Profiling
Room'. Sally asks Ollie to take off his shoes then sends him through
the door with the words, 'Have fun - go explore!'
Ollie enters a dark, hexagonal space. The lighting is low but
colourful. On the floor are sensors. When he steps on them, the
sound of a footstep, amplified, reverberates around the room. After
a while the sound changes into other noises like choral voices, all
triggered by the sensors hidden underfoot.
Two of the walls have huge interactive TV screens. A series of
cameras project a silhouette of Ollie onto the screens. As he moves
closer the image gets bigger. Other cameras enable the screens to
react to touch.
As his confidence and curiosity grow, Ollie touches a screen and it
changes colour. He touches it again and the pattern alters. He
laughs at this and the sound is played back with an echo. He calls
out, starts to sing, and his voice is played back. He runs to the
moulded shapes on one wall, strokes them and hits them. Each one
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Half term
Ml profiling activity
Complete learner questionnaires
Interpret learner data
Hold parents' workshop leading to Ml parents' evening meetings
Establish class Ml profile
Take work sample (learner-led)
Take logical and linguistic work samples
Observe learner behaviour, focusing on logical and linguistic
Hold mid-year parents' meeting
Refine class Ml profile
Take musical and visual work samples
Observe learner behaviour, focusing on musical and visual
Take interpersonal and intrapersonal work samples
Observe learner behaviour, focusing on interpersonal and intrapersonal
Take bodily and naturalist work samples
Observe learner behaviour, focusing on bodily and naturalist
Hold end-of-year parents' meeting
Repeat Ml questionnaires, compare to originals
Assemble individual and class Ml profiles to send up to next year group
Stage 3: How to build Ml profiles
produces a sound and Ollie is surprised that the same shape doesn't
always give out the same noise.
Ollie runs around the room touching, hitting, banging, singing and
shouting, responding to the room as it responds to him. After a
while, he sits down for a rest. He looks up at the black ceiling. Then
he's off again, walking, running, stroking, hitting, singing and
After a few more minutes, Sally calls him out. Ollie appears at the
doorway, smiling; puts on his shoes and grabs Dad's hand.
'How did he do?' asks Dad.
'I'll let you know next session/ Sally replies.
The room's computer already has a good idea of Ollie's MI profile.
While he was interacting with his environment, sensors and
cameras recorded his every move - where he went, for how long
and how quickly he moved there. It picked up his words and his
laughter. In the computer's memory there's now a file named 'Ollie'
- a vast array of numbers describing the choices he made during
five minutes in the room.
Later, Sally loads Ollie's data onto her own computer. Interpretation
software indicates high potential in logical/mathematical
intelligence because of Ollie's responses to the changing sequences
of sound and light; notes a high bodily/kinesthetic strength from
the quantity and quality of his movements; and flags up a moderate
naturalist tendency from the overall curiosity he showed in the
Sally uses her experience as a facilitator of learning to make some
recommendations for Ollie. These include activities to help him
with literacy and numeracy, free-study topics and projects he is
likely to enjoy, and after-school clubs that could develop his weaker
intelligences. Even at this stage she proposes a range of careers he is
likely to suit. She enters her ideas into Ollie's online portfolio so
that his teachers can plan for his needs together with those of the
other children in his new class.
This scenario is not as futuristic as it may seem. A profiling room like this
already exists and has been trialled in the UK. MEDIATE is a collaborative
research project involving universities in Portsmouth, Barcelona and
Hilversum in the Netherlands. In 2004, researchers including Chris Creed
from Portsmouth University built the room described above specifically for
the use of autistic children. The computer files collected are currently being
analysed to help psychologists better understand the needs of autistic
children. With some further processing, the same files could be interpreted
to reveal a realistic MI profile. Visit www.port.ac.uk/research/mediate for
further information.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 77
Section 2: Using Ml
Stage 4: How to create an Ml environment
You understand MI, can speak its language and think its thoughts. You
have a pair of MI glasses and you know how to profile learners. So let's set
about bringing this to life in the classroom. The ideas on the following
pages aim to enrich your teaching and learning spaces.
