The Daily Tar Heel For Sept. 8, 2017

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 125, Issue 18 Friday, September 8, 2017

Civil Rights Center in peril Attorney

The centers said, he said.
Now, the fate of the centers ability
fate lies in sues over
to litigate which includes provid-
ing legal counsel, like in Campbells
case is in the hands of the UNC
the hands of Board of Governors, as they prepare

for Fridays vote on whether or not

the Board of
to ban academic centers within the
UNC system from litigating.

Governors It is a tragic betrayal

Attorney General
Though Mark Dorosin, managing
By Jared Weber and Lauren Talley attorney at the center, might lose his Josh Stein joins others
job on Friday, he is more worried
Senior Writers
about whats at stake if the center calling Trumps actions
Reverend Robert Campbell was
determined to find a way to protect
closes, and what will happen to the
communities who would no longer
his neighbors on Rogers Road. be able to call the Center for Civil
By Kylie Marshall
Staff Writer
In 1972, the Town of Chapel Hill Rights an ally.
and Carrboro had promised paved The centers work, Dorosin said, North Carolina Attorney
roads and street lamps in exchange revolves around community-based General Josh Stein joined 15
for permission to build a landfill advocacy that fights the continued other state attorneys general
in the residential area separating impacts of race discrimination in the DTH/NATHAN KLIMA in filing a lawsuit to protect
Eubanks and Homestead Roads. state. Reverend Robert Campbell poses for a portrait in front of the Rogers Road Deferred Action for Childhood
Thirty-five years later, all the Dorosin thinks that passing the Community Center on Sept. 6. Arrivals grantees on Wednesday.
community had to show for it was legislation Friday would send a dan- This lawsuit comes on the
contaminated water and a permeat- gerous message to the perpetrators also tarnish the reputation of the Programs committee. The proposed heels of the Donald Trump
ing odor. of discrimination. University as a whole. policy would prohibit any center or administrations announcement
So he set out to fix it. I think the policy is exclusively Ted Shaw, director of the center, institute within the UNC system to end DACA Tuesday.
In 2007, he attended the North aimed at the Center for Civil Rights, said the proposed policy would hurt from engaging in litigation, with an The suit said the Trump
Carolina Environmental Justice Dorosin said. I think the people the reputation of not just the law amendment to exclude law clinics. administrations actions to end
Summit, where he met a group that are leading this attack and school but the University. According to a memo written by DACA are illegal.
of interns from the UNC Center advocacy ban are angry about the I think that if they do this well Long, his reasons for seeking to ban Stein said in a statement the
for Civil Rights, a center within nature of the work that we do. I dont think, I know it is a tragic academic centers from litigating is Trump Administrations actions
UNCs law school which engages in Dorosin said that because the betrayal of a commitment that the because academic centers are not on DACA violate the Equal
research, advocacy and the training ban would prevent the center from state and the Board of Governors structured to operate as litigation Protection and Due Process
of civil rights lawyers. acting as a legal counsel in any way, made, and that the University has centers, and permitting centers to clauses of the Constitution by
Those students introduced him hes unsure of how the center could engaged in to train a new genera- engage in litigation creates risk that discriminating against recipients
to policies and laws that helped him continue to exist without its power tion of civil rights lawyers, and at the the center will lose sight of UNCs of Mexican origin in addition
better understand how he could sup- to litigate. same time providing legal represen- educational mission. to harming North Carolinas
port his community, he said. Martin H. Brinkley, dean of the tation to those who experience race Supporters of the center say the economy and institutions.
Ten years later, Campbells com- UNC School of Law, said closing the discrimination, Shaw said. ban feels pointed, because the center, (DACA) is a program that
munity has paved roads, cleaner center will not only affect the law This is going to hurt the law which often provides pro bono legal has protected from deporta-
water and the Rogers-Eubanks school it will damage the entire school, its reputation and the repu- services to minorities and under- tion approximately 800,000
Neighborhood Association University. tation of the University. served populations, is the only aca- young people who grew up in
Community Center, which opened in If the UNC Center for Civil demic center at UNC that litigates. this country, most of whom have
December 2014. Rights no longer has litigation as an The proposal Though the committee eventually known no other home than the
Without the Center for Civil Rights option, it will tarnish the reputation passed the policy proposal in a 5-1 United States, the lawsuit said.
Centers help, Campbell said their of the law school for what it can do In March, board member Steve vote on Aug. 1 with one abstention, The lawsuit said ending DACA
community would look a lot different. for its students and for the people Long first presented the policy to Anna Nelson, chair of the commit- will harm North Carolinas insti-
It was very instrumental in help- and communities of North Carolina prohibit academic centers from tee and the lone dissenter, said there tutions and economy, as well as
ing us to articulate what needed who have no other options for rep- engaging in litigation to the its sovereign and proprietary
to be said, and how it needed to be resentation, Brinkley said. It will Educational Planning, Policies and SEE CCR, PAGE 5 interests.
Ending DACA isnt just
cruel to Dreamers, against our

Nelson diverges N.C. prepares for Irma

American values and the wrong
thing to do for our nations
economy, it also violates our
Constitution, the statement

