BVA J Series Manual Toe Jack

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J13060-M2 rev 07/08

Toe Jack
Instruction Manual
MODELS: J13060- 3 Ton, J13120- 6 Ton, J13200- 10 Ton

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: 888-332-6419 Fax: 816-891-6599
E-mail: [email protected] Website:

! This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

! advertencia ! WARNING
• Leer, comprender, y seguir las instrucciónes antes To avoid crushing and related injuries:
de utilizar el aparato. NEVER work on, under or around a
• El manual de instrucciónes y la información de load supported only by a hydraulic
seguridad deben estar comunicado en lengua del jack. ALWAYS use adequately rated
operador antes del uso. jack stands.
• No seguir estas indicaciónes puede causar daños
personales o materiales.

Read this manual and follow all the Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before using this product.

Printed in Taiwan
Save these instructions. For your safety, read, understand,
and follow the information provided with and on this jack ! WARNING
before using. The owner and/or operator of this equipment
To avoid personal injury and/or property damage:
shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating
procedures before attempting to use. The owner and/or • Read, understand and follow all printed materials provided
operator shall be aware that the use and repair of this product with and on this jack.
may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and • This is a lifting device only! Never work on, under, or
safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native around a load supported only by a hydraulic jack.
language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt • Immediately support the lifted load with appropriately
exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from rated mechanical means.
service immediately. • Use only on hard, level surfaces capable of sustaining
rated capacity loads.
Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked,
or damaged parts (including labels) are noted. Any jack that • Center load on saddle.
appears damaged in any way, operates abnormally or is • No alteration shall be made to this device. Use only
missing parts, shall be removed from service immediately. If attachments, adapters and accessories provided by the
you suspect that the jack was subjected to a shock load (a manufacturer.
load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately • Be alert and sober when using this product! Never
discontinue use until the jack has been checked by a BVA operate this equipment when under the influence of drugs
Hydraulics authorized service center (contact distributor or or alcohol.
manufacturer for list of Authorized Service Centers). It is • Use only high grade hydraulic jack oil in this product.
recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified • Always use a calibrated means of determining how
personnel. Labels and owner's manuals are available from much force is being applied by this product. Never
manufacturer. exceed the rated capacity of the jack.


!Use of this device may require special skills and
knowledge. Read, understand, and follow all printed
This product is designed to lift, position, or move, but not materials provided with and on this device before use.
sustain, rated capacity loads. It is not designed to be used as BEFORE USE
a stand-alone device. Any load lifted, positioned, or otherwise
moved by this device, must immediately be supported by Before using this jack, ensure that the intended load
appropriately rated mechanical means. A wide variety of contact point is able to withstand the load applied by this
applications exist for this category of product. Special skill, jack.
knowledge and training may be required for a specific task and 1. Before using this product, read the owner’s manual
this product may not be suitable for all jobs listed. Unsuitable completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with the
applications include applications that call for a device to product, its components, and recognize the hazards
lift, position, move or support persons, animals, hazardous associated with its use.
materials, mobile homes and dwellings in general, mirrors, 2. To familiarize yourself with basic operation, use the
plate glass or to connect/secure hatches, components, and operating handle to engage and turn the release valve:
materials between bulkheads. The user ultimately must make a. Clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further thread
the decision regarding suitability of the product for any given engagement. This is the ‘CLOSED’ release valve
task and therefore accept responsibility for that decision. position used to pressurize the hydraulic fluid and
raise the ram plunger.
b. Counter-clockwise, but no more than 1 turn from the
HYDRAULIC JACK TECHNICAL closed position. This is the ‘OPEN’ release valve
SPECIFICATIONS position used to lower the ram plunger.
Rated Capacity of J13060: 6,000 lbs. (3 ton) 3. Check that the pump operates smoothly before putting into
Rated Capacity of J13120: 12,000 lbs. (6 ton) service. Replace damaged or missing parts with factory
authorized replacement parts only. Repair of this product
Rated Capacity of J13200: 20,000 lbs. (10 ton)
may require special skills and knowledge and should
Brand name: BVA only be attempted by a factory authorized service center.
Hydraulic Pressure @ Rated Capacity: Contact the manufacturer or distributor of this product for
J13060: 4,185 psi a list of factory authorized service centers. Lubricate as
J13120: 4,000 psi instructed in Maintenance Section.
J13200: 5,400 psi
Bleeding/ Venting Trapped Air
With the release valve in the OPEN position (2b above) and
Use of this device may require special skills and
knowledge. Read, understand, and follow all printed with saddle fully lowered, locate and remove the oil filler plug/
materials provided with and on this device before use. screw. Insert the handle into the handle sleeve; then pump
6 to 8 full strokes. This will help release any pressurized air
which may be trapped within the reservoir. Oil level should
be even with the bottom of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil
filler plug/screw.

