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Wong Sandler (1992)

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A Theoreti cal l y Correct

Equati ons
Mi xi ng Rule for Cubic
of State
David Shan Hill Wong
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 30043, ROC
Stanley I. Sandier
Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics, Dept . of Chemical Engineering,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
A new mixing rule developed f or cubic equations of state equates the excess
Helmholtz free energy at infinite pressure from an equation of state to that from
an activity coefficient model. Use of the Helmholtz free energy insures that the
second virial coefficient calculated from the equation of state has a quadratic com-
position dependence, as required by statistical mechanics. Consequently, this mixing
rule produces the correct low- and high-density limits without being density-de-
As a test, the mixing rule is used f or ternary mixtures of cyclohexane +benzene
+water, ethanol +benzene +water and carbon dioxide +n-propane +water,
and all the constituent binaries. The new mixing rule and a simple cubic equation
of state can be used for the accurate correlation of vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid
equilibria for binary mixtures. Using the parameters obtained from binary systems,
the phase behavior of ternary mixtures can be predicted. Also, unlike previous
empirical mixing rules, this theoretically based mixing rule is equally applicable and
accurate for simple mixtures containing hydrocarbons and inorganic gases and mix-
tures containing polar, aromatic and associating species over a wide range of pres-
sures. This mixing rule makes it possible to use a single equation of state model
with equal accuracy for mixtures usually described by equations of state and for
those traditionally described by activity coefficient models. It is the correct bridge
between these two classes of models.
Cubic equations of state are used widely for phase equilib-
rium calculations. To use such equations to model complex-
phase behavior of highly nonideal mixtures, however, mixing
rules other than the commonly employed van der Waals one-
fluid mixing rules are required. Several authors (Panagioto-
poulos and Reid, 1986a; Adachi and Sugie, 1986; Sandoval et
al., 1989; Schwartzentruber et al., 1989) have proposed various
modified forms of the van der Waals mixing rules that use
composition-dependent binary interaction parameters. While
such mixing rules have been used successfully for some highly
nonideal mixtures, they are not generally applicable; since in
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to S. 1. Sandler.
the low-density limit they are inconsistent with the statistical
mechanical result that the second virial coefficient must be a
quadratic function of composition. Further, these rules may
fail for simple mixtures (Shibata and Sandler, 1988).
To correct these problems, attempts have been made to
develop density-dependent mixing rules (for example, Lue-
decke and Prausnitz, 1985; Panagiotopoulos and Reid, 1986b)
so that the correct low-density limit is recovered. Such an
approach, however, is ad hoc and does not preserve the cubic
nature of equation of state when used for mixtures. Moreover,
as pointed out by Michelsen and Kistenmacher (1990), some
of the new mixing rules that have been proposed lead to in-
consistencies when a component is split into two or more iden-
tical fractions. There have been ongoing efforts to correct such
AIChE Journal
May 1992 Vol. 38, NO. 5 671
deficiencies (Schwartzentruber and Renon, 1991; Mathias et
al., 1991), but with little success.
An alternative approach for developing mixing rules was
proposed by Huron and Vidal (1979). This method involves
equating the excess Gibbs free energy at infinite pressure cal-
culated from an equation of state to that of an excess Gibbs
free energy (activity coefficient) model for liquids. I n order
that the excess Gibbs free energy at infinite pressure computed
from an equation of state be finite, Huron and Vidal had to
require that the excess volume at infinite pressure be zero;
otherwise, the Py E term becomes infinite. Consequently, a
linear mixing rule for the excluded volume parameter b, had
to be used. It was pointed out by Sheng et al. (1992) that such
an assumption is not necessary if one equates excess Helmholtz
free energies instead. This allows a wider choice for the mixing
rule for the equation of state parameter b,.