from the group Gov. Cooper declares a describes landfall over Georgia and said. I will do everything in
the Carolinas. my power to restore DACA for
state of emergency due to Wherever you live in North
Carolina from the mountains to
the tens of thousands of young
people in North Carolina who
BOG member Anna Nelson A life in education Hurricane Irma. the Piedmont to the coast you need rely on it including fighting
to take this storm seriously, and you for them in court.
explains why she voted When Nelson joined the BOG,
she was no stranger to the UNC sys-
By Olivia Slagle need to start preparing for some type
of impact, Cooper said.
The Institute on Economic
and Taxation Policy found in a
Staff Writer
against the litigation ban. tem. As the daughter of billionaire Tropical storm level winds are study 87 percent of DACA recip-
and former UNC-system President North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper expected in the state starting Monday ients nationwide are employed.
By Carina McDermed Dick Spangler, she grew up in the has declared a state of emergency morning. The study said continuing the
Staff Writer thick of the states education system. in preparation for Hurricane Irma, Strong winds resulting in power program and extending its
As I was growing up, both my which is predicted to affect the state outages, several inches of flooding and enrollment to all persons eligible
Anna Nelson isnt afraid to go parents were committed to service in as early as Monday or Tuesday. an increased threat of tornados are all would increase state and local
against the grain. schools, she said. They did every- There is a lot we still dont know possible in the first part of next week, tax revenues by $425 million.
With five votes in favor of a liti- thing from playground monitoring about this storm, but we do know according to the briefing. Studies estimate that between
gation ban on the UNC Center for to serving on the school board. that North Carolina can expect to feel Individuals not in an evacuation 50 and 75 percent of all undocu-
Civil Rights, Nelson was the only Nelson said her passion for public some sort of effects as soon as early zone are encouraged by the National mented immigrants file federal
member of the Board of Governors education blossomed first when she next week, and now is the time to get Weather Service to prepare an emer- income taxes. DACA recipients
Committee on Educational attended public school, and contin- prepared, Cooper said in a statement. gency kit that includes a flashlight, are required to pay personal
Planning, Policies and Programs to ued when her own children began The state of emergency went in to batteries, non-perishable foods, income taxes using a temporary
vote against the proposal on Aug. 1. their public education. effect 8 a.m. Thursday. The gover- water and first-aid supplies. social security number, accord-
If passed, the litigation ban would I was bused for integration to nors statement said North Carolinas During a hurricane, remain in ing to the Institute on Economic
stop law students at the Center for West Charlotte High School, a for- Emergency Management team was a secure, indoor area, and rely on and Taxation Policy.
Civil Rights from representing cli- merly all-black high school, she coordinating storm preparation weather services and local govern- Of the 800,000 DACA
ents who pursue civil rights cases in said. So I know how important it is efforts as early as Labor Day. ment to stay informed. recipients in the United States,
court. The full body of the BOG will to our state that we provide quality UNC issued an Alert Carolina Hurricane Irmas top sustained 27,000 currently reside in North
vote on the proposal Friday. education to all North Carolinians message Thursday evening encour- winds on Thursday at 5 p.m. were Carolina, according to Steins
Nelson, the chairperson of no matter where they live. aging students to stay tuned for con- 175mph, keeping it classified as a cat- statement. In North Carolina,
the Committee on Educational Hannah Gage, emeritus member dition changes in university opera- egory five as it heads toward Florida. DACA recipients pay over $63
Planning, said her solitary vote was of the BOG, said Nelsons upbring- tions, although no disruptions are Irma made landfall in the million annually in taxes.
not based on the specific circum- ing in the university system gives her expected at this time. Caribbean on Wednesday, causing The governments decision to
stances of the proposal, but rather a unique perspective on the board. We also remind everyone that damage on several islands and leaving withdraw from the DACA pro-
with a bigger picture in mind. Shes an independent thinker weather conditions such as this can half of Puerto Rico without power. gram deeply disappointed UNC
I feel its a risk to be having this and makes up her own mind on produce dangerous situations on The two other storm systems in administration, a message from
conversation because its a larger every issue, she said. roadways and sidewalks, and if con- the Atlantic, Hurricane Jose and University leadership said.
issue of the universitys reputation Louis Bissette, chairperson of the ditions worsen, downed powerlines Hurricane Katia, are both category Chancellor Carol Folt joined
being at stake, she said. Were BOG, said he didnt know Nelson per- and tree branches could occur, the one and not expected to affect the other university leaders Tuesday
sending a message that risks mis- sonally when she was appointed to the alert said. Be cautious of flooded U.S. at this time. in signing the Association of
communicating our values. board by the N.C. General Assembly. walkways and roadways and do not More resources for information American Universities letter
She said regardless of where she But I knew of her father and all approach downed powerlines. and preparation can be found at to Congress advocating for a
stands on the issue, she thinks the ban the things he had done for the uni- The most recent briefing on and current permanent solution for undocu-
would be an overreach of the board. versity (system) in his lifetime, he Hurricane Irma was published by weather updates are available at mented students, which would
Ideally, matters such as this said. So I was expecting a great deal the National Weather Service at 5 allow them to continue school
would be handled at a campus level, from his daughter. p.m. Thursday, and describes moder- You can follow NOAAs National and eventually pursue a path to
she said. I do not question the ate to high confidence in impact for Weather Service on twitter @NWS citizenship.
authority of the board to take action, the central part of the state. and the local office @NWSRaleigh. In the past, UNC has support-
but the appropriateness of the ban. While tracking information is @olivinonaprayer
SEE NELSON, PAGE 5 still not set, it is getting clearer as it [email protected] SEE DACA, PAGE 5



I seldom think of politics more than eighteen hours a day.

2 Friday, September 8, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel
P2P: 25 years of late night service
Established 1893
124 years of editorial freedom By Jacob Hancock
Staff Writer
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The Point-To-Point Express
[email protected] is celebrating its 25th year
in operation this school year,
JESSICA SWANSON and the celebration includes
MANAGING EDITOR new gifts for students.
[email protected]
UNC Transportation &
RACHEL JONES Parking has added two new
ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR 25-passenger shuttle buses
[email protected] and three 40-passenger bio-
COREY RISINGER diesel buses. These buses are
DIRECTOR OF ENTERPRISE more fuel-efficient than the
[email protected]
older ones they replaced.
The buses and vans that
KIANA COLE have been offering service to
DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS AND UNC have certainly served
INVESTIGATIONS the University commu-
[email protected] nity well, said Than Austin,
LEAH ASMELASH associate director of UNC
UNIVERSITY EDITOR Transportation & Parking .
[email protected] However, the oldest vehicles
had been in operation for as
many as 19 years, logging a
lot of miles. These new vehi-
[email protected]
cles will be more efficient and
ANA IRIZARRY provide a much better rider
[email protected] A new route has been
added to the existing grid
and will serve southern and
western parts of campus. DTH/CHICHI ZHU
[email protected]
The route runs by Baity Hill A P2P shuttle bus waits for passengers to board at the Varsity Theater bus stop on Franklin Street on the evening of Sept. 7.
CHAPEL FOWLER Graduate & Family Housing
SPORTS EDITOR on Mason Farm Road. It will in previous years and we were initially demand-response, sand riders, and were serving and technological advances
[email protected] have the same service as other running a lot of miles up on and the fixed route was intro- nearly 200,000 riders a year. like student access to real-
COLE DEL CHARCO P2P routes, running daily van services. It became much duced the following August in Efforts by members of time vehicle positioning and
AUDIO EDITOR from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. during more efficient for us to actu- response to student govern- the P2P Work Group, a sub- onboard video cameras.
[email protected] the fall and spring semesters. ally run a fixed route. ment recommendations. committee of the Advisory A lot of different mem-
Transportation & Parking In addition to the new Its still as popular and as Committee on Transportation bers in the community were
ZSOFIA VOROS media relations manager route, P2P will resume service important to the University & Parking, helped bring involved in these improve-
DESIGN & GRAPHICS EDITOR Randy Young said there was to Granville Towers now that as ever, P2P manager Lee the new service and vehicle ments, Young said. We hope
[email protected]
a high demand from students construction has cleared from McRae, who has been with improvements. The group to continue improving and
NATHAN KLIMA to add the route. the area. Transportation & Parking has worked to increase offer our students the best
PHOTO EDITOR That serves a huge student P2P started its service to since P2Ps inception, said. operational hours, as well as services possible.
[email protected] need, Young said. We were riders with a small fleet of On a busy night, we often provide the addition of sum- @RO_SHAM_BRO_
getting a whole slew of calls vans in 1992. The service was transport well over a thou- mer school fixed-route service [email protected]
[email protected]

