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Engineering and technologies

Customised umbilical systems for the

global offshore oil and gas market
Umbilical Systems
A world leader in engineering, project management and technologies,
serving the energy industry for more than 50 years
A regular workforce of 30,000
Confirmed leadership and proprietary technologies in 3 business segments:
Subsea Offshore Onshore
In subsea hydrocarbon feld
development, Technips activities
include the design, manufacture and
installation of rigid and fexible
subsea pipelines and umbilicals.
Thanks to its portfolio of
technologies and industrial
and operational assets, Technip
offers a unique vertically integrated
model in the industry.
The Group has 3 fexible pipe
manufacturing plants, 4 umbilical
production units, 9 logistics and
pipeline assembly bases, and 1
construction yard. Technips
worldwide leadership is supported
by a modern feet of vessels for
subsea construction, pipelay
development (rigid and fexible
pipes using S-Lay, J-Lay or Reeled
technology) and heavy lift
In the Offshore business segment
Technip performs engineering,
procurement, construction,
installation, commissioning and the
refurbishment/upgrading of offshore
facilities for the oil & gas industry.
Technip provides these services for
fxed platforms in shallow water with
conventional sub-structures and self
installing platforms such as the TPG
500 and for deepwater facilities
including Spar, semi-submersible, TLP,
FPSO and FLNG units. Technip is a
world leader in foatover installation
of topsides and its R&D effort is
focused on technology transfer for
local content and new frontier areas
such as ultra-deepwater and
the Arctic.
Technip covers the full range of
onshore facilities for the oil and gas
chain, petrochemicals and other
energy industries (nuclear,
renewables including biofuels and
offshore wind). It holds many
proprietary cutting-edge
technologies and is the leader in the
design and construction of LNG and
gas treatment plants as well as
ethylene, hydrogen and syngas units.
Technip is also one of the key actors
in refning and petrochemical units,
and has developed a leadership in
the fertilizer industry. Moreover, the
Group is very active in non-energy
activities such as mining and metals,
life sciences, buildings and
Technip profile
Umbilical Systems 3
The geographic positioning of Technips umbilical facilities provides the unique
ability to design, manufacture and supply customised umbilical products to
the global offshore oil and gas market. All projects are supported by dedicated
project management and engineering teams.
Customised solutions. We provide complete service from project inception to
project completion. Every client project is unique and we specialise in providing
optimised industry solutions. Technip Umbilical Systems has over 30 years of
successful service experience in the offshore oil and gas industry.
As leaders in technology development, Technip Umbilical Systems capabilities
extend from the shallow and medium water markets to the highly specialised
ultra deepwater market. We have developed umbilicals in harsh environments
from West of Shetland in the Atlantic Frontier region to the ultra deepwater
in the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa. We continue to provide innovative
solutions and engineering leadership in the industry.
Technip Umbilical Systems is comprised of DUCO Ltd.,
DUCO Inc., Angofex Ltda and Asiafex Products Sdn Bhd.
Technip Umbilical Systems
Umbilical Systems 4
Quality, Health, Safety
& Environment
*Certifications and accreditations vary by legal entity
Technip Umbilical Systems places the utmost importance on Quality, Health,
Safety and Environmental (QHS&E) guidelines and standards. Effective
QHS&E management is a key element to safe and efficient operations, and to
continuously improve performance and capabilities at all levels.
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001:1999
Queens Award for Enterprise:
International Trade 2008
RoSPA Gold Award
(2001, 2006)
Chevron Agbami IIF Award (2006
Investor in People (2001)
From project inception to design, procurement, manufacturing, installation
and commissioning. Safety is our foremost consideration. Some of the QHSE
methodologies we utilise include:
Detailed engineering models reviews
Material integrity assessments
Detailed product stress analysis
Advanced installation and operational diagnostics
Safety systems analysis
Emergency response and disaster planning
Plant layout and equipment accessibility evaluations
Detailed equipment risk and hazard analysis
Extensive HAZOP reviews and safety impact studies
Preventive and corrective action systems
5S, Lean Manufacturing Disciplines
QHS&E is about common goals and common culture. All our employees take part in
the common drive for continuous improvement. QHS&E awareness and functional
training is provided to all employees to develop a positive culture within their
individual work areas. Employees are encouraged to propose improvements and
initiatives related to quality, health, safety, and environmental impacts.
