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Type Shortcut Description

AAR After Action Review

ABI At Bit Inclination
Equipment ACCL Accelerator
Equipment ACP Annular Casing Packer
ACV Approved Contract Value
Position AD Assistant Driller
AF Acid Frac
Contract AFE Agreed Funded Estimate
Equipment AGS Adjustable Gauge Stabilizer
AHTS Anchor Handling Tug Supply
Admin. AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AKO Adjustable kick-off angle
ALARP As low as reasonablt possible
ANSI American National Standards Institute
Slang AOB Any Other Business
Slang AOB Any Other Bullshit
AOF Absolute Open Flow
AOH American Open Hole (Non API Drillpipe Connection)
Admin. API American Petroleum Institute
Admin. API RP American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice
APR Annual Performance Review
Value APV Air Pressure Vessel
ARAS Audit Report Action Sheet
Logging ARC
HSE ASA Advance Safety Audit
ASAP As soon as possible
Admin. ASME American Society Mechanical Engineering
ASN Amplified Short Normal
Equipment ASV Annulus Safety Valve
Contract ATC Authorisation to Commit
avg average
Equipment AX / VX Ring Gasket
Logging AZD Azimunthal Density
Unit b/d barrels per day
HSE BA Breathing Apparatus
Logging BAP Bore Annulus Pressure
BAT Best Available Technology
Unit bbl barrel
Unit bbls barrels
Unit bbtud Billion BTU per Day
BDF Below Drill Floor
BFF Bore for Float
Unit bfpd barrels fluid per day
BGG Background Gas
Slang BH Big Head
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly
BHC Borehole Compensated
Value BHCMT Bottomhole as Cemented Temperature
Value BHCT Bottomhole Circulating Temperature
Value BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
Value BHST Bottomhole Static Temperature
Value BHT Bottomhole Temperature
Contract BLEQ Bidder List Enrollment Questionaire
BoD Basis of Design
Unit boe barrels oil equivalent
Unit boepd barrels oil equivalent per day
BOL Bottom of Liner
BOL Back On Line
Equipment BOP Blow Out Preventer
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Type Shortcut Description
Unit bopd barrels oil per day
Position BOTL Bruce Operations Team Leader
Admin. BPA BP Amoco
Unit bpd barrels per day
Unit bpf blows per foot
Unit bpm barrels per minute
Admin. BPM BP Migas
Contract BPO Bulk Purchase Order
Equipment BPV Back Pressure Valve
Admin. BPX BP Exploration
BRT Below Rotary Table
Equipment BS Bent Sub
BSR Bending Stress Ratio (for drillcollar)
Equipment BT Bowdon Tube
Admin. BtB Beyond the Best
Unit BTU British Thermal Unit
BU Bottoms Up (during circulation)
Admin. BU Business Unit
Value BUR Build Up Rate
Admin. BVA Budget vs. Actual
Unit bwpd barrels water per day
Equipment C&K Choke and Kill Lines
Admin. CAA Civil Aviation Authority
HSE CABA Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus
CAJ Controlled Acid Jetting
Equipment CBI Cuttings Bed Impeller
Logging CBL Cement Bond Log
CCR Central Control Room
Equipment CCS Conventional Circulating Sub
CDP Common Depth Point
CE Compression Efficiency
Admin. CEC Certification of Environmental Clearance
CEC Caution Exchange Capacity
Logging CET Cement Evaluation Tool
CG Connection Gas
Equipment CH Casing Hanger
Value CHP Casing Head Pressure
Admin. CIQ Custom Inspection
CITHP Closed in Tubing Head Pressure
Equipment CIV Casing Isolation Valve
CIWTWO Closed In Waiting on Workover
Value CLFP Choke and Kill Line Friction Pressures
CLS Closed Loop System
Admin. CNS Central North Sea
Carbon Dioxide
COB Close of Business
COC Clean Out Cement
HSE COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
COV Coefficient of Variance
COW Contract of Work
CPF Central Processing Facility
CPP Central Production Platform
Cr Chrome
CRA Corrosion-resistant Alloys
CRI Cuttings Re-injection
Position CRO Control Room Operator
CRP Central Receipt Point
Admin. CRT Challenge Response Team
Equipment CRT Casing Running Tool
CSC Chloride Stress Corrosion
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Type Shortcut Description
Equipment CSES Cable Side-entry Sub
Equipment Csg Casing
Value CSMN Minimum Cement Strength
HSE CSMS Contract Safety Management System
