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Designation: C 692 00

Standard Test Method for

Evaluating the Inuence of Thermal Insulations on External
Stress Corrosion Cracking Tendency of Austenitic Stainless
This standard is issued under the xed designation C 692; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers two procedures for the labora-
tory evaluation of thermal insulation materials that may ac-
tively contribute to external stress corrosion cracking (ESCC)
of austenitic stainless steel due to soluble chlorides within the
insulation. It should be understood that this laboratory proce-
dure is not intended to cover all of the possible eld conditions
that might contribute to ESCC.
1.2 While the 1977 edition of this test method (Dana test) is
applicable only to wicking-type insulations, the procedures in
this edition are intended to be applicable to all insulating
materials, including cements, some of which would disinte-
grate when tested in accordance with the 1977 edition. Wicking
insulations are materials that wet through and through when
partially (50 to 75 %) immersed in water for a short period of
time (10 min or less).
1.3 These procedures are intended primarily as a preproduc-
tion test for qualication of the basic chemical composition of
a particular manufacturers product and are not intended to be
routine tests for ongoing quality assurance or production lot
compliance. Test Methods C 871, on the other hand, is used for
conrmation of acceptable chemical properties of subsequent
lots of insulation previously found acceptable by this test
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
information only.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A 240/A 240M Specication for Heat-Resisting Chromium
and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and
Strip for Pressure Vessels
A 370 Test Methods and Denitions for Mechanical Testing
of Steel Products
C 795 Specication for Thermal Insulation for Use in Con-
tact with Austenitic Stainless Steel
C 871 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Thermal
Insulation Materials for Leachable Chloride, Fluoride,
Silicate, and Sodium Ions
G 30 Practice for Making and Using U-Bend Stress Corro-
sion Test Specimens
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 The procedures in this test method consist of using a
specimen of insulation to conduct distilled (or deionized) water
by wicking or dripping to an outside surface, through the
insulation, to a hot inner surface of stressed Type 304 stainless
steel for a period of 28 days. If leachable chlorides are present,
they are carried along with the water and concentrated at the
hot surface by evaporation in much the same way as has been
experienced in actual industrial process situations.
3.2 Exposed stainless steel coupons are examined visually,
and under 103 to 303 magnication, if necessary, to detect
ESCC after the prescribed period of exposure.
4. Signicance and Use
4.1 An inherent characteristic of some alloys of austenitic
stainless steel is their tendency to crack at stress points when
exposed to certain corrosive environments. The mechanisms of
ESCC are complex and not completely understood but are
apparently related to certain metallurgical properties. Chloride
ions concentrated at a stress point will catalyze crack forma-
tion. It has been reported that other halide ions do not promote
ESCC to the same degree as does chloride using the test
technology of Test Method C 692 (drip test).
4.2 Chlorides are common to many environments, so great
care shall be taken to protect austenitic stainless steel from
chloride contamination.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-16 on
Thermal Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.31 on
Chemical and Physical Properties.
Current edition approved March 10, 2000. Published May 2000. Originally
published as C 692 71. Last previous edition C 692 97.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
Private communication from authors of paper presented at Bal Harbour ASTM
C-16 Symposium on December 9, 1987. Whitaker, T. E., Whorlow, Kenneth M., and
Hutto, Francis B., Jr., New Developments in Test Technology for ASTM C692.
Copyright ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
4.3 Most thermal insulations will not, of themselves, cause
stress corrosion cracking as may be shown by tests. When
exposed to elevated-temperature (boiling point range), envi-
ronments containing chlorides, moisture, and oxygen, how-
ever, insulation systems may act as collecting media, transmi-
grating and concentrating chlorides on heated stainless steel
surfaces. If moisture is not present, the chloride salts cannot
migrate, and stress corrosion cracking because of chloride-
contaminated insulation cannot take place.
4.4 Insulations may also be specially formulated to inhibit
stress corrosion cracking in the presence of chlorides through
modications in basic composition or incorporation of certain
chemical additives.
