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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Cognitive Science Psychology Doctoral School


PhD Thesis
Blint Forgcs

Professor Csaba Plh

Budapest, 2014
Table of contents
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 4
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 5
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 6
Notation ......................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 8
2 The psycholinguistics of metaphors ....................................................................... 9
2.1 Linguistic and conceptual interpretations ..................................................... 9
2.2 On-line metaphor processing ...................................................................... 11
3 Right hemispherical language: figuratively strong ............................................ 13
3.1 Lateralization and metaphor ....................................................................... 14
3.2 Novelty: salience, coarse coding, & difficulty ............................................ 15
3.3 Sentence complexity, context, & pragmatics ............................................... 20
3.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 22
4 The science of metaphors: an alternative account ............................................. 23
4.1 Semantics of category assertions ................................................................ 23
4.2 Inverse containment .................................................................................... 26
4.3 Abstract substitution .................................................................................... 29
4.4 The neuroscience of abstractness ................................................................ 32
4.5 The lateralization of relevance .................................................................... 35
4.6 The use of metaphor .................................................................................... 38
5 The metaphors of cognitive science ..................................................................... 39
5.1 Metaphors of the mind ................................................................................. 40
5.2 Brains mapped on the brain ........................................................................ 43
5.3 Unresolvable debates of cognition .............................................................. 46
5.4 Systems of domains ...................................................................................... 47
6 Thesis points ........................................................................................................... 52
6.1 Thesis point I ............................................................................................... 52
6.2 Thesis point II .............................................................................................. 52
6.3 Thesis point III ............................................................................................. 53
6.4 Thesis point IV ............................................................................................. 53
7 Studies .................................................................................................................... 55
7.1 Study 1: Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal
and figurative noun noun compound words ....................................... 55
7.2 Study 2: Lateralized processing of novel metaphors: disentangling
figurativeness and novelty .................................................................. 67
7.3 Study 3: Verbal metacommunication Why a metaphorical mapping can be
relevant? ............................................................................................ 77
7.4 Study 4: The right hemisphere of cognitive science .................................... 91
References ................................................................................................................. 105

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor Csaba Plh.
He has not only been encouraging me to follow my intuitions freely, and develop
ideas into scientific hypotheses long before I became his PhD student, but also
showed, in his inspiring manner, and as a friend, how exciting experimental research
can be. The long discussions and his inexhaustible knowledge provided me with
invaluable foundations in psycholinguists and experimental psychology. Professor
Arthur M. Jacobs welcomed me in Berlin with friendliness and put his trust in me
from the first day to carry out truly cutting edge research together. He never rested
sharing his inspiring knowledge of the cognitive neuroscience of language and
importantly also his wit. Life might be a journey, but my journey to Berlin was
especially lively, productive and much joy. I would also like to thank Dr. gnes
Lukcs for the much help and endless patience with my never ending questions. I
have learned from her how scientific and methodological scrutiny can turn into an
intellectual roller coaster fuelled by humor. Professor Gyrgy Brdos spotted and
nurtured the first seeds of the thoughts that later developed into the present work, and
am truly thankful for his guidance and his inspiring encouragement. During my visit
to UCSD Professor Marta Kutas hosted me in her lab with extraordinary generosity. I
am truly grateful to all the amazing, helpful people I met there for the sunny and
productive times. Finally, last but not least, I would like to thank all those who helped
me throughout my doctoral studies, from small comments to profound suggestions.
In the past two decades the cognitive neuroscience of language processing has been
expanding at an unprecedented pace, for a large part thanks to novel brain imaging
technologies. Even though metaphors are highly frequent in everyday language and
crucial in scientific reasoning, processing models and experimental results are
inconsistent. Profound questions are still open such as the role of the right hemisphere
in their comprehension, or whether there is a dedicated neural substrate for figures of
speech. The experimental part of the present work attempts to resolve some of the
contradictions by controlling the numerous variables suspected to pose a processing
load on the right hemisphere, such as the effects of novelty, sentential context,
imageability, and emotional valence and arousal. According to the results metaphors
levy classical left hemispheric language areas, and require no specialized
computations. Studies showing right hemispherical involvement could have observed
poetic and/or contextual effects. In the second part, I propose a metaphor
comprehension model based on abstract conceptual substitution, with an attempt to
integrate the semantic and pragmatic aspects of metaphor processing. The extra
cognitive effort necessary for metaphor comprehension is discussed in a relevance
theory based framework, where I suggest two key pragmatic roles for metaphors: (1)
covering up meaning in socially risky situations by letting the hearer make inferences,
hence making meaning negotiable; and (2) highlighting meaning by creating
analogies and mappings utilizing their expressive power. Finally, in a neural model of
scientific endeavor, the cognitive dispositions (e.g., hemispheric preferences) of
researchers are proposed to translate into various schools of scientific research
programs via inventive metaphors. Thought-as-language might be preferred over
thought-as-vision, or vice versa, by researchers whose personal brain architecture
favors one work method over the other. In conclusion I suggest that instead of trying
to resolve the ever debates of cognition between competing approaches, they could be
reinterpreted as products of the human mind, and could be integrated into a unified
epistemological system.

Keywords: metaphor, cognitive neuroscience, right hemisphere, pragmatics, abstract-
concrete, history of science
BAIS bilateral activation, integration, and selection model
BOLD blood-oxygen-level-dependent
CSC coarse semantic coding theory
DVF divided visual field paradigm
EEG electroencephalography
ERP event-related potential
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
GNW Global Neuronal Workspace model
GSH graded salience hypothesis
LH left hemisphere
LHD left hemisphere damage
LIFG left inferior frontal gyrus
MEP motor-evoked potential
ms milliseconds
PARLO production affects reception in left only model
PET positron emission tomography
RH right hemisphere
RHD right hemisphere damage
TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation

The notation follows conventions that are widely adhered to in cognitive science
(cf. Fodor, 2008).

SMALL CAPITALS: Names of concepts (the word dog expresses the concept DOG).

Italics: Semantic values construed broadly to include meanings, senses, referents and
the like (the word cat refers to cats; the word cat means cat; the word cat
expresses the property of being a cat).

Single quotes: Expressions that are mentioned rather than used (the word dog
applies to dogs).

Double quotes: Quotes of ideas from specific authors.

1 Introduction
Metaphorical language has been enthralling scholars of various eras and
disciplines, however their nature has been mostly an enigma. Intriguingly, its
workings seem to stretch the relationship between the signifier and the signified.
Some authors, like Fnagy (1999), suggested that metaphors contradict one of the
basic ideas of Saussure, the linearity of linguistic expression. The Fregean tradition of
compositionality the basis is modern logical semantics, suggesting that meaning can
be derived from the meaning of constituents plus compositional rules is also
challenged by the broad interpretability of metaphorical expressions. On the other
hand, such a linguistic ambiguity can have a crucial role in communication. For
example, indirect speech creates a situation where delicate social situations (sexual
offers, bribing, etc.) can be negotiated under the veil of the two possible alternative
meanings (Pinker, Nowak, & Lee, 2008).
Other authors, like Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson (2008), question the
status of metaphors as independent linguistic entities, and suggest that they are not
more than examples of the general phenomena of broadening meaning. They consider
the literal-figurative distinction unnecessary. Many computational linguists,
expressing a criticism of a more syntactic nature, agree. Such a distinction might not
be a useful one to explore the inner organization of language from a frequency and
usage based perspective, where meaning is carried at most in the structural
relations of language.
The above concerns highlight that metaphors could seem marginal from the
perspectives of both pragmatics and syntactics of language, and might be primarily
relevant at a semantic level. This matter of scope could be one of the reasons why
metaphors became recently a central issue in cognitive linguistics that has moved
away from syntax (and generative grammar) towards semantics (via construction
grammars). The relevance of classical left hemispherical language areas has been
brought into question as well, when concepts were proposed to require some kind of
perceptual, embodied processing (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999). As a consequence,
linking metaphor comprehension to right hemisphere language functions has stirred
much enthusiasm. Such results fueled the assumption that metaphors require extra
linguistic processing outside of classical left hemispherical language areas. However,
experiments delivered many more questions than answers so far.
Studying the neural underpinnings of figurative meaning is crucial not only to
the better understanding of everyday communication, but also to scientific language.
Metaphors might play a central role in establishing novel models and analogies; they
can influence generations of researchers, create rival scientific schools, and foster
traditions of knowledge transfer. As Mithen (1996) emphasized, metaphors might
have been a crucial tool for the cross talk between domains of intelligence during the
genesis of the modern human mind. Accordingly the cognitive neuroscience of
metaphors could be highly informative regarding the nature of mappings across
knowledge domains, from scientific to everyday contexts.
2 The psycholinguistics of metaphors
2.1 Linguistic and conceptual interpretations
The idea that metaphors constitute an independent linguistic category
originates from Aristotles Poetics (335BC / 1952). He described them as ornaments
of language that sign talent, since they tell about the recognition of similarities among
things in the world. In all four types of metaphors a word stands instead of another
one (Aristotle, 335 BC / 1952): Metaphor consists in giving the thing a name that
belongs to something else; the transference being either from genius to species, or
from species to genus, or from species to species, or on grounds of analogy. The
most eloquent metaphors are based on analogies, for example, old age : life =
evening : day, therefore evening may be called the old age of the day. In other words,
such figures of language derive their meaning from the analogies and comparisons
lurking in the background.
Aristotles (322 BC / 1952) comparison account was not challenged seriously
for two millennia. Bral (1898/1900) raised the idea that metaphor is not merely a
rhetorical and poetic device, but a widely used, general phenomenon, and one of the
most important instruments of linguistic change. Also viewing metaphor as an
omnipresent principle of language Richards (1936/1965) proposed that it is not simply
a substitution of a word with another one, but there is interplay between the meanings
of the two constituents. For example in the expression Odysseus is a lion the tenor,
Odysseus, is the underlying idea or the subject, to which the vehicle lion
metaphorically refers to, and lends some of its attributes. During a comparison,
overlapping features emerge, constituting the ground of the metaphor. It was Black
(1962) who suggested that the ground is established on a conceptual level, not
between words, and figurative meaning is a result of an interaction, not a comparison.
This has been a clear break away from Aristotle, establishing the theoretical direction
of the interactionists.
Lakoff and Johnsons (1980a) cognitive metaphor theory transformed the field
profoundly. On the one hand, there was a culminating dissatisfaction with models
proposing the primacy of literal language, and the ensuing truth-value analysis. On the
other hand, there was an emerging desire to integrate language and cognition in a
comprehensive framework. By bringing the literal-metaphorical boundary into
question, Lakoff and Johnson have not only reframed the relationship between
language and categorization (Lakoff, 1987). They claimed that their embodied
cognition framework challenges Western philosophys classical mind-body distinction
as well (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999), although, it worth to note that, to a large extent, it
is a neo-empiricist rephrasing of the romantic ideas of a Western thinker, Giambattista
Vico (Nuessel, 2006).
According to model of Lakoff and Johnson (1980a, 1999) not single concepts,
but conceptual domains are referenced to each other via systematic mappings (which
was considered to be a feat of world view metaphors and the like in classical stylistic
theory). For example, everyday expressions, such as his reasoning fell apart or the
hypothesis had no foundation or the model constituted of strong building blocks,
can be grouped together under the same conceptual metaphor THEORIES ARE
BUILDINGS. The source domain (BUILDING), that is more concrete and relatively
straightforward to imagine, is mapped onto the more abstract and less easy to
conceptualize target domain (THEORY). Mappings are thought to be asymmetrical,
with BUILDINGS lending some of their properties to THEORIES, but not the other way
around. Since mappings are always partial it is a matter of analysis to determine
which elements of the source domain are mapped onto which elements of the target
domain (Kvecses, 2005).
Vastly extending their theory Lakoff and Johnson (1980b) proposed that even
the conceptual system is organized in a metaphorical manner, and that abstract
concepts acquire an inner structure and meaning only via mappings. The large
proportion of metaphors involving domains referring to bodily functions gave birth to
the idea of embodied cognition that suggests that physical experiences (and their
neural substantiations) serve as the basis of all cognition. Distinguishing between the
mind and the body is not meaningful, they argue, since there is only one unified,
embodied system (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999). Conceptual metaphors can be divided
into complex and primary metaphors. The latter are suggested to be mappings
grounded in physical experience (e.g., the expression warm smile is routed in the
childhood contingency between physical warmth and a kind smile), which combine
into complex conglomerates not referring to bodily experiences directly. For example
the complex metaphor THEORIES ARE BUILDINGS is a compound of the primary
(Grady, 1997).
However, it is not entirely clear as to whether conceptual structure is an
inherent property of every individual physical experience, or it is an independent
dimension. Advocates of the strong version of embodiment would probably pick the
former, however Gentners (1983) structure mapping theory offers the latter
alternative. Perhaps distantly inspired by Aristotle, it draws on the intimate
relationship between analogies and metaphors. Instead of the mappings between
elements, it emphasizes the transfer of complete relational structures between
knowledge domains. As a result, the distinction between similes and metaphors is
slightly diminished, since they both involve lending, although different kinds of, inner
relational systems.
Cognitive metaphor theory has received much criticism (Fnagy, 1999;
Jackendoff & Aaron, 1991; Murphy, 1996, 1997), inter alia because it did not perform
well in the description of the conceptual system or figurative language either
(McGlone, 2007). It does not attempt to give an explanation of why mappings are
partial, why those specific elements are transferred and not others, why one source
domain can be mapped to several different target domains and one target domain can
have several source domains structuring it, and exactly what processing steps and
what specific neural networks instantiate them. At the same time, only a small
proportion of the numerous metaphor theories (for reviews see Fnagy, 1999; Nuessel,
2006) try to give an exact account of linguistic processing.

2.2 On-line metaphor processing
According to the classical comparison theory (Aristotle, 322 BC / 1952)
metaphors of the X is a Y formula (Odysseus is a lion.) are literally false
categorization statements that need to be transformed into X is like a Y comparison
statements (Odysseus is like a lion.). They were considered to be denotative
violations, describing things in a manner that is not true. As a consequence they
require sequential processing, since they can be comprehended only after a
transformation into literally true comparisons (Grice, 1975; Searle, 1979). In terms of
truth-value, the literal and the metaphorical interpretations are mutually exclusive,
because it cannot be true that Odysseus is like a lion, if Odysseus is a lion in fact. This
necessitates the refusal of the first literally false categorical interpretation, and the
acceptance of the comparison (Keysar, 1989).
Despite the theoretical considerations, reading time experiments could not
confirm the differences between literal and metaphorical sentences, which would be a
direct consequence of serial processing (Inhoff, Lima, & Carroll, 1984; Ortony,
Schallert, Reynolds, & Antos, 1978). Moreover, if a proposition can be true both
literally and metaphorically, sentence comprehension takes less time when both
meanings are available (e.g., Simon is a magician both in terms of his profession
and his financial talent), compared to when only one meaning is active (Keysar, 1989).
Therefore, it does not seem to be necessary to discard the literal meaning in order to
arrive at the metaphorical one, which seems to be automatically available (Glucksberg,
Gildea, & Bookin, 1982).
Based on such findings Glucksberg and Keysar (1990) proposed a parallel
processing model, where it is not necessary to transform the proposition into a
comparison, but it can be understood directly as a categorization. In their view the
metaphorical term refers to a whole ad hoc category, and labels it as a prototypical
category member. For example, Simon would be a magician in the figurative,
financial sense, if he were placed in the ad hoc category EFFECTIVE IN A TRICKY WAY,
labeled by its most prototypical member, magician. Proponents of the parallel
processing view showed experimentally that metaphors (or similes) are not processed
like literal comparisons, but like category assertions (Glucksberg, McGlone, &
Manfredi, 1997), and that comprehending a metaphor involves highlighting specific
relevant, and suppressing irrelevant features (Gernsbacher, Keysar, Robertson, &
Werner, 2001; Glucksberg, Newsome, & Goldvarg, 2001). It is important to note that
even though both senses are accessed parallel, interpretation depends strongly on
context (Gibbs, 1994).
Bowdle & Gentners (2005) in their career of metaphor hypothesis attempt to
integrate the comparison and categorization perspectives. Novel metaphors do require
a transformation into a simile and a comparison in order to allow for the matching of
the conceptual domains and, to establish the structure of systematic mappings.
Eventually, as a result of extensive use and gradual conventionalization, novel
metaphors become familiar, and a mere categorization is sufficient. During the course
of familiarization the source domains acquires a secondary, abstract sense that can be
used as a category. Even though proponents of the category assertion view repeatedly
showed that their model can provide better explanation of experimental findings
(McGlone & Manfredi, 2001; Pierce & Chiappe, 2009), the debate has not been
settled yet.
Experimental work on metaphor comprehension has been growing steadily,
but results or often inconclusive, and many further questions concerning processing
steps and neural underpinnings are still open. The development of novel experimental
techniques has transformed the field of metaphor research as well. Since reading time
differences are not always informative of underlying processes, the emphasis has
moved towards neuroscience. In the following section I am going to provide a critical
review of the currently available studies on metaphor research. The two main
questions in the field have been the right cerebral hemispheres role, and the
processing steps specific to metaphor comprehension.
3 Right hemispherical language: figuratively strong
Following the discovery of speech related brain areas in the left hemisphere
(LH) during the course of the 19
century (Broca, 1861; Wernicke, 1874), language
comprehension and production seemed to be under the control of the LH (Geschwind,
1970; Luria, 1970), and the right hemisphere (RH) has been often referred to as the
mute hemisphere (e.g., Sperry, 1985). Undoubtedly, the likelihood of an abiding
aphasia is much higher following left hemisphere damage (LHD) than right
hemisphere damage (RHD). According to classical clinical language test batteries
speech comprehension seemed intact after RHD, and complaints of altered language
skills by RHD patients and their relatives seemed unfounded.
Today, however, the RH seems to be involved in a wide variety of language
functions (e.g., Van Lancker Sidtis, 2006). According to a comprehensive meta-
analysis, it is sensitive to contextual effects (Vigneau et al., 2011), and it appears to be
essential in tasks involving communicational pragmatics (Plh, 2000; Van Lancker,
1997), such as understanding indirect requests (Brownell & Stringfellow, 1999; Foldi,
1987; Stemmer, Giroux, & Joanette, 1994; Weylman, Brownell, Roman, & Gardner,
1989), jokes (Bihrle, Brownell & Gardner, 1986; Brownell, Michel, Powelson, &
Gardner, 1983; Coulson & Williams, 2005; Coulson & Wu, 2005; Marinkovic et al.,
2011; Shammi & Stuss, 1999), irony (Eviatar & Just, 2006) and sarcasm (Kaplan,
Brownell, Jacobs, & Gardner, 1990), or resolving lexical ambiguity (Burgess &
Simpson, 1988; Faust & Chiarello, 1998). Metaphors, posing unique linguistic
demands, also have been proposed to be processed by the RH.

3.1 Lateralization and metaphor
Metaphorical expressions were among the first materials that shed light on the
RHs linguistic competencies. In their pioneering experiment Winner and Gardner
(1977) asked LHD and RHD patients to choose one out of four pictures that fits best a
given metaphorical expression and also explain their choice afterwards. For
example the expression He has a heavy heart was accompanied by four images: a
crying person (figurative sense), a person carrying a huge heart in his hands (literal
sense), a huge weight (referring to the adjective), and a red heart (referring to the
noun). RHD patients chose more literal depictions, while LHD patients more
figurative ones, just as the healthy control group. Intriguingly, LHD patients later
gave more literal, while RHD patients more figurative explanations, despite their
previous choice. Their primary results were later replicated in a similar picture
naming task (Kempler, Van Lancker, Merchman, & Bates, 1999), and in an
experiment where the patients visuo-spatial deficits were controlled for, ensuring that
it did not interact with the finding (Rinaldi, Marangolo, & Baldassari, 2004).
RHD patients impairment in metaphor comprehension was observed in purely
linguistic tasks as well. When choosing the two most similar out of three presented
words (straight, honest, ruler) LHD patients chose the metaphorically related
(honest), but RHD patients picked the literally related word (ruler) more often
(Brownell, Simpson, Bihrle, Potter, & Gardner, 1990). Researchers later turned
towards other factors that could interact with figurative language processing, such as
novelty. Van Lancker and Kemplers (1987) experiment found that RHD patients
experienced difficulties with familiar idioms, while LHD patients had problems with
novel literal expressions. Eventually, cumulating neuropsychological evidence led to
the RH theory of metaphor. Proponents of the theory suggest that an intact RH is
necessary to understand figures of speech, and that specifically it is involved in
computations related to metaphorical language.
Advances in neuroimaging enabled the study of the neural correlates of
language comprehension in healthy individuals with no brain injury. A ground
breaking PET experiment by Bottini et al. (1994) found the RH taking part in
processing figures of speech in healthy individuals. They presented their participants
sentences containing metaphors, literal expressions, and (orthographically plausible)
non-words. Metaphors were novel in order to avoid observing the automatic
processing of fixed formulae. During a lexical decision task (whether the sentence
contained a non-word) all correct sentences were processed by the LH; when
contrasting literal sentences with metaphorical ones, a RH advantage was evident in
prefrontal regions, middle temporal gyrus, and precuneus. Their results later were
confirmed by several divided visual field (DVF) studies (Anaki, Faust, & Kravetz,
1998; Faust, Ben-Artzi, & Harel, 2008; Faust & Mashal, 2007; Mashal, & Faust, 2008;
Schmidt, DeBuse, & Seger, 2007), and neuroscience experiments involving fMRI,
TMS, and EEG source localization (Ahrens et al., 2007; Arzouan, Goldstein, & Faust,
2007; Diaz, Barrett, & Hogstrom, 2011; Mashal, Faust, & Hendler, 2005; Mashal,
Faust, Hendler, & Jung-Beeman 2007; Pobric, Mashal, Faust, & Lavidor, 2008;
Sotillo et al., 2005; Stringaris et al., 2006; Yang, Edens, Simpson, & Krawczyk, 2009).
At the same time, several groups were unable to show RH advantage (Chen,
Widick, & Chatterjee, 2008; Eviatar & Just, 2006; Faust & Weisper, 2000; Kacinik &
Chiarello, 2007; Lee & Dapretto, 2006; Mashal & Faust, 2010; Mashal, Faust,
Hendler, & Jung-Beeman, 2009; Rapp, Leube, Erb, Grodd, & Kircher, 2004, 2007;
Stringaris, Medford, Giampietro, Brammer, & David, 2007), and some have been
arguing for bilateral processes (Coulson & Van Petten, 2007; Schimdt & Seger, 2009).
Taken together, new data sometimes supported, sometimes challenged the RH
metaphor theory. Experiments nevertheless strongly hinted that the RHs sensitivity to
linguistic materials is in fact not specific to figurativeness, and it is influenced by a
variety of factors.

3.2 Novelty: salience, coarse coding, & difficulty
In general, RH metaphor processing has not been attributed to its affinity for
figurative language per se, but to its sensitivity to novel, unusual, and unfamiliar
meaning (Chiarello, 1991; Beeman, 1998; Giora, 2003; St. George, Kutas, Martinez,
& Sereno, 1999). One highly influential theory is the graded salience hypothesis
(GSH) (Giora, 1997, 2003). Instead of a figurative-literal division of labor between
the cerebral hemispheres, this framework proposes that the LH codes highly salient
meanings, and the RH codes non-salient meanings. Saliency depends on a number of
semantic factors, such as being coded in the mental lexicon, conventionality,
frequency, familiarity and prototypicality. Conventional metaphors have a highly
salient figurative meaning, and as a result are processed by the LH (tie the knot). In
turn, the literal sense of idioms (tie the knot rope) is low in saliency and is
processed by the RH, as shown by an fMRI study (Mashal, Faust, Hendler, & Jung-
Beeman, 2008). In the case of novel metaphors the non-salient figurative meaning is
comprehended only after the refusal of the highly salient (literal) meaning, and this
kind of serial processing is reflected in slower comprehension (Giora, 1997, 1999;
Giora & Fein, 1999). This hypothesis gained much popularity, but cannot account for
some experimental results, such as the one by Blasko and Connine (1993), who found
that only mildly apt novel metaphors are processed serially, and figurative meaning is
available promptly (and parallel) for highly apt novel metaphors.
Another highly influential framework is Beemans (1998; Beeman et al., 1994;
Jung-Beeman, 2005) coarse semantic coding theory (CSC), predicting lateralized
language comprehension differences based on neural organization. The asymmetric
architecture of the microcircuitry of the hemispheres yields narrow semantic fields in
the LH that code information in a fine grained manner and quickly reach a specific
solution. The RH has broader semantic fields that code in a coarse manner and as a
result activates a broad array of distant associates. In other words, regardless of
figurativeness the RH is expected to process new, unusual expressions, and the LH to
process conventional ones, such as idioms.
An improved version of CSC theory is the Bilateral Activation, Integration,
and Selection (BAIS) model (Jung-Beeman, 2005). Jung-Beeman proposes that three
semantic systems in both hemispheres that work together in a precisely coordinated
and highly interactive manner. Posterior middle and superior temporal gyri activate,
lower frontal gyrus selects, and anterior middle and superior temporal gyri integrate
semantic information bilaterally according to the linguistic demands at hand. Fine
coding by close linkages in the LH leads rapid to solutions with sharp contours, while
diverse and distant connections in the RH enable a wider range of possible solutions
in all three subsystems. In other words, regardless of figurativeness new, unusual
expressions fall under the authority of the RH, whereas conventional terms under the
Contrary to the GSH it is not the whole expressions salience (its frequency,
codedness, familiarity, etc.) that determines hemispheric processing, but the extent to
which the constituents semantic fields overlap. The semantic field of a word is
consisted of its semantic features and its associates. Words that are category members,
but not associated (e.g., arm-nose) activate the RHs systems that have a special
sensitivity to category relatedness. Words that are category members and associated
(e.g., arm-leg) activate the LHs systems because they have more overlapping
semantic features (Chiarello, Burgess, Richards, & Pollock, 1990). Thus, in case
constituents of expressions are not category members their semantic feature overlap
seem to be mainly driven by associations.
Although both the GSH and the CSC predict RH processing for novel
expressions (having no salient meaning, and being not associated), even frequent
expressions with not associated constituents can evoke RH activations. When
researchers compared familiar noun noun phrases (e.g., lake house) with their
unfamiliar reversals (e.g., house lake) in an fMRI study, they observed activations at
the right temporoparietal junction (Graves, Binder, Desai, Conant, & Seidenberg,
2010). The phrases used in the experiment might not be coded in the mental lexicon,
but their overall saliency should be still relatively high, meaning that it is possible to
disentangle the two theories, what is going to be crucial for Thesis point I.
In case it is solely novelty that matters when it comes to lateralized language
processing, novel literal language also should be processed by the RH. However, for
the time being, there is only one study that explored novel literal language with regard
to hemispheric processing. In an experiment combining the DVF and event-related
potential (ERP) technique, Davenport & Coulson (2013) compared novel literal
sentences (so called literal mapping condition: At one time, this movie house was a
cathedral.) and conventional literal sentences (last word used in a conventional
meaning: It scared him to be alone in the cathedral.) that were matched for cloze
probability. Cloze probability is a measure of the probability of the sentence final
word appearing in the given context. It has been observed that it strongly influences
the amplitude of the N400 (Kutas & Hillyard, 1984), a negative going brain wave
peaking around 400 milliseconds (ms), associated with semantic comprehension and
memory retrieval (Kutas & Hillyard, 1980; Kutas & Federmeier, 2011). They found a
late right lateralized frontal positivity for novels, and a temporal processing pattern
that fitted the GSH better than the CSC. However the results were complicated by an
apparent greater ease of processing of novels in the LH, indicated by a reduced N400,
that contradicts the GSH.
Moreover, novelty does not seem to be processed identically across literal and
metaphorical language. In an ERP study Coulson and Van Petten (2002) compared
high- and low-cloze literal with matched low-cloze (novel) metaphorical sentences.
They found that the observed late positivity had an anterior focus for novel literals,
but a posterior focus for novel metaphors. This suggests that literal and figurative
language is processed differently in some respect. Later, Coulson and Van Petten
(2007) used the same stimulus material in a DVF version of their ERP experiment,
and found larger N400s for novel metaphors, indicating a greater processing effort,
but did not register significant hemispheric differences. Only a handful of other
studies attempted to compare novel metaphorical and novel literal language, but they
yielded rather contradictory results. In a DVF experiment Schmidt, DeBuse, and
Seger (2007) used the stimulus material from the study of Bottini et al. (1994)
including novel literal (The boy used a plastic bag as a rain hat) and novel
metaphorical sentences (The close friends were a bag of toffees), and extended them
with conventional literal sentences (The childrens shoes were covered in dirt).
Although the authors claimed that all novel sentences, but not the conventional ones,
evoked a RH processing advantage, their results are dubious, as they have found no
interaction between conditions and hemispheric presentation. Diaz, Barrett and
Hogstrom (2011) presented familiar (i.e. conventional) and novel, both metaphorical
and literal sentences in an fMRI study. In grouped contrasts novel expressions (literal
and metaphorical together) relative to familiars activated RH regions; and
metaphorical sentences (familiar and novel together) relative to literal ones activated
also the RH. Yet, the results are not uncontroversial, since relative to familiar literals,
novel literals elicited left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) activations, and novel
metaphors did not differ from them. The latter finding contradicts both the GSH and
the CSC. These experiments hint that novel metaphors might not be processed
identically with novel literal expressions, perhaps including the matter of
lateralization, but results are inconclusive.
One possible explanation is that novelty is a demanding linguistic dimension;
some researchers even suggested that the RH joins language processing once LH
resources are not sufficient for comprehension because of difficulty (e.g., Bookheimer,
2002). Based on ERP measurements some groups also found a gradual processing
demand: novel metaphors require more effort than conventional metaphors that in turn
require more than literal expressions (Arzouan et al., 2007; Lai, Curran, & Menn,
2009). An fMRI experiment involving novel metaphors concluded that RH activity
increase is more of a function of the specific task at hand and its difficulty than
figurativeness per se conventional and even novel metaphors evoked activations
primarily in the LH (Yang et al., 2009). RH metaphor processing has been linked to
difficulty in brain-damaged patients as well (Monetta, Ouellet-Plamondon, & Joanette,
2004). In order to clarify the interplay between figurativeness, familiarity, and
difficulty, the fMRI experiment of Schmidt and Seger (2009) compared literal
sentences (The computers at my house are new) with easy familiar metaphors
(Freedom is a breath of fresh air), easy unfamiliar metaphors (A shadow is a piece
of night), and difficult unfamiliar metaphors (A smile is an ambassador). This
manipulation enabled the comparison based on conditions, not merely on task.
Difficult unfamiliar metaphors relative to easy unfamiliars activated the LIFG and
right middle frontal gyrus areas in both hemispheres. Although all unfamiliar
metaphors elicited stronger BOLD signal change in the right inusla, this area was
activated by every metaphor. Additionally, familiar metaphors activated the right
middle frontal gyrus and the right inferior frontal gyrus, whereas they were expected
to tax primarily LH areas. Taken together, neither difficulty evoked only RH, nor
familiarity only LH activations, and predictions based on these factors were not
strongly supported.
In a highly relevant study Cardillo, Watson, Schmidt, Kranjec, & Chatterjee,
(2012) investigated the process of familiarization. They presented their participants
novel metaphors repeatedly in an fMRI study. As a consequence, the expressions
gradually became familiar, but interestingly activity decreased in the left posterior
middle temporal gyrus and bilateral inferior frontal gyrus. Even though everyday
conventionalization probably takes many more encounters in natural language, LH
areas seemed to be more involved in processing the novelty of unfamiliar metaphors.
In conclusion, understanding novel metaphors seems to be influenced by a
number of semantic variables, and its mechanisms have repeatedly proved to be
challenging to tackle. Novel metaphors might not be processed identically with novel
literals, what contradicts the GSH and the CSC theories. However, the BAIS could
provide an explanation given that there are various subtasks that are carried out by the
two cerebral hemispheres in an unpredicted pattern. Difficulty cannot be excluded to
play a role in RH activations, but results are not decisive. Paradoxically,
familiarization might depend on bilateral and LH regions, irrespective of overall
novelty. Further experiments seem inevitable, but an additional option is to try to find
patterns in existing data. For example a recent meta-analysis of imaging studies on
figurative language by Bohrn, Altmann, & Jacobs (2012), metaphors in general,
relative to literal expressions, activated left frontotemporal regions, but when only
novel metaphors were contrasted with conventional ones, significant clusters emerged
in the RH. This is an important finding because it supports the stance that RH
processing advantage is not related to figurativeness, but to novelty, and confirms the
GSH and the CSC theories as well.