The Huron-Vidal mixing rule does not satisfy the require-
ment that the second virial coefficient be a quadratic function
of composition, and therefore is inconsistent with statistical
mechanical theory. Here weshow that by the simple expedient
of considering the Helmholtz free energy, we can develop a
new class of density-independent mixing rules, in which the
energy parameter a, and the excluded volume parameter b,
of any cubic equation of state are determined to give the correct
excess Helmholtz energy at infinite pressure and, simultane-
ously, the correct quadratic composition dependence of the
second virial coefficient. Consequently, this new class of mix-
While mixing rules should lead to a quadratic dependence
of the second virial coefficient on composition, there is no
other theoretical restriction on their temperature, density or
composition dependence. However, there is an advantage to
mixing rules being independent of density since this preserves
the cubic nature of the equation of state. If we expand the
equation as a virial series, the relation between the second
virial coefficient B( T ) and the equation of state parameters
B( T ) = b - -
Since, from statistical mechanics, the composition dependence
of the second virial coefficient is quadratic:
i j
wemust have that
ing rules produce results that are correct at both the low-density
and high-density limits without being density-dependent.
with [b- a / ( RT) Jil being the composition-independent cross
second viriai coefficient of the equation of state. A sufficient,
For simplicity, wepresent the derivation of the new mixing
rule here for the van der Waals equation of state. The deri-
vation of the new mixing rule and the fugacity coefficient
equation for the Peng-Robinson equation is given in the Ap-
pendix; a similar derivation can be used for other two-param-
eter cubic equations of state.
The van der Waals equation of state is given by:
To apply this equation to mixtures, the equation of state pa-
rameters a, and b, are made functions of compositions using
mixing rules. For example, the traditional van der Waals one-
fluid mixing model is:
but not necessary, condition for satisfying Eq. 7 is the van der
Waals one-fluid model of Eq. 2. Traditionally this solution
has been used at all densities. However, Eqs. 2 are only one
solution to Eq. 7; other solutions are possible, which is the
subject of this article.
As a disgression, for later reference, wenote that:
a RT
where F( x) is an arbitrary function of composition vector x,
is also a solution of Eq. 7.
Many other algebraic solutions are possible, for example,
Further, the following combining rules are generally assumed:
though they may be devoid of any physics.
to those of the pure components by:
( bi +bj )
The cross second virial coefficient of Eq. 7 can be related
u,.=tla,a,(l - kv) b.-=-
IJ 2
where kU is an interaction parameter characteristic of each
binary pair. The modification proposed by Panagiotopoulos
and Reid (1986) was to make k,. composition-dependent re-
sulting in:
AIChE Journal 672 May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5
where here k, is a second virial coefficient binary interaction
The Helmholtz free energy departure function, which is the
difference between the molar Helmholtz free energy of pure
species i and the ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure,
-(-!I=" - V = m +) -
for the van der Waals fluid this becomes:
A,( T, P) -Arc( T, P) =- RT In
Similarly, the mixture Helmholtz free energy departure func-
tion, which is the difference between the molar Helmholtz free
energy of a mixture, A,, and that of the same mixture as an
ideal gas, &''M, at the same temperature, pressure, and com-
position is:
A_, , ( T, P, X) -A_:M( T, P, X) =
Finally, the excess Helmholtz free energy for mixing at constant
temperature and pressure, A_( T, P, x), is:
=A, ( T, P,x)-=di (T, P) - RT z, l nx, =
A,'G'(T, P,x)-D,A;'(T, P ) =R T DJ nxi (16)
Expressions for the excess Helmholtz free energy of liquid
mixtures have usually been derived using lattice models with
the assumption that there are no free sites on the lattice. This
is approximately equivalent to the assumption that in a liquid
solution the molecules are so closely packed that there is no
free volume. This limit in an equation of state is:
l i mK= bi
P- m
P- m
Therefore, if we equate the excess Helmholtz free energy at
infinite pressure from an equation of state to that of a liquid
solution model wehave:
Equation 18 is analogous to the relation found by Huron and
Vidal(1979), but since they used the excess Gibbs free energy
at infinite pressure they had to make the additional assumption
on the b parameter of Eq. 3.
Equations 7 and 18 completely define a,,, and b, in terms
of &(x) (the high-density term) and k, (the low-density term).
These equations can be solved to obtain
_ - Om- c xi - - AE (x)
b, bi -m
Note that Eqs. 19 and 20 are in the form of Eqs. 8 and 9 with
F( x) = 2 xi - - AE (x)
bi -m
Therefore, these mixing rules produce a second viriai coeffi-
cient which has a quadratic composition dependence, and at
low densities these mixing rules predict fugacities similar to a
virial equation truncated at the second virial coefficient. At
high density, however, the Helmholtz free energy of the so-
lution is that of the chosen liquid activity coefficient model
described by &x), and could be of either a random or local
composition form. Consequently, we have obtained a mixture
equation of state model that is correct at both the low- and
high-density limits without postulating a density-dependent
mixing rule.
