Schneider Automatic Circuit Recloser SWP: 1. Purpose and Scope

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
The purpose of this Standard Work Practice (SWP) is to
standardise and prescribe the method for tests associated with N
and W series Schneider automatic circuit reclosers.
Adequate staffing resources with the competencies to safely
complete the required tasks as per MN000301R165 8 Level Field
Test Competency;
These competencies can be gained from, but not limited to any or
all of the following:-
- Qualifying as an Electrical Fitter Mechanic
- Qualifying as a Technical Service Person
- Training in the safe use of relevant test equipment
- Training in Recloser Installation and Field Testing
Requirement for all live work:
- Safety Observer (required for all live work as defined in the
ESO Code of Practice for Electrical Work).
All resources are required to:
- be trained in switchboard rescue and resuscitation and manual
handling techniques;
- have appropriate Switching and Access authorisations for the
roles they are required to perform and have the ability to
access and maintain relevant exclusion zones from exposed
live electrical apparatus;
- hold current licences for any vehicles and equipment they may
be required to operate.
Required Training and Certificates
Regulatory Training
Course Description
2120 Perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
2130 Low Voltage Switchboard Rescue
2140 Pole Top Rescue (if required)
Rescue from an Elevating Work Platform (if
3131 Pole Test For Safe Access (if required)
Additional Training
Course Description
4430 Safe Entry to High Voltage Enclosures
4440 Switching Operator Assistant
4445 Switching Operator Lines
T0492 Recloser Installation Field Testing
CS000501F115. Daily / Task Risk Management Plan
ES000901R102. Health and Safety Risk Control Guide
MN000301R102. On Load and Directional Verification Test
MN000301R165. 8 Level Field Test Competency (Reference)
MN000301W107. Commission New and Augmented High Voltage
Plant (Work Instruction)
P53. Operate the Network Enterprise Process
SWMS007. Live Work Low Voltage Safe Work Method Statement
SP0233R01. Schneider Automatic Circuit Recloser Job Safety

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
SP0506. Substation Primary Plant and Secondary Systems Field
Testing SWP
AEMO Power System Security Guidelines SO_OP3715
AM-P-STD-002A Auto-Reclose Standards
AS 1931.1-1996 High Voltage Test Techniques
AS 2067-2008 Substations and High Voltage Installations
Exceeding 1 kV AC
AS 2650-2005 Common Specifications for High Voltage
Switchgear and Control Gear Standards
AS 62271.100-2008 High Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear
Customer Test Procedures N Series CAPM4
National Electricity Rules
National Electricity Network Safety Code
- Test and Training Set (TTS)
- Secondary Voltage Injection Interface Set (SVIIS)
- Gas Fill Adaptor
- HV test equipment
- High Voltage Insulation Test Set - 5/10kV insulation tester
- Micrometer
- High current injection equipment
- Variable AC or DC voltage supply as required
- Calibrated clamp meter
- Automated secondary injection test set and test software i.e.
Omicron CMC, Doble F6 series or equivalent
- Insulated test leads and test blocks
- Manufacturers software to communicate with and configure
CAPM under test, (WSOS)
- Hot tong and link sticks
- Switchboard Rescue kit
- LV mats, covers, barriers as required
- Class 00 Low Voltage gloves
- Dry chemical fire extinguisher
Additional PPE Required
5.1 Carry out an on site risk assessment
Prior to performing this activity any hazards associated with
prerequisite tasks at the worksite shall be identified and assessed
with appropriate control measures implemented and documented
in accordance with CS000501F115 Daily / Task Risk
Management Plan and using ES000901R102 Health and Safety
Risk Control Guide.
If any risks cannot be managed or reduced to an acceptable level,
do not proceed with the task and seek assistance from your
For N series Schneider ACRs, the live side terminals (source) are
referred to as U1, V1 and W1 and the load side terminals are
referred to as U2, V2 and W2.
For W series Schneider ACRs, the source and load sides are
labelled I and X respectively.
Terminal markings are located adjacent to their respective
terminals on the main tank.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
6.1 Preliminary Checks
These checks can be completed by using the Operator
Control Panel at the control cubicle.
Power Supply
Through the Pole Top Control Cubicle (PTCC), confirm that
the Battery Volts status is Normal. Add a date of issue to
each of the batteries and / or confirm that they are less than 3
years from original issue.
Gas Pressure
Through the PTCC, confirm that the Gas Pressure status is
Normal. Not applicable for W series Schneider ACRs.
Switchgear Information Display
Make sure the PTCC reads the Switchgear information as per
the name plate details. If the Schneider does not have a
manufacturer nameplate attached, no primary tests are to be
carried out and the recloser is not to be used.
Physical Damage
Check PTCC and recloser for physical damage. Any physical
damage is to be reported through the appropriate channels.
6.2 Contact Resistance
Prior to connecting the insulated cables, measure the contact
resistance of each phase. Place the Schneider in the closed
position and connect the test leads to the terminals of the
main tank. Using a micrometer, inject DC current of at least
100A and less than the nominal current rating, (Ir), to
measure the contact resistance. The tests shall be
conducted as close as practical to ambient temperature.
The contact resistance of each phase shall be less than
100 and consistent between phases. These values are to
be compared to the factory test results for an indication of
changes during transport.
The insulated cables may be fitted on completion of the
contact resistance checks. Repeat contact resistance checks
after fitting, to confirm connections and compare between