3.3 Sentence complexity, context, & pragmatics
There are a number of linguistic variables that also can influence hemispheric
processing, such as sentential, contextual, and pragmatic processing. Surprisingly
certain studies were not able to show RH effects even with novel metaphors (Mashal
& Faust, 2010; Mashal et al., 2009; Shibata, Abe, Terao, & Miyamoto, 2007), or even
found LH priming (Faust & Weisper, 2000). One possible explanation is that sentence
processing generally taxes LH resources (for reviews see Chiarello, 2003; Faust,
1998), what might have overridden effects of novel figurative language (cf. Mashal et
al., 2009).
Another possibility is that sentence processing is a complex task not
lateralized exclusively to the LH, and RH level sentence processing masked metaphor
related RH effects. The Production Affects Reception in Left Only or PARLO model
(Federmeier, 2007) is based on the observation that the two hemispheres apply
qualitatively different strategies to deal with sentential information (Federmeier &
Kutas, 1999; Federmeier, Mai, & Kutas, 2005). As a result of its strong feedback
connections and a concomitant increased interactivity between processing levels, the
LH creates top-down expectancies to actively predict likely upcoming material, while
in the lack of such strong feedback the RH is integrating the already available material
into a comprehensive whole in a more bottom-up fashion. Therefore, higher sentence
predictability could enhance LH processes, and lower predictability RH processes.
Novel linguistic material probably requires bottom-up RH computations.
Measures of sentential predictability (and processing difficulty) such as cloze
probability or sentential constraint are rarely controlled for in experiments on figures
of speech. Cloze probability is the predictability of the last word of a sentence, based
on the preceding sentence context. Sentential constraint is high when a sentence has
one high probability completion, and it is low when it has several low probability
completions. Therefore there are two kinds of low-cloze sentences: 1) weakly
constrained sentences, and 2) strongly constrained sentence with a not preferred
ending. While cloze probability is influencing the N400 (Kutas & Hillyard, 1984),
sentential constraint the post-N400-positivity (Federmeier, Wlotko, Ochoa-Dewald, &
Kutas, 2007). When cloze probability was controlled for, studies combining the ERPs
with the DVF paradigm found no marked RH effects for metaphors, but bilateral
processing (Coulson & Van Petten, 2007; Kacinik & Chiarello, 2007). Thus, RH
effects could have been a result of sentence predictability in several experiments.
When RHs language functions are studied, communicational pragmatics and
context are key questions. Context can have effect at various levels on language
comprehension (Kutas, 2006). Sometimes context is referred to as minimally as a
prime word preceding a target word, but it could be problematic to draw a straight line
even between sentential and discourse effects. On the other hand linguistic
expressions longer than a single sentence require processing additional to syntax in
order to link sentences. Context in this latter sense is a good approximation of at least
one aspect of pragmatic processing: reading between the lines that allows inferring the
intended meaning across sentences. Not surprisingly, contextual understanding has
been also linked to RH processing (Ferstl, Neumann, Bogler, & von Cramon, 2008; St.
George, Kutas, Martinez, & Sereno, 1999; Vigneau et al., 2011; Xu, Kemeny, Park,
Frattali, & Braun, 2005). Priming effects were found only for congruent contexts in
the LH, but both for congruent and incongruent contexts in the RH (Faust & Chiarello
1998). In general the RH seems to be able to sustain a broader range of possible
interpretations, either in order to revise/repair interpretation (Chiarello, 1991), or in
order to integrate previous, or yet to come distant information during discourse, or
More importantly, contextual effects, in a broad sense, could have masked RH
metaphor effects in fMRI studies, where activations could have cancelled each other
across conditions, and/or could have tilted overall processing towards the RH in DVF
studies (e.g. Schmidt et al., 2007). The results of Diaz & Hogstroms (2011) fMRI
study point towards this interpretation, since they found that prime sentences
preceding metaphorical sentences exercised a stronger influence on the RH than
figurativeness by itself.
Pragmatics is the study of the use of language for communication not
specifically phonemes or grammar, but the way intended meaning is conveyed via
linguistic means, inference, world knowledge, and the discourse as a whole (Plh,
2000; Van Lancker, 1997). Although it is not entirely clear whether pragmatics is a
separate brain and/or knowledge domain, or whether it is decomposable into a number
of subdomains as Sperber and Wilson (2002) argue, it seem to tax RH and frontal
brain areas (Plh, 2000). Some of the tasks utilized in previous studies (e.g., in Mashal
et al., 2005, 2007: Silently decide whether words are metaphorically related) could
have posed subtle pragmatic demands. Metaphors in general are also likely to serve
pragmatic functions in natural language (which is going to be addressed in Thesis
point III). The above considerations raise the possibility that pragmatic aspects, not
semantic features evoked RH computations in at least some of the previous studies.

3.4 Conclusions
Based on the above considerations there seem to be two main issues in current
metaphor research. The first is the role of processing novelty/conventionality. One
kind of operationalization, leaning towards the GSH, is familiarity, a prominent
constituent of saliency. Note that even conventional metaphors can be novel for
children or second language learners, but usually it is taken for granted that
conventional expressions are familiar and novel expressions are not. Another way to
look at novelty is leaning towards CSC, conceptualizing it as a kind of semantic
distance based associative strength. Again, it is possible for some conventional
expressions to be constituted of distantly associated words, as it is in the case of noun
noun phrases (as in Graves et al., 2010) and also compound words. This unique
feature of compound words was utilized to contrast the GSH and CSC in the paper
related to Thesis point I. For example, conventional noun noun compound word
metaphors (e.g. chair-leg) require LH processing according to the GSH, because they
have a salient figurative meaning, but RH processing according to the CSC since the
constituents are not closely associated.
The second issue with metaphor processing is the great variety of linguistic
factors influencing RH processing. Both of the two studies related to Thesis points I
& II aimed at exploring hemispheric differences in metaphor comprehension, while
controlling for factors known to tax the RH. Expressions were presented without
context to eliminate the effects of sentential and/or contextual-pragmatic processing.
Previous research reporting RH advantage for metaphor production might have been
confounded with these and further factors including emotions (Ferstl, Rinck, & Von
Cramon, 2005; Schwartz, Davidson, & Maer, 1975) and visual imagery (Just,
Newman, Keller, McEleny & Carpenter, 2004). The first study looked at spatial
processing patterns using fMRI measurements, and the second at behavioral-temporal
processing in a DVF paradigm using an eye-tracker. The results suggest that when
potentially confounding factors are controlled for there is no evidence for RH
computations (in terms of BOLD signal change), or a RH processing advantage (in
terms of reaction times and response accuracy). Further on the comparable reaction
times for novel metaphors and novel literal point towards: (1) no processing difficulty
is evident for novel metaphors, and (2) dropping of an initial salient and/or literal
meaning of novel metaphors is not likely either.
4 The science of metaphors: an alternative account
4.1 Semantics of category assertions
Based on the results of the papers of Thesis points I & II metaphor
comprehension seem to involve computations beyond processing salience or
associatedness. Processing low salience does not seem to be a unique RH feat, and the
BAIS (Jung-Beeman, 2005) seem to better account for the findings. On the other hand,
metaphor comprehension needs higher level explanations than the BAIS offers.
Several models, including the cognitive metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980;
1999) do not seriously attempt to outline comprehension stages. Serial processing
(Grice, 1975; Searle, 1979) does not seem to be a valid account (Gibbs, 1994). Even
though the career of metaphor hypothesis (Bowdle & Genter, 2005) suggests that at
least novel metaphors are understood via serial processing, the results related to
Thesis point II do not support such a claim. Slow reaction times for novel metaphors
did not reflect a literal-figurative differentiation, since novel literals were processed
equally slow.
A further model specifying the comprehension of nominal metaphors,
proposes a semantic feature suppression and enhancement procedure. The category
assertion view or class-inclusion theory (Glucksberg 2003; Glucksberg, & Keysar,
1990) takes important steps towards flashing out the processing steps, however, there
are some serious theoretical concerns with this framework as well (cf. Gibbs, 1992).
Glucksbergs proposal is that parallel processing of figurative and literal senses
originates from the dual reference of metaphors. The expression my lawyer is a
shark contains the word shark that can refer simultaneously to a basic level of
abstraction, a marine creature (a subordinate category), and to a higher level of
abstraction, predatory creature in general (a superordinate category). Such ad hoc
categories, lacking a lexical entry or a specific name, can borrow one from their most
prototypical category member. Therefore the name shark would stand for the
category of predatory creatures instead of merely the concept SHARK. This account
suggests that in order to interpret metaphors accurately, features belonging to the
superordinate category that are relevant to the ground of the metaphor (cruel,
aggressive) have to be highlighted, while the inappropriate ones (swims well, has a
cartilaginous spine) have to be suppressed (Gernsbacher et al., 2001; Glucksberg, et
al., 2001).
However, the theory leaves some important questions open. First, it is not
clear why we need to create a whole novel category (predatory creature), once we
would like to make a reference to a specifically shark kind of predatory creature only?
The concern is: how come that the LAWYER is not in interaction with the rest of the
category members, such as a LYNX, or perhaps with category members also classified
recently as predatory creatures, for example the lawyers AUNT? Categories bring a
number of constraints with them, even if they are organized prototypically, which
have consequences not considered thoroughly by the theory. Conversely, the
extension (and/or explanation) of a metaphor usually does not follow a hypothetical
ad hoc category, but rather the metaphor vehicle itself broadening the figure into a
comparison or an analogy based on the concept SHARK (and not the category
predatory creatures, or its other members).
Secondly, it is not obvious why SHARK would be the prototypical category
member of predatory creatures. The prototypical exemplar of predators is most
probably a culturally and geographically varying construct but this metaphor works
in landlocked countries as well. If the question is reversed, namely what superordinate
category shark is prototypically exemplifying, it might be simply marine creature or
predator but these referents would not even be figurative senses. These
superordinate categories could be characterized by physical properties
(gills, hunting,
etc.), not relevant for the figurative meaning. Of course shark could be simply
exemplify a highly specific, yet ad hoc superordinate category of very aggressive,
cruel, vicious predatory creatures. In this case shark would not represent a real ad
hoc category, but would refer to a very narrow, very sharky novel category,
containing the relevant non-physical properties. This kind of categorization would
leave taxonomy behind for the sake of dispositions, but it is not clear what is the gain
or cognitive reality of such categories. Are not the very sharky properties simply
describing SHARKS? Why do we need a category of metaphorically very shark-like
things? Or only very vicious things?
And it leads to a third problem: which one of the several possible senses of
shark is going to be selected as the ground of the metaphor in various potential
contexts? As the categorization theory is not specifying why a certain categorization
is selected above another possible one, it fails to account for the different senses a
metaphor can have (e.g., That swimmer is a shark or Those drivers are sharks etc.).
Would this mean that in another context the word shark having a slightly different
sense becomes a prototypical member a slightly different category? Since a word can
appear in infinitely numerous contexts, this constraint would eventually lead to the
problem of infinitely numerous superordinate ad hoc categories assigned to a concept.
In fact there is a hidden contradiction here. If we need a superordinate ad hoc category
for every metaphor, and take into consideration the vast amount of metaphors and
their high frequency, most superordinate categories should be ad hoc. By having
many more super- than subordinate categories, we would run out of words of
(subordinate) prototypical category members quickly. A words meaning would be
dissolved in an infinite amount of possible, superordinate senses, with its subordinate
sense blurred. Categories would not serve as categories anymore, since their inflation
would not allow them to structure and group semantic and world knowledge.

Semantic attributes are usually referred to as features by proponents of the category
assertion view (Glucksberg, 2003) and the BAIS (Jung-Beeman, 2005), and properties by Sperber and
Wilson (2008). I am going to use the latter as it is somewhat more abstract.
4.2 Inverse containment
One way out from the above concerns is through one of the central properties
of concepts, the abstract-concrete dimension. The conceptual analysis suggested by
the category assertion view, that is, labeling an ad hoc category with one of its
prototypical members, already somehow relates to an abstract sense. It takes the
superordinate category to represent a higher level of abstraction, and the subordinate a
lower level of abstraction. However, this is problematic, since high-level categories
do not necessarily mean abstract properties. Having gills, or a spine are not abstract,
but physical properties, although they characterize FISH and VERTEBRATES,
respectively. It is true that such categories have less concrete physical properties,
making them more abstract, but this is a relative difference only. Correspondingly,
low-level categories do not necessarily represent concrete properties one specific
dog can be much more playful than all other dogs, and the specific instances of
literary tools are all quite abstract. Sub- and superordinate do not cut across categories
the same way as the abstract-concrete, but the category assertion theory seems to take
superordinate categories for abstractness. However, for metaphors the abstract sense
is the relevant, not the concrete, irrespective of categorization (in the context of
lawyers the idea that SHARKS are merciless, not that they have cartilaginous spine).
Category assertion builds on the classical empiricist model of the conceptual
system, which persuaded constructing complex, high level abstract concepts from
some kind of basic, elementary (e.g. perceptual), concrete sets of concepts. Abstract
categories allegedly contain concrete categories and category members (LIVING
contains ANIMAL that in turn contains SHARK). This theory has received considerable
criticism, and Fodor (2008) effectively showed that it was untenable. According to
classical containment theories, more specific concepts are of greater numbers, and are
pulled together by higher level, more abstract concepts large bubbles of abstract
concepts contain the smaller, more concrete, more tangible bubbles of concepts.
However, this gives rise to the X-problem, and Fodor (2008) deems this as one of the
major arguments against the analytic notion of concepts. The problem is that there is
no such X that would correspond to the formula color + X ! red, only red itself,
therefore the reasoning is circular. Every concept carries an indeterminable individual
concrete essence and therefore cannot be defined. Containment theories propose a
concrete + X ! abstract scheme that should look like red + X ! color. However,
(by chance?), Fodor himself turned it upside down with his color + X ! red
example, transforming it into abstract + X ! concrete.
Actually the inversion opens up an exciting opportunity to (re)interpret
conceptual primitives. We might not need to look for sensual concepts, or for basic
level concepts, but not even for metaphysical ones as has been proposed earlier
without much explanatory value. Instead we could turn exactly towards the other end,
to the most abstract concepts as building blocks. It is inverse not just as compared to
the philosophical tradition, but also to folk psychology and folk biology, where
families contain the genera, which contain species, etc. Abstractness could become an
atomistic conceptual primitive that should, could, or need not to be defined, and
concreteness could carry the informational surplus. The reversal of the original model
would be: large bubbles of specific terms include the atoms of abstract concepts.
Inverse containment could solve the X-problem. Going back to the example above,
we could set aside defining COLOR, leaving it open to include any new colors we
encounter, and RED would carry something unique and specific besides being an
abstract idea a kind of color. Therefore, more specific terms would be defined by
the abstract ones and not vice versa, that is, again abstract + X ! concrete, where X
is labeling the unique properties of the concept at hand. Abstract concepts would be
vague, and concrete concepts would be dense, containing all relevant properties from
physical to abstract, from taxonomical to category specific, from perceptual to
dispositional. The empiricist description of the conceptual system, that is, viewing
abstract concepts as containing concrete ones, was rendered an impossible endeavor,
perhaps, because it is the units that might be abstract, and not the other way around.
A concept of a kind, such as SHARK, then, would not belong to a vast number
of high level conceptual groupings, but contain all its properties: its superordinate
taxonomic category (i.e. living thing, marine creature, predator), its differentia
specifica, (i.e. cartilaginous spine), and all its properties, both abstract (e.g., cruel,
vicious, and merciless) and concrete (e.g., the unique shark-like fin). A specific
exemplar would contain all additional unique details as well, such as having specific
scars, being exceptionally bloodthirsty, etc.
The reasoning does not fall into the trap of circularity, an argument against
containment theories (Fodor, 2008), because one would not need to know RED to
define COLOR, and the anchoring of concepts does not need to be a vast list of
experiential or logical items. Instead one could be born with some (but certainly finite
number of) very abstract concepts, such as LIVING and NOT-LIVING, ANIMATE and
could be enriched by being divided into smaller and smaller units via the encounters
the many possible specific kinds. Such an identification of concepts by gradually
differentiating specific instances of general domains fits well with the massive
modularity hypothesis of Sperber (1994). He proposes that not only perceptual
processes are modular (as suggested by Fodor), but cognitive processes as well: the
mind constitutes of a vast number of interconnected macro and micro modules.
Consequently, concepts can be viewed as modules that, during development, break
down into a large number of smaller, specialized modules that represent more specific
concepts. The exact neural mechanism is yet to be identified, but a massively modular
neural and conceptual system not just allows for, but in fact calls for the inverse
containment of abstract properties. It would allow for much less innate concepts than
Fodor suggests, given that every case can be divided into subcases.
Abstract meaning could be linked to experience by cues of ostensive-
inferential communication (Sperber & Wilson, 1995), and concepts could be clarified,
specified, and divided via relevance in the cognitive environment. In other words,
abstractness could be the default of the semantic system, and experience could refine
specific instances and not abstract generalizations. For example, the relevant
information transmitted via natural pedagogy seems to be primarily abstract.
Ostensive communication creates a genericity bias that elicits the expectation of kind
relevant information in infants (Csibra & Gergely, 2009; Gergely & Csibra, 2006).
Another example is overgeneralization, a phenomenon of language development,
when children tend to interpret words in a more general sense than they should be,
and as a consequence in a more abstract sense as well. Children could expect word
meanings to be broader and more abstract than they are in fact, exactly because the
basic perspective might be of a general level, as in using ball for moon which in
could be actually a metaphor, if coined by an adult intentionally. Thus
overgeneralization could be viewed as an antecedent of metaphorical language,
utilizing a concept in a more abstract sense. Although it also could be a mere
categorization error independent of abstractness, Fnagy (1999) suggests that child
language is tremendously rich with metaphorical expressions, and considerable poetic
Chemistry could serve as a good metaphor for inverse containment one
similar to Mills (1843) notion of mental chemistry. Mental chemistry is the idea that
complex ideas are generated, rather than constituted of simpler ones, and since they
are more than the mere sum of their constituents they possess qualities not inherent in
their elements. Broadening the analogy to the conceptual system in the light of
modern physics reveals the following picture. Abstract conceptual properties could be
conceived as atoms born out of the inherent parameters or laws of nature. Just as in
the periodic table, they could group into families, while their specific properties are
not evident based on their neighbors. Note the remote crosstalk to Wittgensteins
(1953/1986) family resemblance implying that categories, represented by certain
concepts, just like groups of atoms, should not be expected to be separated by clear
boundaries. These innate conceptual atoms are not well differentiated initially;
experience is necessary to identify similarities and differences within and between
families, but each represent a unique quality. Complex concepts resemble molecules
whose identity emerges from the specific constellation of their constituents. Atomic
configurations provide an extra flavor of uniqueness to complex concepts (as
proposed by mental chemistry), and determine their interactional properties as well.
The larger the conceptual molecules are the more concrete they appear, and physical
properties could be conceived as atoms from one specific block in the periodic table
of concepts that bind to notions when physical characteristic are emphasized or
pointed out. Molecules of concepts could be retrieved-attracted via words (i.e., unique
labels or licenses), but the correspondence does not need to be either direct or one to
one (cf. Fodor, 2008; Sperber & Wilson, 1998). Complex conceptual could combine
into proteins of propositions, and eventually tissues of messages via the chemistry of
syntax, where function words could serve as the special binding forces between
molecules of meaning. According to this view, language is a living organism, an
infinitely combinatorial texture of concepts, ideas, messages and narratives, based on
a finite number of abstract conceptual atoms, embedded and developed deep in the
mind and brain.

4.3 Abstract substitution
Once we look at concepts from the upside down perspective of inverse
containment the concerns with category assertion view could disappear. The theory by
suggesting a categorization brings along the shortcomings of classical containment.
However, inverse containment takes these weighs off the shoulders of metaphors. In
order to refer to an abstract sense of a metaphors vehicle, we would not need to
evoke a new superordinate ad hoc category, to bother with other members of the
category, with categories dissolving and inflating, or with explaining the contextual
flexibility of metaphorical reference. During the initial semantic analysis, every
concrete aspect of the concept could be filtered, and from the remaining abstract
properties the contextually most relevant be selected, simply to substitute the original
word. The proposition My lawyer is a shark would be modified to My lawyer is a
merciless being, without requiring the creation of a novel ad hoc category. The model
suggests a quick semantic analysis of concreteness before searching for the
appropriate abstract sense of the word. According to Relevance Theory (Sperber &
Wilson, 1995) words can be used in numerous senses depending on context, but such
an early abstract-concrete shift would be unique to metaphors. Note that Quintilian
also suggested a substitution for metaphor comprehension (and that they can play a
serious role in thinking), but did not specify an underlying procedure (Nuessel, 2006).
Some metaphors might seem fairly abstract straight away (e.g., A fakirs bed
is an oxymoron). However, even in this case some properties are filtered, such as
OXYMORON being a literary tool, while an even more abstract one, inherent
contradiction is used for the substitution. This procedure rather seems more to be a
class-exclusion: the fakirs bed is not a kind of literary tool, but it is described in
terms of a specific property of the literary tool oxymoron, namely contradiction.
Similarly, the lawyer is not a kind of shark, but is described in terms of an abstract,
dispositional property of sharks. The point is that metaphor vehicles never refer to
their category, but to a unique salient abstract property. If a metaphor vehicle happens
to be abstract form the outset, it still refers to a property relatively more abstract than
the specific category it belongs to. (And not a relatively concrete property, such as, in
the case of OXYMORON, occurring in poems.)
The framework outlined above can readily explain metaphor phenomena, such
as their irreversibility and their paraphrasability into similes (cf. Glucksberg, 2003).
While metaphors are irreversible without changing the ground of the metaphor (my
shark is a lawyer), similes can be reversed (The Guggenheim is like a snail shell
into This snail shell is like the Guggenheim). The reason is that concrete properties,
such as physical shape, are not filtered in similes. When a metaphor is paraphrased
into a literal comparison, the transfer of meaning switches from abstract to concrete.
However, because similes are utilized to highlight concrete, physical similarity, they
are not paraphrasable into metaphors, hence the asymmetry. Emergent properties can
have a relatively straightforward explanation as well, being novel concrete properties
of the metaphors topic that are inferred from the abstract property, referred to by the
vehicle, that was incorporated into the conceptual representation of the topic.
Further on, real category assertions do not, in fact, transpose properties they
just lend them all. Glucksberg seems to recognize this phenomenon in the case of
literal category assertions. For example, in the case of robins are birds ROBINS
inherit all properties of BIRDS (while they have some additional specific properties),
what renders a comparison transformation impossible. However, he provides no
explanation for why a transformation is possible at all for metaphorical category
assertions (even if the metaphors ground changes), what the difference is between
the two, or how they are distinguished from one another. It follows then that there
should be different processes in the background, but the theory argues just the
Most problems with the theory stem from the general inclination of metaphor
theories to try to give some kind of a literal paraphrase of figurative meaning. This,
however, is a program likely to be futile. Why to say something figuratively if it
possible to express the very same message literally? Actually, from a Relevance
Theoretical (Sperber & Wilson, 1995) perspective cognitive effects should differ in
the two cases metaphor is a kind of loose language use , and merely choosing one
option over the other tells about the speakers communicative intentions.
Abstract substitution can be carried out also without establishing a complete
and systematic structure of conceptual mappings. Metaphor theories emphasizing
mappings (Lakoff, & Johnson, 1980a), alignment (Gentner, 1983), or conceptual
blending (Fauconnier, & Turner, 1998) seem to start their analysis one step later, after
the initial abstract substitution. Sometimes metaphors are extended in a conversation,
and when a statement is unpacked in a systematic manner, mappings, analogical
alignment, or conceptual blending does seem to be important. It is indeed inviting to
enhance the effect of the shark metaphor on the lawyer by explicitly assigning
further shark-like properties (does not let his victim escape, persistent, or even his
walk is such). On the other hand, systematic mappings, alignment, or blending seem
to be complex and consuming processes, and an apt novel metaphor might make sense
immediately (Blasko & Connine, 1993). For such an ease of a quick comprehension
the simpler substitution procedure seems more plausible, offering a more probable
solution than the activation and manipulation of broadly defined conceptual domains.
This view is close to looking at metaphors as a special kind of polysemy, similarly to
what has been partially suggested by Murphy (1996, 1997) adding that metaphors
rather than identifying it, probably create structural similarity, and eventually
Apprehending metaphor as a kind of abstractive procedure is not without
antecedents (e.g., the works of Max Mller, Ernst Leisi, or Hedvig Konrad) yet
previous theories considered metaphorical abstraction substantially distinct from
conceptual abstraction (Fnagy, 1999). The proposed theoretical framework suggests
precisely continuity, while it attempts to embed metaphor comprehension in a broader
conceptual, neural, and pragmatic context as well. The latter aspects are discussed in
detail in the following sections.

4.4 The neuroscience of abstractness
Using concrete concepts in abstract senses as outlined above would also mean
that the more concrete a concept is, the more dense it is (the more properties it has),
and the more abstract it is, the emptier it is. In terms of brain processing this seems
to be supported by the experiment of Huang, Lee, and Federmeier (2010), who
showed that two word concrete expressions (thick book) evoke an additional
sustained, negative going, right frontal ERP wave starting in the N400 time window,
as compared to abstract expressions (interesting book). This is the so called
concreteness effect that suggests that concrete words need more computations and
perhaps carry more information, as a result of mental imagery, just as proposed by
Paivios (2007) dual coding theory.
Neuroimaging studies seem to corroborate containment on a neural level.
Gauthier et al. (1997) contrasted subordinate categories (pelican) with basic level
categories (bird) both in a visual picture matching and a semantic task, using fMRI.
They found that relative to the basic level, the subordinate level evoked much stronger
activations in both tasks. In a picture naming fMRI study researchers used words that
referred either to the basic level (donkey and hammer), or to the domain level
(living and manmade), and found the fusiform gyrus activated bilaterally for both
levels, presumably as a result of processing simple properties, but the perirhinal
cortex activated also for the basic level, supposedly as a result of complex conjunction
of properties (Tyler et al, 2004). In a PET study Rogers et al. (2006) presented
pictures after three kinds of category labels (specific, intermediate, and general), and
participants had to indicate if the pictures matched the words. Areas activated by the
specific category labels covered or contained areas activated by the intermediate and
general labels. Although these experiments did not address abstractness, but
superordinate categories, the more general a concept is (e.g., BIRD), the less specific
physical properties it has, granting a relative difference in these experiments. Taken
together, a kind of containment seems to be present on a neural level indeed: the
lower the semantic category is, the broader the brain activations are.
In the context of metaphor research the ease of processing abstract senses
might have shown up in the experiment of Gernsbacher et al. (2001). Participants
needed less time to make a decision when a metaphorical prime sentence (That
defense lawyer is a shark.) was followed by a target sentence referring to the
superordinate sense (Sharks are tenacious.) than the subordinate (Sharks are good
swimmers.). They observed just the opposite pattern for prime sentences that were
either literal (That large hammerhead is a shark.), nonsense (His English notebook
is a shark.), or unrelated (That new student is a clown.). The intriguing was though
that decisions regarding the superordinate sense (being tenacious) needed little time
for every kind of sentences. Even the relatively time consuming decisions on literal,
nonsense, and unrelated sentences in the superordinate condition were faster than the
relatively fast decisions in the subordinate (being a good swimmer) condition. Thus
abstract senses might be more readily available in general.
Motion metaphors are excellent candidates for studying the concrete and
abstract aspects of processing. Desai, Binder, Conant, Mano and Seidenberg (2011)
designed an fMRI experiment that presented literal action (The daughter grasped the
flowers), metaphorical action (The public grasped the idea), and abstract sentences
(The public understood the idea). Their results showed that metaphorical action
sentences activated a secondary sensorimotor area (in the anterior parietal lobe) that
overlapped with the activation elicited by literal action sentences. However, they also
activated the left anterior and middle superior temporal sulcus, an area responding to
abstract sentences, but not to concrete ones. This hints that they were processed
concretely and abstractly as well.
At the same time, the activation of motor areas is not necessarily a decisive
result. Certain approaches claim a kind of somatotopic representation for the semantic
system, instantiated in widely distributed neural networks reaching over large brain
areas (e.g., Pulvermller, 2005). The stance might seem radical, but it is not
profoundly distinct from Wernickes (1874) hypothesis that suggests that
sensorimotor representations are part of concepts, and they are stored together in
semantic memory. On the other hand, this does not necessarily mean that
sensorimotor representations are necessarily required for interpretation. During
sentence comprehension both senses of ambiguous words are available around 200 ms
after stimulus onset (Gergely & Plh, 1994; Thuma & Plh, 1995), but soon afterwards,
around 250-300 ms, the incongruent meaning is suppressed (Pynte, Besson, Robichon
& Poli, 1996; Seidenberg, Tanenhaus, Leiman & Bienkowski, 1982; Swinney, 1979).
Therefore, sensorimotor aspects might be activated briefly while according to
neuropsychological findings sensorimotor activations are neither sufficient nor
necessary for semantic processing. In semantic dementia, although sensorimotor
functioning is intact, semantic abilities are selectively impaired; patients cannot, for
example, name a picture of a chicken as chicken, or even as bird, but can provide a
description of its physical properties (e.g., Patterson, Nestor, & Rogers, 2007).
Conversely, apraxia is an impairment of executing object appropriate actions, with no
loss of corresponding concepts, meaning that patients, for example, can name and
recognize pantomimes with a hammer, but cannot use it to drive a nail in (e.g., Mahon
& Caramazza, 2008).
There is also more direct evidence that the brain might represent metaphors in
an abstract manner. Metaphorical motion sentences activated more anterior regions of
secondary motor areas in the middle temporal gyrus compared to literal motion
sentences that in turn activated more posterior parts of the same regions, in
accordance with the abstract-concrete organization of the anterior-posterior temporal
lobe (Chen et al., 2008). An experiment utilized transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and found the motion component
somewhat preserved in metaphorical, but mostly lost in idiomatic expressions
(Cacciari et al., 2011). These results are in line with the embodied abstraction model
of the conceptual system (Binder & Desai, 2011) that suggests that unknown and rare
expressions are processed by modality specific convergence zones, but familiar and
frequent expressions are processed by supramodal convergence zones. But do these
activations constitute a necessary component in the semantic analysis of novel
language? An experiment measuring ERPs presented participants exclusively with
novel two word expressions that ended on the same nouns, but belonged to three
different categories: 1) physical painful moves, 2) abstract improvised moves, and
3) metaphorical rusty moves. Only the physical condition elicited a concreteness
effect relative to the abstract condition, the metaphorical condition did not. The results
hint that perceptual processes might not be a necessary condition of semantic
comprehension even in the case of novel metaphors, hence language might not be
embodied in the strong sense, and abstract substitution has the potential to explanation
the findings. (Forgcs, Bardolph, DeLong, Amsel, & Kutas, in prep).
Mahon and Caramazza (2008) argue that sensorimotor activations do not
prove embodiment anyway. They can have a disembodied explanation as well,
assuming activation cascades along the interface between sensorimotor and
conceptual systems. Such cascading activations are well known in psycholinguistics:
the phonology of a word can have an effect on naming a preceding picture even if the
word itself is not produced. Based on such a finding no body would conclude that
phonological activations constitute word meaning. The authors theory of grounding
by interaction offers an analogy to solve the puzzle concepts : sensorimotor activation
= syntax : words. This means that syntactic structure is not defined by words, while it
depends on them in the sense that with no words there is no syntax. Analogously
concepts are not defined by sensorimotor activations but depend on them (Mahon &
Caramazza, 2008).
In conclusion, first, it seems that brain areas activated by concrete concepts
contain the areas activated by abstract concepts, perhaps indicating a neural basis for
inverse containment. Second, metaphors might not involve concrete, embodied
processing, but are understood abstractly, presumably by substituting the most
relevant abstract sense of the vehicle of the metaphor. Finally, a literal paraphrase of a
metaphorical expression might never be able to capture all the implicatures, and
account for the cognitive effects evoked by loose language use.