It should be noted that the mixing rule suggested by Huron
and Vidal (1979) is, in effect, the zeroth-order truncation of
a series expansion of Eqs. 19 and 20 with respect to (l /T) and
with k, set equal to zero. However, since both the excluded
volume parameter b and the second virial coefficient are of
the order (a/RT) , the proper composition dependence for the
second virial coefficient cannot be preserved unless the ex-
pansion is carried beyond the first-order term. In fact, there
is no need to expand Eqs. 19 and 20 with respect to temperature.
AIChE Journal May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5 673
I f, instead of our mixing rule, the van der Waals one-fluid
mixing model is used, the form of excess Helmholtz free energy
of the liquid has then been dictated to be:
Alternatively, if one uses this excess Helmholtz free energy
expression in our mixing rule, the van der Waals one-fluid
mixing rule is recovered at all densities. However, the mixing
rule developed here allows a much more flexible choice of
liquid solution model so that, if necessary, local composition
effects at high density can be represented accurately. Further,
the approach developed here is theoretically correct and can
be easily extended to other two-parameter cubic equations of
state. For example, the expressions of mixture parameters and
fugacities of components derived for the Peng-Robinson equa-
tion of state (Peng and Robinson, 1975) are given in the Ap-
Results and Discussion
The parameters in our mixing rule are cross virial coefficient
interaction coefficient and the coefficients in the expression
used for the excess Helmholtz free energy. Thus, for example,
there are three parameters per binary if the Wilson model is
used, and four parameters (including a) if the NRTL model
is used.
I n the following examples, we have used the Stryjek and
Vera (1986) modification of the Peng-Robinson (1975) equa-
tion of state. To get the correct pure-component vapor pres-
sures, the equation of state constants for all pure components
were computed using the correlations of Stryjek and Vera
(1986). For demonstration, the NRTL model was used in our
calculations here, though any other A_" (or GE) model could
be used as well. Interaction parameters were obtained by
regression of data for binary mixtures at the temperatures of
interest; their values and the results of the correlations are
given in Table 1. I n all cases, the ternary results reported here
are predictions using parameters fit to binary data only.
Due to the so-called Michelsen-Kistenmacher (1990) syn-
drome, in which a mixing rule is not invariant to the subdivision
of a component in two or more identical components, mixing
rules that use two asymmetric binary interaction parameters,
such as the density-independent Panagiotopoulos-Reid mixing
rule (1986a) here called BI P2, perform poorly for ternary mix-
tures containing two similar components. This has been shown
by Mathias et al. (1991) using the specific example of the
solubility of water in mixtures of cyclohexane and benzene.
Cyclohexane and benzene are very similar, and the solubility
of water changes almost linearly with the composition of the
mixed solvent. With parameters determined from binary data,
however, the BI P2 mixing rule predicts a maximum in the
solubility of water as a function of mixed solvent composition
as show in Figure 1, while liquid-liquid predictions for this
ternary system using the mixing model proposed in this work
agree well with experimental data. The fact that our mixing
rule does not suffer from the so-called Michelsen-Kistenmacher
syndrome is evident from its derivation.
ethanol and benzene. When parameters are adjusted to obtain
agreement with experimental VLE data for the ethanol-benzene
mixture near the two high dilution ends near room temperature,
the Panagiotopoulos-Reid mixing rule predicts the formation
of a heterogeneous azeotrope and liquid-liquid phase sepa-
In this section we demonstrate the applicability of the mixing
rule we have developed by examining experimental vapor-liq-
uid, liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium data for
several binary and ternary systems at both low pressures and
high pressures, some of which have presented difficulty in other
equation of state studies. The systems considered range from
almost ideal to highly nonideal mixtures and include some
systems that are traditionaily described by equations of state,
and others for which activity coefficient models are used. I t
should be noted that since we can always choose Eq. 22 for
& our mixing rule can never be worse than the one-constant
van der Waals one-fluid model and therefore will describe
simple hydrocarbon systems quite well. I n addition, as we show
below, our mixing rule is also applicable to mixtures that pre-
viously could not be accurately described by an equation of
free energy, which are normally used for the excess Gibbs free
energy. The relation between the two is:
In the following, we will use models for the excess Helmholtz
Another system considered here is the binary mixture of
@=A_" +P p
Excess Gibbs free energy (activity coefficient) models are used
generally as low pressure, and _v" is usually small, so that the
difference between @andA_"Es small. Further, if one examines
the derivation of G" models, it is evident that it is really a
model for A" which has been derived. Also, due to the absence
of the P p term, 4" is much less pressure-dependent than @.