6.3 Insulation Resistance
Insulation Resistance tests are to be carried out in both the
open and closed positions as detailed below. The applied
test voltage shall be as per Table 1 for a duration of 1 minute.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
For N Series Schneider ACRs in the closed position:
U1-U2 to all other terminals and earth
V1-V2 to all other terminals and earth
W1-W2 to all other terminals and earth
For N Series Schneider ACRs in the open position:
U1 to all other terminals and earth
V1 to all other terminals and earth
W1 to all other terminals and earth
U2 to all other terminals and earth
V2 to all other terminals and earth
W2 to all other terminals and earth
For W Series Schneider ACRs in the closed position:
X-I to earth
For W Series Schneider ACRs in the open position:
X to I and earth
I to X and earth
Minimum acceptance value for new plant is 1,000MO.
Note that these connection arrangements have been specified
for consistency with AS2650-2005 and to allow for future
insulation condition diagnostic assessment.
Table 1: Applied Voltages For IR Tests
Rated Voltage, Ur Test Voltage kV (DC)
12kV 5
Above 12kV 10
If the internal VT is fitted, take care not to apply voltages in
excess of those specified.
6.4 High Voltage Withstand
High voltage testing shall be applied as follows and in
accordance with the test levels details in Table 2:
- Where no HV testing has been carried out at the
manufacturers works 100%;
- Where HV testing has been carried out at the
manufacturers works but subsequent assembly of the
bushings are required 90%;
- Where HV testing has been carried out at the
manufacturers works and no assembly is required No
HV withstand test;
- If the recloser is aged or refurbished or if no evidence is
available of HV testing being conducted at the
manufacturers works 75%.
The requirements of the test are satisfied if no disruptive
discharge occurs.
An insulation resistance test is to be repeated after the HV
withstand test to confirm that insulation degradation has not
Application of a 1 minute power frequency withstand test is to
be in accordance with AS 1931 Part 1 between the live and
load terminals of the recloser as detailed below.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
With the recloser in the closed position:
U1-U2 and W1-W2 to all other terminals and
V1-V2 to all other terminals and earth
With the recloser in the open position:
U1, V1 and W1 and all other terminals and earth
U2, V2 and W2 to all other terminals and earth

Table 2: Applied Voltages For HV Withstands
Rated Voltage

Ur kV rms
Rated Short Term
Withstand Voltage
KV rms
Un kV rms
N Series W Series 75% 90% 100%
11.0 12.0
21 25.2 28
22.0 24.0
37.5 45 50
33.0 36.0
52.5 63 70
<=19.1 24.0 15.8 18.9 21.0