4.5 The lateralization of relevance
An important question is which abstract feature the system is going to settle on
if there are several possible candidates after filtering the concrete ones. The level of
salience of the available abstract senses might be different from concept to concept:
some could have one salient abstract sense, others a number of more or less equally
weak and competing options. The availability of these possible senses partly depends
on the metaphor vehicles relation to other concepts it is most frequently used together
with (i.e. its syntactics), and partly on the relevance of the intended meaning in the
given context. The former question should be possible to address by computational
linguistic means, while the latter is going to be explored in the following. Such a
perspective allows metaphors to be placed in the trinity of semiotics, linking
semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics.
On a pragmatic account of language, Sperber and Wilsons (1995) Relevance
Theory points out that lexicalized word meaning is always in an interaction with the
cognitive environment and the present communicative goals. It postulates a
continuum of broadening and narrowing meaning. Conversely meaning can be
assigned so broadly that in a certain communicative context a whistle could be enough
to convey the intended meaning. They view language as a dubious endeavor in the
sense that signifiers and signifieds are not in a close correspondence: the meaning of
words is somewhat underspecified, and pragmatics based inference plays a key role in
meaning construction (Sperber & Wilson, 1998).
In their deflationary approach to metaphor they propose that it is not an
independent linguistic category (Sperber & Wilson, 2008), and just as any other kind
of figurative language metaphors fall near to the broad end of language use while
literal expressions (e.g., legal texts) strive to reach the narrow end. This is the reason,
they argue, for a continuum of cases between metaphor, category extension, or
hyperbole, all being cases of loose language use that utilize meaning broadening. The
ad hoc concept account of metaphor by Carston (2010, 2012) suggests that metaphors
require not only boarding of lexical concepts, but involve some narrowing as well. For
example the utterance The water is boiling can be intended to be understood literally
(BOILING), the water being above boiling point; approximately (BOILING*), the water
being hot enough for making a tea, but not necessarily literally boiling; hyperbolically
(BOILING**), being too hot to take a bath in; or metaphorically (BOILING***), for
example when a creek is boiling over rocks. Note that in the last, metaphorical sense
narrowing results in the complete lack of heat, a defining property of literal BOILING.
Carston (2012) proposes that the various interpretations are reached essentially via the
same inference: deriving contextual implications that meet a certain level of cognitive
relevance. However, it is still open why broadening is accompanied by an extra
narrowing for metaphors only, relative to other types of loose language use, what is
the range of these procedures, and how their balance is reached.
Abstract substitution has the capacity to address these questions. Metaphor
could be understood via a broadening, just as hyperbole or approximation, but while
these latter two keep concrete aspects as well, metaphors go through an extra
narrowing when concrete properties are filtered. An important gain in the abstract
substitution framework is that combining narrowing-broadening with the abstract-
concrete dimension enables a closer description of processing, namely a procedure of
substitution utilizing an abstract ad hoc concept. Further on, the process could be
explained in a lateralized neural framework as well.
The finding that initially all possible meanings of ambiguous words are
available during a brief period of time (Gergely & Plh, 1994; Thuma & Plh, 1995,
1999) suggests that a wide range of semantic properties is activated presumably on a
neural level as well. According to Jung-Beemans (2005) lateralized language
framework, the activations and the range of possible meanings are quickly and
automatically narrowed in the LH, while broad activations are gradually built up in
the RH. These broadened meanings are then maintained for later revision and
ambiguity resolution (Chiarello, 1991). The conceptual locomotion on the narrow-
broad continuum proposed by Relevance Theory could be conceived as the interplay
between the broadening in the RH and narrowing in the LH. Such a neural
interpretation of the theory has the advantage to specify the highly interactive
cooperation of lateralized brain areas postulated by the BAIS model (Jung-Beeman,
2005). The idea is that the two cerebral hemispheres broad and narrow semantic
fields are not simply activated to overlap (or not), but narrowing and broadening are
procedures or functions that are lateralized, and that are utilized in accordance with
communicative goals to maximize relevance. Such a framework can account better for
contradictory lateralization results, since it is not saliency, semantic distance, novelty,
figurativeness or any kind of semantic property that determines hemispheric
processing but the pragmatic requirements of the task.
From this perspective metaphor is a unique trope, a kind of loose language use,
complete with an additional abstract narrowing. For literal language use narrowing
would go in a concrete, and for metaphors (after a broadening) in an abstract direction.
Other forms of loose language use keep concrete properties as well, thus they should
require only broadening by the RH, no extra LH narrowing, and less semantic
processing. This account can also explain why pragmatics in general taxes the RH.
Any kind of loose language use (approximation, hyperbole, category extension, etc.),
and asks aiming at pragmatic processes in general usually requires the listener to
broaden meaning and compute extra linguistic inferences, what creates a considerable
pragmatic task demand in experimental situations, relative to pragmatically not
demanding literal (and narrow) language use.
In conclusion, even though metaphors might not serve as the basis of the
conceptual system as proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980b), perhaps they provide
one of the best examples of the workings of the conceptual system, being in an
intimate relationship with meaning narrowing and broadening along the abstract-
concrete dimensions. Highly frequent senses of words (i.e. often used ad hoc concepts)
might enhance the locomotion on the continuum by providing salient options for
intended meaning, hence channeling comprehension. A single, highly probable use
could make meaning more accessible, allowing for highly apt novel metaphors to be
understood easily. At the same time, certain conventional metaphors with extensive
mappings could have several possible active abstract senses, requiring disambiguation
in certain contexts (e.g., a sly fox referring either to smart or to mean). In short, in
order to extract the meaning of a metaphor, first, just as with every kind of loose
language use we need to broaden meaning, but then also to narrow it by filtering all
concrete properties, and finally select the most relevant abstract sense in order to
conceptually substitute the vehicle with it.

4.6 The use of metaphor
What is the reason for the extra work for metaphorical meaning? In Relevance
Theoretical terms, what is the cognitive effect we get from such an effort? In general,
the gain is that we do not need to say the abstract property itself, but can merely refer
to it it with a different word leaving the intended meaning for the audience to infer.
This can bring mainly two, different effects that are the topic of Thesis point III.
First, strictly speaking, the speaker literally did not say what the hearer
inferred. This allows to wrap, to cover up otherwise sensitive information. Even
though sometimes a single whistle might be sufficient, other times we have to
consider every single word carefully. A figurative inference might not be especially
difficult: a metaphor, apt with regards to the specific communicational goals might
not leave much doubt about the speakers intention. Such potential double sidedness
makes them excellent candidates for indirect speech that plays a key role in social
bargains (Pinker et al., 2008). They provide safe means to effectively express, but
sufficiently cover socially risky opinions, desires, or offers. Social bargains, deals
regarding dominance, and a large number of interpersonal functions might be
mediated via the safe ambiguity if figurative language, and specifically metaphor.
The parallel availability of the literal and figurative interpretation can have a
rather surprising effect, and it is often utilized to grab attention in puns, jokes or in
advertisements. It also could have contributed to the success of the cognitive
metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980a) that called attention to the literal reading
of conventionalized metaphors. It has been hypothesized that the interpretation
idiomatic expressions involve top-down pragmatic knowledge (Burgess & Chiarello,
1996). Cameron (2007) has reported for example that the metaphor LIFE IS A JOURNEY
is sometimes used in conversations with the metaphorical meaning (fulfilling
emotional goals) and the literal meaning (actually travelling) being simultaneously
available. If a figurative meaning is apt enough to come to mind easily, but the literal
meaning is also available contextually, the intended meaning might become
The second cognitive effect metaphors can bring is to reveal connections and
relations on an abstract level (not on a concrete one, like similes). When a highly
abstract idea is described in terms of a concrete one, the choice of a specific vehicle
can be elucidating. Metaphors are often utilized to expand knowledge and enhance
comprehension in scientific contexts for example (Nuessel, 2006). Their open-ended
nature makes them highly useful in knowledge transfer (Boyd, 1993). This aspect is
going to be further explored in the next section.
Taken together, at the micro level of concepts, striving for relevance can
explain how a hearer is able to arrive at an intended abstract sense of the vehicle. This
level of interpretation is related to the relevance of the implicature of the metaphorical
utterance. At the macro level of context, the explicatures of the metaphorical term, the
choice of a specific vehicle also bears relevance. The vehicles literal, narrow sense
can be used (1) to cover up socially risky intended meanings, and (2) to illuminate
new ideas. This section attempted to build up a comprehensive framework for the
pragmatics of metaphors addressed by the paper related to Thesis point III.
5 The metaphors of cognitive science
Metaphors have been, and are, playing a central role in scientific language,
from physics through philosophy to psychology. Many expressions might not seem
metaphorical anymore (e.g., electric current or sound waves), but analogies
expressed by figures of speech oftentimes led and misled research. With time novel
expressions become conventionalized, which could alter their processing steps as well.
Over long periods of time metaphors become practically literalized (Gergen, 1990), as
most of us take for example the term understand to be literal, and do not attend to its
original literal reading to stand under. It worth to mention that most proposals on
metaphor change assume a continuity between historical time and individual lifetime,
but this is not evident, since different processes could lie in the background.
What certain is that there is a conventionalization and eventually a
literalization of concepts originally coined metaphorically in novel scientific analogies.
Since metaphors presumably fulfill crucial communicational roles, and serve as
important transducers of covert or overt assumptions, they might talk about the
attitudes of researchers as well. Thesis point IV is addressing this hypothesis, trying to
interpret the word use of science in a metaphor framework. The two core issues are:
(1) can key concepts of areas of study express preferences of (sometimes conflicting)
world views metaphorically, and (2) can they be linked to a kind of mental
perception, a neural preference or brain processing dominance of scientists?

5.1 Metaphors of the mind
Historically one of the first systematic attempts to link words (more
specifically personality traits) to the brain was the dubious pseudo-scientific approach
of phrenology (Plh, 2009). During the past 150 years initially neurology, then
neuropsychology, and recently cognitive neuroscience associated psychological
functions (i.e. philosophical concepts) with certain brain areas. Following the
cognitivist turn of the late 1950s, the representational theory of mind has emerged as
the most viable model for mental functions. Since then various proposals have
surfaced on the nature of the minds contents, and on how information processing is
implemented in the brain. What and how is represented by neural substrates can be
interpreted as a kind of semiotic question how are phenomena (objects) are
represented (via signs) in the bran?
Peirces (1975) classical trichotomy provides and exquisite framework to
address this issue. He described three kinds of signs, based on their relational nature
or motivation to represent an object (a stimulus pattern). Iconic signs physically
resemble what they stand for, in a picture like manner, such as pictograms or (in part)
Egyptian hieroglyphs, for example. Indexical signs imply or point to something they
correlate with, via some kind of sensory feature. A cars dashboard indicates the states
of the engine (although it does not resemble it), and Chinese characters are partially
indexical, just as for example the Latin letter o. Symbolic signs are purely
conventional and they represent an arbitrary rule for representation Arabic numbers
are symbolic. Language is thought to be symbolic in general, since it has no specific
sensory motivation: Saussure proposed that meaning is arbitrary and is governed by
convention (Plh, 1995). At the same time, some researchers suggest an iconic, some
an indexical, and some others a symbolic relationship between concepts and their
instantiation in the brain and the mind.
Kosslyns (1994) model delineates a perfect correspondence between the
physical world (and physical objects) and their mental representations, thus an iconic
relationship. Mental images have a depictive, picture-like format, where objects are
represented by a pattern of points and their spatial relations. A key argument is that
imagery seems to activate primary visual areas (Kosslyn, Thompson, Kim, & Alpert,
1995). The research agenda might be viewed as an attempt to empirically support the
THOUGTH IS MENTAL IMAGERY metaphor. A similar iconic correspondence lies at the
heart of the perceptual symbol system of Barsalou (1999, 2008), and his situated
cognition model (Barsalou, 2003). An important divergence is that in Barsalous
proposal icons are established via a large number of encounters with actual exemplar
objects and/or situations that are eventually averaged into condensed and summed
representations. These are available for complex multimodal simulations that can
serve as the basis even for certain symbolic functions (THOUGHT IS SIMULATION).
Nevertheless, these representations are iconic in principle as they simulate the world
in a more or less veridical manner. The theory proposes a secondary, practically
indexical function for language, and that conceptual processing is carried out on
simulations, with no linguistic representations involved (Barsalou, Santos, Simmon,
& Wilson, 2008).
The proponents of embodiment (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999) advocate an
indexical representation proper. Every concept points towards sensorimotor areas, but
with several intermediate steps. During the course of comprehension image schemas
are activated, that are cross-modal mental icons. Not only literal, but also
metaphorical senses of words activate sensorimotor areas via mappings. Summoning
classical empiricist ideas and conceptual containment theories, every complex
metaphor is thought to be constructed of primary metaphors (Grady, 1997). As a
result, the conceptual system is not only metaphorical in nature (Lakoff & Johnson,
1980b), but in principle it is instantiated on sensorimotor areas from concrete to
abstract: Language is physical. Thats it. (Lakoff, 2012). Strangely enough, it has
not been clarified where exactly in the brain, for example the often quoted physical
warmth, closeness, or cross-modal containers are coded; another intriguing
assumption is that physical sensations are easy to experience, but emotions with a
considerable bodily basis need metaphors for conceptualization. Anyhow, the
assumption is that words (via mappings) are indexing physical experience, which is
the primary organizational principle of representations. THOUGHT IS EMBODIED, or
more specifically THOUGHT IS SENSORIMOTORIC, as also Thelen (2000), Fauconnier
and Turner (1998), among many others, claim.
Champions of classical Chomskyan cognitivism and a representational theory
of mind propose purely symbolic relations in the brain (e.g., LOT by Fodor, 2008).
Highly specialized modules translate perceptual information into the unified symbolic
language of thought or mentalese that is actually language-like in nature (THOUGHT IS
LANGUAGE). This approach has been dominating the first period of cognitive science
and it still plays a defining role. Although alternative theories could not profoundly
challenge it, evidently it is at odds with the mental imagery accounts of representation,
and it has been challenged from a computational standpoint as well.
Rumelhart and McClelland (1986) in their model proposed that the brain does
not require syntactic or other rule based manipulations in order to function
computationally, but not even any kind of mental imagery based representations.
Connectionism offers a complex network of simple, interconnected units, imitating a
shown to possess the capacity to account for otherwise hard to explain phenomena,
such as the developmental pattern of learning regular and irregular past tense forms
without no specified rule or any explanation proper. The model also suggest an
alternative take on the mind, that, in essence it is not a symbol cruncher, and has not
got much to do with signs other than the signals between units. As a consequence,
instead of representations, networks possess inherent properties and mechanisms (i.e.
constraints and attributes) with an explanatory value.
In the lack of decisive evidence the debate among the former three kinds of
representations for the mind is undecided. Even though the recurrent observation of
sensorimotor activations during language comprehension makes a weak version of
embodiment tenable, the theory has been challenged seriously (discussed in section
4.4. The relevance of abstractness). Ignoring alternative explanations and
counterevidence, and focusing on presumptions rather than on experimental results,
some supporters of embodiment are not famous for their enthusiasm for debate. As to
connectionism, limitations of postulating no representations (and the side effect of no
mental life) have been central in the turn against behaviorism, and have been
extensively and substantially criticized by Chomsky, Fodor, and many others. Despite
the initial zeal these arguments have not been addressed thoroughly by connectionist
models, and the mostly associationist approach does not seem to have the capacity to
become a comprehensive model for the human mind.
Finally, the three main levels of interpretation of signs vary in the extent to
which they take labels for brain areas literally: iconic is literal, indexical is perhaps
more literal than figurative, while symbolic is metaphorical in essence. These layers
also could be aligned along Sperber and Wilsons continuum of narrow and broad
senses, symbolic being clos to the broad (and figurative), while iconic to the narrow
(and literal) end. As a consequence it also tells about worldviews: some researchers
conceptualize cognition from a physical experience (e.g., vision), and some from an
abstract, language-like perspective. Thus approaches could be interpreted as
researchers preference on how much broadening they allow for, how literally they
take representations, and how much abstraction they suppose between representations
and their content. In this regard all perspectives have a unique and profound
contribution to the scientific understanding of the human mind.

5.2 Brains mapped on the brain
What is the source of such various worldviews, and what is the machinery
behind them? Let us take a closer look at the source domains of the scientific
metaphors that were proposed to understand the mind. Crucially all of them can be
related to the brain, either to a specific dedicated region, as in the case of language, or
to a more general computational style, as parallel distributed processing. On this basis
they can be considered to be different regions of the hypothetical brain of cognitive
science. Each major approach can be viewed as an attempt to project one major
function on the system as a whole in order to provide a unique explanation. Whereas
it is easily conceivable that one of them will receive stronger empirical evidence and
proves to be more plausible than the others, all of them are relevant for understanding
the mental architecture, as they all tell about the understanding of understanding. The
proposal is that scientists could have a kind of Kantian a priori stance, a preferred
individual perspective on the world: not simply goggles, but a set of projections from
one preferred major domain to the rest of the brain, posing a personal neural
architecture on the mind they are exploring.
At the same time, this interpretation does not seek more than to find the center
of gravity of approaches that metaphorically model the brain, keeping in mind that
they are based on broad and complex systems, and often strive to establish a balance
of views. For example the operational modes of the left and right hemispheres could
manifest on various levels. On the one hand, several hemispheric differences have
been observed as a minor (yet systematic) processing dominance, a potentially
measurable weighting of functioning. On the other, the rapid development of
neuroimaging has revealed that there is hardly ever a function that is not instantiated
on widely distributed, typically bilateral systems.
The point is that it is possible to view the various approaches as units of a
comprehensive system, or in other words, modules of the brain. Visual imagery has
been directly linked to RH processing (Kosslyn, 1987), making the iconic approach
projecting functions from occipital and RH regions to the brain as a whole. In contrast
LOT (Fodor, 2008), symbolic syntactic computations (Pylyshyn, 1984, 2003), and
followers of classical Chomskyan cognitivisms, are rendering the brain as a whole
under the LHs linguistic capacities. Parallel distributed processing (Rumelhart &
McClelland, 1986) could also be related to structural differences between the
hemispheres. Denser grey matter for LH and denser white matter for RH, and the
more pronounced branching of neurons in the RH are well documented (cf. Beeman,
1998). In this context, advocating the importance of the links and relations of the
system over symbols, rules, and content hints at a RH orientation for connectionism.
Similarly, implicit processes emphasized over explicit operations might be
apprehended as a turn towards the non-verbal and more automatic functions of the RH
of course again metaphorically. The explicit and implicit distinction originates in
Ryles (1949) knowing what versus knowing how, who attempted also to refute
the Cartesian dualism of mind and body. He suggested that Descartes theatre of the
mind is merely talking about dispositions, and mental phenomenon is an illusion of
this dualistic use of language. As a result the distinction is not tenable, and it can and
should be reduced to the body, specifically to behavior and dispositions. Practically he
transforms the mind-body dualism into another one, where the two main centers of
conceptual gravity remain present. Perhaps another solution to the mind-body
problem would be to take it as a metaphor for two approaches of the brain: a language,
philosophy, thinking oriented mental approach by the LH, and a visuospatial, mental
imagery oriented bodily approach by the RH.
Hypothetically it might not only be that metaphors shape scientific
conceptualization of the brain, but the structure of the brain also shapes metaphors of
science. For example, Bruner and Feldman (1990) point out that, historically,
metaphors of consciousness have been circulating around two great traditions. One is
that consciousness develops from the outside in, and therefore governed by rules of
entry and principles of responsiveness (pp. 233). The other is that it develops
somehow from the inside out, governed by acts of creation (pp. 233). The authors
also note that the common ground is consciousness being somehow inside, not outside.
When Piaget (1965/1997) formulated his idea of consciousness he emphasized that
psychic functioning is automatic, and we become aware of it only when it is blocked
by an obstacle. It is centripetal, meaning that it originates from the outer effects of
functioning, before it moves on to the inner mechanisms. Such an orientation aspect
could be referencing to the anterior-posterior dimension of the brain, with an action
and a perception weighted interpretation, respectively, of conscious experience.
Reinterpreting recent neuroscientific findings Ned Block (2001; 2005a, 2005b)
proposed a distinction between phenomenal and access consciousness. Such a dual
definition allows for the integration of the two neural perspectives. Phenomenal
consciousness refers to the subjective experience, the content, while access
consciousness, refers to the part of the content that is available to a large number of
brain systems and eventually to the rational control of action (Block, 2005a; pp. 47).
Not all of aspects of phenomenal consciousness reach access consciousness, but the
general direction is going from posterior and temporal perceptual regions towards
frontal executive regions. The compelling part of the theory is that it differentiates
between the two historic approaches, and integrates them in a neural framework. The
riddle of the nature of consciousness might be at least partially a linguistic one (Block,
2005b), and competing views could reflect competing personal preferences, which, at
the same time point out key aspects.
Advocates of a certain way of understanding most of the time could take sides
as a result of their mental architecture, which is reflected in their manner of framing
phenomenon. Wittgensteins observation is a perfect example here: The limits of my
language mean the limits of my world (1918/1963, 5.6). For him thought is primarily
language, and we cannot say what we cannot think. This thought is highly relevant in
a lateralization sense as well: the personalized architecture of individual minds sets up
boundaries for thought, and as a result, perhaps, boundaries for language. This
phenomenon could create the traditions of misunderstanding in science. On the other
hand it also reflects on the limits of thought and the verbal exploration of the world
a limit of language that could be a burden for the RH. The attempt to mark the
boundaries of logical exploration might be even more strongly expressed in Whereof
one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. (Wittgenstein, 1918/1963, 7)
Taken together, the general architecture of the brain could exercise constraints
not only on how humans experience the world, but as a result, how they interpret it.
Personal neural configurations might pose a personal barrier, but also a personal
vantage point on how the mental world conceptualized. Conversely, the mental
perception of scientists could talk about the individual neural arrangement of their
brain. Every large system of the brain allows for a possible take on cognition,
emotions, insights, instincts or induction and eventually science.

5.3 Unresolvable debates of cognition
The history of cognitive science (but perhaps even science in general) might
be a history of borrowing modes of functioning from various brain areas for specific
models. Sometimes the dominance of people and ideas of a certain neural function is
transcended by the dominance of people and ideas of another function. A Kuhnian
paradigm shift (Kuhn, 1962) is a complete transformation of institutions, worldviews,
frameworks, and metaphors, on the one hand, but it might also be a return of a
previously visited (neural) perspective on the world, on the other. Nevertheless, most
of the time various perspectives exist parallel, and some debates seem impossible to
One of the most famous one dates back to the birth of scientific psychology, to
the rivalry between the imageless thoughts (Ogden, 1911) of the Wrzburg School
and the structuralists of Leipzig (Plh, 2009). Although in new cloth, it has flared up
between Pylyshyn (1984, 2003), a proponent of THOUGHT IS LANGUAGE, and Kosslyn
(1987, 1994), a proponent of THOUGHT IS MENTAL IMAGERY despite the availability
of highly sophisticated experimental methods. The strong version of embodiment
(Lakoff & Johnson, 1999) seems to join the very same debate. The THOUGHT IS
SENSORIMOTORIC metaphor extends the source domain of vision with further sensory
and motoric functions when challenging the Chomskyan approach. Introducing cross-
modal image schemas and assigning metaphors a necessary mediating role pushed
representations from icons to indices, but it did not go as far from the core ideas of
century psychology (or Giambattista Vico) as the loudest proponents often claim.
Following the footsteps of Woodworth (1915), these perspectives could be
viewed not as incompatible or mutually exclusive, but as complementary ones even
in neural terms. They tell about the nature of human cognition, not only by the
metaphors they propose, but more importantly, by the different qualities they offer on
constructing the mind. More specifically, the mere possibility of their emergence, and
the specific constellation might be just as informative as resolving disputes. Together
they constitute the full spectrum of the approaches the human mind has produced so
far, which opens up the possibility to combine their strengths. This option is getting
closer as we understand more about the structure and function of the brains systems.
There are a number of frameworks that offer a comprehensive model of large domains
for cognition. They could serve as the blueprint to integrate the diverse approaches of
cognitive science, and eventually science in general, or perhaps even human
epistemology of various arts.

5.4 Systems of domains
One influential theory comes from developmental psychology. Susan Carey
and Elizabeth Spelke (1994, 1996) propose that infants are born with four or
possibly five (Kinzler & Spelke, 2007) core knowledge systems. These are prewired,
innate modules that are, in essence, part of our evolutionary history, but require
specific input to fully develop. A large bulk of experimental results supports the
existence of the core systems. One is to represent physical objects and their
mechanical properties, governed by a set of principles, such as cohesion, continuity,
and contact. The second is to represent agents and their actions, and it seems to be
specialized in detecting goal directed actions. The third is a basic numerical system,
where core number representation has three central properties: it is imprecise, cross
modal, and combinatorial, complete with operations such as addition and subtraction.
The fourth core system is representing surface geometry, that is, the spatial relations
of places, distances and angles. Recently, perhaps as a kind of response to the natural
pedagogy theory (Csibra & Gergely, 2009; Gergely & Csibra, 2006), a fifth core
system also has been proposed (Kinzler & Spelke, 2007), which is to represent actual
and potential social partners by identifying members of the infants social group in
order to guide interactions. The authors argue that there are things that are relatively
easy to learn, because they fall under the domain of one of the core systems, while
other things are difficult, because they do not. Interestingly, language is not
considered to be a separate domain, but a feat that enables the system to work
comprehensively. At birth the mind is neither a general problem solving device nor a
Swiss army knife with hundreds of adaptations (Cosmides & Tooby, 1994), but
optimized around these crucial core systems. In short, experience transforms and
vastly extends knowledge within these general domains enabling the later mapping of
various problems onto them. Presumably this is how scientists create new models, and
achieve a better understanding of their field in various disciplines (Carey & Spelke,
Steven Mithen (1996) presented an elegant model of cognition based on
archeological data. His metaphor for the mind is a cathedral: the originally small
central chapel of general intelligence had been extended gradually by four side
chapels of specialized systems. Technical intelligence enabled our ancestors to
prepare chipped stone tools and the like. Natural history intelligence covers the
capacity to learn about the natural habitats and the environment, the habits of prey
animals and predators, to make inferences about the weather, and follow natural
cycles. Eventually it allowed our ancestors to move on from the original ecological
booth of our species, and navigate in a great variety of climatic conditions, floras and
faunas. Social intelligence is a feat that allowed members of the homo lineage to stick
together in ever-larger groups, finding the balance between the advantage of having
collaborators and the challenge of having competitors nearby all the time. The fourth
independent domain is thought to be linguistic intelligence that is not related to any of
the former capabilities, but emerged on its own right.
The most compelling part of the theory is the eventual transformation of the
cathedrals architecture. The four kinds of specialized intelligences have evolved as
separate knowledge domains, accessed from the central, limited capacity general
intelligence, but at some point of evolutionary history the walls between the various
intelligences came down. This created a kind of fluid intelligence that is able to
combine the four specialized and the original general intelligence in a creative and
highly productive manner. The combinations are metaphorical in nature, enabling not
simply communication between domains, but a recombination of specialized feats.
Mithen takes such metaphorical thinking (of cross domain mappings) to be the most
important hallmark of the truly modern human mind. For example the combination of
technical and natural history intelligence yielded specialized tools and weapons for
hunting various game, or the overlap of technical and social intelligence led to the
production of jewelry and other objects that mark social status. Interestingly, he dates
this jump well after the emergence of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, to the cultural explosion
around 40,000 years BC.
The former ontogenetic and the latter phylogenetic developmental approaches
both emphasize the importance of mappings. While the core system approach
proposes the mapping of problems on the domains, the cathedral of the mind propose
cross-domain mappings. The mapping of mental perspectives outlined above is a
mixture of the two. It is a cross-domain mapping in the sense that a specific module or
brain function is mapped on the brain as a whole; at the same time it is a mapping of
the scientific problem of how the mind works on one of the large cognitive domains.
However, neither of the former two approaches specify the specific neural systems
that instantiate the domains and carry out mappings.
The Global Neuronal Workspace model (GNW Changeux, 2008; Dehaene &
Changeux, 2011; Dehaene, Kerszberg, & Changeux, 1998) offers a plausible
mechanism for such large-scale cross-domain mappings between conglomerates of
neuron networks. According to the GNW conscious access emerges as a result of
recruitment of neurons with long-range axons across the cortex. A central workspace
is at the heart of the system, which is connected to several modular processors. These
latter have a parallel distributed network structure, and are encapsulated as a result of
their local or maximum mid-range connections, highly specific to their main function.
The processors are linked to the global workspace, which is characterized by
pyramidal cells with long range horizontal connections distributed across the cortex in
varying density. The five domains consist of: (1) perceptual systems, up till regions
integrating multimodal stimuli, and extracting categorical and semantic kind of
information; (2) motor systems that include pre-motor areas, and guide intentional
action; (3) long term memory, allowing for the recall of vast amounts of information
and past experience; (4) evaluation systems, tagging the contents of the workspace as
positive or negative; and (5) attention networks, mobilizing mental resources
independent of environmental stimuli by switching the amplification or attenuation of
signals from the processors.
When the activation of a processor passes a certain threshold (for example a
visual stimuli is consciously perceived), it ignites large-scale frontal areas and gets
connected to the GNW. The spreading activation mediated by long, horizontal axons
enables the utilization of a great variety of inner conceptual and problem solving
systems. The synchronized activation of wide spread regions allows for the resources
of the processors to be productively employed in the workspace. The activation of
these interconnected sub-domains is mediated by inner and outer factors, and it is able
to sustain and govern itself, solving the homunculi paradox as well.
The model has strong parallels with the Global Workspace Theory (Baars,
1988, 1997), however it offers a much more detailed neuronal mechanism, and
specifically identifies five modular subsystems serving the workspace in a flexible
manner. One concern with this model however is that it underspecifies the systems
within the five main processors. For example long-term memory contains and
manages disproportionately large chunks of information, and perhaps even meta-
information of other modules. Another concern is that it does not address the
cooperation with specialized processors outside the workspace, such as language,
which probably utilizes all systems, and even seems to be governed from specific
brain centers. Nevertheless, the GNW offers a neat model for establishing neural
mappings. Theoretically, if required by a specific task, specialized resources could be
summoned to the workspace, including specific knowledge domains, such as syntactic
and mathematical systems, configuration and relational structures, operations,
previously acquired problem solving templates, complex patterns of analogies, etc.
Practically any possible neural system that has a representational format, from visual
imagery to formal logic could be linked to the workspace. Modules could be related to
one another via similes, metaphors, and analogies, all resulting in slightly different
implications. Similes transfer a few concrete and abstract features, metaphors abstract
ones only, while analogies all features, systematically. Since the manipulation
happens in the GNWs workspace, not in the peripheral processors (even though they
could utilize their capacities), all mappings should go from symbolic to symbolic
structures. One example of mappings between processors is the two approaches to
consciousness, mapping either input or output systems on the attention system.
Epistemological schools, competing models of cognition, and various
perspectives of scientists probably do involve the transfer of neural activation patterns
across knowledge domains, and map relational structures based on one brain system
to another. However, the framework outlined in this section departs from the above
accounts in a crucial aspect. It is not simply a specific system that is projected on the
mind as a whole, but an entire system of systems, summing into kind of attitude, a
personal phenomenal experience of the world as a whole. It tries to capture the
subjective nature of relying on a specialized knowledge domain. Some might perceive
cognition as a vast mechanic structure; others might see it as a huge orchestra of
melodies; and again others as a giant assembly of visual patterns. Thus, it is not
arranged around the five most salient neural systems, or around systems that are the
most likely evolutionary adaptations of primates, but neural systems that create
various experiences for various types of people. Although all of us have access to
these systems, probably we all have an individual constellation, a weighting, and a
single most preferred one, driving intuitions about the workings of the environment.
Finally, mappings offered by specific scientists probably do not work via
quick structure transfer, but develop gradually, in a step-by-step manner. Scientific
metaphors and analogies are a result of elaborated work, systematic interpretation, and
piecemeal extension of mappings, carried out on representations of representations.
Therefore, they are unlikely to be automatic (embodied) activations of sensorimotor
neural networks. Further on, novel ideas and complex models are probably the results
of projections across knowledge domains, which might not be metaphorical in a
linguistic aspect only. As opposed to embodiment, where mappings are instantiated by
the identical sensorimotor system, the GNWs perspective allows for metaphors to be
conceived as mappings between any neural networks. These system-to-system
mappings can account also for the high number of source domains mapped onto a
single target domain of conventional conceptual mappings, and the high number of
target domains a single source domain can structure. It would not be surprising if
several known systems were necessary to describe an idea properly.
In conclusion, such a framework offers a way to synchronize various
approaches humans utilize to understand cognition. Instead of looking for answers for
century old debates, the attention of scientist could move on to the very source and the
mere possibility of such debates, the brain itself, in order the gain more insight into
the nature of the human way of thinking. Thanks to cognitive science this endeavor
does not need to be reduced to a biological level, and hopefully, comprehensive
models are going to provide better templates for future cooperation between various
disciplines. Perhaps one of the highest feats of humans involves metaphorical
mappings of known and familiar approaches, personal perspectives, and thereby
underlying brain systems to questions, such as the nature of the human mind itself.
6 Thesis points
6.1 Thesis point I
It is the left hemisphere that processes metaphorical noun noun compound
words, specifically, the LIFG, if they are conventional, and the left temporal pole and
left posterior superior temporal sulcus, if they are novel. The right hemisphere theory
of metaphor is challenged by fMRI results. The graded salience hypothesis (Giora,
2003) is unable to account for hemispheric activations evoked by literal and
metaphorical, conventional and novel expressions in the experiment. All novel noun
noun compound words activated the LIFG, whereas all conventional noun noun
compound words activated right temporoparietal areas. Results are interpreted in the
light of combinatorial semantic processing (cf. Graves et al., 2010), the extended
version of the coarse semantic coding theory (Jung-Beeman, 2005), and semantic
meaning making (Bruner, 1990).
The study related to the Thesis point:
Forgcs, B., Bohrn, I., Baudewig, J., Hofmann, M. J., Plh, Cs., & Jacobs, A. M.
(2012). Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal and
figurative noun noun compound words. Neuroimage, 63(3), 1432-1442.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.07.029

6.2 Thesis point II
According to the results of a divided visual field experiment the left
hemisphere processes two-word adjective-noun expressions faster, be they
metaphorical and/or novel, while conventional metaphorical and literal expressions
are processed also more accurately by the left hemisphere. Semantic integration might
be the primary computational challenge when comprehending novel expressions, and
it seems to be carried out by the left hemisphere. Conventional metaphors take more
time to process relative to conventional literal expressions, suggesting some kind of
extra processing, perhaps due to the parallel activation of literal and figurative
meanings and and semantic selection. Novel metaphors are not processed slower than
novel literal expressions, arguing against serial processing of figurativeness, but
salience as well, which suggest a remarkably fast computation of a relevant
metaphorical meaning. The results bring the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003)
into question.
The study related to the Thesis point:
Forgcs, B., Lukcs, ., & Plh, Cs. (2014). Lateralized processing of novel
metaphors: disentangling figurativeness and novelty. Neuropsychologia, 56, 101-109.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.01.003

6.3 Thesis point III
Pragmatics could play a key role in metaphor production and interpretation.
Metaphors might be especially important in optimizing relevance by, on the one hand,
making meaning more concrete via source domains, thus revealing and highlighting
hidden relations; and on the other, creating a subtext where intentions and desires can
be communicated covertly by indirect speech, concealing risky offers and enabling
social bargains. These two pragmatic functions of metaphors are explored in a
theoretical study in the light of Relevance Theory (Sperber & Wilson, 1995).
The study related to the Thesis point:
Forgcs, B. (2009). Verbal metacommunication Why a metaphorical mapping can
be relevant? (In Hungarian) Hungarian Psychological Review, 64(3), 593-605.
DOI: 10.1556/MPSzle.64.2009.3.8

6.4 Thesis point IV
Scientific metaphors, and more specifically, particular choices of conceptual
source domains (to explain the mind for example) could tell about personal cognitive
preferences and the underlying neural architecture of scientists. Scientific models,
theories and schools might be talking about a preference for a specific neural stance, a
kind of ease at understanding, driven by language or vision, etc. Epistemological
traditions might not be viewed necessarily as competing, but as complementing each
other. Major approaches to the mind in cognitive science could be interpreted as
metaphorical mappings across knowledge domains, motivated by individual
preferences in cognition. As they emphasize one neural system over another, it is
possible to arrange them in a comprehensive framework of human epistemology on
the basis of neural domains of the brain.
The study related to the Thesis point:
Forgcs, B. (2013). The right hemisphere of cognitive science. In Cs. Plh, L. Gurova,
and L. Ropolyi (Eds.), New Perspectives on the History of Cognitive Science.
Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad.

