Mca 2011 C

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Master of Computer Applications

Programme Code: MCA

Duration 3 Years Full Time

Programme Structure
Curriculum & Scheme of Examination



Amity University aims to achieve academic excellence by providing multi- faceted education
to students and encourage them to reach the pinnacle of success. The University has designed
a system that would provide rigorous academic programme with necessary skills to enable
them to excel in their careers.

This booklet contains the Programme Structure, the Detailed Curriculum and the Scheme of
Examination. The Programme Structure includes the courses (Core and Elective), arranged
semester wise. The importance of each course is defined in terms of credits attached to it. The
credit units attached to each course has been further defined in terms of contact hours i.e.
Lecture Hours (L), Tutorial Hours (T), Practical Hours (P). Towards earning credits in terms
of contact hours, 1 Lecture and 1 Tutorial per week are rated as 1 credit each and 2 Practical
hours per week are rated as 1 credit. Thus, for example, an L-T-P structure of 3-0-0 will have
3 credits, 3-1-0 will have 4 credits, and 3-1-2 will have 5 credits.

The Curriculum and Scheme of Examination of each course includes the course objectives,
course contents, scheme of examination and the list of text and references. The scheme of
examination defines the various components of evaluation and the weightage attached to each
component. The different codes used for the components of evaluation and the weightage
attached to them are:

Components Codes Weightage (%)
Case Discussion/ Presentation/ Analysis C 05 - 10
Home Assignment H 05 - 10
Project P 05 - 10
Seminar S 05 - 10
Viva V 05 - 10
Quiz Q 05 - 10
Class Test CT 10 - 15
Attendance A 05
End Semester Examination EE 70

It is hoped that it will help the students study in a planned and a structured manner and
promote effective learning. Wishing you an intellectually stimulating stay at Amity

July, 2011

Course Title Lecture
(L) Hours
Per Week
Tutori al
(T) Hours
Per Week
(P) Hours
Per Week
MCA101 Introduction to IT 3 1 - 4
MCA102 Computer Programming Using C
3 1 - 4
MCA103 Graph Theory &Combinatorics 3 1 - 4
MCA104 Financial Accounting 3 1 - 4
MCA105 Computer Organization & Architecture 3 1 - 4
MCA106 Mathematical Foundation to Computer
4 1 - 5
MCA120 Computer Programming Using C
Language Lab
- - 2 1
MCA141 Communicat ion Skills - I 1 - - 1
MCA143 Behavioural Science - I 1 - - 1

Foreign Language - I

- - 2

MCA201 Data Structures Using C Language 3 1 - 4
MCA202 Operating System 3 1 - 4
MCA203 System Analysis & Design 2 1 - 3
MCA204 Visual Programming 3 - - 3
MCA205 Computer Oriented Numerical Analysis 2 1 - 3
MCA206 Optimization Techniques 3 1 - 4
MCA220 Data Structures Using C Language Lab - - 2 1
MCA221 Visual Programming Lab - - 2 1
MCA241 Communicat ion Skills - II 1 - - 1
MCA243 Behavioural Science - II 1 - - 1

Foreign Language-II
2 - - 2


MCA301 Computer Graphics 3 1 - 4
MCA302 Object Oriented Programming with
3 1 - 4
MCA303 DBMS 3 1 - 4
MCA304 Organizational Behaviour 3 1 - 4
MCA305 Data Communication & Computer
3 1 - 4
MCA306 Network Fundamentals 2 1 - 3
MCA320 Object Oriented Programming with
C++ Lab
- - 2 1
MCA321 DBMS Lab - - 2 1
MCA322 Network Fundamentals Lab - - 2 1
MCA341 Communicat ion Skills - III 1 - - 1
MCA343 Behavioural Science III 1 - - 1

Foreign Language - III
2 - - 2
MCA360 Summer Project I (Evaluation) - - - 6

MCA401 Software Engineering 3 - - 3
MCA402 Internet & Java Programming 3 1 - 4

Select any one:
Managerial Economics
Enterprise Resource Planning
Management Information System
3 1 - 4

Select any one:
Parallel Processing
Software Project Management
Advanced Computer Architecture
3 1 - 4
MCA409 Routing Protocols and Concepts 2 1 - 3
MCA410 Emerging Technologies - I 3 - - 3
MCA420 Software Engineering Lab - - 2 1
MCA421 Internet & Java Programming Lab - - 2 1
MCA422 Routing Protocols and Concepts Lab - - 2 1
MCA441 Communicat ion Skills - IV 1 - - 1
MCA443 Behavioural Science IV 1 - - 1

Foreign Language IV
2 - - 2


MCA501 Artificial Intelligence 2 1 - 3
MCA502 Compiler Design 3 1 - 4
MCA503 UNIX & SHELL Programming 3 - - 3

Select any one along with
correspondi ng Lab:
Advanced Database Concepts
Distributed Database
System Programming
Advanced Database Concepts Lab
Distributed Database Lab
System Programming Lab






Select any one:
System Simulat ion
Mobile Computing
Data Warehousing & Data Mining
3 1 - 4
MCA510 LAN Switching and Wireless 2 - - 2
MCA511 Emerging Technologies - II 4 - - 4
MCA512 Accessing the WAN 2 - - 2
MCA523 UNIX & SHELL Programming Lab - - 2 1
MCA524 LAN Switching and Wireless Lab - - 2 1
MCA525 Accessing the WAN Lab - - 2 1
MCA541 Communicat ion Skills -V 1 - - 1
MCA543 Behavioural Science V 1 - - 1

Foreign Language V
2 - - 2
MCA560 Summer Project II (Evaluation) - - - 6

MCA655 Seminar - - - 6
MCA660 Project - - - 24
NOTE: Software Engineering Lab will be based on any detailed case study of the (new/existing) system.
Curriculum & Scheme of Examination


Course Code: MCA 101 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course is aimed to provide a fundamental understanding of computer science for the students in their early
stages of academic career. Various computer nomenclatures regarding to hardware and software will be
introduced for students to develop an in-depth realization of several subjects and their significant roles in the
field. The syllabus includes the basic concepts of memory, processing units, Operating System, Computer
Networks and Data Communications.

Course Contents:

Module I: Computer Basics
Algorithms, A Simple Model of a Computer, Characteristic of a Computer, Problem Solving Using a Co mputer,
Generations of Computer Systems

Module II: Input output uni ts
Description of Computer Input Units, Other Input Methods, Computer Output Units

Module III: Computer Memory
Memory cells, Memory Organizations, Read only Memory, Physical devices used to construct Physical
Memory, Hard Disks, Floppy Disks, CDROM

Module IV: Pri mary Arithmetic
Addition, Subtraction, Signed Numbers, Twos Compliment, Addition & Subtraction using 2s Compliment
Method, Multiple & Division of Binary Numbers. Floating point Representation, Arithmetic Operations with
Normalized Floating Point Numbers.

Module V: Introducti on to Operating Systems
Why do we need Operating System. Batch Operating System, Multi Programming Operating System, Time
Sharing Operat ing System. Personal Computer Operating System, Online and Real Time Systems.
Linux: An overview of Linux, Basic Linux elements, system features, software features. File Structure, File
handling in Linux, installation of Linux, S/W requirements, Preliminary steps before installation, and specifics
on hard drive repartit ioning and booting a Linux system

Module VI: Cl assification of Computer Systems
Analog, Digital, Types of Computers (Micro, Mini, Main Frame) Systems.

Module VII: Introduction to Computer and Communication
Type of Communication among Computers, Need of computer Communication Net work, Internet and World
Wide Web, Characteristics of communication Channel, Physical Communicat ion Media, Establishing Channel
for communicat ions.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Fundamentals of IT, Sat ish Jain, BPB Publication
Fundamentals of Information Technology, D S Yadav, New Age Publication
Computer Fundamentals, VRaja Raman

Computer Today, S. K. Basandra, Galgotia Publication


Course Code: MCA 102 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course provides an introduction to ANCI C, focusing on the C programming. Feature, syntax, structure and
implementation will be covered. Lab instructions will be included, which will provide straight understanding
and excises of C. Functions, Array, Pointer and File System are the import ant contents of the syllabus.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to C
Character Set, Identifier and Keywords, Data Types and Constants, Variables

Module II: Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relat ional and Logical Operators, Assignment and Condition
Operators, Library Functions.

Module III: Data Input/Output Functions
Description of getchar () FUNCTION, Description of putchar () Function, Description of scanf () Function,
Description Of printf () Function, Description of Gets () Function, Description of Puts () Function

Module IV: Control Statements
Preliminaries, Branching With If Else Structure, Looping Statements (While, Do-While, For), Switch Statement,
Break And Continue Statement.

Module V: Functions
Introduction to Functions, Necessity Of Functions, Defining and Accessing Functions, Prototype of a Function,
Passing Arguments and Receiving Values from Functions, Call by Value and Call by Reference Functions.

Module VI: Array
Defining an Array, Processing an Array, Passing an Array to a Function, Multidimensional Arrays, Strings as a
Special Case of a Character String.

Module VII: Pointers
Fundamentals of Pointers, Declaration of a Pointer Variable, Passing Pointers to a Function. Pointers and One
Dimensional Array, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Operations on Pointers, Array of Pointers, Passing Functions
to Other Functions.

Module VIII: Structure and Unions
Definition, Processing of Structure, typed of Statement as User Defined Variable, Structure and Pointers,
Passing Structure to Functions.

Module IX: Data Files
Opening and Closing Data Files, Creating a Data File, Processing of Data File, Unformatted Data Files.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Programming in ANSI C, E Balaguruswamy, TMH
Let Us C, Y. Kanetkar, BPB

The C Programming Language, B.W. Kernighan & Ritchie, PHI
Programming in C, Gottfried, TMH


Course Code: MCA 103 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
We will study basic concepts in combinatorial graph theory and see how graphs serve as models for many
standard problems, which have applications in science, business and industry. Syllabus includes mathemat ical
logic, algebraic structure, graph, tree and Combinatorics.

Course Contents:

Module I: Mathematical Logic
Statements and notations, connectives, Conditional Statements, Compound Statements, Truth Tables, Statement
Formula, Well Formed Formula, Equivalence of Formula, Tautology, Rules of inference.

Module II: Algebraic Structure
Lattices and Algebraic Systems, General properties, Semi Group, Monoid and group, Boolean algebra, Boolean
function, Representation and Minimization of Boolean function, Applications of Boolean Algebra.

Module III: Graph Theory
Basic Terminology, Walks, paths, circuits, connectedness, Handshaking Lemma, Isomorphis m, Sub graphs, and
Union of Graphs, Reach ability, Eulerian Graph and Union of Graphs, Reachability, Eulerian Graph, Flurrys
Algorithm, Shortest path problem, Chinese postman problem, Hamiltonian graph, Traveling Salesman Problem,
Bipartite graphs.

Module IV: Trees
Introduction to trees, Rooted trees, path length in rooted trees, spanning trees, Fundamental circuits, spanning
trees of a weighted graph, cut sets and cut vertices, Fundamental cutset, Minimum spanning tree.

Module V: Directed Graph
Directed graphs and connected ness, directed trees, Network Flows, Max Flow-MinCut Theorem, Matrix
representation of a graph, Planar graphs: Combinational and Geometric Duals, Kuratowskis graphs, Detection
of planarity, thickness and crossing.

Module VI: Combi natorics
Partit ions, counting functions, number of partitions into odd or unequal parts. Necklaces, Euler's function, set of
symmetries, enumerat ion in the odd and even cases.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Discrete Mathemat ical Structures with Applicat ion to Computer Sciences, JP Trembly & Manohar, TMH.
Elements of Discrete Mathematics, CL Lire, TMH

Discrete Mathemat ical Structures, Sernard Kolman and Others, PHI
Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Alen Doerr & Levasseur, Galgotia

Course Code: MCA 104 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of financial accounting, including introductory
accounting theory, concepts, principles and procedures. Specific attention will be devoted to the preparation and
understanding of the financial statements.

Course Contents:

Module I: Accounti ng
Principles, concepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting, introduction to basic books of
accounts of sole proprietary concern, closing of books of accounts and preparation of trial balance.
Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss accounts and Balance Sheet of sole proprietary concern (Without

Module II: Financial Management
Meaning, scope and role, A brief study of functional areas of financial management. Introduction to Various FM
Tools: Ratio Analysis, Fund flow statement & Cash flow statement. Introduction to Cost Accounting Nature,
Importance & Basic Principles. Brief Introduction to methods of Costing & Elements of Cost, Unit Costing.

Module III: Computerized Accounting
Meaning & advantages, limitations of computerised accounting, manual accounting verses computerised
accounting, Source documents, Balancing Accounts, Trial Balance & Final A/Cs in Computerised. Accounting.
Modules of Computerised Accounting Systems. Developing computerised accounting systems, control & Audit
in computerised accounting.

Module IV: Financial Systems
Business Systems, Production Control System, Inventory System, Payroll System

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Financial Accounting, P. C. Tulsian
Principles A Book - Keeping, J.C. Katyal
Financial Management, I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publications,
Computerized Accounting, P.H. Bassett, BPB.

Financial Management, P.V. Kulkarni, Himalaya Publishing House.
Management Accounting, Sharma, Gupta & Bhalla
Business Computer Systems: Design, Programming & Maintenance, Charlotte Eudy McConn, PHI

Course Code: MCA 105 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course in an introduction to computer architect ure and organization. We will cover topics in both the
physical design of the computer (organization) and the logical design of the computer (architecture). We will
also review digital logic, the development of integrated circuits, and cover selected topic s in advanced
technologies in this area.

Course Contents:

Module I: Digital Logic Fundamentals
Boolean Algebra: Basic Functions, Manipulating Boolean functions, Basic Combinational Logic:
Adder/Subtractor, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Memory, Basic Sequential Circuits: Flip-flops, Registers,

Module II: CPU Organization
Register organization: General register organizat ion, Stack organization, Programmer visible register, Status and
Control Register, Microoperations: Register transfer, bus and memory transfer, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift
microoperation, Control Unit: St ructure of CU, Hardwired Control Unit, Microprogrammed Control Unit, Case
study: 8085 microprocessor.

Module III: Computer Arithmetic
Addition and Subtraction, Multiplicat ion Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating point arithmetic operations

Module IV: Input-Output Organization
I/O devices: Accessing, I/O interfaces, Asynchronous data transfer: Strobe control, handshaking, Modes of
transfer: Programmed I/ O, Interrupt-initiated I/O, DMA, Interrupts: types, interrupt hardware and priority I/O

Module V: Memory Organizati on
Memory Hierarchy, Main memory: RAM and ROM, Memory Address Map, Auxiliary Memory: Mag tape, Mag
Disk, RAID, Cache Memory: associative memory, Virtual Memory Concept

Module VI: Advance Topics
Reduced Instruction Set Computers: RISC Vs CISC, Pipelining: Parallel processing, arithmet ic pipeline,
Instruction pipeline, RISC pipeline, Vector processing: Vector operation, array processors.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, PHI
Computer Organization and Architecture, W. Stalling,
Structured computer Organization, Tanenbaum, PHI


Course Code: MCA 106 Credit Units: 05

Course Objective:
The aim of the course is to introduce the mathematical underpinnings of theoretical computer science and the
theory of computation. Fundamental concepts in discreet mathematics with emphasis on their applications to
computer science will be taught.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Relation: Type and compositions of relations, Pictorial representation of relations, closures of relations,
Equivalence relations, Para Ordering relation. Function: Types, Composition of function, Recursively defined
function, Mathematical Induction: Pianos axioms, Mathematical Induction, Discrete Numeric Function and
Generating Functions
Simple Recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Linear recurrence relation without constant coefficients,
Asymptotic Behaviour of functions, Algebraic Structures: Properties, Semi Group, Monoid, Group, Abelian
group, properties of group, Subgroup, Cyclic group, Cosets Permutation group, Homomorphism, Isomorphism
and Automorphism of groups.

Module II: Propositional Logic
Preposition, First order logic, Basic Logical operations, Tautologies, Contradictions , Algebra of Proposition.
Logical implicat ions, Ordered set, Hasse diagram of partially ordered set, Consistent enumeration, Isomorphic
ordered set, Well ordered set, Lattices, Properties of lattices, Bounded lattices and Complemented lattices.

Module III: Regular Expression
Introduction to defining language, Kleene Closure, Arithmet ic expressions, Chomsky Hiearchy, Regular
expressions, Generalizat ion Transition graph, Conversion of regular expression to finite Automata, NFA, DFA,
Conversion of NFA to DFA, Optimizing DFA, FA with output Moore machine, Mealy machine, Conversions.

Module IV: Non-regular l anguage
Pumping Lemma, Myhill Nerode Theorem, Pushdown Automata and Introduction to Turing Machine and
elementary applicat ions to recognition of a language and computation of functions.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Liptschutz, Seymour, Discrete Mathematics , TMH

Trembley, J.P & R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical St ructures with Application to Computer Science,
Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, TMH
Doerr Alan & Levasseur Kenneth, Applied Discrete Structure for Computer Science. Galgotia Pub Pvt
Gersting, Mathematical Structure for Computer Science, WH Freeman & M Macmillan.
Kumar Rajendra, Theory of Automata : Language and Computation, PPM
Hopcroft J.E. Ullman J.D., Introduction to Automata theory, Language and Computation, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi
C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill.
Peter Grossman, Discrete Mathematics for Computer , Palgrave Macmillian.


Course Code: MCA 120 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Write a program to read 3 numbers x, y, z. Use conditional statement and evaluate values of variables a, b
and c. Perform the sum with 2 set of variable. Check the sum for equality and print the sum.
2. Write a program to shift input data by 2 bits left and right.
3. Write a program to use bitwise & operator between 2 integer and display the result.
4. Write a program to input 6 numbers and find the biggest and smallest using nested if.
5. Write a program to enter a year and find the number of:
a. Minutes
b. Hours
c. Days
d. Months
e. Seconds
6. Write a program to find the sum of even and odd numbers using switch, if, if..else, nested if between 1 and
7. Write a program to find the numbers between 1 and 100 that are not divisible by 2, 3 and 5.
8. Write a program to enter a character (alphabetical) and display its position and its corresponding ASCII
9. Write a program to simulate a digital clock.
10. Write a program to find the sum of its digits till the result is in single digit.
11. Write a program to print the series:
a. x x
/3! + x
/5! x
/ 7!...... x
b. 1 + x
/2! x
/3! + x
/4!....... x
12. Write a program to generate the following figures:

13. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.
14. Write a program to obtain the sum of the diagonal elements of matrices.
15. Write function to add, subtract, multiply & divide two complex numbers (x+iy) & (a+ib).
16. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation with each condition.
17. Write a program to find numbers between 7 and 100 which is exactly divisible by 4 and is divisible by
either 5 or 6.
18. Write a program to convert:
a. Binary to Decimal
b. Decimal to Binary
c. Binary to Hexadecimal
19. Write a program to perform Arithmetic operation on an array i.e. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplicat ion and
Division and store the result in another array.
20. Write a program to perform following string operation: with string functions & without string functions
a. Reverse a string
b. Concatinate 2 string strcat()
c. Compare 2 string strcmp(), strcmpi()
21. Write a program to detect the occurrence of a number in a string.
22. Write a program to accept a string up to 15 character, and display the position of a character in a separate
23. Write a program to display and count the number of vowels in a string.
24. Write a program to generate a palindrome.
25. Write a program to add to pointer addresses of a pointer variable.
26. Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
27. Write a program to perform different arithmetic operations using pointers
28. Write a program to obtain prime factors of any integer number using functions i.e. 24 -> 2, 2, 2, & 3.
29. Write a program to find the sum of 5 digit number:
a. Without using recursion
b. With using recursion.
30. Write a program to obtain Fibonacci series by using recursion.
31. Write a program to create, display, modify and append a file (sequential file).
32. Write a program to copy the content of one file to another.
33. Write a program to calculate space in a file (number of blank spaces and not the file size).
34. Write a program to print out the lines from a file that have 50 or more characters in them.
35. Write a program to extract the content from a file and print them. The user should be able to specify the
starting position from where the extraction should begin and the number of characters to be ext racted.
36. Write a program to create a structure to accept Firstname, Middlename, Lastname of a person. Display the
initials of first and the middle name separated by . i.e.
Input Krishna Kumar Singh
Output K.K. Singh
Now create a main structure that will contain name, age, salary of an employee.
37. Write a program to call sum() function recursively and perform sum of 1 to 5 numbers. (instead of using the
sum() function use the main() function itself to perform the above operation)
38. Write a program to find the larger of the two numbers using macro with arg.
39. Write a program to count the number of character, word and lines in a text file whose name is supplied in
the command line.
40. Write a program to arrange a list by using any sorting method.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 141 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
The Course is designed to give an overview of the four broad categories of English Communication thereby
enhance the learners communicative competence.

Course Contents:

Module I: Listening Skills
Effective Listening: Principles and Barriers
Listening Comprehension on International Standards

Module II: Speaking Skills
Pronunciation and Accent
Reading excerpts from news dailies & magazines
Narrat ing Incident; Story telling.
Extempore & Role Plays

Module III: Reading Skills
Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, diminutives, homonyms, homophones
Idioms & phrases
Foreign words in English

Module IV: Writing Skills
Writing Paragraphs
Prcis Writing
Letter writing
Coherence and structure
Essay writ ing

Module V: Acti vities
News reading
Picture reading
Movie magic

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 CAF V GD GP A
Weightage (%) 20 20 25 10 10 10 5

CAF Communication Assessment File
GD Group Discussion
GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Working in English, Jones, Cambridge
Business Communication, Raman Prakash, Oxford
Speaking Personally, Porter-Ladousse, Cambridge
Speaking Effectively, Jermy Comfort,, Cambridge


Course Code: MCA 143 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Self and the process of self exploration
Learning strategies for development of a healthy self esteem
Importance of attitudes and their effect on work behaviour
Effective management of emot ions and building interpersonal competence.

Course Contents:

Module I: Understandi ng Self
Formation of self concept
Dimension of Self
Components of self
Self Competency

Module II: Self-Es teem: Sense of Worth
Meaning and Nature of Self Esteem
Characteristics of High and Low Self Esteem
Importance & need of Self Esteem
Self Esteem at work
Steps to enhance Self Esteem

Module III: Emoti onal Intelligence: Brain Power
Introduction to EI
Difference between IQ, EQ and SQ
Relevance of EI at workplace
Self assessment, analysis and action plan

Module IV: Managing Emotions and Buil ding Interpersonal Competence
Need and importance of Emotions
Healthy and Unhealthy expression of emotions
Anger: Conceptualization and Cycle
Developing emotional and interpersonal competence
Self assessment, analysis and action plan

Module V: Leadi ng Through Positi ve Attitude
Understanding Attitudes
Formation of Attitudes
Types of Attitudes
Effects of Attitude on
- Behaviour
- Perception
- Motivation
- Stress
- Adjustment
- Time Management
- Effective Performance
Building Positive Attitude

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Examination Scheme:

Components SAP A Mi d Term
Test (CT)
VIVA Journal for
Success (JOS)
Weightage (%) 20 05 20 30 25
Text & References:

Towers, Marc: Self Esteem, 1
Edition 1997, American Media
Pedler Mike, Burgoyne John, Boydell Tom, A Managers Guide to Self-Development: Second edition,
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Covey, R. Stephen: Seven habits of Highly Effect ive People, 1992 Edit ion, Simon & Schuster Ltd.
Khera Shiv: You Can Win, 1
Edition, 1999, Macmillan
Gegax Tom, Winning in the Game of Life: 1
Edition, Harmony Books
Chatterjee Debashish, Leading Consciously: 1998 1
Edition, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Dinkmeyer Don, Dr. Losoncy Lewis, The Skills of Encouragement: St. Lucie Press.
Singh, Dalip, 2002, Emotional Intelligence at work; First Edit ion, Sage Publicat ions.
Goleman, Daniel: Emot ional Intelligence, 1995 Edit ion, Bantam Books
Goleman, Daniel: Working with E.I., 1998 Edit ion, Bantam Books.


Course Code: MCA 144 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To familiarize the students with the French language
with the phonetic system
with the syntax
with the manners
with the cultural aspects

Course Contents:

Module A: pp. 01 to 37: Units 1, 2, Unit 3 Objectif 1, 2
Only grammar of Unit 3: objectif 3, 4 and 5

Contenu lexical: Uni t 1: Dcouvrir l a langue franaise: (oral et crit)
1. se prsenter, prsenter quelquun, faire la connaissance des
autres, formules de politesse, rencontres
2. dire/interroger si on comprend
3. Nommer les choses
Unit 2: Faire connaissance
1. donner/demander des informations sur une personne, premiers
contacts, exprimer ses gots et ses prfrences
2. Parler de soi: parler du travail, de ses activits, de son pays, de sa ville.