The Daily Tar Heel reports any inac-

curate information published as
Players react to coming storms
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. soon as the error is discovered. By James Tatter Family members havent ma to leave and she was like feel about it, but when Im
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Editorial corrections will be printed Assistant Sports Editor always reciprocated the Oh no baby, my house can out here and we are game-
Tyler Fleming, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 apprehension. stand through anything. And planning and everything, Im
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 on this page. Errors committed
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 on the Opinion Page have cor- Its not just the football I got family in the St. he was like, No Grandma, locked in on Louisville.
One copy per person; rections printed on that page. game on Saturday that has Petersburg area, Smith said. that house been there for 80 Its easy to understand how
additional copies may be purchased Corrections also are noted in the some UNC players desper- I got a group with them, my years. Fifteen mile-per-hour focusing on the game would
at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each. online versions of our stories. ately trying to convince their cousins, so I texted them and winds could knock it over. be that much easier for the
Please report suspicious activity at families to head to Chapel Hill. was like, Yall need to get out Its funny, but its actually players if they knew that all
our distribution racks by emailing Contact Managing Editor Jessica
[email protected] Swanson at managing.editor@ UNC junior linebacker Andre of Florida. They said LOL. a really serious situation, of their relatives were out of with issues Smith, whose mother lives in I dont know whats wrong Smith said. harms way. But no matter
2012 DTH Media Corp.
All rights reserved about this policy. Jacksonville, Florida, has been with them, but I told them, Perhaps part of the reason their desires, evacuation is
insistent that has mother needs Did you see what happened for the players urgency is easier said than done.
to leave home as Florida braces in Houston? their current need to split I got family that cant leave
for Hurricane Irma. In contrast to the anxiet- time between mentally pre- because of their situation, said
Shes like, Oh we are ies of the player, many family paring for reigning Heisman redshirt senior safety Donnie
members have reacted in sim- trophy winner Lamar Miles, another Florida native.

Come wondering... gonna wait and see what the
track of the hurricane is, ilar ways to Smiths cousins. Jacksons Louisville team and My grandfather cant travel
Leave Knowing Smith said of his mother. Im (The Florida teammates their families at home. because hes sick, so theyre
like, No. You need to get out. and I) have definitely been Smith expressed the impor- trying to put him in a hospital.

With Hurricane Irma pre- talking about it, Smith said, tance of remaining focused on I think theyre going to get
dicted to be a category five and our families responses his job for Saturday even in the him, and were going to try to
hurricane whose path cuts have been pretty hilarious. wake of the situation. get everybody else to come up
through Florida, the 14 UNC Smith recounted a conversa- I contact my mom every here for the game.
football players from the state tion between a distressed C.J. day and make sure shes Im going to try to con-
For all women faculty, have been in constant contact Cotman, a first-year corner, alright, Smith said. But vince everybody to leave.
administrators, staff and coaches with their families to express and Cotmans grandmother. I cant have any control. I @James_Tatter
their concern. He was telling his grand- make sure she knows how I [email protected]

Every Tuesday Starting

September 5th from 12:30-1:30
Fifth Floor Loudermilk
of the Blue Zone at Kenan Stadium
Lunch will be provided
Meet & Greet with Rachel Ruth Wright, program
facilitator, daughter of Anne Graham Lotz and
granddaughter of Rev. Billy Graham
We are studying the life of David
Come as you are...Leave as you were meant to be
The Daily Tar Heel Opinion Friday, September 8, 2017 3

Established 1893, 124 years of editorial freedom

When you have a reason to laugh about
TYLER FLEMING EDITOR, 962-4086 OR [email protected]
EMILY YUE OPINION EDITOR, [email protected] WILL PARKER ALEC DENT SYDNEY PEREGOY SAVANNAH something, it can help combat things like
anxiety and depression.
Madison Schaper, on being involved in comedy in Chapel Hill


They cant go two sentences without invok-
ing racialism.
Cameron Jernigan
Lens of Onyx
Gordon Trenchard, the Young Democrats Silent Sam panel
A senior communications major
from Ahoskie, N.C.
Email: [email protected]
LETTERS TO Sarah Shields, History
Nisha Gottfredson, Health Behavior


From the faculty: take
Ruth Salvaggio, English and
Comparative Literature
Michal Osterweil, Global Studies

ser down Silent Sam

Nadia Yaqub, Asian Studies
Krista Perreira, Social Medicine
Elin Ohara Slavick, Art

An open letter to Jessica Wolfe, English and Comparative
Chancellor Folt, the Board Literature
of Trustees and the Board John Pickles, Geography

es ilegal
of Governors: Daniel Wallace, English and
The Progressive Faculty Comparative Literature
Network and colleagues Shelley Golden, Health Behavior
from across the UNC-CH