7 Studies
7.1 Study 1: Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal and
figurative noun noun compound words

Forgcs, B., Bohrn, I., Baudewig, J., Hofmann, M. J., Plh, Cs., & Jacobs, A. M.
(2012). Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal and
figurative noun noun compound words. Neuroimage, 63(3), 1432-1442.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.07.029

Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal and gurative noun
noun compound words
Blint Forgcs
a, b,
, Isabel Bohrn
, Jrgen Baudewig
b, c
, Markus J. Hofmann
Csaba Plh
, Arthur M. Jacobs
b, c, d
Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Egry Jzsef utca 1., T building, V. 506, 1111, Budapest, Hungary
Dahlem Institute for Neuroimaging of Emotion (D.I.N.E.), Cluster Languages of Emotion, Freie Universitt Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Languages of Emotion Cluster of Excellence, Freie Universitt Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Department of Experimental and Neurocognitive Psychology, Freie Universitt Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Germany
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Accepted 15 July 2012
Available online 23 July 2012
Right hemisphere
Coarse semantic coding
Semantic distance
The right hemisphere's role in language comprehension is supported by results fromseveral neuropsychology
and neuroimaging studies. Special interest surrounds right temporoparietal structures, which are thought to
be involved in processing novel metaphorical expressions, primarily due to the coarse semantic coding of con-
cepts. In this event related fMRI experiment we aimed at assessing the extent of semantic distance processing
in the comprehension of gurative meaning to clarify the role of the right hemisphere. Four categories of
German noun noun compound words were presented in a semantic decision task: a) conventional metaphors;
b) novel metaphors; c) conventional literal, and; d) novel literal expressions, controlled for length, frequency,
imageability, arousal, and emotional valence. Conventional literal and metaphorical compounds increased
BOLD signal change in right temporoparietal regions, suggesting combinatorial semantic processing, in line
with the coarse semantic coding theory, but at odds with the graded salience hypothesis. Both novel literal
and novel metaphorical expressions increased activity in left inferior frontal areas, presumably as a result of
phonetic, morphosyntactic, and semantic unication processes, challenging predictions regarding right hemi-
spheric involvement in processing unusual meanings. Meanwhile, both conventional and novel metaphorical
expressions induced BOLD signal change in left hemispherical regions, suggesting that even novel metaphor
processing involves more than linking semantically distant concepts.
2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Although brain regions traditionally held responsible for language
processing, like Broca's and Wernicke's areas, are located in the left
hemisphere (LH), a growing number of studies are reporting evidence
for linguistic functions localized in the right hemisphere (RH). The
hemisphere historically often treated as the mute one apparently
takes part in a number of linguistic functions, especially in the process-
ing of meaning below the surface, as in indirect requests (Weylman
et al., 1989), lexical ambiguity resolution (Faust and Chiarello, 1998),
understanding jokes (Coulson and Williams, 2005; Coulson and Wu,
2005), irony (Eviatar and Just, 2006), and metaphors (Ahrens et al.,
2007; Anaki et al., 1998; Arzouan et al., 2007; Bottini et al., 1994;
Mashal et al., 2005, 2007; Pobric et al., 2008; Sotillo et al., 2005;
Stringaris et al., 2006). The message level meaning seems to be an
important factor in the interpretation of such linguistic materials,
what is in line with the RH's sensitivity to contextual effects (Grindrod
and Baum, 2003; VanLancker Sidtis, 2006; Vigneau et al., 2011). Several
studies have foundevidence for a RHinvolvement also in the processing
of short, out of context, two word expressions, such as novel metaphors
(Anaki et al., 1998; Mashal et al., 2005, 2007; Pobric et al., 2008), or dur-
ing the semantic combination of two nouns into a highly meaningful
phrase (Graves et al., 2010).
The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of two often
confounded factors on RH language processing, familiarity and gura-
tiveness, while controlling for context, imageability, emotional valence,
and arousal, thought to be posing higher processing demands on the
RH. Specically, the goal was to see whether there are neural processes
associated with novel metaphor comprehension independently of pro-
cessing semantic distance, namely could the selection and suppressions
of certain semantic features play a separate role.
NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
Corresponding author at: Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME), Egry Jzsef utca 1., T building, V. 506, 1111, Budapest,
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Forgcs), [email protected]
(I. Bohrn), [email protected] (J. Baudewig), [email protected]
(M.J. Hofmann), [email protected] (C. Plh), [email protected]
(A.M. Jacobs).
1053-8119/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Neural processing of metaphors
While there had been extensive previous work on metaphors
(e.g., Miller, 1979; Ortony, 1979; Richards, 1936; Searle, 1979;
Tversky, 1977), the cognitive metaphor theory by Lakoff and
Johnson (1980a, 1980b; also Lakoff, 1987) brought the issue real
popularity in the eld. Breaking away from the classical view of meta-
phors regarded as poetic or rhetorical tools, basically ornaments of lan-
guage (Aristotle, 335 BC/1952), and primarily violations (Grice, 1975),
they pointed out that metaphors are widely used in everyday language,
and proposed that even the conceptual system is metaphorical in na-
ture (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980b). Abstract concepts are understood
via the systematic mapping of more concrete concepts onto them,
which are based on the experiential gestalts of bodily perceptions in
the case of primary metaphors, or on the recombination of the latter
in the case of complex metaphors (Grady, 1997). For instance, the
metaphorical expressionI can see your point is anexample of the con-
ceptual metaphor SEEING IS UNDERSTANDING, where a concrete expe-
rience, seeing is the source domain mapped onto the abstract target
domain, understanding (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980a). During these
mappings certain features of the source domain are selected and others
are ltered, hence there is no complete correspondence between the
two conceptual domains (Kvecses, 2005). Cognitive metaphor theory,
though, has been criticized (e.g., Jackendoff and Aaron, 1991; McGlone,
2007; Murphy, 1996, 1997), and there are alternative theories, like the
class inclusion theory (Glucksberg and Keysar, 1990), the structure
mapping theory (Gentner, 1983), or the conceptual blending theory
(Fauconnier and Turner, 1998).
The classical linguistic approach proposed a sequential processing
for metaphors, requiring a re-analysis of the literally false meaning
(Grice, 1975), but the parallel view suggests that literal meaning
has no advantage, as gurative language (an indirect request or an
idiom) does not take more time to comprehend in a supportive con-
text (Gibbs, 1994). At the same time some ERP studies suggest that
there is a gradual component to metaphor processing, conventional
metaphors requiring a slightly higher effort than literal expressions,
while novel metaphors posing even more demand on comprehension
(Arzouan et al., 2007; Lai et al., 2009), perhaps because of the selec-
tion and ltering of specic conceptual features.
There seems to be a systematic division of labor between the two
cerebral hemispheres regarding words and concepts (Beeman, 1998;
Chiarello, 1991), but more broadly the LH is thought to expect and
actively predict likely upcoming material, while the RH is assumed
to integrate and assemble meaning directly from the ongoing infor-
mation (Federmeier, 2007; Federmeier and Kutas, 1999; Federmeier
et al., 2005). The RH theory of metaphor processing suggests a divi-
sion for literal and gurative language. It evolved from studies with
RH damaged patients (Winner and Gardner, 1977) and was strength-
ened by a landmark PET study with healthy individuals (Bottini et al.,
1994). However, there are several studies that could not conrm a
special role of the RH, and reported bilateral processing (Coulson
and Van Petten, 2007; Schmidt and Seger, 2009), while still others
found mainly LH involvement (Chen et al., 2008; Eviatar and Just,
2006; Lee and Dapretto, 2006; Rapp et al., 2004, 2007; Stringaris
et al., 2007). Nevertheless, as Schmidt and Seger (2009) pointed
out, studies that have reported RH activations for gurative language
have been involving novel metaphorical expressions and unusual
semantic relations (Ahrens et al., 2007; Arzouan et al., 2007; Bottini
et al., 1994; Mashal et al., 2005, 2007; Pobric et al., 2008; Sotillo
et al., 2005; Stringaris et al., 2006).
With frequent use novel metaphors lose their novelty, and as
eventually they become conventionalized, xed, and familiar expres-
sions, there is no need to create the conceptual mappings, as pro-
posed by the career of metaphor hypothesis (Bowdle and Gentner,
2005). When compared directly, such dead metaphors were found
to be processed similarly to literal expressions, mainly by LH areas
(Mashal et al., 2005, 2007; Pobric et al., 2008). This could account
for parts of the diverse results found in previous studies. However,
the re-activation of the mapping can trigger RH processing again,
for example when the literal meaning of idioms is evoked (Mashal
et al., 2008); for this reason the term sleeping metaphor seems to
be a useful renement (Mller, 2008).
Semantic distance
Most of the time RH involvement is not attributed to metaphorical
meaning per se, but to the bridging of unusual semantic relations
in novel expressions. The graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 1997,
1999, 2002, 2003) suggests that the gurativeliteral distinction is
not a good predictor of processing. Highly salient meanings, both lit-
eral and gurative (e.g. conventional metaphors) are always activated
directly and processed rst, regardless of context. Even contexts
favoring less salient meanings (e.g. literal interpretation of conven-
tional metaphors) do not inhibit the activation of salient meanings
(Giora, 1999). If the context supports an alternative interpretation
that is similarly salient, parallel processes are activated, whereas
novel metaphors require a serial processing where the intended gu-
rative meaning is derived following the more salient literal meaning
(Giora, 1997).
The salience of meaning is determined by a number of factors, suchas
being coded in the mental lexicon, prominence due to conventionality,
frequency, familiarity, and prototypicality (Giora, 2002). In terms of
hemispheric processing the graded salience hypothesis predicts (Giora,
2003), regardless of gurativeness, a selective LH processing during the
comprehension of salient meanings (e.g. even conventional metaphors),
and a selective RH activation for non-salient meanings (e.g., novel
Another important framework focuses more on the neural attributes
of the hemispheres. The coarse semantic coding theory (Beeman, 1998;
Beeman et al., 1994; Jung-Beeman, 2005) proposes that the LHis coding
narrowsemantic elds in a ne grained manner, including word repre-
sentations, synonyms, the word's semantic features, and rst-order as-
sociates. The RH is coding broad semantic elds coarsely, including
distant meanings too, allowing for the semantic integration of other-
wise non-overlapping concepts. When Beeman et al. (1994) presented
subjects the prime words foot, cry, and glass, none of which is
closely associated with the target word cut, the RH benetted more
fromthe sumof the priming effects thanthe LH. In a secondexperiment
they showed that the RH benets equally from direct and summation
primes, while the LH only from direct primes.
According to Beeman's model, the critical factor that determines
which hemisphere is more sensitive to a given semantic relation is close-
ness of association or in other words, semantic distance. For example,
when two words are strongly associated and are category co-exemplars
(armleg) priming is equivalent in the two hemispheres, but when
they are nonassociated category members (armnose), priming is
observed only in the RH(Chiarello et al., 1990). Even though this is rather
due to semantic feature overlap than association per se, the higher the
number and the more central the shared features of the concepts are,
the more strongly they are associated. This suggests that even though
category members also share some features, only strongly associated
ones share enough to prime the LH (Beeman, 1998).
Onthe one hand, these theories provide anelegant account for the LH
processing of most conventional metaphors, where narrow semantic
eld processing and high salience go hand in hand, and gurative mean-
ing is accessed directly. Onthe other hand, it is still not exactly clear what
role the processing of large semantic distances play in the processing
of gurative meaning in novel metaphors. The question whether low
salience and/or coarse coding by itself can account for RH processing of
novel metaphors has been scarcely addressed directly.
In a divided visual eld experiment Schmidt et al. (2007) found RH
effects for unfamiliar metaphorical and unfamiliar literal sentences
1433 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
too, although there were no LH effects even for familiar literal
sentences. It is possible that the RHprocessing dominance for unfamil-
iar conditions was not induced by semantic distance, but by context. In
their fMRI study, also involving sentences, Schmidt and Seger (2009)
found the right insula involved in the processing of unfamiliar vs.
familiar metaphors, but the opposite contrast revealed right hemi-
spheric regions also (inferior and middle frontal gyrus). In an experi-
ment employing the same conditions as the present study, but using
sentences, Diaz et al. (2011) found both the two novel and the two
gurative conditions activating right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). How-
ever, familiar and novel literal sentences, and familiar metaphors all
evoked RH regions; novel metaphors did not differ from familiars or
novel literals at all; and when contrasting the two literal conditions
only LH regions showed up for novel ones. All in all, as the authors
also point out, the complexity of stimulus construction could have
played a role. In further neuroimaging studies semantic distance, con-
text, and gurativeness all could have been similarly tangled with
each other: Intriguingly there were no RH activations for novel meta-
phors embedded in sentences (Mashal and Faust, 2010; Mashal et al.,
2009; Shibata et al., 2007). As sentences put a higher processing de-
mand on the RH via pragmatics (Van Lancker, 1997; Van Lancker
Sidtis, 2006), the RH effects could have been canceled in the analysis.
As metaphorical contexts' numerous linguistic dimensions (Steen,
2004) can mask RH effects, isolated word pairs or compound words
could help reduce the computational load on the RH.
Noun noun compound processing
Compound words belong to a special linguistic realmbeing combi-
nations of nouns (or adjectives and nouns, not considered from now
on): more complex than single words, governed by morphology, but
simpler than propositions or sentences, governed by syntax. Their
morphological complexity does not stem from pre- or sufxes, but
from their constituents' internal hierarchical structure. In German
(and in English) noun noun compound words (NNCs) are right
headed, meaning that the second constituent, the head determines
the semantic category and the morphosyntactic features of the
whole compound, while its meaning is altered by the rst noun, the
modier (Downing, 1977). This idea is by an eye tracking study show-
ing strong second lexeme frequency effects (Juhsz et al., 2003). Com-
pounds can be endocentric/transparent (e.g., snowball) where the
meaning is constructed from the parts, or can be exocentric/opaque
with no head (as in humbug, which is not a kind of bug) where
the meaning does not emerge as the result of a semantic combination
(Spencer, 1991).
Compounds are processed slower when separated by a space,
suggesting that they are represented as lexical units, at least to a cer-
tain extent, however both constituents can have some priming effect,
even in opaque compounds (Libben et al., 2003), which are neverthe-
less processed more slowly than matched transparent ones (Ji, 2008).
Eye-tracking studies suggest that there are two separate processing
steps both in German (Inhoff et al., 2000), and in English (Juhsz et al.,
2005): a decomposition and a reintegration stage. The second stage
seems to be a semantic composition, determined by the relational struc-
ture of the constituents, like head FOR modier (e.g., cheese-knife),
or modier HAS head (e.g. coat-button). This conceptually driven in-
tegration is true not only for novel compounds (Gagn and Spalding,
2004), but apparently for familiar ones too (Gagn and Spalding,
2009). According to a picture naming experiment, relations are repre-
sented independently of the parts, and relational priming might be
similar to syntactic priming (Raffray et al., 2007).
The above results are best accounted for by the structured storage
theory of compounds (Bienet al., 2005), whichsuggests that compounds
are decomposed and reassembled along the stored structural position of
the constituents: The structural position is part of the representation,
allowing a differentiation between doghouse and housedog. The
theory thereby lies somewhere in-between nondecompositional and
fully decompositional views, the former proposing a complete list of
compounds in the mental lexicon, while the latter taking the position
that all of them are decomposed and reassembled at every instance.
Event-related potential (ERP) studies also support a semantic integra-
tion account. The N400 component, a response often associated with
semantic processing (Hillyard and Kutas, 1983; Kutas and Federmeier,
2000), has been found sensitive to the lexical-semantic integration, and
the late anterior negativity (LAN) suggests morphosyntactic decomposi-
tion (Chiarelli et al., 2007; Koester et al., 2004).
In an fMRI experiment the production of Dutch NNCs has been
primed via the presentation of the picture of the rst constituent
(the modier). This morphological process activated BA 47 in left in-
ferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) independently of phonological and seman-
tic processes (Koester and Schiller, 2011).
Taken together these results support the idea of a hierarchical
representation of the internal structure of NNCs, suggesting that
morphosyntactic and semantic features are integrated primarily at
a conceptual level.
Combinatorial semantic processing
In some special cases it is possible to dissociate the almost always
overlapping dimensions: the salience of an expression, referring mainly
to familiarity, frequency, etc., and the coarseness of coding, referring
mainly to associatedness and semantic feature overlap.
In an experiment aimed directly at the processing of noun noun
phrases the constituents were not unfamiliar, and were co-occurring,
but they were not closely associated either. Stronger activations were
found in angular gyrus (AG), adjacent supramarginal gyrus (SMG), and
middle temporal gyrus (MTG), but unexpectedly in the RH for highly
meaningful phrases (e.g., lake house) as compared to their less mean-
ingful reversals (e.g., house lake). The latter in turn evoked a stronger
activation of the left inferior frontal junction (IFJ) and LIFG(Graves et al.,
2010). According to the authors the phrases required coarse semantic
coding (Beeman et al., 1994) that allowed more space for the construc-
tive combinatorial semantic processing of compatible concepts, even
though they were not novel.
Conventional German NNCs' are also unique linguistic constructs:
Two lemmas are joined together to form a compound with a salient
meaning, however the second constituents (the heads) are neither
closely associated, nor do they share several semantic features with
the rst constituents (the modiers). Unlike highly familiar, conven-
tional adjectivenoun word pairs that are strongly associated and
highly co-occur, NNC constituents do not go together often. They
most likely appear together in specic NNC combinations, but NNCs
even have a relatively low frequency in general (as compared to
non-compound words, which is actually a methodological concern
for compound research, see Juhsz and Rayner, 2003).
As even conventional NNCs are processed via a semantic decomposi-
tion and reintegration of not strongly associated elements, they could
require coarse semantic coding (despite their salient meaning). Their con-
stituents are denitely compatible, and so their processing is expected to
resemble the RHcombinatorial semantic processing of highly meaningful
noun noun phrases observed by Graves et al. (2010).
However, according to the graded salience hypothesis (Giora,
2003) it is salience that determines hemispheric processing, both
metaphorical and literal novel NNCs, regardless of gurativeness
should increase BOLD signal change in RH regions more than conven-
tional metaphorical and literal expressions. At the same time the
latter two should increase BOLD signal change in LH regions that
are thought to process salient meanings.
Taking both theories into consideration novel and conventional
NNCs should not be processed identically. Novel NNCs also should re-
quire coarse coding, but most probably on a much more thorough
level than conventional NNCs. Nevertheless, based on previous ndings
1434 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
novel metaphors are expected to evoke a stronger BOLDsignal change in
the RH. Contrasting themto novel literal expressions could shed light on
metaphor processing independent of semantic distance processing.
Conventional and novel NNCs allow a gradual testing of the inter-
action between semantic relatedness and gurativeness. Novel and
conventional compounds, regardless of gurativeness, should require
a very similar level of semantic combination, and could be indistin-
guishable in terms of behavioral measures. Meanwhile, as metaphors
require the selection and suppression of certain features of one of the
constituents, metaphorical NNCs could pose an overall higher compu-
tational demand on the system than literal NNCs, above the semantic
combination they both require. For this reason a gradually increasing
processing demand was predicted for our four categories of NNCs:
because of their salient meaning conventional literal NNCs should
pose the lowest computational demand, followed by conventional
metaphorical NNCs, with an extra meaning selection step. Novel literal
NNCs should be even more demanding, because of the non-salient
nature of the unfamiliar combination of the nouns, whereas novel
metaphorical NNCs should put the highest computational load on
the system being non-salient, and because of the required meaning
selection procedure.
Forty healthy adult volunteers (20 females, mean age: 24.2 years,
range: 1930) participated in the study for cash or course credit.
All were native speakers of German, right handed, as determined by
the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldeld, 1971), M=89.7,
SD=12.5, had normal or corrected to normal vision, and had no his-
tory of neurological or psychiatric disorders. Approval of the ethics
committee of the Freie Universitt, Berlin, and informed consent of
participants were obtained.
The stimuli consisted of 200 German noun noun compound
words (NNCs), divided equally among four conditions: conventional
metaphors (CM) e.g. Stuhlbein (chair-leg), novel metaphors
(NM) e.g. Plastikschwur (plastic-oath), conventional literal
(CL) e.g. Alarmsignal (alarm-signal), and novel literal expres-
sions (NL) e.g. Stahlhemd (steel-shirt). The criterion for meta-
phors was that they should make no sense when read strictly
literally, whereas novel literal expressions should have literally pos-
sible, but unusual meaning. NNCs also allow for the simplest possi-
ble (single word) presentation for metaphorical expressions.
For each condition 100 items were produced by three German
native speaker research assistants at the Freie Universitt, Berlin.
NNCs were controlled for length (number of letters); the sum of the
frequencies of the constituents' lemma form, and the sum of their
lemma frequency class (e.g., the German word der (the) has got
about 2
(frequency class)
the number of occurrences than the selected
word), based on University of Leipzig's Wortschatz Lexikon: http://; and factors of the Berlin Affective Word
List/BAWL (V et al., 2006): emotional valence, arousal, andimageability.
For compounds not listed in the BAWL (e.g., novel ones) ratings were
obtained inline withthe original procedure from19 volunteer university
students, who received course credit, and did not participate in the fMRI
experiment. In the next step, three linguist experts ranked the words
for being plausible examples of their category or not, and selected the
50 best representatives.
Since the most important goal was to keep
the key qualitative differences between conditions, while using the
best examples, it was not possible to match all the above factors com-
pletely across all conditions (e.g., novel compounds naturally being
less imageable or meaningful than conventional compounds). Still, dif-
ferences were reduced as much as possible, and factors were controlled
for during the nal data analysis. An additional 26 volunteer university
students, who also did not participate in the fMRI experiment, rated the
compound words also for howmeaningful and howliteral they are on a
7 point Likert scale. The values of all the factors are presented in Table 1.
Although novelty and unfamiliarity refer to large semantic dis-
tances by denition, it is possible that some unfamiliar items are in
fact existing but outdated expressions, or some novel items are not
truly distant semantically (e.g. according to co-occurrence measures).
Based on the above concerns, semantic relatedness for the novel
NNCs (NM and NL) was controlled by excluding all compounds for
which the constituent lemmas were signicantly co-occurring in the
Wortschatz corpus of 43 million German sentences (Quasthoff et al.,
2006), and conventional compounds had to occur in the corpus of
contemporary German. A recent computational and behavioral analy-
sis has provided evidence that this measure of semantic distance ac-
counts well for semantic relations between words (Hofmann et al.,
2011). Familiar NNCs (CM and CL), being already existing words, all
have a frequency value of their own, and a salient meaning despite
the fact that they are neither sharing many semantic features, nor are
they closely associated. Although a portion of them was found signif-
icantly co-occurring, none of the second constituents was a signicant
right neighbor of the rst constituents.
Experimental procedure
After reading the instructions and completing a 20 item practice
task, participants were scanned in 5 imaging runs, each consisting
of 40 trials. In each trial a compound word was presented centrally
for 2000 ms on a black background, using white, 16 pt Arial capital
letters, followed by a xation cross jittered between 4000 and 8000 ms.
Participants were instructed to read the items silently, and to indicate
via button press as fast and as accurately as possible whether the word
appearing on the screen seemed familiar or unfamiliar to them. Partici-
pants were required to respond with their right thumb using an MR-
compatible button box.
fMRI data acquisition
Neuroimaging data was collectedby a 3 T Siemens TimTrio MRI scan-
ner tted with a 12-channel head coil (Siemens Erlangen, Germany), at
the laboratory of the Dahlem Institute for Neuroimaging of Emotion
An attempt to have doctoral students of linguistics categorize the words according
to Lakofan theoretical concerns failed, as the results were few in number and strongly
Table 1
Mean (SD) values of linguistic factors of the compounds.
Nr. of letters 10.78 10.52 11.16 10.82
(1.67) (1.64) (1.67) (1.45)
Lemma frequency sum 39081 86190 42181 27827
(52202) (150649) (62895) (35758)
Lemma frequency
class sum
21.02 19.44 23.36 23.98
(5.28) (5.16) (3.02) (3.41)
(between 3 and +3)
0.379 0.122 0.559 0.213
(1.176) (0.881) (1.151) (0.780)
3.268 2.968 3.325 3.095
(0.619) (0.656) (0.636) (0.459)
4.835 5.356 3.075 4.579
(1.232) (1.189) (0.866) (0.832)
2.434 1.813 4.395 4.122
(0.581) (0.314) (0.646) (0.716)
3.863 2.174 3.917 2.582
(0.742) (0.244) (0.417) (0.416)
1435 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
(D.I.N.E.), Freie Universitt, Berlin. Initially, a high-resolution 3D T1-
weighted dataset was acquired from each subject (176 sagittal sections,
111 mm
). During every run 200 whole-brain functional T2*-
weighted echo planar images (EPI) were taken with the parameters as
follows: mmvoxels, TR 2 s, TE 30 ms, ip angle 90, matrix
size 6464, FOV 192 mm, slice thickness 3 mm, no gap, 37 slices.
Data analysis
The behavioral data were analyzed using SPSS 13 (IBMSPSS Statis-
tics). To analyze the recorded fMRI data BrainVoyager QX 2.2 (Brain
Innovation, Maastricht, The Netherlands) was used. The data were
motion and slice-scan time corrected (cubic spline interpolation).
Intra-session image alignment to correct for motion across runs was
performed using the rst image of the rst functional run as the ref-
erence image. Following linear trend removal, data was ltered tem-
porally in 3D with a high pass Fourier lter of 2 cycles in time course
to remove low frequency drifts. Preprocessed data were spatially
smoothed using an 8 mm full-width-half maximum Gaussian kernel
to reduce noise. Statistical analyses were performed in Talairach
space (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988) (Table 2). The T1 images
were rst rotated into the ACPC plane, transformed into Talairach
space, and then used to register the functional data to the subjects'
3D images. Anatomical regions were identied by manual inspection
using the Talairach atlas and the Talairach demon (http://www.
The statistical analyses were carried out using a voxel-wise General
Linear Model (GLM) at the single-participant-level rst, based on
design matrices built from the four conditions (CM, CL, NM, NL). BOLD
responses were separately modeled using a boxcar function, which
was convolved with a theoretical two gamma hemodynamic response
function (Friston et al., 1998) for each experimental condition, and the
model was independently tted to the signal of each voxel. Subse-
quently these parameter ts were evaluated inthe second level analysis
applying the Random Effects Model. To examine the effects of familiar-
ity and metaphoricity direct contrasts of the conditions were calculated,
using a threshold of pb.00001 and a cluster size >4. This cluster thresh-
old was determined by running an AlphaSim analysis with NeuroElf
v0.9c ( to correspond to an FWE-correction of
To detect brain areas responding to the degree of valence, arousal,
imageability and meaningfulness parametric analyses were carried
out. The former linguistic factors were separately modeledas parametric
regressors. Additionally, as measurement of the BOLD response beta-
values were extractedfromtheLIFGfor eachsingle wordandcorrelation
coefcients were calculated from these values with meaningfulness
in order to visualize the results of the afore mentioned parametric mod-
ulation analysis. Emotional valence, arousal, and imageability were
included as covariates in one, and the sum of the logarithm of the
constituent's word frequency and reaction times (as an extra control
for difculty) in another analysis. These regressors were generated in
the following way: the previously modeled BOLD responses (evoked
by the four main conditions) were modulated by multiplying them
with normalized values (from 1 to +1) of individual reaction times
(and other variables) for each single word. Hereby the response to
each condition was split into 2 parts: the condition itself and the para-
metric modulation of the specic effect. Then General Linear Models
were calculated including these additional regressors to create an ex-
tended model.
Behavioral results
During the outlier procedure 4.7% of all the recorded data were
removed. Reaction time and error rate data were submitted for both
a subject (F
) and an item (F
) based one-way ANOVA analysis, and
post-hoc tests were performed to determine the differences between
categories (Fig. 1).
Subject based analysis revealed signicant main effect of the cate-
gories for error rates, F
(3,156)=17.598, pb.001. Levene's test for the
Table 2
Talairach coordinates of BOLD signal change peaks.
Contrast x y z k Max Diameter
Precuneus 0 58 31 1572 10.491110 d=1.0 mm
0 58 31 L 10.491110 d=1.0 mm
0 34 33 L 9.673079 d=1.0 mm
3 64 50 L 6.259244
L inferior temporal gyrus 56 14 11 237 10.207053 d=1.0 mm
Medial frontal gyrus 11 51 2 1794 10.024557
11 51 2 L 10.024557
7 34 2 L 9.460264 d=1.0 mm
0 64 12 L 9.067936 d=3.6 mm
0 6 4 L 6.866185 d=4.0 mm
19 65 21 L 6.201931 d=1.0 mm
0 56 40 L 5.525948 d=4.1 mm
R SMG 50 47 35 1805 9.406252 d=3.7 mm
50 47 35 L 9.406252 d=3.7 mm
R MTG 59 20 6 L 8.942244
R angular gyrus 45 67 29 L 8.801411 d=2.4 mm
R posterior STS 61 55 1 L 7.559316
55 35 4 L 7.452419
61 31 16 L 6.512668 d=2.2 mm
64 44 12 L 6.374903 d=1.0 mm
R SFG 25 24 46 282 9.344021
L angular gyrus 47 64 33 542 8.982792 d=1.4 mm
L SFG 40 26 45 92 6.594738
40 26 45 L 6.594738
34 15 46 L 6.459573 d=2.0 mm
22 31 40 14 6.228384 d=1.0 mm
R STG 50 4 13 37 6.188431
29 31 22 6 5.756945 d=5.0 mm
LIFG 43 2 28 921 10.096503 d=1.0 mm
43 2 28 L 10.096503 d=1.0 mm
46 22 21 L 9.711818 d=1.4 mm
L insular cortex 34 21 8 L 8.039451
50 8 43 L 7.628479
Pre-SMA 8 1 53 265 9.481983 d=2.8 mm
8 1 53 L 9.481983 d=2.8 mm
11 22 38 L 7.877074
R insular cortex 30 20 10 139 8.968314 d=1.0 mm
L fusiform gyrus 43 55 6 77 7.122552 d=5.8 mm
43 55 6 L 7.122552 d=5.8 mm
39 40 8 L 6.071026 d=4.0 mm
LIFG and LIFJ 46 19 14 609 8.258172 d=1.0 mm
46 19 14 L 8.258172 d=1.0 mm
50 6 24 L 7.126366 d=2.2 mm
L temporal pole (aSTS) 49 3 6 L 6.776460 d=1.0 mm
50 14 1 L 6.755461 d=2.2 mm
L posterior STS 53 41 8 46 6.565135
L amygdala 21 11 1 8 5.759394
L anterior STS 54 10 1 5 5.671626 d=2.0 mm
LIFG and LIFJ 46 25 11 731 12.040571 d=2.4 mm
46 25 11 L 12.040571 d=2.4 mm
42 7 29 L 10.068727 d=3.0 mm
Pre-SMA 8 10 48 16 6.507284
L posterior STS 53 36 8 12 5.919095 d=3.2 mm
L hippocampus 33 11 14 4 5.458577 d=2.2 mm
L temporal pole (aSTS) 52 3 3 85 7.105155 d=1.7 mm
L posterior STS 55 41 10 11 5.746142 d=1.0 mm
L parahippocampal gyrus 27 36 8 9 5.709272 d=1.4 mm
1436 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
homogeneity of variances proved signicant, L(3,156)=24.902, pb.001,
hence Tamhane post hoc test was performed, revealing signicant dif-
ferences between all but the NM and NL categories. Reaction time dif-
ferences were calculated only for accurate responses, and were also
signicantly different between categories, F
(3,156)=20.865, pb.001.
Tukey post hoc test showed differences between all categories, except
for the CMCL and the NMNL comparisons.
Item based F
analysis provided similar results. Word category
had a signicant main effect on error rates F2(3,196)=28.909,
pb.001. As Levene's test proved to be signicant, L(3,196)=8.522,
pb.001, the homogeneity of variances was not assumed; Tamhane
post hoc test revealed signicant differences between all categories
except for CM and CL, and for NM and NL. Item based analysis of
reaction times also showed a signicant main effect of categories
(3,196)=119.466, pb.001, and as the variances were not homoge-
nous (L(3,196)=3.083, pb.028), Tamhane post hoc test was applied,
showing differences for all comparisons, but CMCL and NMNL.
Results were calculated for the uncorrected data set also, but the
differences between categories remained exactly the same.
Neuroimaging results
To examine familiarity effects, the two conditions with salient
meaning (CM and CL), were joined and contrasted against the two
novel conditions with non-salient meaning (NM and NL): (CM+CL)>
(NM+NL). Conventional compounds signicantly increased the BOLD
signal in right MTG (BA 21), right SMG (BA 40), bilateral AG (BA 39),
right superior frontal gyrus (SFG: BA 8), left inferior temporal gyrus
(ITG: BA 20) and in broad bilateral midline structures, as the ventrome-
dial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC: BA 10, 12), the dorsal anterior cingulate
cortex (dACC: BA 32), and subgenual cingulate area (BA 25), the posteri-
or cingulate cortex (PCC: BA 23, 31), and the precuneus (BA 7). Novel
NNCs increased BOLD responses in left IFJ (ventral BA 6) and LIFG
(BA 44, 45), left fusiform gyrus (BA 37), bilateral insula, and pre-SMA
(BA 6), as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Emotional valence, arousal, and imageability includedinthe analysis
as covariates did not change the ndings. The sum of the logarithm
of the constituent's word frequency, and reaction times (to control for
difculty) also have been included as covariates in a separate analysis,
and were found not to affect our main results either. As these factors
cannot explain our ndings we included an image and coordinates
of activation peaks for this extended model in the Supplementary
material. Results of parametric analyses and corresponding coordinates
also can be observed in the Supplementary material.
Brain areas associated with metaphor processing were found
active by contrasting the two metaphorical against the two literal
conditions (CM+NM)>(CL+NL). BOLD responses increased in LIFG
(BA 44, 45), left IFJ (ventral BA 6), left temporal pole (BA 38), left pos-
terior STS (BA 22), and left amygdala. As the LIFG was found involved
Fig. 1. Mean error rates and reaction times according to the F
Fig. 2. BOLD signal change for contrasting conventional NNCs (warm colors) against novel NNCs (cold colors): (CM+CL)>(NM+NL). Conventional metaphorical and literal NNCs
increased BOLD signal change in right temporoparietal areas, suggesting combinatorial semantic processing, in line with the coarse semantic coding theory, as their constituents are
not closely associated. Novel metaphors and novel literal expressions induced BOLD signal increase in LIFG, presumably as a result of meaning making: unifying phonetic,
morphosyntactic, and semantic features of novel words, via ne grained semantic coding.
1437 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
in several different contrasts, dynamics of the BOLD response in this
region can be observed in Fig. 3.
To disentangle the effect of metaphoricity from the effect of famil-
iarity, conventional and novel metaphors were separately contrasted
against the corresponding literal condition with comparable salience.
Conventional metaphors (CM>CL) increased the BOLD signal in left
IFJ (ventral BA 6), LIFG (BA 44, 45), and pre-SMA (medial BA 6), and
left posterior STS (BA 22). Novel metaphors (NM>NL) activated left
temporal pole (BA 38) and left posterior STS (BA 22); this latter con-
trast revealed that NLs increased activation in left parahippocampal
gyrus. The above results are shown in Fig. 4.
The present experiment examined gurative language processing
with special emphasis on semantic relatedness in an effort to separate
these factors. Since all four categories of NNCs require some, albeit
different kinds of semantic combination the question was: how does
the computational load change as these factors interact, and speci-
cally how much does semantic distance processing contribute to the
processing of novel metaphors?
According to the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003),
non-salient (not coded, not co-occurring, not conventional, and not
familiar) novel items seemed to be better candidates for activating
the RH, while salient (coded, familiar, conventional, etc.) items were
expected to more likely activate the LH. However, just the opposite
pattern was observed: Despite being salient, conventional items (CM
and CL) elicited higher BOLD signal increase in right temporoparietal
regions, specically in the SMG. Although the AG was activated bilat-
erally, the signal increase was lateralized to the right side in the SFG
and MTG too. Nevertheless, these results can be interpreted according
to Beeman's (1998) coarse semantic coding theory, as there was no
close semantic relation even between the constituent words of famil-
iar NNCs. They also t well with the results of Graves et al. (2010) who
also found right SMG activation. They attributed this to combinatorial
semantic processing of the highly meaningful noun noun phrases,
where the constituents are weakly associated with no overlapping
semantic elds. Nonetheless, the right temporoparietal cortex also
plays an important role in recognition memory (Cabeza et al., 2008):
it is thus possible that memory processes modulated the familiarity
effect in both studies.
Temporal areas are traditionally associated with the mental lexi-
con and are thought to store information about objects and their attri-
butes, while right SFGseems to play an important role in goal-directed
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 3. BOLDresponses in the LIFG in the (CM+NM)>(CL+NL) contrast. X-axis: percent
BOLD signal change, Y-axis: time (s). The gradual BOLD signal increase of the four condi-
tions suggests a gradual semantic processing demand for conventional literal expressions
being the least complex, followed by conventional metaphors, requiring the selection and
suppressionof certain semantic features to construct gurative meaning; thencame novel
literal NNCs, where a new meaning has to be constructed from the two constituents, and
nally by novel metaphors, where the novel gurative meaning has to be established via
the selection and suppression of certain semantic features.
Fig. 4. BOLD signal increase for metaphorical NNCs. A, B, C: (CM+NM)>(CL+NL); metaphors activated LIFG, left IFJ, left temporal pole, left posterior superior temporal sulcus.
Activations elicited by metaphors are constituted almost entirely of regions that showed an increased BOLD signal either for the CMs in the CM>CL, or for the NMs in the
NM>NL contrast, suggesting that these conditions could have played decisive role in activating corresponding regions in the general gurative contrast. D: (CM>CL); conventional
metaphors (compared to matched conventional literal expressions) activated LIFG and left IFJ, suggesting semantic selection and unication procedures, and left posterior superior
temporal sulcus as a result of stronger semantic activation. E, F: (NM>NL); novel metaphors (relative to matched novel literal NNCs) increased BOLD responses in left temporal
pole, perhaps as a result of higher demands on semantic integration, and in left posterior superior temporal sulcus also, again for stronger semantic activation. According to radio-
logical convention the left side of the brain is on the right side of the gure.
1438 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
semantic retrieval, especially when a large set of responses is possible
(Binder et al., 2009). Together with the above mentioned regions and
the broadly activated medial structures such as the VMPFC, the dACC,
the PCC, and the central region of the precuneus, these areas are
all part of a large semantic network identied by a comprehensive
meta-analysis of the semantic system by Binder et al. (2009). The
medial activations completely overlap with the default state network,
which could reect the ease of processing, but most probably they
took part in comprehension too, as this network is thought to be a
virtually inwardly oriented conceptual system, being responsible
for semantic processing (Binder et al., 2009). As even conventional
NNCs have complex relational structure, RH activations might be
reecting more than a mere linking, but a non-syntactic semantic
combination of the two elements. Apparently coarse semantic coding
does not necessarily pose a higher processing demand and can be ef-
fortless, reected in short reaction times and default state network
Novel NNCs (NMand NL) elicited strong activations in LHprefrontal
areas, which seems to be at odds with the graded salience hypothesis,
and at rst glance even with the coarse semantic coding theory, since
the lemmas did not share narrow semantic elds. However, when it
came to the semantic composition of non-associated, non-salient, and
not even signicantly co-occurring lemmas into truly novel NNCs,
processing requirements might change. Beeman (1998) suggests that
hemispheric activation primarily depends on semantic feature overlap.
The systemcouldhave requireda more focused, ne grainedconceptual
analysis, and narrower semantic feature selection to establish the
meaning, as it is forcedto come upwitha single solutionduring retrieval,
and competing candidate concepts need to be ltered during the selec-
tion of an appropriate one. Longer reaction times could also reect a
higher processing demand and hence a more thorough analysis of
novel items.
Left inferior frontal areas were found responsible for both linguistic
and non-linguistic processes. According to a meta-analysis (Owen
et al., 2005) the IFG plays an important role in working memory and
attention, while the IFJ was found to be involved in cognitive control
and task switching by another meta-analysis (Derrfuss et al., 2005).
However, the LIFG is associated with the processing of morphological
complexity in general (Bozic et al., 2007; Marslen-Wilson and Tyler,
2007), morphosyntactic compounding (Koester and Schiller, 2011),
but even with the processing of difcult unfamiliar metaphors as
compared to easy unfamiliar metaphors (Schmidt and Seger, 2009).
In fact different subregions may actually play different roles: In their
meta-analysis Liakakis et al. (2011) found left BA 44 involved in work-
ing memory, whereas left BA 45 and BA 46 associated with semantic,
and phonological processing. This latter area, the anterior portion
of the IFG, is identical to the cluster identied by an earlier meta-
analysis, found to be activated by semantic processing (Bookheimer,
2002). These results partly serve as the basis of Hagoort's (2005) neu-
robiological language model, the Memory, Unication, Control (MUC)
framework, where the LIFG is responsible for the Unication gradient:
the interactive and concurrent integration of phonology, syntax, and
semantics into a complex whole. Importantly working memory is an
integral part of the system, as the neural requirements of the unica-
tion include keeping the lexical building blocks activated.
Jung-Beeman's (2005) Bilateral Activation, Integration, and Selec-
tion (BAIS) framework assigns a slightly different role to the LIFG. As
bilateral language areas are interacting in line with task demands,
ne grained coding taking place in LH, and coarse coding in RH
areas, this model suggests that the LIFG is responsible for the meaning
Selection component within narrow semantic elds.
Although these theories propose somewhat different procedures
to the LIFG, presenting novel NNCs could easily impose higher pro-
cessing demands on this region, as the main challenge is the precise
selection and/or complex unication of the phonetic, syntactic, and
semantic features of the parts into novel units.
The left fusiform gyrus showed a negative correlation with associ-
ation values in the study of Graves et al. (2010), hence the activation
found in the present experiment ts well with the processing of novel
NNCs, with no signicant co-occurrence. The anterior insula was
found activated for novel metaphors previously (Ahrens et al., 2007;
Mashal et al., 2007), but it could be a marker of the selective ventral
attention system (Eckert et al., 2009). Pre-SMA also expressed higher
BOLD signals, an area taking part in working memory tasks, such as
sequence learning (Owen et al., 2005), hence this neural response
could reect the sequential ordering aspect of processing novel NNCs.
This complex pattern of phonetic, morpho-syntactic, and semantic
unication, meaning selection, processing and sequencing of non-
associated lemmas, cognitive control, and working memory load
could reect a more demanding (and more compelling) meaning-
making procedure (cf. Bruner, 1990), where meaning is actively
constructed, rather than passively comprehended. Such a productive
effort would not be unusual for poetic, non-everyday language that
does not necessarily always give in easily to understanding, and
requires interpretation.
The activations elicited by metaphorical (CM+NM) vs. literal
(CL+NL) NNCs are constituted almost entirely of regions that
showed an increased BOLD signal either for the CMs in the CM>CL,
or for the NMs in the NM>NL contrast. This suggests that activations
showing up in the combined gurative contrast could have been
mainly the sum of the activations of the two otherwise not
overlapping metaphorical conditions (except for left anterior STS).
Contrasting CMs and CLs (that are indistinguishable by reaction
times) revealed a BOLD signal increase in LIFG and left IFJ for the
CMs, probably as a result of their higher complexity. LIFG was found
activated also by Diaz et al. (2011) for an identical contrast. Meta-
phors require the listener to select non-concrete features of the gu-
rative constituent words a chair-leg is not a leg in the literal,
physical sense. Hence they could have imposed higher computational
demand on meaning selection processes, and required a more thor-
ough unication procedure. In general these results are in line with
conventional metaphors evoking stronger LH activations in fMRI
studies, and posing a slightly higher effort relative to literal expres-
sions in ERP experiments (Arzouan et al., 2007; Lai et al., 2009).
The contrast between the behaviorally also indistinguishable NM
and NL categories showed activations for NMs in the left posterior
STS (BA 22), probably as a result of the higher conceptual complexity
of gurative language, and in the left anterior STS, an area suggested
to be responsible for verbal as compared to perceptual knowledge by
Binder et al. (2009). The region included the temporal pole, also
found activated by Schmidt and Seger (2009) for gurative language
in general, and by Ahrens et al. (2007) for novel (anomalous) meta-
phors. According to the MUC model (Hagoort, 2005) temporal regions
play a role in memory retrieval, while according to the BAIS model
(Jung-Beeman, 2005) they are responsible for two separate functions:
posterior STS is where semantic information is supposed to be acti-
vated (required by both metaphorical conditions), while anterior
STS and temporal pole are held responsible for semantic integration.
Based on the observed pattern of activations of brain regions associat-
ed with semantic functions, our results suggest that novel metaphor-
ical expressions required higher conceptual processing than similarly
novel, unfamiliar, but literal NNCs. This is most probably not due to
coarse coding, but to the ne grained activation of an appropriate,
not dominant, and not literal sense of one of the constituents, and
the following, more complex integration of the two parts into a
novel gurative meaning. Up to this date, to our knowledge, this is
the rst study reporting LH activations for novel metaphorical stimu-
lus material out of context. Previous studies might have found RH ac-
tivations mainly because of semantic distance processing, but since in
1439 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
the present experiment semantic relatedness was carefully controlled
for, it was possible to parse it out from the neural processing corre-
lates of novel metaphorical expressions.
Posterior STS (BA22) and LIFG, regions found expressing BOLDsignal
increase in the metaphorical vs. literal contrast, are located at the overlap
of areas activated by both internal-conceptual, and external-perceptual
information (Binder et al., 2009), suggesting that the integration of
both knowledge domains is important for metaphor comprehension.
Metaphorical items apparently required a thorough processing, involv-
ing stronger neural markers for activating, selecting and integrating
semantic information.
Finally, a gradually increasing processing demand was proposed
for the four conditions, and has been conrmed according to the
LIFG activation patterns (Fig. 3). Familiar CLs induced the least BOLD
signal change, followed by CMs, requiring the selection and ltering
of certain semantic features in order to construct the gurative mean-
ing; reected also in behavioral results, NLs posed even higher pro-
cessing demand, as a result of integrating semantically distant
concepts, and nally NMs evoked the highest BOLD signal change,
requiring both bridging semantic distance, and establishing meta-
phorical meaning.
The present study examined the neural correlates of processing
familiar and unfamiliar, literal and gurative NNCs. On the one
hand, at odds with the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003),
but in line with the coarse semantic coding theory (Beeman, 1998),
distantly related familiar NNCs activated right temporoparietal re-
gions (e.g., SMG) probably reecting combinatorial semantic process-
ing (Graves et al., 2010). On the other hand, unfamiliar conditions
increased BOLD signal change in LH regions, such as the LIFG, which
could be accounted for by the coarse semantic coding theory, since
novel items could have required ne grained conceptual analysis,
and narrow semantic feature selection (Jung-Beeman, 2005) for the
unication of phonological, (morpho-)syntactic and semantic informa-
tion (Hagoort, 2005), presumably due to meaning-making (Bruner,
1990). The comprehension of gurative language was successfully
separated from semantic distance processing, and LH regions were
found activated even for novel metaphorical expressions, suggesting a
ne grained conceptual analysis during the selection and suppression
of certain conceptual features in order to establish gurative meaning.
We would like to thank the highly valuable suggestions of anony-
mous reviewers. This research could not have been realized without
the generous help of Markus Conrad, Ph.D., Mario Braun, Ph.D.,
Maren Luitjens, Isabel Amberger, Johannes Ecker, and Hauke Blume.
Appendix A
Appendix B. Supplementary data
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1442 B. Forgcs et al. / NeuroImage 63 (2012) 14321442
7.2 Study 2: Lateralized processing of novel metaphors: disentangling figurativeness
and novelty

