UNC's Updated Sexual Assault Policy

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Policy Statement

This Policy prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status. It
expressly, therefore, also prohibits Sexual Violence and Sexual Exploitation, which by definition
involve conduct of a sexual nature and are prohibited forms of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment.
This Policy further prohibits Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on an
individuals Protected Status. Finally, this Policy prohibits Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act
that violates this Policy and Retaliation against an individual because of their good faith
participation in the reporting, investigation, or adjudication of violations of this Policy. University
students and employees who violate this Policy may face discipline up to and including expulsion
or termination.

Discrimination, Harassment (including Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence),
Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation (collectively hereafter referred to as
Prohibited Conduct) are defined in Section IV of this Policy.


This Policy and associated procedures apply to the conduct of, and protect, University students
and employees, including faculty members, EPA non-faculty employees, SPA employees,
graduate, professional and doctoral students, post-doctoral scholars, and student employees. The
non-discrimination provisions also apply to contractors and other third parties under
circumstances within the Universitys control. The Policy and associated procedures provide for
the prompt and equitable resolution of reports of Discrimination, Harassment, and related
Reason for Policy

Responsible University Officers
Associate Vice Chancellor
Title IX Compliance Coordinator

Responsible Office
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office

Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment,
Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking

The University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all
members of our community. The University values safety, diversity, education, and equity and is
firmly committed to maintaining a campus environment free from Discrimination, Harassment, and
related misconduct. In accordance with its Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination, the University
does not unlawfully discriminate in offering equal access to its educational programs and activities
or with respect to employment terms and conditions on the basis of an individuals age, color,
creed, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, race, national
origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status (collectively referred to as Protected
Status). The Universitys protection of these statuses is grounded in federal law. Federal law also
governs the Universitys response to Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence (including
domestic and dating violence), and Stalking. Such acts violate the essential dignity of our
community member(s) and are contrary to our institutional values.
Related Statutes, Orders, and Policies

- Titles IV, VI, and IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- Equal Pay Act
- 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Executive Order 13672
- Executive Order 11246
- Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act
- Violence Against Women Act
- Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act
- North Carolina General Statutes 143-422.2

Related polices are set out in Section XII of the Policy.


Questions about this Policy should be directed to the Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Office at [email protected] or 919-966-3576 or 711 (NC Relay).

Document History

Effective Date: Reports filed on or after August 28, 2014



Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment,
Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking


How to Get Help In the Event of an Emergency:
Anyone who has experienced Sexual Violence or Interpersonal Violence is urged to immediately seek help. Help
includes seeking medical assistance, seeking confidential counseling or crisis response, filing a report with law
enforcement, and making a report to the University. UNC Department of Public Safety will help any individual
get to a safe place, provide transportation to the hospital, contact another law enforcement agency, and offer
information about the Universitys resources and processes. Information about the difference between Reporting
Options and Confidential Resources is listed on the next pages.

Emergency Response

Emergency Law Enforcement:
911 (from anywhere)

UNC Department of Public

Chapel Hill Police Department

Carrboro Police Department

Orange County Sheriffs Office

Medical Treatment

UNC Campus Health Services
After hours: 919-966-2281
Confidential care for students
Sexual assault exams/evidence
Screening and treatment of
sexually transmitted infections
Emergency contraceptives
Pregnancy tests
Survivors Assistance Fund: Funds
are available to offset medical

UNC Hospital Emergency Room
After-hours medical care
Confidential care for students
Sexual assault exams/evidence
Screening and treatment of STIs
Emergency contraceptives
Pregnancy tests
Survivors Assistance Fund: Funds
are available to offset medical
expenses under the Survivors
Assistance Fund
Confidential Counseling &
Crisis Response

UNC Counseling and
Psychological Services (CAPS)
Confidential care for students
Individual and group counseling
and referral

UNC Employee Assistance
Program (ComPsych)
Confidential care for University
employees and their families
Available 24 hours per day, 7 days
per week

Compass Center for Women and
919-929-7122 (Hotline)
Confidential care for students
Personal and court advocacy
Emergency shelter placement

Orange County Rape Crisis
919-968-4647; 1-866-WE-LISTEN
Confidential care for students
Personal and court advocacy
Support during emergency room
and police station visits

UNC Resource Page for Sexual Violence and Interpersonal Violence
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits Discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally
funded education program or activity. Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence,
and Stalking are prohibited by the University.

Reporting Options:
The Universitys Title IX Compliance Coordinator and the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
oversee the investigation and resolution of all misconduct covered by the Policy on Prohibited
Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (the Policy). To discuss any aspect of the Policy,
individuals are encouraged to contact:
Title IX Compliance Coordinator Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
Howard Kallem Jayne Grandes, Interim Director
100 E Franklin St., Unit 110 100 E Franklin St., Unit 110
919-445-1577|[email protected] 919-966-3576|[email protected]
Any individual can make a report under this Policy to these individuals or to the individuals/departments
designated below. The report may be made in person, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, electronically
(https://publicdocs.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UNCChapelHill&layout_id=3), or anonymously. All
reports will be shared with the Universitys Non-Discrimination Response Team. Any report involving a
minor will be shared with external child protective service (http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dss/) and law
enforcement agencies.
Student Complaint/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Ew Quimbaya-Winship
1125 Student and Academic Services Building North
919-843-3878|[email protected]
UNC Department of Public Safety
Office of the Dean of Students
1106 Student and Academic Services Building North
919-966-4042|[email protected]

Understanding the Difference between Making a Report to the University or Law Enforcement
(Reporting Options) and Seeking Confidential Assistance (Confidential Resources)
There is a distinction between making a report to the University or law enforcement through designated
Reporting Options (listed above) and seeking confidential assistance through Confidential Resources
(listed below).
Reporting Options: Making a report to the University by contacting a Reporting Option means that the
report will be shared with the Title IX Compliance Coordinator and a member of the Universitys Response
Team will communicate with the Reporting Party to provide resources and support and to identify the
appropriate action to respond to the report as outlined in this Policy. In addition, many University
employees, designated as Responsible Employees, are required to share information with the Universitys Title
IX Compliance Coordinator. There are many options for resolution of a report, and a Reporting Party is
encouraged to make a report even if that individual is not seeking disciplinary action against a Responding Party.
The University will make every effort to respect a Reporting Partys autonomy in determining how to proceed.
Support and resources are always available to a Reporting Party regardless of the chosen course of action.
Confidential Resources: In contrast, information shared with a Confidential Resource will not be
disclosed to anyone else, including the University, except under very limited circumstances. Any individual

may choose to seek support from confidential professionals on and off campus, including counselors,
medical health providers, clergy, rape crisis counselors, and the University Ombuds office.