4.5 The ability of the 28-day test to measure the corrosion
potential of insulation materials is documented by Karnes,
whose data appear to have been used for construction of the
acceptability curve used in Specication C 795 and other
4.6 The metal for all of the coupons used in this test method
(C 692) shall be qualied (see Section 13) to ascertain that
under conditions of the test, chloride ions will cause the metal
to crack, and deionized water alone will not cause cracks.
5. Applicability (see also Section 10.2)
5.1 While the original test procedure for the 1977 edition of
this test method (Dana Test) was limited to wicking-type
insulations, the drip test procedure given in this edition can
be used for all insulations that can be cut or formed into the
required test specimen.
5.2 Heat treatment at some temperature (as recommended
by the manufacturer) up to the maximum use temperature may
be necessary to make the insulating material wick, and thus
testable by either insulation test procedure (see Sections 11 and
5.3 If the test insulation cannot be made to wick in any way
(such as in the case of organic or inorganic closed-cell foams),
or when a component of the insulation (such as an attached
exterior jacket material) would be heated beyond the manufac-
tures recommended temperature for the exterior component,
then the 1
2-in. (38-mm) wide test specimen may be sliced into
4-in. (19-mm) thick segments. When the two halves are
held together with wire, pins, or a rubber band, they may be
tested by dripping into the crack between the two halves, thus
simulating the situation where water penetrates the junction
between two sections of insulation. It may be necessary to wet
the mating faces on the two half sections in order to make
water wick down to the coupon surface.
5.4 Adhesives can be tested by gluing together a test block
of the insulation material to be used with the adhesive. The
adhesive joint must come into contact with the stainless steel
test coupon.
5.5 Cements with a clay binder may be tested by casting a
2-in. (38-mm) thick slab, drying, and using the drip proce-
dure. Such a sample will disintegrate in the Dana test proce-
5.6 The drip procedure might also be extended to the testing
of coatings applied to the coupon prior to test. The corrosive
liquids dripped into such a system would be limited only by the
imagination of the researcher.
6. Apparatus for Dana Test Procedure
6.1 EnclosureThe test apparatus may be located in a
cabinet or other closed structure provided with a blower to
maintain a positive internal pressure, and it may be equipped
with a lter for intake air to minimize dust or other contami-
nation. The test apparatus may also be housed in any suitable
clean environment not subject to chloride contamination. The
enclosure shall not be so tight as to exclude oxygen from the
system, since oxygen is necessary for ESCC to occur.
6.2 Pyrex Glass Wool,
6.3 Cookie Cutter, made from 1
4 in. (32 mm) thin wall
electrical conduit (inside diameter 1.38 in. (35 mm)) to cut a
8-in. (35-mm) diameter plug from 2-in. (51-mm) Pyrex
Glass Wool.
6.4 Specimen Holder, as shown in Fig. 1, or equivalent.
6.5 Precision Bender, see Practice G 30.
6.6 Wet-Grinding Belt Grinder, 80-grit.
6.7 Copper Lugs, commercial 2/04/0 solderless, or 2 by
8 in. (51 by 13 by 3.2 mm) copper tabs.
6.8 Silver Solder, and chloride-free ux for use with stain-
less steel.
6.9 Torch, acetylene or propane.
6.10 Bolt, stainless steel,
16 in. (5 mm) in diameter and
2-in. (65-mm) long with insulating washer and nut for
electrically insulating the bolt from the U-bend specimen.
6.11 Hand-held Magnier, 103 or 303 binocular micro-
scope, or both.
6.12 Band Saw.
6.13 Hole Saw, 2-in. (51-mm) outside diameter (optional).
6.14 Crystallizing Dish, of borosilicate glass, 7
2in. (190
mm) in diameter by 4 in. (100 mm) in depth, or stainless steel
pan 9
2 by 5
2 by 4 in. (41 by 140 by 102 mm) deep.
6.15 Electrical Transformer, isolation-type. (approximately
150 mV/150 AMP).
6.16 Thermocouple, 28 gage or smaller.
6.17 Epoxy Adhesive, aluminum lled, (Metalset A4
6.18 Drill Bit,
32-in. (7-mm), cobalt steel preferred.