Base Size Toe Saddle Head Saddle

Model Capacity Hydraulic Lift
(L x W) Min. / Max Height Min. / Max. Height

J13060 3 Ton 8-5/8" x 7-1/2" 5/8" ~ 5-3/4" 9" ~ 14-1/8" 5-1/8"

J13120 6 Ton 11" x 7-1/2" 7/8" ~ 6" 10-1/2" ~ 15-5/8" 5-1/8"

J13200 10 Ton 11-5/8" x 9-1/4" 1-1/8" ~ 6-1/4" 11" ~ 16-1/8" 5-1/8"

Head Saddle

Toe Saddle
Oil Filler Plug/Screw
(not shown)

Carry Handle

Return Spring


Handle Sleeve

Release Valve

Figure 1 - Typical Toe Jack Components (J13120 shown)

! Use of this device may require special skills and knowledge. Read, understand, and follow all printed materials provided
with and on this device before use.

Raising the Ram Plunger

1. Assemble the 3-pc handle, ensure that spring clips align with slots.
2. Use the handle to engage and turn the release valve clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further thread engagement.
3. Pump until load reaches desired height. Immediately secure with appropriately rated mechanical devices.
It is recommended you follow the load with cribbing and blocking where practical.

! Never allow personnel to work or pass under a load until the load is secured by cribbing, blocking, or other mechanical

! Make certain that all personnel are clear of the load before lowering. Control the rate of descent of the load at all times.
The more you open the release valve, the faster the load descends.
1. Use the manufacturer's provided operating handle to engage and slowly turn the release valve counter-clockwise, but no
more than 1 turn.
! If the operating handle is damaged, operates abnormally, or will not positively engage the release valve, immediately
discontinue use of the jack until a manufacturer's replacement handle assembly can be acquired.
2. Push ram down and handle sleeve in to reduce exposure to rust and contamination after removing jack from under load.
Important: Use only good grade hydraulic jack oil. Avoid mixing different types of fluid and NEVER use brake fluid, turbine oil,
transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Improper fluid can cause premature failure of the jack and the potential for sudden and
immediate loss of load. We recommend Mobil DTE13M or equivalent.
1. With saddle fully lowered set jack in its upright, level position. Locate and remove oil filler plug/screw.
2. Fill with oil even with the bottom of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler plug/screw.
Changing oil
For best performance and longest life, replace the complete fluid supply at least once per year.
1. With saddle fully lowered set jack in its upright, level position. Locate and remove oil filler plug/screw.
Lay the jack on its side and drain the fluid into a suitable container.
Note: Dispose of hydraulic fluid in accordance with local regulations.
3. Fill with oil even with the bottom of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler plug/screw.
A periodic coating of light lubricating oil to pivot points will help to ensure that pump piston linkages move freely.
Note: Never apply oil to saddle.
Periodically check the pump piston and ram plunger/saddle for signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with a clean,
oil soaked rag.
Store the jack with pump piston, ram plunger/saddle fully lowered and release valve open, but never more than 1 turn. This will
help prevent rust and corrosion to those critical surfaces.

• The paint on this product contains lead, a chemical
known in the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects and other reproductive harm.
• Do not ingest paint chips and keep product away from
• Wash hands after each use.

Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Action

Jack will not pressurize • Release valve not tightly closed • Ensure release valve tightly closed
• Load is too heavy • Consider higher capacity jack

Jack *bleeds off after lift • Hydraulic unit malfunction • Contact Service Center
* 'bleeds off' means load slowly and
unintentionally lowers after lifting

While lowering, fluid leaks from • Reservoir overfilled • Drain fluid to proper level
reservoir area • Ram plunger/cylinder deformed, • Contact Service Center
Jack saddle will not descend to low- seized up in ram cylinder and/or
est advertised height top nut, likely the result of off-
center loading

Ram plunger will not remain lowered • Air trapped in system • Follow the Owners Manual instructions
after released from contact with load for bleeding air from system.
(creeps back up)

Poor lift performance • Fluid level low • Ensure proper fluid level
• Air trapped in system • Follow the Owners Manual instructions
for bleeding air from system.
• Hydraulic unit malfunction • Contact Service Center

Will not lift to full extension • Fluid level low • Ensure proper fluid level
Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODEL: J13060 - 3 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: 888-332-6419 Fax: 816-891-6599 J13060-M2
E-mail: [email protected] Website: rev 07/08

Note: Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient reference of location and
position in the assembly sequence.

Parts Illustration

Model J13060

9 2
24 4

27 5
29 26 6
30 23
31 18 11
20 2
32 21
22 7

16 14

Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODEL: J13060 - 3 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: 888-332-6419 Fax: 816-891-6599 J13060-M2
E-mail: [email protected] Website: rev 07/08

Replacement Parts List Note: Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient
reference of location and position in the assembly sequence.

Item Part# for 13060 Description Qty. Item Part# for 13060 Description Qty.
1 136-3-1108-109 Saddle 1 29 * O-ring 1
2 522-2-0206-104 Return Spring 2 30 * Oil Seal Assy 1
3 115-6-1808-102 Retainer Ring 1 31 N/A Pump Cylinder 1
4 * O-ring 1 32 * O-ring 1
5 136-6-1204-103 Guide Ring 1 33 * Washer 1
6 * O-ring 1 34 226-6-1402-108 Swivel Seat 1
7 N/A Piston Rod 1 35 181-3-2100-103 Handle Assy 1
8 * Back-up Ring 1 * 136-3-9906-107 Seal Kit 1
9 * U-cup 1
10 599-7-0360-103 Guide Ring 1
11 N/A Base Assy. 1
12 N/A Steel Ball 2
13 511-2-0050-025 Spring 1
14 * Washer 1
15 649-1-0080-046 Bolt 1
16 * Oil Seal 1
17 238-6-1701-403 Release Valve 1
18 N/A Valve Cap 1
19 414-6-1215-307 Screw 1
20 * O-ring 1
21 512-2-0067-010 Spring 1
22 414-6-1216-107 Needle Valve 1
23 * 505-9-0092-207 Oil Filler Plug 1
Handle Sleeve
24 226-3-1300-102 1
25 511-5-0012-016 Snap Pin 2
26 518-4-0070-307 Pin 2
27 226-4-1415-105 Pump Assy. 1
28 N/A Pump Piston 1
(*)- Items available only as Seal Kit. Replacement requires special skills, knowledge, and equipment. Only
an authorized service center may perform the repair and/or replacement of these items.
N/A = Not user serviceable
Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODEL: J13120 - 6 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: 888-332-6419 Fax: 816-891-6599
E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Note: Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient J13060-M2
reference of location and position in the assembly sequence. rev 07/08

Parts Illustration

Model J13120

14 10
21 15 11
6 2
23 12 7
27 8



Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODEL: J13120 - 6 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153 J13060-M2

E-mail: [email protected] Website: rev 07/08

Item Part# for 13120 Description Qty.

1 186-3-1108-109 Saddle 1
2 522-2-0206-104 Return Spring 2
3 * Dust Wiper 1
4 186-6-1810-304 Cylinder Fastener 1
5 * O-ring 1
6 * O-ring 1
7 186-6-1204-103 Guide Ring 1
8 N/A Piston Rod 1
9 * Back-up Ring 1
10 * U-cup 1
11 * Guide Ring 1
12 N/A Base Assy. 1
13 181-3-2100-103 Handle Assy. 1
14 226-3-1300-102 Handle Sleeve Assy. 1
15 511-5-0012-016 Snap Pin 2
16 518-4-0070-307 Pin 2
17 * 505-9-0092-207 Oil Filler Plug 1
18 A20-4-1500-106 Hyd. Cartridge Assy. 1
19 * Oil Seal 1
20 238-6-1701-403 Release Valve 1
21 226-4-1415-105 Pump Assy. 1
22 N/A Pump Piston 1
23 * O-ring 1
24 * Oil Seal Assy. 1
25 N/A Pump Cylinder 1
26 * O-ring 1
27 266-2-1402-108 Swivel Seat 1
* 186-3-9906-107 Seal Kit 1