Fleetham esteem board
(This is nothing to do with my self-esteem - I'm just the one who thought
it up!) An esteem board like this is a great way to represent MI. Self-selected
work indicates an MI preference, and intelligences charts represent the
emerging profile. Three main advantages to having an esteem board in
your classroom are:
1. You have a permanent and public affirmation that everyone in the
class is clever.
2. You have an instant record of individual strengths. This can be used
by teacher and learner alike to remind them of preferred approaches
to learning.
3. You won't have to re-back your boards for the whole year - just
keep replacing the work samples and updating the charts.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 78
Stage 4: How to create an Ml environment
Making the board
If you have a teaching base (primary classroom/secondary tutor room) and
have jurisdiction over its walls, set aside about 75 per cent of the available
display space for your esteem boards.
1. Divide backed display boards into a grid - one 'cell' for each learner
- including yourself and adults who teach with you. Use long thin
strips of card, string or fabric to mark the divisions.
2. Ask your learners to personalize their spaces with name labels and
drawn or photographic portraits.
3. After completing first draft MI profiles for each learner, display the
results in their cell. One way to do this is using a horizontal bar
chart. Each intelligence can have a bar up to nine blocks long. The
longer the bar (the more blocks are coloured), the stronger the
intelligence. Laminate the charts then use a whiteboard pen to mark
blocks as follows:
4. Ask your learners to choose a piece of work they are proud of, and
display it in their cell. If this is not possible - a large piece of
artwork or a new dance movement - help them to represent it with
words, a drawing or a photograph. Ask them to caption their
chosen piece by completing a phrase such as, 'I chose this piece of
work to display because...'
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 1 9
Colour in one block for each intelligence (everyone shows some
indication of each).
Colour in two further blocks for each of the two strongest
intelligences (because everyone is intelligent different ways).
Colour in one extra block for each of the next two strongest.
This makes 14 blocks for each learner initially; these can be added to during
the year.
Section 2: Using Ml
Using the board
The board should be kept dynamic and alive:
Every half-term, ask learners to take down their work and its
caption replacing it with another piece. Place the removed work
and caption m an MI portfolio.
At the end of term add more blocks to the charts to show how
garners are developing their intelligences. Your ongoing pLfLg
will indicate where new blocks should go. g
Attach sticky notes that record significant MI advances.
Remember to keep checking on how things are going - and if something
just not working, change it or scrap it! sometmng s
Multiple intelligences in Practice - Enhancing sdteteem and
Stage 4: How to create an Ml environment
To introduce lessons, by fixing (with Velcro) a coloured star to each
of the intelligences that will be needed, for example 'Working with
others' and 'Words' before a shared reading activity.
To build self-esteem and self-knowledge, by giving each learner two
laminated name cards to stick on their strongest intelligences,
photographing this, then repeating it later in the term.
To build relationships, by allowing learners to nominate others who
have succeeded with a certain intelligence.
To develop formative assessment, by taking photographs of the
board and thereby recording where learners have placed their name
cards (repeating this during the year); by asking the learners which
intelligences they have used; by asking learners which intelligence
they want to improve and indicating this with name cards of a
different colour.
To deepen understanding of the intelligences, by adding
photographs taken in class that illustrate the different areas, for
example, learners doing PE in the 'Moving' section, learners
painting in the 'Arty things' space.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 81
If you try out this idea, you'll discover many more ways to use it.
LeFevre 'good at' board
This is named af ter Jonathon LeFevre, a deputy headteacher from
Hampshire. Jonathon has asked me to say that his idea is not a classroom
display of his O level and swimming certificates; rather, a LeFevre 'good at'
board is a display area that encourages dynamic and evolving MI
interactions. It should be put up in a place where everyone can see it during
a lesson, and can be used in many ways:
Section 2: Using Ml
Ml resources
If you want to activate all of the intelligences in your teaching, you will
need resources matched to each one. In a well-resourced classroom, you
will probably have everything you need already. Things could be trickier in
a science lab, or in a school with a limited budget, but provisions can still
be made.