Unit 3: Organiser son temps
1. dire la date et lheure

Contenu grammatical: 1. organisation gnrale de la grammaire
2. article indfini, dfini, contract
3. nom, adject if, masculin, fminin, singulier et pluriel
4. ngation avec de , "moi aussi", "moi non plus"
5. interrogation: Inversion, est-ce que, qui, que, quoi, quest-ce
que, o, quand, comment, quel(s), quelle(s)
Interro-ngatif: rponses: oui, si, non
6. pronom tonique/disjoint- pour insister aprs une prposition
7. futur proche

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

le livre suivre: Campus: Tome 1

Course Code: MCA 145 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar,
which will later help them to strengthen their language.
To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities
available in Germany

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Self introduction: heissen, kommen, wohnwn, lernen, arbe iten, trinken, etc.
All personal pronouns in relation to the verbs taught so far.
Greetings: Guten Morgen!, Guten Tag!, Guten Abend!, Gute Nacht!, Danke sehr!, Danke!, Vielen Dank!, (es
tut mir Leid!),
Hallo, wie gehts?: Danke gut!, sehr gut!, prima!, ausgezeichnet!,
Es geht!, nicht so gut!, so la la!, miserabel!

Module II: Interview s piel
To assimilate the vocabulary learnt so far and to apply the words and phrases in short dialogues in an interview
game for self introduction.

Module III: Phonetics
Sound system of the language with special stress on Dipthongs

Module IV: Countries, nati onalities and their l anguages
To make the students acquainted with the most widely used country names, their nationalit ie and the language
spoken in that country.

Module V: Articles
The definite and indefinite articles in masculine, feminine and neuter gender. All Vegetables, Fruits, Animals,
Furniture, Eatables, modes of Transport

Module VI: Professions
To acquaint the students with professions in both the genders with the help of the verb sein.

Module VII: Pronouns
Simple possessive pronouns, the use of my, your, etc.
The family members, family Tree with the help of the verb to have

Module VIII: Col ours
All the color and color related vocabulary colored, colorful, colorless, pale, light, dark, etc.

Module IX: Numbers and calculations verb kosten
The counting, plural structures and simple calculat ion like addition, subtraction, mult iplication and division to
test the knowledge of numbers.
Wie viel kostet das?

Module X: Revision list of Question pronouns
W Questions like who, what, where, when, which, how, how many, how much, etc.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch
Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch
Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder
P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant- 1, 2 & 3
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/1,2
Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs

Course Code: MCA 146 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students acquire the relevance of the Spanish language in todays global context, how to greet each
other. How to present / introduce each other using basic verbs and vocabulary.

Course Contents:

Module I
A brief history of Spain, Latin America, the language, the cultureand the relevance of Spanish language in
todays global context.
Introduction to alphabets

Module II
Introduction to Saludos (How to greet each other. How to present / introduce each other).
Goodbyes (despedidas)
The verb llamarse and practice of it.

Module III
Concept of Gender and Number
Months of the years, days of the week, seasons. Introduction to numbers 1-100, Colors, Revision of numbers
and introduction to ordinal numbers.

Module IV
Introduction to SER and ESTAR (both of which mean To Be).Revision of Saludos and Llamarse. Some
adjectives, nationalities, professions, physical/geographical location, the fact that spanish adjectives have to
agree with gender and number of their nouns. Exercises highlighting usage of Ser and Estar.

Module V
Time, demonstrative pronoun (Este/esta, Aquel/aquella etc)

Module VI
Introduction to some key AR / ER/IR ending regular verbs.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol, En Directo I A
Espaol Sin Fronteras

Course Code: MCA 147 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to learn the basic rules of grammar and Japanese language to be used in daily life that
will later help them to strengthen their language.

Course Contents:

Module I: Salutations
Self introduction, Asking and answering to small general questions

Module II: Cardinal Numbers
Numerals, Expression of time and period, Days, months

Module III: Tenses
Present Tense, Future tense

Module IV: Prepositions
Particles, possession, Forming questions

Module V: Demonstrati ves
Interrogatives, pronoun and adjectives

Module VI: Description
Common phrases, Adjectives to describe a person

Module VII: Schedule
Time Table, everyday routine etc.

Module VIII: Outings
Going to see a movie, party, friends house etc.

Learning Outcome
Students can speak the basic language describing above mentioned topics

Methods of Private study /Self help
Handouts, audio-aids, and self-do assignments and role-plays will support classroom teaching

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Teach yourself Japanese.

Shin Nihongo no kiso 1

Course Code: MCA 148 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
There are many dialects spoken in China, but the language which will help you through wherever you go is
Mandarin, or Putonghua, as it is called in Chinese. The most widely spoken forms of Chinese are Mandarin,
Cantonese, Gan, Hakka, Min, Wu and Xiang. The course aims at familiarizing the student with the basic aspects
of speaking ability of Mandarin, the language of Mainland China. The course aims at training students in
practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a Chinese person.

Course Contents:

Module I
Show pictures, dialogue and retell.
Getting to know each other.
Practicing chart with Initials and Finals. (CHART The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Called Hanyu Pinyin in
Mandarin Chinese.)
Practicing of Tones as it is a tonal language.
Changes in 3
tone and Neutral Tone.

Module II
Let me Introduce
The modal particle ne.
Use of Please qing sit, have tea .. etc.
A brief self introduction Ni hao ma? Zaijian!
Use of bu negative.

Module III
Attributives showing possession
How is your Health? Thank you
Where are you from?
A few Professions like Engineer, Businessman, Doctor, Teacher, Worker.
Are you busy with your work?
May I know your name?

Module IV
Use of How many People in your family?
Use of zhe and na.
Use of interrogative particle shenme, shui, ma and nar.
How to make interrogative sentences ending with ma.
Structural particle de.
Use of Nin when and where to use and with whom. Use of guixing.
Use of verb zuo and how to make sentences with it.

Module V
Family structure and Relat ions.
Use of you mei you.
Measure words
Days and Weekdays.
Maps, different languages and Countries.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Elementary Chinese Reader Part I Lesson 1-10

Course Code: MCA 201 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course gives the in-depth knowledge to the use, design, and analysis of data structures in computer
programs. The very commonly used data structures like arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, hashing and graphs
will be discussed in detail. Sort ing and hashing are important topics in the study of algorithms. They are also
closely related to the design of data structures. Several algorithms to implement these techniques are included in
the syllabus.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Data Structures
Data Types in C Language, Pointers in C, Arrays in C Language, Implementation of Single Dimensional &
Multi Dimensional Arrays, Address Calculat ion in Single and Mult i Dimensional Arrays.

Module II: Searchi ng and Sorting Techni ques
Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort , Heap Sort, Bubble Sort, Radix Sort, Hashing, Binary Search, Linear
Search, Finding Complexit ies of Sort ing and Searching Algorith ms.

Module III: Stacks
Definition & Examples, Representing Stack using an Array, Implement ing Push and Pop Operation in a Stack,
Infix Postfix & Prefix Expressions, Evaluating a Postfix Expression, Conversion from one form of an expression
to another form

Module IV: Queues
Introduction, Queues and its Sequential Representation, Insert Delete- Print Operations, Circular Queues and
their Implementation, Priority Queues with basic operations.

Module V: Programmi ng wi th Linked Lists
Introduction, Insertion and deletion of a node to single linked list, Single- Doubly- Doubly Circular & Header
linked lists with basic operations, List allocating and freeing dynamic variables, Addition of two polynomials

Module VI: Programming wi th Trees
Binary Trees- Operations on Binary Trees, node representation, internal and external nodes ,choosing a b.s.t.
representation, threaded binary trees, finding an element in the tree, deleting k
element, tree traversal,
constructing a tree, binary search tree- definition. Implementation of B.S.T. Constructing a binary search tree
based on its given infix and pre/post fix order, deletion and insertion of a node in B.S.T. Height Balanced Tree.
Constructing an AVL Tree, Insertion and Deletion of a node, searching a node

Module VII: Graph and Their Applications
Introduction, Graph Theory Terminology, Sequential Representation of Graph (Adjacency and Path Matrix),
Warshall Algorithms, Linked Representation of Graph, Different Operat ions on Graphs, Traversing A
Graph(Dfs, Bfs)., Spanning Trees-Introduction .Representation of Spanning tree, Constructing A Spanning
Tree(Prim Algorithm, Krushkal Algorithm)

Module VIII: Hashing
Introduction, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Techniques.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Data Structure using C, Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications
Data Structure using C, Aron M. Tannen Baum, PHI
Data Structure and Program Design, Robert L Kruse, BPB

Course Code: MCA 202 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course is aimed at providing the basic knowledge of the concepts involved in designing and working of an
operating system, how it acts as a resource manager of the system as a whole, how various issues such as
Memory conflicts, resource conflicts are resolved by an operating system and a study of various types of
operating systems.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
What is an Operating System, Types of Operating Systems, Simp le Batch Systems, Multiprogramming Systems,
Time-Sharing Systems, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-t ime Systems.

Module II: Operating System Structures
System Components, System Calls, System Programs, System Structure, Virtual Machines

Module III: Processes Management
Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operation on processes, Cooperating Processes, Interprocess
Communicat ion, Back ground process.

Module IV: CPU Scheduling
Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multi -Processor Scheduling, Real-Time
Scheduling, Algorithm Examinat ion System Models, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention,
Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Deadlock Recovery

Module V: Memory Management
Memory Management, Address Space, Memory Allocation Techniques, Swapping, Paging Segmentation with
paging, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Performance of Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Thrashing,
Demand Segmentation

Module VI: File System Interface
File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File System Structure, and Allocation Methods.

Module VII: The Uni x System Case Study
History, Design Principle, Programmer Interface, User Interface, Process Management, Memory Managements,
File management, Interprocess Communication.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Operating Systems Concepts, Silberschatz Galvin, Fifth Edit ion Addition Wesley Publication.
Modern Operating Systems, A S Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi, 1995.

Design of UNIX Operating System, Maurice J. Bauch, Prentice Hall of India.
Operating Systems Design, Peterson & Galvin


Course Code: MCA 203 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
This course introduces the fundamentals of information systems analysis and design by covering a variety of
current methods, tools, and techniques. The course will cover system development activities in the context of
when they typically occur. Most of the course will be devoted to learning and practicing the techniques and
processes used by the systems analyst at each phase within the systems development cycle and to working as a
team to create a system solution for a client.

Course Contents:

Module I: System Concepts and the informati on System Environment
The System Concept, Definition, Characteristics of a System, Elements of a System, Types of Systems,

Module II: System Devel opment Li fe Cycle
Definition, Problem Recognition, Feasibility Study, System Analysis, System Design, Coding and Testing,
Implementation, Post Implementation and Maintenance.

Module III: Feasibility Study
Definition, Types of Feasibility, Feasibility Checkpoints in the Life Cycle, Feasibility Report, Cost/Benefit
Analysis, Case Studies.

Module IV: System Anal ysis
System Planning, Role and Task of System Analyst, Information Gathering, Informat ion Sources, Informat ion
Gathering Tools, Review of Literature, Procedure, Onsite Observation, Interviews and Questionnaire, Tools of
Structured Analysis, What is Structure Analysis? DFD, Data Dict ionary, Decision Tree, Decision table,
Structured English, Exercises.

Module V: System Design
Stages of System Design, Program Design, Input Output and Forms Design, File Design, Database Design

Module VI: System Testing and Quality Assurance
Testing, Types of testing, Test plan, Testing Principles, Quality assurance goals in the System Life Cycle,
Levels of Quality assurance, Quality Assurance Activities

Module VII: Implementati on and Software Maintenance
Introduction, conversion, Review Plan, Primary activit ies for maintenance, reducing maintenance cost

Module VIII: Hardware / Software Selection
Criteria for selection, The procedure for Hardware/Software selection, The Examination process, Financial
consideration in selection.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

System Analysis and Design, Elias M Awad, Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd. II Edit ion
Analysis and Design of Informat ion System, V Rajaraman, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

System Analysis and Design, Don Yeates, Maeiua Shietls and Dand Helmg, Macmillan India Ltd

Course Code: MCA 204 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
This course builds upon the skills and knowledge in visual environment. Major topics include object -oriented
concepts, database linkages, graphics, and developing applications for the client/server environment. Students
will investigate polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation and other OOP concepts. User interface design, code
optimization, and help file creat ion are covered.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Visual Programming
Introduction, CUI, GUI, Why Visual Programming, Different Visual Programming Languages

Module II: Introduction to Visual Basic
Initial Screens, Different applications, Starting a new project, MDI and SDI, Variables and constants, Data
Types, Scope of variables, Operators, Forms, Basic Controls (Text box, Labels, Command buttons, Image
Control, Picture box), Properties, Methods and Events, Message Box, Input Box

Module III: Controlling Program Fl ow
Determinate and Indeterminate Loops, Making Decisions, Select Case. Nested If-Then, Goto

Module IV: Some More Controls
Option Button, Check Boxes, List and Combo and Boxes, Timers, Scroll bars

Module V: Arrays, Functi on and Procedure
Overview of debugging, Arrays, Control arrays, Sub procedure, Functions, Built in functions

Module VI: Menus and dial og boxes
Menus, Toolbars, Image list control, Progress bar control, Status bar control, Tabbed Dialog Control, Common
Dialog Control

Module VII: Additi onal Controls
List View, Tree View, File List Box, Directory List Box, Drive List Box, Rich Text Box, and Calendar

Module VIII: File Handli ng
File Commands, Sequential Files, Random Access Files, Binary Files

Module IX: Introduction to Database handling
Introduction, Database access methods, DAO, ADO, RDO, Database handing through ADO, SQL

Module X: Fi nishing the Interface
Building Help Systems, Introduction to API, Package and Deployment Wizard

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Visual Basic 6 From the Ground Up, Gary Cornell , TMH

Mastering Visual Basic 6.0, Peter N., BPB Publication

Course Code: MCA 205 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The course consists of theory and application of numerical approximat ion techniques. Topics included are
numerical error, root-finding, interpolation and polynomial approximation, numerical differentiation and
integration, and differential equations.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Application Area of N.A., Numbers and Their Accuracy, Mathematical,
preliminaries, Error Analysis, Absolute, Relat ives, Truncation and Rounding Error.

Module II: Solution of Linear Algebraic
Introduction to Matrices, Basic Definit ions, Matrix Inversion Method, Gauss Jordan Method, Eigen Values,
Gauss Seidal Iterative Method

Module III: Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
Introduction, Bisection Method, Regular Falsi Method, Secant Method, Iteration Method, Newton Raphson
Method, Generalized Newton Raphson Method, Rate of Convergence

Module IV: Interpolati on and Curve Fi tting
Basic Definit ion, Forward Differences, backward Differences, Central Differences, Newton
Forward/Backward/ Central Differences Formula, Newtons Divided Difference Formula, LaGranges Method.
Curve Fitting for line and parabola.

Module V: Numerical Di fference & Integration
Numerical Differentiat ion based on Interpolation Formula, Numerical Integration, Trapezoidal Rules, Simpsons
1/3 rule, Simpsons 3/8 Rule, Romberg's Method.

Module VI: Numerical Solution to ODE
Basic Definition, Taylor Series Method, Eulers Method, Modified Eulers Method, Picard's Method, Runga
Kutta Method (2
and 4

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

V. Raja Raman, Computer Based Numerical Methods , PHI Publication
SS Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI

M.K. Jain & R.K. Jain, Numerical Solutions, New Age Publication


Course Code: MCA 206 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
Students will learn the tools and techniques of quantitative analysis outlined in the schedule, how and when to
apply them, and practice application of those tools. Students completing this goal will be prepared to quantify a
variety of policy problems for analysis and decision making. The syllabus includes Linear, Non-linear
Programming, Transportation, Decision Theory and Project Management.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Basic Deification, Nature and Significance of OR, feature of OR Approach Application and Scope of OR,
General Methods for Solving Or Models

Module II: Linear Programming
General Structure of Linear Programming, Advantages and Limitat ions of Linear Programming, Application
Areas of Linear Programming.

Module III: Type of Linear Programming Sol utions
Multiple Solution, Unbounded Solutions, Infeasible Solution

Module IV: Simplex Method
Maximization and Minimization Problem, two Phase Method, Big M Method

Module V: Duality in LPP
Dual Linear Programming Problem, Rules for Constructing the Dual from Primal, Feature of Duality

Module VI: Transportati on Problem
Mathematical Model of Transportation Problem, Transportation Method, North West Corner Method, Linear
Cost Method, Vogels Approximat ion Method, Unbalanced Supply and Demand, Degenera cy Problem,
Alternative Optional Solution, Maximizat ion Transportation Problem, Trans -Shipment Problem

Module VII: Decision Theory & Decision Tree
Steps in DT Approach, types of Decision Making Environments, Criterion of Optimis m and Pessimis m, Equally
Likely Decision Criterion, Decision Making under Risk, Decision Tree Analysis.

Module VIII: Theory of Games
Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Game with Saddle Point, Games without Saddle Point, Rule of
Dominance, Methods for Solving Problems without Saddle Point.

Module IX: Project Management
Basic Idea of PERT & CRM, Difference between PERT & CPM, PERT/ CPM Network Components and
Precedence Relationship Critical Path Analysis, Project Scheduling, Project Time -Cost , Trade-Off, Resource

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Operations Research, J K Sharma, Macmillan Publication

Operations Research, H. A. Taha
Operations Research, Kanti Swaroop, Macmillan Publication

Course Code: MCA 220 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Write a program to search an element in a given array using linear search.
2. Write a program to search an element in a given array using binary search.
3. Write a program to sort the elements of an array using the following techniques: Bubble Sort, Selection
Sort, and Insertion Sort. Compare the time taken by each sorting technique.
4. Write a program using the concept of iteration and recursion to sort the elements of an array using Quick
5. Write a C program to implement Heap sort.
6. Write a program to delete an element from the k
element of an array.
7. Write a program to insert an element at the k
element in an array.
8. Write a program to remove duplicates in an array.
9. Write a program to merge two sorted arrays.
10. Write a program to perform the following operations on two given matrices: Addit ion and Multiplication.
11. Write a program to implement a Stack, show overflow and underflow while performing push and pop
operations respectively.
12. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression.
13. Write a program to implement a queue and show the following: insertion and deletion.
14. Write a program to implement a circular queue and show the following: insertion and deletion.
15. Write a program to implement Linear Linked List and show the following operations: creation, display,
insertion, deletion and searching.
16. Write a program to increment the data part of every node in a linked list by 10.
17. Write a program to implement a stack using linked list and show the following operations: Push, Pop, and
18. Write a program to implement a stack using linked list and show the following operations: Insertio n,
Delet ion, and Display.
19. Write a program to count the number of repetitions of a number in a linked list.
20. Write a program to implement Doubly Linked List and show the following operations: creation, display,
insertion, deletion and searching.
21. Write a program to implement Binary tree and display the contents using preorder, postorder and inorder
traversal techniques.
22. Write a program to convert a Binary Tree to a Threaded Binary Tree.
23. Write a program to construct a Binary Search tree and perform the following operations: Insertion and
Delet ion of a node.
24. Write a program to construct an AVL tree and perform the following operations: insertion, deletion and
25. Write a program to insert and delete nodes in a graph using adjacency matrix.
26. Write a program that demonstrates Warshalls algorithm.
27. Write a program to implement Depth First Search using linked representation of graph.
28. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search using linked representation of graph.
29. Write a program to create a minimum spanning tree using Kruskals algorithm
30. Write a program to create a minimum spanning tree using Prims algorithm.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 221 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

Q1) Write a program to perform following operation:
1. ADD
5. MOD

Q2) Write a program to print the number is even or odd?

Q3) Write a program to find the greatest number from three numbers?

Q4) Write a program to print first n square less than 50 and print the sum of the all the square of the n number?

Q5) Write a program to print factorial of a given number?

Q6) Write a program to print the sum of the following series:
1+1\3+1\ 5+1\8+1\11..........n

Q7) WAP to find the sum of series:
1+ x

2! 3! (n+1)!

Q8 Write a program to print the series in ascending order and in descending order by using for loop?

Q8) Write a program to print the:

Q9 Write a program to print the:

* * * * *
* * *
* * *
* * * * *
Q10 Create a project that allows the user to input information and then display the lines of output for a mailing
label. Fields to be input by the user requires text boxes where information to be displayed belongs in label. Use
text boxes for 1st name, last name, street no., city, state, zip code. Provide tool t ips, use command buttons for
display, clear, print and exit. Make the display button as default button and clear as cancel button.

Q11) Design and code a project that has shipping information. Use text boxes with labels att ached for catalog
code, page no., part no.. Use two group of option button on the form enclosed each group in the frame. The 1st
frame should have caption of shipping and contain button for express and ground. For 2nd frame use a caption
of payment type and include buttons for check, money order or credit card. Use a check box for new customer.
Add command buttons for print, clear and exit. Make the clear button the cancel button and add tool tips.

Q12) Create a project for book sales. Make text boxes for quantity, title and price with labels. Calculate total
price, discount (15%) and discounted price. Make command buttons for calculate, clear and exit.

Q13) Create a project for the local car rental agency that calculates rental charges. The agency charge $15 per
day + $0.50 per km. use text boxes for customer name, address, city, state, zip code, beginning and ending
audiometer reading and no. of days the car was used. Use labels to display the miles given and the total charges.
Make command buttons for clear, exit and calculate.
Q14) Create a project that will input an employee salary. Calculate a gross salary, deduction and net salary.
Each employee will receive a basic pay of $900 + sales commission of 6% of sales. After calculating the net
paid calculate the budget amount of each category based on the % given.
Bank pays $900
Commission 6% of sales
Gross pay Basic pay + Commission
Deduction 18% of gross pay
Net pay Gross pay - deduction
Housing 30% of net pay
Food and clothing 15% of net pay
Entertainment 50% of net pay
Miscellaneous 5% of net pay

Use text boxes to input the employee name, amount of sales. Use labels to display the result and the calculation.
Use calculates, clear and exit command buttons.

Q15) Maintain a list of types of ice creams. Use a drop down combo box to hold the ice-cream type and use
command button to add, remove, clear, display and exit. Dont allow a blank type to be added to the list. Display
an error message if the user select remove without first selecting an ice-cream type. Before clearing the list,
display a message to confirm the operation.

Q16) Write a program to search an element in an array, using Linear Search.

Q17) Write a program to search an element in an array, using Binary Search.

Q18) Create the Login form that Allow the user up to 3 attempts at entering a password. Inform the user if the
password is wrong.

Q19) Create a project for a Tea cafe to calculate the bill .The items like samosa, tea, coffee, and Pepsi will be
chosen by check box. Total amount should be displayed in label.

Q20) A project to show working of both horizontal & vertical scroll bars on two different child forms of a MDI
a) Let the user decide the height and width of a shape through scroll bars.
b) Convert temp from Fahrenheit in to Celsius using vertical scroll bar.

Q21) Create a project to display the images in a picture box using drive, directory & file List boxes. On the click
of a command button with the caption next, user should be able to see next image in the same folder.

Q22) A project to show use of all types of library functions (string, numeric & date functions).
Des:: Categorize various functions in the frames and display functions using option buttons.

Q23) A project to find total number of vowels, consonants, digits & other characters in a string.

Q24) Write an age calculator to enter your date of birth and count the total number of age in seconds, age
in days and age in years. Use appropriate controls for this application.

Q25) Design a VB application that demonstrates the difference between call by value & call by reference
mechanis m.

Q26) Create a list box, which contains names of all cinema halls of NCR. If you choose name of cinema hall,
label display informat ion regarding all movies running in the cinema halls.

Q27) Design an app in VB which makes use of Tabbed dialog control displaying your personal informat ion on
one tab and professional information on another. Use status bar messages for various controls.

Q28) Write a program to check whether the given string is in upper case or lower case and also convert its
case.(Without using library functions)

Q29) Write a program to increase and decrease the size of the text by using horizontal and vertical bar?

Q30) Create a project to design a calculator by using control array?

Q31) write a program to design the search browser by using text box , drive list box, directory list box and file
list box?

Q32) Write a program to design the stopwatch by using timer control?

Q33) Write a program to swap an image by using timer?

Q34) Design an app. in VB which makes use of the following controls:: Image List, Toolbars & Progress bar &
Status Bar

Q35) A project to imitate a mini notepad using richtext box.
Make use of showopen, showsave, showcolor & showfont dialog boxes in your notepad.
Also set current values of the dialog box.

Q36) Simulate a Traffic Light System using various controls from your tool Box.

Q37) Design a project for a MDI application, such that child1 contains no menu and child2 contains menu. With
this demonstrate working of an MDI form?

Q38) Write a program, using recursive function to generate Fibonacci Series.

Q39) Write a program, using recursive function to calculate Power of a number.

Q40) Create a project for Reading & Refreshment that calculates the amount due for individual orders and
maintains accumulated totals for a summary. Have a textbox for Quantity ,checkbox for Takeout items, which
are taxable(5 percent);all other orders are nontaxable.Include option buttons for the five coffee selections -
Cappuccino, Espresso, Latte, Iced Cappuccino and Iced Latte. The prices for each will be assigned using these

Cappuccino 20.00
Espresso 22.00
Latte 18.00
Iced(either) 25.00

Use a command button for Calculate Selection , which will calculate and display the amount due for
each item. A command button for Clear for Next Item will clear the selections and amount for the single
item. Additional labels in a separate frame will maintain the summary information for the current order to
include subtotal, tax and total due.

