SK Bagan Pasir: Time: Class: Marks

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Paper 1
<Test Name> <Date> Time :
Class : Marks :
This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions.
Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answer. Choose the best answer from the answer
marked A, B, C and .
Se!tion A
"uestion 1 # 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1. The hockey players wore their new __________ for the finals.
A hats
B erseys
C handba!s
". Mother wears a pair of __________ when she works in the !arden.
A socks C spectacles
B !lo#es
$. %asmine p&ts on a __________ when she !oes swimmin!.
A sin!let C swims&it
B raincoat life acket
'. Miss Tan is a n&rse. (he works in a __________ .
A shop C school
B office hospital
"uestions $ # %
(t&dy the pict&re caref&lly and choose the best phrase to complete the para!raph.
My a&ntie had to cancel the picnic as it was _____________ )*+.
,owe#er- she planned for a small picnic inside ___________ ).+.
/#erybody ___________ )0+ with the decision as the picnic plan was still on.
*. A shinin! slowly
B clo&dy hea#ily
C bla1in! hea#ily
rainin! hea#ily
.. A her ho&se
B his ho&se
C my ho&se
their ho&se
0. A is happy
B are happy
C was happy
were happy
"uestions & # 10
(t&dy the pict&re caref&lly. Then choose the best answer.

A Dr 3&nita is a writer.
B Dr 3&nita is a dentist.
C Dr 3&nita is a teacher.
A 3&an 5ai is walkin! &p the stairs.
B They are walkin! thro&!h a !ate.
C My mother is walkin! down the stairs.
The woman is walkin! towards the stairs.

A 7an 7ee is !i#in! presents to her co&sins.
B 7an 7ee is showin! her co&sins some shoes.
C 7an 7ee and her co&sins are b&sy shoppin!.
Se!tion B
"uestions 11 # 1$
8ook at the pict&re below caref&lly. Choose the best sentence to fit the sit&ation shown in the pict&res.

A 8et9s ha#e dinner before we watch the mo#ie.
B :ho9s !oin! to pay for the mo#ie tickets;
C The new (tar :ars mo#ie. < heard it9s !ood.

A < !ot strai!ht =s.
B <9m !oin! to st&dy now.
C < sho&ld ha#e st&died harder.

A That9s fine.
B =ll the best>
C Con!rat&lations>

A 7es- of co&rse.
B 7es- that is a pict&re.
C 7es- yo& can han! it in yo&r room.
A :hy are yo& carryin! that bo?;
B Co&ld yo& please !i#e me a hand;
C <sn9t that bo? hea#y;
Do yo& need some help;
Se!tion C
"uestions 1' # (0
Choose the best answer for each of the followin! sentences.
=siah __________ the floor e#ery day.
A sweep
B sweeps
C sweepin!
10. @ary is __________ towards the b&s.
A smilin!
B r&nnin!
C &mpin!
12. The ti!er wants to eat the deer. <t is __________ .
A sleepy
B h&n!ry
C thirsty
14. %&ne __________ her brother cycle to school.
A or C and
B so beca&se
"6. The firemen worked __________ to p&t o&t the fire.
A noisily C li!htly
B A&ickly !racef&lly
"uestion (1
"1. They are swimmin! in the deep pool.
A dark
B cold
C cool
"uestions (( # ()
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.
:e saw a __________ bein! fed in the 1oo yesterday.
A rhinoceres
B rhynoceres
C rhinoceros
,e bo&!ht some __________ at the market.
A mna!oe C man!oes
B ma!noe mano!es
"uestions (4 # ($
Choose the sentence with the correct p&nct&ation.
"'. A :hich- do yo& prefer chicken rice- or fried rice;
B :hich do yo& prefer- chicken rice or fried rice>
C :hich do yo& prefer- chicken rice or fried rice;
:hich do yo& prefer; chicken rice or fried rice.
"*. A 8ast week =dam went to the National M&se&m.
B 8ast week- =dam went to the National m&se&m.
C 8ast week. =dam went to the National M&se&m-
8ast week- =dam went to the National M&se&m.
"uestions (' # )0
8ook at the pict&re abd read the passa!e caref&lly. Based on the pict&re and the passa!e- choose the best answer to
fill in the blanks.
/ddy and his family went to Cota Cinabal&. <t was /ddy9s first __________ *1+ on a plane. ,is mother
showed __________ *(+ the #iew from the plane. /#erythin! __________ *)+ looked so small. ,is father
__________ *4+ a ma!a1ine and his older brother listened to his Discman. = stewardess ser#ed them drinks
__________ *$+ snacks. They really enoyed their fli!ht.
".. A e?perience
B e?periences
C e?perienced
"0. A him
B &s
C o&r
"2. A in front of
B beside
C below
"4. A ate
B read
C made
$6. A so
B and
C b&t
Se!tion E
"uestions )1 # )$
$1. :hen is the meetin! sched&led for;
A ' March C 1* =pril
B 1* March 1" May
$". :hich of the followin! is on the a!enda;
A Decoratin! the hall
B Brin!in! alon! a pen
C 3ro#idin! art materials
$$. :hich is true abo&t the meetin!;
A =ll committee members m&st attend the
B The Teacher9s Day performance is sched&led
in %&ne.
C There will be a trip for committee members.
$'. :hat does the word appropriate in the notice mean;
A New C 3retty
B @reat (&itable
$*. :hen is the trip to =ctor9s (t&dio;
A =pril
B May
C %&ne
"uestions )' # 40
$.. :hy co&ldn9t 5ak&an reply ,isham9s letter earlier;
A ,e was tired and sleepy all the time.
B ,e was in#ol#ed with choral speakin!.
C ,e was b&sy doin! DThe %&n!le DanceE play.
$0. :hen did the choral speakin! competition start;
A Febr&ary C =pril
B March May
$2. ,ow many le#els are there in the competition;
A 1 C $
B " '
$4. :hat does the word e,hausting in the letter mean;
A Tirin!
B =ma1in!
C <nterestin!
'6. :hich of the followin! is true abo&t 5ak&an9s poem;
A <t is a sad poem abo&t birds.
B 5ak&an wrote the poem himself.
C <t is abo&t animals and their beha#io&r.
<t is adapted from the %&n!le Book.
Nama .................................................................... Celas .......................................
)'(00 SE.EK01
/A1-N $
Kertas 1
*6 minit .i4a puluh 4init
1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.
". Jawab se4ua soalan.
$. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan awapan! iaitu A, B, C dan 5 "agi setiap soalan! pilih satu
awapan sahaa. 1ita46an awapan kamu pada kertas awapan obektif yang disediakan.
'. Jika kamu hendak menukar awapan! padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hita46an awapan
yang baru.
Certas soalan ini men!and&n!i 1" halaman bercetak
7 .ihat sebalah
01431 S-.I/

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