What Is A SCARA Robot

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Q) What is SCARA robot?

Why it is much popular as compared to

robotics configuration? How it is used in the different discipline of

What is a SCARA robot?

SCARA robots were first developed in the 1980’s in Japan and the name SCARA stands for
Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm.  The main feature of the SCARA robot is that it has
a jointed 2-link arm which in some ways imitates the human arm although it operates on a single
plane, allowing the arm to extend and retract (fold) into confined areas which makes it suitable
for reaching inside enclosures or pick-and-place from one location to another.

The SCARA robot is a manipulator with four degrees of freedom. This type

of robot has been developed to improve the speed and repeatability ON
PICK&PLACE TASKS from one location to another or to speed and improve the
steps involved in assembly.

Advantages of SCARA robots

The SCARA robot is most commonly used for pick-and-place or assembly operations where high
speed and high accuracy is required.  Generally a SCARA robot can operate at higher speed and
with optional cleanroom specification.  In terms of repeatability, currently available SCARA robots
can achieve tolerances lower than 10 microns, compared to 20 microns for a six-axis robot. By
design, the SCARA robot suits applications with a smaller field of operation and where floor
space is limited, the compact layout also making them more easily re-allocated in temporary or
remote applications.

How a SCARA Compares to Other Robots

The second attribute of the SCARA is the jointed two-link arm layout similar to our human arms,
hence the often-used term, Articulated. This feature allows the arm to extend into confined areas
and then retract or "fold up" out of the way. This is advantageous for transferring parts from one
cell to another or for loading/ unloading process stations that are enclosed.
SCARAs are generally faster than comparable Cartesian robot systems.
These days, there are so many different robots with different levels of performance.
It is difficult to say that SCARAs are “better” than other types in any particular aspect.
There is often more variability between individual robot models than between robot

Due to their selective compliance, SCARAs are less rigid than Cartesian or gantry
robots. However, they are more rigid than both 6-axis robots and Delta robots due to
their rigid Z-axis.

This makes SCARAs a kind of “halfway house” between Cartesian and 6-axis robots.

SCARAs are very well suited to high-speed assembly applications. They are
generally faster than 6-axis robots. As a result, it is much more likely to see them
being used for pick-and-place. However, they are not as fast as Delta robots which
are the top choice for high-speed pick-and-place.

One of the clearest distinctions between SCARAs and 6-axis robots is that they have
fewer Degrees-of-Freedom. Like most Delta robots, they have only 4 axes.

The payload of SCARAs is generally quite low. Other robot can lift between 0.5-20
kg. This is much less than 6-axis robots which can lift between 1-1700 kg, but it is
more than Delta robots which can lift between 0.3-8 kg.

Assembly tasks require quite a high degree of precision, which means that SCARAs
generally have better repeatability than other types of robot. The robots with the best
repeatability in our Robot Library are all SCARAs and it’s not uncommon to see them
with a repeatability of just 0.01 mm.

When SCARAs were first introduced in the 1980s, they represented the best price to
performance ratio for high-speed tasks. This is still true today as they tend to be
cheaper than the faster Delta robots.

5 Tasks That SCARA Robots Excels At

Robots are very adaptable and almost every type of robot can be used for a variety
of tasks. SCARAs are no different but there are some tasks that they really excel at.
Here are five of them:

1. Small Assembly
The task that the SCARA was designed to do. High-speed assembly tasks, such as
those in the electronics industry, are very common for SCARA robots. Their selective
compliance means that they can perform insertions more easily than other types of
robot, without having to use complex programming.

2. Pick and Place

SCARAs are often the quickest, cheapest robot for high-speed pick and place. Their
speed is only beaten by Delta robots, but they are usually easier to install because
they do not require the robot to be mounted above the workspace.

The SCARA robot is most commonly used for pick-and-place or assembly operations where

high speed and high accuracy is required. Generally a SCARA robot can operate at higher
speed and with optional cleanroom specification.

3. Laser Engraving
The high precision of SCARAs means that they are also very well suited to laser
engraving and drawing tasks. Over the last few years, several end effectors have
come onto the market which allow you to add laser engraving capabilities to any
small robot.

4. 3D Printing
Another task which is becoming a rising star in the world of robotics is 3D printing.
We’ve already seen a lot of applications where 6-axis robots are making it possible
to print much bigger objects with 3D printing technology. SCARAs are well suited to
this new application on the smaller end of the scale.

5. Soldering
SCARAs are very popular in the electronics industry because they can be used for
many of the core manufacturing tasks. One such task is soldering. With a suitable
end effector, they can provide very consistent quality of solder and improve
efficiency when compared to soldering by hand.
Q3] What characteristics an arm welding robotic system must have?

Robotic welding automates the welding process to increase accuracy, enhance safety and
reduce the time needed to complete each project. These benefits make the robotic welding
process a popular alternative to manual metal joining. Several industries take advantage of
this automated process to get the results they need as quickly as possible.

Unlike human workers who require breaks and time off, a robot can operate on a 24-
hour shift. Longer working hours and quicker speeds allow robotic welding machines
to complete their projects much faster than people could. Thanks to the faster
completion times, the output from robotic welders far surpasses anything possible
from a human.

Robotic welders come equipped with a range of safety features to protect people
from the welding arc, its temperature and its brightness. These safety features help
keep the work area safe. When workers have a safer workplace, there will be more
productive and have improved job satisfaction. Injuries and damaged equipment are
also expensive for companies, so these safety features can also save them money.

The ideal project for a robot involves repetitive motions applied to a large volume of
parts. When engaged in this type of work, even the most experienced worker will
eventually make errors. Robots will finish the project with a higher degree of
accuracy because the machine will keep working with the same level of
attentiveness until the project is complete.

Due to their increased precision, robots generate less waste due to mistakes.
Manual welders may have to discard parts mistakenly welded together or those with
weak junctions. Since robots operate with a higher degree of accuracy, they make
fewer mistakes. Without as much material discarded from errors, a facility that uses
robotic welders operates more efficiently and produces less waste.


Once installed, robots can weld large numbers of parts together. Though upfront
costs to the company using the robotic welder may be high, the high productivity of
the machine will eventually recoup the loss. Since automatic welders have high
levels of production, projects done with them may cost less than those employing a
team of human workers.
Robotic welders can also cut delivery costs. The company doing the welding can use
one operator instead of a team of human welders to accomplish the same amount of
work. By trimming overhead, the company you hire for welding work can offer lower
prices or additional services.

Q) Write a short note on Multidisciplinary Model for Using Robotics

in Engineering Education.

Robotics provides a comprehensive view of an integrated, fully engineered system.

It affords a view of information processing from the microprocessor level up through
the application software, and it illustrates the connection between mechanical,
electrical, and computing components. Because of its multidisciplinary nature, the
study of robotics in the classroom can be a valuable tool for the practical, hands-on
application of concepts across various engineering and science topics.1
Furthermore, the curriculum in any specific area of study tends to narrowly focus
students on that area, whereas real-world complex systems tend to integrate
electrical, mechanical, and computing components. The study of robotics provides a
medium for students to experience this integration and to see the interaction
between the various types of systems.

Its multidisciplinary nature has also relegated the study of robotics to larger research
universities and private industrial research groups whose members have had the full
range of prerequisite knowledge to engineer such complex systems. Pre-
constructed industrial robots could be purchased, but their exorbitant prices made
them cost prohibitive to the more modest budgets of smaller educational institutions.
With the emergence of inexpensive computational components, robot platforms have
become more accessible to such smaller programs.

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