Exercise 4 (Chromatography)

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Chem 31.



Chromatography includes a variety of techniques for separating individual compounds or
compound types from a mixture. Separation is affected by the distribution of the components of
the mixtures between a stationary phase and a mobile phase. Various types of chromatography
are possible depending on the physical states of the stationary phase and mobile phases

Adsorption chromatography uses a solid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase. Separation
using adsorption chromatography is governed by surface adsorption phenomena. On the other
hand, partition chromatography uses a liquid stationary phase supported on the surface of a
solid and a liquid or gas mobile phase which is insoluble in the stationary phase. Partition
chromatographic separations may be due to differences in the solubility of the sample in the
stationary and mobile phases.

In adsorption chromatography, the mixture to be separated is adsorbed on the solid stationary
phase over which the liquid mobile phase is allowed to flow. The transfer of the adsorbed
compound between the stationary phase and the mobile phase is an equilibrium process.

The extent of adsorption of a single component depends on the polarity of the molecule, the
activity of the adsorbent, and the polarity of the liquid mobile phase. In general, the more polar a
functional group in the compound is, the more strongly it will be adsorbed on the surface of the
polar stationary phase. The actual separation of the components in a mixture is dependent on
the relative values of the adsorption-desorption equilibrium constant, K, for each of the
components. The individual components will move with the mobile phase at different rate,
resulting in their separation into different regions (as bands or spots) in the stationary phase.

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a form of solid-liquid adsorption chromatography. It uses a
thin layer of adsorbent (usually alumina or silica gel) supported on a flat surface (usually glass).
TLC is very useful in monitoring the progress of the reactions, detecting intermediates in
reactions, analyzing crude products or unknown mixtures, determining the number of
components in a mixture and evaluating the efficiency of purification processes.

Paper chromatography bears a resemblance to TLC but is slightly different in principle. Filter
paper, which is made of highly purified cellulose, absorbs and retains water molecules strongly.
This is because cellulose is a polyhydroxy compound. The paper (cellulose) and the bound
water, which forms part of its structure, constitute the stationary phase in paper
chromatography. Small spots of the mixture to be separated are placed near the bottom of a
strip of filter paper and a solvent (mobile phase) is allowed to travel up the paper by capillary
action. Separation takes place due to different affinities of the components of the mixture for the
polar stationary phase and the mobile phase, which is relatively nonpolar solvent or solvent
system. There is a continuous back-and-forth exchange of solutes between water and the
solvent, but those, which are more soluble in the mobile phase, spend more time in it and are
carried up the paper faster.

compound in stationary phase compound in mobile phase
Chem 31.1
Paper chromatography is an example of liquid-liquid partition chromatography. Like TLC, paper
chromatography is used in the rapid analysis of the components of reaction mixtures and as
tentative means of identification. A compound will move up to the TLC plate or paper strip at a
rate relative to that of the solvent front. The relative mobility is known as the R
value of the
compound and is defined by the equation:

= distance travelled by compound from the origin
distance travelled by solvent from the origin

where the origin is the midpoint of the original spot. The distance traveled by a compound is
obtained by measuring the distance from the origin to the point of greatest density (center of
mass) of the spot corresponding to the compound. Under a defined set of conditions (adsorbent,
solvent, temperature and humidity) the R
value is a characteristic property which can be used
for the identification of a compound.

I. Objectives

1. To learn the techniques of paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography.
2. To apply chromatographic methods in the separation of the components of a mixture.
3. To identify an unknown by comparing R
value and other characteristics with those of
a standard.

II. Procedure

A. Separation of plant pigments by paper chromatography

1. Collect about 1 g of leaves from any one kind of plant in the locality. Take note of the
plants scientific name and the place where it was collected.

2. Cut the leaves into small pieces.

3. Extract the leaf pigments with about 20 mL acetone using a mortar and pestle. Filter
the extract through a piece of cotton.

4. Fill a capillary tube with a clear acetone extract and use this extract to make a spot
on a strip of chromatographic paper about one centimeter from the bottom. (To save
time and materials, practice your spotting technique on a piece of scratch paper
before attempting to use the chromatography strip). Make sure that the spot does
not exceed two millimeters in diameter.

5. Repeat step 4 five times, allowing the spot to dry each time.

6. Take another strip and do steps 4 and 5.

7. Pour 5 mL of 9:1:1 (v/v/v) petroleum ether-diethylether-acetone and 5 mL of 9:1 (v/v)
petroleum ether-acetone into two separate 50 mL test tubes.

8. Mount the test tubes in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks as shown in Figure 4.1.
9. Attach the paper with the spotted side at the far end to a hook mounted on a stopper
and carefully insert the spotted end of the strip into the test tube. Make sure that the
paper does not touch the sides of the tube. See to it that the spot is above the
level of the solvent.

10. Stopper the tube tightly and watch the solvent rise with the paper.

11. When the solvent front is about one inch from the top of the strip, remove the paper
from the test tube and mark the solvent front with a pencil.

12. Allow the strip to dry.

Chem 31.1
Figure 4.1. Setup for paper chromatography.