Buttons at the bottom of the form will be used for New Order, Summary and Exit . The New Order
button will clear the bill for the current customer and add to the totals for the summary. The button for
Summary should display the average sale amount per customer and the number of customers in a message

Q41) Create a project that will be used to determine the total amount due for the Purchase of a vehicle. You will
need textboxes for the sales price and the trade- In allowance. Check boxes will indicate if the buyer wants
additional accessories: stereo system, leather interior & computer navigation. A frame for the exterior finish will
contain option buttons for Standard, Pearlized or Customized detailing. The prices for each will be assigned
using these Constants:

Stereo System 425
Leather Interior 987
Computer Navigation 1741
Standard No additional Charge
Pearlized 345
Customized Detailing 599
Tax Rate 7%

Have the trade-in-allowance default to o; that is, if the user does not enter a trade-in value, use zero in your
calculation. Validate the values from the text boxes, displaying a message box if necessary.
To calculate, add the price of selected accessories and finish to the sales price, calculate the sales tax and display
the result in a subtotal label. Then subtract any trade-in value from the total and display the result in an Amount
due label.
Include command buttons for Calculate, Clear & Exit. The Calculate button must display the total amount due
after trade-in.

Q 42) Creating a tree view while Node1 is a parent node of Node2 and Node2 is a parent Node of Node3.




Course Code: MCA 241 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
To enrich the understanding of English language and communicat ion, structure, style, usage, and vocabulary for
global business purposes.

Course Contents:

Module I: Fundamentals of Communicati on
Role and purpose of communication: 7 Cs of communication
Barriers to effective communicat ion
Enhancing listening
Forms of Communicat ion: one-to-one, informal and formal

Module II: Verbal Communication (Written)
Business Letter
Social correspondence
Writing resume and Job applications

Module III: Speaking skills
Conversational English
Guidelines to give an effective presentation
Activities to include:
Presentations by students
Just a minute

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 CAF V GD GP A
Weightage (%) 20 20 25 10 10 10 5

CAF Communication Assessment File
GD Group Discussion
GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Business Communication, Raman Prakash, Oxford
Textbook of Business Communication, Ramaswami S, Macmillan
Speaking Personally, Porter-Ladousse, Cambridge


Course Code: MCA 243 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Process of Behavioural communicat ion
Aspects of interpersonal communicat ion and relationship
Management of individual differences as important dimension of IPR

Course Contents:

Module I: Behavi oural Communicati on
Scope of Behavioural Communicat ion
Process Personal, Impersonal and Interpersonal Communication
Guidelines for developing Human Communication skills
Relevance of Behavioural Communication in relationship management

Module II: Managing Indi vi dual Differences in Relationshi ps
Types of issues
Understanding and importance of self disclosure
Guidelines for effective communicat ion during conflicts

Module III: Communication Cli mate: Foundation of Interpersonal Relationships
Elements of satisfying relationships
Conforming and Disconfirming Communication
Culturally Relevant Communication
Guideline for Creating and Sustaining Healthy Climate

Module IV: Interpersonal Communication
Imperatives for Interpersonal Communicat ion
Models Linear, Interaction and Transaction
Patterns Complementary, Symmetrical and Parallel
Types Self and Other Oriented
Steps to improve Interpersonal Communication

Module V: Interpersonal Rel ationshi p Development
Relationship circle Peer/ Colleague, Superior and Subordinate
Initiat ing and establishing IPR
Escalating, maintaining and terminating IPR
Direct and indirect strategies of terminating relat ionship
Model of ending relat ionship

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Examination Scheme:

Components SAP A Mi d Term
Test (CT)
VIVA Journal for
Success (JOS)
Weightage (%) 20 05 20 30 25

Text & References:

Vangelist L. Anita, Mark N. Knapp, Inter Personal Communicat ion and Human Relationships: Third
Edition, Allyn and Bacon
Julia T. Wood. Interpersonal Communication everyday encounter
Simons, Christine, Naylor, Belinda: Effective Communicat ion for Managers, 1997 1
Edit ion Cassell
Harvard Business School, Effective Communication: United States of America
Beebe, Beebe and Redmond; Interpersonal Communicat ion, 1996; Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

Course Code: MCA 244 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to overcome the fear of speaking a foreign language and take position as a foreigner
speaking French.
To make them learn the basic rules of French Grammar.

Course Contents:

Module A: pp.38 47: Uni t 3: Objectif 3, 4, 5. 6

Module B: pp. 47 to 75 Unit 4, 5

Contenu lexical: Uni t 3: Organiser son temps
1. donner/demander des informations sur un emploi du temps, un horaire SNCF
Imaginer un dialogue
2. rdiger un message/ une lettre pour
i) prendre un rendez-vous/ accepter et confirmer/ annuler
ii) inviter/accepter/refuser
3. Faire un programme dact ivits
imaginer une conversation tlphonique/un dialogue
Propositions- interroger, rpondre

Unit 4: Dcouvrir son environnement
1. situer un lieu
2. sorienter, sinformer sur un it inraire.
3. Chercher, dcrire un logement
4. connatre les rythmes de la vie

Uni t 5: sinformer
1. demander/donner des informations sur un emploi du temps pass.
2. donner une explication, exprimer le doute ou la cert itude.
3. dcouvrir les relations entre les mots
4. savoir sinformer

Contenu grammatical: 1. Adjectifs dmonstratifs
2. Adject ifs possessifs/exprimer la possession laide de:
i. de ii. A+nom/pronom disjoint
3. Conjugaison pronominale ngative, interrogative -
construction l'infinitif
4. Imprat if/exprimer lobligation/linterdiction laide de il
faut. / il ne faut pas
5. pass compos
6. Questions directes/indirectes

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

le livre suivre: Campus: Tome 1

Course Code: MCA 245 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar,
which will later help them to strengthen their language.
To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities
available in Germany
Introduction to Grammar to consolidate the language base learnt in Semester I

Course Contents:

Module I: Everything about Ti me and Ti me periods
Time and times of the day.
Weekdays, months, seasons.
Adverbs of time and time related prepositions

Module II: Irregul ar verbs
Introduction to irregular verbs like to be, and others, to learn the conjugations of the same, (fahren, essen,
lessen, schlafen, sprechen und hnliche).

Module III: Separable verbs
To comprehend the change in meaning that the verbs undergo when used as such
Treat ment of such verbs with separable prefixes

Module IV: Reading and comprehension
Reading and deciphering railway schedules/school time table
Usage of separable verbs in the above context

Module V: Accusati ve case
Accusative case with the relevant articles
Introduction to 2 different kinds of sentences Nominative and Accusative

Module VI: Accusati ve personal pronouns
Nominative and accusative in comparison
Emphasizing on the universal applicability of the pronouns to both persons and objects

Module VII: Accusati ve prepositions
Accusative propositions with their use
Both theoretical and figurative use

Module VIII: Dialogues
Dialogue reading: In the market place
At the Hotel

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch
Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch
Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder
P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant- 1, 2 & 3
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/1,2
Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs

Course Code: MCA 246 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students acquire more vocabulary, grammar, Verbal Phrases to understand simple texts and start
describing any person or object in Simple Present Tense.

Course Contents:

Module I
Revision of earlier modules.

Module II
Some more AR/ ER/IR verbs. Introduction to root changing and irregular AR/ ER/IR ending verbs

Module III
More verbal phrases (eg, Dios Mio, Que lastima etc), adverbs (bueno/malo, muy, mucho, bastante, poco).
Simple texts based on grammar and vocabulary done in earlier modules.

Module IV
Possessive pronouns

Module V
Writing/speaking essays like my friend, my house, my school/institution, myself.descriptions of people,
objects etc, computer/internet related vocabulary

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol, En Directo I A
Espaol Sin Fronteras

Course Code: MCA 247 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic particles and be able to define the
situations and people using different adjectives.

Course Contents:

Module I: Verbs
Transitive verbs, intransitive verbs

Module II: More prepositions
More particles, art icles and likes and dislikes.

Module III: Terms used for i nstructions
No parking, no smoking etc.

Module IV: Adverbs
Different adverbial expression.

Module V: Invi tations and celebrations
Giving and receiving presents,
Inviting somebody for lunch, dinner, movie and how to accept and refuse in different ways

Module VI: Comprehensions
Short essay on Family, Friend etc.

Module VII: Conversati ons
Situational conversations like asking the way, At a post office, family

Module VIII: Illness
Going to the doctor, hospital etc.

Learning Outcome
Students can speak the language describing above-mentioned topics.

Methods of Private study /Self help
Handouts, audio-aids, and self-do assignments.
Use of library, visiting and watching movies in Japan and culture center every Friday at 6pm.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Teach yourself Japanese.

Shin Nihongo no kiso 1

Course Code: MCA 248 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
Chinese is a tonal language where each syllable in isolation has its definite tone (flat, falling, rising and
rising/falling), and same syllables with different tones mean different things. When you say, ma with a third
tone, it mean horse and ma with the first tone is Mother. The course aims at familiarizing the student with the
basic aspects of speaking ability of Mandarin, the language of Mainland China. The course aims at training
students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a Chinese person.

Course Contents:

Module I
Practice reading aloud
Observe Picture and answer the question.
Tone practice.
Practice using the language both by speaking and by taking notes.
Introduction of basic sentence patterns.
Measure words.
Glad to meet you.

Module II
Where do you live?
Learning different colors.
Tones of bu
Buying things and how muchit costs?
Dialogue on change of Money.
More sentence patterns on Days and Weekdays.
How to tell time. Saying the units of time in Chinese. Learning to say useful phrases like 8:00, 11:25, 10:30
P.M. everyday, afternoon, evening, night, morning 3:58, one hour, to begin, to end .. etc.
Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night.

Module III
Use of words of location like-li, wais hang, xia
Furniture table, chair, bed, bookshelf,.. etc.
Description of room, house or hostel room.. eg what is placed where and how many things are there in it?
Review Lessons Preview Lessons.
Expression yao, xiang and yaoshi (if).
Days of week, months in a year etc.
I am learning Chinese. Is Chinese difficult?

Module IV
Counting from 1-1000
Use of chang-chang.
Making an Inquiry What time is it now? Where is the Post Office?
Days of the week. Months in a year.
Use of Preposition zai, gen.
Use of interrogative pronoun duoshao and ji.
Whose??? Sweater etc is it?
Different Games and going out for exercise in the morning.

Module V
The verb qu
Going to the library issuing a book from the library
Going to the cinema hall, buying tickets
Going to the post office, buying stamps
Going to the market to buy things.. etc
Going to the buy clothes . Etc.
Hobby. I also like swimming.
Comprehension and answer questions based on it.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Elementary Chinese Reader Part I Lesson 11-20


Course Code: MCA 301 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course provides the necessary theoretical background for introductory computer graphics and demonstrates
the application of computer science to graphics. It also offers an opportunity for students to formulate and
implement applications of computer graphics. This course further allows students to develop programming skills
in computer graphics by programming assignments.

Course Contents:

Module I: Overview of Graphics System
Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Display, Random Scan Display, Input Devices, Graphic Soft ware

Module II: Output Pri miti ves
Points and Lines, Line-Drawing Algorithm, Circle Generation Algorithms, Ellipse Generation Algorithm, Conic
Section, Polynomial and Spline Curves, Pixel Addressing, Filled Area Primit ives, Fill Area Functions.

Module III: Two Dimensional Geometric Transformation
Basic Transformations, Motion Representation, Composite Transformation, Translation, Rotation, Scaling,
General Pivot-Point Rotation, General Fixed Point Scaling, General Scaling Direct ions, Reflection, Shear,
Transformat ion between Co-ordinate System, Affine Transformations, Raster Methods for Transformations

Module IV: Two-Di mensional Viewi ng
The Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coo-ordinate Reference Frame, Window to New Port Co -ordinate
Transformat ion, Two Dimensional Viewing Functions, Clipping Operat ions, Line Clipping, Polygon Dipping.

Module V: Three Dimensional Concepts
Three Dimensional Display Methods.

Module VI: Three Di mensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations
Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Other Transformations, Composite Transformer.

Module VII: Three Di mensional Viewi ng
Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Co-ordinate, Projections, Clipping

Module VIII: Visual- Surface Detecti on Methods
Classification of Visiting Surface Detection Algorithm, Back Pace Detection, Depth-Buffer Method, A Buffer
Method, Scan-Line Method

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Computer Graphics, Donald Hearn, M Pauline Baker, 2
Edition, PHI 1999
Schaum Series, Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics, N. Krishnamurthy, TMH


Course Code: MCA 302 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course is aimed at developing Programming skills using Object Oriented Technology in C++. This p urpose
of this subject is to improve the programming approach and development of software using OOPS technology.
The Subject involves various concepts of Object Oriented Programming such as Classes, Objects,
Polymorphis m, Inheritance, Templates, Exception Handling etc. needed for a better approach towards software

Course Contents:

Module I: Basic Concepts of OOPS
Introduction of C++, Features of Oops, Distinction between procedural and oops programming, definit ions of
class and objects, Concepts of inheritance , encapsulation Abstraction, and Polymorphis m. Dynamic Binding,
Message Passing. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages.

Module II: Overview of OOP Using C++
Basic Program Construction: Main And Functions ,Program Statements, Class Declaration, Comments, Start ing,
Compiling and Executing C++ Programs, Elements of C++ Language, Variables & Constants, Data Types
Operators, Control Statements, Loops, Arrays

Module III: Functions
Simple Functions, Passing Arguments & Returning Values , Reference variables and arguments, Function
Overloading, Inline Functions, Programming Style, Access Specifiers.

Module IV: Cl asses and Objects
Object & classes, attributes, methods, C++ class declaration, Local Class and Global Class, Structures and
Classes, Scope resolution operator, Friend Functions, Constructors and destructors, instantiation of objects,
Types of Constructors, Static Class Data, Array of Objects, Constant member functions and Objects.

Module V: Inheritance
Inheritance, Types of Inheritance, access modes public, private & protected, Abstract Classes, Ambiguity
resolution using scope resolution operator and Virtual base class, Overriding inheritance methods, Constructors
in derived class. Nesting of Classes

Module VI: Pol ymorphism
Polymorphis m, Type of Polymorphis m Compile time and runtime, Function Overloading, Operator
Overloading. Overloading unary operator, Overloading binary operator, Pitfalls of Operator Overloading, Data
Conversion from one data type to another.
Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Functions, Pointer to objects, this pointer, Virtual Functions, pure virtual
functions. Memory management Operators.

Module VIII: Files and Sreams
Files and Streams: streams, string I/O, character I/ O, object I/O, file point er, error handling, command line
arguments. formatted and Unformatted Input output

Module IX: Template and Exception handling
Generic Programming function template, class Template Standard Template Library: Overview of Standard
Template Library, Containers, Algorithms, Iterators, Other STL Elements, The Container Classes.
Overview of Exception handling.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ , E. Balaguruswamy, Tata McGrahill

Object Oriented Programming with C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia Publication
C++ Programming, Yashavant Karnitkar, BPB Publicat ions
Mastering C++, K R Venugopal, Raj Kumar, T Ravishankar, Tata McGraw-Hill 2005


Course Code: MCA 303 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The primary aim of the subject is to provide the students a deeper understanding of the relational database
model by exposing the students to a variety of important issues of data base management, e.g., database design,
physical storage, query optimizat ion, database recovery, concurrency control, security and data integrity.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to DBMS
Introduction to DBMS, Architecture of DBMS, Components of DBMS, Traditional data Models (Network,
Hierarchical and Relat ional), Database Users, Database Languages, Schemas and Instances, Data Independence

Module II: Data Modeling
Entity sets attributes and keys, Relationships (ER), Database modeling using entity, Weak and Strong entity
types, Enhanced entity-relationship (EER), Entity Relat ionship Diagram Design of an E-R Database schema
Object modeling, Specialization and generalizat ion

Module III: Relational Database Model
Basic Definitions, Properties of Relational Model, Keys, Constraints, Integrity rules, Relat ional Algebra,
Relational Calculus.

Module IV: Rel ational Database Design
Functional Dependencies, Normalization, Normal forms (1
, 2
, 3
, BCNF), Lossless decomposition, Join
dependencies, 4
& 5
Normal form.

Module V: Query Language
SQL Components (DDL, DML, DCL), SQL Constructs (Select fromwhere. group by. having. order
by), Nested tables, Views, correlated query, Objects in Oracle.

Module VI: PL/SQL
Introduction, Basic block, Structure of PL/SQL program, Control Statements, Exception handling, Cursor
Concept, Procedure, functions and triggers.

Module VII: Database Security and Authorization
Basic security issues, Discretionary access control, Mandatory access control, Statistical database security.

Module VIII: Transacti on Management and Concurrency Control Techni ques
Transaction concept, ACID properties, Schedules and recoverability, Serial and Non-serial schedules,
Serializability, Concurrency Techniques: Locking Protocols, Timestamping Protocol, Multiversion Technique,
Deadlock Concept - detection and resolution.

Module IX: Backup and Recovery
Database recovery techniques based on immediate and deferred update, ARIES recovery algorithm, Shadow
pages and Write-ahead Logging

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Fundamental of Database Systems, Elmasri & Navathe, Pearson Education, Asia
Data Base Management System, Leon & Leon, Vikas Publications
Database System Concepts, Korth & Sudarshan, TMH

Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin C Desai, Galgotia
Oracle 9i The Complete Reference, Oracle Press

Course Code: MCA 304 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
To provide an educational experience for students, which will allow them to develop a knowledge of the
theories and empirical evidence relat ing to organizational behaviour, an understanding of the nature and
functioning of organizations and of individuals and groups within them, an ability to diagnose organizational
situations and to use behavioural knowledge in participating in and managing organizational processes and to
better manage both micro and macro organizat ional issues.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to OB
Introduction to organizational behaviour and individuals. What is an Organizat ion (Micro & Macro perspective),
Components of organization, Management Functions, Roles & Skills, Organizations in Indian Context, What is
Organizational Behaviour, Challenges & Opportunities for OB, Dependent & Independent Variables.

Module II: Indi vi dual Behavi our
Individual Behaviour, Values (Types of Values, RVS, Values across Cultures), Attitudes (Types of Attitudes,
Cognitive Dissonance Theory), Job Satisfaction, Personality (Big Five Model, Personality Attributes influencing
OB, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Type A/Type B Personality, Hollands Typology), Perception (Factors,
Attribution Theory, Perceptive short-cuts & applications), Individual Decision-making, Creativity in Decision-
making, Motivation (Theories of Motivation Early & Contemporary), Profile of a Manager and Entrepreneur.

Module III: Group Behavi our
Group Behaviour (Types of Groups, Group Development Model, Group Behaviour Model, Group Decision
Making, Groupthink & Groupshift), Teams (Types, Team Effectiveness Model, Turning Individuals into Team
Players), Communicat ion (Functions, Process, Direction, Organizat ional Communication, Barriers), Leadership
(Trust, Contemporary Leadership Theories, Leadership Roles, Emot ional Intelligence).

Module IV: Organizati onal System
Organizational System Organizational St ructure & Designs, Power & Polit ics (Bases, Power Tactics, Factors
contributing to Political Behaviour, Employee Responses to Organizational Politics), Organizational Change
Management (Forces for Change, Resistance to Change, Overcoming Resistance to Change), Work Stress & its
Management (Sources & Consequences of Stress, Managing Stress).

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Organisational Behaviour, L.M. Prasad, Sultan Chand & Sons

Organizational Behaviour, Stephen P. Robbins, Prentice -Hall India


Course Code: MCA 305 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be knowledgeable of basic data communicat ion and
networking concepts. Topics include routing/switching hardware, security, distributed client/server applications
and architecture, intranets and intranet servers and browsers, networks and network servers, LANs/WANs,
internetworking technologies, the OSI reference model for networking protocols, CSMA/CD, TCP/IP
implementation, frame relay, FDDI, X-25, ISDN services.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Computer Network, Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Network, Communication system, Analog and
digital data

Module II: Data Communication
Data Transmission: Analog Transmission, Digital Transmission, Transmission impairments
Data Encodi ng: Digital data-digital signals, Digital data-Analog signals, Analog data- Digital signals, analog
data- analog signals, Synchronous and Asynchronous transfer
Multi plexing: Frequency division multiplexing, Time division multiplexing

Module III: Trans mission Medi a
Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, Optical Fibers, Wireless transmission, Microwaves, Radio waves, Infrared

Module IV: Protocols and Architecture
Protocols, OSI reference Models, TCP/IP Protocol Suit

Module V: Data Link Control and Protocol
Flow Control- Stop and Wait, Sliding Window, Error Detection, Error Control, HDLC

Module VI: Local Area Network
LAN Architecture, LAN topologies- Bus/ Tree LAN, Ring LAN, Star LAN, Wireless LAN, Ethernet and Fast
Ethernet(CSMA/CD), Token Ring and FDDI

Module VII: Network Layer
Introduction, Routers, Routing Algorithms, Congestion Control Algorithm, Addressing, Internetworking

Module VIII: Trans port Protocols
Transport Services, TCP, UDP

Module IX: Wi de Area Networks
WAN, Circuit Switching, packet Switching, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Data Communication and Networking, Behrouz, Forouzan, TMH.
Computer Net works, S. Tanenbaum, Eastern Economy ed., PHI.
Data and Computer Communications, W. Stallings, Prentice Hall of India

Business Data Communications & Networking, Jerry Fit zgerald, Alan Dennis, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Computer Net works: Protocols, Black. U., Standards and Interfaces.


Course Code: MCA 306 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The goal of CCNA Explorat ion Network Fundamentals course is to introduce you to fundamental networking
concepts and technologies. This course will assist you in developing the skills necessary to plan and implement
small networks across a range of applications.

Course Contents:

Module I: Li ving i n a Network Centric Worl d
Networks supporting the way we live, Examples of todays popular communicat ion tools, Communicat ion,
Network as platform, The Elements of Network, Converged network
The Architecture of Internet, Trends in Net working.

Module II: Communicating over the Network
Introduction, LANs, WANs and Internetworks, Net work Addressing

Module III: Applicati on Layer Functi onality and Protocols
Introduction, making provision for applicat ions and services, Application layer protocols and services.

Module IV: OSI Trans port Layer
Introduction, The TCP protocol communicating with reliability, Managing TCP sessions, The UDP protocol
communicat ing with low overheads

Module V: OSI Network Layer
Introduction, Networks-dividing host into groups, Routing How our data packets are handled, Routing process.

Module VI: Addressing the Network - IPv4
Introduction, Address for different purpose, Assigning address, Calculating address, testing the Network layer.

Module VII: Data Link Layer
Introduction, Data Link Layer-Accessing the media .Media Access Control Techniques, Media Access Control
Addressing and Framing Data.

Module VIII: OSI Physical Layer
Introduction, The Physical Layer-Communicat ion Signals, Physical Signaling and Encoding, Representing Bits,
Physical Media-Connecting Communicat ion.

Module IX: Ethernet
Overview of Ethernet, Ethernet Communicat ion through the LAN, The Ethernet Frame ,Ethernet Media
Access Control, Ethernet Physical Layer, Hubs and Switches, Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)

Module X: Planning and Cabling Networks
Introduction, LANs-Making the Physical connections, Device Selection Factors, Device Interconnecting
,Developing an Addressing Scheme, Calculating the subnets, Device Interconnections.

Module XI: Configuring and Testing Your Network
Configuring CISCO devices IOS basics, applying a Basic Configuration using CISCO IOS, Verifying
Connectivity, Monitoring and Documenting of Net works.
CCNA Explorati on: Network Fundamentals (Gui ded Case Study)

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Companion Guide, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Lab Companion, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Engineering General, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
CISCO CCNA-Explorat ion 4.0, Module 1, Pearson Education.

Data Communicatios and Networking by Behrouz Forouzan, 3e, Tata McGraw-Hill
Computer Net works by Andrews S. Tanenbaum, 4e, Pearson Education

Note: This is an online course of Cisco. Online materials provided by Cisco are studied.


