Review Management: Manual of Policies and Procedures Center For Drug Evaluation and Research MAPP 6700.1

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Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 1

Risk Management Plan Activities in OND and ODS




This MAPP documents the procedures for communication and the coordination of work
between the staff of the Office of New Drugs (OND), its Offices of Drug Evaluation
(ODEs), and the Office of Drug Safety (ODS)
in the performance of activities described
in the PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures, Section VIII, Pre-
and Peri-NDA/BLA Risk Management Plan Activities (PDUFA Goals),
with the
objectives of:

Ensuring appropriate participation of staff in internal and external meetings
pertaining to risk management plan activities

Defining the roles and responsibilities of OND and ODS in the review of documents
that pertain to risk management plan activities

The ODS has three divisions: the Division of Drug Risk Evaluation (DDRE); the Division of Surveillance, Research,
and Communication Support (DSRCS); and the Division of Medication Errors and Technical Support (DMETS).
Other offices within the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (e.g., Office of Compliance, Office of Regulatory
Policy, Office of Generic Drugs) and the Agency (e.g., Office of Chief Counsel) may also have responsibilities during
risk management planning and implementation. Although these offices should be consulted as appropriate, this MAPP
is intended only to address the policy and procedures specifically related to the interactions between OND and ODS.

See PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures ( For NDA/BLA
applications, and supplements containing clinical data, submitted on or after October 1, 2002, FDA may use user fees
to review an applicants implementation of the risk management plan for a period of up to two years post-approval for
most products and for a period of up to three years for products that require risk management beyond standard labeling
(e.g., a black box or bolded warning, medication guide, restricted distribution). This period is defined for purposes of
the user fee goals as the peri-approval period. Issues that arise during implementation of the risk management plan
(e.g., whether the plan is effective) will be reported to FDA either in the form of a PSUR or in a periodic or annual
report (21 CFR 314.80 and 314.81) (ICH Guidance E2C, Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update
Reports for Marketed Drugs) and addressed during the peri-approval period through discussions between the applicant
and FDA. PSURs may be submitted and reviewed semi-annually for the first two or three years post-approval to allow
adequate time for implementation of risk management plans. PDUFA Goals, Section VIII.


Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 2

The PDUFA Goals include the following performance goals for the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA):

Review pre-new drug application/biologics license application (pre-NDA/BLA)
meeting packages that include summaries of relevant safety information and industry
questions/discussion points regarding proposed risk management plan activities and
discuss the need for any post-approval risk management studies;

Hold discussions during pre-NDA/BLA meetings with industry on preliminary risk
management plan activities as warranted;

Review proposed risk management plan activities included in an NDA/BLA, if

Review applicants implementation of risk management plan activities for a period of
up to 2 years post-approval for most products and for a period of up to 3 years for
products that require risk management beyond standard labeling as reported in the
periodic safety report or other regulatory submissions; and

Develop guidance documents that address good risk assessment, risk management,
and pharmacovigilance practices.

The following guidances for industry meet the PDUFA Goals and are available on the
CDER guidance Web page at

Guidance for industry Premarketing Risk Assessment

Guidance for industry Development and Use of Risk Minimization Action Plans

Guidance for industry Good Pharmacovigilance Practices and
Pharmacoepidemiologic Assessment


Periodic safety reports include periodic adverse drug experience reports (21 CFR
314.80(c)(2)), periodic adverse experience reports (21 CFR 600.80(c)(2)), and periodic
safety update reports (PSURs) (ICH E2C).

Pharmacovigilance plan is the applicants observational (nonrandomized) post-approval
data-gathering activities relating to the detection and assessment of adverse events that

See ICH guidance for industry E2C Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update Reports for Marketed
Drugs (


Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 3
are above and beyond routine postmarketing surveillance. These activities may include
expedited reporting of selected adverse events, active surveillance strategies, or the
conduct of post-approval observational studies, registries, or surveys.