Laura Halperin, English and
n Tuesday, Attorney campus stand with stu- Comparative Literature
General Jeff Sessions dents and other members Kurt M. Ribisl, Health Behavior
announced that the of the community in oppo- Carole Crumley, Anthropology
government would begin sition to the presence of Harry Watson, History
the process of terminating Silent Sam. Leslie Ann Lytle, Health Behavior
Deferred Action for Childhood The statue celebrates Cemil Aydin, History
Arrivals, the Obama admin- people who defended slav-
Arturo Escobar, Anthropology
istration policy that protects ery, a violation of the most
Erica Johnson, Global Studies
many young undocumented basic of human rights.
Jonathan D. Lepofsky, Geography
immigrants. Installed 48 years after
Words cant explain how this country made owning
Edwin B. Fisher, Health Behavior
fearful I am in this moment another human being illegal,
William Ferris, History
not for myself, but for sev- the monument also implicit-
Christopher T. Nelson, Anthropology
eral of my friends, and the ly honors the system of racial Barbara Friedman, Media and Journalism
800,000 other DACA recipi- apartheid that propped up Noel Brewer, Health Behavior
ents who could be forced to white supremacy after the Misha Becker, Linguistics
leave the only country theyve U.S. Civil War and influ- Marcie Cohen Ferris, American Studies
ever truly known. All because enced white nationalists in Don Nonini, Anthropology
of the xenophobic beliefs South Africa and Nazis in Sharon P. Holland, American Studies
of our current presidential Western Europe. Kathryn Burns, History
administration, if you can even Beginning in the 1950s, Tony Perucci, Communication
call it that. in response to African Eugenia Eng, Health Behavior
Contrary to popular belief, EDITORIAL American-led civil rights Valerie Lambert, Anthropology
Rebecca B. Brigham, Social Work
DACA recipients are not crimi- activism, some compo-
Ben Frey, American Studies
nals. They are not menaces
to society. They are young
Be honest in your thoughtful manner.
We recognize that voic-
conversations, but be mind-
ful about allowing those
nents of legal segregation,
particularly in public edu- Beth Grabowski, Art
people who are just as much
American citizens as someone
views without ing ones opinion can whose voices are typically cation, were dismantled.
Today, however, racial
Deborah Stroman, Business
Courtney G. Woods, Environmental
have social consequences underrepresented a chance
born and bred in this country. being racist. for both the speaker and to speak especially when inequality in this country Sciences and Engineering

It is a requirement that is maintained by physical, Chad Stevens, Media and Journalism
DACA recipients complete
alking about race those listening. they can personally speak economic, electoral, legal, Margaret Wiener, Anthropology
high school, serve and/or be doesnt make you Not to mention the fact to the experience. and cultural violence com- Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, African,
honorably discharged from racist. that speaking in front of a Frankly, their experi- mitted by and on behalf of African American, and Diaspora Studies
the military or be in college. Were all familiar with large lecture hall is fright- ence can oftentimes be as white people against people Crystal Wiley Cen, Medicine
In addition, DACA recipients the awkward silence after ening as hell even when or more insightful than of color. Rachel Woodson Goode, Social Work
cannot be found guilty of a a professor asks a racially you know what youre any amount of academic Sam, the gun-toting Daniel M. Cobb, American Studies
felony or serious misdemeanor, charged question these talking about. perspective you may pro- image of white, masculine Rupa Redding-Lallinger, Pediatrics
or they will be deported. days, any question that That said, we would like vide. power, is neither harm- Anne Johnston, Media and Journalism
Many critics of DACA, remotely concerns the to offer up some guiding 5. Speak from the I. less historical speech nor Laura Linnan, Health Behavior
especially those who wanted idea of race or ethnicity. points to keep in mind Speak personally from your silent. Decades of protest China Medel, Communication
to make America great again, Eyes dart around the for when you speak your experience, not the experi- and the current student- Aimee McHale, Public Health
argue that DACA recipients led demand to take the Seth Noar, Media and Journalism
room, or stay locked on mind. ences of others.
have a negative impact on the monument down demon- Sara Smith, Geography
economy of this country. computer screens and 1. Acknowledging the This may look like, strate that we hear Sams Sandy Smith-Nonini, Anthropology
That argument, intrinsi- sometimes woefully land on concept of race isnt racist, In my experience as a anthem to racism loudly Karolyn Tyson, Sociology
cally, is a flat-out lie. DACA the one or two students of but attaching characteris- black man I have felt and clearly. Ligaiya Romero, Media and Journalism
recipients actually boost the color in the room. tics or generalizations to Whereas one would not Remove the statue now Iqbal Sevea, History
economy. Many DACA recipi- Following the events of race can be. want to say, Black men and you can be on the right Karin Yeatts, Epidemiology
ents are well educated and still the first two weeks of the To identify someone as feel ____ unless citing side of history. Emilio del Valle Escalante, Romance Studies
in school. Seventeen percent of semester regarding Silent black or African-American related academic content. Kate Muessig, Health Behavior
them are working towards an Sam and, more recently, is not problematic, but say- 6. Dont expect the sin- Karen Booth Lisa Lindsay, History
advanced degree. DACA, almost all of our ing that someone is black gle person of color, immi- Womens and Gender Studies Joanna Maselko, Epidemiology
In some years, the pool of classes are talking about so they must be____ is an grant, LGBTQ person or Elyse Crystall Eileen Carlton Parsons, Science Education
DACA recipients will be com- English and Comparative Literature Sherry Mergner, Social Work
race, immigration or issue. conservative in your class
parable to immigrants with Adaora Adimora, Medicine and
H-1B visas (for highly skilled other controversial topics. 2. Assume good intent. to volunteer themselves as
(This may be less preva- In a classroom setting, spokespeople, or tokens. On behalf of 116 additional Epidemiology
workers). Highly skilled work- faculty members, including: Jina Valentine, Art and Art History
ers boost the economy. Ending lent in STEM classes, its safe to assume we are Dont look to minori-
though we wouldnt be entering the conversation ties to speak for the entire Kathy Perkins, Dramatic Art
DACA will do nothing but Sherryl Kleinman, Sociology
surprised to find phys- with a desire to share what population of groups with Tamera Coyne-Beasley, Pediatrics
worsen our economy. Michael Palm, communication Danielle Christmas, English and
Another argument made ics students calculating we know and learn what which they identify, plain Trude Bennett, Maternal and Child Comparative Literature
for ending DACA is the legal- the force necessary to we dont know not hurt and simple. Health (emerita) Sherick Hughes, Education
ity of the policy, according to topple Silent Sam while anyones feelings. As long as you are cog- Michelle Robinson, American Studies
Sessions. While the Supreme
Rebecka Rutledge Fisher, English and
factoring the opposing 3. Ask questions. nizant of your role in the George Noblit, Education Comparative Literature
Court deadlocked 4-4 last force from the Board of Dont pretend to under- conversation, you should Maria DeGuzman, English and
summer on the constitution- Jamie Cobb, Journalism
Governors.) stand someone when you never be afraid to offer your Comparative Literature Lydia Boyd, African, African American,
ality of DACA, in a letter to Patricia Sawin, American Studies
the Trump Administration in
No matter your position can ask them to explain thoughts. and Diaspora Studies
on the issues at hand, it their point in a way that We should all speak Susan Bickford, Political Science Glenn Hinson, Folklore & Anthropology
August, over 100 law profes- Hong-An Truong, Art
sors argued for the legality of is the responsibility of all makes sense to you! honestly, practice open- Jocelyn Chua, Anthropology
students to participate in 4. Take space, make mindedness and strive for James Thompson, English and Meg Landfried, Health Behavior
deferred action. Comparative Literature
Regardless of their accom- these tough discourses in a space. Please participate in understanding. Kumarini Silva, Communication
Rob Hamilton, Communication Danianne Mizzy, UNC Libraries
plishments or the legality Jennifer Ho, English and Comparative
of the policy, ending DACA Patricia Parker, Communication
Literature Tara Bohley, Social Work
isnt just an economic or legal
Juliane Hammer, Religious Studies Patrick Conway, Economics
wrong, its a moral wrong of
Jay Smith, History
the highest degree. DACA EDITORIAL Cathy Zimmer, Sociology
Mark Fraser, Social Work
Stephen Cole, Epidemiology
recipients dont just deserve

