Pre Self Assessment Preschool Teaching Practices

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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Preschool Teaching Practices

Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Describe how your curriculum plans reflect an emphasis on play-based learning.

My curriculum plans reflect an emphasis on play-based learning because for all of the plans, the
children are engaged in activities that have them doing something that reflects on that certain
curriculum plan.

Describe how you support ample time for child-directed play and child choice of play materials.
I support ample time for child-directed play and child choice of play materials by always allowing the
child to speak what they are thinking or feeling about the activities. I allow them to use their
imagination and create what they want too and never tell them what the activities exactly needs to look
like. Different materials are always available for the children to play with.

Give examples of how you join children in learning centers during play/work time to extend and
deepen children’s learning and model play and prosocial skills.
I join children in their play in learning centers by allowing them to tell me what they want to do and let
them use their own imagination. I don’t tell them what I’m doing or what they need to do.

Give examples of situations when you supported children’s social play skills by helping them enter in
to, sustain, and enhance play with peers.
A situation when I supported children’s play was when a little girl was making food for her restaurant,
another girl wanted to play and I gave them the idea that one could for the other then switch like they
are eating at a restaurant.

Give examples of how you lead varied opportunities to help children learn physical games with rules
and structure, stimulate a variety of skills, enhance sensory-motor integration and development of
controlled movement (balance, strength, coordination. How is the YoungStar criteria for 15 minutes of
teacher-led activities met?
I have helped children to learn physical games by have the whole class play the game and explain how
the game is played. I lead the game until the children get the concept of it and are able to do it on their
own. The children they play with in groups during work time if they would like. Teacher led activities
is met for this because I lead the whole group by showing how to play the game.

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Preschool Teaching Practices
Give examples of how you support varied opportunities for children to develop a sense of competence
and positive attitudes toward learning, such as persistence, engagement, curiosity, and mastery.
I support opportunities for children to develop a sense of competence and positive attitudes toward
learning by keeping activities interesting and basing them off of different activities that all the children
enjoy and is something they will engage in.

Give examples of how you plan varied opportunities for children to develop communication and
vocabulary by responding to questions, communicating needs, thoughts, and experiences, describing
things and events, conversations, and experiences such as field trips.
We ask questions about activities that were done to allow the children to talk about it and reflect on it
in their own words. We also encourage family to ask about their child’s day.

Give examples of how you support the development and maintenance of the child’s home language
whenever possible. Do you try to learn familiar words, terms or phrases in child’s language? Are there
opportunities for children to see other languages in print?
I have never had to work with a child with a different home language, but I would try to learn main
words in that language to talk to the child about if the family wanted the child to maintain their home
language while at school. There is sign language hung up as well as items labeled in both English and
Spanish to learn new languages.

Give examples of how you model functional use of writing and help children to discuss the many
ways writing is used in daily life. Do you give children daily opportunities to write or dictate their
ideas? Do you give children assistance in writing the words and messages they are trying to
communicate? Do you support various types of writing, including scribbling, letter-like marks, and
developmental spelling?
We have done an activity on mailing letters to demonstrate different ways of communication and how
writing is used in everyday life. The children got to practice writing a letter and sending it in the
mailbox. Some children wrote words and some just scribbled but I showed the same amount of
excitement for both types of letters.

How often and when do you read books children? Give examples of how you engage in
conversations that help children understand the content of the book.
I read books to children everyday whenever they ask as well as in a big group 3-4 times a day. I engage
in conversation and help children understand the content of the book by asking questions and talking
about what the book might be about before reading it then asking what they thought of the book after
reading it.

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Preschool Teaching Practices
Give examples of how you can support children to explore books on their own and provide places that
are conducive to the quiet enjoyment of books. Describe how children have access to a variety of
book types, including storybooks, factual books, books with rhymes, alphabet books, and wordless
I can provide a book area where there is a bookshelf full of books that children love as well as a
comfortable place to sit and look at the book in the area. I can also take a new book from the bookshelf
every day and talk about it to get the children interested in it and wanted to read it. Different genre
books are kept in every room on all the shelves so the children have a variety of books to choose from.

Give examples of how you can support opportunities for children to become familiar with print and
connect it to spoken words by making print accessible throughout the classroom. Are items
belonging to a child are labeled with his or her name? Are materials labeled? Do you have print
posters to describe some rules and routines?

Books are read every day to get children used to print and words. Books are kept out for children as
well as having their names all over the classroom. Names are printed on tables, bins, their spots on the
carpet, and also on the birthday wall. Posters are also hung up all around the room with the classroom
rules, the calendar, the weather for the day as well as different routines.

Describe when and how you use rhymes, poems, songs and finger plays. Give examples of how you
support multiple and varied opportunities to develop phonological awareness with children, including
syllables, word families, and phonemes, helping to identify letters and the sounds they represent, to
recognize and produce words that have the same beginning or ending sounds, and supporting children’s
self-initiated efforts to write letters that represent the sounds of words.
I use rhymes, poems, songs, and finger plays during large group times sometimes to help learn a
activity or before or after a book is read. We have a sight word every day that the children learn and
understand the different concepts of the word. We sound out the letters of the alphabet and sign the
alphabet song every day to help children learn it.

Give examples of how you support varied opportunities for children to gain an appreciation of, and to
learn new concepts and vocabulary, and express themselves creatively in ways that reflect diversity
through art, music, drama and dance activities.
I bring out new items in those areas that get the children excited and wanting to play in those different
areas. I always allow the children to play in any area that they want and inspire to make all areas fun
and kept looking clean which also helps to want children to choose to play in those areas.

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Preschool Teaching Practices
Scoring Guide
Scoring Standard
You must achieve a rating of at least 2 on each criterion to demonstrate competence.

Rating Scale
3 = All criteria are completed, with examples of situations given that illustrate skill in that criterion.
Descriptions provide clear evidence of mastery.

2 = Most or all criteria are completed. Some examples are given, but there is only partial evidence of
mastery of all criteria.

1 = Many criteria are only partially completed, with no examples given or only weak evidence of mastery
of some criteria.

0 = Incomplete form. Many criteria have little or no description or examples given to illustrate mastery.

Criteria Student Ratings Instructor Rating

Each section (box) of the Self- 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
Assessment is completed in detail which
meets this category
Each section of the Self-Assessment is 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
concise providing detailed examples of
each description.
Self-assessment demonstrates reflection 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
of the category offering examples and
Self -Assessment is clear and complete 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
with no grammar or spelling errors
Self-Assessment is on time and includes 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
a completed scoring guide
Total points Possible: ________/15 ________/15

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