An Industrial Visi (9 Night & 10 Days) Mumbai - Dehradun - Mussoorie - Corbet-Nainital

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Day 01 :- Mumbai - Deha!u"
Board train from bandra terminals at 22.00hrs and
overnight journey for dehradun. .
Day 02 :- Mumbai-Dehradun
Start your day with healthy breakfast and enjoy train
journey lunch and dinner will be provided on board
Day 0# : - Deha!u"- Mu$$%%ie&
Enjoy breakfast and lunch enroute by trio tours. Arrival In the
afternoon at Dehradun and Drive to Mussoorie ( 3 Hrs Drive ) Arrival Check In
Hotel. ree ti!e for leisure" Dinner # $est. %verni&ht stay in Hotel.
Day 0 :- Mu!""rie#
After 'reakfast Half Day tour (lan to )a!*ti all surrounded by hi&h
!ountain ran&es at an altitude of +,-- feet" are a &ood *lace for a *icnic and
listenin& to the !usic of .ater in the !idst of the surroundin& &reenery. Enjoy
/unch and 'ack by Evenin&. ree at Mall $oad fa!ous local sho**in& center of
Mussori Dinner and enjoy Ca!*fire .ith Music. %verni&ht stay at Mussoorie.
Day 0' :- (%be)&
After 'reakfast Check out # 0ransfer to 1i! Corbit %n the .ay %ver
/ocal Dehradun si&htseein& (city tour ) ( 234 Hrs Drive ) Arrival # Check In
enjoy dinner and overni&ht stay Corbitt.
Day 0* :- Nai"i)a+&
After Early Mornin& by ,5-- Hrs s!all Cabs .ill (ick for o*en 1ee*
6afari here you enjoy !ost adventure *art of ji! corbit. 'ack to hotel by 7-5--
Hrs 'reakfast # Checkout and Drive to 8ainital.
Cover /ocal si&htseein& 3 Corbit Museu!" Corbit 9ater all etc. ( 3 3 + Hrs
Drive ). Arrival # Check in Hotel # Evenin& ree for 'oatin& # Mall $oad.
%verni&hts stay in nainital
Day 0, :- Nai"i)a+
After breakfast enjoy ull Day 0our to 8ainital 3 .hich .ill cover
'hi!tal" 6ukhatal" )a!altal" etc.
: ;isit to $o*e.ay.:
In Evenin& ree at Mall $oad of nainital enjoy your dinner. At hotel and 8i&ht
jounry to dehradun.
Day 0- :- Deha!u" - Mumbai&
Arrival dehradun early !ornin& breakfast durin& board. And return
jounry to.ard Mu!bai.
Day 0$ :- Mumbai
Start your day with healthy breakfast and enjoy
journey; lunch and dinner will be provided to students.
Day 10 :- Mumbai
Arrival in Mu!bai .ith destinational !e!ories. Created by 0$I%
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Tai" 1ae #-)ie "%" a70 $+ee4e 0%a0h&
S)a (a)e2%y H%)e+ S)ay&
Ta"$4%)a)i%" by Lu8uy 9u$ (:,$ea)e)&
A++ mea+$&( bea61a$); +u"0h & !i""e)
Si2h)$eei"2 a$ 4e $0he!u+e&
A++ <")y /ee$& b%a)i"2 & %4e 3ay i$ $e+1 4ai!
Mu$i0 a"! (am4 1ie 1% $)u!e") a"! )ea0he$
%n every =- 4ayi"2 S)u!e")$; 01 Tea0he 7 S)a11 .ill be travellin&
co!*li!entary as >uest (ree of all cost
Hotel $oo! 6harin& on Ti4+e Shai"2 9a$i$ 1% Tea0he$7S)a11&
T%u (%$) =9;:00 INR 5e S)u!e")- (mi"imum >' $)u!e")$)

0rio takes care to select hotels and book the sa!e on behalf of student?clients
at convenient locations subject to availability.
Hotel acco!!odation is &enerally *rovided on @uadru*le sharin& basis in
standard roo!s in a 6tar Cate&ory Hotel 9ith all !odern a!enities.
M<ALS: 0here is !ostly a *re set !enu for !eals de*endin& on the tour
*ro&ra!. (acked !eals are served at so!e *laces. Co!*any !ostly serves
;e&etarian food alon& .ith fe. 8on 3 ;e& ite!s.
5L<AS< N?T<:
I)i"eay Sub@e0) )% 0ha"2e a$ 4e )he 4emi$$i%" %1 )he I"!u$)ia+ Ai$i) 7
0here can be variations in the schedule of si&htseein&As" .hich subject to
ti!in&s and availabilities of the destined location.
Hotel Check3in # Check out subjected to the ter!s # conditions of the hotel
(?LL<G< I&D (ARD IS MUST (If not carried then $ail.ay fine .hatever
.ill be a**licable to the student).
Tha"6 Y%u

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