Failure of Metals
Failure of Metals
Failure of Metals
9ange stress,
min max
2tress amplitude,
2 2
min max
= =
2tress ratio,
= R
The S-N Cure
The curve is obtained by using fatigue testing apparatus
The specimen is sub)ected to stress cycle at large maximum stress
amplitude then the number of cycles to failure is counted.
The procedure is repeated at decreasing maximum stress amplitude.
"ata are plotted as stress 2 $normally taen as stress amplitude)
versus the logarithm of the number ( of cycles to failure
The higher the magnitude of the stress, the smaller the number of
cycles the material is capable of sustaining before failure
Fatigue limit !endurance limit" : a limiting stress level below which
fatigue failure will not occur. 1n this case, the SN curve becomes
hori7ontal at large N
Fatigue strength : the stress level at which failure will occur for
some specified number of cycles
Fatigue life N
: the number of cycles to cause failure at a specified
stress level
The scatter in results $fatigue data) is a consequence of the fatigue
sensitivity to a number of test and material parameters that are
impossible to control precisely. The parameters include
specimen fabrication and surface preparation
metallurgical variables
specimen alignment in the apparatus
mean stress
test frequency
Crack #nitiation and Propagation
Fatigue failure is characteri7ed by three steps#
1. crac initiation $a small crac forms at some point of high stress
11. crac propagation $this crac advances incrementally with each
stress cycle)
111. final failure $occurs very rapidly once the advancing crac has
reached a critical si7e)
0rac nucleation sites include surface scratches, sharp fillets,
eyways, threads, dents etc.
The region of a fracture surface that formed during the crac
propagation step may be characteri7ed by two maring, beachmars
and striations.
'oth features indicate the position of the crac tip at some point in
time and appear as concentric ridges that expand away from the
crac initiation site in a circular or semicircular pattern.
'eachmars are found for components that experienced interruptions
during the crac propagation stage
;ith regard to si7e, beachmars are normally macroscopic
dimensions and may be observed with the naed eye< fatigue
striations are of microscopic si7e and it is necessary to observe them
using electron microscopy.
;ith regard to origin, beachmars result from interruptions in the
stress cycles< each fatigue striation is corresponds to the advance of
a fatigue crac during a single load cycle.
Factors That $ffect Fatigue %ife
%ean stress $lower fatigue life with increasing mean stress 2
2urface effects
Design factors $any notches or geometrical discontinuity act as a
stress raiser and fatigue crac initiation sites - scratches, sharp
transitions and edges)
Surface treatments $surface marings can limit the fatigue life)
Four measures that may be taen to increase the fatigue resistance
of a metal alloy are#
1) =olish the surface to remove stress amplification sites
!) 9educe the number of internal defects $pores etc.) by means of
altering processing and fabrication techniques
>) %odify the design to eliminate notches and sudden contour
*) &arden the outer surface of the structure by case hardening
$carburi7ing, nitriding) or shot peening
0reep is the time-varying plastic deformation of a material stressed
at high temperatures $greater than about 5.*T
). ?xamples# turbine
blades, steam generators. @eys are the time dependence of the
strain and the high temperature
&enerali'ed Creep Behaior
A typical creep curves $strain vs. time) exhibit three distinct
rimary or transient creep# the slope of the curve diminishes with
Secondary creep $steady!state creep) # the rate is constant and the
plot becomes linear
Tertiary creep# there is an acceleration of the rate and ultimate
fracture $rupture)
Stress and Temperature (ffects
'oth temperature and the level of the applied stress influence the creep
0reep becomes more pronounced at higher temperatures. There is
essentially no creep at temperatures below *56 of the melting point.
0reep increases at higher applied stresses.
;ith increasing stress or temperature, the following will be noted#
1) the instantaneous strain at the time of stress application increases
!) the steady-state creep rate is increased
>) the rupture lifetime is diminished
"ependence of creep strain rate on stress
$lloys for )igh-Temperature *se
These are needed for turbines in )et engines, hypersonic airplanes,
nuclear reactors, etc. The important factors are a high melting
temperature, a high elastic modulus and large grain si7e
2ome creep resistant materials are stainless steels, refractory metal
alloys $containing elements of high melting point, lie (b, %o, ;, Ta),
and superalloys $based on 0o, (i, Fe.)