The table below lists two types of resource - active and passive - specific to
the intelligences. Active resources are the tools, materials and furniture
used to make things; passive resources are more part of the scenery. The
lists are not intended to be exhaustive, but just one from each section will
ensure full MI coverage.
Active resources
Books, audio recording and playback
equipment, writing equipment,
Calculators, computer, science
CD/cassette player, percussion
instruments, manuscript paper,
Camcorder; digital still camera; art
materials/media; OHP, acetates and
pens; computer
Construction kits/games, modelling
clay, computer
Flexible table and chair arrangements
for: paired work, group-work,
teamwork, presentations, debates
Flexible table and chair arrangements
for: working alone, 'hiding away',
thinking quietly
Magnifying glass, microscope, blank
tree diagrams/taxonomies, pooler
(for collecting minibeasts)
A space to think
Passive resources
Word wall, books, publishers' posters
Number tables/squares, reference formulae,
flow charts
Background music, concert poster, pop star
posters, orchestra/instrument posters
Maps, 2D and 3D artwork, diagrams,
coloured walls, travel posters
Sport/dance posters, 3D artwork
Multiple intelligences posters (see Further
reading and resources), photographs
showing different facial expressions, pictures
of successful groups/teams
Multiple intelligences posters (see Further
reading and resources), pictures of
successful entrepreneurs
A window to the outside, ant/butterfly farm,
aquarium, wildlife/nature posters,
Philosophical quotations, religious artefacts,
pictures of philosophers and religious
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 82
Stage 4: How to create an M! environment
Label areas of your classroom that link to one or more intelligences.
For example, label the book corner and listening station: 'Linguistic
area'; set aside individual seating, naming it Intrapersonal area'; an
art area would be 'Kinesthetic and visual area'; and so on. This
immediately raises the profile of MI without having to move or buy
Provide a series of objects on a theme to represent the intelligences.
Display affirmations - first-person, present-tense, positive
statements of intent that are read or said regularly. They fill your
mind with optimistic thoughts, preventing the negative ones from
getting a foothold. Here are three positive affirmations related to
ML Write them up as posters in your classroom and ask your
learners to rehearse them daily - silently or out loud, depending on
your and their level of comfort.
Quotations are highly distilled drops of wisdom. The examples on
the following pages are organized to tie in with the multiple
intelligences. They will give your learners something to think about
in each area of talent. They could be displayed on walls, perhaps
along with affirmation statements, or left out on work tables to
inspire. Select those appropriate to your age group.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
The final touches
You have now seen two types of interactive display boards and suggestions
for classroom resources to create a multiple intelligences environment.
Here are four quick and simple passive ideas (followed by a sample
classroom floor plan on page 86 to bring it all together):
Section 2: Using Ml
The poet doesn't invent. He listens. Jean Cocteau, artist and f ilm- maker
Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music w ith them.
Dennis Gabor, physicist
A poet's w ork is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start
arguments, shape the w orld, and stop it going to sleep, saiman Rushdie, author
Nature does nothing uselessly. Aristotle, philosopher
Human subtlety w ill never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or
more direct than does Nature, because in her inventions, nothing is lacking and
nothing IS SUperfluOUS. Leonardo da Vinci, artist
Life has loveliness to sell, all beautiful and splendid things, blue w aves
w hitened on a cliff, soaring fire that sw ays and sings, and children's faces
looking Up, holding WOnder like a CUp. Sara Teasdale, poet
Interpersonal and intrapersonal
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a w ild beast; a w ild beast
may w ound your body, but an evil friend w ill w ound your mind. Buddha
Remember, w e all stumble, every one of us. That's w hy it's a comfort to go hand
in hand. Emily Kimbrough, author
Fear makes strangers of people w ho w ould be friends. Shirley Maciaine, actress
He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of w isdom.
James Gibbons Huneker, essayist and critic
Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful w ithout having to believe that
there are fairies at the bottom of it too? Douglas Adams, author
/ don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her. Amur c. ciarke, author
Aim at Heaven and you w ill get Earth throw n in. Aim at Earth and you get neither.