Value CSMX Maximum Cement Strength
Equipment CT Coiled Tubing
Value CT Circulating Temperature
CTD Coiled Tubing Drilling
Equipment CTT Cup Type Test
Unit cuft cubic feet
Admin. CVP Capital Value Process
Admin. CWOP Complete Well On Paper
HSE DAFWCF Days Away From Work Case Frequency
Equipment DC Drill Collar
Admin. DCL Drilling & Completion Leadership
Admin. DCR Design and Construction Regulations
DDR Daily Drilling Report
Position DE Drilling Engineer
DE Diatomaceous Earth
DF Design Factor
Admin. DGAC Directorat General Air Communication
Slang DH Dick Head
HSE DHP Delphian Hazard Potential
Equipment DHSV Down Hole Safety Valve
Logging DIL Dual Induction Laterlog
Admin. DIMS Drilling Information Management System
Admin. DIS Drilling Information System
Logging DLL Dual Laterlog
Value DLS Dog Leg Severity (deg/100ft)
Admin. DOA Drilling Operations Authorities
DOB2C Diesel Oil Bentonite 2 Cement
Position DOE Drilling Operations Engineer
Admin. DOG Drilling Operations Guidelines
Admin. DOP Drilling Operations Plan
Equipment DP Drill Pipe
DP Dynamically Postioned
DPM Drilling Project Management
Position DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
Value DPP Design Pore Pressure
DPS Dynamic Positioning System
Position DRG Designated Resident Geologist
Equipment DSA Double Studded Adapter
DSF Design Safety Factor
DSOH Deepest Subsequent Open Hole
DSP Decision Support Package
DSS Drillstring Safety Simulator
DST Drillstem Test
DSV Diving Support Vessel
Admin. DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DTL Drilling The Limit
Position DUM Delivery Unit Manager
Admin. DWOP Drill Well On Paper
Equipment DWT Dead Weight Tester
E&P Exploration and Production
HSE EA Environment Agency (England)
EA End Area
ECD Equivalent Circulation Density
Equipment ECP External Casing Packer
EDS Emergency Disconnect Sequence
EIA Environmental Impact Assesment
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Type Shortcut Description
EM Electro Magnetic
EMI Electromagnetic Inspection
HSE EMS Environmental Mangement System
EMV Estimated Monitary Value
Value EMW Equivalent Mud Weight
Slang EOBD End of Business Day
Slang EOM End of message
Unit EPM Equivalent Parts per Million
ER Emergency Response
HSE ERC Emergency Response Centre
ERD Extendend Reach Drilling
ERW Electric-resistance Welding
ES Electrical Survey
ESC Environment-sensitive Cracking
ESD Emergency Shut Down (System)
Equipment ESP Electrical Submersible Pump
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETP Engineering Technical Practices
EUE Externally Upset Eight Round
Position EVP Executive Vice President
Admin. FA Forties Alpha
Admin. FALP Forties Artificial Lift Project
FAST Fracture Aligned Sweep Technology
Admin. FB Forties Bravo
Admin. FC Forties Charlie
Value FCP Fracture Closure Pressure
Value FCP Final Circulating Pressure
FCP Facility Change Permit
Admin. FD Forties Delta
Logging FDC Formation Density Compensated
Admin. FDP Field Development Plan
Equipment FDR Friction Drag Reducer
Admin. FEL Front End Line (Assessment)
Value FG Frac Gradient
FH Full Hole
HSE FIR Failure Investigation Report
FIT Formation Integrity Test
Equipment FIV Formation Isolation Valve
Contract FM Financial Memorandum (Internal AFE)
Equipment FMS Flush Mounted Spider
Contract FOB Free On Board (point of free delivery)
Equipment FOSV Full Opening Safety Valve
Admin. FPE First Priotity Enterprise
Value FPG Formation Pressure Gradient
Equipment FPI Free Point Indicator
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
FROG Personal transport System (boat to rig)
HSE FSO Fire Safety Officer
Equipment FSV Formation Saver Valve
Unit ft feet
FTOC Final Top of Cement
HSE FTW Fit to Work
Value FV Funnel Viscosity
FW Fresh Water
FWL Free Water Level
FWS Functional Well Specification
Admin. FY Financial Year
GBT Gravity Base Tank
GGT Garrett Gas Train
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Type Shortcut Description
GHSER Getting HSE Right
Equipment GLM Gas Lift Mandrel
Equipment GLV Gas Lift Valve
GMS Gyro Multi Shot
GO Global Operations
Admin. GO General Office
Admin. GoM Gulf of Mexico
