AC305 AssetAccounting
AC305 AssetAccounting
AC305 AssetAccounting
Release 470 04/11/2006
SAP AG 1999
AC305 Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting
R/3 System
Release 4.6C
September 2000
Material Number 5004 1524
SAP AG 2003
Copyright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
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any for! or for any purpose "ithout the e#press per!ission of
SAP AG. $he infor!ation contained herein !ay e changed
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SAP AG 1999
%inancial Accounting &
Financial Accounting and
5 das
Asset Accounting
AC305 4 das
Special Purpose !edger
"u#an Resources
$ssentials %
()05' 1 da
*evel 3 *evel 2
&ra'el (anage#ent
&ra'el $)penses
AC2+0 3 das
&ra'el (anage#ent
&ra'el Planning
AC2+5 2 das
+,ange -endor
or +usto#er
(aster .ata 'ia
"u#an Resources
$ssentials %%
()052 2 das
' h
General !edger/
Accounts Paa/le/
Accounts Recei'a/le
AC200 3 das
Periodic Processing in
Accounts Paa/le/
Accounts Recei'a/le
AC20' 2 das
Financial +losing
AC205 2 das
# h
AC220 5 das
Additional Financial
AC2-0 1 da
+alculation o0
open and/or
cleared ite#s
2 h
SAP AG 1999
Accounting .no"ledge
)eco!!ended courses/
AC0'0 0 1vervie" of %inancial Accounting
SAP20 0 1vervie" of SAP )23
Course Prere3uisites
SAP AG 1999
$arget Group
$arget Audience/
*eader and !e!ers of the pro4ect tea! that is responsile
for the i!ple!entation of Asset Accounting
SAP consultants
5uration/ 4 days
Note to participants:
7&e trai%i%+ materials are %ot i%te%ded for i%depe%de%t use. 7&e materials represe%t a omplete trai%i%+
o%ept o%ly w&e% ombi%ed wit& t&e e0pla%atio%s of t&e trai%er.
SAP AG 1999
Course Goal
Course 14ectives
Course 1vervie" 5iagra!
6usiness Scenario
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
$his "ill prepare you to/
Configure and operate the )23 Asset Accounting
7nderstand SAP ter!inology and vocaulary
7nderstand the integration et"een %&0AA and
%inancial Accounting
Course Goal
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this course8 you
"ill e ale to
+on0igure t,e Asset Accounting #odule
+reate and c,ange #aster data in Asset Accounting
Post and anal1e transactions
$)ecute t,e depreciation run
%denti0 2,ic, F%*AA reports ou need to anal1e asset
+arr out t,e legac data trans0er 0or assets
Course 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
3nit 5 Periodic Processing
3nit 6 &nfor!ation Syste!
3nit 7 *egacy 5ata $ransfer
3nit 4 Country0Specifics for
3nit 1 &ntroduction
3nit 2 1rgani9ational Structure
3nit 3 :aster 5ata
3nit 4 Asset $ransactions
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
Course 1vervie" 5iagra!
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
<ou are consulting for the asset accounting
depart!ent of the &5;S Group. &5;S8 "ith the help of
e#ternal consultants8 has i!ple!ented the SAP )23
Syste!8 including %inancial Accounting.
<ou are assigned as a pro4ect tea! !e!er to
custo!i9e the Asset Accounting !odule.
<ou "ill verify the standard configuration8 ut in
order to reproduce your co!pany=s organi9ational
structure in the SAP )23 Syste! you "ill also !a.e
changes and co!plete the syste! set up.
<ou "ill de!onstrate to the depart!ent the use of the
Asset Accounting functions.
<ou "ill have to test your configuration.
6usiness Scenario
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
Client8 co!pany code8 chart of depreciation8
chart of accounts
Cost accounting assign!ent
Asset class
5epreciation area
1rgani9ational Structure
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
define a chart of depreciation
assign a co!pany code to a chart of
descrie ho" Asset Accounting is integrated
"ith Cost Accounting
organi9e the classification of assets
1rgani9ational Structure/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
1rgani9ational Structure/ 6usiness Scenario
$he consultants have proposed an organi9ational structure for the
&5;S Group. <ou and your %&0AA colleagues on the pro4ect tea! are
!eeting "ith the! to revie" the proposal.
Although your focus is on Asset Accounting8 you need to discuss
the entire accounting vie" to understand the integration et"een
the applications.
<ou "ill further discuss the custo!i9ation options availale in the
syste! for Asset Accounting8 as "ell as the specific settings "hich
have een proposed8 to deter!ine "hether you have achieved the
opti!u! structure for the enterprise.
$here are standard settings in the &:G that are delivered y SAP.
<ou are no" going to ad4ust these settings according to your
co!pany=s needs.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
Client 0 Co!pany Code
Co!pany Code '00' Co!pany Co!pany Code '00' Code '00'
6alance sheet 6alance s 6alance sheet heet
Co!pany Code '000 Co!pany Co!pany Code '000 Code '000
6alance sheet 6alance s 6alance sheet heet
&ntangile assets
Assets Assets
&ntangile assets &ntangile assets
$angile fi#ed assets $angile fi#ed assets $angile fi#ed assets
%inancial assets %inancial assets %inancial assets
Profit > loss state!ent Profit > Profit > loss state!ent loss state!ent
;#penses ;#penses
5epreciation 5epreciation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profit > loss state!ent Profit > Profit > loss state!ent loss state!ent
'000 2000 3000 0 0 0
6usiness area
Client Client Client
7&e lie%t is t&e &i+&est le'el i% t&e S"# System &ierar&y. ,t also de%otes t&e speifi lo+ial system
you are wor!i%+ o%. Speifiatio%s w&i& you ma!e o% t&is le'el apply to all ompa%y odes.
2a& ompa%y ode is a% i%depe%de%t aou%ti%+ u%it. 7&e le+ally reAuired bala%e s&eet a%d profit a%d
loss stateme%t are reated at t&is le'el.
2a& busi%ess area is to be re+arded as a fi%a%ially separate u%it for w&i& a% i%ter%al bala%e s&eet a%d
profit a%d loss stateme%t a% be reated.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
Country A
. . .
$a# 5epr.
Co!pany code
Chrt of acts. &N$
6oo. deprec.
Chart of Accounts Chart of deprec. Chart Chart of deprec of deprec. .
Co!pany code
Chrt of acts. &N$
Co!pany code
Chrt of acts. CA7S
Co!pany code
Chrt of acts. ????
Chart of depr.
Chart of depr.
Chart of depr.
Chart of depr.
Client Client Client
Chart of Accounts 0 Chart of 5epreciation
"ll +e%eral led+er aou%ts are defi%ed i% t&e &art of aou%ts.
6,B"" wor!s wit& t&e &art of aou%ts assi+%ed to t&e ompa%y ode i% 6,. Cou a% selet t&is
aordi%+ to your reAuireme%ts >for e0ample( +lobal( i%dustryBspeifi( or ou%tryBspeifi &arts of
"s t&e &art of depreiatio% is ou%tryBspeifi( S"# pro'ides model &arts of depreiatio% for ma%y
ou%tries. 7&ese o%tai% preBdefi%ed depreiatio% areas( but you a% also defi%e your ow% &art of
depreiatio% >by opyi%+ a%d &a%+i%+@.
2a& depreiatio% area represe%ts a speifi type of 'aluatio% >for e0ample( boo! depreiatio% or ta0
depreiatio%@. Cou a% also defi%e your ow% depreiatio% areas i% t&e &art of depreiatio%.
2a& ompa%y ode uses o%e &art of aou%ts a%d o%e &art of depreiatio%.
"ll or se'eral ompa%y odes a% wor! wit& t&e same &art of aou%ts a%d t&e same &art of
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation Areas
Asset #y in year 2000
Cost acct.
6alance sheet vals 5epreciation Net oo. value
'00 000
'00 000
'00 000
'00 000
40 000
40 000
'0 000
'0 000
-0 000
-0 000
@0 000
@0 000
"sset portfolios a%d tra%satio%s are ofte% 'alued differe%tly for differe%t purposes( for e0ample(
differe%t 'aluatio% approa&es may be used for
6i%a%ial stateme%ts aordi%+ to loal reAuireme%ts
-ala%e s&eet for ta0 purposes >i% so far as a%ot&er 'aluatio% is permitted@
,%ter%al aou%ti%+ >ost aou%ti%+@
#arallel fi%a%ial reporti%+( for e0ample( for reati%+ a o%solidated bala%e s&eet >aordi%+ to ,"S(
/S $""#( a%d so o%@.
Depreciation areas are reated i% t&e R/3 System to ma%a+e t&ese differe%t 'aluatio% approa&es. 7&ere
are separate tra%satio% fi+ures
6or ea& asset a%d depreiatio% area
6or i%di'idual 'alue ompo%e%ts( su& as( asset 'alues( depreiatio%( a%d %et boo! 'alues.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
5ata for Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting
Co!pany Code
Asset Accounting
Co!pany Code
Chart of Accounts
Chart of 5epreciation Chart of 5epreciation
%inancial Accounting
Co!pany Code
%inancial Accounting
Co!pany Code
Asset Accounting Co!pany Code
Cou &a'e to set up ompa%y odes i% 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ first.
"ssi+% t&e &art of depreiatio% to t&e ompa%y ode.
7&e %eessary data for "sset "ou%ti%+ is added to t&e ompa%y ode.
7&e ompa%y ode is %ow a'ailable for use by "sset "ou%ti%+.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
Cost center
6oo. deprec.
$a# depr.
Behicles Behicles Behicles
. . .
Behicles Behicles Behicles
Code '000
Co!pany Co!pany
Code '000 Code '000
Code '00'
Co!pany Co!pany
Code '00' Code '00'
. . .
Cost center
Client Client Client
Cost Accounting Assign!ent
Controlling area
Controlling area Controlling area
'000 '000
,% t&e master reord( you a% assi+% a% asset to t&e followi%+ Co%trolli%+ ob=etsF
B Cost e%ter
B >,%ter%al@ order >real or statistial@
B "ti'ity type
B Mai%te%a%e o%trat.
7&ese ob=ets are assi+%ed to a o%trolli%+ area w&i& a% i%lude o%e more more ompa%y odes.
Cou a% post depreiatio% from ea& depreiatio% area i% Cost "ou%ti%+. 7&e >ostBaou%ti%+@
depreiatio% a% be passed o% to
G " ost e%ter
G " >real@ order
G " ost e%ter a%d a statistial order.
,f you &a'e e%tered a >real@ order a%d a ost e%ter i% t&e asset master reord( t&e system will post
depreiatio% o%ly to t&e i%ter%al order.
,t is impossible to assi+% a% asset to two ost e%ters. ,%stead( you a% assi+% t&e asset to a >real@ order
t&at will t&e% be settled to t&e respeti'e ost e%ters. ,% t&is way( you a% summari5e t&e osts of your
pro=et >t&e asset bei%+ part of it@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
Control data
5efault values
A:$/ Alternative :ini!u! $a#
. . . . . . . . .
Chart of depr.
Chart Chart of depr of depr. .
'5; '5;
Chart of depr.
Chart Chart of depr of depr. .
'7S '7S
Chart of depr.
Chart Chart of depr of depr. .
'?? '??
Asset Class Asset Class Asset Class
6oo. depr.
$a# depr.
6oo. depr.
$a# depr.
6oo. depr.
%i#tures and fittings %i#tures and fittings %i#tures and fittings
Client 0 Asset Class
6i0ed assets are ate+ori5ed i%to asset lasses( for e0ample( 'e&iles( fur%iture( ma&i%es.
7&e asset lass o%sists of a master data setio% a%d a depreiatio% area setio%.
"sset lasses are reated at lie%t le'el. 7&ey are t&e% assi+%ed to at least o%e &art of depreiatio%( so
you a% omplete t&e asset lass wit& default 'alues for your depreiatio% areas.
Cou a% suppress i%di'idual depreiatio% areas i% ea& asset lass( for e0ample i%'estme%t support areas
w&i& are o%ly appliable to ertai% lasses.
6or ea& depreiatio% area( t&e depreiatio% attributes for t&e assets a% eit&er be proposed wit& t&e
optio% of &a%+i%+( or t&ey a% be ma%datory.
Se'eral &arts of depreiatio% a% also be assi+%ed to a% asset lass. 7&is e%sures t&at t&e asset lass
atalo+ is u%iform despite usi%+ differe%t &arts of depreiatio%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 10
SAP AG 1999
Asset Class and the Asset :aster )ecord
Fixtures and fittings
Asset 00''''
Assets under construction
Low-value assets
Asset 200003
7&e asset class is t&e mai% riterio% for lassifyi%+ assets. 2a& asset &as to be assi+%ed to o%ly o%e
asset lass. Cou a% speify ertai% o%trol parameters a%d default 'alues for depreiatio% alulatio%
a%d ot&er master data i% ea& asset lass.
"ssets t&at are to appear i% differe%t plaes/bala%e s&eet items >for e0ample( buildi%+s a%d ma&i%es@
&a'e to be assi+%ed to differe%t asset lasses. 7&ere is also at least o%e speial asset lass ea& for assets
u%der o%strutio% a%d low 'alue assets. ,% ,.2S t&ese asset lasses areF
4000 for assets u%der o%strutio%
5000 for low 'alue assets
Cou a% also reate separate asset lasses for i%ta%+ible assets a%d leased assets. 7&ere are separate
fu%tio%s a'ailable for leasi%+.
7&e #la%t Mai%te%a%e >#M@ ompo%e%t is respo%sible for te&%ial ma%a+eme%t of assets. 7&e
7reasury >7R@ ompo%e%t is for ma%a+i%+ fi%a%ial assets.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 11
SAP AG 1999
%& 0 AA %& %& 0 0 AA AA
5ata for AA
Chart of depreciation
area 0'
5epreciation 5epreciation
area area 0' 0'
area 02
5epreciation 5epreciation
area area 02 02
area 03
5epreciation 5epreciation
area area 03 03
area 20
5epreciation 5epreciation
area area 20 20
6oo. 6oo.
deprec deprec. .
$a# $a#
deprec deprec. .
Special Special
reserves reserves
Cost Cost0 0acc acc. .
deprec deprec. .
area 30
5epreciation 5epreciation
area area 30 30
Group C
Group Group C C
deprec deprec. .
Chart Chart of of
Accounts Accounts
$he Chart of 5epreciation
Cou will 'alue your fi0ed assets for 'arious busi%ess a%d le+al purposes >for e0ample( boo! depreiatio%(
ta0 depreiatio%( ostBaou%ti%+ depreiatio%( a%d so o%@.
)it& 6,B"" you a% ma%a+e differe%t 'alues of fi0ed assets i% t&e depreiatio% areas.
7&e &art of depreiatio% is a atalo+ of ou%tryBspeifi depreiatio% areas strutured aordi%+ to
'arious busi%ess aspets. Cou a% speify t&e attributes of ea& i%di'idual depreiatio% area.
S"# supplies &arts of depreiatio% as refere%es t&at are based o% t&e reAuireme%ts of ea& ou%try. 7&e
&arts of depreiatio% are supplied for your refere%e o%ly.
Cou a% reate a %ew &art of depreiatio% by opyi%+ o%e of t&e refere%e &arts of depreiatio%. ,%
your &art of depreiatio% you a% delete t&e depreiatio% areas you do %ot %eed. 7&is must be do%e
before a%y assets are reated.
Cou assi+% your &art of depreiatio% to your ompa%y ode.
,t is also possible to ope% depreiatio% areas after t&e produtio% start of t&e system.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 12
SAP AG 1999
Chart of depreciation
Chart Chart of depreciation of depreciation
'5; '5;
5epreciation areas 5epreciation areas 5epreciation areas
6oo7 depreciation
Special ta) depreciation AP+
Special depreciation reser'e
-aluation o0 net assets
6alance s,eet 0or ta) purposes
+ost*accounting depreciation
+onsolidated /alance s,eet 8local curr59
+onsolidated /alance s,eet 8group curr59
6oo7 depreciation in group currenc
%n'est#ent support 8reducing AP+9
%n'est#ent support as a reser'e
Chart of depreciation
Chart Chart of depreciation of depreciation
'7S '7S
5epreciation areas 5epreciation areas 5epreciation areas
6oo7 depreciation
Federal ta) A+RS/(A+RS
Alternati'e (ini#u# &a)
Ad:usted +urrent $arnings
+orporate $arnings ; Pro0its
+onsolidated /alance s,eet 8local currenc9
+onsolidated /alance s,eet 8group currenc9
6oo7 depreciation 8group currenc9
State #odi0ied A+RS
5epreciation Areas
7&e depreiatio% areas are ide%tified i% t&e system by a twoB&arater %umeri !ey. 7&ey o%tai%
depreiatio% terms t&at you a% e%ter i% t&e asset master reord or i% t&e asset lasses.
.epreiatio% area 01 is t&e ma=or depreiatio% area. 1alues a%d depreiatio%s are posted to t&e +e%eral
*t&er depreiatio% areas may s&owF
G Cou%tryBspeifi 'alutio%( for e0ample( %etBwort& ta0( state alulatio% >/S"@
G 1alues or depreiatio%s t&at differ from depreiatio% area 01 >for ostBaou%ti%+ reaso%s( for e0ample@
G Co%solidated 'ersio%s i% loal or +roup urre%y
G -oo! depreiatio% i% +roup urre%y
G .iffere%e betwee% boo! depreiatio% a%d ou%tryBspeifi ta0 depreiatio%
>HIderi'ed depreiatio% area@.
.iffere%t depreiatio% areas a% &a'e t&e same 'alues a%d depreiatio% terms( but displayed i% differe%t
urre%ies >for e0ample( areas 01 a%d 32 or areas 30 a%d 31@.
Cou &a'e to speify w&i& depreiatio% types a%d speial 'aluatio%s >su& as i%terest@ are allowed i%
your depreiatio% areas. 7&e sta%dard depreiatio% areas already &a'e t&e %eessary setti%+s.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
SAP AG 1999
$he organi9ational structures of Asset Accounting have een
presented in this unit.
&,e c,art o0 depreciation<
&,e c,art o0 depreciation contains t,e necessar depreciation
areas 0or di00erent tpes o0 'aluation5 $'er co#pan code is
assigned to e)actl one c,art o0 depreciation5
&,e depreciation area<
&,e depreciation area s,o2s t,e 'aluation o0 assets 0or a
gi'en purpose 8suc, as= /oo7 or ta) depreciation= or
depreciation 0or cost accounting95
&,e asset class is t,e #eans o0 structuring t,e asset port0olio
according to di00erent legal and /usiness re>uire#ents5
1rgani9ational Structure/ Su!!ary
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
2.15Data Used in Exercises
Explanation o !"#$ols in Exercises and !ol%tions
&o%rse '$(ecti)es
*%siness !cenario
+ips , +ric-s
.arnin/ or &a%tion
Data Used in Exercises
+"pe o data Data in t0e trainin/ s"ste#
Compa%y ode ""JJ >JJ sta%ds for your +roup
C&art of aou%ts ,N7
6i%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio% ,N7
1"7 1alue supplied by i%strutor
Curre%y /N,
Cost e%ters 7B605"JJ >busi%ess area 4400@
7B605-JJ >busi%ess area 4400@
7B605CJJ >busi%ess area 4400@
7B605.JJ >busi%ess area 3000@
7B6052JJ >busi%ess area 3000@
9e+ay data tra%sfer<
7ra%sfer ob=et 160F "ssets
"sset1.t0t >$erma%y@
"sset2.t0t >/S"@
o%tai%s t&e struture of o%e le+ay
asset reord wit& umulati'e
tra%sfer 'alues >yearBe%d tra%sfer@
a%d %o tra%satio%s.
Customer master reord 305JJ >is opied from ustomer
1000 i% ompa%y ode 1000@
1e%dor master reord 305JJ >is opied from 'e%dor 1000
i% ompa%y ode 1000@
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
1ixed 2ssets 3ro%p 4444
"sset lass .esriptio% Number "tio% ta!e%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
'r/ani5ational !tr%ct%res20erises
Unit: 'r/ani5ational !tr%ct%res
+opic: &0art o Depreciation
*% ompleti%+ t&ese e0erises( you will be able toF
6i%d t&e defi%itio% of t&e &art of depreiatio% i% t&e
,mpleme%tatio% $uide( a%d defi%e a &art of depreiatio%.
#repare t&e ompa%y ode for 6,B"" use
"s a member of t&e impleme%tatio% team( you &a'e to set up t&e
or+a%i5atio%al strutures a%d master data for 6,B"".
7&ere are sta%dard setti%+s i% t&e ,M$ t&at are deli'ered by S"#. Cou are
%ow +oi%+ to ad=ust t&ese setti%+s to suit your ompa%yLs reAuireme%ts.
1B1 6irst you will %eed a &art of depreiatio%. 7&is allows you to mai%tai% all %eessary
setti%+s i% t&e asset for t&e purposes ofF ta0es( ma%a+eme%t aou%ti%+( forei+% urre%y(
a%d o%solidatio% reporti%+.
7o reate a &art of depreiatio% 2266 >JJ H +roup %umber@ you opy it from your
ou%tryBspeifi refere%e &art of depreiatio%.
/p to a%d i%ludi%+ 4.6&7 you opy 189 >3CF your ou%tryBspeifi &art of
Speify >&a%+e@ t&e desriptio% of t&e &art of depreiatio%( a%d opy or delete
depreiatio% areas as %eeded. Cour i%strutor will tell you w&i& depreiatio% areas you
1B2 ,% order to use your &art of depreiatio%( you will %eed to li%! it to your asset aou%ti%+
ompa%y ode. Carry out t&is o%fi+uratio%.
1B3M )&e% you a%aly5e all t&e 6, ompa%y odes( you mi+&t fi%d ompa%y odes t&at are %ot
assi+%ed to a &art of depreiatio%. )&at ould be t&e reaso% for t&isN
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
1B4M 7rue or falseN
1B4B1M 7&e &art of depreiatio% is defi%ed at lie%t le'el.
1B4B2M 7&e ou%tryBspeifi &art of depreiatio% deli'ered by S"# o%tai%s a atalo+ of
depreiatio% areas t&at a%%ot be &a%+ed.
1B4B3M .iffere%t ompa%y odes a% be li%!ed to o%e &art of depreiatio%.
1B5M .efi%e depreciation area 31 >boo! depreiatio% i% +roup urre%y@ so t&at it s&ows t&e
asset 'alues i% /S..
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1E
Unit: 'r/ani5ational !tr%ct%res
+opic: &0art o Depreciation
Me%u pat& to t&e 2sset 2cco%ntin/ :1;<22= applicationF SAP Easy Access SAP Menu
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets
Me%u pat& to &%sto#i5in/ or 2sset 2cco%ntin/F SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools
Accelerated SAP Customizing Project Management. C&oose SAP Reference IM
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting.
1B1 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational structures Co#y Reference C$art of
%e#reciation&%e#reciation Areas
C$oose Co#y Reference C$art of %e#reciation.
C$oose t$e co#y icon . Cour i%strutor will tell you w&i& &art of depreiatio% to
use. Copy your ou%tryBspeifi &art of depreiatio% to ""JJ
&0oose 'ac(
&0oose Co#y&%elete %e#reciation Areas. Ma!e sure t&at you are atually wor!i%+ i%
t&e &art of depreiatio% you &a'e opied. Cour trai%er will tell you w&i& areas to delete.
C&oose Back
C&oose Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation. 2%ter a desriptio% of your &art
of depreiatio%.
1B2 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Assign C$art of %e#reciation to
Com#any Code
1B3M 7&e abse%e of t&is table e%try mea%s t&at "sset "ou%ti%+ is probably %ot impleme%ted
i% t&e ompa%y ode( per&aps beause t&ere are %o assets or so few assets t&at t&ey are
mai%tai%ed i% a%ot&er ompa%y ode.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
1B4M 7rue or falseN
1B4B1M 7rue
1B4B2M 6alse
1B4B3M 7rue
1B5M Customizing FI!AA )aluation Currencies %efine %e#reciation Areas for
Foreign Currencies
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 20
SAP AG 1999
Posting of Balues to General *edger
%unctions of the Asset Class
Screen laout
Account allocation
?u#/er assign#ent
Special asset classes
:aster )ecords
+reate #aster record
&i#e*dependent data
+,anging and displaing asset #aster record
Asset su/nu#/er
:ass Changes
:aster 5ata
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
.e0ine posting o0 'alues to t,e general ledger
Structure our assets / creating asset classes
+reate and c,ange #aster data in Asset Accounting
+arr out #ass c,anges using 2or7lists
:aster 5ata/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
<our ai! is to configure the syste! so that you can see
fi#ed assets in different "ays for different purposes.
$herefore you discuss the use of depreciation areas
containing these different vie"s.
Asset classes are a te!plate for the asset !aster records
that are created later. $herefore you need to discuss the
defaults in the asset classes "ith the %&0AA pro4ect tea! in
order to e ale to create ho!ogeneous asset !aster
$he asset accounting depart!ent "ill post invoices and
other transactions for fi#ed assets. $herefore you have to
create asset !aster records to e posted.
:aster 5ata/ 6usiness Scenario
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation 1nline Periodic
No Balues2
5epr. Posted
6oo. 5epr 6oo. 5epr. .
<our 1"n
5epr. Area
Area 99
Posting )un
5epreciation 5epreciation
Posting Posting )un )un
&nfo Syste!
5efine Posting $o General *edger
Speify &ow a%d if t&e 'alues from i%di'idual depreiatio% areas are to be posted to t&e +e%eral led+er.
Cou &a'e t&e followi%+ optio%sF
B .o %ot post a%y 'alues for t&e area.
B #ost "#C 'alues o%li%e( but depreiatio% periodially.
B #ost "#C 'alues a%d depreiatio% periodially.
B #ost o%ly depreiatio%( periodially.
7&e system ditates t&at depreiatio% area 01 posts "#C 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er o%li%e i% realtime.
Normally you use depreiatio% area 01 to ma%a+e boo! depreiatio%.
/si%+ t&e optio% for periodi posti%+ of "#C 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er( you a% post 'alues from ot&er
depreiatio% areas to 6,.
.epreiatio% is always determi%ed solely o% a periodi basis.
*t&er depreiatio% areas a% reei'e t&eir 'alues from depreiatio% area 01( but alulate a%d post
differe%t depreiatio% 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er.
Cou a% also defi%e depreiatio% areas for reporti%+ purposes o%ly( w&i& do %ot post a%y 'alues to t&e
+e%eral led+er >for e0ample( a depreiatio% area for a ta0 bala%e s&eet@.
6urt&er i%formatio%F Refer to t&e /%it o% #eriodi #roessi%+
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation Areas and the 6alance Sheet
General *edger 5epreciation
for $a#es
)eports for
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Cou a% post bot& t&e asset bala%e s&eet 'alues a%d t&e depreiatio% 'alues from t&e i%di'idual
depreiatio% areas to separate bala%e s&eet aou%ts or i%ome stateme%t aou%ts i% t&e +e%eral led+er.
Cou a% defi%e a%y %umber of fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%s per &art of aou%ts i% 6, >$e%eral 9ed+er@.
6or ea& bala%e s&eet aou%t a%d i%ome stateme%t aou%t( you speify i% t&e fi%a%ial stateme%t
'ersio% t&e bala%e s&eet item or i%ome stateme%t item i% w&i& t&e aou%t 'alues s&ould appear.
,% Customi5i%+ for Asset Accounting( you e%ter t&e fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%s to be used for t&ose
depreiatio% areas for w&i& fi%a%ial stateme%ts are to be reated. 7&is +uara%tees o%siste%y( duri%+
t&e yearBe%d losi%+( betwee% t&e li%e items i% t&e asset bala%e s&eet aou%ts a%d i% t&e bala%e s&eet(
as well as t&e seAue%e of t&e i%di'idual assets i% t&e asset &istory s&eet.
,f you use differe%t fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%s( you &a'e to post more t&a% o%e depreiatio% area to t&e
+e%eral led+er.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
Asset Class
:aster 5ata
5epreciation Area
5epreciation $er!s
Account 5eter!ination
Nu!er )ange
Screen *ayout )ule
Asset :aster )ecord Asset :aster )ecord
Create Create
Asset Asset
%unctions of the Asset Class
Chart of
Chart of Chart of
Accounts Accounts
Chart of
Chart of Chart of
5epreciation 5epreciation
Client Client Client
"sset lasses are t&e most importa%t mea%s of struturi%+ fi0ed assets aordi%+ to t&e reAuireme%ts of
your e%terprise. 7&e defi%itio%s of t&e asset lass apply to all ompa%y odes i% a lie%t.
"% asset lass o%sists of two mai% setio%sF
G Master data setio% wit& o%trol data a%d default 'alues for t&e +e%eral master data i% t&e asset master
G .epreiatio% area data setio% wit& o%trol data a%d default 'alues for depreiatio% terms for ea&
depreiatio% area
)&e% you reate asset master reords( t&e asset lass data is automatially adopted from t&e asset lass
you speify. -y e%teri%+ useful default 'alues( you redue time a%d effort %eeded for reati%+ %ew asset
master reords. Cou also e%sure t&at t&e reords i% a +i'e% lass are &a%dled u%iformly. 7&erefore it is
reomme%ded t&at you defi%e as ma%y asset lasses as you &a'e assets wit& differe%t types of 'aluatio%.