Confidential Resources:
The trained professionals designated below can provide counseling, information, and support in a
confidential setting. These Confidential Resources will not share information about an individual
(including whether that individual has received services) without the individuals express permission, unless
there is a continuing threat of serious harm to the patient/client or to others or there is a legal obligation to
reveal such information (e.g., suspected abuse or neglect of a minor). These professionals are also available to
help an individual make a report to the University.

On Campus:
UNC Campus Health Services
919-966-3650 / After hours: 919-966-2281
Sexual assault exams/evidence collection
Screening and treatment of sexually transmitted
infections (STIs)
Emergency contraceptives
Pregnancy tests
Treatment paid for by the Survivors Assistance Fund
Gender Violence Services Coordinator
Cassidy Johnson, [email protected]
Support for individuals experiencing interpersonal
Assistance in understanding reporting options and
navigating reporting process
Link to University and community resources
Walk-in hours and appointments available
Confidential by University policy (protection may not
extend beyond campus proceedings)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Individual and group counseling and referral
University Ombuds Office
Impartial, informal, and independent resource and
Non-judgmental listening and discussion of options
Available to anyone affected by the incident
Confidential by University policy (protection may not
extend beyond campus proceedings)
Employee Assistance Program
Confidential care for University employees and their
Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

Off Campus:
UNC Hospital Emergency Room
After-hours medical care
Sexual assault exams/evidence collection
Screening and treatment of STIs
Emergency contraceptives
Pregnancy tests
Survivors Assistance Fund: Funds are available to
offset medical expenses
Compass Center for Women and Families
919-929-3872; 919-929-7122 (24/7 Hotline)
Personal and court advocacy
Emergency shelter placement
Orange County Rape Crisis Center
919-968-4647; 1-866-WE-LISTEN (1-866-935-4783)
(24/7 Hotline)
Personal and court advocacy
Accompaniment to emergency room and police

Interim Protective Measures Available Through the University:
In responding to a report, the University has an interest in providing care to the Reporting Party and to the
broader campus community. For this reason, after receiving a report, the University, through its Response

Team, will make an immediate assessment of any risk of harm to the parties, any other individuals, or to the
broader campus community and will take the necessary steps to address those risks. These steps may include
establishing Interim Protective Measures to provide for the safety of the parties involved, any other individuals,
and the campus community. Interim Protective Measures are available regardless of whether a Reporting Party
chooses to pursue disciplinary action against a Responding Party. Examples of Interim Protective Measures include
no-contact orders, residence modifications, academic or employment accommodations, and interim
Retaliation is expressly prohibited by this Policy, and the University will take immediate and responsive action
to any report of Retaliation or any violation of Interim Protective Measures.
Additional On Campus Resources:
Academic Advising
Undergraduate students can see an Academic Adviser
daily from 11 am 12 noon and 2 pm 4 pm for all
majors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Advisers
will see students for walk-in concerns including:
withdrawing, dropping or adding a course, course
approval forms, and personal issues affecting academic
American Indian Center
Facilitates the inclusion of the American Indian peoples
into the learning environment of the Carolina
community. Offers scholarships for American Indian
students, conducts community outreach, and researches
the history of American Indian peoples.
Carolina Student Legal Services
Provides legal advice about a variety of topics to
eligible students.
Carolina Womens Center
Offers educational programming about Interpersonal
Violence and issues of gender equity.
International Student and Scholar Services
Advising and counseling services for foreign students
and scholars including personal advising and cross-
cultural adjustment.

LGBTQ Center
Supports a safe inclusive environment for UNC-Chapel
Hill students of all sexualities, gender identities, and
gender expressions. Provides support when reporting
Interpersonal Violence to medical, legal, or University
Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
Collaborates with senior University officers and
campus units to identify and implement strategies and
initiatives for achieving the goals of increased diversity
and for building an inclusive environment.
Study Abroad Office
Provides access to a wide portfolio of educational
opportunities that reflect and support the intellectual,
financial, and cultural needs of our diverse student
body. The Study Abroad Office is committed to doing
everything reasonably possible to provide program
participants with a healthy and safe study abroad
The Learning Center
Provides academic counseling, life coaching,
workshops, test prep, tutoring, and academic support
for students with learning disabilities and ADHD.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse:
Individuals who suspect that a child is being harmed or observe a child being harmed should contact law
enforcement by calling 911. In addition, under North Carolina law, individuals who reasonably suspect that a
child under the age of 18 has been abused or neglected by a parent, guardian, or caregiver have an obligation
to report that suspicion to a county department of social services. The Orange County Department of Social
Services may be reached at 919-245-2800 or 919-968-2000.


Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment,
Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking
I. POLICY STATEMENT .................................................................................................................... 1
A. Notice of Non-Discrimination Based on Protected Status .............................................. 1
B. Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence, and Stalking Are
Prohibited Forms of Conduct .............................................................................................. 2
II. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY ..................................................................................................... 2
A. Individuals Covered by this Policy ....................................................................................... 2
B. Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................................... 2
C. Reports Involving Minors ..................................................................................................... 3
III. RESOURCES FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE..................................................... 3
A. Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office ....................................................................... 3
B. Title IX Compliance Coordinator ........................................................................................ 4
C. Non-Discrimination Response Team .................................................................................. 4
IV. PROHIBITED CONDUCT ............................................................................................................. 5
A. Discrimination and Harassment Based on All Protected Statuses .................................. 5
1. Discrimination ........................................................................................................... 5
2. Harassment ................................................................................................................ 5
3. Additional Guidance about Discrimination and Harassment ............................ 6
4. Protected Status ......................................................................................................... 6
B. Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, or
Sexual Exploitation ................................................................................................................. 8
1. Prohibited Forms of Conduct ................................................................................. 8
2. Related Definitions: Sexual Contact, Consent, Coercion, Force, and
Incapacitation ............................................................................................................ 9
C. Interpersonal Violence and Stalking ..................................................................................11
1. Interpersonal Violence ...........................................................................................11
2. Stalking .....................................................................................................................11
D. Complicity and Retaliation ..................................................................................................11
1. Complicity ................................................................................................................11
2. Retaliation.................................................................................................................11
V. REPORTING OPTIONS................................................................................................................12
VI. REPORTING BY UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ......................................................................13
A. Responsible Employees .......................................................................................................13
B. All Other Employees ...........................................................................................................13
C. Confidential Resources ........................................................................................................13
VII. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY ......................................................................................14
A. Privacy ....................................................................................................................................14
B. Confidentiality .......................................................................................................................14
C. Records ...................................................................................................................................14
D. Release of Information ........................................................................................................14
VIII. INTERIM PROTECTIVE MEASURES ......................................................................................15
IX. ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND INTEGRITY ..........................................................................16