C.S. Lewis, author
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 84
Stage 4: How to create an Ml environment
MUSIC Creates Order OUt Of chaOS. Sir Yehudi Menuhin, musician
You can never get silence anyw here now adays, have you noticed? Bryan Ferry, musician
Music w as my refuge. I could craw l into the space betw een the notes and curl my
back tO loneliness. Maya Angelou, poet and author
Music is the shorthand of emotion. Leo Tolstoy, author
YOU don' t take a photograph, yOU make it Ansel Adams, photographer
Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of us w ho aren't
artists must color things the w ay they really are or people might think w e're stupid.
Jules Feiffer, cartoonist and author
An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual w orld.
George Santayana, philosopher and author
Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee
doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyw ay.
Mary Kay Ash, businesswoman and entrepreneur
Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.
Niels Bohr, mathematician and physicist
No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can
prOV e me Wrong. Albert Einstein, physicist
I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games.
Tw enty-six times I've been trusted to take the game-w inning shot and missed.
I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is w hy I succeed.
Michael Jordan, sportsman
Acting is a matter of giving aw ay secrets. Eiien Barkin, actress
It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls w hile they are still rolling.
Mark Twain, author
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 85
Section 2: Using Ml
Bringing it all together
As with all the ideas in this book, pick and choose what will work for you
and your learners. This floor plan is an example of how some of the MI
environment suggestions can be brought together in the primary
classroom. Aspects of this approach can be adapted for use in specialist
secondary classrooms. There is no particular reason for specific placement
of the MI areas or resources, but the layout demonstrates that everything
can be included.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
There are two main ways to teach and learn using multiple intelligences:
1. Teaching and learning to the intelligences - teachers design
personalized learning and assessment opportunities matched to
learners' MI strengths.
2. Teaching and learning through the intelligences - learners do the
personalizing by choosing from different MI activities/assessments
to meet their curriculum goals.
It's a subtle, but important, difference.
In their book, Multiple Intelligences in the Elementary Classroom: A Teacher's
Toolkit (published by Teachers College Press), Susan Baum, Julie Viens and
Barbara Slatin have recorded dozens of ways that educators use MI for
teaching and learning.
They have organized these approaches into five pathways. Four of the
pathways explain the 'to' and 'through' of MI. (The f if th pathway looks at
MI profiling and enriching teaching environments - which we've just
Following the 'to' pathways will develop and use specific intelligences and
is teacher-driven. Following the 'through' pathways will develop a
repertoire across a range of intelligences and is learner-driven.
Later on, we'll look at these ideas in practice with several examples of MI
teaching and learning (see pages 93-117). First, let's look at you, the
teacher: you are how you teach!
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 87
Teaching and learning to...
The 'building on strengths' pathway The 'talent development' pathway
support literacy development
'bridge' student strengths to literacy learning
design structured talent development
create opportunities to assess and nurture
student talents
Teaching and learning through...
The 'understanding' pathway
develop curricular options to enhance students'
create diverse assessment options for students
to demonstrate their understanding
The 'authentic problems' pathway
use real-world problems and expert roles
create authentic assessments of student learning
Section 2: Using Ml
An Ml audit
When our diarist Natalie Earl first looked at one of her week's literacy plans,
she discovered that the most frequent opportunities for learning were
linguistic, interpersonal and visual ones. Natalie's three strongest
intelligences are also linguistic, interpersonal and visual, so it's hardly
surprising that her teaching reflects this.
Natalie's MI activities in one week of literacy
Number of
for activity
Musical Linguistic Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Visual Mathematical Kinesthetic
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem andlearning in the classroom 88
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
Why not audit your own teaching and put the results next to your MI
Natalie was quick to act. She was missing opportunities to reach learners
with strengths different from hers; she needed more bodily and musical
activities. But rather than plug in a rap and a role play, together we hit on
an idea for combining any two intelligences: MI twins (two intelligences).