Value GOR Gas Oil Ratio
Unit gpm gallons per minute
GPS Global Positioning System
Logging GR Gamma Ray
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
Admin. GS Guidance for Specification
Logging GSS Gyro Single Shot
Contract GTC General Terms and Conditions
Logging GVR Geo Vision Resistivity
Position GWCC Global Well Control Consultant
Admin. GWSI Global Well Services Initiative
S Hydrogen Sulphide
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HSE HAZID Hazard Identification
HSE HAZOP Hazard and Operability
HC Hydrocarbons
HCR High Closing Ratio
Equipment HCV Hydraulically Controlled (gate) Valve
Equipment HDPT Heavy Duty Pulling Tool (Wireline)
Logging HEL Hostile Enviroment Logging
HSE HEP Hurricane Evacuation Plan
Unit hhp Hydraulic Horsepower
HIF High Impact Force
HSE HiPo High Potential
HIVE Highly Immersive Visualisation Environment
HiVis High Viscosity
Slang HMFIC Head Mother F In Charge
Position HoD Head of Discipline
Value HP High-Pressure
Value HP/HT High Pressure / High Temperature
HRA High Rate Acid (Treatment)
Admin. HRD Human Resources Department
HSE HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HSE HSEMS Health, Safety and Environment Management System
HSE HSEQ Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
HSQC High Speed Quick Connect
HTHP High Temperature High Pressure
HUD Hold Up Depth
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Equipment HWDP Heavy Weight Drillpipe
Admin. IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors
Admin. IAM Integrated Asset Modelling
IAT Integrated Acceptance Test
Equipment IBOP Inside Blowout Preventer
Admin. IBT Invaders Bay Tower
Admin. ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
Value ICP Initial Circulating Pressure
Value ID Internal Diameter
IEU Internal / External Upset
IF Internal Flush (connector)
Equipment IFJ Internal Flush Joint
IFP Integrated Field Planning
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Type Shortcut Description
IFR In Fill Reference (Corrections for local magnetic measurements)
HSE IFR Incident Frequency Rate
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods
IMO International Maritime Organization
Unit in inch
IPS Improved Plow Steel
ISO International Standards Organization
Contract ITB Instructions to Bidders
ITD Intent to drill
ITT Internal Transit Time
IU Internal Upset
IWCF International Well Control Forum
JE Joint Efficiency
Admin. JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee
JORPS Joint Operations
HSE JSA Job Safety Analysis
Value JTS Joints
Value KI Kick Intensity
Slang KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
Slang KMA Kiss my ass
KOP Kick Off Point
Equipment KOT Kick Over Tool (Wireline)
Admin. KPI Key Performance Indicator
KTOL Kick Tolerance
L/D Lay down
L/O Lay out
LAS Liquid Additive System
Unit lb pound
Unit lbs pounds
LC Lost Circulation
LCK Lower Choke and Kill Lines
LCM Lost Circulation Material
LEL Lower Explosive Limit (for gas)
Equipment LIB Lead Impression Block
LLI Long Lead Item
Equipment LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package
Position LO Liasson Officer
LO Leak off
Contract LOA Loan of Agreement
Contract LOI Letter of Intent
LOT Leak Off Test
LOTO Lock Out, Tag Out
Value LP Low Pressure
Equipment LPR Lower Pipe Rams
Logging LSS Long Spacing Sonic
HSE LT Lost Time
HSE LTA Lost Time Accident
LTA Lower Tawun Reservoir
HSE LTEL Long Term Exposure Limit
HSE LTI Lost Time Incident
HSE LTIF Lost Time Injury Frequency
Admin. LTP Long Term Plan
LVE Low Volumetric Expansion
Logging LWD Logging While Drilling
Unit m Meters (Length / Depth)
M/U Make up
Value MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure
MAR Major Accident Risk
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MCU Medical Check Up
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Type Shortcut Description
MD Measured Depth
Equipment MFCT Multi-function Circulating Tool
Slang MFIC Mother F In Charge
Logging MFR Multiple Frequency Resistivity
Equipment MGS Mud Gas Separator
Slang MIA Missing in Action
MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion
MIRU Move in, Rig Up
MLE Motor Lead Extension
Equipment MLH Mud Line Hanger
MLS Mud Line Suspension
Value MLT Mud Line Temperature
Contract MMPM Memo of Material and Personnel Movement
Admin. MMS Minerals Management Service
Slang MOBS Master of Bullshit
Admin. MOC Management of Change
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
Admin. MoM Minutes of Meeting
MOPO Manual of Permitted Operations
MPFM Multi Phase Flowmeter
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
Equipment MPR Middle Pipe Ram
HSE MRCC Marine Rescue Control Centre
Equipment MS Muleshoe
MSAF Multi Stage Acid Fracture
HSE MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
Unit MT Metric Ton
MTM Metal to Metal
MUX Mulitplex
Value MW Mud Weight
Logging MWD Measurement While Drilling
N&T Normalised and Tempered
N/A Not Applicable
N/D Nipple down
N/U Nipple up
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NaCl Sodium Chloride
NB Near Bit
Equipment NBR Near Bit Reamer
Equipment NBS Near Bit Stabiliser
NC Numbered Connection
Admin. ND Noble Denton
NDS No Drilling Surprise
NDT Non Destructive Test
Admin. NGO Non Governmental Organisation
HSE NM Near Miss
NM Non-Magnetic
Equipment NMCSDP Non Magnetic Compressive Strenght Drillpipe
Equipment NMDC Non Magnetic Drill Collar
Logging NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Equipment NMS Non-magnetic Stabiliser
Equipment NMSDC Non-magnetic Short Drill Collar
Equipment NMSS Non-magnetic String Stabiliser
Equipment NMUBHO Non-metallic Universal Bottomhole Orientator
NORM Normally Occuring Radioactive Material
NPT National Pipe Thread
NPT Non Productive Time
Equipment NRV Non-return Valve
Admin. NSCC Nippon Steel Company Connection
Value NTU Normal Turbidity Units
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Type Shortcut Description
NUI Normally Unattended Installation
OBM Oil Based Mud
OCM Operator Committee Meeting
Admin. OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods
Value OD Outside Diameter
Value OD/t Outside Diameter to Thickness Ratio
OEDP Open Ended Drill Pipe
Slang OFCM Old F Company Man
OFT Optimum Fishing Time
Slang OGIM Oh God it's Monday
OGIP Original Gas in Place
OH Open Hole
OHGP Open Hole Gravel Pack
OI Outstanding Issue
Position OIM Offshore Installation Manager
HSE OIR Offshore Incident Report
Admin. ONWJ Offshore North West Java
OOIP Original Oil in Place
Value OPG Overburden Pressure Gradient
OPH Opportunity P. Hopper
Admin. OTC Offshore Technology Conference
Position OTL Operations Team Leader
OWC Oil Water Contact
P&ID Platform & Installation Drawing
p/f Platform
P/T Pressure Test
P/U Pick Up
Admin. PA Public Announcement
Admin. PA Public Address
Equipment PAF Pressure Actuated Firinghead
PAS People Assurance Survey
Contract PB Performance Bond
PBOP Pressure at the BOP
Equipment PBR Polished Bore Receptacle
Equipment PCE Pressure Control Equipment
PDC Poly-diamond Crystalline
PDF Probability Distribution Function
PDG Pressure Downhole Gauge
Equipment PDM Positive Displacement Motor
Position PE Petroleum Engineer
PEC Predicted Environmental Concentration
Admin. PED Petroleum Engineering Department
PEI Performance Efficiency Improvement
Admin. PEP Performance Evaluation Program
Admin. PFD Plan of Future Development
Position PIC Person in Charge
Slang PINS Persons In Need of Supervision
PIR Post Implementation Review
PIT Pressure Integrity Test
HSE PJSM Pre Job Safety Meeting
PM Planned Maintenance
PMH Platform Mounted Hoist
HSE PMS Preventive Maintenance System
Contract PO Purchase Order
PO Present Operation
POB Personnel on board
POBM Potable Oil-based Mud
Admin. POD Plan of Development
Slang POETS Piss Off Early tomorrow is Saturday
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Type Shortcut Description
Admin. POFD Plan of Future Development
Admin. PON Petroleum Operations Notice
POOH Pull Out of Hole
Admin. POOPA Prevention of Oil Pollution Act
Unit ppb
parts per billion 10
Unit ppb pounds per barrel
HSE PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Unit ppf pounds per foot
Value PPFG Pore pressure / Fracture Gradient (Analysis)
Unit ppg pounds per gallon