Indeed, to an excellent approximation we have that:
- G"(T, X, P = I o w) = A_ ~ ( T , X, P = I O W)
=A_"( T, X, P = ~l . )
Therefore, in what follows, we will use the same functional
form for A_" at infinite pressure as is now used for G" at low
pressures. It needs to be emphasized that it is the composition
dependence of A_" which is important; it is not necessary that
for the liquid phase of any specific mixture to be stable over
the whole composition range O<x< 1 to use our mixing rule.
ration at higher pressures. Experimental data, however, show
that ethanol and benzene are completely miscible at this tem-
perature. Figure 2 shows that our mixing rule results in much
better agreement with experiment, including the prediction of
a homogeneous azeotrope.
Mathias et al. (1991) have shown that mixing rules with two
asymmetric binary interaction parameters, such as that of Pan-
agiotopoulos and Reid, fail to predict a plait point for the
ternary system ethanol +benzene +water (experimental data
reported in Sbrenson and Arlt, 1980c), nor will their proposed
empirical modification that rectifies the Michelsen-Kisten-
macher syndrome. This is probably due to the poor correlation
of the ethanol +benzene data, which results from using those
mixing rules. Figure 3 shows that our model correctly predict.
a liquid-liquid plait point, though the predicted phase envelope
is larger than that found experimentally and contains less water.
I t also shows the results of the NRTL activity coefficient model
prediction using reported parameters obtained from binary
AIChE Journal 674 May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5
Table 1. Binary Data Sources, Parameters and Average Absolute Deviation in K Values
System Type TIKI I J (YY Tv 71, AD 5 k J , AD
K 070 K To
hexane +
benzene +
benzene +
ethanol +
propane +
dioxide +
dioxide +
LLE 298 0.71 0.20 7.72 9.56 1.4
LLE 298 0.52 0.20 5.37 6.04 2.6
VLE 298 0.21 0.36 2.55 0.34 1.8
VLE 298 0.28 0.30 0.03 1.48 3.3
VLE 313 0.16 0.45 4.03 1.85 2.0
VLE 344 0.40 0.30 1.02 -0.15 1.2
311 0.35 0.30 1.12 -0.16 2.4
278 0.37 0.30 1.26 -0.18 2.3
VLE 313 0.38 0.29 0.64 0.27 3.1
0.45 1.5
0.29 7.6
0.12 6.2
- 0.07 7.4
0.09 3.9
0.18 4.3
0.14 3.3
0.11 2.3
0.08 7.7
SBrensen and Ark (1980a).
bSBrensen and Ark (1980b).
Gmehling and Onken (1977).
dGmehling et al. (1988).
Galivel-Solastiouk et al. (1986).
Reamer et al. (1951).
80hgaki and Katayama (1976).
vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium data (Gmehling and
Onken, 1977; Gmehling et al., 1988; Shensen and Arlt,
1980a,b). The equation of state model using our mixing rule
gives predictions that are similar to, if not slightly better than,
those obtained from the activity coefficient approach. The
shortcoming of classical activity coefficient models, especially
in the plait point region, is well documented in the literature
solubility of water in
cyclohexane +benzene
, 1 , -. 1
/ ,
<, 0 0 0. 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I .o
Figure 1. Comparison of measured and predicted water
solubility in the benzene and cyclohexane mix-
ture at 298 K.
(for example, dePablo and Prausnitz, 1988). Since our mixing
rule uses a classical activity coefficient model to describe the
nonideality of the high-density phase, it is not surprising to
observe similar behavior.
Schwartzentruber et al. (1987) have pointed out that erro-
neous liquid-phase splitting is generally predicted when equa-
tion of state models with various mixing rules are used to
1 .o
x 0 . 4
0. 2
y-x Benzene+Ethanol ot 298 K
I I 1 1
0 0 0 2 04 0 6 0 8 1 0
Figure 2. Measured and correlated x y curves for the
benzene-ethanol system at 298 K.
