The document provides a brief history of the development of PIPESIM software from 1984 to 2003. It describes key milestones such as PIPESIM being developed on Unix in 1984, ported to DOS in 1985, and the addition of various modules and upgrades over time. It also lists some of PIPESIM's capabilities for modeling single branch oil and gas production systems and summarizing simulation results.
The document provides a brief history of the development of PIPESIM software from 1984 to 2003. It describes key milestones such as PIPESIM being developed on Unix in 1984, ported to DOS in 1985, and the addition of various modules and upgrades over time. It also lists some of PIPESIM's capabilities for modeling single branch oil and gas production systems and summarizing simulation results.
The document provides a brief history of the development of PIPESIM software from 1984 to 2003. It describes key milestones such as PIPESIM being developed on Unix in 1984, ported to DOS in 1985, and the addition of various modules and upgrades over time. It also lists some of PIPESIM's capabilities for modeling single branch oil and gas production systems and summarizing simulation results.
The document provides a brief history of the development of PIPESIM software from 1984 to 2003. It describes key milestones such as PIPESIM being developed on Unix in 1984, ported to DOS in 1985, and the addition of various modules and upgrades over time. It also lists some of PIPESIM's capabilities for modeling single branch oil and gas production systems and summarizing simulation results.
1985 - PIPESIM ported to DOS & Baker Jardine formed
1990 - PIPESIM GOAL (Gas Lift Optimization & Allocation) Developed 1993 Windows GUI added to PIPESIM 1994 PIPESIM Net Launched 1996 PIPESIM FPT Launched 1997 PIPESIM FPT linked to ECLIPSE 2000 PIPESIM 2000 developed (New 32-bit GUI) 2001 Baker Jardine Acquired by Schlumberger 2003 Q1 Release of PIPESIM 2003 A Brief History of PIPESIM Total Production System Completion Choke Safety Valve Tubing Flowline Pump Compressor Separator Export lines Rise r Reservoir gas oil Outflow Inflow P R P R
P sep P sep P wf P wf Flow rate Nodal Analysis DP 3 = P USV
DP 1 = P R
P wfs
DP 2 = P wfs
P wf
DP 5 = P tf
DP 6 = P DSC
DP 8 = P sep
DP 10 = P CD
DP 11 = P PD
P LD DP 4 = P wf
P tf
DP 7 = P RB
P sep
DP 9 = P sep
Pressure Loss in System Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects Leader in Multiphase Flow research for over 30 years Schlumberger rejoined August 2002 Have recently developed Unified Mechanistic Model valid for all angles of inclination will appear in PIPESIM 2003 3 phase mechanistic model in development
Single Branch Operations Single branch operations System Analysis Pressure/Temperature Profile Flow Correlation Matching Nodal Analysis Optimum Horizontal Well Length Reservoir Tables Gas Lift Rate v Casing Head Pressure Artificial Lift Performance Flow correlation matching To determine the most suitable flow correlation Select the required flow correlations Enter known pressure and temperature at different measured depths (MD) Enter known boundary conditions Results show each correlation and the entered data
Flow correlation matching Ansari Measured Hagedorn Brown Beggs Brill Orkezewsk i Pressure/temperature profile Compute the pressure and temperature profile for a system and also vary some other parameters within system Enter sensitivity variable Enter boundary conditions Resulting PSPLOT shows pressure or temperature against depth (well) or elevation (flowline) Pressure/temperature profile Single Simulation Run System analysis Set up model to compute Outlet Pressure with given Flowrate Inlet Pressure with given Flowrate Deliverability with given any other system variable In addition, also sensitivity test on One variable Several variables that change together Several variables permuted against one another Combination of above System Analysis Variables Permuted 4 tubing 3.5 tubing 3 tubing Each point represents separate simulation System Analysis Variables Change in Step 4 tubing 3.5 tubing 3 tubing Each point represents separate simulation Nodal analysis Classical nodal analysis at any point Break the system into two and compute the inflow and outflow around that point Resulting PSPLOT shows the classical inflow/outflow curves Nodal Analysis Skin = 2 Skin = 0 Skin = -2 Tubing ID = 3 Tubing ID = 3 1/2 Tubing ID = 4 Reservoir tables Produce a table of bottom-hole pressure that can be utilised by reservoir simulator Interface to common reservoir simulators such as: ECLIPSE VIP PORES COMP4 MoRes
Reservoir tables Artificial lift performance Allows artificial lift performance curves (gas or ESP) to be generated and also varies some other parameters within system To produce input performance curves for GOAL Resulting plot is gas lift quantity (or ESP power) versus oil production rate Artificial lift performance Psep = 75 psig 125 psig 150 psig 175 psig Horizontal well performance A horizontal well with multiple sources along the wellbore which encounters reservoir drawdown and wellbore pressure drop Accurately predicts hydraulic wellbore performance in the completion Productivity investigation via Optimum horizontal completion length option Optimum Horizontal Well Length Specify: - reservoir pressure - outlet pressure - completion length