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CLPA Primria Carme Florit Ballester

CLSA Secundria Joan Alberich Carramiana

Visuals and
Todays students respond best
to active learning strategies
combined with visual stimulation.
Research shows that people remember:
20% of what they HEAR 30% of what they SEE
Jim Stice (1987)
50% of what they SEE + HEAR
Visual aids can be used to:
Provide interest and
motivation for students.
Increase retention of
information and learning.
Aid communication.
Clarify something difficult.
Help students to organise concepts and ideas.
Save instructional time and preparation
time because they can be reused.
When using visuals we should not overlook that:
- Different learners may use visuals in different ways.
- Learners experience different levels of
success in gaining information from visuals.
- More experienced children can more efficiently use
visuals and can better assimilate visual information
than less experienced.
- We should not use visuals that are overly complex.
Flow charts
Graphic organisers
The Graphitti Wall is an useful type of visuals.
Graphic organisers and mind maps are extremely
useful types of visuals.
Graphic organisers may help students to:
Connect knowledge and
ideas presented in CLIL.
Understand and
recall information.
Select, transfer and
categorise information.
Think creatively.
Produce oral and written language.
Three keys to be effective using Visual
Aids and Graphic Organisers:
- Connect with your audience

- Direct and focus your audience attention

- Promote understanding and memory

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