AIChE Journal May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5 675
. ,\ L- L
/ -
Expt rirlir?e Doto
This Work
L-L Boundary
PlOlt Point
L-L Boundary
Plait Point
' \\ BI p2' Boundary
/, '
Figure 3. Measured tie lines for the benzene-ethanol-
water system at 298 K and predicted phase
boundaries and plait points using our mixing
rule, the NRTL model, and the Pangiotopou-
los-Reid model (which does not predict a plait
correlate vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the propane-meth-
anol binary mixture at 313.1 K. The experimental data of
Galivel-Solastiouk et al. (1986) in Figure 4 show this system
to be highly nonideal. In particular, the bubble point pressure
first rises sharply and then abruptly levels off as propane is
added to methanol. Schwarzentruber et al. (1987) found that
for this system the Huron-Vidal mixing model incorrectly pre-
dicts liquid-liquid immiscibility. Figure 4 shows that a simple
asymmetric mixing model such as BIP2 gives similar erroneous
results. A modified version of the asymmetric mixing rule
P -x--y of Propone+Methancl
1 2
0 9
0 6
0 3
0 0
Expt Doto 0
This Work ~
~ _ _ _
0 0 0 2 04 0 6 0.8 1 .o
x,y( Propane)
Figure 4. Measured and correlated P-x-y curves for the
propanemethanol mixture at 298 K.
P - x- y of Carbon Dioxide +Propane
71 , I I I
z 4
a 3
Expt Data:
This Work ~-
344.3 K
277.6 K A
_ _ _ _
n l , 1 I
0.0 0 2 04 0.6 0.8 1 .0
x(Carbon Dioxide)
Figure 5. Measured and correlated P-x-y curves for the
carbon dioxide-propane mixture at 277.6 and
344.3 K.
proposed by Schwarzentruber et al. (1987) avoids the predic-
tion of liquid-liquid separation, but produces a homogeneous
azeotrope with a maximum in bubble point pressure near the
propane end. There, however, is no evidence in the experi-
mental data that supports the existence of such an azeotrope.
On the other hand, our mixing rule predicts the correct phase
behavior, in good agreement with the experimental data, with-
out showing false local maxima and minima in the bubble
point pressure curve.
Shibata and Sandler (1979) have pointed out that some mix-
ing models useful for complex mixtures are unsatisfactory for
simple mixtures such as the inorganic gases (nitrogen and car-
bon dioxide) with hydrocarbons, especially near the critical
point of the mixture. To examine the performance of our
mixing rule for such systems we have correlated the experi-
mental data for carbon dioxide +propane reported by Reamer
et al. (1951) using the mixing rule developed here and, for
comparison, the BIP2 model. Figure 5 shows that the differ-
ence between the two models is negligible at temperatures below
the critical temperature of carbon dioxide (for example, 277.6
K). However, at 344.3 K, the BIP2 model predicts a critical
pressure for the binary mixture that is substantially lower than
that found experimentally, while the performance of our mix-
ing model near the critical region is much better.
We next compared the predictions of our mixing rule with
the vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the ternary system carbon
dioxide +propane +methanol of Galivel-Solastiouk et al.
(1986). In this calculation the vapor-liquid equilibrium data
of Ohgaki and Katayama (1976) were used to obtain the in-
teraction parameters for the carbon dioxide +methanol binary
system; the other binary mixtures have been discussed above.
The experimental data and the predictions using our new mix-
ing rule and the BIP2 model at 313.1 K for both 1.21 MPa
and 1.71 MPa are compared in Figures 6a and 6b, respectively.
676 May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5 AIChE Journal
Expt Tieline Data
This Work - _
E xpt Tieline Data -
This Work _ _
co2 ( G ) T=31 3 K, P =l 21 MPa METHANOL co2 (b) T=313K P =l 71 MPG METHANOL
Figure 6. Measured and predicted phase boundaries and tie lines for the carbon dioxide-propane-methanol system
at 313 K: (a) P= 1.21 MPa; (b) P= 1.71 MPa.
Note that in Figure 6a, since the uredictions of the two models are similar, only one prediction is shown for each tie line. However, both model
predictions are ihown in Figure 66.