Alone: Decide on the intelligences you will pair as Ml twins. Use one intelligence as
a stimulus to learning, another to express understanding (bodily/kinesthetic and
musical/rhythmic are in this example).
With your learners:
1. Define your learning objective, for example: To know and use a range of
2. Select two target intelligences - musical (1) and bodily (2).
3. Organize your learners into two equal groups (A and B) and send group B out
of the room, with a learning assistant, if available.
4. Use intelligence 1 as a stimulus for group A. Group A listen to a piece of
classical music, thinking about which adjectives from a list they would use to
describe it. Loud? Frightening? Peaceful? Jumpy?
5. Ask group A to use intelligence 2 to express the adjectives they chose. Group A
create facial expressions and poses - shouting face, hunched and scared,
sleeping, shivering.
6. Invite group B back into the room and form A + B pairs.
7. Group A children use intelligence 2 to present the learning objective to Bs,
repeating the expressions and poses.
8. Bs try to describe the original stimulus (intelligence 1). 'Was it a creepy piece of
music?' 'Was it slow - you were asleep, weren't you?'
9. Repeat the original stimulus to both groups and discuss how accurately the
ideas were transferred.
Ml twins can be simplified by keeping the class together and having everyone express
the stimulus through the second intelligence or by linking the stimulus directly to the
learning objective. For example:
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Use a painting as a stimulus for a quotation.
Use a diary entry as a stimulus for a song.
Use a poem as a stimulus for a clay model.
Alone: A pair of six-sided dice can give you a quick way to generate a further 36
ideas for Ml twins - nearly one every week for a whole teaching year. Throw the dice
to select one from each column in the table over the page. For example, if you throw
a 2 and a 6, use a poem to inspire model-making.
Section 2: Using Ml
The products/outcomes in the second column are inspired by MI and can
be altered, or extended to generate even more MI twins. But beware, there
are a lot of possible twins out there... nine intelligences... many products
related to each one... Some form of birth control may be needed! By
reflecting on her practice, Natalie created a simple idea to help her provide
a broader range of learning activities.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Mi t w i n g en er at o r
Use a...
diary entry
as stimulus for a...
diary entry
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
Becoming an Ml teacher
Your intelligences profile will influence your teaching strategies. You may
need to develop some in order to match your students' or class's MI profile.
Here are some ideas for growing your teaching in different directions.
Intelligence Teaching strategies
Verbal/linguistic Explain in words and lectures
Provide opportunities to read, write, speak, listen,
persuade, inform, debate
Tell stories
Share your linguistic talents and hobbies with your
learners (Poetry? Acting?)
Logical/mathematical Provide opportunities to reason, enquire, evaluate and
Make connections between concepts
Explain the steps of a lesson at the beginning
Share your logical talents and hobbies (Mental maths?
Sudoku? Logic puzzles?)
Musical/rhythmic Use sound, voice and music to enhance presentations,
projects and learning environments
Provide opportunities to compose and appreciate music
and rhythm
Make connections between music and other subjects
Share your musical talents and hobbies (Singing? Guitar?)
Provide opportunities for looking and watching -
videos/photog raphs/diag rams
Use mind mapping
Use visual language: 'I see what you mean', 'It looks OK to
me', 'Let me paint a picture for you'
Share your visual talents and hobbies (Art?
Encourage collaborative group-work and discussion
Model emotional intelligence
Show an interest in learners' lives outside school
Share your life outside school with your learners
Provide opportunities for learners to work independently
Reflect on, audit and develop your teaching
Use regular goal setting, progress reports and reflection
times in class
Remember to share some of your thoughts with your
Bodily/kinesthetic Provide opportunities to move
Explain concepts with hand movements
Use bodily language: 'You'll get a feel for it', 'Get a move
Share your bodily talents and hobbies (Sport? 3D art?)
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 91
Section 2: Using Ml
Existential Ask questions such as 'Why?' and 'How?'
Challenge beliefs
Provide opportunities for extended thinking, such as P4C
(Philosophy for Children)
Share your existential talents and hobbies (Philosophy?
