Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)
Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
Email: [email protected]
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.
Key words
Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb
Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)
Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
Email: [email protected]
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.
Key words
Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb
Original Title
Experience with Homoeopathy in a case of Fibroadenoma of Breast
Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)
Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
Email: [email protected]
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.
Key words
Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb
Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)
Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
Email: [email protected]
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.
Key words
Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb
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Fibroadenoma is a common benign breast tumor that typically affects young women. It was successfully treated in this case study using homoeopathic remedies like Calcarea carbonica without surgery.
Fibroadenoma is a benign fibroepithelial breast tumor that presents as a mobile lump. It is more common in young women aged 15-30 years and is believed to be estrogen dependent. The lumps are typically painless and movable within the breast.
Diagnostic methods for fibroadenoma discussed include clinical examination, mammography, ultrasonography, Doppler ultrasonography and FNAC. Ultrasonography is useful for all age groups while mammography has low yield for young women.
Experience with Homoeopathy in a case of Fibroadenoma of Breast
Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)
Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi. Email: [email protected]
Abstract Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.
Key words Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb
Introduction Fibroadenoma is a most common benign fibro epithelial tumour characterized by proliferation of both glandular and stromal elements of the breast. They are assumed to be aberrations of normal breast development or the product of hyperplastic processes rather than true neoplasms. They may develop at any age but more common in young women in the age-group of 15-30 years.
Histo-pathologically, we identify two varieties of fibroadenoma pericanalicular and intracanalicular. The former variety consists of fibrous tissue surrounding a few small tubular glands. Clinically this variety of fibroadenoma is smaller in size, harder in consistency and occurs mostly in young girls aged between 15 and 30 years. Intracanalicular fibroadenoma contains more glands which become stretched into elongated spidery shapes and become indented by fibrous tissue. This type of Fibroadenoma is larger in size, comparatively softer on palpation and is commonly seen in middle aged women between 35 and 50 years.
The exact cause of fibroadenoma of breast is unknown. However, it is believed to be estrogen dependent. Risk factors for fibroadenoma were examined in a case- control study involving 117 fibroadenoma cases ascertained by a major private pathology laboratory in Adelaide, Australia, between January 1983 and October 1985, but no evidence of an association with age at menarche or menopausal status was established (1).
The risk of fibroadenoma decreases with an increasing number of full-term pregnancies and increases with use of oral contraceptives at an early age (<20 years). Alcohol consumption and dietary fat intake were not found to be associated with increased risk, while in multivariate analyses, duration of cigarette smoking and daily vitamin C intake were both shown to have inverse associations. (1)
Although fibroadenoma does share some risk factors with breast cancer, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that it represents a precursor state. A study demonstrated a 1.3 to 2.1 increased risk of breast cancer in women with fibroadenoma compared with the general population. The incidence of a carcinoma evolving within a fibroadenoma was reported to be 0.002% to 0.0125%. (1)
The lumps of fibroadenoma are painless, freely mobile within the breast, firm in consistency with round smooth margins and more commonly found in the lower half of the breast. Pain may be occasionally complained of when there is associated fibroadenosis or fibrocystic disease. Multiple fibroadenomas may be seen in 10%of cases.
Currently, the accurate diagnosis of breast lesions depends on a triple assessment approach comprising clinical, imaging and pathological examinations.(2) 1. Clinical palpation 2. Mammography-The yield of mammography in young women is low, and its role in the diagnosis of fibroadenomas is limited. However, it may disclose features of infiltrative lesions in older women 3. Ultrasonography-Useful in all age groups especially before the age of 35 when mammography alone may not be reliable. Sensitivity of USG in the diagnosis of fibroadenoma is expected to be more than 80%. 4. Doppler Ultrasonography- Displays the vascular pattern of a tumour and indicates the probability of a malignancy. 5. FNAC To differentiate benign from malignant lesions is one of the major goals of FNAC, which shows a high sensitivity of up to 68-97% in fibroadenomas The preferred management of multiple fibroadenomas is complete excision. However, after its removal, recurrence is quite common. It has been recommended that young patients should be observed with frequent clinical evaluations, and the lesions excised in women over the age of 35 years. If multiple fibroadenomas are excised through one incision, it may lead to undesirable scarring or to extensive ductal damage. (3) Homoeopathy, on the other hand does not consider fibroadenoma as a surgical disease. Since most cases of fibroadenoma are asymptomatic presenting with no other symptoms barring lump and occasional pain, they need to be treated as one sided diseases. Hahnemann has mentioned such clinical conditions in aphorisms 172- 184 of Organon of Medicine.(4) Since they chiefly belong to the category of chronic diseases, they need to be thoroughly investigated (detailed case taking) and suitable anti-miasmatic treatment administered in order to eradicate the lump as well as its tendency. A number of write-ups and case studies showing successful homoeopathic treatment of fibroadenoma are available online. (5,6)
I share my experience in a case of solitary fibroadenoma of breast treated with a single homoeopathic remedy.
Case study A 31 years old fair complexioned female of average height and heavy built presented on 1 st December 2010 at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital with a painful lump in left breast since 2 years. The pain aggravated before and during menses. Allopathic treatment had provided temporary pain relief only.
She also complained of hair-fall in patches since 3 years.