Forgcs, B., Lukcs, ., & Plh, Cs. (2014). Lateralized processing of novel
metaphors: disentangling figurativeness and novelty. Neuropsychologia 56, 101-109.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.01.003

Lateralized processing of novel metaphors: Disentangling
gurativeness and novelty
Blint Forgcs
, gnes Lukcs
, Csaba Plh
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Department of Cognitive Science, Egry Jzsef utca 1, T building, V. 506, 1111 Budapest, Hungary
Central European University (CEU), Department of Cognitive Science, Frankel Le t 30-34, 1023 Budapest, Hungary
Eszterhzy Kroly College, Doctoral School of Education, Eszterhzy tr 1, 3300 Eger, Hungary
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 21 July 2012
Received in revised form
9 October 2013
Accepted 4 January 2014
Available online 11 January 2014
Figurative language
Right hemisphere
Coarse coding
Divided visual eld
a b s t r a c t
One of the intriguing and sometimes controversial ndings in gurative language research is a right-
hemisphere processing advantage for novel metaphors. The current divided visual eld study introduced
novel literal expressions as a control condition to assess processing novelty independent of gurativeness.
Participants evaluated word pairs belonging to one of the ve categories: (1) conventional metaphorical,
(2) conventional literal, (3) novel metaphorical, (4) novel literal, and (5) unrelated expressions in a
semantic decision task. We presented expressions without sentence context and controlled for additional
factors including emotional valence, arousal, and imageability that could potentially inuence hemispheric
processing. We also utilized an eye-tracker to ensure lateralized presentation. We did not nd the
previously reported right-hemispherical processing advantage for novel metaphors. Processing was faster
in the left hemisphere for all types of word pairs, and accuracy was also higher in the right visual eld - left
hemisphere. Novel metaphors were processed just as fast as novel literal expressions, suggesting that the
primary challenge during the comprehension of novel expressions is not a serial processing of salience, but
perhaps a more left hemisphere weighted semantic integration. Our results cast doubt on the right-
hemisphere theory of metaphors, and raise the possibility that other uncontrolled variables were
responsible for previous results. The lateralization of processing of two word expressions seems to be
more contingent on the specic task at hand than their gurativeness or saliency.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, experimental work on the neural processing
of gurative language has been expanding rapidly. One of the main
reasons for the broad interest is the nding that certain patient
populations, including people diagnosed with right-hemisphere
lesions, schizophrenia, Asperger
s syndrome, and Alzheimer
s dis-
ease, appear to have problems interpreting gures of speech, and
specically metaphors, while they retain mostly intact general
language skills (Thoma & Daum, 2006). This observation has lead
to the idea that regions beyond classical, left hemisphere (LH)
language areas are computing the gurative meaning of metaphors
and idioms. To date it remains uncertain if they need a special kind
of extra-linguistic processing, and if the right hemisphere (RH) is
necessarily involved in their comprehension, as has been postulated
by the RH theory of metaphor (e.g., Coulson & Van Petten, 2007).
Another core question is the serial or parallel availability of
gurative meaning. According to the direct access view by
Gibbs (1994), metaphors are comprehended easily in a supportive
context, since the literal and gurative meanings are available in
parallel. The category assertion view (Glucksberg, 2003;
Glucksberg & Keysar, 1990) also suggests that the gurative
meaning of metaphors (or at least nominal ones, such as My
lawyer is a shark) is readily accessible as a result of the dual
reference of the guratively used term (shark) to a literal
subordinate category (marine creature), and a metaphorical ad
hoc superordinate category (predatory creature). Bowdle and
Gentner (2005), in their career of metaphor hypothesis, propose
that only conventional metaphors have such a dual reference, and
novel metaphors are processed serially, as a kind of comparison,
like similes, following a failed categorization attempt. Neverthe-
less, beside the question of lateralization, the temporal course of
metaphor comprehension is not entirely clear either. The available
empirical evidence is inconclusive as to whether metaphors are
understood as quickly as literal expressions due to parallel
processing, or if they are comprehended slower as a result of
serial processing of their gurative meaning.
Thus the two key questions that remain unanswered are (1)
what computational steps metaphors require and how these are
reected in the timing of processing, and (2) whether the RH of
the brain is necessarily involved in their comprehension. In the
following section we are going to review previous ndings on the
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E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Forgcs),
[email protected] (. Lukcs), [email protected] (C. Plh).
Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109
individual hemispheres
contribution to the understanding of
metaphors, which are often contradictory.
1.1. Metaphors and the right hemisphere
The RH had been regarded as the mute hemisphere for decades
(e.g., Sperry, 1985). However, accumulating evidence suggests that it
plays an important role in language comprehension, and it has been
associated with a large variety of linguistic functions (Van Lancker
Sidtis, 2006). The most notable of these are related to communica-
tional pragmatics (Plh, 2000; Van Lancker, 1997), such as compre-
hending jokes (Bihrle, Brownell, & Gardner, 1986; Brownell, Michel,
Powelson, & Gardner, 1983; Coulson & Williams, 2005; Coulson &
Wu, 2005; Marinkovic et al., 2011; Shammi & Stuss, 1999), sarcastic
statements (Kaplan, Brownell, Jacobs, & Gardner, 1990), irony (Eviatar
& Just, 2006), and indirect requests (Brownell & Stringfellow, 1999;
Foldi, 1987; Stemmer, Giroux, & Joanette, 1994; Weylman, Brownell,
Roman, & Gardner, 1989).
Metaphorical expressions were among the rst linguistic
materials whose processing was linked to the RH. In an early
experiment performed on individuals with brain injury, Winner
and Gardner (1977) found that patients with right hemisphere
damage (RHD) preferred the literal depiction of gurative expres-
sions relative to patients with left hemisphere damage (LHD).
These ndings were replicated in further picture naming experi-
ments (Kempler, Van Lancker, Merchman, & Bates, 1999; Rinaldi,
Marangolo, & Baldassari, 2004; the latter also controlled for the
visuospatial decits). Another study found that RHD
patients also experienced difculties with metaphors in purely
language-based tasks (Brownell, Simpson, Bihrle, Potter, &
Gardner, 1990). A landmark PET study with healthy individuals
by Bottini and colleagues (1994) presented novel metaphors to
avoid the automatic processing associated with xed expressions.
They found activation in the right middle temporal gyrus, right
prefrontal regions, and right precuneus. Subsequent studies also
found RH involvement in metaphor comprehension using neuroi-
maging techniques (Ahrens et al., 2007; Diaz, Barrett, & Hogstrom,
2011; Mashal, Faust, & Hendler, 2005; Mashal, Faust, Hendler, &
Jung-Beeman, 2007; Schmidt & Seger, 2009; Stringaris et al. 2006;
Yang, Edens, Simpson, & Krawczyk, 2009), event-related potentials
(ERPs) with source localization (Arzouan, Goldstein, & Faust, 2007;
Sotillo et al., 2005), TMS (Pobric, Mashal, Faust, & Lavidor, 2008),
and the divided visual eld (DVF) paradigm (Anaki, Faust, &
Kravetz, 1998; Faust, Ben-Artzi, & Harel, 2008; Faust & Mashal,
2007; Mashal & Faust, 2008; Schmidt, DeBuse, & Seger, 2007).
Other groups have found no evidence for the RH
s involvement
in understanding metaphors (Chen, Widick, & Chatterjee, 2008;
Coulson & Van Petten, 2007; Eviatar & Just, 2006; Kacinik &
Chiarello, 2007; Lee & Dapretto, 2006; Rapp, Leube, Erb, Grodd,
& Kircher, 2004, 2007; Stringaris, Medford, Giampietro, Brammer,
& David, 2007). One possible explanation for these contradictory
ndings is that novelty was not systematically controlled in these
experiments (Schmidt & Seger, 2009). In support of this hypothesis
a recent meta-analysis of fMRI studies on gurative language
(Bohrn, Altamann, & Jacobs, 2012) showed that metaphors evoked
LH activations, and only novel metaphors relative to conven-
tional ones activated RH areas.
1.2. Lateralized language processing models
The most relevant models attribute the RH
s involvement in
language comprehension to slightly different, but closely related
linguistic factors. The RH
s participation is generally not attributed to
gurativeness per se, but to its sensitivity to novel and unusual
meanings (Beeman, 1998; Chiarello, 1991, 2003; Giora, 2003; St.
George, Kutas, Martinez, & Sereno, 1999). The graded salience
hypothesis (Giora, 1997, 1999, 2003) proposes that, regardless of
gurativeness, salient meanings are processed by the LH, while non-
salient meanings are processed by the RH. According to this view, the
LH processes conventional metaphors, since they have a salient
meaning, even if it is gurative. Novel metaphors, on the other hand,
have no salient meaning and are processed by the RH in a slower,
serial manner. Only after their salient literal meaning has been
rejected can the non-salient, gurative meaning be selected (Giora,
1997, 1999; Giora & Fein, 1999). Saliency is determined by the
meaning being coded in the mental lexicon, its prominence, con-
ventionality, frequency, familiarity, and prototypicality. An interesting
implication of the theory is that even conventional idiomatic
expressions may evoke RH activations when they are interpreted in
a non-salient, literal sense. Indeed, this prediction was born out in an
fMRI study (Mashal, Faust, Hendler, & Jung-Beeman, 2008).
The coarse semantic coding theory (Beeman, 1998; Beeman et al.,
1994) is a language processing model that emphasizes the neural
differences of hemispheric organization. The asymmetry in the
micro-circuitry of the two hemispheres creates narrow semantic
elds in the LH, which code concepts in a ne-grained manner, and
broad semantic elds in the RH, which code concepts in a coarse
manner. Since elements of conventional expressions are strongly
associated, the LH
s narrow semantic elds code them. The compre-
hension of novel expressions requires the activation of a wide range of
meanings, because their constituents are weakly associated, therefore
the broad (and hence overlapping) semantic elds of the RH code
them. In other words, the lateralization of processing depends on the
semantic-feature overlap between constituents. Two factors have
been posited to contribute to semantic feature overlap: (1) category
membership and (2) strength of association. The RH has been argued
to process category members that are not associated (arm-nose),
while the LH to exhibit a processing advantage for category members
that are also associated (arm-leg) (Chiarello, 1991). As a consequence,
the degree of lateralization during processing expressions that do not
involve category membership and have no overlapping semantic
features (e.g. adjectivenoun expressions in the present study) shall
be determined by the strength of association.
The Bilateral Activation, Integration, and Selection (BAIS) fra-
mework (Jung-Beeman, 2005) is an extended version of the coarse
semantic coding theory, which is more exible in terms of
lateralization of language processing. Jung-Beeman proposes that
three nely tuned semantic systems work together in a highly
interactive manner: the posterior middle and superior temporal
gyri activate, the inferior frontal gyrus selects, and the anterior
middle and superior temporal gyri integrate semantic information,
bilaterally. The ne coding systems of the LH settle on rapid and
focused solutions via close links, while the coarse systems of the
RH maintain broader interpretations via distant semantic links, in
accordance with specic task demands. As a result, any given
semantic task might partially place demands on the LH and on the
RH for example, it is possible that activation spreads in a coarse
manner, but selection or integration requires ne coding.
Taken together, these models of lateralized language processing
do not consider the gurativeness of expressions to be a relevant
factor. At the same time empirical studies often fail to point out
that the RH processing is not specic to metaphors. The formula-
tion of the conclusion that novel metaphors require RH processing
lends itself to the interpretation that the cause is not solely
novelty, but also gurativeness. Because of these contradictions
the issue needs more clarication.
1.3. Novelty and gurative language
Most metaphor researchers did not study gurativeness inde-
pendent of novelty, even though a number of groups compared
novel metaphors with conventional ones. This is only a partial
B. Forgcs et al. / Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109 102
solution, because such a design potentially confounds novelty
and gurativeness. A right-hemisphere advantage could either
be due to novelty, or gurativeness, or both. Another way to shed
light on processes specic to metaphors is to keep the level of
novelty constant, and compare novel metaphors with novel literal
A number of studies compared novel metaphorical and novel
literal sentences, but the question of lateralization has not been
settled. In their ERP study, Coulson and Van Petten (2007) found
that the generators of a late positivity in the 6001200 ms time
window, evoked by novel sentences with similarly low probability
sentence nal words, are not identical for novel metaphorical and
novel literal sentences. Therefore, novel metaphors might require
unique computations. In a DVF experiment Schmidt et al. (2007)
found RH advantage for unfamiliar metaphorical and unfamiliar
literal sentences, but they failed to obtain any clear LH effects for
familiar literal sentences, nor did they nd any interaction
between conditions and hemispheric presentation. When partici-
pants were familiarized with novel metaphors, activation
decreased in bilateral and LH regions (Cardillo, Watson, Schmidt,
Kranjec, & Chatterjee, 2012), suggesting that novelty processing
does not necessarily depend upon the RH. In an experiment with
patients with brain injury, interpreting familiar idiomatic expres-
sions posed difculties for RHD patients, while novel literal
expressions were problematic for LHD patients (Van Lancker &
Kempler, 1987). Diaz et al. (2011) asked healthy individuals to
evaluate gurative and literal sentences, both familiar and novel,
using fMRI, but found contradictory results. Group comparisons
showed RH activations for all novel sentences, and for all gurative
sentences. On the other hand, novel literal expressions, relative to
familiar literals, elicited BOLD signal change only in the LH, and
novel metaphors did not differ either from novel literals or from
familiar metaphors. Neither of these results is in line with the
predictions the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003), or the
original version of the coarse semantic coding theory (Beeman,
1998). And the above two experiments hint that it might be the LH
that processes novel literal expressions. Forgcs et al. (2012) tested
the very same four conditions as Diaz et al. (2011), using noun
noun compound words without context. Novel words, in general,
relative to conventional words, induced a stronger BOLD signal
change in left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), perhaps reecting both
the selection of the appropriate meaning in a ne-coded manner
and the semantic unication (Hagoort, 2005) of the two constitu-
ents. Novel metaphors, relative to novel literal expressions, evoked
left anterior and posterior middle temporal activations. These
areas, according to the BAIS model (Jung-Beeman, 2005), are
responsible for ne-grained semantic integration and activation,
respectively. The results suggest that the brain allocates its
resources exibly in a way that is nely tuned to the task at hand,
and that RH areas might not be necessary for computing either
gurativeness, or novelty.
1.4. Computational demands on the RH
One possible explanation for the contradictory ndings with
gurative and novel language is that the RH is sensitive to a
number of linguistic variables, such as context (Ferstl, Neumann,
Bogler, & von Cramon, 2008; St. George et al., 1999; Vigneau et al.,
2011; Xu, Kemeny, Park, Frattali, & Braun, 2005). Contextual effects
could have masked RH effects in fMRI studies. When metaphors
are embedded in sentences, activations could cancel out each
other across conditions. In one fMRI study context congruity
exerted a stronger effect on the RH than gurativeness (Diaz &
Hogstrom, 2011). Another possibility is that sentential processing
places demands on the LH to an extent that overrides RH effects
for novel items in sentences (cf. Mashal, Faust, Hendler, and
Jung-Beeman 2009). One straightforward way to control for
contextual and sentential effects is to present metaphors in
isolation. Further on, emotions (Ferstl, Rinck, & Von Cramon,
2005) and visual imagery (Just, Newman, Keller, McEleny &
Carpenter, 2004) are dimensions that are also potentially driving
up the processing load on the RH, hence are necessary to control.
1.5. The rationale for the study
Motivated by contradictory ndings in the literature, we
designed the current study (1) to replicate a DVF experiment
involving two word expressions by Faust and Mashal (2007); and
(2) to extend it with a novel literal condition to directly control for
the effect of processing novelty. More specically, our goal was to
test the predictions of the graded salience hypothesis (Giora,
2003), and determine whether the RH has a processing advantage
in the comprehension of novel expressions irrespective of their
gurativeness. In order to reduce potential hemispheric computa-
tional confounds, we presented word pairs in isolation, without
sentential context, and controlled for a number of linguistic factors
(emotional valence, arousal, and imageability) that could inuence
Comparing metaphorical and literal expressions matched
according to novelty also offers a good opportunity to explore
whether there are processes specic to metaphor comprehension.
Particularly we could test whether the gurative meaning of novel
metaphors is available only after a serial procedure, either as a
result of a failed categorization, or the rejection of a salient literal
Our hypotheses were: (1) novel expressions, both metaphorical
and literal, will be processed faster and more accurately when
presented to the left visual eld (LVF)RH than to the right visual
eld (RVF)LH, while conventional expressions, both metaphorical
and literal, will be processed faster and more accurately when
presented to the RVFLH than to the LVFRH. (2) There will be no
processing differences in terms of response accuracy and reaction
times between conventional metaphorical and literal expressions.
However, novel metaphors will be processed slower than novel
literal expressions either because in the case of novel metaphors
the salient literal meaning has to be rejected before arriving at the
non-salient gurative meaning (Giora, 1997, 1999; Giora & Fein,
1999), or because of a lack of a failed categorization attempt,
specic to novel metaphors (Bowdle & Gentner, 2005).
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
Thirty-seven undergraduate university students (18 female), aged 1827
(M20.29, SD1.97), participated in the study for course credit. All participants
were native speakers of Hungarian, had normal or corrected to normal vision, had
no history of neurological or psychiatric disorders, and were right handed with a
handedness quotient above or equal to 50 (M76.53, SD14.19) according to the
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldeld, 1971). Ten additional participants were
excluded because their handedness quotient was below 50, and another eight
because of inaccurate eye-tracker calibration for more than 50% of the trials.
2.2. Stimuli
Stimuli consisted of 288 Hungarian adjectivenoun word pairs. There were four
experimental conditions, each with 36 word pairs. Conventional Metaphors (CM)
(e.g., warm heart), Conventional Literal (CL) (e.g., full stomach), Novel Meta-
phors (NM) (e.g., stinky deal), and Novel Literal (NL) expressions (e.g., boiled
coke). 144 semantically unrelated word pairs (e.g., dilled zero) served as llers
for the semantic decision task. We present examples in Table 1. Word length
was controlled for with number of characters, and frequency for each target
word was determined based on frequency counts in the Hungarian Webcorpus
( by MOKK (Halcsy et al., 2004;
B. Forgcs et al. / Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109 103
Kornai, Halcsy, Nagy, Trn, & Varga, 2006). Conventional word pairs were
commonplace, xed expressions, and part of everyday language. Novel word pairs
were constructed from words that did not form a conventional or familiar
expression, were not associated, but that were semantically compatible. In order
to assign word pairs to categories in an objective manner, we entered pairs in a
Google search. We included in the novel conditions only combinations that had
zero word bigram frequencies; and in the conventional conditions we included
only those that were frequent (at least 1000 hits). According to a ShapiroWilk test
the distribution was not normal either for CMs, W(36).6, po.001, or for CLs, W
(36).9, po.01, but according to a MannWhitney test there was no statistical
difference between the two conditions, U785.5, p4.12, r.18; CM:Mdn5255;
When selecting word pairs we controlled for a number of semantic factors that
included meaningfulness, literalness, emotional valence, arousal, and imageability.
First, 23 university students, who did not participate in the DVF experiment, rated
the word pairs on a 7-point Likert scale for meaningfulness (Please rate the word
pairs according to how meaningful they seem to you. 1: Completely and 7: Not
at all). Then participants engaged in a second task in which they rated the same
words for literalness (Please rate the word pairs according to how literally you
interpreted them during your previous meaningfulness rating. 1: Completely
and 7: Not at all). In a separate norming-study 30 university students (who also
did not participate in the subsequent DVF experiment) rated the words according
to the procedures of the Berlin Affective Word List, or BAWL (V, Jacobs, and Conrad
2006), on a 7-point Likert scale for emotional valence (Please rate the word pairs
according to their emotional valence. 3: Highly negative, 3: Highly
positive); arousal (Please rate the word pairs according to how emotionally
arousing they are. 1: Not at all, 7: Completely); and imageability (Please rate
the word pairs according to how easily they evoke a mental image. 1: Not at all,
7: Completely).
We performed a one-way ANOVA on the norming data with word category as
the differentiating factor. Experimental conditions did not differ in terms of target
word frequency, F(3, 140)1.7, p.17, and length, F(3, 140).6, p.6. As expected,
literalness was signicantly different across categories, F(3, 140)374.6, po.001,
and Tamhane
s post-hoc test revealed that except for conventional and novel
metaphors all categories were signicantly different (po.001). It was not possible
to make the experimental categories completely homogenous with regard to
imageability, F(3, 140)49.3, po.001 (all categories being different according to
s post-hoc test, po.04), and arousal, F(3, 140)2.8, p.04 (only CLs and
NMs being different according to Tamhane
s post-hoc test, po.04), but we found
no difference in valence, F(3, 140)1.9, p.13. We conducted a second one-way
ANOVA, with unrelated word pairs also included, in order to test meaningfulness
ratings. As expected, the effect was signicant, F(4, 283)683.3, po.001.
s post-hoc test revealed that the meaningfulness of all categories were
signicantly different from each other (po.001). Results of the norming are shown
in Table 2. We included meaningfulness and all BAWL factors in the nal statistical
analysis as covariates.
2.3. Experimental procedure
After reading the instructions and completing 16 practice items (eight exam-
ples of the unrelated and two of each meaningful conditions, not included in the
stimuli), participants viewed 288 word pairs. The rst words of the expressions
(the adjectives) that served as primes were presented centrally, while the second,
target words (the nouns) appeared randomly either in the LVF or in the RVF. There
were two stimulus sets, so that each target word was presented to both LVFRH
and RVFLH across participants. Central xation during the lateralized presentation
was assured by an infrared eye-tracking system (IView X RED, SMI, Germany). If the
subjects moved their gaze away from the central xation-cross and towards the
target, the word disappeared, and the trial ended. We presented stimuli, recorded
responses, and controlled the eye-tracker with the Presentation 14.8 software
( Participants placed their head on a chinrest, at a viewing
distance of 60 cm from the screen. All words appeared in white Arial letters (font
size: 22) on a black background. After a xation cross () appeared centrally for
3000 ms, prime words appeared centrally for 400 ms. Following a central xation-
cross for 400 ms (SOA800 ms), target words appeared for 180 ms, either to the
left or to the right of the re-appearing central xation-cross. Once the participant
responded, the next trial began. We presented target words 1.61 to the left or to the
right of the central xation cross, since there is no strong evidence in favor of the
bilateral representation of the fovea in the cortex, suggesting that it is split in
humans (Brysbaert, 2004; Lavidor, Ellis, Shillcock, Bland, 2001; Lavidor & Walsh,
2004). According to participants
subjective account, words appeared in their visual
periphery. Participants performed two blocks of trials, with a break in between. The
s calibration was automatically checked at every 20 trials, and was re-
established when necessary. We told participants to decide, as fast and accurately
as possible, whether or not the two words constituted a meaningful combination.
We instructed them to keep their right index nger above the right-arrow-key of
the keyboard and to push it to indicate yes, and to keep their left index nger
above the left-arrow-key and push it to indicate no.
3. Results
We excluded trials if eye-tracker calibration failed or if the
target word appeared for less than 180 ms, indicating eye-
movement (19.22%). We performed both subject (F1) and item
(F2) based analyses on response accuracy and on the median of
reaction times for correct responses. Meaningfully unrelated word
pairs were not included in the analyses since they served as llers.
For the F1 subject analysis we conducted a 222 (Visual
FieldFigurativeness Novelty) repeated measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA). We found all main effects to be signicant for
response accuracy: visual eld, F
(1, 36)25, po.001,
gurativeness, F
(1, 36)55.3, po.001,
.61, and novelty, F
36)422.7, po.001,
.92. There was a signicant three-way
interaction between visual eld, gurativeness, and novelty, F
36)6.3, p.02,
.15, a two-way interaction between novelty
and gurativeness, F
(1, 36)4.2, p.049,
.1, and novelty and
visual eld, F
(1, 36)4.5, p.04,
.11. To break down the
three-way interaction responses to conventional and novel condi-
tions were entered into a 2 2 (Visual FieldFigurativeness)
ANOVA separately, which yielded a signicant interaction between
the two within-subject variables for the conventional items,
(1, 36)5.4, p.03,
.13, but not for the novel items,
(1, 36)1.9, p.18, observed power.27. It was not possible to
explain the interaction, since we found the one-way (visual eld)
ANOVA signicant for CMs, F
(1, 36)26.2, po.001,
.42, and
for CLs, F
(1, 36)20.3, po.001,
.36, both being processed
more accurately in the RVFLH. However, the effect sizes suggest
that this former difference in accuracy was greater for CMs than
for CLs. In the two-way ANOVAs there was a signicant main effect
of visual eld for conventional items, F
(1, 36)38.5, po.001,