13. Mark the outline of the individual spots with a pencil. Copy the pattern produced on
your data sheets and label each spot as to its color.

14. Compare the chromatograms produced by the two solvent systems as to the extent
or degree of separation of the spots.

B. Analysis of the component dyes of black ink by TLC

NOTE: Avoid inhaling silica gel.

1. Mix 45 grams of silica gel G and 150 mL of dichloromethane in a wide-mouth screw
cap bottle.
2. Wipe the surface of two microscope slides with cotton soaked in dichloromethane
and then with cotton soaked in acetone. Allow the solvent to evaporate.
3. Put the slides together back to back handling them only at their edges.
4. Stir the slurry of silica gel and dip the slides ones, leaving about 0.5 cm from the top
5. Slowly remove the plates from the slurry and allow the solvent to drain back into the
6. Check the coating of the gel. It must be uniform across the plate and without any
break on the surface.
7. Remove the gel from the sides of the slides with a finger.
8. Separate the plates and put them on a clean sheet of paper with the silica gel facing
9. Allow the plates to dry for about 5 minutes.
10. As soon as the plates are dry, draw an aliquot of the ink sample into a capillary tube
and spot it on one TLC plate, ~1 cm from the bottom. Spot the other plate using
another ink brand.
11. In a wide-mouth screw cap bottle, pour about 20 mL of the solvent system 6:2:2
(v/v/v) n-butanol-ethanol-NH
). Line the sides of the chamber with a piece of filter
paper and allow the system to equilibrate. The setup for TLC is shown in Figure 4.2
12. After about two minutes, place the TLC plates in the developing chamber. Cover the
chamber tightly.
13. Allow the chromatogram to develop (about 20 min).
14. Analyze and compare the chromatograms as in part A.
cork stopper
test tube
Erlenmeyer flask
sample spot

Chem 31.1

Figure 4.2. Setup for thin layer chromatography.

C. Identification of amino acids by paper chromatography

1. Obtain a clean sheet of Whatman no. 1 filter paper, about 12 cm by 18 cm. Handle it
only at its corners.
2. Using a pencil, lightly draw a thin line parallel to one side, ~1.5 cm from the edge of
the paper.
3. Lightly place 8 xs along the line at 2 cm intervals.
4. Under each X, place an identifying mark, two for each standard (P = phenylalanine, T
= tyrosine and A = aspartic acid) and two for the unknown substance (U). See
Figure 4.3


Figure 4.3. Preparation of paper for chromatography of amino acids.

5. Spot a small amount of each solution on its designated position on the paper. Do
this five times allowing the spot to dry each time.
6. Roll the paper into a cylinder in such a way that the labels are facing out and staple
the ends as shown below. Make sure that the edges of the paper do not touch each
7. Fill the developing chamber with the solvent system 1:2 (v/v) 2% ammonium
hydroxide-isopropyl alcohol, up to about 0.75 cm deep.
8. Place the cylindrical paper in the chamber, observing the usual precautions.
9. Cover the chamber tightly and allow the chromatogram to develop (about 1 and
sample spot
filter paper
TLC plate
12 cm
1.5 cm
18 cm
Chem 31.1
10. After the chromatogram has been developed, remove the paper and open it. Mark
the solvent front lightly with a pencil.
11. Allow the paper to dry.
12. Dip the paper in a 2% ninhydrin solution in acetone.

NOTE: Ninhydrin is a neurotoxin. Avoid direct skin contact.

13. Allow the solvent to evaporate.
14. Dry the paper for about 10 minutes using a blow dryer.
15. Encircle each spot with a pencil and calculate the R
16. Compare the spots in terms of shape and color.
17. Draw the chromatogram.

III. Questions

1. What would be the effect of the following errors in chromatographic work?
a. The solvent level in the developing chamber is higher than the spotted sample.
b. Too much sample is applied to the paper.
c. The paper is allowed to remain in the chamber after the solvent front has
reached the top of the plate.
2. Why is it necessary to cover the developing chamber tightly during the development
of a chromatogram?
3. Identify your unknown. Explain clearly how you made this identification.
4. Can TLC or paper chromatography be used to separate and identify very volatile
substances? Explain your answer.
5. Why were you required to handle the chromatographic paper only at its corners in
part C?

Chem 31.1

IV. Data and Results

A. Separation of Plant Pigments by Paper Chromatography

Sample: ________________________________________

9:1 (v/v) pet-ether-acetone 9:1:1 (v/v/v) pet-ether-diethyl ether-acetone
Spot No. X
Rf Color X
Rf Color

NOTE: Include sketch of chromatogram

B. Analysis of the Component Dyes of Black Ink by TLC

Solvent System: __________________________________
Sample: (include brand name) _______________________

Spot No. X

NOTE: Include sketch of chromatogram

C. Identification of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography

Solvent System: __________________________________
Visualization method: ______________________________

Tyrosine (T) Aspartic acid (A) Unknown
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2


Average Rf

Unknown is: ______________________________________

NOTE: Include sketch of chromatogram

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