X. EDUCATION AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS ................................................................16
XI. ANNUAL REVIEW .........................................................................................................................16
XII. RELATED UNIVERSITY POLICIES .........................................................................................17

This Policy prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status. It expressly,
therefore, also prohibits Sexual Violence and Sexual Exploitation, which by definition involve conduct
of a sexual nature and are prohibited forms of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment. This Policy further
prohibits Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on an individuals Protected Status.
Finally, this Policy prohibits Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this Policy and
Retaliation against an individual because of their good faith participation in the reporting,
investigation, or adjudication of violations of this Policy. University students and employees who
violate this Policy may face discipline up to and including expulsion or termination.
Discrimination, Harassment (including Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence), Interpersonal
Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation (collectively hereafter referred to as Prohibited Conduct)
are defined in Section IV of this Policy.
A. Notice of Non-Discrimination
Based on Protected Status
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University or UNC-Chapel Hill) is committed
to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community. The
University values safety, diversity, education, and equity and is firmly committed to maintaining a
campus environment free from Discrimination, Harassment, and related misconduct. In accordance
with its Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination, the University does not unlawfully discriminate in
offering equal access to its educational programs and activities or with respect to employment terms
and conditions on the basis of an individuals age, color, creed, disability, gender, gender expression,
gender identity, genetic information, race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran
status (collectively referred to as Protected Status). The Universitys protection of these statuses is
grounded in federal law. For example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits
discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, and, by
extension, sexual violence, as do the North Carolina General Statutes 143-422.2 and other
applicable laws. The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and 143-
422.2 prohibit discrimination in employment and education programs and activities based on
disability. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, prohibiting discrimination based on sex,
also applies to employment and education programs and activities. Executive Order 13672 revised
Executive Order 11246 (applicable to federal contractors, including the University) to prohibit
discrimination based race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
The University recognizes the rights of all members of the University community to learn and work
in an environment that is free from Discrimination and Harassment. The University prohibits Prohibited
Conduct against and by University students and employees, including faculty, non-faculty employees
who are exempt from the State Personnel Act (EPA non-faculty employees), employees who are
subject to the State Personnel Act (SPA employees), temporary employees, post-doctoral scholars,
student employees, and third parties. All members of the community are responsible for conducting
themselves in accordance with this Policy and other University policies and procedures.
The University encourages all community members to take reasonable and prudent actions to
prevent or stop Prohibited Conduct. Taking action may include direct intervention when safe to do so,
enlisting the assistance of friends, contacting law enforcement, or seeking assistance from a person

The complete text of the Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination is located at

in authority. Community members who chose to exercise this positive responsibility will be
supported by the University and protected from Retaliation.
To foster a climate that encourages prevention and reporting of Discrimination, Harassment, and
related misconduct, the University will actively promote prevention efforts, educate the community,
respond to all reports promptly, provide Interim Protective Measures to address safety and emotional well-
being, and act in a manner that recognizes the inherent dignity of the individuals involved.
B. Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence, and
Stalking Are Prohibited Forms of Conduct
Just as the Universitys prohibition of discrimination based on Protected Status (including Sexual
Assault as a form of Sexual Harassment) is grounded in federal law, so is its prohibition against
Interpersonal Violence and Stalking. The Universitys response to Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence,
Interpersonal Violence (including domestic and dating violence), and Stalking is governed by the Jeanne
Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092(f) (the
Clery Act) and Section 304 of the 2013 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act. Such
acts violate the essential dignity of our community member(s) and are contrary to our institutional
The University is committed to taking all appropriate steps to eliminate Sexual Assault, Sexual
Violence, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking; prevent the recurrence of such acts; and address their
effects, both for the Reporting Party and the broader community.
The University recognizes that Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, Interpersonal Violence, and Stalking
encompass a broad spectrum of conduct and will respond according to both the severity of the
offense and the threat it poses to the campus community.
A. Individuals Covered by this Policy
This Policy and associated procedures apply to the conduct of, and protect, University students and
employees, including faculty members, EPA non-faculty employees, SPA employees, graduate,
professional and doctoral students, post-doctoral scholars, and student employees. The non-
discrimination provisions also apply to contractors and other third parties under circumstances
within the Universitys control.
When used in this Policy, Reporting Party refers to any individual who may have been the subject of
any Prohibited Conduct by an individual or organization covered under the Policy regardless of whether
the Reporting Party makes a report or seeks action under the Policy. Responding Party refers to any
individual who has been accused of violating the Policy.
B. Jurisdiction
This Policy applies to all Prohibited Conduct that occurs on campus. It also applies to Prohibited Conduct
that occurs off campus, including on-line or electronic conduct, if: the conduct occurred in the
context of an employment or education program or activity of the University, had continuing
adverse effects on campus, or had continuing adverse effects in an off-campus employment or
education program or activity. Examples of covered off-campus conduct include University-
sponsored study abroad, research, or internship programs.

In determining whether the University has jurisdiction over off campus conduct that is not part of
an educational program or activity of the University, the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
or the Title IX Compliance Coordinator will consider the seriousness of the alleged conduct, the risk
of harm involved, whether both parties are members of the campus community, and whether the off
campus conduct is part of a series of actions that occurred both on and off campus.
Regardless of where the conduct occurred and with whom, the University will offer resources and
assistance to community members who are subject to Prohibited Conduct. The University will also
assist the Reporting Party in identifying and contacting external law enforcement agencies and
community resources.
C. Reports Involving Minors
Individuals who suspect that a child is being harmed or observe a child being harmed should contact
law enforcement by dialing 911.
In addition, under North Carolina law, any person who reasonably suspects that a child has been
abused or neglected by a parent, guardian, or caregiver has an obligation to report that suspicion to a
county department of social services. The Orange County Department of Social Services may be
reached at 919-245-2800 or 919-968-2000.
Additional information regarding suspected child abuse or neglect may be found in the Universitys
Memo regarding Minors on Campus. (Please see page 4 of Minors on Campus
A. Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office has primary responsibility for administering this
Policy and oversees the investigation, response to, and resolution of all reports of Prohibited Conduct;
however, questions, concerns, and/or reports may be addressed to any of the individuals or offices
identified as Reporting Options on the Resource Page or in the applicable Procedures document. The
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office and the Student Complaint/Deputy Title IX
Compliance Coordinator will maintain all discrimination reports except those alleging Prohibited
Conduct based on sex, Interpersonal Violence, or Stalking, as well as those alleging Complicity and
Retaliation in relation to such a report. There are specific procedures based on the relationship of the
Reporting Party or Responding Party to the University:
Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and
Related Misconduct Involving a Student as a Responding Party
Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and
Related Misconduct Involving a Student as a Reporting Party and a University Employee
as a Responding Party
Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Concerns of EPA Faculty and Non Faculty
Employees Regarding Allegations of Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct
Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Concerns of SPA Employees Regarding
Allegations of Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct

B. Title IX Compliance Coordinator
The University has a designated Title IX Compliance Coordinator within the Equal Opportunity and
Compliance Office. The Title IX Compliance Coordinator oversees the Universitys investigation,
response to, and resolution of all reports of Prohibited Conduct based on sex (including Sexual or
Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence), Interpersonal Violence, and Stalking, and of related
Complicity and Retaliation, involving students, faculty, and staff. The Title IX Compliance
Coordinator is:
Knowledgeable and trained in University policies and procedures and relevant state and
federal laws;
Available to advise any individual, including a Reporting Party, a Responding Party, or a third
party, about University and community resources and reporting options;
Available to provide assistance to any University employee regarding how to respond
appropriately to a report of Title IX-related Prohibited Conduct, Interpersonal Violence,
Stalking, and related Complicity and Retaliation;
Participates in ensuring the effective implementation of this Policy, including monitoring
compliance with all procedural requirements, record keeping, and timeframes; and
Responsible for overseeing training, prevention, and education efforts and annual
reviews of climate and culture.
Inquiries or concerns about Title IX may be referred to the Universitys Title IX Compliance
Coordinator. Concerns about the Universitys application of Title IX under this Policy may be
addressed to the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights:
Title IX Compliance Coordinator Office for Civil Rights
Howard Kallem (800) 421-3481
919-445-1577|[email protected] Email: [email protected]
C. Non-Discrimination Response Team
A report of Prohibited Conduct may be made to any designated Reporting Option. The Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office or the Title IX Compliance Coordinator, with the assistance of
the Response Team, will conduct an Initial Assessment to determine whether the alleged conduct
presents a potential violation of the Policy and whether further action is warranted based on the
alleged conduct. This use of a central integrated and coordinated approach will allow the University
to respond promptly and equitably to eliminate the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its
Members of the Response Team can help any University community member understand the Policy
and the options for resolving concerns raised under this Policy in academic or work settings at the
University. The Response Team will attempt to protect and safeguard the privacy of all individuals
involved in a manner consistent with the need for a careful assessment of and response to the
The Response Team will consist of a small need to know number of individuals. Depending on
the roles (e.g., student, faculty, staff) of the Reporting Party and the Responding Party, the Response
Team may include administrators from:

Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
Student Complaint/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Ew Quimbaya-Winship
Title IX Compliance Coordinator, Howard Kallem
UNC Department of Public Safety
Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS)
The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Office of Human Resources (OHR)
Disability Coordinator
Age Act Coordinator
Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
A. Discrimination and Harassment Based on All Protected
This Policy prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on an individuals Protected
Status, including, as defined below, age, color, creed, disability, gender, gender expression, gender
identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
In addition, this Policy prohibits related misconduct, including Interpersonal Violence, Stalking,
Complicity, and Retaliation.
1. Discrimination
This Policy prohibits Discrimination, meaning any unlawful distinction, preference, or detriment to an
individual as compared to others that is based on an individuals Protected Status and that is
sufficiently serious to unreasonably interfere with or limit:
An employees or applicant for employments access to employment or conditions and
benefits of employment (e.g., hiring, advancement, assignment);
A students or admission applicants ability to participate in, access, or benefit from
educational programs, services, or activities (e.g., admission, academic standing, grades,
assignment, campus housing);
An authorized volunteers ability to participate in a volunteer activity; or
A guests or visitors ability to participate in, access, or benefit from the Universitys
Discrimination includes failing to provide reasonable accommodations, consistent with state and
federal law, to a qualified person with a disability.
2. Harassment
This Policy prohibits Harassment, which is a type of Discrimination that occurs when verbal, physical,
electronic, or other conduct based on an individuals Protected Status interferes with that individuals
(a) educational environment (e.g., admission, academic standing, grades, assignment); (b) work
environment (e.g., hiring, advancement, assignment); (c) participation in a University program or
activity (e.g., campus housing); or (d) receipt of legitimately-requested services (e.g., disability or
religious accommodations), thereby creating Hostile Environment Harassment or Quid Pro Quo
Harassment, as defined below.

a. Hostile Environment Harassment
Unwelcome conduct based on Protected Status that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it
alters the conditions of education, employment, or participation in a University program or
activity, thereby creating an environment that a reasonable person in similar circumstances
and with similar identities would find hostile, intimidating, or abusive. An isolated incident,
unless sufficiently severe, does not amount to Hostile Environment Harassment.
b. Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Unwelcome conduct based on Protected Status where submission to or rejection of such
conduct is used, explicitly or implicitly, as the basis for decisions affecting an individuals
education, employment, or participation in a University program or activity.
3. Additional Guidance about Discrimination and Harassment
Consistent with the definitions provided above, conduct that constitutes Discrimination and
May be blatant and involve an overt action, threat, or reprisal; or may be subtle and indirect,
with a coercive aspect that is unstated but implied.
May or may not include intent to harm.
May not always be directed at a specific target.
May be committed by anyone, regardless of Protected Status, position, or authority. While
there may be a power differential between the Reporting Party and the Responding Party
perhaps due to differences in age or educational, employment, or social status
Discrimination and Harassment can occur in any context.
May be committed by a stranger, an acquaintance, or someone with whom the Reporting Party
has a current or previous relationship, including a romantic or sexual relationship.
May be committed by or against an individual or by or against an organization or group.
May occur in the classroom, in the workplace, in residential settings, or in any other setting.
May be a pattern of behavior or, if sufficiently severe, a one-time event.
May be committed in the presence of others, when the Reporting Party and Responding Party are
alone, or through remote communications, including email, text messages, or social media.
May take the form of threats, assault, property damage, economic abuse, and violence or
threats of violence.
May include harassing or retaliatory behavior directed to a sexual or romantic partner, family
member, friend, or pet of the Reporting Party.
4. Protected Status
Consistent with federal and state law, the University prohibits Discrimination and Harassment based on
age, color, creed, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national
origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Age: The number of years from the date of a persons birth. With respect to employment,
individuals who are forty (40) years of age or older are protected from Discrimination and