6.19 Dye Penetrant and Developer, available at most weld-
ing supply houses.
7. Apparatus for Drip Test Procedure
7.1 Steam Heated PipeA 5-ft (1.5-m) section of 1
2 in.
IPS pipe (inconel or other corrosion-resistant material is
recommended) is suggested, heated either by a small selfcon-
tained steam boiler or by regulated house steam.
7.2 Peristaltic PumpA multichannel peristaltic pump is
recommended to supply 250 (625) mL/day to each specimen.
7.3 I.V. Bottles, 1 L or equivalent, to individually supply
each test specimen with test liquid.
Karnes, H. F., The Corrosion Potential of Wetted Thermal Insulation, AICHE,
57th National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 26 through 29, 1965.
Available from lab supply houses.
Available from Smooth-On, Inc., 1000 Valley Road, Gillette, NJ 07933.
C 692
7.4 Specimen Holder, for grinding. See Fig. 1.
7.5 Precision Bender, see Fig. 2 in the 1979 edition of
Practice G 30.
7.6 Wet-Sanding Belt Sander, with 80 grit belt.
7.7 Bolt, stainless steel,
16 in. (5 mm) in diameter by
2-in. (65-mm) long with nut.
7.8 Hole Saw, 2-in. (51-mm) outside diameter.
7.9 Band Saw.
7.10 Thermocouple, 28 gage or smaller.
7.11 Heat Transfer Grease, chloride free.
7.12 Kimwipe Tissue,
chloride free.
8. Reagents and Materials
8.1 Distilled or Deionized Water, containing less than 0.1
ppm chloride ions.
8.2 Distilled or Deionized Water, containing 1500 ppm
chloride ion (2.473 g NaCl/L).
8.3 Type 304 Stainless Steel Sheet 16 gage, meeting the
composition requirements of Specication A 240. Certicates
of chemical composition and mechanical properties, including
ultimate tensile strength and yield strength by the 0.2 % offset
method are required. Type 304 stainless steel meeting Speci-
cation A 240 shall have a carbon content in the range of
0.050.06 % and shall be solution-annealed.
9. Test Coupons
9.1 Shear 2 by 7-in. (51 by 178-mm) coupons from 16-gage
Type 304 stainless sheet, as specied in 8.3, with the long
dimension parallel to the long dimension of the sheet. (Long
dimension parallel to sheet-rolling direction.)
9.2 Clean coupons with chloride-free liquid soap and water
to remove any grease or other contamination.
9.3 Sensitize all coupons before bending by heating at
1200F (649C) in an argon (inert) or air (oxidizing) atmo-
sphere for three hours. Let cool in the furnace after the
sensitizing period.
Temperature of the coupons must be
measured in the stack of coupons, not in the furnace itself, as
the coupon temperatures lag the furnace temperature by at
least 50 to 100F (28 to 56C).
9.4 A suggestion for sensitizing in an inert atmosphere is to
use a stainless steel box with a tight-tting cover to contain the
argon around the coupons during sensitization.
9.5 Grip coupon with suction cup holder (see Fig. 1) or
other means to facilitate wet grinding on an 80-grit belt grinder.
Grind parallel to the long dimension of the coupon using an
80-grit wet belt with just enough pressure to remove the dull
nish and leave the metal bright. Do not overgrind. The
beltground face is the test surface to be exposed to the thermal
insulation. The test area is the bent coupon surface which
actually comes into contact with the insulation.
9.6 Smooth and round sheared edges to prevent accidental
cutting of ngers.
9.7 Bend each ground coupon to a 1.00 6 0.01-in. (25.4 6
0.25-mm) outside radius using a roll bender as shown in Fig. 5
of the 1979 edition of Practice G 30 to produce a U-shape in
which the legs are parallel to within
16 in. (1.6 mm).
9.8 Drill or punch a
32-in. (7-mm) hole in each end using
the special jig shown in Fig. 3. The use of cobalt steel drill bits
is highly recommended on 304 stainless steel as other bits dull
9.9 For the Dana test only, silver-solder a 2/04/0 solderless
copper electrical connector to each leg with the hole in the
connector centered on the drilled hole. While it has been
conventional to solder one lug to an inside surface and the
second to an outside surface, it is acceptable to solder both to
Kimwipe is a trademarked product of Kimberly-Clark Corp., Roswell, GA.