Umbilical Systems 5
QHS&E leadership is the core of the Technip Umbilical Systems business. The Technip Group
PULSE program is designed to positively impact HSE climate change to improve, identify and
address key HSE leadership issues and establish a consistent approach to HSE leadership across
the business.
Protecting the health and safety
of our people is a core value
and an absolute commitment.
QHS&E common goals are:
To maintain a safe, healthy and injury free workplace
To achieve quality in the performance of functions
To have respect for, and avoidance of damage to the environment
QHS&E common culture is:
Safe working systems which anticipate hazards and reduces risks
Compliance with applicable laws, industry standards and clients requirements
Working as a team and in partnership with clients and suppliers
Measuring the effectiveness of each group company
Follow-through and accountability
Benefits of Pulse:
HSE Reference Company
Exceptional Safety Performance
People act safely
Driven by perceptions
Changing perceptions improved performance
Umbilical Systems 6
Umbilical Systems 7





Employees are Technip Umbilical Systems key asset and are central to
the success of our business. The intelligence, comprehension, skills and
experience found in every one of our employees are recognised as the
source of successful projects. Technip Umbilical Systems has several
recognised subject matter experts, that are members of the Technip College
of Experts and who support our R&D and projects. This approach provides
our clients with access to industry experience and allows the organisation to
utilise expert knowledge during their projects. Clients benefit from turnkey
solutions provided by a single vendor, staffed with comprehensive product
knowledge. Also, with the Angofex University Initiative, we are taking a
leading role in outreach programs in Angola.
Client satisfaction. The key ingredient to Technip Umbilical Systems proven
process is the working relationship with clients for which we promote the
project principles of integrity, fairness and transparency with the aim of
achieving the highest levels of client satisfaction. We operate a Customer
Focus Program where clients are encouraged to provide feedback on
project performances. Feedback is reviewed and a lessons learned exercise
undertaken, when appropriate, in conjunction with the client. Our project
teams consider the customer to be an integral part of the solution.
Proven Process
Technip Umbilical Systems follows a proven
process to ensure the highest level of client service and product
quality. This process is based on Research and Development,
experienced people, technologically advanced engineering and
project execution with a focus on customer integration. Each
of these is an integral part of the process and is considered
fundamental to delivering highly reliable umbilical systems.
We want to be known for:
Delivering quality, safety and
reliability in meeting our clients
Valuing honesty and transparency
in our people
Achieving the highest standards of
corporate governance
Fostering environmental protection
and sustainable development
We endeavour to deliver:
Value to projects through cost
and planning optimisation, and
effective risk management
Development opportunities to all
members of our teams
Technological innovation and
cutting-edge technologies
Value to all of our stakeholders
Umbilical Systems 8
Umbilical Systems 9
Thermal analysis Crushing analysis Hardware analysis
Research & Development
Areas of R&D focus include:
Improvements in umbilical/functional component structure in terms of performance and reliability
Development and enhancement of mathematical modeling and analytical tools to further expand
engineering predictive capabilities
Improvements in hardware design to meet increasingly harsh environmental conditions
Improvements in the installation capabilities of umbilical and hardware designs for ultra deepwater
static and dynamic service
Integration of electric power conductors into umbilicals, and impact on the umbilical structure and
other functional components
High performance thermoplastic hoses for chemical injection service and deepwater installations
Development of alternative strength members for use in umbilical structures
Subsea distribution system hardware development and validation
Technip Umbilical Systems considers Research and Development (R&D) fundamental
to its current and future capabilities. A significant portion of revenue is invested
in R&D to ensure that our capabilities continue to provide an industry leading
benchmark for capital commitment. Technip Umbilical Systems is well positioned
to meet the industrys future challenging requirements.