Unit ppm
parts per million 10
PPT Pore Plugging Test
Contract PR Procurement Requisition
Equipment PRS Pipe Racking System
Contract PSC Production Sharing Contract
Contract PSCM Procurement and Supply Chain Management
PSD Partical Size Distribution
PSI Perforate, Stimulate, Isolate (System)
Unit psi pounds per square inch
Unit psia psi absolute
Unit psig psi gauge
HSE PSM Process Safety Management
Value PST Production Surface Temperature
Value Psurf Surface Pressure
Value PT Production Temperature
PTC Pressure Test Casing
PTRO Pressure Test Rack Open (Gaslift Mandrel)
Equipment PTT Plug Type Tester
HSE PTW Permit to Work
Admin. PU Performance Unit
PV Plastic Viscosity
PVT Pit Volume Totaliser
Value PWD Pressure While Drilling
Q&T Quenched and Tempered
HSE QA Quality Assurance
HSE QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
HSE QC Quality Control
Admin. QPR Quarterly Performance Review
HSE QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment
R/D Rig down
R/U Rig up
Logging RAB Resistivity at Bit
Admin. RACI Responsible, Acountable, Consult, Inform (organisational matrix)
Equipment RBOP Rotating Blowout Preventer
Equipment RBP Retrievable Bridge Plug
HSE RCA Root Cause Analysis
Equipment RCH Rotating Control Head
RCI Reservoir Characterization Instrument
Position RE Reservoir Engineer
RF Recovery Factor
RFT Repeat Formation Test
HSE RIF Recordable Injury Frequency
RIH Run In Hole
RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing
RMS Root Mean Square
ROC Regional Operating Centre
ROP Rate of Penetration
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RPD Rack Phase Difference
Unit rpm rotations per minute
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Type Shortcut Description
Admin. RSA Radioactive Substances Act
RSS Rotary Steerable System
Position RSTC Rig Safety & Training Coordinator
Equipment RT Rotary Table (reference point for drilling depths)
Equipment RTTS Retrievable Test, Treat and Stimulation packer (Halliburton)
Admin. S&OI Safety & Operation Integrity
SA Self Assembly
SAGD Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
HSE SAR Safety and Rescue
SAW Submerged-arc Welded
SBM Synthetic-based Mud
Slang SBS Senior Bullshiter
HSE SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
HSE SCE Safety Critical Equipment / Element
SCE Solids Control Equipment
Position SCE Segment Chief Executive
Unit scf standard cubic feet
Unit scfd standard cubic feet per day
Unit scfm standard cubic feet per minute
Admin. SCM Supply Chain Management
Value SCMT Surface as Cemented Temperature
SCR Slow Circulating Rate
Equipment SCSSSV Surface Controlled Sub Surface Safety Valve
Position SDE Senior Drilling Engineer
SEA Special End Area
HSE SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Equipment SES Side Entry Sub
SF Safety Factor
Value SG Specific Gravity
SGA Shallow Gas Assessment
Equipment SGM Side Gauge Mandrel
HSE SIC Serious Injury Cases
Value SICP Shut-in Casing Pressure
Value SIDPP Shut-in Drillpipe Pressure
SIMOPS Simultaneous Operation Procedures
Contract SITB Special Instruction to Bidders
Value SITP Shut-in Tubing Pressure
SLM Steel Line Measurement
SM Mill
SMLS Seamless
HSE SMS Safety Management System
Admin. SMTR Stock Material Transfer Request
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and marine Engineers
HSE SNH Serious Near Hits
Equipment SNMDC Short Non Magnetic Drillcollar
Sulphur Dioxide
Slang SOB Son of a B
SOL Slip On Lock (wellhead)
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
Contract SOR Statement Of Requirement
Equipment SOV Side Outlet Valve (wellhead)
Position SPA Single Person Accountable
Admin. SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
Unit spf shots per foot
Unit spm strokes per minute
SPM Single Point Mooring
Equipment SPM Side Pocket Mandrel
Contract SPM Supplier Performance Management
SPU Strategic Performance Unit
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Type Shortcut Description
HSE SQA Service Quality Assessment
HSE SQM Service Quality Meeting
Admin. SRA Spot Recognition Award
SRB Sulphur Reducing Bacteria
Logging SRG Surface Recording Gyro