Course Code: MCA 320 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Write a program to display diamond of stars (*s).
2. WAP to print Fibonacci series of n numbers, where n is given by the programmer.
3. WAP to read a set of numbers in an array & to find the largest of them.
4. WAP to sort a list of names in ascending order.
5. WAP to sort an array of integers using functions.
6. WAP to exchange contents of two variables using call by value.
7. WAP to exchange contents of two variables using call by reference.
8. WAP to do the following using inline functions:
a. Generate the following menu:
1. Add two numbers.
2. Subtract two numbers.
3. Multiply two numbers.
4. Divide two numbers.
5. Exit .
b. Ask the user to input two integers and then input a choice from the menu. Perform all the
arithmetic operations which have been offered by the menu. Checks for errors caused due to
inappropriate entry by user and output a statement accordingly.
9. WAP to add two complex numbers using friend function.
10. Write a program to exchange values between two classes using friend function.
11. Calculate area of different geomet rical figures (circle, rectangle, square, triangle) using function
12. Write a program to overload a function and create a situation such that the compiler does inter nal
13. Create a class Complex for performing all arithmetic operations with complex numbers.
14. WAP to maintain the student record which contains Roll number, Name, Marks1, Marks2, Marks3 as data
member and getdata(), display() and setdata() as member functions.
15. Write a class bank, containing data member: Name of Depositor, A/c type, Type of A/c, Balance amount.
Member function: To assign initial value, To deposit an amount, to withdraw an amount after checking the
balance (which should be greater than Rs. 500), To display name & balance.
16. Write a program to add & mult iply two matrices by overloading + and * operators respectively.
17. Design three classes: Student, Test & Result. The Student class has its data members such as roll no, name
etc. Create a Test class by inheriting the Student class. The Test class adds its own data members
representing the marks scored in four subjects. Design one more class named as Sports which has a single
data member representing sports marks. Derive the Result from class Test & Sports. What type of
relationship this model belongs to? Write a program to model this relationship.
18. Write a class string to compare two strings, overload (= =) operator.
19. Declare a class of vehicle. Derived classes are two-wheeler, three-wheeler & four-wheeler. Display the
properties of each type of vehicle using member functions of classes.
20. Create two classes namely Employee and Qualificat ion. Using mult iple inheritance derive two classes
Scientist and Manager. Take suitable attributes & operations. WAP to implement this class hierarchy.
21. Consider an example of book shop which sells books and video tapes. These two classes are inherited from
base class called media. The media class has command data members such as title and publication. The
Book class has data members for storing number of pages in a book and tape class has playing time in a
tape. Each class will have member functions such as read() and show().In the base class ,these members
have to be defined as virtual functions. Write a program to model the class hierarchy for book shop and
process objects of these classes using pointers to base class.
22. Write a program to create template to perform bubble sort for an array of any data type.
23. WAP to read data from keyboard & write it to the file. After writ ing is completed, the file is closed. The
program again opens the same file and reads it.
24. WAP to reverse a string using pointers and arrays.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 321 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Create the following(s) table
Salespeople with fields snum, sname, city, commission
Orders table with fields onum, odate, snum, amt
Customers table with fields cnum, cname, city, rating, snum

2. Display name & city of salesman where city is Pune
3. Display the numbers of sales persons, with orders currently in the orders table without any repeats.
4. Display all customers where city is Mumbai rat ing is more than 100.
5. Display all customers where city is either Pune or Mumbai
6. List all customers not having city Pune or rat ing more than 100
7. Display all customers excluding those, with rat ing less than equal to 100, unless they are located in Nagar
8. Display all sales persons names starting with character G, the 4th character is A & the rest of characters
will be any.
9. Find all records from customers table where city is not known i.e. NULL.
10. Assume each salesperson has a 12% commission on order amt. Display orderno, snum, commission for that
11. Display the count of snum in order table without duplication of snum.
12. Display the counts of all orders for Feb05
13. Display the maximum outstanding amount as blnc+amt
14. Display details of orders order number & date wise
15. Display customers highest ratings in each city.
16. Write a query that totals the orders for each day & places the results in descending order.
17. Add a column curr_bal in orders table for current balance
18. Increase commission of all sales persons by 200.
19. Display each order number followed by the name of customer who made it.
20. Calculate the amount of salespersons commissions on each order by a customer with a rating above 100.
21. Write a query that uses a sub-query to obtain all orders for the customer named Gopal.
22. Write a query that produces the names & ratings of all customers who have above-average orders
23. Create a union of two queries that shows the names, cities 7 ratings of all customers. Those with a rating of
200 or greater will also have ratings high rating, while the others will have the words low rating.
24. Write a command that produces the name & number of each salesperson & each customer with more than
one current order. Put results in alphabetical order.
25. Create an index that would permit each salesperson to retrieve his or her orders grouped by date quickly.
26. Create a view that shows all of the customers who have highest ratings.
27. Create a view that shows number of salespeople in each city.
28. Write a PL/ SQL program to display the number in reverse order
29. Write a PL/ SQL program to find the factorial of a given number
30. Write a PL/ SQL program to generate fibonacci series
31. Write a PL/SQL code block to calculate the area of a circle for a value of radius varying from 3 to 7.Store
the radius and the corresponding values of calculated area in an empty table named areas, consisting of two
columns radius & area table name: areas radius area
32. Write a PL/ SQL code block that will accept an account number from the user, check if the users balance is
less than minimum balance,only then deduct rs.100/ - from the balance. This process is fired on the acct

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 322 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1.0 Data Stream Capture
Capture or download an audio stream
Record the characteristics of the file
Examine data transfer rates associated with the file

2.0 Observing TCP and UDP using Netstat
Explain common netstat command parameters and outputs.
netstat to examine protocol information on a pod host computer.

3.0TCP/ IP Transport Layer Protocols, TCP and UDP
Identify TCP header fields and operation using a Wireshark FTP session capture.
Identify UDP header fields and operation using a Wireshark TFTP session capture

4.0 Application and Transport Layer Protocols Examinati on
Configure the host computer to capture Application layer protocols.

yze FTP communicat ion between the pod host computer and an FTP server.

5.0 Examini ng a Devices Gateway
Understand and explain the purpose of a gateway address.
Understand how network informat ion is configured on a Windows computer.
Troubleshoot a hidden gateway address problem

6.0 Examini ng a Route
Use the route command to modify a Windows computer routing table.
Use a Windows Telnet client command telnet to connect to a Cisco router.
Examine router routes using basic Cisco IOS commands.

7.0 Ping and Traceroute
Use the ping command to verify simple TCP/ IP network connectivity.
Use the tracert/traceroute command to verify TCP/IP connectivity.

8.0 Examini ng ICMP Packets
Understand the format of ICMP packets.
Use Wireshark to capture and examine ICMP messages.

9.0 IPv4 Address Subnetting
When given an IP address, network mask, and subnetwork mask, you will be able to determine other
informat ion about the IP address such as:
The subnet address of this subnet
The broadcast address of this subnet
The range of host addresses for this subnet
The maximum number of subnets for this subnet mask
The number of hosts for each subnet
The number of subnet bits
The number of this subnet

10.0Subnet and Router Configuration
Subnet an address space per given requirements.
Assign appropriate addresses to interfaces and document.
Configure and activate Serial and FastEthernet interfaces.
Test and verify configurations.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation

11.0 Frame Examinati on
Explain the header fields in an Ethernet II frame.
Use Wireshark to capture and analyze Ethernet II frames

12.0 Medi a Connectors Lab Acti vi ty
Test cables using a Fluke620 LAN CableMeter and a Fluke LinkRunner

Test different cables for type and wiring problems

13.0 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Use Windows arp command.
Use Wireshark to examine ARP exchanges.

14.0 Cisco Switch MAC Table Exami nation
Use the Telnet protocol to log into a Cisco Switch.
Use the Cisco IOS show mac-address-table command to examine MAC address and port associations.

15.0 Intermediary Device as an End Device
Use Wireshark to capture and analyze frames originating from network nodes.
Examine the origination of frames in a s mall network

16.0 Establishing a Console Session wi th HyperTerminal
Connect a router and computer using a console cable.
Configure HyperTerminal to establish a console session with a Cisco IOS router.
Configure HyperTerminal to establish a console session with a Cisco IOS switch.

17.0 Basic Cisco Device Configuration
Configure Cisco router global configurat ion settings.

Configure Cisco router interfaces.

18.0 Final Case Study - Datagram Analysis with Wireshark
How a TCP segment is constructed, and explain the segment fields.
How an IP packet is constructed, and explain the packet fields.
How an Ethernet II frame is constructed, and explain the frame fields.
Contents of an ARP REQUEST and ARP REPLY

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 341 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
To init iate the learners with the basic mechanics of writing skills and facilitate them with the core skills required
for communicat ion in the professional world.

Course Contents:

Module I: Mechanics and Semantics of Sentences
Writing effective sentences
Style and Structure

Module II: Devel oping writing skills
Inter - office communication: Business Letter; E mails; Netiquette
Intra office communicat ion: Memos, Notices, Circulars, Minutes
Report Writ ing

Module III: Business Presentations
Planning, design and layout of presentation
Information Packaging
Audience analysis
Audio visual aids
Speaking with confidence
Case Studies

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 CAF V GD GP A
Weightage (%) 20 20 25 10 10 10 5

CAF Communication Assessment File
GD Group Discussion
GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Krishnaswamy, N, Creat ive English for Communication, Macmillan
Raman Prakash, Business Communication, Oxford.


Course Code: MCA 343 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course aims to enable students to:
Understand the concept and building of teams
Manage conflict and stress within team
Facilitate better team management and organizational effect iveness through universal human values.

Course Contents:

Module I: Teams: An Overview
Team Design Features: team vs. group
Effective Team Mission and Vision
Life Cycle of a Project Team
Rationale of a Team, Goal Analysis and Team Roles

Module II: Team & Sociometry
Patterns of Interaction in a Team
Sociometry: Method of studying attractions and repulsions in groups
Construction of sociogram for studying interpersonal relations in a Team

Module III: Team Buildi ng
Types and Development of Team Building
Stages of team growth
Team performance curve
Profiling your Team: Internal & External Dynamics
Team Strategies for organizational vision
Team communication

Module IV: Team Leadershi p & Conflict Management
Leadership styles in organizations
Self Authorized team leadership
Causes of team conflict
Conflict management strategies
Stress and Coping in teams

Module V: Global Teams and Uni versal Values
Management by values
Pragmatic spirituality in life and organization
Building global teams through universal human values
Learning based on project work on Scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita etc.

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer
Examination Scheme:

Components SAP A Mi d Term
Test (CT)
VIVA Journal for
Success (JOS)
Weightage (%) 20 05 20 30 25

Text & References:

Organizational Behaviour, Davis, K.
Hoover, Judhith D. Effective Small Group and Team Communicat ion, 2002,Harcourt College Publishers
LaFasto and Larson: When Teams Work Best, 2001, Response Books (Sage), New Delhi
Dick, Mc Cann & Margerison, Charles: Team Management, 1992 Edit ion, viva books
J William Pfeiffer (ed.) Theories and Models in Applied Behavioural Science, Vol 2, Group (1996); Pfeiffer
& Company
Smither Robert D.; The Psychology of Work and Human Performance, 1994, Harper Collins College


Course Code: MCA 344 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To provide the students with the know-how
To master the current social communication skills in oral and in written.
To enrich the formulations, the linguistic tools and vary the sentence construct ion without repetition.

Course Contents:

Module B: pp. 76 88 Unit 6

Module C: pp. 89 to103 Unit 7

Contenu lexical: Uni t 6: se faire plaisir
1. acheter: exprimer ses choix, dcrire un objet (forme, dimension, poids et
mat ires) payer
2. parler de la nourriture, deux faons dexprimer la quantit, commander
un repas au restaurant
3. parler des diffrentes occasions de faire la fte

Unit 7: Culti ver ses relations
1. matriser les actes de la communication sociale courante
(Salutations, prsentations, invitations, remerciements)
2. annoncer un vnement, exprimer un souhait, remercier,
sexcuser par crit.
3. caractriser une personne (aspect physique et caractre)
Contenu grammatical:
1. accord des adjectifs qualificatifs
2. articles partitifs
3. Ngations avec de, nerien/personne/plus
4. Questions avec combien, quel
5. expressions de la quantit
6. neplus/toujours - encore
7. pronoms complments directs et indirects
8. accord du participe pass (auxiliaire avoir ) avec
lobjet direct
9. Impratif avec un pronom complment direct ou indirect
10. construction avec que - Je crois que/ Je pense que/ Je
sais que
Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

le livre suivre: Campus: Tome 1


Course Code: MCA 345 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar,
which will later help them to strengthen their language.
To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities
available in Germany

Course Contents:

Module I: Modal verbs
Modal verbs with conjugations and usage
Imparting the finer nuances of the language

Module II: Information about Germany (ongoi ng)
Information about Germany in the form of presentations or Referat neighbors, states and capitals, important
cities and towns and characteristic features of the same, and also a few other topics related to Germany.

Module III: Dati ve case
Dative case, comparison with accusative case
Dative case with the relevant articles
Introduction to 3 different kinds of sentences nominative, accusative and dative

Module IV: Dati ve personal pronouns
Nominative, accusative and dative pronouns in comparison

Module V: Dati ve prepositions
Dative preposition with their usage both theoretical and figurative use

Module VI: Di alogues
In the Restaurant,
At the Tourist Informat ion Office,
A telephone conversation

Module VII: Directi ons
Names of the direct ions
Asking and telling the direct ions with the help of a roadmap

Module VIII: Conjuncti ons
To assimilate the knowledge of the conjunctions learnt indirectly so far

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch
Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch
Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder
P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant- 1, 2 & 3
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/1,2
Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs


Course Code: MCA 346 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students acquire knowledge of the Set/definite expressions (idiomat ic expressions) in Spanish
language and to handle some Spanish situations with ease.

Course Contents:

Module I
Revision of earlier semester modules
Set expressions (idiomatic expressions) with the verb Tener, Poner, Ir.

Module II
Introduction to Gustarand all its forms. Revision of Gustar and usage of it

Module III
Translation of Spanish-English; English-Spanish. Practice sentences.
How to ask for directions (using estar)
Introduction to IR + A + INFINITIVE FORM OF A VERB

Module IV
Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary
En el restaurante
En el instituto
En el aeropuerto

Module V

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol, En Directo I A
Espaol Sin Fronteras -Nivel Elemental


Course Code: MCA 347 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic verbs and to express themselves
effectively and narrate their everyday short encounters. Students are also given projects on Japan and Japanese
culture to widen their horizon further.
Note: The Japanese script is introduced in this semester.

Course Contents:

Module I: Verbs
Different forms of verbs: present continuos verbs etc

Module II
More Adverbs and adverbial expressions

Module III: Counters
Learning to count different shaped objects,

Module IV: Tenses
Past tense, Past continuous tense.

Module V: Comparison
Comparative and Superlative degree

Module VI: Wishes and desires
Expressing desire to buy, hold, possess. Usage in negative sentences as well.
Comparative degree, Superlat ive degree.

Module VII: Appointment
Over phone, formal and informal etc.

Learning Outcome
Students can speak the language and can describe themselves and situations effectively
They also gain great knowledge in terms of Japanese lifestyle and culture, which help them at the time of

Methods of Private study /Self help
Handouts, audio-aids, and self-do assignments.
Use of library, visiting and watching movies in Japan and culture center every Friday at 6pm.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Teach yourself Japanese

Shin Nihongo no kiso 1


Course Code: MCA 348 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
Foreign words are usually imported by translating the concept into Chinese, the emphasis is on the meaning
rather than the sound. But the system runs into a problem because the underlying name of personal name is
often obscure so they are almost always transcribed according to their pronciation alone. The course aims at
familiarizing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of Mandarin, the language of Mainland
China. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a Chinese

Course Contents:

Module I
Dialogue practice
Observe picture and answer the question.
Introduction of written characters.
Practice reading aloud
Practice using the language both by speaking and by taking notes.
Character writing and stroke order

Module II
Measure words
Position words e.g. inside, outside, middle, in front, behind, top, bottom, side, left, right, straight.
Directional words beibian, xibian, nanbian, dongbian, zhongjian.
Our school and its different building locations.
What game do you like?
Difference between hii and neng, keyi.

Module III
Changing affirmat ive sentences to negative ones and vice versa
Human body parts.
Not feeling well words e.g.; fever, cold, stomach ache, head ache.
Use of the modal particle le
Making a telephone call
Use of jiu and cal (Grammar portion)
Automobiles e.g. Bus, train, boat, car, bike etc.
Traveling, by train, by airplane, by bus, on the bike, by boat.. etc.

Module IV
The ordinal number di
Mei the demonstrative pronoun e.g. mei tian, mei nian etc.
use of to enter to exit
Structural particle de (Compliment of degree).
Going to the Park.
Description about class schedule during a week in school.
Grammar use of li and cong.
Comprehension reading followed by questions.

Module V
Persuasion-Please dont smoke.
Please speak slowly
Praise This pictorial is very beautiful
Opposites e.g. Clean-Dirty, Litt le-More, Old-New, Young-Old, Easy-Difficult, Boy-Girl, Black-White, Big-
Small, Slow-Fast etc.
Talking about studies and classmates
Use of it doesnt matter
Enquiring about a student, description about study method.
Grammar: Negation of a sentence with a verbal predicate.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Elementary Chinese Reader Part I, Part-2 Lesson 21-30


Course Code: MCA 360 Credit Units: 06

There are certain phases of every Interns professional development that cannot be effectively taught in the
academic environment. These facets can only be learned through direct, on-the-job experience working with
successful professionals and experts in the field. The internship program can best be described as an attempt to
institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap between the professional world and the academic institutions. Entire
effort in internship is in terms of extending the program of education and evaluation beyond the classroom of a
university or institution. The educational process in the internship course seeks out and focuses attention on
many latent attributes, which do not surface in the normal classroom situations. These attributes are intellectual
ability, professional judgment and decision-making ability, inter-disciplinary approach, skills for data handling,
ability in written and oral presentation, sense of responsibility etc.

In order to achieve these objectives, each student will maintain a file ( Internshi p File). The Internship File aims
to encourage students to keep a personal record of their learning and achievement throughout the Programme. It
can be used as the basis for lifelong learning and for job applications. Items can be drawn from activities
completed in the course modules and from the workplace to demonstrate learning and personal development.

The File will assess the students analytical skills and ability to present supportive evidence, whilst
demonstrating understanding of their organization, its needs and their own personal contribution to the

The layout gui delines for the Project & Seminar Report

1. File shoul d be in the followi ng specification
A4 size paper
Font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points)
Line spacing: 1.5
Top & bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2.5 cm
Left & right margins: 1.25 inches/ 3 cm

2. Report Layout: The report should contain the following components
Front Page
Table of Content
Student Certificate
Company Profile (optional)
Main Body
References / Bibliography

The File will include five sections in the order described below. The content and comprehensiveness of the main
body and appendices of the report should include the following:

1. The Title Page--Title - An Internship Experience Report For (Your Name), name of internship organization,
name of the Supervisor/Guide and his/her designation, date started and completed, and number of credits for
which the report is submitted.
2. Table of Content--an outline of the contents by topics and subtopics with the page number and location of
each section.
3. Introducti on--short, but should include how and why you obtained the internship experience position and the
relationship it has to your professional and career goals.
4. Main Body--should include but not be limited to daily tasks performed. Major projects contributed to, dates,
hours on task, observations and feelings, meetings attended and their purposes, listing of tools and materials and
their suppliers, and photographs if possible of projects, buildings and co-workers.
5. References / Bi bliography --This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report.
These should be ordered alphabetically on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be
abbreviated; if they are, abbreviations must comply with an internationally recognised system


The student will be provided with the Student Assessment Record (SAR) to be placed in front of the Internship
File. Each item in the SAR is ticked off when it is completed successfully. The faculty will also assess each item

as it is completed. The SAR will be signed by the student and by the faculty to indicate that the File is the
students own work. It will also ensure regularity and meeting the delaines.


1. Range of Research Methods used to obtain i nformation

2. Executi on of Research

3. Data Anal ysis
Analyse Quantitative/ Qualitative information
Control Quality

4. Draw Conclusions

Examination Scheme:

Components V S R FP
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 40
V Viva, S Synopsis, FP Final Presentation, R - Report


Course Code: MCA 401 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Students in this course should be able to explain and apply a broad range of concepts from software engineering,
spanning all aspects the software engineering process. They should be able to recognize, define, and make
correct use of generally accepted software engineering terminology.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Evolution of Software Engineering, Soft ware Problems, Issues Involved In Software Engineering, Fundamental
Qualities of a Software Product, Approaches to Software Engineering, Planning the development Process

Module II: Software Life Cycle Models
Development/Product Life-Cycle Model, Kinds of Software Life-Cycle Model Project Management Concepts,
Project Management Activit ies

Module III: Software Requirement Specification
Requirement Engineering, Requirement elicitation, Requirement analysis, requirement documentation, Case

Module IV: Software Project Planning
Size Estimation, Cost Estimation, Models, COCOMO, COCOMO II, Putnam Resource allocation model,
Software Risk Management.

Module V: Software Design
Software Designing Principles Various Strategies, Module Level Concepts, Structured Design Methodologies

Module VI: Software Metrics
Software Metrics, Token Count, Data Structure Metrics, Information Flow Metrics and Metrics analysis.

Module VII: Software Reliability
Basic Concepts, Software quality, software reliability models, Capability maturity models, ISO 9000.

Module VIII: Software Testing
Testing Process, Some terminology, Functional Testing, Structural Testing, Levels of Testing, Debugging and
Testing Tools.

Module IX: Software Mai ntenance
Maintenance Process, Maintenance Model, Estimat ion of maintenance cost, Regression Testing, Reverse
Engineering, Soft ware Re-engineering, Configuration Management and Documetation.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Software Engineering, A Practit ioner's Approach, Roger S. Pressman,
Software Engineering, K.K. Agarwal, Yogesh Singh, New Age International Publishers
An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Pankaj Jalote, Narosa Publication

Software Engineering Concepts, Richard Fairley


Course Code: MCA 402 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course will introduce the essential topics of Internet Programming predominately with the Java
programming language. Students will design and write interactive WWW pages using Java, HTML, CGI,
VRML programming languages. Students will develop software that manipulates different forms of data such as
hypertext, graphics, video, and sound. Advanced interactive/executable web pages will be developed.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Basics of computer communication, OSI Model of ISO, LAN, WAN, Internet, Evolution of Internet, Internet
Applications, TCP/IP, Introduction to RFC, Addressing in Internet IP and Domains, Internet Service
Providesrs, Types of connectivity such as dial-up, leased, VSAT etc., Internet Server and Client modules on
various Operating Systems

Module II: Introduction to Worl d Wi de Web
Evolution of World Wide Web, Basic features, WWW browsers, WWW servers, HTTP & URLs

Module III: WWW Browsers
Basic features, Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer

Module IV: HTML
Document Overview, Header Element, Lists Hypertext Links, Visual Markup, URLs
Images, Forms, Tables, Special Characters

Module V: Introducti on to JAVA Programming
Introduction to Java, Java features, An Overview of Java, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators, and Control

Module VI: Java with Object Orientated Features
Introducing Classes, A Closer look at Methods and Classes, Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces, Exception
Handling, Multithreaded Programming, I/O, and Applets.

Module VII: The Java Li brary
String Handling, Exploring java lang, Input/Output: Exploring java. io, Net working, and Event Handling.

Module VIII: GUI i n Java
Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Layout Managers, and Images.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Patrick Naughtn and Herbert Schildt The Complete Reference, Java 2, TMH
Douglas E.Cmer, Computer Networks & Internet, Pearson.

The Internet :By- Douglas E.Cmer: TMH


Course Code: MCA 403 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course is aimed at building a perspective necessary for the application of modern economic concepts,
precepts, tools and techniques in evaluating business decisions taken by a firm. The course will also look at
recent developments in business in the context of economic theory.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Nature and fundamental concepts and techniques of managerial economics; Demand concepts and demand
analysis; Demand elasticit ies and demand estimates; Demand forecasting.

Module II: Input, Output and Price Output Decisions
Production - concepts and analysis; Costing- concepts and analysis; Empirical estimates of production and costs;
Market environment of price output decisions taken by the firm and the industry; Pricing strategies and tactics.

Module III: Pricing Policies and Practices
Pricing under different market condition; Price discrimination; Multiple product pricing; Transfer pricing.

Module IV: Profit Management
Profit policy and maximisation of profit; Measurement of profit; Profit planning and control with reference to
break-even analysis.

Module V: Recent Devel opments and Applicati ons
Scale, scope and core competencies of firms; Globalization of economic act ivity.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Managerial Economics, Dwivedi, D. N., Vikas Publishing house, New Delhi, 1998.
Micro Economics, Samuelson, P.A., 16
edition, McGraw Hill.
Managerial Economics, Adhikari, M., 3
edition, Khosla Publishing House, New Delhi

Koutsonyinnis, A., Modern Economics, McMillan, New York, 1991.
Baumol, W. J., Economic Theory and Operat ion Analysis, 3
edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.