Harassment. There is no age threshold for students or other participants in educational
programs or activities.
Color: An individuals skin pigmentation, complexion, shade, or tone.
Creed: A well-formed and thought-out set of beliefs held by more than one individual,
which may not necessarily involve belief in a supreme being. The University will
accommodate an individuals observances and practices required by their creed, unless it is
unable to reasonably accommodate an individuals creed-required observance or practice
without undue hardship.
Disability: A person with a disability is any person who has a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or has a record of such impairment;
or is regarded as having such impairment. A qualified person with a disability must be able
to perform the essential functions of the employment or volunteer position or the academic,
athletic, or extra-curricular program, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Gender: An individuals socially-constructed status based on the behavioral, cultural, or
psychological traits typically associated with societal attribution of masculinity and
femininity, typically related to ones assigned sex at birth.
Gender Expression: How someone expresses gender through appearance, behavior, or
mannerisms. A persons Gender Expression may or may not be the same as the Gender Identity
or assigned sex at birth.
Gender Identity: The Gender with which an individual identifies psychologically, regardless
of what Gender was assigned at birth.
Genetic Information: Information about (i) an individuals genetic tests, (ii) the genetic
tests of family members of such individual, and (iii) the manifestation of a disease or
disorder in family members of such individual. Genetic Information includes, with respect to
any individual, any request for, or receipt of, genetic services, or participation in clinical
research that includes genetic services by such individual or any family member of such
National Origin: An individuals actual or perceived country or ethnicity of origin.
Race: An individuals actual or perceived racial or ethnic ancestry or physical characteristics
associated with a persons race, such as a persons color, hair, facial features, height, and
Religion: All aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief.
Sex: An individuals biological status of male or female, including pregnancy. Conduct of a
sexual nature is by definition based on Sex as a Protected Status.
Sexual Orientation: The inclination or capacity to develop intimate emotional, spiritual,
physical, and/or sexual relationships with people of the same Sex or Gender, a different Sex
or Gender, or irrespective of Sex or Gender.

Veteran Status: Covered Veterans include Disabled Veterans, Special Disabled Veterans,
Veterans of the Vietnam era, and other protected Veterans as defined by federal and state
B. Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Violence, or
Sexual Exploitation
1. Prohibited Forms of Conduct

a) Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment
Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment may:
(1) include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal,
physical, or electronic conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile,
intimidating, or abusive environment;
(2) involve verbal, physical, or electronic conduct based on Sex, Gender, Sexual
Orientation, or sex-stereotyping that creates a hostile, intimidating, or abusive
environment, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature; or
(3) include Harassment for exhibiting what is perceived as a stereotypical
characteristic for ones Sex or for failing to conform to stereotypical notions of
masculinity and femininity, regardless of the actual or perceived Sex, Gender,
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression of the individuals involved.
b) Sexual Assault or Sexual Violence
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence are forms of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment that involve
having or attempting to have Sexual Contact with another individual without Consent.
Additional guidance about Consent can be found here.

c) Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Exploitation is a form of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment that involves one or more of
the following behaviors committed for any purpose, including sexual arousal or gratification,
financial gain, or other personal benefit:
(1) taking sexual advantage of another person without Consent;
(2) taking advantage of anothers sexuality; or
(3) extending the bounds of consensual Sexual Contact without the knowledge of the
other individual.
Examples of Sexual Exploitation include, but are not limited to: threatening to disclose an
individuals Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression; observing another
individuals nudity or Sexual Contact, or allowing another to observe the same, without the
knowledge and Consent of all parties involved; non-consensual streaming of images,
photography, video, or audio recording of Sexual Contact or nudity, or distribution of such
without the knowledge and Consent of all parties involved; prostituting another individual;
knowingly exposing another individual to a sexually-transmitted infection, without the

These definitions overlap with North Carolina criminal statutes in some cases and provide greater protection
in other instances. The North Carolina criminal statutes may be found here.

individuals knowledge; knowingly failing to use contraception without the other partys
knowledge; and inducing Incapacitation for the purpose of taking sexual advantage of another
2. Related Definitions: Sexual Contact, Consent, Coercion, Force, and
a) Sexual Contact
Intentional touching or penetration of another persons clothed or unclothed body,
including but not limited to the mouth, neck, buttocks, anus, genitalia, or breast, by another
with any part of the body or any object in a sexual manner. Sexual Contact also includes
causing another person to touch their own or anothers body in the manner described above.
b) Consent
Consent is the communication of an affirmative, conscious and freely-made decision by each
participant to engage in agreed upon forms of Sexual Contact. Consent requires an outward
demonstration, through understandable words or actions, that conveys a clear willingness to
engage in Sexual Contact.
Consent is not to be inferred from silence, passivity, or a lack of resistance, and relying on
non-verbal communication alone may result in a violation of this Policy. For example, a
person who does not physically resist or verbally refuse Sexual Contact may not necessarily be
giving Consent. There is no requirement that an individual verbally or physically resist
unwelcome Sexual Contact for there to be a violation of this Policy.
Consent is not to be inferred from an existing or previous dating or sexual relationship. Even
in the context of a relationship, there must be mutual Consent to engage in Sexual Contact.
Consent to one form of Sexual Contact does not constitute Consent to any other form of Sexual
Contact, nor does Consent to Sexual Contact with one person constitute Consent to Sexual Contact
with any other person. Additionally, Consent to Sexual Contact on one occasion is not Consent
to engage in Sexual Contact on another occasion.
Consent cannot be obtained by Coercion or Force or by taking advantage of ones inability to
give Consent because of Incapacitation or other circumstances. Coercion or Force and Incapacitation
are described in more detail below.
A person who has given Consent to engage in Sexual Contact may withdraw Consent at any time.
However, withdrawal of Consent requires an outward demonstration, through understandable
words or actions, that clearly conveys that a party is no longer willing to engage in Sexual
Contact. Once Consent is withdrawn, the Sexual Contact must cease immediately.
c) Coercion or Force
Coercion or force includes conduct, intimidation, and express or implied threats of physical or
emotional harm, that would reasonably place an individual in fear of immediate or future
harm and that is employed to persuade or compel someone to engage in Sexual Contact.
Examples of Coercion or Force include causing the deliberate Incapacitation of another person;
conditioning an academic benefit or employment advantage on submission to the Sexual

