Biotech Note 2
Biotech Note 2
Biotech Note 2
It is the technique by which ovules are aseptically isolated from ovary and are grown
on chemically defined nutrient medium under controlled conditions.
Maheshwari (1958) isolated ovules of papaver somniferum and cultured them on
nutrient medium.
It is tried in those cases where the embryo aborts very early. Embryo culture is not
possible due to difficulty of its excision at very early stage Difficulty of arriving at the right
kind of complex nutrient medium for culturing hybrid Embryos. Depending upon the stage, at
which the embryo aborts, the ovules have to be excised at anytime from soon after
fertilization to almost developed fruits. In some cases the medium may need to be
supplemented with some fruits and vegetable juice, to accelerate initial growth.
1) To obtain interspecific and intergeneric hybridseg Eg. cotton
The hybrid embryo between Tetraploid and diploid was rescued and obtained plants.
Gossypium barbadense x G. arborium
Gossypium hirsutum x G. herbaceum
2) Orchid seed germinate only in association with fungus, but the cultured fertilized ovules
germinate even in the absence of fungus
3) Test tube pollination and fertilization is possible through ovule culture
4) It helps in the development of several embryos in Citrus and other crop plants
5) Culture of unfertilized ovules helps in the formation of haploid callus.
Ovary culture
Culture of unfertilized ovaries to obtain haploid plants from egg cells or other haploid
cell of the ES is called ovary culture and this process of haploid production is termed as
gynogenesis. The first report of gynogenesis was by San Noem Lu 1976 in case of barley
subsequently haploid plants were obtained from ovary / ovule cultures of rice, wheat, maize,
sunflower, sugar beet, tobacco etc.
Purpose : ovary culture is often used for
1) in vitro pollination and fertilization
2) For embryo rescue when embryo culture and ovule culture fail (or) not feasible due to
their very small size.
Culture procedure
In most cases, the optimum stage for ovary culture is the nearly mature embryosac, but
in case of rice ovaries at free nuclear embryosac stage are the most responsive. Generally
culture of whole flowers, ovary, ovule attached to placenta respond better, but in Gerbara
and Sunflower isolated ovules show better response cold treatment (24-48 hr at 40C in
sunflower and 24 hr at 70C in rice) of the inflorescence before ovary culture enhances
gynogenesis. Growth regulators are crucial in gynogenesis and seems to depend on
species. For example in Sunflower GR-free medium is the best. Sucrose level also appears
to be critical, in Sunflower 12% sucrose leads to gynogenic embryo production, while at
lower levels somatic calli and somatic embryos were also produced ovaries / ovules are
generally cultured in light but in some species dark incubation favours gynogenesis. Haploid
plants generally originate from egg cells in most of the species (in vitro parthenogenesis),
but in some species Eg. In Rice, they arise mainly from synergids and antipodals (Allium
tuberosum) produce haploid plants (in vitro apogamy)
1) Interspecific hybrids have been successfully obtained in several genera including
Brassica species (B. compestries x B,oleracea) seeds with well developed embryos
have been obtained when ovaries are cultured 4 days after pollination in whites
medium contain casein hydrolysate. For inter specific and inter generic crosses
ovaries are excised at zygote stage (or) at two celled pro embryo stage
2) It is used for the study of understanding of physiology of fruit development
3) The effect of phyto harmones on the development of parthenogenic fruit or haploids
from the cultures of unpollinated flower can be studied
4) It is successful in inducing polyembryony
1. So far ovary culture has been successful only in less than two dozen species.
2. The frequency of responding ovaries is low (1-5%) the number of plantlets for
ovary is quite low. (1-2%)
3. The somatic origin of embryos / plant lets can be identified only by studying the
progeny of regenerants.
Endosperm culture
Endosperm is a unique tissue in majority of the flowering plants. Endosperm is formed
in most cases by fusion of two polar nuclei and one of the male gametes resulting in a tissue
with triploid number of chromosomes.
It is a homogeneous mass of parenchymatous tissue lacking the differentiation of
vascular elements. It is the main source of reserve food for developing embryo and
influences its differentiation. Potentiality of endosperm cells for unlimited growth and
organogenic differentiation in vitro has been well established. It is the best method to get
The most common method for triploid production is to cross tetraploid with diploid.
Such a cross may not always be successful due to strong crossability barriers and repeated
production of triploid seed would be difficult.
