History of Plant Tissue Culture

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The science of plant tissue culture takes its roots from the discovery of cell

followed by propounding of cell theory. In the 1838, Schleiden and Schwann

proposed that cell is the basic structural unit of all living organisms. They

visualized that cell is capable of autonomy and therefore it should be possible for

each cell if given an environmental to regenerate in to whole plant. Based on this

premise, in 1902 a German physiologist Gottlieb Haberlandt for the first time

attempted to culture isolated single palisade cells from leaves in knops salt solution

enriched with sucrose. The cells reminded alive for up to one month, increased in

size, accumulated starch but failed to divide .Thought he was unsuccessful but laid

down the foundation of tissue culture technology for which he is regarded as the

father of plant tissue culture.


In plant cell culture, plant tissue and organs are grown in vitro on artificial media,

under aseptic and controlled environment .The technique depends mainly on the

concept of tot potentiality of plant cells which refers to the ability of a single cell to

express the full genome by cell division. Along with the totipotent potential of

plant cell, the capacity of cells to alter their metabolism, growth and development

is also equally important and crucial to regenerate the entire plant.

Plant tissue culture medium contains all the nutrients required for the normal

growth and development of plants. It is mainly composed of macronutrients,

micronutrients, vitamins other organic components, plant growth regulators,

carbon source and some gelling agents in case of solid medium.

Murashige and skoog medium (MS medium) is most extensively used for the

vegetative propagation of many plant species in vitro. The ph of the media is also

important that affects both the growth of plants and activity of plant growth

regulators. It is adjusted to the value between 5.4 to 5.8. both the solid and liquid

medium can be used for culturing. The composition of the medium, particularly the

plant hormones and the nitrogen source has profound effects on the response of the

initial explants.

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) play an essential role in determining the

development pathways of plant cells and tissue in culture medium. The auxins,

cytokinins and gibberellins are most commonly used plant growth regulators. The

type and the concentration of hormones used depend mainly on the species of the

plants, the tissue or organ cultured and the objective of the experiment. Auxins and

cytokinins are most widely used plant growth regulators in plant tissue cultures and

their amount determined the type of culture establishment or regenerated. Then

high concentration of auxins generally favors root formations, where as the high

concentration of cytokinins promotes shoot regeneration. A balance of both auxin

and cytokinin leads to the developments of mass of undifferentiated cells known as


Cytokinins generally promote cell division and induce shoot formation and axillary

shoot proliferation. High cytokinin to auxin ratio promotes shoot proliferation

while high auxin to cytokinins ratio results in root formation.

Shoot initiation and proliferation was found maximum, when the callus of black

pepper was shifted to medium supplemented with BA at the concentration of

0.5mg/I . Gibberellins are used for enhanced growth and to promote cell

elongation. Maximum shoot length was observed in phalaenopsis orchids when

cultured in medium containing 0.5 mg/I GA3 (unpublished).


1)- MICROPROPAGATION – Planttissue culture , also called micro

propagation is a practice used to propagate plants under sterile condition or in a

controlled environment , often to produce clones of a plant . In these processes,

tissue or cells, either as suspension or as solids is maintained under conditions

conductive for their growth and multiplication. These condition include proper

temperature proper gaseous and liquid environment and proper supply of nutrients

Plant tissue culture relies on the facts that many plants cell have the ability to

regenerate the whole plants (Totpotency ) single cells , plant cell without cell walls

(protoplast) , pieces of leaves or ( less commonly ) roots can often be used to

generate a new plants on culture media given the required nutrients and plant

hormones . Although micropropagation represents one of the few means by which

much forestry, plantation and other difficult to root species can be clonally

reproduced, the high cost of tissue culture techniques has prevented broader

application in the market place.

Micropropagation allows the production of larger numbers of plants from small

pieces of the stock plant in relatively short period of time.

2)-EMBRYO CULTURE- Embryo culture is a type of plant tissue culture that is

used to grow embryos from seeds and ovules in a nutrient medium. In embryo

culture, the plant develops directly from the embryo or indirectly thought the

formation of callus and then subsequent formation of shoots and roots. The

techniques has been developed to break seed dormancy, test the vitality of seeds,

production of rare species and haploids plants.

It is an effective techniques that is employed to shorten the breeding cycle of plants

by growing excised embryo and results in the reduction of long dormancy period

of seeds. This techniques has an important application in forestry by offering a

mean of propagation of elite individuals where the selection and important of

natural population is difficult.

3) HAPLOID PRODUCTION- TheTissue culture techniques enable to produce

homozygous plants in relatively short time period through the protoplast, anther

and microspore cultures instead of conventional breeding . Haploids are sterile

plants having single set of chromosome which are converted in to homozygous

diploids by spontaneous or induced chromosome doubling. The doubling of

chromosome restores the fertility of plants resulting in production of double

haploids with potential to become pure breeding new cultures.

The term androgensis refers to the production of haploid plants from young pollen

cells without undergoing fertilization.