Umbilical Systems 10
Cobrahead analysis
Technip Umbilical Systems places the highest importance on advanced engineering methodology and addresses umbilical
systems as fully engineered products. This integrated approach is becoming even more important as operating, installation
and reliability challenges, along with increasing product complexity, continue to escalate. Our engineering capabilities
include comprehensive analysis of project deliverables. From assistance with field architecture, to hardware design, life of
project analysis, and installation analysis, clients benefit from cutting-edge technologies and proven engineering processes.
Engineering supports the process from inception to completion.
Flexibility is one of the key assets provided to the client by our engineering capabilities. Projects that require the
development of novel designs are fully supported by our integrated approach. Technip Umbilicals Systems can readily
produce engineered solutions to meet client design change requirements using state-of-the-art analysis software and
reducing the need for prototypes. The development and engineering of in-house mathematical modeling techniques
allows product behaviour and performance to be predicted with a high level of accuracy in a short period of time,
without a prototype build and test program. These fully validated analysis techniques are indispensable in supporting
offshore installation and commissioning activities.
Technip Umbilical Systems also has the fexibility to perform full scale testing on prototypes using a significant portfolio
of test equipment. Our engineering capabilities include the real-time FEA analysis modeling and traditional testing
facilities to accommodate every industry challenge and special project.
Engineering predictive capabilities include:
Flex fatigue performance of an umbilical design
Umbilical tensile strength
Thermal analysis of umbilicals
Dynamic analysis
Clashing analysis
Structural analysis
Sea-bed stability
Material compatibility and service life
Crush friction properties
Umbilical Systems 11
A core offering of Technip Umbilical Systems is project execution. We
integrate product with process by establishing an experienced team to
oversee each project. Our process considers all elements needed to ensure
that the execution risk for the project is minimised. Being part of the Technip
group ensures that integration risks can be identified and mitigated prior to
project start.
Our project management team is a critical element of any umbilical systems
contract, and a common project management model is operated at all of
our umbilical system manufacturing facilities. The model includes all process
and knowledge areas, such as scheduling, document control, integration
management, and quality. Project teams provide product expertise,
experience, and fexibility to our clients. Our Project teams are driven by
project specific goals and work to ensure that the deliverables are on time
and within budget.
Customer Focus. Project teams are there to assist clients from the start
of their project until its completion. Our commitment to continuous
improvement and uncompromising safety and quality requirements ensure
that the project specific requirements are transferred all the way through
the project, even to sub-suppliers. The integrated project management
approach ensures that clients have transparency in planning, manufacturing,
and installation.
Project Execution
Typical project execution includes
activities such as:
Project charter and initial project
Risk assessments throughout the
Detailed scope of work
Comprehensive design studies
Fully integrated project scheduling
for all deliverables
Interface management for
sub-contractors and EPCI vendors
Offshore support for the products
Project installation and completion
Lessons learned
Customer focus program

Umbilical Systems 12
Umbilical Systems 13
Technip Umbilical Systems offers a broad range of custom and hybrid umbilicals, available with
thermoplastic, steel tube, optical fiber, and electrical power components. Our manufacturing
facilities are strategically located next to developing fields worldwide. Our capabilities include
turnkey solutions for offshore developments comprising umbilicals and subsea products and
services. Manufacturing of umbilicals, fying leads, termination hardware, and other subsea
products is supported at all of our locations worldwide.
Field optimised solutions. As part of the Technip group of companies, Technip Umbilical
Systems is well positioned to provide optimal logistical solutions to our clients. Access to Group
carousels, reels, lifting equipment, etc. ensures that we have the assets necessary to deliver a
customised solution based on the projects specific needs. Our multiple site manufacturing
capabilities provide the seamless operations for world-class projects. The strategic position of
Technip facilities provide fexibility in the provision of shared assets, resulting in highly efficient
project planning and execution. The availability of Technip construction assets, experience, and
expertise provides a strategic advantage to our customers.
Production control umbilical system
functionality includes:
Hydraulic control
Low/medium voltage electrical power
Electrical/optical communications
Chemical injection
Gas lift
Annulus bleed
Functional components include:
Steel tube/thermoplastic hose fuid conduits
Optical fibres
Medium and low voltage electric conductors
Umbilical Systems 14
Subsea pumping
power umbilical
Steel tubes
The main considerations for steel tubes in umbilical service are tensile strength,
corrosion resistance (both internal and external), and operating temperature. Materials
available for umbilical construction include a range of materials from carbon steel to
superduplex. External corrosion protection, afforded by a bonded polymer or zinc
sheath, is available when required. Insulation and thermal shielding are also available
upon request.