The technique of endosperm culture may be profitably exploited as an alternative
to crossing tetraploid and diploid for arising triploids in crop improvement programmes
The early attempt to grow endosperm tissue in culture was made by Lampe and Mills
(1933). They grew young maize endosperm on a Nutrient medium enriched with the extract
of potato. The first extensive work on growth and differentiation of corn endosperm was
given by La Duel (1949). He reported growing tissue of young immature maize endosperm.
Nikajima(1962) obtained mature plants from endosperm of cucumis sativus. Mohan Ram
and Satsangi(1963) from Ricinus communis
Cereal endosperm proliferate only if excised during a proper period of development
Eg : 4-7 days after pollination in oryza sativa
6 DAP in Triticum aestivum and Hardeum vulgare
8-11 DAP in zeamays
The mature endosperm in these plants is not amenable to culture. It is reported that
certain physiological changes occur in Corn endosperm 12 days after pollination that renders
its in capable of responding to the treatments in culture. Most of responding species belongs
to Euphorbiaceae, Loranthaceae and Santalaceae. The species belonging to first two
families,initial association of embryo was essential for inducing proliferation of endosporm
from mature dry seeds. Shortly after the endosperm has started callusing, the embryo could
be removed without affecting the growth of endospermic callus. If the germinating embryo is
not removed at this stage the embryo may also proliferate resulting in a mixed callus
(containing cells with difference ploidy levels).
It is therefore advised to remove embryo soon after the endosperm cells has
started to divide. The initial callus phase is followed by embryogenesis or shoot bud
differentiation. The shoots and roots may subsequently developed and complete triploid
plants can be established for further use.
Applications of Endosperm culture in crop improvement
1) Triploid cells of endosperm are totipotency so theoretically the most common method of
triploid production is through crossing tetraploid with diploid. This method is not
successful in most cases. Endosperm culture technique is applied to economically
important cultivars for raising superior triploid plants
2) Triploid plants are seed sterile and undersirable for plants where seeds are commercially
important. However there are instances where the seedlessness caused by triploid is
advantages under such circumstances endosperm culture can be exploited for crop
Eg:- Apple, Banana, Mulberry, Sugarbeet, Peach, Watermelon etc, which are
commercially important for their edible parts.
3) In some cases triploids are superior in quality than diploid. Eg:- Triploids of populus have
better quality pulpwood. Seed sterility in timber and fuel yielding plant is not a serious set
back because the vegetative parts are important and these plants can be multiplied
4) The multiplication of triploids should not be a serious problem with the available
technique of micro propagation
5) To exploit in the biosynthesis of some natural products
Eg:- Cultured Endosperm of coffee sunthesizes caffeine the level of this alkaloid in callus
is synthesized by three times after two weeks by 6 times after 4-5 weeks
6) Various trisomics developed from triploids may also be useful in gene mapping for
cytogenetic studies
7) Endosperm can be used as a nurse tissue for raising hybrid embryos
Eg:- using Hardeum endosperm as a nurse tissue the young embryos of hybrid between
Hardeum x Triticum
Hardeum x Cicale
Hardeum x Agropyron
These can be induced to germinate and form normal hybrid plants
1. Triploid production through endosperm culture technique has been successful
only in a limited number of species. In majority of species mature endosperm
proliferation resulted in a callus tissue of unlimited growth. But the induction
of organogenesis in endosperm culture has always being a challenging
2. In cereals (or) crops where grains (or) seeds are used, triploids are undesirable.
Somatic embryogenesis
The process of embryo development is called embryogenesis. Under certain
Exceptional conditions, the cells of angiosperm sporophyte behave like a zygote and
development into embryo like structure in culture in vitro. Since embryo like structures
derived from the s porophytic or somatic cells of plant, is known as somatic embryogenesis.
Haccius (1978) defined Somatic embryos as a non-sexual development process
which produces a bipolar embryo from somatic tissue. Steward and Reinert first reported the
production of embryos from cell suspensions of carrots. Somatic embryogenesis differs from
organogenesis in the embryo being a bipolar structure with a closed radicular end rather
than a monopolar structure. The embryo arises from a single cell and has no vascular
connection with the maternal callus tissue or the cultured explant. Further, induction of
somatic embryogenesis requires a single hormonal signal to induce a bipolar structure
capable of forming a complete plant, while in organogenesis it requires two different
hormonal signals to induce first a shoot organ, then a root organ.
Somatic embryogenesis has been induced in variety of explants namely stem,
leaf,root, hypocotyls, flower bud, seed, embryo, Nucellus, endosperm.
