Argument Essay 3

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Puerto Rico walks away from commonwealth.
I will not pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
for which it stands. This must be the words of thousands of Puerto Ricans living in the island
today wishing that their small island would once and for all become free from the coloniation of
the United States. Puerto Rico has been living under U.S. domination for the past !" years and
it#s considered the last nation in $atin America that is still living in coloniation. Puerto Ricans
want to be free and should be allowed to be free% to have the opportunity to vote for the president
who sends its young people to war& to have their own currency& to fly one flag in all their schools
and finally to feel pride in being an independent nation and not labeled with terms like 'territory(
and 'commonwealth(. )igger and more powerful nations that inhabit smaller nations for various
benefits should never deny a nation#s culture and roots& instead in these modern times people
should be allowed to govern themselves and be independent nations. In the midst of the struggle
over status *U.S commonwealth or Independency+ only one clear realiation can come of this&
Puerto Rico ought to be independent and refuse commonwealth to the United States of America.
,ne of the many benefits citiens from all democratic countries en-oy is the ability to
choose their chief in command. As a commonwealth under the United States& Puerto Rican
citiens cannot vote during the presidential campaign. They are allowed to participate in
presidential primaries but not the final event. This is somewhat of an insult to the younger
generation on the island being sent off to fight wars representing the U.S. having been denied the
privilege to choose the person who is sending them. As an independent nation Puerto Ricans
would have the right to participate in elections choosing who their leader would be. The island
does have its own elections where they get to choose who will become governor and other
various members of the political cabinet but all of these have limited power in deciding the fate
of the island. The .overnor is allowed to run the island and handle domestic issues but
/ashington has the final word.
This struggle for power has also affected the economy and the ability to e0port and carry
out trades with other nations% United Sates keeps a tight hold on who the island does business
with& ultimately creating a dependent economy. Puerto Rico should be allowed to diversify their
sources of capital and their e0port market something that would strengthen its economy and
eliminate the economic dependency that has been created throughout the years. 1any in the
island believe that independency would allow Puerto Rico to open a broader trading market and
as stated by 2ric 3egron& ta0 adviser to the independence party& 'as an independent nation Puerto
Rico could attract foreign investment and it would at the same time be better able to direct what
sort of industries is brought to the island.( Remaining a commonwealth takes all of these
economic privileges away from the people and the government of Puerto Rico who want to see
the island#s economy soar to a new level.
like 'territory( and 'commonwealth( attached to it. 3o nation should turn its back on their
heritage& culture and language at the e0pense of ta0 e0emptions and financial aid. Instead& Puerto
Rico ought to be independent to steer its own course and have the ability to conduct economic
trades with other nations& keep Spanish as the main language and have the final word in
government issues that affect its people. The Puerto Rican people need to cut the umbilical cord
it has created to the United States and stand by their roots& culture and independency. The voice
of thousands of Puerto Ricans living in the island need to come forward and make Puerto Rico a
free independent nation.

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