For a discussion of the effect of sensitizing stainless steel and its susceptibility
to stress corrosion, refer to Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Sensitized Stainless Steel
in Oxygenated High Temperature Water, Batelle Columbus Laboratories, Report
No. BMI 1927, June 1972.
FIG. 1 Suction Cup Coupon Holder
FIG. 2 Typical External Stress Corrosion Cracks (53
FIG. 3 Jig for Positioning Holes in the U-Bend Specimen
C 692
outside surfaces for greater convenience. The body of the
coupon should be shielded from high soldering temperatures
by placing a soaking-wet chloride-free cellulose pad on the
coupon next to the weld area to act as a heat sink. Carefully
remove all ux from the nished coupon by washing with hot
water. The contact surfaces of the copper connector should be
cleaned by sanding, wire brush, or other means to avoid
electrical contact problems.
9.9.1 As an alternate to the 2/04/0 solderless lug, 2 by
8-in. (50.8 by 13 by 3.2-mm) copper lugs may be
silversoldered to diagonally opposite outside corners leaving
exactly half of each sticking out from the test coupon for the
electrical hookup. Test data have shown this simpler lug to be
equivalent to the commercial 2/04/0 lug.
9.10 Clean the convex surface to be tested with chloridefree
cleansing powder and a cotton swab or chloride-free cellulose
pad (such as Kimwipe
or equivalent) soaked in distilled or
deionized water. Rinse in distilled or deionized water, and air
dry. Do not touch the convex test surface with bare hands
9.11 Obtain the value of the yield strength and the modulus
of elasticity from the certied statement of mechanical prop-
erties for the particular sheet of stainless steel or from tensile
tests conducted in accordance with Test Methods and Deni-
tions A 370. Make the necessary measurements on each test
specimen and calculate the leg deection required to produce
the desired elastic stress using the formula shown in Fig. 4. The
desired elastic stress for this test method is 30 000 psi.
9.12 Utilizing the value for sigma determined in 9.11,
calculate the number of turns of the nut necessary to achieve
the proper stress by dividing sigma by the distance between
threads. The leg deection may also be measured using a
Vernier caliper.
9.13 Install bolt and nut (and washer for Dana test) on each
coupon and run the nut up snug without bending the coupon.
9.14 Holding the head of the screw with a screwdriver, turn
the nut the required number of turns as calculated in 9.12.
9.15 For the Dana test only, as a last step before running the
test, attach a 28-gage (or smaller) thermocouple to the inside
middle of the coupon using aluminum-lled epoxy. The head
of the thermocouple should be in contact with the coupon to get
an accurate measure of coupon temperature.
9.16 Before use, the lot of sensitized coupons shall be
qualied using the procedure described in Section 13.
10. Sample Preparation
10.1 If there is any reason to believe that the surface of an
insulating material might be different from the interior, the
material shall be tested in such a manner as to test what is
judged to be the most sensitive portion.
10.2 Procedure for materials in which the surfaces and
interior may be considered totally uniform in properties,
including but not limited to foam insulation cut from buns,
Foamglas, loose-ll insulation, man-made mineral-ber block
and board, and perlite insulation:
10.2.1 Cut insulation specimens into 4 by 7 by 1
2-in. (102
by 178 by 38-mm) sections and drill a 2-in.(51-mm) hole in the
center of each with an appropriate hole saw. Cut the specimen
in half to produce two test specimens that measure 4 by 3
2 by
2 in. (102 by 89 by 38 mm) as shown in Fig. 5a.
10.2.2 Carefully t each insulation block to its coupon by
sanding with clean, chloride-free sandpaper if necessary to
achieve a perfect t. Air blow the prepared test specimen to
remove dust which might contaminate the test surface.