Naturalist Provide opportunities for outdoor study visits and field trips
Draw attention to features of the natural world
Present information in hierarchies and taxonomies
Share your naturalist talents/hobbies with your learners
(Gardening? Walking?)
As you embrace MI theory and expand your repertoire of teaching
strategies, general characteristics will emerge. Some of them are listed in the
activity below.
believe that all students are intelligent in unique ways
believe that intelligence is multifaceted and dynamic
have a good understanding of Ml theory
use intelligences as alternative routes to specific curriculum areas
use Ml to identify and nurture specific talents
use students' stronger intelligences to teach weaker areas
give students choices of activity
use Ml to model real-world problem solving
have a good knowledge of students' intelligence profiles
understand how Ml theory relates to the school curriculum
present learning material in a style that engages most or all of the intelligences
encourage student self-reflection
enrich assessment activities to include evaluation through intelligences other
than linguistic.
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 92
Alone: Tick the statements that apply to you, and repeat every term to see how
you're growing. If you're just starting out with Ml, don't worry if you tick only one
or two statements first time round.
As an Ml teacher, I...
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
Case study
Resource: An int elligent Li t er acy Hour
Teacher: Mi ke Pl eet ham
Locat ion: Fer nhur st Juni or S chool , Por t s mout h
This Year 3 lesson was introduced by saying that the text focus was rhyming
poetry ('My Future' by David Harmer). It had been explored for a day or two
already. The poem questions the sort of future we are making for our children
(existential, naturalist).
'I modelled the reading, drawing attention to features such as rhyme and
punctuation. Then children read it together. The OHT had a green and blue
Earth-like tint, and there was music to support the meaning ('Low Light' from
Peter Gabriel's Ovq). Linguistic, visual and musical intelligences had already been
'To look at intonation I drew on the bodily intelligence. The children moved their
hands up and down with the tone of their voices. Then they chose their favourite
phrase and justified their choice to the child next to them (interpersonal). Finally,
we did a line count and looked for the rhyming pattern (logical).
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 93
Teaching and learning to Ml - the 'building on
strengths' pathway
In Multiple Intelligences in the Elementary Classroom, Julie Viens defines
'building on strengths' as a pathway into literacy (though it can be equally
well applied to other areas):
to support literacy development
to 'bridge' student strengths to literacy learning.
I once heard of a group of Russian educators in England who came across
the National Literacy Strategy. They commented that not even in Stalin's
day was anything so rigorously and mechanically disseminated down
through a country's hierarchy.
Love or hate it, the Strategy stayed, and now it's being unravelled by
initiatives such as Excellence and Enjoyment - allowing creative teachers to
meet its worthy learning aims in a variety of ways.
The following case study shows how MI can be used within the original
NLS framework, in an enriched Literacy Hour that:
presents experience of text in a variety of ways
provides different activities for the same learning objective
matches learner strengths to type of activity
offers learners other activities for the same objective.
Section 2: Using Ml
'Link to word work was a focus on the long a vowel sound. I began a mind map
using coloured pens. We found several ways of making long a, a few examples of
each, and considered exceptions to the rules.
'This led directly into group-work. The children are grouped by one of their
strongest intelligences and work on the learning objective at different intelligence
areas in the room. For example, the intrapersonat children worked alone to
extend the mind map; interpersonals work at the flip chart with dictionaries to
collect as many long a words as they could; the BKs (bodily/kinesthetics) made
words with plasticine; visual children were doing guided reading, looking at
illustrations for similar poems and then visualizing with eyes closed.
'In the plenary, musical students performed a short song they made with the
teaching assistant. It included eight long a words and a strong rhythm.
'The following day in group-work, the children moved to a different intelligence
area. They worked to the same learning outcome, but used different intelligences.
Their dominant learning route is honoured while lesser paths are developed.'
Here are some comments that children have made about such lessons:
'/ like the music in the background for our shared text/
'We sit dow n and get all our intelligences going.'
'When w e do shared text w e have music and w e move our hands and
that makes it fun,'
7 like sitting w ith my intelligence group because they help me, but
sometimes they are annoying.'