Course Code: MCA 404 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to give an introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning, its benefits, ERP
systems, ERP Implementation Methodology, ERP Architectures. It also focuses on concepts of Extended ERP,
Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Definition, Evolution of ERP, Characteristics, Features, Components and needs of ERP, ERP Vendors, BPR,
System Benefits & Limitations of ERP Packages

Module II: Generic Model of ERP
Generic model of ERP system, Core Modules functionality, Types of ERP architecture, Client Server
Architecture, Web-based Architecture, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Module III: Implementation Methodology of ERP
Difficulty in selecting ERP, Approach to ERP selection, Request for Proposal approach, proof-of-concept
approach, General Implementation approach of ERP, Vanilla Implementation, Evaluation Criteria of ERP
packages, Project Implementation Team Structure

Module IV: Business Process Reengineering
Organizational Change Management, Business Process Change, BPR Methodology, Current BPR Tools,
Enabling best technology practices, Benchmarking

Module V: Enterprise Modeling and Integration of ERP
Need to focus on Enterprise Integration/ERP, Information mapping, Role of common shared Enterprise
database, System Integration, Logical vs. Physical System Integration, Benefits & limitations of System
Integration, ERPs Role in Logical and Physical Integration

Module VI: Introduction to SAP, Oracle APPS
SAP, Integrated SAP Model, SAP Architecture, SAP R/3 System & mySAP, SAP Modules, Oracle Apps,
Oracle AIM Methodology, Oracle APPS Modules

Module VII: Suppl y chain management and ERP
Definition, Supply Chain Councils SCOR Model, Stevens Model of Supply Chain Management, Aims of SCM,
SCM Key Drivers, Collaborative Design & Product Development, Benefits of SCM, ERP Vs SCM, Key SCM

Module VIII: Customer Rel ationshi p Management and ERP
CRM Evolution, CRM Delivery Processes, CRM support Processes, CRM Analysis Processes, CRM
Components, CRM Packages & Vendors

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Enterprise Systems For Management, Luvai F. Motiwalla, Jeff Thompson, Pearson Education.
Wikipedia Links for SAP, Oracle APPS


Course Code: MCA 405 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course will provide the students with an understanding of the principles of information systems technology
and its impact on the strategic goals and direction of the organization. They will learn how MIS concepts are
applied in business and how information systems can provide solutions to the entire organization.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Why Information System, Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems, Types of Systems in
organizations, Systems from a Functional Perspective, Organization and Informat ion Systems, Managers,
Decision Making and Information Systems, Informat ion Systems and Business Strategy Role of Internet
Technology in Management, Electronic Business, Electronic Commerce.

Module II: Ethical and Soci al Issues
Understanding Ethical and Social Issues, Ethics in information society, Moral Dimensions of Information

Module III: Informati on Technology Infrastructure
Computer Hardware and Informat ion Technology Infrastructure, Categories of Computers and Computer
Systems, Managing Hardware and Soft ware Assets, Total Cost of Ownership, Rent or Build Decisions.
Telecommunication and Networks Network Topologies, LANs WANs Network Services and Broadband

Module IV: Information Systems
Types of Informat ion Systems for Decision-Making. Decision Support Systems, Executive Informat ion
Systems, Transaction Processing Systems, Group Decision Support Systems. Redesigning the organization with
Information Systems, Business Process Reengineering

Module V: Informati on Systems Security and Control
System Vulnerability, Creating Control Environment, Disaster Recovery Planning, Ensuring System Quality,
Software Quality Assurance Methodologies and Tools . Case study on ITIL (Information Technology
Infrastructure Library)

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Management Information Systems, Laudon and Laudon, Prentice Hall International


Course Code: MCA 406 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This is an introductory course in parallel computing. We will examine parallel architectures, parallel
programming, and parallel algorithms and distributed programming. The course is software oriented with
applications in high performance computing and scientific computing.

Course Contents:

Module I: Basic Concepts
Introduction to parallel processing, parallel processing terminology, decomposition, complexity, throughout,
speedup, measures, data dependence, resource dependence, Bernsteins conditions levels of parallelism in
programs. Program flow-control flow, data flow, Distributed systems Introduction, advantages, tightly-
coupled loosely-coupled systems. Hardware and software requirements, design issues.

Module II: Parallel Processing Structure & Organization
Taxonomy of parallel processes: granularity, basic architectures, multiprocessors, vector processors, pipeline,
array, systolic, wave front array, cube architecture, hypercube, CCC, pyramid, pris m, network architecture
binary tree, hypertree butterfly, shuffle exchange, dataflow architecture, connection machine.
Distributed Systems: Review of networks, layered protocols Physical, data link network, transport,
application, Network operating system, Distributed Operating System, Resource sharing, Message passing,
example system, Synchronizat ion aspects, clocks, algorithms, Mutual exclusion, coroutines, CSP, DP,
Deadlocks, Distributed deadlock detection, Modelling Petri Nets.

Module III: Parallel Algorithms
PRAM model of computation, Elementary parallel algorithms Broadcast, prefix sums, permutation, parallel
selection, merging, sorting, Odd-even, bitonic merge, dictionary operations, elliss, Algorithm Graph Algorithms,
Matrix-transportation, mult iplication, solving linear systems.

Module IV: Parallel & Distributed Programmi ng
Parallel Programming environments, models, synchronous asynchronous programming, modulla -2, occamm,
FORTRAN, DAP FORTRAN, Actus, data flow programming, VAL.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing Theory and Practice, 2
Edition, McGraw Hill, 1994
Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelis m, Scalability, Programmability, McGraw Hill
Inc, 1993
S. G. Akl, The Design and Analysis of parallel algorithms, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989

A. S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operat ing System, PHI, 1996.
R. H. Perrott, Parallel Programming, Addison Wesley, 1987.
T. G. Lewie and H. Ele-Revini, Introduction to Parallel computing, PHI, NJ, 1992.


Course Code: MCA 407 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This module will introduce the area of software project management, presenting basic techniques and
approaches and aiming to develop a critical awareness of the challenges and shortcomings of the area.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction of Software Project Management & Project Pl anni ng
What is Software? What is Project? What is Management? Activities covered by software project management,
some ways of categorizing software projects, the project as a system, Problems with software projects,
Management control, Requirement specification, Information and control in organization, Introduction of Step
Wise project planning, Step: 0-4, Step: 5-10 of project planning.

Module II: Risk Management
The nature of Risk, Risk identificat ion, Risk analysis, Risk Examination, Risk Assessment, Reducing Risk,
Evaluating risks to the schedule.

Module III: Project Exami nation
Strategic assessment, Technical assessment, Cost-benefit analysis (no numerical), cost-benefit Examination
techniques, Cash flow forecasting, risk Examination.

Module IV: Overview of Appropriate project approach & Software Effort Es ti mation
Project models, Examples of project models, the basis of software estimat ion, Problems with over and und er
estimates, where are estimates done? Software effort estimation techniques: LOC, Function Point (no
numerical), COCOMO: a parametric model

Module V: Overview of Management
Levels of management, Management as a control system, Functions of Management, Objectives, Characteristics
and Impact of management.

Module VI: Acti vity Pl anning & Resource Allocation
Objective of activity planning, when to Plan, Project Schedules, Projects and activities, Sequencing and
scheduling activities, Nature of resources, Identifying resource requirements, Scheduling resources, Cost
Schedules, Scheduling sequences.

Module VII: Monitoring and Control & Managing people and organizing team
Creat ing the framework, collect ing the data, Visualizing progress and change control, Organizational structure
and behaviour, selecting right person for a job, motivation, leadership, working in a group.

Module VIII: Software Quality
Place of s/w quality in project planning, importance of s/w quality, Defining s/w quality, ISO 9126, ISO 9000,
ISO 9003, Pract ical s/w quality measures, Product versus process quality management, External standards,
Techniques to help enhance s/w quality, CMM Model, Concept of Six Sigma

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Software Project Management (Second Edit ion), BOB Hughes and Mike Cotterell, TMH

Software Engineering David Gustafson (Schaums Series)
Software Engineering Pressmen


Course Code: MCA 408 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course focuses on processor design, pipelining, superscalar, out -of-order execution, caches (memory
hierarchies), virtual memory, storage systems, and simulation techniques. Advanced topics include a survey of
parallel architectures and future directions in computer architecture.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Computer Models
The state of computing, Multiprocessors and multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD computers, Architectural
development tracks

Module II: Program and network properties
Conditions of parallelism, Data and resource dependencies, Hardware and software parallelis m, Program
partitioning and scheduling, Grain size and latency, Program flow mechanis ms, Control flow versus data flow,
Data flow architecture, Demand driven mechanis ms, Comparisons of flow mechanisms

Module III: System Interconnect Architectures
Network properties and routing, Static interconnection networks, Dynamic interconnection Networks,
Multiprocessor system interconnects Hierarchical bus systems, Crossbar switch and mult iport memory,
Multistage and combining network.

Module IV: Processors and Memory Hierarchy
Advanced processor technology, Instruction-set Architectures, CISC Scalar Processors, RISC Scalar Processors,
Superscalar Processors, VLIW Architectures, Vector and Symbolic processors

Module V: Memory Technology
Hierarchical memory technology, Inclusion, Coherence and Localit y, Memory capacity planning, Virtual
Memory Technology

Module VI: Backplane Bus System
Backplane bus specification, Addressing and timing protocols, Arbitration transaction and interrupt, Cache
addressing models, direct mapping and associative caches.

Module VII: Pi pelining
Linear pipeline processor, Nonlinear pipeline processor, Instruction pipeline design, Mechanisms for instruction
pipelining, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Branch handling techniques, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Computer
arithmetic principles, Static arithmet ic pipeline, Multifunctional arithmet ic pipelines

Module VIII: Vector Processing Principles
Vector instruction types, Vector-access memory schemes.

Module IX: Synchronous Parallel Processing
SIMD Architecture and Programming Principles, SIMD Parallel Algorithms, SIMD Computers and
Performance Enhancement

Module X: VLSI Computing
VLSI Computers, VLSI Complexity Model

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Advanced computer architecture, Kai Hwang, TMH.
Computer Architecture and organizat ion, J.P. Hayes, MGH.
Memory System and Pipelined processors, Harvey G. Cragon, Narosa Publicat ion.

Parallel computer, V. Rajaranam & C. S. R. Murthy, PHI.
Foundation of Parallel Processing, R.K. Ghose, Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta, Narosa
Kai Hwang and Zu, Scalable Parallel Computers Architecture; MGH.


Course Code: MCA 409 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The goal of CCNA Explorat ion Routing Protocols and Concepts course is to develop an understanding of how a
router learns about remote networks and determines the best path to those networks. This course includes both
static routing and dynamic routing protocols.

Course Contents:

Module I: Intro to Routing and Packet Forwarding
Introduction, Inside the Router, CLI Configuration and Addressing, Building the Routing Tables, Path
Determination and Switching Functions.

Module II: Static Routing
Introduction, Routers and Network, Router Configuration Review, Exploring Directly Connected Networks,
Static Routes with Next Hop , Addresses ,Static Routes with Exit Interface, Summary and Default Static
Routes, Managing and Troubleshooting Static Routes.

Module III: Introducti on to Dynamic Routi ng Protocols
Introduction, Classifying Dynamic Routing Protocols, Metrics, Administrative Distance, Routing Protocols and
Subneting Activities.

Module IV: Distance Vector Routing Protocols
Introduction to Distance Vector Routing Protocols, Network Discovery, Routing Table Maintenance, Routing
Loops, Distance Vector Routing Protocols Today.

Module V: RIP Version - I
Introduction, RIP v1,Distance Vector, Classful Routing Protocols, Basic RIPv1 Configuration, Verificat ion and
Troubleshooting, Automatic Summarizat ion, Default Route and RIP v1.

Module VI: VLSM and CIDR
Introduction, Classful and Classless Addressing, VLSM, CIDR, VLSM and Route Summarizat ion Activity.

Module VII: RIP Version - II
Introduction, RIPv1 Limitations, Configuration RIPv2, VLSM & CIDR, Verifying & Troubleshooting RIPv2.

Module VIII: The Routing Table A Cl ose Look
Introduction, the Routing Table Structure, Routing Table Lookup Process, Routing Behaviour.

Module IX: EIGRP
Introduction to EIGRP, Basic EIGRP Configuration, EIGRP Metric Calculation, DUAL, More EIGRP
Configurat ion.

Module X: Link State Routing Protocols
Introduction, Link State Routing, Implementing Link State Routing Protocols.

Module XI: OSPF
Introduction to OSPF, Basic OSPF Configuration, The OSPF metric, OSPF and Multi-access Networks, More
OSPF Configuration.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Companion Guide, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Lab Companion, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 1 & 2 Engineering General, 3
Edn by Pearson Education
CISCO CCNA-Explorat ion 4.0, Module 2, Pearson Education.

Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz Forouzan, 3e, Tata McGraw-Hill
Computer Net works by Andrews S. Tane nbaum, 4e, Pearson Education

Note: This is an online course of Cisco. Online materials provided by Cisco are studied.


Course Code: MCA 410 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The course objective is to learn the latest and emerging technologies (Cache in this semester) in the
Information Technology Field. Here students will learn the new database technology that is object oriented
database technology (Post Relational DBMS).

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Cache Objects
Objectives of classes, Typographic Conventions, Requirements, Namespace, Datasets, Creating a Namespace,
Cache Cube, Creation and formatting of physical file.

Module II: Working with cl ass
How to make a class, specification of class, Changing Namespace, Introduction to Property, Adding property.

Module III: Query and Index Handli ng
Introduction to query, How to create a query, Creating an Index , compilat ion, How to access data using Cache
Object Script, Viewing the database, Introduction to OpenID, Save, write methods, Storing data in the global.

Module IV: Popul ating a cl ass
Generating random data for the class, Searching the databases, Embedded Objects, Introduction to searching the
database using query, populating an Index, Testing a Query, Embedded and Serial Object, Validations.

Module V: References, Working wi th Pre-defined Values
Introduction to Reference Object, how to work with Pre-defined values, Calculating the fields when the record
is updated, Storing a picture, Creating List, Working with Arrays, Introduction to collections, Formatting data
for output, Making Relationship.

Module VI: Cache with Visual Basic
VB Form Wizard, Cache Object Server, Project, Connecting to Cache, Working with Combo-box, Searching the
database, Using embedded objects, References, Updating the database, Multimedia -Photos, Formatting data for
Output, Making Relationship.

Module VII: Cache Server Pages
Introduction to CSP, Configuring CSP, Writ ing code in CSP

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

From website:
Documentation of cache


Course Code: MCA 420 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

Week I: Introduce the lab environment and tools used in the software engineering lab: WebCT, Rational Rose
for UML, MS Project, MS Source Safe ( configuration management), Rational Requisite Pro (Software
requirements and prerequisite pro ), JUnit (Soft ware Testing).

The key objecti ves are
Discuss the Project & learn how to write project definition.
Learn the cycle phases (project management, requirement engineering, software design, prototyping and
testing software life).
Practice the software phases using a project.
Learn a number of CASE tools and use them in a project within a team work environment.
Get familiar with UML (modeling language for analysis and design).

Week II: For a given dummy project given to a team, Software process overview must be done using MS
source safe

Week III: For the above mentioned Project, Project planning must be done .Also the students should be taught
how to write planning documentation using MS Project

1. For the above mentioned Project, Software requirements are found and also teach the students, how to write
Planning document using Rational RequisitePro

2. Introduction to UML, Unified Modelling Language and use case diagrams using Rational Rose

3. Develop System modeling (DFD and ER) using Rat ional Rose

4. Design Flow of events and activity diagram using Rat ional Rose and how to write SRS document.

5. OO analysis: discovering Classes Interaction diagrams: sequence and collaboration diagrams using Rational

6. Developing Version 1 of Soft ware Design: software architecture and object -oriented design using Rational

7. Developing State Transition Diagram using Rat ional Rose

8. Developing Component and deployment diagrams for Final Documented Project Report using Rational Rose.

9. Software testing using JUnit and other testing tools.

Note: The above steps shoul d be foll owed for a gi ven project to a team to teach the students how to write
a project.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 421 Credit Units: 01

List of JAVA Programmes

1. Write a Java Program to compute & print factorial of any given number.
2. Write a Java Program to compute the sum of digits of a given integer.
3. Write a Java Program to calculate & print first n Fibonacci numbers.
4. Write a Java Program to reverse the digits of a numbers.
5. Assume that a bank maintains two kinds of account for its customers, one called saving and other current.
The saving account provides compound interest and withdrawal facilit ies but not cheque book. The current
account provides cheque book but no interest. Current account holders should also maintain a min balance
& if the balance falls below, a service charge is imposed.
Create a class Account that stores customer name, account number & type of account. From this derive the
classes Curr-acc & Sav-acc to make them more specific to their requirements. Include the necessary
methods in order to achieve the following tasks:
a) Accept deposit from a customer and update the balance
b) Display the balance.
c) Compute and deposit interest
d) Permit withdrawal and update the balance.
e) Check for the minimum balance, impose penalty. If necessary, and update the balance
6. Write a Java Program to sort element of the array.
7. Write a Java Program to read marks out of 100 declare result as follows:
a. 60 or more 1st class
b. 50-59 2nd class
c. 40-49 pass
d. Less than 40 fail
8. Write a java program to check whether a year is a leap year or not.
9. Write a Java Program to read string from console and display the number of occurrence of each word
10. Write a Java Program to demonstrate use of Inheritance through vehicle, two wheeler, four wheeler and
three-wheeler class.
11. Write a Java Program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism with the help of abstract classes.
12. Write a Java Program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism with the help of interfaces.
13. Write a java program to display the use of all access modifiers with the help of two packages
14. Write a Java Program to take a filename as command line argument and display its contents.
15. Write a Java Program that reads a file and then displays it, with a line number before each line.
16. Write a Java Program that displays number of characters, lines and words in a text file.
17. Write a Java Program that appends the contents of one file to another.
18. Write a Java Program to demonstrate how we can make sure that the main thread gets executed after the
child threads finishes.
19. Write a Java Program to show exception handling. Also demonstrate the use of finally.
20. Write a Java program which takes as input a number and throws a user defined exception when number is
greater than 10.
21. Write a Java Program to demonstrate the use of throws. Also show what happens if a parent exception class
precedes a child exception class in the throws class.
22. Write a Java Program to demonstrate the Applet Life Cycle.
23. Develop an applet that displays the received integer in one text box and then on pressing the compute
button, displays the factorial in another text box.
24. Write a Java Program to demonstrate a working chat applet (Create both server and client).
25. Write a Java Program to roll a given string diagonally in an Applet. Make use of <param> tag for setting the
width and height of the applet.
26. Write a Java Program a program to show how interface can be used to support multiple inheritances in java.
27. Create an applet that will have a text area and a Frame. When any mouse event occurs on the frame, make
an entry of that event into the text area. For example, add Mouse Dragged when the mouse id dragged.
28. Write a Java program in which Server and client communicate using UDP sockets.
29. Write a Java program in which Server and client communicate using TCP/IP sockets.
30. Create an applet with Border Layout, with a button in each of the border layout component.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 422 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1.0 Cabli ng a Network and Basic Router Configurati on
Cable devices and establish console connections.
Erase and reload the routers.
Perform basic IOS command line interface operations.
Perform basic router configurat ion.
Verify and test configurations using show commands, ping and traceroute.
Create a startup configuration file.
Reload a startup configuration file.
Install a terminal emulat ion program.

2.0 Basic Router Configuration
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram given by Lab Coordinator
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate Ethernet interfaces.
Test and verify configurat ions.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

3.0 Challenge Router Configuration
Subnet an address space given requirements.
Assign appropriate addresses to interfaces and document.
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate Serial and Ethernet interfaces.
Test and verify configurat ions.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

4.0 Basic Static Route Configuration
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram given by Lab Coordinator
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Interpret debug i p routing output.
Configure and activate Serial and Ethernet interfaces.
Test connectivity.
Gather information to discover causes for lack of connectivity between devices.
Configure a static route using an intermediate address.
Configure a static route using an exit interface.
Compare a static route with intermediate address to a static route with exit interface.
Configure a default static route.
Configure a summary static route.
Document the network implementation.

5.0 Challenge Static Route Configuration
Subnet an address space given requirements.
Assign appropriate addresses to interfaces and document.
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate Serial and Ethernet interfaces.
Determine appropriate static, summary, and default routes.
Test and verify configurat ions.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

6.0 Subnetti ng Scenario 1

Determine the number of subnets needed.
Determine the number of hosts needed.
Design an appropriate addressing scheme.
Assign addresses and subnet mask pairs to device interfaces and hosts.
Examine the use of the available network address space.
Determine how static routing could be applied to the network.

7.0 Subnetti ng Scenario 2

Determine the number of subnets needed.
Determine the number of hosts needed.
Design an appropriate addressing scheme.
Assign addresses and subnet mask pairs to device interfaces and hosts.
Examine the use of the available network address space.
Determine how static routing could be applied to the network.

8.0 Routing Table Interpretation Lab
Gi ven: The output from the HQ router
HQ#show i p route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o ODR

P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set 30 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0/ 0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0/ 0/1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:03, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:03, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:03, Serial0/0/ 0
C is directly connected, Loopback0
C is directly connected, Loopback1
C is directly connected, Loopback2
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 1

Gi ven: The output from the BRANCH1 router
BRANCH1#show i p route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o ODR
P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set 30 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0/ 0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/ 0/0
C is directly connected, Loopback0
C is directly connected, Loopback1
C is directly connected, Loopback2
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/0/ 0

Gi ven the output from the BRANCH2 router
BRANCH2#show i p route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o ODR
P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/ 0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0/ 0/1
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 2] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
R [120/ 1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/ 1
C is directly connected, Loopback0
C is directly connected, Loopback1
C is directly connected, Loopback2

Draw a di agram of the network based on your i nterpretation of the router outputs and do the followi ng:
Interpret router outputs.
Identify the IP addresses for each router.
Draw a diagram of the network topology.

Cable and configure a network based on the topology diagram.
Test and verify full connectivity.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

9.0 Basic RIP Configuration
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram given below
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configure RIP routing on all routers.
Verify RIP routing using show and debug commands.
Reconfigure the network to make it contiguous.
Observe automatic summarization at boundary router.
Gather informat ion about RIP processing using the debug i p ri p command.
Configure a static default route.
Propagate default routes to RIP neighbors.
Document the RIP configuration.

Scenario A: Running RIPv1 on Classful Networks

Scenario B: Running RIPv1 with Subnets and Between Classful Networks

Scenario C: Running RIPv1 on a Stub Network

10.0 Challenge RIP Configurati on

Subnet an address space given requirements.
Assign appropriate addresses to interfaces and document them in the Addressing Table.
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Configure RIPv1 routing on all routers.
Configure and propagate a static default route.
Verify RIPv1 operation.
Test and verify full connectivity.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

11.0 Basic VLSM Calculati on and Addressing Design

Determine the number of subnets needed.
Determine the number of hosts needed for each subnet
Design an appropriate addressing scheme using VLSM.
Assign addresses and subnet mask pairs to device interfaces.
Examine the use of the available network address space.

12.0 Troubleshooting a VLSM Addressing Design

Discover errors in a VLSM design.
Propose solutions for VLSM design errors.
Document the corrected VLSM assignments.

13.0 Basic Route Summarizati on

Determine summarized routes that can be used to reduce the size of routing tables

15.0 Basic EIGRP Configuration Lab

Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default st ate.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configure EIGRP routing on all routers.
Verify EIGRP routing using show commands.
Disable automat ic summarization.
Configure manual summarization.
Configure a static default route.
Propagate default route to EIGRP neighbors.
Document the EIGRP configuration.

16.0 Challenge EIGRP Configuration Lab

Create an efficient VLSM design given requirements.
Assign appropriate addresses to interfaces and document.
Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Configure routers including EIGRP.
Configure and propagate a static default route.
Verify EIGRP operation.
Test and verify full connectivity.
Reflect upon and document the network implementation.

17.0 Basic OSPF Configuration Lab

Cable a network according to the Topology Diagram

Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router
Configure and activate interfaces
Configure OSPF routing on all routers
Configure OSPF router IDs
Verify OSPF routing using show commands
Configure a static default route
Propagate default route to OSPF neighbors
Configure OSPF Hello and Dead Timers
Configure OSPF on a mult i-access network, priority and election process

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 441 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
To facilitate the learner with Academic Language Proficiency and make them effect ive users of functional
language to excel in their profession.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Speaking Skills
Business Conversation
Effective Public Speaking
Art of Persuasion

Module II: Speaking for Employment
Types of Interview
Styles of Interview
Facing Interviews-Fundamentals and Practice Session
Conducting Interviews- Fundamentals and Pract ice Session
Question Answer on Various Dimensions

Module III: Basic Telephony Skills
Guidelines for Making a Call
Guidelines for Answering a Call
Telephone Word Groups
Answering Systems and Voice-Mail

Module IV: Work Place Speaking
Team Briefing
Conflict Management
Participation in Meetings
Keynote Speeches

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 CAF V GD GP A
Weightage (%) 20 20 25 10 10 10 5

CAF Communication Assessment File
GD Group Discussion
GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Jermy Comfort, Speaking Effectively,, Cambridge
Krishnaswamy, N, Creat ive English for Communication, Macmillan
Raman Prakash, Business Communication, Oxford.
Taylor, Conversation in Pract ice.


Course Code: MCA 443 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Build and leverage your professional reputation
Maintain focus in pressure situations
Make a balanced choice between professional and personal commit ments

Course Contents:

Module I: Components of Excellence
Personal Excellence:
o Identifying long-term choices and goals
o Uncovering the talent, strength & style
Analyzing choke points in your personal processes by analysis in area of placements, events, seminars,
conference, extracurricular activities, projects etc.
Developing professional power: Goal-setting, time management, handling criticism, interruptions and time

Module II: Professional Excellence
Alan P. Rossiters eight aspects of Professional Excellence
Resilience during challenge and loss
Continued Reflection (Placements, Events, Seminars, Conferences, Projects, Ext racurricular Activit ies, etc.)

Module III: Career Planning
Knowing ones Interest and Aptitude
Identifying available Resources
Setting goals to maintain focus:
Developing Positive attributes in personality
- Self-reliance and Employability skills

Module IV: Professional Success
Building independence & interdependence
Reducing resistance to change
Continued reflect ion (Placements, events, seminars, conferences, projects extracurricular Activit ies etc.)