Politically respectful
to stay in this country because
William Sturkey, History Veronica Carlisle, Lineberger Cancer
they dont commit crimes and
Karen Hagemann, History Center and Public Health
are working toward advanced Mark Driscoll, Asian Studies Fadi Bardawil, Asian Studies
degrees. Michele R Rivkin-Fish, Anthropology Gary Nelson, Social Work
Altha Cravey, Geography
They deserve to stay in
this country because theyre
Its more than just even if some viewpoints
incite hate?
ness other than our own.
This freedom doesnt Ariana Vigil, Womens and Gender Studies
Silvia Tomkov, Womens and
Gender Studies and Anthropology
humans. Theyre people with being politically These troubling and mean you should be care- Tanya Shields, Womens and Gender Studies
Scott Kirsch, Geography
Joanna Maselko, Epidemiology
families and friends. Theyre complex questions linger less with your words. Lisa Lindsay, History
people who are simply trying correct. over college campuses like To use gay as a put-
Rene Alexander Craft, Communication Kate Muessig, Health Behavior

to build a life for themselves Susan Ennett, Health Behavior Elizabeth Havice, Geography
here is nothing dark clouds. down in your everyday Dennis Mumby, Communication
and their loved ones. Theyre political about And as a center for conversation is hateful Lisa de Saxe Zerden, Social Work
people who have no real life removing hateful learning and growth for and rude.
outside this country.
speech from your everyday the futures leaders, UNC To use queer as a pejo-
To move forward with the
termination of DACA, the word choice. often finds itself skating rative speaks volumes on SPEAK OUT
Trump administration proves Using language that across some very gray and your inability to accept WRITING GUIDELINES
aims to respect everyone slippery ice. and respect people who Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
once again that they have no
in our community is part Fortunately for indi- arent like you. Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
interest in doing whats mor-
of being a good citizen. viduals in the Chapel Someones sexuality Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
ally right, or even whats best
Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
for the economy. They simply Todays political climate Hill community, we have or gender identity is not
Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
want to make the country has made speech a hot choice over how we decide a curse word or a casual letters to 250 words.
more white, more rich and topic. to treat words and lan- insult.
more xenophobic. SUBMISSION
Can words and speech guage. While free speech may Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
Ningn ser humano es ile- be violent? Should we Unlike UNC, our per- be a contentious topic in NC 27514
gal. No human being is illegal.
police those who use lan- sonal stances on speech your classes and conver- Email: [email protected]
guage as a weapon against are rarely under a magni- sations with coworkers,
minorities? Should we fying glass, and we (gener- choosing to respect others

9/11: Locavore Politics EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
Alexander Peeples writes on encourage dialogue from ally speaking) dont have with your speech should resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
campus culture and politics. all viewpoints on an issue, to bend to any conscious- not be up for debate. opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 10 board
members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.
4 Friday, September 8, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Gas prices on the rise

following hurricanes


Gas prices in Chapel Hill have experienced significant hikes due to Hurricane Harvey.

By Emma Boggess A press release from AAA tribution of gas to return to

Staff Writer said there is not a large risk normal.
of a gas shortage: the biggest We have been working
Hurricane Harvey is issue is transporting the gaso- diligently and expeditiously
causing a spike in North line from Texas and distribut- to complete the repair work
Carolinas gas prices. ing it to the Southeast. and restore service following
On Sept. 5, the statewide Gov. Roy Cooper issued Hurricane Harvey and the
average price for regular an executive order declar- unprecedented flooding in
unleaded gas was $2.62 per ing a state of emergency the Gulf Coast last week, the
gallon the highest average Aug. 31, which lifted certain press release said. Colonial
seen in the state in over two restrictions on drivers who is working closely with our
years. were transporting gasoline customers to manage product
Prices spiked near $2.70 and providing emergency shipments.
per gallon over Labor Day relief to Texas and Louisiana Wright said because of the
weekend. the areas most affected by threat of Hurricane Irma,
Sophomore Kate Sorgi, a Hurricane Harvey. gas prices in North and
public policy major, noticed Cooper said in the execu- South Carolina may remain
the price increase right tive order that lifting these higher than average until
away. restrictions would make it the end of September.
I always look at gas easier to deliver gas within AAA will continue to
prices when Im driving, and the state and would limit the monitor Irmas path and
when I saw how much it was risk of shortages. the potential impact the
going up I was stressed, she The N.C. Department hurricane could have on
said. I drive a lot, and its of Justice is also encourag- Carolinians, as well as the
harder for me to afford to ing drivers to watch out for refineries, pipelines and dis-
put in a full tank now. price gouging. N.C. Attorney tribution, she said.
Tiffany Wright, a spokes- General Josh Stein enacted a Sorgi said its important
person for AAA Carolinas, price gouging law which will to remember the destruc-
said this is the time of prevent gas being sold at an tion in Texas and Louisiana
year when gas prices start unreasonable price for the in the wake of Hurricane
to decline because of a next 45 days. Harvey.
decrease in demand and a The Colonial Pipeline Co. One of our biggest con-
switch to a less expensive announced in a press release cerns is having to pay a little
winter blend of fuel. Monday that its pipeline extra for gas, but the actual
Unfortunately, the effects in the Houston area was damage has been so trauma-
from Hurricane Harvey will operating again and that tizing, she said. Its sad.
slow this process, she said. this should cause the dis- [email protected]