'We are the linguistic group and the good thing is w e can listen w ell,
but sometimes w e use our mouths too much.'
'Being in a group of intelligences is a good thing but the bad thing is
maybe you don't have a friend in your group.'
'We shouldn't put all the BKs together... w e should w ork in different
groups so w e can learn different intelligences. Then it's fun.'
The extract from a weekly plan, opposite, shows how MI can be used in
literacy. The 'MI' column is a checklist reminding you to include different
types of activity. You don't have to use every intelligence in every lesson,
but keeping track should reveal an even spread over time. The 'MI group'
column is an abbreviated list of MI groups - learners organized by one of
their strongest intelligences. The 'Activity' column next to it lists a carousel
of tasks, each using a different intelligence. Each group moves on one
activity every day, starting with a task matched to their strengths. After a
week's rotation, everyone has used their strengths and had a chance to
develop their weaknesses.
94 Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom
Text focus: Instructions Sentence focus: Verbs Word focus: Apostrophe for contractions
Texts: Clockwork (Pullman); various instructional; student cookbook
Whole-class work/group-work
identify 2 uses of
inst texts
Read, say, write and
understand meaning
of 9 new words
Identify 5+ uses of
inst texts
Identify and
categorize 1st, 2nd
& 3rd personintext
Ml activity
Share texts; categorize; tally; make
hand code; sing syllables.
Visualize 5s/say 5x/write inair
5x/visualize; cover, write, check
Repeat previous hand code; read
recipe and act with eyes closed (to
Make body code for 1st, 2nd &
3rd person; identify and tally 1st,
2nd & 3rd personinClockwork
Inter/intrapersonal group-work
Use illus to support text
Chant- read texts
Follow 2-part instructions
Syllabify words
Link word meanings
Use illus to support text
Chant-read text
Follow 2-part instructions
Syllabify words
Link word meanings
Ml group
vis & mus
vis & mus
Guided: Cover text, guess text, use
Guided: Colour every other word
Paired: Follow and use verbal
Make syllable code for spellings
Make link map for spellings
Guided: Cover text, guess text, use
Guided: Colour every other word
Paired: Follow and use verbal
Make syllable code for spellings
Make link map for spellings
'I can. ..'-Inters
'I can'- Intras
Section 2: Using Ml
Once you have planned your MI literacy lessons, the table below provides
some ideas of how you can use MI to get into a shared text. (Some of the
suggestions will require the children to use mini-whiteboards.)
Intelligence Shared text activity
Verbal/linguistic Listen for keywords in the text - tallying these as they are
Write down certain types of word from the text -
Two groups read a sentence or a line alternately
Logical/mathematical Count up the number of particular words or letters in the
Use a Venn diagram to represent certain aspects of the text
Make a flow chart of the text
Musical/rhythmic Use a soundtrack - music or sounds that support the
meanings of the text
Emphasize the rhythm in the text
Model and encourage intonation
Visual/spatial Provide images or objects to support the meaning(s) of
the text
Mind map the meaning/flow of the text
Close eyes and visualize the meaning of the text
Interpersonal Paired discussion about specific aspects of the text
Emphasize emotions in the text
Read text all together in sync
Intrapersonal Use own copies of the text
Give time to reflect alone on the text
Write personal response to the text
Bodily/kinesthetic Use finger movements and sounds to punctuate text (see
facing page)
Move hands up and down to indicate intonation or the text
Make human tableaux to illustrate aspects of text
Existential Explore deeper meanings - ask 'Why?', 'How?' and 'What
does this say about life?'
Give thinking and pondering time
Naturalist Relate the text to nature
Organize the text's words into a hierarchy: top layer - all
words; next layer - verbs/nouns/adjectives/adverbs; and
Read in a different place from normal
Multiple Intelligences in Practice - Enhancing self-esteem and learning in the classroom 96
Stage 5: How to teach and learn with Ml
These actions and sounds can be useful to punctuate a text. Feel free to
change them - your learners will have lots of ideas.
a jj