.52, and also for novel items, F
(1, 36)4.4, p.04,
Based on the effect sizes, the difference in accuracy in the RVFLH
was greater for conventional items than for novel items. The main
effect of gurativeness was signicant again for both conventional,
(1, 36)24.2, po.001,
.40, and novel expressions, F
36)35, po.001,
.49, where the effect sizes suggest that
the higher accuracy of NLs relative to NMs was a greater difference
than the higher accuracy of CLs relative to CMs. These latter
main effects of the 22 ANOVAs were equivalent with a brake
Table 1
Examples of the stimuli from the four experimental conditions and the ller condition (translated from Hungarian).
Conventional Metaphor Conventional Literal Novel Metaphor Novel Literal Unrelated
brilliant idea famous painter soft irony adult ant corrupt pump
blind love deep water silky sunset canned radish cooked mass
light meal wilted ower worn idea funny donor ticklish roller
warm heart full stomach sparkling party kitschy bus dilled zero
dark secret straight line smoky song cycling chorus angular dew
crude joke narrow hips stinky deal elegant pimp alert edge
sharp mind frizzy hair dusty poem muddy train drunk armor
bitter cold knitted sweater cruel building boiled coke thermal acacia
B. Forgcs et al. / Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109 104
down the two-way interactions of the three-way ANOVA (Novel-
ty Figurativeness and NoveltyVisual Field), however, because
both subtests were signicant in both cases, neither was possible
to explain.
The median values of reaction times (F1) were entered also in a
222 (Visual FieldFigurativeness Novelty) ANOVA, and all
main effects proved signicant: visual eld, F
(1, 36)12.1,
.25, gurativeness, F
(1, 36)11.8, p.002,
and novelty, F
(1, 36)117.5, po.001,
.77. The three-way
interaction was not signicant, F
(1, 36)1.1, p.29, observed
power.18, but there was a signicant two-way interaction
between gurativeness and novelty, F
(1, 36)17.7, po.001,

.33. In order to break down the interaction, the data was
collapsed across visual elds. Conventional and novel conditions
were entered separately into a single level ANOVA with gura-
tiveness being the only within-subject variable. CLs were pro-
cessed signicantly faster compared to CMs, F
(1, 36)47.5,
.57, but there was no difference between NLs and
NMs, F
(1, 36).2, p.66, observed power.07.
The F2 item analysis consisted of a two-level (visual eld)
repeated measures ANCOVA, with gurativeness and novelty as
between-subject variables, and valence, arousal, imageability and
meaningfulness as covariates. For response accuracy only the
three-way interaction between visual eld, gurativeness, and
novelty, F
(1, 136)4.9, p.03,
.04, and the main effect of
novelty, F
(1, 136)13, po.001,
.09, were signicant. Mean-
ingfulness was the only covariate that had a signicant effect, F
136)29.3, po.001,
.18. When it was not included in the
analysis, effects remained the same, except that the interaction
between visual eld and imageability became signicant, F
137)4.1, p.04,
.03. When imageability was removed, the
three-way interaction and the main effect of novelty remained, but
also the between-subject effect of gurativeness proved signi-
cant, F
(1, 138)15.7, po.001,
.1. This suggests that the main
effect of gurativeness in the F1 accuracy analysis could be due to
the higher meaningfulness and imageability of literal expressions.
To break down the three-way interaction, conventional and novel
items were introduced separately to an ANCOVA identical to the
one above except that only gurativeness was included as a
between-subject variable. For conventional expressions there
was no interaction between visual eld and gurativeness, F
66).2, p.66, observed power.07. Visual eld had a signicant
main effect, F
(1, 66)4.6, p.04,
.07, and it was in interac-
tion with meaningfulness, F
(1, 66)8.9, p.004,
.12, which
latter also had a signicant covariate effect, F
(1, 66)19.6,
.23. When we removed meaningfulness from the
analysis, only gurativeness had a signicant effect, F
(1, 67)7.7,
.1 (and visual eld not). This suggests that the higher
accuracy in the F1 analysis for conventional expressions in the
RVFLH relative to LVFRH is reliable, even though modulated by
meaningfulness, while the higher accuracy of CLs relative to CMs
could be due to the higher meaningfulness of CLs. In the case of
novel expressions, only meaningfulness had a signicant effect,
(1, 66)13, p.001,
.17, and when it was omitted, image-
ability marginally covaried with visual eld, F
(1, 67)3.8,
.05. When both of the latter covariates were omitted,
the effect of gurativeness become signicant, F
(1, 68)7.5,
.1, suggesting that the more accurate processing of
NLs compared to NMs in the F1 analysis, could be due to their
higher meaningfulness and imageability.
Finally, median reaction times for the F2 analysis were included
in an ANCOVA whose design was identical to the one above. There
was no signicant three-way interaction between visual eld,
gurativeness, and novelty, F
(1, 136)1.9, p.18, observed
power.27. We found a signicant main effect for novelty, F
136)28.2, po.001,
.17, but neither gurativeness, nor visual
eld was signicant. Arousal was in interaction with visual eld,
(1, 136)5.6, p.02,
.04, and imageability marginally
covaried, F
(1, 136)3.9, p.050,
.03. Emotionally more
arousing word pairs were processed slower only in the LVFRH.
When arousal was not included in the model, the effect of visual
eld was still not signicant, while the main effect of novelty and a
trend for imageability remained, F
(1, 137)3.8, p.052,
When only imageability was omitted, the main effect of visual
eld turned out to be signicant, F
(1, 137)4.5, p.04,
and gurativeness as well, F
(1, 137)7.2, p.01,
.05, other-
wise all effects remained the same. Only in the RVFLH were more
imageable expressions processed faster, and was gurativeness in
an interaction with novelty. These results suggest that in the F1
analysis the main effect of faster responses in the RVFLH could be
due to imageability and modulated by arousal, and the main effect
of faster responses to literal expressions could be due to image-
ability. In a separate analysis, bigram frequency was also included
in the relevant comparisons, but the pattern of results did not
change. No other statistical tests were signicant (all values of
Fo3.8, and p4.058).
In summary, our analyses revealed no RH processing advantage
for novel items, either for metaphorical or literal. Both novel and
conventional expressions were processed more accurately in the
RVFLH than in the LVFRH (where meaningfulness contributed
to the latter advantage), and all word pairs were processed faster
in the RVFLH (which was inuenced by imageability, and in
interaction with arousal). Irrespective of lateralization, CLs were
processed more accurately than CMs, but it could be due to
meaningfulness; NLs were processed more accurately than NMs,
but meaningfulness and imageability could have contributed to
Table 2
Mean (SD) values of psycholinguistic properties of the four experimental conditions and the ller condition.
Conventional Metaphor Conventional Literal Novel Metaphor Novel Literal Unrelated
Frequency of target word 22378 8402 22246 10290 4332
(35420) (12895) (49636) (30552) (11605)
Length of target word 5.31 4.94 5 5.19 5.31
(1.79) (1.09) (1.07) (1.04) (1.01)
Meaningfulness (1highest) 1.54 1.25 3.4 2.59 5.39
(.35) (.15) (.85) (.67) (.53)
Literalness (1highest) 4.73 1.95 4.52 2.41 3.96
(.51) (.21) (.53) (.44) (.45)
Valence (3 to3) .03 .14 .45 .16 .22
(1.26) (1.32) (1.04) (.84) (.7)
Arousal (1none) 3.95 3.57 4.29 3.99 4.04
(1.2) (1.21) (.94) (.76) (.66)
Imageability (1none) 4.31 5.56 3.77 4.78 3.26
(.78) (.58) (.6) (.61) (.58)
B. Forgcs et al. / Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109 105
this effect. CL word pairs were processed faster than CMs, but NMs
did not need more processing time than NLs. We present the
results of the F1 analyses in Fig. 1.
4. Discussion
The goal of the present study was to clarify the RH
s role in the
comprehension of novel expressions, especially novel metaphors.
In order to separate the effects of gurativeness and novelty, we
introduced an experimental condition in which we presented
novel literal word pairs. In contrast to most DVF experiments on
gurative language (except when ERPs are recorded), we ensured
lateralized presentation by using an eye-tracker. Additionally, we
controlled for a number of factors that could activate the RH and
act as confounds. We presented stimuli without context, and in
the statistical analysis we included emotional valence, arousal,
imageability, and meaningfulness as covariates.
4.1. Novel expressions
The LVFRH processing advantage for two word novel meta-
phorical expressions was not evident in our results, either in
response accuracy or reaction times, which we attribute to our
careful control for potential confounds. Thus, our ndings do not
support the RH theory of metaphor processing. This observation is
in line with earlier studies that did not identify RH processes
during NM comprehension (Faust & Weisper, 2000; Mashal &
Faust, 2010; Mashal et al., 2009; Shibata, Abe, Terao, & Miyamoto,
2007), although these research groups presented metaphors in
sentences that could have affected their results. We presented
novel metaphors without context, similarly to experimenters who
used word pairs only (e.g., Anaki et al., 1998; Faust & Mashal, 2007;
Mashal & Faust, 2008; Mashal et al., 2005, 2007; Pobric et al.,
2008). The latter studies reported RH involvement that contradicts
our ndings. A possible resolution lies in the fact that we
controlled for potential confounds such as imageability, emotional
valence, and arousal. It is possible that novel metaphors, especially
those taken from poetry (e.g., Faust & Mashal, 2007), differed from
literal expressions in ways beyond those related to metaphoric
value or novelty. Poetic effects often evoke pragmatic processes
that are known to require RH resources (e.g., Plh, 2000; Van
Lancker, 1997). Our controlling for the aforementioned factors
could explain why we did not replicate the previously reported
LVFRH processing advantage.
The nding that novel literals were processed more accurately,
and that all novel word pairs were processed faster in the RVFLH
was not predicted by the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003)
or by the rst version of the coarse semantic coding theory
(Beeman, 1998); however, the BAIS framework (Jung-Beeman,
2005) can provide an explanation. According to this model there
are two kinds of semantic activations, integrations, and selec-
tions: a nely coded one, and a coarsely coded one. The various
sub-processes of language comprehension can tax either of the
two hemispheres depending on the specic task. Selecting a
relevant meaning, or integrating the word pairs into novel
meaningful expressions could have required ne coding, even
though they were not related semantically. Forgcs et al. (2012)
found that literal and metaphorical novel nounnoun compound
words activated the LIFG. The inhibition of irrelevant, and the
selection of appropriate senses seem to be LH weighted tasks,
especially when conditions encourage strategic and post-access
processing (Chiarello, 1988, 1991; Chiarello, Senehi, & Nuding,
1987). Alternatively, semantic integration of lexical items might
be primarily a LH procedure (while contextual integration still
could be carried out by the RH). Importantly, the paradigmatic
summation priming task in the experiment of Beeman et al.
(1994) did not require the integration of words into novel units.
In that experiment subjects read three prime words (foot, cry,
glass), each distantly related to the target word (cut) that had
to be named following lateralized presentation. Furthermore,
priming studies show that RH activations could be explained
solely by spreading activation, but the LH dominance in semantic
processing is not merely the result of automatic activation
or focused lexical access (Chiarello et al., 1987). When one
task is to arrive at coherence, rather than predictive inferences,
the LH clearly shows a priming advantage (Beeman, Bowden, &
Gernsbacher, 2000).
The comparable reaction times for NMs and NLs indicate that
contrary to predictions of the graded salience hypothesis, there
was no serial processing of salience. If the salient (i.e. literal)
meaning of a NM had been processed rst, and the non-salient
gurative meaning inferred only afterwards (Giora, 1997, 1999,
2003), NMs should have taken longer to process than NLs. Even
though the graded salience hypothesis proposes that unlike
conventional expressions, novel expressions have no salient mean-
ing, it is not clear why NLs required as much processing time as
NMs. Does any kind of salient (literal) meaning have to be dropped
in order to reach another, non-salient (but again literal) meaning?
Thus, a saliency based explanation seems unsupported by our
results. A more plausible explanation is that the meaning of novel
expressions is not computed serially, but instead it is directly
accessible once a semantic analysis has taken place. After the
possible meanings of the constituents are activated, the most
plausible candidates are selected, and then integrated. The proces-
sing of potential meanings seems to be carried out directly both
Fig. 1. Response accuracy (%), and median reaction times (ms) according to the F1 analysis. CM: conventional metaphor, CL: conventional literal, NM: novel metaphor, NL:
novel literal expressions. All conventional and novel literal word pairs were processed more accurately, and all word pairs faster in the RVFLH. NMs were processed just as
fast as NLs, while CMs were processed slower than CLs.
B. Forgcs et al. / Neuropsychologia 56 (2014) 101109 106
for literal and metaphorical expressions. Blasko & Connine (1993)
provided evidence that gurative meaning could be quickly avail-
able for apt NMs.
Similarly, the career of metaphor hypothesis (Bowdle &
Gentner, 2005), as much as it can be generalized from nominal
metaphors, proposes that NMs are processed serially. They should
be comprehended as a comparison only after a failed categoriza-
tion attempt (that is evoked by their grammatical concordance
with literal comparisons). Since NLs do not require this extra step,
NMs are expected to take longer to process. This was not apparent
in our experiment, thus the theory is not supported by our results.
Glucksberg (2003) proposes in his category assertion view that
even novel (nominal) metaphors are comprehended via a categor-
ization. Metaphorical terms are understood because they have a
dual reference to a literal subordinate, and to a gurative ad hoc
superordinate category, both of which are available. Whether or
not this is the case, our results do not contradict his theory. During
the processing course of novel expressions probably several
potential meanings are activated and a gurative or a literal
meaning is equally accessible, within a comparable time.
4.2. Conventional expressions
In line with the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003) all
conventional items were processed faster and more accurately in
the RVFLH than in the LVFRH (although accuracy was modu-
lated by meaningfulness, the RVFLH advantage was consistent).
Fixed expressions may be stored as lexical units, and it could be
easier for the LH to retrieve and evaluate them.
Irrespective of lateralized processing, we found that CMs were
processed slower and less accurately than CLs (the slower reaction
times to metaphors appeared to be inuenced by their lower image-
ability, and the lower accuracy by their lower meaningfulness). This is
an important result, since the graded salience hypothesis (Giora, 2003)
predicts no processing difference between conventional items in terms
of gurativeness. Since we did not nd evidence for serial processing
of NMs, the processing delay is unlikely to indicate serial processing of
CMs either. However, compared to CLs, CMs have not one, but two
possible meanings, a literal and a gurative, both of which could be
readily available. This dual activation is predicted by both the parallel
access view (Gibbs, 1994) and the graded salience hypothesis (Giora,
2003). Contrary to novel expressions, the gurative and literal mean-
ings are not just directly accessible, but both of them are accessed
and both of them are accessed faster than the meaning of any kind of
novel expression. The activation of two possible meanings could
explain the overall slower processing time, since one of them has to
be selected. Semantic selection is probably taking place primarily in
the LH (Burgess & Simpson, 1988), imposing extra processing load on
that hemisphere. Forgcs et al. (2012) found that conventional
metaphors (relative to conventional literal expressions) activated the
LIFG; the BAIS framework (Jung-Beeman, 2005) suggests that this area
is responsible for ne-coded selection. Based on our results Gibbs
(1994) parallel access viewcould be extended to CMs not presented in
a supportive context. The modulating effect of the closely related
imageability and meaningfulness is an issue that should be explored in
future studies, even though it might be an inherent feature of
metaphorical language. Most metaphors refer to abstract concepts,
which are more difcult to experience with the senses, thus are less
imageable and as a consequence less meaningful. Across all
categories of word pairs the latter two factors correlated strongly:
r(288).77, po.001.
4.3. Conclusions
In the present divided visual eld study we employed an eye-
tracker to ensure hemield presentation of adjective-noun word
pairs, without sentential context, to study the lateralized processing
of novel metaphors. With our experiment we attempted to both
replicate that of Faust and Mashal (2007) and, at the same time,
extend it by an additional condition of novel literal expressions.
With the new condition we controlled for processing novelty, and
with including in the statistical analysis a number of potentially
confounding variables (such as emotional valence, arousal, image-
ability, and meaningfulness) we were able to control for their
inuence on RH processing.
With this design, we found that all categories of word pairs
were processed faster in the RVFLH, and accuracy was also higher
in the RVFLH. Our results contradict studies in which researchers
argued for a LVFRH processing advantage for novel metaphors,
and raise the possibility that other uncontrolled variables were
responsible for previous results. Reaction times data indicated that
the degree of lateralization of processing is inuenced by how
arousing the expressions are even though only CLs and NMs
were signicantly different. Controlling for emotional factors, such
as arousal, might be crucial for future studies examining hemi-
spheric differences in gurative language comprehension.
Responses to novel word pairs were faster in the RVFLH, and
were slower than those for conventional expressions, which
together suggest that primarily a left hemisphere weighted
semantic integration is responsible for their processing costs.
The lack of reaction time differences between novel metaphors
and novel literal expressions call into question the theories that
posit a serial processing, either of salience (Giora, 1997, 1999), or
as a consequence of a failed categorization attempt (Bowdle &
Gentner, 2005). Both conventional categories of word pairs were
processed faster and more accurately in the RVFLH, while con-
ventional metaphors were processed slower than conventional
literal expressions, perhaps as a result of a parallel access to their
literal and gurative senses. The results highlight the task sensi-
tivity of the division of labor for language comprehension between
the two cerebral hemispheres, and indicate that the role of the RH
might not be as specic to metaphors, or even to non-salient
language, as it has been proposed. Previous studies could have
reported pragmatic effects stemming from the experimental
situation and task. Further empirical studies are required to
elucidate the language specic processes of the RH.
The authors would like to thank the help of Judit Fazekas
during the experimental measurements, of Ferenc Kemny in
statistical analyses, and of two anonymous reviewers, whose
comments and suggestions signicantly improved our paper.
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DOI: 10.1556/MPSzle.64.2009.3.



BME Kognitvtudomnyi Tanszke
E-mail: [email protected]
Berkezett: 2008. 12. 11. Elfogadva: 2009. 03. 10.

Az egymsnak ltszlag ellentmond kognitv metaforaelmlet s a relevanciaelmlet nemcsak kiegszt-
hetik egymst, de tallkozsi pontjaik rdekes elemzsi lehetsgeket nyjtanak. Egy szigorbb s egy
lazbb elemzsi pldn keresztl tekintem t azokat a terleteket, ahol az elmleteknek tartalmi ssze-
fggse lehet. Egyrszt a fogalmi metafork az absztrakt fogalmak megrtst konkrt forrstartom-
nyok bevonsa rvn segtik, amivel hozzjrulhatnak az optimlis relevancia ltrehozshoz. Ez tl-
mutat a relevanciaelmlet ltal nekik sznt szerepen, amely szerint csupn a laza nyelvhasznlat klti
eszkzei lennnek. Lehetsges, hogy a fogalmi lekpezsek nem elhanyagolhat szerepet jtszanak kogni-
tv krnyezetnkben. A msodik elemzsben a metafork metakommunikatv rtkre prblok rmutat-
ni, ami a relevanciaelmlet kiegsztst eredmnyezheti. Az indirekt beszd virgnyelve egy olyan meta-
forikus rteget jelenthet a nyelvben, amelynek a szemantika szintjn is metakommunikcis rtke lehet.