7&e asset lass is a seletio% riteria i% all sta%dard reports i% 6,B"".
-efore reati%+ asset lasses you s&ould desi+% your asset lass atalo+ a%d e%sure t&at t&e rele'a%t $/9
aou%ts e0ist i% 6,.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
Asset Class DDD'
Account 5eter!. DDD'
0' 6oo. dep.
'0 $a# dep.
Asset Class Asset Class DDD' DDD'
Account 5eter!. DDD'
0' 0' 6oo. dep 6oo. dep. .
'0 '0 $a# dep $a# dep. .
Create Asset
0' 6oo. dep.
'0 $a# dep.
Create Asset Create Asset
0' 0' 6oo. dep 6oo. dep. .
'0 '0 $a# dep $a# dep. .
Post APC
%& %&
Ch. of Accounts &N$
6alance Sheet
Asset Class Asset Class DDD'
5epreciation ;#pense
Ch. of 5eprec. Ch Ch. . of 5eprec of 5eprec. .
Chart of Accounts Chart Chart of of Accounts Accounts
Asset Class/ Account Allocation
"% esse%tial fu%tio% of t&e asset lass is to establis& t&e o%%etio% betwee% t&e asset master reords
a%d t&e aou%ts t&at are posted for t&em i% t&e +e%eral led+er. Cou use aou%t determi%atio% to
establis& t&is o%%etio%. >,t is sometimes also alled aou%t alloatio%.@
7&e aou%t determi%atio% !ey a% be ide%tial to t&e aou%t %umber of t&e asset bala%e s&eet aou%t
i% t&e +e%eral led+er >for a small asset lass atalo+@. ,f you &a'e se'eral similar asset lasses( you a%
use differe%t aou%t determi%atio% !eys for t&em( alt&ou+& t&eir 'alues are all updated to a si%+le asset
bala%e s&eet aou%t.
Se'eral asset lasses a% use t&e same aou%t determi%atio% !ey if t&ey use t&e same &art of aou%ts
a%d post to t&e same $/9 aou%ts.
,f you use differe%t &arts of aou%ts( &owe'er( you %eed o%ly o%e aou%t determi%atio% !ey to post
asset 'alues of all asset lasses to differe%t aou%ts i% t&e differe%t &arts of aou%ts.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
Acct. Assign!t Account
APC 02'000
)econciliation account '@@@@0
Clrg. Asset )etire!ent E25000
Gain on Sale 250000
*oss on Sale 200000
... ...
Cost portions not capitalized
... ...
Chart of depreciation
Chart of accounts
Account deter!ination
5epreciation area
Chart of depreciation
Chart of accounts
Account deter!ination
5epreciation area
Assigning G2* Accounts
.efi%e "Auisitio%/Retireme%t "ou%tsF ,% t&is step you e%ter t&e %eessary $/9 aou%ts for
aAuisitio%( retireme%t( bala%e s&eet re'aluatio%( a%d ost amou%ts t&at are %ot apitali5ed >ost eleme%t
a%d aou%t for %o%operatio%+ e0pe%se or apitali5atio% differe%es@.
.efi%e .epreiatio% "ou%tsF 6or t&ose depreiatio% areas t&at post depreiatio% to t&e +e%eral led+er(
you a% assi+% t&e followi%+ $/9 aou%tsF
G *rdi%ary depreiatio%F
B ". depreiatio% aou%t 021010
B 20pe%se aou%t 211100
B Re'e%ue from writeBup 253000
G /%pla%%ed depreiatio%F
B ". depreiatio% aou%t 021010
B 20pe%se aou%t 211200
B Re'e%ue from writeBup 253000
G Re'aluatio% of depreiatio%( i%terest >ostBa. depreiatio% area@ if %eeded( a%d if o%fi+ured i%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
2000 2000 '000 '000 02 02
;#ternal? Co!pany Code No. )ange Nu!er fro! ... to ...
2@@@ 2@@@
03 03 3000 3000 3@@@ 3@@@
Nu!er )ange &ntervals
7&e n%#$er ran/e o%trols t&e assi/n#ent o t0e n%#$er o t0e asset #aster record. Cou defi%e
%umber assi+%me%t as eit&er i%ter%al or e0ter%al. )&e% i%ter%al %umber assi+%me%t is used( t&e system
automatially assi+%s t&e %e0t a'ailable %umber i% t&e %umerial seAue%e i% t&e defi%ed %umber ra%+e
i%ter'al. )&e% e0ter%al %umber assi+%me%t is used( t&e %umber is assi+%ed e0pliitly by t&e user or by
a%ot&er system.
Cou a% assi+% ea& ompa%y ode its ow% %umber ra%+es( or ompa%y odes a% s&are %umber ra%+es.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 10
SAP AG 1999
%or. *ift
%i#ed asset
Screen *ayout :aintenance *evel
)e3. 1pt. Sup.
Class :ain no. Su0no.
# # #
# #
# #
Asset !aster record
' 5escription ?
2 &nventory nu!er
3 Cost center ?
Screen *ayout
Behicles Behicles
Asset Class Asset Class Asset Class
Screen *ayout of Asset :aster 5ata
7&e sree% layout speifies w&i& i%put fields are displayed i% t&e asset master reord( a%d if t&ey are
reAuired e%try fields or optio%al e%try fields.
7&is allows you to redue t&e %umber of master data fields to t&ose t&at are speifially %eeded for t&e
+i'e% asset lass( a%d to e%sure t&at ertai% importa%t o%trol i%formatio% is e%tered.
,% additio% to t&e i%formatio% o% t&e fields >reAuired e%try( optio%al e%try( display( suppress@( t&e sree%
layout speifies t&e mai%te%a%e le'el of master data fields. ,t also determi%es if t&ey are allowed to be
used as a refere%e >for opyi%+@.
B 7&e mai%te%a%e le'el speifies t&e master data le'el at w&i& ea& field a% be mai%tai%ed. 7&e
possible mai%te%a%e le'els areF
"sset lass
"sset mai% %umber
B 7&e opy i%diator o%trols w&i& field o%te%ts of a% asset are allowed to be opied w&e% t&at asset is
used as a refere%e for reati%+ a %ew asset master reord.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 11
SAP AG 1999
5ep. Area 5ep. 7se. life
0' 6oo. 5epr. *&N) *&N) 5 5
02 . . . SN%G SN%G 5 5
7nifor! control
of valuation
7nifor! control 7nifor! control
of valuation of valuation
Chart of 5ep. A6C5 per Country=s *egislation
Asset Class Asset Class Asset Class
5ep. Area 5eact. 5ep. 7se. life &nde# *ayout
0' 6oo. 5epr. *&N) *&N) 2000 2000
02 . . . SN%G SN%G 2000 2000
:aster )ecord :aster )ecord :aster )ecord
@ Screen *ayout
@ :aintenance
@ Copy )ules
Screen *ayout for Baluation 5ata
,% ea& asset lass( you e%ter a sree% layout rule for ea& depreiatio% area. 7&is rule applies to t&e
'aluatio% fields i% t&e depreiatio% area.
S"# supplies sree% layout rules 1000 a%d 2000 i% t&e sta%dard system.
7&ese sree% layout rules also o%tai% a mai%te%a%e le'el. 7&e mai%te%a%e le'el +uara%tees t&at
depreiatio% is o%trolled u%iformly. 7&ere are t&ree optio%sF
>1@ "sset lass
7&is mai%te%a%e le'el e%sures u%iform o%trol of 'aluatio% at t&e le'el of t&e asset lass. 7&e e%tries
made i% t&e asset lass are passed o% to t&e asset master reord( a%d you a%%ot o'erwrite t&em.
>2@ "sset mai% %umber
7&e o%trol of 'aluatio% is u%iform at t&e le'el of t&e asset master reord. 7&e e%tries made i% t&e asset
lass are adopted i% t&e asset master reord( but a% t&e% be &a%+ed t&ere. "ll asset subB%umbers t&at
belo%+ to t&is asset master reord adopt t&ese 'alues from t&e mai% %umber( a%d a% %o lo%+er &a%+e
>3@ "sset subB%umber
7&ere is more freedom i% t&e o%trol of 'aluatio%. "sset subB%umbers a% &a'e t&eir ow% differe%t
depreiatio% terms.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 12
SAP AG 1999
$a Pages
General 5ata
Posting &nfor!ation
Starti%+ i% Release 4.5"( ta$ pa/es are used i% t&e asset master reord. 7&e data t&at pre'iously was
see% i% differe%t 'iews i% t&e asset master reord is %ow o% t&ese tab pa+es.
Cou a% speify a ta$ la"o%t for ea& asset lass. 7&e tab layout defi%esF
Number of tab pa+es
7itles of t&e tab pa+es
6ield +roups >frames of data belo%+i%+ to+et&er( su& as General Data or Posting Information i%
t&e abo'e slide@ t&at s&ould appear o% t&e tab pa+e
7&e use of tab layouts e%ables you to freely o%fi+ure t&e appeara%e of your asset master reords.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
SAP AG 1999
Asset Class Hi9ard
Generate Asset Classes fro! G2* Accounts
6ac. Continue Cancel
Account selection
5efault accounts
Account deter!ination
Nu!er range intervals
Screen layout rules
Asset classes
*ist of results
&,e Asset Class
Hi9ard ,elps ou to
create asset classes /
sste#aticall leading
ou t,roug, t,e steps
listed on t,e le0t 2it,
,elp o0 e#planations5
Cou a% use t&is fu%tio% to +e%erate a small asset lass atalo+ >refer to t&e sta%dard ,mpleme%tatio%
$uide@. 7&e proess for +e%erati%+ t&e asset lasses from t&e $/9 aou%ts o%tai%s t&e esse%tial steps
for assi+%i%+ t&e most %eessary $/9 aou%ts >!ey word ?aou%t determi%atio%?@. ,t defi%es t&e
strutures for t&e asset master data >!ey word ?sree% layout?@ a%d ati'ates two depreiatio% areas wit&
depreiatio% terms.
7&ese parameters are +e%erated i% a one<to<one relations0ip to t&e $/9 aou%ts.
-efore you a% atually start t&e +e%eratio% of t&e asset lasses( you &a'e to &a'e proessed all of t&e
steps. Cou &a'e to proess t&e steps i% %umerial order.
"fter you +e%erate t&e asset lasses( you reei'e a list of t&e +e%erated ob=ets wit& a% o'er'iew of t&e
steps arried out. . 7&e list o%tai%s o%ly t&ose asset lasses t&at were reated usi%+ t&e asset lass
+e%eratio% fu%tio%.
7&e asset lass +e%eratio% fu%tio% ru%s based o% a speifi lo+i >see t&e ?#rotetio% of 20isti%+
*b=ets? slide@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
Protection of ;#isting 14ects
&s CoCd
Harning 0 ;#isting o4ects are not deleted.
0 1nly o4ects that do not already e#ist are added.
0 ;#isting o4ects are not deleted.
0 1nly o4ects that do not already e#ist are added.
5o assets
5o annual
0 ;#isting o4ects are deleted.
0 INe"I o4ects are created.
0 ;#isting o4ects are deleted.
0 INe"I o4ects are created.
0 ;#isting o4ects are deleted.
0 INe"I o4ects are created.
0 ;#isting o4ects are deleted.
0 INe"I o4ects are created.
0 ;#isting o4ects are not deleted.
0 1nly o4ects that do not already e#ist are added.
0 ;#isting o4ects are not deleted.
0 1nly o4ects that do not already e#ist are added.
5elete assets?
0 ;#isting o4ects are N1$ deleted.
0 ;#isting o4ects are N1$ deleted.
;#a!ple/ Asset Class ;#a!ple ;#a!ple/ / Asset Class Asset Class
Exa#ple: &reatin/ one asset class from a $/9 aou%t (=> the same conditions apply to all further
o!ects that are also created during the asset class generation" such as the account determination key"
numer range or screen layout rule#F
,f t&e asset lass does %ot yet e0ist i% t&e system( it is reated by t&e asset lass +e%eratio%.
,f t&e ob=et to be reated >t&e asset lass@ already e0ists( t&e asset lass +e%eratio% is depe%de%t o% t&e
impleme%tatio% status of t&e ompa%y odeF
,f t&e ompa%y ode &as produtio% status >is li'e@( t&e% t&e system does %ot reate a%y asset lasses.
)&e% t&e ompa%y ode is i% produtio% status( t&e fu%tio% reates o%ly %ew ob=ets. 20isti%+ asset
lasses are %ot &a%+ed.
7&e followi%+ applies w&e% t&e ompa%y ode is i% test statusF
HI ,f t&ere are %o asset master reords i% a% e0isti%+ asset lass( t&e asset lass is deleted a%d reated
HI ,f t&ere are asset master reords i% t&e asset lass( but t&ere are %ot yet a%y 'alues( t&e asset lass
a%d t&e master reords are deleted a%d t&e% o%ly t&e asset lass is +e%erated. *r( %o &a%+es are made.
HI ,f a% e0isti%+ asset lass already &as assets t&at &a'e bee% posted( t&e% %o %ew ob=et is reated a%d
t&ere are %o &a%+es. ,% t&is ase( you a% o%ly add %ew asset lasses t&at did %ot pre'iously e0ist
>HI see t&e e0pla%atio% for produtio% status@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
SAP AG 1999
Additional %unctions %or Asset Classes
Asset Asset
Class Class
Copy asset classes fro! reference Copy asset classes fro! reference
%or. *ift
%i#ed asset
5efine allo"ed entries for user fields 5efine allo"ed entries for user fields
;nter default values for user fields in asset ;nter default values for user fields in asset
classes classes
*in. asset class to !aterial group *in. asset class to !aterial group
FAJ for :: integrationG FAJ for :: integrationG
&op" asset classes ro# reerence:
Cou a% reate %ew asset lasses by opyi%+ e0isti%+ asset lasses. 7&is optio% is mu& Aui!er t&a%
+e%erati%+ asset lasses from $/9 aou%ts. ,t also allows you to defi%e t&e default 'alues >partiularly
t&e depreiatio% terms@ more e0atly a%d more ompre&e%si'ely.
.efi%e allowed e%tries for %ser ieldsF
B 2'aluatio% +roupsF 7&ese are asset master data fields for w&i& you a% speify t&e use a%d mea%i%+.
B 2%'iro%me%tal protetio% i%diatorF 8ere you a% e%ter a measure ta!e% to omply wit& e%'iro%me%tal
protetio% laws.
B Reaso% for i%'estme%tF Cou a% e%ter t&e reaso% for a apital i%'estme%t i% t&is field.
Cou a% use t&ese fields as seletio% riteria i% reporti%+ >&oose Dynamic selections i% t&e report
seletio% sree%( or i% t&e defi%itio% of sort 'ersio%s@.
Enter dea%lt )al%es in asset classesF
,% Customi5i%+( you a% e%ter default 'alues for sta%dard user fields i% t&e asset lass. Cou a% also e%ter
default 'alues for i%sura%e 'alues( %et wort& 'aluatio%( leasi%+( a%d of ourse( for depreiatio% terms
>depreiatio% !ey( useful life@ as well as i%de0 series.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
SAP AG 1999
Class/ Asset u. Const.
AuC Status AuC Status AuC Status
AuC for su!!ary settle!ent
*ine ite! settle!ent
&nvest!ent !easure
5epreciation 5epreciation
Areas Areas
5epreciation 5epreciation
Cey Cey
6oo. 5epr. 6oo. 5epr. 0000 0000 0000
$a# 5epr. $a# 5epr. $a# 5epr. 0000 0000 0000
Cost0Acct.. Cost0Acct.. *&NA *&NA *&NA
Negative values allo"ed Negative values allo"ed
5epreciation is not calculated in
depreciation areas intended for the
alance sheet
Special Asset Class/ Asset under Construction
"ssets u%der o%strutio% >"uC@ reAuire a separate asset lass wit& t&eir ow% aou%t determi%atio%(
si%e t&ey &a'e to be s&ow% separately i% t&e bala%e s&eet.
C&oose depreiatio% !ey O0000O i% order to e%sure t&at depreiatio% is %ot alulated for assets u%der
o%strutio% i% depreiatio% areas for t&e bala%e s&eet. 8owe'er( speial ta0 depreiatio% a%d
i%'estme%t support are possible e'e% o% assets u%der o%strutio%.
,t is also possible to post dow% payme%ts o% assets u%der o%strutio%.
2'e% after a% asset u%der o%strutio% &as bee% fully apitali5ed( you a% still post redit memos to it.
8owe'er( you &a'e to allow %e+ati'e "#C.
7o ma%a+e more e0te%si'e asset i%'estme%ts t&e ompo%e%t ,M >,%'estme%t Ma%a+eme%t@ i%te+rates
i%ter%al orders a%d pro=ets wit& t&e "uC. Cou a% t&ereby mo%itor t&e details of apital i%'estme%ts
wit&i% t&e R/3 C* module.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
SAP AG 1999
Asset Class 5epreciation Area
@ &ndividual Chec.
;#actly ' asset per !aster record
@ Kuantity Chec.
Any nu!er of assets per !aster record
Hhen posting/ Chec. against
the allo"ed !a#i!u! a!ount
Special Asset Class/ *o" Balue Assets
Cou a% &oose w&et&er to ma%a+e low 'alue assets >91"s@ usi%+ i%di'idual ma%a+eme%t or olleti'e
6or ea& type of ma%a+eme%t( you &a'e to set up a separate asset lass.
,f you &oose olleti'e ma%a+eme%t of 91"s( you &a'e to e%ter a base u%it of Aua%tity i% t&e asset
Cou also &a'e to set up a &e! of t&e ma0imum amou%t i% t&e depreiatio% areas of t&e asset lass for
,f you opied asset lasses( you s&ould &e! t&is setti%+ i% ea& depreiatio% area.
Cou e%ter t&e ma0imum allowed amou%t for ea& ompa%y ode i% Customi5i%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+.
C&oose $aluation BI Amount Specifications.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1E
SAP AG 1999
7sing a reference 7sing asset class
Adopting the default
values fro! the asset class
=Copying= an
e#isting asset
Create :aster )ecord
)&e% you reate a% asset master reord( you &a'e two optio%sF
1. Cou e%ter t&e ompa%y ode a%d asset lass for t&e %ew asset master reord. 7&e asset lass pro'ides
t&e most importa%t default 'alues to t&e asset master reord.
2. Cou use a% e0isti%+ asset master reord as a refere%e. >7&e refere%e asset mi+&t offer better
default 'alues t&a% a% asset lass alo%e.@ -e sure t&at you do %ot opy u%wa%ted data from t&e refere%e
asset >for e0ample( t&e apitali5atio% date@.
2%ter a%y additio%al >reAuired@ i%formatio%( su& as a% asset te0t.
Cou ould use t&e i%'e%tory %umber field to e%ter t&e eAuipme%t %umber.
)&e% you sa'e your e%tries( you reei'e a% asset %umber( if t&e asset lass is assi+%ed to a %umber ra%+e
t&at uses i%ter%al %umber assi+%me%t. 7&is asset %umber is also t&e aou%t %umber of t&e i%di'idual
asset aou%t.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
' '
Create :ultiple Si!ilar Asset )ecords
:aintain entries
5ifferent $he Sa!e
&nventory nu!er
Cost center
Asset class
Co!pany code
Nu!er of si!ilar assets/ 3
2 2
3 3
Asset L '
Asset L 2
Asset L 3
)&e% reati%+ asset master reords( you a% reate multiple similar assets.
7&is fu%tio% is useful( for e0ample( if you pur&ase 20 #Cs at o%e for your trai%i%+ departme%t( or 12
des!s for a %ew suite of offies.
Cou a% still ma!e separate e%tries for ea& i%di'idual asset i% t&e followi%+ fieldsF
> "sset desriptio% > ,%'e%tory %umber
> -usi%ess area
> Cost e%ter
> 2'aluatio% +roups 1 to 5
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 20
SAP AG 1999
ASS;$ :AS$;) );C1)5
0 $i!e05ependent 5ata 0
;nter start date of ne"
interval/ ::55<<<<
;nter start date of ne" ;nter start date of ne"
interval/ interval/ ::55<<<< ::55<<<<
Cost Center A fro! 0'2'22<< to 0E22+2<<
Cost Center 6 fro! 0E22E2<< to ''2302<<
Cost Center C fro! '220'2<< to 032'42<<
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Ne" &nterval
$i!e05ependent 5ata
Some i%formatio% i% t&e asset master reord a% be ma%a+ed as timeBdepe%de%t data. 7&is is of
partiular si+%ifia%e for ost aou%ti%+ assi+%me%ts >for e0ample( ost e%ter( order@. S&ift operatio%
a%d asset s&utdow% a% &a'e a diret effet o% depreiatio%. 7&erefore you s&ould e%ter t&em i% t&e
timeBdepe%de%t data( w&ere t&ey a% be &a%+ed o% a mo%t&ly basis.
.epreiatio% posti%+ s&ould ta!e plae o% a mo%t&ly basis. "s a result( t&e urre%tly 'alid ost e%ter is
always used for t&e depreiatio% posti%+ ru%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 21
SAP AG 1999
Asset and ;3uip!ent :aster )ecords
;3uip!ent :aster
;3uip!ent :aster
General data
&nfor!ation aout
General data
&nfor!ation aout
Asset :aster )ecord
Asset :aster )ecord
General data
Posting &nfor!ation
$i!e0dependent data
&nfor!ation for valuation
General data
Posting &nfor!ation
$i!e0dependent data
&nfor!ation for valuation
Creation of
:aster )ecord
:aster )ecord
7&e met&od up to %ow for assi+%i%+ eAuipme%t a%d fu%tio%al loatio%s to a% asset was e%teri%+ t&e
asset %umber i% t&e rele'a%t mai%te%a%e ob=et. 7&is fu%tio% &as %ot &a%+ed. Cou a% assi+% se'eral
eAuipme%t master reords to o%e asset. 8owe'er( ea& i%di'idual eAuipme%t master reord a% o%ly be
assi+%ed to o%e asset.
Now you a% +uara%tee t&e i%te+ratio% of t&e "sset "ou%ti%+ >6,B""@ a%d #la%t Mai%te%a%e >#M@
ompo%e%ts usi%+ sy%&ro%i5ed reatio% a%d &a%+i%+ of eAuipme%t a%d asset master reords.
Cou a% set up t&e system so t&at w&e% you reate a% asset master reord( t&e system automatially
reates a% eAuipme%t master reord w&ile opyi%+ t&e 'alues of ertai% master data fields >for e0ample(
ompa%y ode@ of t&e asset. ,f t&e asset master data is &a%+ed later( t&e% t&e system automatially
updates t&e fields i% t&e eAuipme%t master reord. ,t is also possible to set up a wor!flow( eit&er i%stead
of or i% additio% to t&e automati &a%+e. 7&e wor!flow t&e% i%forms a respo%sible perso%( i% #la%t
Mai%te%a%e for e0ample( w&e% assets are reated or &a%+ed.
7&e system determi%es t&e eAuipme%t ate+ory from t&e asset lass.
*% t&e ot&er &a%d( you a% speify t&at w&e% a% eAuipme%t master reord is reated >or &a%+ed@ t&e
system automatially reates >or &a%+es@ t&e asset master reord.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 22
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 23
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation Cey
7seful *ife
1rdinary 5epr. Start
Changeover <ear
Bariale 5ep. A!ount
Scrap Balue
Hhat .ind of depreciation?
%or ho" long?
Hhen does the useful life egin?
Hhen do you "ant to change fro!
declining0 alance to straight0line
5o you "ant to calculate annually
increasing replace!ent values?
(o" !uch depreciation should e
"eighted y the shift factor "hen
you use shifts?
5o "ant to end depreciation "hen
this scrap value is reached?
5epreciation Area DD in the Asset 2 Asset Class
7&e default 'alues ome from t&e asset lass.Cou may &a%+e or add to t&em i% t&e differe%t
depreiatio% areas of t&e asset master reord.
Some of t&e data i% depreiatio% areas is deri'ed from t&e aAuisitio% posti%+.
.epreiatio% terms su& as i%de0( 'ariable depreiatio% portio% or srap 'alue are additio%al parameters
t&at are mai%ly used i% t&e ostBaou%ti%+ depreiatio% area.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
SAP AG 1999
5ocu!ent for
this field change
5ocu!ent L
Changed fields
1ld2ne" contents
Change Asset
*ist of
changed fields
%ield '
*ist of
changed fields
%ield '
*ist of
changes per field
Change '
Change n
*ist of
changes per field
Change '
Change n
5isplay Asset
change docu!ent
Fall fieldsG
5ocu!ent for
this change
Cost Center D
;nviron!ent ;nviron!ent
Change 5ocu!ents for Asset Change 5ocu!ents for Asset
1n field 1n field 1n asset 1n asset
Changing Assets
2a& time you &a%+e a% asset master reord( t&e system reates a &a%+e doume%t. ,t o%tai%s a list of
fields t&at were &a%+ed a%d t&e %umber of &a%+es to a field. ,% additio%( t&e %ame of t&e user a%d t&e
old a%d %ew o%te%ts of fields are stored.
)&e% a lar+e %umber of assets are affeted by a &a%+e( you a% ma!e a mass &a%+e. /si%+ t&is
proedure( you a% arry out freelyBdefi%able master data &a%+es( mostly automatially( >for e0ample
t&e &a%+e of ost e%ter assi+%me%t@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 25
SAP AG 1999
(istory *ist 2 Personal Balue *ist
Are you for a !aster record that you
processed recently?
Personal Balue *ist
CoCd Class 5escript. Acct.det. Asset
1000 3100 Audi A3 30000 05/23/1999 30001 0
1000 2100 Press 20000 03/01/2000 2004 0
....... ........ ........... ......... .................. ........ ...
... up to @@ of the !aster records you
!ost recently processed can e listedM
7&e &istory list a%d t&e perso%al 'alue list are o%trolled by master data ma%a+eme%t.
7&is fu%tio% was i%trodued i% Release 4.6( a%d ma!es it possible to Aui!ly a%d easily loate t&e last
assets you proessed >ma0imum of 44@.
6rom t&e &istory list( you a% display all ot&er 'alues at a%y time( a%d sear& t&e e%tire dataset.
,f you &oose %ot to use t&e &istory list / perso%al 'alue list( you a% swit& off t&is fu%tio%. 7&e% w&e%
you &oose i%put &elp( you immediately aess +e%eral sear& &elp i%stead.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 26
SAP AG 1999
2. Create "or.list
*ist of the assets to e changed *ist of the assets to e changed
Fsuch as the asset list or asset directoryG Fsuch as the asset list or asset directoryG
S,ort te)t<
(ass c,ange<
+ost center 4711 replaced / 4936
S,ort te)t< S,ort te)t<
(ass c,ange< (ass c,ange<
+ost center +ost center 4711 4711 replaced / 4936 replaced / 4936
&as7< &as7<
%0 Acost centerB C D4711D
Field -alue
+ost center 4936
Sustitution )ule A
Pre0defined "or.flo" tas.
for !ass change/
Pre Pre0 0defined "or.flo" tas. defined "or.flo" tas.
for !ass change/ for !ass change/
1ption of releasing
or processing
Sustitution )ule A Sustitution )ule A Sustitution )ule A
;ntries for !ass change ;ntries for !ass change ;ntries for !ass change
:ass Change
:ass Changes 7sing Hor.lists
"s of Release 4.0( you %eed to proess a wor!list usi%+ 1;<22 standard %nctions i% order to be able to
arry out mass &a%+es. ,t is %o lo%+er absolutely %eessary to aess t&e fu%tio% by mea%s of
)or!flow tas! assi+%me%t.
7&e steps are outli%ed belowF
1. Create a substitutio% rule to speify w&i& fields you wa%t to &a%+e a%d &ow you wa%t to &a%+e
2. $e%erate a list of assets to be &a%+ed >for e0ample by ru%%i%+ a sta%dard report wit& t&e appropriate
3. C&oose t&e Create %orklist fu%tio%.
4. 2%ter a desriptio% a%d selet a purpose for your wor!list. 7&e purpose is a preBdefi%ed sta%dard tas!
i% t&e system >for e0ample( &a%+e master data@.
5. C&oose t&e appropriate substitutio% rule for t&e mass &a%+e.
6. ,f you do %ot wa%t to use t&e wor!flow( ma!e sure t&at t&e wor!list reated is %ot assi+%ed to a%y user.
D. C&e! if your mass &a%+e was suessful by displayi%+ t&e assets or ru%%i%+ a% appropriate report.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2D
SAP AG 1999
Sustitution C1S$ '
Step 00'
AN*N0C1S$* A O4+''O Fin e#pert !odeG or/
Sustitution F"hen condition is !etG
Cost center
Balid fro!
Cost center A O4+''O F"ith %or!6uilderG
Change cost center 4+'' to E@3-
Constant value Su. ;#it
0'0'<<<< ;ntry ' of '
Sustitution )ule for :ass Changes
5efinition of conditions 5efinition of conditions 5efinition of conditions
Constant value or progra! e#it8
if condition is !et
Constant value or progra! e#it8 Constant value or progra! e#it8
if condition is !et if condition is !et
" substitutio% rule o%sists of two partsF
1. #rereAuisites t&at ide%tify t&e reords to be seleted. Cou a% speify o%ditio%s usi%+ t&e &orm
Builder or i% e0pert mode. 7o use e0pert mode( you &a'e to !%ow t&e field a%d table desriptio%s of t&e
i%put fields i%'ol'ed.