Contact; threatening to harm oneself if the other party does not engage in Sexual Contact; or
threatening to disclose an individuals Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, or
other personal sensitive information if the other party does not engage in the Sexual Contact.
d) Incapacitation or Incapacitated
An individual who is Incapacitated is unable to give Consent to Sexual Contact. States of
Incapacitation include sleep, unconsciousness, intermittent consciousness, or any other state
where the individual is unaware that Sexual Contact is occurring. Incapacitation may also exist
because of a mental or developmental disability that impairs the ability to Consent to Sexual
Alcohol or drug use is one of the prime causes of Incapacitation. Where alcohol or drug use is
involved, Incapacitation is a state beyond intoxication, impairment in judgment, or
drunkenness. Because the impact of alcohol or other drugs varies from person to person,
evaluating whether an individual is Incapacitated, and therefore unable to give Consent, requires
an assessment of whether the consumption of alcohol or other drugs has rendered the
individual physically helpless or substantially incapable of:
Making decisions about the potential consequences of Sexual Contact;
Appraising the nature of ones own conduct;
Communicating Consent to Sexual Contact; or
Communicating unwillingness to engage in Sexual Contact.
Where an individuals level of impairment does not rise to Incapacitation, it is still necessary to
evaluate the impact of intoxication on Consent. In evaluating whether Consent was sought or
given, the following factors may be relevant:
Intoxication may impact ones ability to give Consent and may lead to
Incapacitation (the inability to give Consent).
A persons level of intoxication is not always demonstrated by objective
signs; however, some signs of intoxication may include clumsiness, difficulty
walking, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating, slurred speech, vomiting,
combativeness, or emotional volatility.
An individuals level of intoxication may change over a period of time based
on a variety of subjective factors, including the amount of substance intake,
speed of intake, body mass, and metabolism.
No matter the level of an individuals intoxication, if that individual has not affirmatively
agreed to engage in Sexual Contact, there is no Consent.
Anyone engaging in Sexual Contact must be aware of both their own and the other persons
level of intoxication and capacity to give Consent. The use of alcohol or other drugs can lower
inhibitions and create an atmosphere of confusion about whether Consent is effectively
sought and freely given. If there is any doubt as to the level or extent of ones own or the
other individuals intoxication or Incapacitation, the safest course of action is to forgo or cease
any Sexual Contact. A Responding Partys intoxication is never an excuse for or a defense to
committing Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault or Sexual Violence, or Interpersonal
Violence, and it does not diminish ones responsibility to obtain Consent.

C. Interpersonal Violence and Stalking
1. Interpersonal Violence
Interpersonal Violence (commonly referred to as intimate partner violence, dating violence,
domestic violence and relationship violence), can encompass a broad range of abusive
behavior committed by a person who is or has been:
In a romantic or intimate relationship with the Reporting Party (of the same or
different sex);
The Reporting Partys spouse or partner (of the same or different sex);
The Reporting Partys family member; or
The Reporting Partys cohabitant or household member, including a
Whether there was such relationship will be gauged by its length, type, and frequency of
interaction. Reports of Interpersonal Violence that do not involve one of these specified
relationships or do not involve an individuals Protected Status will be resolved under the
Honor Code, which is part of the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance.
Interpersonal Violence includes physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions
or threats of actions that a reasonable person in similar circumstances and with similar
identities would find intimidating, frightening, terrorizing, or threatening. Such behaviors
may include threats of violence to ones self, ones family member, or ones pet.
2. Stalking
Repeated, unwanted attention; physical, verbal, or electronic contact; or any other course of
conduct directed at an individual that is sufficiently serious to cause physical, emotional, or
psychological fear or to create a hostile, intimidating, or abusive environment for a
reasonable person in similar circumstances and with similar identities.

Stalking may involve individuals who are known to one another or who have a current or
previous relationship or may involve individuals who are strangers.
D. Complicity and Retaliation
1. Complicity
Complicity is any act that knowingly aids, facilitates, promotes, or encourages the commission
of prohibited conduct by another person.
2. Retaliation
Retaliation is acts or words taken against an individual because of the individuals
participation in a protected activity that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging
in protected activity. Protected activity includes an individuals good faith: (i) participation in
the reporting, investigation, or resolution of an alleged violation of this Policy; (ii) opposition
to policies, practices, or actions that the individual reasonably believes are in violation of the
Policy; or (iii) requests for accommodations on the basis of religion or disability. Retaliation
may include intimidation, threats, coercion, or adverse employment or educational actions.

Retaliation may be found even when an underlying report made in good faith was not
substantiated. Retaliation may be committed by the Responding Party, the Reporting Party, or any
other individual or group of individuals.
During the investigation and resolution of violations of this Policy that are alleged in good
faith, reasonable steps will be taken to protect the Reporting Party, the Responding Party, and
other participants in the reporting, investigation, and resolution process from Retaliation.
Any individual who engages in Retaliation will be subject to prompt and appropriate
disciplinary action. Individuals who have a concern about potential or actual Retaliation
should contact the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office or Title IX Compliance
Coordinator for assistance in addressing the concern. If the concern about Retaliation
involves the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office or Title IX Compliance
Coordinator, an individual may contact the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Strategy, Equity
& Engagement. Individuals may also be able to utilize the applicable grievance procedure
within the designated timeframe to address any concern not otherwise resolved.
The University is committed to providing reporting options through multiple contact points across
campus that are broadly accessible to all University community members. Detailed information
about Reporting Options for students, faculty, and staff is outlined in the Procedures that accompany
this Policy.
Making a report to the University means telling a designated Reporting Option what happened, in
person, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, electronically, or anonymously. The University
encourages a Reporting Party to make a report directly to one of these designated Reporting Options:
the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office, the Title IX Compliance Coordinator, the Student
Complaint/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, the Office of the Dean of Students, or UNC Department
of Public Safety. In turn, these Reporting Options will immediately refer the report to the Response Team
to assure consistent application of this Policy. Similarly, when an individual chooses to share
information with a University employee designated as a Responsible Employee, the report will be shared
with the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office, Title IX Compliance Coordinator, or a member
of the Response Team.
Consistent with the procedures that accompany this Policy, upon receipt of a report, the Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office or Title IX Compliance Coordinator, in consultation with the
Response Team, will conduct an Initial Assessment of: the incident or behavior at issue; any risk of
harm to the parties, any other individuals, or the broader campus community; the Reporting Partys
desired course of action; and the necessity for any Interim Protective Measures to protect the safety of the
Reporting Party, any other individuals, or the community. A member of the Response Team will offer
appropriate resources to support the Reporting Party (e.g., medical care, counseling resources, safe
housing) and at the conclusion of the Initial Assessment, determine the appropriate manner of
The University recognizes that deciding whether to make a report and choosing how to proceed are
personal decisions. At the time a report is made, a Reporting Party does not have to decide whether to
request any particular course of action. Choosing to make a report, and deciding how to proceed
after making the report, is a process that unfolds over time. The University will make every effort to
respect an individuals autonomy in making the determination as to how to proceed. Resources are
always available to support a Reporting Party regardless of the course of action chosen.