Module V: Stress Management for Heal thy Li ving
Meaning and Nature of Stress
Stages of stress
Causes and Con
equences of stress: Personal, Organizational and Environmental
Personal Styles and strategies of coping

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Examination Scheme:

Components SAP A Mi d Term
Test (CT)
VIVA Journal for
Success (JOS)
Weightage (%) 20 05 20 30 25

Text & References:

J William Pfeiffer (ed.) Theories and Models in Applied Behavioural Science, Vol 2, Group (1996); Pfeiffer
& Company
Smither Robert D.; The Psychology of Work and Human Performance, 1994, Harper Collins College

Raman, A.T. (2003) Knowledge Management: A Resource Book. Excel Books, Delhi.
Kamalavijayan, D. (2005). Information and Knowledge Management. Macmillan India Ltd. Delhi


Course Code: MCA 444 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students:
To develop strategies of comprehension of texts of different origin
To present facts, projects, plans with precision

Course Contents:

Module C: pp. 104 139: Units 8, 9

Contenu lexical: Uni t 8: Dcouvrir le pass
1. parler du pass, des habitudes et des changements.
2. parler de la famille, raconter une suite
dvnements/prciser leur date et leur dure.
3. connatre quelques moments de lhistoire

Uni t 9: Entreprendre
1. faire un projet de la ralisation: (exprimer un besoin,
prciser les tapes dune ralisation)
2. parler dune entreprise
3. parler du futur

Contenu grammatical: 1. Imparfait
2. Pronom en
3. Futur
4. Discours rapport au prsent
5. Pass rcent
6. Prsent progressif

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

le livre suivre: Campus: Tome 1


Course Code: MCA 445 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar,
which will later help them to strengthen their language.
To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities
available in Germany.
Introduction to Advanced Grammar Language and Professional Jargon

Course Contents:

Module I: Present perfect tense
Present perfect tense, usage and applicability
Usage of this tense to indicate near past
Universal applicability of this tense in German

Module II: Letter writing
To acquaint the students with the form of writing informal letters.

Module III: Interchanging prepositions
Usage of prepositions with both accusative and dative cases
Usage of verbs fixed with prepositions
Emphasizing on the action and position factor

Module IV: Past tense
Introduction to simple past tense
Learning the verb forms in past tense
Making a list of all verbs in the past tense and the participle forms

Module V: Reading a Fairy Tale
Comprehension and narration
Die Fremdsprache

Module VI: Geni ti ve case
Genitive case Explain the concept of possession in genitive
Mentioning the structure of weak nouns

Module VII: Geniti ve prepositions
Discuss the genitive propositions and their usage: (whrend, wegen, statt, trotz)

Module VIII: Picture Descri ption
Firstly recognize the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture;
Secondly answer questions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal
experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch
Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch
Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder
P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant- 1, 2 & 3
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/1,2
Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs


Course Code: MCA 446 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students acquire working knowledge of the language; to give them vocabulary, grammar, voice
modulations/intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.

Course Contents:

Module I
Revision of earlier semester modules
Introduction to Present Continuous Tense (Gerunds)

Module II
Translation with Present Continuous Tense
Introduction to Gustar, Parecer, Apetecer, doler

Module III
Imperatives (positive and negative commands of regular verbs)

Module IV
Commercial/business vocabulary

Module V
Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary
En la recepcion del hotel
En el restaurante
En la agencia de viajes
En la t ienda/supermercado

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol Sin Fronteras (Nivel Elemental)


Course Code: MCA 447 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to comfortably interact using basic Japanese.
Note: Teaching is done in roman as well as Japanese script, students will be taught katankana (another form of
script) in this semester i.e. to be able to write all the foreign words in Japanese.

Course Contents:

Module I
Comparison using adjectives, Making requests

Module II
Seeking permission

Module III
Practice of conversations on:
Visit ing people, Party, Meetings, After work, At a t icket vending machine etc

Module IV
Essays, writing formal letters

Learning Outcome
Students can speak the language describing above-mentioned topics.

Methods of Private study /Self help
Handouts, audio-aids, and self-do assignments, role-plays.
Students are also encouraged to attend Japanese film festival and other such fairs and workshops organized
in the capital from t ime to time.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Teach yourself Japanese

Shin Nihongo no kiso 1


Course Code: MCA 448 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
How many characters are there? The early Qing dynasty dictionary included nearly 50,000 characters the vast
majority of which were rare accumulated characters over the centuries. An educate person in China can
probably recognize around 6000 characters. The course aims at familiarizing the student with the basic aspects
of speaking ability of Mandarin, the language of Mainland China. The course aims at training students in
practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a Chinese person.

Course Contents:

Module I
Dialogue Practice
Observe picture and answer the question
Pronunciation and intonation
Character writing and stroke order.
Electronic items

Module II
Traveling The Scenery is very beautiful
Weather and climate
Grammar question with bu shi . Ma?
The construction yao le (Used to indicate that an action is going to take place)
Time words yiqian, yiwai (Before and after).
The adverb geng.

Module III
Going to a friend house for a visit meeting his family and talking about their customs.
Fallen sick and going to the Doctor, the doctor examines, takes temperature and writes prescription.
Aspect particle guo shows that an action has happened some time in the past.
Progressive aspect of an actin zhengzai Also the use if zhe with it.
To welcome someone and to see off someone . I cant go the airport to see you off etc.

Module IV
Shipment. Is this the place to checking luggage?
Basic dialogue on Where do u work?
Basic dialogue on This is my address
Basic dialogue on I understand Chinese
Basic dialogue on What job do u do?
Basic dialogue on What time is it now?

Module V
Basic dialogue on What day (date) is it today?
Basic dialogue on What is the weather like here.
Basic dialogue on Do u like Chinese food?
Basic dialogue on I am planning to go to China.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Elementary Chinese Reader, Part-2 Lesson 31-38


Course Code: MCA 501 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The primary objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the basic principles, techniques, and
applications of Artificial Intelligence. The emphasis of the course is on teaching the fundamentals and not on
providing a mastery of specific commercially available software tools or programming environments. Upon
successful complet ion of the course, you will have an underst anding of the basic areas of artificial intelligence
search, knowledge representation, learning and their applications in design and implementation of intelligent
agents for a variety of tasks in analysis, design, and problem-solving. You will also be able to design and
implement key components of intelligent agents of moderate complexity in Java and/or Lisp or Prolog and
evaluate their performance. Graduate students are expected to develop some familiarity with current research
problems and research methods in AI by working on a research or design project.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
AI and its importance, AI Problem, Applicat ion area.

Module II: Problem Representati ons
State space representation, problem-reduction representation, production system, production system
characteristics, and types of production system.

Module III: Heuristic Search Techni ques
AI and search process, brute force search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, time and space complexit ies,
heuristics search, hill climbing, best first search, A* algorithm and beam search.

Module IV: Game Pl aying
AI and game playing, plausible move generator, static evaluation move generator, game playing strategies,
problems in game playing.

Module V: Structured Knowledge
Associative networks, frame structures, conceptual dependencies and scripts.

Module VI: Logic
Prepositional logic: syntax and semantics, First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL): Syntax and semantics,
conversion to clausal form, inference rules, unificat ion, and the resolution principles.

Module VII: Knowledge Acquisitions
Type of learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Early work in machine learning, learning by induction.

Module VIII: Expert System
Introduction to expert system, Phases of expert system, characteristics of expert system and a case study.

Module IX: Introduction to Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, LISP and Prolog.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Artificial Intelligence II Edit ion, Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight TMH.

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, V S Janakiraman, K Sarukesi, P Gopalakrishan,
Macmillan India Ltd.
Introduction to AI and Expert System, Dan W. Patterson, PHI.


Course Code: MCA 502 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course studies the principles of programming languages with an emphasis on programming language
implementation and compiler design. This includes various techniques for describing and defining a language,
as well as techniques for implementing compilers. The course is centered on a large programming project -the
construction of a complete compiler for a s mall programming language.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Introduction to Compliers, Classification of grammars, Context free grammars, Regular grammars,
Deterministic finite State Automata (DFA) & Non-DFA.

Module II: Syntax Analysis
Scanners, Top down parsing, LL grammars, Bottom up parsing, Polish expression Operator Precedence
grammar, IR grammars, Comparison of parsing methods, Error handling.

Module III: Symbol Table
Symbol table handling techniques, Organization for non-block and block structured languages.

Module IV: Code Generati on/ Intermedi ate Code Generation
Run time storage administration, Static and dynamic allocation, Intermediate forms of source program, Polish
N-tuple and syntax trees, Semantic analysis and code generation.

Module V: Code Opti mizati on
Code optimizat ion, Folding, redundant sub-expression evaluation, Optimization within iterative loops.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Principles of Compiler Design, Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Narosa Publishing House
Compilers Principles, Techniques & Tools, Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Pearson
Education (Singapore)

The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing, Tremblay, et. al., McGraw Hill, New York, 1985.


Course Code: MCA 503 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
This course provides the students with the skills to use the UNIX operating system platform. Basic UNIX
commands for edit ing and manipulating files, managing processes and interacting with the Bourne and BASH
shell are presented via lecture and lab exercises. The course also teaches the participant how to use the
programming constructs of the shell language to write shell scripts that may be used to simplify or automate
tasks. UNIX commands and Shell Programming will prepare the participants to work on UNIX platform, which
is the requirement of each industry. This course is designed to understand the concepts of Unix System for
Research and Development.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
History of the UNIX operating system, UNIX Family, Types of Operating Systems, Operating system services,
Architecture of the UNIX operating system, Kernel Data Structure, Shell: Types of shells, Files and Directories,
Absolute Path and Relative Path, root and hierarchical file structure of Unix, telnet .

Module II: The Buffer Cache
Buffer headers, Structure of the buffer pool, Scenarios for retrieval of a buffer, reading and writing disk blocks,
advantages and disadvantages of the buffer cache

Module III: Internal Representati on of files
Inodes, Structure of a regular file, directories, conversion of a path name to an inode, super block, inode
assignment to a new file, allocation of disk blocks

Module IV: The Structure of a process and Process Control
Process state and transitions, the context of a process, saving the context of a process, manipulation of the
process address space , Process creation, Signals, Process termination, Await ing process termination, The user
ID of a process, Changing the size of a process, System boot and init process, process scheduling
Interprocess Communication and I/O Subsystem
Process tracing, System vs IPC, Network Communication, Sockets, Driver interfaces, Disk Drivers, Terminal
Drivers, Streams

Module V: UNIX Commands
Login, password, hostname; creating an account; Virtual consoles; shell and commands; logout; changing
password; Files and Directories; pathname; Directory Tree; current working directory; relative pathname;
referring to home directories; Commands to move around by path concept; creating new directories; copying
files; moving files; Deleting files and directories; looking at files: cat, more, pg, less, head, tail; Comparing files,
Searching and listing Files, Wildcards, hidden files; Standard input and output; redirecting input and output;
filter; pipes; file permissions; user and group; Interpreting file permissions; Permission Dependencies; Changing
permissions: chmod and umask commands; Managing file links; hard links; symbolic links; stopping and
restarting jobs, Getting online help; manual pages, regular expression and pattern searching commands grep
family; Command Substitution;

Module VI: UNIX Commands
jobs and process: process ID; Job control; foreground and background jobs; suspend and interrupt a process;
Back grounding and killing jobs; print commands; system administrator commands - create user, create group,
remove user , starting the system, shutting down the system, runlevels; mounting and unmounting a file system,
disk management, environment init ialization files, tar

Module VII: Vi Editor
Command mode, insert mode and last line mode; command to delete character, ins ert line; deleting text,
command for moving the cursor; including other files; running shell commands; getting vi help; search and
replace commands; changing and deleting text, Change word, Change line, Delete current line, Delete n lines,
Delete remainder of Lines; copying and moving; Saving and Exiting.

Module VIII: Shell programming
Shell variables and keywords, Users Initialization file, The dot command, Interactive execution and command
line arguments, Setting positional parameters (set command) ($1,$2 etc) Shift; Operators (&&, (), &, ||, ;;, <, >
etc), Regular expressions and pattern matching, substitute shell variables, Test Command, Control Flow, for, if,
while, case. string handling and computation using expr, bc; Shell scripts and execution methods.

Module IX: Introduction to SED and AWK

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Kanetkar. UNIX Shell Programming BPB
Sumitabha Das, UNIX: Concepts and Application, TMH.
Maurice J. Bach, Design of the Unix operating System PHI.

Prata. Advanced UNIX-A Programmers Guide BPB
Kate Wrightson and Joe Merlino , Introduction to UNIX- McGraw Hill


Course Code: MCA 504 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a strong foundation in advanced database concepts from
an industry perspective. The course covers advanced data modeling concepts like query processing, transaction
and concurrency control techniques. Students also learn object-oriented and object-relational database,
distributed database concepts as well as the growing relat ionship between databases and the World Wide Web .

Course Contents:

Module I: Query Processing
Basic concepts of query processing, converting SQL queries into Relat ional Algebra, Basic Algorithms for
executing query operations, Query tree and query graph, Heuristic optimizat ion of query tree.

Module II: Transacti on & Concurrency Control
Basic definitions, ACID properties, schedules, Serializability of schedules, deadlocks, and concurrency control
techniques, locking techniques, time-stamp based techniques, Multi-version techniques, validation techniques.

Module III: Object Oriented and Extended Relati onal Database Technologies
Overview of Object oriented database, OO Concepts, Encapsulation of Operations and methods, Inheritance,
Object Model, Object definit ion language, object Query Language, Object Relational Concepts.

Module IV: Distri buted Database
Introduction, Distributed databases principles, architectures, design, implementation. Fragmentation,
Transparencies in Distributed Databases, Transaction control in Distributed Database, Query Processing in
Distributed Database

Module V: Emerging Database Trends
Object oriented databases, Data warehousing and Data Mining, Active database, Spatial Database, Deductive
database, Temporal database, Multimedia database, Distributed Database.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Fundamental of Database Systems, Elmasri & Navathe, Pearson Education, Asia
Database System Concepts, Korth & Sudarshan, TMH

Data Base Management System, Leon & Leon, Vikas Publications
Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin C Desai, Galgotia


Course Code: MCA 505 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The aim of this module is to build on the previous background of database systems by Deepening the
understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the database technologies, showing the need for
distributed database technology to tackle deficiencies of the centralized database systems and finally introducing
the concepts and techniques of distributed database including principles, architectures, design, implementation
and major domain of application.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introductory concepts and design of (DDBMS)
Data Fragmentation, Replication, and allocation techniques for DDBMS, Methods for designing and
implementing DDBMS e.g. designing a distributed relational database, Architectures for DDBMS e.g. cluster
federated, parallel databases and client server architecture.

Module II: Advanced Concepts in DDBMS
Overview of distributed transaction management, concurrency and recovery in DDBMS, Distributed Deadlock
Management and replication Servers, Distributed Query Processing and Optimization

Module III: Current trends & devel opments related to Distributed database applications technologies
Distributed Object/component-based DBMS, Database Interoperability including CORBA, DCOM and Java
RMI, Distributed document-based systems, XML and Workflow management, etc.

Module IV: Emerging related database technol ogies
Parallel Databases, Mobile database, Multimedia Database, Spatial Database and Web Databases.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Fundamental of Database Systems, Elmasri & Navathe, Pearson Education, Asia
Database System Concepts, Korth & Sudarshan, TMH

Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M. Tamer zsu, and Patrick Valduriez Prentice Hall ISBN 0-
13-659707-6, 1999.
Data Base Management System, Leon & Leon, Vikas Publications
Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin C Desai, Galgotia


Course Code: MCA 506 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
This course is an introduction to the design and implementation of various types of system software. It is
intended that the student should be able to design a working assembler, loader and macro-processor on
complet ion of this course.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
Introduction, Components of system software, Evolution of system software, Language translators, batch
Monitors multiprogramming operating system, t ime sharing operating system, Evolution of programming
system. Assembler Structure of an assembler, Design of Two pass assembler (8085 as ref), Single Pass
assembler - Table of incomplete instruction, backpatching Cross -assembler.

Module II: Macro Processor
Macro instructions, Features of a macro facility, Design of two pass macro processor. Implementation of nested
macros (macro call inside definition, definit ion inside definition).

Module III: Linkers and Loaders Schemes
Compile and Go, General loader scheme, absolute loader, and subroutline linkages, Relocating loaders, Direct
linking loader, and Dynamic linking loader, overlay structure. Design of Absolute loader, direct linking loader.
Implementation example - MS DOS linker.

Module IV: Compiler phases
Introduction, with Input/output for each phase, Concept of cross compiler (introductory part only), Features of
machine dependent and independent compilers. Types of compilers with definitions only, Interpreters.

Module V: Software Tools
Tools for program testing, Text editors - screen editor, line editor, Word processors, Debug monitors.

Module VI: Operati ng System Structure
Operating System components, System calls, OS services File management, memory management, Device
management, Process management, System calls, Process Scheduling Long term, Short term, Middle term
scheduler, Interprocess communication Direct communication, Indirect communication, buffering.

Module VII: Dynamic linking in Windows
Concept of clipboard, Dynamic data exchange. Dynamic Link libraries - The need, conventional dynamic
linking, libraries, the class library, dynamic linking, name mangling and DLLs. The use of call back functions,
far function prologs, Different methods of specifying link, Dynamic linking with and without import. OLE basic
idea of what is an object linking and embedding is expected.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 PR. ATTD. EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

System Software an introduction to system programming, L. Beck, AWP-1977
Systems programming, John Donovan, McGraw Hill

Systems programming and operating system, D. M. Dhamdere: Tata McGraw Hill.
Peterson, Operating system


Course Code: MCA 520 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

Develop Simple and Extended Entity Relat ionship Diagram to explain data requirement for a given
Business Model
Develop Data Flow Diagram to explain the flow and transformat ion of data in a given Business Model
Work with Oracle using SQL while designing database table and performing various queries on the
Use of various oracle functions to retrieve data in various form from database table
Make SQL queries based on mult iple tables of a database

1) A Private Nursing Home has hired you as a database expert to maintain information about Patients, Doctors,
Treat ments and other related details i.e. Medicine prescribed, lab tests recommended and Doctors Remark
given to the patient by the doctor. Justify your role as a responsible database designer by developing suitable
ER Diagram and Data Flow Diagram. Also mention all possible assumptions which is helpful in producing
correct database design. Draw a suitable layout for designing the Database. [6 sessions]

2) A Librarian has hired a database designer to maintain information about its members of library, books, library
rules and other related details i.e. about issue of books, returns of books etc. You have to draw a suitable ER
Diagram and Data Flow Diagram and also suggest a suitable database design to maintain above mentioned data
keeping in mind redundancy and consistency of data. [6 sessions]

3) A Book Publishing House has to maintain data regarding Books Published, Authors of the Books, Detail of
Customers asking for books and detail of order placed by customer. Draw a suitable E R Diagram and Data
Flow Diagram and also suggest a suitable database design to maintain all the above mentioned data. Make all
suitable assumption for running the business process. [6 sessions]

4) Examination department of the university wants to computerized the examination process and by maintaining
data about students, course, date sheet of exams, Final Grade obtained by students semester wise. Draw a
suitable E R Diagram and Data Flow Diagram to explain the examination process. Also draw a suitable layout
for designing the database which is capable of maintaining above mentioned data. [ 6 sessions]

5) Implement the following based on above mention business process: [ 6 sessions]
a) Apply all possible integrity constraints into the database to maintain the integrity and consistency of data.
b) Perform various types of SQL queries to retrieve data from multiple tables (Two or Three)
c) Suggest and create some suitable views based on the database from one or more Tables.
d) Use various oracle function including group functions through multiple table.
e) Perform some select command on view created from one or more Tables

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 521 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Write a program to execute concurrent echo client-server application using Socket Programming.

2. Write a program to execute concurrent day-time client-server applicat ion.

3. Write a program to execute following options on server socket and tests them:

4. Write a program to execute inter-process communication using socket programming: implementing
multithreaded echo server

5. Write a program to execute incrementing a counter in shared memory.

6. Write a program to execute create CORBA based server-client applicat ion

7. Write a program to design XML Schema and XML instance document.

8 Write a program to execute WSDL based: Implement Arithmetic Service that implements add, and subtract
operations / Java based: Implement Trigonometric Service that implements sin, and cos operations.

9. Write a program to execute Configuring reliability and security options

10.Monitor SOAP request and response packets. Analyze parts of it and compare them with the operations (java
functions) headers.

11. Write a program to design and test BPEL module that composes Arithmetic Service and Trignometric

12. Implement ing Publish/Subscribe Paradigm using Web Services, ESB and JMS

13. Implement ing Stateful grid services using Globus WS-Core-4.0.3

14. Study of Distributed File System: NFS CODA

15. Study of Distributed File System: NFS CODA

16. Study of distributed architecture CORBA, Grid and clusters.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 522 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Write a program to execute a symbol table with functions to create, insert, modify, search, and display using

2. Write a program to execute pass one of a two pass assembler using C.

3. Write a program to execute a single pass assembler using C.

4. Implement a two pass macro processor using C.

5. Implement a single pass macro processor using C.

6. Implement an absolute loader using C.

7. Implement a relocating loader using C.

8. Implement pass one of a direct-linking loader using C.

9. Implement pass two of a direct-linking loader using C.

10. Implement a simple text editor with features like insertion / deletion of a character, word, and sentence using

11. Implement a symbol table with suitable hashing using C.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 507 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course gives a comprehensive and state of art treatment of all the important aspects of a simulat ion study,
including modeling, simulat ion software, model verification and validation, input modeling.

Course Contents:

Module I: Definiti on of System, types of system
Continuous and discrete, modeling process and definition of a model, computer workloads and preparation of its
models, verification and validation modeling procedures, comparing model data with real system data,
differential and partial differential equation models, combining discrete event and continuous models.

Module II: Simulation process
Use of simulation, discrete and continuous simulat ion procedures, and simulation of time sharing computer

Module III: Si mulation Languages
A brief introduction to important discrete and continuous simulation languages, one language may be st udied in
detail depending on the availability.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

System Simulat ion, Gordon G., PHI.

Discrete-Event System Simulation, Banks J., Carson S., Nelson B.L., Prentice Hall of India
System Simulat ion with Digital Computers, Deo N., Prentice Hall of India.
Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Law A.M., Kelton W.D, McGraw Hill, N.Y.


Course Code: MCA 508 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to introduce the students with the various upcoming technologies in the area of
mobile computing including GSM, GPRS and WAP etc.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to Personal Communications Services (PCS)
PCS Architecture, Mobility management, Networks signaling.

Module II: Gl obal System for Mobile Communication (GSM) system overview
GSM Architecture, Mobility management, Network signaling.

Module III: General Packet Radi o Services (GPRS)
GPRS Architecture, GPRS Net work Nodes.

Module IV: Mobile Data Communication
WLANs (Wireless LANs) IEEE 802.11 standard, Mobile IP.

Module V: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
The Mobile Internet standard, WAP Gateway and Protocols, wireless mark up Languages (WML).

Module VI: Third Generation (3G) Mobile Services
Introduction to International Mobile Telecommunicat ions 2000 (IMT 2000) vision, Wideband Code Division
Multiple Access (W-CDMA), and CDMA 2000, Quality of services in 3G.

Module VII: Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
Introduction to WLL Architecture, wireless Local Loop Technologies.

Module VIII: Gl obal Mobile Satellite Systems
Case studies of the IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTAR systems.

Module IX: Wireless Enterprise Networks
Introduction to Virtual Networks, Blue tooth technology, Blue -tooth Protocols.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Wireless and Mobile Networks Architectures, by Yi-Bing Lin & Imrich Chlamtac, John Wiley & Sons,
Mobile and Personal Communication systems and services, by Raj Pandya, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.

Guide to Designing and Implementing wireless LANs, by Mark Ciampa, Thomson learning, Vikas
Publishing House, 2001.
Wireless Web Development, Ray Rischpater, Springer Publishing, 2000.
The Wireless Application Protocol, by Sandeep Singhal, Pearson Education Asia, 2000.
Third Generation Mobile Telecommunication systems, by P. Stavronlakis, Springer Publishers, 2001.


Course Code: MCA 509 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
This course unit is divided into two parts: one on Data Warehousing and one on Data Mining. Both data
warehousing and data mining are advanced recent developments in database technology which aim to address
the problem of extract ing information from the overwhelmingly large amounts of data which modern societies
are capable of amassing. Data warehousing focuses on supporting the analysis of data in a multidimensional
way. Data mining focuses on inducing compressed representations of data in the form of descriptive and
predictive models. Course gives an in-depth knowledge of both the concepts.

Course Contents:

Module I: Data Warehousing
Introduction to Data Warehouse, its competitive advantage, Data warehouse vs Operational Data, Things to
consider while building Data Warehouse

Module II: Implementation
Building Data warehousing team, Defining data warehousing project, data warehousing project management,
Project estimation for data warehousing, Data warehousing project implementation

Module III: Techni ques
Bit mapped indexes, Star queries, Read only tablespaces, Parallel Processing, Partition views, Optimizing
extraction process

Module IV: Data Mining
From Data ware housing to Data Mining, Objectives of Data Mining, the Business context for Data mining,
Process improvement, market ing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the Technical context for
Data Mining, machine learning, decision support and computer technology.