2. Substitutio% rules t&at ide%tify t&e replaeme%t 'alues. 7&is a% be a o%sta%t 'alue or a user e0it.
6or more i%formatio% o% substitutio%( see t&e S"# 9ibrary( i% t&e 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ setio% u%der
Speial 9ed+er. "lso refer to %ote 210E4D >substitutio% of timeBdepe%de%t data@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2E
SAP AG 1999
:aster data is e#plained in this unit.
Asset +lass<
%n eac, asset class= ou de0ine control para#eters and de0ault
'alues 0or depreciation calculation and 0or ot,er #aster data5
Fi)ed Asset<
A 0i)ed asset is an o/:ect /elonging to t,e enterprise 2,ic, can /e
identi0ied 0or t,e /alance s,eet and 2,ic, is used in t,e enterpriseDs
long*ter# /usiness acti'ities5
A co#ple) 0i)ed asset can /e represented in t,e sste# using
se'eral #aster records= t,at is= su/*nu#/ers5
%n F%*AA= 2or7lists are used 0or #a7ing #ass c,anges to #aster
:aster 5ata/ 7nit Su!!ary
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
3.29 ?aster Data Exercises
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset &lasses
*% ompleti%+ t&ese e0erises( you will be able toF
Struture your assets by reati%+ asset lasses
.esribe t&e fu%tio%s of depreiatio% areas
.efi%e t&e posti%+ of 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er
Create a%d &a%+e master data i% "sset "ou%ti%+
#roess mass &a%+es usi%+ wor! lists
Cour aim is to o%fi+ure t&e system i% order to +et differe%t 'iews o% your fi0ed
assets. Cou wa%t to be able to post or display differe%t >depreiatio%@ 'alues
depe%di%+ o% t&e 'iew of fi0ed assets t&at you &oose. 7&erefore you %eed
depreiatio% areas t&at o%tai% t&ese differe%t 'iews. 7&e S"# system offers
ou%tryBspeifi &arts of depreiatio%( o%tai%i%+ depreiatio% areas.
.epe%di%+ o% t&e purpose of t&e depreiatio% area( it a% be for posti%+
depreiatio%( or =ust for displayi%+ 'alues.
1B1 .epreiatio% areas do %ot always post t&eir 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er. C&e! &ow your
depreiatio% areas post to t&e +e%eral led+er. )&i& depreiatio% area posts all asset 'alues
to t&e +e%eral led+er i% realtimeN )&i& depreiatio% area posts o%ly depreiatio%N "%d
w&i& depreiatio% area is reser'ed o%ly for reporti%+ purposesN
1B2M 7o prepare your ompa%y ode( you also %eed to assi+% a fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio% to at
least t&ose depreiatio% areas for w&i& fi%a%ial stateme%ts are reated.
7&is fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio% is used for reporti%+. Cou a% assi+% ea& depreiatio%
area to a differe%t fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%.
C&e! w&et&er t&e depreiatio% areas i% your ompa%y ode are assi+%ed to t&e ;N+
fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%. C&a%+e t&e fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio% if %eessary( a%d sa'e
your e%tries.
1B3 "t t&eir a%%ual meeti%+( t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t &eard from t&ose represe%ti%+
ompa%y ode 1000 t&at t&ey &a'e separate %umber ra%+es for ea& asset lass i% t&is
ompa%y ode.
Compa%y ode ""JJ %ow also wa%ts separate %umber ra%+es for its asset lasses( but t&ey
wa%t to a'oid additio%al mai%te%a%e( si%e t&ey o%ly &a'e a small %umber of assets.
7&erefore( t&e best solutio% for you is cross<co#pan" code n%#$er assi/n#ent.
Speify rossBompa%y ode %umber assi+%me%t. /se ompa%y ode 1000 as t&e ompa%y
ode t&at pro'ides t&e %umber ra%+es( from w&i& your assets s&ould reei'e t&eir
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 30
2lternati)e >a% o%ly be used if you did not set up rossBompa%y ode %umber
8owe'er( if you wa%t separate %umber ra%+es for your ompa%y ode %o%et&eless( you a%
opy t&e %umber ra%+es from ompa%y ode 1000 to your ompa%y ode.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 31
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: &0ec- and &o#plete Data or 2sset &lasses
2B1 "sset lasses are a !i%d of template for t&e asset master reords t&at are reated later. Cou
a% assi+% default 'alues i% asset lasses a%d speify i% t&e sree% layout rule w&et&er
e%tries are reAuired( optio%al or suppressed. Cou a% t&e% use t&e asset lass to reate
&omo+e%eous asset master reords.
2B1B1 /se 61 &elp to fi%d out w&at t&e purpose of t&e sree% layout rule is.
2B1B2 Notie t&at t&e Description ' a%d Cost center fields are always ompleted w&e%
you reate a %ew master reord. C&e! w&et&er t&ese fields are defi%ed as reAuired
e%try fields i% screen la"o%t r%le 2000.
2B1B3 )&e% later opyi%+ asset master reords usi%+ screen la"o%t r%le 3000( you wa%t
to opy t&e Description ' field from a% e0isti%+ asset master reord to a %ew o%e.
8ow do you set t&is upN
2B2 Cou &a'e to e%sure t&at u%iform master reords are reated o%tai%i%+ t&e appropriate
default 'alues. C&e! t&e 'alues a%d depreiatio% terms >depreiatio% !ey a%d useful life@
of your depreiatio% areas i% asset class 2100 wit& t&is i% mi%d..
2B3 C&e! t&e $/9 aou%ts t&at are e%tered i% asset class 2000. 6irst you &a'e to fi%d out
w&at acco%nt deter#ination is e%tered i% t&is asset lass.
2B3B1 /se 61 &elp to fi%d out about t&e fu%tio% of aou%t determi%atio% i% a% asset
2B4 Cou also %eed a separate asset lass for ma&i%es. Create asset lass >?266@ by opyi%+
asset class 2100. ,% t&is way( you opy t&e depreiatio% areas of t&e ou%tryBspeifi &art
of depreiatio% at t&e same time.
,f you opy your %ew asset lass from a% e0isti%+ o%e >o%tai%i%+ a
master data setio% a%d a depreiatio% data setio%@ you &a'e a omplete
asset lass o%tai%i%+ bot& setio%s.
,f you create a %ew asset lass wit&out refere%e( you o%ly obtai% t&e
master data setio% a%d you &a'e to add t&e depreiatio% setio% i% a
subseAue%t step.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 32
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 3enerate 2sset &lasses ro# 3@A 2cco%nts
+0e exercises on t0is topic7 3enerate 2sset &lasses ro# 3@A<
acco%nts7 are not intended as classroo# exercisesB
Reaso%F .uri%+ t&e ourse t&e e%AueueBo%trol is tur%ed off.
8owe'er( you a% do t&is e0erise at &ome or after o%sulti%+ your
3B1M ,% t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t( you post i%'oies for fi0ed assets. 7&erefore you &a'e
to reate asset master reords i% order to be able to mai%tai% a%d display 'alues a%d
depreiatio%. ,% order to reate u%iform asset reords you +e%erate a %ew asset class or
special )e0icles t&at pro'ides default data to asset master reords. 7&e $/9 aou%t s&ould
also reflet t&at t&e 'alues are separate.
Cou ordered se'eral for!lifts. Cou wa%t t&e 'alues of t&e for!lifts to be s&ow% separately
from your ot&er 'e&iles i% t&e +e%eral led+er.
6irst reate a %ew $/9 aou%t P211JJ >JJ H +roup %umber@Q for Speial 1e&iles i% your
ompa%y ode. /se aou%t 21000 as refere%e aou%t %umber a%d i+%ore t&e fat t&at it
is alled 6i0tures a%d 6itti%+s.
C&a%+e t&e te0t to !pecial Ce0icles 66( a%d lea'e t&e ot&er default e%tries as t&ey are.
.elete t&e Alternati(e account numer o% t&e seo%d sree%.
3B2M $e%erate a %ew asset class or special )e0icles a%d selet "#C aou%t 211JJ for
subseAue%t posti%+.
3B3M Speify t&at t&e $/9 aou%t is a% "#C aou%t. Cou t&ereby speify w&i& $/9 aou%t is
used for reati%+ t&e asset lass.
3B4M .efi%e t&e additio%al $/9 aou%ts you %eed.
211100 20pe%se aou%t for ordi%ary depreiatio%
E25000 Re'e%ue from asset sales
200000 9oss from asset retireme%t
250000 $ai% from asset retireme%t
021010 .epreiatio% of offie eAuipme%t
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 33
3B5M ,% order for you to be able to reate asset master reords( t&e asset lass for your ompa%y
ode %eeds a %umber ra%+e.
7&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t as!s you to defi%e %umber ra%+e i%ter'al 30 >300000 R
344444@ for asset master reords.
3B6M .efi%e t&e sree% layout for asset master data as you &oose. $i'e t&e %ew sree% layout
rule t&e followi%+ %ameF ""JJ.
3BDM "ssi+% default 'alues for depreiatio% terms >depreiatio% !ey a%d useful life@ to two
depreiatio% areas. 2%ter a desriptio% for t&e asset lass.
3BEM $e%erate t&e asset lass.
Cou &a'e =ust reated a% asset lass li%!ed to your &art of depreiatio%.
7&e aou%t determi%atio% determi%es t&e $/9 aou%ts to w&i& assets i% t&is lass will
7&e sree% layout rule speifies t&at t&e fields i% t&e master reords are optio%al e%try
7&e %umber ra%+e speifies w&i& asset aou%ti%+ %umber ra%+e is used w&e% you reate
a% asset.
7&e depreiatio% !ey determi%es w&at met&od will be used to depreiate t&e assetS t&e
useful life determi%es t&e period o'er w&i& t&e asset will be depreiated.
7&e o%fi+uratio% step Generate asset classes from G)* accounts would
%ormally be used to reate a atalo+ of asset lasses eit&er for testi%+ or
for smaller ompa%ies t&at reAuire o%ly t&e sta%dard fu%tio%s pro'ided
by 6,B"".
6or e0ample( if you %eed asset lasses wit& more t&a% two depreiatio%
areas( you would be ad'ised to follow t&e sta%dard o%fi+uratio% steps.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 34
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: !pecial 2sset &lasses
4B1 Cour ollea+ue from t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t is o%er%ed as to w&et&er assets
u%der o%strutio% a% be adeAuately mai%tai%ed i% t&e R/3 System. 8e is mai%ly
i%terested i% !%owi%+ if 'alue settleme%t a% be dealt wit& i% differe%t ways.
Compare t&e setti%+s for t&e 2ssets %nder &onstr%ction asset lass wit& t&e features of
t&e sta%dard asset lasses a%d e0plai% to your %ei+&bor t&e speial features for "uCs
offered by t&is asset lass.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 35
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset ?aster Decord
Reord t&e asset master reord %umbers o% your separate 1ixed 2sset
Aist s&eet. Cou will %eed t&ese master reords %umbers for later e0erises
w&e% you post 'alues.
7&e i%'e%tory %umbers will be used i% t&e ,%formatio% System u%it.
7&ere may be desriptio%s i% t&e asset master reords( su& as .rillJJ .
5B1 Cour ollea+ues i%form you t&at for!lifts &a'e bee% ordered. "s you are t&e perso%
respo%sible( you &a'e to reate master reords usi%+ asset class 3100 Ce0icles. /se ost
e%ter 7B6052JJ Motoryle #rodutio%. Ma!e a %ote of t&e asset master reord %umber.
5B2 Create a seo%d master reord usi%+ your first o%e as a refere%e. Ma!e a %ote of t&e asset
master reord %umber.
5B3 Cour ollea+ues from t&e Corporate Ser'ies departme%t >ost e%ter 7B605"JJ@ %eed a
%ew p&otoopy ma&i%e. Create a% asset master reord i% t&e appropriate asset lass. Ma!e
a %ote of t&e asset master reord %umber.
5B4 7&e produtio% departme%t is to reei'e 10 %ew #Cs. Create #%ltiple asset master reords
i% t&e appropriate asset lass. 2%ter t&e desriptio%s from #C 01 to #C 10 a%d assi+%
i%'e%tory %umbers from 01 to 10. "ssi+% a ost e%ter to t&e asset master reords. Ma!e a
%ote of t&e asset master reord %umber.
5B5 ,% order to test t&e ot&er asset lasses( t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t &as &a%ded you a
fileBard bo0 o%tai%i%+ se'eral asset files t&at %eed to be e%tered i% t&e system. Create
asset master reords >HI &oose a ost e%ter a'ailable to you by usi%+ t&e i%put &elp@ i%
t&e followi%+ asset lassesF
1100 >-uildi%+s@S 2 asset master reords
2100 >Ma&i%es( strai+&tBli%e@S 10 asset master reords wit& i%'e%tory %umbers 01 to 10
3000 >6i0tures a%d 6itti%+s@S 2 asset master reords
3100 >1e&iles@S 2 asset master reords
4000 >"ssets u%der Co%strutio%@S 2 asset master reord
5000 >9ow 1alue "ssets 91"s@S 1 asset master reord
5B5B1 "ttempt to reate a% e0tra asset reord for a ompa%y ar i% t&e wro%+ asset lass
3000 >t&e desriptio% is &2D 3000 /ro%p 66@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 36
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: &0an/e ?aster Decord
6B1M 7&e Cost "ou%ti%+ departme%t &as &a%+ed its ost e%ter assi+%me%t for some of t&eir
offie eAuipme%t.
7&eir p&otoopier is assi+%ed to ost e%ter +<105266 >Corporate Ser'ies@ i% t&e urre%t
year. 6rom 06/01 to 10/31 of t&e urre%t year it is assi+%ed to ost e%ter +<105*66
>20euti'e -oard@. *% 11/01 of t&e urre%t year( t&e assi+%me%t is &a%+ed to ost e%ter
+<105&66 >7elep&o%e@.
C&a%+e t&e timeBdepe%de%t data i% your master reord aordi%+ly. C&e! w&i& ost
e%ters are 'alid for ea& time i%ter'al.
6B2M C&e! &a%+e doume%ts.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3D
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset !%$n%#$er
DB1M 7&e produtio% departme%t is +oi%+ to reei'e a% additio%al &ard dri'e for t&eir #C 01.
Create a% asset s%$n%#$er for t&is part of t&e asset.
.epe%di%+ o% &ow t&e asset lass is o%fi+ured( %umber assi+%me%t for
t&e sub%umber a% be eit&er i%ter%al or e0ter%alF
Customi+ing &I,AA -rgani+ational Structures Asset Classes
Define Asset Classes. Selet asset lass *% t&e detail sree%( &oose t&e
/0ternal su. no. i%diator i% t&e 1umer Assignment field +roup.
.ue to t&e setti%+s i% t&e sree% layout rule( t&e mai%te%a%e le'el is at
t&e mai% asset %umber. 7&is mea%s t&at data a%%ot be &a%+ed at subB
%umber le'el.
DB1B1M )&e% reati%+ a subB%umber( you wa%t to retai% t&e i%'e%tory %umber opied from
t&e asset mai% %umber. 8ow ould you pre'e%t somebody from e%teri%+ a differe%t
i%'e%tory %umber i% t&e subB%umberN
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3E
3.30 ?aster Data !ol%tions
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset &lasses
Me%u pat& to t&e 2sset 2cco%ntin/ :1;<22= applicationF SAP Easy Access SAP Menu
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets
Me%u pat& to &%sto#i5in/ or 2sset 2cco%ntin/F SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools
Accelerated SAP Customizing Project Management. C&oose SAP Reference IM
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting.
1B1 Customizing FI!AA Integration *it$ t$e eneral +edger %efine ,o*
%e#reciation Areas Post to eneral +edger
1B2M Customizing FI!AA Integration -it$ eneral +edger S#ecify Financial Statement )ersion for Asset
Re#orts. Selet ompa%y ode ""JJ. C&oose Assign financial statement .ersion
"ssi+% fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio% ,N7 to t&ose depreiatio% areas( for w&i& a bala%e s&eet is reated
>HI i% t&is ourse( t&at applies o%ly to depreiatio% area 01@. ,f differe%t fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%s are
e%tered i% t&e ot&er depreiatio% areas( you a% eit&er delete or i+%ore t&e fi%a%ial stateme%t 'ersio%.
1B3 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures S#ecify /um0er Assignment
Across Com#any Codes
6or your ompa%y ode( speify t&at ompa%y ode 1000 defi%es %umber assi+%me%t.
2lternati)e: Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Asset Classes
%efine /um0er Range
Copy t&e i%ter'al of ompa%y ode 1000 to ompa%y ode ""JJ.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 34
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: &0ec- and &o#plete Data or 2sset &lasses
2B1 7&ere are ma%y ways of a&ie'i%+ t&e same results. *%e optio%F
2B1B1 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Asset Classes %efine
Asset Classes.
*% t&e detail sree% for a% asset lass( plae t&e ursor o% t&e Screen layout rule
field a%d press 61.
2B1B2 Customizing FI!AA Master %ata Screen +ayout %efine Screen +ayout
for Asset Master %ata
%efine Screen +ayout for Asset Master %ata. Select rule 1222.
C$oose +ogical field grou#s. Select t$e field grou#s for eneral data and Time!
de#endent data. C$oose Field grou# rules.
2B1B3 Customizing FI!AA Master %ata Screen +ayout %efine Screen +ayout
for Asset Master %ata
%efine Screen +ayout for Asset Master %ata. Selet rule 3000.
C&oose *ogical field groups. Selet t&e field +roup for General data. C&oose &ield
group rules.
Set Copy i%diator for t&e Description ' i%put field.
2B2 Customizing FI!AA )aluation %etermine %e#reciation Areas in t$e Asset Class 3If
t$e c$art of de#reciation is not set4 c$oose your c$art of de#reciation.5
Select asset class 1622. C$oose %e#reciation areas.
2B3 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Asset Classes %efine Asset
$o to t&e detail sree% for asset lass 2000. Ma!e a %ote of t&e aou%t determi%atio%.
C&e! $/9 aou%tsF Customizing FI!AA Integration *it$ t$e eneral +edger
Assign &+ Accounts
Selet &art of aou%ts ,N7. C&oose Choose account allocation. Selet aou%t
assi+%me%t 20000.
C&oose Define ac2uisition)retirement accounts or Define depreciation accounts i% t&e
dialo+ struture a%d loo! at t&e depreiatio% areas.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 40
2B3B1 ,% o%e of t&e me%u pat&s from 20erise 2B3( plae t&e ursor o% t&e Account
determination field a%d press 61.
2B4 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Asset Classes %efine Asset
Select asset class 1622. C$oose Co#y as. Rename t$e asset class4 c$ange t$e long text
and sa.e.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 41
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 3enerate 2sset &lasses ro# 3@A 2cco%nts
3B1M S"# 2asy "ess S"# Me%u "ou%ti%+ 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ $e%eral
9ed+er Master Reords ,%di'idual #roessi%+ ,% Compa%y Code
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
G)* account
Company code
Alternati(e account numer
G)* account 4'666 ) company
code '666
3B2M to 3BEM
Customi5i%+ 6,B"" *r+a%i5atio%al Strutures "sset Classes $e%erate "sset
Classes from $/9 "ou%ts >1 to 1@
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Chart of accounts I17
Chart of depreciation AA55
7&e% proess t&e steps Account selection to Asset classes o%e after t&e ot&er i% t&e dialo+
struture. 2%ter t&e 'alues speified i% t&e e0erises. !a)e after ea& step.
Cou still %eed t&e followi%+ i%formatio%F
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
*ogical field groups for the
screen layout
66' to 6689 66''
Asset class type 6
Depreciation key *in3
:seful life ;
7&e% +o ba! to t&e Generate asset classes step i% t&e dialo+ struture a%d +e%erate t&e
%ew asset lass w&e% all traffi li+&ts are +ree%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 42
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: !pecial 2sset &lasses
4B1 Customizing FI!AA "rganizational Structures Asset Classes %efine Asset
Classes. o to t$e detail screen of asset class 7222.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 43
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset ?aster Decord
5B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Asset
2%ter t&e data i% t&is sree% as speified i% t&e e0erise.
5B2 "ppliatio% 6,B"" "sset Create "sset
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
3eference asset <aster record numer of asset
in e0ercise ;,'
5B3 "ppliatio% 6,B"" "sset Create "sset
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Asset class =666
5B4 "ppliatio% 6,B"" "sset Create "sset
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Asset class =466
1umer of similar assets '6
-efore you sa'e t&e master reords( &oose t&e Maintain fu%tio%. 7&is allows you to
e%ter separate 'alues per asset i% t&e master data fields.
5B5 A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Asset
5B5B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Asset
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 44
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: &0an/e ?aster Decord
6B1M A##lication FI!AA Asset C$ange Asset
*% t&e 7ime,dependent data tab pa+e( &oose t&e &urther inter(als pus&butto%. C&oose t&e
1e% inter(al pus&butto%. C&a%+e i%ter'als as desribed i% t&e e0erise.
6B2M A##lication FI!AA Asset C$ange or %is#lay Asset
En.ironment C$ange %ocuments "n Asset
,f you ope% t&e master reord a%d plae t&e ursor diretly o% t&e Cost center field( you
a% display t&e &a%+es to t&is field o%lyF En.ironment C$ange documents "n
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 45
Unit: ?aster Data
+opic: 2sset !%$<N%#$er
DB1M A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Su0!num0erAsset
DB1B1M 7&e i%'e%tory %umber s&ould %ot be ready for i%put at t&e subB%umber le'el.. 7&e
i%'e%tory %umber is o%trolled by t&e mai%te%a%e le'el set i% t&e asset lassT
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 46
SAP AG 1999
Asset Accounting as Susidiary *edger
&ntegrated Asset Ac3uisitions
Asset Ac3uisiton and Balues in :aster )ecord
Account Assign!ent
5ocu!ent $ypes and Nu!er )anges
$ransaction $ypes
Asset Ac3uisition "ithout :: &ntegration
Asset Ac3uisition "ith :: &ntegration
Asset )etire!ent
&nterco!pany Asset $ransfer
Capitali9ation of Assets under Construction
Current0Balue 5epreciation
Asset $ransactions
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
$nter and c,ange posting transactions in Asset
%denti0 di00erent 'alue displas and reports 0or
di00erent purposes
.e0ine t,e control para#eters 0or posting acti'ities
Asset $ransactions/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
Asset $ransactions/ 6usiness Scenario
$he asset accounting depart!ent "ould li.e you to give
the! a presentation on ho" to post docu!ents to asset
!aster records in the %&0AA co!ponent.
$hey "ould li.e to .no" "hat functions the syste! offers
for correcting postings.
Since asset values are posted directly to %inancial
Accounting8 they "ant to .no" details aout integration.
<ou are also as.ed ho" asset values can e displayed and
to sho" the! so!e reports for value display.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
Asset Asset Asset
:aterial :aterial :aterial Custo!er Custo!er Custo!er
:achine Press :achine Press :achine Press
'000 '000 '000
Bendor Bendor Bendor
'000 '000 '000
G2* Accounts G2* Accounts G2* Accounts
General *edger General General *edger *edger
%i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets
Bendor Bendor
Payales Payales
'000 '000 '000 '000 '000 '000
Asset Accounting as Susidiary *edger
7&e i%te+ratio% of t&e subsidiary led+ers wit& t&e +e%eral led+er is as importa%t as t&e i%te+ratio% of
aou%ti%+ a%d lo+istis fu%tio%s.
2'ery tra%satio% i% ustomer a%d 'e%dor aou%ts i% "ou%ts #ayable a%d "ou%ts Reei'able a%d i%
t&e asset aou%ts &as a diret effet o% t&e orrespo%di%+ aou%ts of t&e +e%eral led+ers. 7&us t&e
subsidiary led+ers are always i% bala%e wit& t&eir $/9 reo%iliatio% aou%ts.
7&e $/9 reo%iliatio% aou%ts %eed to be set up i% ad'a%e to+et&er wit& t&e 6i0ed "ssets departme%t.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
Asset Ac3uisition 0 &ntegration
Accounts Payale
%i#ed asset
Accounts Payale
%i#ed asset
Asset transaction integrated
"ith Accounts )eceivale or
Accounts Payale
Asset transaction posted
fro! :aterials :anage!ent
Clrg Acct
General *edger
%i#ed asset
Asset transaction posted
using clearing account Fnot
7&e aAuisitio% posti%+ a% be reated i% t&e departme%t t&at is primarily respo%sible for t&is busi%ess
"Auisitio% of a% asset from a busi%ess part%er HI 20ter%al aAuisitio%F
G ,% "sset "ou%ti%+ >6,B""@ i%te+rated wit& "ou%ts #ayable >i%omi%+ i%'oie@( but wit&out
refere%e to a pur&ase order.
G ,% 6,B"" wit& automati offsetti%+ e%try( but wit&out li%! to a pur&ase order a%d wit&out i%te+ratio%
wit& "ou%ts #ayable. 7&is posti%+ is %ormally used w&e% t&e i%'oie &as %ot yet bee% reei'ed( or
w&e% t&e i%'oie was posted by t&e "ou%ts #ayable departme%t before&a%d i% a separate step. 7&e
offsetti%+ aou%t also &as to be leared.
G ,% 6,B"" wit& automati leari%+ of t&e offsetti%+ e%tryF 7&e first posti%+ usually is made i% 6,B"#.
7&e leari%+ aou%t is leared at t&e same time as t&e asset posti%+ is made. ,t is also possible( &owe'er(
for bot& departme%ts to ma!e posti%+s i% t&e opposite orderF "% asset is e%tered wit& automati
offsetti%+ e%try( a%d t&e leari%+ aou%t is leared wit& t&e redit posti%+ of t&e i%omi%+ i%'oie.
G ,% Materials Ma%a+eme%t >MM@F 7&e asset is posted i% MM.
Ac2uisition from in,house production is t&e apitali5atio% of +oods or ser'ies t&at are partially or
ompletely produed i% your ow% e%terprise. 7&e osts for t&ese i%B&ouse produed +oods or ser'ies
>su& as mai%te%a%e@ &a'e to be apitali5ed to assets. $e%erally( you apitali5e produtio% osts by
reati%+ a% order or pro=et i% ,%'estme%t Ma%a+eme%t >,M@ a%d settli%+ to a% asset u%der o%strutio%
a%d t&e% to t&e fi%al asset.
7&ere is also a less ommo% alter%ati'eF Cou a% post t&e aAuisitio% usi%+ a C* order.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
5ocu!ent data Fdoc.date8 doc.type8 ...G
PC/ 31 Account/ Vendor
$a# indicator
Conditions of pay!ent
Si!ulate docu!ent
PC/ 70 Account/ Asset
$$</ 100
)epeat a!ount/ P Asset value date
&te! 2 &te! &te! 2 2
&te! ' &te! &te! ' '
%or. *ift
%or. *ift %or. *ift %or. *ift
Asset Asset Asset
PC/ Posting .ey $$</ $ransaction type
Asset Ac3uisition/ &ntegration "ith %&0AP
Cou a% post to t&e asset a%d to t&e 'e%dor i% o%e doume%t. C&oose S"# 2asy "ess HI 6i0ed "ssets
HI #osti%+s HI 20ter%al aAuisitio% HI #ur&ase HI )it& 'e%dor.
7&e system proposes defaults for t&e posti%+ data( &owe'er( you a% o'erwrite t&em.
7&e ?debit asset( redit 'e%dor? posti%+ is ofte% made i% "ou%ts #ayable. 7&is posti%+ satisfies t&e
reAuireme%ts of bot& 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ a%d "sset "ou%ti%+.
7ra%satio% typeF
)&e% posti%+ to assets( you &a'e to e%ter a tra%satio% type. 7&e tra%satio% type ide%tifies t&e differe%t
tra%satio%s i% t&e asset &istory s&eet.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
Posting .ey Account A!t. $rans.type Ast. val. date
Si!plified ;#a!ple/
Posting "2out discount and "2out ta# on 0@20'2<<<<
B;N51) B;N51) B;N51)
Payales Payales Payales
%i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets
Susidiary *edger Susidiary *edger Susidiary *edger
Auto!atic posting to
general ledger
Auto!atic posting Auto!atic posting to to
general ledger general ledger
'00 0@20'2<<
&ntegrated Asset Ac3uisition/ G2* Accounts
)&e% you post to a 'e%dor or a% asset aou%t( t&e rele'a%t +e%eral led+er aou%ts >payables a%d fi0ed
assets@ are automatially updated at t&e same time >"ou%t determi%atio%@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
Asset ;#plorer
Qu!p to :aster )ecord CoCd
%isc. year
Planned and posted Planned and posted values values at the start at the start
and and end end of the fiscal year of the fiscal year8 8 including including/ /
0 0 1rdinary depreciation 1rdinary depreciation
0 0 7nplanned depreciation 7nplanned depreciation
0 0 Hrite Hrite0 0ups ups
0 0 Balue ad4ust!ents Balue ad4ust!ents
0 0 Net oo. value Net oo. value
$ransactions $ransactions F Fasset docu!ent asset docu!entG G
and and depreciation depreciation in in fiscal year "ith fiscal year "ith
configurale display configurale display
:ore %unctions/
@ Qu!p to FoldG value
calculation and
detailed display of
depreciation .ey
@Qu!p to %& docu!ent
@5isplay of values
over several years8
parallel in several
depreciation areas
@Currency translation
@Call of asset reports
@Print and e#port
Asset Balues/
0' 6oo.