Risk management is an iterative process of (1) assessing a products risk-benefit
balance; (2) developing and implementing tools to minimize its risks while preserving its
benefits; (3) evaluating tool effectiveness and reassessing the risk-benefit balance; and
(4) making adjustments, as appropriate, to the risk minimization tools to further improve
the risk-benefit balance. Together, risk assessment and risk minimization form what the
FDA calls risk management.

Risk management plan activities is the term used in the PDUFA Goals and involves
proposed or ongoing activities relating to risk management including the submission and
review of pre-NDA/BLA meeting packages and pre-NDA/BLA meetings with industry to
discuss safety issues and proposed related activities including Risk Minimization Action
Plans (RiskMAPs), post-approval risk management studies, pharmacovigilance plans,
and observational studies (e.g., pharmacoepidemiologic studies, registries, and surveys),
and the evaluation of the effectiveness of risk minimization action plans.

Risk Minimization Action Plan (RiskMAP) is a strategic safety program designed to
meet specific goals and objectives in minimizing known risks of a product while
preserving its benefits. A RiskMAP targets one or more safety-related health outcomes
or goals and uses one or more tools to achieve those goals. See also the guidance for
industry Development and Use of Risk Minimization Action Plans.


ODS and OND will provide input to industry on risk management plan activities for the
following application categories:

1. NMEs/BLAs: All new drug applications (NDAs) for new molecular entities (NMEs)
and all new biologics license applications (BLAs).

2. Sponsor Initiated: Products for which the applicant has questions/discussion points
regarding proposed risk management plan activities (may include original
NDAs/BLAs and supplements).

3. CDER Initiated: Products not included in the previous categories for which the
review division or ODS identifies risk management issues at the time of original
NDA/BLA or supplement submission or during the course of the review, including
questions/discussion points regarding the need for or review of risk management plan
activities (may include original NDAs/BLAs and supplements).



Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 4
The OND, through the ODEs and review divisions within OND, has the final decision-
making and signatory authority for applications assigned to it.
Differences of opinion
are handled through the use of dispute resolution or differing professional opinion
procedures (MAPP 4151.1 Resolution of Disputes: Roles of Reviewers, Supervisors, and
Management Documenting Views and Findings and Resolving Differences; MAPP
4151.2 Documenting Differing Professional Opinions and Dispute Resolution Pilot

The OND review division project manager is the Agency point of contact for
communication with industry for all issues associated with risk management plans for
CDER-regulated products.




When OND receives a request for a pre-NDA/BLA meeting for an application that requires
input on risk management plan activities (NME/BLA, Sponsor Initiated, CDER Initiated), the
OND review division responsible for managing the review of the application will do the

1. The OND project manager will send a consult to ODS requesting participation in the
pre-NDA/BLA meeting. See the specific consult instructions in the CDER Standard
Letters (CSL) and Forms Reference Manual under Consults.

2. The OND project manager will coordinate with the designated ODS project manager
and other appropriate CDER (e.g., Office of Compliance (OC)) or FDA units to
coordinate scheduling a pre-meeting and the industry meeting according to
established procedures.

3. Within 3 working days of receipt of the meeting package by the OND project
manager, the OND project manager will send five copies to the ODS-IO project
manager or designee (or, if electronic, the details of the submission location and
access), as a follow-up to the previously mentioned consult. The OND project
manager will also send an appropriate number of copies to attendees from other
CDER/FDA units.

4. OND staff will review the pre-NDA/BLA meeting package to develop comments and
to respond to questions/discussion points. The OND project manager will send the

One exception is the authority to grant waivers of postmarketing safety reporting requirements, as defined in MAPP
6004.1 Granting Waivers Under 21 CFR 314.90 for Postmarketing Safety Reporting Requirements Under 21 CFR
314.80. ODS is responsible for granting these waivers.

See the guidance for industry Formal Meetings With Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products


Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 5
draft comments and responses to questions/discussion points regarding proposed risk
management plan activities to the ODS-IO project manager or designee for
discussion at the pre-meeting. The OND draft comments will be provided to ODS as
quickly as OND resources allow, but at least 1 business day before the pre-meeting.