Thermoplastic hoses
Technip Umbilical Systems has over 30 years of successful service experience with
thermoplastic hoses in the offshore oil and gas industry. Thermoplastic hoses offer
an extensive range of control and chemical injection fuids, and are available in long
continuous lengths in excess of 20,000m (72,000 ft) depending on bore size. Hose
design working pressures up to 860 bar (12,500 psi) is available. Ultra-low permeation
DUCOfex liner materials can be added for use with low molecular weight fuids. For
low specific gravity service fuids, where collapse due to external hydrostatic pressure
may be an issue, an internal carcass can be incorporated within the hose design.
DUCOfex also exhibits excellent chemical compatibility characteristics.
Functional components
Fluid conduit functional components for hydraulic control,
annulus bleed or transmission of chemical injection and
gas lift fuids are available in the form of steel tubes or
thermoplastic hoses. These two types of functional
components are very diverse in physical characteristics, but
when combined in an umbilical can result in an improved
field development solution. Pioneered by Technip
Umbilical Systems, this hybrid solution can offer technical
and commercial advantages and should be considered at
the design stage of a field development.
Gas lift umbilical
Umbilical Systems 15
Electrical power can be provided by low voltage power cables as part of a subsea production system or by medium voltage
cores for subsea pumping or processing. Communications in an umbilical can be provided by means of low voltage signal
or optical fiber cables.
Major considerations in cables and cores for submarine service are reliability of the product and production/repair splices.
Technip Umbilicals Systems ensures high level reliability of functional components with quality of design and product
manufacture, backed by extensive R&D and service experience.
Large bore center tube umbilical Thermoplastic umbilical Multipass control umbilical Hybrid power umbilical
Electrical cables
Power typically available for
operation up to 3kV,
communications up to 1kV
Pair, triple, quad or multi-core
construction, with screen if
Two conductor cable also available
as a co-axial construction
Polyethylene insulation with other
materials available to suit particular
characteristics or client specific
High axial tensile and compressive
strength to maximise conductor
fatigue resistance during umbilical
installation and dynamic service
Medium voltage power cores
Available up to 36kV and conductor
size up to 400mm
Power cores can be integrated with
production control and/or pump
service functional components
Single and/or multiple three
phase power circuits can be
readily accommodated in tre-foil
arrangements to ensure balanced
power circuit design
Thermal analysis to establish electric
current rating
Optical fiber cables
Long continuous lengths in
excess of 20,000m (72,000 ft)
High resistance to tensile and
crushing loads on the fibers
Hermetically sealed steel tube
construction with excess fiber
length and hydrogen absorbing
gel component
Oversheath to prevent
corrosion of steel carrier tube
Additional strain relief
incorporated for severe service
Umbilical Systems 16
Subsea Products & Services
To provide functionality an umbilical has to be terminated at each end and may also need intermediate devices such as breakout
arrangements. Terminations may be both simple and complex depending on their function and may be designed for diver or
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) connection. They also range from very compact to extremely large depending on functionality
and the means of undertaking subsea connections.
Technip Umbilical Systems has trained and experienced engineers who can provide design and analysis for any project. Our
hardware solutions are supported by an extensive supply chain of qualified vendors.
Hardware solutions include:
Topside umbilical termination units
Pull-in and hang-off arrangements
Subsea termination units (diver and/or ROV operable)
Intermediate umbilical breakout arrangements (SSIV operation, etc.)
Weak links
Buoyancy modules
Mud-mats for subsea terminations and break-out arrangements
Bend stiffeners and bend limiters
Umbilical termination assembles
Subsea installation equipment (parking and deployment frames, etc.)
Umbilical Systems 17
Technip Umbilical Systems can provide a wide range of ancillary products and services. This provides clients with a number
of distinct advantages including interface simplification, commonality and compatibility with the main scope of supply,
greater understanding of client requirements and issues, and simplified procurement.