20 Cost acct
30 Group ...
AJ AJ 1vervie" tree allo"s 1vervie" tree allo"s
navigation navigation et"een et"een
depreciation areas depreciation areas
14ects )elated to
the Asset/
Cost center
G2* account
Purchase order ....
AJ AJ 1vervie" tree allo"s 1vervie" tree allo"s
4u!p 4u!p to to the the !aster data !aster data
o4ect o4ect
Planned Posted Co!paris. Para!.
"s of Release 4.6C( t&e "sset 20plorer o%tai%s all esse%tial fu%tio%s of t&e asset 'alue display
tra%satio%. Some differe%es i%lude a better o'er'iew due to t&e use of t&e o'er'iew tree a%d tab
pa+es( a more tra%spare%t depreiatio% alulatio%( a%d %ew fu%tio%s for pri%ti%+ a%d e0porti%+ 'alues.
,% t&e asset 'alue display( you %a'i+ated betwee% depreiatio% areas usi%+ pus&butto%s. ,% t&e "sset
20plorer( t&e depreiatio% areas are displayed i% a% o'er'iew tree( from w&i& you a% selet t&em.
.iffere%t io%s i%diate if t&e depreiatio% area is a real or a deri'ed depreiatio% area.
7&e field abo'e t&e tree struture s&ows i%formatio% o% t&e seleted asset >ompa%y ode( %umber( subB
%umber@. 6rom &ere you a% also +o to t&e asset master data.
Cou a% see a pri%t pre'iew of pla%%ed 'alues( posted 'alues a%d tra%satio%s diretly i% t&e "sset
20plorer( a%d t&e% pri%t or e0port t&em. *% t&e Planned $alues tab pa+e( you a% use t&e alulate
depreiatio% a%d realulate depreiatio% fu%tio%s.
,% Release 4.6C t&ere is a %ew o'er'iew tree t&at lists ob=ets related to t&e asset( su& as ost e%ter(
$/9 aou%t( 'e%dor( employee( pur&ase order or eAuipme%t. Cou a% also =ump diretly from t&ere to
t&e +i'e% master data ob=et.
"lso %ew i% 4.6CF t&e Comparisons tab pa+e. /si%+ t&is fu%tio%( you a% display t&e de'elopme%t of
'alues o% a fi0ed asset o'er t&e ourse of se'eral years( i% parallel i% se'eral depreiatio% areas.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
Asset value date/ 0@2022200#
Posted a!ount/ '08000
$ransaction type/ '00
Posting &nfor!ation/
Capitali9ation on 0@2022200#
&nitial ac3uisition on 0@2022200#
Ac3uisition year 200# 00@
5ep. Area 1rd. 5ep. Start 5ate
0' 0+20'2200#
02 0+20'2200#
20 0@20'2200#
Asset 5ocu!ent Asset 5ocu!ent Asset 5ocu!ent
Asset :aster )ecord 30000200 Asset :aster )ecord Asset :aster )ecord 300002 3000020 00 0
Asset Ac3uisition AJ Changes to :aster 5ata
7&e followi%+ i%formatio% is automatially set i% t&e asset master reord at t&e time of t&e first
aAuisitio% posti%+F
B Capitali5atio% date of t&e asset >deri'ed from asset 'alue date@
B .ate of i%itial aAuisitio% o% t&e asset master reord >deri'ed from asset 'alue date@
B "Auisitio% year a%d aAuisitio% period >deri'ed from posti%+ date@
,% Customi5i%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+( you a% e%ter default 'alues for t&e asset 'alue date for ea& type
of aou%ti%+ tra%satio%.
7&e system determi%es t&e start date for ordi%ary depreiatio% usi%+ t&e asset 'alue date of t&e
aAuisitio% posti%+ a%d t&e period o%trol met&od >for more i%formatio%( see t&e setio% o% t&e
depreiatio% !ey@( a%d writes t&is date to t&e depreiatio% areas i% t&e asset master reord.
)&e% you post t&e aAuisitio% i%te+rated wit& "ou%ts Reei'able >6,B"R@( t&e system automatially
e%ters t&e 'e%dor i% t&e ori+i% data field of t&e asset master reord.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 10
SAP AG 1999
6ase value '08000R useful life A '0 years
Annual depreciation A '08000 2 depreciation periods
5epreciation area 5eprec. Start Planned 5eprec.
0' 0+20'2200# -2'2 A 500
20 0@20'2200# 42'2 A 333
Asset value date/
Purchase price/
5eprec. 5eprec. 7seful
Area Cey *ife
0' *&N) '0
/ Fstr.0line8 half yr ruleG
20 *&NA '0
Fstr.0line8 pro rataG
Asset ;#plorer Asset Asset ;#plorer ;#plorer
5ep. Start
5epreciation 5epreciation
Calculation Calculation
:aster )ecord :aster )ecord :aster )ecord
Asset Ac3uisition 0 Balue %ields
7&e asset 'alue date >HI apitali5atio% date@ determi%es t&e depreiatio% start date of t&e asset. 7&is date
is determi%ed for ea& depreiatio% area by t&e period o%trol met&od of t&e depreiatio% !ey.
7&e system determi%es t&e pla%%ed a%%ual depreiatio%( a%d pla%%ed i%terest( based o% t&e depreiatio%
start date a%d t&e depreiatio% terms.
)&e% furt&er tra%satio%s are posted i% t&e urre%t year( t&ese 'alues are updated.
Cautio%F 7&e posti%+ date a%d t&e asset 'alue date always &a'e to be i% t&e same fisal yearT
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 11
SAP AG 1999
:aintain :aintain
intervals intervals
%& 5ocu!ent Nu!er
Syste! assigns
%& docu!ent nu!er/
type is used for
Hhich nu!er range
is entered there?
Co!pany Code/ '000
&nterval nu!er/ 0'
<ear/ @@@@
%ro! nu!er/ 0'00000000
$o nu!er/ 0'@@@@@@@@
Current nu!er at/ 0'520032E4
Cou defi%e a separate %umber ra%+e for doume%ts for ea& ompa%y ode.
,f you do %ot wa%t t&e %umbers defi%ed as yearBdepe%de%t( t&e% e%ter a future year u%der >ear >su& as
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 12
SAP AG 1999
'. Net Asset invoice
5ocu!ent $ype / A?
Acct. type / A8C8:8S
Procedure / Gross a!ount
.2. :inus input ta#
.2. :inus discount
Capitali9ed a!ount
2. Gross / Asset invoice
5ocu!ent $ype / AA
Acct. type / A858C8:8S
Procedure / Gross a!ount
.2. :inus input ta#
Capitali9ed a!ount
&s discount deducted at ti!e of pay!ent?
SAP%'E' reverses the discount on the assetM
&s discount deducted at ti!e of pay!ent?
SAP%'E' reverses the discount on the assetM
5ocu!ent $ype/ Gross or Net
Cou eit&er use t&e doume%t type t&at is defaulted by t&e system or you e%ter you ow% doume%t type.
Cou defi%e t&e doc%#ent t"pe i% t&e 1; i#ple#entation +uide.
,t is a two &arater( alp&aB%umeri e%try t&at systemati5es &ow doume%ts are stored.
Cou assi+% e0atly o%e %umber ra%+e to ea& doume%t type.
Cou speify aou%t types t&at are allowed w&e% ma!i%+ e%tries wit& a partiular doume%t type.
7&e doume%t type determi%es &ow t&e posti%+ is proessedF
B )it& doume%t type ?""? you post +ross( t&at is( wit&out deduti%+ a disou%t.
B )it& doume%t type ?"N? >UN( RN@( t&e amou%t apitali5ed to t&e asset is redued by t&e disou%t.
>HI %et doume%t type@.
,f you dedut t&e disou%t at t&e time of t&e payme%t( you &a'e to ru% t&e pro+ram S"#61E1 to
subseAue%tly re'erse t&e disou%t o% t&e asset.
,f you ma!e a posti%+ usi%+ t&e %et met&od( but do %ot ta!e up t&e w&ole disou%t at t&e time of
payme%t( t&e pro+ram S"#61E1 orrets t&e asset( too.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
SAP AG 1999
ent 5
5 5 5
5 5 5
5 5 5
Asset (istory Sheet
Post to Asset Post to Asset
$ransaction $ype
&rans0er/Retire#ent &rans0er/ &rans0er/Retire#ent Retire#ent Account Assign#ent Account Account Assign#ent Assign#ent
!aster record?
:onitor udget?
)etire!ent "ith
)epay invest!ent
Alternative $$< for
retire!ent in
ac3uisition year
$ransaction $ype
7ra%satio% types are used wit& e'ery posti%+. 7&ey ide%tify aAuisitio%s( retireme%ts a%d tra%sfers.
7&e asset &istory s&eet reports a%d ot&er 6,B"" reports use t&e tra%satio% type to ide%tify t&e differe%t
!i%ds of tra%satio%s a%d display t&em separately >for e0ample( t&e tra%satio% type speifies w&ere t&e
'alue &a%+e is s&ow% i% t&e asset &istory s&eetF as a retireme%t of a priorByear aAuisitio% or of a
urre%tByear aAuisitio%@.
7&e tra%satio% type speifies w&i& of t&e followi%+ are updatedF
B "sset bala%e s&eet aou%ts
B .epreiatio% areas
B 1alue fields
Cou a% also limit tra%satio% types to speifi depreiatio% areas >for e0ample( tra%satio% type 030F
aAuisitio% i% t&e +roup depreiatio% area@
Cou a% defi%e your ow% tra%satio% types. 7&ey a% be used to separate 'arious types of aou%ti%+ or
busi%ess tra%satio%s i% reports. 8owe'er( i% our e0perie%e( S"# pro'ides all %eessary tra%satio%
types i% t&e sta%dard system.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
$ransaction $ypes
Ac3uisition in0
$ransfer fro!
asset u.
. . .
'0 20 30
$ransaction $ype Groups
'0 Ac3uisition 2# )etire!ent 3# $ransfer ...
$ransaction $ype Groups
2'ery tra%satio% type belo%+s to a tra%satio% type +roup. 7&e tra%satio% type +roup defi%es t&e
&arateristis of t&e tra%satio% type. ,% t&e tra%satio% type display( &oose ?$oto? i% t&e me%u bar to
display t&e tra%satio% type +roup.
7&e tra%satio% type +roups are fi0ed a%d a%%ot be &a%+ed.
Cou a% limit speifi tra%satio% type +roups to ertai% asset lasses >for e0ample( dow% payme%ts
allowed o%ly i% t&e asset lass for assets u%der o%strutio%@. "ll tra%satio% types assi+%ed to t&is
tra%satio% type +roup a% o%ly be used for assets belo%+i%+ to t&e appropriate lass.
7&ere are sta%dard reports t&at allow you to display a% asset portfolio di'ided i%to separate tra%satio%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
SAP AG 1999
C*;A)&NG ACC17N$ B;N51) B;N51) B;N51)
%or. *ift %or. %or. *ift *ift
Accounts Payale
Asset Accounting Asset Accounting
'000 '
2 '000 ' '000
Ac3uisition/ Posting $o A Clearing Account
,f asset aAuisitio% posti%+s are %ot i%te+rated( you would %ormally use a leari%+ aou%t. 7&is s&ould
be a +e%eral led+er aou%t wit& ope% item ma%a+eme%t to +uara%tee t&at you a% lear t&e aou%t.
Reaso%s for %o%Bi%te+rated aAuisitio%sF
B t&e i%'oie arri'ed before t&e asset.
B t&e asset &as already bee% deli'ered but t&e i%'oie &as %ot.
*%e posti%+ is made to t&e leari%+ aou%t from "ou%ts #ayable >leari%+ aou%t( debit ta0( redit
'e%dor@( a%d o%e from "" >debit to asset( redit to leari%+ aou%t@. 7&e seAue%e is determi%ed by t&e
NoteF #osti%+s to 'e%dor aou%t a% also be made from "".
,% a separate step( t&e leari%+ aou%t is leared i% t&e +e%eral led+er. 7&is is do%e eit&er ma%ually or
by ru%%i%+ t&e automati leari%+ pro+ram S"#6124.
"%ot&er alter%ati'e for %o%Bi%te+rated aAuisitio%s is to lear t&e leari%+ aou%t w&e% e%teri%+ t&e
seo%d part of t&e abo'e posti%+.
"s of Release 4.6 you a% reate a %ew master reord wit&i% t&e framewor! of %o%Bi%te+rated aAusitio%
>automati offsetti%+ e%try@.
,t is %ow also possible to ma!e %o%Bi%te+rated aAuisitio% posti%+s for se'eral assets at o%e.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
SAP AG 1999
Purchase )e3uisition
Purchase 1rder
Goods )eceipt
valuated? non0valuated?
Goods )eceipt
&nvoice )eceipt
%or. *ift %or. %or. *ift *ift
Create :aster )ecord
Asset Ac3uisition Hith :: &ntegration
7&e e0ample s&ows a% asset aAuisitio% wit& MM i%te+ratio%. ,t s&ows t&e followi%+ ati'itiesF pur&ase
reAuisitio%( pur&ase order( +oods reeipt( i%'oie reeipt( a%d reatio% of a% asset.
7&e steps areF reatio% of a pur&ase reAuisitio%( reatio% of a% asset master reord( reatio% of t&e
pur&ase orderF
/si%+ aou%t assi+%me%t type " >"Hasset@ you a% e%ter a% asset master reord w&e% reati%+ t&e
pur&ase order. ,t is %ot possible yet to reate a% asset master reord diretly w&e% you use pur&ase
order tra%satio% M221N. 8owe'er( it is still possible usi%+ t&e ?old? pur&ase order tra%satio% M221.
$oods reeiptF
)&e% you e%ter t&e pur&ase order( you determi%e w&et&er t&e asset is posted diretly to "sset
"ou%ti%+( a%d t&ereby apitali5ed( w&e% t&e +oods reeipt is posted >'aluated +ood reeipt@( or
w&et&er apitali5atio% does %ot ta!e plae u%til t&e i%'oie reeipt is posted >%o%B'aluated +oods
reeipt@. 7&e first optio% would be used w&e% t&e +oods reeipt ta!es plae before t&e i%'oie reeipt.
)&e% t&e i%'oie is reei'ed later( t&ere may be differe%es betwee% t&e i%'oie amou%t a%d t&e amou%t
posted at t&e time of t&e +oods reeipt. ,% t&is ase( ad=ustme%t posti%+s are made to t&e asset. No
orretio%s are %eessary for a% %o%B'aluated +ood reeipt( si%e t&e asset was %ot yet apitali5ed.
8owe'er( t&e system uses t&e date of t&e +oods reeipt as t&e apitali5atio% date.
,%'oie reeiptF
,f t&e +oods reeipt was %o%B'aluated( t&e asset is apitali5ed( li%e items are reated a%d t&e 'alue fields
are updated.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
SAP AG 1999
5ocu!ent date 0320'2<<<<
Posting date 0320'2<<<<
PC 01 Account/ Customer
A!ount 4400
Calculate ta# $a# indicator
PC 50 Account/ Revenue from asset retmt
A!ount P $a# indicator
Asset )etire!ent
Custo!er *ine
)evenue *ine
0 Ac3uis. date 0'20'2<<<<0 '8 APC -000
0 Co!plete retire!ent of APC on 0320'2<<<<
0 )evenue 4000 > 400 sales ta#
Asset............... 30002E
$ransaction type.. 10
Asset value date... 0320'2<<<<
Percentage rate...... '00S
&ntegrated Asset Ac3uisitions
Selet t&e asset retirement field i% t&e re'e%ue aou%t. " dialo+ bo0 appears. 8ere you e%ter t&e
followi%+ data( if it is %ot already proposedF
Number of t&e asset
Retireme%t tra%satio% type
"sset 'alue date >H date of t&e retireme%t@
#ortio% of &istorial "#C bei%+ retired( or t&e i%diator for omplete retireme%t
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1E
SAP AG 1999
)etire!ent/ 0 Ac3uis. date 0'20'2<<<< 0 '8 APC A -000
0 Co!plete retire!ent of APC on 032'52<<<<
0 )evenue 4000 > 400 sales ta#
A!ount retired
A!ount retired A!ount retired
A2) posting
Custo!er Custo!er
4400 4400
)evenue )evenue
Asset )etir!t Asset )etir!t
4000 4000
$a# $a#
400 400
Assets posting
Clearing of
Asset )etir!t
'300 -000 '
Proportional value ad4ust!ent
Clearing of retire!ent
Proportional Proportional value ad4ust!ent value ad4ust!ent
Clearing Clearing of retire!ent of retire!ent
P>* or %inSt!t Notes
)etire!ent/ G2* Accounts
7&ere are differe%t ways of posti%+ retireme%tsF
B )it& or wit&out re'e%ue >srappi%+@
B )it& or wit&out ustomer >%ot i%te+rated@
B "s omplete or partial retireme%t
B "s mass retireme%t >usi%+ a wor!list@
B "s retireme%t of multiple assets >wit&i% t&e ma%ually posted retireme%t tra%satio%@
,% t&is e0ample t&e asset is ompletely retired wit& re'e%ue reei'ed from a ustomer. 7&e system
automatially alulates t&e +ai%/loss >i% t&e e0ample( loss of 1(300@. ,% additio%( t&e system determi%es
t&e asset bala%e s&eet 'alue a%d t&e proportio%al 'alue ad=ustme%ts >aumulated depreiatio%@.
7&e 'alues of t&e aou%ts for retirement re(enue a%d clearing of retirement are s&ow% i% %otes to t&e
fi%a%ial stateme%t.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
APC on 0'20'2<<<<0'
straight0line depr. fro! APC
Net oo. value on '223'2<<<<0'
5epreciation .ey *&N)
Straight0line fro! re!aining
life to oo. value 9ero
7seful life/ '0 years
Period control !ethod/
Pro rata to !id0period at
period start date
:aster )ecord/
6oo. 5epr. Area
:aster )ecord :aster )ecord/ /
6oo. 6oo. 5epr 5epr. . Area Area
Net oo. value on 0'20'2<<<< 5400
0 5eprec. for Qan. T %e. '00
A Net oo. value on 0320'2<<<< 5300
Sale on 032'52<<<< 4000
*oss '300
)etire!ent/ Calculating Gain2*oss
7&e system determi%es t&e refere%e period for t&e asset retireme%t based o% t&e asset 'alue date >H asset
retireme%t date@ a%d t&e period o%trol met&od >period o%trol !ey@ of t&e depreiatio% !ey.
7&e system automatially determi%es t&e proportio%al 'alue ad=ustme%ts >depreiatio%@ up to t&is period
t&at apply to t&e part of t&e asset bei%+ retired( a%d a%els t&is depreiatio%. "t t&e same time( t&e
system posts t&e asset retireme%t.
7&e +ai% or loss results as t&e bala%e of t&e followi%+F t&e amou%t of t&e asset retireme%t( t&e amou%t of
'alue ad=ustme%ts( a%d t&e re'e%ue >t&at is( t&e sale prie@ t&at is reei'ed for t&e asset.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 20
SAP AG 1999
*ist of assets to e retired
Fsuch as8 asset list8 !aster data list...G
*ist *ist of assets of assets to to e retired e retired
Fsuch Fsuch as as8 8 asset list asset list8 8 !aster data list !aster data list...G ...G
;ntries for
:ass )etire!ent
;ntries for ;ntries for
:ass )etire!ent :ass )etire!ent
Posting date
5ocu!ent date
$ransaction type
Asset value date
)evenue distriution
proportional to APC
prop. to net oo. value
)evenue a!ount Fsale priceG
1ption to release or
process the "or. list
Create "or.list
Predefined tas.s for asset retire!ent/
)etire!ent "ithout revenue
)etire!ent "ith revenue
Predefined tas.s for asset retire!ent Predefined tas.s for asset retire!ent/ /
)etire!ent "ithout revenue )etire!ent "ithout revenue
)etire!ent "ith revenue )etire!ent "ith revenue
Short te#t/ )etire!ent
Plant 000'
Short te#t Short te#t/ / )etire!ent )etire!ent
Plant 000' Plant 000'
$as./ $as./
Ret#t5 2/ re'enue
:ass )etire!ent
Mass retireme%t( wit& or wit&out re'e%ue( is defi%ed as a sta%dard tas! i% t&e system.
7o arry out a mass retireme%t( follow t&ese stepsF
1. /se a% asset report to reate a list of t&e assets to be retired.
2. Create a wor!list.
3. Selet a purpose for t&e wor!listF
B Retireme%t wit&out re'e%ue
B Retireme%t sale >wit& re'e%ue@
4. 2%ter t&e re'e%ue distributio%.
5. #roess t&e wor!list. *r edit t&e wor!list before releasi%+ it.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 21
SAP AG 1999
Asset/ NNNN
F:ay need to create !aster record in the transactionG
Asset value date/ ::55<<<<
$ransfer variant/ 4
Specifications for partial transfers
$ransfer to $ransfer to $ransfer to
Auto!atic deter!ination
and posting of proportional
value ad4ust!ents
Auto!atic deter!ination Auto!atic deter!ination
and posting of proportional and posting of proportional
value ad4ust!ents value ad4ust!ents
Asset DDDD
Posting 5ate ::55<<<<
$ransaction $ype 300 F320G
Asset $ransfer
"sset "ou%ti%+ disti%+uis&es betwee% differe%t types of tra%sfers( depe%di%+ o% t&e irumsta%esF
B 7ra%satio%s wit&i% a ompa%y ode >i%traompa%y tra%sfer@ or
B 7ra%satio%s betwee% differe%t ompa%y odes >i%terompa%y tra%sfer@.
#ossible reaso%s for i%traompa%y tra%sfersF
G " master reord &as bee% reated a%d posted i% t&e wro%+ asset lass.
G 7&e asset &as &a%+ed loatio%. "s a result( you &a'e to &a%+e or+a%i5atio%al alloatio%s >su& as
asset lass( busi%ess area@ i% t&e master reord t&at a%%ot ot&erwise be &a%+ed.
G 7&e asset %eeds to be split( or a portio% of t&e asset rebuilt. 7&erefore( a portio% of t&e ori+i%al asset
will be tra%sferred to a %ew asset.
G "% asset u%der o%strutio% %eeds to be settled a%d tra%sferred to a ompleted asset >see li%e item
settleme%t for assets u%der o%strutio%@.
7&e sta%dard system uses tra%sfer 'aria%t 4 for i%traompa%y tra%sfers. 7&e tra%satio% types for tra%sfer
posti%+s to soure a%d tar+et assets are determi%ed by t&e tra%sfer 'aria%t.
)&e% you reate a %ew master reord wit&i% t&e tra%sfer tra%satio%( you a% use ?opy rules? to defi%e
w&i& e%try fields s&ould be opied from t&e soure asset to t&e tar+et asset.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 22
SAP AG 1999
Auto!atic &nterco!pany Asset $ransfer
Co!pany Code '000 Co!pany code LLLL
:aster )ecord :aster )ecord
%or. *ift
Co!pany '000
Co!pany '000
Co!pany '000
Co!pany '000
:aster )ecord :aster )ecord
%or. *ift
5ifferent transfer variants
Create ne" !aster record in the transfer
Copy old !aster data fields to ne" !aster
record using field transfer rules
5ifferent transfer variants
Create ne" !aster record in the transfer
Copy old !aster data fields to ne" !aster
record using field transfer rules
7&is fu%tio% is used w&e%F
< "% asset is sold a%d &a%+es its loatio%
< *r+a%i5atio%al assi+%me%ts wit&i% t&e e%terprise &a'e &a%+ed( a%d you &a'e to assi+% t&e asset to a
%ew ompa%y
7&ere are two types of tra%sferF
< " tra%sfer wit&i% a le+al e%tity >HI wit&i% a ompa%y@ ,% t&is ase( w&ere bot& ompa%y odes belo%+
to t&e same ompa%y( S"# refers to a transer o relations0ip t"pe 02. ,% t&is ase( t&e two ompa%y
odes are %ot o%sidered le+ally i%depe%de%t.
< " tra%sfer betwee% le+ally i%depe%de%t or+a%i5atio%al u%its >HI ompa%y odes@( w&i& ea& belo%+ to
a differe%t ompa%y. 7&e ompa%y odes are %ot li%!ed to ea& ot&er 'ia t&e ompa%y( but still belo%+ to
t&e same orporate +roup. 7&is situatio% a% also be defi%ed by t&e relatio%s&ip typeF i% t&is ase it is a
transer o relations0ip t"pe 01.
7&e system determi%es t&e relatio%s&ip type automatially based o% t&e ompa%y ,.s of t&e ompa%y
odes. Cou a% also &e! t&is assi+%me%t a+ai% i% Customi5i%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+. Cou a% defi%e
e0eptio%s to t&ese sta%dard rules i% a ustomer e0it.
.efi%itio% of ompa%yF Smallest or+a%i5atio%al u%it for w&i& i%di'idual fi%a%ial stateme%ts are
reAuired aordi%+ to rele'a%t ommerial law.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 23
SAP AG 1999
$ransfer :ethods
Ne" Balue Ne" Balue
:ethod :ethod
Net :ethod Net :ethod Gross :ethod Gross :ethod
6ased on
value of target
asset in the
6ased on
value of
source asset
in the source
No revenue fro!
Clearing using
account or loss
due to scrapping
Sales revenue e3uals
net oo. value
Clearing using
reconciliation account
for retire!ent
Sales revenue/ 50 7N&
Clearing using
reconciliation account
for retire!ent and
revenue account
Posting to a
Posting to a
Posting to a
Si%e Release 4.0( automati i%terompa%y tra%sfer ma!es it possible to e%ter t&e aAuisitio% a%d
retireme%t parts of t&e tra%sfer i% o%e step. .epe%di%+ o% t&e &ierar&ial or+a%i5atio% of your
e%terprise( t&is ombi%ed tra%satio% a% also be o%sidered a% i%traompa%y tra%sfer.
7&e tra%sfer met&od o%trols &ow 'alues are tra%sferred from t&e soure ompa%y ode to t&e tar+et
ompa%y ode.
)&e% you &oose t&e +ross tra%sfer met&od( you %ormally do %ot e%ter sales re'e%ue for t&e asset. ,%
most ases( tra%satio% types for i%traompa%y tra%sfer are used wit& t&e +ross tra%sfer met&od. 7&is
met&od tra%sfers t&e O&istorialO 'alues of t&e asset to t&e tar+et ompa%y ode.
)&e% you use t&e %et met&od or %ew 'alue met&od( you &a'e to e%ter re'e%ue from t&e sale of t&e asset.
,f t&ere is %o +ai% or loss o% t&e asset retireme%t( t&e sales re'e%ue eAuals t&e t&e %et boo! 'alue of t&e
asset. Cou a% speify i% t&e tra%sfer tra%satio% t&at t&e %et boo! 'alue from a ertai% depreiatio% area
s&ould be used >HI t&e system also &as to reo+%i5e t&e depreiatio% area@. *f ourse( you a% also
ma%ually e%ter a re'e%ue amou%t.
/si%+ t&e %et met&od( t&e %et boo! 'alue is apitali5ed o% t&e tar+et asset.
)&e% you use t&e %ew 'alue met&od( t&e system apitali5es t&e amou%t of t&e sales re'e%ue o% t&e
tar+et asset.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
SAP AG 1999
Standard Settings for $ransfer Bariants
Co!pany codes elong to
different co!panies FAJ
relationship type 0'G
Co!pany codes elong to
sa!e co!pany
FAJ relationship type 02G
:ethod :ethod/ / Ne" Ne" value value
$$< source/ )etire!ent
$$< target/ Ac3uis.
:ethod :ethod/ / Gross Gross
$$< source/ $ransfer
$$< target/ $ransfer
:ethod :ethod/ / Net Net
$$< source/ )etire!ent
$$< target/ Ac3uis.
:ethod :ethod/ / Gross Gross
$$< source/ $ransfer
$$< target/ $ransfer
:ethod :ethod/ / Gross Gross
$$< source/ )et. F"2o revG
$$< target/ Ac3uis.
:ethod :ethod/ / Gross Gross
$$< source/ $ransfer
$$< target/ $ransfer
)elationship of co!pany code to co!pany
)elationship of co!pany code to co!pany
7&e sta%dard setti%+s for t&e S"# tra%sfer 'aria%ts >a ombi%atio% of t&e tra%satio% types a%d t&e
tra%sfer met&od@ o'er E0V of tra%sfer ases.
7&e sta%dard S"# assumptio% is t&at tra%sfers of relatio%s&ip type 02 >HI 2 ompa%y odes but 1
ompa%y ,.@ are always tra%sfers wit&i% o%e le+ally i%depe%de%t u%it >HI t&e ompa%y@ wit&i% a
orporate +roup( a%d are t&erefore alEa"s represe%ted as intraco#pan" transers >HI i%traompa%y
tra%sfer tra%satio% types a%d t&e /ross #et0od@. ,% t&is ase( t&e ompa%y ode is %ot a le+ally
i%depe%de%t u%it( a%d does %ot draw up a% e0ter%al bala%e s&eet.