Module V: Data Mining Techni ques and Algorithms
Process of data mining, Algorithms, Data base segmentation or clustering, predictive Modeling, Link Analysis,
Data Mining Techniques, Automatic Cluster Detection, Decision trees and Neural Net works.

Module VI: Data Mining Environment
Case studies in building business environment, Application of data ware housing and Data mining in
Government, National Data ware houses and case studies.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP, Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, Tata McGraw-Hill Edit ion
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, J. Han, M. Kamber, Academic Press, Morgan Kanf man
Publishers, 2001
Data Ware housing: Concepts, Techniques, Products and Applications, C.S.R. Prabhu, Prentice Hall of
India, 2001.

Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management, Berry and Lin off,
John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
Data Mining, Pieter Adrians, Dolf Zantinge, Addison Wesley, 2000.
Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server, Seidman, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.


Course Code: MCA 510 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
The course focuses on advanced IP addressing techniques Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM),
intermediate routing protocols (RIP v2, single area OSPF, EIGRP). Command line interface configuration of
switches, Ethernet switching, Virtual LANs (VLANs), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and VLAN Trunking
Protocol (VTP),. In addition the student will prepare for taking the CCNA Exam.

Course Contents:

Module I: LAN Design
Switched LAN Architecture, Principles of Hierarchical Network Design, Matching Switches to Specific LAN

Module II: Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration
Introduction to Ethernet/ 802. 3 LAN, Forward Frame Using a Switch, Switch Management Configurat ion,
Configuring Switch Security,

Module III: VLANs
Introducing VLAN, VLAN Trunking, Configuring VLAN and Trunks, Trouble Shooting VLANs and Trunks

Module IV: VTP
VTP Concept, VTP Operation, Configure VTP

Module V: STP
Redundant Layer 2 Topology, Introduction To STP, STP Convergence, PVSTP+, RSTP And Paired PVSTP+

Module VI: Inter-VLAN Routing
Inter- VLAN Routing, Configuring Inter-VLAN Routing, Trouble Shooting Inter-VLAN Rioting

Module VII: Basic Wireless Concepts and Configuration
The Wireless LAN, Wireless LAN Security, Configuring Wireless LAN Access, Trouble Shooting Simple
WLAN Problems

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 3 Companion Guide, 3
Edn by Pearson Education.
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 3 Lab Companion, 3
Edn by Pearson Education.
CISCO CCNA-Explorat ion 4.0, Module 3, Pearson Education.

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 3 Engineering General, 3
Edn by Pearson Education

Note: This is an online course of Cisco. Online materials provided by Cisco are studied.


Course Code: MCA 511 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
To keep the pace with the exponential growth of informat ion, there is a growing need for the skilled informat ion
management professionals. This course gives insight into: Challenges and solutions for data storage and data
management, intelligent storage systems, Storage networking environments (FC-SAN, IP-SAN, NAS, CAS, and
DAS), Business continuity and disaster recovery, Storage security and virtualization, Managing and monitoring
the storage infrastructures. Also the latest technologies such as .NET frame work, J2EE and PHP has been
covered in detail.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introducti on to Storage Technology and Storage Systems Architecture
Meeting Today's Data Storage Needs, Evolution of Storage Technology and Architecture, Data Storage
Solutions, Data Center Infrastructures, Key challenges in managing Information. Host Environment,
Components of a Host, Connectivity, Physical Disks, RAID Arrays (RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 3, RAID 4, RAID
5, RAID 6, RAID 0+1, RAID 1+ 0), Disk Storage Systems, Data Flow Exercise

Module II: Networked Storage Environments
Direct Attached Storage (DAS) and Introduction to SCSI, Storage Area Network (SAN) and Introduction to
Fiber Channel, Zoning, FC Topologies, Network Attached Storage (NAS) and its Protocols, NAS
implementations, IP SAN, Content Addressed Storage (CAS), Storage Virtualizat ion

Module III: Business Continui ty and Managing Storage Infrastructure
Introduction to Business Continuity, Backup & Recovery, BC Local Replication, BC Remote Replication;
Managing the Data Center, Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure, Storage Management Activities, Storage
Infrastructure Management Challenges, Developing the Ideal Solution

Module IV: Securing Storage & Virtualizati on
Securing the Storage Infrastructures, Security Implementations in Storage Networking, Virtualization

Module V: .NET, J2EE and PHP
NET Framework / Architecture, .NET and Web Services, VB.NET, ASP. NET,
Advance JAVA Threads, Enterprise Java Beans, Struts, Servlets and JSP.
Introduction to PHP, MYSQL, Building Database Applications, Creating a Sample Application, Introduction of
Wordpress, Joomla, OS Commerce, Zend Framework, Drupal

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Information Storage and Management Storing, Managing and Protecting Digital Information By G.
Somasundaram, Alok Shrivastava, EMC Education Services, Wiley Publishing, Inc.
ASP.NET 4 Unleashed by Stephen Walther
Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development by Michael K. Glass, Yann Le Scouarnec, Elizabeth
Naramore, Gary Mailer, Jeremy Stolz, Jason Gerner

Storage Technology Foundations, EMC Education Services.
Network Security: The Complete Reference, Roberta Bragg, Mark Rhodes -Ousley, Keith Strassberg, et al -
Tata McGraw-Hill presents.


Course Code: MCA 512 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
The course focuses on advanced IP addressing techniques Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM), advanced
IP addressing technique (Network Address Translation and terminology, PPP, ISDN, DDR, Frame Relay,
network security, ACLs, Teleworker services and network troubleshooting, In addition the student will prepare
for taking the CCNA Exam.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction to WAN
Providing Integrated Services to Enterprise, WAN Technology Concept, WAN Connection Option

Module II: PPP
Serial Point to Point Links, PPP Concept, Configuring PPP, Configuring PPP with Authentication.

Module III: Frame Relay
Basic Frame Relay Concepts, Configuring Frame Relay, Advanced Frame Relay Concept, Configuring
Advanced Frame Relay Concept

Module IV: Network Security
Introduction to Network Security, Securing Cisco Routers, Secure Router Network Services, Using Cisco SDM,
Secure Router Management

Module V: ACLs
Using ACL to Secure Network, Configuring Standard ACLs, Configuring Extended ACLs, Configuring
Complex ACLs

Module VI: Teleworker Services
Business Requirement for Teleworker Services, Broadband Services, VPN Technology

Module VII: IP addressing Services
DHCP, Scaling Network with NAT, Ipv6

Module VIII: Network Troubleshooting
Establishing Network Performance Base Line, Troubleshooting Methodology and Tools, Common WAN
Implementation Issues, Network Troubleshooting

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 A/C/Q Attd EE
Weightage (%) 10 15 5 70

Text & References:

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 4 Companion Guide, 3
Edn by Pearson Education.
Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 4 Lab Companion, 3
Edn by Pearson Education.
CISCO CCNA-Explorat ion 4.0, Module 4, Pearson Education.

Cisco Networking Academy Programme CCNA 4 Engineering General, 3
Edn by Pearson Education

Note: This is an online course of Cisco. Online materials provided by Cisco are studied.


Course Code: MCA 523 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

Sr. No. Shell Program Page
1 Write a shell script which ask your name, age, depart ment, and course and lastly give
the syntax to display all your information.

2 Write a shell script which asks your Enrolment no., name, name of 3 subjects and marks
obtained. Display these fields by using echo and equal operator.

3 Write a shell script, declare 5 variables and assign values to them. Display the values in
the given order:- 1,5,2,3,4

4 Write a shell script that creates a file containing the message that this file is created
today i.e. on the current date followed are the users of Unix at this moment and show
the list of users.

5 Write a shell script that accepts two file names from the command line, copies the first
to second file and display the second file.

6 Write a shell script that accepts two parameters i.e. t wo files, append file1 to file2 and
display file2.

7 Write a shell script that assigns execute permission to a file.
8 Write a shell script that accepts one file and directory name and move that file to the
directory and show recursive listing and long listing.

9 Write a shell script where we create a directory, move to the directory, create a file.
Show the present path and display the file.

10 Write a shell script that asks your name and invite you on current date for a party and
append this message to a file name party.

11 a) Write a shell script that reads a file name from command line and changes name to
b) Display the number of links and size of the file given as the command line

12 Write a shell script which displays the date in desired format i.e. Monday 25 September

13 Write a shell script by which you create a branch \usr directory till depth of d5 and
using concept of assigning the path to the variables do the movements within this
directory path and create two files in each directory from d1.

14 Write a shell script and declare two variables A and B. Take static value of A=5 and
B=3. Perform all operat ions on it.

15 Write a shell script which accepts a number and checks whether the number is an odd or
even number.

16 Write a shell script to give the result of student. Take marks of the five s ubjects, student
name, roll no and percentage and show a message whether a student gets division as per
the following rules:
70% <-> distinction

17 Write a shell script which checks the age of the student for swimming. The condition
are as follows:
<10- not allowed
10-18- junior pool only
>18- swimming is allowed in depth also

18 Write a shell script to find out the gross salary of an employee when the given
informat ion is as under:-
a) If basic salary is less than Rs.1500/-
HRA = 10% of basic
DA = 90% of basic
b) If basic is greater than or equal to Rs.1500/-
HRA = 500/ -
DA = 98% of basic

19 Write a shell script to enter a year and show a message whether the year is a leap year
or not.

20 Write a shell script using concept of position parameters which copies one file and
display destination file and it should also contain an error message if the source file

does not exist.
21 Write a shell script to calculate the gross salary of an employee whose basic salary is
entered through keyboard. His DA=40% of basic and HRA=20% of basic.

22 Write a shell script where distance between two cities is input through the keyboard in
km. Convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and cm.

23 Write a shell script to find area and perimeter of rectangle.
24 Write shell scrip to find area and circumference of the circle.
25 Write a shell script to find sum of digits of a number and check whether the number is
palindrome or not.

26 Pass a filename as command line argument to script which finds
(i) Whether file exists or not.
(ii) Display the message what type of file it is.
(iii) (a) If the file is an ordinary file check its read permission. If available display
the file else display message read permission denied. (b) Chec k its write
permission and if available append that file by your name and course, else
display error message. (c) Check execute permission & if available shows the
output of that file.
(iv) (a) If its a directory check its read permission, if available list the directory.
(b) Check its write permission; if available make a sub-directory in that
directory. Create two file in that sub-directory that you created just now.

27 Write a menu driven program:-
a) Place the pwd of user.
b) List the directory of user.
c) Long listing the directory of the user and at the same time this long listing is to
be stored in a file.
d) Create a file in your directory and copy this file in your directory.
e) Move the specified file to your parent directory.
f) Rename the specified file in the current directory.
g) Make a sub directory in the current directory and change its permission by
taking away all the permission of group and others.

28 Write a Menu driven program
a) Check the contents of /etc/passwd file.
b) List of users who have currently logged in.
c) Pwd
d) Exit

29 Write a shell script where you accept a character and you have to echo message whether
the entered character is a small case, capital case or a digit or a special symbol. Display
error message if more than one character is entered.

30 Write a shell script where you accept a word and echo the message
a) Whether the word begins with vowel, consonant or a digit.
b) Check whether the word begins with small case vowel or capital case vowel.
c) Checks whether the word ends with a digit.

31 Write a shell script where you check whether
a) The word begins with a and ends with t
b) The word begins with s and ends with p
c) Any word with fixed length of 4 characters.
d) Display the word starting with z and ending with l

32 Write a shell script to print if its:
a) Morning time, print Good Morning
b) Afternoon time, print Good Afternoon
c) Evening time print Good Evening

33 Write a shell script for printing calendar. Accepts month, year and name as command
line argument.

34 Write a shell script to find a total of
a) First 9 integers
b) Any five numbers
c) Do option (b) from command line

35 Write a shell script that takes a search string and filename from the terminal and display
the result.

36 Write a shell script that takes pattern and filename as command line a rguments and
displays the results appropriately i.e. pattern found/pattern not found

37 Write a shell script that accepts only three arguments from command line. The first is
the pattern string, the second is the filename in which the pattern is to be searched and
the third is the filename in which result is to be stored.

38 Write a shell script that accepts a filename as a command line and finds out if its a
regular file or a directory. If its regular file, then perform various tests to see if it s

readable, writeable, executable etc.
39 Write a shell script that computes the factorial of a given number.
40 Write a shell script that works like a calendar reminding the user of certain things
depending on the day of the week.

41 Write a shell script that changes the extension of group files from text to doc
42 Write a shell script which will redirect the output of the date command without the time
into a file.

43 Write a shell script to execute endlessly a loop which displays contents of the current
directory, disk space status, and sleep for 30seconds and display the users currently
logged in on the screen.

44 Write a shell script that receives two filenames as arguments. It should check whether
content of the two file is same or not. If they are same, second file should be deleted.

45 If a number is input through keyboard, write shell script to calculate sum of digits.
46 Write a shell script that performs a count down either from 10 or from the value that is
entered by the user.

47 Write a shell script that examines each file in the current directory. Files whose names
end in old are moved to a directory named old files and files whose name ends with .c
are moved to directory named cprograms.

48 Write a shell script which takes a command line argument of kms and by default
converts that number into meters. Also provide options to convert km to dm and km to

49 Write a shell script for renaming each file in the directory such that it will have the
current shell PID as an extension. The shell script should ensure that the directories do
not get renamed.

50 Write a shell script to print Fibonacci series.
51 Write a shell script that will receive any number of filenames as arguments. The shell
script should check whether such file already exists. If they do, then it should be
reported. The files that do not exist should be created in a sub directory called mydir.
The shell script should first check whether the subdirectory mydir exists in the current
directory. If it doesnt then it should be created. If it does then it should be reported
along with the number of files that are currently present in mydir.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 524 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

Lab I: Review of Concepts from Explorati on 1
Create a logical topology given network requirements
Create subnets to meet host requirements
Configure the physical topology
Configure the logical topology
Verify network connectivity
Configure and verify passwords

Lab II: Troubleshooting a Small Network

Topology Di agram

Verify that a paper design meets stated network requirements
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state
Load the routers with supplied scripts
Discover where communication is not possible
Gather information about the misconfigured portion of the network along with any other errors
Analyze information to determine why communication is not possible
Propose solutions to network errors
Implement solutions to network errors

Examine the Logical LAN Topol ogy
The IP address block of /23 is subnetted to meet the following requirements:

Subnet Number of Hosts
Subnet A 174
Subnet B 60

Additional requirements and specifications:
The 0 subnet is used.
The smallest possible number of subnets that satisfy the requirements for hosts should be used, keeping the
largest possible block in reserve for future use.
Assign the first usable subnet to Subnet A.
Host computers use the first IP address in the subnet. The network router uses the last network host address.
Based on these requirements, the following topology has been provided to you:

Subnet A
Specification Value
IP mask (decimal)
IP address
First IP host address

Last IP host address

Subnet B
Specification Value
IP mask (decimal)
IP address
First IP host address
Last IP host address

Examine each of the values in the tables above and verify that this topology meets all requirements and
specifications. Are any of the given values incorrect? ___________
If yes, correct the values in the table above and write the corrected values below:
Create a configuration table similar to the one below using your corrected values:

Device IP address Mask Gateway
Router1Fa0/0 N/A

Lab III: Basic Swi tch Configurati on

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
Learning Objectives
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Clear an existing configuration on a switch
Examine and verify the default configuration
Create a basic switch configuration, including a name and an IP address
Configure passwords to ensure that access to the CLI is secured
Configure switch port speed and duplex propert ies for an interface
Configure basic switch port security
Manage the MAC address table
Assign static MAC addresses
Add and move hosts on a switch

LAB IV: Managing Switch Operating System and Configurati on Files

Topology Diagram
Addressing Table

Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 ALSwitch VLAN99
Learning Objectives
Create and save a basic switch configuration
Set up a TFTP server on the network
Back up the switch Cisco IOS software to a TFTP server and then restore it
Back up the switch configuration to a TFTP server
Configure a switch to load a configuration from a TFTP server
Upgrade the Cisco IOS software from a TFTP server

Lab V: Basic VLAN Configuration
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 99 N/A
S2 VLAN 99 N/A
S3 VLAN 99 N/A

I nitial Port Assignments (Switches 2 and 3)
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) /24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Guest (Default) /24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 Faculty/Staff /24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Students /24
Learning Objectives
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload a switch to the default state
Perform basic configuration tasks on a switch
Create VLANs
Assign switch ports to a VLAN
Add, move, and change ports
Verify VLAN configuration
Enable t runking on inter-switch connections
Verify trunk configuration
Save the VLAN configuration

Lab VI: Troubleshooting VLAN Configurations
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address

Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 56 N/A
S2 VLAN 56 N/A
S3 VLAN 56 N/A

I nitial Port Assignments (Switches 2 and 3)
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 56) / 24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Guest (Default) / 24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 Faculty/Staff / 24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Students / 24

In this lab, you will practice troubleshooting a misconfigured VLAN environment. Load or have your instructor
load the configurations below into your lab gear. Your objective is to locate and correct any and all errors in the
configurations and establish end-to-end connectivity. Your final configuration should match the topology
diagram and addressing table. All passwords are set to cisco, except the enable secret password, which is set to
Task 1: Prepare the Network
Step 1: Cable a network that is similar to the one in the topology di agram.
Step 2: Clear any existing configurations on the s witches, and i nitialize all ports in the shutdown state.
Step 3: Import the configurati ons bel ow.
Switch 1
hostname S1
no ip domain-lookup
enable secret class
interface range FastEthernet0/1-5
switchport mode trunk
interface range FastEthernet0/6-24
interface Vlan1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan56
ip address
no ip route-cache
line con 0
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
no login
line vty 5 15
password cisco

Switch 2
hostname S2
no ip domain-lookup
enable secret class
vlan 10,20,30,56
interface range FastEthernet0/1-5
switchport trunk native vlan 56
switchport mode access
interface range FastEthernet0/6-10
switchport access vlan 30
switchport mode access
interface range FastEthernet0/11-17
switchport access vlan 10
switchport mode access
interface range FastEthernet0/18-24

switchport access vlan 20
switchport mode access
interface Gigabit Ethernet0/1
interface Gigabit Ethernet0/2
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip route-cache
line con 0
password cisco
line vty 0 4
password cisco
line vty 5 15
password cisco

Switch 3
hostname S3
no ip domain-lookup
enable secret class
vlan 10,20,30
interface range FastEthernet0/1-5
switchport trunk native vlan 56
switchport mode trunk
interface range FastEthernet0/6-10
switchport mode access
interface range FastEthernet0/11-17
switchport mode access
interface range FastEthernet0/18-24
switchport mode access
interface Gigabit Ethernet0/1
interface Gigabit Ethernet0/2
interface Vlan1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan56
no ip route-cache
line con 0
password cisco
line vty 0 4
password cisco
line vty 5 15
password cisco

Task 2: Troubleshoot and Repair the VLAN Configurati on
Task 3: Document the Switch Configurations
On each switch, capture the running configuration to a text file and save for future reference:
Task 4: Clean Up
Erase the configurations and reload the switches. Disconnect and store the cabling. For PC hosts that are
normally connected to other networks (such as the school LAN or to the Internet), reconnect the appropriate
cabling and restore the TCP/IP settings.

Lab VII: Basic VTP Configuration
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 99 N/A
S2 VLAN 99 N/A
S3 VLAN 99 N/A

Port Assignments (Switches 2 and 3)
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) /24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Guest (Default) /24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 Faculty/Staff /24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Students /24

Learning Objectives
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload a switch to the default state
Perform basic configuration tasks on a switch

Configure VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) on all switches
Enable t runking on inter-switch connections
Verify trunk configuration
Modify VTP modes and observe the impact
Create VLANs on the VTP server, and distribute this VLAN informat ion to switches in the network
Explain the differences in operation between VTP transparent mode, server mode, and client mode
Assign switch ports to the VLANs
Save the VLAN configuration
Enable VTP pruning on the network
Explain how pruning reduces unnecessary broadcast traffic on the LAN

Lab VIII: Troubleshooting VTP Configuration
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
S1 VLAN 99
S2 VLAN 99
S3 VLAN 99

Port Assignments (Switches 2 and 3)
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) /24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Guest (Default) /24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 Faculty/Staff /24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Students /24
Upon complet ion of this lab, you will be able to:
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and vlan.dat files and reload s witches to the default state

Load the switches with supplied scripts
Find and correct all configuration errors
Document the corrected network

Lab IX: Basic Spanning Tree Protocol
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
Learning Objectives
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload the default configuration, setting a switch to the default state
Perform basic configuration tasks on a switch
Observe and explain the default behavior of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP, 802.1D)
Observe the response to a change in the spanning tree topology
Lab X: Troubleshooting Spanning Tree Protocol
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 99 N/A
S2 VLAN 99 N/A
S3 VLAN 99 N/A

Port Assignments Switch 2

Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/4 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) /24
Fa0/5 0/10 VLAN 30 Guest (Default) /24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 Faculty/Staff /24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Students /24

Learning Objectives
Analyze a congestion problem in a redundant, switched LAN network.
Recognize the capabilit ies for per-VLAN load balancing with PVST.
Modify the default STP configuration to optimize available bandwidth.
Verify that modifications have had the intended effect.
You are responsible for the operation of the redundant switched LAN shown in the topology diagram. You and
your users have been observing increased latency during peak usage times, and your analysis points to
congested trunks. You recognize that of the six t runks configured, only two are forwarding packets in the default
STP configuration currently running. The solution to this problem requires more effective use of the available
trunks. The PVST+ feature of Cisco switches provides the required flexibility to distribute the inter-switch
traffic using all six trunks.
This lab is complete when all wired trunks are carrying traffic, and all three switches are participating in per-

VLAN load balancing for the three user VLANs.

Lab XI: Inter-VLAN Routing
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 99
S2 VLAN 99
S3 VLAN 99
R1 Fa 0/0 N/A
R1 Fa 0/1 See Subinterface Configuration Table N/A
Server NIC

Port Assignments Switch 2
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) / 24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Sales / 24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 R&D / 24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Engineering / 24

Subinterface Configuration Table Router 1
Router Interface Assignment IP Address
Fa0/1.1 VLAN1
Fa0/1.10 VLAN 10
Fa0/1.20 VLAN 20
Fa0/1.30 VLAN 30
Fa0/1.99 VLAN 99
Learning Objectives
Upon complet ion of this lab, you will be able to to:
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Clear configurations and reload a switch and a router to the default state
Perform basic configuration tasks on a switched LAN and a router
Configure VLANs and VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) on all switches
Configure a router to support 802.1q trunking on a Fast Ethernet interface
Configure a router with subinterfaces corresponding to the configured VLANs

Lab XII: Troubleshooti ng Inter-VLAN Routing
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
S1 VLAN 99
S2 VLAN 99
S3 VLAN 99
R1 Fa 0/0 N/A

R1 Fa 0/1 See Subinterface Configuration Table N/A
Server NIC

Port Assignments Switch 2
Ports Assignment Network
Fa0/1 0/ 5 802.1q Trunks (Nat ive VLAN 99) / 24
Fa0/6 0/ 10 VLAN 30 Sales / 24
Fa0/11 0/17 VLAN 10 R&D / 24
Fa0/18 0/24 VLAN 20 Engineering / 24
Subinterface Configuration Table Router 1
Router Interface Assignment IP Address
Fa0/1.1 VLAN1
Fa0/1.10 VLAN 10
Fa0/1.20 VLAN 20
Fa0/1.30 VLAN 30
Fa0/1.99 VLAN 99
Learning Objectives
To complete this lab:
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase any existing configurations and reload switches and the router to the default state
Load the switches and the router with supplied scripts
Find and correct all configuration errors
Document the corrected network
The network has been designed and configured to support five VLANs and a separate server network. Inter-
VLAN routing is being provided by an external router in a router-on-a-stick configuration, and the server
network is routed across a separate Fast Ethernet interface. However, it is not working as designed, and
complaints from your users have not given much insight into the source of the problems. You must first define
what is not working as expected, and then analyze the existing configurations to determine and correct the
source of the problems.
This lab is complete when you can demonstrate IP connectivity between each of the user VLANs and the
external server network, and between the switch manage ment VLAN and the server network.

Lab XIII: Basic Wireless Configurati on
Topology Diagram

Learning Objectives
Configure options in the Linksys Setup tab.
Configure options in the Linksys Wireless tab.

Configure options in the Linksys Administration t ab.
Configure options in the Linksys Security tab.
Add wireless connectivity to a PC.
Test connectivity.

Lab XIV: Troubleshooting Wireless Configurati on

Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Fa0/0.5 N/A
Fa0/0.10 N/A
Fa0/0.11 N/A
Fa0/0.18 N/A
Lo0 N/A
LAN/Wireless N/A
LAN/Wireless N/A
In this lab, a basic network and wireless network have been configured improperly. You must find and correct
the misconfigurations based on the minimum network specifications provided by your company.
Here are the configurations to load into your router and switches.