Past illnesses Since childhood she had a tendency for recurrent sore throat and coryza with a sensation of obstruction in ear and nose.
Family history Father: Hypertension
Personal history Married for 9 years; G2P2A0L2 Diet: Non vegetarian Profession: House wife Education: 12 th std.
Generals Thirst: 1litre per day. Desire: sweet++, sour, egg++ Perspiration: profuse; more on palms and soles; offensive Sleep: 6 hours; not refreshing. Thermal reaction: Chilly++; cold extremities
Mental Generals Very anxious, especially about her health. Fearful of her disease turning into a serious one. Worries about the health of family members. Always fears that something bad will happen to her and her family members. Very sensitive. Fears being alone in house.
Physical examination A freely mobile lump of about 2.5 x 3cm was found in the upper inner quadrant of left breast, which was slightly tender but firm in consistency.
Investigations undergone FNAC report dated 20.5.10 confirmed fibroadenoma of breast (see below)
Repertorisation The case was repertorised using Radar Homoeopathic software with the following rubrics: Mind- anxiety- health about Mind-fear- happen something will Stomach- desires- sweet Stomach-desires- egg Extremities- perspiration- foot Extremities- perspiration- hand Perspiration-odor -offensive Chest- nodules, sensitive mammae, in
The result of repertorisation was: Sulphur -15/6 Calcarea carb-14/6 Lycopodium-14/6 Phosphorus-14/6 Carbo veg 12/6 Arsenic 11/6
On referring to the homoeopathic materia medica, Calcarea carb was selected for her.
Prescription & follow up
Date Observation Prescription 1.12.10 Painful lump in left breast Calcarea carb 200/1dose Rubrum Met /3weeks 22.12.10 Pain in lump better. Size same
S/L 200 /1 dose Rubrum Met 30/BD/3weeks
23.03.11 Pain in lump better .Size of lump has reduced S/L 200 /1 dose Rubrum Met 30/BD/3weeks 3.8.11 She complained of reappearance of pain in breasts Calcarea carb 200/1dose Rubrum Met 30/BD3weeks
pain in breast before and during menses Calcarea carb 1M/1dose Rubrum Met 30/BD3weeks 11.2.12 Pain better No lump in breast Mammography on 11.2.12 reveals Normal study (see below) Rubrum met 30/3weeks. Patient has been followed up for a period of 2 years, during which she did not show any recurrence.
Discussion Generally diseases like fibroadenoma are considered to be surgical conditions. However, a study of Organon of Medicine, which is the Bible of Homoeopathy, especially footnote to 7 and 186, tells that surgical treatment is required only in certain congenital conditions (viz. imperforate anus) or injuries to body from without, wherein the affected parts require mechanical aid (viz. fractures, lacerations).(7)
In the same book, a thorough study of 172 to 193 reveal that in one sided diseases if we want the treatment to be judicious, sure, efficacious and radical the treatment must be directed against the sick person, with accurately chosen internal remedies.(4,7) And this shall not only do away with surgery, painful scars and disfigurement but also prevent future recurrence.
As regards importance of repertorisation, I take the liberty of quoting Dr P. Schmidt who said, No one can know everything and that is why one must admit that no conscientious homoeopathic doctor can practice homoeopathy in a serious and really scientific way without a repertory. In chronic cases of this nature which are usually treated with surgery, repertorisation gives an idea about close running remedies, helps to overcome bias and does away with the use of organ remedies.(8)
A study of materia medica and repertory shows that Calcarea carb is well represented and shows numerous symptomatology, which if indicated shall help in the treatment of fibroadenomas. In the above mentioned case, the physical constitution, mental makeup, a strong liking for eggs and profuse perspiration strongly suggested the remedy.
Conclusion To ascertain the most appropriate homoeopathic remedy in one sided diseases, it is most important to understand the person as a whole who is suffering from the disease.
As Paracelsus said, No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin, that is the beginning; and as all mans diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his disease.(9)
References 1. Yu H, Rohan TE, Cook MG, Miller AB. Riskfactors for fibroadenoma:a case-control study in Australia. AmJ Epidemiol.1992 Feb1; 135(3); pp 247-58 as accessed at http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/135/3/247 on 10.05.14 2. Rohan TE, Cook MG, Baron JA. Cigarette smoking and benign proliferative epithelial disorders of the breast in women: a case-control study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; 1989. 43, pp 362-368 as accessed at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2614327 on 16.5.14 3. Greenberg R, Skornick Y, Kaplan O. Management of Breast fibroadenomas. J Gen Intern Med. Sep 1998; 13(9); pp 640-645. as accessed at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9754521 on 10.05.14 4. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine, 5 th & 6 th edition combined. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, Delhi. 2009; pp 173- 177 5. www.homoeoconsult.com/fibroadenoma as accessed on 24.07.2014 6. www.askdrshah.com/fibroadenoma as accessed on 24.07.2014 7. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine, 5 th & 6 th edition combined. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, Delhi. 2009; pp 56, 177-181 8. Tiwari SK. Essentials of Repertorization,Fourth edition.B. Jain publishers (P) Ltd; Delhi. 2005; pp 7 9. www.homeoint.org/books5/clarkeconstit/preface.htm as accessed on 26.07.2014