,f t&e struture of your e%terprise is %ot refleted &ere( you %eed to defi%e your oEn transer )ariants
>wit& differe%t tra%satio% types@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 25
SAP AG 1999
Chart Chart of of
5eprec 5eprec. '<N . '<N
5epreciation Areas
5epr. Area 5epr. Area
$ransfer Bariant/ Cross0Co!pany 5epreciation
Chart Chart of of
5eprec 5eprec. 'D< . 'D<
)&e% your differe%t ompa%y odes use differe%t &arts of depreiatio%( t&e differe%t &arts of
depreiatio% a% %o%et&eless o%tai% depreiatio% areas t&at &a'e differe%t !eys( but w&i& atually ser'e
t&e same purpose. )&e% t&is is t&e ase( you a% defi%e rossBompa%y depreiatio% areas.
CrossBompa%y depreiatio% areas do %ot &a'e t&eir ow% o%trol parameters. ,%stead t&ey o%sist solely
of a -e" t0at is %nior# t0ro%/0o%t t0e client a%d a s&ort desriptio%. Cou a% assi+% depreiatio%
areas from differe%t &arts of depreiatio% to t&e same rossBompa%y depreiatio% area.
,f a orrespo%di%+ rossBompa%y depreiatio% area is %ot defi%ed( t&e system e%ters a% asteris! >M@ as a
+e%eri e%try. 8owe'er( be areful if you deide to use a rossBompa%y depreiatio% area. ,% t&at ase(
you &a'e to defi%e a rossBompa%y depreiatio% area for all ot&er depreiatio% areas t&at are tra%sferred(
e'e% if t&e depreiatio% area !eys are t&e sameT
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 26
SAP AG 1999
Asset 3
Asset 2
Asset '
Support :easures
&nvest!ent &nvest!ent
Support Support :easures :easures
5o"n Pay!ents 5o"n 5o"n Pay!ents Pay!ents
Special Special
5epreciation 5epreciation
Co!pleted Assets
Asset (istory Sheet
Ac>uis5 Ret#t5 &rans0ers
Auto!atic handling of special
depreciation and invest!ent support
Auto!atic handling of special Auto!atic handling of special
depreciation and invest!ent support depreciation and invest!ent support
Assets under Construction
Ac3uisition Ac3uisition Ac3uisition
"ssets you produe yourself &a'e two p&ases t&at are rele'a%t to "sset "ou%ti%+F
B t&e u%der o%strutio% p&ase a%d
B t&e useful life.
$e%erally( t&e assets &a'e to be s&ow% i% two differe%t bala%e s&eet items duri%+ t&ese two p&ases.
7&erefore( t&ey &a'e to be ma%a+ed usi%+ a differe%t ob=et or asset master reord duri%+ t&e u%derB
o%strutio% p&ase t&a% for t&e ompleted asset. 7&e tra%sfer from t&e u%derBo%strutio% p&ase to
ompleted asset is referred to &ere as ?apitali5atio% of t&e asset u%der o%strutio%.? Cou a% ma%a+e
assets u%der o%strutio% i% t&e 6,B"" System i% two ways >depe%di%+ o% t&e fu%tio%s you %eed@F
B as a ?%ormal? asset master reord >for summary settleme%t@
B as a% asset master reord wit& li%e item ma%a+eme%t.
)it& t&e apitali5atio% of t&e asset u%der o%strutio% you tra%sfer t&e 'alues to o%e or more ompleted
assets. 7&is tra%sfer is eit&er do%e i% a lump sum or wit& li%e item settleme%t.
)&e% apitali5i%+ t&e asset u%der o%strutio%( t&e system automatially separates t&e tra%satio%s from
t&e pre'ious years from t&e tra%satio%s from t&e urre%t year. 7&is is do%e by usi%+ differe%t tra%satio%
,f you &a'e more e0te%si'e apital i%'estme%t measures( you ould use t&e R/3 ,M >,%'estme%t
Ma%a+eme%t@ module. 7&is e%ables you to represe%t apital i%'estme%ts simulta%eously as assets u%der
o%strutio% >for aou%ti%+ purposes@ a%d i%ter%al orders or pro=ets >for o%trolli%+ purposes@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2D
SAP AG 1999
2 2
3 3
+0S +0S
20S 20S
'0S '0S
'0S '0S
Constructo8 &nc.
;lectro8 *td.
Copper cale
&nvoice &nvoice
Constructo8 &nc. Constructo8 &nc.
6ea!s 6ea!s
Construction Construction
&nvoice &nvoice
;lectro8 *td. ;lectro8 *td.
Copper cale Copper cale
;ngineers8 &nc.
Steel girders
Cost center Cost center Cost center
&nstallation &nstallation &nstallation
Stoc. !aterial
&nternal activity
Assets under Construction/ *ine &te! Settle!ent
)&e% performi%+ a li%e item settleme%t of a% asset u%der o%strutio% to o%e or more ompleted assets(
proeed as followsF
Selet all li%e items t&at you wa%t to settle i% t&e same proportio% to t&e same reei'er.
.efi%e distributio% rules for t&ese li%e items.
#ost t&e settleme%t of li%e items to t&e speified reei'ers usi%+ t&e distributio% rule.
Note t&at t&is posti%+ proedure settles all li%e items( to w&i& a distributio% rule is assi+%ed.
,f you wa%t to settle usi%+ amou%ts >possible si%e Release 4.0@( t&e% you &a'e to selet a%d distribute
o%e li%e item after t&e ot&er.
)&e% you settle( you do %ot &a'e to settle all li%e items at o%e( a%d you do %ot &a'e to distribute 100V
of ea& li%e item.
6or a% asset u%der o%strutio%( you a% use t&e distributio% rule +roups t&at you already reated.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2E
SAP AG 1999
Choose depreciation area
# 0' 6oo. depreciation
# 02 Special ta# deprec.
# 30 Group 7S5
# 3' Group 5;:
(ard currency a!t '000
Asset value date ::55<<<
1ffsetting account
;#a!ple Fprior0year ac3uisitionsG/
$ransaction type -40
;#a!ple Fprior ;#a!ple Fprior0 0year ac3uisitionsG/ year ac3uisitionsG/
$ransaction type -40 $ransaction type -40
7nplanned 5epreciation
,% additio% to t&e automati alulatio% of depreiatio% usi%+ depreiatio% !eys( you a% also pla%
ma%ual depreiatio% for i%di'idual assets i% t&e 6,B"" ompo%e%t.
)&e% you e%ter t&e tra%satio% type( t&e system reo+%i5es t&at you wa%t to perform ma%ual
depreiatio% >for e0ample urre%tB'alue depreiatio%@.
Cou a% selet t&e depreiatio% areas( for w&i& you wa%t to e%ter depreiatio%( i% a dialo+ bo0. 7&e
depreiatio% ould be urre%tB'alue depreiatio%( for e0ample( t&at is allowed for boo! depreiatio% but
%ot for ta0 depreiatio%.
"fter you ma%ually pla% depreiatio%( t&e system does %ot yet reate a% 6, doume%t. 7&is doume%t is
%ot +e%erated u%til t&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram is ru%.
Cou a% use a speial report to display ma%ual depreiatio%F
S"# 2asy "ess HI 6i0ed "ssets HI ,%formatio% System HI Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+ HI
20pla%atio%s for #W9 HI ,%ter%atio%al HI Ma%ual .epreiatio%.
Similarly( you a% post writeBups or postBapitali5atio% by &oosi%+ t&e appropriate tra%satio% type a%d
t&e depreiatio% areas you wa%t to post.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
SAP AG 1999
Asset $ransactions/ 7nit Su!!ary
Asset transactions are presented in this unit5
Barious posting transactions/
.uring t,e li0e o0 a 0i)ed asset= t,ere are a nu#/er o0
c,anges t,at a00ect t,e 'alues o0 t,e asset5
&,e F%*AA co#ponent distinguis,es a#ong a 2ide
range o0 /usiness transactions5e&ransaction tpes
#a7e it possi/le to ,andle all o0 t,e necessar postings
&ntegration "ith the depart!ent in "hich
the transaction originates/ &,e 0ollo2ing depart#ents
can post asset ac>uisitions<
Asset Accounting 8F%*AA9 itsel0= Accounts Paa/le=
Financial Accounting= %n'oice/Goods Receipt -eri0ication
8((9= Eare,ouse 8((9= and Grder/Pro:ect Settle#ent
An asset retire#ent can /e posted in Accounts Recei'a/le=
0or e)a#ple= or in Asset Accounting5
$ransactions on a fi#ed asset are recorded in %&0AA on a
line ite! asis5
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 30
4.31 2sset +ransactions<Exercises
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2sset 2cF%isitions
*% ompleti%+ t&ese e0erises( you will be able toF
#ost i% "sset "ou%ti%+ a%d ma!e &a%+es to posti%+s
"%aly5e fi0ed assets usi%+ t&e "sset 20plorer a%d t&e asset 'alue
display( as well as usi%+ ertai% reports
Speify o%trol parameters for posti%+ ati'ities
Cour ollea+ues i% t&e "sset "ou%ti%+ departme%t would li!e you to s&ow
t&em &ow to post doume%ts i% 'arious types of asset master reords i% t&e 6,B
"" ompo%e%t. 7&ey also wa%t to !%ow &ow to display asset 'alues.
Use t0e asset #aster records ro# t0e ?aster Data %nitB
1B1 Create a )endor >%umber 30566@ i% your ompa%y ode so t&at you a% post t&e %eessary
tra%satio%s i%te+rated wit& "ou%ts #ayable. Create a 'e%dor i% "ou%ts #ayable usi%+
t&e Create *it$ reference fu%tio%( a%d wit& t&e followi%+ dataF
1e%dorF 305JJ
Compa%y odeF ""JJ
Refere%eF 1e%dor 1000 a%d ompa%y ode 1000
Complete t&e reAuired e%try fields. C&oose e%ter o% t&e ot&er sree%s.
1B2 #ost t&e for!lift >refer to t&e Master .ata u%it@ o% ;a%uary 01( CC >&9 G c%rrent "ear@
a+ai%st 'e%dor 305JJ. C&oose a doume%t type wit& automati dedutio% of disou%t. 7&e
sales prie i%ludes % V sales ta0 >your i%strutor will tell you w&at ta0 i%diator you
s&ould use@.
Ma!e a %ote of t&e doume%t %umber assi+%ed by t&e system.
1B2B1 C&e! t&e asset 'alues.
1B2B2 C&e! t&e &a%+es i% t&e asset master reord.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 31
1B2B3 20plai% to your ollea+ues i% "sset "ou%ti%+ &ow t&ey a% display t&e posted
doume%t. Note t&e automatially posted $/9 aou%ts.
1B2B4 C&e! &ow t&e %ew aAuisitio% is displayed i% t&e aAuisitio%s list a%d i% t&e asset
&istory s&eet.
1B3 /si%+ automati offsetti%+ e%try( post aAuisitio% osts of 100(000 /%i to your ?ac0ine
01 master reord.
1B3B1 C&e! t&e asset 'alues.
1B3B2 C&e! t&e &a%+es i% t&e asset master reord.
1B4 #ost a% e0ter%al asset aAuisitio% >wit& automati offsetti%+ e%try@ to ea& of your
ma&i%es 02 to 05F
6or ?ac0ine 027 post aAuisitio% osts of 100(000 i% t&e urre%t year.
6or ?ac0ine 03 and 04 post "#C of 100(000 o% ;a%uary 01( #C >H9 G pre)io%s "ear@.
6or ?ac0ine 057 post "#C of 100(000 i% t&e pre'ious year a%d later osts of 10(000 i% t&e
urre%t year.
1B5 7&e "sset "ou%ti%+ departme%t also &as to post low 'alue assets. Cou first &a'e to set
t&e ma0imum amou%t for loE )al%e assets. Do "o% still -noE E0ereI >HI refer to t&e
Master .ata u%it.@
7&e ma0imum low 'alue asset amou%t is differe%t from ou%try to ou%try( a%d &as to be
defi%ed for all depreiatio% areas. 7&e ma0imum 91" amou%t a% be set for %ormal
aAuisitio% posti%+s a%d also for aAuisitio%s usi%+ pur&ase orders.
Cour i%strutor will tell you t&e ma0imum amou%t i% your ou%try.
1B5B1 Now post t&e i%'oie for your low 'alue asset. /se t&e low 'alue asset master
reord from t&e master data u%it. .eide yourself if you wa%t to post wit&
i%te+ratio% to "ou%ts #ayable or usi%+ automati offsetti%+ e%try.
1B5B2 C&e! t&e asset 'alues.
Si%e t&e depreiatio% terms speify omplete depreiatio%( t&e %et boo!
'alue at t&e e%d of t&e year is 5ero.
,% t&e ostBaou%ti%+ depreiatio% area( &owe'er( t&is may %ot be
desirable( si%e t&e useful life a%d 'aluatio% used for ost aou%ti%+ a%
be differe%t from t&ose for boo! depreiatio% or ta0 depreiatio%.
1B5B3M )&at setti%+s do you %eed to mai%tai% i% order to be able to post multiple 91"s i%
o%e stepN
1B6 ?ac0ine 01 >refer to e0erise 1B3 of t&is u%it@ was posted wit& a% i%orret aAuisitio%
'alue. Re'erse t&e doume%t a%d t&e% post t&e orret amou%t of 150(000 "#C.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 32
1BD ,% t&e urre%t year( post a% aAuisitio% to a fi0ed asset i% asset class 3100( Eit0o%t
reati%+ a% appropriate #aster record before&a%d.
1BEM )&at is t&e transaction t"pe forN
1B4M 8ow a% you ma!e sure t&at o%ly ertai% depreiatio% areas >for e0ample( t&e +roup
depreiatio% area@ are posted wit& 'aluesN
6or a% e0ample( refer to transaction t"pe 030T
1B4B1M #ost o%ly to t&e +roup depreiatio% areas( a%d t&e% &e! t&e asset 'alues.
1B10M Si%e your "sset "ou%ti%+ departme%t also pla%s to use ?aterials ?ana/e#ent :??=
%nctions7 t&ey as! you to test t&e posti%+ tra%satio%s. /%fortu%ately your ompa%y ode
""JJ does %ot &a'e a%y MM i%te+ratio%. 7&erefore you &a'e to demo%strate t&e posti%+s
wit&i% ompa%y ode 1000 a%d t&e orrespo%di%+ pur&asi%+ or+a%i5atio%s.
#ost a% asset aAuisitio% for a #C wit& MM i%te+ratio%. .eide w&et&er t&e +oods reeipt
s&ould be 'aluated or %o%B'aluated.
1B10B1M Create a% asset i% co#pan" code 1000. /se asset class 3200 >#erso%al
Computer@ a%d cost center 1000.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 33
1B10B2M Create t&e p%rc0ase order for t&e #C. /se t&e followi%+ dataF
#ur&ase order typeF Sta%dard pur&ase order
1e%dorF 1000
.oume%t dateF ;a%uary 01( CC
#ur&asi%+ or+a%i5atio%F ,des $erma%y
#ur&asi%+ +roupF .ietl( -.
Compa%y odeF ,des "$ 1000
,tem *'er'iewF
"ou%t assi+%me%t ate+oryF "
S&ort desriptio%F #C
*rder Aua%tityF 1
/%it of measureF #C
.eli'ery dateF today
Net prieF 5000
Material +roupF 2letro%is >00103@
#la%tF 8ambur+ >1000@
Account assignment tab pa+e( Asset olum%F
2%ter asset master reord %umber from 1B10B1
8ere( o% t&e DeIi(ery tab pa+e( you a% deide if t&e +oods reeipt s&ould be
)al%ated or %n)al%ated.
Sa'e. Ma!e a %ote of t&e doume%t %umber.
C&e! t&e data i% t&e asset.
1B10B3M #ost t&e /oods receipt wit& todayLs date usi%+ transaction t"pe 101. Ma!e
a %ote of t&e doume%t %umber assi+%ed by t&e system. C&e! t&e asset 'alues.
1B10B4M #ost t&e in)oice receipt wit& todayLs date.
Cour i%strutor will tell you w&i& ta0 !ey to use.
Ma!e a %ote of t&e doume%t %umber assi+%ed by t&e system.
C&e! t&e asset 'alues.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 34
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2sset Detire#ent
2B1 Ma&i%e 03 is to be sold ompletely o% ;uly 01 of t&e urre%t year. 7&at is( t&e asset is
bei%+ retired.
2B1B1 6irst( reate a c%sto#er #aster record >30566@ i% your ompa%y ode. /se
c%sto#er 1000 i% co#pan" code 1000 as a reerence. ,t uses sold,to,party as t&e
aou%t +roup.
Complete all reAuired e%try fields. Sa'e.
2B1B2 #ost a co#plete retire#ent of ?ac0ine 03 >asset 'alue dateF J%l" 017 &9@. Cou
reei'e net re)en%e o 107000. Cour i%strutor will tell you w&at ta0 i%diator to
use. 7&e% you a% also alulate t&e +ross amou%t.
2B1B3 C&e! t&e posti%+ doume%ts a%d t&e &a%+es i% t&e asset master reord( as well as
i% t&e "sset 20plorer a%d t&e asset 'alue display.
2B1B4 8ow are t&e 'alues displayed i% t&e asset &istory s&eetN
2B2 Hart >60 V@ o a seo%d asset >?ac0ine 04@ s&ould be sold. #ost t&e retireme%t i% t&e
urre%t year( a%d e%ter re'e%ue i% a%y amou%t you &oose.
2B2B1 C&e! t&e posti%+ doume%t a%d t&e &a%+es i% t&e asset 'alue display a%d i% t&e
"sset 20plorer.
2B3 #rodutio% wa%ts to scrap H& 02.
1irst post a% asset acF%isition i% t&e pre)io%s "ear. +0en post t&e asset retire#ent i%
"sset "ou%ti%+ i% t&e c%rrent "ear.
2B3B1 C&e! t&e posti%+ doume%ts a%d t&e &a%+es i% t&e asset 'alue display a%d i% t&e
"sset 20plorer.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 35
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: ;nterco#pan"@;ntraco#pan" 2sset +ranser
3B1 RememberN
)&e% you reated a% asset master reord for a ompa%y ar >auto 3000 +roup JJ@ you
&ose t&e wro%+ asset lass by mista!e. >20erise 5B5B1 / /%itF Master .ata@.
Now post 807000 to t&is asset master reord in t0e pre)io%s "ear.
3B2 ;ntraco#pan" transer betwee% asset class 3000 >offie fur%is&i%+s@ a%d 3100 >'e&iles@F
Now you wa%t to tra%sfer t&is 'alue to a %ewly reated asset master reord >asset lass
3B2B1 Create a seo%d asset #aster record >Ce0icles asset class@ a%d ma!e a %ote of its
Cou !%ow t&at you a% reate a %ew master reord wit&i% t&e tra%sfer
tra%satio% as of Release 4.6( do%Lt youN
-y mai%tai%i%+ field tra%sfer rules( you a% also opy data from t&e old
master reord to t&e fields of t&e %ew master reord( t&ereby sa'i%+ time.
Cou use t&e tra%sfer tra%satio% type to o%trol &ow t&e depreiatio% start
date is opied i%to t&e %ew master reord.
3B2B2 #ost a omplete tra%sfer of your "uto 3000 +roup JJ asset to t&e %ew master
2%ter J%l" 017 &9 as t&e posti%+ a%d doume%t date.
8owe'er( t&e system s&ould alulate t&e orret depreiatio% for t&e urre%t year.
7&erefore( you &a'e to set t&e asset )al%e date to Jan%ar" 017 &9.
3B2B3 .isplay t&e asset 'alues of bot& assets. "lso &e! t&e posti%+ dates. ,% t&e seo%d
asset( also &e! t&e ori+i% data a%d t&e useful life.
3B3 ;nterco#pan" transer betwee% ompa%ies $elon/in/ to t0e sa#e corporate /ro%pF
7&e dri'er of ompa%y ar X"uto 3000 $roup JJY mo'es to ompa%y ode 1000 o%
"u+ust 01( CC a%d ta!es t&e ar wit& &er. 7&e asset &as to be tra%sferred from t&e dri'erLs
ori+i%al ompa%y ode to t&e %ew ompa%y ode.
#ost t&e i%terompa%y tra%sfer usi%+ t&e /ross transer )ariant. .uri%+ t&e tra%sfer( reate
a %ew asset master reord i% co#pan" code 1000 wit& cost center 1000. /se t&e
followi%+ dataF
"sset 'alue date( doume%t date( posti%+ dateF 2%/%st 017 &9
2%tries for re'e%ueF No re)en%e
7ra%sfer 'aria%tF 1
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 36
3B3B1 .isplay t&e asset 'alues for bot& reords. )&i& tra%satio% types were usedN
3B4M +ransers $etEeen tEo co#panies E0ic0 are le/all" independent o eac0 ot0er >aross
7&e dri'er of o%e of your ompa%y ars >e0erise 5B5 / /%itF Master .ata@ tra%sfers to
co#pan" code 2221 >HI ompa%y "C305@ a%d ta!es t&e ar wit& &im.
3B4B1M #ost a% acF%isition to t&is master reord i% t&e pre)io%s "ear.
3B4B2M 7&e asset s&ould be tra%sferred to t&e %ew ompa%y o% ;uly 01 of t&e urre%t year.
#ost t&e tra%sfer usi%+ t&e net )ariant. /se t&e followi%+ dataF
"sset 'alue date( doume%t date( posti%+ dateF J%l" 017 &9
2%tries for re'e%ueF Net $oo- )al%e ro# depreciation area
7ra%sfer 'aria%tF 2
Cost e%ter i% ompa%y ode 2000F +<105221
3B4B3M .isplay t&e asset 'alues for bot& reords. )&i& tra%satio% types were usedN
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3D
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2ssets Under &onstr%ction
4B1 ,% t&is e0erise( you capitali5e a% asset %nder constr%ction a%d settle it to t&ree tar+et
assets >?ac0ines 07K09@.
4B1B1 6irst you &a'e to assi+% a settle#ent proile to your ompa%y ode. 7&e system
t&e% uses t&is profile for t&e settleme%t of assets u%der o%strutio% i% your
ompa%y ode. S"# pro'ides settleme%t profile 2; i% t&e sta%dard system.
4B1B2 7&e% post acF%isitions >for t&e pre'ious a%d t&e urre%t year@ to your asset %nder
;a%uary 01( #CF 10(000
;a%uary 01( #CF 60(000
6ebruary 01( CCF 35(000.
4B1B3 7&e asset is %ow omplete a%d you a% apitali5e it a%d distribute its 'alues.
Settle t&e aAuisitio% of 607000 ompletely to ?ac0ine 07. Settle t&e ot&er two
aAuisitio%s to t&e asset u%der o%strutio% as followsF
70 L to ?ac0ine 08 a%d 30 L to ?ac0ine 09.
4B1B4 8ow a% you see t&at two separate posti%+s were made for t&e pre'ious year a%d
for t&e urre%t yearN
4B1B5 9oo! at &ow your assets( Ma&i%es 0D to 04( are displayed i% t&e asset &istory
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3E
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: Unplanned Depreciation
5B1M *%e of t&e or-lits t&at was deli'ered last year &ad a% accident i% t&e urre%t year.
6irst post t&e acF%isition i% t&e pre)io%s "ear. 6or t&e u%pla%%ed depreiatio%( post a
&i+&er depreiatio% amou%t i% t&e boo! depreiatio% area t&a% i% t&e ostBaou%ti%+
depreiatio% area.
5B1B1M .isplay t&e asset 'alues. 20plai% to t&e worried asset aou%ta%t w&y t&ere is %o 6,
5B1B2M )it& w&i& tra%satio% type would you post t&e u%pla%%ed depreiatio%N
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 34
4.32 2sset +ransactions !ol%tions
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2sset 2cF%isitions
Me%u pat& to t&e 2sset 2cco%ntin/ :1;<22= applicationF SAP Easy Access SAP Menu
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets
Me%u pat& to &%sto#i5in/ or 2sset 2cco%ntin/F SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools
Accelerated SAP Customizing Project Management. C&oose SAP Reference IM
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting.
1B1 S"# 2asy "ess S"# Me%u "ou%ti%+ 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ "ou%ts
#ayable Master .ata Create
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
$endor =6;55
Company code AA55
$endor reference '666
Company code reference '666
1B2 "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% )it& 1e%dor
,% additio% to t&e 'alues i% t&e te0t of t&e e0erise( you %eed t&e 'alues belowF
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document date 6')6')C>
Posting date 6')6')C>
Document type ?1 or A1
Posting amount )purchase price choose your o%n
Posting key =' for (endor item
@6 for asset item
Account $endor numer and asset
master record numer
77> for the asset item '66 (/0ternal asset
Simulate t&e doume%t before you post itT
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 40
1B2B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Cou a% also =ump from t&e "sset 20plorer to t&e asset 'alue displayF Menu oto
Additional Functions
1B2B2 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer. C&oose pus&butto% Asset AA88!
orF A##lication FI!AA Asset %is#lay Asset
9oo! i% t&ese lo+ial field +roupsF
#osti%+ i%formatio%( ori+i% data a%d i% t&e 'aluatio% data part of t&e asset.
1B2B3 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Selet t&e tra%satio% a%d &oose t&e Display &I document pus&butto%.
7&e $/9 aou%ts are displayed w&e% you double li! o% t&e i%di'idual items i%
t&e doume%t.
1B2B4 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer oto More functions
En.ironment E.aluation Asset $istory s$eet or Transactions
1B3 "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% "Auis.
w/"utom. *ffsetti%+ 2%try
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date 7odayAs date
7&e system automatially e%ters t&eF
7ra%satio% type
.oume%t type
"sset 'alue date
#osti%+ !ey
1B3B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
1B3B2 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer. C&oose Asset AA88!92::&2222
orF A##lication FI!AA Asset %is#lay Asset
1B4 A##lication FI!AA Postings Ac;uisition External ac;uisition A;uis.
-&autom. offsetting entry
Cautio%F ,f you are %ot permitted to post to t&e pre'ious year beause it is already losed(
you a% reset t&e losi%+ of t&e fisal year for t&e purposes of t&is e0eriseF Application
&I,AA Periodic Processing >ear,/nd Closing :ndo /ntire Company Code.
Reset t&e year displayed by o%e year.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 41
1B5 Customizing FI!AA )aluation Amount S#ecifications 3Com#any
Code&%e#reciation Area5 S#ecify Max. Amount for +o*!)alue Assets < Asset Classes
S#ecify Amount for +o* )alue Assets. Select com#any code and c$oose +o*!.al.
Asset c$ec( in dialog structure.
1B5B1 See e0erise 1B2 or 1B3.
1B5B2 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
1B5B3M 7&ere &as to be a base u%it of Aua%tity e%tered i% t&e asset lass &eader for asset
lass 5001.
1B6 Application &I,AA Posting 3e(erse Document -ther Asset Document
2%ter master reord %umber of Ma&i%e 01.
Selet i%orret tra%satio%.
C&oose Re'erse.
2%ter date a%d period of re'ersal a%d reaso% for re'ersal.
2%ter a%d sa'e.
1BD "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% "Auis.
w/"utom. *ffsetti%+ 2%try
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Posted amount choose your o%n
Document and posting date 7odayAs date
1e% asset radiobutto%
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Description Porsche 8''
Asset class ='66
Cost center 7,&6;A55
*r you a% =ump to t&e asset master reord.
1BEM 7&e tra%satio% type lassifies busi%ess tra%satio%s >determi%es t&e type of tra%satio%@(
determi%es t&e positio%s of 'alues i% t&e asset &istory s&eet( a%d a% limit asset 'alues to
ertai% depreiatio% areas.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 42
1B4M Cou a% limit tra%satio% types to ertai% depreiatio% areas. 6or e0ample( tra%satio% type
Customizing FI!AA Transactions Ac;uisitions %efine Transaction Ty#es for
+imit Transaction Ty#es to %e#reciation Areas >&oose &art of depreiatio%( if
Selet tra%satio% type 030 %ialog Structure S#ecify %e#reciation Areas
1B4B1M -efore you post( you &a'e reate a%ot&er master reord i% a%y asset lassT 7&e%
post as followsF A##lication FI!AA Posting Miscellaneous
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date 7odayAs date
7ransaction type 6=6
1B10 "Auisitio% wit& MM i%te+ratio%F
1B10B1M A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Asset
1B10B2M SAP Easy Access SAP Menu +ogistics Materials Management
Purc$asing Purc$ase "rder Create )endor&Su##lying Plant =no*n
1B10B3M SAP Easy Access SAP Menu +ogistics Materials Management
Purc$asing Purc$ase "rder Follo*!"n Functions oods Recei#t
1B10B4M SAP Easy Access SAP Menu +ogistics Materials Management
Purc$asing Purc$ase "rder Follo*!"n Functions +ogistics In.oice
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 43
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2sset Detire#ent
2B1 Retireme%t of Ma&i%e 03F
2B1B1 SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial Accounting
Accounts Recei.a0le Master Record Create
2%ter t&e data as desribed i% t&e e0erise te0t.
7&e ta0 =urisditio% ode is not a reAuired e%try field.
"!%owled+e t&e war%i%+ by seleti%+ /nter.