10.2.3 Loose-ll materials may be tested by fabricating a
cage from stainless steel wire mesh in the shape of the test
specimen shown in Fig. 5a. Stuff the loose ll material into the
cage at the intended use density.
10.2.4 Thin layers of insulating material may be tested by
stacking to achieve a 1
2-in. (38-mm) stack and then
proceeding as directed in 10.2.1 above, holding the nal test
stack in place with a rubber band, wire, or straight pins.
10.3 Procedure for materials that may have outer surfaces
that differ from inner surfaces, including but not limited to: ( 1)
Wet-process materials where solubles may migrate to the outer
surface during drying including calcium silicate and insulating
cements. ( 2) Fiberglass that has been rolled on a mandrel to
form pipe cover using a mandrel release agent. (3) Mineral
wool which has been V-grooved and glued to form pipe cover.
10.3.1 Cut the test specimens from 1.5 N 2.5 pipe insula-
tion, including jacketing (see the exception stated in 5.3) if it is
attached to the insulation, as shown in Fig. 5b. Air blow the
prepared test specimen to remove dust that might contaminate
the test surface.
10.3.2 In the case of insulating cement, form the test piece
around a bent coupon until set and then take out of the form for
nal drying. Since some cements do not readily wick water,
d5 deection, in.,
S5 applied stress, psi,
E5 modulus of elasticity,
R5 radius of bend, in.,
h5 thickness, in., and
L5 length of straight section, in.
FIG. 4 Measurements Required for Post-Tensioning Deection
Calculations on U-Bend Test Specimens
C 692
samples made from such materials shall be split before testing
to allow the DI water to penetrate down to the test coupon
(Drip procedure only).
10.4 Choice of test procedure: (1) If the material readily
wicks water, it may be tested by either the Dana or the Drip
procedure. (2) If the material may be made to wick readily by
heat treatment (for example, heating perlite insulation to
destroy the hydrophobicity of the material) it may be tested by
either test procedure. (See the exception stated in 5.3). (3) If
the material cannot be made to wick, it shall be tested by the
Drip procedure.
10.4.1 An unwettable block material may be split, with the
two halves held together with a rubber band, pin, or wire for
test. If the split surfaces cannot be wet in any way, they may be
parted slightly to allow the DI water to penetrate down to the
test coupon.
10.4.2 If the stacked material in will not wick, it
shall be tested by the Drip procedure, wetting or slightly
separating the layers to allow the DI water to penetrate to the
test coupon.
11. Test Procedure (Dana Test)
11.1 Place each specimen of thermal insulation in a crystal-
lizing dish (or stainless steel alternate) with the Ushaped
groove up, connect the stainless steel U-bend coupons electri-
cally in series, and place in position within the cavity in the
insulation specimen.
11.2 Fill the dish with water (see 8.1) to a level approxi-
2 in. (13 mm) below the bottom of the concave cavity
in the specimen. Before continuing the test, turn each sample
on its side and allow it to completely wet before righting it to
begin. Turn up the power to electrically heat the coupons to the
local boiling point 610F (66C) range. Power setting should
be in the 150 Mv/150 AMP range. This is the start of the
28-day test period.
11.3 Bring all of the coupons into line, according to tem-
perature, by adjusting individual water levels. Raising the
water level lowers the temperature. Lowering the water level
raises the temperature.
11.4 Some sort of water level control shall be used on each
test cell, individually. Otherwise, the coupon temperature rises
as the liquid level drops and then falls when liquid is added,
resulting in a cyclic pattern that continues for the duration of
the test. The extent of the cyclic pattern depends on the amount
the level is allowed to drop before relling. If left unattended
overnight, the temperatures can rise as much as 50 to 100F (28
to 56C). Water makeup per coupon should run in the 200 to
600 mL/day range, but a higher rate is acceptable. The test cell
should not be covered to allow free access to oxygen that is
necessary for the occurrence of ESCC.
11.5 At the conclusion of the test period (28-day 6 6 h),
shut off the power and allow to cool. Disconnect the electrical
leads and carefully remove the stainless steel coupons from the
insulation specimens.