Sudherson et al reported haploid plant production of struts desert pea by using

pollen grains as primary explants. The haploidy technology has now become an

integral part of plant breeding programs by speeding up the production of inbred

lines and overcoming the constraints of seed dormancy and embryo no viability .

The techniques has a remarkable use in genetic transformation by the production of

haploid plants with induced resistance to various biotic and a biotic stresses.

embryogenesis is an in vitro methods of plant regeneration widely used as an

important biotechnological tool for sustained clonal propagation. It is a process by

which somatic cells or tissues develop into differentiated embryos. These somatic

embryos can developed into whole plants without undergoing the process of sexual

fertilization as done by zygotic embryos. The somatic embryogenesis can be

initiated directly from the explants or indirectly by the establishment of man of

unorganized cells name callus.

Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis occurs by the induction of

embryogenic cultures from zygotic seed,leaf or stem segment and further

multiplication of embryos. Mature embryos are then cultured for germination and

plantlet development and finally transferred to soil.

Somatic embryogenesis has been reported in many plants including trees and

ornamental plants of different families. The phenomenon has been observed in

some cactus species. These are various factors that affects the induction and

development of somatic embryos in culture cells. A highly efficient protocol has

been reported for somatic embryogenesis on grapevine that showed higher plant

regeneration sufficiently when the tissue were cultured in liquid medium. Plant

growth regulators play an important role in the regeneration and proliferation of

somatic embryos. Highest efficiency of embryonic callus was induced by culturing

nodal stem segments of rose hybrid on medium supplemented with various PGRs

alone or in combination. This embryonic callus showed high germination rate of

somatic embryos when grown on abscisic acid alone.

Somatic embryogenesis is not only a process of regeneration the plants for mass

propagation but also regarded as a valuable tool for genetic manipulation. This

process can also be used to develop the plants that are resistant to various kinds of

stresses and to introduce the gene by genetic transformation. A successful protocol

has been developed for regeneration of cotton cultivars with resistance to Fusarium

and Verticillium wilts.


It refers to the production of plant organs (i.e.) root, shoots and leaves that may

arise directly from the meristem or indirectly from the undifferentiated cell masses

(callus). Plant regeneration via organogenesis involves the callus production and

differentiation of adventitious meristems in to organs by altering the concentration

of plant growth hormones in nutrient medium.

Skoog and Muller were the first who demonstrated that high ratio of cytokinin to

auxin stimulated the formation of shoots in tobacco callus while high auxin to

cytokinin ratio induced root regeneration.

6) GERMPLASM CONSERVATION - In vitro cell and organ culture offers an

alternative sources for the conservation of endangered genotypes. Germ plasm

conservation world wide is increasingly becoming an essential activity due to the

high rate of disappearance of plant species and the increased need for safeguarding

the floristic patrimony of the countries.

Tissue culture protocols can be used for preservation of vegetative tissue when the

targets for conservation are clones instead of seeds , to keep the genetic

background of a crop and to avoid the loss of the conserved patrimony due to

natural disasters , whether biotic or a biotic stress .

The plant species which do not produce seeds that can not be stored for long period

of time can successful be preserved via in vitro techniques for the maintenance of

gene banks.

7) PROTOPLAST FUSION –Somatic hybridization is an important tool of plant

breeding and crop improvement by the production of interspecific and intergeneric

hybrids . The techniques involves the fusion of protoplasts of two different

genomes followed by the selection of desired somatic hybrid cells and regeneration

of hybrid plants. Protoplast fusion provides an efficient means of gene transfer

with desired traits from one species to another and has an increasing impact on

crop improvement.

Somatic hybrids were produced by fusion of protoplasts from rice and ditch reed

using electro fusion treatment for solt tolerance.

In vitro fusion of protoplast opens a way of developing unique hybrid plants by

overcoming the barriers of sexual incompatibility. The techniques has been

applicable in horticultural industry to create new hybrids with increased fruit yield

and better resistance to diseases. Successful viable hybrid plants were obtained

when protoplasts from citrinae species.

8) GENETIC TRANSFORMATION – Genetic transformation is the most recent

aspect of plant cell and tissue culture that provides the mean of transfer of gene

with desirable traits in to host plants and recovery of transgenic plants. The

techniques has a great potential of genetic improvement of various crop plants by

integrating in plant biotechnology and breeding programs. It has a promising role

for the introduction of agronomically important traits such as increased yields,

butter quality and enhanced resistance to pest and diseases.

Genetic transformation in the plants can be achieved by either vector mediated or

vector less methods. Among vector dependant gene transfer methods Agro
bacterium mediated genetic transformation is most widely used for the expression

of foreign gene in plant cells .successful introduction of organic traits in plants was

achieved by using root explants for the genetic transformation recently successful

transgenic plants of jatrpha were obtained by direct DNA delivery to mature seed

derived shoot apices via particle bombardment methods. This technology has an

important impact on the reduction of the toxic substances in seeds thus overcoming

the obstacle of seed utilization in various industrial sector. Regeneration of disease

or viral resistance plants is now achieved by employing genetic transformation

techniques. Researchers succeeded in developing transgenic plants of potato

resistant to potato virus Y which is a major threat to potato crop worldwide.