Kulcsszavak: kognitv metaforaelmlet, relevanciaelmlet, metakommunikci, pragmatika, konk-
rt, absztrakt
A metafora, ez a klnleges nyelvi eszkz, nagyjbl 150 vvel ezeltt keltette fl
a nyelvszek rdekldst, m a modern nyelvszet hozzvetleg harminc ve
kezdett el intenzvebben foglalkozni vele. Ugyanakkor a kognitv nyelvszetet
meghatroz relevanciaelmlet (SPERBER, WILSON, 1995) egszen eltr llspontot
fogalmaz meg a metaforkkal kapcsolatban, mint a kognitv metaforaelmlet (LAKOFF,
JOHNSON, 1980a), amely a metaforkat a fogalmi gondolkods kzppontjba
8. 8
594 Forgcs Blint
A kt elmlet kztt feszl ellenttek a legtbb nyelvsz szmra feloldhatat-
lannak tnnek, de TENDAHL s GIBBS (2008) cikkkben amellett rvelnek, hogy
a kt felfogsra gy is tekinthetnk, mint amelyek kiegsztik egymst. Noha az
elmletek a metaforkat alapveten eltren tlik meg, szmos ponton nem
mondanak ellent egymsnak, s tbb krdst illeten az egyik ott kezdi az rve-
lst, ahol a msik abbahagyja. A legfontosabb rszek ttekintst kveten (s
azok alapjn) megprblok olyan tovbbi kapcsoldsi felleteket keresni a meta-
fork s a relevanciaelmlet kztt, amelyek a kognitv metaforaelmlettel is ssz-
hangban vannak.
A relevanciaelmlet szerint mindig az adott kognitv krnyezet hatrozza meg,
hogy a jelek pontosan mire is utalnak (pldul akkor, amikor a szkni prbl
rabok, anlkl, hogy meg tudtk volna beszlni elre, tudjk, hogy mit kell tenni-
k a mgttk stl rrel, ha a megfelel pillanatban az egyikjk fttyent;
SPERBER, WILSON, 1995). Azonban ahhoz, hogy az adott helyzetnek megfelel
jelentsrteget nyilvnvalv tegyk, konkrtnak kell lennnk ppen annyira,
hogy megrtessk magunkat hallgatsgunkkal.
A kognitv metaforaelmlet szerint a metafork gy szervezik gondolkodsun-
kat, hogy az elvont fogalmakat konkrtabb fogalmak rvettsvel rtjk meg,
ezrt a metafork segtsgvel tulajdonkppen hatkonyan nyltt s nyilvnvalv tehetjk
mondanivalnk lnyegt. A htkznapi beszdben gyakran elfordul, hogy egy gon-
dolatot egy msikkal helyettestnk, vagyis tttelesen fejezzk ki magunkat (pl-
dul azt, hogy bevsrolok, kifejezhetjk gy, hogy leugrom a boltba). A me-
tafork is hasonlan mkdnek, de a lekpezsek rendszere hatkony tmponto-
kat biztosthat a relevns vonatkozsok megfejtsben: ezzel a nyelvi eszkzzel
lugrsban haladhatunk a beszlgetsek relevns informcii fel (hiszen val-
jban senki sem ugrik a boltba).
A metafork tovbb nagyban megknnythetik az absztrakt fogalmak haszn-
latt, mert nlklk lehetsges, hogy nem tudnnk megfelelen ktni a szavakat,
illetve elvont jelentsket az adott kontextushoz, gy sokkal nehezebb lenne meg-
tallni a pillanatnyi relevancijukat. Ez a krds a mentlis s a nyilvnos lexikon
kzti tfeds krdskrhez kapcsoldik, hiszen pldul a szinonimk azonos vagy
legalbbis nagyon hasonl fogalmakra utalnak, mikzben a tbb jelentssel br
szavak eltr fogalmakhoz kapcsoldnak, s gy nem valszn, hogy egy az egy-
hez lenne a megfeleltets a fogalmak s a szavak kztt (SPERBER, WILSON, 1998).
A metaforaelmlet egy msik ton is hozzjrulhat a beszlgetsek relevanci-
jhoz. A lnyeges mozzanatokra rmutat (osztenzv) jegyeket a metakommuni-
kci is hordozza (pldul a hangslyozsban), m a metafork rvn a meta-
kommunikci nyelvi rtegt rhetjk tetten, mivel az elsdleges metafork
(GRADY, 1997) fiziolgiai s gyermekkori lmnyekre utal forrstartomnyai,
amelyek rejtetten tszvik a beszdet, folyamatosan kzvettenek egyfajta m-
lyebb, szenzomotoros jelentsrtegrl is. A metafork metakommunikcis httr-
jelentse tudattalanul (is) folyamatosan tudst a beszl szmra a relevns moz-
zanatokrl. Lnyegt tekintve ez az rtelmezs kzel ll FNAGY Ivn (1974) ketts
kdols koncepcijhoz, mely szerint a beszd nknyes kdrendszert egy archai-
kus, termszetes kd egszti ki, amely a jelek s a jelensgek kztti szimptoma-
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 595
tikus vagy szimbolikus kapcsolatokat is hordozza. Az elsdleges metafork ese-
tben a termszetes kdot a szenzomotoros lmnyek hordozzk.
Ide kapcsoldik a ktrtelm beszd (PINKER, 2007), amely gyakran metafork
segtsgvel jn ltre: a metafork virgnyelve egy olyan nyelvi rteget biztost,
ahol a ktrtelmsg httern egyrtelmen ki lehet fejezni a relevns informci-
kat (pldul a vgyakat) anlkl, hogy el kne hagyni a semlegessg biztonsgos
terept. A metaforkkal osztenzv jegyek nylt kommunikcijra van lehetsg,
mikzben forma szerint nem hangzik el semmi klns. Ilyen kifejezs pldul a
mlyebben megismerkedtek egymssal.
LAKOFF s JOHNSON (1980b) kognitv metaforaelmletnek lnyege, hogy a meta-
fork nem csak szrevtlenl hatjk t mindennapi beszdnket, hanem fogalmi
rendszernk is metaforikus szervezds. A fogalmi metafork egy konkrtabb
forrstartomny elemeit szisztematikus lekpezsek rendszerben vettik r az
ltalban elvontabb cltartomnyra. A fogalmi metafork (pldul AZ ELMLE-
TEK PLETEK) olyan metaforikus nyelvi kifejezsekben nyilvnulnak meg, mint
a szilrd alapokon nyugszik az rvels (KVECSES, 2005). Amint eltvolodunk a
konkrt fizikai tapasztalatoktl, s absztrakcikrl vagy rzelmekrl kezdnk be-
szlni, metaforikus nyelvi terepre rkeznk (LAKOFF, 1992). Az egybknt res,
absztrakt fogalmakat metafork segtsgvel fogjuk fel: ezeket ltalban elvonts-
guk miatt nehz sz szerint kommuniklni, st, bizonyos helyzetekben taln egy-
ltaln nem is lehet. Pldul elg nehz akr csak beszlni is elmletekrl, ha nem
szeretnnk hasznlni AZ ELMLETEK PLETEK fogalmi metafort.
A metaforkat tbbflekppen szoktk csoportostani. GRADY (1997) felosztsa
szerint az elsdleges metafork gy jnnek ltre, hogy bizonyos szenzomotoros l-
mnyek nem szenzomotoros lmnyekkel kapcsoldnak ssze (pldul A DH
EGY FORR FOLYADK). Ezek kombinciibl llnak ssze a komplex metafork,
amelyek motivcis httere mr nem nyilvnval (pldul A CGEK NV-
NYEK), de ha elsdleges metaforkra bonthatjuk ket, akkor knnyen meglla-
pthat. A klnbz tudsterletek tapasztalati gestaltok smiban kapcsoldnak
ssze (LAKOFF, JOHNSON, 1980a), teht egysges megtapasztalsuk miatt jnnek
ltre az sszekttetsek a tvolabbi fogalmak kztt.
Az elsdleges metafork integrlt elmlete szerint (LAKOFF, JOHNSON, 1999) elkp-
zelhet, hogy nemcsak hasonl lmnyek, hanem azonos agyterletek aktivld-
nak, amikor szenzomotoros lmnyek vetlnek absztrakt fogalmakra. Az elsdle-
ges metafork kt terlet prhuzamos neurlis aktivcija rvn jnnek ltre, amit
ksrletek is igazolni ltszanak (ROHRER, 2005).
596 Forgcs Blint
Relevanciaelmlet s metafora
A relevanciaelmlet (SPERBER, WILSON, 1995) lnyege, hogy az emberi kommuni-
kci a relevancia maximalizlsra trekszik. A relevancia kommunikatv elve az,
hogy minden kijelents figyelmet von magra, ami sajt relevancijt ellegezi
meg a hallgat szmra. A relevanciaelmlet szakt a jelelmlet klasszikus s jabb
formival is: a Grice-fle kzs tuds helyett a kognitv krnyezetre helyezi a hang-
slyt, amelyben a beszl rmutat (osztenzv) viselkedsvel nyltt (manifesztt)
teszi kommunikcis szndkt, hogy ezzel tjkoztassa hallgatsgt kijelentse
tartalmrl (vagyis sajt mentlis llapotrl). Ebben a helyzetben kt vezrlelv
mkdik: a kognitv hats maximalizlsa s a kognitv erfeszts minimalizlsa,
amelyeket ersen meghatroz a kognitv krnyezet. Kognitv hatst j informci,
vagyis egy korbbi felttelezs megerstse vagy egy meglv felttelezs cfolata
rvn rhetnk el. Minl nagyobb a hats s minl kisebb az erfeszts, annl
relevnsabb a kijelents.
A beszdben ez kt lpsben valsul meg: elszr az adott kijelents logikai
formjnak kidolgozsa trtnik meg (morfolgia, szemantika, szintaxis), ami egy
nem propozicionlis vzat hoz ltre. A propozcihoz mr szksg van a relevan-
cira: az adott kognitv krnyezetben elhangz kijelents alapjn egyrszt explika-
trkat dolgozunk ki (mik kvetkeznek az adott kijelentsbl pldul abbl,
hogy hideg van itt, az kvetkezhet, hogy nyitva van az ablak) msrszt implikat-
rkat hozunk ltre (vagyis miket foglal magban a kijelents pldul azt, hogy be
kne csukni az ablakot). Ezek a jelents tulajdonkppeni hordozi. A kt lps a
gyakorlatban vals idben, prhuzamosan megy vgbe, elvrsok s hipotzisek
alapjn (TENDAHL, GIBBS, 2008).
A relevanciaelmlet szerint a metafork egyltaln nem foglalnak el klnleges
helyet sem a htkznapi beszdben, sem a gondolkodsban. A metafora mindsz-
sze egyike a klti hatskelts eszkzeinek, melyek rvn olyan laza nyelvhaszn-
latra nylik md (a beszl nem szigoran az igazsgot mondja), amely optimali-
zlja a kijelentsek relevancijt. A laza nyelvhasznlat gyenge implikatrkkal
jr, amely utbbi azt fejezi ki, hogy a hallgat nem lehet egszen biztos abban,
hogy mire is utalt a beszl. Ez aztn tbb kognitv erfesztshez vezet, ami vi-
szont cserbe nagyobb kognitv hatssal jr, s gy jn ltre a klti hats a rele-
vancia optimalizlsa mellett.
A laza nyelvhasznlat pontosabb meghatrozshoz szksg van a ler
(descriptive) s a magyarz (interpretive) reprezentcik megklnbztet-
sre. Minden reprezentci, amely llt valamit, vagy 1. lerja az (akr hipotetikus)
llapotokat, vagy 2. egy msik lltst magyarz. A kapcsolat egy llts s a besz-
l fejben lv gondolat kztt minden esetben pusztn magyarz jelleg. Teht
a hallgat mindig valamilyen magyarz felttelezst dolgoz ki a beszl inform-
cikzlsi szndkrl. Tovbb maga a kijelents sem teljesen azonos a beszl
gondolataival; gyakran nem is lehetsges sz szerinti kifejezst tallni egy-egy sz-
szetett gondolatunkhoz, ezrt beszlnk lazn. A relevanciaelmlet szerint a kett
teljes egyezse s a kett egszen kicsi tfedse egy kontinuumot alkot. A metafo-
ra is valahol ezen helyezkedik el, s ezrt nincs lnyegi klnbsg a metaforikus s
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 597
a nem metaforikus kijelentsek feldolgozsa kztt: a hallgatk sosem veszik gy,
hogy teljesen sz szerint rti a beszl azt, amit mond. Az optimlis relevancia
rdekben lazn beszlnk, s ezrt a hallgatk sem vrnak sz szerinti kijelent-
seket, st a metaforikus kijelentsek gyakran relevnsabbak, mint a sz szerintiek
(TENDAHL, GIBBS, 2008). Ezek szerint, noha nem metaforikus az a kijelents,
hogy a terem res, ltalban mgsem sz szerint rtelmezzk, mert btorok is
lehetnek benne, s a mozitl az iskolig sok mindenre utalhat.
A metafork laza hasznlatt CARSTON (2002) pontostotta, ad hoc fogalmakra vo-
natkoz elmletben, amely szerint ezeket online hozzuk ltre, a lexikai fogalmak
laztsval (enciklopdiai s lexikai rszeik visszatartsval denotcijuk nvelse,
pldul Gza egy zsirf), illetve szktsvel (megszort informcik hozzad-
sval denotcijuk cskkentse, pldul Gza rugalmatlan). Ezltal jn ltre a
metafork explikatrja. Pldul a Robi egy buldzer kifejezsben a buldzer
fogalmat addig lehet tgtani, hogy ember is lehet belle. Tulajdonkppen csak a
szigoran sz szerinti kifejezsek nem alkalmazzk a fogalmak szktst vagy t-
A metaforkrl alkotott elmletek keresztmetszete
A kognitv metafora- s a relevanciaelmlet radiklisan eltr szemlletmdja elle-
nre TENDAHL s GIBBS (2008) szerint a kt szemllet megfr egyms mellett st,
ki is egsztik egymst. A klnbsgek abbl fakadhatnak, hogy a kognitv metafo-
raelmlet kutati ltalban a nyelvbe mr beplt metaforkra, implicitt vlt
forrstartomnyaikra s egyfajta fogalmi-reprezentcis szintre koncentrlnak,
mg a relevanciaelmlet kapcsn ltalban a hasonlsgon alapul, jszer meta-
forkkal foglalkoznak (pldul ezrt nem kapunk magyarzatot tlk arra, hogy
mirt hasznlunk bizonyos bejratott, konvencionlis metaforkat). Teht a fo-
galmak s kifejezsek s a kommunikci s kontextus rtelmezsi szintek oly-
kor jelents, de inkbb csak ltszlagos ellentteket hozhatnak ltre.
Fontos krds, hogy a metafornak mi a kontextulis hatsa pontosan ho-
gyan is jrulnak hozz az optimlis relevancia elrshez. ltalnossgban a be-
szlgetsekben felbukkan metafork a relevancia elvtelezst segtik, ezzel
teszik grdlkenyebb a kommunikcit: A fogalmi metafork kszlett, amit
metaforikus kijelentsek rtelmezse sorn hvunk el, a kognitv krnyezet meg-
hatroz rsznek tekinthetjk, amely ersen manifesztt vlik, ha bizonyos
kulcsszavak elhvjk (TENDAHL, GIBBS, 2008, 1840).
SPERBER s WILSON (1998) a relevanciaelmlet kapcsn a fogalmi rendszerrl
is kifejtik llspontjukat, amely szerint szprototpusok helyett mindig csak ad hoc
jelentseket konstrulunk, amiket a rendelkezsre ll szavak segtsgvel prb-
lunk kifejezni. Ezrt viszonylag laza a megfeleltets a mentlis s kznyelvi lexi-
kon kztt, s ezrt van sokkal tbb fogalmunk, mint szavunk. Sok szemlyes
fogalmat ismerhetnk (lehetnek olyan rzeteink, amelyekre tbbszr rismernk,
mondjuk egy bizonyos fjdalom), mg sincs mindre kln szavunk. Ez az elgon-
dols rtkes informcikkal szolgl az jszer metafork megalkotsrl, de
598 Forgcs Blint
ellentmond a konvencionlis fogalmi metafork puszta ltnek, ahol a fogalmi
lekpezsek mr rgzltek a nyelvben. Az jszer metafork esetben egy bizo-
nyos fogalmat, gyakran hasonlsgi alapon, egy msikkal helyettestnk, de raj-
tunk mlik az, hogy pontosan mivel. Pldul azt, hogy jl megy az zlet, mond-
hatjuk gy is, hogy virgzik a kereskedelem, de kereshetnk ms kifejezst is.
Teht egy elvont fogalmat a helyzetnek megfelelen tbb konkrt fogalommal
is kifejezhetnk. A konvencionlis metafork esetben ezek az eleinte ad hoc kife-
jezsek mr rgzltek, gy egy kisebb gondolatmenetet is magukban foglalhatnak
(pldul a leugrom a boltba azt fejezi ki, hogy csak nagyon rvid idre, s csak a
boltba megyek). Ez utbbi az implikatrval van kapcsolatban, s inkbb a prag-
matikrl szl, mikzben az, hogy a leugrom sz tbb rtelmet kaphat, inkbb a
fogalmakrl szl, ami ezt a vonatkozst az explikatrhoz kapcsolja.
sszefoglalva: a metafork tulajdonkppen kis rvidtsekknt mkdnek a
nyelvben: egy-egy sz kerl kisebb gondolatmenetek helyre, kiemelve a helyzet-
ben leginkbb relevns vonatkozst. A denotci szktse s laztsa rvn az
implikatrk mellett explikatrk is megjelennek, s a laza nyelvhasznlat rvn
amennyiben a hallgat megrtette a metafort optimalizldik a relevancia,
mert nagyon pontos s aktulis jelentst kaphat az adott llts, egy viszonylag
rvid kifejezs rvn.
A fentiek alapjn elkpzelhet, hogy a kognitv metaforaelmlet szorosabban is
sszekapcsolhat a relevanciaelmlettel, mert a fogalmi lekpezsek mkdst
magyarz elmlet fontos clt szolgl a nyelvben: a mondanival konkretizlst.
A fogalmi metafork absztrakt cltartomnyaikat konkrt forrstartomnyok r-
vn kpezik le, gy gyakorlatilag konkrt mozzanatokkal helyettestik be a mon-
danival absztrakt, nehezen rtelmezhet rszt. A relevancia rdekben a hallga-
t a helyzetnek megfelelen, konkrtan igyekszik rtelmezni a mondottakat, ezrt
a beszl is konkrtan prblja kifejezni magt teht igyekszik leszkteni az
explikatrkat. Tulajdonkppen ehhez kellenek a metafork, ezrt alkalmazzuk
ket, gy vlik tlthatv a mondanival (A MEGRTS LTS).
Radsul bizonyos fogalmakrl rendkvl nehz msknt gondolkodni, mint
metafork segtsgvel: mit tudunk mondani az elmletekrl, ha megprbljuk
kikerlni AZ ELMLETEK PLETEK fogalmi metafort? Ez ma mr fogalmi
rendszernk rsze, rtelmezsnk nehzkes nlkle, de amikor mg jszer me-
tafora volt, valjban a konkretizlst segtette. Ez a szerepe persze ma is nyilvn-
val, hiszen a htkznapi beszdben sem gy mkdik, hogy az elmleteknek az
plet jellege lenne lnyeges, hanem megalapozottsga vagy felptse. A re-
levancia adja meg, hogy mit kpeznk le a forrstartomnybl, s hogy a cltartomny mely
rszre kpezzk le azt. ppen ezrt a konvencionlis metaforkat csak a kontextus
adekvt helyein hasznlhatjuk, mshol nem. A metafork konkrt forrstartom-
nyai, illetve kpi nyelve gyorstja a kommunikcit, ezrt knny elkpzelni ket
s ppen ezrt vlnak idvel konvencionlis szkapcsolatokk, vagy akr sz-
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 599
lsmondsokk. Az elvont mondatokba behelyettestett konkrt fogalmak a cltar-
tomny relevancijt adjk meg, illetve emelik ki.
A metaforikus lekpezsek nem pusztn a kontextulis felttelezsekhez trt-
n hozzfrst mdostjk (s ezltal az erfesztst, ami a metafora interpretci-
jnak feldolgozshoz szksges), hanem a lekpezsek felelsek a kapcsolatrt a
pszicholgiai (elvont) s fizikai (konkrt) jelentsrteg kztt (TENDAHL, GIBBS,
Az lltsok nmagukban teljesen absztraktak lehetnek (ezrt lehet olyan sok
vita pldul a szent szvegek rtelmezse krl, lsd SPERBER, WILSON, 1998), de
az adott kognitv krnyezet, illetve a konkrt pldk, hasonlatok (s persze meta-
fork) az optimlis relevancia szintjre szktik le az explikatrkat. Egy metafo-
rikus kifejezs egyarnt lehet az explikatra vagy az implikatra rsze, ezt a kon-
textus dnti el, illetve az, hogy inkbb a kognitv erfesztsen vagy a kognitv
hatson van a hangsly az adott lltsnl mi visz kzelebb az azt megelz ll-
ts relevancijhoz.
Mivel a metaforkban szerepl kifejezseknek van egy nem metaforikus rtel-
me is, krds, hogyan tudja kivlasztani a hallgat a relevancinak megfelel je-
lentst online. A hagyomnyos megkzeltsek szerint, a szval egytt asszocicis
hlja is azonnal aktivldik, teht a metafork is egybl kzre llnak. Ennek
ellentmondani ltszik, hogy bizonyos szavaknak asszocicik nlkl is akr 100
vonatkozsa is lehet, s gy nehz megmagyarzni a feldolgozs gyorsasgt.
TENDAHL s GIBBS (2008) szerint mg azt sem zrhatjuk ki, hogy semmilyen h-
lzat sem aktivldik. Eszerint a ltom sz esetben nem szmtana, hogy konk-
rtan ltok valamit, vagy elvontan. Ennek nem mond ellent ROHRER (2005) kuta-
tsa, amely szerint a lekpezsek valban mkdnek neurlis szinten is. A.
hz megragadni a lnyeget) EEG-vel s fMRI-vel is vizsglta, s azt talltk, hogy
a kezekkel kapcsolatos metaforikus s a sz szerinti mondatok olvassa kzben
egyarnt sok olyan szenzomotoros terlet aktivldott, amely a kz taktilis inger-
lse sorn szokott. Teht a klnbz rtelemben hasznlt szavak esetben ugyan-
az a reprezentci aktivldhatott.
GIBBS (1994) szerint a metaforkat online dolgozzuk fel, gy a metaforikus ki-
fejezsek megrtse sorn egybl a fogalmi metaforra asszocilunk, s valszn-
leg nem kell lpsenknt lekpeznnk a metaforikus kifejezst ahhoz, hogy meg-
rtsk. Ezt POBRIC, MASHAL s munkatrsai (2008) vizsglata is megerstheti,
amely szerint a jobb oldali Wernicke homolg agyterlet transzkranilis mgneses
zavarsa jelentsen lelasstja az jszer metafork feldolgozst, mikzben a kon-
vencionlis metafork feldolgozst ez nem befolysolja, ami arra utal, hogy ez
utbbiak mr bepltek kifejezseink kz. Vagyis ez a terlet a metaforikus rtel-
mezsben jtszhat szerepet: egyfajta metaforakapcsolknt ms dimenziba he-
lyezi az adott szt s gy nincs felttlenl szksg arra, hogy ltrehozzuk a teljes
lekpezst egy-egy kiemelked vonatkozs megrtse rdekben. Teht nem kell
egy minden jellemzre kiterjed megfeleltetsi rendszert ltrehoznunk ahhoz, hogy
megrtsk az jszer metaforkat, lehet, hogy elg csak az adott metaforikus ki-
fejezs ltal kiemelt, leglnyegesebb jellegzetessget rvettennk a cltartomnyra.
600 Forgcs Blint
TENDAHL s GIBBS (2008) javaslata a ktrtelmsg feloldsra a kvetkez: a
kognitv metaforaelmlet a fogalmi terek megalkotsrt, a relevanciaelmlet
pedig a megfelel jelents kivlasztsrt felels. Teht a ktrtelm szavak szn-
dkolt jelentse lehetsges, hogy kzvetlenl hozzfrhet, ha a megfelel kogni-
tv krnyezetben tallkozunk vele. Az adott sz olyan fogalmi trre is mutathat,
ahol tbb rtelmezsi lehetsg tallhat, s ha a kapcsolds a sz s a kifejezni
kvnt fogalom kztt nincs szigoran meghatrozva, akkor egy metafora vezet-
het el a sz megfelel rtelmezshez.
Mit nyjthat a kognitv metaforaelmlet a relevanciaelmletnek?
A fentiek alapjn, egy rtelmezsi vagy gondolatksrletknt, megfordthatjuk a
relevanciaelmlet azon lltst, hogy a metafork csak a laza nyelvhasznlat egyik
esett kpviselik (s nll elmletre sincs szksg az rtelmezskhz), s tekint-
hetjk gy a laza nyelvhasznlatot, mint a metaforikus gondolkods terept. Bizo-
nyos rtelemben a jel-jelents megfeleltets is metaforikus: a jeleknek lehet egy
kzvetlen jelentse, de a relevanciaelmlet szerint valjban mindig loklisan, a
kognitv krnyezetben szletik meg a tartalmuk, teht gyakran valami msra
utalnak, mint elsdleges lexikai jelentsk az adott helyzetnek megfelelen an-
nl konkrtabbak. gy lehetsges, hogy a metaforikus s metonimikus fordulatok
s a metaforikus rtelmezs rendkvl gyakori. Termszetesen ez szlssges l-
lspont lenne, s a metaforikus az elvont szval hasonl rtelemben jelennek
meg. De a relevanciaelmlet keretei kztt, a fogalmi szinten mkd ad hoc
jelentsmegfeleltetsnek egy ilyen rtelmezse is elkpzelhet. Ennl azonban
valsznbb, hogy a kt elmlet inkbb kiegszti egymst, s a jel--jelents megfe-
leltetsek egy fokozatos tmenetben tvolodnak egymstl: bizonyos jelek jelent-
se minden krlmny kztt egyrtelm (pldul a tulajdonnevek), a trgyak
nevei mr rugalmasabban hasznlhatak, s a kontinuum msik vge fel tall-
nnk az igket, s mg tvolabb azokat az elvont fogalmakat, amelyek a legrugal-
masabban kaphatnak klnbz jelentseket. Mivel a kognitv krnyezet fogalma
igen tg, valsznleg szksg van egyfajta szimblumlehorgonyzsra (HERND,
1996), hogy valamilyen jelentshez kpest lehessen rtelmezni a kijelentseket,
hogy ne mindig helyzetrl helyzetre kelljen kitallni a szavakat illetve a jeleket
(mg akkor se, ha a relevanciaelmlet ezt lehetv teszi, pldul a fttyent rabok
A kognitv metaforaelmlet ezzel a fogalomlehorgonyzssal jrulhat hozz a re-
levanciaelmlethez, ami tlmutat a kognitv krnyezet mindig aktulis vilgn, de
nem teszi szksgess a jelelmlet kzs tuds gondolatmenett. Ez a szint az
alapmetafork forrstartomnya, a fiziolgiai/szenzomotoros szint, amely egyszer-
re univerzlis s szubjektv is. Ha a jelek akr egy viszonylag szk kre egyrtel-
men s kzvetlenl van ktve a krnyezet bizonyos tulajdonsgaihoz (pldul
sznnevek), akkor a hozzjuk kapcsold jeleknek vagy ezek kombinciinak
(pldul sznekkel kifejezett rzelmeknl: srga az irigysgtl, vrs a dhtl)
referencija mr lazulhat. Ezltal a legtbb szt knnyedn lehet laza beszd-
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 601
mddal hasznlni a relevanciaoptimalizls rdekben, s mgis megmarad egy
olyan fogalmi rteg, amely a jelek hasznlatt viszonylag lehatrolja, vagy leg-
albbis lehetsget biztost a bizonytalansgok feloldsra.
Kontextusfggetlensg s krnyezetfggsg
Elkpzelhet, hogy a jelek lehorgonyzsa csak a beszd elsajttsa sorn ilyen
kzvetlen, s ksbb knnyen llhatnak a jelek szinte brmilyen fogalom helyett.
Azonban ppen a beszdtanuls idszaka az, amikor az osztenzv kommunikci
meghatrozv vlik a csecsemk szmra. GERGELY s CSIBRA (2006) termszetes
pedaggiai elmlete az osztenzv-referencilis kommunikcis jegyeket emeli ki a
pedaggiai tanuls-hozzlls kivltsban, ami a kultra- s minden bizonnyal a
nyelvtanuls alapja is. Ezt a folyamatot nagyobb nehzsgek nlkl ssze lehet
kapcsolni a relevanciaelmlettel: kora gyermekkorban a kulturlis s nyelvi rele-
vancit az osztenzv jelek adjk meg, tbbek kztt a dajkabeszd rvn.
A nyelvet mg nem ismer kisgyerekek s gondozjuk kognitv krnyezetben
a szhasznlat annl knnyebben r clt, minl kevsb laza. Eleinte mindenkp-
pen nagyon laza lesz a jelentsmegfeleltets, a pontos elsajttshoz ezt elszr
szkteni kell, s csak a biztos hasznlat teszi lehetv az ismtelt laza hasznlatot
ksbb. Felteheten ennek kvetkezmnye, hogy a gyerekek knnyebben tanul-
jk meg a fneveket, mint az igket, s az absztrakt fogalmak mg ksbb jelen-
nek meg (HARLEY, 2001). Idekapcsoldik TENDAHL s GIBBS (2008) rdekes fel-
vetse, hogy bizonyos metafork elbb mkdhetnek, mint maguk az absztrakt
fogalmak. Pldul A TUDS LTS fogalmi metafora lehet, hogy korbban
hasznlhat a gyerekek szmra, mint nmagban a tuds fogalma. Teht el-
kpzelhet, hogy az absztrakt fogalmakat metaforkon keresztl tanuljuk meg
s ezrt ll el az a helyzet, hogy ksbb sem tudunk igazn msknt gondolkodni
A jelek kombinlsnak, majd metaforkon alapul jrakombinlsnak kpes-
sgrl idevg, hogy a metafork megrtshez mr az elsszint mentlis llapot-
reprezentcik elegendek, mikzben az irnihoz legalbb msodszint meta-
reprezentcik (reprezentcik reprezentcii) szksgesek (GYRI, 2006). Ez ar-
ra utal, hogy a metafork hasznlathoz nincs felttlenl szksgnk magas szint
tudatelmleti funkcikra, s lehetsges, hogy a relevanciaelmlet jslatval szem-
ben mely szerint a gyenge implikatrj metafork megrtshez mr szks-
gnk lenne metareprezentcikra elegend csak a fogalmi tartomnyok kztti
kapcsolatokat megtanulnunk, ahogy azt a kognitv metaforaelmlet jsolja
A metafork s jeljelents megfeleltets krdse szempontjbl fontos LAKOFF
s JOHNSON (1980a) metaforkkal kapcsolatos alapvet gondolata, mely szerint a
metafora elszr is gondolat s cselekvs, csak azutn nyelv. Teht amint kontex-
tusfggetlen a (r)mutats, mindjrt egy metaforikus vonatkozst kap. Persze az
ilyen kontextusfggetlensg mr jrszt nyelvi jelleg, ppen ingerfggetlen,
illetve behelyettesthet jellege miatt. Lnyeges azonban, hogy a gesztikulci fel-
602 Forgcs Blint
teheten meghatroz volt a homonidk korai nyelvben, hiszen a beszdkzpont
a jobb kezet mozgat agyterletre ntt r (HMORI, 2005).
A konkrt jeljelents viszony magval az emberi nyelvvel tnhetett el, hiszen
amint ingerfggetlenn vlhattak a jelek, gykeresen megvltozott jelentsk
minsge is. A nyelvi jelek nknyesek, a jelents mindenkppen kzvetetten
kapcsoldik. Ugyanakkor szksges egyfajta meta-reprezentci arrl, hogy mi
mit jelent (legalbbis a nyelvtanuls idejn), hiszen msknt lehetetlen kontextus-
fggetlenl hasznlni a jeleket, s a szavak nem tudnnak valami (idben s tr-
ben) tvolira utalni.
A trtl s idtl, teht a kontextustl fggetlen idegrendszer reprezentcii
egy ehhez hasonl fogalomrendszert tesznek lehetv. A metaforikus tbbletjelen-
ts abbl fakadhat, hogy a valamennyire eleve elvont jelents tovbbi terletekre
is tvihet, s ott is felhasznlhat. Azonban a metafork valdi elnye az, hogy a
szenzomotoros forrstartomnyok rvn lland kapcsolatot biztostanak egy
olyan viszonylag konkrt fogalmi szinttel, ami testi s kisgyerekkori lmnyeken
(vagyis tapasztalati gestaltok kpi smin) nyugszik. gy lehetsgnk van valami
korbbi, ismert dologra utalni. Ez egy nagyon hatkony nyelvi ugrst tenne lehe-
tv a kognitv krnyezet relevns vonatkozsainak manifesztt ttelre. Mindeh-
hez elg, ha a kpi smk csak idlegesen, online mdon emelkednek ki a folya-
matos elme, test s klvilg interakcikbl (TENDAHL, GIBBS, 2008).
A metaforaelmlet msik hozomnya a relevanciaelmlet szmra a nyelv metafori-
kus rtelmezsben rejlik. A pszichoanalzis szimbolikus rtelmezst tekinthetjk
egyfajta kiterjesztett metaforikus szvegrtelmezsnek, amit az elszlsokra, a
viselkedsre, az lmokra s vgs soron magra a patolgira is kiterjeszt. Felfog-
hatjuk gy, hogy mindezekben a jelensgekben a tudattalan indulatok mkd-
snek metaforit ltta Freud. A pszichoszexulis fejlds gyermekkori lmnyei s
a libid fiziolgiai megnyilvnulsai tapasztalati gestaltoknak tekinthetek, ame-
lyek olyan metaforkat motivlnak, ahol a tudattalan mkds mint forrstarto-
mny a viselkeds klnbz cltartomnyira vetl r. Pldul a trauma szimboli-
kus (metaforikus) kifejezdse (kivetlse) lehet a hisztria. A tudattalan indulati
mkdsrl folyamatosan tjkoztatnak minket pldul az elszlsok, teht a
metakommunikci rvn a tapasztalati gestaltok forrstartomnyai klnfle
cltartomnyokban nyilvnulnak meg.
Tulajdonkppen a htkznapi beszlgetseket folyamatosan alfesti a beszlk
indulati lete, tudattalanja: a szveg maga is rendelkezik egy olyan rteggel, amit
metaforikusan rtelmezhetnk, ahol a tudattalan motivlja a (gyakran rejtett)
metaforkat. Ez a nyelvi rteg azrt kaphat jelentsget, mert az osztenzv kom-
munikcis jegyeket a felnttek is alkalmazzk, de a leggyakrabban tudattalanul.
A metakommunikci nmagban is sok osztenzv jegyet hordoz, ami a figyelem
irnytst szolglja (pldul hangslyozs, sznetek, hanghordozs), s ez a kom-
munikcis rteg az emocionlis llapotok kzvettse rvn, noha mindkt fl
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 603
szmra ltalban tudattalanul is, de jl jelzi a szndkokat. Ezltal vlik nlklz-
hetetlenn a kommunikci relevns rtelmezse szempontjbl. Ez a mlyebb
nyelvi szint a beszdtl fggetlenl, zavartalanul mkdik akkor is, ha nagyon
direkt mdon verbalizljuk, illetve tudatostjuk. Sajt s beszlgettrsunk rzel-
mi-indulati llapota, a kognitv krnyezet rszeknt mindenkppen hatssal van a
kijelentsek rtelmezsre. Tulajdonkppen a manifesztt tett tartalom httere-
knt, referenciapontjaknt mkdik. Mivel kevss vagyunk kpesek irnytani,
inkbb hisznk a metakommunikcinak, mint az elhangzott lltsoknak, ezrt
ez az rzelmi szint folyamatos, de kzvetett osztenzv jelzseinek tekinthetjk.
Pldul ha felmerl, hogy a beszl nem az igazat mondja, hiba igyekszik tcso-
portostani az osztenzv jegyeket, metakommunikcija knnyen elrulhatja azok
valdi helyt. Ez lenne a FNAGY (1974) ltal termszetes vagy archaikus kdnak
nevezett rtege a nyelvnek.
A htkznapi beszdhelyzetekben, amikor egyik fl sem igyekszik szndkosan
elrejteni (metakommunikcis) szndkait, a rejtett osztenzv jegyek jelezhetik a
beszd metaforikus rtegt, vagyis azt, hogy mely fordulatok rendelkeznek valdi
metaforikus jelentssel, a konkrt metaforikus kifejezs pedig megmutathatja, hogy
mi is az indulati tartalma az adott kijelentsnek. gy kzvett a beszl szndkai-
rl, beemelve azt a kognitv krnyezetbe.
A metafork tudatos hasznlata: az indirekt beszd
Lehetsges, hogy ezt a msodik nyelvi rteget hasznlja ki az indirekt beszd is
(PINKER, 2007). Az indirekt beszd lehetsget biztost a nyltan nem vllalhat
vgyak s szndkok jelzsre, illetve a rluk foly alkudozsra. Az indirekt kr-
sek nagy elnye, hogy teret engednek nylt megtagadsuknak is. Pinker szerint a
beszd az zenetek kzlsn tl a beszlget partnerek kztt lv viszony tpus-
rl (a dominancirl, az sszetartsrl s a klcsnssgrl) foly alkuk helyszne
is. Ezt tekinthetjk a kommunikci indulati rtegnek.
Teht az indirekt beszd rvn az (egybknt a metakommunikci sorn
megkttt) alkuk biztonsgos jratrgyalsra van lehetsg: tudatos alaktsuk
kzben ltszlag nem vlik manifesztt a beszlgets valdi trgya a kzs kogni-
tv krnyezetben. Ezek a beszlgetsek azrt lehetnek indirektek, mert a valdi
tartalom elemei egy fed tartalom elemeinek vannak (metaforikusan) megfeleltet-
ve. Ltszlag msrl van sz, s csak akkor vlik manifesztt a valdi tartalom,
ha mindkt fl beleegyezik ebbe ebbl fakad az indirekt beszd biztonsgossga.
A kapcsolati alkuk nagyon gyakran valamilyen metaforikus virgnyelven zajlanak,
amelynl alig szmt, hogy mi a metafora cltartomnya, mert a valdi prbeszd
a forrstartomnyrl szl.
A relevanciaelmlet az indirekt beszdet valsznleg a laza nyelvhasznlat ka-
tegrijba soroln, ahol a gyenge implikatrk tbb kognitv erfesztst ig-
nyelnek, de cserbe nagyobb kognitv hatssal jrnak: a trsas viszonyok jratr-
gyalsval. Ha ezt kiegsztjk a kognitv metaforaelmlettel, akkor rszletesebb
elemzsre nylik lehetsg, ami arra vilgthat r, hogy a kt elmlet nem csak
604 Forgcs Blint
kiegsztheti egymst, de kzs alkalmazsuk mlyebb elemzst s rtkelst tesz
lehetv. Noha tartalmi mondanivaljuk nem vltozott, ktsgtelen, hogy az el-
mletek tgabb rtelmezsre volt szksg a fenti gondolatmenethez. Mgis, ezl-
tal a fogalmi gondolkods szintjrl inkbb a metafork pragmatikja fel told-
hatott el az elemzs.
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System, Cognitive Science, 4, 195208.
POBRIC, G., MASHAL, N., FAUST, M., LAVIDOR, M. (2008) The Role of the Right Cerebral
Hemisphere in Processing Novel Metaphoric Expressions: A Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (1), 170181.
PINKER, S. (2007) The logic of indirect speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
105 (3), 833838.
ROHRER, T. (2005) Image Schemata in the Brain. In HAMPE, B., GRADY, J. (eds) From Per-
ception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. 165196. Mouton de Gruyter,
SPERBER, D., WILSON, D. (1995) Relevance: Communication and cognition. (2nd edition)
Blackwell, Oxford
SPERBER, D., WILSON, D. (1998) The mapping between the mental and public lexicon. In
DIRVEN, R., CARRUTHERS, P., BOUCHER, J. (eds) Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary
Themes. 184200. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
TENDAHL, M., GIBBS, W. R. (2008) Complementary perspectives on metaphor: Cognitive
linguistics and relevance theory. Journal of Pragmatics, 40, 18231864.
A metafork relevancija Mitl relevns egy metaforikus lekpezs? 605
In my study I would like to show that in spite that they are seemingly contradictory, the cognitive meta-
phor theory and the relevance theory cannot only be complementary, but might even provide interesting
possibilities of analysis. Through a stricter and a looser example I am going to look for the points that
can be valuable for each theory. First, conceptual metaphors help understanding abstract concepts by
the mapping of concrete source domains, which perhaps helps creating optimal relevance in conversa-
tions. This goes beyond the role relevance theory offers for metaphors, that they are simply the poetic
tools of loose language use. Perhaps conceptual metaphorical mappings play an important role in our
cognitive environment. Second, I would like to show the metacommunicative value of metaphors, which
might expand relevant theory. The ambiguous language of indirect speech might reflect such a meta-
phorical layer of language that has a metacommunicative value on a semantic level.
Key words: cognitive metaphor theory, relevance theory, pragmatics, metacommunication, concrete,
7.4 Study 4: The right hemisphere of cognitive science