All individuals are encouraged to make a report, regardless of when or where the incident occurred,
and to seek any necessary help from campus or community resources.
A. Responsible Employees
Employees with administrative or supervisory responsibilities on campus or who have been
designated as Campus Security Authorities,
are considered Responsible Employees. This includes, for
example, members of the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors,
Department Chairs, Coaches, Student Affairs professionals (including Resident Advisors), and
faculty who serve as advisors to student groups. Sworn officers in UNC Department of Public
Safety are also Responsible Employees. Confidential Resources are not considered to be Responsible
Employees. A full list of Responsible Employees can be found here.
Responsible Employees will safeguard an individuals privacy, but are required by the University to
immediately share all details about a report of Prohibited Conduct (including the known details of the
incident (e.g., date, time, location), the names of the parties involved, a brief description of the
incident and if the incident has been previously reported) with the Equal Opportunity and
Compliance Office, Title IX Compliance Coordinator, or a member of the Response Team in
person, by telephone, electronically, or by email. Such reporting ensures timely support for all
parties and enables an effective and consistent institutional response.
B. All Other Employees
All other employees (who are not designated as Confidential Resources) will safeguard an individuals
privacy, but are strongly encouraged to share any information about such conduct with the Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office, Title IX Compliance Coordinator, or a member of the
Response Team, in recognition of the understanding that centralized reporting is an important tool
to address, end and prevent Prohibited Conduct.

Similarly, all students (who are not otherwise required to report as a Responsible Employee) are
strongly encouraged to report any information, including reports or partial reports, to the Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office, Title IX Compliance Coordinator, or a member of the
Response Team.
C. Confidential Resources
Confidential Resources will not share information about an individual (including whether that individual
has received services) without the individuals express written permission, unless there is a
continuing threat of serious violence to the patient/client or to others or there is a legal obligation to
reveal such information (e.g., suspected abuse or neglect of a minor).

Campus Security Authorities, as designated by the University, include: members of UNC Department of Public
Safety; any individual(s) who have responsibility for campus (guard, escort, etc.); individuals/departments designated as
Reporting Options in this policy; and employees with significant responsibility for student and campus activities,
including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. A Campus Security
Authority must share all known details of an incident, consistent with the expectations for Responsible Employees, but
no identifying information with respect to a Reporting Party will be entered in the Universitys daily crime log or annual
security report.

For any report under this Policy, every effort will be made to respect and safeguard the privacy
interests of all individuals involved in a manner consistent with the need for a careful assessment of
the allegation and any necessary steps to eliminate the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address
its effects. Privacy and confidentiality have distinct meanings under this Policy.
A. Privacy
Privacy generally means that information related to a report under this Policy will only be shared
with those University employees who need to know in order to assist in the active review,
investigation, or resolution of the report. While not bound by confidentiality, these individuals will
be discreet and respect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process. If the decision is made
to pursue disciplinary action against a Responding Party, information related to the report will be
shared with the Responding Party. Information regarding a report will not be shared with either
partys parents or guardians unless: the party is a minor (and sharing is permissible under the Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)); the party has signed a waiver that is compliant with
FERPA; or there is an articulable threat to the health or safety of the party or other individuals.
B. Confidentiality
Confidentiality means that information shared with designated campus or community professionals
will only be disclosed with the individuals express written permission, unless there is a continuing
threat of serious harm to the patient/client or to others or there is a legal obligation to reveal such
information (e.g., where there is suspected abuse or neglect of a minor). An individual can seek
confidential assistance and support by speaking with specially designated Confidential Resources.
C. Records
The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office will maintain records of all reports under this Policy
and their outcomes in order to track patterns and systemic behaviors.
D. Release of Information
If a report of Prohibited Conduct discloses a serious and immediate threat to the campus community,
UNC Department of Public Safety will issue a timely notification to protect the health or safety of
the community as required by the Clery Act. The notification will not include identifying
information about a Reporting Party.
Pursuant to the Clery Act and the 2013 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act,
anonymous statistical information regarding reported criminal incidents must be shared with UNC
Department of Public Safety for inclusion in the Daily Crime Log. This information will also be
included in the Universitys Annual Security Report (http://www.dps.unc.edu/securityreport/).
The University may also share aggregate and not personally identifiable data about reports,
outcomes, and sanctions.
All University proceedings are conducted in accordance with the requirements of Title IX, the Clery
Act, the Violence Against Women Act, FERPA, state and local law, and University policy. No
information, including the identity of the parties, will be released from such proceedings except as
required or permitted by law or University policy.

When a report is received, the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office or the Title IX
Compliance Coordinator, in consultation with other administrators, will impose reasonable and
appropriate Interim Protective Measures when necessary to protect the safety of the parties or witnesses
involved. Interim Protective Measures are temporary actions taken by the University to ensure equal
access to its education programs and activities and foster a more stable and safe environment during
the process of reporting, investigation, and/or adjudication. Interim Protective Measures may be applied
to the Reporting Party, the Responding Party, and other involved individuals as appropriate to ensure
their safety and well-being. Interim Protective Measures may be requested by the parties or the University
at any time, regardless of whether any particular course of action is sought by the Reporting Party.
Interim Protective Measures are initiated based on information gathered during a report and are not
intended to be permanent resolutions; hence, they may be amended or withdrawn as additional
information is gathered. The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office or the Title IX
Compliance Coordinator, in consultation with other administrators, will maintain consistent contact
with the parties so that all safety, emotional, and physical well-being concerns can be reasonably
All individuals are encouraged to report concerns about the adequacy of the Interim Protective Measures
or failure of another individual to abide by any Interim Protective Measure to the Equal Opportunity and
Compliance Office or to the Title IX Compliance Coordinator. Violations of Interim Protective Measures
will be addressed under this Policy. The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office or the Title IX
Compliance Coordinator will take appropriate, responsive, and prompt action to enforce Interim
Protective Measures and/or to respond to Retaliation by another party or witness.
The range of Interim Protective Measures includes:
Access to counseling services and assistance in setting up initial appointments, both on
and off campus
Imposition of a campus No-Contact Order
Rescheduling of exams and assignments
Providing alternative course completion options
Change in class schedule, including the ability to drop a course without penalty or to
transfer sections
Change in work schedule or job assignment
Change in students campus housing
Assistance from University support staff in completing housing relocation
Limiting access to certain University facilities or activities pending resolution of the
Voluntary leave of absence
Providing an escort to assure safe movement between classes and activities
Arranging for medical services
Providing academic support services, such as tutoring
University-imposed leave, suspension, or separation for the Responding Party

Where the Responding Party is a student, cases involving violence will be immediately referred to the EEAC to
determine whether the Responding Party poses a serious threat of disruption to the academic process or a continuing
danger to members of the University community or University property. The Title IX Compliance Coordinator will
serve as a member of the Committee for matters involving Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence,