Somatic embryo is two types 1) Direct embryogenesis 2) In direct embryogenesis
1) Direct embryogenesis
It refers to the development of an embryo directly from the original explant tissue
without an intervening callus phase. This occurs through pre-embryogenic determined cells
(PEDC) where the cells are committed to embryonic development and need only to be
released. Such cells are found in embryonic tissues. (Eg. Scutellum of cereals, ovules,
zygote etc.)
Eg. Nucellar cells of polyembryonic variety of citrus
Epidermal cells of hypocotyls in wild carrot and Ranunculus scleratus
2) Indirect embryogenesis
It is the formation of embryos from callus (or) cell suspension (or) from cells (or)
group of cells (or) of cell or somatic embryos
Eg:- Secondaryphloem of carrot
Inner hypocotyle tissues of wild carrot
Leaf tissues of coffee, Petunia, Pollen of rice etc.
The cells from which embryos arise are called embryogenically determined cells
and forms embryos which are induced to do so, also called as (IEDC) induced embryogenic
determined cells.
The somatic embryos regenerating from explants (or) callus are termed as primary
somatic embryos. In many cases, embryos regenerated from tissues of other somatic
embryos(or) parts of germinating somatic embryos are called secondary somatic embryos.
Ordinarily somatic embryos originate from cells at the surface of callus (or) explants
Eg:- From epidermal cells Ranunculus scleratus
Embryos formed in cultures have been referred to as embryoids, supernumerary
embryos, Adeventive embryos and Accessory embryos
Kolenbach (1978) classified embryos into the following category
1) Zygotic embryo :- Embryos formed by fertilized egg (or) Zygotic
2) Non-Zygotic embryos:- Embryos formed by cells other than zygotes these are
Further classified into
a) Somatic:- embryos formed by sporophytic cells
b) parthenogenetic:- embryos formed by unfertilized egg
c) Androgenetic:- embryos formed by male gametophyte ( pollen grains (or) micro
Developmental pattern of somatic embryos
In the ca llus cultures somatic embryogenesis is initiated with the differentiation of a
single meristematic cells. These meristematic cells are distinguishable from surrounding
cells in having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei. Further division in these cells
resulting in the formation of group of cells.
Each proembryoid cell posses the capacity to pass through the some stages of
embryo development (globular, heartshaped, Torpedo, cotyledonary etc) as observed in
zygote development
Somatic embryos are bipolar structures in that they have a radicle and plumule.
The radicular end is always oriented towards the center of callus or cell mass, while the
plumular end always sticks out from cell mass. In contrast a shoot bud is monopolar as
plumular it does not have a radicular end.
In many somatic embryos radicle is suppressed, so that they often donot produce
roots. In such cases roots have to be regenerated from shoots produced by germinating
somatic embryos. Somatic embryos can be germinated readily on nutrient medium without
harmones until plantlets reach a suitable size for transfer to soil.
Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis
Growth regulators
In most species an auxin (generally, 2,4-D at 0.5-5 mg/1) is essential for somatic
embryogenesis. The auxin causes dedifferentiation of a proportion of cells of the explant
which begin to divide. In the presence of auxin, the embryogenic clumps (ECs) grow and
break up into smaller cell masses, which again produce ECs. But when the auxin is either
removed or reduced (0.01-0.1 mg/l) and cell density is lowered, each EC gives rise to few to
several SEs; each SE is believed to develop from a single superficial cell. The ability to
regenerate SEs, i.e., totipotency, is acquired by cells during dedifferentiation in response to
high auxin treatment.
In many species like carrot, coffee, alfalfa, etc. somatic embryogenesis is a two
step process; (i) SE induction occurs on a high auxin (upto 40-60 mg/l 2,4-D) medium, and
(ii) SE development is achieved on a low auxin or GR-free medium. In the SE induction
phase, explant cells dedifferentiate, become totipotent.
Low pH of the medium is essential for maintaining the embryogenic potential of
the culture. Carrot PEMs cultured on a GR -free medium buffered at pH 5.8 promptly
develop into SEs, while those cultured at pH 4.0 remain in the embryogenic state. 2,4-D is
particularly effective for the establishment and maintenance of embryogenic cultures.
When ECs are transferred from induction medium to an appropriate medium,
SE differentiation proceeds from globular, heart-shaped, torpedo to cotyledonary stages; this
is called SE development phase.
In some species, SEs are produced in response to pea, etc.
In some species, SEs regenerate superficially from cotyledons and hypocotyls of
developing SEs and even from germinating SEs and plantlets; this is termed as secondary
embryogenesis or recurrent embryogenesis.