2B1B2 A##lication FI!AA Posting Retirement Retirement *& Re.enue -it$
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document date 6@)6')C>
Posting date 6@)6')C>
Account (first document item# Customer =6;55
Amount (purchase price# Gross amount
Calc. ta0 Choose
7a0 indicator
1e0t document itemB
Posting key
D (copies net amount#
Asset Retirement C$oose
Dialog o0B
Asset (alue date
Complete retirement
/nter master record numer
Continue Choose
Simulate and post document
2B1B3 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer Asset AA88!92::&2222
orF A##lication FI!AA Asset %is#lay Asset
a%dF A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Selet t&e tra%satio% a%d &oose t&e Display &I document pus&butto%5
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 44
2B1B4 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer oto More functions
En.ironment E.aluation Asset ,istory S$eet
2B2 A##lication FI!AA Posting Retirement Retirement *& Re.enue -it$
6ollow t&e proedure as i% e0erise 2B1B2. ,% t&e dialo+ bo0( i% w&i& you e%ter your asset
bei%+ retired( do %ot &oose &o#plete retire#ent. ,%stead( e%ter t&e percenta/e rate 60.
2B2B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Mar! t&e tra%satio% a%d &oose t&e Display &I document pus&butto%.
2B3 "Auisitio%F
"ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% "Auis.
w/"utom. *ffsetti%+ 2%try
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date In prior year
Srappi%+F "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ Retireme%t "sset Retireme%t by
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document date" posting date
and asset (alue date
In current year
2B3B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Mar( t$e transaction and c$oose t$e %is#lay FI document #us$0utton.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 45
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: ;nterco#pan"@;ntraco#pan" 2sset +ranser
3B1 "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% "Auis.
w/"utom. *ffsetti%+ 2%try
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date In prior year
3B2 7ra%sferF
3B2B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Create Asset
3B2B2 A##lication FI!AA Posting Transfer Transfer *it$in Com#any Code
3B2B3 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer Asset AA88!92::&2222
3B3 A##lication FI!AA Posting Transfer Intercom#any Asset Transfer
3B3B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
3B4M 7ra%sfer betwee% le+ally separate ompa%iesF
3B4B1M A##lication FI!AA Posting Ac;uisition External Ac;uisition Ac;uis.
*&Autom. "ffsetting Entry
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date In prior year
3B4B2M A##lication FI!AA Posting Transfer Intercom#any Asset Transfer
3B4B3M A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer Asset AA88!92::&2222
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 46
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: 2ssets Under &onstr%ction
4B1 Capitali5atio% of asset u%der o%strutio%F
4B1B1 Customizing FI!AA Transactions Ca#italization of Assets under
Construction %efine&Assign Settlement Profile
Assign Settlement Profile to Com#any Code
4B1B2 A##lication FI!AA Posting Ac;uisition External Ac;uisition Ac;uis.
*&Autom. "ffsetting Entry
4B1B3 "ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ Capitali5e "sset u. Co%st. .istribute
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
&i0ed asset /nter numer of asset under
Cou ome to a listin/ o t0e line ite#s t&at you posted to your asset u%der
o%strutio%. 6irst( selet t&e aAuisitio% for 60(000( by deseleti%+ t&e ot&er li%e
C&oose t&e /nter rules fu%tio%.
,% t&e sree% t&at follows( e%ter t&e aou%t assi+%me%t type >2NA@( t&e reei'i%+
asset >#aster record n%#$er o ?ac0ine 07@ a%d t&e pere%ta+e 100.
C&oose Back to retur% to t&e li%e item display.
Now selet t&e ot&er two li%e items.
2%ter t&e rule for bot& wit& 70L to ?ac0ine 08 a%d 30L to ?ac0ine 09. C&oose
Back to retur% to t&e li%e item display.
,% t&e li%e item sree% you %ow see t&at t&e li%e item for 60(000 &as distributio%
rule +roup 001( a%d all ot&er li%e items &a'e bee% assi+%ed to distributio% rule
+roup 002.
Sa'e your assi+%me%ts( a%d t&e% &oose t&e Post settlement fu%tio%.
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document date" posting date
and asset (alue date
Document type AA
7est run (%ith detail list# /0ecute
:pdate run (%ith detail list# /0ecute
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4D
4B1B4 Cou a% see t&at t&e system automatially separates t&e tra%satio%s of t&e pre'ious
year from t&e tra%satio%s of t&e urre%t year by usi%+ differe%t tra%satio% types.
7&is a% be see% i% t&e doume%t( as well as i% t&e 'alue display.
4B1B5 A##lication FI!AA Information System Re#orts on Asset Accounting
/otes to Financial Statements International Asset ,istory S$eet
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Asset numer <aster record numers of the
asset under construction and
the = completed assets
Sort (ersion '=
*ist assets Set radio utton
Eistory sheet (ersion 666'
/0ecute pushutton Choose
,% t&e reei'i%+ assets( t&e tra%satio%s from t&e pre'ious year are displayed i% t&e
asset &istory s&eet as tra%sfers. 7ra%satio%s from t&e urre%t year are displayed as
aAuisitio%s. ,% t&e asset u%der o%strutio%( tra%satio%s from t&e urre%t year
appear as re'ersals.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4E
Unit: 2sset +ransactions
+opic: Unplanned Depreciation
5B1M "Auisitio%F
"ppliatio% 6,B"" #osti%+ "Auisitio% 20ter%al "Auisitio% "Auis.
w/"utom. *ffsetti%+ 2%try
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date In prior year
Posted amount choose your o%n
/%pla%%ed depreiatio%F
A##lication FI!AA Posting Manual )alue Correction >n#lanned %e#reciation
"ept t&e data o% t&e first sree% a%d &oose /nter.
*% t&e seo%d sree%( e%ter t&e amou%t of u%pla%%ed depreiatio%. C&oose t&e
Depreciation areas fu%tio%
C&oose /nter to aept t&e amou%ts for t&e differe%t depreiatio% areas( e0ept for t&e
ostBaou%ti%+ depreiatio% area M( for w&i& you e%ter a smaller amou%t.
C&oose Depreciation areas to +et a% o'er'iew of posted depreiatio% areas.
C&oose t&e Post fu%tio% to sa'e your e%tries.
M Courses i% t&e /S" s&ould &oose a differe%t depreiatio% area rat&er t&a% depreiatio%
area 20T
5B1B1M A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
5B1B2M 7ra%satio% type 640
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 44
SAP AG 1999
Periodic Processing 0 1vervie"
Calculating 5epreciation Balues
5epreciation Ceys
)eplace!ent Balues
&!puted &nterest
5epreciation Posting
%iscal <ear Change
<ear0;nd Closing
Periodic Processing
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
assign specifications to depreciation areas
descrie ho" depreciation ter!s are used in
different depreciation areas
control the calculation of depreciation
carry out the !ost i!portant periodic
processing tas.s
analy9e depreciation values
initiate the depreciation posting run
e#plain the tas.s of the fiscal year change
progra! and the year0end closing progra!
Periodic Processing/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %& 0 0 AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
<ou have no" co!pleted the initial stages of testing. 5uring
these tests you have created asset !aster records and
posted transactions.
$he asset accounting depart!ent no" "ants you to assist
"ith their first !onth0end closing.
$hey also en3uire aout the activities that are necessary for
year0end closing.
Periodic Processing/ 6usiness Scenario
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
Cost center 1rder
Posting asset values
5epreciation posting run
Pri!ary cost
5epreciation area D</ ;#a!ple
Periodic posting of asset values
Asset alance
'0000 '0000
Periodic Periodic
processing processing
%iscal year change
%iscal year change
<ear0end closing
%iscal year change2
<ear0end closing
Periodic Processing 0 1vervie"
#eriodi proessi%+ omprises t&ose tas!s i% "sset "ou%ti%+ w&i& must be performed at periodi
,f you wa%t to pla% primary osts o% a ost e%ter basis( you a% periodially determi%e pla%%ed
depreiatio% a%d i%terest a%d pass t&ese o% to primary ost pla%%i%+ i% t&e C* system 'ia a report.
,%'estme%t support is a subsidy w&i& a ompa%y &as reei'ed for ertai% asset i%'estme%ts. "ssets
w&i& are eli+ible for su& a subsidy are mar!ed i% t&e asset master reords wit& a% i%'estme%t support
!ey. "ll speifiatio%s for laimi%+ t&e i%'estme%t support are stored i% t&e defi%itio% of t&is !ey. Cou
a% post t&e laim ma%ually or i% a mass proedure.
,%flatio% ma%a+eme%t is reAuired i% ou%tries wit& &i+& rates of i%flatio% or deflatio%.
Cou a% %ow also use t&e S&edule Ma%a+er i% 6,B"" to defi%e( s&edule( proess( a%d o%trol
periodially reurri%+ proesses.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
6alance Sheet Balues
5epreciation 5epreciation 5epreciation
)eplace!ent )eplace!ent
values values
0' 0'
6oo. deprec. 6oo. deprec.
5oc. type?
)ules for valuation
in the
chart of depreciation
)ules for valuation )ules for valuation
in in the the
chart of depreciation chart of depreciation
:anage!ent of values
)evaluation 2 inde#ing
%unctions FIrealI or IderivedI G
5ependent on other depreciation areas
Control of depreciation posting
5efinition of depreciation .eys
5epreciation areas
30 30 30
Group 7S5 Group Group 7S5 7S5
3' 3' 3'
Group 7N& Group Group 7N& 7N&
.epreiatio% areas are ide%tified i% t&e system by a twoB&arater %umeri !ey.
#lease rememberF Cou also defi%e per depreiatio% area &ow to post t&e asset bala%e s&eet 'alues >"#C(
proportio%al 'alue ad=ustme%t@ a%d depreiatio% to t&e +e%eral led+er aou%ts. Cou a% also defi%e
depreiatio% areas for reporti%+ reaso%s o%lyF 7&ey will s&ow 'alues a%d alulate depreiatio%( but will
%ot post a%y 'alues to $/9 aou%ts.
Cou a% alulate differe%t 'alues i% a depreiatio% area for a speifi purpose >for e0ample( for t&e
bala%e s&eet( for ost aou%ti%+( for ta0es@.
Cou also defi%e per depreiatio% area w&i& 'alues &a'e to be ma%a+ed >for e0ample( "#C or
positi'e/%e+ati'e %et boo! 'alue@.
Cou also defi%e for ea& depreiatio% area &ow posti%+ 'alues a%d depreiatio% terms s&ould be
tra%sfered to ot&er areas.
6or ea& area you also &a'e to e%ter i%formatio% >freAue%y( proedure( a%d C* aou%t assi+%me%t@ for
depreiatio% posti%+.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
1rdinary 1rdinary
depreciation depreciation
Special Special
depreciation depreciation
7nplanned 7nplanned
depreciation depreciation
)easons for depreciation/
5eter!ine depreciation areas
Assign G2*0accounts
5efine unit0of0production depreciation
Cou a% defi%e w&i& types of depreiatio% s&ould be used for ea& depreiatio% area >t&at is ordi%ary(
speial( or u%pla%%ed depreiatio%@.
7&e system supports t&e followi%+ diret types of depreiatio%F
B *rdi%ary depreiatio%
B Speial depreiatio%
B /%pla%%ed depreiatio%.
*rdi%ary depreiatio%F 7&is is t&e pla%%ed redutio% i% asset 'alue due to %ormal wear a%d tear.
Speial depreiatio%F 7&is represe%ts a purely ta0Bbased type of depreiatio% for wear a%d tear. 7&is form
of depreiatio% usually allows for depreiati%+ a pere%ta+e of t&e asset 'alue( a%d t&is pere%ta+e may
be sta++ered wit&i% a ta0 o%essio% period( wit&out ta!i%+ t&e atual wear a%d tear o% t&e asset i%to
/%pla%%ed depreiatio%F 7&is is o%er%ed wit& u%usual irumsta%es( su& as dama+e to t&e asset( t&at
lead to a perma%e%t redutio% i% its 'alue.
/%itBofBprodutio% depreiatio%F 7&is allows you to ta!e flutuatio%s i% ati'ity i%to aou%t for t&e
depreiatio% alulatio%. ,t ma!es t&e amou%t of depreiatio% depe%de%t upo% seaso%al usa+e of t&e
asset. 20ampleF Number of miles tra'elled or u%its produed.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
Calculation :ethods
@ %actor for deter!ining
depreciation rate
@ 7pper 2 lo"er li!it
for depreciation rate
@ %actor for deter!ining
depreciation rate
@ 7pper 2 lo"er li!it
for depreciation rate
5eclining06alance :ethod
5eclining06alance :ethod
@ 5epreciation only
to given !a#i!u!
@ 5epreciation only
to given !a#i!u!
:a#i!u! A!ount :ethod
:a#i!u! A!ount :ethod
@ Balidity period
@ 6ase value
@ 5epreciation
percentage rate
:ulti0*evel :ethod
@Period control for
@ Ac3uisitions
@ Suse3uent ac3uis.2
@ )etire!ents
@ $ransfers
Period Control :ethod
5epreciation Cey 5epreciation Cey
@ 5epreciation type
@ 5epreciation
calculation !ethod
@ $reat!ent of the
end of depreciation
@ 5epreciation type
@ 5epreciation
calculation !ethod
@ $reat!ent of the
end of depreciation
6ase :ethod
6ase :ethod
Speifiatio%s a%d parameters t&at t&e system reAuires for alulati%+ depreiatio% are stored i%
alulatio% met&ods. 7&ese alulatio% met&ods replae t&e i%ter%al alulatio% !ey of t&e depreiatio%
7&e alulatio% met&ods areF
B -ase met&ods
B .eli%i%+Bbala%e met&ods
B Ma0imum amou%t met&ods
B MultiBle'el met&ods
B #eriod o%trol met&ods
Cou assi+% t&em to depreiatio% !eys.
.uri%+ a release up+rade( mi+ratio% of t&e old tables to t&e %ew tables ta!es plae automatially.
8owe'er( i% order to be able to wor! wit& t&e %ew depreiatio% !eys( you &a'e to set t&eir status to
ati'e. *t&erwise t&e system o%ti%ues to use t&e old depreiatio% !eys.
"d'a%ta+es of alulatio% met&odsF
B Cou%tryBspeifi reAuireme%ts are refleted by &artBofBdepreiatio%Bdepe%de%t met&ods.
B 7&ere is %ot a% e'erBlar+er %umber of i%ter%al alulatio% !eys.
B Cou a% e%ter depreiatio% !eys as default 'alues for a speifi ompa%y ode or depreiatio% area.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation ter!s
5epreciation .ey *&N)
Straight0line fro! re!aining
life to oo. value 9ero
7seful life
'0 years
:aster record/ 6oo. depreciation area :aster record :aster record/ / 6oo. depreciation area 6oo. depreciation area
Asset value display
APC APC '0000 '0000
1rd. dep. '0000
N6B @000 N6B @000
$ransaction/ Ac3uisition
Asset value date/ 0'2022<<<<
5isplay dep. calc. FBalue displayG
6ase value '0000
Percentage '0S
5epreciation period '22'2
A!ount '000
Calculating 5epreciation Balues
7&e asset master reord o%tai%s t&e depreiatio% terms. ,% t&e e0ample abo'e( t&e system alulates t&e
a%%ual depreiatio% usi%+ t&e depreiatio% !ey a%d t&e useful life. "ordi%+ to t&e purpose of t&e
depreiatio% area ot&er terms( li!e re'aluatio% or imputed i%terest are also alulated.
7&e system determi%es t&e depreiatio% start date usi%+ t&e apitali5atio% date a%d t&e period o%trol
7&e "sset 20plorer a%d t&e ?old? "sset 'alue display bot& display 'alues a%d depreiatio% for ea&
tra%satio% a%d ea& depreiatio% area.
Cou a% use t&e ?2dit? me%u to display t&e alulatio% of depreiatio% 'alues i% t&e "sset 'alue display.
#lease %ote t&at &a%+i%+ t&e Customi5i%+ defi%itio% of t&e depreiatio% !ey does %ot automatially lead
to a orretio% of depreiatio% 'alues t&at &a'e already bee% alulated for i%di'idual assets. 6or t&at to
&appe%( you &a'e to e0eute a realulatio% of depreiatio%.
8owe'er( if you &a%+e t&e depreiatio% terms i% a% asset( it will realulate its 'alues aordi%+ly.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
<ear 5epreciation Q Net oo. valueh
' '0000 @000
2 '0000 E000
3 '0000 +000
4 '0000 -000
5 '0000 5000
- '0000 4000
+ '0000 3000
E '0000 2000
@ '0000 '000
'0 '0000 0
6oo. depreciation value 6oo. depreciation value 6oo. depreciation value
5epreciation area 0' 6oo. depr.
5epreciation .ey *&N)
Straight0line fro! re!aining
life to oo. value 9ero
APC '0000
7seful life '0 years
1rdinary deprec. start 0'20'2<<<<
6ase value Net oo. value
Balue 2 useful life A depreciation
5epreciation area 0' 6oo. depr.
5epreciation .ey 5epreciation .ey *&N) *&N)
Straight Straight0 0line fro! re!aining line fro! re!aining
life life to to oo. value 9ero oo. value 9ero
APC APC '0000 '0000
7seful life 7seful life '0 '0 years years
1rdinary deprec 1rdinary deprec. . start start 0'20'2<<<< 0'20'2<<<<
6ase 6ase value value Net oo. value Net oo. value
Balue Balue 2 2 useful life useful life A A depreciation depreciation
;#a!ple/ Baluation for 6oo. 5epreciation
,% t&e boo! depreiatio% area( t&e system alulates boo! depreiatio% >depreiatio% allowed by
ommerial law@( wit&out speial depreiatio%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 10
SAP AG 1999
Balues Balues Balues
<ear )ep. Bal. 5ep. N6B &nterest
' '0000 @'+ @0E3 45E
2 '0300 '030 E353 500
3 '0-0@ '0-' +-0' 500
4 '0@2+ '0@3 -E2- 500
5 ''255 ''2- -02E 500
- ''5@3 ''-0 520- 500
+ ''@4' ''@5 435@ 500
E '22@@ '230 34E+ 500
@ '2--E '2-+ 25E@ 500
'0 '304E '305 '--4 500
'' '343@ '232 E23 500
'2 ...
5epreciation area 20 Cost accounting
5epreciation Cey 5epreciation Cey *&NA *&NA
Straight Straight0 0line fro! replace!ent value line fro! replace!ent value8 also 8 also elo" 9ero elo" 9ero8 8
inde#ing of inde#ing of APC F3 SG APC F3 SG and calculation of i!puted and calculation of i!puted
interest interest F'0 SG F'0 SG
Negative Negative net oo. value allo"ed net oo. value allo"ed
7seful life 7seful life/ / '0 '0 years years
Nor!al Nor!al dep dep. . start start/ / 0220'2<<<<
;#a!ple/ Cost Accounting 5epreciation Area
Cou defi%e w&et&er i%terest s&ould be alulated for t&e ostBaou%ti%+ depreiatio% area( a%d w&et&er
depreiatio% s&ould o%ti%ue below 5ero. Cou ma!e t&ese speifiatio%s w&e% you defi%e t&e
depreiatio% areas.
Cou a% use i%de0 series for i%de0i%+ t&e replaeme%t 'alue.
7&is e0ample assumes t&e followi%+ depreiatio% termsF
.epreiatio% !eyF 9,N" >strai+&tBli%e from replaeme%t 'alue( pro rata temporis( wit& urb/i%terest@
G *rdi%ary depreiatio% startF 02/01/CCCC HI .epreiatio% a%d i%terest i% year 1F 11/12 of t&e a%%ual
G ,%de0F 103V for "#C HI7&e alluatio% of depreiatio% from t&e seo%d year is based o% t&e i%de0ed
replaeme%t 'alue.
G ,mputed i%terestF 10V is alulated o% &alf of t&e aAusitio% 'alue
2%d treatme%tF
B .epreiatio% after pla%%ed life e%dF 7&is i%diates t&at you wa%t t&e system to o%ti%ue depreiatio%
after t&e e%d of t&e pla%%ed useful life.
B .epreiatio% below %et boo! 'alueF Set t&is i%diator if you wa%t t&e system to o%ti%ue depreiatio%
after t&e boo! 'alue is 5ero. 7&e depreiatio% area must allow %e+ati'e %et boo! 'alue >a &a%+eo'er !ey
may be used@.
B 2ffeti'e life after pla%%ed e%d >wit& urb@F 7&e atual( %ot t&e pla%%ed life determi%es t&e rate of
depreiatio%. 20ampleF 7&e useful life is 10 years( so t&ere is depreiatio% of 1/10 ea& year. 7&is
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 11
i%diator redues t&e depreiatio% rate of 1/10 of t&e "#C to 1/11 i% t&e 11
year a%d so o%( so t&at t&e
depreiatio% amou%t dereases after t&e pla%%ed e%d.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 12
SAP AG 1999
Actual Plan
Cost0Acc dep.
Actual Plan
'0 S
. . . . .
5epreciation 5epreciation 5epreciation
&!puted &nterest &!puted &nterest &!puted &nterest
Cost center
Cost center
5ep. .ey *&NA
5ep. type/ Nor!al
dep. and interest/
&!puted &nterest
&nterest calculation/
Calculation !ethods/
0 6asic !ethod/ &nterest
percentage e#plicitR depr.
after FusefulG life end
0 Periods/ 0'20'202202
0 *evels/ '0 SR
6ase value/ (alf APC
6or ost aou%ti%+( you mi+&t &a'e to alulate imputed i%terest o% t&e apital tied up i% assets. Speify
t&e followi%+ setti%+sF
B "llow t&e alulatio% of imputed i%terest for t&e depreiatio% area.
B .etermi%e t&at i%terest s&ould be posted for t&e ompa%y ode a%d t&e orrespo%di%+ depreiatio%
B /se a depreiatio% !ey to w&i& alulatio% met&ods for t&e depreiatio% type ?,%terest? are assi+%ed(
or defi%e su& a !ey yourself.
B ,f t&e alulatio% of t&e i%terest is based o% replaeme%t 'alue( t&e sytem alulates i%de0ed i%terest.
7&e system posts i%terest simulta%eously duri%+ t&e periodi depreiatio% posti%+ ru%. ,t posts to t&e
aou%ts w&i& are e%tered i% t&e rele'a%t aou%t determi%atio% for ea& depreiatio% area.
6urt&ermore( a% additio%al aou%t assi+%me%t a% be made to t&e ost e%ter or t&e i%ter%al order
e%tered i% ea& asset master reord >as is t&e ase wit& depreiatio%@.
7&is e0ample assumesF
B .epreiatio% met&odF Stated pere%ta+e >10V@
B -ase 'alueF 8alf of aAuisitio% 'alue
B 2%d treatme%tF .epreiatio% after pla%%ed life e%d
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
SAP AG 1999
' )eplace!ent values
&nde# figure y fiscal year
(istorical or nor!al inde#
:aster data
5epreciation area
5epreciation ter!s
20 Cost0acc. *&NA '0 0000'
20 Cost0acc. 5epreciation areas
)evaluation of
Acc. depreciation
&nde# Class
&nde# 0000'
Class '
Si!ul. ann.rate '03S
&nde# 0000'
<<<< ''0.0 S
<<<< '20.0 S
&nde# series
&nde# figures
Specify intervals2 Specify intervals2
account assign!ent rules account assign!ent rules
Asset :aster )ecord Asset :aster )ecord
)eplace!ent Balues/ &nde#
,f re'aluatio% >i%de0i%+@ is used i% a depreiatio% area( you a% speify a% i%de0 series for alulati%+
t&e replaeme%t 'alue. Cou e%ter t&e i%de0 series i% t&e asset or i% t&e asset lass.
7&e i%de0 series &as to be assi+%ed to a% i%de0 lass. 7&is lass o%tai%s t&e esse%tial o%trol parameters
for t&e i%de0 series. *%ly yearBdepe%de%t i%de0 lasses are used.
6or ea& fisal year( you s&ould speify i%de0 fi+ures for t&e i%de0 series. ,f t&ey are missi%+( t&e system
swit&es to t&e simulated a%%ual rate of re'aluatio%.
"% i%de0ed re'aluatio% a% also be alulated for aumulated depreiatio% a%d imputed i%terest >if t&e
i%terest alulatio% !ey is based o% replaeme%t 'alue@.
Cou speify i% t&e depreiatio% area if you wa%t to post to t&e +e%eral led+er( i%diati%+ w&et&er you
wa%t to post re'aluatio% of "#C o%ly( or also i%lude depreiatio%/i%terest.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
&ndividual assets
Cost center 1rder
Cost ele!ent
C1 C1
%& %&
'0 S
%& %& 0 0 AA AA
:anually :anually
planned planned
deprecia deprecia0 0
tion tion
5epreciation Posting Progra!
7&e alulatio% a%d pla%%i%+ of depreiatio%( i%terest( a%d re'aluatio% is o%trolled by tra%satio% types
i% t&e "sset "ou%ti%+ system.
7&ey a% also be e%tered ma%ually usi%+ a speial posti%+ tra%satio% >for more i%formatio%( see urre%tB
'alue depreiatio%@. ,% bot& ases( t&ese pla%%ed 'alues i% "sset "ou%ti%+ &a'e to be periodially
posted to t&e orrespo%di%+ e0pe%se a%d asset bala%e s&eet aou%ts i% t&e +e%eral led+er.
7&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram R"-/C800 updates t&e asset 'alues a%d +e%erates a bat&Bi%put
sessio% for t&e update of t&e +e%eral led+er.
7&e posti%+ sessio% also posts t&e differe%t depreiatio% types( i%terest( a%d re'aluatio%( i% additio% to
t&e writi%+Boff a%d alloatio% of speial reser'es. 7&e system does %ot reate i%di'idual doume%ts( o%ly
summari5ed posti%+ doume%ts >per busi%ess area a%d per aou%t determi%atio%@.
7&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram R"#*S700 a% be used to post depreiatio% for more t&a% 100(000
assets. ,% o%trast to t&e ordi%ary depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram R"-/C800 depreiatio% is posted
diretly to t&e +e%eral led+er.
7&ere are ertai% restritio%s to be ta!e% i%to mi%d. 6or more details see t&e doume%tatio% of t&is
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
SAP AG 1999
depreciation run
Post values of depreciation area to G2*?
5efine G2*0accounts for depreciation
Assign docu!ent type 2 no. range
%&0AA/ %&
atch input
Process Process
atch input atch input
session session
5efine posting rules
5epreciation Posting/ &ntegration Hith G2*
6or ea& depreiatio% area a%d ompa%y ode( speify for posti%+ depreiatio%F
t&e freAue%y
t&e distributio% met&od
C* aou%t assi+%me%t
ot&er posti%+ setti%+s
6or ea& ompa%y ode you must defi%e a doume%t type for automati depreiatio% posti%+ o%lyF 7&is
doume%t type reAuires its ow% e0ter%al %umber ra%+e.
Cou also %eed to speify t&e aou%ts for posti%+. >"ou%t determi%atio%@
7o e%sure o%siste%y betwee% "sset "ou%ti%+ a%d 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+( you must proess t&e bat&
i%put sessio% reated by t&e posti%+ report.
,f you fail to proess t&e bat& i%put sessio%( a% error messa+e will appear at t&e %e0t posti%+ ru%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
SAP AG 1999
6alance Sheet Bals
5epreciation 1nline Periodically
No values2
depr. posted
6oo. depr.
Area 99
5epreciation 5epreciation
run run
%& 0 AA
&nfo Syste!
Cost center
Add. acct.
Settings for Posting to General *edger
6or ea& depreiatio% area( speify w&et&er you wa%t toF
B "utomatially post asset 'alues o%li%e >o%ly possible for o%e depreiatio% area@
B #ost asset 'alues at periodi i%ter'als( >for e0ample( ustomerBdefi%ed depreiatio% area or deri'ed
depreiatio% area@
B #ost depreiatio% at periodi i%ter'als to t&e +e%eral led+er.
Cou a% post depreiatio% to ost aou%ti%+ from a%y depreiatio% area( usi%+ t&e aou%t assi+%me%t
ob=ets ost e%ter or order.
,f t&ere were a% i%ter%al order a%d a ost e%ter i% t&e master reord( t&e system would post depreiatio%
to t&e i%ter%al order a%d %ot to t&e ost e%ter.
Cou a% ma!e t&e setti%+s for posti%+ depreiatio% to t&e +e%eral led+er eit&er i% t&e S"# 2asy "ess
me%u for "sset "ou%ti%+ >2%'iro%me%t HI Curre%t setti%+s@ or i% t&e ,M$.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation posting cycle/ :onthly
Ac3uisition on 0520'2<<<</ -000
Planned useful life/ 5 years
%ull year depreciation
F(alf0year ruleG/ '200
2 4 - E '0 '2
A3uisition on 0'20'2<<<<
Catch0up !ethod
5epreciation posted
5epreciation Posting for Ac3uisitions 5uring <ear
7&e system supports two met&ods for distributi%+ foreasted depreiatio% to t&e posti%+ periodsF t&e
smoot&i%+ a%d t&e at&Bup met&od.
7&e differe%e betwee% t&e two met&ods is see% i% t&e treatme%t of aAuisitio%s or postBapitali5atio%s
t&at ta!e plae duri%+ t&e fisal yearF
B /si%+ smoot&i%+( t&e depreiatio% is distributed e'e%ly to t&e periods from t&e urre%t depreiatio%
period up to t&e e%d of t&e fisal year >re+ardless of t&e 'alue date of t&e tra%satio%@.
20ample abo'eF .epreiatio%F 1200 / E H 150 per depreiatio% period from aAuisitio% period.
B )it& t&e at&Bup met&od( t&e depreiatio% o% t&e tra%satio% >from t&e start of apitali5atio% up to t&e
urre%t period@ is posted as a lump sum. 7&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram posts t&is amou%t i% t&e
posti%+ period i% w&i& t&e posti%+ date of t&e tra%satio% lies.