Any other measure which can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals
of this Policy.
The University is committed to the principles of free inquiry and expression. Vigorous discussion
and debate are fundamental to this commitment, and this Policy is not intended to restrict teaching
methods or freedom of expression, nor will it be permitted to do so. Offensiveness of conduct,
standing alone, is not sufficient for the conduct to constitute prohibited Harassment. The conduct
must be sufficiently serious to interfere with an individuals ability to participate in employment or
educational program and activities from both a subjective and objective perspective.
Prohibited Conduct under this Policy is not a proper exercise of academic freedom and may not be
legally protected expression. On the contrary, Prohibited Conduct compromises the Universitys
integrity, as well as its tradition of intellectual freedom.
The University is committed to offering educational programs to promote awareness and prevention
of Prohibited Conduct. Educational programs include an overview of the Universitys policies and
procedures; relevant definitions, including prohibited conduct, discussion of the impact of alcohol
and illegal drug use; Consent; safe and positive options for bystander intervention; review of resources
and reporting options available for students, faculty, and staff; and information about risk reduction.
Incoming first year students and new employees will receive primary prevention and awareness
programming as part of their orientation. Returning students and employees will also have ongoing
opportunities for training and education. The Universitys Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Office and the Title IX Compliance Coordinator maintain an education and prevention calendar and
tailor programming to campus needs and climate. On-line training programs can be accessed
through the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Offices website at http://equalopportunity-
ada.unc.edu/equal-opportunity-training/index.htm. In addition, more information about education
and prevention programs can be found at: http://safe.unc.edu/get-involved/prevention-risk-
As part of the Universitys commitment to provide an educational and work environment free from
Prohibited Conduct, this Policy will be disseminated widely to the University community through e-mail
communication, publications, websites, new employee orientations, student orientations, and other
appropriate channels of communication.
This Policy is maintained by the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office. The Equal Opportunity
and Compliance Office and Title IX Compliance Coordinator will review this Policy on at least an
annual basis, with the assistance of an advisory group consisting of student, faculty, staff, and
community representatives selected by senior leadership of that office. The review will capture
evolving legal requirements, evaluate the supports and resources available to the parties, and assess
the effectiveness of the resolution process (including as to the fairness of the process, the time
needed to complete the process, and the sanctions and remedies imposed). The review will include
the opportunity for individuals affected by the Policy to provide feedback and will incorporate an

Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation. The EEAC Policy and Procedures are located at:

aggregate view of reports, resolution, and climate. The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
will prepare an annual report, publicly available, which will include recommendations and steps
taken to improve the delivery of services and the effectiveness of the Policy and procedures.
ADA Reasonable Accommodations in Employment
States that, upon the request of any University employee or applicant for employment, the
University will provide reasonable accommodations for that individuals known disability.
Reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to making facilities accessible, job
restructuring, and modifying equipment or devices.

EPA Non-Faculty Grievance Policy
chapel-hill/): Provides a formal process by which EPA non-faculty employees can seek prompt,
orderly, and fair resolution of work-related disputes.

Expedited Administrative Review by Disability Services Advisory Committee (for students denied
an accommodation for a disability) (http://accessibility.unc.edu/about-us/our-policies/part-11-
grievance-procedures): Offers an expedited administrative review process through which students
may appeal a determination of their eligibility for and/or provision of disability-related services and

Faculty Grievance Procedures and Faculty Hearings Procedures
committee/) and (http://faccoun.unc.edu/committees-2/elected-committees/faculty-hearings-
committee/): Provide a formal process by which faculty employees can seek prompt, orderly, and
fair resolution of work-related disputes.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy
(http://policy.sites.unc.edu/files/2013/05/FERPA.pdf): States that students who are or have been
in attendance at UNC-Chapel Hill have the right to inspect and review their education records upon
written request and identifies what student education records may be public and what information is
protected from disclosure except under specified circumstances.

Instrument on Student Judicial Governance
(http://instrument.unc.edu): Applies to every student (including undergraduate, graduate, and
professional students) and covers offenses other than those addressed by The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct. Offenses
proscribed by the Honor Code include but are not limited to academic dishonesty, conduct
adversely affecting members of the University Community or the University, conduct affecting
persons or property, conduct affecting the integrity of the University, and group offenses.

Minors on Campus Policy
(http://policy.sites.unc.edu/files/2013/04/Minors-Memo.pdf): Requires criminal background
checks for all program staff (paid and volunteer) of any residential program serving minors.
Furthermore, any employee who reasonably suspects a child has been abused or neglected by a
parent, guardian, or caregiver must report that suspicion to a county department of social services.

Policy on Non-Discrimination for Program Participants
(http://policies.unc.edu/policies/pnpp/): Provides for prompt and equitable resolution of
complaints by University visitors or program participants who allege unlawful harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation in University programs or activities.

Official Recognition of Student Organizations Non-Discrimination Policy
(http://policies.unc.edu/policies/student-org-dondiscrim/): Describes the conditions with which a
student organization must abide by in order to be eligible for official recognition by the University.

Policy on Improper Relationships Between Students and Employees
relations/IMPROPER-RELATIONS): Prohibits amorous or sexual relationships between faculty or
staff employees and: (1) students they evaluate or supervise incident to any University employment
responsibility or authority; or (2) students under the age of eighteen.

Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination
(http://policies.unc.edu/files/2013/04/nondiscrim.pdf): States that it is University policy not to
discriminate in offering access to its educational programs and activities or with respect to
employment terms and conditions on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion,
creed, genetic information, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender

Post-Doctoral Scholars Grievance Policy
(http://research.unc.edu/offices/postdoctoral-affairs/policies/#x): Provides a formal process by
which postdoctoral scholars can seek prompt, orderly, and fair resolution of work-related disputes.

Procedure for Student Requests for Accommodations
(http://accessibility.unc.edu/policies-procedures-guidelines): Provides a formal process for students
registered with Accessibility Resources & Services to request accommodations. Students can register
by completing the Self Identification Form online (http://accessibility.unc.edu/eligibility/self-
identification). If a student has any questions or needs help with the process, the student can contact
the Office of Accessibility Resources & Service at 919-962-8300 or at [email protected].

Protection for Reporting Improper Government Activities
(http://policies.unc.edu/policies/protect-reporting/): Encourages employees to report evidence of
improper government activities to their supervisor, department head, or other appropriate authority.
No University employee shall be retaliated against on the basis of reporting such activity.

Student Grievance Policy and Procedures
nce%20Policy%20and%20Procedures.pdf): Applies to student grievances against a University
employee (including faculty, EPA non-faculty, staff, and student employees when acting in the role
of an employee) or contractor that involves The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy
on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct.

SPA Grievance Policy
(http://hr.unc.edu/files/2012/11/SPA-GRIEVE-POLICY.pdf): Provides a formal process by
which SPA employees can seek prompt, orderly, and fair resolution of work-related disputes.

Violence in the Workplace Policy
relations/violence-in-the-workplace-policy/): The University is committed to providing a workplace
free from violence by establishing preventative measures, holding perpetrators of violence
accountable, and providing assistance and support to victims. The Universitys Employee Threat
Assessment and Response Team will assess and respond to immediate and potential threats of
workplace violence. The University will protect victims of workplace violence by offering security
measures and accommodating other requests whenever possible and appropriate.

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