Nitrogen source
In carrot, NH+4 has promotive effect on SE regeneration. The presence of a low level
of NH+4 (in carrot 10 m mol/l is optimal) in combination with NO-3 is required for SE
regeneration. In carrot, NH+4 is essential during SE induction, while se development occurs
on a medium containing NO-3 as the sole nitrogen source. But in case of alfalfa, there is an
absolute requirement for NH+4 during induction as well as differentiation of SEs; 5 mM NH+
4 is optimum for SE induction, and 10-20 mM is optimum for SE differentiation.
Genotype of explant
Explant genotype has a marked influence on SE regeneration. For example in the case
of species like carrot and alfalfa, almost any and every explant shows embryogenic potential.
But in many other species, embryogenic potential is confined to embryonal or highly juvenile
tissues; cereals like wheat are good examples, where immature ZEs have to be used for a
consistent and high frequency response. In case of wheat, chromosome 4B is important in
regeneration. In the cases of wheat, rice and maize cytoplasm has a strong influence on
regeneration. In wheat, this effect appears to be associated with mitochondrial genome.
The type of explant has a strong influence on embryogenesis. Immature ZEs have
been found to be best explant for embryogenesis, e.g., in cereals, legumes, conifers, etc. In
case of wheat, the optimum stage of ZE development is 11-14 days after anthesis. But in
few species like alfalfa and carrot, almost all explants show embryogenesis.
Other factors
Certain other factors are reported to affect SE regeneration. For example, high K+
levels and low dissolved O2 levels promote SE regeneration in some species. In some other
species, e.g., Citrus medica, some volatile compounds like ethanol inhibit SE regeneration.
In soybean, low sucrose concentrations (5 and 10 g/l) promote SE regeneration as
compared to high concentrations (20 and 30 g/l). In alfalfa, use of maltose as carbon source
improves both SE induction and maturation (including germination) as compared to those on
1) Somatic embryogenesis may replace micropropagation for the rapid propagation of
economically important plants
2) Somatic embryos can meet specific breeding objectives by rapidly multiplying
germplasm that is initially present as embryonic material Eg:- maternal embryos,
haploid embryos and interspecific hybrid embryos that normally abort due to non
availability of endosperm tissue
3) Raising somaclonal variations from tree species Embryos formed directly from
preembryonic determined embryonic cells appear to produce relatively uniform to
clonal material, whereas the indirect pathway involving in callus proliferation and
differentiation of embryogenic cells generate a high frequency of somaclonal variants.
4) synthesis of artificially synthetic seeds
5) Source of regenerable protoplast system.
6) Embryogenic callus, suspension culture and somes have been employed as sources of
protopla st isolation for a range of species.
7) The nucellus usually degenerated during the development of seeds but in citrus species
embryogenic callus derived from nucellus remains totipotent for many years, can be
used as source material for regeneration of plants.
8) Non-chemical mutants may be obtained through adventive embryogenesis in tissue
cultures as somatic embryos develop from a single cell.
9) Disease free plants can be obtained by using the nucellar embryos. In citrus certain
viruses which infect the vegetative tissue are eliminated from nucellar cells during
ovule development. Somatic embryos developed from nucellar cells produce
rejuvenated clones which are therefore, also virus free
10) The possibility of chimeric embryos arising from transformed and non transformed
tissues of the callus can be by-passed through the process of repetitive somatic
11) The repetitive embryogenesis is of potential use in the synthesis of metabolites such as
pharmaceuticals and oils
1) In many species somatic embryo maturation and convertion remain problematic and
resolution of this bottle neck is critical to the practical utilization of somatic
2) Occurance of somaclonal variations in indirect somatic embryo genesis.
3) Somatic embryos are without seed coat. In vitro development of somatic embryos
species are contaminated with microbes and dessicate when they are ssubjected to field
condition. Therefore to get rid of this problem they are encapsulated by a protective
gel. These encapsulated embryos can resist unfavourable field conditions without
dissication. The seeds so developed behave like true seeds and are used as a substitute
of natural seeds. They can also be sown directly in the green house and in fields.
4) Abnormalities exhibited by somatic embryos which include double and triple vascular
system, secondary embryogenesis and pluri-cotyledonary
5) Large scale production is difficult
6) SE quality is often poor
7) Field conversion frequencies of SEs and artificial seeds are low (15-20%)
8) Synchronisation of somatic embryogenesis is inadequate