DTH office is open TODAY from is

DTH office 9am-5pm DTH9:00am-5:00pm
open Mon-Fri office will re-open at 8:30 on 8/13/14
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back home. Practice is 3:30-4:30. Time to study Today is an 8 -- A balanced
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view. A disruption or unexpected
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AFTER SCHOOL CARE Looking for after school
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GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR: Chapel Hill Gym- Rooms Postpone travel. Provide leadership new priorities. Coordinate efforts or
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Applicants with knowledge of gymnastics ter- Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
minology and progression skills preferred. Send private bathroom. No pets or smoking. 15 min Today is a 7 -- Finish up tasks youve
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vision -usually rides bus occasional pick up from UNC campus by car. References needed.
Today is a 9 -- Physical action gets
Car available to move the kids. sean.whit- a resume to [email protected]. been putting off. Lay low and hide
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[email protected] HIRING NOW: CATERING. Server, bartender in a peaceful spot. Make long-range Fantasies and illusions dissipate.
and supervisor positions for all home UNC plans. Consider ways to beautify If you want something, make it
SITTER for pick up from preschool on Mondays CHILD CARE Seeking fun, reliable sitter to football and basketball games. Catering expe- Tutoring Wanted things. happen. Keep practicing. Streamline
12-6, occasional Wednesday and Thursday af- drive and assist 12 yo w-homework. 3:15- rience NOT necessary. Please email resume to your routine.
ternoon care but flexible, located in Durham 4:30/5pm, M, W & Th, $15/hr. Close to
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DRIVER NEEDED PET SITTERS NEEDED! position is ideal for an undergraduate who has youre learning. Keep to practical pri- looks nice. Abandon fantasies for
For child pick up in Chapel Hill at 3pm and DRIVER FOR 14 YR OLD SON M, Tu, Th at 3:55 Love animals? Need extra $ ? We need reli- recently prepared for these tests themselves! orities. Its not about luck. Successful now. Thoughtful discipline makes a
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BABYSITTER NEEDED FOR our 10 year old in CH, 3:15-5:30. Daily weekday pick-up for 2yo SATURDAY AND PT HELP WANTED Carolina grade. Excellent pay. Flexible hours. Must have charge for a powerful win. Make Beautify your surroundings. Tend the
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The Daily Tar Heel From Page One Friday, September 8, 2017 5
CCR and supervising faculty as a
part of a separate law clinic.
important to note that I was
instructed by the commit-
FROM PAGE 1 Permitting academic cen- tee specifically to determine
were a number of questions ters to engage in litigation effects of the proposed change
from committee members opens the door to center per- on the Center and our Law
about how this would affect sonnel using the litigation to School, Folt said in the let-
the center throughout the further their personal agen- ter. We have no other entity
deliberating process. das, Long says in the memo. at UNC-Chapel Hill to which
Specifically, the commit- Instead, if the center oper- the new policy could apply.
tee questioned Long about ated as a clinic, no full-time The proposed policy will
similar centers at universities attorneys would litigate; it change how the Center oper-
around the country, and if would be left up to students, ates, and banning the center
they also engage in litigation. with faculty oversight. from litigating could foresee-
In a July 8 memorandum, The idea of transforming ably result in its closure, Folt
Long addressed these con- the center into a clinic was one said in the letter.
cerns by emphasizing the dif- of the several points the com- In closing, if the committee
ference between law centers mittee asked Chancellor Folt moves forward with the new
and law clinics. Specifically, to consider. In a five-page let- proposed policy, we risk signif-
Long referenced his con- ter to Nelson, Folt said though icant damage to the reputation
versation with the interim a clinic could be established, of the University and the law
director of a similar center at the University does not cur- school, as well as uncertainty
the University of Wisconsin rently have the funding, staff as to whether we can even cre-
Law School, the main differ- or space for this effort. ate a new clinic for civil rights
ence being that their center Although the new policy with no resources, Folt said in
does not litigate rather, all does not mention the Center the letter.
litigation is done by students for Civil Rights directly, it is [email protected]

NELSON ed over $100,000 to political

campaigns. But Nelson said
I would say our members
are influenced by their politi-
FROM PAGE 1 despite her political activity, cal beliefs whether they be
Holding her ground she doesnt feel pressured to Democrats or Republicans,
take particular positions on he said.
Gage said Nelson stands University issues. Nelson said her political
up for what she believes in I try to keep all of the pres- views dont affect her
even when its difficult. sures in the proper balance decisions.
Ive seen this time and and perspective, she said. I dont have a party affili-
time again from voting against Nelson said the litigation ation, she said. And we take
tuition increases to voting ban could potentially stop an oath to serve the people of
against the boards effort to lawsuits against local and North Carolina, and I think
prevent the UNCs Civil Rights state governments. you have to be aware of all con-
Center from litigating, she By definition, civil rights stituents: the people of North
said. Anna has the courage to are personal rights that are Carolina, students and faculties
separate from the crowd and to be protected by the gov- and yes, the legislature.
stand alone, which is rare. She ernment, she said. So the Nelson said the vote on
has conviction. political weight is certainly a Friday is about saving UNCs
Bissette said Nelson consideration, but there are reputation above all else.
attended every hearing and other considerations like the I have read headlines that
comment session regarding students and their ability to are suggesting the BOG is
the proposed ban. have practical educational voting against civil rights, she
Nelsons dissident vote experiences. The citizens who said. And even though this
challenges past public criti- wont have access to the cen- isnt the issue thats on the
cism that board members are ter anymore will be affected. table, Im concerned about
influenced by politicians in Bissette said politics inevi- the way (the ban) will be
the General Assembly. tably intertwine with many addressed as it has the poten-
Since 2007 and before school boards, and members tial to be misconstrued.
joining the board in 2015, on boards such as the BOG are @CarinaMcDermed
Nelson and her family donat- almost always politically active. [email protected]

DACA protected by DACA by sign-

ing a letter to Congress with
This change in federal
policy is contrary to our own
FROM PAGE 1 over 400 other college presi- and Carolinas heartfelt com-
ed congressional action to dents last year. mitment to all members of
provide undocumented col- Data on how many DACA our community, and it opens
lege students with a pathway recipients attend UNC is questions and concerns for
to citizenship as illustrated by unavailable, according to students, their families,
the Universitys continuous UNCs media relations team. friends and others, the state-
support for the DREAM Act. Folt also issued a statement ment said.
Chancellor Folt showed in support of DACA recipi- @ky_marsh
UNCs support for students ents in the UNC community. [email protected]

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3-6pm Kids react to
Great Hall UNC football players
Student Union share their concerns about

#Tech Fair
games hurricane danger. See pg. 2
for story.
2015 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.

Level: 1 2 3 4 Emergency!
Gov. Roy Cooper declares
a state of emergency due to
Complete the grid Hurricane Irma. See front
so each row, column
for story.
and 3-by-3 box (in

Join us for the fourth annual

bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9. Its a gasser

Tech Fair in the Great Hall!