Global availability from any
of our facilities
Thermoplastic hose and electric
cable jumper assemblies
Jumper bundles
Flying leads with steel tubes,
thermoplastic hoses or
combinations of both forms
Stabplates with elastomer or
metal seals
J-Tube Seals
Clump weights
Tethers and tether clamps
Umbilical Termination Assemblies
including distribution manifold for
hydraulic, electrical and chemical
IWOC umbilicals and reeling
equipment, sheaves and
termination housings
Topside dry tree jumpers
Topsides hook-up
Offshore testing and
Flushing and cleaning hydraulic lines
Compatibility and corrosion testing
Design studies
Budget analysis and detailed cost
Oversheathing steel and textile
Field architecture optimisation
FEED Studies
Detailed Engineering Studies for
high-temperature & high-pressure
Umbilical Systems applications,
extended subsea tie-backs, and
hardware standardisation
Storage & Customer Property
Management including inventory
control, cost optimisation, and
maintenance of spare equipment
Expert onshore and offshore
umbilical systems support
Installation monitoring, hook-up and
Cold storage spare length inspection
and testing services
Emergency repairs
Diagnostic Investigations
System integration testing
Installation equipment
Hydraulic pressure testing
Flow rate testing
Electrical testing
Umbilical Systems 18


2009 Anadarko Caesar Tonga

Total Pazfor
2007 Origin Kupe
(Longest Horizontal Directional Drilled (HDD)
liner pull in the world)
2005 BP West of Shetland
(Largest diameter umbilical in the world)
Petro SA South Coast Gas
2004 BP Block 18
2002 Shell Habanero
Petro SA Sable
2000 BP King
1998 Petro-Canada Terra Nova
Chevron Kuito
1996 Shell Mensa
(Longest umbilical in the world)
1995 Tatham Spend-A-Buck
(DUCOs first steel tube umbilical for GOM)
1993 Shell Tahoe, BHP Griffin
1991 BP Bruce Dynamic 11kV power cable
1989 BP Miller SSIV
1987 Elf East Frigg 19km hydraulic umbilical
1985 Sun Oil Balmoral dynamic power cable
1983 BP ULA
1981 BP Magnus electro hydraulic control umbilicals

Shell Perdido 2008
(Deepest umbilical in the world at 2946m)
Total Moho Bilondo gas lift 2006
(First high temperature umbilical)
Shell Pohokura 2005
(First umbilical in the world to have
an anti-teredo worm layer)
BG Simian Sapphire 2003
(Longest continuous length subsea power cable)
Total Dalia
ESSO Kissanje
(First umbilical from Angofex)
BP Aspen 2001
Chevron Typhoon dynamic steel tube 1999
Norsk Hydro Njord dynamic power cable 1997
BP Schiehallion 1996
(Heaviest umbilical in the world)
Woodside Wannea/Cossack 1994
Shell Gannet 1992
NAM Ameland 11kV power & utilities umbilical 1990
BP Britoil Don 1988
Occidental Scapa 1986
Shell Cormorant Satellite Wells - UMC 1984
Occidental Claymore mid depth tow bundle 1982
Pioneering subsea production
projects for over 30 years
Umbilical Systems 19
89 avenue de la Grande Arme
75773 Paris cedex 16
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 78 24 00
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Nelson Road
Walker Riverside
+44 191 296 7000
16661 Jacintoport Boulevard
Texas 77015
+1 281 249 2800
Asia Pacific
Asiafex Products Sdn Bhd
Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex
81700 Pasir Gudang
Johor Darul Takzim
+60 3 2119 5555
Angofex Limitada
Rua Rainha Ginga n.6
C.P.; 5364
+244 222 371 449
This document is the property of Technip and is not intended to be a binding contractual document.
Any information contained herein shall not result in any binding obligation on the part of Technip, or any of its affiliates, and is
provided for information purposes only.
Technip - DUCO Communications - July 2011 - Photo credits: Technip - Page 2: Harry Gruyaert & Jean Gaumy/Magnum Photos

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