SRG Stress Relief Groove
SRO Surface Read-out
SRP Sucker Rod Pump
SS Sub Sea (reference point for geological depths)
SSC Sulphide Stress Cracking
Equipment SSD Sliding Side Door
SSD Shared Services Drilling
HSE SSOW Safe System of Work
SSR Subsea Release
Equipment SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve
Equipment SSTT Sub Surface Test Tree
Logging SSTV Subsea Television
ST Side Track
Value ST Surface Temperature
HSE START See Think Act Reinforce Track
Equipment STDS Stands
STEL Short-term Exposure Limit
Slang STFU Shut the F Up
HSE STOP Safety Training Observation Program (Du Pont)
STP Site Technical Practices
SW Salt Water
SW Sea Water
SWF Shallow Water Flow
SWIFN Secure well in for night
HSE SWL Safe Weight Limit
HSE SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
Unit sx, -s sack, -s
TAS Texas Atmospheric System
Equipment Tbg Tubing
Slang TBT That Blue Thing
Admin. TCM Technical Committee Meeting
TCM Telemetry Communications Module
TCM Total Cost Management
TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforation
Value TD Total Depth
TDAS Tubular Design and Analysis System
Equipment TDF Time Delay Firinghead
Equipment TDS Top Drive System
TFA Total Flow Area
TG Trip Gas
Slang TGIF Thank God it's Friday
Value THP Tubing Head Pressure
TIH Trip in Hole
Slang TII This is Indonesia
Admin. TIW Texas Iron Works
TJ Telescopic Joint
TL Technical Limit
Position TL Team Leader
Slang TLA Three Letter Acronyms
TM Test Margin
Logging TNP Thermal Neutron Porosity
Value TOC Top of Cement
Value TOF Top of Fish
HSE TOFS Time out for safety
Value TOL Top of Liner
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Type Shortcut Description
Value TOS Top of Sand
Position TP Toolpusher
TR Tensile Rating
HSE TRA Total Recorded Accidents
HSE TRA Task Risk Assesment
HSE TRCF Total Recordable Case Frequency
HSE TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate
Admin. TSF Transocean Sedco Forex (rig contractor)
TSFP Task Specific Think Plan
TTRD Through-tubing Rotary Drilling
TV Towing Vessel
HSE TVAR Total Vehicle Accident Rate
TVD True Vertical Depth
TWA Time Weighted Average
Equipment TWCV Two Way Check Valve (test and barrier tool when removing BOP)
UB Under Balanced
UBD Under Balanced Drilling
Equipment UBHO Universal Bottom Hole Orientation (Sub)
Equipment UCK Upper Choke and Kill Lines
Slang UFB Unfinished Business
Logging UHR Ultra High Resolution
Admin. UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf
ULT Universal Lifting Toool
UNC Unified Coarse (Threadform)
UOM Unit of Measurement
Equipment UPR Upper Pipe Rams
Equipment UPT Universal Pulling Tool
Equipment UR Under Reamer
UT Ultrasonic Testing
UTA Upper Tawun Reservoir
Admin. UTG Upstream Technology Group
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (global coordinate system)
Value UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength
VBR Variable Bore Ram
VCI Vapour Cloud Inhibitor
Logging VDL Variable Density Log
VIV Vortex-induced Vibration
Equipment VJB Venturi Junk Basket
VME Von Mises Equivalent
Position VP Vice President
VRP Valve Removal Plug
w/ with
w/o without
Admin. WARG Well Activity Reporting Guidelines
WBM Water Based Mud
HSE WCC Work Control Certificate
Admin. WCF Well Control Form
WD Water Depth
Admin. WDP0 Well Data Pack 0 (information for notional wells)
Admin. WDP1 Well Data Pack 1 (complete information for well planning)
Admin. WEF Well Engineering Forum
Value WHP Wellhead Pressure
WHT Well Head Tower
Admin. WID Well Initiation Document
HSE WIG Well Incident Group
Position WL Wellsite Leader
Position WM Well Manager
WO Workover
Value WOB Weight on Bit
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Type Shortcut Description
WOC Waiting on Cement
WOC Water Oil Contact
WOO Waiting on Orders
WOW Waiting on Weather
Contract WP&B Work Plan and Budget
Position WSE Well Site Engineer
Position WSL Well Site Leader
Value WT Wall Thickness
WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant
Equipment X/O Crossover
Value YP Yield Point
Value YS Yield Strength
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