5. At the pre-NDA/BLA meeting, OND staff should ask the sponsor to clearly
designate, when the application is submitted, the parts of the NDA/BLA that include
proposed risk minimization plan activities. In addition, the FDA may offer
suggestions to the sponsor regarding the format and submission of the application
that would enable the Agency to most efficiently review the designated sections.


In response to the request for consultation, ODS will do the following:

1. The ODS-IO project manager or designee will interact with the three ODS divisions
and Immediate Office to determine appropriate staff for the review team. The ODS-
IO project manager or designee will forward appropriate information and documents
to DDRE, DMETS, and/or DSRCS as needed and will inform the OND review
division project manager of the ODS staff who should be included in the pre-
NDA/BLA meeting with the sponsor and the internal pre-meeting. After the pre-
NDA/BLA meeting, the ODS-IO project manager or designee will ensure relevant
information is communicated to all three ODS divisions as needed.

2. The ODS-IO project manager or designee will coordinate scheduling of the pre-
meeting and pre-NDA/BLA meeting with the OND review division project manager
so that key ODS representatives or their designees can attend.

3. The ODS-IO project manager or designee will coordinate participation of appropriate
ODS staff at the meetings. The directors or deputies from the ODS-IO or component
divisions will be invited to attend these meetings, as needed.

4. ODS staff will review the pre-NDA/BLA meeting package to develop comments and
to respond to questions/discussion points. The ODS-IO project manager or designee
will send the ODS draft comments and responses to questions/discussion points
regarding proposed risk management plan activities to the OND review division
project manager for discussion at the pre-meeting. The ODS draft comments will be
provided to the OND review division as quickly as available ODS resources allow,
but at least 1 business day before the pre-meeting.

Documents that the FDA may offer suggestions about include:
Summary and Application (21 CFR 314.50(c))
Summary and Updates of Safety Information, including the integrated summary of safety and safety update reports
(21 CFR 314.50(d)(5)(vi))
Integrated Summary of the Benefits and Risks (21 CFR 301.50(d)(5)(viii))
Other documents pertaining to risk management tools and plans


Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 6
NDA/BLA Review

Review of Proposed Risk Minimization Plan Activities Included in an NDA/BLA


1. When an NDA/BLA (or supplement) of the type previously described is submitted in
paper form, the OND review division project manager will send five official copies
(obtained from the sponsor) of the documents pertaining to the risk management plan
activities to the ODS-IO project manager or designee. When an electronic
application is received, the OND review division project manager will inform the
ODS-IO project manager or designee of the details of the location and access of the
submission. These will be accompanied by a consult to ODS for the review of the
relevant materials. See the specific consult instructions in CSL under Consults.

2. During the review of an NDA/BLA or supplement that was not initially sent to ODS
as a consult, if questions/concerns arise regarding the need for or review of a
RiskMAP, the OND review division project manager will send five copies (or
information on the electronic submission) of the documents describing reasons why a
RiskMAP may be needed and the proposed RiskMAP (if available) to the ODS-IO
project manager or designee and a consult to ODS. See the specific instructions in
CSL under Consults.

3. The OND review division project manager will invite the ODS-IO project manager
or designee to review team meetings for these applications as appropriate. The ODS-
IO project manager or designee will notify the OND project manager of the members
of the ODS review team who will attend team meetings.

4. The OND project manager will arrange for a Preapproval Safety Conference or
another mutually acceptable meeting regarding these applications. As a part of this
meeting, OND will work with ODS to establish a schedule, to begin after product
launch, for when ODS reviewers will periodically evaluate postmarketing safety
information, including spontaneous adverse event reports, and findings from
completed observational studies, registries, and surveys, and present their findings to
responsible review division staff.

1. When the ODS-IO project manager or designee receives a consult that includes a risk
management plan related to or concerning multiple divisions within ODS, the ODS-
IO project manager will send a copy promptly to the appropriate divisions for review
and determination of the ODS project team. The ODS-IO project manager or
designee will notify the review division project manager of the membership of the
ODS project team and the ODS-IO project manager or designee to contact for the
overall consult or for specific components of the risk management plan activity.
These activities may fall within the DDRE, DSRCS, and/or DMETS components of

2. Representatives from the ODS divisions and the ODS-IO will meet routinely to
discuss the risk management plan. When comments on or a written review of the risk


Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 7
management plan are to be provided to OND, the ODS-IO project manager or
designee will ensure that it is done by an agreed-upon date.