Cell suspension culture systems are used now days for large scale culturing of

plants cells from which secondary metabolites could be extracted. A suspension

culture is developed by transferring the relatively friable portion of the callus in to

liquid medium and is maintained under suitable conditions of aeration , agitation ,

light , temp and other physical parameters

Cell culture can not only yield defined standared phytochemicals in large volumes

but also eliminate the presence of interfering compounds that occurs in the field

grown plants. The advantage of this methods is that it can ultimately provide a
continuous, reliable source of natural products. A major advantage of the cell

cultures includes synthesis of bioactive secondary metabolites, running in

controlled environment , independently from climate and soil conditions. The first

commercial application of large scale cultivation of plant cells were carried out

stirred tank reactors of 200 liter and 750 liter capacities to produce shikonin by cell

culture of Lithosperinum erythrorhizon.

Cell of catharanthus roseus, Dioscorea deltoidea, Digitalis lanata Panax

notoginseng , Taxus Wallichiana and Podophyllum hexandrum have been cultured

in Various bioreactors for the production of secondary plant products.

A number of medicinally important alkaloids, anticancer drugs recombinant

proteins and food additives re produced in various cultures of plants cell and

tissues. Advances in the area of cell cultures for the production of medicinal

compounds has made possible the production of a wide varity of pharmaceuticals

like alkaloids terpenoids, steroids , saponins , phenolics , flavanoids and amino

acids . some of these are now available commercially in the market for examples

shikonin and poclitaxel . until now 20 different recombinant proteins have been

produced in plants cell culture , including antibodies enzymes , edible vaccines ,

growth factors and cytokines .


Agriculture today is on the verge of a technological revolution, in a manner it has

never been seen before. As we enter the new millennium, one key development

that comes to our mind is the emergence of biotechnology, which offers some of

the best opportunities and solutions to some of the uncontrollable problems faced

by us.

Biotechnology is a group of technologies that share two things in

common;theymanipulate living cells and their molecules and have a wide range of

usesthat can improve our lives. The major techniques of biotechnology are genetic

engineering, cell culture, tissue culture, bioprocessing, protein engineering etc.

These ex-plants go through the initiation, multiplication and rooting methods

forproducing a cell into a full-fledged plant. These ready plantlets are then

hardened in climatically controlled green houses or poly houses. Depending on the

species, the plants become ready for plantation in the field.

This technique of plant propagation greatly reduces the labour and space

requirement, for producing new varieties and can also markedly enhance

propagation rates. Methods of plant propagation and establishment are of particular

interest to our country and work on a wide range of vegetables, fruit crops and

trees are in progress. Several scientists have been experimenting to extend the

application of tissue culture to make plant species commercially important.

For example experiments on crops like coconut, date palm. Cashew, Mango,

Orange etc. are being made in the different research laboratories. With the advent

of plant tissue technology, it is now possible to propagate fine varieties of flowers,

forest, and fruit trees by tiny plantlets. Commercialization of these crops has

already taken place. In Ornamental crops, Orchids, Carnation, Gladiolus, Gerbera,

Anthurium etc. has been commercially grown. In Fruit crops, Banana, Sugarcane

etc. has been commercially grown. In Forest trees. Teak, Eucalyptus etc. has been

commercially grown. Medicinal plants are also being experimented by tissue

culture method and soon would be ready for

commercial plantation.

Biotechnology is an area with a tremendous potential in solving basic problemsof

food, fiber, fuel and medicine particularly in developing Asian countries.

Plant cell/tissue culture, also referred to as in vitro, axenic, or sterile culture, is an

important tool in both basic and applied studies as well as in commercial

application (see Thorpe, 1990, 2007 and Stasolla & Thorpe 2011). Although Street
(1977) has recommended a more restricted use of the term, plant tissue culture is

generally used for the aseptic culture of cells, tissues, organs, and their components

under defined physical and chemical conditions in vitro.

Perhaps the earliest step toward plant tissue culture was made by Henri-Louis

Duhumel du Monceau in 1756, who, during his pioneering studies on wound-

healing in plants, observed callus formation (Gautheret, 1985). Extensive

microscopic studies led to the independent and almost simultaneous development

of the cell theory by Schleiden (1838) and Schwann (1839).

This theory holds that the cell is the unit of structure and function in an organism

and therefore capable of autonomy. This idea was tested by several researchers, but

the work of Vochting (1878) on callus formation and on the limits to divisibility of

plant segments was perhaps the most important.

He showed that the upper part of a stem segment always produced buds and the

lower end callus orroots independent of the size until a very thin segment was

reached. He demonstrated polar development and recognized that it was a function

of the cells and their location relative to the cut ends.

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