Solution to Gas prices may fluctuate
last puzzle as weather conditions get
worse. See pg. 4 for the

Sports! Sports!
Over 50 tech employers will be The first games of the
season are gearing up. Go
in attendance to speak with Heels! Visit @dthsports for
our pre-season coverage.

Technology majors about their job Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
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Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

and internship opportunities. Across

1 Support financially
58 Waterway between
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40 Layered do
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Come prepared with several copies 18 Had superior skills in
20 Word on really bright
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68 Fries, for instance
27 Lorres Casablanca
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55 Scandinavian
Crayolas 28 Pita feature language
21 Jazz great Down 29 Tech companys 56 Used a hatchet on
of your resume and informed Montgomery
22 Helen Reddys __
1 Silo neighbor
2 Toward protection, at
origin, perhaps
30 On the shelf
57 Cause for alarm
58 Honda or Hyundai
Woman sea 31 Move in the direction 59 Pepsi product thats
23 Commentary page 3 Great Sand Dunes of also its calorie count
questions for employers! 25 Turned out to be
29 Blew hard
National Park st.
4 Pinnacle of a lecture
34 Threw in
35 Sushi roll topping
60 Springsteens
Working __ Dream
32 Way back when series 39 Tells a story 61 Scoundrel
33 Helped start the pot 5 Erupted
34 Comic Johnson 6 Strained
36 Big __ 7 Tolkien henchmen
37 Regret 8 GPS suggestion
38 Not alfresco, and 9 Feign illness to avoid
This event is open to UNC-Chapel Hill students only. what this puzzle is vis-
-vis its border
10 Motifs
answers 11 Far out, dude!
41 Craft built in
the 2014 film
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49 Vampires bed?
50 Painter Manet
51 Sketch material
52 Commuter org.
in the Loop
53 __ Butterworth
View participating employers at 54 Wild Blue
Yonder mil.
6 Friday, September 8, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Defense prepares to face reigning Heisman
Lamar Jackson 79 offensive snaps.
To me, he is the next closest
thing to Michael Vick I can ever
may be the compare, safety Donnie Miles said.
I havent seen any quarterback like

most dynamic him.

To say Louisville runs through
Jackson isnt an exaggeration its
player in the a well-known fact. Defensive coordi-
nator John Papuchis said he has no
nation problem focusing on Jackson for the
majority of every practice. But finding
someone to mimic Jackson on UNCs
By Chapel Fowler scout team wasnt an easy task.
Sports Editor You can take just an athlete out
there and have him try to replicate
Be disciplined. Restrict the lanes. him, Papuchis said. But Lamar
Do your job, but dont try to do too Jackson throws the ball really good
much. to be honest with you, most of the
Thats how North Carolinas time were using Logan Byrd. Does
defense plans to stop Lamar he have the same kind of juice and
Jackson. Even if the Tar Heels wiggle that Lamar Jackson does?
execute their game plan perfectly, No. But who does?
though, the Louisville quarterback Fedora credited Louisville head
can still pick it apart. coach Bobby Petrino for getting the
You can be where youre sup- ball into Jacksons hands as much
posed to be, and hell make you look as possible. A lot of Jacksons runs
foolish, head coach Larry Fedora come on read options and power
said after practice on Wednesday. options, where he makes the deci-
UNC hasnt played a reigning sion to hand the ball off or pull it DTH FILE/NICHOLAS BAFIA
Heisman Trophy winner since 1975, back based on an unblocked defen- Safety Donnie Miles (15) celebrates against California. The defense gears up to face Louisvilles Lamar Jackson.
when the team traveled to Columbus sive lineman. Fedora calls them
and faced Archie Griffin and the ability reads, since Jackson will downs last week came when the quar- Youre just making casual him to throw the ball rather than
Ohio State Buckeyes. In a 32-7 loss, sometimes just take the ball himself terback scrambled, so communica- conversation Where are you break the game open with a run.
UNC allowed Griffin to rush for 157 no matter whos near him. tion in those same situations against from? and stuff like that, Smith For that to happen, linebacker Cole
yards on 22 carries. We know he likes to pull the ball Louisville will be key. Linebacker recalled. And he was like, You seen Holcomb highlighted one thing over
As a quarterback, Jackson com- even if weve got a guy sitting right Andre Smith noted that Louisvilles that Vine video of the guy pointing all others.
mands even more attention. And its there, defensive end Malik Carney wide receivers also do a great job find- after he stopped and walked in? So Really its just population, he
all warranted. said. ing open space once their quarterback he showed me the video and then said. We know hes going to be
He threw for 378 yards and two And theres the scrambling, too. starts running around. told me that was him. keeping it a lot, and we need to
touchdowns and rushed for 107 North Carolinas defensive backs For Smith, this isnt the first Now, Jackson doesnt need to get hats to the ball. Thats the one
more in a 35-28 win over Purdue and linebackers have been doing time he has met Jackson. Both of identify himself. Hes one of the thing dont just let one guy tackle
last week. In terms of usage, he drills to prepare for when Jackson them played high school football most electrifying player in college him. Get everybody there. Bring the
dominated. With 46 pass attempts extends plays which is bound to in Florida and met when they were football, and everyone on UNCs ros- cavalry.
and 21 rushes, Jackson had the ball happen. taking an official visit to Nebraska. ter knows it. Players want to contain @chapelfowler
on almost 85 percent of Louisvilles Californias two longest touch- It happened in the cafeteria. him as much as possible and force [email protected]