(*)- Items available only as Seal Kit. Replacement requires special skills, knowledge, and equipment. Only
an authorized service center may perform the repair and/or replacement of these items.
N/A = Not user serviceable

Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODELS: J13200 - 10 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: 888-332-6419 Fax: 816-891-6599
E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Note: Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient J13060-M2
reference of location and position in the assembly sequence. rev 07/08

Parts Illustration
Model J13200

Toe Jack
Service Parts
MODEL: J13200 - 10 Ton Capacity

SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153 J13060-M2

E-mail: [email protected] Website: rev 07/08

Item Part# for 13200 Description Qty.

1 226-3-1108-100 Saddle 1
2 522-2-0206-104 Return Spring 2
3 226-6-1808-106 Retainer Ring 1
4 * Dust Wiper 1
5 N/A Dust Wiper Set 1
6 226-5-1204-108 Guide Ring 2
7 * O-Ring 1
8 N/A Piston Rod 1
9 * Back-up Ring 1
10 * U-cup 1
11 226-6-1209-104 Bearing 2
12 N/A Base Assy. 1
13 G55-4-1900-105 Vent Screw Assy. 1
14 226-3-1300-102 Handle Sleeve Assy. 1
15 511-5-0012-016 Snap Pin 2
16 518-4-0070-307 Pin 2
17 * O-ring 1
18 N/A Oil Filler Screw 1
19 324-4-1900-208 Oil Filler Screw Assy. 1
20 A20-4-1500-106 Hyd. Cartridge Assy. 1
21 * Oil Seal 1
22 238-6-1701-403 Release Valve 1
23 226-4-1415-105 Pump Assy. 1
24 N/A Pump Piston 1
25 * O-ring 1
26 * Oil Seal Assy. 1
27 N/A Pump Cylinder 1
28 * O-ring 1
29 226-6-1402-108 Swivel Seat 1
30 181-3-2100-103 Handle Assy. 1
* 226-3-9906-108 Seal Kit 1
(*)- Items available only as Seal Kit. Replacement requires special skills, knowledge, and equipment. Only
an authorized service center may perform the repair and/or replacement of these items.
N/A = Not user serviceable;


BVA Hydraulics®, represented in the United States by SFA Companies [“SFA”] warrants this product to be free from defects in
material and workmanship for the life of the product as long as the original purchaser owns the product. The warranty is non-
transferable and is subject to the terms, exclusions, and limitations described below:

• Damaged components, including but not limited to bent rams, dented or crushed cylinder walls, broken welds or couplers as
well as worn out seals, o-rings and springs are the result of misuse and not covered by warranty and BVA Hydraulics will not
provide any warranty credit for such damaged components.
• This warranty does not cover ordinary wear and tear, overloading, alterations (including repairs or attempted repairs not
performed by BVA Hydraulics or one of its authorized personnel), improper fluid use, or use of the product in any manner for
which the product was not intended or the use of which is not in accordance with the instructions or warnings provided with
the product.
• In the unlikely event that a BVA Hydraulics product fails due to material defect in workmanship, you may contact SFA for
disposition. In such cases, the customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach or alleged breach of warranty is limited to
the repair or replacement of the defective product.
• Under no circumstances is BVA Hydraulics liable for any consequential or incidental damage or loss whatsoever.
• Components not manufactured by BVA Hydraulics including certain motor systems, gasoline engines, and others are not covered
by this warranty and instead are covered by the manufacturer’s separate manufacturer’s warranty provided in the package.
• BVA Hydraulics’ liability in all cases is limited to, and will not exceed the purchase price paid for the product.

SFA Companies
10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153
Tel: 888-332-6419
E-mail: [email protected]
Note Page

SFA Companies
10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153, U.S.A.
Tel:(888)332-6419 Fax:(816)891-6599
E-Mail:[email protected]
BVA Website:


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