Forgcs, B. (2013). The right hemisphere of cognitive science. In Cs. Plh, L. Gurova,
and L. Ropolyi (Eds.), New Perspectives on the History of Cognitive Science.
Budapest: Akadmiai Kiad.

Blint Forgcs
The aim of the present study is to establish a theoretical connection between the brain, or more
precisely the scientic concepts describing it, and the everyday and scientic expressions
referring to the mental world. These expressions often circulate around dichotomies common
in Western philosophy and thinking, like emotionalrational, mindheart, or bodysoul.
Their connotations are deeply embedded in everyday language; however, they are often hard
to notice. Still, they profoundly inuence the perception, understanding, and interpretation of
mental functions. The main question is the following: could the structure of such concepts
originate from human cognition, and from the architecture of the nervous system?
Independently of the philosophical question whether the concepts addressing mental phe-
nomena are somewhere outside in the world as proposed by reductionism, e.g., Ryle
(1949) or produced somehow inside the mind according to Berkeleys solipsism it is
possible that these dichotomies are a by-product of our mental system. For example, the
left and right hemispheres employ different sets of processes, such as propositional versus
appositional (Bogen 1969), to address the diverse task demands of the environment. Such a
neural division of labor might provide essentially different perspectives on the world which
are well known to all of us, but most individuals do not master both of them equally well.
Broadly speaking, most concepts describing the three spatial dimensions of the nervous
system seem to be bound to the traditional philosophical dichotomies: emotion and reason
(for right and left hemispheres), cognition and motivation (for the cortex and the limbic sys-
tem), and action and perception (for anterior and posterior regions). This could be a confus-
ing linguistic factor when theorizing about neuroscience and during the conceptualization and
operationalization of experiments. At the same time, realizing this bias could enable new levels
of analysis via the metaphorical reinterpretation and recombination of the tags and labels on the
brain. For example, the description of the anterior and posterior regions as being responsible
for creating the balance of consciousness between the motor and sensory areas (in extreme
cases, between involuntary actions versus hallucinatory experiences, e.g., Fischer 1986) could
be combined with the emotionalrational dimension of the two hemispheres. Such a perspective
would enable brain researchers to pose questions from novel theoretical grounds.
Concepts concerning the mental world have been brought into the scientic discussion
from the everyday language of folk psychology: for example, from philosophy, phenomenol-
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable support, guidance, and help to Professors Csaba
Plh and Gyrgy Brdos realizing the study.
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 129 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
ogy and the social sciences in the case of describing the two hemispheres (TenHouten 1985).
They are constantly linked to the neural substrates of the brain via experimentation again,
often described by a common sense language of everyday concepts. As a result, even purely
scientic descriptions and explanations might reect personal preferences of scientists stem-
ming from subjective cognitive and neural dispositions. In specic cases, this might mean an
individual hemisphericity as proposed by Bogen, DeZure, TenHouten, and Marsh (1972).
For example, taking representations as perceptual symbols (Barsalou 1999) could talk about
a right-leaning, whereas taking representations language-like (Fodor 1975, 2008) about a
left-leaning, manner of understanding. In a clinical context, the same process could motivate
the idea that the core of human functioning is either emotional (as in psychoanalysis or hu-
manistic psychology), or rational (as in behaviorism or cognitive therapy). Putting notions of
different kinds in the focus of explanations might hinder scientic discussion in the absence
of a common ground.
This problem is especially intriguing when the mind (of researchers) turns towards the
(research of the) mind itself. Some mental capacities lend themselves to quantitative scientic
analyses, such as perception, memory, or attention. However, others prove very difcult, or
almost impossible to describe and account for scientically, such as the creation and appre-
ciation of ne art, or engaging in productive inductive reasoning. What makes such soft, or
qualitatively complex, mental phenomena so complicated to explore: our language and phi-
losophy or our neuroscience? One possibility is that such fuzzy phenomena arise from the
very architecture of the human mind and brain. Logical, deliberate, sequential and scientic
reasoning is only a subset among many other intuitive, spontaneous, and parallel systems.
Some of the most fascinating feats of the mind (such as musicality) might fall outside of our
rational understanding because the subsystems instantiating them are organized according to
entirely different principles than reasoning.
Metaphors and the brain
In an attempt to address the above issue, the rst step could be taking a close look at the
relations and the linguistic structure of notions of both scientic and folk psychology. The
next step could be to try to assess how they are related to the notions describing the brain.
Then it would be possible to systematically map the connections of these distinct theoretical
levels. The cognitive conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980a) provides a
plausible framework for the investigation of the possible links between mental concepts and
phenomenal experiences, which could open the way to tracing the responsible neural systems.
Metaphors and the conceptual system
The conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980a, b) proposes that metaphors
are not ornaments of language but the building blocks of the human conceptual system. We
understand abstract concepts by systematically mapping concrete concepts onto them. The
easily comprehendible source domain (e.g., JOURNEY) is mapped onto the abstract target
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 130 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
domain (e.g., LIFE). This works on a conceptual level (LIFE IS A JOURNEY) and can be caught in
metaphorical expressions like we had a bumpy year.
According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980b), only those concepts are not metaphorical that
are derived directly from our experiences concepts of orientation (updown, inout), on-
tological concepts (materials), and structured experiences (eating, moving). The seemingly
distant domains of metaphors are connected in specic experiential Gestalts, which are mul-
tidimensional structured whole[s] arising naturally within experience (Lakoff and Johnson
1980b: 202). The basis of the mappings, for example, in the expression he is a hothead is
motivated by HEAT and ANGER appearing in the same situation. Its motivation can be close-
ness in time or space, for example, although cultural aspects can also play an important role.
Hence, it is impossible to foretell the metaphors of a certain language, but one might tell
which mappings are unlikely. These are the ones that are really counterintuitive to our very
human experience, like anger being cold (Kvecses 2002, 2005).
Grady (1997) divides metaphors into two groups: complex metaphors and primary meta-
phors. Complex metaphors are constructed from primary metaphors. In the case of primary
metaphors, sensorimotor and non-sensorimotor experiences get connected in a systematic
way (in the expression warm smile, physical warmth and happiness are joint). On the basis
of this idea, Lakoff and Johnson (1999) created the integrated theory of primary metaphors,
according to which these mappings do not simply recall similar experiences, but they are sug-
gested to activate the very same neural circuitry. Some fMRI and EEG data seem to support
this prediction. When subjects read metaphorical sentences involving the hands (e.g., [it is]
hard to grab this idea), many areas responsible for the motor control of the hands are acti-
vated (e.g., Rohrer 2005). These results promise that primary metaphors with an experiential
basis might one day be traced back to certain neural areas, and that in fact we understand a
great variety of knowledge domains by the activation of a relatively few neurocognitive re-
sources (although this is a hotly debated question, cf. Mahon and Caramazza, 2008).
Concepts of neuroscience
Many notions utilized by neuroscientists to describe the brain also possess some experiential
background (although mostly indirectly). Several of these are not simply mental concepts:
some refer directly to experiences, like the labels of sensorimotor areas, and others to rather
abstract concepts like decision making. These notions are currently grounded to specic
neural systems and areas via experimentation. Therefore, notions referring to experiential
phenomena, as well as some abstract ones are possible to link to specic brain areas at least
in a specic experimental situation. Nevertheless, these words carry their connotations and
broader meanings with them, and they have a place in the conceptual space of psychological
As a result of the neuroscientic explosion of the past decades several such psychological
notions have been located in the human brain. These words became citizens of two worlds:
the networks of concepts and the networks of the brain. Several possibilities follow from
this. First, it is possible that the description of the brain somehow follows the structure of no-
tions referring to the mental world this would be a solipsistic stance. Second, it is possible
that there is simply no real relationship between notions referring to mental phenomena and
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 131 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
the structure of the labels for the brain a reductionist stance. Third, the correspondence is
somewhere in-between, and these layers inuence each other, but they are not related in a
systematic way.
Mental metaphors
What kind of metaphors hide behind psychological expressions? Is there a systematic
relationship? Actually, there seems to be some kind of phenomenal orientation according
to light and temperature, alluding to the experiential grounds of the mental world. Here are
some examples:
What a bright mind!
His talk was very dull.
Cold calculation was the plan.
He has been a hothead with that decision.
We had a brilliant time in the evening.
Dark intentions seized him.
His revenge was cold as ice.
She had warm feelings towards him.
Such concepts, which are based on mappings of primary metaphors, could combine, as
subtle metaphorical building blocks, into the complex structures of abstract concepts. For
example, irrationality is traditionally linked to emotions, while reasoning often seems to be
logical, and mathematical proofs seem to be objective, while attitudes or feelings are often
considered subjective. The more abstract concepts provide a kind of cognitive orientation in
the mental space of folk psychology. In this huge network of associations, expressions bring
along a number of connotations across contexts. Mappings could ground highly abstract,
complex mental concepts like empathy or intuition to low-level perceptual sensations or phe-
nomenal orientations. All this could add up to an Idealized Conceptual Model (Lakoff 1987)
of the mind in Western culture and philosophy.
According to this analysis, psychological concepts that serve as tools for scientists to de-
scribe the human brain might be a part of a mental space that refers to experiential grounds
(both phenomenal and cognitive), which in turn is a product of the brain itself. The aim of
this study is to take a look at the metaphorical space of mental concepts with respect to neural
architecture. Are there connections between the phenomenal, the cognitive, and the con-
ceptual aspects of words referring to mental life? Do these correspond to the descriptions of
the neural regions of the brain?
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 132 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
1) Psychological concepts can be arranged in a mental space representing the three spatial
dimensions of the nervous system: the left and right hemispheres, the cortical and limbic
systems, and the anteriorposterior regions.
2) University students majoring in psychology arrange these words differently compared to
students who do not major in psychology as a result of their elaborated knowledge.
Altogether 83 graduate (MA) level university students completed the test, 48 of whom were
majoring in psychology, and 35 students who were not.
In the framework of a pilot study, a questionnaire was created. Participants had to assess
psychological concepts in a forced choice task, according to three spatial dimensions of the
brain. The questionnaire constituted of 105 words, each of which had to be assessed according
to dichotomies of everyday, folk psychological expressions referring to the three neural axes
of the nervous system: thinking vs. emotion for the left and right hemispheres, consciousness
vs. instinct for the cortex and the limbic system, and action vs. perception for the anterior and
posterior regions. For every word, participants had to decide for each three axes whether it ts
one or the other dimension there were no neither or both options. The 105 test words
were a collection of the following:
1) Expressions of folk psychology (heart, mind).
2) Expressions of scientic psychology (cognition, reex).
3) Expressions of sensorimotor orientation (warmcold, innerouter).
4) Expressions having some cognitive orientation (subjectiveobjective, personalsocial).
The latter contained rather more general expressions as the sensorimotor orientation, al-
though from a more philosophical domain.
The data was analyzed with the SPSS 17.0 software. A series of Pearsons chi-square tests
were used to compare the two groups. Where the two groups did not differ, a second chi-square
test (with 50% expected frequencies) was calculated on the whole sample, but when the rst
test showed a signicant difference, the second test was run on the two groups separately.
The two groups categorized the majority of the words identically. There were only 11 cases
(out of the 315) where only one of the groups was able to categorize a word according to one of
the dimensions, but the other group was not. Two more words (bright and quality) were located
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 133 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
on the opposite side of the actionperception axis for the two groups. Altogether this was an
approximately 4% difference. Almost all words were categorized either as consciousthought
action or instinctemotionperception, suggesting a pervasive linguistic dichotomy. Only the
word association was categorized as instinct and thought. Only the following words were cat-
egorized as action, but not as emotion, or instinct: reex, social, creativity, and mystical.
As the difference between the two groups was marginal, the next step was to aggregate
the data, in order to calculate an average value for each word on all three dimensions. On this
restructured data set a factor analysis was run that revealed that the three linguistic dimen-
sions actually t onto a single component, this being responsible for 75% of the variance in
the sample. Figure 1 shows a hypothetical three-dimensional mental space corresponding to
the three linguistic dimensions of brain. Every point represents a word, by taking its average
value on the three axes as coordinates. The single component runs diagonally from the emo-
tioninstinctperception corner to the thoughtconsciousaction corner.
Finally, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using the words average values on
the three axes. Two large clusters emerged. One of them crowded around the word mental,
while the other around the word hypnosis. The former constituted of two smaller clusters la-
beled as scientic and wisdom, while the latter as emotion and arousal. The structure
of the two large and a number of smaller clusters are presented in Table 1. Taken together,
neither of the hypotheses were conrmed.
The results of the present study do not provide strong evidence, even though there are some
interesting ndings. First, the fact that university students majoring in psychology did not
differ signicantly from the other group of students indicates that the concepts used in the study
0 20
40 60 80 100 1
Figure 1. The 105 psychological expressions in a conceptual space, corresponding to the three spatial dimensions
of the brain. Each point represents a word.
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 134 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
Table 1. Results of a hierarchical cluster analysis: Dendogram using average linkage
C A S E 0 5 10 25
Label +-------+-----+----+
heart -+
feeling -+
soul -+-+
deep -+ |
warm -+ |
mystical -+ +-----+
inner -+ | |
intuition -+-+ |
unconscious -+ | |
sensual -+ | |
sentiment -+ | |
emotion -+ | +--+
visceral -+-+ | |
empathy -+ | |
wet -+ | |
subjective -+-+ | |
reception -+ | | |
passive -+-+-----+ |
below -+ | |
hazy -+ | |
hypnosis -+ | +-------+
dark -+-+ | |
sensation -+ | |
instinct -+ | |
desire -+---+ | |
unintended -+ | | |
artistic -+ +-+ | |
affective -+ | | | |
ambiguous -+ | | | |
arousal -+---+ +----+ |
homeostasis -+ | |
re ex ---+---+ |
spontaneous ---+ | |
body ---+ | |
motivation ---+---+ |
social ---+ |
action -+ |
active -+ |
will -+-------+ |
direct -+ | |
intended -+ | |
planned -+ | |
evaluation -+-+ | |
verbal -+ | | |
rational -+ | | |
logical -+ +---+ | |
mathematical -+ | | | |
scienti c -+ | | +-----+ |
concrete -+ | | | | |
objective -+-+ | | | |
cleverness -+ | | | |
deductive -+ | | | |
C A S E 0 5 10 25
Label +-------+-----+----+
reason -+ | | | |
intellectual -+ | | | |
nous -+ | | | |
consciousness -+ | | | |
attention -+ | | | |
mind -+ +-+ | |
head -+ | | |
sense -+ | | |
cognitive -+-+ | | |
conceptual -+ | | | |
quantity -+ | | | |
intelligible -+ | | | |
quality -+ | | | |
high -+ | | | |
bright -+-+ | | |
dry -+ | | | |
wit -+ | | | |
mental -+ +---+ +----+
abstract -+ | |
plausible -+ | |
awareness -+ | |
analog -+ | |
above -+-+ |
inductive -+ | |
thought ---+ |
super cial -+ |
cold -+ |
outer -+-----+ |
clean -+ | |
positive -+ | |
metaphoric -+ | |
apperception -+ +----+ |
perception -+ | | |
threshold -+---+ | | |
symbolic -+ | | | |
low -+ | | | |
visual -+ +-+ | |
shallow -+ | | |
slow -+-+ | | |
wisdom -+ +-+ +--+
memory ---+ | |
experience -----+ |
negative -+---+ |
imagination -+ | |
determined -+ | |
individual -+ | |
conditioning -+---+---+ |
fast -+ | | |
association -----+ +--+
behavior -+-+ |
motion -+ +---+ |
free ---+ +-+
creativity -------+
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 135 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
(even the more scientic ones) are deeply embedded in everyday thinking. This philosophical
and folk psychological background certainly has some inuence on the conceptualization and
operationalization of scientic research, and on the interpretation of results. Words expressing
psychological phenomena bring along their net of connotations, and these might shape the
understanding of mental life and the human brain, since researchers most of the time have to
choose from concepts with a history that is not neutral.
Another interesting nding was that the dichotomies corresponding to the dimensions of
the brain do not differentiate sufciently among the psychological expressions examined in
the study according to the factor analysis, their majority actually ts on one axis. This
could be important for brain researchers since it sheds light on the conceptual ambiguity of
words used to describe very different levels of processes in the nervous system. Perhaps the
philosophical mindbody problem appears here: although it was often difcult for individu-
als to make a decision regarding one word or another, the fact that notions were eventually
arranged according to one dimension suggests that a Cartesian dualism is deeply embedded
in scientic and folk psychology. This could be true even for scientists or philosophers who
actually deny being Cartesian. Another problematic aspect is the categorization that a hidden
assumption creates. For example, psychological notions, which most people would consider
emotional, eventually should be linked to the mind, and not the body. There may be a
number of lurking paradoxical consequences of language use in natural sciences exploring
the human brain.
The cluster analysis revealed an interesting structure among concepts: they grouped to-
gether more or less in accordance with the predictions of the conceptual metaphor theory. For
example, in the emotion cluster, words of perceptual orientation (deep, warm, inner, dark),
and cognitive orientation (subjective, spontaneous, active) were located near to folk psycho-
logical expressions (heart, soul, body), and scientic expressions (empathy, unconscious, and
the main label of the cluster, hypnosis). These four levels were in similar correspondence also
on the other large, the mental, cluster as can be observed in Table 1.
The reason for choosing these categorizing concepts was that they were everyday expres-
sions with a meaning that can be easily taken for granted by researchers as well. Thus, they
seemed to be good candidates to bridge the gap between scientic and everyday language
regarding the mental world. Nevertheless, it is possible that the test was not constructed ac-
curately, and only one axis emerged because the test did not differentiate enough between the
three dimensions. Another possibility is that the description of the brain does follow the struc-
ture of notions referring to the mental world. It is precisely the way language is used, both in
folk and scientic psychology, that distorts the perception of the nervous system and does not
allow for a sophisticated differentiation between the three spatial dimensions of the brain. Is
it the right hemisphere that deals with emotions, or the limbic system? What is the role of the
limbic system in the left hemisphere? The constraints of language might be important to be
taken into consideration when studying the neural systems of the brain.
Scientic metaphors in psychology
On the basis of this arrangement of the psychological concepts, and when expanding the
analysis to the mental worlds conceptual space, it is possible to interpret the words describing
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 136 2013.06.25. 19:35:18
the nervous system in a metaphorical map. The key concepts of various theories and approaches
in psychology (Plh 2010), some of which are associated with certain brain regions in one
way or another, might talk about the neural dimension being central in the specic theory at
hand. For example, the key concepts of psychoanalysis (e.g., libido, unconscious, instincts)
could be viewed as metaphors mapped onto a broad variety of human functions representing
limbic level functions. In other words, psychoanalysis might project limbic level functions
on the whole brain. This analysis could be broadened to include further schools, approaches,
or simply theories in psychology.
Gestalt psychology proposed a holistic view, its name directly referring to the shape as
a whole, or the form as a unit; the dening Gestalt principles (similarity, continuation,
closures, etc.) all come from the visual domain. Combining these two main characteristics
would put Gestalt psychology somewhere in the right (holistic) occipital (visual) regions.
Behaviorism, emphasizing stimulusresponse-based classical and operant conditioning as the
main processes of human functioning could be linked to frontal areas, which are responsible
for learning, attention, inhibition, and control. The denial of consciousness (and even mental
phenomena) links this perspective also to subcortical regions, and more specically to regula-
tory systems. Humanistic psychology, or the third force emphasizing self-actualization and
creativity could be linked to the right hemisphere, where the representation of the self seems
to be more elaborated. The case of cognitive psychology is going to be addressed in the next
section. As a result, approaches within psychology can be arranged in the brain based on their
key metaphors (Figure 2).
The search for new paths in cognitive science
Looking at cognitive science from this perspective, an interesting picture emerges. Key ideas
of early cognitive science, such as generative grammar, the formalization of mental functions,
Turing machine-like serial operations on symbols, and allowing for conscious thought
(conditioning, behavior, etc.)
Humanistic psychology
(holistic, self-actualization, etc.)
(unconscious, instincts, etc.)
Cognitive psychology
(thinking, computations, etc.)
Gestalt psychology
(holistic, visual Gestalt principles, etc.)
Figure 2. The different approaches within psychology, arranged according to their key metaphors
in a hypothetical brain
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 137 2013.06.25. 19:35:19
might all talk about a left-hemispherical, language-based, and sequential approach, dealing
with primarily cortical processes. Chomskys (1957) groundbreaking ideas came from the
linguistic domain, and syntax was (metaphorically) mapped onto the brain as computations,
more specically as the Language of Thought (Fodor 1975, 2008). The brain was considered
to be a special computer, where even emotions are calculated.
It is important to note that cognitive science dened itself as an interdisciplinary approach
right from its outset, and as a result has bridged various disciplines like psychology, linguis-
tics, anthropology, philosophy, neuroscience, and articial intelligence (Plh 2010). This has
provided a broad epistemic capacity that promised to cover all major epistemic approaches
(towards the mind) that the brain seems to produce (Figure 3).
At the same time, a number of the soft functions of the mind remained elusive, not just
because it is extremely challenging to write a viable computational protocol for them. An-
other reason could have been the initial linguistic, and rule-based approach coming from the
left hemisphere, and it might not be possible to map procedures of one hemisphere on the
whole brain.
Intriguingly, from the 1970s cognitive science went through a gradual shift, perhaps driv-
en by the need to take the missing aspects into consideration. As the rst era lived up its
theoretical resources, new currents appeared, still, primarily within the established domain.
Connectionism (and pragmatism in general) offered models that were not based on rules or
computations in the classical sense, but on information processing carried out by the structure
itself (Rumelhart and McClelland 1986). This could reect a shift towards the right hemisphere,
having relatively more white matter, and being generally more interconnected than the left hem-
isphere (for a review, see Beeman 1998). The architecture (the body) or the procedure was
proposed to be prior to knowledge, or rules. Using terms that are describing memory systems,
this was also a move from the declarative to the procedural, a distinction stemming from Ryles
(1949) knowing what vs. knowing how. Similarly, as opposed to explicit rules or functions,
implicit processes became an independent research area, exploring verbally and/or consciously
inaccessible (not left-hemispherical) functions.
Trends surfacing in cognitive linguistics during the 1980s addressed right-hemispherical
language capacities such as pragmatics (Plh 2000) one outstanding example is relevance
theory (Sperber and Wilson 1995). Embodiment (Lakoff and Johnson 1999) put the body
(represented stronger in the right hemisphere) in the center of cognition. The idea that sen-
Artificial intelligence Philosophy
Neuroscience Anthropology
Linguistics Psychology
Figure 3. Cognitive science, as a common approach within disciplines, covers a broad variety of epistemic
capacities of the brain
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 138 2013.06.25. 19:35:19
sorimotor areas are responsible for semantic processing not only challenged the Cartesian
mindbody distinction, but also practically reduced the mind to the body (with the latter
having stronger neural representations in the right hemisphere), advocating a neo-empiricist
agenda. Figure 4 shows a brief summary of the various threads within cognitive science that
seem to be open enough to integrate new approaches corresponding only loosely to some
original ideas.
Epistemology and the brain
The main message of the present work is that every paradigm or approach might have a model
of the mental world which is motivated by the neural preferences of scientists. Every attempt
to give a complete account of the broad and diverse phenomena produced by the human brain
is a result of specic personal dispositions in perceiving, understanding, and interpreting
cognition. Metaphorically speaking, by projecting a subset of neural functions on the brain as
a whole, every approach creates brains that are skewed to one region or another, as a result
of overrepresenting it compared to the rest. For example, Chomskyan generativists could be
conceived as having a metaphorical brain of a set of large left-hemispherical language areas,
and a microscopic right hemisphere. Researchers and their approaches might be identied
according to their way of reasoning: what kind of work methods, and more specically,
neural processes do they prefer when they frame problems and solutions?
When a certain approach is clearly articulated by a scientist, followers with similar neural
dispositions join the new track, and schools are formed. The trends in the second phase of
cognitive science are inspiring because they attempt to introduce research topics that can be
associated with the other side, the right hemisphere. This has opened up ways to explore
aspects of the mind that are especially difcult to describe logically, formally, or verbally.
However, importantly, waves in science do not follow one another in a linear fashion: ap-
proaches often exist and develop parallel. The brain might not be a computer as we know
computers today, but this is still a strong model with testable predictions. Even though em-
bodied cognition claimed a revolutionary approach, it has rather added a new perspective
than put aside thousands of years of philosophy of the mind. Chomskys or Fodors legacy
and contributions are not washed away by newcomers but are placed in a broader perspec-
tive in a more complete metaphorical brain. Recent tendencies also emphasize one specic
Generative grammar
(Chomsky 1957)
Implicit processes
Language of thought
(Fodor 1975, 2008)
Turing machines
Relevance theory
(Sperber and Wilson 1995)
(Rumelhart and McClelland 1986)
(Lakoff and Johnson 1999)
Figure 4. Approaches of cognitive science, arranged metaphorically in a hypothetical brain
Pleh_New_Perspectives_09.indd 139 2013.06.25. 19:35:19
neural perspective over another, thus they also have a novel and innovative skew to their
epistemology. Only the combination of the various approaches can provide a comprehensive
picture of human cognition.
In this respect, scientic research itself serves as a diagnostic tool to gain insight into
the workings of the brain. The Idealized Cognitive Model of the mind in Western culture
provides a basic framework that is not neutral in the rst place. It serves as a background be-
hind the gure, the models and metaphors that scientists propose according to their preferred
working methods and mental perception. The interaction between these gure(s) and the
background is what makes cognitive science a unique endeavor: this is the point where un-
derstanding turns towards understanding; the mind becomes the subject as well as the object
of research. However, only the novel metaphors of the mind, which are yet to come, can tell
us which part of the brain is going to have the privilege to lead (again) science and research
during the next period of time.
The present pilot study has attempted to bring attention to the intricate relationship be-
tween psychological concepts and brain research. On the one hand, it tried to shed some light
on the strong heritage of language referring to human cognition, which is deeply rooted in
folk psychology, and perhaps inuences neuroscience, as well. On the other hand, it tried to
highlight how the personal perspectives of scientists could be expressed in their works and
in the threads of science in general. Hopefully, it can contribute to the study of the mind by
reecting on the language of cognitive science.
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