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By Joseph Yeager

The Canerica Flag

Important symbols to my people

The dove - because it symbolizes the nations mainly pacifist ways
The rose - because it is beautiful until someone tries to pick it, then
they get cut
The hammer - to show the engineering nature of the country and its

Language and government

The main language of Canerica is english with mandarin as a second, mandatory language.
The reason for having English as the main language is because Canerica is surrounded by
two english speaking countries and english is the best language. Mandarin is the secondary
language because the amount of mandarin speakers in the world is larger than that of any
other language.
The country has a mainly dictatorial government with a new dictator chosen every five
years. This dictator will be chosen by a majority vote of the people, and can be impeached
while in office. This governement was chosen over capitalism because capitalism generates
greed and a few percent of the populace own most of the money, and everyone else has to
fight for what is left. Communism was also not selected because that promotes laziness and
a feeling of entitlement.

How we make money and who we like.

As is shown with the hammer being one of the countrys symbols, it is a mostly industrial
and export-based economy. Canerica makes many different products, from cars to
computers, and exports to almost all countries through the world, except for North Korea
and Mexico. Also, since the country is also bordering the Atlantic Ocean and many other
small seas, there are large amounts of fish exports and other seafoods.
The main allies of Canerica are Canada, America, and Japan, but their worst enemies are
North Korea and Mexico. The reason for being friends with Canada and America is because
they are bordering both those nations and would like to continue trade and have support
from them in times of need. They also like Japan because they do almost 40% of all their
trade with them. Canerica hates north korea because they hate north koreas leader and
think that their dictator is superior to North Koreas, and they hate Mexico because they are
anti drugs and want nothing to do with a country so filled with it.

Society and Rights

It is a very jumpy society, since depending on the dictator that is in charge at the time, there
might be a lot of certain types of laws passed, and then reversed again with the next one, so
the media is extremely important to keeping the citizen informed as to what is going on and
it also makes the people more conscious of their vote so that they get the dictator that they
want in office.
The rights of the people are still decently fair, but it is a dictatorship. That being said, if the
dictator gets out of control, the people can impeach him and select a new one. The people
who decide if the dictator gets impeached come from five different neutral nations and the
case is brought before them. The reason for having a dictator is so that there is less
deliberation and more things getting done in the term, unlike the democratic way of doing

To become a citizen you must either be born on Canerican soil, or have
lived in the country and followed all of its rules for 8 years, then you can
apply for citizenship. Deportation is a decently common thing with
many dictators using the method of if you do not contribute to society,
they pay for a one way ticket to the country of your choosing to start a
new life. The privileges are having safety, plenty of jobs and
opportunities to thrive, and prestige of living in the greatest country
There is a very strict waiting list to becoming a citizen and many
different tests that must be passed in order to live in the country and
eventually apply for citizenship. The population of this country is about

Population and Land Area

Canerica is actually the congregated states of Vermont, New
Hampshire, and Maine, as well as the territories in Canada of New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.These countries populations totaled
up to 4.3 million, but with the deportations and people emigrating and
not many immigrating, the population is down to about 3.6 million,
which is still plenty. All of these countries land masses together total the
land mass up to 84,693 square miles, which would make it the fourth
smallest country in North America.

Saint Dugs Day - where people dress up as scary as they can all day
and try and see how many people they can frighten or prank.
National Dog Day - this is a day dedicated to the preservation of mans
best friend, where people volunteer at shelters, have dog-only petting
zoos, and other dog-related things.
National Hair Day - where everyone tries their best to do something
cool with their hair, or get a crazy wig if they have none.

The bottom part of the country is occupied by the Appalachian
Mountains so that is mostly where the factories and where the raw
materials are gathered.
Above the Appalachians it is very beautiful so there are many peaceful
resorts and retreats where people come from all over the world to visit.
The Atlantic Ocean borders much of the eastern part of the country, so
that is a large influence in fishing trade and an increase in the amount
of exports.

Country Origin
This country was formed back a growing dislike of the capitalist and
democratic way of doing things. So a large group dissented, kind of like
the south did but peacefully, and they got money together and bought
the rights to the land and formed the country of Canerica. Almost all the
citizens are happy, there will never be complete happiness for
everyone, but for the most part people are content and the system is
working very well.

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