At 313.1 K, carbon dioxide is a supercritical fluid, while meth-
anol is a liquid at both pressures. The vapor pressure of pro-
pane is about 1. 3 MPa, so that at 1.21 MPa mixtures of carbon
dioxide and propane are gaseous and completely miscible, while
vapor-liquid equilibrium exists in the carbon dioxide +meth-
anol and propane +methanol binaries. The equilibrium vapor-
(essentially carbon dioxide and propane) and liquid- (essen-
tially methanol) phase boundaries run smoothly between the
binary limits as shown in Figure 6a. The phase boundaries and
tie lines calculated by the two mixing models are virtually
indistinguishable and agree well with experimental data.
At 1.71 MPa, pure propane is a liquid, propane and meth-
anol form completely miscible liquid mixtures, and vapor-
liquid-phase splitting occurs in the carbon dioxide +propane
and carbon dioxide +methanol binary mixtures. Therefore,
the vapor- and liquid-phase boundaries extend from the carbon
dioxide +methanol boundary to the carbon dioxide +pro-
pane boundary, rather than the propane +methanol boundary
as was the case at the lower pressure. Both mixing models
correctly predict this feature of the phase diagram, since they
are correct for each of the binary systems. Our mixing model,
however, produces a liquid-phase boundary that is in better
agreement with the experimental data than the BIP2 model.
Note from the experimental data in Figure 6b that as the
propane concentration is increased, the tie lines change rapidly
in slope, starting by being parallel to the C0,-methanol axis,
shifting toward the propane-methanol axis, and then changing
direction to end on the C0,-propane axis. The region, in which
the tie lines change slope abruptly, is difficult to predict with
any model to a high degree of accuracy. Nonetheless, our model
is able to reproduce these characteristics and certainly much
better than the BIP2 model.
For mixtures, which vary from slightly to highly nonideal,
the mixing rule developed is very good for both correlation
and prediction of phase behavior. It is useful to comment on
the values and behavior of the parameters that wehave found
in this work. We note that the values of the parameters in the
free energy model are quite similar to those found when the
same model is used directly in an activity coefficient (7-6)
calculation of phase behavior. This provides hope that a group
contribution method such as UNIFAC (Fredenslund et al.,
1975) can be incorporated directly into our mixing rule making
it largely predictive. We are now exploring this possibility.
From our derivation, the binary interaction parameter, k,,
describes second virial coefficient behavior. Consistent with
this, wehave found that the value of k,J is relatively independent
of the free energy model used, provided the expression used
for 42 provides a reasonable description of the system under
study. Further, we note from Table 1 that the values of the
k,, parameter are large, as is to be expected from second virial
coefficient behavior for nonideal systems. For example, using
the data in Dymond and Smith (1980), k,, for the carbon diox-
ide-propane mixture at about 315 K is 0.32, which compares
favorably with the value of 0.35 reported in Table 1 . However,
from second virial coefficient data k, should be 0.70 for the
carbon-dioxide-methanol system, while wefind a value of 0.38
from our correlation of VLE data. This difference may be the
result of the generally poor accuracy of second virial coefficient
data for the alcohols and/or the inability of cubic equations
of state to predict quantitatively accurate second virial coef-
ficients. It is noteworthy, however, that while the values of
the parameter k,J may appear large, at first glance, they are
consistent with observed virial coefficient behavior. This is as
it should be, since in our development, k,, is a binary interaction
parameter for the second virial coefficient.
A goal of applied thermodynamicists has been to replace
activity coefficient models for mixtures with equations of state.
Among the reasons for this are: (1) to avoid the use of standard
states and hypothetical phase conditions; (2) to have models
which can be used at high pressures and close to a vapor-liquid
critical point; and (3) to have models that cover a wide range
of temperature and pressure with few parameters. While simple
AIChE Journal May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5 677
equations of state with suitably adjusted parameters are abl e
to describe the PVT and VLE behavior of pure components,
success with nonideal mixtures has been limited. Good pre-
dictions, or at least correlations, are obtai ned for simple mix-
tures (mixtures of inorganic gases and hydrocarbons), while
poor results are generally obtained with mixtures containing,
for example, polar fluids. Since the pure components are de-
scribed reasonably well, these failures are due to the models
used to obtain the mixture equati on of state parameters. Con-
sequently, many empirical, ad hoc mixing rules have been
derived. Usually, the mixing rules are complicated, perhaps
are even density-dependent, apply to only certain classes of
mixtures, and/or violate the low-density quadrati c composi-
tion boundary condition.