COLUMN: Making the case for Chazz Surratt

Larry Fedora should through the fourth quarter
wasnt the best Surratt more
before the break. Eventually,
a third-quarter tip-drill pick,
start the QB thatll be or less managed the game well.
Four of the Tar Heels five
the result of a poor decision
on Harris part, ended his day.
a Tar Heel in 2018. scoring drives came with His performance as a
Surratt in, and the redshirt whole might have also damp-
By Brennan Doherty first-year completed 18 of 28 ened the notion that he, as
Senior Writer passes for 161 yards and a a seasoned player with SEC
touchdown. On the ground, experience, could provide
Even if Brandon Harris had he provided a score and fin- a shot in the arm of a UNC
played well in North Carolinas ished with 66 yards on 16 offense in the process of
season-opening 35-30 loss rushing attempts. retooling this season.
to California, the following Even with Surratt in, UNC No, a one-game sample
would still be true: hes a one- lacked the explosiveness its size should not serve as a
year rental, and UNC will have had in bunches in recent sea- referendum on Harris abil-
a new starting quarterback at sons, but that could mainly be ity, nor can it predict how he
this time next season. the result of the recent exodus will fare from here on out.
That reason alone should be of talent at the skill posi- But clearly, this situation is
enough to warrant somebody tions over the offseason. Still, not akin to Russell Wilson
other than Harris, a gradu- Surratt did his job. He came immediately stepping in
ate transfer from LSU, get- in, didnt try to do too much without missing a beat at
ting extensive playing time at and didnt turn the ball over. Wisconsin after leaving N.C.
quarterback for the Tar Heels The same cant be said State, or more recent trans-
this season. And after the way about Harris. Up to now, the fer stories involving players
things played out against the narrative has been that he such as Trevor Knight leaving
Golden Bears, that somebody was never utilized correctly as Oklahoma for Texas A&M
is clearly Chazz Surratt, who a dual-threat quarterback in and Everett Golson going to
is far from a finished product, Les Miles I-formation offense Florida State after starting at
but a candidate deserving of at LSU. That may be true, but Notre Dame.
the opportunity to earn the in his first start as the opera- The decision by head coach DTH FILE/NICHOLAS BAFIA
distinction as possibly UNCs tor of UNCs spread offense, Larry Fedora to bring in Quarterback Chazz Surratt (12) throws the ball against California on Sept. 2.
quarterback of the future. Harris experienced the same Harris was a smart one, and
UNCs performance against troubles that led to him being one that shouldnt be criti- Best case scenario, he ness to do so in the past. This tion, and responded with one
Cal also showed he might be benched in favor of Danny cized. Even if he isnt UNCs performs well, having clearly week, Fedora said he hasnt of his own: I guess Saturday
the Tar Heels quarterback for Etling two games into LSUs best option on the field, he at established himself as UNCs committed to a starter yet and will determine that, wont it?
right now, too. season a year ago. least brings depth and experi- best quarterback. Even if that playing two quarterbacks Indeed, last Saturday
After UNCs offense sput- There was the overthrow ence, assets the Tar Heels are things dont go well, the against No. 17 Louisville. showed that quarterback may
tered out of the gate with of Anthony Ratliff-Williams, lacking at quarterback. coaching staff will at least Before the season began, not be a position of strength
Harris in charge, Surratt who was ready to haul in the But once UNC plays its final have a better understanding Fedora was asked whether for the Tar Heels this season.
entered on UNCs third drive. first touchdown of his career. game this season whether of what it has to work with the presence of all the ORs at But letting the guy who will
While he struggled with some Then came the first of two or not thats a bowl game is an beyond this season. quarterback on UNCs depth be here beyond this season
miscues of his own the deci- interceptions, this one right interesting question none Moving forward, UNC chart was because all of his lead the way could benefit
sion to try to thread the needle before the end of the first half, of that will matter. So in the will probably continue to guys were performing well or UNC in the long run.
on a fourth and three with as UNC looked poised to at meantime, why not let Surratt play multiple quarterbacks, if they were all doing poorly. @brennan_doherty
UNC down by four midway least attempt a field goal right get the first crack? considering Fedoras willing- He chuckled at the ques- [email protected]

Four things to know before the Cardinals face the Tar Heels
Louisville is more than winning are not beating yourself and
winning the battle in the trenches.
quently puts himself in vulnerable
positions. Either way, the Cardinals
Alexanders absence would
undoubtedly prove to be a relief for
Big-play capability
just its former Heisman Well, Louisville did the opposite
against Purdue and still managed
still allowed an average of 3.62 sacks a
game in 2016 which ranked 124 out
the Tar Heels, who are still trying to
develop their passing game.
Any offense with Jackson in
charge will probably enjoy its fair
winning quarterback. to win. The fact that Louisville com- of 128 teams nationally. share of big plays. A year ago,
mitted 10 false starts speaks volumes Cardinals still working on run- Louisville ranked seventh in SB
By Brennan Doherty about its talent throughout the roster. Cornerback Jaire Alexander is Nation writer Bill Connellys IsoPPP
ning game ranking, a metric that measures
Senior Writer Playmakers at the skill positions have banged up
acted as the teams deodorant, mask- Louisville has experienced a fair offensive explosiveness by tracking
Larry Fedora said this week that ing its real flaws present on the line. Coaching staffs at UNC, N.C. amount of attrition at the skill posi- points per play on successful plays.
the North Carolina football team has Louisville head coach Bobby State, Duke and Wake Forest are tions offensively, namely at wide Against Purdue, the Cardinals
moved on from its season-opening Petrino told The Courier-Journals Jeff probably all wondering how they receiver. But the Cardinals are also had 17 chunk plays passing
loss to California. With Louisville Greer that those mistakes are correct- let Alexander attend school out of replacing running back Brandon plays of 15-plus yards and rushing
and its junior quarterback Lamar able, and he said redshirt first-year North Carolina. Radcliff, who had 903 rushing yards plays of 10-plus yards. Theyre prob-
Jackson the reigning Heisman center Robbie Bell is still working on Eschewed by his nearby ACC pro- and six touchdowns a year ago. ably expecting to exploit a UNC
Trophy winner coming to town his communication with Jackson. grams, Alexander picked Louisville Against Purdue, Reggie defense that struggled to tackle in
this Saturday, the Tar Heels have The Cardinals will most likely not and has blossomed into one of the Bonnafon, a converted quarterback, the open field against California.
had to refocus quickly. repeat their error-riddled perfor- leagues top defensive backs and a and Jeremy Smith combined for just The Tar Heels will have to keep
Here are four things to know about mance up front against UNC. But valuable punt returner. 41 yards on 11 carries. Smith also tabs on big-play wide receivers
the Cardinals besides the fact that perhaps the Tar Heels can exploit a Unfortunately for Alexander, his fumbled deep in red-zone territory. Jaylen Smith and Dez Fitzpatrick,
Lamar Jackson is still really good. position group that clearly has not special teams ambitions led to him Jackson clearly can work magic with who combined for 12 catches and
gelled yet. suffering an injury in the second his feet, but the Tar Heels might be 212 receiving yards last week. Of
Louisvilles offensive line had In general, Louisvilles offensive line quarter last week when he returned a able to hone in on him a bit more if course, in the end, reducing big
has struggled to protect its valuable blocked field goal. He did not return the Cardinals running backs dont plays starts with containing Jackson.
10 false starts last week @brennan_doherty
quarterback. Part of the units troubles to the game, and Louisville has not prove to be too much of a threat.
Coaching 101: Two simple keys to stem from the fact that Jackson fre- announced his status for Saturday. [email protected]

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