12. Test Procedure (Drip Test)
12.1 Place each coupon over the steam heated pipe with the
stressed bend in the up position (tensioning bolt down) and a
dab (about 1 cc) of chloride-free heat transfer grease between
the coupon and the pipe. Keep the mating insulation test block
at hand so that it can be properly paired up with its form-t
12.1.1 If the coupons are bent exactly as specied, they
snug up tightly to the pipe with the required post tensioning.
With this perfect t, no heat transfer grease or insulation
sample tting is necessary.
12.2 Reinstall post-stress bolt in accordance with 9.12-9.14.
12.3 Fill liquid reservoirs (see 7.3) with distilled or deion-
ized water (see 8.1).
12.4 Start heated pipe (previously regulated to operate at
boiling point + 10F ( + 5.6C) 0F (0C)).
12.5 Begin test time when pipe reaches operating tempera-
12.6 Start peristaltic pump (previously calibrated to deliver
250 mL/day to each sample block). Wet each sample block
with test liquid from a wash bottle (or equivalent) until the
block is visibly wet down to the coupon surface.
12.7 Monitor reservoir bottles daily to ascertain that the
delivery to each sample is 250 6 25 mL/day. Rell every 3
12.8 The temperature of the test coupons shall be main-
tained at the local boiling water temperature 610F (66C) as
indicated by the temperature indicated on the hot pipe tem-
perature monitor.
12.9 At the conclusion of the test period (28-day 6 6 h),
carefully remove the stainless steel coupons from the insulation
FIG. 5 Insulation Test Block Dimensions and Groove Location
C 692
specimens. In the event of a power outage during the 28-day
test, additional test time should be added to the end of the test
to allow the delivery of the full amount of liquid to each
coupon (28 3 250 mL 5 7000 mL).
13. Qualication of Sensitized Coupons for Use in Test
13.1 Dana Test Procedure:
13.1.1 Test four sensitized U-bend test coupons from each
sensitized lot of stainless steel for stress cracking with a neutral
wick in place of thermal insulation. The neutral wick shall
consist of a plug of Pyrex Glass Wool (see 6.2) or demonstrated
equivalent. The plug of wool shall be stood up barrel fashion
in the evaporating dish with the coupon touching the top of the
glass wool plug. The exposure period shall be 72 h 6 30 min
in a solution containing 1500 ppm of chemically pure chloride
ion (2.473 g NaCl/L). The level of chloride solution in the dish
shall be maintained between
4 and
4 in. (6.4 and 19 mm)
below the coupon to achieve test temperatures in the boiling
point6 10F (66C) range. Evaporation loss should be in the
250 to 1000 mL/day range.
13.1.2 All four coupons shall crack in order to qualify the
lot of stainless steel for use in this test method.
13.1.3 Test four U-bend test coupons as a blank test in the
same manner as 13.1.1 using deionized water for 28 days.
13.1.4 None of the four coupons should crack for the lot of
metal to qualify for use in this test method.
13.2 Drip Test Procedure:
13.2.1 Each lot of stainless steel shall be qualied by testing
four sensitized U-bend test coupons with a neutral wick in
place of the thermal insulation. The neutral wick shall consist
of a single layer of Kimwipe
or equivalent placed on top of the
test surface with the dripper set to discharge 250 mL/day of
1500 mg/L chloride solution to the center of the Kimwipe. The
piece of Kimwipe shall measure 1.5 in. (38 mm) by 4 in. (100
mm) to allow an air-liquid interface at the edges of the salt
accumulation. The cracking generally occurs on the edges of
the Kimwipe; it almost never occurs in the center.
13.2.2 Install coupons on hot pipe as described in 12.1 and
13.2.3 Start up hot pipe as in 12.5-12.7.
13.2.4 The exposure period shall be 72 h 6 30 min with
1500 ppm chloride solution (see 8.2) at a drip rate of 250 6 25
13.2.5 Monitor as in 12.8 and 12.9.
13.2.6 Conclude the qualication test by stopping the ow
of chloride solution and removing the coupons from the test
13.2.7 Inspect coupons as in 14.1-14.5.
13.2.8 All four specimens shall crack in order to qualify the
lot of stainless steel for use in this test method.