Single Phase Recloser
With the recloser in the closed position, High Voltage is applied
to the HV bushings to the recloser tank and earth. With the
recloser open the High Voltage is applied from one HV bushing
to the other HV bushing which is connected to earth.
With the recloser in the closed position:
X-Side and I-Side to earth
With the recloser in the open position:
X-Side to I-Side and earth
I-Side to X-Side and earth
Note: It is necessary to fit the switchgear cables and bushing
boots before the HV Withstand test to prevent flashover
across the bushings. Earth the frame of the switchgear to the
main earthing bar at the test point.
Apart from an auxiliary mains supply there must be no
connections to the control cubicle, neither to the frame or
electronics. If the internal VT is fitted, take care not to apply
voltages in excess of those specified.
6.5 Measurement Checks
Primary Injection
At the TRIP push button, toggle the switch to isolate and
ensure the frame of the switchgear is earthed. Perform a
primary injection of the switchgear at a current less than the
continuous current rating as stated on the nameplate.
Ensure that the current displayed in the Instantaneous
Demand screen of the control panel matches the injected
Secondary injection testing is achieved through the use of the
Test and Training Set, Secondary Injection Voltage Interface Set,
CAPM and secondary injection gear.
7.1. Test Plan Approval
Approval of test plans will be facilitated by a Senior
Commissioning Engineer or delegate.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
7.2. Protection Settings
No changes to issued protection setting files are allowed
during testing without the consent of the Protection Engineer
providing RPEQ signoff. This includes turning elements off
for testing purposes which is to be avoided.
Only test functions that are applicable.
7.3. Populate the Test Plan
Apply relay specific settings to the test plan for each active
setting group.
7.4. Apply Protection Setting Request
Apply the approved settings to the CAPM module using the
WSOS software.
7.5. Analogues
Carry out the secondary injection to confirm phasing and
polarity of the test lead connections. Confirm displayed
values match injected values.
7.6. Power Factor Testing
Simulate a close on the Schneider and confirm Side 1
(Source) status as Live and Side 2 (Load) as live at the Live /
Dead Indication screen at the Control Cubicle or WSOS
software. Set each phase at 120 degrees and secondary
inject with a phase angle of 0 degrees between voltage and
current to confirm a Power Factor of 1 and a positive kW
reading on Instantaneous Demand screen. Adjust the Phase
Angle between the Voltage and Current on each phase to
180 degrees to confirm the negative kW reading.
This test confirms that the CAPM correctly interprets changes
in the phase relationship between three phase voltage and
7.7. Definite Time
Check Pickup and Timing at 2x pickup on all contacts that
are tripped by this fault type.
7.8. Overcurrent
Check Pickup and Timing for all phases at 2x, 5x and 10x
on all active trips as determined by Trips To Lockout.
7.9. Earth Fault
Check Pickup and Timing for 2x, 5x and 10x on all active
trips as determined by Trips To Lockout.
7.10. Directional Overcurrent/Earth Fault
Check characteristic angle and confirm operate and
non-operate zones on all active trips as determined by Trips
To Lockout.
7.11. Sensitive Earth Fault
Check Pickup and Timing at 2x and 5x.
7.12. Single Shot Protection
With Auto Reclose enabled, within single shot reset time,
simulate a fault to confirm the controller goes directly to
lockout after one trip (i.e. no Auto Reclose). Test all the
respective elements of the Single Shot Protection, such as
Overcurrent, Earth Fault and Sensitive Earth Fault, for
Pickup and Timing as individually described.
7.13. Work Tag Protection
With Auto Reclose enabled, confirm that Work Tag
activates reduced trip times and drives to Lock Out.
Confirm that further closing cannot take place when Work
Tag is enabled.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802
7.14. Loss Of Phase Trip
Confirm Pickup and Timing of Loss of Phase element for a
reduced phase voltage condition. Confirm that recloser has
locked out.
7.15. Auto Reclose
Auto Reclose sequence to be tested for every fault type in
accordance with the PSR.
7.16. Live Load Blocking
With the Schneider open, enable Live Load Blocking and
apply voltage to the Load side and confirm that the recloser
does not close.
7.17. High Current Lockout
Confirm lockout for a sustained current condition above the
High Current Lockout level. Confirm that recloser has gone
to locked out and will not reclose.
7.18. Inrush Restraint
Confirm Timing of the Inrush Restraint element for a
sustained current condition above the Inrush Restraint
multiplier level.
7.19. Cold Load Pickup
Check operation of the Cold Load Pickup element based on
the formula below at a point above 50% of the User Set
Cold Load Time.
( )|

+ = 1 . . . . . *
. . . .
. . .
1 . . . . Mult Load Cold Set User
Time Load Cold Set User
Time Load Cold Oper
Mult Load Cold Oper

7.20. IOEX Testing
Confirm mapping of the IOEX inputs and outputs at the
Events screen of the PTCC.
7.21. Fast Trip Module Testing
Confirm operation of the Fast Trip Module by applying
voltage to input terminals to initiate a trip.
7.22. Setting Group B
If additional Setting Groups are enabled, test all elements of
the Setting Group as previously described.
7.23. SCADA Testing
Check all relevant Ergon Standard mapping points are
received at the ABB database.
Confirm analogue values in the PTCC and the control centre
against measured primary current. Confirm analogue values in
the PTCC and the control centre for elements such as voltage,
power factor, kW, kVA and kVArs. Confirm that the kW reading is
positive and that NPS current is low with respect to PPS current,
(load current).
Refer to MN000301R102 On Load and Directional Verification
Test for further information.

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