I n contrast, here we have derived a theoretically correct
mixing rule for cubic equations of state (though the procedure
is applicable to other equations of state as well), which applies
to all mixtures. A unique feature of this mixing rule is that,
while it is independent of density when combi ned with an
equation of state, it converges to the activity coefficient model
prescribed by the user at high density and at l ow densities to
a virial equation of state with a second virial coefficient that
is quadratic in composition. We need to emphasize that it is
not the mixing rule al one that produces this density depend-
ence, since the mixing rule is density-independent, but rather
the combination of the mixing rule and the equati on of state.
This mixing rule provides a unified and consistent way of
combining equations of state and excess free energy models to
encompass mixtures that previously coul d onl y be described
by one or the other. Further, not onl y is the model theoretically
correct, but as we have shown here, it is reasonably accurate
i n describing both simple and complex phase behavior of binary
and ternary systems for the diverse systems we have considered.
Since we have complete freedom i n choosing the expression
&, our mixing rule can be used to describe a wide variety of
mixtures and phase behavior, and most importantly, systems
that could not previously be described by equations of state.
DSHW wishes to thank the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC
for providing the financial support (grant no. 29041 F) for his visit
to the University of Delaware during which this work was completed.
This research was also supported, in part, by grant no. DE-FGO2-
85ER13436 from the U.S. Dept. of Energy and grant no. CTS-89914299
from the U.S. National Science Foundation, both to the University
of Delaware.
a =
A _ =
b =
B =
c =
D =
F =
g =
G =
k =
I =
P -
R =
T =
v =
Q =
equation of state energy parameter
molar Helmholtz free energy
equation of state excluded volume parameter
second virial coefficient
numerical constant defined in Eq. A4
summation term defined in Eq. A9
arbitrary function
local composition factor for the NRTL model in Eq. A18
molar Gibbs free energy
binary interaction coefficient
binary interaction coefficient
quadratic sum of second virial coefficients, Eq. A8
gas constant
molar volume
x =mole fraction
x =mole fraction vector
Greek letters
01 = NRTL model parameter, Eq. A17
r =NRTL model binary interaction parameter, Eq. A17
q = fugacity coefficient
y =activity coefficient
E = excess property
IGM = ideal gas mixture
IG =ideal gas
IM = ideal mixture
i, j = molecular species
m =mixture
03 =infinite pressure state
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Using the same development as earlier, we obtain the fol-
lowing expressions for equation of state parameters a, and b,:
with Q and D defined as:
The thermodynamic properties of a mixture can now be
calculated. The fugacity coefficient is computed from:
Peng and Robinson (1975) proposed the following modifi-
cation of the van der Waals equation of state:
For the Peng-Robinson equation of state and an arbitrary set
of mixing rules for a, and b,, we have:
RT a ( T)
p=- -
( Y - b ) 12+2b_V-b2
If the compressibility factor PI / ( RT) is expanded in a virial
series, the expression for the second virial coefficient is the
same as Eq. 5. The Helmholtz free energy departure function
for the Peng-Robinson equation at a given temperature, pres-
sure and composition is:
I n [ ! + b,( 1 - Jz q
V+ b, ( 1 +a)
The partial derivatives of a, and b, are:
In the limit of pressure going to infinity this becomes:
anb, ano
=D- +b , -
with the constant C being:
with the partial derivatives of Q and D given by:
Therefore, the excess Helmholtz free energy at infinite pressure
&/ ( RT) is:
AIChE Journal May 1992 Vol. 38, No. 5
and with
anD a, lny,,
an, b , R T ' C
I n this case, the partial derivatives of &/ ( RT) with respect
to the mole number of each species, which is the logarithm of
the species activity coefficient, is given by:
Though any free energy model could have been used, we
used the NRTL model (Renon and Prausnitz, 1965) here for
b,, = (A19
AE, / (RT):
(A 17)
Manuscript received Feb. 21, 1992. and revision received Mar. 24, 1992.
680 May 1992 Vol. 38, NO. 5 AIChE Journal

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