3. When attending the Preapproval Safety Conference or alternative mutually
acceptable meeting, ODS will work with OND to establish a schedule, to begin after
product launch, that describes when ODS reviewers will periodically evaluate
postmarketing safety information, including spontaneous adverse event reports, drug
use, observational studies, registries, and surveys, and present their findings to
responsible review division staff.

Peri-Approval Activities

Review of Applicants Implementation of Risk Management Plan Activities for 2 to 3 Years
Post-Approval as Reported in the Periodic Safety Report or Other Regulatory Submissions


1. OND will work closely with ODS and the OC to identify and evaluate issues that will
arise during implementation of the risk management plan (e.g., how to evaluate
whether the RiskMAP is effective).

2. OND will work closely with ODS and OC to continue to refine risk management
plan activities and evaluate the effectiveness of RiskMAPs using outcome and
performance measures, such as adverse events or adherence to processes to prevent
them (e.g., registration, certification, distribution of educational materials).

3. OND will forward the appropriate information pertaining to changes to RiskMAPs
and other risk management plan activities to the ODS-IO project manager or

4. The OND review division project manager will coordinate with the ODS-IO project
manager or designee and other appropriate CDER or FDA units to set up pre-
meetings with OND and ODS, and/or meetings with ODS, OND, and industry, as
appropriate, to discuss issues relating to a RiskMAP and/or other risk management
plan activities during the peri-approval period and at other times, as needed.

5. OND will be responsible for scheduling any meetings with applicants to discuss risk
management plan activities, and for sending letters to applicants requesting changes
to risk management plans.

6. Under current policy, OND has the primary responsibility for the review of periodic
safety reports and other regulatory submissions. Exceptions include the review of
15-day alert reports, direct reports of adverse drug experiences, and the authority to
grant waivers of postmarketing safety reporting requirements, which are primarily the
responsibility of ODS. OND reviewers will evaluate periodic safety reports and
present their findings to responsible ODS staff in accordance with the schedule
established at the time of approval (see NDA/BLA Review, OND item #4 and ODS
item #3).



Originator: Office of New Drugs
Effective Date: 9/8/05 Page 8

1. ODS will work closely with OND to identify and evaluate issues that arise during
implementation of the risk management plan activity (e.g., whether the RiskMAP is

2. ODS will work closely with OND and OC to continue to refine risk management
plan activities and evaluate the effectiveness of RiskMAPs using outcome and
performance measures such as adverse events or adherence to processes to prevent
them (e.g., registration, certification, distribution of educational materials).

3. The designated ODS project manager will work with the OND review division
project manager to schedule pre-meetings with OND and ODS, and meetings with
ODS, OND, and industry to discuss issues relating to RiskMAPs and other risk
management plan activities, during the peri-approval period and as needed at other

4. ODS will review post-approval safety information, including spontaneous adverse
event reports, drug use, and findings from completed observational studies, registries,
and surveys, as defined at the Preapproval Safety Conference or other mutually
acceptable meeting or as warranted by the receipt of new information. ODS
reviewers will evaluate postmarketing safety information and present their findings to
responsible OND review division staff according to the schedule established at the
time of approval (see NDA/BLA Review, OND item #4 and ODS item #3).

5. Copies of periodic safety reports are forwarded to DDRE after the contractor
responsible for AERS data entry and tracking has removed the 3500As (mandatory
MedWatch form used by industry) for coding. DDRE staff will review these reports,
but the primary responsibility for their review rests with OND. Other regulatory
submissions relating to the RiskMAPs and other risk management plan activities will
be forwarded and as necessary consulted to the ODS-IO project manager or designee
to triage for review. As with periodic safety reports, the primary responsibility for
their review is with OND.


This MAPP is effective upon date of publication.

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