R1 Configuration
hostname R1
interface Loopback0

ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/0.5
encapsulation dot1Q 5
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0.10
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0.18
encapsulation dot1Q 18
ip address
ip route
ip route
line con 0
exec-t imeout 0 0
logging synchronous

Switch 1 Configuration

hostname S1
vtp mode transparent
vlan 5,10-11
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/5
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface Vlan5
ip address
no shutdown

line con 0
exec-t imeout 0 0
logging synchronous

Switch 2 Configuration

hostname S2
vtp mode transparent
ip subnet-zero
vlan 5,10-11,18
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode access
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode access
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode access
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode access
interface FastEthernet0/7
switchport access vlan 10
interface FastEthernet0/11
switchport access vlan 11
switchport mode access
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0336.5b1e.33fa
interface FastEthernet0/18
switchport access vlan 18
switchport mode access
switchport port-security
switchport port-security mac-address sticky
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 022c.ab13.22fb
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan5
ip address
no shutdown
line con 0
exec-t imeout 0 0
logging synchronous

Switch 3 Configuration

hostname S3
vtp mode transparent

vlan 5,10-11,18
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport trunk allowed vlan 5,10,11,18
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 5
interface FastEthernet0/7
interface Vlan1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
interface Vlan5
ip address
no shutdown
line con 0
exec-t imeout 0 0
logging synchronous

Wireless Router Network Requirements
While troubleshooting WRS2 and WRS3, ensure that at least the following capabilities exist:
1. Connections via the IP addresses shown in the topology diagram.
2. More than 30 clients can get an IP address through DHCP at a single t ime.
3. A client can have a DHCP address for at least 2 hours.
4. Clients using both B and G wireless network modes can connect, but N clients cannot.
5. Wireless clients must be authenticated using WEP with a key of 5655545251.
6. Traffic between PC2 and PC3 must take the most efficient route possible.
7. Ping requests coming from outside WAN ports of the Linksys routers to their inside LAN/wireless IP
addresses ( must be successful.
8. DHCP must not give out IP addresses in a range that includes the addresses for PC2 and PC3.
9. The two wireless networks must not interfere with each other.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 525 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:

1. Basic PPP Configurati on Lab

Cable a network according to the topology diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configure OSPF routing on all routers.
Configure PPP encapsulation on all serial interfaces.
Learn about the debug ppp negotiation and debug ppp packet commands.
Learn how to change the encapsulation on the serial interfaces from PPP to HDLC.
Intentionally break and restore PPP encapsulation.
Configure PPP PAP and CHAP authentication.
Intentionally break and restore PPP PAP and CHAP authentication.

2. Challenge PPP Configurati on

Cable a network according to the topology diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configure OSPF routing on all routers.
Configure PPP encapsulation on all serial interfaces.
Change the encapsulation on the serial interfaces from PPP to HDLC.
Intentionally break and restore PPP encapsulation.
Configure PPP CHAP authentication.
Intentionally break and restore PPP CHAP authentication.

3. Basic Frame Rel ay

Cable a network according to the topology diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configure EIGRP routing on all routers.
Configure Frame Relay encapsulation on all serial interfaces.
Configure a router as a Frame Relay switch.
Understand the output of the show frame-relay commands.
Learn the effects of the debug frame-relay lmi command.
Intentionally break and restore a Frame Relay link.
Change the Frame Relay encapsulation type from the Cisco default to IETF.
Change the Frame Relay LMI type from Cisco to ANSI.
Configure a Frame Relay subinterface.

4. Basic Security

Cable a network according to the topology diagram.
o Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
o Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
o Configure basic router security.
o Disable unused Cisco services and interfaces.
o Protect enterprise networks from basic external and internal attacks.
o Understand and manage Cisco IOS configuration files and Cisco file system.
o Set up and use Cisco SDM (Security Device Manager) and SDM Express to
configure basic router security.
o Configure VLANs on the switches.
5. Challenge Security Configurati on

Cable a network according to the topology diagram.
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state.
Perform basic configuration tasks on a router.
Configure and activate interfaces.
Configuring basic router security.
Disable unused Cisco services and interfaces.
Protect enterprise networks from basic external and internal attacks.
Understand and manage Cisco IOS configuration files and Cisco file system.
Set up and use Cisco SDM (Security Device Manager) to configure basic router

Lab 6 Basic Access Control Lists
Topology Di agram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Fa0/0 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Lo0 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
S1 Vlan1
S2 Vlan1
S3 Vlan1
Web Server NIC

Design named standard and named extended ACLs.
Apply named standard and named extended ACLs.
Test named standard and named extended ACLs.
Troubleshoot named standard and named extended ACLs.

Lab 7 Troubleshooting Access Control Lists
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
S0/0/0 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Lo 0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A

Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state
Load routers with scripts
Find and correct network errors
Document the corrected network
You work for a regional service provider that has customers who have recently experienced several security
breaches. Some security policies have been implemented that havent addressed the specific needs of the
customers. Your department has been asked to examine the configurat ion, conduct tests and change the
configuration as necessary to secure the customer routers.
Ensure that your final configurations implement the following security policies:
R1 and R3 customers request that only local PCs are able to access VTY lines. Log any attempts by
other devices to access the VTY lines.
R1 and R3 LANs should not be allowed to send or receive traffic to each other. All other traffic should
be allowed to and from R1 and R3.
A minimum of ACL statements should be used and applied inbound on the R2 serial interfaces. OSPF is used to
distribute routing information. All passwords, except the enable secret password, are set to cisco. The enable
secret password is set to class.

Lab 8 Basic DHCP and NAT Configuration

Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
ISP S0/0/1

Prepare the network.
Perform basic router configurat ions.
Configure a Cisco IOS DHCP server.
Configure static and default routing.
Configure static NAT.
Configure dynamic NAT with a pool of addresses.
Configure NAT overload.
In this lab, you will configure the DHCP and NAT IP services. One router is the DHCP server. The other router
forwards DHCP requests to the server. You will also configure both static and dynamic NAT configurations,
including NAT overload. When you have completed the configurations, verify the connectivity between the
inside and outside addresses.

Lab 9 Troubleshooting DHCP and NAT

Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
ISP S0/0/1

Prepare the network.
Load routers with scripts.
Find and correct network errors.
Document the corrected network.
The routers, R1 and R2, at your company were configured by an inexperienced network engineer. Several errors
in the configuration have resulted in connectivity issues. Your boss has asked you to troubleshoot and correct
the configuration errors and document your work. Using your knowledge of DHCP, NAT, and standard testing
methods, find and correct the errors. Make sure all clients have full connectivity. The ISP has been configured
Ensure that the network supports the following:
1. The router R2 should serve as the DHCP server for the 24 and networks
connected to R1.
2. All PCs connected to R1 should receive an IP address in the correct network via DHCP.
3. Traffic from the R1 LANs entering the Serial 0/0/ 0 interface on R2 and exit ing the Serial 0/ 0/1
interface on R2 should receive NAT translation with a pool of addresses provided by the ISP.
The Inside Server should be reachable from outside networks using IP address, and to
inside networks using IP address

Lab 10: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 1
Topology Diagram

Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
Fa0/0 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Fa0/1 N/A N/A N/A
Fa0/1.11 N/A
Fa0/1.30 N/A
S0/0/0 N/A
S0/0/1 N/A
Learning Objectives
Upon complet ion of this lab, you will be able to:
Cable a network according to the topology diagram
Erase the startup configuration and reload a router to the default state
Load the routers and switches with supplied scripts
Find and correct all network errors
Document the corrected network
You have been asked to correct configuration errors in the company network. For this lab, do not use login or
password protection on any console lines to prevent accidental lockout. Use ciscoccna for all passwords in this
Note: Because this lab is cumulative, you will be using all the knowledge and troubleshooting techniques that
you have acquired from the previous material to successfully complete this lab.

S2 is the spanning-tree root for VLAN 11, and S3 is the spanning-tree root for VLAN 30.
S3 is a VTP server with S2 as a client.
The serial link between R1 and R2 is Frame Relay. Make sure that each router can ping their own
Frame Relay interface.

The serial link between R2 and R3 uses HDLC encapsulation.
The serial link between R1 and R3 uses PPP.
The serial link between R1 and R3 is authenticated using CHAP.
R2 must have secure login procedures because it is the Internet edge router.
All vty lines, except those belonging to R2, allow connections only from the subnets shown in the
topology diagram, excluding the public address.
R2# telnet /source-interface l oopback 0
Trying ...
% Connection refused by remote host

Source IP address spoofing should be prevented on all links that do not connect to other routers.
Routing protocols must be secured. All RIP routers must use MD5 authentication.
R3 must not be able to telnet to R2 through the directly connected serial link.
R3 has access to both VLAN 11 and 30 via its Fast Ethernet port 0/0.
The TFTP server should not get any traffic that has a source address outside the subnet. All devices
have access to the TFTP server.
All devices on the subnet must be able to get their IP addresses from DHCP on R1. This
includes S1.
R1 must be accessible via SDM.
All addresses shown in the diagram must be reachable from every device.

Examination Scheme:

5 10 10 5 35 35
Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: MCA 541 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
The modules are designed to enhance the communicat ive competence of the learners to equip them with
efficient interpersonal communication.

Course Contents:

Module I: Essentials of Workplace Conversation
Language: registers (formal vs. informal) and usage
Job description and evaluation;
Relations with superiors, peers, and subordinates
Team building
Conversation Management
Non Verbal Aids

Module II: Dynamics of Group Discussion
Role Functions

Module III: Communication through Electronic Channels
Technology based Communication Tools
Video Conferencing
Web Conferencing
Selection of the Effective Tool
E-mails, Fax etc.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 CAF V GD GP A
Weightage (%) 20 20 25 10 10 10 5

CAF Communication Assessment File
GD Group Discussion
GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Jermy Comfort, Speaking Effectively,, Cambridge
Krishnaswamy, N, Creat ive English for Communication, Macmillan
Raman Prakash, Business Communication, Oxford.
Taylor, Conversation in Pract ice,


Course Code: MCA 543 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course aims at enabling students towards:
Understanding the importance of individual differences
Better understanding of self in relation to society and nation
Facilitation for a meaningful existence and adjustment in society
To inculcate patriotis m and Nat ional pride.
Understanding workforce diversity

Course Contents:

Module I: Indi vi dual differences & Personality
Personality: Definit ion& Relevance
Importance of nature & nurture in Personality Development
Importance and Recognition of Individual differences in Personality
Accepting and Managing Individual differences (Adjustment Mechanisms)

Module II: Soci alization
Nature of Socialization
Social Interaction
Interaction of Socialization Process
Contributions to Society & Nation

Module III: Patriotism and Nati onal Pri de
Sense of Pride and Patriotis m
Importance of Discipline and hard work
Integrity and accountability

Module IV: Human Rights, Values and Ethics
Meaning of Human Rights
Human Rights Awareness
Importance of human rights
Values and Ethics

Module V: Workforce Di versity & Peace
Globalization and workforce
Gender Sensitization
Respect for diversity
Power of peace

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Examination Scheme:

Components SAP A Mi d Term
Test (CT)
VIVA Journal for
Success (JOS)
Weightage (%) 20 05 20 30 25

Text & References:

Bates, A. P. and Julian, J.: Sociology - Understanding Social Behaviour
Dressler, David and Cans, Donald: The Study of Human Interaction
Lapiere, Richard. T Social Change
Rose, G.: Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Vol.4, 1985.
Robbins O.B. Stephen; Organizat ional Behaviour


Course Code: MCA 544 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To furnish some basic knowledge of French culture and civilization for understanding an authentic document and
informat ion relat ing to political and administrative life

Course Contents:

Module D: pp. 131 156 Uni ts 10, 11

Contenu lexical: Unit 10: Prendre des dcisions
1. Faire des comparaisons
2. dcrire un lieu, le temps, les gens, l'ambiance
3. rdiger une carte postale

Unit 11: faire face aux problmes
1. Exposer un problme.
2. parler de la sant, de la maladie
3. interdire/demander/donner une autorisation
4. connatre la vie polit ique franaise

Contenu grammatical:
1. comparatif - comparer des qualits/ quantits/actions
2. supposition: Si + prsent, futur
3. adverbe - caractriser une action
4. pronom " Y"

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

le livre suivre: Campus: Tome 1


Course Code: MCA 545 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar,
which will later help them to strengthen their language.
To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities
available in Germany
Introduction to Advanced Grammar and Business Language and Professional Jargon

Course Contents:

Module I: Geniti ve case
Genitive case Explain the concept of possession in genitive
Mentioning the structure of weak nouns

Module II: Geniti ve prepositions
Discuss the genitive propositions and their usage: (whrend, wegen, statt, trot z)

Module III: Reflexi ve verbs
Verbs with accusative case
Verbs with dative case
Difference in usage in the two cases

Module IV: Verbs wi th fixed prepositions
Verbs with accusative case
Verbs with dative case
Difference in the usage of the two cases

Module V: Texts
A poem Maxi
A text Rocko

Module VI: Picture Description
Firstly recognize the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture;
Secondly answer questions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal
experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch
Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch
Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder
P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant- 1, 2 & 3
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/ 1,2
Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs


Course Code: MCA 546 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable students acquire working knowledge of the language; to give them vocabulary, grammar, voice
modulations/intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.

Course Contents:

Module I
Revision of earlier semester modules

Module II
Future Tense

Module III
Presentations in English on
Spanish speaking countries

Module IV
En el hospital
En la comisaria
En la estacion de autobus/tren
En el banco/cambio

Module V
General revision of Spanish language learnt so far.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol Sin Fronteras, Greenfield


Course Code: MCA 547 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write language comfortably and be able to converse using different
patterns and forms taught through out. Students are taught and trained enough to get placed themselves in
Japanese companies.
Note: Teaching is done in roman as well as Japanese s cript.

Course Contents:

Module I
Dict ionary form of the verbs, Joining of verbs
Negative form of verbs
Potential form

Module II
Joining of many actions together
Usage of dictionary form of the verbs in sentences
Introducing colloquial language.

Module III
Direct form of the speech, quotations,
Expressing thoughts
Actions and reasoning

Module IV
Receiving and giving things, favour etc.
Different forms like tara form.

Module V
Revision of the whole syllabus

Learning Outcome
Students can speak and use different patterns, ways to describe a particular situation and can converse
comfortably in mentioned situations through out.
Students can appear in the interviews for placements in Japanese companies.

Methods of Private study /Self help
Teaching will be supported by handouts, audio-aids, and self-do assignments and role plays.
Use of library, visiting and watching movies in Japan and culture center every Friday at 6pm.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Teach yourself Japanese.

Shin Nihongo no kiso 1


Course Code: MCA 548 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
What English words come from Chinese? Some of the more common English words with Chinese roots
areginseng, silk, dim sum, fengshui, typhoon, yin and yang, Tal chi, kung-fu. The course aims at familiarizing
the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of Mandarin, the language of Mainland China. The course
aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a Chinese person.

Course Contents:

Module I
Dialogue practice
Observe picture and answer the question.
Pronunciation and intonation.
Character writing and stroke order

Module II
Chinese foods and tastes tofu, chowmian, noodle, Beijing duck, rice, sweet, sour.etc. Learning to say
phrases like Chinese food, Western food, delicious, hot and spicy, sour, salty, tasteless, tender, nutritious, god
for health, fish, shrimps, vegetables, cholesterol is not high, pizza, milk, vitamins, to be able to cook, to be used
to, cook well, once a week, once a month, once a year, twice a week
Repetition of the grammar and verbs taught in the previous module and making dialogues usingit.
Compliment of degree de.

Module III
Grammar the complex sentence suiran danshi.
Comparison It is colder today than it was yesterday..etc.
The Expression chule.yiwai. (Besides)
Names of different animals.
Talking about Great Wall of China
Short stories

Module IV
Use of huozhe and haishi
Is he/she married?
Going for a film with a friend.
Having a meal at the restaurant and ordering a meal.

Module V
Shopping Talking abut a thing you have bought, how much money you spent on it? How many kinds were
there? What did you think of others?
Talking about a day in your life using compliment of degree de. When you get up? When do you go for class?
Do you sleep early or late? How is Chinese? Do you enjoy your life in the hostel?
Making up a dialogue by asking question on the year, month, day and the days of the week and answer them.

Examination Scheme:

Components CT1 CT2 C I V A
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 15 5

C Project + Presentation
I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Elementary Chinese Reader Part-II Lesson 39-46


Course Code: MCA 560 Credit Units: 06

There are certain phases of every Interns professional development that cannot be effectively taught in the
academic environment. These facets can only be learned through direct, on-the-job experience working with
successful professionals and experts in the field. The internship program can best be described as an attempt to
institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap between the professional world and the academic institutions. Entire
effort in internship is in terms of extending the program of education and evaluation beyond the classroom of a
university or institution. The educational process in the internship course seeks out and focuses attention on
many latent attributes, which do not surface in the normal classroom situations. These attributes are intellectual
ability, professional judgment and decision-making ability, inter-disciplinary approach, skills for data handling,
ability in written and oral presentation, sense of responsibility etc.

In order to achieve these objectives, each student will maintain a file ( Internshi p File). The Internship File aims
to encourage students to keep a personal record of their learning and achievement throughout the Programme. It
can be used as the basis for lifelong learning and for job applications. Items can be drawn from activities
completed in the course modules and from the workplace to demonstrate learning and personal development.

The File will assess the students analytical skills and ability to present supportive evidence, whilst
demonstrating understanding of their organization, its needs and their own personal contribution to the

The layout gui delines for the Project & Seminar Report

1. File shoul d be in the followi ng specification
A4 size paper
Font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points)
Line spacing: 1.5
Top & bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2.5 cm
Left & right margins: 1.25 inches/ 3 cm

2. Report Layout: The report should contain the following components
Front Page
Table of Content
Student Certificate
Company Profile (optional)
Main Body
References / Bibliography

The File will include five sections in the order described below. The content and comprehensiveness of the main
body and appendices of the report should include the following:

1. The Title Page--Title - An Internship Experience Report For (Your Name), name of internship organization,
name of the Supervisor/Guide and his/her designation, date started and completed, and number of credits for
which the report is submitted.
2. Table of Content--an outline of the contents by topics and subtopics with the page number and location of
each section.
3. Introducti on--short, but should include how and why you obtained the internship experience position and the
relationship it has to your professional and career goals.
4. Main Body--should include but not be limited to daily tasks performed. Major projects contributed to, dates,
hours on task, observations and feelings, meetings attended and their purposes, listing of tools and materials and
their suppliers, and photographs if possible of projects, buildings and co-workers.
5. References / Bi bliography --This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report.
These should be ordered alphabetically on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be
abbreviated; if they are, abbreviations must comply with an internationally recognised system


The student will be provided with the Student Assessment Record (SAR) to be placed in front of the Internship
File. Each item in the SAR is ticked off when it is completed successfully. The faculty will also assess each item

as it is completed. The SAR will be signed by the student and by the faculty to indicate that the File is the
students own work. It will also ensure regularity and meeting the delaines.


1. Range of Research Methods used to obtain i nformation

2. Executi on of Research

3. Data Anal ysis
Analyse Quantitative/ Qualitative information
Control Quality

4. Draw Conclusions

Examination Scheme:

Components V S R FP
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 40
V Viva, S Synopsis, FP Final Presentation, R - Report


Course Code: MCA 655 Credit Units: 06

Research experience is as close to a professional problem-solving activity as anything in the curriculum. It
provides exposure to research methodology and an opportunity to work closely with a faculty guide. It usually
requires the use of advanced concepts, a variety of experimental techniques, and state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Research is genuine exploration of the unknown that leads to new knowledge, which often warrants publication.
But whether or not the results of a research project are publishable, the project should be communicated in the
form of a research report written by the student.
Sufficient time should be allowed for satisfactory completion of reports, taking into account that initial drafts
should be critiqued by the faculty guide and corrected by the student at each stage.
The File is the principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should be
taken in its preparation.

In general , the File shoul d be comprehensi ve and include
A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part of the
Any activities planned but not yet completed as part of the project, or as a future init iative directly resulting
from the project;
Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

Report Layout
The report should contain the following components:

1. File shoul d be in the followi ng specification
A4 size paper
Font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points)
Line spacing: 1.5
Top & bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2.5 cm
Left & right margins: 1.25 inches/ 3 cm

2. Report Layout: The report should contain the following components
Front Page
Table of Contents
Student Certificate
Company Profile (optional)
Main Body
References / Bibliography

Title or Cover Page or Front Page
The title page should contain the following informat ion: Project Title; Students Name; Course; Year;
Supervisors Name.

Table of Contents
Titles and subtitles are to correspond exactly with those in the text.

Acknowledgment to any advisory or financial assistance received in the course of work may be given.

Student Certificate
Given by the Institute.

Company Certificate & Profile (opti onal)
This is a certificate, which the company gives to the students. A Company Profile corresponds to a file with
company-specific data. Company data can be stored there and included in a booking when needed.

Here a brief introduction to the problem that is central to the project and an outline of the structure of the rest of
the report should be provided. The introduction should aim to catch the imagination of the reader, so e xcessive
details should be avoided.

Main Body
Should include but not be limited to daily tasks performed. Meetings attended and their purposes, listing of tools
and materials, and diagrams related to their topics.

The Appendix contains material which is of interest to the reader but not an integral part of the thesis and any
problem that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

References / Bi bliography
This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report. These should be ordered
alphabetically on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be abbreviated; if they are,
abbreviations must comply with an internationally recognised system.


Essentially, marking will be based on the following criteria: the quality of the report, the technical merit of the
project and the project execution. Technical merit attempts to assess the quality and depth of the intellectual
efforts put into the project. Project execution is concerned with assessing how much work has been put in.
The File should fulfill the following assessment objectives:

1. Range of Research Methods used to obtain i nformation

2. Executi on of Research

3. Data Anal ysis
a. Analyze Quantitative/ Qualitative information
b. Control Quality

4. Draw Conclusions

Examination Scheme:

Components S C V FP R
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 20
S - Synopsis, C - Case Study, V Viva, FP - Final Presentation, R - Report


Course Code: MCA 660 Credit Units: 24

Research experience is as close to a professional problem-solving activity as anything in the curriculum. It
provides exposure to research methodology and an opportunity to work closely with a faculty guide. It usually
requires the use of advanced concepts, a variety of experimental techniques, and state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Research is genuine exploration of the unknown that leads to new knowledge, which often warrants publication.
But whether or not the results of a research project are publishable, the project should be communicated in the
form of a research report written by the student.
Sufficient time should be allowed for satisfactory completion of reports, taking into account that initial drafts
should be critiqued by the faculty guide and corrected by the student at each stage.
The File is the principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should be
taken in its preparation.

In general , the File shoul d be comprehensi ve and include
A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part of the
Any activities planned but not yet completed as part of the project, or as a future init iative directly resulting
from the project;
Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

Report Layout
The report should contain the following components

1. File shoul d be in the followi ng specification
A4 size paper
Font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points)
Line spacing: 1.5
Top & bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2.5 cm
Left & right margins: 1.25 inches/ 3 cm

2. Report Layout: The report should contain the following components
Front Page
Table of Contents
Student Certificate
Company Profile
References / Bibliography

Title or Cover Page or Front Page
The title page should contain the following informat ion: Project Title; Students Name; Course; Year;
Supervisors Name.

Table of Contents
Titles and subtitles are to correspond exactly with those in the text.

Acknowledgment to any advisory or financial assistance received in the course of work may be given.

Student Certificate
Given by the Institute.

Company Certificate & Profile
This is a certificate, which the company gives to the students. A Company Profile corresponds to a file with
company-specific data. Company data can be stored there and included in a booking when needed.

Here a brief introduction to the problem that is central to the project and an outline of the structure of the rest of
the report should be provided. The introduction should aim to catch the imagination of the reader, so excessive
details should be avoided.

All chapters and sections must be appropriately numbered, titled and should neither be too long nor too short in
The first chapter should be introductory in nature and should outline the background of the project, the problem
being solved, the importance, other related works and literature survey. The other chapters would form the body
of the report. The last chapter should be concluding in nature and should also discuss the future prospect of the

The Appendix contains material which is of interest to the reader but not an integral part of the thesis and any
problem that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

References / Bi bliography
This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report. These should be ordered
alphabetically on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be abbreviated; if they are,
abbreviations must comply with an internationally recognised system.


Essentially, marking will be based on the following criteria: the quality of the report, the technical merit of the
project and the project execution. Technical merit attempts to assess the quality and depth of the intellectual
efforts put into the project. Project execution is concerned with assessing how much work has been put in.
The File should fulfill the following assessment objectives:

1. Writing a crit ical literature review
Search for literature
Summarizing and presenting the literature
Evaluating key content and theories

2. Collecting and analyzing research material
Choosing and designing research method
Conducting the research
Analyzing, sorting and classifying the data to make decision

3. Interpreting research method and draw conclusion

4. Assigning the theories and writing the project report
Structuring the project in accordance with the given style

5. Bibliography
This refer to the books, Journals and other documents consulting while working on the

Examination Scheme:

Components MRP V S FP R
Weightage (%) 20 20 20 20 20
MRP Mid Report Presentation, V Viva, S Synopsis, FP Final Presentation, R - Report

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