Industrial Robots Manipulator Structures

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The key takeaways are that a manipulator consists of links connected by joints that allow relative motion. The links can be divided into an arm/body and wrist section. Common joint types include revolute, prismatic, cylindrical and spherical joints.

The main manipulator structures discussed are serial link, cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, SCARA, articulated and parallel link manipulators.

The document discusses revolute, prismatic, cylindrical, twisting and orthogonal joint types.


What is a Manipulator?
A robot manipulator is a device used to manipulate materials
without direct contact.
Robot manipulators consist of rigid links, which are connected
through joint actuators that create relative motion of
neighboring links.
Manipulator can be divided in to two sections.
o Body and Arm
o Wrist
What is a Manipulator?
Arm and Body !he arm and
body of a robot are used to
move and position parts or tools
within a work envelope. !hey
are formed from three joints
connected by large links.
Wrist !he wrist is used to orient
the parts or tools at the work
location. "t consists of two or
three compact joints.
Manipulator Elements
## three joints connected by large links #..
Link - !he connection of different manipulator joints
is known as Robot $inks.
A link will be in the form of solid material.
!here are two types of links
o "nput $inks
o %utput $inks
!he movement of the input link allows the output to
the move at various motions.
An input link will be located nearer to the base.
Manipulator Elements
Joint "ntegration of two or more link is known as a &oint
Joint Axis
o An a'is is a straight line around which a link rotates, or along a link moves.
A joint is an important element in a robot manipulator. "t allows
the links to move relative to each other.
&oints are categori(ed according to the relative motion of the
Manipulator Elements
Revolute Joints
Rotational Joints
!his type will allow links to perform rotary motion about the joint a'is.
&oint a'es is perpendicular to the motion plane of the link.
Rotational &oints are represented as R-joints.
Revolving Joints
!he output link a'is is perpendicular to the joint a'is and the input link
is parallel to the input link a'is.
Revolving &oints are represented as V-Joints
Manipulator Elements
Revolute Joints
Twisting Joints (ylindri!al Joints"
!his type allows twist motion among the input link and the output link.
$ink a'es and joint a'is are parallel.
!wisting &oints are represented as T-joints.
Manipulator Elements
Prismatic Joints
Linear Joints
!his type of joints can perform both translational and sliding
movements. $ink a'es and the joint a'is are parallel.
$inear &oints are represented as L-joints.
#rt$ogonal Joints
!his type of joints are similar to the linear joints but the output link a'is
is perpendicular to the input and joint a'es.
%rthogonal &oints are represented as #-Joints
Serial Link Manipulators
"n a serial link manipulator every link is
connected to every other link by one and
only one path.
large workspace with respect to the si(e of
the robot and the floor space it occupies
the low stiffness inherent to an open
kinematic structure,
errors are accumulated and amplified from
link to link,
the fact that they have to carry and move
the large weight of most of the actuators,
the relatively low effective load that they
can manipulate.
Manipulator Structures
Parallel Link Manipulators
)very link is connected to every other link by at
least two distinct paths.
high rigidity can be achieve with a small
mass of the manipulator.
can achieve high precision and high
can handle large payloads compared to
serial link manipulators.
limited si(e of the workspace
e'istence of singularities
Manipulator Structures
&ierar!$y o' (ani)*lators
Serial Link
Cartesian Root
Spherical Root
SC#R# $
SC#R# $$
Parallel Link
Manipulator Structures
Cartesian Robot
*otation + $%% ,---.
Made out of three sliding joints.
Work envelop of cartesian robot is a
rectangular bo'.
o /ori(ontal -recision + 0niform
o 1ertical -recision + 0niform
o 2imple structure
o /igh rigidity
o /igh precision.
o /igh repeatability.
o /igh speeds.
Serial Link Manipulators
Cartesian Robot
o $ow de'terity
o 2i(e of the robot is larger than the work
o $ess number of degrees of freedom
o 3*3 machines
o 3ircuit board manufacturing
o Machine loading and unloading
o 2tacking, uniti(ing, palleti(ing,
o 3oordinate measuring applications
Serial Link Manipulators
Cylindrical Robot
*otation + !$% ,R--.
Made out of one revolute joint and
two sliding joints.
Work envelop is cylinder like.
Mainly three degree of freedom
*ot widely used in modern industry
o /ori(ontal -recision + 4ecrease radially.
o 1ertical -recision + 0niform.
o -ick and place applications
o $oading unloading applications
Serial Link Manipulators
Spherical Robot
*otation + !R$ ,RR-.
Made out of two revolute joints and
one sliding joints.
Work envelop is sphere like
Mainly three degree of freedom
*ot widely used in modern industry
o /ori(ontal -recision + 4ecrease radially.
o 1ertical -recision + 4ecrease radially.
o Material handling applications
Serial Link Manipulators
*otation + 1R% ,RR-.
23ARA 5 2elective 3ompliant Assembly
Robot Arm.
Made out of two revolute joints and
one sliding joints.
3an achieve high speed movements.
o /ori(ontal -recision + 1aries.
o 1ertical -recision + 0niform.
o -ick and place applications
o -3B Manufacturing applications
Serial Link Manipulators
Articulated Robot
*otation + RRR ,RRR.
Made out of three revolute joints
Analogous to human arm
Most widely used industrial robot
Most robots have five or si' degrees
of freedom
Serial Link Manipulators
Articulated Robot
o /ori(ontal -recision + 1aries.
o 1ertical -recision + 1aries.
o -ick and place applications.
o 2tacking, uniti(ing, palleti(ing.
o Welding applications.
o -ainting applications.
o Machine loading applications
o 4rilling, deburing applications
Serial Link Manipulators

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