13.2.9 Test four U-bend test coupons as a blank test in the
same manner as 13.2.1-13.2.7 using deionized water for 28
13.2.10 None of the four coupons should crack for the lot of
metal to qualify for use in this test method.
14. Inspection of Coupons
14.1 Stress corrosion cracks are dendritic in shape and can
go in any direction without regard to the geometry of the test
coupon. Fig. 2 is an example of stress corrosion cracking.
14.2 Visually examine all test coupons (including all quali-
cation coupons) under good lighting for evidence of ESCC.
Personnel involved in the inspection shall demonstrate natural
or corrected near distance vision acuity of 20/25 or greater
Snellen fraction with at least one eye and be trained for ESCC
detection. While not always the case, stress corrosion cracks
are usually accompanied by brown or black iron corrosion
products on the surface at the cracked area. If visual inspection
shows ESCC to have occurred, no further examination is
necessary. If no cracks are found, proceed with the inspection.
14.3 Manually atten all coupons (including all qualica-
tion coupons). If there was signicant accumulation of solids
on the coupon, this rebending usually loosens most of the
solids for easy removal by brushing with a coarse brush or pot
scrubber. Insulation products containing an organic binder such
as the phenolic binder in berglass or mineral wool may
require additional cleaning. A spray-on oven cleaner is very
helpful in removing such deposits.
14.4 Rebend all coupons (including all qualication cou-
pons) using a pipe with a 2 in. (51 mm) outer diameter as a
mandril to form roughly the original shape. After forming the
original shape, remove the coupons from the mandril and bring
the legs of all the coupons together until they touch momen-
tarily. Very carefully examine the test surface of all cleaned and
rebent coupons for any cracks using 10 to 303 magnication.
14.5 If cracks have not been detected up to this point, spray
the test area with a liquid dye penetrant and developer
(following the instructions of the manufacturer). Inspect for
suspect areas, which will be indicated by the dyes showing
through the developer. Mark the suspect areas, remove the
developer, and reinspect under magnication.
14.6 If cracks have not been rmly established and part of
the test area is still suspect because of dye penetrant indication,
atten the coupon and bend again as in 14.4, with the suspect
area in the center of the bend. If present, cracks will open up.
Pits and corroded areas will not crack. Final inspection shall be
made with 303 magnication if cracks have not been estab-
lished at lower magnication. If cracks have not been estab-
lished after completing this inspection procedure, the test
coupon is considered to be crack-free. Save the coupon as
evidence for the nal test report.
15. Report
15.1 Report the following information:
15.1.1 Test procedure used (Dana or Drip).
15.1.2 Name, density, and other identifying information for
each insulation test specimen and the form of the specimen
(block or pipe cover).
15.1.3 Information on heat treatment or other special treat-
ment or provisions necessary to run the material.
15.1.4 Number of specimens tested,
15.1.5 Number and severity of cracks in the test area of
each coupon and how they were found.
15.1.6 Chemical analysis data run in accord with Test
Methods C 871. (Optional unless this test method being run to
certify for Specication C 795, in which case the chemical tests
are mandatory.)
C 692
15.1.7 Pictures or other evidence presented to support the
presence of stress corrosion cracks in the test coupons (op-
15.1.8 Information on metal carbon content and heat treat-
ment conditions.
16. Precision and Bias
16.1 In 1994, results of an interlaboratory study were
reported by four laboratories for a 28-day test of two samples
( X and Y). Each sample consisted of four coupons. Three of the
laboratories used the Drip test; one laboratory the Dana test.
One of the laboratories that used the Drip test ran two sets of
samples. The results are summarized as follows: (1) for sample
X, all laboratories reported zero failures (100 % agreement);
(2) for sample Y, all tests showed failures (i.e, cracked
coupons); and ( 3) the agreement among the four laboratories
for number of failures was 61.
17. Keywords
17.1 austenitic stainless steel; chloride; Dana test; Drip test;
external stress corrosion cracking (ESCC); qualication test;
thermal insulation; wicking insulation
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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C 692

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