20ample abo'eF .epreiatio%F 500 i% period 05 >;a%uary B May@ a%d 100 for t&e followi%+ mo%t&s.
,f depreiatio% terms are altered after aAuisitio%s a%d depreiatio% &a'e bee% posted to a% asset( t&e
smoot&i%+ met&od distributes t&e differe%e betwee% pla%%ed a%%ual depreiatio% a%d already posted
depreiatio% e'e%ly to t&e remai%i%+ posti%+ periods.
7&e at&Bup met&od posts t&e differe%e i% a lump sum to t&e urre%t mo%t&.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1E
SAP AG 1999
<ear '
'000 0
%iscal <ear Change
%iscal <ear Change
<ear0end closing
%iscal <ear Change/ asset values
Periodic processing
%iscal year change
Periodic processing Periodic processing
%iscal year change %iscal year change
At start of year <ear 2
'0000 0
'0000 '0000
'000 0 '000 0
@000 E000
%iscal <ear Change
7&e fisal year &a%+e pro+ram ope%s %ew a%%ual 'alue fields for ea& asset.
7&e earliest you a% start t&is pro+ram is i% t&e last posti%+ period of t&e urre%t year.
Cou &a'e to ru% t&e fisal year &a%+e pro+ram for your w&ole ompa%y ode.
Cou a% o%ly proess a fisal year &a%+e i% a subseAue%t year if t&e pre'ious year &as already bee%
losed for busi%ess.
7a!e are %ot to o%fuse t&e fisal year &a%+e pro+ram wit& yearBe%d losi%+ for aou%ti%+ purposes.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
5epreciation posting
<ear0end closing progra!
@ 5epreciation fully posted?
@ APC values posted periodically?
@ Any errors for any assets?
1C? 1C? 1C?
Ad4ust!ent postings Ad4ust!ent postings
F:assG changes F:assG changes
1C? 1C? 1C?
1C? 1C? 1C? No
6al P>*
Asset (istory Sheet
<ear0;nd Closing
#reparatio%s for yearBe%d losi%+F
B "fter depreiatio% lists a%d t&e asset &istory s&eet &a'e bee% &e!ed( depreiatio% is posted.
B ,f a% area posts "#C 'alues to t&e +e%eral led+er periodially( you will %eed to ru% report R"#2R#00
for periodi posti%+.
B ,f t&e fi%al result is %ot satisfatory( you a% arry out depreiatio% simulatio% or mass &a%+es( or
ma!e ad=ustme%t posti%+s.
B ,f depreiatio% 'alues &a%+e( you &a'e to ru% t&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram a+ai%.
B *%e depreiatio% &as bee% posted i% 6,B"" a%d 6,( a bala%e s&eet a%d profit a%d loss stateme%t a%
be reated.
7&e yearBe%d losi%+ pro+ram t&e% &e!s( ifF
B .epreiatio% was fully posted
B 2rrors or i%omplete e%tries e0ist for a%y assets
,f t&e pro+ram does %ot fi%d a%y errors( it updates t&e last losed fisal year for ea& depreiatio% area.
"t t&e same time( t&e report lo!s posti%+ i% "sset "ou%ti%+ for t&e losed fisal year.
,f a losed fisal year is subseAue%tly released for posti%+( it a% o%ly be losed a+ai% o%e t&e yearBe%d
losi%+ pro+ram &as bee% reBru%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 20
SAP AG 1999
&n this unit asset valuation and periodic processing "ere
Hou can use a separate depreciation area in our asset 0or eac,
o0 our calculation needs5 &,is contains<
* .i00erent 7inds o0 depreciation 8ordinar depreciation= special
* .epreciation ter#s 8depreciation #et,od= use0ul li0e95
* 6ase 'alues 0or depreciation calculation 8AP+= replace#ent
.epreciation posting<
Along 2it, depreciation calculation= depreciation posting to t,e
appropriate general ledger accounts is one o0 t,e #ain tas7s o0
integrated Asset Accounting5 .epreciation is posted using t,e
report RA63+"005
Hear*end closing<
Hear*end closing closes t,e 0iscal ear in Asset Accounting5 &,e
ear is t,en /loc7ed 0or postings and t,e recalculation o0
Periodic Processing/ Su!!ary
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 21
5.21 Heriodic Hrocessin/ Exercises
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: Cal%ation
"t t&e o%lusio% of t&ese e0erises( you will be able toF
Ma!e setti%+s for depreiatio% areas
.esribe &ow depreiatio% terms are used i% differe%t
depreiatio% areas
Co%trol t&e alulatio% of depreiatio%
Carry out t&e most importa%t periodi proessi%+ tas!s
"%aly5e depreiatio% 'alues
Start t&e depreiatio% posti%+ ru%
20plai% t&e tas!s of t&e fisal year &a%+e pro+ram a%d t&e
yearBe%d losi%+ pro+ram
Cou &a'e to assist t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t wit& t&eir first mo%t&B
e%d losi%+ proedures. 7&e followi%+ e0erises will prepare t&e data for
mo%t&Be%d losi%+.
;n Delease 4.67 t0e internal calc%lation -e"s in t0e depreciation -e"
Eere replaced $" calc%lation #et0ods. ;n order to $e a$le to %se t0e
MneEN depreciation -e"s ater an %p/rade to Delease 4.67 "o% 0a)e to
c0an/e t0eir stat%s ro# migrated to acti.e.
+0is 0as alread" $een done in all trainin/ s"ste#s or all co%rses as
o 4.6&B Cou a% &e! t&is i% Customi5i%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+.
C&oose !epreciation Valuation "ethods !epreciation #e$
"aintain !epreciation #e$
1B1 C&a%+e t&e depreiatio% !ey i% o%e of t&e ati'e asset master reords t&at you posted i%
area 01 a%d area 02( a%d a%aly5e &ow t&e depreiatio% 'alues &a%+e. 7a!e a loser loo!
at t&e system war%i%+ messa+esT
1B2 C&e! i% t&e ,M$ w&i& depreiatio% areas i% your &art of depreiatio% allow ordi%ary
depreiatio%. ,% t&is part of Customi5i%+ you a% also see w&i& depreiatio% types are
allowed i% ea& depreiatio% area.
1B3 "%aly5e t&e depreiatio% terms i% t&e boo! depreciation area 01 i% o%e of your assets.
C&e! t&e asset 'alues a%d display t&e alulatio% of depreiatio% i% t&e system.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 22
1B4M #ost aAuisitio%s to a% asset i% lass 3000 a%d &e! t&e 'alues i% t&e ostBaou%ti%+
depreiatio% areaF 7a!e a loo! at t&e 'alues >espeially "#C a%d i%terest@ i% t&is area. 7&e
effet of t&e i%de0 is %ot appare%t u%til t&e followi%+ year. ,f you &a'e a% index t&ere(
remo'e it i% a seo%d step.
8ow is t&e depreiatio% 'alue alulated i% bot& asesN
1B4B1M Create your ow% i%de0 series 2266 i% i%de0 lass 1. 7a!e t&e urre%t year as t&e
base year wit& t&e 'aluatio% 100 a%d redue t&is amou%t by 10 poi%ts per year o'er
3 years. ,f you wis&( you a% wor! wit& a simulated yearly rate of 5V after t&is
1B4B2M Create a %ew master reord i% class 3200 a%d assi+% it to t&e %ew i%de0 series i%
depreciation area 20. Ma!e posti%+s to t&e master reord i% t&e urre%t year a%d
a%aly5e t&e 'alues i% area 20.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 23
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: Depreciation Hostin/ Hro/ra#
Cou &a'e to assist t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t wit& t&eir first mo%t&B
e%d losi%+ proedures.
7&ese ati'ities are %eeded to prepare a%d arry out t&e mo%t&Be%d
2B1 Now defi%e t&e postin/ r%les for your co#pan" code. ,f you wa%t to post depreiatio% to
ost aou%ti%+( you %eed to defi%e C* aou%t assi+%me%t >ost e%ter a%d/or i%ter%al
order@ i% t&e ost aou%ti%+ area. Cou s&ould also ma!e sure t&at imputed i%terest will be
posted i% t&is area.
2B2 Ma!e sure t&at t&e doc%#ent t"pe A& is defi%ed for depreiatio% posti%+ to t&e +e%eral
led+er for your ompa%y ode.
2B3 )&ile you were testi%+( you posted 'alues i% t&e pre'ious year. ,% order to be able to lose
t&at year later( you will &a'e to ru% a% u%pla%%ed depreciation postin/ r%n for t&e urre%t
year R1. 7&is s&ould i%lude t&e depreiatio% from ;a%uary to .eember. -efore you
atually e0eute t&e update ru%( do a test r%n wit& t&e followi%+ settin/sF
Compa%y odeF ""JJ
6isal yearF #re'ious year
#osti%+ period 12 >.eember@
Reaso% for depreiatio% posti%+ ru%F /%pla%%ed
*t&er optio%sF 9ist assets a%d test ru%
Sessio% %ameF R"-/C8JJ121;
Ueep sessio% selet
2B4 2%d t&e test ru% a%d start a% update ru% in t0e $ac-/ro%nd usi%+ t&e setti%+s from t&e
pre'ious e0erise. /se pri%ter 9#01.
.isplay your =ob a%d loo! at t&e spool list i% t&e =ob o'er'iew. 7&is depreiatio% list
i%ludes( but is %ot limited to( t&e followi%+ i%formatio%F
R "ssets reated by D2*U&O00
R -usi%ess areas
R #la%%ed a%d posted depreiatio%
R 6, doume%ts t&at are posted w&e% you proess t&e bat& i%put sessio%
B Cost e%ters posted to
B ,%formatio% o%er%i%+ t&e suessful depreiatio% ru% a%d t&e messa+e to proess t&e
bat& i%put sessio%.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
2B5 #roess t&e bat& i%put sessio% t&at t&e pro+ram reates. #roess t&e bat& i%put sessio% i%
t&e fore+rou%d to see &ow t&e system posts t&e 6, doume%ts. ,f doume%t e%tries are
missi%+( you a% t&e% e%ter t&em diretly i% t&e doume%t.
,f you are familiar wit& proessi%+ bat& i%put sessio%s you a% also
proess t&e sessio% i% t&e ba!+rou%d. Cou reei'e t&e messa+e X1
sessio%>s@ tra%sferred to ba!+rou%d proessi%+Y.
2B5B1M Re'iew t&e lo+ to e%sure t&at t&e depreiatio% ru% was proessed wit&out errors a%d
to see t&e 6, doume%t %umbers reated w&e% depreiatio% was posted.
2B5B2M $o to t&e 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+ ompo%e%t a%d re'iew t&e depreiatio% doume%ts.
/se t&e followi%+ parameters for your doume%tF
Compa%y odeF 2266
6isal yearF &%rrent "ear <1
.oume%t typeF 21
2B5B3M *pe% t&e 2sset Explorer a%d &e! t&e 'alues posted to a depreiated asset.
2B5B4M C&e! &ow mu& depreiatio% &as bee% posted to ea& asset lass. /se t&e report
2B6M Ru% t&e depreiatio% pro+ram for your ompa%y ode for ;a%uary of t&e urre%t year. 6irst
use test #ode a%d t&e followi%+ settin/sF
Compa%y odeF 22JJ
6isal yearF &%rrent "ear
#osti%+ period 01 >;a%uary@
Reaso% for depreiatio% posti%+ ru%F Hlanned
*t&er optio%sF Aist assets a%d test r%n
Sessio% %ameF D2*U&O6601AJ
Ueep sessio% select
2B6B1M #roess t&e ;a%uary ru% wit& t&e abo'e setti%+s i% a% update ru%.
/se pri%ter 9#01.
.isplay your =ob a%d loo! at t&e spool list i% t&e =ob o'er'iew.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 25
2BDM #roess t&e bat& i%put sessio% for depreiatio% i% ;a%uary of t&e urre%t year reated by
t&e pro+ram eit&er i% t&e fore+rou%d or t&e ba!+rou%d( aordi%+ to your prefere%e.
6or ot&er reo%iliatio% wor! you ould ru% D1!!AD00( D2321201(
D2O21201( or D2*E!+01.
2BEM Cou reali5e later t&at you &a'e posted too mu& depreiatio%. )&at s&ould you do %owN
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 26
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: 9ear<End &losin/
3B1 Cou fi%d t&at t&e last losed fisal year for "sset "ou%ti%+ was t&e urre%t year B 2. Cou
t&erefore &a'e to lose urre%t year B 1. ,% order to do so( you &a'e to ru% t&e periodic
postin/ report before you a% lose t&e urre%t year R 1. Remember t&at t&at you &a'e to
e0eute a% update ru% after t&e test ru%.
Compa%y odeF 2266
.oume%t typeF !2
#roess t&e test ru% first( t&e% t&e update ru% in t0e ore/ro%nd.
)&e% t&ere is %o 6,B"" data i% your ompa%y ode >as was t&e ase at
t&e start of t&e ourse "C305@( t&e% t&e date of t&e last losed year would
be urre%t year R 1. 7&erefore( o%ly t&e urre%t year is allowed for
Reaso%F )&e% you li%! t&e 6, ompa%y ode to your "" data( it is
assumed t&at "sset "ou%ti%+ starts wit& t&e urre%t year >t&at is( t&e
last fisal year was losed i% t&e le+ay system@. 7&erefore t&e table
o%tai%s t&e urre%t yearB1 as t&e last losed fisal year.
7o your surprised pro=et team members you e0plai% t&at you u%did a
fisal year &a%+e before&a%d beause you wa%ted to demo%strate a%d
test posti%+ to prior years >i% /%it X7ra%satio%sY@.
3B2 Now perform yearBe%d losi%+ for t&e pre'ious year.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2D
5.22 Heriodic Hrocessin/ !ol%tions
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: Cal%ation
Me%u pat& to t&e 2sset 2cco%ntin/ :1;<22= applicationF SAP Easy Access SAP Menu
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets
Me%u pat& to &%sto#i5in/ or 2sset 2cco%ntin/F SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools
Accelerated SAP Customizing Project Management. C&oose SAP Reference IM
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting.
1B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset C$ange Asset
2%ter t&e %umber of a apitali5ed asset to w&i& posti%+s &a'e bee% made >or reate a %ew
master reord a%d post to it@.
Pus$0utton ?%e#reciation areas@
C&a%+e t&e depreiatio% terms i% areas 01 a%d 02 as you see fit( a%d sa'e your &a%+es.
7&e% double li! o% t&e war%i%+ messa+es.
1B2 Customizing FI!AA %e#reciation "rdinary %e#reciation %etermine
%e#reciation Areas
1B3 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
Cou a% also =ump from t&e "sset 20plorer to t&e asset 'alue displayF Me%u oto
Additional Functions 2%ter
Me%u Edit %is#lay de#. calc.
1B4M A##lication FI!AA Postings Ac;uisition External Ac;uisition Ac;uis.
*&Autom. "ffsetting Entry
#ost aAuisitio% to a master reord %ot yet reated i% lass 3000 i% t&e urre%t year.
.isplay asset 'aluesF A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer Area 12
Remo'e i%de0F A##lication FI!AA Asset C$ange Asset
%e#reciation Areas #us$0utton
.elete i%de0 series from area 20 a%d sa'e.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2E
1B4B1M Customizing FI!AA S#ecial )aluation Re.aluation of Fixed Assets
Indexed Re#lacement )alues %efine Index Series
#us$0utton ?/e* entries@
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Inde0 series AA55
*ong te0t Inde0 series group AA55
Inde0 class '
Sim. annual rate '6;
Sa(e and choose the green
arro%" FBackG
Selet t&e %ew i%de0 series &oose Inde0 figures i% t&e .ialo+ struture
pus&butto% 1e% entries
2%ter t&e a%%ual 'alues aordi%+ to t&e te0t of t&e e0erise.
1B4B2M ,f youL'e +ot t&is far( you do%Lt %eed a%y e0pla%atio% of t&e pat& to use for reati%+
a master reord a%d assi+%i%+ t&e i%de0 series to depreiatio% area 20. Ma!i%+
posti%+s is &ildLs play tooT
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 24
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: Depreciation Hostin/ Hro/ra#
2B1 Customi5i%+ 6,B"" ,%te+ratio% wit& t&e $e%eral 9ed+er #ost .epreiatio% to t&e
$e%eral 9ed+er Speify ,%ter'als a%d #osti%+ Rules Selet ompa%y ode ""JJ
.ialo+ Struture #osti%+ rules .etail sree% area 20
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
C- account assignmentB
Assign to cost centers
Post to internal order
-ptional select
-ther posting settingsB
Post interest Select
2B2 Customizing FI!AA Integration *it$ t$e eneral +edger Post %e#reciation to t$e
eneral +edger S#ecify %ocument Ty#e for Posting of %e#reciation
S#ecify document ty#e for de#reciation #osting
2B3 A##lication FI!AA Periodic Processing %e#reciation Run Execute
.o t&e test ru% usi%+ t&e e%tries a%d parameters +i'e% i% t&e te0t of t&e e0erise.
2B4 A##lication FI!AA Periodic Processing %e#reciation Run Execute
.eselet test ru%( !eep ot&er setti%+s from e0erise 2B3
Menu 0ar Program Execute in 0ac(ground
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
-utput de(ice *P6'
Start date (alues Immediately
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 30
.isplay pri%t =obF Me%u System Ser.ices Ao0s Ao0*
?Execute@ #us$0utton
Selet =ob a%d &oose Spool.
Selet t&e spool reAuest a%d &oose Display.
2B5 Me%u System Ser'ies -at& i%put Sessio%s
selet sessio% reated pus&butto% X#roessY
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Dialog o0B
Process in foreground
Standard screen si+e
Set radioutton
FProcessG pushutton Choose
2B5B1M Menu System Ser.ices 'atc$ in#ut Sessions
ta0 #age & status ?Processed@ Select Session #us$0utton ?+og@
Select Session #us$0utton ?%is#lay@
2B5B2M SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial Accounting
eneral +edger %ocument %is#lay
c$oose ?+ist@
2%ter t&e parameters +i'e% i% t&e e0erise.
2B5B3M A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
ta0 #age ?Posted )alues@
2B5B4M Menu 0ar System Ser.ices Re#orting
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Program 3AGA&A6'
Company code AA55
3eport date '4)=')P>
Sort (ersion 666@
*ist assets -ptional
2B6M to 2BDMF
7&e e0erises a% be sol'ed i% e0atly t&e same way as e0erises 2B3 to 2B5. Cou a% fi%d
t&e %ew parameters i% t&e te0t of t&e e0erises.
2BEM 6irst of all you %eed to orret t&e depreiatio% terms i% t&e affeted assets. ,f you perform
depreiatio% ru%s mo%t&ly( ru% t&e depreiatio% posti%+ pro+ram a+ai% for t&e rele'a%t
mo%t&. 7&is time you ould &oose t&e optio% XRepeat ru%Y as t&e reaso% for t&e posti%+
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 31
Unit: Heriodic Hrocessin/
+opic: 9ear<End &losin/
3B1 8ow a% you fi%d out w&i& is t&e last losed fisal yearN
A##lication FI!AA Periodic Processing Bear!End Closing Reset Entire
Com#any Code
#erform periodi posti%+F A##lication FI!AA Periodic Processing Periodic Posting
/se t&e parameters +i'e% i% t&e te0t of t&e e0erise.
3B2 "ppliatio% 6,B"" #eriodi proessi%+ CearBe%d losi%+ 20eute
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Asset classes Assets under
H666 to H66'
&or fiscal year P>
7est run Select
Start update ru%F Me%u #ro+ram 20eute i% ba!+rou%d
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
-utput de(ice *P6'
Start date (alues Immediately
.isplay =obF Me%u System Ser.ices Ao0s Ao0*
#us$0utton ?Execute@
Selet =ob R";"-S00 a%d &oose Spool.
Selet t&e spool reAuest a%d &oose Display.
.etermi%e last losed fisal yearF
A##lication FI!AA Periodic Processing Fiscal Bear!End Closing Reset
Entire Com#any Code
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 32
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 33
SAP AG 1999
)eport Selection
Asset Balue 5isplay
Asset Si!ulation
Si!ulation Bersions
Sort Criteria
Asset (istory Sheet
&nfor!ation Syste!
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
c,oose and e)ecute t,e 'arious Asset Accounting
0orecast 0uture depreciation
set up 'aria/le sorting and totalling 0or asset reports
create t,e asset ,istor s,eet and structure it to #eet
our needs
&nfor!ation Syste!/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %& 0 0 AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
&nfor!ation Syste!/ 6usiness Scenario
Hhen you "ere discussing the preparations for year0end closing
"ith the pro4ect tea!8 your colleagues in financial accounting
"ondered if it "as possile to ad4ust the asset portfolio to the
goals of alance sheet policy efore the closing place.
<ou e#plore the %&0AA infor!ation syste! and discover functions
and reports to si!ulate different valuations for the fi#ed assets.
1ne of the !ain tas.s of Asset Accounting is to represent the
asset portfolio in the detailed for! of an asset history sheet. $his
for!s the appendi# to the alance sheet. <ou "ill therefore analy9e
the asset history sheet options.
<our colleagues fro! the cost accounting depart!ent have heard
aout the different reporting options that are offered y the %&0AA
infor!ation syste!. $hey as. you if you could produce cost0
related asset data.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
)eport $ree and Area :enu
&ndividual Asset
Asset 6alances
Asset 6alances
)eports on Asset Accounting
Asset 6alances Asset 6alances
6alance 6alance Sheet ;#planations Sheet ;#planations
;#planations for the ;#planations for the
Profit Profit and *oss and *oss State!ent State!ent
Cost Accounting Cost Accounting
5epreciation %orecast 5epreciation %orecast
Special Baluation Special Baluation
)econciliation )econciliation
Preparations for Closing Preparations for Closing
5ay 5ay0 0to to0 05ay Activities 5ay Activities
$a#es $a#es
(istory (istory
&ndividual Asset &ndividual Asset
)eport $ree
... y Asset Nu!er
... y Asset Class
... y 6usiness Area
... y Plant
... y Cost Center
Area :enu
/%til Release 4.5( t&e sta%dard reports for "sset "ou%ti%+ >as well as t&ose of ot&er ompo%e%ts@ were
assi+%ed to a report tree( w&i& was stored i% Customi5i%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+.
Report trees were replaed by area me%us. 7&e area me%u for reporti%+ for "sset "ou%ti%+ is alled
?,%formatio% System Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+.? 7&is is embedded i% t&e area me%u for "sset
"ou%ti%+ >HI "SMN@.
Cou a% display a%d &a%+e area me%us i% area me%u mai%te%a%e >tra%satio% se43@.
7&e &a%+es resulti%+ from t&e %ew area me%u i% "sset "ou%ti%+ are desribed i% %ote 206516. 6or
+e%eral i%formatio% o% t&is topi( refer to %ote 205DD1.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
A*B 0 SAP *ist Bie"er
5isplaying or hiding colu!ns
%or!atting colu!ns y or dragging "ith the !ouse
Calculating totals for nu!erical or currency fields
;#panding2collapsing hierarchy levels
Saving client and user0dependent settings
Conte#t0sensitive navigating
;#porting to spreadsheets
7&e S"# 9ist 1iewer is used for reporti%+ o% all li%e items. 7&is tool is used to sta%dardi5e a%d simplify
usi%+ reports i% t&e R/3 System.
,ts userBfrie%dly &arateristis support t&e dy%ami reatio% of layouts.
7&ere is a %ew +rap&ial desi+%( a%d it is e'e% simpler to proess a%d display lists a%d reports usi%+ t&e
"91 +rid o%trol.
,mporta%t "91 fu%tio%sF
B .eleti%+ a%d i%serti%+ olum%s
B "rra%+i%+ t&e 'alues i% olum%s i% ase%di%+ or dese%di%+ order
B Calulati%+ totals or subtotals aross o%e or more olum%s wit&i% a list
B /si%+ layouts to sa'e a% i%di'idual report struture so t&at you a% use it a+ai% later
B Setti%+ filtersF ,t is possible to display o%ly t&ose li%e items t&at &a'e some o%%etio% wit& a partiular
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
value per area
5isplay docu!ents
in G2* account
5isplay values 5isplay values
1ne2several years
Hith si!ulated change to Hith si!ulated change to
depreciation ter!s depreciation ter!s
Hith si!ulated transactions Hith si!ulated transactions
Si!ulated fiscal Si!ulated fiscal
year change year change
Asset Balue 5isplay
Asset Balue 5isplay FAH0'G
7&e asset 'alue display offers e0te%si'e possibilities for e'aluati%+ i%di'idual asset master reords.
-y e%teri%+ a% asteris! >M@ i% t&e sub%umber field( you reAuest ombi%ed reporti%+ for a mai% %umber
a%d t&e sub%umbers belo%+i%+ to it.
C&oose /dit BI Display dep. calc. to see a detailed display of t&e alulatio% of depreiatio% i% t&e
C&oose Goto BI All (alues to display pla%%ed a%d posted 'alues a%d to see up to w&i& period
depreiatio% &as bee% posted. 7&is o'er'iew also s&ows t&e depreiatio% terms.
Cou a% simulate t&e de'elopme%t of 'alues i% future years( simulati%+ differe%t depreiatio% terms a%d
tra%satio%s( e'e% for i%di'idual assets.
Cou a% start reports from wit&i% t&e asset 'alue display tra%satio%. Cou a% e%ter differe%t seletio%
'aria%ts for t&ese reports i% Customi5i%+ for Asset Accounting. C&oose Information System.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
Course of depreciation for
individual assets
5evelop!ent of asset values
Asset Class/ :achines
Si!ulation version
5ifferent depreciation
1perating profit
"ith spec. dep.
"2out spec. dep.
5epreciation Si!ulation
Simulatio%( i% t&is o%te0t( refers to a% e0perime%tal &a%+e to depreiatio% parameters affeti%+ t&e
'aluatio% of assets. 7&is &a%+e a% apply to a si%+le asset( t&e e%tire asset portfolio( or parts of it.
*ur e0ample depits t&e sta%dard report for simulatio%. )&e% you simulate t&e de'elopme%t of asset
'alues( you a% &a%+e all t&e importa%t depreiatio% terms usi%+ a simulatio% 'ersio% a%d simulate t&e
depreiatio% for future fisal years.
Sort 'ersio%s a%d t&e optio%s for a totals report are also a'ailable.
Cou &a'e t&e optio% of i%ludi%+ depreiatio% for your pla%%ed apital i%'estme%ts i% t&e foreast. ,%
order to ta!e ad'a%ta+e of t&is optio%( you &a'e to be ma%a+i%+ t&e pla%%ed i%'estme%t amou%ts as
pla%%ed osts o% a% order or pro=et i% C*. -y assi+%i%+ depreiatio% terms a%d a pla%%ed startBup date
to t&e order or pro=et( you ma!e it possible for t&e pla%%ed depreiatio% to be displayed.
"s t&e system a%%ot determi%e &ow mu& of t&e osts &a'e bee% settled to t&e "uC a%d o%seAue%tly to
apitali5ed assets( you s&ould t&e% ta!e asset 'alues as of fisal year start.
6rom t&e list you a% drill dow% to t&e asset 'alue display of ea& seleted asset. 7&e e'aluatio% date is
rele'a%t for t&e 'alue display.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
)eport date
Si!ulation version
)eport date
Si!ulation version
A6 . . . .
D< Straight0line depr. instead of declining dep.
Area Class 7seful life . .
. 0' LLLL '0 E . . .
%or all assets in class LLLL8 straight0line
depreciation is si!ulated instead of
declining alance depreciation.
%or %or all all assets assets in in class class LLLL8 LLLL8 straight straight0 0line line
depreciation is si!ulated instead of depreciation is si!ulated instead of
declining alance depreciation declining alance depreciation. .
Si!ulation Bersions
Simulatio% 'ersio%s allow you to simulate a &a%+e i% depreiatio% met&od for asset 'alue/depreiatio%
6or ea& area( asset lass( a%d depreiatio% !ey( you speify w&i& depreiatio% !ey a%d useful life
s&ould be &ose% as alter%ati'es for simulatio%. 7&e 'alidity i%ter'al e0ludes assets wit& a apitali5atio%
date t&at lies outside t&at ra%+e.
"dditio%ally( you a% defi%e a substitutio% rule to i%lude ot&er depreiatio% parameters i% t&e
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
) e p o r t d e f i n i t i o n ) e p o r t d e f i n i t i o n ) e p o r t d e f i n i t i o n
Assets Balues
) list &ndividual list $otals report
Sort.... Balues Assets Balues
%i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets %i#ed Assets
%ield %ield %ield
67C)S 67C)S
... ...
Sort version 00' Sort version Sort version 00' 00'
6alance sheet perspective8
!anage!ent perspective8
and !ore...
$otal $otal $otal
Co!pany code Co!pany code Co!pany code
Sort Criteria
"ll reports allow you to sort/total data i% differe%t ways usi%+ freely defi%able sort riteria.
" sort 'ersio% o%sists of a ma0imum of 5 sort le'els w&i& are determi%ed 'ia .ata .itio%ary fields.
7&e report a% output a total a%d( i% some ases( a statisti for ea& sort le'el.
,% t&e olum% ?7otal? you a% speify t&e le'els o% w&i& you wa%t totals to be output.
Cou a% see a more detailed brea!dow% of t&e total of a +roup le'el i% some lists by seleti%+ t&e
?statisti? i%diator.
$e%erally( you a% use a%y sort 'ersio% wit& a%y report.
,f appropriate( reports offer additio%al sorti%+ by 'alue fields >for e0ample( asset bala%e( reports for
ostB aou%ti%+@.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 10
SAP AG 1999
APC %< start
0 5ep. %< start
A 6oo. val. at %< start
> Ac3uisition
0 5ep. on ac3uis.
0 )etire!ent
> 5ep. on ret.
5o"n pay!ent
5ep. on transfer
A Current APC
Accu!. dep.
Curr. oo. val.
0 0 '0 '0 20 20 30 30 @@ @@
. . .
)etire!ent . . .
(istory sheet
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
$ransaction 1rdinary
. . .
Asset (istory Sheet
7&e asset &istory s&eet is t&e most importa%t a%d most ompre&e%si'e yearBe%d report or i%termediate
report. Cou a% reate it usi%+ a%y sort 'ersio%s( a%d wit& totals at a%y +roup le'el( =ust li!e a%y ot&er
report. Cou a% reate a ompat totals list t&at does %ot o%tai% i%formatio% o% t&e i%di'idual assets.
-y usi%+ report i%terfaes( you a% display t&e &istory s&eet for t&e i%di'idual assets t&at form t&e total.
Cou a% drill dow% to t&e asset 'alue display. >"dditio%ally( you a% all up differe%t reports( or from
ot&er R/3 ompo%e%ts.@
S"# supplies ou%tryBspeifi 'ersio%s of t&e asset &istory s&eet. 7&ese meet t&e le+al reAuireme%ts i%
t&e +i'e% ou%try. 7&ere are also additio%al &istory s&eet 'ersio%s >to display t&e de'elopme%t of speial
Cou a% also defi%e your ow% &istory s&eet 'ersio%sF
B Si5eF /p to 10 li%es 0 E olum%s
B Cou e%ter t&e &eaders of t&e &istory s&eet items a%d
B determi%e &ow 'alues are to be supplied to t&e &istory s&eet items.
2%ter t&is &istory s&eet 'ersio% as a parameter w&e% you reAuest t&e asset &istory s&eet.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 11
SAP AG 1999
&nfor!ation Syste!/ Su!!ary
&n this unit the asset accounting infor!ation syste! has
een presented.
)eport tree/
Standard reports and any reports you have developed
yourself can e grouped together in a report tree.
Asset value display/
7sing this transaction8 you can display planned8 as "ell as
already posted asset values and depreciation for an asset.
$he infor!ation is availale in various for!s and can e
su!!ari9ed at various levels.
Asset si!ulation/
$he depreciation forecast allo"s you to forecast asset
depreciation. &f you use &: F&nvest!ent :anage!entG you
can include orders8 pro4ects and capital invest!ent
progra!s in the forecast.
Asset history sheet/
$he asset history sheet is often a re3uired appendi# to the
alance sheet. $his report provides an overvie" of the
course of asset values for the individual alance sheet
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 12
6.13;nor#ationss"ste#< Exercises
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: Cal%e !i#%lation
*% ompleti%+ t&ese e0erises( you will be able toF
Selet a%d e0eute differe%t reports i% "sset "ou%ti%+
6oreast future depreiatio%
Set up 'ariable sorti%+ a%d totali%+ for asset reports
Create t&e asset &istory s&eet a%d struture it to meet your %eeds
"t all times t&e asset aou%ti%+ departme%t %eeds a Aui! o'er'iew of
i%di'idual assets as well as asset lasses. 7&erefore you s&ould
demo%strate t&e fu%tio%s of t&e "sset 20plorer a%d asset 'alue display(
as well as t&e i%formatio% system t&at o%tai%s t&e "sset "ou%ti%+
6or yearBe%d losi%+( t&e asset aou%ti%+ pro=et team wa%ts to arry out
differe%t depreiatio% alulatio%s for t&e i%di'idual asset a%d for asset
lasses. 7&ey will t&e% speify t&e fi%al depreiatio% terms for yearBe%d
losi%+. 7&ey %eed a tool t&at allows t&em to simulate differe%t
depreiatio% terms for i%di'idual assets a%d for asset lasses.
1B1 #rese%t t&e 'arious fu%tio%s of asset )al%e displa" a%d t&e 2sset Explorer. "%aly5e o%e
of your asset master reords.
9oo! at t&e boo! depreiatio% 'alues for t&e urre%t fisal year. 7&e% sroll t&rou+& t&e
ot&er depreiatio% areas a%d future years.
1B2 .emo%strate t&e e)ol%tion o )al%es for t&e boo! depreiatio% area a%d t&e ostB
aou%ti%+ area for o%e of your assets from t&e c%rrent "ear to t0e c%rrent "ear P 5.
1B3 Simulate a c0an/e i% depreciation ter#s for o%e i%di'idual asset i% area 01 a%d area 02.
1B3B1M Simulate a% additio%al tra%satio% i% a master reord to w&i& posti%+s &a'e bee%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
1B4 Create a si#%lation report about future depreiatio% for asset class 3100 >or ot&er asset
lasses@. 7&e report s&ould o%tai% depreiatio% 'alues from t&e c%rrent "ear to t0e
c%rrent "ear P 10.
/p to a%d i%ludi%+ mai%te%a%e le'el 4.6-( you s&ould start Report R"S,M/01 to
meet t&ese reAuireme%ts >HI it is %ot fou%d i% t&e "sset "ou%ti%+ ,%formatio%
Starti%+ i% 4.6C( you a% use t&e sta%dard report R"S,M/02 t&at is fou%d i% t&e
,%formatio% System.
1B4B1M Simulate a c0an/e o depreciation ter#s for t&e boo! depreiatio% of asset class
3000 duri%+ t&e period &9 to &9P8.
6irst of all reate a si#%lation )ersion 66 i% w&i& assets i% lass 3000( area 01
&a'e depreiatio% !ey 9i%R( %ot .$30. .o %ot e0te%d t&e life of t&e asset.
7&e% start R"S,M/ a+ai% wit& your %ew simulatio% 'ersio%.
1B4B2M 7&is simulatio% report is rele'a%t %ot o%ly for asset aou%ti%+( but also for
ollea+ues w&o deal wit& lar+e i%'estme%t measures. Could you use t&is report to
simulate your i%'estme%t measuresN
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: Deportin/
2B1 7&e pro=et team partiularly li!ed your prese%tatio% of t&e ,%formatio% System. 8owe'er(
t&e ost aou%ti%+ departme%t &as furt&er reAuireme%ts< 7&ey would li!e a list sorted a%d
totaled aordi%+ to ost e%ter5 /se i%put &elp to loo! for t&e rele'a%t sort )ersion a%d
use t&is to proess a% asset list for your w&ole ost e%ter.
2B2 Cou wa%t to c0an/e a% asset list so t&at t&e assets belo%+i%+ to your ompa%y ode are
listed i% dese%di%+ order based o% t&eir aAuisitio% 'alue.
2B2B1M /se a displa" )ariant to sa'e t&ese setti%+s a%d t&e% try to all t&em up a+ai%.
2B3M 7&is demo%stratio% really i%spired t&e asset aou%ti%+ team. Now t&ey wa%t to !%ow w&at
t&e %ynamic selections fu%tio% a% do for t&em. *& %o( you &ad always wa%ted to loo!
t&at up yourself( but &ad %ot fou%d a%y doume%tatio% i% t&e report itself. 8ow about a
little e0ursio% i%to t&e !2H Ai$rar"N
2B3B1M 6i%d all of t&e assets i% your ompa%y ode t&at &a'e your +roup %umber >JJ@ i% t&e
Description master reord i%put field.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: 2sset Oistor" !0eet
3B1 ReAuest t&e asset 0istor" s0eet( seleti%+ all of t&e assets i% t&e asset class 3100. 7est
differe%t asset &istory s&eet 'ersio%s.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
6.14 ;nor#ation !"ste# !ol%tions
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: Cal%e !i#%lation
Me%u pat& to t&e 2sset 2cco%ntin/ :1;<22= applicationF SAP Easy Access SAP Menu
Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets
Me%u pat& to &%sto#i5in/ or 2sset 2cco%ntin/F SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools
Accelerated SAP Customizing Project Management. C&oose SAP Reference IM
Financial Accounting Asset Accounting.
1B1 A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer
6rom &ere you a% +o to t&e i%di'idual areas a%d display 'alues from differe%t years
?en% oto Additional functions
1B2 "ppliatio% 6,B"" "sset "sset 20plorer Me%u bar $oto "dditio%al fu%tio%s
C&oose o%e of your assets
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Depreciation areas 6' and 46
&iscal year C>
&iscal year to C>I;
1B3 Not yet possible i% Release 4.6"TTTT
1B3B1M A##lication FI!AA Asset Asset Ex#lorer Menu 0ar oto Additional
#us$0utton ?Simulate@
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Document and posting date '4)=')C>
Document type AA
Posted amount choose your o%n
7ransaction type '66
Pushutton FCopyG Choose
1B4 "ppliatio% 6,B"" ,%formatio% System Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+
.epreiatio% 6oreast .epreiatio% o% Capitali5ed "ssets >.epreiatio% Simulatio%@
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Asset class ='66
3eport date '4)=')C>I'6
Display (ariant 'JSAPJHJ*ine
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
1B4B1M Create simulatio% 'aria%tF A##lication FI!AA Information System Tools
Simulation )ersions
1e% entries pus&butto%
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Simulation (ersion 55
*ong te0t Simulation (ersion AA55
Select ne* entry %ialog Structure Simulation rules #us$0utton ?/e*
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Area 6'
Class =666
?ey DG=6
$alid to '4)=')C>I;
$alid from 6'.6'.'886
Depreciation key *in3
Change useful life '66
Call up R"S,M/ wit& t&e %ew 'aria%tF A##lication FI!AA Information System
Re#orts for Asset Accounting %e#reciation Forecast %e#reciation
Simulation %e#reciation on Ca#italized Assets 3%e#reciation Simulation5
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1E
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Asset class =666
3eport date '4)=')C>IC
Display (ariant 'JSAPJHJ*ine
Simulation (ersion 55
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
1B4B2M Ces. 7&ey a% also use t&ese reports to simulate t&e de'elopme%t of i%'estme%t
pro+rams( appropriatio% reAuests( )-S eleme%ts a%d orders.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: Deportin/
2B1 "ppliatio% 6,B"" ,%fo system Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+ "sset -ala%es
-ala%e 9ists "sset -ala%es "sset Number
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Sort (ersion 66'H
*ist assets Set radio utton
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
2B2 "ppliatio% 6,B"" ,%fo system Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+ "sset -ala%es
-ala%e 9ists "t -ala%es "sset Number
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Sort (ersion 66'=
*ist assets Set radio utton
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
Selet olum% "Auisitio% 'alue &oose pus&butto% XSort dese%di%+Y
2B2B1M Menu 0ar Settings %is#lay .ariant Sa.e...
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Display (ariant )AA55
Description Display (ariant AA55
Pushutton FSa(eG Choose
Call up display 'aria%t a+ai%F A##lication FI!AA Info system Re#orts on
Asset Accounting Asset 'alances 'alance +ists Asset 'alances
...0y Asset /um0er
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 20
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Sort (ersion 66'=
*ist assets Set radio utton
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
Menu 0ar Settings %is#lay .ariant C$oose... Select "*n .ariant
c$oose #us$0utton ?Co#y@
2B3M Menu 0ar ,el# SAP +i0rary
7&is ope%s a browser wit& t&e +lossary a%d t&e S"# 9ibrary. 9oo! for Dynamic selections
i% t&e doume%tatio% about "sset "ou%ti%+.
2B3B1M A##lication FI!AA Info system Re#orts on Asset Accounting Asset
'alances 'alance +ists Asset 'alances ...0y Asset /um0er
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Sort (ersion 66'=
*ist assets Set radio utton
Pushutton FDynamic
%ialog structure M3eneral dataN select description #us$0utton ?Co#y
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Description D55D or D55
Pushutton FSa(eG Choose
Start reportB
/0ecute pushutton Choose
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 21
Unit: ;nor#ation !"ste#
+opic: 2sset Oistor" !0eet
3B1 "ppliatio% 6,B"" ,%fo system Reports o% "sset "ou%ti%+ -ala%e S&eet
20pla%atio%s ,%ter%atio%al "sset 8istory S&eet
1ield na#e or data t"pe Cal%es
Company code AA55
Asset class ='66
Sort (ersion 666@
*ist assets Set radio utton
Eistory sheet (ersion 666'
Pushutton F/0ecuteG Choose
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 22
SAP AG 1999
1ptions for 5ata $ransfer
1ptions for *egacy 5ata $ransfer
:anual 1nline $ransfer
Auto!atic *egacy 5ata $ransfer
Preparations for Production 1peration
Account Control After Production Start
*egacy 5ata $ransfer
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1
SAP AG 1999
At the conclusion of this unit8 you "ill e ale to
enter asset data 0ro# our legac sste#
set up t,e auto#atic ta7eo'er o0 legac data
set up accounts correctl a0ter t,e ta7eo'er o0 data
0ro# our legac sste#
c,ec7 t,e consistenc o0 t,e con0iguration
*egacy 5ata $ransfer/ 7nit 14ectives
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 2
SAP AG 1999
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Asset (istory Sheet
Periodic Processing Periodic Processing Periodic Processing
:aster 5ata :aster 5ata :aster 5ata
&nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste! &nfor!ation Syste!
Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions Asset $ransactions
Course 1vervie"
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 3
SAP AG 1999
*egacy 5ata $ransfer/ 6usiness Scenario
After having configured and tested the %&0AA data8 the
general ledger has to e prepared for the production
operation of the ne" application.
<ou have to set up a to0do list "ith all the necessary
preparations8 for e#a!ple8 you have to !a.e sure that the
reconciliation accounts in %& are posted to "ith the
respective transfer a!ounts.
%inally you chec. if the syste! is properly configured efore
the i!ple!entation phase is co!pleted.
;ntering and !aintaining legacy assets in Asset Accounting.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 4
SAP AG 1999
%&0AA / %&
&nterface progra!
*egacy syste!
5ata $ransfer Control Center/
Asset portfolio
5ata $ransfer Control Center/ 5ata $ransfer Control Center/
Asset portfolio Asset portfolio
Auto!atic $ransfer
6atch input 5irect
procedure data i!port
Auto!atic $ransfer Auto!atic $ransfer
6atch input 6atch input 5irect 5irect
procedure procedure data i!port data i!port
)econciliation of
G2* accounts
)econciliation of )econciliation of
G2* accounts G2* accounts
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
Create Create
legacy legacy
asset asset
*egacy 5ata $ransfer
*egacy data
transfer "ith
.ata tra%sfer from a le+ay system is usually t&e first ati'ity you %eed to perform i% a %ew li'e system
after o%fi+uratio% a%d asset lassifiatio%. Cou a% eit&er tra%sfer data automatially from a le+ay
system usi%+ a bat& i%put proedure( or >wit& a 'ery small asset %umber of assets@ you ould ma%ually
e%ter t&e data usi%+ a tra%satio% for le+ay asset data.
,% additio% to t&e ma%ual tra%satio% >"S41@( t&ere are t&ree met&ods for tra%sferri%+ le+ay data
1. 9ar+e Aua%tity of le+ay dataF -at& i%put proedure >R""97.01@
2. 1ery lar+e Aua%tity of le+ay dataF .iret data import >R""97.11@
3. Se'eral &u%dred assetsF 9e+ay data tra%sfer wit& Mirosoft
Note t&at i% all ases o%ly t&e rele'a%t asset master data a%d li%e items i% "sset "ou%ti%+ are updated
a%d %ot t&e +e%eral led+er aou%ts i% 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+. Cou t&erefore &a'e to reo%ile t&e
bala%es wit& t&e rele'a%t +e%eral led+er aou%ts separately.
Cou start t&e le+ay data tra%sfer by setti%+ t&e ompa%y ode to *egacy data transfer not yet completed
status. )it& t&is status you a% tra%sfer le+ay data i% 6,B""( but %ot post tra%satio%s.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 5
SAP AG 1999
At year At year end end or or during fiscal year? ?
%& %&0 0AA AA
5ate of actual transfer
:aster data8
cu!ulative values
5epreciation posted8
'223'2<<<< '223'2<<<<0 0' '
F' > 2G
*egacy 5ata $ransfer/ $ransfer 5ate
Cou a% tra%sfer le+ay data from a le+ay system for a%y date i% t&e past. Cou a%%ot reate a%y le+ay
data i% t&e R/3 System before t&e tra%sfer date. 7&is e%sures t&at t&e data tra%sferred from t&e le+ay
system is o%siste%t o% t&e tra%sfer date.
7&e tra%sfer date a% fall eit&er
B at t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal year( or
B i% t&e fisal year followi%+ t&e last losed fisal year.
)&at data a% be tra%sferredN
G"t t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal yearF
HI Master data( &istorial "#C( aumulated depreiatio% at t&e status of t&e last losed fisal year >1@
G 9e+ay data tra%sfer duri%+ t&e fisal yearF
HI i% additio% to t&e master data a%d umulati'e 'alues of t&e last losed fisal year >1@( depreiatio%
a%d asset tra%satio%s posted i% t&e urre%t year a% also be tra%sferred at t&e same time >see 7ra%sfer
7&e tra%sfer of t&e bala%es for t&e $/9 aou%ts always &as to be do%e separately.
"sset tra%satio%s ouri%+ duri%+ t&e le+ay data tra%sfer must be posted separately i% t&e R/3 System
after t&e le+ay data tra%sfer &as bee% ompleted.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 6
SAP AG 1999
Asset '
2000 '0000
Asset 2
4000 20000
Asset u. cons.
Ass. al. sh. acct.
Accu!. deprec.
AuC G2* account
Asset '
2000 '0000
Asset 2
4000 20000
)23 Syste! )23 Syste!
*egacy syste! *egacy syste!
Asset u. cons.
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
$ransferring *egacy 5ata at %iscal <ear ;nd
,f t&e tra%sfer date is t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal year( you tra%sfer o%ly t&e master data( t&e "#C a%d
t&e aumulated depreiatio% as t&ey stood at t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal year.
7ra%satio%s o% li%e item ma%a+ed "/Cs are posted usi%+ speial tra%satio% types for le+ay data
>tra%satio% types 400( a%d 410@. 7&is met&od e%sures t&at t&e li%e items are ide%tified as aAuisitio%s
from pre'ious years >priorByear aAuisitio%s@ alt&ou+&/si%e t&e system sets t&e asset 'alue dates to
9e+ay data tra%sfer does %ot update t&e bala%es of t&e $/9 aou%ts. Cou must transer t0e $alances
as t&ey sta%d o% t&e date of tra%sfer >t&at is( fisal year e%d@.
1. $e%eral led+er perso%%el a% i%put t&ese bala%es 'ia 6, or
2. "sset aou%ti%+ perso%%el a% i%put t&ese bala%es 'ia t&e orrespo%di%+ tra%satio% >6,B""
,mpleme%tatio% $uide@.
,% order to 'erify t&e reo%iliatio%( use t&e 6, bala%e list >R6SS9.00@ a%d appropriate 6,B"" reports
wit& t&e report date ?tra%sfer date Z 1 day?.
#lease %ote t&e followi%+ speial o%sideratio%s if you are usi%+ a produtio% R/3 6i%a%ial "ou%ti%+
"ll bala%e s&eet a%d aumulated depreiatio% aou%ts are upBtoBdate i% a produtio% S"# R/3 6,
system. Cou will %ot %eed to opy +e%eral led+er aou%t bala%es.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 D
SAP AG 1999
5ate of actual transfer
:aster data8
values fro!
previous years
Balues fro! current year/
5epreciation posted8
2+5 '000
Ass. al. sh. acct.
Accu!. deprec.
%& %&0 0AA AA
%& %&
'223'2<<<< '223'2<<<<0 0' '
*egacy 5ata $ransfer 5uring %iscal <ear
)&e% t&e tra%sfer date is after t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal year( t&is is !%ow% as tra%sfer duri%+ t&e
fisal year. ,% t&is ase you tra%sfer t&e +e%eral master data a%d t&e aumulated 'alues at t&e start of t&e
fisal year. Cou also &a'e to tra%sfer t&e tra%satio%s a%d depreiatio% posted duri%+ t&e urre%t year.
7&ere are two ways of tra%sferri%+ t&e depreiatio% posted duri%+ t&e urre%t yearF
G 7ra%sfer t&e depreiatio% for t&e urre%t year posted up to t&e time of tra%sfer. ,% "sset Customi5i%+
you t&e% &a'e to e%ter t&e last depreiatio% period posted >i% t&e le+ay system@ before t&e time of
tra%sfer for ea& depreiatio% area.
.epreiatio% posted i% t&e le+ay system does %ot &a'e to &a'e bee% alulated a%d posted i%
aorda%e wit& t&e rules of 6, B "".
G ,f you do %ot wa%t to tra%sfer a%y posted depreiatio%( you a% i%stead ru% a% u%pla%%ed depreiatio%
posti%+ after t&e data tra%sfer for t&e omplete depreiatio% for t&e urre%t fisal year up to t&e time of
tra%sfer. ,% t&is ase( t&e depreiatio% alulated by t&e 6, B "" system for t&is period would be posted.
7ra%satio%sF )&e% performi%+ a le+ay data tra%sfer duri%+ t&e fisal year( you a% also e%ter t&e
tra%satio%s from t&e e%d of t&e last losed fisal year up to t&e time of tra%sfer.
20ampleF "sset aAuisitio% of 10(000 i% Cear B 2( useful life 10 years( strai+&tBli%e depreiatio%F 2(000(
additio%al aAuisitio% i% urre%t yearF 1(000( all aumulated posted depreiatio%F 2D5 for t&e first 3
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 E
SAP AG 1999
Charts of depreciation
Co!pany codes
5epreciation areas
Asset classes
Asset G2* accounts
%&0AA Custo!i9ing
7&is fu%tio% +i'es you a summari5ed o'er'iew of t&e system setti%+s you &a'e made. ,t will pro'ide a
list of i%orret o%fi+uratio%s.
7&is report s&ould be used to &i+&li+&t a%y si+%ifia%t errors i% t&e o%fi+uratio%.
Cou a% a%aly5e t&e system setti%+s a%d pri%t t&em out as doume%tatio%. Cou a% use t&e followi%+
o'er'iew reports to &e! t&e o%siste%y of your system setti%+sF
G C&arts of depreiatio%
G Compa%y odes
G .epreiatio% areas
G "sset lasses
Cou a% also use a o%siste%y report to &e! t&e reo%iliatio% aou%ts for "sset "ou%ti%+. " list is
reated s&owi%+ t&e aou%t alloatio%s a%d t&e orrespo%di%+ +e%eral led+er aou%ts. 7&e report
pro'ides a omme%t for a%y alloatio%s t&at are i%orret.
" o%siste%y report for 6,B"" Customi5i%+ is also a'ailable to &e! t&e plausibility of your system
"fter &a'i%+ &e!ed t&e o%siste%y of t&e o%fi+uratio% setti%+s you a% %ow start wit& produtio%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 13
SAP AG 1999
)eset Co!pany Code
Chec. consistency
)eset co!pany code
)eset posted depreciation
Set2reset reconciliation accounts
$ransfer alances
Activate co!pany code
$est status A 2
)eset %&0AA co!pany code data
%&0AA A 0
%& A 5000
C1 A 5000
Reset ompa%y odeF Cou a% delete test appliatio% data >asset master reords( tra%satio%s( a%d
depreiatio%@ for ea& ompa%y ode. 7&is mi+&t be %eessary( for e0ample followi%+ a test tra%sfer of
le+ay data wit& database update.
Customi5i%+ setti%+s are( &owe'er( %ot deleted w&e% you reset ompa%y ode data.
B 7&e reset is o%ly allowed w&ile t&e ompa%y ode &as test status.
B 7&e 'alues a%d master reords of 6,B"" are reset.
B 7&e 'alues of 6, a%d C* are N*7 reset. >,f %eessary( reset t&e respeti'e e%tries from 6, a%d C*.@
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 14
SAP AG 1999
)eset Posted 5epreciation
)eset posted depreciation
Co!pany code A LLLL
:aintain nu!er
range interval
Ad4ust G2* alances !anually
Nu!er range 04
<ear <<<<
%ro! 04000
$o 04@@@
Current nu!er at 040'0
Accu!ulated depreciation
5epreciation Fe#penseG
2+5 F0320'2<<<<G
F0320'2<<<<G 2+5
/se t&is fu%tio% if errors &a'e ourred w&e% testi%+ t&e depreiatio% posti%+ ru% a%d you %eed to
retur% to t&e ori+i%al status.
Cou a% reset t&e posted depreiatio% i% 6,B"" >all depreiatio% ru%s@. ,% additio%( it resets t&e
depreiatio% data of a le+ay data tra%sfer duri%+ t&e fisal year. ,t t&erefore &as to be tra%sferred a+ai%.
,t also deletes all data t&at is used to ma%a+e a%d mo%itor t&e depreiatio% posti%+ ru%s.
No doume%ts or posti%+ sessio%s are reated to a%el t&e ompleted depreiatio% posti%+ t&at &as bee%
made i% 6,. Cou %eed to ma!e ma%ual ad=ustme%t posti%+s i% t&e aumulated depreiatio% aou%ts i%
t&e +e%eral led+er.
*%ly ompa%y odes i% test operatio% a% be reset. Resetti%+ t&e depreiatio% data will be reorded i%
t&e system lo+.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 15
SAP AG 1999
After %&0AA is i!ple!ented
F)econciliation accountG
Fcan e posted directlyG
0320'2<<<</ 0320'2<<<</
A Actual ctual transfer transfer date date
$ransfer date
%& %&0 0AA AA
Set Set reconciliation reconciliation
accounts accounts
%& %&
$ransfer alances
Bendor Bendor Bendor A. l. sh. act. A. A. l l. . sh sh. . act act. .
'000 '000 '000
'000 '000 '000
'000 '000 '000
Bendor Bendor Bendor Assets Assets Assets
A. l. sh. act. A. A. l l. . sh sh. . act act. .
'000 '000 '000
'000 '000 '000
'000 '000 '000
Set2)eset )econciliation Accounts
Set/reset reo%iliatio% aou%tsF
,% t&is step( you defi%e t&e $/9 aou%ts for 6,B"" as reo%iliatio% aou%ts usi%+ a report. 7&is
pro+ram &a%+es t&e defi%itio%s of t&e $/9 aou%t master reord t&at are e%tered i% asset aou%ti%+Os
aou%t determi%atio%.
Cou a% also reset t&e reo%iliatio% aou%ts( ifF
B Cou &a'e e%tered a% i%orret aou%t i%to a% aou%t alloatio% i% "sset "ou%ti%+
B -ala%e orretio%s &a'e to be posted to reo%iliatio% aou%ts retroati'ely.
#lease !eep i% mi%d t&at( i% t&is ase( t&e o%siste%y betwee% 6,B"" a%d t&ose $/9 bala%es is %o
lo%+er e%sured( as t&e aou%ts a% be diretly posted a+ai%.
"s t&e ompa%y ode &as t&e status ?9e+ay data tra%sfer %ot yet ompleted?( you &a'e to bear i% mi%d
t&at you a% o%ly post tra%satio%s i% t&e R/3 System after t&e date of t&e atual tra%sfer. "fter t&is date
all asset aou%ts a%d 'alue ad=ustme%t aou%ts &a'e to be reBdefi%ed as reo%iliatio% aou%ts for 6,B
"". 7&ese aou%ts a% t&erefore %o lo%+er be diretly posted to after t&e tra%sfer date.
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 16
SAP AG 1999
Ass. al. sh. acct.
Accu!. deprec.
AuC G2* account
Asset '
2000 '0000
Asset 2
4000 20000
*egacy syste! *egacy syste!
Asset u. cons.
$ransfer 6alances
%& %&
7&e %e0t step i% prepari%+ for t&e produtio% startBup is to tra%sfer t&e bala%es of t&e reo%iliatio%
aou%ts i% t&e +e%eral led+er >see ?7ra%sferri%+ 9e+ay .ata at 6isal Cear 2%d?@.
Cou also &a'e to do t&is if 6, &as pre'iously bee% wor!i%+ wit& a %o%BS"# system.
Cou must &a'e reo%iled t&e asset bala%e s&eet 'alues i% asset aou%ti%+ wit& t&e bala%es of t&e
affeted reo%iliatio% aou%ts. /se t&e report R"-2S701 >asset list@ i% "sset "ou%ti%+. )&e% you
start t&is report( speify t&e first day of t&e urre%t fisal year as t&e report date. 7&e system will pro'ide
data as of t&e last day of t&e pre'ious fisal year >t&at mea%s %o depreiatio% from t&e urre%t fisal year
is i%luded@.
7o do t&is( you a% use t&e orrespo%di%+ bala%e list >R6SS9.00@ i% t&e 6, system.
Cou a% t&e% opy t&e bala%es from a%y suspe%se aou%ts to t&e "sset "ou%ti%+ reo%iliatio%
>C@ S"# "$ "C305 1D
SAP AG 1999
$est status
$ransfer status
Production status
&!ple!entation Status
Chec. consistency
)eset co!pany code
)eset posted depreciation
Set2reset reconciliation accounts
$ransfer alances
Activate co!pany code